Reprint of Renewable Hydrogen Supply Chains A 2022 International Journal
Reprint of Renewable Hydrogen Supply Chains A 2022 International Journal
Reprint of Renewable Hydrogen Supply Chains A 2022 International Journal
Keywords: Worldwide, energy systems are experiencing a transition to more sustainable systems. According to the Hydrogen
Renewable hydrogen supply chain Roadmap Europe (FCH EU, 2019), hydrogen will play an important role in future energy systems due to its
Green hydrogen ability to support sustainability goals and will account for approximately 13% of the total energy mix in the
Supply chain management
coming future. Correct hydrogen supply chain (HSC) planning is therefore vital to enable a sustainable transition,
Supply chain planning
Literature review
in particular when hydrogen is produced by water electrolysis using electricity from renewable sources
(renewable hydrogen). However, due to the operational characteristics of the renewable HSC, its planning is
complicated. Renewable hydrogen supply can be diverse: Hydrogen can be produced de-centrally with renew
ables, such as wind and solar energy, or centrally by using electricity generated from a hydro power plant with a
large volume. Similarly, demand for hydrogen can also be diverse, with many new applications, such as fuels for
fuel cell electrical vehicles and electricity generation, feedstocks in industrial processes, and heating for build
ings. The HSC consists of various stages (production, storage, distribution, and applications) in different forms,
with strong interdependencies, which further increase HSC complexity. Finally, planning of an HSC depends on
the status of hydrogen adoption and market development, and on how mature technologies are, and both factors
are characterised by high uncertainties. Directly adapting the traditional approaches of supply chain (SC)
planning for HSCs is insufficient. Therefore, in this study we develop a planning matrix with related planning
tasks, leveraging a systematic literature review to cope with the characteristics of HSCs. We focus only on
renewable hydrogen due to its relevance to the future low-carbon economy. Furthermore, we outline an agenda
for future research, from the supply chain management perspective, in order to support renewable HSC devel
opment, considering the different phases of renewable HSCs adoption and market development.
planning of renewable HSCs is challenging due to the following opera stages, and (ii) environmental impact assessments in terms of ecological
tional characteristics. performance and CO2 emission factors.
In addition to the wide spectrum of applications, such as the trans Concerning the first stream, Dagdougui (2012) investigated different
port industry, the steel and iron industry, the chemical and refinery approaches to HSC planning focusing on methods and models for the
industry, and buildings, there are various forms of renewable feedstocks stages’ designs, such as production, storage, and distribution. Agnolucci
for producing hydrogen which are characterised by high uncertainty in and Mcdowall (2013) focused on the analysis of hydrogen in
terms of their availability and performance. Moreover, hydrogen can be frastructures within the HSC on a spatial scale from national to regional
produced in large volumes in a centralised production facility or in small and local scales for transport sector application. Li et al. (2019) pre
volumes in local systems. Depending on the geographic location and sented a comprehensive review of HSCs considered as a whole and of
types of applications, hydrogen can be stored in different forms, and thus single stages, proposing system analysis, solution approaches, and
transported via different logistics means, such as trucks, pipelines, optimization-based models for planning HSCs within the transport
compressed tanks, liquified tanks, etc. Storage is paramount in operating sector.
renewable HSCs. In fact, hydrogen can be seen both as a final product Concerning the second research stream, Bhandari et al. (2014) ana
and as an energy carrier, for example, to store electricity, both in terms lysed the environmental impact of different hydrogen production tech
of time and space. On the one hand, hydrogen storage can be used nologies through a life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis, while Maryam
strategically to shift demand and supply across seasons, while on the (2017) also focused on performance measures, such as cost minimiza
other hand, storage is also used as a buffer for smoothing short-term tion and environmental impact reduction. Balcombe et al. (2018) re
supply and demand mismatches due to operational uncertainty. ported the decarbonisation potential associated with the stages of HSCs’
Furthermore, to achieve energy and economic efficiency, hydrogen encompassing feedstocks and hydrogen production, and El-Emam and
needs to be integrated with energy systems, both in terms of feedstocks Özcan (2019) reviewed large-scale clean hydrogen production by
and applications, and an international perspective is needed to consider providing an economic and environmental assessment of the existing
where supply and demand are generated. and most promising technologies. Recently, Griffiths et al. (2021) pro
Therefore, renewable HSCs are complicated, due to their potential posed a comprehensive review of hydrogen production and utilization
diversity (types of stages, such as feedstock, production, storage, dis for different applications by considering a sociotechnical perspective to
tribution, and application) and extensions (scaling of the supply chains assess the industrial decarbonisation process.
and integration with other supply chains). There is a need to investigate Even though these reviews have summarised hydrogen studies, they
the planning of HSCs, as a set of tasks which support decision-makers lack a comprehensive overview of the planning problems and tasks
identifying alternatives within the supply chain processes (sourcing, which are essential for decision-makers for managing the forthcoming
production, storage, distribution, and market and sales), and selecting dynamic development of renewable HSCs from a supply chain (SC)
the most appropriate ones to satisfy a set of goals or objectives (Stadtler management perspective. Given the specific renewable HSC operational
et al., 2015), such as cost, efficiency and safety. Moreover, the design characteristics and uncertainty, directly applying the traditional ap
and operations of renewable HSCs and therefore their performance are proaches to supply chain planning to renewable HSCs seems insufficient.
also affected by market development and technology selection, and vice Moreover, the design and operation of a renewable HSC depend on the
versa. In this context, making renewable HSCs more complicated, current phase of renewable HSC adoption and market development and
technologies used for feedstock, production, storage, and distribution how mature the technologies are, but both are still characterised by high
still have different maturity levels or technology readiness levels (TRLs), uncertainty due to renewable HSCs’ potential diversity and extensions.
which impact the adoption and market development of renewable HSCs. Thus, when designing a renewable HSC, long-term and short-term per
Existing renewable HSCs are often used for pilot and demonstration spectives on uncertainty need to be included, and studies of renewable
purposes, whereas scale-up renewable HSCs are rare but imminent. To HSCs should adopt a dynamic view.
increase TRLs and facilitate the adoption of large-scale renewable HSCs, The contribution of this study is twofold. First, we introduce a
policy-making bodies are currently (beginning of the 2020s) funding planning matrix with related planning tasks for renewable HSCs. The
research and development activities (Griffiths et al., 2021), with the aim planning matrix is developed by adapting the well-established matrix
of achieving stable growth for market activation, and eventually matu introduced by Stadtler et al. (2015), through a synthesis of the content
rity, with a time horizon between 2020 and 2050. analysis-based literature review of renewable HSCs. Second, we present
Boosted by the availability of research funding, studies on hydrogen an agenda for future research to support the selection of proper solutions
have mainly developed from a technological perspective, as methods, to planning tasks, outlining the promising topics and areas in emerging
technologies, materials, among others for hydrogen production, storage renewable HSC studies. This agenda considers the main goals defined by
and distribution. Largely pushed by the recent technological advances hydrogen strategies and roadmaps, and describes changes based on the
and the widespread adoption of renewable energy, this perspective is different phases of the adoption and market development of renewable
one of the main research topics for hydrogen production and use systems HSCs. We present a comprehensive overview of potential problems and
(Griffiths et al., 2021; Hong et al., 2021). These studies have resulted in methodologies that operations and supply chain managers and re
knowledge contribution to the development approaches, methods, searchers need to address in the future.
models, and technical design aiming at achieving the most suitable and The remainder of this paper is structured as follows (see Fig. 1).
efficient technological solutions to address HSC challenges (El-Emam Section 2 defines the stages of renewable HSC superstructures (feed
and Özcan, 2019). The analysis of technology conditions has mainly stock, production, storage, distribution, and application) and the main
focused on technical practices and performance of specific methods for existing pathways. Section 3 describes the methodology used for the
hydrogen production, storage and distribution. For example, Bolat and data collection, adopting a systematic and structured approach (a sys
Thiel (2014) and Muresan et al. (2013) have focused their research on tematic literature review). Section 4 presents an analysis of the state of
hydrogen production systems, while Gallardo et al. (2021) have inves the art of renewable HSCs, covering various articles distributed over
tigated renewable hydrogen production based on solar technologies. time, journals and processes in renewable HSC. Section 5 synthesizes the
Hurskainen and Ihonen (2020), Lahnaoui et al. (2021) and Mingolla and content analysis of the literature identifying the various planning tasks
Lu (2021) have proposed a technological assessment of hydrogen dis for renewable HSC with respect to time horizons and processes in
tribution and transport for both hydrogen and its derivatives. renewable HSC and highlighting the current challenges. Then, in Section
However, some review studies scoping the HSC have been published, 6, we present the impact of the renewable HSC adoption and market
focusing mainly on two research streams: (i) the approaches and the development on the definition of objectives and goals that decision-
models to achieve the optimal configuration of HSCs or of their single makers set for the identified planning tasks. In Section 7, we present
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
future research approaches and methods needed to support the decision- (renewable feedstock). However, we have to be aware of the ongoing
making process in finding the most appropriate solutions. Finally, Sec debates about the taxonomy of green, blue and grey hydrogen (Climate
tion 8 concludes the study. Weekly, 2022; S&P Global, 2022). In the reviewed literature, there is no
consistent definition of renewable hydrogen; for instance, green
2. Superstructure of renewable HSC hydrogen is interchangeably referred to as renewable hydrogen (Grif
fiths et al., 2021).
Currently, most hydrogen production uses fossil-based processes, There are plenty of potential applications for hydrogen, such as fuel
which account for approximately 94% of total production (Nordic En for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and electricity generation, feed
ergy Research, 2022). As clean hydrogen will achieve the sustainability stocks in industrial processes (steel, chemical and glass production), and
goals, we focus on the new development of renewable-based production heating for buildings. All these applications need structured and diffused
methods and thus exclude HSCs emphasizing fossil-based production. renewable HSCs, which cover operations from different feedstocks
We note that one renewable alternative of hydrogen is biomass gasifi through several stages, such as production, storage, and distribution, to
cation with carbon capture and storage; however, this technology needs supplying hydrogen for final applications (see Fig. 2). This superstruc
further development and its industrial production will not begin until ture represents the foundations of renewable HSCs.
the 2030s or later (UK Government, 2021). Thus, in this study, we focus As illustrated in Fig. 2, in a renewable HSC, various renewable
on the potentially cleanest technology pathways of renewable hydrogen, sources as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal ones, are converted into
where hydrogen is produced by water electrolysis, using electricity from electricity used for water electrolysis. Hydrogen can be produced with or
renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal ones without an electricity grid. In the former case, hydrogen production may
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
need to compete for supply, as electricity is often used for other pur HSCs and their adoption and market development, the planning matrix
poses. In the latter case, supply disruption is common. Thus, hydrogen for traditional supply chains is inadequate to represent and summarise
production without an electricity grid needs to manage the uncertainty the different renewable HSC-related planning problems and tasks.
of feedstock availability, but its advantage lies in the assurance of clean Therefore, a new planning matrix needs to be developed specifically for
sources. renewable HSCs, and this represents one goal of the current study, in
To satisfy the demand for hydrogen, the renewable HSC needs to be addition to the definition of an agenda for future research.
configured with a proper distribution network to transport hydrogen
from the production sites to the points of use. 3. Research methodology
A decentralised electrolyser involves both onsite production for
stand-alone and self-sustaining end-users/customers and distributed To develop a renewable HSC planning matrix, we conducted a sys
production consisting of facilities placed close to the point of use tematic literature review (SLR) as the content analysis, since it ensures
(Griffiths et al., 2021). Generally, production is often attached to wind the replicability of the study, improves the traceability of the arguments
power or solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which implies small-scale and ensures the validity and reliability of the results (Sudusinghe and
production and thus potentially more expensive production and in Seuring, 2022). Specifically, in carrying out the SLR, we followed the
vestment costs per unit of hydrogen produced (Tang et al., 2022). three-step guidelines provided by Tranfield et al. (2003).
However, this setting is characterised by cheaper distribution costs due
to short distances; preferably, it should be combined with storage so Step 1 – Planning the review
lutions where compressed hydrogen is temporarily kept.
On the other hand, a centralised electrolyser, which is realised in In this step, we identify the need, prepare the proposal and develop
combination with a large-scale power plant (such as a hydropower plant the protocol for the SLR. Specifically, the need and proposal for the SLR
or other alternatives), implies an abundant and cheap electricity supply were described in the previous sections, while for the SLR protocol, we
(Tang et al., 2021). However, due to the distance between the produc adopted the PRISMA protocol (Moher et al., 2009).
tion and application sites, the distribution cost can be expensive. A
preferable form of distribution comprises gaseous hydrogen via pipe Step 2 – Conducting the review
lines or liquid hydrogen via trucks and ships.
The application aspect can also influence the settings of hydrogen The review was conducted according to the PRISMA protocol (see
distribution. In the transport sector, for example, refuelling stations for Fig. 3). In this step, we first collected relevant articles using the Scopus
FCEVs or bunkering stations for hydrogen-fuelled vessels are required to database in two separate searches. Scopus was selected mainly because
cover broad areas of interest. In the industrial and residential sectors, of its broad coverage of journals in management, engineering and
points of use are sparser and more concentrated within industrial clus environmental sciences (Ahi and Searcy, 2015).
ters and residential areas. The selection of the distribution mode needs The first search adopted a two-group keyword structure with the
to be synthetized with the volume of transported hydrogen and the purpose of collecting multiple large-scale keywords to consistently cover
spatial-scale area covered by the supply chain, namely regional trans the published works related to HSCs. The first group (group A) consists
port (from production sites and terminals placed in different regions), of the keyword that defines the search context of this analysis, namely
local transport (same regional area) and local distribution (between ‘hydrogen’, while the second group (group B) consists of the keywords
refuelling stations and terminals in the same region). that characterise the search scope, namely ‘supply chain*‘, ‘logistic*‘,
Due to the intermittent availability of renewable feedstocks and ‘production management’, ‘operations management’, and ‘supply
random demand along the distribution network, hydrogen storage sys network*‘. The logical operators ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ were used to generate
tems have to maintain supply during peak demands and to provide a the search strings within ‘Title, Abstract and Keywords’ (e.g. ‘[keyword
resource reservoir when demand is low while production continues. of Group A] AND [keyword of Group B OR another keyword of Group
Hydrogen can be stored and transported in different ways, depending on B]’). We limited the search to articles in English and within the
its state (gas or liquid). Hydrogen in gas form is kept at a high pressure at following subject areas: ‘energy’, ‘engineering’, ‘chemical engineering’,
about 350–700 bars, whereas liquid hydrogen needs a cryogenic tem ‘environmental science’, ‘computer science’, ‘material science’, ‘busi
perature, meaning additional energy consumption in the liquidation ness, management and accounting’, ‘mathematics’, ‘social science’,
process. Also, hydrogen can be stored in the forms of adsorption (on the ‘multidisciplinary’, ‘decision science’, and ‘economics, econometrics,
surfaces) and absorption (within) on other solids, such as metals or and finance’. This first search resulted in 1154 articles (see Fig. 3).
chemical compounds. While liquid hydrogen can be transported via The second search was then conducted to overcome the potential
railways, ships and road by trucks, compressed hydrogen is often limitation of the first search: The choice of the specific keywords can be
transported via pipelines, tube trailers, and compressed gas trucks. Also, overly limiting in providing good coverage of the investigated area of
hydrogen storage often occurs in several stages to fulfil the various interest, thus resulting in an incomplete set of articles. In the second
purposes of renewable HSCs. search, only ‘hydrogen’ was used as a keyword, and the search was
From the above description, it is clear that these stages are charac limited to articles published in the 70 most relevant journals dealing
terised by planning problems that operations and supply chain managers with supply chain management and operations management in the
have to face (e.g., which feedstock to select, where to locate production, following subject categories: business, management and accounting
how to operate storage facilities, etc.). A commonly used framework in (all); computer science (all); computer science applications; decision
supply chain management to describe the main planning problems and sciences (all); economics and econometrics; engineering (all); industrial
corresponding tasks is the supply chain planning matrix (Stadtler et al., and manufacturing engineering; information systems and management;
2015). This matrix categorises the planning problems and tasks in management science and operations research, strategy and manage
accordance with two dimensions: (i) the supply chain processes of ment; and transport. The selection of the journals was based on authors’
procurement, production, distribution, and sales, and (ii) the planning experience, the selection is presented in Appendix A. The second search
horizons, namely long-term and mid-/short-term. More specifically, the resulted in a total of 996 articles, which, combined with the results of the
unique supply chain processes are matched with the supply chain stages: first search, led to a total of 2133 articles (after removing duplicates).
the feedstock, production, storage, distribution, and application stages We then screened these articles according to the following inclusion
correspond to sourcing, production, storage, distribution, and market criteria:
and sales processes, respectively.
However, due to the unique operational characteristics of renewable
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
i. Journal articles: Only journal articles (original research articles In this step, we first presented the results of the descriptive analysis
or reviews) were considered, while conference papers, book (Section 4), where we indicated how the selected articles were distrib
chapters, technical reports, etc. were excluded. uted over time and over journals. Moreover, we distributed the articles
ii. Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) index: Only articles published in according to the categories used in the content analysis (Section 5). The
journals with an SJR index greater than or equal to 0.5 were content analysis represents the second part of this step, in which we
considered. analysed the content of the articles based on categories deductively
iii. Full text availability: Only articles with full text availability were derived from the SC planning matrix (Stadtler et al., 2015). These
considered. correspond to the SC processes of the SC planning matrix (i.e., sourcing,
iv. Renewable HSC: Only articles focusing on renewable HSCs were production, storage, distribution, and market and sales), with each
considered; this was determined by screening titles and abstracts. divided into the two levels of planning horizons (i.e., long-term and
mid-/short-term). Specifically, since the aim of the content analysis is to
It is worth mentioning that to ensure the reliability and objectivity of support the development of a renewable HSC planning matrix, this was
the results, point iv was executed independently by two authors of this considered a logical choice. Such a deductive categorisation represents
study. This approach is not new in the field of SLRs (Duriau et al., 2016; common practice in literature reviews for situations in which the liter
Seuring and Gold, 2012). Also, Seuring and Müller (2008) stated that ature on the topic already exists (Seuring et al., 2021; Seuring and
‘this is the minimum requirement, but given the time-consuming process, it is Müller, 2008). As stated by Beske et al. (2014), this approach contrib
somehow unrealistic to include more than this’. When the two authors had utes to the ‘external validity as the research design is set up in a rigorous
different judgments, the related articles were assessed in a discussion manner and transparently described’. Moreover, to ensure reliability and
involving all the authors until a final consensus was reached. At the end, objectivity in the categorisation, the same approach was adopted in
the article set was reduced to 217 articles. conducting the review (see Step 2 – Conducting the review) that was
The full texts of the articles were then read by all the authors to applied for the categorisation. As described above, the results of the
confirm suitability for the topic (renewable HSCs) and discarded if content analysis were then used to build the planning matrix presented
irrelevant. This step resulted in 167 articles. in Section 6.
Lastly, a snowballing procedure was conducted, whereby additional
relevant articles were extracted from the references of the eligible arti 4. Descriptive analysis of the state-of-the-art on renewable HSCs
cles. These new articles were then evaluated, limiting the selection to
those in English and screening their contents considering Criteria i–iv. In As illustrated in Fig. 4, interest in research on renewable HSCs has
the end, 35 additional articles were considered eligible, and this led to a increased over the years, especially after 2015 with the signing of the
total of 202 articles to be included in the SLR (see Appendix B). Paris Agreement, which aims to substantially reduce global greenhouse
gas emissions to limit global warming (European Commission, 2016).
Step 3 – Reporting and dissemination Relevant to this perspective is the statement by Daryl Wilson, the
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
executive director of the Hydrogen Council: ‘Hydrogen is absolutely crit Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (Brey et al., 2016;
ical to the realisation of our decarbonisation goals as set out in the Paris Crönert and Minner, 2021) and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics
Agreement […] We need hydrogen from the standpoint of moving our energy and Transportation Review (Li et al., 2021; Parker et al., 2010), and finally
around in the new energy economy.’ one article each in Computers and Industrial Engineering (Woo and Kim,
However, despite the increased interest in renewable HSCs, a very 2019), Expert Systems with Applications (Torreglosa et al., 2016) and
limited number of articles have been published in journals with domain Production and Operations Management (Glenk and Reichelstein, 2020).
topics in supply chain management and operations management (e.g., The lack of a supply chain management perspective in hydrogen
the International Journal of Production Economics). In fact, most of the studies was also confirmed by the topics of the articles. Only 24% of the
articles are published in energy- and environment-related journals (the articles (48 out of 202) considered all five processes of the HSC (i.e.,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, the Journal of Cleaner Produc sourcing, production, storage, distribution, and market and sales) (see
tion, Energy, etc.). Fig. 5 presents the journals with the number of articles Fig. 6). Moreover, considering the same figure, it is also interesting to
published in descending order. The category ‘Others’ groups all note that the majority of articles deal with long-term supply chain
remaining articles. planning tasks, confirming that we are still in the early investigation
Of the 202 articles, 16 were identified in journals within the supply phase, when strategic decisions mainly focus on renewable HSC adop
chain management domain. Four articles were found in the European tion and market development.
Journal of Operational Research (André et al., 2013; Bapna et al., 2002;
Lim and Kuby, 2010; Schulte Beerbühl et al., 2015), three in Trans 5. Planning tasks in renewable HSCs
portation Science (Daziano and Achtnicht, 2014; Kang and Recker, 2014;
MirHassani and Ebrazi, 2013), two each in the International Journal of As mentioned before, the selected articles were classified according
Production Economics (Finnah and Gönsch, 2021; Kostin et al., 2015), to the different SC processes (i.e., sourcing, production, storage,
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
Fig. 6. Topics considered by the articles. So = sourcing; P = production; St = storage; D = distribution; M&S = market and sales.
distribution, and market and sales) and the two planning horizons (i.e., available sources. In the existing literature, authors have mainly adop
long-term and mid-/short-term) of the SC planning matrix. Below we ted the MILP modelling approach, which includes the analysis of the
summarise the current state of the art for each of these categories, and geographical location, availability and quantity issues in problem set
we analyse these from an SC management perspective. Our aim is to tings (Almansoori and Shah, 2009; De-León Almaraz et al., 2015).
identify the different planning tasks, and the associated challenges, and Researchers have recently started considering sourcing from existing
subsequently we define the planning matrix for renewable HSCs. energy systems and infrastructures. For example, Almansoori and Shah
In the following, Section 5.1 deals with long-term planning tasks, (2012) considered the alternatives of importing feedstocks from neigh
while Section 5.2 deals with mid-/short-term planning tasks. bouring grids or external sources (e.g., another country) instead of
building new production facilities. A similar study was conducted by
Mohseni and Brent (2020). Multiple sourcing, together with the safety
5.1. Long-term planning tasks stock of energy sources, represents a potential solution to deal with
feedstock uncertainty (as a consequence of intermittent renewables,
This section reports the current research dealing with long-term such as solar and wind sources).
planning tasks. Specifically, we discuss each process in renewable Finally, another emerging research topic is the inclusion of envi
HSC. As discussed before, each process is often linked to other processes, ronmental impacts on feedstock choices, for example, adding environ
and hence the last subsection deals with the whole renewable HSC. mental constraints in MILP (Almansoori and Betancourt-Torcat, 2016),
adopting multi-objective MILP techniques (Carrera and Azzaro-Pantel,
5.1.1. Sourcing 2021a), and including environmental protection policies (e.g. CO2 tax
Generally, hydrogen can be produced via water electrolysis using ations) into the model (Han and Kim, 2019).
different renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro and In conclusion, planning tasks related to sourcing have to consider
geothermal. As illustrated in Fig. 6, sourcing has never been studied two main challenges. The first is the availability and quality over time of
alone but always in combination with other renewable HSC processes, different sources, their location and accessibility, and their price in
particularly the production process. Choices in the sourcing process, in relation to the energy market and long-term agreements with suppliers
fact, strongly impact planning tasks in the production process, such as (Almansoori and Shah, 2012). The second is the uncertain features of
the type, location and size of facilities (Almansoori and Shah, 2012; these sources, in the light of which it could be interesting to establish
Cantú et al., 2021). A typical planning task in the sourcing process is the sources’ portfolios and resource pooling principles to reduce supply risk.
selection of the best feedstock from an economic perspective (Tseng
et al., 2005), often integrated with planning tasks in the production 5.1.2. Production
process. Almansoori and Betancourt-Torcat (2016), for example, deter As discussed before, the production process is often evaluated
mined the most economic production technologies based on different
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
together with the sourcing process, since these are closely inter 5.1.3. Storage
connected. Moreover, as indicated in Fig. 6, the production process is The main role of storage is to withstand any demand/supply fluc
often also coupled with the storage and/or distribution processes. As tuation. In fact, as stated by Tlili et al. (2020), the role of hydrogen
reported by various authors (Agnolucci et al., 2013; Almansoori and storage is twofold: ‘on the one hand, it allows ensuring a seasonal storage in
Betancourt-Torcat, 2016; Cantú et al., 2021), typical planning tasks in order to cope with the variability of renewable energy resources. On the other
the production process relate to the number, locations, technologies, hand, hydrogen storage is a key component of the hydrogen supply chain
and scales of hydrogen production facilities. These decisions are usually allowing to bridge between discontinuous production and demand, exhibiting
made through MILP models that consider, among others, trade-offs be non-matching profiles’. Typical planning tasks related to hydrogen stor
tween establishing facilities and transport links (Almansoori and Shah, age involve the type and number of facilities, facilities’ capacities, and
2012), or through GIS modules embedded within the MARKAL model facilities’ locations (Almansoori and Betancourt-Torcat, 2016), and
(Balta-Ozkan and Baldwin, 2013). Also, some studies have considered these problems are usually solved with MILP models (De-León Almaraz
different hydrogen demands to reflect the different phases of hydrogen et al., 2015; Güler et al., 2021).
adoption (Ball et al., 2007; Dayhim et al., 2014; Talebian et al., 2019), Another planning task is related to the type of storage form.
because different demands ‘lead to significant changes in the structure and Hydrogen, in fact, can be commonly stored in two ways, as compressed
cost of the optimal supply chain network’ (Almansoori and Shah, 2012). hydrogen in high-pressure tanks and as liquid hydrogen in liquid tanks.
These studies confirmed the high impact of the hydrogen adoption level The former is characterised by a lower energy volumetric density than
on the production process, and more generally on the whole renewable the latter, but despite the special requirements for the vessel material, it
HSC: In the initial phase, when the adoption level is low, small onsite involves relatively lower capital and operational costs (Agnolucci et al.,
decentralised production is convenient, since it is more expensive to 2013; Yang et al., 2021).
transport small amounts of hydrogen than to produce it in small-scale The planning tasks related to this process (i.e. storage type, facilities’
units; however, in later phases, when the adoption level increases, locations, etc.) depend on the hydrogen adoption (hydrogen demand
centralised larger-scale production capacities are more economical, volume, location, etc.), and the tasks are interconnected with the de
leveraging economies of scale. Situations can, however, change if cisions in the production and distribution processes (De-León Almaraz
existing electricity grids are used. When distribution and transmission et al., 2015). For example, Yang et al. (2021) found that storing (and
costs are avoided, centralised production becomes convenient, also in distributing) gaseous hydrogen is convenient when the demand is low
the initial phase. Nevertheless, in this case one concern is whether and the distance to the point of use is short, while storing (and distrib
hydrogen can be defined as renewable, as this depends on the source of uting) liquid hydrogen is more efficient and suitable for large-scale and
electricity in the grid. long-distance transport. Similar results have been reported by Talebian
Another factor affecting the number and locations of production et al. (2019) and Tlili et al. (2020). However, to make liquefied
facilities is technology maturity, but its impact on production decisions hydrogen solution operationally feasible and economically viable,
has barely been studied. Two related studies (but still not essentially technological advancements are still needed for a reduction in the
targeted) are those of Chen et al. (2021) and Wu et al. (2021). The au capital and operational costs of liquefying hydrogen (Reuβ et al., 2017),
thors investigated the impact of different electrolysers’ lifetime on the or in the maturity of new technologies to store hydrogen, such as liquid
choice of production method and location. Demirhan et al. (2021) organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), hydrides, etc. (Reuβ et al., 2017; Tlili
further investigated the effect of reducing electrolysers’ costs related to et al., 2020).
technology maturity. It is worth mentioning that the major studies regarding storage often
Finally, another current topic includes not only economic consider deal with economic analysis, while environmental analysis has only
ations but also environmental and safety considerations in the models recently raised concerns (Cantú et al., 2021; Kazi et al., 2021; Kim et al.,
for the production stage (Al-Breiki and Bicer, 2021; Almansoori and 2021). However, what has completely been overlooked is safety anal
Betancourt-Torcat, 2016; De-León Almaraz et al., 2015). ysis, which is particularly important in the case of liquid hydrogen, as a
In conclusion, the above-mentioned planning tasks are complex, as consequence of the boil-off problem (Al-Breiki and Bicer, 2021).
they are affected by certain significant factors. The selection of elec Furthermore, as stated by Agnolucci and Mcdowall (2013), it would be
trolyser technology and its production capacity is not straightforward. interesting to include an analysis of the real lifetimes of facilities.
On the one hand, there is the desire to exploit as much as possible the In conclusion, planning tasks related to this process depend on
sources’ availability, selecting an electrolyser whose capacity matches several factors. First of all, the location of storage facilities depends on
the peak availability of sources (Almansoori and Betancourt-Torcat, the scope of storage (Woo et al., 2016): If the storage function aims to
2016). On the other hand, this would result in redundant electrolyser handle overproduction during the availability peak of feedstocks, it
capacity and a long return of investment (Balta-Ozkan and Baldwin, should be installed close to the production facility; while if the storage
2013). Therefore, it is critical to investigate the trade-off of investment function is to buffer the fluctuation in demand, it should be installed
cost in electrolyser capacity to balance the availability of feedstocks and close to the point of use. Also, storage can be seen along the distribution
the idle time of the electrolyser. to balance the flows. Moreover, due to the seasonality of feedstocks, a
Similarly, the other main planning tasks are complex, for example, renewable HSC may also need to consider strategic storage (Tlili et al.,
the location of the production facilities, which cannot be considered 2020).
alone since it impacts the form of the distribution. As mentioned by Furthermore, the different planning tasks related to the storage
Almansoori and Shah (2012), electrolysers can be located close to the process are interconnected, both in relation to the tasks and with the
feedstocks, and the produced hydrogen can be distributed via a complex decisions taken in the production and distribution processes: As an
network (for example, in transport sector application, a centralised example, the location of storage facilities depends also on their capac
production with distribution to refuelling stations). Alternatively, elec ities, as well as on the type of hydrogen stored (liquified or compressed
trolysers can be installed close to the point of use with a more gas), and the decision is also affected by the distribution network (Yang
straightforward distribution mode (for example, in industrial sector et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2022).
application, the hydrogen production could be a local installation within Finally, we need to be aware of the impact that technological ad
the steel production facility). vancements and market development aspects have on these planning
Finally, these planning tasks are further influenced by the hydrogen tasks. Technological advancements, for example, will lead to a reduction
adoption level and by the technology maturity, which have however in capital and operational costs for liquefied hydrogen, hence rendering
been overlooked in the literature and represent one of the main chal it more convenient, affecting not only the planning tasks related to the
lenges that renewable HSC managers have to face. storage process, but also to the other processes.
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F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
questioned. In fact, Tlili et al. (2020) reported that at the beginning of 5.2. Mid-/short-term planning
hydrogen deployment, government incentives are crucial to help in
dustries overcome the ‘death-valley’. They reported that an increase in This section discusses current research dealing with mid-/short-term
hydrogen adoption from 1% to 5% led to a reduction in the cost of planning tasks. Despite the limited number of studies on mid-/short-
hydrogen of around 25%. Common incentives reported in the literature term planning tasks (see Fig. 6), there are still studies to be reported, as
are CO2 taxes (Cho et al., 2016; Contaldi et al., 2008). Another alter in the previous section, that have focused on the identification of the
native to reducing the initial costs of renewable HSC development is main mid-/short-term planning tasks and the associated challenges.
integrating the renewable HSC with existing infrastructure. Cerniauskas Similar to long-term planning, the last subsection deals with the whole
et al. (2020) reported that reassigning a gas pipeline to deliver hydrogen renewable HSC.
would lead to a 30% cost reduction in distribution (transmission) in
comparison to a newly built hydrogen pipeline. Furthermore, to reduce 5.2.1. Sourcing
hydrogen costs, it is important also to consider the possibility of inte With the mid-/short-term planning horizon, the typical sourcing
grating the renewable HSC with other energy systems; in this way, it is planning tasks deal with the selection of the feedstock, that is, the
possible to reduce the initial investment by avoiding the establishment procurement strategy (Dagdougui et al., 2012). Due to the intermittent
of new feedstock facilities (Almansoori and Shah, 2012) and by features of renewables, such as wind and solar power, the supply
improving the utilization of production, since renewables’ intermittent availability and consequently the cost of generating electricity both vary
feature will be mitigated (Won et al., 2017). considerably (Tang and Rehme, 2017). Therefore, a procurement
In the light of the above, we can summarise that a key aspect for an strategy can have economic benefits. Won et al. (2017) demonstrated
efficient renewable HSC is its cooperation. It is critical that the processes that integrating multiple intermittent energy sources and dynamically
of a renewable HSC are integrated and correlated (Cantú et al., 2021). As selecting sources led to a substantial cost reduction, of between 30% and
there are different stakeholders and decision-makers who may influence 63%, compared to systems with a single and dedicated energy source.
or own various facilities of a renewable HSC, it is important to investi Similar results were reported by other authors (Demirhan et al., 2021;
gate the cooperation mechanisms and thereby strengthen the SC links, Khojasteh, 2020; Yuansheng et al., 2021).
for instance, to achieve the proper configuration (vertical integration). Another important planning task is defining contracts with suppliers.
Moreover, a renewable HSC needs to be integrated with other energy In the electricity market environment, the price can be decided be
systems using electricity or providing energy carriers with other supply forehand, based on forecasted electricity prices, or it can follow market
chains, where the by-products (for instance, oxygen) of a renewable HSC trends (MansourLakouraj et al., 2021), where it is possible to leverage
can be used. Thus, it is also important to find the right cooperation demand-side management, as suggested by Mansour-Saatloo et al.
among supply chains (horizontal integration). Finally, the renewable (2020) and Seyyedeh-Barhagh et al. (2019). However, it should be noted
HSC cooperation mechanisms are dynamic, that is, they depend on that such decisions should present a holistic view of the whole renew
increasing hydrogen adoption. able HSC, since the strategic adoption of hydrogen storage systems to
Table 1 presents a summary of the planning tasks and the open deal with intermittent feedstocks cannot be neglected (Seyye
challenges for each process in renewable HSC. deh-Barhagh et al., 2019).
To summarise, the main planning tasks in mid-/short-term sourcing
are twofold, namely defining the procurement strategy and defining
contracts with suppliers. The former deals with the short-term selection
Table 1 of sources from a supplier portfolio, with the aim to compensate for daily
Summary of the long-term planning tasks and open challenges of each process in
fluctuations in availability and price (Won et al., 2017). The latter deals
renewable HSC.
with setting the price (flat vs. variable, based on the electricity market),
HSC process Planning tasks Challenges the total amount and the general conditions of supply (MansourLakouraj
Sourcing Selection of the best feedstock Sources’ availability and et al., 2021). This is often challenging because it is affected by two main
from an economic perspective quality over time aspects, which are the forecasting of feedstock availability and the price
Sources’ location and
of energy sources. Specifically, the electricity price represents a crucial
Sources’ costs
aspect to be investigated. In fact, renewable HSCs will be increasingly
Sources’ uncertainty integrated with other energy SCs in the future, and interdependencies
Production Selection of number, locations, Trade-off investment costs between supply chains will affect each other, with consequences for the
technologies, and scales of Interconnected to other coordination and allocation of resources.
production facilities processesRenewable
HSC adoption and market
development 5.2.2. Production
Technology maturity The main planning tasks include planning and scheduling produc
Storage Selection of number, locations, Interconnected to other tion. In particular, according to Van Den Heever and Grossmann (2003),
type, and capacity of storage processes typical planning decisions are whether each plant operates in each
facilities Potential leakagesRenewable
Selection of hydrogen form HSC adoption and market
planning period and the hydrogen production levels for each plant in
development each planning period. Typical scheduling decisions concern the exact
Technology maturity production rate in each scheduling period and which customer to pro
Distribution Selection of distribution Interconnected to other duce for (which refuelling station to serve). Similar mid-/short-term
structure processes
planning tasks were reported by other authors (Demirhan et al., 2021; Li
Selection of hydrogen form Potential leakagesRenewable
HSC adoption and market et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2021). These decisions are closely linked to the
development forecasted availability, source prices, and demand. We also need to be
Technology maturity aware that hydrogen production often needs to passively follow sources’
Market and Selection of most suitable Uncertainty in the estimation of availability. Due to the difficulties of forecasting, Van Den Heever and
sales market applications hydrogen demandRenewable
Long-term demand forecasts HSC adoption and market
Grossmann (2003) have suggested that production planning and
(sales planning) development scheduling should be integrated. Also, to overcome the limitation that
Whole Evaluation of the cooperation Renewable HSC adoption and planning and scheduling have different time scales, they have suggested
renewable mechanisms for vertical and market development a rolling horizon approach.
HSC horizontal integration
As with the sourcing process, decisions here should also consider
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
storage configurations (Yang et al., 2021). Moreover, it is important to long-and mid-/short-term planning tasks, since decoupling the two
include maintenance activities in production planning, but this has only levels by adopting only a location model ‘significantly overestimate[s] the
been discussed to a limited extent (Woo et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2020). number of stations required’. Moreover, the planning tasks of this process
In conclusion, the main tasks in the planning process are the plan are interconnected with the planning tasks of other processes, especially
ning and scheduling of production: Given the plan to use production production and storage (Yang et al., 2021).
resources (i.e., whether each plant operates in each planning period and To summarise, in this process, decision-makers should plan the
the hydrogen production levels for each plant in each planning period), transport between stages, in particular from electrolysers to storage and
the weekly and daily (up to hourly) scheduling of production based on from storage to point of use, based on the distribution modes and their
the actual performance of the electrolyser are decided. As in traditional capacity selected in long-term planning. Daily and weekly, decision-
SCs, these decisions are often challenging because of the difficulties in makers should schedule deliveries according to routing policies (Kang
forecasting. Contrary to traditional SCs, as described above, forecasting and Recker, 2014). The complexity of these tasks is that they are linked
availability and the prices of sources are very complicated (Van Den and interconnected to both the long-term distribution planning tasks
Heever and Grossmann, 2003). Furthermore, the planning tasks are and the mid-/short-term planning tasks of other processes (especially
closely connected to tasks in other planning processes, for example other production and storage tasks) (He et al., 2021a; Yang et al., 2021).
storage. Finally, these planning tasks should be integrated with moni
toring, control, and maintenance of production plants. 5.2.5. Market and sales
As we have seen, hydrogen demand, both in terms of quantity and
5.2.3. Storage variability, has a high impact on the mid-/short-term planning tasks (Li
Due to the spatial and temporal gap between production and de et al., 2018). However, despite this important factor, no study has dis
mand, hydrogen storage is crucial (Reuβ et al., 2021). As described cussed related issues, such as forecasting methods. Similarly, there is no
under the long-term planning tasks, storage is pivotal for coping with study on mid-/short-term sales planning.
fluctuations and uncertainties in demand and supply (Woo et al., 2016).
Typical mid-/short-term planning tasks are capacity planning and in 5.2.6. The whole renewable HSC
ventory management, which aim to determine which storage system(s) As discussed before, processes in renewable HSCs are interconnected
to use, their hourly inventory level, as well as their hydrogen con with each other, and this is also valid for mid-/short-term planning.
sumption and filling rates (Yang et al., 2020). Moreover, another Therefore, typical mid-/short-term planning tasks (e.g., resource ca
important aspect to be considered is the leakage and/or absorption of pacity planning) require a holistic perspective, where the in
hydrogen from hydrogen storage systems (Xu et al., 2022). Gaseous terdependencies of the different planning processes are considered.
hydrogen can leak from containers and can be absorbed by the container Production planning, for example, is affected not only by internal as
itself. Liquid hydrogen can leak as a consequence of the boil-off problem pects (e.g., maintenance planning), but also by aspects related to the
(Al-Breiki and Bicer, 2021). The leakage increases as the hydrogen, sourcing process, such as sources’ availability and variable prices, since
whether gaseous or liquid, is stored longer. Besides being a potential these can limit the production rate. Storage capacities should consider
safety and environmental hazard, this also represents a yield or quantity internal aspects (e.g. problems of leakage and boil-off gas (O’Dwyer
loss issue, which needs special attention as an inventory management et al., 2022)). Sometimes distribution modes (trucks, pipelines, etc.) not
aspect (O’Dwyer et al., 2022; U.S. Department of Energy). Furthermore, only serve as a distribution but also as a storage function. In fact, He
storage-related decisions should also consider the operational costs of et al. (2021a) proposed a flexible scheduling and routing model in which
feeding in and releasing out hydrogen from the storage (Al-Breiki and hydrogen trucks serve as both distribution and mobile storage in order to
Bicer, 2021; Liu et al., 2010). Finally, although the maintenance re ‘make intermittent electrolytic H2 production more competitive by providing
quirements for storage systems are high, their impact on capacity extra spatiotemporal flexibility’. They reported a decrease of the hydrogen
planning has not been discussed in the literature (Garcia et al., 2016; U. cost by 9%, thanks to a reduction of the required trucks and stationary
S. Department of Energy). storage capacities of 83% and 165%, respectively. Van Den Heever and
In conclusion, knowing the size and capacity of storage systems from Grossmann (2003) suggested a similar idea of viewing pipelines as
long-term planning tasks, the mid-/short-term planning tasks are quite storage. However, studies that adopt a holistic perspective are still
related to resource capacity planning and inventory management in lagging.
terms of how much to fill different tanks and for how long. The main In conclusion, the different mid-/short-term planning tasks need to
challenge of these tasks is that they should consider the yield factor be integrated, and a holistic view is essential for the success of renew
related to potential leakages (O’Dwyer et al., 2022). Moreover, there is a able HSCs. This, however, complicates the decision-making process.
clear link between the performance of the storage system and its Moreover, renewable HSC managers have to be aware that, contrary to
monitoring, control, and maintenance. traditional SCs, in renewable HSCs the different planning tasks are
mainly supply-driven, since sourcing availability is an important influ
5.2.4. Distribution ential factor (Reuβ et al., 2021). In the light of this, inventory man
The mid-/short-term planning tasks here are related to the sched agement is crucial, both at the sourcing level (feedstock inventory
uling and routing of hydrogen distribution from the production site or management) and at the production level (H2 products’ inventory
storage system to the final point of use (He et al., 2021a, 2021b). In management), to smooth the material flow and the energy flow along
particular, since the selected articles mostly deal with the transport the entire renewable HSC.
sector, refuelling stations are considered as the final point of use. For Table 2 presents a summary of the planning tasks and the open
instance, Reuβ et al. (2021) proposed an optimization model to connect challenges for each process in renewable HSC.
the production site and the fuelling stations by including the factors of
distance, time, and cost. In addition, their model also considered the 6. Planning matrix for renewable HSCs
refuelling stations’ demand and production sites’ capacity.
Sometimes, these mid-/short-term planning tasks are integrated with The synthesis of content analysis has allowed us to determine the
the long-term ones (e.g., decisions about the siting of the refuelling planning tasks for the different time horizons and processes in renew
stations). In this case, researchers have focused on traditional location able HSC involved, which are summarised in the renewable HSC plan
routing problems. This is the case with Kang and Recker (2014), who ning matrix presented in Fig. 7.
‘developed a facility location problem with full-day scheduling and routing Due to the uncertainty of technology and unclear renewable HSC
considerations’. Their study indicated the importance of integrating adoption and market development, even though there is an expectation
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
Table 2 of a high demand for hydrogen in the future, the growing path of
Summary of the mid-/short-term planning tasks and the open challenges at each renewable HSCs is undecided. As mentioned above, previous literature
process in renewable HSC. focused on these aspects investigating the impact of technology un
HSC process Planning tasks Challenges certainties and demand development on the structure and cost of
Sourcing Selection of the Sources’ condition (price of energy
renewable HSCs. While in this section, we discuss how the adoption of
procurement strategy sources, forecasting of feedstock renewable HSCs and, consequently, the phases of their market devel
Definition of contracts availability, etc.) opment will imply different objectives and stakeholders involved in the
with suppliers decision-making process for each planning task.
Production Planning and Forecast sources’ availability, prices, and
As renewable HSC scale-up is essential for reducing the cost and
scheduling production demand
Interconnected to other processes thereby the market price, there is a chicken-and-egg issue, that is, how to
Integration with maintenance create incentives for stimulating the expansion on both sides of
Storage Resource capacity Potential leakages hydrogen supply and demand. For instance, for fuel cell (FC)-enabled
planning Interconnected to other processes vehicles, the market development of vehicles should cope with the
Inventory Integration with maintenance
design of renewable HSCs, so that the size of the hydrogen infrastructure
Distribution Scheduling and Interconnected to long-term distribution fits its demand growth. On the one hand, a renewable HSC needs a
routing of distribution planning tasks significant investment in infrastructure and a critical mass for its
Interconnected to other processes development, for instance production, storage, and distribution facilities
Market and Sales planning No study on mid-/short-term sales
to support refuelling stations, for its application. Hydrogen distribution
sales planning
Whole HSC Resource capacity Planning tasks are supply-driven costs will remain significant if key infrastructures are lacking. Therefore,
planning renewable HSC investors would like to see a strong demand for FC-
Inventory enabled vehicles and thereby hydrogen. On the other hand, FC-
management enabled vehicle producers would like to expand the market and pro
duction only if there is sufficient support for operating the vehicles, in
other words, a network of refuelling stations. But, without a scale-up
demand, there is a lack of incentives for renewable HSC infrastructure
investment. In addition, there is technology uncertainty with regard to
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
the development of renewable HSC infrastructure and stages. Even institutions will diminish to support the extension of initial networks,
though some technologies are ready, some need to be proven at scale while R&D institutions will focus on developing more mature tech
while others still need to be tested and proved. nologies (more efficient and reliable), while the adoption of renew
Fig. 7 presents renewable HSCs as a sociotechnical system (Griffiths able HSCs is driven by market policies, where different actors
et al., 2021), highlighting how the SC planning tasks identified in pre (producers, distributors, and investors) compete with the main goal
vious section, and the adoption of renewable HSCs are affected by of positioning themselves in the market, extending the network
external drivers, both institutional drivers and end-users. As discussed in infrastructure and services, following traditional market policies and
the introduction, many countries are developing roadmaps and strate demands/requirements. Here, the main indicators used by these
gies (institutional drivers, for example cap and trade or carbon tax stakeholders are market share, cost, efficiency, and service level,
programmes) to enhance the adoption of renewable HSCs. Also, end while governments can support the adoption with some policies to
users are driving the adoption of renewable HSCs with an increasing incentivize the use of green hydrogen and so pursue the continuous
awareness of the need for a sustainable future, also stimulated by new reduction of emissions.
incentive schemes from governments. • Market maturity: Finally, from 2040 to 2050, there should be a phase
These drivers have a relevant impact on defining the objectives of of mature market development, where the competition between
planning tasks introduced in the previous section and consequently renewable HSCs will be based on cost, efficiency, and service level,
affect the supply chain configuration and operations (Griffiths et al., since the environmental purpose has mainly been reached. The main
2021). First, external drivers impact factors that characterise the objective will be to keep the renewable HSCs operations up and
adoption level, such as the hydrogen demand volume and renewable running. The economic growth here is based on technological lead
HSC scale (regional to national/international). Second, as different ership, but the operations of renewable HSCs will still be affected by
decision-makers and stakeholders are involved, the external drivers external factors related to the market policies in particular in energy
impact specific objectives that support the selection of solutions to the sector (such as electricity price, feedstock availability, etc.). Gov
planning tasks previously defined. ernments will probably act as observers, and in the case of disrup
Understanding the stakeholders’ objectives is essential for the suc tions or extraordinary events in the energy sector, they will intervene
cessful market development of renewable HSCs. Below we summarise considering the different energy supply chains involved.
the different phases of market development and how renewable HSC
planning tasks are affected (see also Table 3): 7. Agenda for future research
• Market activation: Currently (2020–2030), we are in the early phases After defining the decision problems as planning tasks (Section 5)
of adoption of renewable HSCs, where actors are innovating and and how their solutions depend on the different objectives influenced by
activating the market, creating new opportunities and new chal stakeholders involved along the different phases of renewable HSC
lenges. Here, the main stakeholders involved are governments, R&D adoption and market development (Section 6), we discuss the potential
institutions, and major players in the energy and transport sectors. approaches and propose an agenda for future research on renewable
Their goal is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility and appli HSC planning.
cability of renewable HSCs through the implementation of mature
technology. In these phases, there are strong incentives and in • Extended renewable HSC design modelling. Modelling approaches (both
vestments to support the main objective of first adoptions with first material flow-based and energy-based) need to consider the whole
network infrastructures, led by early adopters. Knowledge should be renewable HSC (vertical integration) and its relationship with
obtained to stimulate and understand how renewable HSCs penetrate existing energy supply chains (horizontal integration). In addition to
markets. Efficiency, cost, and impact on emissions are secondary the material flow, financial/economic flow and information in con
indicators that are monitored to indicate future directions. ventional supply chains, it would be interesting to investigate how to
• Market growth: According to the roadmaps and strategies, in the next combine energy flow and possibly emissions along entire renewable
decade (2030–2040), when the market has been activated and the HSCs. This gives a new direction from the supply chain management
first renewable HSCs are in operation, there should be a phase of perspective. Here, storage has a paramount importance and role to
constant market growth, where the role and presence of government keep energy stored compensating for the high level of uncertainty, so
Table 3
Summary of the impact of different phases of market development on HSC planning tasks.
Market activation Market growth Market maturity
2020–2030 2030–2040 2040–2050
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
it is mandatory to include the inventory management problem as of hydrogen applications. Lacking benchmark operations systems
central in the design and operations of renewable HSCs to find an and data makes the analysis at the detail (short-term) level less
optimal trade-off. thorough. Also, the validation of models is often missing in current
• Multi-objectives and multi-decision makers’ approaches. There are many studies, including the validation of assumptions concerning the links
stakeholders in the development of renewable HSCs with various between long- and mid-/short-term planning. Typical cases at
concerns regarding the performance of renewable HSCs, especial in different stages of the renewable HSC should be presented. Due to the
the initial phase of renewable HSC adoption (see Table 3). Current current low level of adoption, most of the data still come from
studies seldom clearly distinguish these differences, often with con experimental or small-scale applications, and they need to be
flicting concerns, such as the ownership of the hydrogen costs (see adapted to predict the potential evolution of technology in terms of
chicken-and-egg puzzle). The environmental performance concern, performance and cost.
from a government perspective, adds even more complexity (Carrera • Transition to other industrial applications. The transport sector still
and Azzaro-Pantel, 2021b). Risk and safety in renewable HSCs are dominates the main focus of renewable HSC studies. The common
other important aspects to be considered in some operations along structure of a renewable HSC includes wind, solar and hydro sources
renewable HCSs, such as storage, transport, and bunkering (Fazli- (small scale) as the feedstock, electrolyser, compressed tube storage,
Khalaf et al., 2020). Multiple objective approaches are mandatory to and distribution (refuelling stations). These studies present new
comprehend the different objectives that the different stakeholders knowledge about renewable HSCs. On the other hand, there are
have. The approaches also support multiple decision-makers in fewer studies on hydrogen applications in the steel industry or
finding the most appropriate solutions, thereby providing guidelines buildings, which have different features of demand, requirements of
for designing policy support schemes to stimulate renewable HSC distribution, etc., and are worth investigating in the future. Identi
adoption. fying the similarities and differences between HSCs in different
• Robust renewable HSC design. Future research should focus on the sectors is important. There should be a general HSC framework with
development of decision support systems that can guide stakeholders emphasis on vertical and horizontal integration, in order to cohere
in selecting the most appropriate configurations based on the evo renewable HSC adoption.
lution of the adoption level, in other words, decisions which not only • Integrated resource capacity planning. Weekly and daily plans need to
provide a sound outcome at the decision timepoint, but also prepare consider the variability in supply and demand, as well as integration
favourable options when the future event (such as the selection of with other energy supply chains and applications (Won et al., 2017).
technology) has been revealed (Güler et al., 2021). Alternatively, we Specifically, integration with the electricity market and the price of
should consider the possible dynamic expansion of capacity (elec electricity should be a relevant factor in planning, since these factors
trolyser and other facilities) by using diffusion models. As the TRL impact all the phases of the supply chain. Overall resource capacity
and market development are changing over time, the decision of planning is preferable instead of a local optimal solution at each
capacity and location should open options for future increases. Op stage (feedstock, production, storage, and distribution). This requires
tion and real option models could be used for such investigations. advanced and more complex models that need to be validated using
Also, the impact of government incentive schemes (for example, cap data from applications. Hydrogen production is more likely a
and trade, carbon tax, and R&D funding), development of technol continuous process (such as the refinery and chemical process), but
ogies and their maturity, integration with existing infrastructure (i.e. hydrogen distribution could still be either a discrete or continuous
existing pipelines), and the different levels of competition/coopera process. Control theory should play a role in short-term planning and
tion among the actors in the supply chain need to be considered in a scheduling to cope with the processes. When the level of the
multi-scenario analysis where uncertainties about their evolution are hydrogen pathway adoption is relevant, data-driven approaches can
included to find the most robust configuration (Cho et al., 2016; be applied to find quick, effective, and robust solutions to planning
Contaldi et al., 2008). In short, along with the TRL and market problems.
development, we need develop a vision for renewable HSC adoption • Extended inventory management models. As storage and distribution
pathways. are major activities in HSCs, future research should extend the
• Feedstock-driven supply chain. The production of green hydrogen is traditional inventory management models to include features of
strongly related to the availability and quality of feedstocks. The renewable HSCs, such as the integration of material flow and energy
feedstock supply of hydrogen, such as solar and wind power for flow, volume versus mass of stocked hydrogen, lifetime and duration
electricity, is often uncertain. This may not be the case in a tradi of stocked hydrogen, storage performance (i.e. % leakage), and risk
tional SC, as the supply can usually be stably maintained, for and safety issues in storage and operations (O’Dwyer et al., 2022). A
instance, in a typical manufacturing SC. Hydrogen production is renewable HSC can also be viewed as a feedstock-driven supply
more supply-driven than demand-driven according to current supply chain, therefore the intermittent and uncertain supply should be
chain studies. The selection of the feedstock portfolio has still not highlighted by extending the insights of existing inventory man
been thoroughly investigated, and uncertainties in quantity, quality, agement models (Weitzel and Glock, 2018). In addition, in planning
and cost need to be included in the renewable HSC configuration and and controlling storage in HSC, we should pay extra attention to the
operations (Han and Kim, 2019). In the long term, climate changes time interval of modelling, as operations and market trading practice
can also impact feedstock availability, so studies should consider provide information updating and decisions on an hourly basis
external factors in a dynamic way. As supply fluctuation is an (Finnah and Gönsch, 2021). However, existing studies often assume
important feature of a renewable HSC, it is also interesting to a large time interval (daily and weekly), because stochastic model
investigate the reverse bullwhip effect, that is, how information ling such as the Markov decision process is more challenging (Fok
disruption affects the supply chain operation but with the source of kema et al., 2022; Schrotenboer et al., 2022).
impact from the upstream of a supply chain. • Combined forecasting modelling. Supply and demand forecasts are
• Case studies and data accessibility. Current studies mostly highlight affected by several factors, thus advanced modelling based on data-
long-term planning instead of short-term planning, for instance, driven approaches should be developed to overcome the limitations
network designs of hydrogen production and distribution. Facing the of traditional time-series forecasting. For example, environmental
pressure of developing cleaner energy systems, scholars are investi conditions impact feedstock availability and local incentives for
gating various settings of renewable HSCs. However, data on hydrogen adoption and pricing policies for the electricity sector
hydrogen applications is often missing in these studies (Agnolucci impact the final demand for hydrogen. Weather forecasts and the
et al., 2013), or in some better situations there are limited examples evolution of the electricity market are among the other external
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
factors to be included in forecasting models for feedstock and The derived research agenda is encouraging, as the development of
hydrogen demand. Scenario analysis is an alternative for providing renewable HSCs opens new areas for research and investigation. We may
settings for long-term forecasting and planning, whereas data ana need to incorporate incentive schemes in renewable HSCs (Nordic En
lytics and data mining could provide some insight into supply and ergy Research, 2022) so as to improve the coordination of the system in
demand patterns, thereby supporting short-term forecasting. initiating a renewable HSC operation. Also, along with the dynamic
development of renewable HSCs, we may apply real-option models and
8. Conclusion diffusion models to examine investment alternatives, so that infra
structure expansion can cope with market development and technology
To achieve a fossil-free energy system in the future and reduce readiness. Subsequently, renewable HSC development becomes
emissions, countries are initiating and investing in hydrogen research business-driven. Also, some mid-/short-term planning problems have
and development as well as their infrastructures. Because of these not been tackled, for instance, the yield and quantity losses in hydrogen
strategies for more sustainable solutions, we are at a time point storage and distribution, which provide opportunities to extend in
welcoming the potential scale-up of renewable HSC operations. Along ventory management studies. The addition of energy flow provides
with these opportunities, we also encounter challenges, which include another lens to view a supply chain. It should facilitate the performance
the operational characteristics of renewable HSCs, uncertainty of tech measure of the system but could also complicate the analysis. Our
nology, the impact of national roadmaps and strategies, and market research agenda should provide guidelines for those scholars interested
development, among others. in improving renewable HSCs. Moreover, it should provide insights and
Against this background, we have introduced for the first time a overview of the challenges of the renewable HSCs planning tasks useful
renewable HSC planning matrix, where the different planning tasks are for both managers directly involved in the design and management of
identified. Specifically, the planning tasks are determined based on the renewable HSCs and managers whose companies are strongly
content analysis of the literature review, and they are reported with energy-dependent.
respect to two planning horizons, namely long-term and mid-/short- This study also has some limitations. We have focused mainly on
term, and with regard to the different planning processes in renewable electrolyser-based production, but we have not considered carbon cap
HSC (sourcing, production, storage, distribution, and market and sales). ture and storage systems. Furthermore, we have indicated the impor
From the analysis of planning tasks, it emerges that: (i) it is important to tance of integrating other energy systems, but these energy systems (for
consider jointly the planning tasks related to the different processes, instance, electricity) are often viewed as external inputs to renewable
since these are interconnected, and (ii) the adoption of renewable HSCs HSCs. Nevertheless, we have not stressed that a scale-up renewable HSC
and market development are important factors which impact the defi may affect the electricity production and market, largely due to the
nition of planning tasks. Based on the content analysis, we were able to relatively small scale of renewable hydrogen in the current situation.
derive a research agenda. These concerns will affect hydrogen operations and therefore renewable
Our content analysis indicates that the function and planning tasks of HSCs. Some future discussions of these aspects should be welcomed to
sourcing, production, storage, distribution, and market and sales should support the transition to a low-carbon future energy system and society.
be considered jointly. However, designing and operating a renewable
HSC is not easy, as there are many influential factors and choice alter Acknowledgements
natives at each stage of the renewable HSC to determine the final
choices. The renewable HSC adoption and market development are One author (OT) is financed by Familjen Kamprads Stiftelse
important factors that impact the definition of planning tasks and de 20220081, which is highly appreciated. Two authors (FS, MP) are
cision-makers’ objectives in the planning process. Specifically, we need financed by INTPART project “FutureLOG” - Norges forskningsråd
to understand the various concerns of stakeholders along with the 309528, which is highly appreciated. One author (SA) is financed by
development pathways, and therefore introduce accordingly appro MIUR PON R&I 2014–2020 – AIM (Attraction and International
priate objective functions and assumptions in modelling the supply Mobility), project AIM 1815402–1.
chain management.
Appendix A
Table A1
List of the 70 most relevant journals used in the SLR
List of Journals
F. Sgarbossa et al. International Journal of Production Economics 250 (2022) 108712
Table A1 (continued )
List of Journals
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Production and Operations Management
International Journal of Production Economics Production Planning and Control
International Journal of Production Research Public Transport
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics Research in Transportation Business and Management
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
International Journal of Systems Science Supply Chain Forum
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics Supply Chain Management
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology Sustainable Cities and Society
International Transactions in Operational Research Transport Reviews
Journal of Advanced Transportation Transportation
Journal of Air Transport Management Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Journal of Business Logistics Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice
Journal of Cleaner Production Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological
Journal of Management Transportation Science
Journal of Manufacturing Processes Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
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