UG Eng Pre Qualifiers CED

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PART B- Program information as per point A11

(To be filled separately for all the programs applied for)

B1. Provide separate Information for each program applied for (including shifts if any):-

Name of
program to Initial
Name of the Name of Year Increase/ Year of AICTE Accreditation
be Intake
Department the decrease in increase Approval Status*
considered of
program intake, if any Letter
s running No.
(mention the No.
of seats
Civil Engineering B.Tech (Civil B.Tech (Civil 1985 20 YES Yes
Engineering), Engineering)
Table B1
Note: Please mention all increase intake starting from the first increase for all programs
* Write applicable one:

• Applying first time

• Granted provisional accreditation for two/three years for the period (specify period)
• Granted accreditation for 5/ 6 years for the period (specify period) (2006-09,
2019-22, 2022-25)
• Not accredited (specify visit dates, year)
• Withdrawn (specify visit dates, year)
• Not eligible for accreditation
• Eligible but not applied

B2. Student Admissions (Program specific):-

Years CAY 2024- CAYm1 CAYm2 2022- CAYm3 2021-

25 2023-24 23 22

Sanctioned intake of the program (N) 60+12+3 60+4+3 60+4+3

Total number of students admitted in 74+2 65+1 66+1

first year (N1)
Number of students admitted in 2nd NA 6 6
year in the same batch via lateral
entry (N2)
Total number of students admitted in 76 72 73
the Program (N1 + N2)
% of Students Admitted over the previous three academic years starting 100%
from CAYm1 (Total Admitted/Sanctioned Intake):
Kindly note that the years mention here is for example only, institute is required to consider the academic years as per the definition
of CAY given in the document and according to the prevailing year. The % of student admitted in the program is to be restricted
upto 100%.
Table B2.1

CAY: Current Academic Year

CAYm1: Current Academic Year minus 1= Current Assessment Year
CAYm2: Current Academic Year minus 2= Current Assessment Year minus1
CAYm3: Current Academic Year minus 3= Current Assessment Year minus2
B3. Information of Faculty

Please provide the list of faculty in the Department as per the below format separately (year wise)
for each year under consideration

AEYP Professor
P143 Ph. Remote 29/4/ 29/4/200
1. Virendr Y Regular - NO
8H D Sensing 1991 9
a Pathak
AFQP Professor
Dr. J. B. 30/6
S429 Ph. Transportatio 5/2/2
2. Srivasta 5/2/2004 N Regular - /202
9J D n Engineering 004
va 3
AJTP Professor
Dr. 30/6
S126 Ph. Transportatio 23/4/ 29/12/20
3. A.K. N Regular - /202
4N D n Engineering 1986 11
Shukla 3
ABN Professor
Dr. 30/6
PK40 Ph. Hydraulics 14/4/ 11/11/20
4. M.Z. N Regular - /202
84G D Engineering 1991 07
Khan 3
Prince M.T Structural Assistant 16/09/ Contractu FULL
5. Y100 NA Y NO
Yadav ech Engineering Professor 2021 al TIME
Anand BGG Scholar 22/9/ 21/9
M.T Structural Contractu FULL
6. PV63 NA N /202
ech Engineering 2020 al TIME
61L 3

Rakesh PK51 Scholar 22/9/
M.T Geotechnical Contractu FULL 1/9/
7. Kumar 78A NA N
ech Engineering 2020 al TIME 2023
Seismic Research
Vikash PS61 Scholar 22/9/
M.T Design and Contractu FULL 1/9/
8. Singh 36Q NA N
ech Earthquake 2020 al TIME 2023
FKXP Geo Scholar 15/04 15/4
Ajay M.T Contractu FULL
9. K880 Informatics NA N /202
Kumar ech /2021 al TIME
1B Engineering 4

GECP Scholar 15/04 15/4
Sumit M.T Environmenta Contractu FULL
10. S035 NA N /202
Singh ech l Engineering /2021 al TIME
6R 4

ANR Scholar 03/12
Rinki M.T Structural Contractu FULL
11. PV86 NA Y NO
Verma ech Engineering /2021 al TIME

Varteeka CGP0 Scholar 16/07
M.T Environmenta Contractu FULL
12. Punja 0024 NA Y NO
ech l Engineering /2022 al TIME

Pallavi M.T Environmenta Scholar 16/07 Contractu FULL
13. PS90 NA Y NO
Singh ech l Engineering /2022 al TIME

PG5 M.T Geotechnical Research 16/07/ Contractu FULL
14. Gangwar 643K NA Y NO
ech Engineering Scholar 2022 al TIME

DGIP Contruction Professor 05/12 11/0
Sushant M.T FULL
15. K137 Technology NA N Adjunct 8/20
Kumar ech /2022 TIME
5M Management 23

AOQ Professor 05/12 11/0
Vineet M.T Geotechnical FULL
16. PJ98 NA Y Adjunct 8/20
Jain 54H ech Engineering /2022 TIME

GUU 11/0
Asit M.T Environmenta Assistant 05/12/ FULL
17. PS52 NA Y Adjunct 8/20
Singh ech l Engineering Professor 2022 TIME
15M 23
Amaren DOB Professor 05/12 11/0
M.T Environmenta FULL
18. dra PS97 NA N Adjunct 8/20
ech l Engineering /2022 TIME
Singh 76H 23

Anjali CWH M.T Structural Assistant 05/12/ FULL

19. PR1 NA Y Adjunct NO
Rai 700F ech Engineering Professor 2022 TIME
Abhishe CFXP
M.T Structural Assistant 05/12/ FULL
20. k M48 NA Y Adjunct NO
ech Engineering Professor 2022 TIME
Mishra 39R


AEYP Professor
P143 Ph. Remote 29/4/ 29/4/200
1. Virendr Y Regular - NO
8H D Sensing 1991 9
a Pathak
Prince M.T Structural Assistant 16/09/ Contractu FULL
2. Y100 NA Y NO
Yadav ech Engineering Professor 2021 al TIME
Anjali CWH M.T Structural Assistant 05/12/ Contractu FULL
3. PR1 NA Y NO
Rai 700F ech Engineering Professor 2022 al TIME
Abhishe CFXP
M.T Structural Assistant 05/12/ Contractu FULL
4. k M48 NA Y NO
ech Engineering Professor 2022 al TIME
Mishra 39R
Asit M.T Environmenta Assistant 31/08/ Contrac FULL
5. PS52 NA Y NO
Singh ech l Engineering Professor 2023 tual TIME
AOQ Professor
Vineet M.T Geotechnical 31/08 Contrac FULL
6. PJ98 NA Y NO
Jain 54H ech Engineering /2023 tual TIME

Sachin DSJ Ph. Structural Assistant 31/08/ Contractu FULL
7. PS44 NA Y NO
kumar 75M D Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME
sh M.T Environmenta Assistant 31/08/ Contractu FULL
8. S524 NA Y NO
kumar 6N ech l Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME
Arpit KQX M.T Infrastructural Assistant 31/08/ Contractu FULL
9. PS90 NA Y NO
Shukla 60M ech Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME

Agrita JVD M.T Transportatio Assistant 31/08/ Contractu FULL

10. PS19 NA Y NO
Singh 30Q ech n Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME

Alok BEG M.T Geotechnical Assistant 05/11/ Contractu FULL

11. PG5 NA Y NO
Gautam 627C ech Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME
Prabhat CTL Ph. Environmenta Assistant 31/08/ Contractu FULL
12. PP29 NA Y NO
Kumar 70E D l Engineering Professor 2023 al TIME
GDE Transportatio
h M.T Assistant 01/03/ FULL
13. PK15 n Systems NA Y Adjunct NO
Kasoun 78J ech Professor 2024 TIME
ANR Scholar 03/12
Rinki M.T Structural Contractu FULL
14. PV86 NA Y NO
Verma ech Engineering /2021 al TIME

Varteeka CGP0 Scholar 16/07
M.T Environmenta Contractu FULL
15. Punja 0024 NA Y NO
ech l Engineering /2022 al TIME

Pallavi M.T Environmenta Scholar 16/07 Contractu FULL
16. PS90 NA Y NO
Singh ech l Engineering /2022 al TIME

PG5 M.T Geotechnical Research 16/07/ Contractu FULL
17. Gangwar 643K NA Y NO
ech Engineering Scholar 2022 al TIME

Table B3.1

B3.1. No. of the Available Faculty

Number of Faculty in the Department for both

UG and PG
No. Designation/Numbers
CAY (2024- CAYm1
25) (2023-24)
1. Professor
2. Associate Professor
3. Assistant Professor
Number of Ph.D.* 3
(as per the AICTE norms)
Kindly note that the years mention here is for example only, institute is required to consider the academic years as per the definition
of CAY given in the document and according to the prevailing year..
Table B3.1

*At least two Professors or one Professor and one Associate Professor should be available
exclusively for the department of the program under consideration

B3.2. Detail of Head of the Department for the program under consideration:

Name:- Dr. Virendra Pathak

Qualification:- Ph.D

Ph.D. √
B4. Student Faculty Ratio (No. of Faculty as per the sanctioned intake):- (To
be calculated at Department Level)
No. of UG Programs in the Department (n): 1

No. of PG Programs in the Department (m): 2

No. of Students in UG 2nd Year= 81
No. of Students in UG Year= 66
No. of Students in UG 4 Year= 69

No. of Students in PG 1st Year= 38

No. of Students in PG 2nd Year= 37
No. of Students = Sanctioned Intake + Actual admitted lateral entry student

(The above data to be provided considering all the UG and PG programs of the department)

S=Number of Students in the Department = U1 + U2 + U3 + P1 + P2

F = Total Number of Faculty Members in the Department (excluding first year faculty)

Year CAY (2024-25) CAYm1(2023-24) CAYm2(2022-23)

u1.1 81 66 69
u1.2 66 69 69
u1.3 69 69 71
UG 216 204 209
p1.1 19 19 13
p1.2 19 12 19
PG1 38 31 32
p2.1 19 19 18
p2.2 18 18 19
PG2 37 37 37
PG(PG1+PG 75 68 69
Total No. of Students in the 291 272 278
Department (S)
No. of Faculty in the
18(14+4) 16(12+4) 14(5+9)
Department (F)
Student Faculty Ration 16.17 17 19.86

Average SFR 17.68

Table B4.1

Note: All the faculty whether regular or contractual (except part-time or hourly based), will be considered. The
contractual faculty appointed with any terminology whatsoever, who have taught for 2 consecutive semesters with
or without break between the 2 semesters in corresponding academic year on full-time basis shall be considered
for the purpose of calculation in the faculty student ratio. However, following will be ensured in case of contractual

1. Shall have the AICTE prescribed qualifications and experience.

2. Shall be appointed on full time basis and worked for consecutive two semesters with or without break
between the 2 semesters during the particular academic year under consideration.
3. Should have gone through an appropriate process of selection and the records of the same shall be made
available to the visiting team during NBA visit.
Compliance status to Pre-Visit Qualifiers

S.N. Pre-Visit Qualifiers Current Status Status
Complied/Not Complied

Essential qualifiers
Vision, Mission & PEOs YES COMPLIED
i. Are the Vision & Mission of the Department
stated in the Prospectus / Website?
ii. Are the PEOs of the Program listed in the
Prospectus / Website?

2 Whether approval of the competent authority

(Approval of AICTE/ UGC/ BoG of Universities/ YES COMPLIED
Deemed Universities etc.) for the programs
under consideration has been obtained for all
the years including current year
Whether the admissions in the UG program is COMPLIED
more than or equal to 60 per cent, averaged 100%
over three academic years (including lateral
entry), i.e., Current Academic Year minus One
(CAYm1), Current Academic Year minus Two
(CAYm2) and Current Academic Year minus
Three (CAYM3).
4 Whether faculty student ratio in the
department under consideration is better than COMPLIED
1: 17.68
or equal to 1:25 averaged over CAY, CAYm1
and CAYm2
5 Whether at least two Professors or one
Professor and one Associate Professor on NO NOT COMPLIED
regular basis with Ph.D. degree is available in
the respective Department for CAY and CAYm1.
6 Whether number of available PhDs in the
department is greater than or equal to 20% of YES COMPLIED
the required number of faculty averaged for
CAY and CAYm1.
Whether two batches have passed out in the YES COMPLIED
programs under consideration
Whether HODs possess Ph.D. degrees for the YES COMPLIED
programs under consideration

Desirable parameters
1 Whether department has program assessment
and quality improvement committee. If so, its NO NOT COMPLIED
constitution and mandate.
2 Whether the departments under consideration
receives separately earmarked funds for NO NOT COMPLIED
i. Maintenance of Laboratory/computational
facilities(recurring funds)
ii. Up-gradation of laboratory/ computation
facilities(non-recurring funds)
*Total number of students admitted in first year minus number of students migrated to other institutions, plus
the number of students migrated to this institution divided by the sanctioned intake.

**Total number of students admitted in first year in the respective program minus number of students migrated
to other programs/ institutions plus the number of students migrated to this program divided by the sanctioned intake
in the respective program.

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