USA Today - June 27 2024 Freemagazines Top
USA Today - June 27 2024 Freemagazines Top
USA Today - June 27 2024 Freemagazines Top
She and “A Quiet Place:
Day One” co-star Joseph
Quinn talk about
scene-stealing cat and
dramatic dieting. In Life
Presidential debate:
Opportunity and risk
By a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court
on Wednesday said the Biden
administration is allowed to squash
content on social media platforms
that is considered misinformation.
can be
High court gives Biden
administration a win
Maureen Groppe and Bart Jansen
WASHINGTON − The Supreme President Joe Biden has spent much of the past week at Former President Donald Trump has foregone traditional
Court on Wednesday handed the Bi- Camp David, practicing for Thursday night’s faceoff debate preparation, but he has been given verbal policy
den administration an election-year against Trump in a television studio in Atlanta. There will briefings and has kept up with the news, a Trump campaign
victory, throwing out a conservative be no studio audience. THOMAS BENDER/USA TODAY NETWORK official said. MAX CURRAN/USA TODAY NETWORK
challenge to government efforts to
have social media companies remove
posts it considered misinformation.
The 6-3 decision, led by Justice Biden aiming to How to watch
Tune in to the first
Trump will be
Amy Coney Barrett, was a response to
a suit that came during a hot-button change narrative presidential debate of the
2024 campaign Thursday
playing offense
period when social media was thick
with contentious posts over COVID-19,
vaccines, top government scientist
regarding his age at 9 p.m. EDT.
– and defense
USA TODAY will stream the
Anthony Fauci, and other emotional Francesca Chambers event at David Jackson and Zac Anderson
topics. Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gor- and Michael Collins @USATODAY. The debate USA TODAY
such and Clarence Thomas dissented. USA TODAY also will air on CNN and cable
Barrett, writing for the majority, networks. WASHINGTON – After spending six
said the challengers argued that unfet- WASHINGTON – President Joe Bi- weeks sitting in a criminal courtroom,
tered speech on social media is critical den’s challenge to debate Donald Trump CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana former President Donald Trump gets to
to their work as scientists, pundits and in June, before the former president has Bash will moderate. play both prosecutor and defense law-
activists. even been awarded the Republican yer in another arena: a presidential de-
nomination, took many in his party by Play along bate.
surprise. Use our presidential debate Trump and his allies say he plans to
The 81-year-old president is battling bingo cards as you watch the use Thursday’s showdown to indict
“Our country benefits when perceptions he’s too old for another debate. 3A President Joe Biden, 81, for his age and
term. And another faceoff with Trump handling of issues like inflation and the
ideas can be tested and could be risky. Any slip up or stumble southern border. But the former presi-
debated fairly on their will fuel concerns about his mental acu- dent will also have to play defense over
ity and feed into fears Biden is past his GOP debates on abortion rights, his own
merits, whether online or in prime. mental acuity, and his sweeping crimi-
But with Trump leading in many polls nal charges that include his May 30 con-
the halls of Congress.” – even after his conviction on 34 felo- viction in his New York City hush money
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio nies following a highly publicized crimi- case.
nal trial in New York – Biden is playing “How should I handle him?” Trump
“But they do not point to any specif- one of the few cards he has left. asked supporters during a weekend
ic instance of content moderation that
caused them identifiable harm,” Bar- See BIDEN, Page 3A See TRUMP, Page 2A
rett wrote. “They have therefore failed
to establish an injury that is sufficient-
ly ‘concrete and particularized.’ ”
In the dissent, Alito complained
that the majority “unjustifiably re-
fuses to address this serious threat to
The vast new legal frontier?
the First Amendment.”
“For months, high-ranking Govern- Falling ‘space junk’ claims
ment officials placed unrelenting pres-
sure on Facebook to suppress Ameri- Jeanine Santucci uninsured property damage and emo-
cans’ free speech,” Alito wrote. USA TODAY tional anguish.
By dismissing the case without Space junk – any of the millions of
When a Florida family filed a claim pounds of objects left by humans in
See SOCIAL MEDIA, Page 4A against NASA over “space junk” that fell space ranging from small nuts and bolts
through their roof earlier this year, it to pieces of defunct satellites – falls into
launched a potentially precedent-set- Earth’s atmosphere every day. The vast
ting question: Who is liable when debris majority of it burns up on its way down,
This piece of support equipment that from space causes damage or injury? but every so often, pieces fall to the sur-
was part of a pallet of used batteries Nobody was hurt when a cylindrical face. They most often land in oceans,
from the International Space Station object that was part of a pallet of used which cover most of Earth’s surface, and
sailed through the roof of a home in batteries from the International Space other unpopulated places on land.
A division of Naples, Fla., in March. Now the family Station came sailing through Alejandro Very rarely, they have caused damage
Gannett Co., Inc.
has filed a claim against NASA for Otero and his family’s roof in what their or minor injury, but experts say a
property damage and emotional attorney called a “near miss,” but the
distress. PROVIDED BY NASA claim for a more than $80,000 includes See SPACE JUNK, Page 4A
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Biden pardons vets convicted Space junk Act, the process by which American citi-
zens can sue the federal government −
which requires them to prove negli-
during military ban on gay sex Continued from Page 1A gence, Hanlon said.
NASA has six months to respond to
growing amount of junk in space the claim. The agency can choose to set-
Francesca Chambers tion official said. means those occurrences may happen tle with the family, Hanlon said, or the
and Rachel Barber Once they have a certificate of par- more frequently in the future. case would go to court, and the outcome
USA TODAY don, they can apply to have their dis- So who should pay in a case like the could set a precedent for space junk
charge characterization changed, the Oteros’, and how worried should peo- cases in the U.S. going forward.
President Joe Biden is issuing a proc- official said. The specific details of the ple be about space objects hurtling “It’s very interesting situation, be-
lamation pardoning thousands of U.S. process will be available on the De- toward them? cause there’s no way to actually prove
veterans who were convicted under a fense Department website, and infor- This is an “unprecedented” scenar- negligence,” Hanlon said. She said that
military law that banned gay sex, mak- mation will be provided to veterans by io, said Michelle L.D. Hanlon, director it would be impossible to send inspec-
ing them eligible to apply for previously the Justice Department. of the Center for Air and Space Law at tors up to the space station to evaluate
withheld benefits. The Biden administration esti- the University of Mississippi School of and that NASA’s analyses led it to be-
In a statement early Wednesday an- mates that thousands of people were Law. lieve the pallet released in 2021 would
nouncing the clemency actions, Biden convicted under Article 125 before it “It’s a really fascinating story,” Han- orbit Earth for a few years before burn-
said he was “righting an historic wrong” was rewritten by Congress. Officials lon told USA TODAY. “I don’t think it’s ing up on reentry to the atmosphere.
to pardon former service members “who were unable to say how many might going to happen to you, but I hope it
were convicted simply for being them- seek benefits, how long the applica- does get people to think about space, Space is getting crowded
selves.” tion process would take or how the ad- because space is an integral part of our
The ban held for more than six dec- ministration plans to reach reach vet- lives, and it’s just going to become NASA estimates there are 17.6 million
ades until Congress in 2013 amended erans experiencing homelessness. even more so.” pounds of objects in Earth’s orbit, and
the Uniform Code of Military Justice Ar- Biden said in a statement that he is the volume of space junk is only expect-
ticle 125, which had criminalized con- “committed to maintaining the finest Who pays for the damage? ed to increase.
sensual sodomy, after the repeal of fighting force in the world,” and that Though the risk of being struck by
“don’t ask don’t tell.” includes making sure that “every There is an international treaty to debris is low – about 1 in 100 billion –
“Despite their courage and great sac- member of our military is safe and re- deal with just such an event. It says there have been documented cases of
rifice, thousands of LGBTQI+ service spected.” that if space junk falls to Earth and minor injury resulting from falling space
members were forced out of the military “This is about dignity, decency, and causes damage or injury, whatever junk. In 1997, Oklahoman Lottie Wil-
because of their sexual orientation or ensuring the culture of our Armed country launched the object is respon- liams was famously hit but not hurt by a
gender identity. Some of these patriotic Forces reflect the values that make us sible, without anyone having to prove falling piece of a U.S. Delta II rocket
Americans were subject to court-mar- an exceptional nation,” Biden said. that negligence caused it, Hanlon said. while she was at a park.
tial, and have carried the burden of this CNN was first to report the presi- It doesn’t apply, however, when a “It’s going to happen again,” Hanlon
great injustice for decades,” Biden said. dent’s plan to issue the proclamation. country’s own space object causes said, referring to space junk liability
Affected veterans will automatically The proclamation is Biden’s latest harm to its own citizens. The piece that claims. “It’s not like the sky is falling ...
receive a pardon. But to receive care and use of his clemency authority after he came through the family’s house in but it’s going to happen more and more.”
previously withheld benefits, individual issued a sweeping pardon late last year Florida from the space station was U.S. Contributing: Janet Loehrke and
service members will have to provide for every American who had used mar- space junk, so the family had to file a Gabe Hauari, USA TODAY; Dave Osborn,
proof they qualify, a senior administra- ijuana. claim through the Federal Tort Claims USA TODAY Network-Florida
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Chairman and CEO Chief Financial Officer: Chief Content Officer: Editor in Chief, Vice President/Group Editor, Vice President/Executive Editor,
Gannett Co. Doug Horne Kristin Roberts USA TODAY Gannett Opinion Sports
Michael Reed Terence Samuel Michael McCarter Roxanna Scott
' ()&#
Verizon rolls out changes You can check the headlines
to its logo and brand from your home state or city
The telecom giant kicks off a new advertising We survey and compile the top news stories
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 | SECTION B campaign and offers new deals. Page 3B from all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. Page 4B
Keep on
empire started with one store
Big changes are in the works for Disney Genie+
At least 44 “underperforming” Hoot-
ers restaurants have been permanent- Eve Chen ahead and removing the hassle of plan-
ly closed in 14 states across the nation USA TODAY ning during their vacation,” the Florida
in response to “pressure from current resort announced Tuesday.
market conditions,” the chain told USA Disney Genie+ is going away at Walt Here’s what guests should know.
TODAY. Hooters will continue to open Disney World, sort of.
locations domestically and interna- Starting July 24, Genie+ will be How does Disney Lightning Lane
tionally while launching Hooters fro- called Lightning Lane Multi Pass, and work?
zen products at grocery stores. “En- Individual Lightning Lanes will be
suring the well-being of our staff is called Lightning Lane Single Passes, The Lightning Lane Multi Pass will
our priority in these rare instances,” but that’s not the biggest change. include the same rides currently cov-
the statement issued Monday says. Beginning that same day, guests ered by Genie+ as well as Tiana’s Bayou
“This brand of 41 years remains highly will be able to reserve rides and shows Adventure, which opens on June 28. A
resilient and relevant. We look forward ahead of time instead of having to wait la carte Lightning Lane Single Passes
to continuing to serve our guests at for park days, as part of changes first will be available for the most popular at-
home, on the go and at our restau- teased in May 2023. tractions at each park, like Individual
rants here in the U.S. and around the “Lightning Lane passes will blend Day or night, rain or shine, there’s Lightning Lanes.
globe.” The company did not clarify features from our current services and always a long standby line for Peter However, starting July 24, guests will
which Hooters locations closed or the previously offered FastPass+ ser- Pan’s Flight at Disney World.
share a timeline for the closures. vice, giving guests the choice to plan BRITT KENNERLY/USA TODAY NETWORK See GENIE+, Page 2B
Cruise line
says she was
raped at hotel
Kathleen Wong
Six Flags is betting big on new on vacation but you have to be careful.
This can help people make informed
ALABAMA St. Clair County: A couple HIGHLIGHT: ILLINOIS OREGON Salem: The bird flu out-
crashed into the same church in Ala- break has expanded to 31 states and
bama days apart, and both died in jumped to dozens of species, includ-
fiery wrecks, officials said. ing nine mammals in Oregon that
tested positive for the H5NI virus
ALASKA Ketchikan: Authorities said
since 2022. A half dozen skunks, a
the body of a missing woman has
raccoon, a red fox and a marten in
been found near Ward Lake’s western
Oregon were infected with the bird
shore, KRBD reported.
flu, according to the U.S. Department
ARIZONA Phoenix: With temper- of Agriculture.
atures climbing above 110 degrees,
PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg: Ques-
extreme summer heat has arrived in
tions about education, income tax
Phoenix, the hottest city in America.
and recreational vice remain un-
But for the second year in a row, 11 of
resolved as Gov. Josh Shapiro’s sec-
Phoenix’s 29 public pools remain
ond budget proposal approaches the
closed, limiting access to a place to
June 30 deadline.
cool off or learn how to swim for peo-
ple in some of the most underprivi- RHODE ISLAND Providence: Lifes-
leged neighborhoods. What’s more, pan, the largest health care system in
five of the 11 pools closed this summer A plaque commemorating the horseshoe sandwich was unveiled on the Leland Rhode Island and the state’s largest
and will most likely never reopen. building in Springfield. THOMAS J. TURNEY/USA TODAY NETWORK employer, will rebrand itself as Brown
University Health later this year,
ARKANSAS Little Rock: A new U.S.
Springfield: A central Illinois staple and beloved sandwich is being forever me- Lifespan CEO and President John
Coast Guard recruiting office has
morialized where Texas toast first met buttery cheese sauce. Visit Springfield, a Fernandez and Brown University
opened in Little Rock, KATV reported.
tourism division of the Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau, unveiled a President Christina Paxson an-
CALIFORNIA Yosemite Valley: A man plaque to commemorate the birth of the horseshoe sandwich at the historic Le- nounced.
who worked in Yosemite National land building in Springfield. The location is where the original Springfield horse-
Park has been indicted in the violent shoe sandwich was created. Visit Springfield marketing manager Amy Beadle
North Carolina couple is suing a Myr-
sexual assault of a fellow employee in said the idea for the plaque came from tourists asking if the Leland Hotel was still
tle Beach theme park after they say a
Yosemite Valley last month. serving horseshoes.
man was paralyzed after riding a
COLORADO Bellvue: Mysterious roller coaster.
monoliths have been popping up in
SOUTH DAKOTA North Sioux City:
strange places around the world in
Homes were ruined, roads were
recent years, including Utah’s red
IOWA West Des Moines: The rec- MISSOURI Springfield: Drury Uni- washed out, sinkholes opened up, a
rock country, California, the Nevada
ord-breaking Great Dane named versity provided an update on its railroad bridge was destroyed, and
desert and in Las Vegas as well as
Kevin, recently crowned the world’s annual fundraising efforts, includ- rescuers worked through Sunday
Wales and Romania. And most re-
tallest known dog, has died. ing gifts that were part of the long- night into Monday morning to save
cently on a hill outside of Bellvue,
range Fortify the Future campaign. people from rising floodwaters in the
where a popup reflective monolith KANSAS Topeka: Jack Alexander
The private liberal arts institution McCook Lake area, South Dakota
apparently appeared overnight. The Sr.’s ability to bring people together
announced it raised more than Searchlight reported.
monolith is on private property helped pave the way for other Afri-
$15.6 million from June 2023
owned by Rob and Lori Graves. It can-Americans to gain key positions TENNESSEE Gatlinburg: The black
through May 2024 from 3,671 do-
stands approximately 8 feet tall and with Topeka’s city government. bear captured on video wandering
4 feet wide and is bolted into a con- Alexander, who was elected in 1973 into a concessions stand at an
crete pad. The finish reflects the sky as Topeka’s first Black city commis- MONTANA Helena: A new species amusement park in Tennessee and
and surrounding foothills. sioner, died Monday at age 93. of dinosaur, sporting unusually pawing a park employee has been
ornate horns on its head and behind euthanized, the Tennessee Wildlife
CONNECTICUT Newtown: Ferris KENTUCKY Louisville: Louisville
its neck, was living alongside at Resources Agency said.
Acres Creamery in Newtown was Metro Police Chief Jacquelyn
least four other species of rhinocer-
named as best ice cream in Connecti- Gwinn-Villaroel resigned from her TEXAS El Paso: Officials with the
os- or elephant-type dinosaurs
cut by Reader’s Digest. position Tuesday, the mayor said, Japanese company that owns the
78 million years ago in what is now
less than two weeks after she was Vinton Steel minimill are considering
DELAWARE Delaware City: In late northern Montana, researcher Jo-
placed on administrative leave for a $420.5 million expansion of the
May, Delaware City Refinery spilled seph Sertich said. Sertich, an affili-
her handling of internal sexual ha- 62-year-old facility located in El Paso
around 1,000 gallons of crude oil into ate faculty member at Colorado
rassment allegations. County’s Upper Valley.
a wetland surrounding the Delaware State University, and University of
River, making up just one of the facil- LOUISIANA Shreveport: Heirloom Utah professor Mark Loewen identi- UTAH Diamond Valley: Officials is-
ity’s seven permit violations reported Carbon Technologies, Inc. an- fied and named the new species sued a boil order for Diamond Valley
this year. Although officials from the nounced it is moving forward with “Lokiceratops rangiformis.” after the Diamond Valley Water Com-
refinery have affirmed that this par- the first phase of a decarbonization pany said water samples tested posi-
NEBRASKA Lincoln: Authorities
ticular incident has resulted in mini- project that combines public and tive for E. coli bacteria, KSL reported.
said that a cockatoo that has been
mal impact, the Delaware City Refin- private investment to create two
missing for three weeks had fallen VERMONT Burlington: The Univer-
ery has continued to pollute the sur- direct air capture facilities at the
prey to falcons, Omaha World-Her- sity of Vermont Medical Center’s
rounding air and water with occa- Port of Caddo-Bossier.
ald reported. nurses voted by an overwhelming
sionally toxic substances not
MAINE Augusta: Gov. Janet Mills majority last week to authorize a
permitted by state and federal agen- NEVADA Las Vegas: A man suspect-
signed a proclamation recognizing strike if they’re not able to reach an
cies, according to data from Dela- ed of killing five people and injuring
Gen. William Whipple, who was agreement on a new contract with
ware’s Department of Natural Re- a 13-year-old girl during a shooting
born in Kittery, for his efforts and the UVM Medical Center, the presi-
sources and Environmental Control. is now in police custody and “no
contributions to the founding of the dent of the nurses’ union said.
longer a threat to the community.”
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washing- United States. Whipple was the only
VIRGINIA Petersburg: The Virginia
ton: U.S. Secretary of State Antony native Mainer to sign the Declara- NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord: Some
Department of Enivronmental Qual-
Blinken met with his counterpart tion of Independence. lawmakers are exploring an 11th
ity has put the Tri-City area on the
from the Maldives on Tuesday and hour attempt to settle a showdown
MARYLAND Ocean City: A large lookout for a potential drought. The
said Washington sought a deeper between Gov. Chris Sununu and the
portion of the fence along the be- drought-watch advisory envelops all
partnership with the Indian Ocean state’s hospitals over Sununu’s plan
loved Ocean City Fishing Pier is but the Shenandoah Velley region,
island state and stood with it in en- to cut their state Medicaid pay-
noticeably bare after heaps of love which has been put under drought
suring a free-and-open Indo-Pacific ments by nearly $35 million a year,
locks were removed without much warning, DEQ said.
region and in dealing with climate New Hampshire Bulletin reported.
warning in May. Now, signs urging
change. Maldives Foreign Minister WASHINGTON Olympia: Washing-
people to refrain from attaching NEW JERSEY Bordentown: A life-
Moosa Zameer’s Washington visit ton’s public lands commissioner,
additional locks hang in their place. guard found a boy unresponsive in a
comes two months after the party of Hilary Franz, is voicing skepticism
Most of the locks and much of the shallow pool at a New Jersey day
President Mohamed Muizzu won a about a federal proposal to kill thou-
fence have begun to rust as a result camp on Monday, officials said.
landslide in parliamentary elections. sands of barred owls in the Pacific
of the salt air. This safety concern is
NEW MEXICO Ruidoso: New Mexico Northwest to help the threatened
FLORIDA Port Canaveral: Disney what ultimately led to their removal,
has spent $12.5 million so far to northern spotted owl, Washington
Cruise Line is preparing to debut its a decision which has been met with
fight the South Fork and Salt fires State Standard reported. Franz wrote
new cruise ship, the Treasure, at Port much controversy from townsfolk
near Ruidoso, which are now the in a letter sent to Interior Secretary
Canaveral later this year. But it also is and visitors alike.
subject of $10,000 reward from the Deb Haaland that she’s concerned
planning ahead as far as 2026, with
MASSACHUSETTS Hyannis: The FBI to anyone who has credible about “unintended consequences”
the cruise line’s latest announcement
number of homeless people on Cape information on who started them. and that the plan “could be unwork-
of ship schedules out of Port Canav-
Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vine- able given the scale of the overlap-
eral and other ports. Disney’s just- NEW YORK Albany: Central Hudson
yard has increased since last year to ping habitat for barred owls and spot-
released ship schedules for October Gas & Electric has agreed to pay up
its highest figure in 10 years, accord- ted owls.”
2025 through May 2026 – Disney’s to $64.59 million to resolve a state
ing to the annual point-in-time
winter and spring cruise seasons – investigation into a billing fiasco WEST VIRGINIA Shepherdstown:
count. In total, the number of
shows that the cruise line will have that led to a ratepayer revolt as Shepherd University unveiled a new
homeless increased to 568 people,
three ships based on Port Canaveral thousands of customers were hit brand and logo earlier this month.
141 more than last year.
during that time. with overcharges pegged to estimat- The branding brings the university
MICHIGAN Detroit: Three Detroit ed monthly bills. together under a singular image
GEORGIA Athens: The man who was
neighborhoods have been selected across all administrative and aca-
critically wounded in a machete at- NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover
to house solar arrays in the city’s demic units.
tack at a homeless center in Athens County: More than 160 swimmers
latest effort to fight climate change.
on June 20 is recovering at Grady were rescued over the last week and WISCONSIN Milwaukee: Davidson
Mayor Mike Duggan announced
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, while weekend from rip currents on North Park, a new, 4.8-acre public park
that Gratiot-Findlay, Van Dyke-
his alleged attacker, convicted of Carolina beaches. located at Harley-Davidson’s corpo-
Lynch and the State Fair neigh-
assaulting a university student seven rate headquarters on Milwaukee’s
borhoods are part of the first phase NORTH DAKOTA Kenmare: The city
years ago with a razor blade, remains near west side, officially opened
selections of Detroit’s solar neigh- is under a boil water advisory after
in jail without bond. Monday morning. The $20 million
borhoods initiative, which the city a water outage, KFYR reported.
park is the product of a three-year
HAWAII Honolulu: Professional surf- announced last year, to generate
OHIO East Palestine: The National effort by the Harley-Davidson Foun-
er, lifeguard and actor Tamayo Perry, clean energy to offset electricity
Transportation Safety Board said dation and its partners to transform
49, was killed by shark while surfing used by all 127 municipal buildings.
Tuesday that burning off chemicals parking lots south of the company’s
near the north shore of Oahu on Sun-
MINNESOTA St. Cloud: Inspiration after a Norfolk Southern train de- headquarters into green space acces-
day, officials said.
Mock Orbiter arrived at St. Cloud’s railed in Ohio last year was unnec- sible to all who visit and live in the
IDAHO Emmett: Officials said “a public works building this weekend. essary. near west side neighborhood, Harley-
swather striking a rock” caused a fire Its arrival comes after months of Davidson said in a news release.
OKLAHOMA Oklahoma County:
that burned an estimated 443 acres high anticipation.
While Oklahoma County officials WYOMING Cheyenne: Authorities
Friday, KTVB7 reported.
MISSISSIPPI Jackson: Jackson are still ironing out details for the said a suspect has been arrested in
INDIANA Indianapolis: Republican State University announced it is the location of a new jail, the facility’s connection to a 2015 shooting and
leaders unanimously selected former first historically Black college and actual design is much further along robbery that killed two men, Wyo-
state lawmaker Randy Head as the university to implement a student in the process. Architects working ming News Now reported.
next chairman of the Indiana Repub- loan repayment program aimed at on plans for the new jail completed From USA TODAY Network and
lican Party. fixing the state’s teacher shortage. a schematic design in recent weeks. wire reports
Mired in season-long slump, Latest news, results, opinions
Rickie Fowler seeks spark, 2C 24/7 at
What to know about NBA free agency, 3C Check out who was the top pick in the NBA draft
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 | SECTION C What to know about upcoming NHL draft, 7C and the other 29 first-round selections
Forward midfielder Alex Morgan had been part of the USWNT team for the Olympics in the past three games, including 2021 in Tokyo. RON CHENOY/USA TODAY SPORTS
Does LeBron James stay with the Los 8. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Trent averaged 13.7 points and 1.1
Angeles Lakers? The reasonable answer Denver Nuggets, guard, steals and shot 39.3% on 3s last season
is yes. unrestricted, player option and can be a sly acquisition for a con-
Does Klay Thompson remain with tender in need of bench scoring.
the Golden State Warriors? Do Paul A vital member of Denver’s 2023
George and James Harden continue championship squad, Caldwell-Pope 18. Isaac Okoro,
their careers with the Los Angeles Clip- can take the $15.4 million for 2024-25 or Cleveland Cavaliers, restricted
pers? The answers to those questions seek a longer deal for more money –
are murkier. with the Nuggets or another team. Okoro had his best all-around sea-
All those questions will be answered son, including a career-best 39.1% on 3s,
during the NBA’s fast-paced, league-re- 9. Isaiah Hartenstein, New York with the Cavs, whose offseason roster
shaping free agency period which be- Knicks, center, unrestricted decisions will be interesting to follow.
gins Sunday.
Before we look at the top 25 free Another valuable contributor to the 19. Obi Toppin, Indiana Pacers,
agents, some key dates and terms you Knicks’ success, Hartenstein averaged restricted
might be hearing during free agency. 10.3 points and 6.5 rebounds against
Also, two players who would’ve been Philadelphia in the first round and 6.9 Toppin played a significant role for
on this list are Malik Monk and Pascal points, 9.0 rebounds and 4.3 assists the Pacers – mostly off the bench – and
Siakam. But Monk and Sacramento and against Indiana in the conference semi- was reliable, appearing in all 82 regular-
Siakam and Indiana took advantage of a finals. season games. He averaged 10.3 points
new rule that allows teams to negotiate Lakers forward LeBron James and 3.9 rebounds and was efficient with
with their free agents after the Finals celebrates a slam dunk against the 10. Nic Claxton, Brooklyn Nets, his scoring, shooting 57.3% from the
and before the start of free agency. Suns at Footprint Center. center, unrestricted field, including 70.6% on 2-pointers and
MARK J. REBILAS/USA TODAY SPORTS 40.3% on 3-pointers.
When is free agency? Claxton was almost a double-double
producer for the Nets (11.8 points and 9.9 20. Jonas Valanciunas,
NBA free agency begins on Sunday at 24 and a vital part of the Sixers, Maxey, rebounds plus 2.1 assists and 2.1 blocks New Orleans Pelicans,
6 p.m. EDT, when teams can officially who averaged 25.9 points and 6.2 as- per game and 62.9% from the field). unrestricted
start negotiating with free agents. sists, is headed for a massive salary in-
Teams are allowed to start signing free crease, and the Sixers have no plans to 11. Tobias Harris, Philadelphia Massive big men still have a place in
agents on July 6 at 12:01 p.m. EDT. let him go. 76ers, unrestricted today’s game, and Valanciunas delivers
Some free agents, however, may be at 12.2 points, 8.8 rebounds and 2.1 as-
off the board by then. The NBA imple- 3. Paul George, Los Angeles Harris just finished his 13th season sists while shooting 55.9% from the field
mented a rule that allows teams to start Clippers, forward, unrestricted, and his fifth-plus season with the Six- – in just 23.5 minutes per game.
negotiating with their own free agents player option ers. Will his 14th season be with a team
the day after the conclusion of the NBA other than Philadelphia? 21. De’Anthony Melton,
Finals. Since the 2024 Finals wrapped Under contract for $48.7 million in Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
up with Boston’s Game 5 win over Dallas 2024-25, George can become a free 12. Klay Thompson, Golden State
on June 17, teams had the opportunity to agent. Amid a successful season, it will Warriors, unrestricted Melton played in just 38 games due to
start negotiating with “upcoming free be interesting to see if the Clippers can injury (back), but he is a strong defen-
agents who finished the just-completed keep George, a nine-time All-Star at 33 Thompson in a uniform other than sive guard who also can supply double-
season on its roster” on June 18. years old who averaged 22.6 points and Golden State’s is strange to consider but digits in points per game.
5.2 rebounds and shot 47.1% from the that’s a possibility for the game’s all-
NBA free agency explained field last season. time great 3-point shooter. 22. Buddy Hield,
Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
Some key free agency terms to know: 4. OG Anunoby, New York Knicks, 13. D’Angelo Russell, Los Angeles
h An unrestricted free agent can forward, unrestricted, player Lakers, unrestricted, player option The Sixers acquired Hield at the trade
sign with any team. option deadline. He alternated between start-
h A restricted free agent can sign an Russell is due $18.6 million next sea- ing and coming off the bench, averaging
offer sheet from another team but the Acquired by the Knicks at the trade son if he decides to start another with 12.2 points, 3.2 rebounds and 3.0 assists
team he was with the previous season deadline, Anunoby has a player option the Lakers. He averaged 18.0 points and and shooting 28.9% on 3s. Another
can match the offer and retain him. The at $19.9 million for 2024-25. He was a 6.3 assists and shot 41.5% on 3s in 2023- shooter who will get attention from
NBA says the original team has the big part of the Knicks’ success, and it’s 24. teams in need of that specialty.
“right of first refusal.” imperative they retain him if they want
h A player with a player option on to remain a factor in the Eastern Confer- 14. Miles Bridges, 23. Caleb Martin, Miami Heat,
the next season can opt out of his con- ence. Charlotte Hornets, unrestricted unrestricted, player option
tract and become a free agent, or he can
play out the final season of the contract 5. James Harden, Los Angeles If a team is looking for a forward who The Heat develop players – some-
he is under. Clippers, guard, unrestricted averaged 21.0 points, 7.3 rebounds and times they retain them and sometimes
h A player whose contract includes a 3.3 assists, Bridges can fill that role. (On they end up elsewhere.
team option on the final year of the deal Harden was good for the Clippers at Wednesday, the Hornets and Knicks
means the team has the choice to keep 16.6 points, 8.5 assists, 5.1 rebounds and agreed to a trade.) 24. Kelly Oubre,
him or let him become a free agent. 1.1 steals per game and at 38.1% shooting Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
on 3s. Money and years on a new deal 15. Tyus Jones,
Top free agents are key factors on his next contract. Washington Wizards, unrestricted The Sixers’ roster decisions are add-
ing up, from Harris to Melton to Hield to
1. LeBron James, Los Angeles 6. DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls, Jones had the best assist-to-turn- Oubre who was dependable in heavy
Lakers, forward, unrestricted guard, unrestricted over ratio in the league (7.3-to-1.0), shot minutes for Philadelphia in the playoffs.
free agent, player option 48.9% from the field and 41.4% on 3- He averaged 15.4 points and 5.0 re-
Turning 35 in August, DeRozan was pointers. He wants to start, and Wash- bounds last season.
James, who has $51.4 million for fantastic last season, averaging 24.0 ington may be the best place for him to
2024-25 left on his contract, indicated points, 5.3 assists and 4.3 rebounds and do that and get the contract he wants. 25. Kyle Anderson, Minnesota
at the All-Star Game he wants to remain shooting 48% from the field and 85.3% Timberwolves, unrestricted
with the Lakers. But he could opt out on free throws. 16. Bruce Brown, Toronto Raptors,
and re-sign for more years and money. unrestricted, team option The Timberwolves had Anderson on
7. Immanuel Quickley, a deal that was friendly for the team.
2. Tyrese Maxey, Philadelphia Toronto Raptors, guard, restricted Brown took a big-dollar, short-term Will the Timberwolves, who are facing
76ers, guard, restricted free agent deal a year ago with the Indiana Pacers, financial decisions in coming seasons,
After the Knicks traded Quickley, he who traded him to Toronto. He should be able to retain Anderson on a deal that
An All-Star for the first time in 2023- produced with the extra playing time, be looking for a longer deal. both sides like?
The weather changes.
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Florida Panhandle and the cen- Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 74 Montpelier
78 T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix
81 Billings 80 77 Boston
tral and eastern Carolinas today. 72 87
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 69 83
93 Milwaukee Rapids 72 Albany
Spotty, non-severe thunderstorms 76 Pierre Sioux Falls
69 74 75
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
83 76 Cleveland 86
are expected just to the north and 61 82 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 74 Pittsburgh New York
over the Florida Peninsula. Sacramento
Elko 74 89 North Platte
78 76 73 81 85
89 90 89 Salt Lake City 83 Chicago
Harrisburg Philadelphia
Morning showers will become 88
Cheyenne Omaha
74 Columbus
Carson City
85 77 81 89 88
thunderstorms over the Rockies 87 Kansas City Springfield Washington Annapolis
San Francisco
81 82 Indianapolis Cincinnati
90 87
with flash flooding, large hail, 67 St. George Aspen
82 84
Las Vegas
104 71 93 Topeka
Charleston Richmond
damaging wind gusts and even a Fresno
109 83 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 87 89 TODAY
96 Wichita 87 88
tornado all possible. That risk will Dodge City 88 Raleigh
90 88 Memphis
extend as far east as the western Los Angeles Santa Fe Charlotte
Palm Springs Flagstaff
86 Oklahoma 90 Nashville
90 Columbia
Dakotas and western Nebraska. 112 79 City
Albuquerque 95 97
Afternoon thunderstorms may San Diego
Phoenix 89 95 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
74 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 93 86 89 97
stretch as far east as eastern Alaska 112 101 100 Montgomery Savannah
Minnesota and central Iowa. El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 88 96
Morning showers will affect 100 Odessa Austin
95 91 Jacksonville
Fairbanks Hawaii 100 97 Mobile
much of New England although 85 Juneau
Honolulu San Antonio
Baton Rouge 87 90
rain may be steadier in northern, Anchorage 69 89 97 Houston 92 New FRIDAY
66 97
central and eastern Maine. 88 Tampa
Puerto Rico
San Juan
Brownsville 91 91 Note: For contiguous 48 states through 3 p.m. ET yesterday
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2024
96 HOTTEST: 101° COLDEST: 37°
Needles, Calif. Utica, Mont.
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
TOP TRAVEL CITIES Air quality index (AQI)
Stray Partly Stray Sunny, Heavy Mostly Mostly
THU THU sunny THU Shower THU THU Cooler THU THU THU THU Showers THU Humid THU Hot THU
t-storm t-storm hot t-storm sunny sunny
90/67 83/61 74/63 89/76 97/79 109/84
89/73 90/72 100/80 93/65 75/56 84/64
Stray Mostly Mostly Stray Breezy, Stray Partly Showers Sunny, Partly
t-storm sunny t-storm hot t-storm sunny around hot sunny
88/72 79/69 94/79
91/77 75/60 92/76 99/81 90/57 78/69 86/76 108/80 84/63
Stray Stray Stray Stray Breezy, Mostly A few Stray Sunny, Mostly
t-storm t-storm t-storm hot cloudy showers t-storm hot sunny
86/78 75/68 83/65
90/78 92/76 87/62 100/83 84/62 85/73 94/78 108/82 82/62
AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
Stray Stray Stray Turning Stray Sunny, Stray Partly
THU THU t-storm THU THU THU THU Clearing THU THU THU THU Breezy THU Shower THU Clearing
t-storm t-storm sunny t-storm hot t-storm sunny
77/66 88/65 67/54 64/52 90/71
91/79 88/78 85/63 93/76 112/89 88/65 74/65
A P.M. T-storms Stray Mostly A P.M. Mostly Sunny, Sunlit, Some Partly Mostly Mostly
FRI t-storm FRI FRI t-storm FRI sunny FRI t-storm FRI sunny FRI warm FRI nice FRI sun FRI sunny FRI cloudy FRI sunny
92/77 93/80 78/66 92/76 84/68 109/87 86/66 73/65 69/54 73/55 86/72
Breezy Stray A P.M. Stray Sunny, Partly Partly A brief Stray
77/54 t-storm t-storm t-storm warm sunny sunny shower t-storm
90/80 79/71 100/76
92/78 94/76 86/74 110/90 75/65 69/56 72/55 90/78
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms
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Is the secret to finding your Using headphones in public
true love embracing chaos? is becoming a fading practice
Chaotic Singles Party in Los Angeles have gone Professor: “We’re not thinking very much about
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 | SECTION D TikTok viral, created a loyal fanbase. Page 2D how other people might be affected.” Page 4D
‘The Bear’
Season 3 is
chewy and
Kelly Lawler
‘Quiet Place’
still grabs you and holds you hostage
inside its very particular world for 10
episodes. When you get out, you’ll be
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY calling your friends “cousin” and
helped her
shouting “hands!” every time you need
someone to hold something. To say it’s
Vera Wang is 75. Khloe Kardashian is immersive is an understatement.
40. Ed Westwick is 37.
face mortality
Patrick Ryan USA TODAY
Aries (March 21-April 19). Searching
for fulfillment? You may be on a quest
for deeper meaning as the moon
NEW YORK − People won’t shut up about the “Quiet Place” cat. h
lights up Saturn and Mercury. In the days leading up to “A Quiet Place: Day One” (in theaters
Taurus (April 20-May 20). Reaching Friday), movie fans have flooded social media with concerned
your most cherished goals takes com-
plete devotion. Feeling like you don’t
posts about the fate of the horror thriller’s feline star, Frodo, who
have what it takes? Dig deep. weathers an alien apocalypse with his owner, Sam (Lupita
Gemini (May 21-June 21). The weight Nyong’o), and her new friend, Eric (Joseph Quinn). Someone
begins to wear on your mind, poten-
tially activating martyr tendencies.
“needs to tell me definitively if the cat survives,” film critic Matt
Jeremy Allen White as Carmen
Cancer (June 22-July 22). Don’t be-
Bullions wrote. “If not, I am literally canceling my tickets.” h “I get “Carmy” Berzatto in Season 3 of "The
lieve everything you think today. it,” quips Nyong’o, who adopted a kitty of her own, Yoyo, after Bear." PROVIDED BY FX
Zoom out while the moon amplifies
Saturn and Mercury.
making the movie. “The thought that anything would happen to
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Unprocessed
my cat would send me to the grave. What I don’t get is how people Season 3 is also, a little like its head
chef Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto (Jere-
grief may try to pull you under. Reliv- could be more invested in the cat than us! That’s hard to take for my Allen White), a little overinflated
ing all the things that went wrong?
Come back to your power.
my ego. h “But, you know, little furry things,” she adds with a and self-important after all the hype
and praise. Chefs (fictional and real
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Partnership
laugh. “They steal the scene every time.” ones playing themselves) keep talking
can feel overwhelming. Your mindset about how less is more, noting that too
is serious when the moon meets Sat- Exploring ‘unexpected’ ing to protect her family from vi- many flavors can ruin a dish. Perhaps
urn and Mercury. emotional territory cious, reptilian creatures that are “The Bear” writers could have taken
hypersensitive to noise. one or two elements off Season 3’s
Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 23). Struggling to
“Day One” is a prequel to John This new film follows the melan- plate.
see the bright side? Life has a gloomi-
Krasinski’s 2018 hit “Quiet Place” choly Sam as she takes a day trip That’s not to say the season is bad –
er glow when the moon talks with
and its 2021 sequel, both of which far from it. But this is a show in which
Saturn and Mercury.
starred Emily Blunt as a mom fight- See ‘QUIET PLACE’, Page 2D the characters demand “everyday ex-
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Forgiving cellence.” How can I not judge it with
yourself? Learning from mistakes? the same eye that Carmy might bring
Make peace with the past while the to his sous chefs’ creations?
moon lights up Saturn and Mercury. The series picks up after the tumul-
tuous Season 2 finale, in which a fairly
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Family
tame friends and family preview at
members or housemates may be ask-
Carmy and his mentee/partner Syd-
ing for your assistance. Unsure what
ney’s (Ayo Edebiri) new restaurant is
to decide? Patiently think it over.
rocked by Carmy’s temper tantrum
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may when he’s stuck inside a freezer.
be due for some serious reflection. The aftershocks of that night are
Get space to fully understand the big, from further cracks in Carmy’s al-
connection. ready fragile mental state to a fracture
in his relationship with friend and
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Knowing
house manager Richie (Ebon Moss-
what holds value helps you overcome
Bacharach) to chaos at the restau-
self-doubts. Move past previous fears.
rant’s nightly service. In addition to
Time to put the work in.
the threat of Carmy’s nervous break-
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). Trust your “You can’t carry around that stuff all day,” says Joseph Quinn, left, who down, the restaurant is on precarious
gut. It may not be what you want to decompressed with Lupita Nyong’o over lunches and “silly TV shows.”
LOS ANGELES − Is the secret to find- Perhaps the most chaotic element
ing love embracing chaos? of each party, Davis says, is the fact
Maybe, maybe not. But over 200 peo- people are meeting and engaging with
ple were willing to give it a try Friday each other in person rather than online
night at a singles party at Hollywood’s − something that feels revolutionary,
Sassafras Saloon. The main instruc- especially to younger adults who have
tion? Leave your caution at the door and only known a dating landscape dom-
get messy − all in the name of, hopefully, inated by apps.
meeting your perfect match. Statistically, dating apps still reign
It’s called a Chaotic Singles Party. as one of the most popular ways cou-
Started on a whim by Cassidy Davis in ples meet. According to a 2023 Pew
her Los Angeles apartment in February Research Center report, 1 in 10 part-
2022, the parties, which have gone viral nered adults met their current signifi-
on TikTok, are now hosted by Davis cant other on a dating app or website.
across the country and have attracted a That figure is 1 in 5 for those under 30.
loyal fanbase of repeat attendees. Activ- Still, that doesn’t mean everyone’s
ities vary from party-to-party, but all in- Chaos reigns supreme at this singles party. PROVIDED BY TAYLOR WONG PHOTOGRAPHY happy with dating apps. In that same
volve forcing people out of their shells report, 46% of people said their expe-
and into flirting. riences using a dating app or website
Davis’ means of accomplishing this of finding love.” Davis shared videos of this first party were very or somewhat negative.
are, well, chaotic. Friday’s event, spon- on TikTok, where they went viral. Soon Gen Z in particular seems less en-
sored by Ghost Tequila, saw guests, How the Chaotic Singles Party after, people flooded her comments ask- thusiastic about online dating ser-
fresh off a cocktail-making class, came to be ing her to host more of these parties so vices. According to a 2023 Statista re-
scramble to fill out spicy bingo cards. they could go. She threw the first public port, people between the ages of 30
(One square asked people to find some- Davis threw her first Chaotic Singles Chaotic Singles Party at a bar the follow- and 49 make up 61% of online dating
one at the party who “looks like your Party around Valentine’s Day in 2022, ing month. It sold 500 tickets in 30 min- users, while people between 18 and 29
ex.”) Previous Chaotic Singles Parties after five years of being single in Los An- utes and had a waitlist of 900. make up only 26%.
required attendees to bring a stranger geles. The parties have only grown more Chris Thomas is one adult in his 30s
they matched with on a dating app as a “I was so tired of going on crappy cof- popular. “I keep expecting them to die or who’s grown tired of apps and wants to
plus one. At another past party, guests fee dates with dating app matches,” she have it be a viral moment that once was, meet people in person.
left with free vibrators. says. “I was like, ‘I’m so much more fun but they actually keep getting bigger,” “Going back to the pandemic and
The parties are unorthodox, but at a party with my friends. I just wish I Davis says. quarantine and everything, there was
they’ve worked for some. Davis says she could date in this setting. This is really About 25%-30% of Chaotic Singles a long period of time where a lot of us
knows of 40 couples who met at her where I thrive.’ “ Partygoers are repeat attendees, whom weren’t interacting with people in per-
parties and are still together. She also Then she got an idea: What if she and Davis calls her “little chaotic communi- son,” he says. “So ever since then, even
says her parties tap into a deeper need all her single friends invited a random ty.” Christine Lane, an actor in Los An- four years later, it still feels good to talk
in our culture: So many young adults person from a dating app to a party at geles, is one of them. to people in person and be close to
find dating apps monotonous and long her apartment? What could go wrong? After finding out about Chaotic Sin- people.”
to meet romantic connections in real “At the last minute, I kind of panicked gles from TikTok, Lane planned on go- For those looking to attend a
life. According to Davis, that requires and invited 65 men from Tinder and ing to one with a friend. The friend Chaotic Singles Party, Davis recom-
some degree of chaos. gave them all my address, which was bailed on her last minute, but she went mends shelving your timidity, at least
“The idea that we’re all dating in per- the dumbest thing I’ve ever done,” Davis anyway and became fast friends with for the night, and boldly going up to
son, we’re all single in a bar together, is says. “Yeah, my parents were very mad Davis. people.
very chaotic to a lot of people because to hear my plan, but the party happened “I love that she wanted to create a “Just really go for it. Put your fear
they’re used to only online dating,” Da- and no one robbed us; no one got kid- place for people who want to be present aside for one night only, and just kind
vis says. “I really encourage people to napped. So, a 10 out of 10, some would and experience reality to connect and of see where this takes you,” she says.
truly lean into the chaos and be bold, go say.” have that together,” Lane says. “I know “If it helps you find your person that
approach people. This is not just your It also worked well for her: One of the that I’m always going to meet someone night, obviously, I’m thrilled; but, even
average Friday night. It’s Chaotic Sin- guests from that first Chaotic Singles fun and lively and interesting to talk to if it doesn’t, you can make amazing
gles Night. ... You are being an agent of Party ended up becoming Davis’ boy- and can gab. It’s never going to be bor- friends or just kind of give your love life
chaos in that you’re just unabashedly friend. They’ve been together ever ing.” the CPR it needs to bring the excite-
going after what you want and the hope since. ment and the joy back into it.”
‘Quiet Place’
Continued from Page 1D
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Mexican architect Luis Rearrange the words to complete the quote.
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6/27 ff
Wednesday’s Answer: “Socializing on the internet is to
socializing what reality TV is to reality.” - Aaron Sorkin
Find the 7 woids to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses ]s one letter to each square,
roprosert iho numter o> tetters in each solution. Each lettor | to form four ordinary words.
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations “
wil bo oocossory to oomploto tt>o puzzlo.
1 Saturday follower (6)
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3 building (8) / s
4 way past ripe (6) V-/
5 hining the slopes (6)
6 Scottish economist Adam (5) rr>/s
7 engaging rows of metal teeth (7)_____________
?" % THE SUN? “VES" IS THE —
w Now arrange the circled letters
NG NG ER Zl YAN ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
mm cm” -
(Answers tomorrow)
Wednesday's Answers: 1 JUICINESS 2. BALLOTS 3. DEMOTED
__________ 4. SCORES 5. APPEARS 6 YEAST 7 AGASSI______________ 6/27,
2 3 The Housemaid Is Watching / McFadden, Freida Poisoned Pen Psychological F 27 124 Bluey: A Jigsaw Puzzle Book: Includes 4 Dou- Penguin Young Imagination & Play F
Press ble-Sided Puzzles / Penguin Young Readers Licenses Readers Licenses
3 1 Eruption: Following Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton Little Brown and Thrillers - Suspense F 28 n/a Winter Lost / Briggs, Patricia Ace Books Action & Adventure F
Started Another Masterpiece--James Patterson Just Company
Finished It / Crichton, Michael
4 n/a On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service / Viking Political NF 29 40 Twisted Love / Huang, Ana Bloom Books Romance - New Adult F
Fauci, Anthony
5 6 The Women / Hannah, Kristin St. Martin’s Press Women F 30 15 Leather & Lark: The Ruinous Love Trilogy / Zando - Slowburn Romance - F
Weaver, Brynne Romantic Comedy
6 n/a Red Sky Mourning: A Thriller / Carr, Jack Atria Books Thrillers - Suspense F 31 30 This Summer Will Be Different / Fortune, Carley Berkley Books Women F
7 5 Camino Ghosts / Grisham, John Doubleday Books Thrillers - Suspense F 32 n/a Scandalous / Shen, L. J. Bloom Books Romance - F
8 11 A Court of Thorns and Roses / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Fantasy - Epic F 33 29 Butcher & Blackbird: The Ruinous Love Trilogy Zando Romance - F
Publishing / Weaver, Brynne Romantic Comedy
9 n/a Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Hachette Go Personal Growth - NF 34 9 The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, Crown Publishing United States - NF
Inner and Outer Strength / Kline, Devan Happiness and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War / Larson, Erik Group (NY) 19th Century
10 n/a Middle of the Night / Sager, Riley Dutton Thrillers - Suspense F 35 35 Happy Place / Henry, Emily Berkley Books Women F
11 10 Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder: A Graphic Novel (Dog Graphix Humorous Stories F 36 31 A Court of Mist and Fury / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Fantasy - Epic F
Man #12): From the Creator of Captain Underpants / Publishing
Pilkey, Dav
12 4 Not in Love / Hazelwood, Ali Berkley Books Romance - Workplace F 37 26 The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of Broadside Books American NF
the Men Who Keep Us Free / Hegseth, Pete Government
13 20 The Housemaid / McFadden, Freida Grand Central Psychological F 38 16 Funny Story / Henry, Emily Berkley Books Women F
14 7 How Leaders Learn: Master the Habits of the Harvard Business Personal Success NF 39 32 Fourth Wing / Yarros, Rebecca Entangled: Red Fantasy - Epic F
World’s Most Successful People / Novak, David Review Press Tower Books
15 18 The Measure / Erlick, Nikki William Morrow & Literary F 40 39 Horror Movie / Tremblay, Paul William Morrow & Literary F
Company Company
16 n/a Love & Whiskey: The Remarkable True Story of Jack Melcher Media Inc Personal Memoirs NF 41 36 James / Everett, Percival Doubleday Books Literary F
Daniel, His Master Distiller Nearest Green, and the
Improbable Rise of Uncle Nearest / Weaver, Fawn
17 n/a Sandwich / Newman, Catherine Harper Humorous - General F 42 37 If He Had Been with Me / Nowlin, Laura Sourcebooks Fire Social Themes - F
Dating & Sex
18 n/a The Midnight Feast / Foley, Lucy William Morrow & Women F 43 50 It Ends with Us / Hoover, Colleen Atria Books Women F
19 33 The Rainbow Parade: A Celebration of Sourcebooks Social Themes F 44 47 Powerless / Roberts, Lauren Simon & Schuster Social Themes - F
Lgbtqia+ Identities and Allies / Jordan, Shane Jabberwocky Class Differences
20 8 You Like It Darker: Stories / King, Stephen Scribner Book Thrillers - Suspense F 45 14 All Fours / July, Miranda Riverhead Books Humorous - General F
21 n/a Love Unwritten / Asher, Lauren Bloom Books Romance - F 46 48 Iron Flame / Yarros, Rebecca Entangled: Red Fantasy - Epic F
Contemporary Tower Books
22 22 Just for the Summer / Jimenez, Abby Forever Humorous - General F 47 38 The Housemaid’s Secret / McFadden, Freida Mobius Psychological F
23 n/a Crossing the Desert: The Power of Embracing Benbella Books Business NF 48 46 A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder / Jackson, Holly Ember Thrillers & Suspense F
Life’s Difficult Journeys / Zamani, Payam
24 34 Haunting Adeline / Carlton, H D Hailey Carlton Romance - F 49 n/a Same as It Ever Was / Lombardo, Claire Doubleday Books Literary F
25 28 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Penguin Press Mental Health NF 50 69 Throne of Glass / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Action & Adventure - F
Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness / Publishing General
Haidt, Jonathan
WHAT AMERICA’S READING® The book list appears every Thursday. You also can find it at Each week, USA TODAY collects sales data from booksellers representing a variety of outlets:
bookstore chains, independent bookstores, mass merchandisers and online retailers. Using that data, we determine the 150 top-selling titles of the week.
CDC narrows age
recommendation for
RSV shots in U.S.
Dems anxious as Biden campaign hopes What to know
faceoff with Trump will ease concerns about highly
Steve Holland and Nandita Bose
anticipated debate
and Jeff Mason
REUTERS Katharine Jackson
For 90 minutes on Thursday night, Presi-
dent Joe Biden has the chance to show doubt- WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden and
ing Americans that, at age 81, he is capable of former president Donald Trump will meet on a
handling the rigors of another four-year term, debate stage on Thursday for the first of two
when he faces off in a debate against Repub- televised faceoffs that could prove critical in
lican Donald Trump. their tight rematch race to win the White
A strong showing could help neutralize House in November.
those concerns and focus voter attention on Here is what you need to know:
policy issues. A weak performance could
dampen fundraising and push Trump further See DEBATE, Page 8NN
ahead in the polls. Both men are under scruti-
ny over their age and stamina.
Trump is 78 and prone to making outland-
ish statements and mangling his sentences on Debate coverage
the campaign trail. Biden has a stiff gait, Thursday’s debate will take place at a CNN studio in
makes verbal slipups and has inconsistent Atlanta with no audience. KEVIN DIETSCH/GETTY IMAGES Follow a live blog on Thursday’s CNN
public appearances, sometimes veering from Presidential Debate at Tune
solidly delivered speeches to rushed, into the debate at 9 p.m. on CNN or simulcast
ABOVE: Joe Biden and Donald Trump. on After the debate, read
See AGE, Page 8NN JIM WATSON, MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILE takeaways, a fact check and debate analysis.
In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.
A cold front progressing Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation for Thursday. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
into the Southeast will
produce thunderstorms
with a risk of localized
damaging wind gusts Seattle Montreal
today. In the Rockies and 65/52 69/47
northern High Plains, Billings
widespread thunderstorms 87/53
Minneapolis Toronto
could cause flash flooding, 70/51
large hail, damaging wind
gusts and even a tornado.
A few morning showers will
dampen New England. Chicago
San Francisco New York
67/53 85/64
Denver Washington
92/64 Kansas City 90/72
Los Angeles 83/68
Anchorage El Paso
65/53 99/82
70/55 Houston
Honolulu 96/78
88/75 Chihuahua
100/75 Miami
Hilo Monterrey 91/79
83/68 90/71
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationary front
Republican AGs challenge fuel economy rules for the U.S. appliances maker.
FedEx jumped 15.53% after the
delivery giant forecast fiscal 2025
David Shepardson profit above estimates, boosting the
REUTERS Dow Jones Transport index to its
highest in over a month.
WASHINGTON – A group of 26 state Apple rose nearly 2% after Rosen-
attorneys general led by West Virginia blatt upgraded the iPhone maker’s
and Kentucky on Wednesday chal- stock to “buy” from “neutral.” Tesla
lenged the Biden administration’s new gained 4.81% as Stifel initiated cov-
fuel economy rules, calling the require- erage with a buy rating.
ments unworkable and saying they Shares of Amazon Inc. rose 3.9%,
would force automakers to build more bringing the company’s market val-
electric vehicles. ue above $2 trillion, the fifth U.S.
The National Highway Traffic Safety corporation to cross that level.
Administration earlier this month final- Shares of major U.S. banks in-
ized tighter vehicle fuel economy rules cluding Morgan Stanley, Citigroup
through 2031 that are significantly less and Bank of America slipped ahead
stringent than first proposed. NHTSA of the Fed’s release of results from
said it would hike corporate average fuel its annual banking sector stress test.
economy requirements to about 50.4 The broader S&P 500 financial in-
miles per gallon by 2031 from 39.1 mpg dex fell 0.47%.
currently. The new requirement is bare- Rivian soared 23.24% as German
ly above the 49 mpg it previously re- automaker Volkswagen said it will
quired for 2026. invest up to $5 billion in the U.S.
Republican state attorneys general electric-vehicle maker.
and oil industry groups have challenged General Mills fell 4.59% after the
a number of regulatory efforts by the Bi- Cheerios cereal maker forecast an-
den administration to boost vehicle effi- nual profit below estimates and
ciency, reduce greenhouse gas emis- posted a bigger-than-expected drop
sions and increase EVs, while Republi- in quarterly sales.
can presidential candidate Donald Declining issues outnumbered
Trump has vowed to rescind the Biden advancers by a 1.41-to-1 ratio on the
administration’s EV regulations. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration earlier this month finalized NYSE. There were 106 new highs and
The lawsuit by the state attorneys tighter vehicle fuel economy rules through 2031. EDUARDO MUNOZ/REUTERS FILE 89 new lows on the NYSE.
general, filed in the 6th U.S. Circuit The S&P 500 posted 10 new 52-
Court of Appeals, argues that the rule week highs and 6 new lows while the
“exceeds the agency’s statutory author- crease for light trucks for 2027 and 2028 nothing, NHTSA said. Nasdaq Composite recorded 41 new
ity and otherwise is arbitrary, capri- and will require only 2% increases from It was the third action that President highs and 171 new lows.
cious, an abuse of discretion, and not in 2029 through 2031. Joe Biden’s administration has taken in
accordance with law.” Last year, NHTSA said its proposal to recent months that tightened vehicle
NHTSA did not immediately com- hike fuel economy standards through regulatory proposals less than originally
ment. 2032 would cost the industry $14 billion promised. New compliance calculations “We’re probably going to see this
In July 2023, NHTSA proposed in projected fines over a five-year-peri- for EVs that were less strict than pro- choppiness continue until there is
boosting CAFE requirements by 2% per od. Under the final rule, the auto indus- posed, and new tailpipe rules would ul- a catalyst.”
year for passenger cars and 4% per year try is collectively expected to face a total timately require automakers to make Brian Jacobsen
for light trucks from 2027 through 2032. of $1.83 billion in fines from 2027 fewer EVs than they had originally fore- Chief economist at Annex Wealth Management
The final regulation, however, has no in- through 2031 – or it could be as little as cast.
CDC narrows age recommendation the Wisconsin court, which has a 4-3
liberal majority, is expected to deny a
bid by anti-abortion groups to inter-
of RSV vaccines for older adults vene, but to allow them to file a brief
opposing the lawsuit.
The lawsuit argues that an 1849 law
prohibiting the killing of a fetus except
Michael Erman certain. to save the mother’s life violates the
REUTERS Last year, GSK won two-thirds of the fundamental rights to life, liberty and
market, mostly due to its contracts with equal protection under the law guar-
The CDC on Wednesday narrowed retail pharmacies, including CVS. Ana- anteed by the Constitution.
its recommendation for use of respira- lysts had suggested expanded avail-
tory syncytial virus vaccines in older ability of the RSV vaccine to younger US religious freedom report
adults this year and held off on recom- adults could help cement the compa- notes violence in India
mending their use for adults under age ny’s lead position this year.
60. RSV, which typically causes cold-like The U.S. State Department’s 2023
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control symptoms, is a leading cause of pneu- religious freedom report on India not-
and Prevention’s decision echoed that monia in toddlers and older adults, ed violent attacks on minority groups,
of its panel of outside advisers who vot- In clinical trials, Pfizer’s vaccine causing 177,000 hospitalizations and especially Muslims and Christians, in-
ed to recommend all adults 75 and old- Abrysvo was 78% effective through a 14,000 deaths in the United States an- cluding killings, assaults and vandal-
er, as well as those who are 60 to 74 and second RSV season. nually. ism of houses of worship.
have an increased risk of severe RSV PFIZER/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS Combined revenue for the Pfizer and The report on international reli-
due to medical conditions, receive the GSK shots in their first year of availabil- gious freedom released on Wednesday
shots. ity topped $2.4 billion. said that in 2023, senior U.S. officials
“The CDC has updated its RSV vacci- mendations are important in determin- Analysts, on average, expect sales of continued to “raise concerns about re-
nation recommendation for older ing insurance coverage in the U.S. Peo- $1.59 billion for GSK’s RSV shot, $1.47 ligious freedom issues” with their Indi-
adults to prioritize those at highest risk ple covered by the U.S. government’s billion for Pfizer’s and $370 million this an counterparts.
for serious illness from RSV,” Director Medicare program receive recommend- year for Moderna. Rights experts say India has seen a
Mandy Cohen said in a statement. ed vaccines for free. Moderna presented data at the rise in attacks on minorities under
Last year, GSK and Pfizer went head- The new recommendation may cut meeting showing its mRESVIA shot had Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who
to-head with rival RSV shots for all the addressable U.S. market for RSV 50% efficacy in preventing RSV for 18 recently won a third term, and his Hin-
adults aged 60 and over, who could get shots in 2024-25 from 93 million, in- months, lower than what GSK and Pfiz- du nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party.
the vaccine after consulting a health cluding adults under age 60, to about 55 er previously showed in their own clin- “In India, we see a concerning in-
care provider. Moderna received ap- million, said Jefferies analyst Peter ical trials. Moderna previously cau- crease in anti-conversion laws, hate
proval from the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- Welford. Use of the shots would expand tioned against comparing its vaccine’s speech, demolitions of homes and
ministration for its shot, mRESVIA, for in the longer-term as “less complex rec- efficacy to rivals, noting that the trials places of worship for members of mi-
the same age group last month. ommendations may aid penetration,” were not head-to-head and used differ- nority faith communities,” U.S. Secre-
“We think that with a risk-based ap- he added. ent case criteria for RSV disease. tary of State Antony Blinken said
proach, you are much more likely to get GSK received FDA approval earlier In their clinical trials, GSK’s RSV when the report was released.
the vaccine than you are right now,” this month to expand use of its vaccine vaccine Arexvy was 78% effective in Criticism of India by the U.S. is usu-
said Dr. Camille Kotton, a panel mem- to adults ages 50 to 59 at increased risk preventing severe RSV over a second ally restrained due to close economic
ber and professor at Harvard Medical from the illness, but the committee year and Pfizer’s Abrysvo was 78% ef- ties and New Delhi’s importance for
School. postponed endorsing its use in that age fective through a second RSV season. Washington to counter China, political
Aside from guiding physicians as to group. The committee’s work group Adults who have already received an analysts say.
what vaccinations their patients need, said the balance of risk and benefits for RSV shot are not recommended to re-
the panel of vaccine experts’ recom- the shot in that age group is more un- ceive another this year, the CDC said. FDA recommends steps to
improve diversity in clinical trials
FDA approves Verona Pharma’s steps for drugmakers and medical de-
vice makers to improve racial, ethnic
and other diversity in their clinical
Debate room.”
The Biden campaign declined to
comment on whether the president
Continued from Page 1NN might bring any guests to the debate,
but California Gov. Gavin Newsom is ex-
When and where are the debates? pected to be there.
Trump’s campaign is hosting a watch
The first debate will air at 9 p.m. ET party in Atlanta, with rumored contend-
on Thursday on CNN and be broadcast ers to be Republican vice presidential
from an Atlanta studio without a live running mate – North Dakota Gov. Doug
audience. Burgum, U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio and
Television news channel ABC said it J.D. Vance, and others listed as “special
will host the second presidential debate guests.”
on Sept. 10, also from an audience-free
studio. What happened last time?
Top 10 picks
Zaccharie Risacher, SF,
Alexandre Sarr, C,
Reed Sheppard, G,
Houston (from Brooklyn)
Stephon Castle, G,
San Antonio
Ron Holland II, SF,
Tidjane Salaun, SF,
Donovan Clingan, C,
Zaccharie Risacher poses for photos with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver after being selected first overall by the Atlanta
Hawks in the first round of the NBA draft on Wednesday in Brooklyn. BRAD PENNER/USA TODAY SPORTS
FRENCH CONNECTION Rob Dillingham, G, San
Antonio (from Toronto,
pick traded to Minnesota)
No. 1 pick Risacher leads over the past month, but it was Risacher
who went No. 1 overall when the Atlanta
at the draft combine in May.
According to Spotrac, Risacher will
3 players from France Hawks selected him to open the first sign a four-year, $57.2 million contract
taken in 1st 10 selections
round on Wednesday.
Risacher most recently played for JL
Bourg-en-Bresse of LNB Elite, France’s
with the Hawks.
Atlanta does not own another pick in
this year’s draft, which has been split
Zach Edey, C,
premier division of professional basket- into two days. The first round was held
With Victor Wembanyama on the ta- ball. on Wednesday at Barclays Center in
ble, there was little doubt as to who was “So exciting. There’s a lot of feelings New York. ESPN’s Seaport District Stu-
going No. 1 overall at last year’s NBA and emotions right now,” Risacher told dios – also in New York – will host the
draft. ESPN. “I don’t know what to say, but … second round on Thursday.
It was a different story this time I’m so blessed.” The Washington Wizards took Sarr
around. In 32 games last season, Risacher av- off the board with the second overall
Fellow Frenchmen Zaccharie Risach- eraged 10.1 points, 3.8 rebounds and 0.9 pick.
er and Alexandre Sarr frequently traded assists for JL Bourg. The 19-year-old is Cody Williams, F, Utah
places atop the board in mock drafts 6-foot-9 and weighed in at 195 pounds See DRAFT, Page 2NS
Continued from Page 1
Texas’ Schlossnagle
been one of the great privileges of my our inaugural season.”
life,” Sather said. “I want to thank Jim O’Brien, 29, recorded career-high to-
Dolan for giving me the chance to work tals in goals (five), assists (nine), points
apologizes to reporter
for the Rangers 24 years ago and for his (14) and penalty minutes (153) in 75
consistent guidance and friendship. games last season with the Arizona
“I want to thank everyone in the Coyotes, who have relocated to Salt
Rangers organization for their dedica- Lake City under new ownership.
tion and pursuit of excellence through- FIELD LEVEL MEDIA “He asked the question that was an
out the years, as well as the family Coaches can challenge puck out obvious question. I wish I could have
atmosphere they helped create. I would of play delay next season New Texas baseball coach Jim answered that better. But, in the mo-
also like to thank the great Rangers fans Schlossnagle took a distinctly different ment, 30 minutes after the last pitch,
for their passion and loyalty. This expe- The NHL on Wednesday announced tone at his introductory press confer- all I could think about was our players.”
rience is something I will always trea- rule changes for the 2024-25 season, ence on Wednesday than he did the last Schlossnagle ended his news con-
sure.” including the ability for coaches to time he was in front of a live micro- ference Wednesday by admitting that
Rangers president and general man- challenge delay of game penalties for a phone. “this was an opportunity I couldn’t
ager Chris Drury played four seasons puck out of play. Schlossnagle was not pleased on walk away from.”
(2007-11) under Sather’s watch with the “This only will apply to delay of Monday after a reporter asked about Schlossnagle now is reunited with
Rangers. game penalties when the puck is deter- his prospective interest in the Long- Texas athletic director Chris Del Conte,
“I would like to congratulate Glen on mined to have deflected off a player, horns’ job – the day his Texas A&M who held that same role during part of
his tremendous career,” Drury said. “I stick, glass or boards, and not on a team lost the final of the best-of-three the time the former coached at TCU
will forever be grateful to Glen for giv- judgment call on how the puck left the series to Tennessee in the Men’s Col- from 2004-21. Del Conte said Wednes-
ing me the opportunity to play for the defensive zone,” the NHL said. lege World Series. He even went so far day that he waited to talk formally with
Rangers, and I was so fortunate to lean However, a failed challenge will re- as to label the reporter as “selfish” for Schlossnagle at a Snook (Texas) ceme-
on him for guidance as I began my own sult in an additional two-minute minor asking it, however Schlossnagle be- tery as a means to avoid being recog-
career in the front office.” on top of the delay penalty. came Texas’ coach on Tuesday. nized.
Teams will also be hit with a bench “I took the job at Texas A&M to never Undler Schlossnagle, the Aggies
Liam O’Brien signs 3-year minor penalty for players sitting on the take another job again, and that hasn’t made the school’s first appearance in a
extension with Utah HC boards. Referees will give one warning changed in my mind,” Schlossnagle College World Series championship se-
to each team before a penalty is as- said on Monday. “That’s unfair to talk ries in 2022.
Utah Hockey Club forward Liam sessed. about something like that. … I gave up a Schlossnagle, 53, produced a 135-62
O’Brien signed a three-year contract Also, following an icing call, offen- big part of my life to come take this job, record in three seasons at Texas A&M.
extension on Wednesday. sive centers will receive a warning for a and I’ve poured every ounce of my soul The Aggies finished 53-15 this season,
Financial terms were not disclosed faceoff violation moving forward, same in this job. And I’ve given this job every making the MCWS for the second time
by the team, however TSN reported the as defensive players. single ounce I could possibly give it. So in his tenure.
deal was worth a total of $3 million. He Finally, an adjustment will be made write that.” He led TCU to five MCWS.
was a pending unrestricted free agent to prevent the defensive team from On Wednesday, Schlossnagle took a Texas finished this season at 36-24
prior to signing the contract. making a line change when its goal- decidedly different tone. and 297-162 in eight seasons under Da-
“We are very pleased to sign Liam to tender accidentally dislodges the net. “I want to publicly apologize to Rich- vid Pierce, who parted ways with the
a three-year contract,” Utah general The old language to that rule applied to ard Zane from TexAgs,” Schlossnagle school on Monday in a mutual decision,
manager Bill Armstrong said. “He adds just skaters. said. per Del Conte.
Philadelphia 6, Detroit 2 Gonzales 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .281
Hayes 3b 4 1 0 0 0 1 .222
PHI ............. 100 220 010 — 6 12 0 Joe rf 3 1 2 0 1 0 .245
DET...............100 000 001 — 2 4 0 Suwinski cf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .174
Delay c 3 1 2 2 1 0 .200
Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 36 6 10 6 2 7
Schwarber dh 4 1 1 0 1 3 .250
Turner ss 5 0 2 0 0 3 .329 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Harper 1b 4 0 1 0 1 2 .305 India 2b 4 0 2 1 0 1 .268
Bohm 3b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .304 De La Cruz ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .249
Castellanos rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .223 Steer 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .239
Stott 2b 3 3 1 0 1 0 .242 Stephenson c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .240
Marsh cf 4 1 4 4 0 0 .269 Martini rf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .206
Dahl lf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .250 Espinal 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .203
Stubbs c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .202 Fairchild cf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .218
Totals 36 6 12 6 4 10 Soto dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Jordan lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .143
Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 30 1 4 1 1 10
Vierling 3b 4 2 2 1 0 0 .254
Keith 2b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .240 2B: Joe (15), Delay 2 (3), India (13). HR:
a-Ibanez ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 .291 McCutchen (11), Tellez (3). RBI:
Greene cf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .259 McCutchen 2 (24), Tellez (20), Suwinski
Canha 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .236
Perez rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .263 (20), Delay 2 (6), India (31). Runners left in
Malloy dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .148 scoring position: Pittsburgh 3
Baddoo lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .122 (McCutchen, Suwinski, Delay), Cincinnati
Kelly c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .242
Kreidler ss 1 0 0 0 1 0 .167 2 (De La Cruz, Fairchild). RISP: Pittsburgh
b-McKinstry ph-ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 .195 3 for 7, Cincinnati 1 for 3. GIDP: Cruz, De La
Totals 29 2 4 2 2 7 Cruz. DP: Pittsburgh 1, Cincinnati 1.
a-singled for Keith in 9th. b-flied out for Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Kreidler in 8th. Ortiz W, 4-2 6.0 4 1 1 0 7 85 3.23
2B: Stott (11), Vierling (10). HR: Marsh (7), Nicolas 2.0 0 0 0 1 1 28 4.70
Vierling (10). RBI: Castellanos (39), Marsh Chapman 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 10 3.86
4 (31), Dahl (8), Vierling (32), Ibanez (19). Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
CS: Marsh (3), Kreidler (1). SB: Stott (20). Ashcraft L, 4-4 5.1 9 6 6 1 3 89 5.45
Wilson 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 18 5.40
SF: Dahl. Runners left in scoring position: Sims 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 3.71
Philadelphia 5 (Schwarber, Turner, Diaz 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 17 4.91
Castellanos, Stott 2), Detroit 1 (Perez). Inherited runners: Wilson 2-0. Balk: Ortiz
RISP: Philadelphia 2 for 11, Detroit 1 for 3. (1). Umpires: HP-Gibson, 1B-Rehak,
GIDP: Castellanos, Canha. DP: 2B-Vondrak, 3B-Hanahan. T: 2:18. A:
Philadelphia 1, Detroit 1. 22,450 (45,814).
Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
N.Y. Mets 12, N.Y. Yankees 2
Turnbull 3.0 1 1 1 2 2 36 2.65
Soto 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.91 NYY ............. 000 002 000 — 2 6 1
Ruiz W, 2-1 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16 3.32 NYM ...........003 043 11x — 12 12 1
Strahm 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 18 0.86
Kerkering 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1.57 N.Y. Yankees AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Hoffman 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.08 Volpe ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .266
Alvarado 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 16 3.27 Soto rf 2 1 0 0 2 1 .303
Jones rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .182
Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Judge cf 2 1 2 2 1 0 .309
Holton 1.2 4 1 1 1 1 29 4.10 c-Grisham ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .136
Vest 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 18 3.27 Davis dh 2 0 0 0 2 2 .227
Montero L, 0-2 4.1 5 5 5 3 6 94 9.35 Verdugo lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .247
Wentz 1.2 3 0 0 0 1 28 5.35 LeMahieu 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .178
Trevino c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .247
Inherited runners: Vest 2-2, Wentz 2-1. a-Wells ph-c 1 0 0 0 1 1 .209
HBP: Greene. WP: Alvarado. Umpires: Rice 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .261
HP-Libka, 1B-Hoye, 2B-Drake, Cabrera 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .238
Totals 31 2 6 2 7 8
3B-Reyburn. T: 2:30. A: 22,530 (41,083).
N.Y. Mets AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Seattle 5, Tampa Bay 2 Lindor ss 5 1 2 0 0 1 .246
SEA..............000 003 200 — 5 5 0 Iglesias ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .400
Nimmo lf 3 2 0 0 2 0 .242
TB .................001 000 001 — 2 5 0 Gamel lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Martinez dh 4 0 1 1 0 0 .287
Crawford ss 3 0 2 2 1 0 .217 Alonso 1b 3 3 1 0 1 0 .241
Rojas 3b 4 1 0 0 0 3 .251 Alvarez c 3 3 3 3 1 0 .313
b-Torrens ph-c 1 0 1 0 0 0 .360
Rodriguez cf
Raleigh dh
0 0 1 1
1 3 2 0
Astros starting pitcher Spencer Arrighetti delivers a pitch against the Colorado Rockies during the first Taylor rf 3 2 1 3 1 0 .240
Vientos 3b 3 0 1 2 2 2 .298
France 1b
Garver c
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
inning of Wednesday’s game at Minute Maid Park in Houston. ERIK WILLIAMS/USA TODAY SPORTS McNeil 2b 4 0 0 1 0 0 .213
Canzone rf 3 1 1 0 0 2 .227 Bader cf 5 1 2 2 0 0 .275
a-Robles ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .333 Totals 34 12 12 12 7 3
Moore lf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .209 a-struck out for Trevino in 6th. b-singled
Bliss 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .245
for Alvarez in 8th. c-struck out for Judge
Totals 31 5 5 5 4 13 2B-Baker, 3B-Carlson. T: 2:31. A: 33,603
in 8th.
Tampa Bay AB R H BI BB SO Avg. (41,168).
Diaz 1b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .275 E: Gil, Vientos. 2B: Cabrera (6), Lindor 2
Lowe rf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .234 Milwaukee 6, Texas 5 (10) (23), Alvarez (8), Bader (14). HR: Judge
Arozarena lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .189 TEX...... 010 400 000 0 — 5 10 1 (30), Alvarez (4), Taylor (3), Bader (6). RBI:
Paredes 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .272
Palacios dh 4 0 0 1 0 1 .244 MIL .......004 100 000 1 — 6 11 0 Judge 2 (77), Martinez (34), Alvarez 3 (19),
Rosario 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .296 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Taylor 3 (20), Vientos 2 (22), McNeil (16),
Siri cf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .212 Semien 2b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .244 Bader 2 (30). SF: McNeil. Runners left in
Caballero ss 3 1 3 0 0 0 .243
Jackson c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .077
Grossman dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .220 scoring position: N.Y. Yankees 6 (Jones 2,
a-Taveras ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .214
Totals 30 2 5 2 2 8 Smith ss 5 0 0 0 0 4 .294 Verdugo 2, LeMahieu, Rice), N.Y. Mets 6
a-grounded out for Canzone in 9th. Garcia rf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .218 (Lindor 2, Taylor 2, Vientos, Bader). RISP:
2B: Crawford (11), Caballero (11). HR: Langford lf 3 1 1 0 2 0 .250 N.Y. Mets 6 for 15. GIDP: Verdugo 2,
Lowe 1b 5 1 2 3 0 2 .256 Trevino, Alonso. DP: N.Y. Yankees 1, N.Y.
Raleigh (14). RBI: Crawford 2 (25), Raleigh Heim c 3 1 2 1 1 0 .234
3 (49), Diaz (40), Palacios (17). CS: Hill cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .231 Mets 3.
Wendzel 3b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .150
Caballero (9). SB: Crawford (3). S: Moore. Totals 39 5 10 5 3 11
Runners left in scoring position: Seattle 2 Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Gil L, 9-3 4.1 4 5 5 4 2 87 3.15
(Rojas 2), Tampa Bay 2 (Paredes, Rosario). Ferguson 0.0 1 1 1 0 0 5 5.84
Turang 2b 5 0 1 0 0 1 .288 Gomez 2.0 4 5 5 3 1 62 5.87
RISP: Seattle 2 for 5, Tampa Bay 1 for 6. Contreras c 5 0 0 0 0 1 .292 Hill 1.2 3 1 1 0 0 27 5.40
GIDP: Rosario. DP: Seattle 2. Yelich lf 4 1 3 0 1 0 .325
Adames ss 4 2 0 0 1 2 .238 N.Y. Mets IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bauers 1b 4 1 1 4 1 1 .219 Manaea W, 5-3 5.0 2 0 0 5 3 77 3.89
Kirby W, 7-5 6.0 4 1 1 0 7 87 3.35 Hoskins dh 4 0 0 0 1 2 .221 Young 0.1 2 2 2 1 1 17 4.09
Voth 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3.62 Frelick cf 5 0 3 0 0 0 .269 Ottavino 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.99
Stanek 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 16 3.45 Ortiz 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .275 Houser S, 1 3.0 2 0 0 1 3 44 5.55
Munoz 0.0 0 1 1 2 0 18 1.69 b-Monasterio ph-3b 2 0 1 1 0 1 .163
Thornton S, 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 12 3.22 Chourio rf 4 2 2 1 0 0 .236 Ferguson pitched to 1 batter in the 5th.
Totals 39 6 11 6 4 8 Inherited runners: Ferguson 2-1, Gomez
a-fouled out for Grossman in 9th. b-was 2-0, Ottavino 1-1. HBP: Martinez, Alonso,
Pepiot 5.1 1 1 1 2 8 88 4.40
Armstrong L, 2-2 BS, 0.2 1 2 2 1 0 22 3.96 hit by a pitch for Ortiz in 6th. Taylor. Umpires: HP-Lentz, 1B-Jimenez,
1 E: Yates. 2B: Wendzel (2). HR: Lowe (3), 2B-Scheurwater, 3B-Barksdale. T: 3:05. A:
Kelly 1.0 3 2 2 0 2 27 3.41
Heim (7), Bauers (7), Chourio (8). RBI: 43,004 (41,922).
Adam 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 25 2.12
Poche 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.20 Grossman (11), Lowe 3 (24), Heim (33), Minnesota 8, Arizona 3
Munoz pitched to 3 batters in the 9th. Bauers 4 (32), Monasterio (6), Chourio MIN ............031 220 000 — 8 14 0
Inherited runners: Thornton 3-2, (29). SB: Hill (2), Yelich (16). Runners left in ARI............... 000 102 000 — 3 4 0
Armstrong 1-0. HBP: Paredes. Umpires: scoring position: Texas 5 (Semien 2,
Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
HP-Knight, 1B-Morales, 2B-Barber, Grossman 2, Lowe), Milwaukee 4 Castro 2b 4 2 2 2 0 1 .274
3B-Ramos. T: 2:50. A: 18,286 (25,025). (Adames 3, Chourio). RISP: Texas 3 for 13, Larnach lf 5 1 2 1 0 1 .255
Milwaukee 2 for 8. GIDP: Semien, Ortiz. Margot lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .232
Kansas City 5, Miami 1 DP: Texas 1, Milwaukee 1. Lewis dh 4 0 0 0 1 1 .311
Kepler rf 5 0 0 0 0 3 .245
MIA.............. 010 000 000 — 1 5 0 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Correa ss 4 2 3 1 1 0 .306
KC..............000 000 05x — 5 10 0 Eovaldi 7.0 9 5 5 1 4 101 3.45
Santana 1b 5 1 3 0 0 1 .251
Buxton cf 3 1 0 1 0 1 .251
Miami AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Robertson 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 13 3.38
Miranda 3b 4 1 3 3 1 0 .293
Chisholm Jr. cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .264 Yates 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 19 0.95
Vazquez c 5 0 1 0 0 2 .188
De La Cruz dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .242 Latz L, 2-3 0.2 1 1 0 1 0 5 3.38
Totals 39 8 14 8 3 10
Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .243 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Sanchez rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .233 Arizona AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Burger 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Keuchel 4.0 8 5 5 1 4 71 11.25 Carroll cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .216
Lopez 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Junis 2.0 1 0 0 1 3 36 3.00 Marte 2b 2 1 0 0 2 0 .278
Gordon lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .227 Hudson 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12 0.84 Pederson dh 3 1 1 0 0 1 .289
Brujan ss 3 1 1 0 0 0 .236 Payamps 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.72 Walker 1b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .252
Fortes c 3 0 1 1 0 1 .160 Megill 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 12 1.78 Gurriel Jr. lf 3 0 1 2 0 0 .260
Totals 31 1 5 1 1 6 Koenig W, 7-1 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 13 1.72 McCarthy rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .281
Suarez 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .192
Kansas City AB R H BI BB SO Avg. HBP: Monasterio. IBB: Yates (2), Latz (3), Barnhart c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .171
Garcia 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Koenig (2). WP: Eovaldi, Latz. Umpires: Perdomo ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .262
Witt Jr. ss 3 1 1 0 0 1 .311 HP-Conroy, 1B-Segal, 2B-Vanover, Totals 29 3 4 2 2 8
Pasquantino dh 4 0 2 1 0 0 .236
a-Blanco pr-dh 0 1 0 0 0 0 .236 3B-Tomlinson. T: 2:43. A: 36,552 (41,700). 2B: Castro (21), Larnach 2 (7), Correa (15),
Perez 1b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .279 Atlanta 6, St. Louis 2 Santana (13), Miranda 2 (16), Walker (15).
Loftin 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .228
Game 1 3B: Gurriel Jr. (1). HR: Castro (7). RBI:
Melendez lf
Renfroe rf
1 1 0 0 1
0 2 0 1 0
The Brewers’ Andruw Monasterio hits a walk-off RBI single in the 10th inning Castro 2 (26), Larnach (25), Correa (37),
ATL ..............040 002 000 — 6 9 0
Fermin c
Hampson cf
0 2 2 0 1
0 0 0 0 1
.278 STL ...............010 010 000 — 2 4 0 against the Rangers in Milwaukee. MARK HOFFMAN/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Buxton (27), Miranda 3 (33), Gurriel Jr. 2
b-Massey ph-cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .288
(45). CS: Pederson (1). SF: Buxton, Gurriel
Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Jr.. Runners left in scoring position:
Totals 34 5 10 5 1 8 Kelenic cf 5 1 3 3 0 0 .273
a-ran for Pasquantino in 8th. b-struck out Albies 2b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .254 Minnesota 5 (Lewis, Kepler, Santana,
for Hampson in 8th. Ozuna dh 5 0 0 0 0 3 .309 Vazquez 2), Arizona 2 (Walker, Suarez).
Olson 1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .247 Goldschmidt (32), Donovan (40). CS: San Diego 8, Washington 5 Mullins cf 3 1 2 1 0 0 .214
RISP: Minnesota 4 for 16. GIDP: Kepler. DP:
2B: Gordon (8), Brujan (8), Pasquantino Mateo 2b 3 1 2 0 0 0 .240
Riley 3b 5 1 2 0 0 2 .254 Kelenic (2). SB: Goldschmidt (4), Donovan WAS............. 000 000 005 — 5 5 1 Totals 31 4 9 4 2 4 Arizona 1.
(21), Perez (16), Fermin (8). 3B: Witt Jr. (8). Murphy c 3 0 1 0 2 0 .200 (2), Gorman (6). Runners left in scoring
RBI: Fortes (12), Pasquantino (49), Perez Laureano rf 5 1 0 1 0 0 .250 SD................ 020 200 04x — 8 9 0 a-walked for Freeman in 9th. b-grounded Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Wall lf 3 2 1 0 1 0 .286 position: Atlanta 4 (Albies, Duvall 3), St.
(47), Loftin (13), Fermin 2 (18). CS: Short ss 2 0 1 2 2 0 .157 Louis 3 (Contreras, Siani 2). RISP: Atlanta 2 Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg. out for Hedges in 8th. Woods Richardson 5.1 4 3 3 2 4 90 3.41
Abrams ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .280 2B: Hedges (2), Mateo (13). HR: Noel (1), W, 3-1
Chisholm Jr. (6). SB: Blanco (16). Runners Totals 36 6 9 6 7 6 for 6, St. Louis 3 for 7. b-Nunez ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .091 Staumont 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.00
left in scoring position: Miami 2 (Burger, St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Thomas rf 2 1 1 2 2 1 .243 Arias (3), Henderson (26), O’Hearn (10), Okert 1.1 0 0 0 0 3 19 3.33
Brujan), Kansas City 4 (Perez, Hampson 2, Winn ss 4 0 0 0 1 2 .293 Winker lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Mullins (8). RBI: Noel (1), Arias (15), Duran 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.80
Burleson rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 .286 Elder L, 1-3 6.0 4 2 2 0 4 96 5.76 a-Vargas ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .268
Massey). RISP: Miami 1 for 3, Kansas City 4 Contreras c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .272 Holmes 2.0 4 2 2 1 2 39 2.57
Henderson 2 (57), O’Hearn (33), Mullins Henriquez 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0.00
Meneses 1b 3 1 0 0 0 1 .240
for 7. Goldschmidt 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .232 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Garcia Jr. 2b 4 1 1 2 0 1 .257 (26). CS: Mullins (3), Mateo (2). SB: Arias Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Powered by
Tom Kim lines up a putt on the 18th green during the final round of the Travelers
Championship on Sunday in Cronwell, Conn. GREGORY FISHER/USA TODAY SPORTS
Bad Homburg
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non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire Houston 5, Colorado 2 Oakland 14; Foley, Detroit 13; Munoz, NY Red Bulls 9 4 7 34 34 25 (tie), Patton Kizzire and , 71. 6, Austin 2. Will Power, 262.
in 7 days. In partnership with Kansas Miami 2, Kansas City 1 Seattle 13; McArthur, Kansas City 13; Charlotte FC 9 6 5 32 23 20 Eckroat, 67. 7, Hayden Springer, 72. 8, 3. Scott Dixon, 253.
Crossing Casino and Hotel. See Milwaukee 3, Texas 1 Fairbanks, Tampa Bay 12. Columbus 8 3 6 30 29 17 Taiga Semikawa, 82. 9, Harrison Endycott, 4. Colton Herta, 217. for Terms. US promotional L.A. Angels 7, Oakland 5 NY City FC 9 8 2 29 26 23 83. 5. Kyle Kirkwood, 210.
National League
offers not available in North Carolina, Arizona 5, Minnesota 4 Batting Average — Ohtani, Los Angeles Nashville 6 5 8 26 23 23 Total Putts Per Round
New York, Nevada, Ontario, or Puerto San Diego 9, Washington 7 .320; Profar, San Diego .317; Ozuna, Toronto FC 7 10 3 24 28 35 1, Taylor Montgomery, 27.58%. 2, Denny
Rico. San Francisco 5, Chicago 1 Atlanta .314; Arraez, San Diego .310;
Atlanta 5 8 6 21 26 24 McCarthy, 27.60%. 3, Aaron Baddeley, TRANSACTIONS
Orlando City 5 8 6 21 23 31
Wednesday’s Scores Bohm, Philadelphia .309; Harper, Philadelphia 4 7 8 20 31 31 27.63%. 4, Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Wednesday’s Transactions
Seattle 5, Tampa Bay 2 Philadelphia .306; Betts, Los Angeles New England 6 10 1 19 17 30 27.74%. 5, Mackenzie Hughes, 27.78%. 6, BASEBALL
ODDS SPONSORED Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 1 .304; Freeman, Los Angeles .300; Winn, D.C. United 4 9 7 19 26 37 Jason Day, 27.85%. 7, Maverick McNealy,
Major League Baseball
Philadelphia 6, Detroit 2 St. Louis .298; Contreras, Milwaukee .296. CF Montreal 4 8 7 19 26 41 27.86%. 8, Collin Morikawa, 27.87%. 9,
BY BETMGM.COM Atlanta 6, St. Louis 2 Home Runs — Ohtani, Los Angeles 24; Chicago 4 9 6 18 23 34 Russell Henley, 27.88%. 10, S.H Kim,
ATLANTA BRAVES — P Bryce Elder Called
Up from Minors recalled as 27th roster
Houston 7, Colorado 1 Ozuna, Atlanta 21; Harper, Philadelphia 27.92%.
Western Conference player.
Gannett may earn revenue from sports Kansas City 5, Miami 1 20; Hernandez, Los Angeles 18; Walker, W L T Pts GF GA Birdie Average CHICAGO WHITE SOX — P Mike Clevinger
betting operators for audience referrals Milwaukee 6, Texas 5 Arizona 17; Schwarber, Philadelphia 17; Los Angeles FC 11 4 4 37 38 23 1, Scottie Scheffler, 4.98. 2, Byeong Hun Recalled From Minors Rehab.
to betting services. Sports betting L.A. Angels 5, Oakland 2 Marte, Arizona 16; Alonso, New York 16; Real Salt Lake 10 3 7 37 40 23 An, 4.44. 3, Michael Kim, 4.40. 4, Xander CINCINNATI REDS — P Graham Ashcraft
operators have no influence over nor are San Diego 8, Washington 5 Gorman, St. Louis 16; Morel, Chicago 15. LA Galaxy 10 3 7 37 38 27 Schauffele, 4.39. 5, Tom Hoge, 4.38. 6, Called Up from Minors. P Yosver Zulueta
any such revenues in any way dependent Baltimore 4, Cleveland 2 RBI — Ozuna, Atlanta 64; Bohm, Colorado 9 7 4 31 38 32 Collin Morikawa, 4.36. 7, Wyndham Clark, Sent to Minors.
on or linked to the newsrooms or news N.Y. Mets 12, N.Y. Yankees 2 Philadelphia 64; Ohtani, Los Angeles 60; Minnesota 8 6 5 29 31 29 4.31. 8, Tony Finau, 4.28. 9, Rory McIlroy,
Portland 7 7 6 27 36 33 CLEVELAND GUARDIANS — Jhonkensy
coverage. Terms apply, see operator site St. Louis 4, Atlanta 1 Harper, Philadelphia 57; Profar, San Diego 4.24. 10 (tie), Justin Thomas and Patton Noel Called Up from Minors. RF
for Terms and Conditions. Gambling L.A. Dodgers 4, Chicago 0 54; Hernandez, Los Angeles 54; Adames, Houston 7 6 6 27 26 23 Kizzire, 4.23.
Austin FC 7 7 6 27 23 28 Johnathan Rodriguez Sent to Minors.
problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER CO, DC, IL, Minnesota 8, Arizona 3 Milwaukee 54; Walker, Arizona 50; Sand Save Percentage COLORADO ROCKIES — P Jake Bird Placed
IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, NJ, OH, PA, TN, VA, San Francisco 4, Chicago 3 Cronenworth, San Diego 50; Schwarber, Vancouver 7 7 4 25 26 24
Seattle 6 7 7 25 27 25 1, Russell Henley, 70.71%. 2, Carl Yuan, on 15-Day IL Right groin strain.
WV, WY. Call 877-8-HOPENY or text Thursday’s Games Philadelphia 49. 68.85%. 3, Ryan Palmer, 68.09%. 4, Aaron DETROIT TIGERS — P Keider Montero
Stolen Bases — De La Cruz, Cincinnati 37; FC Dallas 5 9 5 20 27 31
HOPENY (467369) (NY) Call Minnesota (Paddack 5-3) at Arizona Saint Louis 3 6 10 19 24 31 Baddeley, 68.00%. 5, Justin Rose, 65.93%. Called Up from Minors. P Easton Lucas
1-800-327-5050 (MA). 21+ to wager. (Montgomery 6-4), 3:40 p.m. Turang, Milwaukee 27; Stott, Philadelphia Sporting KC 3 12 5 14 31 44 Sent to Minors.
19; Doyle, Colorado 18; Young, All-Around Ranking
Please Gamble Responsibly. Call Chicago (Imanaga 7-2) at San Francisco San Jose 3 14 2 11 29 51 HOUSTON ASTROS — C Omar Narvaez
Washington 18; Thomas, Washington 17; 1, Xander Schauffele, 141. 2, Scottie
1-800-NEXT-STEP (AZ), 1-800-522-4700 (Hicks 4-4), 3:45 p.m. Signed to a Minor League Contract.
Ohtani, Los Angeles 16; Acuna Jr., Atlanta Friday, June 28 Scheffler, 224. 3, Ludvig Aberg, 237. 4,
(NV), 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), Atlanta (Sale 10-2) at Chicago (Thorpe MIAMI MARLINS — Valente Bellozo
16; Yelich, Milwaukee 15; Kim, San Diego Orlando City at NY City FC, 7:30 p.m. Rory McIlroy, 241. 5, Wyndham Clark, 253.
1-800-270-7117 for confidential help (MI), 1-1), 4:10 p.m. Purchased From Minors. P Kent Emanuel
15. 6, Sam Burns, 269. 7, Byeong Hun An, 283.
1-800-981-0023 (PR). In partnership with Miami (TBD) at Philadelphia (Wheeler Saturday, June 29 Designated for Assignment.
Wins — Sale, Atlanta 10; Suarez, Philadelphia at CF Montreal, 7:30 p.m. 8, Tony Finau, 319. 9, Keith Mitchell, 350.
Kansas Crossing Casino and Hotel. Visit 9-4), 6:20 p.m. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Dallas Keuchel
Philadelphia 10; Gray, St. Louis 9; Wheeler, Columbus at New England, 7:30 p.m. 10, Erik van Rooyen, 389. for Terms & Conditions. US Texas (Gray 3-3) at Baltimore (Burnes Purchased From Minors. DH Gary Sanchez
promotional offers not available in DC, 8-3), 6:35 p.m. Philadelphia 9; Nola, Philadelphia 9; Toronto FC at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Nevada, New York or Ontario. N.Y. Yankees (Rodon 9-4) at Toronto Keller, Pittsburgh 9; Glasnow, Los Angeles D.C. United at NY Red Bulls, 7:30 p.m. AUTO RACING Placed on 10-Day IL Strained left calf. P
Joe Ross Transferred to 60-Day IL Lower
All times Eastern (Berrios 6-6), 7:07 p.m. 8; Lodolo, Cincinnati 8; Stone, Los Cincinnati at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m. back strain. P Joel Kuhnel Designated for
Angeles 8; Paxton, Los Angeles 7. NASCAR Cup Series Schedule
Cincinnati (Abbott 6-6) at St. Louis Charlotte FC at Houston, 8:30 p.m. June 30 — Ally 400, Nashville Assignment. Eric Haase Purchased From
(Mikolas 6-6), 7:45 p.m. ERA — Suarez, Philadelphia 2.01; Sanchez, Inter Miami CF at Nashville, 8:30 p.m. Minors.
Philadelphia 2.67; Wheeler, Philadelphia July 7 — Grant Park 165, Chicago
MLB Cleveland (Lively 7-3) at Kansas City
(Wacha 4-6), 8:10 p.m. 2.73; Gray, St. Louis 2.81; Glasnow, Los
Austin FC at Sporting KC, 8:30 p.m.
Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m.
July 14 — The Great American Getaway NEW YORK METS — P Drew Smith Placed
400, Pocono on 15-Day IL Sprained right elbow. Ty
American League Detroit (Flaherty 5-4) at L.A. Angels Angeles 2.88; Sale, Atlanta 2.91; Fried, Saint Louis at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m. Adcock Called Up from Minors. C Joe
Atlanta 3.00; Assad, Chicago 3.04; Irvin, July 21 — Brickyard 400, Speedway, Ind.
East Division (TBD), 9:38 p.m. Chicago at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. Aug. 11 — Cook Out 400, Richmond, Va. Hudson Outrighted to Minors.
W L Pct GB Washington 3.13; Webb, San Francisco Minnesota at Portland, 10:30 p.m. NEW YORK YANKEES — P Victor Gonzalez
League Leaders 3.16. Aug. 18 — FireKeepers Casino 400,
N.Y. Yankees 52 30 .634 — LA Galaxy vs San Jose at Stanford, 10:30 Brooklyn Outrighted to Minors.
Baltimore 50 30 .625 1 American League Strikeouts — Glasnow, Los Angeles 135; p.m.
Batting Average — Witt Jr., Kansas City Aug. 24 — Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona PITTSBURGH PIRATES — P Quinn Priester
Boston 43 37 .538 8 Cease, San Diego 116; Peralta, Milwaukee Sent to Minors for Rehabilitation. C Henry
.311; Soto, New York .305; Judge, New Beach, Fla.
Tampa Bay
40 41
36 43
.494 11½
.456 14½ York .304; Altuve, Houston .301; Smith,
112; King, San Diego 109; Wheeler,
Philadelphia 107; Sale, Atlanta 107; Gray,
GOLF Sept. 1 — Cook Out Southern 500, Davis Sent to Minors for Rehabilitation.
Texas .300; Rutschman, Baltimore .300; Darlington, SC SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Hayden
Central Division St. Louis 103; Greene, Cincinnati 103; PGA Tour Statistics Birdsong Purchased From Minors. P
Correa, Minnesota .298; Duran, Boston Suarez, Philadelphia 99; Gore, Sept. 8 — Quaker State 400 Available at
W L Pct GB Season Points Walmart, Hampton, Ga. Mason Black Sent to Minors. P Raymond
Cleveland 51 27 .654 — .288; Alvarez, Houston .288; Guerrero Jr., Washington 99.
Toronto .288. 1, Scottie Scheffler, 5,768. 2, Xander Sept. 15 — Go Bowling at The Glen, Burgos Designated for Assignment.
Minnesota 44 36 .550 8 Saves — Helsley, St. Louis 27; Finnegan, Schauffele, 3,257. 3, Rory McIlroy, 2,445. 4, ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — P Chris Roycroft
Home Runs — Judge, New York 29; Washington 22; Iglesias, Atlanta 20; Watkins Glen International, NY
Kansas City 44 38 .537 9 Collin Morikawa, 2,241. 5, Wyndham Clark, Called Up from Minors recalled as 27th
Detroit 37 43 .463 15 Henderson, Baltimore 25; Ramirez, Suarez, San Diego 20; Diaz, Cincinnati 17; Sept. 21 — Bass Pro Shops Night Race,
Cleveland 21; Santander, Baltimore 21; 2,088. 6, Ludvig Aberg, 1,992. 7, Hideki Bristol, Tenn. roster player.
Chicago 21 61 .256 32 Bednar, Pittsburgh 16; Megill, Milwaukee
Naylor, Cleveland 20; Soto, New York 19; Matsuyama, 1,893. 8, Sahith Theegala, Sept. 29 — Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas TEXAS RANGERS — P Cole Winn
West Division 16; Phillips, Los Angeles 13; Doval, San 1,845. 9, Patrick Cantlay, 1,717. 10, Byeong Transferred to 60-Day IL Right shoulder
Tucker, Houston 19; Stanton, New York 18; Francisco 13; Alvarado, Philadelphia 12. City, Kan.
W L Pct GB Hun An, 1,620. Oct. 6 — YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala. sprain. RF Derek Hill Purchased From
Seattle 46 37 .554 — O’Neill, Boston 16; Devers, Boston 16.
RBI — Judge, New York 75; Ramirez, Scoring Average Oct. 13 — Bank of America ROVAL 400, Minors. P Yerry Rodriguez Designated for
Houston 40 40 .500 4½ Assignment. 2B Justin Foscue Sent to
Texas 37 43 .463 7½ Cleveland 72; Naylor, Cleveland 58; Soto, WNBA 1, Scottie Scheffler, 68.48. 2, Xander Concord, NC
L.A. Angels 33 46 .418 11 New York 57; Henderson, Baltimore 55; Schauffele, 69.25. 3, Rory McIlroy, 69.56. Oct. 20 — South Point 400, Las Vegas, Minors. 2B Justin Foscue Removed From
Oakland 29 54 .349 17 Santander, Baltimore 53; Rutschman, Eastern Conference 4, Collin Morikawa, 69.91. 5, Ludvig Aberg, Nev. 60-Day IL Strained left oblique. 2B Justin
Baltimore 53; Witt Jr., Kansas City 53; W L Pct GB 69.99. 6, Billy Horschel, 70.00. 7, Alex Oct. 27 — Race at Homestead-Miami, Foscue Recalled From Minors Rehab. 3B
National League N.Y. Liberty 15 3 .833 — Noren, 70.03. 8, Keith Mitchell, 70.08. 9, Homestead, Fla. Ezequiel Duran Sent to Minors.
Pasquantino, Kansas City 48; Perez,
East Division Connecticut 13 3 .813 1 Maverick McNealy, 70.10. 10, Christiaan Nov. 3 — XFINITY 500, Martinsville, Va.