Methodology For BIM Implementation in KS-1-110
Methodology For BIM Implementation in KS-1-110
Methodology For BIM Implementation in KS-1-110
BIM is rapidly growing worldwide as a viable tool for improving the efficiency of
(AEC) industry. However, BIM is rarely used in the KSA. The proved benefits of
implementing BIM in the developed countries, gave evidence that, BIM requires
drastic change and there is no recognized methodology to solicit companies to
use BIM. However, from these countries, experience BIM must be mandated.
There are some timid attempts to decree BIM in the Gulf Council Countries
(GCC) region, whereas in 2014, Dubai Municipality mandate BIM in the large
The key findings of this study are: (1) Identifying the six steps of the
methodology in details in its order to implement BIM; (2) Raising awareness; (3)
Perceived benefits of BIM; (4) AEC industry readiness and organizations
capability; (5) identifying the barriers; (6) Removing the barriers; and (7) Defining
the key factors influencing the implementation. The results of this research are
expected to assist all projects participants in KSA to implement BIM to solve the
current AEC industry projects issues, improve the performance of the project and
reap the benefits of implementing BIM. This study is the first research to make a
crucial and novel contribution by providing a methodology to implement BIM in
KSA. Future studies can validate the methodology for each project parties.
2.18.6 Lack of skilled resources and complexity of BIM software...........60
2.18.7 Financial Issues:..........................................................................60
2.18.8 Unclear Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)...................................61
2.18.9 AEC Traditional procurement methodology.................................61
2.18.10 Doubts about Return on Investment............................................61
2.18.11 Legal (or contractual) issues........................................................62
2.19 Motivations for BIM implementation in KSA...........................................62
2.20 Key factors influence BIM implementation.............................................62
2.21 AEC industry and organizational internal readiness..............................66
2.22 Suggested strategies and Methodologies for BIM implementation........66
2.23 The future of BIM in the KSA.................................................................67
2.24 Knowledge Gaps...................................................................................67
Chapter 3: Research Methodology and Data Collection..............................69
3.1 Method of data collection.......................................................................69
3.1.1 The Population and Sample Size....................................................72
3.2 Reliability and testing the questionnaire data........................................73
3.2.1 Reliability.........................................................................................73
3.2.2 Correlation.......................................................................................74
3.3 Respondents General information.........................................................75
Chapter 4: Results analysis............................................................................80
4.1 Questionnaire.........................................................................................80
4.1.1 Respondents information about BIM...............................................81
4.1.2 Perceived benefits of BIM...............................................................83
4.1.3 Identified the Barriers......................................................................94
4.1.4 Key Factors influence the adoption...............................................108
4.2 Interviews.............................................................................................117
4.2.1 Raising the awareness about BIM.................................................117
4.2.2 Perceived benefits of BIM.............................................................119
4.2.3 Identifying the barriers...................................................................121
4.2.4 Removing barriers.........................................................................123
4.2.5 Key Factors influence BIM implementation...................................123
4.2.6 AEC industry readiness and organizations capability....................125
Chapter 5: Proposed model for BIM implementation.................................126
5.1 Developing the hypothesizes...............................................................131
5.1.1 Raising awareness (independent variable):..................................131
5.1.2 The perceived benefits of BIM (independent variable):.................131
5.1.3 Barriers to implementing BIM (independent variable):..................132
5.1.4 Remove the barriers to implementing BIM (independent
5.1.5 Key factors influence the BIM adoption (independent variable):.. .132
5.1.6 The KSA AEC industry readiness and organisations capability
(independent variable):.................................................................132
5.1.7 Implementation of BIM in the KSA AEC industry (The dependent
5.2 Model validation...................................................................................133
5.2.1 Questionnaire................................................................................133
5.2.2 Interviews......................................................................................141
Chapter 6: Conclusions.................................................................................144
6.1 Raising BIM awareness.......................................................................144
6.1.1 BIM definition.................................................................................144
6.1.2 Comparison among BIM and traditional methods.........................145
6.1.3 BIM deliverables............................................................................145
6.1.4 BIM dimensions.............................................................................145
6.1.5 BIM maturity levels........................................................................145
6.1.6 How BIM works.............................................................................145
6.1.7 BIM applications............................................................................145
6.1.8 Integration with BIM.......................................................................146
6.1.9 BIM status globally and lessons learned from countries using BIM
6.1.10 BIM software..............................................................................146
6.1.11 Roles and responsibilities of BIM specialist...............................147
6.1.12 BIM SWOT analysis...................................................................147
6.2 Perceived benefits of BIM....................................................................147
6.2.1 Client perspective..........................................................................147
6.2.2 Designer perspective.....................................................................147
6.2.3 Contractor perspective..................................................................147
6.2.4 Shared benefits (to all participants)...............................................148
6.3 the AEC industry readiness and organizations capabilities..................148
6.4 Identification of the barriers:.................................................................148
6.4.1 Personal barriers...........................................................................148
6.4.2 Process barriers............................................................................148
6.4.3 Business barriers...........................................................................149
6.4.4 Technical barriers..........................................................................149
6.4.5 Organization barriers.....................................................................149
6.4.6 Market barriers..............................................................................149
6.5 Removing the barriers..........................................................................149
6.6 Key factors influence the adoption.......................................................149
6.6.1 External push................................................................................150
6.6.2 Internal push..................................................................................150
6.7 Final methodology for implementing BIM.............................................150
Limitation and assumptions of research..............................................152
Appendix 1: Developing the Model Questionnaire survey........................187
Appendix 2 Developing the Model Interviews.............................................196
Appendix 3: Model validation Questionnaire survey.................................207
Appendix 4 Model validation Interviews......................................................208
Appendix 5 Different between user and not use BIM perspective............210
List of tables
Table 1: Mega projects under execution in Saudi Arabia (MEED Projects)..................................20
Table 2: BIM applications in a construction project (Furneaux & Kivvits, 2008; Latiffi, et al., 2013)
.................................................................................................................................................... 38
Table 3: BIM Software (Computer Integrated Construction Research Program (CICRP), 2012;
Olugboyega, 2017)....................................................................................................................... 43
Table 4: Literature review for Perceived benefits of BIM..............................................................47
Table 5: Recognised Barriers of BIM within the AEC industry......................................................53
Table 6: Literature review Key factors influence the Adoption of BIM..........................................64
Table 7: The BIM implementation framework (Jung & Joo, 2011)...............................................67
Table 8: Reliability Statistics......................................................................................................... 74
Table 9: Correlations.................................................................................................................... 74
Table 10: Coding respondents’ reasons why they do not have interest in BIM................................75
Table 11: Organization specialization........................................................................................... 76
Table 12: Organization size.......................................................................................................... 76
Table 13: BIM software................................................................................................................ 80
Table 14: BIM Applications........................................................................................................... 81
Table 15: Integration with BIM...................................................................................................... 81
Table 16: Benefits of BIM from Client perspective........................................................................84
Table 17: Benefits of BIM from Designer perspective..................................................................86
Table 18: Benefits of BIM from Contractor perspective................................................................88
Table 19: Benefits of BIM to all participants (shared between client, designer and contractor)....91
Table 20: Personal Barriers.......................................................................................................... 95
Table 21: BIM Process Barriers................................................................................................... 98
Table 22: Business Barriers....................................................................................................... 100
Table 23: Technical Barriers...................................................................................................... 102
Table 24: Organization Barriers................................................................................................. 104
Table 25: Market Barriers........................................................................................................... 106
Table 26: External Push for Implementing BIM in KSA..............................................................109
Table 27: Internal Push for Implementing BIM in KSA...............................................................113
Table 28: Key Factors influence the implementation of BIM......................................................116
Table 29: Coding the responses why BIM non-users intend to use...........................................117
Table 30: Coding for benefits of BIM from Client perspective....................................................119
Table 31: Coding for benefits of BIM from Designer perspective...............................................120
Table 32: Coding for benefits of BIM from Contractor perspective.............................................120
Table 33: Coding for benefits of BIM from all participants’ perspective...........................................121
Table 34: Coding of Personal Barriers.......................................................................................121
Table 35: Coding of Process Barriers......................................................................................... 122
Table 36: Coding of Business Barriers.......................................................................................122
Table 37: Coding of Technical Barriers......................................................................................122
Table 38: Coding of Organization Barriers.................................................................................123
Table 39: Coding of Market Barriers...........................................................................................123
Table 40: Coding of External Push............................................................................................. 124
Table 41: Coding of Internal Push.............................................................................................. 125
Table 42: Coding of AEC industry readiness and organizations capability.................................125
Table 43: Project budget............................................................................................................ 134
Table 44: respondents Position in their Company......................................................................135
Table 45: respondents’ Education Level...............................................................................................136
Table 46: respondents’ years of experience........................................................................................136
Table 47: Models Validation Reliability.......................................................................................137
Table 48: Correlations................................................................................................................ 137
Table 49: independent variables impact the BIM implementation in KSA..................................140
Table 50: Coding of variables impact BIM implementation.........................................................141
List of Figures
“Our Lord, have mercy on our parents, even as they had mercy on us,
while we were little!”
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious, I give praise and
thanks to Him for supporting me with the strength to complete this research and for
providing me the knowledgeable and caring individuals during the study process.
My heartfelt appreciation also goes out to my wife for being very supportive, caring
and well understanding, family and friends for their continued support and
standing by me through all this time.
Dr. Mosbeh Kaloop, Eng. Engy Fouda, Dr. Ibrahim Salama, Dr. Waleed
Mahfouz, Dr. Mohamed Elhoseny, Dr. Hany Omar, and Eng. Mohamed
Elsaadany for their feedback.
Also, I like to thank Eng. Ibrahim Nasr for his support and facilitating many
interviews with highly appreciated BIM professionals.
Saudi Council of Engineers for their support and publishing the questionnaires.
And finally to all the participants who took time from their busy days to complete
the online questionnaire. Also, I would like to thank all the interviewees who
provided their knowledge which in turn help to develop and validate the models
and the suggested methodology.
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The AEC industry is considered the backbone of the economy for nations
(Eastman, 1975). Consequently, the AEC industry impacts severely the nations’
growth (Adams, 2004; Giang & Pheng, 2011).
For decades, the AEC industry has been suffering from a plethora of problems
and stay lagging behind other industries. Clients’ requirements are not achieved,
usually, projects are delivered beyond schedule, over budget with low quality
(Latham, 1994; Egan, 1998). AEC suffering less productivity, poor efficiency,
ineffective performance, low support to sustainability (Azhar, et al., 2015),
insufficient environment protection, poor working conditions and inefficient safety
management (Latiffi, et al., 2013).
Latham (1994) concluded that, due to the lack of communication and poor
collaboration between the AEC industries key players, accordingly, the
innovative solutions cannot be adopted. in the last decade, AEC industry players
have been clinging to the old ways of working, consequently, that resulted in less
responsive to new technologies (National Research Council (US), 1988; Dulaimi,
et al., 2002).
Thus, all parties must integrate with each other to work collaboratively to adopt a
creative and innovative solution and rethinks to abandon the old methods that
are no longer the best ways and Keep up with the latest technologies. Moreover,
this will help achieve the projects’ aims and objectives in order to meet the client
and user satisfaction (Love, et al., 2013; Jernigan, 2014).
Several researchers introduce BIM as a valuable tool to enhance the
communication and collaboration between the AEC industries key players
(McGrawHillConstruction ،2014 ؛Gerges, M, et al. ،2017 ؛Matarneh & Hamed ،
Roots of BIM back to the parametric modeling produced in the USA in the 1970s
and the parametric modeling conducted in Europe in 1980s, however, the AEC
industry started to use BIM in its projects on 2000s. Since then many companies
and governments all over the world have been trying to find ways to adapt and
reap BIM benefits (Eastman, et al., 2011).
Developed countries have recognized the benefits of BIM and considered BIM
as the AEC’s future language that all the AEC organizations worldwide have to
implement. This is evident from the rapid growth of BIM and mandates being
issued in several countries such as the UK, where government planned on 2011
to mandate BIM in its AEC industry by 2016, similarly USA, and Europe (Cabinet
Office and The Rt Hon Lord Maude of Horsham, 2012; Eadie, et al., 2013).
However, developing countries are still in the early stages to explore BIM and try
to find appropriate practical strategies for adoption (Chan, 2014).
The AEC industry is facing myriads of functional gaps among its parties. This
starts with the client’s early perception passing to predesign and the design
stages, construction, Operation, and Maintenance (O&M) until the demolishing of
the building.
Facility Management (FM) during maintenance stage (Eastman, et al., 2008;
Arayici, et al., 2012).
Boom in the KSA applied tremendous pressures on its AEC industry. Therefore,
there is an urgent need to adopt the latest technologies and management
strategies to eradicate the recognised problems and to improve the performance
of the AEC industry (Alhumayn, et al., 2017). In addition to responding to the
increasing demands for smart buildings and government’s concerns of the
continuous developments.
The AEC industry in many developing countries still facing lack of attention from
the decision makers concerning the implementation of BIM. Projects’ parties in
KSA think that BIM benefits are not clear because of the limited researching on
BIM in KSA (Almutiri, 2016).
1. Explore the level of awareness about BIM in the KSA AEC industry and
Propose solutions to raise awareness about BIM in the KSA AEC industry.
2. Investigate the perceived benefits of BIM in the KSA AEC industry.
3. Determine the barriers deterring BIM implementation in the KSA AEC
4. Propose solutions to overcome the barriers that diminishing BIM
5. Explore the main driving forces and the external pressures pushing the
implementation of BIM in the KSA AEC industry.
6. Identify the main internal forces influencing BIM implementation in KSA
AEC industry.
7. Investigate the AEC industry readiness, and the organization's capabilities
to implement BIM.
8. Propose a solution to KSA government to enable the mandate of BIM.
1.5 Dissertation Questions
The research questions addressed in the study were shaped by the gaps
identified in the extant literature and can be broadly categorised as follows:
Q1: What is the level of awareness about BIM in KSA AEC industry?
Q2: How can the awareness about BIM be raised in KSA AEC
Q3: What are the perceptions of the KSA AEC industry professionals for the
benefits of BIM?
Q4: What are the main barriers hinder the BIM implementation in KSA AEC
Q5: How can the project participants overcome the main barriers that block the
BIM implementation?
Q6: What are the main driving forces and the main external pressures pushing
the implementation of BIM in the KSA AEC industry?
Q7: What are the main internal pushes to facilitate the implementation of BIM in
the KSA AEC industry?
Q8: What is the AEC industry readiness, and the organization's capabilities to
implement BIM?
1.6 Scope of research
The scope of this research limited to exploring and investigating the awareness
about BIM in KSA AEC industry, benefits that gained from implementing BIM,
barriers that hinder the BIM implementation, the main factors expediting the BIM
implementation and the readiness of the AEC industry organizations to
implement BIM.
Second phase: questionnaire survey to collect the BIM user and non-user
perceptions about each step that produces the suggested methodology to
implement BIM in KSA.
This study is the first research to provide a novel contribution to investigate the
key factors influencing and expediting the BIM implementation in KSA AEC
industry and provide a suggested methodology for implementing BIM in KSA.
The study was divided into six chapters followed by appendices. Chapter one
includes an introduction, the problem statement, aim and objectives, research
motivation, the scope of research, research methodology, key findings and
contributions, and structure of research. Chapter two encompasses literature
review of previous studies in BIM. Chapter three describes research
methodology and data collection. Chapter four includes the results and its
analysis. Chapter five describes proposed model for BIM implementation and its
validation. Finally, chapter six provides conclusion and recommendations,
summarising results and main findings, research limitations, and
recommendations for further researches.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Overview
For decades the AEC industry has been suffering from its inefficiency, poor
productivity and low performance (Egan, 1998; Leeds, 2016). (McGraw-Hill,
2012) Has compared the productivity between the construction industry and the
non- farm industries from1964 till 2004 in the USA. Figure (1), illustrates the
discrepancy between the AEC and the non-farm labor productivity.
The current conventional practices in the AEC industry usually create different
interests among the project parties. On one hand, governments and clients are
usually concerned about quality improvement with reducing construction time,
cost, and increasing the quality. However, contractors and architects are
interested in business improvements to increase their profits, promote their
competitive advantages and meeting client satisfaction to get sustained in the
rival markets (Azhar, 2011).
The nature of the construction industry is different from other industries, such as
the manufacturing, the temporary nature, and uniqueness of construction
projects is reflected in one-off nature for locations, designs solutions and project
teams (Hore, 2006). Accordingly, poor management within AEC industry leads to
a fragmented communication, as shown in Figure (2).
Enhancing the AEC industry was the prominent concern for various
governments, entities, and academics (Almualim & Gilder, 2010). Many
researchers and professionals have the consensus that the fragmented and
conservative nature of the AEC industry hampered expedite responses to
innovative technologies and minified the chances for improvements (Latham,
1994; Egan, 1998; Aouad & Sun, 1999; Dulaimi, et al., 2002; Carmona & Irwin,
2007; Barrett, 2008; Hardin, 2009; Baiden & Price, 2011).
Currently, BIM proves its competency to improve AEC industry performance and
enhance the coordination and collaboration between various project parties. BIM
is considered a revolutionary technology and process management, proposed as
the potential solution for the current issues in the AEC industry (Azhar, et al.,
2008; Hardin, 2009; Liu, et al., 2010; Arayici, et al., 2011; Azhar, et al., 2011;
Azhar, 2011; Azhar, et al., 2015; Bryde, et al., 2013; Love, et al., 2013; Love, et
al., 2014).
In the last decade, there has been a significant growth within the Saudi Arabian
construction sector which appears to be the second economic boom (Alhowaish,
2015; Banawi, 2017). KSA is one of the biggest and leading countries in the
Middle East (ME) ahead of Turkey, Iran and neighboring Gulf countries. The
construction sector is ranked second after oil in the Kingdom's economy and
contributes approximately 8% of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (The
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, 2014; Deloitte, 2014). The value of its
projects is more than one trillion US Dollars in residential, healthcare, education,
and transportation (Deloitte, 2014). The recent 2030 vision plan that announced
by KSA government, in 2016, forced all AEC sectors to be creative, efficient, and
environmentally responsible.
Figure 3: the forecasted Value of different types of projects for the period
from 2014 to 2020 in the Middle East countries (Deloitte, 2014)
2015). According to report published by Deloitte in 2013, new contracts awarded
in 2012 were worth about $24bn and are expected to go up to $52bn in 2015,
which represents about 10% of Saudi Arabia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
According to market research, 75% of waste in the KSA comes from
construction, and buildings are responsible for 40% of carbon emissions
(Initiative, 2009). Therefore, a slight improvement in this sector could have a
considerable impact on capital expenditure and environment (Banawi, 2017).
Sample of mega projects in KSA are The Kingdom Tower project in Jeddah, The
King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) in Riyadh, The
Saudi Green Building Council in Riyadh, Saudi Public Pension Agency or PPA,
Jeddah Development and Urban Regeneration Company (JDURC), Arriyadh
Development Authority (ADA) in Riyadh and Colleges of Excellence (CoE) in
Saudi Arabia (The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, 2014). Table (1) lists
a number of mega projects under execution in KSA.
Sipchem complex phase 3, Saudi International Petrochemical
Jubail Company(Sipchem)
Waad al-Shamal Phosphate Mosaic/Saudi Basic Industries Corporation
City) (SABIC
King Abdullah Financial
Rayadah Investment Company 7,000
Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company
PetroRabigh phase 2 7,000
Wasit Gas Development Saudi Aramco 5,000
Abdul Latif Jameel Real Estate Investment
Jabal al-Kaaba 2,666
Neum project according to KSA vision 2030 is a private zone that includes land
within the Egyptian and Jordanian borders. It will exceed $ 500 billion, sharing
between local and international investors. The largest part of the project is
located in the northwest of the KSA, covering an area of 26,500 km2, overlooking
the North and West on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba with a length of 468
km. (Alarabiya News, 2017).
As one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of oil, and a fast
expanding and diverse economy, KSA earns a global focus and how it is likely to
perform under the recent drastic falling of oil prices hitting $50 per barrel in
January 2015, the lowest since 2009. (Ventures Middle East, 2015) This has
caused many problems to the KSA government’s projects. The rapidly growing
population in KSA is tremendous applying pressures on existing infrastructure.
(Alsalim, 2013) claimed that KSA construction industry has been struggling from
ineffective management and low organizational performance. As a result of the
number of projects suffering from remarkable delays increased from 700 projects
in 2009 to 3000 projects in 2013. Statistical studies in KSA showed that during
the period between 1992 and 2009, 850 projects out of 1035 were experiencing
delays and cost overruns, where, 41% exceeded the cost and 82% exceeded
their delivery date (Al Riyadh newspaper, 2102). A large number of projects
being put on hold, because of errors in projects’ design, and ineffective
supervision of all the parties in the projects (Alsalim, 2013). One main reason
can be attributed to the lack of planning and design, this planning laxity is due to
the poor management and inability to foresee the project buildability (Althynian,
2010). (Alshehri, 2013) explored that disputes concerning construction
contracts, procurement, and design change orders are considered to be main
causes of project conflict in AEC projects in Saudi Arabia. (Abdul‐Hadi, et al.,
2005) identified many inefficiencies in the Saudi construction industry,
accordingly, he called for re-engineering the Saudi construction industry.
The KSA government has spent more money on their projects, sometime ten
times of the estimated cost (Alhowaish, 2015). In addition to construction sector
it has been stated that most of the local construction companies have a lack of
knowledge, management, and experience in the project lifecycle (Jannadi,
Reasons for construction industry failures in Saudi Arabia are summarized as,
bad judgment concerning project time and cost, lack of integration amongst
project stakeholders, lack of management experience, low profit margins, lack of
communication within companies, national downturns in the economy, poor
management for disaster and unexpected bad weather (Jannadi, 1997;
(Sobolewski, et al., 2016).
Many executives, as well as research institutions, confirmed that the use of BIM
is of particular importance in the countries experiencing construction boom to
improve the construction performance (Eastman, et al., 2011). KSA deemed one
of those countries due to its huge number of projects. However, the number,
size, cost, and complexity of projects in KSA which have suffered from many
issues such as cost control, delays, lack of experts and discontinued projects are
worthy for motivating the Saudi Government and construction companies to
implement BIM (Almutiri, 2016).
The following subsections enlighten the BIM definitions, comparing BIM against
traditional method, introduce BIM deliverables, BIM Dimensions, BIM maturity,
BIM applications, BIM status globally and future trends and what the lesson learn
from the advanced BIM users, BIM tools, roles and responsibilities of BIM users,
which organizations can use BIM and BIM SWOT analysis to raise the
awareness of BIM.
However, (Penttilä, 2006; Ernstrom, et al., 2006; Eastman, et al., 2008; Gerber,
et al., 2010; Sacks, et al., 2010; Azhar, 2011; Jung & Joo, 2011; Barlish &
Sullivan, 2012) defined BIM as a group of interacting policies, software,
processes and technologies, (Associated General Contractors of America
(AGC), 2005; Succar, 2009; Sacks, et al., 2010; Gu & London, 2010; Arayici &
Aouad, 2010; Azhar, et al., 2015) claimed that BIM focuses on applying
information technology (IT).
Whereas, (Hardin, 2009; Building SMART, 2010; Eastman, et al., 2011; Omar,
2015) defined BIM as a process that digitally manages the design, construction,
and O&M, (Barlish & Sullivan, 2012; Azhar, et al., 2015). (Azhar, 2011) Defined
BIM as a virtual process that involves all aspects, disciplines, and systems of a
facility within a single model that is shared with all stakeholders across the
project lifecycle. (Sabol, 2008) Defined BIM as a sophisticated software tool that
helps to record information and to assist with its components.
While, (NBIMS, 2007; Lee, 2008; Sebastian, 2011; BIM Industry Working Group,
2011; Chen & Qu, 2011; Teicholz, 2013; Nagalingam, et al., 2013; Sattineni &
Macdonald, 2014) emphasis that BIM is an integrated model in which process
and product information are combined, stored elaborated and interactively
distributed to all relevant building participants.
2.2.2 Comparison between the traditional method process and the
main concept of the BIM process:
The transition from the traditional method to the BIM concept requires dramatic
changes in many disciplines such as software and hardware upgrade, changes
in processes, and changing the organisational culture to reap BIM benefits.
Figure (5), illustrates the comparison between the conventional method process
and the main concept of the BIM process through different project phases. In the
traditional methods, the considerable impact occurs in the construction
documentation phases which in turn cause several issues to arise, delaying the
project delivery and increasing the overall project cost. However, BIM process
solves these issues at an early stage (Almutiri, 2016).
Figure 5: The value of BIM for the design process (Almutiri, 2016)
(Almutiri, 2016) claimed that the traditional methods suffer from many issues
such as lack of project understanding, poor communication and data loss,
problems in sharing information and poor collaboration between team members.
(Duell, et al., 2013) illustrated in Figure (6) the difference between the BIM and
traditional methods in sharing data.
Figure 6: The difference between BIM and traditional method of sharing data
(Duell, et al., 2013)
While the traditional 2D CAD program relies on sharing data in the form of
paper- based practices, BIM shares the data in 3D environmental (Almutiri,
2016).Computer Aided Design (CAD) is no longer just about drafting. According
to (LONG, et al., 2009) CAD is the greatest advancement in the construction
industry in recent decades. Many BIM based-software solutions allow you to
explore and evaluate project’s constructability before it’s built, improve cost
reliability, visualise construction processes through 4D simulation and clash
detection, increase coordination between stakeholders throughout the design
and construction process, and better predict, manage and communicate project
outcomes (Autodesk Design Academy, 2017).
The AEC traditional method that is using 2D CAD is a linear process, where the
architect finishes the conceptual design then other disciplines finished the final
design after collecting the required approvals from different stakeholders. The
main constructor receives this final design to starts the construction and when
the construction is completed, and the constructor has handed over the as-built
to the client who in turn should deliver it to FM team. In this liner process, the
next stage cannot commence unless the previous is finished, which requires
close following up to deliver the task from one party to another. These linear
processes hinder the collaboration between various project teams and require
the client to be the project champion to pursue the successful delivery of each
process (Love, et al., 2014), however, BIM provides cycle and overlap process.
Therefore, there is a crucial need to change to adopt a technology that can
overcome all the aforementioned weaknesses during the design stages. That is
directly steering to the implementation of BIM, to produce an error-free design.
The BIM model is replete with electronic information that is ready to be
transferred between the project players in an open platform. Project teams such
as architects, designers (structural and MEP), sustainable analysts, contractors,
and suppliers can extract and reuse the data and modify it to form the BIM model
(Porwal & Hewage, 2013; New Zealand, B.I.M, 2014).
(Abas, 2016) concluded that BIM deliverables are creating 3D modeling, clash
analysis and detection, construction simulation, as built model and FM
management (Figure 7).
(NBS, 2016) concluded the Key BIM deliverables for Level 2 that a contractor
would be expected to produce include compliance with Employers Information
Requirements (EIR), BIM Execution Plan (BEP), Common Data Environment
(CDE), BS (PAS) 1192 - parts 1 to 5, classification (through Uniclass 2015),
digital plan of work (describing Level of Detail – LoD / CIC Work Stages),
intelligent 3D libraries, intelligent 3D models, 3D based collaboration, 3D digital
survey, asset performance optimization and Construction Operations Building
Information Exchange (COBie). Furthermore, additional deliverables that are not
as part of BIM Level 2 but will become increasingly included contractor's
information requirements, clash prevention, 3D model validation, 3D model take-
off, 3D model based meetings and 4D/ 5D modeling.
Figure 7: BIM Deliverables (Abas, 2016)
2.2.4 BIM Dimensions:
BIM is not just defined as a 3D model; it also includes the capability of
transmitting plus reusing of the information embedded in it (Almutiri, 2016).
Adding more 'dimensions' of data to the information models (3D) enhance clear
understanding of the construction phase: the durations concerns 4D model, cost
5D, sustainability 6D, and Operation and maintenance/Facility Management
(FM) 7D model. Adding extra information can make more timely decisions and,
ultimately, better buildings (McPartland, 2017). Until now researchers and
professionals ensure that BIM provides 7D, as illustrated in Figure (8), as
It is BIM model visualization and simulation tool enables the team to visualize the
building’s details in physical environment which include graphical and non-
graphical information and sharing this information in a Common Data
Environment (CDE) (Hardin, 2009; Grilo & Jardim-Goncalves, 2010; Sebastian,
2011; Azhar, 2011; Abbasnejad & Moud, 2013; Azhar, et al., 2015; McPartland,
4D (Construction sequencing):
It is a BIM model scheduling data tool with the dimension of time sequencing
which enables the team to visually check the progress of the project and identify
the critical activities resulting in enhancing enhance response appropriately to
any risk (Dawood & Sikka, 2008; Kymmell, 2008; Eastman, et al., 2011;
Abbasnejad & Moud, 2013; McPartland, 2017).
5D (Cost):
It is BIM model tool, enables the team to extract accurate cost information and
provide a take-off of material quantities (Eastman, et al., 2011; Bryde, et al.,
2013; Khosrowshahi & Arayici, 2012; Abbasnejad & Moud, 2013; McPartland,
6D-BIM is a virtual model tool for the logistics of the construction site, to visualize
the project sequential activities to prepare the safety analyses and safety plans.
Additionally, it enables selection of the locations for material procurements,
machinery and equipment suitable for the site (Hardin, 2009; Eastman, et al., 2011;
Abbasnejad & Moud, 2013; McPartland, 2017).
7D facility management:
BIM 7D is used in processing object management in the stage of its operation.
7D allows extracting and storing data assets, such as the state of the
object/component, technical specifications, required maintenance schedule and
technical reviews, manuals or applicable warranty period. Such an approach to
the facility management process not only improves the whole process but also
improves the quality of services (Bim Estimate, 2016)
Figure 9: BIM Dimensions applications (BIMtalk, 2012)
2.2.5 BIM Maturity:
BIM has been categorized into various levels and while continuing increasing
BIM adoption and implementation the movement from one level to another is
referred to as 'BIM Maturity'. (Barnes & Davies, 2014)
Level 0: unmanaged CAD in 2D, with paper or electronic data exchange. Thus,
this is not BIM and uses 2D CAD files for design and production information
(Brewer, et al., 2012; Porwal & Hewage, 2013; Eadie, et al., 2013; Abbasnejad &
Moud, 2013; Barnes & Davies, 2014). This level produces 25% increased cost
through waste and rework (Barnes & Davies, 2014)
Figure 10: BIM maturity levels in the UK (BIS, 2011)
Figure 12: Diffusion Areas Model (Succar & Kassem, 2015)
(Spehar, 2016) suggested that there are four steps for managing BIM projects:
To deliver a successful project, the project, design and BIM management teams
should be engaged as evidenced in Figure (14).
2. Tasks assignment
Different tools were developed for managing various BIM task assignments from
building models to managing data and creating drawings as a figure (15)
3. Enhance Collaboration:
The project manager should encourage collaboration between both design and
project managers within the modelling team (Spehar, 2016).
4. The BIM execution plan:
A BIM execution plan (BEP) has to be a crucial part of the overall project plan to
act as a resource for all stakeholders and to help the project manager to handle
all changes in the process. Figure 16 explains that BEP requires inputs from all
project, design and BIM managers (Spehar, 2016).
Clash detection:
Project planning and construction monitoring:
Cost estimating:
Material take-off:
Sustainability analysis:
Site logistics and safety management:
BIM software models are developed to include the required codes, standards
and project specifications which can run automatic checking to verify the
compliance with the uploaded codes, standards and project specifications to
alert and notify any deviation in the drawings and submittals (Hardin, 2009;
Eastman, et al., 2011).
Figure 18: Use of 4D BIM for optimizing construction site logistics at HOAR
Construction Company (Sattineni & Macdonald, 2014)
(Kunz & Gilligan, 2007; Itech, 2017) concluded that BIM can be used in pre-
construction, construction, disaster management and life-cycle management.
Table (2), summarized the use of BIM through the project life cycle. Figure (19),
shows that BIM can be used in various project phases.
Table 2: BIM applications in a construction project (Furneaux & Kivvits, 2008;
Latiffi, et al., 2013)
Phase Stage Uses of BIM
Existing conditions
- Enhances accuracy of existing conditions documentation
Planning - Identifies schedule sequencing or phasing issues
- Facilitates better communication and faster design decision.
access and exit roads, traffic flows, site materials and machinery.
Construction - Provides better tracking of cost control and cash flow.
- Enables tracking of work in real time, faster flow of resources and
better site management.
- Keeps track of built asset.
Operation / Facilities - Manages facilities proactively.
Group, 2015), health and safety (Ganah & John, 2015). Some other suggested
integrations with BIM as following:
The integration of 3D BIM model with GIS can provide quick and accurate
identification of the construction, semantically rich models, and get the benefits
from both systems to help documenting and analyzing cultural heritage sites. (El
Meouche, et al., 2013; Baik, et al., 2015; Zlatanova, 2016).
Green Building:
Lean construction:
BIM can be used in worker safety training and education, design for safety,
safety planning (job hazard analysis and pre-task planning), accident
investigation, and facility and maintenance phase safety (Rajendran & Clarke,
2011; Alomari, et al., 2017; Mordue, et al., 2017).
2.2.9 BIM Status Globally and future trends
(Jung & Lee, 2015) brought light to BIM status on the level of the six continents
which are set forth below:
- North America comes at the first place ahead of other continents in each
- Oceania and Europe are ranked secondly, but get distinguished in the
design phase.
- Asia is identified on the same line with advanced continents in BIM
adoption despite being ranked the 5th in the engagement level.
- Middle East/Africa come the third in the BIM adoption, still stuck in the
beginner phase.
- At last, South America is the lowest.
Countries of the advanced world have been preceding in BIM adoption rate
which serves experience level of users, North America has remarkable increase
from 2007 to 2012 steeply rising from 28% up to 71 %, also, South Korea and
Oceania are on the same path (McGrawHillConstruction, 2014).
UK has also achieved a steady increase in adoption from 31.0% in 2010 when
UK announced BIM requirements to 39% in 2012 (National Building
Specification, 2014) and 54.0% in 2013 then actually mandated BIM in public
sector in 2016 to level 2 (Porwal & Hewage, 2013). Onwards till the kingdom
become the current world leader in BIM adoption speed (The National BIM
Survey, 2014; McGrawHillConstruction, 2014). Although, Finland was ahead in
early researching and adopting BIM (Kiviniemi, 2015).
In South Asia, Singapore shows rapid adoption rate, since 1997 when the
country started promoting BIM, in 2011 the country issued a nationwide roadmap
for BIM implementation so that BIM started to be used for various aspects in
construction such as building plan approvals and fire safety certifications. From
2015 onwards, the government mandated the use of BIM in public sector
projects for new building projects over 5000 m2. While BIM has been globally
expanding in a colossal
speed, a significant difference in experience appeared among construction
companies according to various regional business benefits (Chan, 2014).
A wide concern has been paid from researchers to market-scale of BIM and
diffusion worldwide. Several studies covers multiple countries such as those for
US (Giligan & Kunz, 2007; Liu, et al., 2010), UK (Khosrowshahi & Arayici,
2012),Australia (Gu & London, 2010), China (Cao, et al., 2014), Finland
(Lehtinen, 2010), Iceland (Kjartansdóttir, 2011), India (Luthra, 2010), South
Africa (Froise & Shakantu, 2014), Sweden (Samuelson & Björk, 2013), Taiwan
(Mom, et al., 2011), and multiple markets (Smith, 2014; Panuwatwanich &
Peansupap, 2013; Wong, et al., 2010; Bin Zakaria, et al., 2013).
Since AEC industry players in both UK and USA have well-recognized merits of
BIM, both countries were the earlier to mandate BIM in high profile and large
projects, such as London 2012 Olympics, Veldodrome cycle track and the 48
floor Leaden hall building “The Cheesegrater” which is one of the London’s
tallest buildings (Bryde, et al., 2013). BIM also utilized for complex projects such
as EMP museum at Seattle Center, Washington national park, Walt Disney
Concert Hall (Chien, et al., 2014).
Figure 20: the construction companies in ten developed countries have highly
adopted BIM within their system (McGrawHillConstruction, 2014) BIM in KSA
However, BIM is rarely used in KSA (Construction Work team, 2014; Almutiri,
2016), recently, construction companies in KSA: local and international, are
seeking BIM expertise to work in KSA (Glass Door, 2017; LinkedIn, 2017).
The adoption of BIM has seen a slow but gradual upward trend within SA in
recent years (Alhumayn, et al., 2017).
In 2014, Anwar Al Qasmi from Tekla as software provider reported that they
participate in prominent projects in SA using BIM such as the Capital Market
Authority Headquarters, King Abdullah Financial District, and the King Abdulaziz
Center for World Culture, 11 world-class stadiums, and King Abdullah Sports
City complex in Jeddah, (Saudi Gazette, 2014; Construction Work team, 2014).
(Alshanbari, et al., 2014; Aly, 2014; Joannides, et al., 2012; Rodriguez, 2014;
Sabongi & Arch, 2009). More than 70% of universities use Revit Architecture and
the other 30% use other software including ArchiCAD and Bentley (Joannides, et
al., 2012). In the UK, more than 79% adopted Revit (Architecture – Structure –
MEP), and 45.6% used Navisworks followed by 42.1% who used Sketch Up
(Underwood, et al., 2015). Figure (21), shows the most used of BIM tools. Table
(3), illustrate the software used to every model.
Mechanical, Electrical Revit MEP, Bentley Mechanical, Hevacomp Mechanical designer, 3D pipe
and Plumbing (MEP) designer, AutoCAD MEP, CADPIPE electrical, HVAC System design,
model CADMECH, CAMduct, Multi-pipe, Bentley Electrical, Autopipe
Schedule and time MS Project, Primavera, Bentley Schedule Simulator, Jet-Stream timeliner,
model Ebuilder, Newforma
Resources and cost MS Project, IES, Autodesk QTO, Cost X, Ideate BIM link, Sefaira, Planswift,
model Timberline, Vico Cost Planner, Innovaya Visual Estimating
Construction and site model Unity 3D game engine, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Power Civil, InRoads Site,
utilization Hevacomp Simulator, Bentley Simulator
Operation and CMMS, IBM Maximo, Bentley facilities, Autodesk FM desktop, One Tool,
maintenance model Geospatial and facilities
Sustainability model IESVE, Autodesk Green Building Studio
2.2.11 Roles and responsibilities of BIM Specialist
BIM Modeler
The Functions of a BIM Modeler is to create and develop 3D BIM models and to
extract 2D documentation from Models (General Services Administration, 2009).
BIM Modeler can also be called BIM Operator (Kymmell, 2008).
BIM Analyst
The function of the BIM Analyst is to perform analysis and simulations based
on the BIM model (General Services Administration, 2009).
Modelling Specialist
BIM Facilitator
The function of a BIM Facilitator is to assist other professionals, not yet skilled in
operating BIM software, in visualizing the model information. He usually works
with who is going to physically construct the building, assisting the engineer's
work to communicate with foremen or contractors (Kymmell, 2008; General
Services Administration, 2009; Barison & Santos, 2010; Abdulkader, 2013).
BIM Consultant
Large and medium-sized companies that have adopted or are going to adopt
BIM, and do not have an experienced expert to be part of the project team, can
hire a BIM consultant to guide project designers, developers, and builders in the
BIM implementation. There may be three types of BIM Consultants: Strategic
Consultant, Functional Consultant and Operational Consultant (Barison &
Santos, 2010).
BIM Researcher
on BIM. They will be leaders in the creation of new knowledge to benefit the
industry, the community and the environment (Barison & Santos, 2010).
BIM manager
There are three Specializations of BIM manager: the first project model
manager, modeling manager or model manager the second BIM manager at
design firms or chief BIM-officer And the third one is BIM manager at general
construction and subcontractor firms - BIM construction officer (Barison &
Santos, 2010).
(Joseph, 2011) Pointed out, in Figure (22), that the placement of corporate staff
is the most critical to the success of BIM Implementation across the organization
that includes the cultural and human resource shift. BIM corporate staff are
responsible for the education, deployment, and standards of a solid BIM
strategy. Their skills are in place to expand the services the firm offers and will
touch all areas in a firm including overheads, marketing material and billable
project aspects of the business.
2.2.12 Organizations can use BIM
(Latiffi, et al., 2013) reported that BIM can overcome construction project
problems such as delay, construction cost overrun and the clash of design by
different specialties (Architecture, structure, MEP and etc.). Due to the powerful
data-based modeling, visualization, analysis and simulation capabilities of BIM, it
has the potential to significantly impact the Saudi construction industry by
dealing with issues pertaining to estimating, scheduling and design coordination
(Almutiri, 2016). Moreover (Succar, 2009) claimed that the main benefits of
implementing BIM is the visual coordination of the building systems such as
MEP systems and it also identifies the possible conflicts between these. By
detecting the conflicts, problems can be resolved before actual construction
which in turn saving project time and cost (Building SMART, 2010; Institute for
BIM in Canada (IBC), 2011).
Whereas, (Harrison & Thurnell, 2014) concluded the benefits of BIM as: (1)
Enhances decision making,(2) Mitigates inaccurate interpretation, (3) Facilitates
efficient estimates, (4) Enhances efficient cost plans, (5) Enables efficient
scheduling quantities, (6) Automatic quantities generation save time, (7)
Expedite and easily Design changes, (8) Automatic quantities generation
eliminate human error, (9) Enhances the accuracy of estimates, (10) Improves
communication among the project team ,(11) Facilitates access to the data base,
(12) Provides early construction schedule details, (13) Enhances the
advantages,(14) Improves coordination through integration of specifications, and
(15) Clash detection.
However, (Salla, 2014) summarized the top fifteen benefits gained from using
BIM in its order as: (1) Reduce errors and omissions in the design phase, (2)
Improve collaboration with owner/design firms during the construction phase, (3)
Enhances organizational image, (4) Reduce rework, (5) Lowering construction
cost, (6) Better cost control and predictability, (7) Reducing the overall project
duration, (8) Marketing new business, (9) Offering new services, (10) Increasing
profits, (11) Maintaining repeat business, (12) Reducing cycle time of workflows,
(13) Faster client approval cycles, (14) Improved safety, (15) Faster regulatory
approval cycles.
No. Benefits of BIM Authors
(Howard & Björk, 2008;
Time savings (duration
Hardin, 2009; Sebastian,
improvements, reduces the
2011; Barlish & Sullivan,
time spent on project
2012; Construction, M.H,
1 documentation and √ √ √ × √ ×
2012; Bryde, et al., 2013;
communication, and
Chan, 2014; Doumbouya, et
comparing between different
al., 2016; Matarneh &
options in a very short time.)
Hamed, 2017)
(Howard & Björk, 2008;
Hardin, 2009; Sebastian,
The cost reduction
2011; Barlish & Sullivan,
(lowers the project whole
2012; Construction, M.H,
2 cost, design and construction √ √ √ × √ ×
2012; Bryde, et al., 2013;
costs, reduced
Chan, 2014; Doumbouya, et
communication cost)
al., 2016; Matarneh &
Hamed, 2017)
(Azhar, 2011; Elbeltagi &
Improved Budget and Cost Dawood, 2011; Ma, et al.,
3 √ √ √ × √ ×
Estimating Capabilities 2011; Construction, M.H,
2012; Chan, 2014)
(Nour, 2007; Yan & Demian,
2008; Liu, et al., 2010;
Azhar, 2011; Arayici, et al.,
Improving the
2012; Construction, M.H,
quality(Reduced Rework,
4 √ √ √ √ √ √ 2012;
reduction of design errors,
Better design)
2014; Autodesk, 2015;
Doumbouya, et al., 2016;
Gerges, M, et al., 2017)
(Kymmell, 2008; Jernigan,
Quick and right decisions
5 √ √ √ √ √ √ 2014; Harrison & Thurnell,
based on authenticated data
2014; Love, et al., 2014)
Clash detection(reduced (McCartney, 2010; Liu, et
coordination problems, al., 2010; Lu & Korman,
eliminating the risk of 2010; Forgues, et al., 2011;
duplication, checks design Construction, M.H, 2012;
6 non-conformities during pre- √ √ √ √ √ √ Chan, 2014; Autodesk,
construction stage, resolve 2015; Doumbouya, et al.,
physical conflicts between 2016; Matarneh & Hamed,
different disciplines, and 2017; Gerges, M, et al.,
Integrated work progress) 2017)
(Innovation, C.C., 2007;
McCartney, 2010; Sacks, et
al., 2010; Arayici, et al.,
representation of the parts of
2011; Azhar, 2011; Chan,
7 a building in an integrated √ √ √ √ √ √
2014; Harrison & Thurnell,
data environment, eliminating
2014; Autodesk, 2015;
the risk of misinterpretation of
Advenser, 2016; Gerges, M,
design, and capture reality )
et al., 2017)
Enhance collaboration &
(Anumba, et al., 2008;
communication between all
McCartney, 2010; Grilo &
parties ( Minimizing conflicts,
Jardim-Goncalves, 2010;
8 Simultaneous work by √ √ √ √ √ √
Roh, et al., 2011; Shen, et
multiple disciplines, Improved
al., 2012; Autodesk, 2015;
Coordination, Teamwork
Matarneh & Hamed, 2017)
(Lu & Korman, 2010;
Arayici, et al., 2011; Azhar,
Maintain Control through 2011; Bryde, et al., 2013;
9 √ √ √ √ √ √
the project life cycle Harrison & Thurnell, 2014;
Autodesk, 2015; Matarneh &
Hamed, 2017)
(Ghayamghamian &
Khanzade, 2008; Hardin,
2009; Eastman, et al., 2011;
10 Reduce risks √ √ √ √ √ √
Barlish & Sullivan, 2012;
Porwal & Hewage, 2013;
Jernigan, 2014)
(Babič, et al., 2010; Grilo &
Supporting construction
Jardim-Goncalves, 2010;
and project management
Sacks, et al., 2010; Zhou, et
(executive, communication,
al., 2011; Realcomm Staff
11 strategic planning, and site √ √ √ √ √ √
Writer, 2011; Latiffi, et al.,
planning, risk, change,
2013; Chan, 2014; Gerges,
safety, value, and facility
et al., 2016; Matarneh &
Hamed, 2017)
(Samuelson & Björk, 2013;
12 Error-free design √ √ √ √ √ √ Omar, 2015; Dey, 2015;
Tekla BIMsight, 2016)
Reduced requests for
information ( RFIs’) (Arayici, et al., 2011; Azhar,
13 (promote project √ √ √ √ √ √ et al., 2011; Abbasnejad &
understanding and Moud, 2013)
any ambiguity)
(Manning & Messner, 2008;
Eastman, et al., 2011;
14 Client early involvement √ √ √ √ √ √
Jernigan, 2014; Omar,
Promotes the client and (Yang & Peng, 2008; Karna,
15 √ √ √ √ √ √
customer satisfactions et al., 2009)
(Hardin, 2009; Liu, et al.,
2010; Eastman, et al., 2011;
Keep the stakeholders
16 √ √ √ √ √ √ Azhar, 2011; Elmualim &
informed and satisfied.
Gilder, 2014; Jernigan,
(Kaner, et al., 2008; Liu, et
al., 2010; Eastman, et al.,
2011; Olatunji, 2011; Barlish
17 Maximizing productivity √ √ √ √ √ √ & Sullivan, 2012; McGraw-
Hill, 2012; Doumbouya, et
al., 2016; Matarneh &
Hamed, 2017)
(Glick & Guggemos, 2009;
Popov, et al., 2010;
Gecevska, et al., 2010;
Azhar, 2011; Arayici, et al.,
18 Lifecycle data √ √ √ √ √ √
2012; Abbasnejad & Moud,
2013; Chan, 2014;
Doumbouya, et al., 2016;
Gerges, M, et al., 2017),
(McCartney, 2010;
Eastman, et al., 2011;
Reduced Document Errors Arayici, et al., 2011;
19 √ √ √ √ √ √
and omissions Construction, M.H, 2012;
Moreno, et al., 2013;
Autodesk, 2015)
Minimizing Changes(reduce (Barlish & Sullivan, 2012;
20 √ √ √ √ √ ×
or eliminate change orders) Matarneh & Hamed, 2017).
(Zhang & Hu, 2011;
Reduce accidents by Eastman, et al., 2011;
21 √ × √ × √ ×
Promoting safety plans Barlish & Sullivan, 2012;
Moreno, et al., 2013)
(Sebastian, 2011;
Enhance site logistics
22 √ × √ √ √ √ Abbasnejad & Moud, 2013;
Saleh, 2015)
(Howard & Björk, 2008;
Enhance the lean
Sebastian, 2011; Alwan, et
23 construction principle and √ √ √ √ √ √
al., 2015; Zewein, 2017;
value engineering
Khalil, 2017)
(Barrett, 2008; Elmualim &
24 Promotes the money value √ √ √ √ √ √
Gilder, 2014)
(Glick & Guggemos, 2009;
increasing efficiency (faster
Harrison & Thurnell, 2014;
25 and more effective processes √ √ √ √ √ √
Doumbouya, et al., 2016;
and method)
Matarneh & Hamed, 2017)
(Azhar, et al., 2011;
Eastman, et al., 2011;
Improve the building
26 √ √ √ √ √ √ Porwal & Hewage, 2013;
sustainability analyses
Eadie, et al., 2013;
Doumbouya, et al., 2016)
(Yan & Demian, 2008;
Creativity and innovative Popov, et al., 2010; Sacks,
27 √ √ √ √ √ √
solutions et al., 2010; Azhar, 2011;
Chan, 2014)
(Azhar, 2011; Arayici, et al.,
28 Automated assembly √ × √ √ √ √
2012; Milender White, 2016)
(Glick & Guggemos, 2009;
Reduce Waste( the Arayici, et al., 2011; Azhar,
29 elimination of wastes and √ √ √ √ √ √ 2011; Eastman, et al., 2011;
value generation) Omar & Dulaimi, 2014;
Autodesk, 2015)
(Liu, et al., 2010; Sebastian,
Enhance Competitiveness
2011; National Building
30 (Promotes the company’s √ √ √ √ √ √
Specification, 2014; Azhar,
competitive advantages)
et al., 2015)
31 Facility Management √ √ √ √ √ √ (Sabol, 2008; Omar, 2015)
(Carmona & Irwin, 2007;
Facility Maintenance (easy
Kymmell, 2008; Arayici &
32 access to data for efficient √ √ √ √ √ √
Aouad, 2010; Azhar, 2011;
Selezan & Mao, 2016)
Reduced claim and law
(Liu, et al., 2010;
33 issues (reduced litigation √ √ √ √ √ √
Construction, M.H, 2012)
and insurance claims)
Overcoming distance (Hardin, 2009; Eastman, et
46 √ √ √ √ √ √
barriers. al., 2011)
Promote the
(Eastman, et al., 2011;
designers’ capacity
47 √ √ √ √ √ √ Samuelson & Björk, 2013)
and increases the
Bridge the capacity
gaps with the (Eastman, et al., 2011)
48 √ √ √ √ √ √
international AEC
As-built drawings (laser
(Kymmell, 2008; Jernigan,
scanning for existing
2014; Love, et al., 2014;
49 properties/services and √ √ √ ˣ √ √
Volk, et al., 2014)
(RFID) to automatically
Computer-aided facility (Service Works Group,
52 √ √ √ √ √ √
management (CAFM) 2015)
Take it with you; access to
the model and project details (Autodesk, 2015)
53 √ √ √ √ √ √
from anywhere, on any
Augmented reality for
(Wang, et al., 2014; Omar,
54 interactive architectural √ √ √ √ √ √
(El Meouche, et al., 2013;
Irizarry, et al., 2013;
55 GIS integrated with BIM √ √ √ × √ × Mignard & Nicolle, 2014;
Rafiee, et al., 2014; Baik, et
al., 2015; Zlatanova, 2016)
56 Health and Safety √ × √ √ √ √ (Ganah & John, 2015)
Improve energy saving and
provide healthy
57 √ √ √ √ √ √ (Amor, et al., 214)
environment by integrated
Green Building with BIM
Improve Enterprise
Resource Planning by
58 √ √ √ √ √ √ (Charles, 2017)
integrated with
Conformity with (Howard & Björk, 2008;
59 specifications, √ √ √ √ √ √ Hardin, 2009; Eastman, et
standards and codes al., 2011; Sebastian, 2011)
Eastman et al. (2008) observed that client is the only party reaping the full
benefits of BIM. This conclusion aligns with the findings in Table (4), which
explicitly demonstrates that the client is the most benefit from the implementation
of BIM with the highest score of benefits i.e. 59 out of 59. However, each party
acquires the benefits of BIM-based on his/her business function.
(Azhar, et al., 2015) reported that despite the advantages of implementing BIM in
construction projects and the growing adoption of BIM in the developed
countries such as UK, USA, Europe. Many stakeholders in developing
countries are
reporting specific barriers that hinder BIM implementation which resulted in BIM
is growing slowly. Barriers of BIM have a different perception from a different
point of views i.e. BIM users and non-users (Eadie, et al., 2014; Harty & Laing,
(Panuwatwanich, et al., 2013; Omar, 2015) reported the top barriers to BIM
implementation are lack of management commitment to implement BIM” and
“the resistance to change, and clinging to the old ways of working. The notable
lack of know-how to manage the hindrances for the implementation BIM is the
major reason for the modest use of BIM in the AEC industry in MENA area.
(McGraw-Hill, 2012) respectively ordered the top seven barriers that hinder BIM
implementation; interoperability, functionality, unidentified BIM deliverables
between parties, clients asking for BIM, shortage in staff skilled with BIM, and
the need for 3D building product manufacturer. (Lymath, 2014; McGraw-Hill,
2012) concluded that non-BIM users summarized the issues of implementing
BIM within AEC Industry firms as there is not enough demand from clients, there
hasn’t been sufficient time to evaluate BIM, Software, and hardware upgrades
are too expensive, Functionality does not apply very well to what we do and
there is insufficient BIM-compatible content available for industry needs.
These barriers are caused by a number of technical and human obstacles, which
can be classified as either internal or external barriers. The main obstacles are
the cost and human-related barriers, primarily the learning of new tools and
processes (Kiani, et al., 2015). (Bernstein & Pittman, 2005) emphasised that the
major barriers to the full adoption of BIM were transactional to the business
process evolution: computability of the digital design information and meaningful
data interoperability. In the same vein, (Baba, 2010) grouped the barriers into
cost, lack of training, lack of client demand, resistance to change and cultural
issues, and interoperable.
Preparing employees and the cost of adopting BIM are some of the problems
which shareholders face (Eadie, et al., 2014; Harty & Laing, 2010; McGraw-Hill,
2012).(Eastman, et al., 2011; Hardin & McCool, 2015) claimed that
interoperability, cost of hardware and software, and lack of BIM expertise
(Eastman, et al., 2011; Hardin & McCool, 2015).One of the most important
barriers is the lack of BIM users within the AEC Industry (McGraw-Hill, 2012).
(Almutiri, 2016) concluded the main barriers to implement BIM are the lack of
experts in BIM, resources, hardware, and software identifying educational gaps
for utilizing BIM in architectural programmers. Misunderstanding BIM, the lack of
development within architecture education sector in KSA and unacceptable
output for AEC industry.(Banawi, 2017) reported that designers or architectural
engineering firms
do not usually prove empirically the benefits of BIM to the customer in turn that
creates barrier to implement BIM.
(Chan, 2014) claimed the top three barriers to implement BIM are respectively,
clients and other project team members did not require BIM, the project parties’
belief that 2D CAD systems are enough and the lack of training.
(Mehran, 2016) concluded that the main barriers to implement BIM are Lack of
BIM Standards, Lack of BIM Awareness and Resistance to change. (Gerges, M,
et al., 2017) Pointed that BIM introduced by software developers one of the
considerable barriers to implementing BIM.
Furthermore, the main barriers can be summered as getting seniors to adopt the
new methods, changing the organization of staff to suit particular skills
(Eastman, et al., 2008; Eastman, et al., 2011), cost of implementation (software
and training)
, lack of senior management support , scale of culture change required , lack of
supply chain buy-in , staff resistance and ICT literacy and legal uncertainties
(Eadie, et al., 2014; Eastman, et al., 2008; Eastman, et al., 2011).
1. Personal Barriers
2. BIM Process Barriers
3. Business Barriers
4. Technical Barriers
5. Organization Barriers
6. Market Barriers
Personal Barriers
(Tse, et al., 2005; Yan & Demian, 2008;
McCartney, 2010; Baba, 2010; Forgues, et al.,
1 Lack of insufficient education and training
2011; Bryde, et al., 2013; Banawi, 2017;
Matarneh & Hamed, 2017)
Lack of understanding of BIM and its
2 (Bryde, et al., 2013; Alhumayn, et al., 2017)
(Baba, 2010) (Yan & Demian, 2008; Arayici, et
al., 2009; Baba, 2010; Forgues, et al., 2011;
Culture issues/resistance to change/ Lack
3 Construction, M.H, 2012; Awwad, 2013; Ahmed,
of skills development
et al., 2014; Omar, 2015; Almutiri, 2016; Gerges,
M, et al., 2017)
Lack of BIM knowledge in applying current
4 (Saleh, 2015)
(Baba, 2010; Lu & Korman, 2010; Forgues, et
6 Inefficient Interoperability al., 2011; Porwal & Hewage, 2013; Chan, 2014;
Sattineni & Macdonald, 2014)
The lack of BIM training, the lack of knowledge of the BIM adoption process, lack
of support from managers to accept changing current practices, cost of software,
the lack of demand and lack of BIM expertise, and lack of practical standards
and guidelines, policymakers and the government support were identified as
some of the barriers to the adoption of BIM in Saudi Arabia (Alhumayn, et al.,
2017; Matarneh & Hamed, 2017).
interest in learning BIM, BIM awareness, willingness to use BIM, and perceived
cost of BIM technology and platform (Pikas, et al., 2013).
Cost/benefit analysis, raising awareness and BIM education and training are the
headline challenges of using BIM (Bryde, et al., 2013). (Eastman, et al., 2011;
Hardin & McCool, 2015) reported that the following barriers: (1) Interoperability,
(2) cost of hardware and software, (3) lack of BIM expertise, (4) Shortage of
client’s demand, (5) No sufficient time to evaluate BIM, (6) Software and
hardware upgrades are too expensive, (7) functionality is not applicable, and (8)
Insufficient BIM-compatible content available for industry needs. Represent the
major barriers to implementing BIM in AEC industry. These issues could be
addressed by software developers or changing the mechanism of projects’
process within construction companies and firms, but this process is likely to
take time.
2014). (Recardo, 1995) tried to remove this barrier by assuming that data
collection serves to identify relative strength of each resistance factors and how
it varies by stakeholder group. Also, he reported that if organizations do not
provide timely and targeted education, employees will become apprehensive
regarding their future job security or job competency.
In parallel, (Kotter & Schlesinger, 1989) suggested that the successful change
can be established through two steps: Understanding the need for change and
recognizing the benefits than getting ready for the change which involves the
people, processes, and technology.
However, other researcher argued that for successful change management and
dealing with the resistance to change, two major measures are featured:
(Kotter & Schlesinger, 1989) suggested that there are six ways of overcoming
the resistance to change (Figure 24) Illustrated as following:
All participants should be involved in a change programme which in turn
encourages people especially who would resist. Such programme requires
commitment rather than compliance.
Co-option includes bringing specific individuals into roles that are part of change
management (perhaps managers who are likely to be otherwise resistant to
change). Manipulation involves the selective use of information to encourage
people to behave in a particular way. Whilst the use of manipulation might be
seen as unethical, it might be the only option if other methods of overcoming
resistance to change prove ineffective.
According to (Becerik-Gerber & Rice, 2010) the lack of BIM users within the AEC
Industry can be overcome by training the employees. Software providers can
provide education and training such as Tekla, one of the international
construction companies and software developers, has started to introduce BIM
Architectural schools in order to fill a need in the private sector for BIM users.
Autodesk works with a local company “Dar Al Riyadh” to leverage the knowledge of
students in BIM (Construction Work team, 2014).
2.18.4 Interoperability
IFC is defined as an international public standard schema collectively developed
by BIM software vendors. IFC enables the opening or importing BIM files to
reuse the created data in other applications using different software; IFC
schemes can overcome the conflicts that may appear of using different software
of BIM models. (McGraw-Hill, 2009; Smith & Tardif, M, 2009; Liu, et al., 2010;
Eastman, et al., 2011; Ku & Taiebat, 2011).
For the sake of providing the market with BIM skilled resources, governments
support AEC university students’ curriculum with integrated guidelines for BIM
training programs in addition to the help of BIM software vendors to enable the
the trainees to keep up with the latest BIM skills in the shortest time (Gu &
London, 2010; Azhar, et al., 2011; Hore, 2006; Chan, 2014).
2.18.8 Unclear Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Several professional executives and researchers reported that the IPR detailed
with responsibilities and rights of all parties and level of data transfer (LOD)
should be submitted in a contract document by the government in standard
document or by the client. (Gu & London, 2010).
(Bryde, et al., 2013; New Zealand, B.I.M, 2014) proposed practical solutions for
IPR problems should guarantee an unrestricted free license to use the model for
both parties to maintain the intellectual advantages for designers in parallel to
enable the client to get benefit from the BIM model during the project entire
Based on BIM core values and IPD definition it is clear that there is mutual
synergy between BIM and IPD, where BIM supports the concept of IPD to
integrate people and processes, IPD and BIM are built on collaboration principle
to optimize the efficiency (AGC, 2010; Glick & Guggemos, 2009; Moreno, et al.,
2013; Love, et al., 2014).
Both Azhar (2011) and (Sai Evuri & Amiri-Arshad, 2015) considered data
ownership is one of BIM risks but could be handled with contracts.
2.19 Motivations for BIM implementation in KSA
Some companies in AEC are always seeking for adopting new innovations such
as BIM for continuous improvement to stay on the top of the competitive game in
the market ( (Moore, 2003; Liu, et al., 2010; Eadie, et al., 2013; Omar, 2015).
Majority of construction companies in KSA are international with excellent
experience in BIM paving the way for a suitable environment to smoothly transit
into BIM (Alhumayn, et al., 2017).
Because the main leverage of implementing BIM is achieving the highest
utilization, clients have put a lot of pressure on designers and contractor to
rapidly transit to mandate BIM to meet their demands (Almutiri, 2016), (Monko,
et al., 2017). The main reasons for adopting BIM in the company are client's
requirement, for improvement, competitors are using it, other project parties are
using it, Advances in an increased use of information technologies, increased
competition due to globalization, and changes in workplace practices and
organizational structures (Matarneh & Hamed, 2017).
(Liu, et al., 2010) categorised the main motivators of BIM implementation are:
perceived benefit, external forces, and internal readiness.
Several researchers argued that the main factors leverage the BIM
implementation are recognising the benefits of BIM and driving forces. Those are
the external pressures/forces imposed from externals and/or the surrounding
environment (Omar, 2015; Saleh, 2015) such as competitors to adopt the new
change to BIM (Liu, et al., 2010; Eadie, et al., 2013).
BIM was stimulated by a number of factors including the need for integrated data
management, drive towards whole project lifecycle data management and
political pressures calling for effective collaboration between different
stakeholders to enhance the quality of the construction industry and cost
reduction (McGrawHillConstruction, 2014; Sabol, 2008; Shahrin, et al., 2010;
Yan & Demian, 2008).
(Elmualim & Gilder, 2014) (Love, et al., 2014) Argued that traditionally adoption
of BIM starts with the recognition of the benefits of BIM and how these benefits
can promote the organization’s competitive advantage, increase ROI and
eradicate the majority of the traditional AEC problems.
(Construction, M.H, 2012) concluded the most important factors for Increasing
BIM benefits are: improved interoperability between software applications,
improved BIM software functionality, more clearly-defined BIM deliverables
between parties, more owners asking for BIM, more 3D building product
manufacturer content, reduced cost of BIM software, more internal staff with BIM
skills, more use of contracts to support BIM, more external firms with BIM skills
and more entry-level staff with BIM skills.
(Mehran, 2015) Argued that the main factors influencing BIM implementation;
government support, BIM contract, standards and protocols, develop BIM
performance matrix and industry collaboration. (Won, et al., 2013) Identified five
factors for collaboration and integration within BIM as (Product information
sharing, Organizational roles synergy, Work process coordination-Environment
for teamwork, Reference data consolidation).
After an extensive literature review, Table (6), illustrate the main factors
influencing the BIM implementation.
(Gu & London, 2010; Saleh, 2015; Mehran,
Providing guidance on use of BIM
contractual arrangements (Deloitte, 2016; Mehran, 2016)
BIM required by other project parties (Construction Work team, 2014; Saleh, 2015)
(Azhar, 2011; Gu & London, 2010) (Liu, et al.,
Competitive pressure
2010; Eadie, et al., 2013)
Clients provide pilot project for BIM (Saleh, 2015)
Collaboration with universities (Research
(Saleh, 2015; Almutiri, 2016)
collaboration and curriculum design for students)
Perceived benefits from BIM to client (Gu & London, 2010; Azhar, 2011)
Availability of appropriate software and hardware
(Gu & London, 2010; Azhar, 2011)
Internal Push for Implementing BIM
(Rainer & Hall, 2002; O’Connor & Basri, 2012;
Top Management support Herranz, et al., 2013; Gerges, et al., 2016;
McPartland, 2017)
(Chwelos, et al., 2001; Hardin, 2009; Liu, et al.,
Cultural change (resistance to change)
2010; Gerges, et al., 2016)
(Arayici, et al., 2011; Migilinskas, et al., 2013;
Collaboration between all project participants
Gerges, et al., 2016; Willis & Regmi, 2016)
Improving built output quality (McCartney, 2010; Saleh, 2015)
(Sebastian, 2011; Azhar, 2011; Eastman, et al.,
Perceived benefits from BIM (concerted efforts to
2011; Elmualim & Gilder, 2014; Omar, 2015;
make clients demanding BIM)
Saleh, 2015)
(Arayici, et al., 2009; Saleh, 2015; McPartland,
Technical competence of staff
Financial resources of organization (Liu, et al., 2010; Eastman, et al., 2011; Succar
& Kassem, 2015; Omar, 2015; Saleh, 2015)
The desire for innovation with competitive (Omar, 2015; Saleh, 2015)
advantages and differentiation in the market.
Improving the capacity to provide whole-life value to
(Omar, 2015; Saleh, 2015; Gerges, et al., 2016)
Safety into the construction process (reduce risk of (Omar, 2015; Saleh, 2015)
(Arayici, et al., 2011; Eastman, et al., 2011;
BIM training program to staff Smith, 2014; Gerges, et al., 2016; Willis &
Regmi, 2016; Gerges, M, et al., 2017)
Adapting existing workflows to lean oriented (Arayici, et al., 2009; Arayici, et al., 2011;
processes Eastman, et al., 2011)
Decide which tools you will use (McPartland, 2016)
apply successful change management strategies to (Arayici, et al., 2009; Arayici, et al., 2011;
diminish any potential resistance to change Eastman, et al., 2011)
(Arayici, et al., 2009; Eastman, et al., 2011;
Collaboration between all stakeholders
Gerges, et al., 2016; Willis & Regmi, 2016)
Continuous investment in BIM (Ding, et al., 2015; Saleh, 2015)
(McGraw-Hill, 2009; Elmualim & Gilder, 2014;
Projects complexity and profit declination Jernigan, 2014; Azhar, et al., 2015; Omar, 2015;
Almutiri, 2016; Ball, 2017)
Approaches Adoption should be undertaken with a
bottom-up approach to successful change
(Arayici, et al., 2011)
management and deal with the resistance to
(Liu, et al., 2010; Eadie, et al., 2013) concluded that the driving forces for the
implementation of BIM classified to the government and client pressure,
surrounding environment, pressure from competitors and the complexity of
projects and profit declination.
2.21 AEC industry and organizational internal readiness
(Arayici, et al., 2011) claimed that setting a clear guidance and methodology
guarantees to achieve the ultimate benefits of BIM.
(Courtesy of Adam Matthews, Chair, EU BIM Task group) suggested another
strategic framework for public sector BIM adoption: growing capability, pilot
projects, measuring and monitoring, case studies and embedding change.
(Jung & Joo, 2011) proposed BIM implementation framework (Table 7).
(Construction Work team, 2014) predicted a 17.8% growth in the market value of
BIM rising from $2.6bn up to $6.5bn by 2020 stimulated by the general recovery
of construction markets worldwide and raised recognition of BIM benefits. Also
predicted further growth will be motivated by companies using the data for
building maintenance and operations, and that integration with building energy
management systems represents the next major step in its growth.
There is a need for further studies on BIM awareness, BIM definitions, changes,
and how these challenges should be addressed. A common and agreed upon
definition of BIM needs to be developed, as well as a methodology to evaluate
BIM benefits from a business perspective. An accepted and validated baselines
and/or benchmarks are needed (Mehran, 2016).
There is a little research on BIM in KSA. Almost no research on BIM in
developing countries exists prior to 2013, and the focus of the present
researches is limited to the three countries of China, India, and Malaysia. (Bui, et
al., 2016).
The study is trying to cover six knowledge gaps: raising BIM awareness, Barriers
diminishes implementation of BIM in KSA, ways to overcome these barriers, BIM
Benefits, key factors influencing the implementation of BIM, and Methodology to
implement BIM in KSA.
However (Farah, 2014) discussed the BIM awareness in KSA, benefits can gain
from implementing BIM, barriers and key factor influencing the adoption, his
study rely only quantitative data also his findings missed many points which
already stipulated in many literature reviews such as his result about the benefits
of BIM are only Collaboration and Coordination, Productivity, Changes in
workflows and processes And Market Opportunities however in section 2.16
illustrate many key additional benefits.
Based on the extensive literature survey, it was found that there is no specific
research investigated the KSA AEC industry to propose solution packages for
the government to implement BIM. In order to fill this knowledge gap, this
research prudently investigated all these gaps and proposed efficient solutions
that assist KSA government to implement BIM smoothly and swiftly.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology and Data Collection
3.1 Method of data collection
Second phase: the aim of the second phase is to explore each point and
contents or steps to develop a suggested methodology. The second phase
consisted of two steps the first is a questionnaire and the second is interviews to
collect the BIM user and non-user perceptions about each step that produces the
suggested methodology to implement BIM in KSA.
In addition to that structured interviews to fill the questionnaire via telephone
and face to face interviews. The questionnaire includes quantitative and
qualitative data so the two approaches were taken into consideration.
Afterwards, the final questionnaire was developed to collect the data, and hence
the final questionnaire was accessible via online survey platform dubbed
“Google form”. This platform enabled easy and swift filling of the survey via the
internet and then the responses were gathered automatically to save and store
them via an online database.
There are three different types of the data collection techniques under the self-
completed method: internet /intranet, post and delivery, and collection. The use
of the internet to distribute and collect data will help to cover a large sample in a
short period of time compared with other techniques. Using the internet
technique has a high confident that the right person will respond to the
questionnaire. However, if the respondent has not got it through a direct link by
his/her personal email the rate will be negatively affected.
On the other hand, the response rate in using the internet techniques is the
lowest rate compared with other techniques by 11% (Saunders, et al., 2012).
Avoiding time-consuming this study, use a multi-method quantitative data which
are an online questionnaire and structured interviews. The link to an online
questionnaire was sent by email to increase the confidentiality. The
questionnaire was available from 28th September 2017 till 20th December 2017
(about three months).
The questionnaire survey was sent to 689 AEC medium to big organizations in
the KSA, however, the returned responses were 275 responses (13.0 %), the
uncompleted responses were 27 (9.7%) of the returned responses. Therefore,
the number of true responses were 248 (90.18%) of the returned responses.
Third phase: the third phase consisted of two steps the first is an online
questionnaire and the second is interviews to validate the suggested
methodology to implement BIM in KSA AEC industry projects from only BIM
user’s perspectives.
As the first step for the third phase, we collected the maximum number of
responses to the selected quantitative approach to understanding the impact of
the six independent variables on the implementation of BIM in the KSA AEC
industry (the dependent variable). Therefore, the quantitative approach was
found as a reliable methodology to test the hypotheses composed of variables
derived from the first and the second phases (Naoum, 2012).
As the second step for the third phase, structured interviews with focus groups,
who are BIM expert and BIM researchers, were used to validate the developed
Literature Review
Collect data
Interviews Questionnaire
Developing model
Model validation
Final model
Equation 1 – Cochran Formula
𝑧2 ∗ 𝑝 ∗ 𝑞
= 𝑐2
Equation 3
(𝑧2 ∗ 𝑝 ∗ 𝑞) + 𝑐2
𝑛 𝑧2 ∗ 𝑝 ∗ 𝑞
𝑐2 +
Z = Z value, taken as 1.96 for 95% confidence level.
P = Percentage picking a choice, expressed as a decimal, taken as 0.5.
q = 1 – P.
C = margin of error, taken as 9% =
0.09. N= Total population, taken as
231,000. n = Sample size. 2
Applying the equation: 𝑛 = (1.96 1.962∗0.50∗(1−0.50)
= 119.50 ≈ 120
Thus the result of Equation 2 = 124 was chosen to be the required sample size
of this research study.
3.2.1 Reliability
Cronbach's Alpha equals to 0.984 that means the data collected from the
questionnaire with highly reliable as shown in Table (8).
3.2.2 Correlation
This is a technique that can show whether and, how strongly pairs of variables
are related. P-values are often coupled to a significance or alpha (α) level, which
is also set ahead of time, usually at 0.05 (5%). Thus, if a p-value was found to be
less than 0.05, then the result would be considered statistically significant and
the null hypothesis would be rejected. However, other significance levels, such
as 0.1 or 0.01, are also used; depending on the field of study (Mirghani, 2016).
Table 9: Correlations
Enabling Evaluating
Ensuring several project Reducing
Project marketin performance & financial Information
Requirements g maintenance risk Model
Ensuring Project Pearson
1 .666** .628** .629** .703**
Requirements Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98
Enabling several Pearson
.666** 1 .564** .544** .536**
marketing Correlation
techniques Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98
Evaluating Pearson
.628** .564** 1 .580** .587**
project Correlation
performance & Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000
maintenance tailed)
N 98 98 98 98 98
Reducing Pearson
.629** .544** .580** 1 .752**
financial risk Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98
Information Pearson
.703** .536** .587** .752** 1
Model Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The value was found to be less than 0.05, then the result would be considered
statistically significant (Table 9).
The received responses are 272 while 63.1 % selected No and, finish the
questionnaire because they do not have enough knowledge to continue.
36.9 % selected “Yes, and continued answering the questions” as shown in Figure
(27). This percentage means that there is lack of awareness about BIM
Knowledge in KSA. In spite of what literature stated according to (Farah, 2014)
reported that there is a high level of awareness of BIM technology in KSA AEC
Table 10: Coding respondents’ reasons why they do not have interest in BIM
Reasons Frequencies Percent
CAD is enough 3 9.09%
Don’t know what BIM is 10 30.30%
Depends on customer 3 9.09%
have no time 4 12.12%
it is out of my scope 10 30.30%
Not needed in my work 3 9.09%
Total 33 100 %
The largest percent reported, ”Don’t Know what BIM is and it is out of my scope.”
Hence, this percentage implies raising the BIM awareness influence the BIM
Figure (28), dissected the completed responses represent 25.4 % public sector
organizations and 74.6 % private sector organizations. This result means that
the public sector is less interesting in BIM than the private sector.
Figure 28: Responses’ Organization type
Table (11), concludes that residential buildings represent 38.6% of the largest
percentage of respondents’ specializations.
As shown in Table (12), the highest organization size 64.0% are over 200
employees; it means that large companies are interested in BIM while the small
and medium have less interest.
Table 12: Organization size
1-30 33 12.1
31-60 33 12.1
61-100 12 4.4
101-200 20 7.4
Over 200 Employees 174 64.0
Total 272 100.0
A large percentage of respondents’ organizations (35.52%) are working on big
size projects (501M -1Billion), as shown in Figure (29).
As shown in Figure (31), most respondents (29.36%) reported that they
represent a Designer / Architect / Engineer. This means that designers are more
aware of BIM.
Figure 33: Respondents years of experience
The randomly tested sample covered all the KSA as shown in Figure (34),
however the received responses mostly from Riyadh 41.2%, Makka al-
Mukarama 13.2%, Eastern Province 6.3 %, Madinah 4.8%, Najran 2.9%, Tabuk
1.8%, Qassim 1.8%, Asir and Jazan 1.8 %, Northern Borders 0.7%, Jawf 0.70%,
Ha’il 0.4%, Bahah 0.4%.
Chapter 4: Results analysis
This study tried to compare between BIM users and non-BIM user’s perspectives
of BIM awareness level in KSA, perceived BIM benefits, barriers to BIM
implementation, the solution to overcome the barriers, the key factors influencing
the BIM implementation, the AEC industry, and internal readiness, find
suggested methodology to implement BIM in KSA.
4.1 Questionnaire
Figure (35), reflects the limited awareness about BIM representing 60% of the
whole returned responses, whereas 15.6% are not interested, 44.4% not using
BIM. While 17.8 % BIM user, 12.2 % as BIM experts and 9.3% as BIM
researcher, this means that only 40% are aware of BIM in KSA. Therefore, the
critical success factors are related to raising the awareness of the AEC industry
key players and decision makers about BIM. This result contradicts with what
(Farah, 2014) found.
Total 121 100.0%
4.1.1 Respondents information about BIM
The respondents’ answers about the different areas of BIM application are
reported in Table (14). This result confirms with that reported in the literature.
Table (15), presents the different areas that can be integrated with BIM as per
the respondents’ answers. The project management comes as the first area that
is usually integrated with BIM. These results are in line with the literature.
Figure 36: BIM maturity levels
The current implementing dimension of BIM is 3D, as shown in Figure (37),
Figure 38: The future of BIM
4.1.2 Perceived benefits of BIM
4.12 4.14
4 3.97
Ensuring Enabling Evaluating Reducing Information
Project several project financial risk Model
Requirements marketing performance &
techniques maintenance
Table 16: Benefits of BIM from Client perspective
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Ensuring Project 3 3 14 37 41 98 .977
4.12 4 Agree
Requirements 3.1 % 3.1 % 14.3 % 37.8 % 41.8 % 100 %
Enabling several 2 4 22 37 33 98
marketing 3.97 5 Agree
2% 4.1 % 22.4 % 37.8 % 33.7 % 100 %
Evaluating project 2 4 15 34 43 98
4.14 .963
performance & 3 Agree
2% 4.1 % 15.3 % 34.7 % 43.9 % 100 %
Reducing financial 2 6 11 31 48 98
4.19 1.002 2 Agree
risk 2.0 % 6.1 % 11.2 % 31.6 % 49.0 % 100 %
1 5 8 32 52 98 4.32 Strongly
Information Model .904 1
1.0 % 5.1 % 8.2 % 32.7 % 53.1 % 100 % agree
Weighted mean 4.148 Agree
Respondents reported the following benefits of BIM from clients’ perspectives:
time-saving, complete on time, minimizing coordination problems, improve
quality, assure comparing apple to apple during the tender stage, well organize
and systematic, improve company strategy, earlier involvement of client in the
design stage, reducing cost.
Furthermore, one respondent reported that BIM from the client perspective is
very necessary for the planning and implementation of projects, but from the
beginning of the project and not after the start of implementation because it is
impeding the progress of the project.
Respondents reported, also, other Benefits of BIM from the designer perspective
as follows: increase experience, quick review, and changes at the perfect time,
coordination, avoid clashes and errors, sharing information, quick quantities take
off. Those benefits are stipulated in literature but are not classified under
designer perspective. The literature mentioned these benefits in general for all
project parties.
3.98 3.97 3.97
Producing Various Facilitating visual Enabling Extracting fast IFC
design options evacuation plans Sustainable analysis drawings
Table 17: Benefits of BIM from Designer perspective
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Producing Various 2 14 18 47 48 129 3.97 1.045
3 Agree
design options 1.6 % 10.9 % 14.0 % 36.4 % 37.2 % 100 %
Facilitating visual 2 4 20 61 42 129
4.06 .864 1 Agree
evacuation plans 1.6 % 3.1 % 15.5 % 47.3 % 32.6 % 100 %
Enabling 3 5 30 45 46 129 3.98
Sustainable .980 2 Agree
analysis 2.3 % 3.9 % 23.3 % 34.9 % 35.7 % 100 %
Extracting fast IFC 2 3 17 49 58 129 1.045
3.97 3 Agree
drawings 1.6 % 2.3 % 13.2 % 38.0 % 45 % 100 %
Weighted mean 3.995 Agree
86 Contractor perspective
The respondents ordered the benefits from the contractor perspective as enable
3D coordination, information integration, accurate BOQ & cost estimation,
supporting construction and project management, site utilizing planning, monitor
& control progress, enhanced ability to compete, automated assembly, increase
health & safety, and staff recruitment and retention (Figure 41 and Table 18).
5 4.33
4.5 4.04 4.04 4.16 4.21 4.12 3.94 3.9
4 3.61 3.42
Table 18: Benefits of BIM from Contractor perspective
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Enable 3D 3 6 18 37 89 153 4.33 Strongly
.965 1
Coordination 2% 3.9 % 11.8 % 24.2 % 58.2 % 100 % agree
3 8 30 51 61 153 4.04
Site Utilizing Planning .993 5 Agree
2 5.2 % 19.6 % 33.3 % 39.9 % 100 %
Monitor & Control 3 3 36 54 57 153 4.04
.931 5 Agree
2% 2% 23.5 % 35.3 % 37.3 % 100 %
Increase Health & 5 14 54 42 38 153
3.61 1.058 8 Agree
Safety 3.3 % 9.2 % 35.3 % 27.5 % 24.8 % 100 %
Accurate BOQ & Cost 4 8 20 49 72 153
4.16 1.014 3 Agree
Estimation 2.6 % 5.2 % 13.1 % 32.0 % 47.1 % 100 %
5 6 17 49 76 153 Strongly
Information Integration 4.21 1.011 2
3.3 % 3.9 % 11.1 % 32.0 % 49.7 % 100 % agree
Supporting 3 9 24 47 70 153
construction and 4.12 1.009 4 Agree
project management
2% 5.9 % 15.7 % 30.7 % 45.8 % 100 %
Table 18 continue: Benefits of BIM from Contractor Perspective
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Respondents reported other benefits of BIM from contractors’ perspective:
advanced coordination, cost savings, gives a clear vision help in planning,
control of cost and budget, discover conflicts and detect clashes, accurate
inventory, fewer clashes on site, facility management, increase productivity and
collaboration of all stakeholders.
The respondents ordered the shared BIM benefits as: clash detection, time
savings, improving the quality and reduced rework, increasing efficiency,
enhance collaboration & communication, cost reduction, creation and sharing of
information ability, data lifecycle, reduced document errors and omissions,
improves visualization, reduced number of requests for information, reduced
change orders, reduce waste and value generation, reduced claim and law
issues (Table 19 and Figure 42).
Table 19: Benefits of BIM to all participants (shared between client, designer and contractor)
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits order general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
5 9 12 51 76 153
Time savings 4.20 1.035 2 Agree
3.3 % 5.90 % 7.80 % 33.3 % 49.7 % 100 %
6 10 15 51 71 153
The cost reduction 4.12 1.082 5 Agree
3.90 % 6.50 % 9.80 % 33.3 % 46.4 % 100 %
Improving the quality 8 4 14 52 75 153
and Reduced Rework
4.19 1.062 3 Agree
5.2 % 2.60 % 9.20 % 34.0 % 49 % 100 %
6 9 12 33 93 153 Strongly
Clash detection 4.29 1.094 1
3.90 % 5.90 % 7.80 % 21.6 % 60.8 % 100 % agree
7 10 15 56 65 153
Improves visualization 4.06 1.096 7 Agree
4.6 % 6.50 % 9.8 % 36.6 % 42.5 % 100 %
Reduced Number of 7 10 15 56 65 153
requests for 4.06 1.096 7 Agree
4.6 % 6.50 % 9.8 % 36.6 % 42.5 % 100 %
Reduced change 7 10 15 56 65 153
4.06 1.096 7 Agree
orders 4.6 % 6.50 % 9.8 % 36.6 % 42.5 % 100 %
Table 19 continue: Benefits of BIM to all participants (shared between client, designer and contractor)
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Benefits order general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Enhance collaboration & 5 8 17 50 73 153
4.16 1.035 4 Agree
3.3 % 5.2 % 11.1 % 32.7 % 47.7 % 100 %
Reduced Document Errors 6 8 17 55 67 153
and omissions
4.10 1.052 6 Agree
3.9 % 5.2 % 11.1 % 35.9 % 43.8 % 100 %
Reduced claim and law 4 12 33 51 53 153
3.90 1.052 9 Agree
2.6 % 7.8 % 21.8 % 33.3 % 34.60 % 100 %
Reduce Waste and value 6 11 24 51 61 153
3.98 1.097 8 Agree
generation 3.9 % 7.2 % 15.7 % 33.3 % 39.9 % 100 %
4 12 12 48 77 153
Increasing efficiency 4.19 1.050 3 Agree
2.6 % 7.8 % 7.8 % 31.4 % 50.3 % 100 %
Creation and sharing of
7 7 21 44 74 153
information ability: Life 4.12 1.100 5 Agree
cycle data 4.6 % 4.6 % 13.7 % 28.8 % 48.4 % 100 %
Weighted mean 4.11 Agree
4.2 4.19 4.19
4.2 4.16
4.12 4.12
4.1 4.06 4.06 4.06
Figure 42: Benefits of BIM to all participants (shared between client, designer and contractor)
Figure (43), shows the benefits to all project parties with the highest benefit is
reported to the client. This result is closed to what (Eastman, et al., 2008)
4 3.977
Benefits of BIM Benefits of BIM Benefits of BIM Benefits of BIM to
from Client from Designer from Contractor all participants
perspective perspective perspective
Table 20: Personal Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Barriers Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
6 11 27 50 59 153
Lack of insufficient training 3.95 1.099 4 Agree
3.9 % 7.2 % 17.6 % 32.7 % 38.6 % 100 %
Lack of understanding of 5 9 22 50 67 153
4.08 1.055 1 Agree
BIM and its benefits 3.3 % 5.9 % 14.4 % 32.7 % 43.8 % 100 %
4.1 4.08 4.08
Lack of insufficient Lack of understanding Resistance to change: Lack of BIM education Lack of BIM
training of BIM and its benefits Lack of skills knowledge in applying
development current technologies
Also respondents reported that the personal barriers could be cultural issues,
most of the people are involved in a construction area are afraid to share their
data for lack of mutual trust and other reasons, lack of advertisement in
magazine and news on TV, insufficient fund, shared risk-reward, and lack of
conduct long-term relationships.
One respondent reported that “I am concerned that BIM designers do not have
enough real field experience to be able to design in a way that can be built cost
effectively and safely. Explained another way just because it can be built on a
computer screen does not mean it can be built in the field.”
Also, respondents reported that the process barriers can be of low maturity level,
software licenses cost, confidential information. Literature does not mention
these results.
3.8 3.78 3.78
3.6 3.57
3.55 3.51
Legal issues (ownership of Risks and challenges with Changing work processes Lack of effective
data) the use of a single model collaboration among
(BIM) project participants
Table 21: BIM Process Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree The
disagree agree Total
Weighted Std. Ranking general
Barriers Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
98 Business Barriers
Time and cost of training, lack of contractual arrangements, complicated and
time- consuming modelling process, doubts about return on investment, the high
cost of implementation, and unclear benefits reported as respondents’ business
barriers (Figure 46 and Table 22).
3.76 3.78
3.7 3.64 3.66
3.5 3.44
Table 22: Business Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree The
disagree agree Total
Weighted Std. Ranking general
Barriers Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
100 Technical Barriers
The respondents concluded technical barriers as the lack of BIM technical
experts, the absence of standards and clear guidelines, insufficient technology
infrastructure, insufficient interoperability, and the belief that current technology
is enough (Figure 47 and Table 23).
3.9 3.85
3.66 3.69
3.4 3.33
Lack of BIM Interoperability Absence of Insufficient Current
technical experts standards and technology technology is
clear guidelines infrastructure enough
Table 23: Technical Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total
disagree agree The general
Weighted Std. Ranking
barriers Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency trend
mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
102 Organization Barriers
The respondents reported the order of organization barriers as the lack of senior
management support, unwillingness to change, difficulties in managing the
impacts of BIM, the magnitude of change/staff turnover, the absence of other
competing initiatives, and construction insurance (figure 48 and table 24).
Also, respondents reported that the organization barriers can be company policy,
coordination is in futile, top management experience, competency, and
4 3.94
Lack of Senior Difficulties in Absence of Other Unwillingness to Magnitude of Construction
Management managing the Competing change Change / Staff Insurance
support. impacts of BIM Initiatives turnover
Table 24: Organization Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Barriers Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Lack of Senior 8 8 27 52 58 153
3.94 1.114 1 Agree
Management support 5.2 % 5..2 % 17.6 % 34.0 % 37.9 100 %
Difficulties in 8 12 41 54 38 153
managing the impacts 3.67 1.094 3 Agree
of BIM 5.2 % 7.8 % 26.8 % 35.3 % 24.8 % 100 %
Absence of Other
6 9 57 43 38 153
Competing Initiatives 3.64 1.043 5 Agree
3.9 % 5.9 % 37.3 % 28.1 % 24.8 % 100 %
Unwillingness to 6 12 29 51 55 153
change 3.90 1.101 2 Agree
3.90 % 7.8 % 19 % 33.3 % 35.9 % 100 %
Magnitude of Change 9 12 43 49 40 153
/ Staff turnover 3.65 1.127 4 Agree
5.9 % 7.8 % 28.1 % 32 % 26.1 % 100 %
9 14 46 41 43 153
3.62 1.159 6 Agree
5.9 % 9.2 % 30.1 % 26.8 % 28.1 % 100 %
Weighted mean 3.7366 Agree
104 Market Barrier
The respondents reported that market barriers included lack of publicity and
awareness and lack of client/government demand (Figure 49 and Table 25). The
literature added the market is not ready yet, however, the respondents claimed
that the market is ready.
Also, respondents reported that the market barriers can be low realized benefits,
understanding the importance of BIM, and competency as well as lack of
One respondent reported that “no incentive for anyone to deal with life-cycle as
people will be dead! And Attention must be paid to marketing BIM. There are no
market barriers if management, marketing, and good publicity are available.
Figure (50), shows that the most frequent barriers come from the personal side.
4.5 4.3
Lack of The market is not Lack of publicity and
client/government ready yet awareness
Table 25: Market Barriers
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree The
disagree agree Total
Weighted Std. Ranking general
Barriers Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Lack of
8 16 27 49 53 153
client/government 3.80 1.176 1
demand 5.2 % 10.5 % 17.6 % 32.0 % 34.6 % 100 %
The market is not 12 32 38 37 34 153
3.32 1.249
ready yet 0
7.8 % 20.9 % 24.8 % 24.2 % 22.2 % 100 %
Lack of publicity and
7 16 23 65 42 153 Agree
awareness 3.78 1.102 2
4.6 % 10.5 % 15.0 % 42.5 % 27.5 % 100 %
Weighted mean Agree
Personal Barriers BIM Process Barriers Business Barriers Technical Barriers Organisation Barriers Market Barriers
4.1.4 Key Factors influence the adoption
Table 26: External Push for Implementing BIM in KSA
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Key Factors Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Government support and 10 14 17 40 72 153
pressure in the 3.98 1.243 2 Agree
implementation of BIM 6.5 % 9.2 % 11.1 % 26.1 % 47.1 % 100 %
Client pressure and 9 10 23 50 62 153
demand the application 3.95 1.160 5 Agree
of BIM in their projects 5.9 % 6.5 % 14.4 % 32.7 % 40.5 % 100 %
Table 26 continues: External Push for Implementing BIM in KSA
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Total The
disagree agree Weighted Std.
Key Factors Ranking general
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency mean Deviation
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
BIM required by other 8 4 31 53 57 153
project parties
3.96 1.075 4 Agree
5.2 % 2.6 % 20.3 % 34.6 % 37.3 % 100 %
10 4 34 57 48 153
Competitive pressure 3.84 1.101 9 Agree
6.5 % 2.6 % 22.2 % 37.3 % 31.4 % 100 %
Promotion and awareness 7 5 37 51 53 153
3.90 1.062 8 Agree
of BIM 4.6 % 3.3 % 24.2 % 33.3 % 34.6 % 100 %
Clients provide pilot project 7 5 30 60 51 153
3.93 1.037 6 Agree
for BIM 4.6 % 3.3 % 19.6 % 39.2 % 33.3 % 100 %
Collaboration with
8 5 30 52 58 153
universities (Research
collaboration and 3.96 1.088 4 Agree
curriculum design for 5.2 % 3.3 % 19.6 % 34.0 % 37.9 % 100 %