Credit R
Credit R
Credit R
December 2023
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................... 3
3. SCOPE OF THE POLICY: ............................................................................................................... 3
4. CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK .............................................................................. 4
4.1 Credit Risk Management Structure ............................................................................................... 4
4.2 The Board of Directors ................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Risk Management Committee of the Board (RMCB): ................................................................... 4
4.4 Credit Risk Management Division (CRMD) ................................................................................. 5
5. CREDIT RISK ASSESSMENT - POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ...................................................... 5
5.1 Credit Risk Assessment Process .................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Risk Identification ......................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Credit Risk Measurement Parameters .......................................................................................... 6
5.4 Credit Risk Assessment (CRA) Models ......................................................................................... 7
6. CREDIT PORTFOLIO MONITORING ............................................................................................ 7
6.1 Credit Audit ................................................................................................................................... 8
7. CREDIT RISK CONTROL AND REPORTING ................................................................................. 9
7.1 Prudential Exposure Norms. ......................................................................................................... 9
7.2 Restrictions of lending: ............................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Restrictions relating to security for lending................................................................................ 10
7.4 Industry Research & Restricted Sectors ..................................................................................... 10
7.5 Rating-wise Exposure Ceilings ................................................................................................... 10
8. RISK REPORTING ....................................................................................................................... 11
9. POLICY REVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 11
10. VALIDITY/AUTHORITY OF THE POLICY .................................................................................. 11
1. Introduction
Credit risk is the potential of loss due to failure of the borrower to meet its contractual obligation
to repay debt in accordance with the agreed terms. The effective management of credit risk is a
critical component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential for the long-
term success of any financial organization. Financial organization's risk-adjusted rate of return by
maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. RBI has directed all NBFCs to
devise a risk management framework oriented towards their requirements, dictated by size,
complexity of business, risk philosophy, marketing perception, etc.
2. Objective
a) To take informed credit decisions based on adequate assessment of the relevant factors
involved in credit risk.
b) To screen credit proposals and assume only such credit risk that is acceptable to KSIDC as
per the Credit Risk Assessment guidelines.
c) To ensure diversification of the credit portfolio, by avoiding concentration in credit
exposures to individual/group borrowers, industry/sector etc. well within the RBI/KSIDC’s
prudential exposure norms and taking proactive and corrective action in the event of a likely
d) To attain and maintain standards of good practices in respect of credit risk management.
e) To monitor the quality of the portfolio at periodic intervals and suggesting mitigating
measures to prevent slippage in credit quality.
f) To enable risk-based pricing that facilitates optimization of the risk-return profile.
g) Compliance of applicable norms/guidelines/ policies concerning credit risk management as
specified by RBI and other regulatory authorities of NBFCs.
In respect of credit risk management, the RMCB shall have the followings responsibilities:
(a) To formulate the broad framework of the credit risk management system, which shall be
adopted, on approval of the Board of Directors. The CRMD shall monitor the credit
management system periodically and CCO shall ensure the compliance of the credit
management system on credit proposals for approval and sanction of Board/EC/MD.
(b) Modification of the guidelines for Risk Management System and prudential
exposure/concentration limits etc. (individual/ group borrowers, industries, sectors from
time to time, if required, to take care of the changing business environment, which will
be implemented by CRMD on approval of the Board of Directors.
(c) To update the Board at periodic intervals with KSIDC's credit risk exposure profiles-
concentration risk (borrower groups/industries/location/sectors), risk rating of the
obligors and to recommend corrective measures, if needed.
(d) To review the risk analysis reports from CRMD and provide necessary guidance for
future analysis.
(e) Approving exceptions to risk exposure/ limits, including Delegation of Powers approved
by the Board of Directors
(f) To ensure that the credit functions are managed in compliance with the extant Credit
Lending Policy of KSIDC.
The credit risk would reflect the risks involved both in the borrower and in the facility being
considered and would represent an evaluation of the credit customer's intrinsic strengths and
weaknesses. The proposals are assessed on the following parameters:
i. Entrepreneur Assessment
ii. Technical analysis for project feasibility
iii. Market Assessment and commercial viability
iv. Financial viability assessment including sensitivity analysis
v. SWOT analysis in case of loans above Rs. 5 crores.
5.2 Risk Identification
Identification of risk is the first step in the Credit Risk assessment system. The credit risk
inherent in credit proposal is a function of certain risk factors, such as function of certain factors,
some of which are specified below: -
• Financial Risk - This would include assessment of the entity's overall financial strength
based on performance and financial indicators, as derived from its financial statements-
historical and projected. Some of the key parameters would be:
• Debt Equity Ratio
• Interest Coverage Ratio
• Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
• Current Ratio
• Fixed Asset Coverage Ratio
• Security margin
• Profit Volume/Contribution Ratio
• Cash Profit & Net Profit Ratio
• Break-Even Analysis
• Payback period
• Return on Capital Employed
• Return on Investment
• Internal Rate of Return
While assessing the overall financial strength of the unit, the financial ratios and future
prospects of the unit would be considered.
• Business risk: Business risk analysis assesses the business fundamentals of the unit, the
competitive market position in the industry and its operational efficiency. Key factors
would include its geographic reach, distribution and selling arrangements, capacity
utilization, nature of the technology employed. The business risk associated with the unit
would be reflected in its financial risk ratios and their comparison with the industry
average, which are covered under financial risk parameters.
• Industry Risk: This relates to the industry of which the unit is a constituent. The unit/
firm will be subject to the risk factors to which the industry is exposed. In assessing the
industry risk, the key parameters would be competition, entry barriers, cyclicality,
industry outlook, regulatory risk/ government policies and other contemporary issues.
• Management Risk: It involves evaluation of the management of the enterprise, their risk
philosophy, competence and past track record. The key parameters are the integrity
(corporate governance), managerial competence and commitment, credibility (ability to
meet the sales/income and profit projections), payment track record, management system,
capability of the management to bailout the entity in case of distress, and the structure and
length of relationship with KSIDC.
• Transaction Specific Risk/Security Risk:The risk parameters would be tenor of the
facility, nature of the security, value of the security and type of the charge over the
• Project Related Risk: This risk would apply only to project loans, as distinct from
corporate loans. The key parameters for risk assessment would be completion risk,
technology risk, environment risk, market/supplier risk, availability of raw
material/power/utilities, project execution & management capability etc.
In line with Ind AS 109 requirements and extant RBI guidelines, as the Institution moves from
current scoring model towards the Advanced Approaches for Credit Risk Management, with
sufficient credit history, it would be necessary to correctly measure PD, EAD, LGD, EL & UL
for determining the extant of capital to be maintained for credit risk. These would be computed
after generating sufficient historical data. For the existing loans, sufficient information from the
date of sanction is available with KSIDC. The projects finance division shall collect the required
data from assisted units on a quarterly basis as well as collate information from Credit
Information Utilities for a continuous evaluation of risks associated with loan exposures.
Project Finance Division shall review the data and make use in the credit risk measurement of
proposals and also for monitoring credit exposures for appropriate risk mitigation actions.
Priority sector related proposals would continue to be examined, in terms of the risk-rating
module developed and implemented in KSIDC. The internal risk-rating module evaluates each
proposal for various risks, such as industry business risk, project risk, management risk, external
risk as also security available, income value to KSIDC, profitability/ financial projections, etc.
All proposals are scrutinized for various parameters as laid down under the module which assigns
score on a scale of 1 to 100.
The rates are worked out based on the following parameters and scoring methodology;
1. Line of Experience
2. Proposed Business Activity
3. Debt Equity Ratio
4. Value of tangible securities in proportion to the loan
5. Past Performance in terms of turnover growth, profit growth, return on equity
6. Track record with Bank/FIs
7. Repayment period of the loan
8. Profitability indicators like Payback Period, DSCR
In case of exposure in excess of Rs. 25 crores, external rating from any of the RBI approved
Credit Rating Agency is made mandatory.
6. Credit Portfolio Monitoring
As per RBI guidelines on risk management for NBFCs, the company should evolve proper
systems for identification of credit weaknesses well in advance. Project Finance Division shall
ensure periodic visit to loanee units and undertake performance review, financial health review,
management review and security coverage review. Slippages from SMA 0 to SMA 1 shall be
trigger point for field inspections and reporting. Slippages from STD to Substandard shall have
mandatory Default Review Meeting by divisional head for immediate actions. Each divisional
head (AGM/DGM) shall have a monthly review on all exposures under their monitoring and
shall provide a consolidated action taken report to General Manger of Project Finance Division.
The functional head (GM) shall review all exposures on a quarterly basis for appropriate recover
measures in the case of loan slippages. The slippages shall be analysed and reported to ALCO
and Executive Committee on a quarterly basis. The summary of slippages shall also be reported
to Board along with agenda on Quarterly Performance reporting.
It is proposed to nominate an officer in the Manager cadre and above to act as the Credit Auditor.
The scope of Credit Audit shall include:
• Audit examination of the Approval/Sanction Process
• Adherence to policies and procedures stipulated by KSIDC
• Compliance with RBI regulatory guidelines and loan covenants
• Sufficiency of loan documents and security creation.
• Post-sanction follow-up and supervision
• Effectiveness of credit monitoring and control
• Early warning signals
• Asset quality and portfolio concentration.
Following shall be parameters for the selection of cases for Credit Audit:
i. All first and final disbursed loans sanctioned by EC & Board
ii. All slippages from Standard to Substandard category
iii. All slippages from Substandard to D1 category
iv. Loan outstanding > 5 Cr – On sample basis under direction of CFO
v. Loan outstanding =< 5 Cr – On sample basis under direction of CFO
The reports of the Credit Auditor categorised under High/Medium/Low shall be submitted to
the CFO and MD. The summary reports shall be placed before the Executive Committee &
Audit Committee by MD. The Credit Audit report may be the basis for Policy amendments,
compliance check, improvements in SOP, internal systems & control etc. After credit audit of
an account, any major change in financials, conduct of account, management, security,
additional liability, etc. in such accounts, would be tracked and reported to higher authorities
by monitoring division. In case where additional loan is sanctioned to an existing borrower and
credit audit for earlier facility has already been carried out, the credit audit would be carried out
once again on full disbursement of additional loan. The credit audit in such cases would include
the existing loan(s) of such borrower.
The undisbursed commitment should also be reckoned for arriving at the exposure. KSIDC
would continue to work within the exposure ceiling fixed as above in respect of individual
borrower as well as group, while considering the proposal(s) for financial assistance. The
exposure ceiling would be revised annually based on the owned funds of KSIDC, as on the year
ending, after the finalization of accounts.
Definition of Group
In terms of RBI guidelines, "Companies in group" shall mean an arrangement involving two
or more entities related to each other through any of the following relationship: subsidiary-
parent(defined in terms of IND AS 110), Associate(defined in terms of IND AS 27), Joint
venture(defined in terms of IND AS 27/IND AS 111), promoter-promotee (as provided in the
SEBI (Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997), related party(defined in terms
of IND AS 24), common brand name and investment in equity shares of 20% and above.
The concept of 'Group' and the task of identification of the borrowers belonging to specific
industrial groups are left to the perception of the banks/ financial institutions. Banks/financial
institutions are generally aware of the basic constitution of their clientele for the purpose of
regulating their exposure to risk assets. The group to which a particular borrowing unit
belongs, can be decided by them on the basis of the relevant information available with them,
the guiding principle being Commonality of management and effective control.
8. Risk Reporting
Project finance division shall examine the credit risk exposures of KSIDC on a regular basis and
shall furnish report to ALCO for a periodic review. The annual review report on credit risk
exposure shall be placed before the RMCB and Board of Directors. While the reports may vary
based on the Institution's Risk Profile and regulatory requirements, they shall include the
a) Prudential Exposure Norms Status Report
b) Monitoring of in-house Exposure Norms, if any
c) Risk based analysis of KSIDCs Credit Portfolio
d) Review of Industry/Sector wise exposures
9. Policy Review
The CRM Policy would ideally be reviewed on an annual basis. However, the policy can be
reviewed at short notice depending on the exigencies/ extraordinary situations, which may
emanate during the course of KSIDCs business. Such extraordinary situations may include
significant changes in Government/ Reserve Bank of India policies, global/national macro-
economic conditions, financial performance, etc.
Being a developmental finance institution of the State and a Government company, the priorities
and the schemes announced by Government will have to be incorporated in policy document as
and when required.