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Health Information System


The Health System

Health System care offers specialized tests, and tertiary
medical care offers advanced tests
▪ a complex network of organizations,
institutions, resources, and people whose World Health Organization
primary purpose is to improve health
• Defined health system as “all the organizations,
▪ includes everything from hospitals and clinics to institutions, resources, and people whose
health policies and financing mechanisms primary purpose is to improve health.” (WHO,
▪ “The combination of resources, organization,
financing, and management that culminate in o includes manpower, good infrastructure,
the delivery of health services to the and adequate funding
Goals and Functions
o Dr. Milton Roemer, 1991
Three Main Goals of a Health System
Roemer Model of Health Service System
1. Improving the health of populations
o the overarching goal
o involves the screening, prevention, and
o striving for equity in health through
minimizing inequitable health disparities
such as income, ethnicity, occupation,
gender, geographic location, and sexual
▪ Organization of programs orientation
o composed of the Ministry of Health 2. Improving the responsiveness of the
(Department of Health), voluntary population system to the population it
agencies (Philippine Red Cross), and serves
both private and public healthcare
facilities o aims for a healthy community with a low
mortality rate and high life expectancy
▪ Management
• vaccinations
o involves health planning, administration, Preventive
• health education
coordination, legislation, and regulation Care
• disease prevention measures
▪ Economic support Curative • providing effective medical
Services treatments to cure diseases
o comes from charity, insurance, and social Health • encouraging a healthy
security Promotion lifestyle
• ensuring the proper
▪ Resource Production
Chronic management and care if
o involves manpower, facilities, and Disease chronic illnesses to prevent
knowledge Management complications and improve
quality of life
▪ Delivery of Services • be aware of current statistics
Monitor and
o the provision of successful tests wherein and data of illnesses,
especially chronic diseases
primary care offers basic tests, secondary
• ensuring the health system 2. Health service inputs
Respect treats the individual with
Persons o the assembling of essential resources for
dignity, respect, and
confidentiality delivering health services
• providing the care that is o includes health professionals such as
Patient- respectful of and responsive doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and
centered Care to the needs and values of medical technologists as well as support
the individual
staff and administrators
• immediate provision of
Timely Access results for an efficient and o also includes medications and medical
effective treatment equipments
Quality of Care • maintaining high standard
3. Stewardship
Cultural • respect the beliefs and
Sensitivity values of individuals o involves the oversight, policy-making, and
Engagement • involving individuals and strategic direction necessary to guide the
and community in the planning health system and ensure its
Empowerment and decision-making accountability and responsiveness
o usually a governmental responsibility
3. Fairness in financial contribution
4. Health financing
o using the Universal Health Coverage
o involves the generation, allocation, and
o ensuring that all individuals have access management of funds to ensure that
to necessary services without suffering health services are provided effectively
financial hardship and equitably
• allocating resources and • collection of money to pay for
Fair Distribution
services to diminish health health care services
of Resources
• mechanisms include general
• ensuring accessibility to taxation, donor financing,
medicine and laboratory Revenue
Affordability mandatory payroll contributions,
tests to all individuals, no Collection
mandatory or voluntary risk-rated
matter the economic status contributions, direct household
Social • addressing broader social out-of-pocket expenditures, and
Determinants of factors affecting health other forms of personal savings
Health equity • collection and management of
financial resources in a way that
Four Vital Health System Functions spreads financial risk from an
individual to all pool members
1. Health service provision (WHO, 2000)
• financial risk pooling is the core
o most visible product of the healthcare function of health insurance
system mechanisms
o involves provision of health services to Risk • Bismarck Model
individuals and populations ensuring that Pooling - Bismarck’s Law of Health
Insurance of 1883
they are available, accessible, high-
- Otto von Bismarck,
quality, and patient-centered
Prussian Chancellor
o the health system must consist of - uses an insurance system
adequate numbers of manpower, training where the sickness fund
and education, equitable distributions, finances both the
motivations and retentions, and task employers and employees
- observed in Germany,
France, Belgium,
Netherlands, Japan, o provide essential information for decision-
Switzerland, and Latin making and policy-developing
• Beveridge Model ▪ Medical Products, Vaccines, and
- Beveridge Report or Social Technologies
Insurance and Allied o ensuring that essential medicine and
Services of 1942
health technologies are available,
- William Beveridge
affordable, and high-quality which is
- health care is provided and
funded by the government accessible to the public
through tax payments ▪ Financing
- used in Great Britain,
Spain, Scandinavia, New o involves generating, allocating, and
Zealand, Hongkong, and managing financing resources to ensure
Cuba that health services are available and
• risk-pooling organizations use accessible to the public
collected funds and pooled
Strategic ▪ Leadership and Governance
financial resources to finance
health care services for the o oversight regulation and strategic
direction of health system to ensure that
operates effectively, transparently, and in
WHO Health System Framework the best interest of the populations
▪ Improved Health (Level and Equity)
▪ Responsiveness
▪ Social and Financial Risk Protection
▪ Improved Efficiency
Philippine Health System
Building Blocks
▪ Service Delivery
o timely delivery of quality and cost-
effective or personal and non-personal
health services to those who need them,
when and where needed, with minimum
waste of resources
▪ Health Workforce
o encompasses all individuals who are
engaged in actions including health Historical Background
professionals, administrators, staff, and ▪ 1979
support workers to achieve the best
outcome of health services given the o Adoption of Primary Health Care (LOI
available resources and circumstances 949)

▪ Information o promoted participatory management of

the local health care system
o collects, analyze, and disseminate data
which is related to the health status, ▪ 1982
services, and system o Reorganization of DOH (EO 851)
o to enhance the efficiency and o promotes and ensures access to
effectiveness of delivering health services affordable quality drugs and medicines for
o integrated public health and hospital
services ▪ 2010
▪ 1988 o Kalusugang Pangkalahatan or Universal
Health Care (AO 2010-0036)
o The Generics Act (RA 6675)
o universal health coverage and access to
o prescriptions are written using the generic
quality health cate for all Filipinos (ex.
name of the drug in an attempt to lower
Malasakit Centers)
expenditure on drugs by promoting and
encouraging non-branded medicines Department of Health Tasks
▪ 1991 1. Development of plans, guidelines, and
standards for the health sector
o Local Government Code (RA 7160)
2. Technical assistance
o governs the organizational structures and
responsibility of Local Government Units 3. Capacity building
o transfer of responsibility of health services 4. Advisory services for disease prevention; and
provisions to the LGUs
5. Control of medical supplies and vaccines
▪ 1995
Local Government Units
o National Health Insurance Act (RA 7875)
▪ take care of their own health services and are
o establish the National Health Insurance given autonomy under the Local Government
Program to provide all citizens a Code (LOGC) of 1991 (RA 7160)
mechanism for financial protection with
▪ composed of:
priority given to the poor
o 78 provincial governors
▪ 1999
o 138 city mayors
o Health Sector Reform Agenda
o 1,496 municipal mayors
o set of policies, strategies, and actions
which aims to improve the efficiency, o 42,025 barangay chairpersons
effectiveness, equity, and sustainability of
the country’s health system o grouped into 17 regions

o major organizational restructuring of the

DOH to improve the way health care is
delivered, regulated, and financed
▪ 2005
o FOURmula One (F1) for Health
o adoption of operational framework to
undertake reforms with speed, precision,
and effective coordination
▪ 2008
o Universally Accessible Cheaper and
Quality Medicines Act of 2008 (RA 9502)

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