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Mock Examinations 2024: Pakistan Studies 2059/02

Name: Class/Section: O 2 -

Paper 2: The Environment of Pakistan March 2024

Time Allowed 1-hour 30minutes

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Answer any three questions.

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

For Examiner’s use only

Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Total

(25 marks) (25 marks) (25 marks) (25 marks) (25 marks) (75 marks)

Page 1 of 18
1 (a) Study Fig. 1.1, a map showing southern Pakistan and surrounding countries.

Fig. 1.1

(i) Name the province labelled V and the two cities labelled W and X on Fig. 1.1.

V ........................................................................... Quetta
W ..........................................................................

X ...........................................................................
L 3880km[3]
(ii) Using Fig. 1.1 only:

– calculate the straight - line distance between city X and city W ........................................................... km

– state the direction of city X from city W................................................................................................... [2]

2315N Tropicof
(iii) Identify the line of latitude labelled Y on Fig. 1.1. Y ............................................................................ [1]

(iv) Using Fig. 1.1 only, describe the location of the mountains labelled Z. cancer
East of Afghanistan

280N At

East of Kharan Desert


West of River Indus


North of Arabian

..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
Page 2 of 18
(b) (i) State the three terms of Indus Water Treaty 1960.

Pakistan recieved rights to the waters of Indus

1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Jhelum Chenab India will use Ravi Beas Sutlej


Pakistan would construct a storage dam 5 barrages

2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

eight link canals Duringthistime India will supply water


The construction cost will be met by Australia


Canada USA West and NewZealand

..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
(ii) About 60% of irrigation water is lost before it reaches crops. Give three reasons why irrigation
water is lost in this way.

Canals arenot linedTherefore water seepesFrom the

1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

walls of the canals


Water in the Canals gets evaporated due to

2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

high temperatures in areas of PunjabexperiencingContinentalEffect


Water is diverted towards other users like


industries hydropowerplants and domestic users

..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

(c) Outline two advantages and two disadvantages of Perennial Canals irrigation system in Pakistan. [4]

Advantages Disadvantages

Sincewaterflows them through

Perennial canals are these canals get
out the
connected to dams and year
04hflooded in times of heavy
barrages they
irrigate ast areas
monsoon Theyfloodnearby
areas causing lot of damage
They have consented base these canals are Therefore
and walls thereforewater does
expensive to construct
not seepfrom these canals
economic burden on the

Page 3 of 18
(d) Evaluate the extent to which the natural topography and climate of Indus Plain help to generate
human activities and economic development for Pakistan.
Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to examples you have studied. You should consider
different points of view in your answer.

The flat lands of the Indus Plain promote


construction of industries i

This generates employment

in variety of fields such as_production


management etc It increases the GDP


by increasing imports and exports of goods


like textile and sports

On the other hand River Indus and

its tributaries get flooded during heavy


monsoon Van's in summer causing


massive flooding this destroys the crops


in the fields and distrupts activities in


industries Slowly down the economy


In Pakistan has considerable

my opinion
potential with presence of adequate labour

and flat lands However unpredictable


weather conditions disrupts human and

........................................................................................................................................................................... [6]

activity [TOTAL MARKS: 25]

Page 4 of 18
2 (a) The map, Fig. 2.1, shows Pakistan’s main trading partners.


Fig. 2.1

(i) Using Fig. 2.1, name country A and name an important export Pakistan sent to it. [2]

United States sportsgoods Carpets


(ii) Using Fig. 2.1, name country C and name an important import Pakistan receives from it. [2]

China Electrical appliance


(iii) Using Fig. 2.1 only, explain two reasons why Pakistan’s receives highest value of imports from
Country C and send highest value of exports to Country A. You should develop your answer.
C our is neighbouring country
Country C (Imports): ............................................................................................................................................

Importing good will be less costly


Goods can be imported using sea routé


again a cheaper mode of transportation comparedof


A a is big country Pakistan

Country A (Exports): ...........................................................................................................................................

will believe demands for its good It can


export to this country in Bulk


It istrade with B also refuel on its way to A

........................................................................................................................................................................... [4]

Page 5 of 18
(iv) Using Fig. 2.1, name country B and describe the sea route from Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia
Name: ....................................................................................................................................................................

from Karachi to Saudi Arabia Jeddah

Sea route: .............................................................................................................................................................
via Arabian Sea
........................................................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) Describe two problems for Pakistan’s trade which mainly depended on agriculture.

Lack of storage facilities on

g points for
1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

perishable items like fruits


Quality of crops does not meet international

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

standards therefore loses demand compared

(c) (i) State two factors that encourage the location and development of dry ports in Pakistan.
........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

i Large Flat land

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................


Proper rail and road network

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Describe two advantages of developing seaports in Pakistan.

It will aiy like coal and steel which

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

will promote industrial activities as well as increaseforeign exchange


Fishing industry can be developed leading to less burden

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

on agriculture and promote localand

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Describe two disadvantages of developing motorways in Pakistan.

Motorways are expensive to build and incur economic burden

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

on Pakistan Less revenue alotted to agricultureleadingtofoodshortage


More motorways means more traffic leading to

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

carbon emissions and air pollution

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

Page 6 of 18
(d) It is important to improve telecommunications in Pakistan to encourage development. Read the
following two views about improving internet access in Pakistan:

A) It is better to invest in improving internet B) It is better to invest in extending internet

access in the major cities of Pakistan. access to rural regions of Pakistan.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

Improving internet access in major cities of Pakistan


Eg Faisalabad Lahore

connect various economic sectors


like industries with raw materials


trade will beftster GDP Foreign exchange



Rural areas illetracy rate high


to internet or
major population unable use

communicate with buyers sellers


lack marketing skills


will not
extending internet give immediate

economic benefits

Therefore I agree with view A


Pakistan's will flourish move


if the educated sector is provided


internetfacilities to make their productivity


........................................................................................................................................................................... [6]


Page 7 of 18
3 (a) (i) Outline two differences of Metallic minerals with Non-metallic minerals. [4]

Metallic minerals Non- metallic minerals

Economically less valuable

Difference 1 More valuable except for oil
coal natural gas

Difference 2
Good conductors poor thermal and

of heat and electric conductors

(ii) Complete the table to classify by type of Metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals found in
Pakistan. [3]
Iron ore NM
Limestone M
Chromite NM
Gypsum NM
Rocksalt M

Metallic Minerals Non – Metallic Minerals

Iron ore Limestone

Chromite Gypsum
Bauxite Rock salt
(b) (i) Suggest two advantages of extraction of mineral resources in Pakistan.

Extraction of fossil fuels like coal leads

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

to more and economic development

electricity production

Minerals like chromite and iron re can be used to produce

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

steel This will enhanceconstructionand export ofsurplus will

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Describe two effects of mineral extraction on the natural environment.
Emission of dust and sulphur particles
1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

leads to air pollution


Nearby rivers
get polluted Affecting Marine life
2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

and its consumers

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

Page 8 of 18
(c) Study Fig. 3.1, a diagram showing three methods of coal extraction.

Adit Fig. 3.1

Open Cast

(i) Name the three methods of coal extraction shown in Fig. 3.1 in the spaces provided. [3]

Planned resources
(ii) Define ‘Load shedding’………………………………………………………………………………………………
disruptionof natural

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]

(iii) Explain the effect of load shedding on industry and business.

Disruption of electric supply slows down


production activities in vidustries This causes


loss of demand of products Eventually industries


face economic loss and close down This leads


to unemployment and decrease in GDP


........................................................................................................................................................................... [3]

Page 9 of 18
(d) Read the following two views about providing a sufficient and reliable electricity supply for
Pakistan, now and in the future:

i i e

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

Pakistan has a
fast growing population with

increasing demands in every sector like electricity


and industries

Extraction of fossilfuels requires extensive


capital for explosive diggers excavators


and expertise in using them Veryfew


institution in Pakistan offer such technical


education Therefore lack of expertise


leads importing experts incur loss of foreign


exchange and foreign burden


On the other hand


Developing renewable resources


Prevents heavy Import

of coal oil

for powerplants

In fact it provides electricity where natural


grids are not available This way both rural


and urban areas recieve electricity and

........................................................................................................................................................................... [6]

becomeproductive [TOTAL MARKS: 25]

Page 10 of 18
4) (a) Outline two differences of cultivation processes of Rice with wheat grown in Pakistan. [4]

Rice Wheat

Seeds are sown in seeds are sown

It's a in winter It's
Difference Summer
1 a Rabi crop
Kharif crop
Wheat does not
Rice grows in
Difference need a lot of
floodedfields water

b (i) Explain how the natural factors of soil and climate affect the growth of cotton. You should develop
your answer.

Meditoamy soil is best for cotton

Soil: ......................................................................................................................................................................

Marine or should be added


to make the boilfertile or else croup rotation can be

Ideal temp is 25 35 C Mild night temp for
Climate: .................................................................................................................................................................

cotton bolts to develop Sunny days dry for harvesting


Ample showers 1000 in b w

(ii) Explain how the human
offactors of fertilizers and irrigation affect the growth of Sugarcane. You
sunny mm
........................................................................................................................................................................... [4]

should develop your answer.

Sugarconsumes a lot ofnutrients and exhaust the soil Thereforerequires

Fertilizer: ...............................................................................................................................................................

fertilizers containingphosphorous and nitrogen every



Sugarcane requires ample rainfall of

Irrigation: ..............................................................................................................................................................

0500 mm therefore irrigation is required to


bridge the gap and increase production in

........................................................................................................................................................................... [4]

of rainfall Page 11 of 18
c (i) Contrast Rabi crop with Kharif crop grown in Pakistan. [4]
Rabi Crop Kharif Crop

seeds are sown seeds are sown

Contrast 1 in winter in seemmer
Oct NOV May

Contrast 2
dfarvested in Harvested in early
Summer winter
April May Oct Nov

(ii) Number [ ] the following processes in the correct order. [3]

2 1 6
5 3 4

Page 12 of 18
(d) Read the following two views about initiatives that have been implemented to improve agricultural
production in Pakistan.

A) Land reforms have had the most impact B) The use of chemicals has had the most impact
on agricultural production. on agricultural production.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

Use chemicals
eg fertilizers containing
nitrogen and phosphorus causes crops to

grow faster improve yield farmers gain


quick profit Even pesticides and aerial


spray are preventive and curative measures


to preventincuring loss on farmers In fact there


is a sharp increase in food supply and


surplus can be exported


Fertilizers Pesticides


Increase out cure crop deseases


High yield

Food shortage Surplus can be exported


On the other hand


Landreforms implemented by government meet


after failure due to land lords bribing and


manipulating agencies and usingforgeddemos

........................................................................................................................................................................... [6]


Page 13 of 18
5 (a) Study Fig. 5.1, a diagram showing the Demographic Transition Model (DTM).

Fig. 5.1


em see

Natural Population Decrease = D.R > B.R

0083 Natural Decrease

(i) Using Fig. 5.1 only: What is the birth rate at its highest point? .......................................... per thousand 4243
27 5
– What is the death rate at its highest point? ............................................................................ per thousand

– What happens to the total population in stage 2? .................................................................................... [3]

(ii) In 2018 Pakistan’s birth rate was 25 per 1000 and the death rate was 7 per 1000. Using Fig. 5.1,

identify which stage of the DTM Pakistan was at in 2018. Stage …………………………………………... [1]
(iii) On Fig. 5.1, shade a stage of the DTM which shows high natural population increase. [1]

(iv) On Fig. 5.1, using the key, shade the spots of natural population decrease in stage 1 and stage 4.[1]
see 0
(b) (i) State two reasons for high death rate in stages 1 of the DTM.

Lack of health facilities

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................


Natural Calamity like drought floods

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

Page 14 of 18
(ii) State two reasons for a fall in the birth rate in stages 3 of the DTM.

More awareness in femalefor education

1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................


More govt programmes to control overpopulation

2) ...........................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) (i) Outline two push factors of rural areas and two pull factors of urban areas of migration in
Pakistan. [4]

Rural Push Factors Urban Pull Factors

lack of education Better living standards

facilities Eg schools Medical
lack of job opportunities Be or high paid
(ii) Describe the difference between emigration and immigration.

To leave a country and more to another

Emigration: ...........................................................................................................................................................


To move into a
Immigration: .........................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) Describe why seasonal migration occurs in Pakistan.

People practice transhumance due to extreme


climate condition They move from high and


mountains into valleys in winter and go


upland in summer

Seasonal migration also takes place depending


in summels weather is
availability jobs
of mountains hotels flourish Page

pleasant in Northern
peoplemigrate their
15 of 18

(d) Read the following two views about the impact of migration on Pakistan’s future economic

A) The emigration of working – age people B) The immigration of skilled and

from Pakistan will encourage further professional people to Pakistan will
economic development. encourage further economic development.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

A Remittances from People working coi


Middle USA

Increase in Foreign Exchange



Developmental Project Schools industries


Gapt employment

On the other hand



High salary High living standard


Paymentin Consumption

Dollars to Agencies Items



I Agree Decrease in Foreign Exchange


with view A


........................................................................................................................................................................... [6]


Solved By Rasima Adhia Page 16 of 18

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