NF - The Universe

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The Universe

You live on Earth. Earth is a planet in the Solar System. The Solar System consists of the Sun, eight
planets, and other objects that float in between. The Sun is one of billions of stars grouped together in a
galaxy known as the Milky Way.

A galaxy is a huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. There are billions of galaxies in
the universe. The universe is everything in space. Galaxies take many shapes. The Milky Way and many
other galaxies have a spiral shape. Some galaxies have an elliptical shape. Other galaxies have no regular

Q. How are objects in galaxies held together?

- Objects in galaxies are held together by gravity.

1. What is the Solar System composed of?

The Solar System is composed of the Sun, eight planets, and other objects.

2. How many planets are in the Solar System?

There are eight planets in the Solar System.

3. What is the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a galaxy that contains our Solar System.

4. How many galaxies are there in the universe?

There are billions of galaxies in the universe.

5. What are the different shapes that galaxies can have?

Galaxies can have spiral, elliptical, or irregular shapes.

6. What is a galaxy?

A galaxy is a huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.

7. What is the universe?

The universe is everything in space.

8. Which galaxy is Earth located in?

Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy.

9. What keeps the stars, gas, and dust in a galaxy together?

Gravity keeps the stars, gas, and dust in a galaxy together.

10. Name an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.

The Milky Way is an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.


A star is a huge ball of burning gases that releases energy. Stars can be different sizes. They also have
different colors and temperatures. A star’s color tell us about its temperature. Red stars are the least hot
stars, while blue stars are the hottest. The Sun has a yellow color. The Sun is a medium sized star that is
between the hottest and the least hot star.

Stars are formed from clouds of spinning dust and gas in space. When the mass of the dust and gas is
squeezed enough, changes take place and the mass begins to change into light and heat. Over billions of
years, most of the mass of a star is converted to light and heat. During the day, we cannot see stars
because the Sun is too bright. At night some stars appear brighter than others because they are near to
Earth. Many stars appear faint because they are far away from Earth. Light from stars takes time to reach
Earth. The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. Distance in space is measured in light-years. A
light-year is the distance that light travels in one year.

Q. Why do some stars appear brighter than others?

Some stars appear brighter than others because they are closer to Earth.

 What is a star?

A star is a huge ball of burning gases that releases energy.

 What does a star's color indicate?

A star's color indicates its temperature.

 Which stars are the least hot and which are the hottest?

Red stars are the least hot, while blue stars are the hottest.

 What is the color and size of the Sun?

The Sun is yellow and is a medium-sized star.

 How are stars formed?

Stars are formed from clouds of spinning dust and gas in space.

 What happens to most of the mass of a star over billions of years?

Most of the mass of a star is converted into light and heat.

 Why can't we see stars during the day?

We cannot see stars during the day because the Sun is too bright.

 Why do many stars appear faint?

Many stars appear faint because they are far away from Earth.

 How fast does light travel?

Light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.

 What is a light-year?

A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year.

The Sun

The Sun is a star. It is made up of gases, mostly hydrogen and helium. It has different layers. The inner
layer is called the photosphere, the middle layer is called the chromosphere, and the outer layer is called
the corona. The temperature of the outer part of the Sun is about 5,500 C (9,900 F) while the inner core
is about 15,000,000 C (27,000,000 F).
The Sun sometimes has dark spots on its surface called sunspots. They look dark because they do not
give off as much light and heat energy as the rest of the Sun’s surface.

Like volcanoes on Earth, an explosive eruption into space of waves and particles may take place on the
Sun. This phenomenon is called a solar flare. Solar flares cause a bright eruption on the chromosphere.
They may last for minutes or hours.

Q. Why does the Sun have dark spots?

The Sun has dark spots called sunspots because they do not give off as much light and heat energy as the
rest of the Sun’s surface.

 What is the Sun made up of?

The Sun is made up of gases, mostly hydrogen and helium.

 What are the different layers of the Sun?

The inner layer is called the photosphere, the middle layer is called the chromosphere, and the outer
layer is called the corona.

 What is the temperature of the outer part of the Sun?

The temperature of the outer part of the Sun is about 5,500 C (9,900 F).

 What is the temperature of the inner core of the Sun?

The temperature of the inner core of the Sun is about 15,000,000 C (27,000,000 F).

 What are sunspots?

Sunspots are dark spots on the Sun’s surface that do not give off as much light and heat energy as the
rest of the Sun's surface.

 What is a solar flare?

A solar flare is an explosive eruption into space of waves and particles from the Sun, causing a bright
eruption on the chromosphere. Solar flares may last for minutes or hours.

A constellation is a group of stars that seems to make an imaginary shape or pattern in the night sky.
These shapes are usually named after people, objects, and animals, such as the Great Bear and Leo. The
stars that make up a constellation appear close to each other, but they are actually very far apart. The
constellation named the Little Dipper contains a star called the North Star. The North Star is a very hot,
large, yellow-white star. It is almost directly above the North Pole. If you can see it in the sky, you can
determine which direction is north. Long ago, people used the North Star to help them determine their

Q. Why would ancient navigators use the North Star to navigate?

Ancient navigators used the North Star to navigate because it is almost directly above the North Pole,
helping them determine the direction of north.

 What is a constellation?

A constellation is a group of stars that seems to make an imaginary shape or pattern in the night sky.

 What are constellations usually named after?

Constellations are usually named after people, objects, and animals.

 Give an example of constellations named after animals.

Examples include the Great Bear and Leo.

 Do the stars in a constellation appear close to each other or far apart?

The stars in a constellation appear close to each other, but they are actually very far apart.

 Which constellation contains the North Star?

The Little Dipper contains the North Star.

 What are the characteristics of the North Star?

The North Star is a very hot, large, yellow-white star.

Star Movement

Stars seem to move across the sky from east to west. However, they do not actually move in this way.
The spinning of Earth makes the stars appear to move. The positions of the stars seem to change with
the seasons, too. In winter, you may see the star Orion clearly in the nighttime. A few months later, Orion
may no longer be visible. This is due to the revolution of Earth around the Sun and the angle of the Earth
in relation to the stars.

Q. Why do stars seem to move from east to west across the sky?

Stars seem to move from east to west across the sky because of the spinning of Earth.

 How do the positions of stars change with the seasons?

The positions of stars change with the seasons due to the revolution (= a circular movement) of Earth
around the Sun and the angle of the Earth in relation to the stars.

 Which star can you see clearly in winter?

You can see the star Orion clearly in the nighttime during winter.

 What direction do stars appear to move across the sky?

Stars appear to move from east to west across the sky.

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