A. Attendance Marks – 25
Grading with the corresponding marks: Excellent (6), Very Good (5), Good (4), Average (3), Below
Average (0).
On the basis of record such as case Book, Case Diary, Field Diary, etc. Where ever applicable, marks
will have to be given
1. The extent to which the employee take his/her job :
2. The quality of maintenance of the work diary / Case :
diary / Case Book / Note Book / Field diary etc. as
3. The quantum of disposal of allotted work promptly :
and completely
4. The capability of completing the work in time or :
within justifiably extra time
5. The capacity of the employee to inspire public :
6. Quality of disposal of work of the employee :
7. Knowledge of the employee regarding office :
procedure, Rules, Regulations and Instructions in
general and with reference to work of the Post/Office
8. Ability to apply relevant Rules and Regulations :
9. Capacity of examining cases thoroughly :
10. Capacity and resourcefulness of the employee in :
handling normal as well as unforeseen problems /
situations and willingness to take new challenges
Signature of the employee with date
Part – II: Appraisal of Accountability & Integrity of Group – ‘B’ & Group – ‘C’ Employees
C. Accountability Marks – 15
Grading with the corresponding marks: - Excellent (5) / Very Good (4) / Good (3) / Average (2) /
Below Average (0).
1. Reliability in carrying out instructions :
2. Sense of responsibility, ability to judge urgency of a :
case and responsiveness to such urgency
3. Behavior with colleagues and members of public :
D. Assessment of Integrity
(If anything adverse has come to notice, please specify it also).
Marks – Obtained
Part – I :
Part – II :
Total :