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Love’s Travel Shop: From Alex Morgan left off USA’s Film helped

one store to global giant soccer roster for Olympics Lupita

Oklahoma family-owned business reflects on Coach Emma Hayes explains why active leading
Nyong’o face
humble beginnings and perseverance. In Money USWNT goal scorer wasn’t picked. In Sports mortality

She and “A Quiet Place:
Day One” co-star Joseph
Quinn talk about
scene-stealing cat and
dramatic dieting. In Life



Presidential debate:
Opportunity and risk
By a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court
on Wednesday said the Biden
administration is allowed to squash
content on social media platforms
that is considered misinformation.

can be
High court gives Biden
administration a win
Maureen Groppe and Bart Jansen

WASHINGTON − The Supreme President Joe Biden has spent much of the past week at Former President Donald Trump has foregone traditional
Court on Wednesday handed the Bi- Camp David, practicing for Thursday night’s faceoff debate preparation, but he has been given verbal policy
den administration an election-year against Trump in a television studio in Atlanta. There will briefings and has kept up with the news, a Trump campaign
victory, throwing out a conservative be no studio audience. THOMAS BENDER/USA TODAY NETWORK official said. MAX CURRAN/USA TODAY NETWORK
challenge to government efforts to
have social media companies remove
posts it considered misinformation.
The 6-3 decision, led by Justice Biden aiming to How to watch
Tune in to the first
Trump will be
Amy Coney Barrett, was a response to
a suit that came during a hot-button change narrative presidential debate of the
2024 campaign Thursday
playing offense
period when social media was thick
with contentious posts over COVID-19,
vaccines, top government scientist
regarding his age at 9 p.m. EDT.
– and defense
USA TODAY will stream the
Anthony Fauci, and other emotional Francesca Chambers event at David Jackson and Zac Anderson
topics. Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gor- and Michael Collins @USATODAY. The debate USA TODAY
such and Clarence Thomas dissented. USA TODAY also will air on CNN and cable
Barrett, writing for the majority, networks. WASHINGTON – After spending six
said the challengers argued that unfet- WASHINGTON – President Joe Bi- weeks sitting in a criminal courtroom,
tered speech on social media is critical den’s challenge to debate Donald Trump CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana former President Donald Trump gets to
to their work as scientists, pundits and in June, before the former president has Bash will moderate. play both prosecutor and defense law-
activists. even been awarded the Republican yer in another arena: a presidential de-
nomination, took many in his party by Play along bate.
surprise. Use our presidential debate Trump and his allies say he plans to
The 81-year-old president is battling bingo cards as you watch the use Thursday’s showdown to indict
“Our country benefits when perceptions he’s too old for another debate. 3A President Joe Biden, 81, for his age and
term. And another faceoff with Trump handling of issues like inflation and the
ideas can be tested and could be risky. Any slip up or stumble southern border. But the former presi-
debated fairly on their will fuel concerns about his mental acu- dent will also have to play defense over
ity and feed into fears Biden is past his GOP debates on abortion rights, his own
merits, whether online or in prime. mental acuity, and his sweeping crimi-
But with Trump leading in many polls nal charges that include his May 30 con-
the halls of Congress.” – even after his conviction on 34 felo- viction in his New York City hush money
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio nies following a highly publicized crimi- case.
nal trial in New York – Biden is playing “How should I handle him?” Trump
“But they do not point to any specif- one of the few cards he has left. asked supporters during a weekend
ic instance of content moderation that
caused them identifiable harm,” Bar- See BIDEN, Page 3A See TRUMP, Page 2A
rett wrote. “They have therefore failed
to establish an injury that is sufficient-
ly ‘concrete and particularized.’ ”
In the dissent, Alito complained
that the majority “unjustifiably re-
fuses to address this serious threat to
The vast new legal frontier?
the First Amendment.”
“For months, high-ranking Govern- Falling ‘space junk’ claims
ment officials placed unrelenting pres-
sure on Facebook to suppress Ameri- Jeanine Santucci uninsured property damage and emo-
cans’ free speech,” Alito wrote. USA TODAY tional anguish.
By dismissing the case without Space junk – any of the millions of
When a Florida family filed a claim pounds of objects left by humans in
See SOCIAL MEDIA, Page 4A against NASA over “space junk” that fell space ranging from small nuts and bolts
through their roof earlier this year, it to pieces of defunct satellites – falls into
launched a potentially precedent-set- Earth’s atmosphere every day. The vast
ting question: Who is liable when debris majority of it burns up on its way down,

This piece of support equipment that from space causes damage or injury? but every so often, pieces fall to the sur-
was part of a pallet of used batteries Nobody was hurt when a cylindrical face. They most often land in oceans,
from the International Space Station object that was part of a pallet of used which cover most of Earth’s surface, and
sailed through the roof of a home in batteries from the International Space other unpopulated places on land.
A division of Naples, Fla., in March. Now the family Station came sailing through Alejandro Very rarely, they have caused damage
Gannett Co., Inc.
has filed a claim against NASA for Otero and his family’s roof in what their or minor injury, but experts say a
property damage and emotional attorney called a “near miss,” but the
distress. PROVIDED BY NASA claim for a more than $80,000 includes See SPACE JUNK, Page 4A


Pro-Israel Dem beats Bowman, Boebert wins

Takeaways from state, sion to switch districts appears to
have paid off. The Freedom Caucus Re-
Congressional primaries publican defeated five competitors in
the GOP primary for Colorado’s 4th Dis-
Karissa Waddick trict.
USA TODAY Boebert first announced her plans to
make a play for the seat, rather than for
Congressional and state primary re- her current 3rd District position, after
sults on Tuesday in New York, Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck announced
and Utah showcased the influence of he would not seek another term repre-
the political fringes in 2024. senting the eastern Colorado area.
Progressive Democrats suffered a The 37-year-old Boebert would have
major blow when second-term Rep. Ja- met a difficult general election battle in
maal Bowman’s lost his New York pri- the 3rd District, if she had decided to re-
mary, while one of the most conserva- main in her existing seat. Her 2022
tive factions in Congress notched a vic- Democratic challenger Democratic
tory with Rep. Lauren Boebert’s win in challenger Adam Frisch, who she only
Colorado. narrowly beat in that year’s midterms, is
In Utah, voters appeared to soundly running again in 2024.
reject candidates favored by the party Boebert’s victory in the 4th District
establishment. against more traditional GOP figures,
Here are some initial takeaways for including former Colorado state Sen.
how Tuesday’s results could reverber- Congressman Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., concedes during his Primary Election Jerry Sonnenberg and current state
ate throughout the rest of the 2024 elec- Night Watch Party in Yonkers, N.Y., on Tuesday. Reps. Mike Lynch and Richard Holtorf,
tion cycle. DAVID ‘DEE’ DELGADO/REUTERS highlights the salience of Boebert’s
name recognition and hard-line MAGA
An uncertain future stances with conservative voters.
for ‘the Squad’ endum on his rhetoric around the war in
Gaza. But others, including Latimer, Utah voters snub state
Bowman’s defeat in the Democratic have suggested the trouncing was more GOP’s picks – and Trump
primary for New York’s 16th Congres- a result of Bowman becoming “out of
sional District, covering parts of the step,” with the district. The Utah GOP backed Senate and gu-
Bronx, Yonkers and Westchester, marks Other pro-cease-fire members of the bernatorial candidates running on pro-
the first ouster in 2024 of a member of squad, such as Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa., Trump messages in the state’s prima-
the progressive group of House lawmak- have headed off primary challenges this ries on Tuesday. In the governor’s race,
ers called “the squad.” year from candidates who have attacked they supported Rep. Phil Lyman over in-
First elected in 2020, Bowman on their stance on the Israel-Hamas war. cumbent Gov. Spencer Cox. And for Sen.
Tuesday lost to Westchester County Ex- The role of Bowman’s stance on Isra- Mitt Romney’s successor, they favored
ecutive George Latimer, a more moder- el, and AIPAC’s funding, in the race may Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs.
ate candidate. Latimer received en- be unclear until another contentious Republican voters largely rejected
dorsements from establishment Demo- election later this summer. Fellow squad those choices.
cratic figures including former Secre- Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., pictured member Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., faces a Cox, who said in February that it
tary of State Hillary Clinton. Jan. 4, 2023, in Washington, D.C., tough primary challenge from St. Louis would be a “huge mistake” to choose
The Israel-Hamas war featured as a defeated five competitors in the GOP County Prosecutor Wesley Bell in Au- Trump as the GOP presidential nomi-
prominent topic in the race, given Bow- primary for Colorado’s 4th District on gust and AIPAC has already donated nee, beat Lyman by double-digits. Rep.
man’s criticism of Israel’s approach to Tuesday. JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY more than $630,000 to Bell’s campaign John Curtis, who was similarly the only
the war and calls for a cease-fire. The ahead of the Aug. 6 election in Missouri. candidate in the race for Romney’s open
American Israel Public Affairs Commit- Senate seat who did not explicitly en-
tee, a pro-Israel lobbying group, spent Some political spectators, like former Lauren Boebert victorious dorse Trump, bested his three compet-
millions of dollars in the race against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, have itors and won more than 50% of the
Bowman. suggested that Bowman’s loss is a refer- Rep. Lauren Boebert’s, R-Colo., deci- vote.

Trump this year.

However, Trump’s still widely ex-
latter is struggling with an answer.
“Because of the debate rules ... I think
less inclined to support the former
president after his New York trial, and
pected to press Biden on voters’ con- it plays to Trump’s advantage, because his conviction will be an important fac-
Continued from Page 1A cerns about his age on Thursday – al- he won’t be able to throw a life preserver tor in how they vote. Still, numerous
though Biden’s just as likely to challenge to Joe Biden” by interrupting him, Lotter polls show the overall race virtually tied.
rally in Philadelphia. “Should I be tough Trump over his advanced years, gaffes, said, adding: “Joe Biden’s got that two
and nasty? ... Or should I be nice and and mental acuity. minutes without a life raft. It’s all on Playing defense on abortion,
calm and let him speak?” Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Lan- him.” rhetoric on migrants
As the pro-Trump crowd voiced its drieu, speaking on NBC’s “Meet The During the rally in Philadelphia,
support for the first option, Trump said, Press,” said it doesn’t matter how Trump Trump said he accepted the restrictions Trump’s debate defense also is likely
“Be tough ... be tough.” tries to characterize Biden in Atlanta. It because he’s eager to get into the same to include an array of policy issues, par-
But what approach will the presump- makes no difference “if he comes in un- room with Biden – for better or for ticularly abortion.
tive Republican nominee actually take hinged, like he has most of the time, or worse. Democrats notched victories across
as he faces off against Biden for the first he sits there and is quiet,” Landrieu said. “They’ve taken so much fun out of it,” the country during the 2022 midterms
time since 2020? The current and for- “People are going to know that he’s a he told the crowd of supporters. as they campaigned on abortion access,
mer presidents will meet Thursday twice-impeached convicted felon who and Biden is using a similar playbook in
night at the CNN-sponsored debate in has been found to have defamed some- Trump’s criminal convictions 2024.
Atlanta. body sexually abused somebody and take center stage The former president is expected to
going bankrupt six times,” Landrieu argue that states should set their own
A low bar for Biden? Trump team said. Republicans fully expect Biden to cite rules, and Republicans shouldn’t em-
notes strong past performances an unprecedented feature of this elec- brace national abortion restrictions. In
What will be the impact tion: Trump is the first major party remarks over the weekend to religious
Poll after poll has shown that Amer- of new rules? Who knows? presidential candidate who has been supporters who want a federal abortion
icans are concerned about Biden’s age. convicted of a felony. ban, Trump said that proposal is hurting
For months, Trump has tried to take ad- Even if the former president zeroes in On May 30, a New York City jury con- Republican candidates.
vantage of that, criticizing Biden over on the current president’s age, the victed Trump of falsifying business rec- In a pre-debate memo, the Biden
his age and mental fitness. Trump who shows up in Atlanta should ords to hide hush money payments to campaign noted that Trump appointed
But now, some Trump allies fear he’s be more focused and disciplined, allies Stormy Daniels in an effort to prevent three of the Supreme Court justices who
set the bar too low for the president said. voters from learning about his encoun- decided to overturn Roe v. Wade − and
ahead of Thursday’s showdown. And he’ll need to be because of the ter with the adult film star before the they alleged he “wants to go even fur-
“They need to keep the bar off the debate’s rules. 2016 election. ther in a second term.”
floor,” said Sean Spicer, a former White There will be no audience that Trump Trump also was found liable for sexu- Biden on Thursday will likely em-
House press secretary for Trump. “At can play to. He won’t be able to roam the al abuse and defamation of writer E. brace that message and accuse Trump
this point the bar is if Biden walks on stage and stalk Biden from behind, as he Jean Carroll, and for inflating his prop- of being open to a national abortion ban
stage and doesn’t trip he has exceeded did to Democratic opponent Hillary erty values in order to secure favorable if he’s elected to a second term.
expectations.” Clinton in 2016. loans. Trump faces more than $500 mil- But abortion isn’t the only topic
Trump has apparently heard the Trump will also have a hard time in- lion in civil judgments, though he has Trump expects to be called upon to de-
message. In recent days, he and his terrupting Biden, as he frequently did in appealed in these cases. fend during the debate. Biden’s aim
aides have retooled. They’ve publicly ar- their 2020 campaign debates. The can- Trump is also set to have three more could range from Trump’s promises of
gued that Biden had strong debate per- didates’ microphones will be off when criminal trials on charges related to al- mass deportations of migrants, investi-
formances in the past, including a 2012 the other is speaking. legedly mishandling classified docu- gations and prosecutions of political
vice presidential debate with then-Re- Bemoaning the rules before his sup- ments and attempting to steal the 2020 opponents, and pledges to be a “dicta-
publican nominee Paul Ryan. porters in Philadelphia, Trump said: election. tor” on “day one” of his second term.
In an interview on “The All-In Pod- “This could be the most boring (debate). As he has on the campaign trail, Trump has also discussed pardons
cast,” Trump said: “I think he will be ... Or it could be quite exciting. Who Trump’s expected to use the debate to for at least some of his supporters in-
somebody who will be a worthy debater. knows?” claim that his indictments and lawsuits volved in the insurrection of Jan. 6,
I don’t want to underestimate him.” But Trump allies said he could use are all a politically motivated “scam.” 2021.
After all, Trump, 78, is only three the new rule about not interrupting to Trump has been making that argu- But regardless of which issues
years younger than Biden, and he’s also his advantage. Marc Lotter, who worked ment for a year, but it’s unclear what Trump and Biden take on during Thurs-
had gaffes on the campaign trail. Ap- on Trump’s campaigns in 2016 and 2020 kind of effect it has among pivotal inde- day’s debate − or which strategies they
proximately 59% of Americans think and now is the chief communications pendent voters. use on stage − the real question comes
both Trump and Biden are too old to officer for the Trump-aligned America A Politico Magazine/Ipsos survey on Friday: Which pitch are voters buy-
serve another term in office, according First Policy Institute, said Trump won’t conducted June 7-9 found that 21% of ing as they gear up for early voting and
to an ABC News/Ipsos poll from earlier be able to take Biden off the hook if the independents polled said they are now Election Day?

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Presidential debate bingo cards

As you watch the presidential debate, compete in some political How to play: Choose a bingo card. When you hear a candidate mention a phrase or
games of your own. The winner gets bragging rights, and all players topic on your card, cover the corresponding box with an item such as a coin or
come away more informed. Scan the QR code to download and print cross it off. If you’re the first to get five boxes in a row – horizontally, vertically or
different bingo cards. diagonally – you win. Good luck!

&!& #&
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& &

"  & !& &

#!&  " #&
 & !&

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 & "&&!&

Biden taking an entire week off, he’s going to

be ready for this. ... His team’s going to
have him ready just as they have in
Continued from Page 1A 2008, 2012, 2024,” Miller said.
Top Trump aide Chris LaCivita sug-
“Biden needs to remind voters why gested without providing evidence that
they voted for him in the first place and Biden would be on performance enhanc-
why they fired Trump already,” said Jim ing drugs. “He’s probably going to be filled
Messina, who served as former Presi- with Adderall like he was at the night of
dent Barack Obama’s campaign man- the State of the Union,” LaCivita said.
ager during his reelection in 2012. “A Hillary Clinton, who has debated
head-to-head contrast is the best way to both Trump (in the 2016 campaign) and
do that.” Biden (in 2008), wrote in a New York
The debate will give Biden the oppor- Times guest column on Tuesday that
tunity to remind undecided voters of expectations for Trump are so low that
Trump’s tumultuous exit from office – “if he doesn’t literally light himself on
when a deadly contagion was ravaging fire on Thursday evening, some will say
the country and a violent mob of Trump he was downright presidential.”
supporters attacked the Capitol in an ef- “It is a waste of time to try to refute
fort to overturn the results of the 2020 Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal
election, which Trump lost to Biden. debate,” Clinton warned Biden. “It’s
Biden’s campaign has also signaled nearly impossible to identify what his
he will hammer home Trump’s criminal arguments even are. He starts with non-
convictions and Supreme Court ap- Joe Biden answers a question as Donald Trump listens during the 2020 election's sense and then digresses into blather.”
pointments that led to the Roe v. Wade second and final debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. POOL VIA REUTERS Biden has also had to practice deli-
reversal. Trump’s pledges to cut the cor- vering concise answers. “You always
porate tax rate and authoritarian rheto- have to figure out how to punch out,
ric, such as his vow to only be a dictator pen, pad of paper and a water bottle. But as often happens with the unpre- right, the key points that you want to
on ‘day one,’ will also be fodder for Bi- They will be prohibited from bringing dictable Trump, the Biden camp is ex- make,” Van Hollen said.
den’s debate stage attacks. props or prewritten material. Campaign pecting the unexpected. The president has a tendency to di-
“I think it’s all upside for Joe Biden, aides will also be barred from interact- “The president and the team have to gress into stories that he caps off with
and nothing but exposure and vulnera- ing with the candidates during the two prepare for any and all of them – all of “anyway.” And after a primary debate in
bility for a very, very brittle Donald commercial breaks. The faceoff will be those versions of Trump that might 2019, when Biden said he was thrown off
Trump,” said Center for American Pro- moderated by CNN hosts Dana Bash come out to debate,” Russo said. guard by a personal attack, he declared:
gress CEO Patrick Gaspard, the political and Jake Tapper. “My time is up, I’m sorry.”
director for Obama’s first campaign. According to Nielsen, more than The expectations game Biden later told CNN he wasn’t used
73 million people watched the first gen- to the format and didn’t want to get into
A week of preparation eral election debate in September 2020 Both candidates have spent the the scrum.
between Biden and Trump. A second weeks leading up to the debate lowering Now he faces the added scrutiny of
Biden has spent much of the past debate in October drew 63 million view- expectations for their opponent, with voters’ concerns about his cognitive
week at Camp David, the presidential ers. Team Biden warning that Trump is un- ability.
retreat outside of Washington, practic- With much of the American public hinged and desperately clinging to pow- Poll after poll has shown that voters
ing for Thursday’s faceoff against disengaged in the electoral process, er, and Trump’s campaign painting Bi- are worried about Biden’s age. At 81, he
Trump in a television studio in Atlanta. both candidates will try to use the de- den as a doddering old man incapable of is the oldest man to ever hold the presi-
Former White House chief of staff bate to make news and get voters to stringing together a coherent sentence. dency. Trump, at 78, is just three years
Ron Klain is leading his prep. Biden’s start paying attention, said Jennifer But each has dialed back those criti- younger. Biden’s campaign has tried to
campaign has declined to say who’s Mercieca, a historian of American polit- cisms in recent days, apparently fearing address the age issue head on by high-
playing Trump, although it is said to be ical rhetoric. that they’ve set expectations so low that lighting his experience and achieve-
Biden attorney Bob Bauer. “I suspect that Biden will find an op- even a lackluster performance by their ments while in office. Biden himself has
Biden’s early prep work typically in- portunity to talk about American values opponent would be seen as a victory. tried to deflect the criticism by cracking
volves group brainstorming sessions and about his policy successes and “That framing makes it easier for Bi- age jokes at his own expense.
with his staff that hone in on topics and about the threat that Trump represents den to exceed expectations, though I But a special counsel report that
messaging, said Bill Russo, a former long- to democracy in America,” said Mercie- doubt many Trump supporters will called into question Biden’s long-term
time aide to Biden who was the deputy ca, a professor in Texas A&M’s Depart- change their minds and vote for Biden if memory and incidents in which he has
communications director for his 2020 ment of Communication & Journalism. he looks stronger than they expected,” mixed up the names of world leaders
campaign. The second phase is about “I suspect Trump will try to find an op- Mercieca said. “The Trump team has have not helped.
knocking him off his game, Russo said. portunity to humiliate Biden – attacking ‘poisoned the well’ in both directions. If Van Hollen said the same chatter ex-
“The purpose of doing the mocks is him personally, calling him weak or old Trump looks strong, it’s because Biden isted before Biden’s most recent State of
really to kind of make sure that that or making fun of his stutter or his son’s is old. If Biden looks strong, it’s because the Union address. “And he came out
punch in the face happens not for the legal troubles.” he cheats. Trump loves a ‘heads I win, swinging.”
first time on the debate stage, in front of Both the Biden and Trump cam- tails you lose’ frame.” Biden’s campaign has said it does not
a national audience, but behind the paigns hope that by debating earlier this After months of characterizing Biden expect the debate to significantly shift
scenes,” Russo said. year, they can awaken tuned out voters as feeble and mentally diminished, the polling, even if it does go well for their
Under terms Biden proposed and and build preconvention momentum. Trump campaign tried Tuesday to walk candidate. The president’s advisers
Trump agreed to, a studio audience will Trump has foregone traditional de- that back and reset expectations by hope the performance, combined with
not be present during the debate. The bate prep. He’s receiving verbal policy praising Biden’s debate skills. other voter touchpoints such as adver-
candidates’ microphones will be muted briefings and keeping up with the news, “It’s important to remind people that tising and grassroots outreach, will con-
except when it is a candidate’s turn to a Trump campaign official said. But he Joe Biden has been doing this success- vince undecided voters.
speak. has not done practice rounds against a fully for 50 years,” top Trump aide Jason The debate will not necessarily de-
Even so, Maryland Sen. Chris Van stand-in for Biden. Miller said in a call with reporters. termine the outcome of the election, the
Hollen, who played Paul Ryan in Biden’s After weeks in a New York court- Miller read off headlines from stories president’s allies argue.
2012 vice presidential debate prep, said: room, Trump has made campaign ap- about Biden’s past debates and recent “There will be another debate,” Russo
“It’s worth pausing a little bit just to sort pearances in battleground states his State of the Union address that charac- said. “There will be the party conven-
of try to anticipate what kind of specta- priority. His campaign says he will de- terized the president as delivering tions. There will be months between
cle Donald Trump wants to put on.” liver a disciplined debate performance strong performances. now and voting.”
Candidates will be provided with a that is rooted in policy. “We know that Joe Biden, that after Contributing: Zac Anderson

New fire burns 6 years after Paradise blaze

Crews also working on
blazes in Oregon, N.M.
Jeanine Santucci

Firefighters were working Wednes-

day to contain a blaze that prompted
evacuations in a rural Northern Califor-
nia town near the area decimated by the
state’s deadliest wildfire six years ago.
The fire, dubbed the Apache Fire,
started on Monday, burned 691 acres
and was 47% contained by Wednesday
morning, according to Cal Fire. After
firefighters made progress because of
improved weather conditions Tuesday,
authorities said residents could return
to their homes in Palermo, about 30
miles outside Paradise, where the Camp
Fire killed 85 people and destroyed
14,000 homes in 2018.
The Apache Fire has burned at least
two structures and caused one injury.
“Please be mindful of fire personnel
in the area and possible hazards associ-
ated with the fire,” Cal Fire and the Butte
County Fire Department said Tuesday
evening. Fire crews worked to contain the Apache Fire in the early morning hours on Tuesday in Oroville, Calif. The fire started on
Meanwhile, crews in New Mexico Monday, burned 691 acres and was 47% contained by Wednesday morning. ETHAN SWOPE/GETTY IMAGES
and Oregon were contending with their
own blazes, and two fires in southern
New Mexico were still burning after fires. Oregon blaze spreads rapidly, tion Act to mobilize resources statewide
more than a week. The South Fork fire had burned 17,569 fueled by fire weather to fight the fire, according to Fire Mar-
acres and was 64% contained, and the shal Mariana Ruiz-Temple.
Progress made in New Mexico Salt Fire had burned 7,939 acres and was A fast-growing fire that sprang up on Photos and video posted to social
wildfires, authorities seek culprits 55% contained, officials said early Tuesday in central Oregon had con- media by the Deschutes County Sher-
Wednesday. Residents were allowed to sumed more than 2,400 acres as of iff ’s Office showed a huge plume of dark
Firefighters have made inroads on return to their homes this week after Wednesday morning, up from 1,700 smoke rising over homes and forest.
the two wildfires that have killed two evacuation orders were lifted, but crews acres Tuesday evening, authorities said. “This fire has quickly grown within
people and displaced thousands on were still working on flames along High- The Darlene 3 Fire was 30% contained the last few hours, pushed by gusty
Mescalero Tribal land and in the area of way 70. The fires have been burning overnight. winds and high fire conditions,” Ruiz-
Ruidoso, about two hours outside Albu- since June 17. Darlene 3 was reported after noon Temple said Tuesday.
querque. Officials asked residents near Ruido- Tuesday, prompting evacuations to res- “As we enter the hot and dry summer
The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward so not to set off fireworks this Fourth of idents nearby and closing camp- months, I am asking Oregonians to do
for information leading to the arrests of July to prevent igniting new fires in the grounds. Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek in- everything they can to prevent wild-
the people who may have started the dry climate. voked the state’s Emergency Conflagra- fires.”

Biden pardons vets convicted Space junk Act, the process by which American citi-
zens can sue the federal government −
which requires them to prove negli-
during military ban on gay sex Continued from Page 1A gence, Hanlon said.
NASA has six months to respond to
growing amount of junk in space the claim. The agency can choose to set-
Francesca Chambers tion official said. means those occurrences may happen tle with the family, Hanlon said, or the
and Rachel Barber Once they have a certificate of par- more frequently in the future. case would go to court, and the outcome
USA TODAY don, they can apply to have their dis- So who should pay in a case like the could set a precedent for space junk
charge characterization changed, the Oteros’, and how worried should peo- cases in the U.S. going forward.
President Joe Biden is issuing a proc- official said. The specific details of the ple be about space objects hurtling “It’s very interesting situation, be-
lamation pardoning thousands of U.S. process will be available on the De- toward them? cause there’s no way to actually prove
veterans who were convicted under a fense Department website, and infor- This is an “unprecedented” scenar- negligence,” Hanlon said. She said that
military law that banned gay sex, mak- mation will be provided to veterans by io, said Michelle L.D. Hanlon, director it would be impossible to send inspec-
ing them eligible to apply for previously the Justice Department. of the Center for Air and Space Law at tors up to the space station to evaluate
withheld benefits. The Biden administration esti- the University of Mississippi School of and that NASA’s analyses led it to be-
In a statement early Wednesday an- mates that thousands of people were Law. lieve the pallet released in 2021 would
nouncing the clemency actions, Biden convicted under Article 125 before it “It’s a really fascinating story,” Han- orbit Earth for a few years before burn-
said he was “righting an historic wrong” was rewritten by Congress. Officials lon told USA TODAY. “I don’t think it’s ing up on reentry to the atmosphere.
to pardon former service members “who were unable to say how many might going to happen to you, but I hope it
were convicted simply for being them- seek benefits, how long the applica- does get people to think about space, Space is getting crowded
selves.” tion process would take or how the ad- because space is an integral part of our
The ban held for more than six dec- ministration plans to reach reach vet- lives, and it’s just going to become NASA estimates there are 17.6 million
ades until Congress in 2013 amended erans experiencing homelessness. even more so.” pounds of objects in Earth’s orbit, and
the Uniform Code of Military Justice Ar- Biden said in a statement that he is the volume of space junk is only expect-
ticle 125, which had criminalized con- “committed to maintaining the finest Who pays for the damage? ed to increase.
sensual sodomy, after the repeal of fighting force in the world,” and that Though the risk of being struck by
“don’t ask don’t tell.” includes making sure that “every There is an international treaty to debris is low – about 1 in 100 billion –
“Despite their courage and great sac- member of our military is safe and re- deal with just such an event. It says there have been documented cases of
rifice, thousands of LGBTQI+ service spected.” that if space junk falls to Earth and minor injury resulting from falling space
members were forced out of the military “This is about dignity, decency, and causes damage or injury, whatever junk. In 1997, Oklahoman Lottie Wil-
because of their sexual orientation or ensuring the culture of our Armed country launched the object is respon- liams was famously hit but not hurt by a
gender identity. Some of these patriotic Forces reflect the values that make us sible, without anyone having to prove falling piece of a U.S. Delta II rocket
Americans were subject to court-mar- an exceptional nation,” Biden said. that negligence caused it, Hanlon said. while she was at a park.
tial, and have carried the burden of this CNN was first to report the presi- It doesn’t apply, however, when a “It’s going to happen again,” Hanlon
great injustice for decades,” Biden said. dent’s plan to issue the proclamation. country’s own space object causes said, referring to space junk liability
Affected veterans will automatically The proclamation is Biden’s latest harm to its own citizens. The piece that claims. “It’s not like the sky is falling ...
receive a pardon. But to receive care and use of his clemency authority after he came through the family’s house in but it’s going to happen more and more.”
previously withheld benefits, individual issued a sweeping pardon late last year Florida from the space station was U.S. Contributing: Janet Loehrke and
service members will have to provide for every American who had used mar- space junk, so the family had to file a Gabe Hauari, USA TODAY; Dave Osborn,
proof they qualify, a senior administra- ijuana. claim through the Federal Tort Claims USA TODAY Network-Florida

Social media imposing sweeping restrictions on the

government’s interaction with social
But the Supreme Court said the chal-
lengers failed to show enough of a con-
ability of social media giants to regulate
user content.
media platforms. nection between the Biden administra- Both cases grew out of concern from
Continued from Page 1A The New Orleans-based 5th Circuit tion’s communications with social conservatives that their views were be-
U.S. Court of Appeals narrowed the re- media companies and restrictions on ing suppressed, including claims of
deciding the underlying First Amend- straints. But the DOJ said that would their postings. 2020 election fraud, the origin of and
ment issue, the justices avoided saying still place unprecedented limits on how “To be sure, the record reflects that treatments for COVID-19.
when governments go too far in inter- government officials can speak about the Government defendants played a The chairman of the House Judiciary
acting with media platforms about their matters of public concern, address na- role in at least some of the platforms’ Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, who has
content. tional security threats, or relay public moderation choices,” Barrett wrote. argued the Biden administration pres-
The Republican-led states of Missou- health information. “But the Fifth Circuit, by attributing ev- sured social media companies to censor
ri and Louisiana and five individual us- The restrictions were on hold while ery platform decision at least in part to posts about Hunter Biden’s laptop and
ers of social media had charged the the Supreme Court reviewed the case. the defendants, glossed over complex- COVID-19 vaccines, said Wednesday the
White House, the surgeon general and Experts had called the case, Murthy ities in the evidence.” high court’s decision demonstrated the
others with violating their free speech v. Missouri, a unique chance for the Even if there was a link, Barrett need for legislation to protect the free-
rights by coercing Facebook, YouTube court to define how far governments wrote, the challengers didn’t show dom of expression.
and X (formerly Twitter) to remove or may go to protect against online distri- enough likelihood that they would be “Our country benefits when ideas
downgrade posts. bution of harmful content. harmed in the future. can be tested and debated fairly on their
The Department of Justice said gov- Alex Abdo, litigation director of the Platforms have continued to enforce merits, whether online or in the halls of
ernment agencies weren’t improperly Knight First Amendment Institute at their own policies against COVID-19 Congress,” said Jordan, R-Ohio.
threatening social media companies, Columbia University, said it was disap- misinformation, so blocking the govern- “While we respectfully disagree with
but instead, were encouraging them to pointing the high court didn’t provide ment from communicating with the the Court’s decision, our investigation
remove harmful or false information, in- more guidance on the limits the First companies is unlikely to make a differ- has shown the need for legislative re-
cluding about vaccines. There was no Amendment places on the govern- ence, the majority said. forms, such as the Censorship Account-
retaliation when the platforms did not ment’s pressure campaigns. The court also heard another case ability Act, to better protect Americans
comply, the DOJ said. “This guidance would have been es- this year about content moderation, ex- harmed by the unconstitutional censor-
In July 2023, a district court in Loui- pecially valuable in the months leading amining the constitutionality of laws ship-industrial complex. Our important
siana sided against the administration, up to the election,” he told USA TODAY. passed by Florida and Texas to limit the work will continue.”


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Justices may loosen Idaho abortion law

Draft opinion would allow abortions or wait until they’ve gotten
sick enough that a doctor won’t fear vio-
procedure in emergencies lating a state ban.
During oral arguments in April, Idaho
Maureen Groppe Solicitor General Joshua Turner said
USA TODAY hospitals don’t have to wait until the
mother is on the verge of death before in-
WASHINGTON − The Supreme Court tervening. But he acknowledged under
may be about to allow emergency abor- questioning from Justice Amy Coney
tions in Idaho, according to a copy of the Barrett that a prosecutor might not agree
pending opinion obtained by Bloomberg with a doctor’s “good faith” assessment
News. that life-saving care is necessary.
The version that appeared briefly on Medical providers who violate Ida-
the court’s website would reinstate a ho’s law can be imprisoned and lose
lower court order that had allowed hos- their license.
pitals to perform abortions needed to The 1986 federal law at issue, the
protect the health of the mother. Emergency Medical Treatment and La-
A majority planned to dismiss the bor Act (EMTALA), was one of the few
case as “improvidently granted,” tools President Joe Biden had to re-
Bloomberg reported. spond to the court’s elimination of the
While the litigation would continue, national right to an abortion.
the opinion would still be a win for the Biden directed the U.S. Department
Biden administration, which had chal- of Health and Human Services to make
lenged Idaho’s strict abortion ban. The it clear doctors must provide abortions
administration argued abortions are the After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 and Idaho tightened if needed in emergency situations to
standard of care in some situations un- abortion restrictions, doctors have said they can’t treat women who might suffer prevent death or serious illness.
der a federal law that requires hospitals serious health consequences without an abortion unless her life is clearly in Texas challenged that directive while
provide emergency treatment regard- danger. TARIQ ZEHAWI/USA TODAY NETWORK the Justice Department challenged Ida-
less of a patient’s ability to pay. ho’s law.
That underlying issue would still The Louisiana-based 5th Circuit
need to be resolved. But the court would opinion appears to leave the door open ment to the Court’s website,” McCabe Court of Appeals sided with Texas and
reverse its January decision that al- for the Supreme Court to end emergen- said. “The Court’s opinion in these cases the California-based 9th Circuit Court
lowed Idaho to fully enforce its ban in cy abortion care in the coming months will be issued in due course.” of Appeals sided with the Biden admini-
the meantime. or years. Since Idaho and other states tight- stration.
Still, the response from some abor- “It is only a small measure of justice ened abortion restrictions after the Su- The Supreme Court in January al-
tion rights advocates was less than en- that for now people in Idaho can con- preme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in lowed Idaho to fully enforce its law
thusiastic. tinue to access the care that they need,” 2022, doctors have said they can’t treat while it considered the issue.
Mini Timmaraju, president and CEO she said. women who might lose organs or their Most voters (62%) support a federal
of Reproductive Freedom for All, said A spokesperson for the court, Patri- reproductive ability, have uncontrolla- right to abortion, according to an April
she agrees with the reported views of cia McCabe, said in a statement that no ble bleeding or suffer other serious survey from KFF, a nonpartisan health
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson that the opinion has been released in the two re- health consequences without an abor- policy group.
decision is not a victory, but a delay. lated appeals. tion − unless her life is clearly in danger. The combined cases are Moyle v.
Fatima Goss Graves, who heads the “The Court’s Publications Unit inad- Women in need of emergency care United States and Idaho v. United
National Women’s Law Center, said the vertently and briefly uploaded a docu- have had to travel to other states for States.

COVID-19 cases on the Closed-door espionage trial

rise as summer kicks off for reporter begins in Russia
Eduardo Cuevas REUTERS
Just as summer gatherings begin, journalist Evan Gershkovich went on
Americans are also catching COVID-19 trial behind closed doors on Wednes-
again. day in the Russian city of Yekaterin-
Cases predictably rose, in upticks, burg, where he faces charges of espio-
during the winter with more people in- nage and a likely sentence of up to 20
doors. They are also increasing as ex- years in prison.
perts expected at the start of summer. Prosecutors say the Wall Street
Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Journal reporter gathered secret infor-
vention data shows small jumps in mation on the orders of the U.S. Cen-
hospitalizations and deaths and slight tral Intelligence Agency about a com-
increases in new cases. This latest rise pany that manufactures tanks for Rus-
in cases shows how the virus has per- sia’s war in Ukraine.
sisted four years since the start of the The CDC warns that new COVID-19 Gershkovich, his newspaper and Evan Gershkovich appears at a hearing
COVID-19 pandemic. variants, nicknamed FLiRT, have been the U.S. government all reject the alle- in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on
“When you begin to see a pattern, found in wastewater. GETTY IMAGES gations and say that he was just doing Wednesday. EVGENIA NOVOZHENINA/REUTERS
you then might say it’s becoming en- his job as a reporter accredited by the
demic,” Dr. Jessica Justman, a profes- Foreign Ministry to work in Russia.
sor of epidemiology and medicine at for a substantial portion of estimated “This bogus accusation of espio- ich was caught “red-handed.”
Columbia University, told USA TODAY. circulating variants. nage will inevitably lead to a bogus Against the background of the Uk-
“When something is endemic, that The western U.S. and Hawaii have conviction for an innocent man,” Wall raine war, he and other Americans de-
does not mean it’s going away. That experienced increases in recent Street Journal Editor-in-Chief Emma tained in Russia have been caught up in
means it’s staying around.” weeks, CDC data showed. However, Tucker said in a letter to readers. the gravest crisis between Moscow and
Another common endemic disease wastewater samples – a surveillance The U.S. embassy said in a state- Washington for more than 60 years.
Americans have learned to prevent tool to detect COVID-19’s spread – ment: “His case is not about evidence, President Vladimir Putin has said
routinely is seasonal flu. across the U.S. appear to show in- procedural norms, or the rule of law. It that Russia is open to a prisoner ex-
SARS-CoV-2, like any virus, is con- creases in the virus’ spread. is about the Kremlin using American change involving Gershkovich and that
stantly mutating so it can infect more Michael Osterholm, director of the citizens to achieve its political objec- contacts with the United States have
people and survive. New variants and University of Minnesota’s Center for tives.” taken place but must remain secret.
sub-variants expand outward like Infectious Disease Research and Pol- The Kremlin declined to comment The U.S. has accused Russia of using
branches from trees, each with differ- icy, said a portion of the new cases in- on the opening of the trial. Spokesman Gershkovich and another jailed Ameri-
ent mutations seeking to adapt. As the volve the FLIRT variant, however, he Dmitry Peskov told reporters: “We can, Paul Whelan, as bargaining chips.
changes happen, health experts and noted that the U.S. lacks good sur- know that this topic is very, very reso- It has designated both men as “wrong-
officials have responded with vaccines veillance this late in the pandemic. nant in the United States, but it is not fully detained” and says it is committed
and other protections to reduce the so resonant within our country.” to bringing them home.
risk of serious illness or overwhelmed Is FLiRT more transmissible? After several hours of closed pro- The U.S. Embassy said Russian au-
health systems. ceedings, the court said the next ses- thorities had failed to provide evidence
FLiRT may be more transmissible, sion would take place on Aug. 13 – an supporting the charges against Gersh-
COVID-19 increases partially because of mutations that indication the case will drag on for kovich or to explain why his work as a
make it easier to shield the virus from months. journalist constituted a crime.
The upticks from the latest sub- antibodies, according to Andy Pe- Journalists were briefly allowed to
variants are nowhere near levels the kosz, a professor of molecular biology film the 32-year-old before the start of Details of reporting trip unclear
U.S. experienced in 2020, or when the and immunology at Johns Hopkins the trial, from which the media are
omicron variant began to drive cases Bloomberg School of Public Health, barred. The reporter’s head was shav- The trial is taking place in Yekaterin-
and deaths across the globe in 2021. in a Q&A in May. But it doesn’t seem en, in contrast to previous court ap- burg, 900 miles east of Moscow, where
Hospitalizations and emergency room to cause more severe illness or pre- pearances, and wore an open-necked officers of the FSB security service ar-
visits are far less frequent this season sent different symptoms. shirt. He smiled and nodded at col- rested Gershkovich on March 29, 2023,
than in December. Deaths have not Vaccines provide protection leagues he recognized. while he was eating in a steakhouse. He
reached the levels of this winter when against COVID-19, though they may Prosecutor Mikael Ozdoyev spoke has spent nearly 16 months in Moscow’s
more than 2,000 people died from wane over time. The last vaccine in briefly to journalists to summarize the Lefortovo prison.
COVID-19 each week in January. In the late 2023 targeted the XBB.1.5 vari- charges. “Gershkovich carried out the The Wall Street Journal has declined
latest CDC estimates as of June 15, ant. In February, the CDC updated its illegal actions while observing pains- to comment on the purpose of his re-
fewer than 150 people died of guidance for people 65 and older to taking conspiratorial measures,” he porting trip to the Urals region or on the
COVID-19. get a booster of the current vaccine. said. specific allegation that he was seeking
Cases are driven by consistent up- In early June, a Food and Drug Ad- information on Uralvagonzavod, a sup-
ticks in a collection of sub-variants ministration advisory panel recom- Reporter’s trial held in secret plier of tanks for Russia’s war in Uk-
known as FLiRT, named for the muta- mended vaccine makers to target the raine.
tions’ technical names. FLiRT derives JN.1 lineage. A new round of vaccines Closed trials are standard in Russia “He was there as an accredited jour-
from the JN.1 variant, descended from is expected in the late summer or for alleged treason or espionage in- nalist, doing his job,” Wall Street Journal
omicron, which dominated cases until early fall. volving classified material. The law- publisher Almar Latour told Reuters in a
the spring, according to the CDC’s People experiencing respiratory yers sign nondisclosure agreements, phone interview before the trial.
Nowcast loose estimates of circulating symptoms should reduce the spread preventing the emergence of any de- Many Western news organizations
variants. Now, FLiRT increasingly of the virus by staying home. They tails on Gershkovich’s alleged actions pulled staff out of Russia after Putin
causes cases in the U.S. The largest is should also contact health providers and how he will defend himself. sent his army into Ukraine in February
the KP.3 sub-variant which accounts for treatment if they’re at serious risk The Kremlin says the case and the 2022 and Moscow passed laws that set
for about a third of cases, followed by of illness. Experts continue to recom- trial arrangements are a matter for the long prison terms for “discrediting” the
KP.2, and KP.1.1, CDC data showed. mend wearing a mask and distancing court, but has stated – without armed forces or spreading “fake news”
LB.1, derived from JN.1, also accounts to reduce transmission of COVID-19. publishing evidence – that Gershkov- about them.


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Supreme Court is doing what Congress won’t

busy arguing over the debt ceiling (in- automatic fire on a semiautomatic rifle. will only worsen the dysfunction in each
stead of actually addressing govern- Congressional members seemed branch of government and the in-
ment spending) or when they have to open to some level of rare agreement on creased scrutiny on the court.
Dace Potas pick a new House speaker (after hastily the action, but before their processes The less Congress does, the more the
USA TODAY disposing of the previous) or expelling could run their course, then-President court is tasked with alleviating some of
degenerate members. But these are all Trump directed his attorney general to the burden suffered from ambiguous
solutions to problems they created. propose rule changes reclassifying statutes.
In the coming days, the Supreme Instead, Republicans in Congress are bump stocks as machine guns.
Court is expected to hand down deci- more focused on spending their time Congress gave up on the effort. Four justices will be in their 70s
sions on a dozen outstanding cases re- defending their felonious presidential The Supreme Court was then forced under a new presidential term
maining for the term, which serves as a candidate, and Democrats are bickering to decide and ultimately nullify the
sad reminder that the nine justices over how best to protest Israeli Prime Trump action, saying the interpretation Trump’s three Supreme Court ap-
make up the only branch of our federal Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s con- by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire- pointees are the most significant legacy
government actually doing its job. gressional address next month. arms and Explosives of existing law bla- of his presidency, shaping the land-
With cases considering the future of Congress was so unproductive in tantly went beyond the scope of what scape of our politics for the foreseeable
the administrative state, the legality of 2023 that writers at NPR were able to the Founding Fathers intended. future.
abortion in medical emergencies and summarize every bill they passed in So, in a nearly seven-year ordeal, In this presidential election year, the
former President Donald Trump’s im- fewer than 1,000 words. Congress was given an easy escape importance of the court ought to be
munity from prosecution for acts during “Give me one thing I can campaign on from doing its job, the executive branch weighed by both parties even more, as
his time in office, the nation’s highest and say we did,” Rep. Chip Roy, a Texas overreached and the Supreme Court the next president could get a lifetime
court has taken on the responsibility of Republican, asked of his peers last year, was tasked with sorting out the mess. justice appointment.
deciding things nobody else seems to and surely other members share his This could have been avoided had The Supreme Court has four justices
want to touch. sentiment, even if they are the minority. Congress done its job and the executive who will be in their 70s under a new
The Supreme Court hears about 1% of stayed in its lane. presidential term; multiple have known
petitions received, or about 60 cases a Supreme Court even This is just one example of Congress health problems.
year as of late. picking up after Congress doing nothing, leaving the court to take Some Democrats are already con-
Compare that with the 27 bills Con- action. cerned with Justice Sonia Sotomayor
gress passed last year and you see the Not only are the justices doing their Anyone looking for more should take remaining on the court into a potential
court is making twice as many impact- own job, but they often pick up the slack a look through some of Justice Neil Gor- second Trump term.
ful constitutional decisions than Con- left by Congress. such’s concurring and dissenting opin- The most important thing Congress
gress is passing laws, period. This was precisely the issue at stake ions, in which he frequently takes the does nowadays is confirm the justices
in Garland v. Cargill, the case decided by extra time to outline how Congress who do the job for them, and even that
Congress is a joke the court this month reversing the could fix the problem before the court if has become a partisan sideshow.
of ineffectiveness Trump-era ban on “bump stocks” only lawmakers could be bothered. We can debate the Supreme Court’s
through executive action. Instead, the justices are burdened decisions, many of which are expected
Now, all of this isn’t to say that the Following the deadliest mass shoot- with decisions they shouldn’t have to this week, but it’s clear that Congress is
justices are perfect or that people can’t ing in modern U.S. history, when a gun- make while lawmakers accomplish the unwilling to do its job, so we’ll be stuck
take issue with their decisions. man killed nearly 60 people and injured bare minimum to keep the country run- with the broken system we’ve been
However, you can’t say that the jus- more than 850 at a Las Vegas music fes- ning, often failing at that. dealing with for years.
tices aren’t doing their jobs or that Con- tival in October 2017, there was im- The misalignment of our three
gress isn’t failing at doing its job. mense political pressure on Congress to branches of government remains one of Dace Potas is an opinion columnist
When was the last time Congress had take action banning bump stocks, the the core problems with our nation’s cur- for USA TODAY and a graduate of De-
a busy week solving a problem to make instrument used in the shooting that rent political state. Paul University with a degree in politi-
things better? Sure, our legislators are enabled the gunman to emulate fully If left without remedy, these trends cal science.

Trump-Biden debate is upon us. Don’t ignore Gen Z voters.

For Biden, the best option is to talk to Above all, I want both candidates to
people at March For Our Lives, a youth- offer solutions. This would align with
led nonprofit founded after a mass what the Biden campaign is doing to
Sara Pequeño shooter killed 17 at Marjory Stoneman commemorate the anniversary of the
USA TODAY Douglas High School in Parkland, Flori- ruling that overturned Roe, and would
da. The organization has a number of show voters that he takes the issue seri-
objectives from banning assault weap- ously in spite of his personal beliefs.
President Joe Biden and former ons to addressing poverty and the pris-
President Donald Trump will face off in on industrial complex in an effort to Ultimately, we just need these
a debate on CNN Thursday night and curb their effects. two candidates not to lose focus
we'll all be watching. If they want to win For Trump, addressing gun violence
over Gen Z, they’ll need to use this time could mean doubling down on his decla- There are other issues factoring into
wisely. ration to NRA members earlier this year Gen Z’s vote. The poll from CIRCLE at
Both major party candidates are dec- that “no one will lay a finger on your fire- Tufts University found that climate
ades older than Generation Z’s oldest arms.” It might also require him to dis- change, public education and immigra-
members – Biden is 81, Trump is 78 and cuss his own gun license, which may be tion are issues people ages 18-34 care
the oldest Zoomers are 27. But they both revoked by the New York Police Depart- about, just not as much as they care
need my generation’s attention to eke ment because of his recent felony con- about the economy or gun violence.
out a victory in November. victions. If he does talk about guns, my What respondents found important
While it isn’t guaranteed that Gen Z A 2020 presidential debate between hope is that he will at least prioritize also differed based on race: Among eco-
will tune in (the majority of us prefer President Donald Trump and former commonsense gun laws over the most nomic issues and gun violence preven-
streaming services over cable), both Vice President Joe Biden in Nashville, right-wing members of his party. tion, fighting racism was a top issue.
candidates should be thinking about Tenn. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/POOL PHOTO It’s unclear how much Gen Z cares
how their platforms can be truncated to Abortion is driving about Trump’s new felony convictions.
fit on a phone screen. As of June, both conversations – and voters While there has yet to be any age-spe-
candidates are on TikTok, where a third jobs were added in May, and the stock cific polling on the hush money trial’s
of 18- to 29-year-olds get their news, ac- market has been performing better un- If Biden and Trump want to dig into outcome, 21% of independents say
cording to the Pew Research Center. der Biden. All of these things should be another issue that motivates both Gen Z they’re less likely to support Trump be-
To get the quick remarks that will mentioned at the debate. and older generations, they’ll talk about cause of it.
perform best on TikTok or Instagram, Trump and the Republicans typically abortion. The CIRCLE polling found that If Biden is smart, he will use the
both candidates will need to stay on blame the president for a reportedly bad 19% of Americans ages 18-34 say “ex- 34 counts of falsifying business records
topic and consider three major issues economy. The former president will panding access to abortion” is one of to hammer home how unfit Trump is to
for Gen Z in the upcoming election. likely make these claims again during their top three issues. be president.
the debate. Surprisingly, both presidential can- It’ll be a miracle if Biden and Trump
The presidential debate Trump will probably also mention his didates are weak on the issue. Biden has get through Thursday night without los-
should focus on the economy tariff idea, a 10% tax on all goods coming publicly said that he does not personally ing the plot. According to the rules of the
from outside the United States. I’d rath- support abortion. Trump has tried to debate, microphones will be muted until
The majority of stories about Gen Z er see the former president talk about avoid the issue and won’t go on record it is the respective candidate’s turn to
this election cycle have been about voter tax cuts or other Republican solutions to about whether he would support a na- speak.
apathy and the disillusionment our gen- the imagined economic turmoil. tional ban. Both men should aim for sound bites
eration feels about the electoral process. Both candidates would be wise to What I would like to hear from both to use on TikTok, Instagram and other
In spite of these headlines, I have talk about the successes under their re- candidates is simply the word “abor- social media sites. That’ll be easier if
faith that Gen Z voters will show up to spective economies, and would also be tion.” Not something about a “woman’s you aren’t being interrupted every few
the polls in November. wise to attack their opponent’s record. right to choose” or the phrase “abortion seconds.
There are a few issues motivating on demand.” Still, it’s embarrassing that we can’t
Gen Z voters. Tufts University’s Center Gun violence remains a top issue I want the two candidates to have an trust two of the oldest nominees for
for Information and Research on Civic adult conversation about what they president to act like anything other than
Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) The survey from CIRCLE revealed want to see with regard to abortion na- children. There are high school debate
found that the majority of Americans that gun violence is the third most tionwide. If Republicans are pushing for teams that manage themselves better.
ages 18-34 say the cost of living/infla- pressing issue for Gen Z voters, just be- a total abortion ban across the country, If Biden and Trump are serious about
tion are among their top concerns ahead hind “jobs that pay a living wage” and Trump should just say that. He has al- winning over Gen Z, a generation largely
of the election. “cost of living/inflation.” ready bragged about being the reason up for grabs this election cycle, they’ll
And 28% say “jobs that pay a living Gun violence is also a prevalent issue Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. need to prove it at the debate. They’ll be
wage” are among their priorities. because of the Supreme Court. The jus- Supreme Court. If that isn’t the plan, it grateful they did come November.
Despite the flak Biden has received tices recently reversed a ban on bump needs to be made clear to voters.
for the economy, parts of it have im- stocks, which alter semiautomatic rifles For Biden, it’s time to take a page Follow USA TODAY elections colum-
proved during his time in office. The un- and allow them to fire quickly. The ban from Vice President Kamala Harris’ nist Sara Pequeño on X, formerly Twit-
employment rate has been below 4% for was signed into law under the Trump book and acknowledge that abortion is ter, @sara__pequeno and Facebook
16 straight months. More than 270,000 administration. health care.

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Verizon rolls out changes You can check the headlines
to its logo and brand from your home state or city
The telecom giant kicks off a new advertising We survey and compile the top news stories
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 | SECTION B campaign and offers new deals. Page 3B from all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. Page 4B


Keep on
empire started with one store

Tesla is recalling thousands of Cy-

bertrucks in a pair of recalls − one for
a windshield wiper malfunction and
one for a trunk bed trim issue − both
which can increase the risk of a crash,
federal highway safety regulators said.
One recall is due to a potential wind-
shield wiper issue that may reduce
visibility and affects 11,688 of the
electric pickup trucks, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
said. According to the agency, in some
cases the windshield wiper fails with-
out warning and will not work when it
is raining. The second recall is for the
trunk bed trim sail applique, which Love’s Travel Stops now has nearly 650 stores catering to casual drivers and professional truckers in 42 states.
could have been improperly adhered PROVIDED BY LOVE’S TRAVEL STOP
and can loosen. It affects 11,383 2024
Cybertruck vehicles. Richard Mize The Oklahoman | USA TODAY NETWORK
What you may not
WATONGA, Okla. – Harold Wells, 73, has worked for Love’s know about Love’s
CDK GLOBAL: OUTAGES Travel Stops & Country Stores for 51 years, an entire career, h Love’s is growing its Fresh
TO CONTINUE INTO JULY Kitchen concept after
after starting out here in one of the late Tom Love’s earliest customer feedback, offering
CDK Global said in a message to cli- stores. h Al Harper, 70, is still here in Watonga, where he grew fresh, healthier and
ents its system shutdown is expected diet-specific food options,
to continue at least until the end of up and where he’s worked for 24 years in Love’s No. 1, the first including a new omelet bowl,
the month. The company that pro- of what is now nearly 650 Love’s Travel Stops and convenience upgraded snack trays,
vides software to car dealerships in improved mac and cheese
North America does not expect to get stores catering to casual drivers and professional truckers in bowls, and other items.
“all dealers live” before Sunday, June 42 states. The company has about 40,000 employees. h Love’s, a top 10 restaurant
30, according an update to customers
operator in the U.S., with
viewed by multiple media outlets
Over those decades, Wells and Harper have demonstrated, actually quick-service offerings from
including Reuters and Bloomberg on
lived out what Love’s points to for its success: “humble beginnings, team- Arby’s to McDonald’s to
Tuesday. CDK, which continues to
work, work ethic and perseverance.” Wendy’s, will add 20
grapple with the cyberhack and ran-
The Love family, and the family-owned corporation, which is celebrat- restaurants this year.
som demand, has been working to
restore systems used by 15,000 auto ing its 60th anniversary, say those aspects of the company’s culture – h Love’s will keep expanding
dealers nationwide, Reuters reported. humble beginnings, teamwork, work ethic and perseverance – have guid- its own branded food and
Some dealerships have reverted to ed its growth since Tom and Judy Love started out in 1964. snacks including new chip
paper methods to conduct business. Judy Love doesn’t say much to the media, but in light of Love’s 60th flavors, meat sticks, honey
This attack has dramatically impacted anniversary, she told The Oklahoman: buns, powdered doughnuts
salespeople’s ability to process orders and cookies.
for customers. See LOVE’S, Page 2B

Big changes are in the works for Disney Genie+
At least 44 “underperforming” Hoot-
ers restaurants have been permanent- Eve Chen ahead and removing the hassle of plan-
ly closed in 14 states across the nation USA TODAY ning during their vacation,” the Florida
in response to “pressure from current resort announced Tuesday.
market conditions,” the chain told USA Disney Genie+ is going away at Walt Here’s what guests should know.
TODAY. Hooters will continue to open Disney World, sort of.
locations domestically and interna- Starting July 24, Genie+ will be How does Disney Lightning Lane
tionally while launching Hooters fro- called Lightning Lane Multi Pass, and work?
zen products at grocery stores. “En- Individual Lightning Lanes will be
suring the well-being of our staff is called Lightning Lane Single Passes, The Lightning Lane Multi Pass will
our priority in these rare instances,” but that’s not the biggest change. include the same rides currently cov-
the statement issued Monday says. Beginning that same day, guests ered by Genie+ as well as Tiana’s Bayou
“This brand of 41 years remains highly will be able to reserve rides and shows Adventure, which opens on June 28. A
resilient and relevant. We look forward ahead of time instead of having to wait la carte Lightning Lane Single Passes
to continuing to serve our guests at for park days, as part of changes first will be available for the most popular at-
home, on the go and at our restau- teased in May 2023. tractions at each park, like Individual
rants here in the U.S. and around the “Lightning Lane passes will blend Day or night, rain or shine, there’s Lightning Lanes.
globe.” The company did not clarify features from our current services and always a long standby line for Peter However, starting July 24, guests will
which Hooters locations closed or the previously offered FastPass+ ser- Pan’s Flight at Disney World.
share a timeline for the closures. vice, giving guests the choice to plan BRITT KENNERLY/USA TODAY NETWORK See GENIE+, Page 2B

Pack patience, leave early if traveling around July 4th

Kathleen Wong can thank domestic airfare being slight- ular among travelers. As expected, be- after 7 p.m. on July 8.
USA TODAY ly cheaper this year for that.) loved European destinations like
This year, 2.8 million more people London and Rome earned spots on the What are the worst times to drive?
If you’re one of the projected record- will travel by car than last year, for a to- list as well.
breaking 70.9 million travelers going on tal of 60.6 million travelers. According Most popular domestic destina- “Drivers in large metro areas can ex-
a Fourth of July trip, get ready to pack to AAA partner and rental car company tions: 1. Seattle; 2. Orlando, Florida; 3. pect the worst traffic delays on Wednes-
some patience. Hertz, cities like Dallas, Los Angeles, Anchorage, Alaska; 4. Honolulu; 5. Mi- day, July 3, as they leave town, and Sun-
“With summer vacations in full Denver and San Francisco are showing ami day, July 7, as they return,” Bob Pishue,
swing and the flexibility of remote work, the highest rental car demand. Most popular international desti- transportation analyst at INRIX, said in
more Americans are taking extended Here’s everything you need to know nations: 1. Vancouver, British Columbia; a statement. “Road trips over the holi-
trips around Independence Day,” said about Fourth of July travel. 2. London; 3. Rome; 4. Dublin; 5. Paris day week could take up to 67% longer
Paula Twidale, senior vice president of than normal.”
AAA Travel, in a statement. “We antici- What are the most popular What are the best times to drive? On July 3 and 4, drivers should avoid
pate this July 4 week will be the busiest destinations? being on the road between 2 p.m. and 7
ever with an additional 5.7 million peo- As is typical with holiday travel, the p.m., when traffic will be most congest-
ple traveling compared to 2019.” Many travelers are headed to the early bird will catch the worm, which ed. On Friday, July 5, the worst traffic
Whether you’re going by airplane or coast for their Independence Day trip, means encountering the least traffic. will be between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
car, traveler numbers are hitting historic with states like Hawaii and Florida top- Drivers should depart on their Inde- On Saturday, July 5, the worst traffic
highs. An estimated 5.74 million people ping the list. With the best time for Alas- pendence Day road trips before noon on for travelers returning home will be be-
will fly to their Independence Day desti- kan cruises in full swing, cities like Seat- July 3 and 4. To return home, drivers tween 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The
nation, a 7% increase from 2023. (We tle, Vancouver and Anchorage are pop- should leave before 11 a.m. on July 7 and worst traffic is expected July 7.

Love’s plying Love’s Travel Stops with gasoline

and diesel and managing the company’s
biodiesel program. Subsidiary Musket
Continued from Page 1B Europe SARL extends the company’s
commodity supply and logistics, pro-
“When Tom and I opened the first lo- viding relief for the instability in global
cation in Watonga 60 years ago, we fuel supply chains.
couldn’t imagine what this company Love’s also bought OKC-based TVC
would become. The journey has been Pro-Driver, a motor club and commer-
amazing. One thing I know is that we cial driver’s license protection service. It
wouldn’t be here without our loyal team assists drivers and fleets in reducing or
members and customers. We are fortu- dismissing fines, preventing downtime
nate so I feel that we should help others. for court, and protecting federal compli-
That’s why we’ve always given back to ance, safety and accountability scores.
many nonprofit organizations.” A subscription provides access to a net-
Harper said a manager at Love’s No. 1 work of attorneys and discounts on
recruited him to take the night shift in safety solutions, health care and more.
2001, when shoplifters and others were Terms were not disclosed.
causing the store trouble. It was his sec- Love’s continues to expand and en-
ond career after 27 years working at a hance services for drivers – profession-
carpet mill until it closed. He said he al and casual.
“got it cleaned up,” and has been happy Tom Love, the founder of Love’s Travel Stops, is pictured in this 2012 file photo Through awards from the Federal
working there ever since. taken during the opening of Love’s first “fast fill” CNG facility at Interstate 40 Highway Administration’s National
“I like meeting the people. I told (a su- and Morgan Road in Oklahoma City. USA TODAY NETWORK FILE PHOTO Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula
pervisor), ‘I’ll stay here and keep the Program, Love’s-owned Trillium Energy
store going as long as I can,’” the 70- Solutions, which Love’s acquired in
year-old said. 2016, plans to add to Love’s electric ve-
Wells started at Love’s in Watonga hicle fast-charging network with new
part time in 1972, when he was working chargers at 29 locations this year.
on degrees in math and physics at For truckers driving Freightliners,
Southwestern State College in Weather- which Love’s said accounts for about
ford, just before it was renamed South- half all trucks on the road, Freightliner
western Oklahoma State University. He ExpressPoint is now available at more
graduated but stayed with Love’s, never than 400 Love’s truck care locations,
looking back. providing light mechanical warranty re-
Wells is Love’s manager of retail ac- pair work for Freightliner trucks
counting systems and has lived in Ed- through Love’s partnership with Daim-
mond and worked at company head- ler Truck North America. Love’s rolled
quarters – at suburban 10601 N. Penn- out the service in January and plans to
sylvania Ave. in The Village – for dec- expand it this year.
ades. He said every innovation Love’s The first Love’s, opened by Tom and Love’s plans 10 new full-service
has made over the years has given him Judy Love, is shown in Watonga. Speedco locations next to its travel
something new and exciting to learn. He PROVIDED BY LOVE’S TRAVEL STOPS stops, 50 maintenance bays and and
could have retired 10 years ago, but he’s about 60 emergency roadside vehicles.
kept at it. “It’s easy to work for a compa- Love’s has owned Speedco since 2017.
ny and believe in what you do,” he said, homa City,” she said. “That initial will-
when the company has a reputation like ingness to start and grow a business re- Love family philanthropy seen
Love’s. quired confidence, innovative thinking, Tom and Judy Love, children Laura and across Oklahoma, elsewhere
hard work and perseverance, and is why Greg standing, Jenny and Frank
Love’s Field: A reminder that roots Love’s is where it is today. sitting, with Little Bud, their English Love’s donates 2% of net profits to
and reputation helped bring the “Similarly, when Coach Gasso arrived Setter, in an undated family portrait. charity and good causes.
big-hearted Loves big riches in Norman in 1994, she organized prac- PROVIDED BY LOVE’S TRAVEL STOPS “Many know the story of Love’s ...”
tices at a local park and needed to Love Meyer said last year in Love’s first-
Roots and reputation helped make schedule practice in between slow pitch ever Community Impact Report. “And
Love’s a top workplace, and helped softball leagues. And sometimes had to store sales are to casual customers, the from those humble roots, he built a fam-
make the Loves generous billionaires, clean up the dugout from festivities the company says. But Love’s business is ily-owned and -operated network of
giving to causes across the state, not night before. more than gasoline, diesel, and road trip travel stops now approaching 700 loca-
just in Oklahoma City. “She never gave up. From former OU snacks and fast food. tions. “But it’s important to know that
Love’s Travel Stops had $26.5 billion Associate Athletic Director Marita This year, the company plans to add from the start, as he built the business,
in revenue last year, according to Hynes, Coach Gasso, softball alumni, to up to 25 new locations, update up to 40 he cared about the communities where
Forbes, making it the ninth-largest pri- current players, and the university, they older stores, and rebuild four, among the stores were located. It is this caring,
vate company in the country. Judy Love persevered through all the challenges. other company expansions, said Shane combined with a desire to give back,
had a net worth of $10.2 billion, landing That championship mindset is how suc- Wharton, Love’s president. that is the foundation for charitable giv-
her at No. 2 on USA Today’s list of cess is built.” “Six decades ago, (the late) Tom Love ing at Love’s. This is certainly one of the
“America’s richest self-made women.” Nobody in the Love family, or among opened our first service station in Wa- legacies my dad left with us. ... Helping
Symbols abound for “humble begin- the earliest employees, could have tonga, Oklahoma, and almost immedi- others is nothing new for Love’s.”
nings, teamwork, work ethic and perse- dreamed that Love’s, first called Musket ately started selling household items to This year, in addition to the debut of
verance.” Add benevolence, and the Corp., would ever become such a retail make stopping in more convenient for Love’s Field, the Oklahoma City Zoo’s
symbol Jenny Love Meyer keeps in her juggernaut, with locations popping up customers,” Wharton said. “Today, as Expedition Africa and completely reno-
office makes sense. She’s a daughter of along interstate highways like spring the only major travel stop that is still vated Love’s Pachyderm Building
Tom and Judy Love, and Love’s chief dandelions – plus several other ven- family owned and operated, we con- opened, the new Women’s Center at
culture officer. tures catering to, and supporting, the tinue with his innovative spirit by add- Mercy Hospital opened, and Love’s
The reminder of what it took to get trucking industry, everyday travelers, ing new products and improving the ex- Planetarium at Science Museum Okla-
the family and company where they and fuel supply chain management. perience to give customers more rea- homa is scheduled to open. “Our efforts
are? A softball trophy, but a replica, “When my parents opened our first sons to stop in.” are certainly not limited to Oklahoma
making it a reminder of a reminder: location 60 years ago, they never imag- Four generations of Loves are in- and include building meaningful part-
Love’s Field, which opened this year. ined what Love’s would grow into,” Love volved with the company, including bil- nerships to transform communities na-
Love’s contributed the lead gift of the Meyer said. “They had two small chil- lionaire co-founder Judy Love. But nu- tionwide,” Love Meyer said.
$37 million that helped pay for the $48 dren to feed and bills to pay and had to merous others have helped build Love’s Love’s gave away nearly $12 million in
million field and stadium, earning it figure out a way to do that. My dad had since 1964, Love-Meyer said. 2022, according its 2023 Community
naming rights. The trophy is a reproduc- the idea to lease an abandoned filling “While a lot has changed ... the heart Impact Report – 46% to youths and edu-
tion of the University of Oklahoma station, and through hard work, finding of Love’s has not,” she said. “We are so cation, 20% to health and human ser-
Sooners’ 2023 NCAA championship ways to learn about the business and, as grateful for our incredible team mem- vices, 25% to civic and community or-
softball trophy. he would say, working with and hiring bers – past and present – whose contri- ganizations, and 9% to other needs. Re-
“This 44,000 square-foot complex is people smarter than him, they grew it butions play a role in shaping our com- cipients included:
a nod to Coach (Patty) Gasso and all into what it is today. pany. h $6.9 million to Children’s Miracle
those who have been instrumental to “We attribute our success to our team “Growth and innovation of our prod- Network, which has received nearly
building the Oklahoma softball dynasty members and customers. They’ve uct offerings, living our core values and $50 million in all from Love’s.
and hopefully an inspiration for the helped us grow into what we are today culture daily, and dedication to clean h $3.5 million to Science Museum
female student-athletes who compete while remaining true to the family- places, friendly faces are what this com- Oklahoma/Love’s Planeterium.
in it. They are our leaders of the future,” owned and -operated business model pany was started on in 1964. Today, we h $150,000 to Operation Home-
Love Meyer said. “Love’s is humbled to that we know sets us apart from com- proudly stand on that foundation and front.
stand alongside the more than 1,100 do- petitors. We always say that if our teams know our best is still ahead of us.” h $100,000 to St. Christopher
nors who graciously supported this pro- take care of customers, we’ll take care of Love’s went on a buying spree in Trucking Development and Relief
ject. The $37 million raised is the largest them, and we think that’s been a pretty 2023, its biggest year for mergers and Fund.
dollar amount privately fundraised for a good standard to live by.” acquisitions. h $50,000 to Truckers Against
female-specific facility project in col- The company acquired EZ GO from Trafficking.
lege athletics history.” Love’s rolls both ways, with Lawton-based Carey Johnson Oil Co., In addition, Love’s corporate employ-
Raising Love’s Field took years and “a professional drivers and casual including six travel stops on Oklahoma ees donated $676,000 to United Way of
village of dedicated people to complete,” customers turnpikes, five on the Kansas turnpike Central Oklahoma and 1,400 volunteer
Love Meyer said. She said she sees par- and 11 convenience stores in Oklahoma hours to various causes.
allels to her parents’ success after their If you’re a professional truck driver, and Nebraska. Judy Love, as matriarch, has led the
beginnings in Watonga and Gasso’s suc- Love’s is a truck stop. If you’re not, EZ GO, like Love’s, features franchise way in the Love family’s giving.
cess after 30 years of “building a softball Love’s is a convenience store with fast food and owns and operates Back Forty Recipients include Positive Tomor-
powerhouse in Norman, Oklahoma.” food. Chances are, trucker or not, you Barbecue at two locations. Terms of the rows, the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, the
“With little money to invest and a don’t know what all drives the family- deal were not disclosed. Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, the Uni-
growing family to support, my parents owned company. Houston-based Musket Corp., versity of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State
used a $5,000 loan to lease an aban- Love’s rolls both ways, of course. owned by Love’s, established European University, Children’s Miracle Network
doned service station in Watonga, a Two-thirds of fuel sales are to profes- operations with headquarters in Gene- and United Way, as well as out-of-state
small community 60 miles west of Okla- sional drivers, and two-thirds of in- va, Switzerland. Musket’s focus is sup- organizations and groups.

Genie+ vance Lightning Lane Multi Pass selec-

tions for each day of their trip. Once they
website will be updated for easier plan-
ning and purchasing.
us they would prefer to have the option
to do more of their planning before their
arrive at the park and complete their theme park day. So, this summer we will
Continued from Page 1B first experience, they can book addi- How much is the Lightning Lane make changes to our Disney Genie+ ser-
tional experiences pending availability. at Disney World? vice and individual Lightning Lane en-
no longer have to wait for their park day Lightning Lane Single Passes remain try, including new ways to plan ahead.”
to reserve experiences. limited to two per day, like Individual Disney Lightning Lane pricing varies
h Guests staying at Disney World’s Lightning Lanes are currently. by date and park. Will Disney Genie
resort hotels can make selections up to h Guests will also be able to see There will be no price increase relat- still be available?
seven days in advance, all at once, for up prices and select attraction times before ed to these changes.
to 14 days of their stay. Other guests can purchasing passes “so you know what The free Disney Genie planning tool
make selections up to three days in ad- you’re getting.” Currently, guests have to Why is Genie+ changing? will still be available for all guests to help
vance. purchase Genie+ before they can see plan their trips. The paid Genie+ service
h Guests can make up to three ad- availability. Disney World’s app and Disney World said: “Guests have told is the one changing.

Verizon rolls out changes to logo, brand

Telecom offers wireless, Verizon rolling out streaming
deals with campaign
Customers can now add several
streaming services, including the Dis-
myPlan Unlimited plans will be able to
trade in any smartphone, regardless of
home internet deals ney Bundle (Disney+, Hulu, and the condition, toward a new device (for
The new ad will be seen on broadcast ESPN+), Netflix and Max (with ads), a value of up to $830).
Mike Snider and streaming TV, as well as on social YouTube Premium and Walmart+ “The whole thesis of that is, acci-
USA TODAY media and in theaters. (which also gets you Paramount+ Es- dents happen, your phone gets injured
With the new ad, Verizon “pushed sentials streaming) for $10 monthly and your phone is worth nothing,” Sam-
With a slew of new subscriber op- ourselves (to) bring that feeling and that each – a discounted rate compared to path said. “Don’t worry about it, give it
tions and a revamped brand strategy, experience and storytelling to life in a subscribing directly. Apple One and Ap- to us, we’ll give you full guarantee on it.
Verizon wants customers to know, “We totally different way,” Berland said. ple Music Family subscription deals are It goes back to listening to customers.”
hear you now.” In conjunction with the brand refresh expected to be added later this summer. Verizon’s new premium access pro-
The telecom giant kicks off a new ad- campaign come newly updated promo- “The whole internet and entertain- gram will give home and mobile cus-
vertising campaign Wednesday that tions, also available Wednesday. They ment market is very, very complicated tomers access to ticket presales for con-
harkens back to the “Can You Hear Me include selected discounted streaming today,” Verizon Consumer CEO Sow- certs, including Jelly Roll’s upcoming
Now?” commercials. The ad starts with video deals from Disney+, and guaran- myanarayan Sampath told USA TODAY. tour. Also upcoming: free tickets to Copa
an appearance by the iconic Verizon teed smartphone trade-ins for devices “So we’ve made it easy for a household America matches and every NFL game
technician, who originally was por- that may be cracked and inoperable. to consume entertainment and get the in the upcoming season. Other give-
trayed by an actor but is now a real Veri- best internet. … MyHome is aimed at aways and events include passes to red-
zon engineer named Mike Morgan. Verizon MyHome goal: Simplify solving exactly those pain points. It’s a carpet movie premieres.
The action then expands into other home internet single place, all services, and you can
ways the company connects customers, drop and take (them when you want).” Verizon drops check in
including smartphone messaging and Verizon hopes to make it easier for Other optional perks include live TV its new logo
video connections, home broadband, customers to get the desired home inter- from Fios TV (300+ channels) or You-
online gaming and electronic payments. net and entertainment options with its Tube TV (100+ channels), starting at Another aspect of Verizon’s rebrand-
“We are a telco company but, truly, new MyHome internet plans starting at $109 or $72.99 monthly, respectively; ing is an updated logo dropping the cur-
we are a life company,” Leslie Berland, $35 monthly with auto pay and select cloud storage, and Home Device Advi- rent red checkmark – sometimes seen
Verizon’s chief marketing officer, told mobile coverage (no hidden fees or sor tech support. as a small V checkmark, too – for a red V
USA TODAY. “Whether you are at home equipment charges). with a yellow glow, used solo and in the
… (or) on the road, whether you are at When you choose a plan, the price Verizon wireless phone trade-in; name “Verizon.”
work, whether you are traveling … in won’t change for up to four years (Veri- NFL, Copa America giveaways The new logo and ads will play on so-
times of amazingness or times of crisis, zon Forward plans for low-income cus- cial media and digital platforms, as well
Verizon is there.” tomers start at $20 monthly.) Those who have Verizon’s wireless as on TV systems.

Cruise line
says she was
raped at hotel
Kathleen Wong

A Margaritaville at Sea passenger is

suing the cruise line’s parent company
Classica Cruise Operator claiming she
was sexually assaulted by an employ-
ee of the hotel booked by the company,
according to the lawsuit filed last
The hotel has a history of sexual as-
sault allegations, and the cruise line
was liable to warn about and protect
passengers from the hotel’s “danger-
ous conditions,” said the lawsuit,
which was filed in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Flori-
da. “We want to make people aware,”
Alex Perez, the passenger’s attorney
from the maritime and admiralty law
Six Flags “Chief Fright Officer” Edithann Ramey says just stepping into the park will feel creepy. PROVIDED BY SIX FLAGS firm Lipcon, Margulies & Winkleman,
P.A., told USA TODAY. “These things
happen in foreign ports. I know you’re

Six Flags is betting big on new on vacation but you have to be careful.
This can help people make informed

Fright Fest Extreme attraction The passenger, named “Jane Doe” in

the case, is a Missouri resident who
went on a two-day cruise from West
Palm Beach, Florida, to the Bahamas
Eve Chen Six Flags Great Adventure will also be ture. and back in August 2023.
USA TODAY treated to a new experience from Leg- It’ll be the longest Fright Fest sea- According to the complaint, Classi-
endary Entertainment’s ‘Texas Chain- son ever for Six Flags Magic Mountain, ca had arranged for the passenger to
Six Flags Entertainment is taking its saw Massacre’ while visitors to Six Flags which will host the event on select stay at the Viva Fortuna Beach by
fan-favorite Halloween event to the Mexico will have access to a special ex- Thursdays through Sundays. Six Flags Wyndham, located in Freeport in the
next level this year with the debut of clusive maze based on the bestselling Great Adventure’s Fright Fest Extreme Bahamas because the ship did not
Fright Fest Extreme – Presented By comic series (DCeased) from DC Com- will run on select Wednesdays through have cabins available for her.
SNICKERS at two of its parks. ics.” Sundays. The lawsuit states that the passen-
Building on last year’s “Saw” and Over the summer, Six Flags will an- Ramey says fans may want to come ger left her room at night to get water
“The Conjuring” experiences at Six nounce additional IP offerings at other back multiple times throughout the when an employee forced her into the
Flags Magic Mountain in Southern Cali- parks. season. control room of the resort’s theatre,
fornia and Six Flags Great Adventure in “Several of the houses have like locked the door and raped her.
New Jersey, those same parks are get- How scary will Fright Fest choose your own experience, and after This isn’t the first allegation of rape
ting a complete Fright Fest overhaul, go- Extreme be? you go, you're going to want to do that at the Viva Fortuna Beach by Wynd-
ing heavy on intellectual property. again and again,” she said. ham. In 2016, a TripAdvisor user who
“I think Halloween turns the world Fright Fest Extreme is designed to went to the resort to get married wrote
upside down, and these Halloween scare. How much are tickets a review saying she was gang raped by
movies are thrill rides, so it just became “There's a fanatic of Halloween, a to Fright Fest Extreme? staff when a security officer opened
like the perfect fit for us,” Edithann Ra- real true thrill seeker that we want to de- her door while her husband was out.
mey, Six Flags’ chief commercial officer light,” Ramey said. “When we began this Fright Fest Extreme will be a sepa- The general manager had responded
and “Chief Fright Officer,” told USA TO- project, I literally went online and Goo- rately ticketed event not included with to the review by saying the resort takes
DAY. gled the top Halloween franchises in regular park admission. Prices vary by “allegations of violence very serious-
“It's our busiest time of the year America.” She wanted to understand date and ticket type. ly.” The investigation hit a dead-end
across the whole nation, and so we did what excited these fans and also appeal Single-night tickets include entry to when no evidence was found.
want to invest big on making them the to a wide range of guests. all haunted houses. They start at $49 Resort employees have a “practice”
most exciting they can be.” “Like ‘Saw’ is all about like getting for Six Flags Great Adventure and $75 of encouraging alcohol to the guests
The world’s largest regional theme killed maybe two minutes into the film for Six Flags Magic Mountain as part of “with a motive to sexually assault and/
park operator is also expanding Fright and your head's exploding. That's one a three-day flash sale launched Tues- or rape them if they became vulnera-
Fest offerings at other parks across spectrum of it,” she said. “And then the day. ble,” according to the complaint.
North America. Here’s what fans can ex- other is ‘Stranger Things,’ which has this Gold, Platinum and Diamond Sea- “Prior to the subject incident, (Clas-
pect. beautiful ’80s vibe and this storyline son Pass holders, Six Plus members sica and Wyndham) knew or should
and this mass appeal … There's a little and Legacy members with a valid pass have known that the resort was not
What will Fright Fest bit of everything for everybody.” can get into the event for free but will reasonably safe and/or employees at
Extreme include? The event will also feature creepy de- have to pay a separate fee to enter the Resort had a proclivity for sexual
cor, outdoor mazes designed to make haunted houses. misconduct,” the lawsuit said. Howev-
Six Flags Great Adventure and Six guests feel like they could really get lost An express upgrade will also be er, Classica neglected to warn the pas-
Flags Magic Mountain will get the most in them, roving scare actors aiming to available for purchase to cut waits. senger or provide her with security
intellectual property theming. catch guests off guard, themed food and “We also have spent some time during her stay there.
“Visitors … will step into a world drinks, and roller coasters for a different thinking about the lines, and so when Margaritaville at Sea and Wynd-
where nightmarish creatures inspired kind of thrill. you're lining up to go into the maze, ham Hotels & Resorts did not respond
by legendary horror brands come to life what are some of the sensory things to USA TODAY’s request for comment.
with Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures’ What are the dates that can be happening as you line up?” Jane Doe is suing the resort for
‘SAW’ franchise, Netflix’s ‘Stranger for Fright Fest Extreme? Ramey said. “Showing maybe a little damages for the physical injuries and
Things’ and ‘Army of the Dead,’ Warner bit of the film, or showing you some pain, post-traumatic stress disorder,
Bros. Discovery’s ‘The Conjuring,’ ‘An- Fright Fest Extreme will be held pictures of the film, or even having “mental anguish,” “loss of enjoyment
nabelle’ and ‘The Nun,’ and Legendary across 32 nights between Sept. 7 some scares along the way so (waiting of life” and medical expenses among
Entertainment’s ‘Trick ‘r Treat,'” Six through Nov. 3 at both Six Flags Magic in) line isn't as awful as you think it other things she experienced from the
Flags announced Tuesday. “Guests at Mountain and Six Flags Great Adven- would be.” assault.

News from across the USA

ALABAMA St. Clair County: A couple HIGHLIGHT: ILLINOIS OREGON Salem: The bird flu out-
crashed into the same church in Ala- break has expanded to 31 states and
bama days apart, and both died in jumped to dozens of species, includ-
fiery wrecks, officials said. ing nine mammals in Oregon that
tested positive for the H5NI virus
ALASKA Ketchikan: Authorities said
since 2022. A half dozen skunks, a
the body of a missing woman has
raccoon, a red fox and a marten in
been found near Ward Lake’s western
Oregon were infected with the bird
shore, KRBD reported.
flu, according to the U.S. Department
ARIZONA Phoenix: With temper- of Agriculture.
atures climbing above 110 degrees,
PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg: Ques-
extreme summer heat has arrived in
tions about education, income tax
Phoenix, the hottest city in America.
and recreational vice remain un-
But for the second year in a row, 11 of
resolved as Gov. Josh Shapiro’s sec-
Phoenix’s 29 public pools remain
ond budget proposal approaches the
closed, limiting access to a place to
June 30 deadline.
cool off or learn how to swim for peo-
ple in some of the most underprivi- RHODE ISLAND Providence: Lifes-
leged neighborhoods. What’s more, pan, the largest health care system in
five of the 11 pools closed this summer A plaque commemorating the horseshoe sandwich was unveiled on the Leland Rhode Island and the state’s largest
and will most likely never reopen. building in Springfield. THOMAS J. TURNEY/USA TODAY NETWORK employer, will rebrand itself as Brown
University Health later this year,
ARKANSAS Little Rock: A new U.S.
Springfield: A central Illinois staple and beloved sandwich is being forever me- Lifespan CEO and President John
Coast Guard recruiting office has
morialized where Texas toast first met buttery cheese sauce. Visit Springfield, a Fernandez and Brown University
opened in Little Rock, KATV reported.
tourism division of the Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau, unveiled a President Christina Paxson an-
CALIFORNIA Yosemite Valley: A man plaque to commemorate the birth of the horseshoe sandwich at the historic Le- nounced.
who worked in Yosemite National land building in Springfield. The location is where the original Springfield horse-
Park has been indicted in the violent shoe sandwich was created. Visit Springfield marketing manager Amy Beadle
North Carolina couple is suing a Myr-
sexual assault of a fellow employee in said the idea for the plaque came from tourists asking if the Leland Hotel was still
tle Beach theme park after they say a
Yosemite Valley last month. serving horseshoes.
man was paralyzed after riding a
COLORADO Bellvue: Mysterious roller coaster.
monoliths have been popping up in
SOUTH DAKOTA North Sioux City:
strange places around the world in
Homes were ruined, roads were
recent years, including Utah’s red
IOWA West Des Moines: The rec- MISSOURI Springfield: Drury Uni- washed out, sinkholes opened up, a
rock country, California, the Nevada
ord-breaking Great Dane named versity provided an update on its railroad bridge was destroyed, and
desert and in Las Vegas as well as
Kevin, recently crowned the world’s annual fundraising efforts, includ- rescuers worked through Sunday
Wales and Romania. And most re-
tallest known dog, has died. ing gifts that were part of the long- night into Monday morning to save
cently on a hill outside of Bellvue,
range Fortify the Future campaign. people from rising floodwaters in the
where a popup reflective monolith KANSAS Topeka: Jack Alexander
The private liberal arts institution McCook Lake area, South Dakota
apparently appeared overnight. The Sr.’s ability to bring people together
announced it raised more than Searchlight reported.
monolith is on private property helped pave the way for other Afri-
$15.6 million from June 2023
owned by Rob and Lori Graves. It can-Americans to gain key positions TENNESSEE Gatlinburg: The black
through May 2024 from 3,671 do-
stands approximately 8 feet tall and with Topeka’s city government. bear captured on video wandering
4 feet wide and is bolted into a con- Alexander, who was elected in 1973 into a concessions stand at an
crete pad. The finish reflects the sky as Topeka’s first Black city commis- MONTANA Helena: A new species amusement park in Tennessee and
and surrounding foothills. sioner, died Monday at age 93. of dinosaur, sporting unusually pawing a park employee has been
ornate horns on its head and behind euthanized, the Tennessee Wildlife
CONNECTICUT Newtown: Ferris KENTUCKY Louisville: Louisville
its neck, was living alongside at Resources Agency said.
Acres Creamery in Newtown was Metro Police Chief Jacquelyn
least four other species of rhinocer-
named as best ice cream in Connecti- Gwinn-Villaroel resigned from her TEXAS El Paso: Officials with the
os- or elephant-type dinosaurs
cut by Reader’s Digest. position Tuesday, the mayor said, Japanese company that owns the
78 million years ago in what is now
less than two weeks after she was Vinton Steel minimill are considering
DELAWARE Delaware City: In late northern Montana, researcher Jo-
placed on administrative leave for a $420.5 million expansion of the
May, Delaware City Refinery spilled seph Sertich said. Sertich, an affili-
her handling of internal sexual ha- 62-year-old facility located in El Paso
around 1,000 gallons of crude oil into ate faculty member at Colorado
rassment allegations. County’s Upper Valley.
a wetland surrounding the Delaware State University, and University of
River, making up just one of the facil- LOUISIANA Shreveport: Heirloom Utah professor Mark Loewen identi- UTAH Diamond Valley: Officials is-
ity’s seven permit violations reported Carbon Technologies, Inc. an- fied and named the new species sued a boil order for Diamond Valley
this year. Although officials from the nounced it is moving forward with “Lokiceratops rangiformis.” after the Diamond Valley Water Com-
refinery have affirmed that this par- the first phase of a decarbonization pany said water samples tested posi-
NEBRASKA Lincoln: Authorities
ticular incident has resulted in mini- project that combines public and tive for E. coli bacteria, KSL reported.
said that a cockatoo that has been
mal impact, the Delaware City Refin- private investment to create two
missing for three weeks had fallen VERMONT Burlington: The Univer-
ery has continued to pollute the sur- direct air capture facilities at the
prey to falcons, Omaha World-Her- sity of Vermont Medical Center’s
rounding air and water with occa- Port of Caddo-Bossier.
ald reported. nurses voted by an overwhelming
sionally toxic substances not
MAINE Augusta: Gov. Janet Mills majority last week to authorize a
permitted by state and federal agen- NEVADA Las Vegas: A man suspect-
signed a proclamation recognizing strike if they’re not able to reach an
cies, according to data from Dela- ed of killing five people and injuring
Gen. William Whipple, who was agreement on a new contract with
ware’s Department of Natural Re- a 13-year-old girl during a shooting
born in Kittery, for his efforts and the UVM Medical Center, the presi-
sources and Environmental Control. is now in police custody and “no
contributions to the founding of the dent of the nurses’ union said.
longer a threat to the community.”
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washing- United States. Whipple was the only
VIRGINIA Petersburg: The Virginia
ton: U.S. Secretary of State Antony native Mainer to sign the Declara- NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord: Some
Department of Enivronmental Qual-
Blinken met with his counterpart tion of Independence. lawmakers are exploring an 11th
ity has put the Tri-City area on the
from the Maldives on Tuesday and hour attempt to settle a showdown
MARYLAND Ocean City: A large lookout for a potential drought. The
said Washington sought a deeper between Gov. Chris Sununu and the
portion of the fence along the be- drought-watch advisory envelops all
partnership with the Indian Ocean state’s hospitals over Sununu’s plan
loved Ocean City Fishing Pier is but the Shenandoah Velley region,
island state and stood with it in en- to cut their state Medicaid pay-
noticeably bare after heaps of love which has been put under drought
suring a free-and-open Indo-Pacific ments by nearly $35 million a year,
locks were removed without much warning, DEQ said.
region and in dealing with climate New Hampshire Bulletin reported.
warning in May. Now, signs urging
change. Maldives Foreign Minister WASHINGTON Olympia: Washing-
people to refrain from attaching NEW JERSEY Bordentown: A life-
Moosa Zameer’s Washington visit ton’s public lands commissioner,
additional locks hang in their place. guard found a boy unresponsive in a
comes two months after the party of Hilary Franz, is voicing skepticism
Most of the locks and much of the shallow pool at a New Jersey day
President Mohamed Muizzu won a about a federal proposal to kill thou-
fence have begun to rust as a result camp on Monday, officials said.
landslide in parliamentary elections. sands of barred owls in the Pacific
of the salt air. This safety concern is
NEW MEXICO Ruidoso: New Mexico Northwest to help the threatened
FLORIDA Port Canaveral: Disney what ultimately led to their removal,
has spent $12.5 million so far to northern spotted owl, Washington
Cruise Line is preparing to debut its a decision which has been met with
fight the South Fork and Salt fires State Standard reported. Franz wrote
new cruise ship, the Treasure, at Port much controversy from townsfolk
near Ruidoso, which are now the in a letter sent to Interior Secretary
Canaveral later this year. But it also is and visitors alike.
subject of $10,000 reward from the Deb Haaland that she’s concerned
planning ahead as far as 2026, with
MASSACHUSETTS Hyannis: The FBI to anyone who has credible about “unintended consequences”
the cruise line’s latest announcement
number of homeless people on Cape information on who started them. and that the plan “could be unwork-
of ship schedules out of Port Canav-
Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vine- able given the scale of the overlap-
eral and other ports. Disney’s just- NEW YORK Albany: Central Hudson
yard has increased since last year to ping habitat for barred owls and spot-
released ship schedules for October Gas & Electric has agreed to pay up
its highest figure in 10 years, accord- ted owls.”
2025 through May 2026 – Disney’s to $64.59 million to resolve a state
ing to the annual point-in-time
winter and spring cruise seasons – investigation into a billing fiasco WEST VIRGINIA Shepherdstown:
count. In total, the number of
shows that the cruise line will have that led to a ratepayer revolt as Shepherd University unveiled a new
homeless increased to 568 people,
three ships based on Port Canaveral thousands of customers were hit brand and logo earlier this month.
141 more than last year.
during that time. with overcharges pegged to estimat- The branding brings the university
MICHIGAN Detroit: Three Detroit ed monthly bills. together under a singular image
GEORGIA Athens: The man who was
neighborhoods have been selected across all administrative and aca-
critically wounded in a machete at- NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover
to house solar arrays in the city’s demic units.
tack at a homeless center in Athens County: More than 160 swimmers
latest effort to fight climate change.
on June 20 is recovering at Grady were rescued over the last week and WISCONSIN Milwaukee: Davidson
Mayor Mike Duggan announced
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, while weekend from rip currents on North Park, a new, 4.8-acre public park
that Gratiot-Findlay, Van Dyke-
his alleged attacker, convicted of Carolina beaches. located at Harley-Davidson’s corpo-
Lynch and the State Fair neigh-
assaulting a university student seven rate headquarters on Milwaukee’s
borhoods are part of the first phase NORTH DAKOTA Kenmare: The city
years ago with a razor blade, remains near west side, officially opened
selections of Detroit’s solar neigh- is under a boil water advisory after
in jail without bond. Monday morning. The $20 million
borhoods initiative, which the city a water outage, KFYR reported.
park is the product of a three-year
HAWAII Honolulu: Professional surf- announced last year, to generate
OHIO East Palestine: The National effort by the Harley-Davidson Foun-
er, lifeguard and actor Tamayo Perry, clean energy to offset electricity
Transportation Safety Board said dation and its partners to transform
49, was killed by shark while surfing used by all 127 municipal buildings.
Tuesday that burning off chemicals parking lots south of the company’s
near the north shore of Oahu on Sun-
MINNESOTA St. Cloud: Inspiration after a Norfolk Southern train de- headquarters into green space acces-
day, officials said.
Mock Orbiter arrived at St. Cloud’s railed in Ohio last year was unnec- sible to all who visit and live in the
IDAHO Emmett: Officials said “a public works building this weekend. essary. near west side neighborhood, Harley-
swather striking a rock” caused a fire Its arrival comes after months of Davidson said in a news release.
OKLAHOMA Oklahoma County:
that burned an estimated 443 acres high anticipation.
While Oklahoma County officials WYOMING Cheyenne: Authorities
Friday, KTVB7 reported.
MISSISSIPPI Jackson: Jackson are still ironing out details for the said a suspect has been arrested in
INDIANA Indianapolis: Republican State University announced it is the location of a new jail, the facility’s connection to a 2015 shooting and
leaders unanimously selected former first historically Black college and actual design is much further along robbery that killed two men, Wyo-
state lawmaker Randy Head as the university to implement a student in the process. Architects working ming News Now reported.
next chairman of the Indiana Repub- loan repayment program aimed at on plans for the new jail completed From USA TODAY Network and
lican Party. fixing the state’s teacher shortage. a schematic design in recent weeks. wire reports
Mired in season-long slump, Latest news, results, opinions
Rickie Fowler seeks spark, 2C 24/7 at
What to know about NBA free agency, 3C Check out who was the top pick in the NBA draft
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 | SECTION C What to know about upcoming NHL draft, 7C and the other 29 first-round selections

Forward midfielder Alex Morgan had been part of the USWNT team for the Olympics in the past three games, including 2021 in Tokyo. RON CHENOY/USA TODAY SPORTS

‘It was not easy making a decision’

Alex Morgan doesn’t make USWNT roster cut for Paris Olympics
Nancy Armour in the forward areas, are performing Morgan has been,” Hayes said during a look forward to supporting this team
USA TODAY well. The decision to take those players news conference after the roster and cheering them on alongside the rest
was one that we certainly deliberated dropped. “I’ve only had one opportunity of our country. LFG”
Alex Morgan got caught up in a num- over.” to work with her in the last camp and
bers game. The other players on the roster are saw firsthand not just her qualities but Why isn’t Morgan going
Morgan, who is the U.S. Women’s Na- goalkeepers Casey Murphy and Alyssa her professionalism. Her record speaks to the Olympics?
tional Team’s active leading goal scorer Naeher; defenders Tierna Davidson, for itself.
and fifth on its all-time list, was left off Emily Fox, Naomi Girma, Casey Krueger, “It was not easy making a decision. Morgan’s exclusion will surely come
Emma Hayes’ 18-player soccer roster for Jenna Nighswonger and Emily Sonnett; There are 16 outfield players and two as a shock to many, given she’s been
the Paris Olympics. and midfielders Korbin Albert, Sam Cof- goalkeepers on a roster of 18. It was a both a cornerstone of the USWNT and
NWSL scoring leader Sophia Smith, fey, Lindsey Horan, Rose Lavelle and tough decision, especially considering one of the world’s best players for more
Mallory Swanson, Jaedyn Smith, Trin- Catarina Macario. Alex’s record and history with this team. than a decade. She’s been part of the
ity Rodman and Crystal Dunn are listed Hayes also bypassed Morgan as an I felt I wanted to go in another direction USWNT roster at every major tourna-
as the forwards. alternate, selecting Lynn Williams as and selected other players.” ment dating to the 2011 World Cup and
“The biggest factor is (we can have) 16 the forward instead. Goalkeeper Jane in January was named to FIFPro’s World
outfield players,” Hayes said after the Campbell and midfielders Hal Hershfelt Morgan statement on Olympics 11 for the third year in a row.
roster was released Wednesday. “To and Croix Bethune are the other alter- But Morgan, who turns 35 on Tues-
play a lot of games, arguably, I hope over nates, all of whom will travel with the “Today, I’m disappointed about not day, has had a slow start to the NWSL
a 17-day period, having a roster that USWNT to France. having the opportunity to represent our season. She missed a month with an an-
could adapt is essential. ... Having play- country on the Olympic stage,” Morgan kle injury and has yet to score, and her
ers on the roster that could play more Emma Hayes explains decision wrote on social media. “This will always goal against Argentina on Feb. 23 was
than one position mattered with squad be a tournament that is close to my her first in a year for the USWNT.
depth. “First off, I want to talk about what an heart and I take immense pride any time
“I also think the players on the roster, amazing player and human that Alex I put on the crest. In less than a month, I See MORGAN, Page 4C

Guardians stand tall under 1st-year manager

Stephen Vogt guides of the Year, as the award almost always
goes to a manager engineering a turn-
Cleveland to MLB’s around, and it would be well-deserved.
Yet there’s a significant chance we
best first-half record have yet to see the very best of Stephen
Vogt, manager, just yet.
Gabe Lacques See, the major leagues are filled with
USA TODAY dozens of players who counted Vogt as
teammates, who loved him for his work
BALTIMORE – The plaudits are com- habits and his goofy demeanor and the
ing for Stephen Vogt, and deservedly so. skills that made him a two-time All-
In his first year as a major league Star. But mostly they loved Vogt for
manager, less than two years removed showing them the way when they were
from the final game of his playing career, anything but established big leaguers,
Vogt has piloted the surprising Cleve- and for finding paths through the dark-
land Guardians to the best record in Ma- ness of a game that can be unflinchingly
jor League Baseball as the season cruel.
reaches the halfway point. One year af- “I learned a lot about what it is to be a
ter a 76-86, third-place finish, the good teammate. And Vogt-er, with the
Guardians are 51-26 and overwhelming season we were having at the time, was
favorites – a 93% probability, according a big light in our clubhouse,” says Balti-
to FanGraphs – to reach the playoffs. more Orioles left-hander Cole Irvin,
Come November, Vogt very well Stephen Vogt, who last played in the majors in 2022, is in his first year as the
could be the American League Manager manager of the Guardians. DAVID RICHARD/USA TODAY SPORTS See VOGT, Page 4C

In slump, Fowler seeks a spark Rocket Mortgage Classic

Course: Detroit Golf Club, North
Course (Par 72, 7,370 yards)
Adam Schupak
Purse: $9.2 million (Winner:
$1.65 million)
TV (EDT): Thursday-Friday: 3-6
Rickie Fowler is searching for his
p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-
game again.
Sunday: 1-3 p.m. (Golf Channel)
The 35-year-old fan favorite is mired
and 3-6 p.m. (CBS)
in a season-long slump that has him on
Streaming (ESPN+): Thursday-
the outside looking in for the FedExCup
Friday, 6:45 a.m.-6 p.m. ET; Sat-
playoffs at No. 91 in the standings with
urday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
just six weeks until the top 70 advance
X: @RocketClassic
to the first of three playoff events in
Memphis, Tennessee. Stat
Fowler is hoping that a return to the
Motor City and the Rocket Mortgage
Classic at Detroit Golf Club will jump-
15 That’s the rank of Akshay
Bhatia in the FedExCup. He’s
the highest-ranked player in the
start a playoff run.
field this week at the Rocket Mort-
Much like the rebirth of Detroit itself,
gage Classic. There are only six
Fowler a year ago capped off a resur-
weeks remaining until the Fed
gence in his game in the city with his
ExCup Playoffs get underway.
first victory on the PGA Tour in more
than four years. He sank a 12-foot birdie Keep an eye on …
putt to win a three-man, sudden-death
h Cameron Young. Last week, he
became the 12th golfer to shoot 59
That win was his first as a father, and
on the PGA Tour. He held a share of
pictures with Maya from that day al-
the lead on Sunday before fin-
ways will be a treasured memento.
ishing T-9. The 2021-22 PGA Tour
So, too, will the photo of his reaction
Rookie of the Year is still seeking
as his winning putt dropped. No caption
his first victory, and this could be
necessary; the image of him, head tilted
the week.
ever-so-slightly to the sky, is the defini-
h Tom Kim. After a sluggish start to
tion of pure relief.
his season, he’s heating up and is
“I was kind of just still and quiet and
coming off a playoff defeat to
everyone was going crazy around me,”
Scottie Scheffler. His game seems
Fowler said. “It was a nice moment just
to be firing on all cylinders.
to kind of feel like the weight on my
h Miles Russell. The 15-year-old
shoulders was finally off.”
reigning AJGA Player of the Year
Fowler, whose world ranking had Rickie Fowler chips on the 18th hole during the final round of the Travelers
became the youngest player ever
plummeted to No. 185 and had barely Championship on Sunday at TPC River Highlands. GREGORY FISHER/USA TODAY SPORTS
to make a cut on the Korn Ferry
qualified for the FedExCup Playoffs
Tour in April. Now he’s set to make
when the top 125 made it, rose to No. 22 a
his debut on the PGA Tour.
week after his Rocket Mortgage Classic enth in strokes gained: approach. This GC should be ripe for the taking again.
h Nick Bienz. This full-time worker
win and went on to be chosen to the 12- season? He’s No. 142. Fowler, who led the field in par breakers
at a golf retail store survived an
man U.S. Ryder Cup team. Although the Precision was part of Fowler’s win- last year, is a fan of the Donald Ross
eight-hole playoff at Monday’s
tour no longer gives out such an award, ning formula last year at Detroit GC as layout, which dates to 1916 and is sched-
qualifier to earn one of four spots
he would have been an unanimous he ranked second in the field in greens in uled for a renovation before next year’s
into the field. He’s making his first
choice for winner of the tour’s Come- regulation, hitting 61 of 72. tournament.
career PGA Tour-sanctioned start.
back Player of the Year. But ever since To hear Fowler tell it, what he really “We don’t get to play very many old-
Tee times
the calendar flipped, Fowler has lost his needs to do is get his putter back in his school golf courses like this so it’s a treat
Golf Channel will provide live
swagger again. good graces. He entered the week for a lot of guys who can appreciate kind
coverage (3 p.m.-6 p.m. EDT). On
He enters the week at No. 50 in the ranked No. 131 in strokes gained: putting of old-school golf course architecture,”
Thursday, defending champion
world and has recorded just two top-20s after finishing at 48th last season. He Fowler said.
Rickie Fowler is grouped with Will
in 16 starts, including missing the cut at ranked fifth in that category on the un- Perhaps coming back to one of his
Zalatoris and past Rocket Mort-
the Memorial and U.S. Open in June. dulating, tiered putting surfaces at De- happy hunting grounds and site of his
gage Classic champion Cam Davis
Whereas last year he entered the Rocket troit GC a year ago. sixth career tour title will provide the
(1:05) and will be featured along
Mortgage Classic with three top-10s and “I think a big part of freeing myself up necessary spark. After all, it had been
with the popular threesome of
a top-15 finish, Fowler has no top-10s and allowing myself to play better golf 1,610 days, or 4 years, 4 months, 29 days
veteran tour winners Cameron
and five missed cuts in 23 starts since starts on the greens and helps when I’m between victories, the longest drought
Champ, Kevin Kisner and Gary
tasting victory. making putts,” said Fowler, who noted of his tour career. He called his T-20 last
Woodland (1:16).
“I’ve basically played terrible this the putter cooperated a little more last weekend “good progress” and a momen-
On Friday, the afternoon cov-
year. Pretty simple way to sum it up,” he weekend, when he recorded a top-20 tum builder that instilled a boost of con-
erage will center on Nick Dunlap,
said. “I’ve been putting the work in but finish at the Travelers Championship. fidence that his game may be as close as
Chris Kirk and Erik van Rooyen
just need to stay patient and wait to see “When I’m putting at least up to my he thinks it is.
(12:54) and Robert MacIntyre, Tom
some progress.” standards or at least average, it kind of “We’ll see if we can kind of reignite
Kim and Cameron Young (1:05).
His ball-striking, which sparked his frees up the rest of the game.” some stuff from then and get past the
resurgence, has been a key reason for With rain already having fallen this little bit of a slow year it’s been and just
his decline. Last season, he ranked sev- week and more in the forecast, Detroit go have some fun this week,” he said.

Notre Dame had banner week ’til swim probe surfaced

tant coach. Guiliano and Lindauer are
both headed to Paris.
Tom Noie Two columns for one. We’ll make it
South Bend Tribune happen, Notre Dame promised.
USA TODAY NETWORK Instead, only radio silence from the
communications team. No word Mon-
day on the sit-down with Guiliano and
SOUTH BEND, Ind. – We made a deal. Lindauer. No word Tuesday, either.
For years, there was little reason to Then Sports Illustrated comes off the
venture to that one part of the Joyce top rope with the Bevacqua email.
Center – through Heritage Hall, veer Scrap that scheduled column with
left, then straight back to the farthest Guiliano for Friday’s Tribune. There
corner of the building, where a pair of won’t be one. No feel-good piece on him
glass doors separate you from the un- or on his head coach. We won’t hear
mistakable scent of chlorine – for a sto- from Guiliano anytime soon. In Paris.
ry. Maybe. We won’t hear from Lindauer
For a Notre Dame men’s swimming anytime soon. In Paris. Maybe.
and diving story. Instead of comments about a chance
Little reason indeed, until earlier this to chase gold in Paris, we hear/see
month when rising senior sprinter Chris words like “internal inquiry” and “out-
Guiliano was on the cusp of doing some- side counsel” and “potential issues.”
thing that no Fighting Irish swimmer Chris Guiliano points after competing in the 100-meter freestyle semifinals on Ranks have closed. Wagons have cir-
has done in the modern era – earning a June 18 at the U.S. Olympic Team Swimming Trials. GRACE HOLLARS/INDYSTAR cled. According to Bevacqua’s staff
roster spot on the United States team for email, upon Notre Dame “learning of the
an upcoming Olympics. Guiliano re- potential issues” outside counsel
cently did, qualifying in three events – back, maybe sooner than later. There posts from Forde on X (formerly Twitter) (Ropes & Gray) has been retained by the
the 50, 100 and 200 freestyle – while was too much good going on, too much barely/rarely moves the meter. Espe- University Office of General Counsel to
earning likely consideration for roles on energy in that program, in his program, cially in June. It surfaces quietly (if at “conduct a timely, independent review
the relay teams for this summer’s Paris to dismiss. Come back and tell our sto- all) and fades quickly. Not this offsea- of the program.”
Games. ries, Lindauer said. Whenever. On son. Not under this head coach. Not for Bevacqua promised the review
Guiliano was the obvious angle, but whomever. this program. would be “fair and complete.” That
there was more to this swimming story. Deal. It’s not nothing. It may be something. doesn’t sound good. Sounds like there
Something was happening in that far But this one? The one that Sports Il- It could mean everything. might be something there. You know
back corner of the old building. Head lustrated writer Pat Forde, who knows Looking forward to his swim in Indi- what it also sounds like? It sounds like
coach Chris Lindauer, who just finished those college and USA swimming circles anapolis and how he got to where he something that’s impossible to com-
his second season in South Bend, was as well as anyone with a notepad and a was going, Guiliano pointed to the Irish pletely shake, no matter the outcome.
building something, building a program laptop, dropped on social media early program. He praised the culture, a cul- A permanent Perma cloud.
that rocketed to 10th place nationally Tuesday evening? ture that is seemingly in question. You know how this ends? Probably
this past season and positioned to chase News that Notre Dame athletic direc- “There’s a huge culture shift in our at- with a news dump/university press re-
a national championship in 2024-25. tor Pete Bevacqua, still so new on and to titudes toward the sport,” Guiliano said. lease, preferably on a Friday afternoon.
The program was that good. the job that he probably hasn’t finished “We go out there and grind, be there for Good news? Bad news? Does it matter?
While the story that day earlier this decorating his first-floor Joyce Center one another. It’s incredible to see that Either way, too few will care. Besides,
month was Guiliano, there were more office, circulated an email in his depart- growth around here and the mindset to- how many more days until football sea-
stories waiting to be told, more reasons ment regarding “recently received re- ward the goals that we have.” son?
to visit those cramped but comfortable ports of potential issues with the cul- Following Guiliano’s A-plus effort in This week for Notre Dame men’s
offices where confidence – you don’t ture of our men’s swimming and diving Indianapolis last week, arrangements swimming and diving was supposed to
want to be great, don’t bother walking team.” were made through Notre Dame to again be one of its finest hours.
through those doors – radiates off just What? That team? Lindauer’s team? sit with Guiliano and Lindauer this Instead, heavy lifting may be re-
about everyone and everything. The one that includes Guiliano? week. As a bonus storyline, Lindauer quired to keep it from being the start of
You promised Lindauer that you’d be In any other offseason, the three was named this week a Team USA assis- one of the darkest.

Knicks bring in another ’Nova star

Jeff Zillgitt The Nets healthy, the Knicks knew they needed to
USA TODAY are trading improve if they want to compete with
Mikal Boston for the East title. And the Knicks
The New York Knicks see an opportu- Bridges to still have work to do with the roster. OG
nity to win the Eastern Conference. the Knicks. Anunoby and Isaiah Hartenstein are
They have reached a deal with the WENDELL free agents, and both were an important
Brooklyn Nets to acquire forward Mikal CRUZ/ part of New York’s success. Re-signing
Bridges for Bojan Bodganovic, four un- USA TODAY both might not be possible.
protected first-round picks, a 2025 pro- SPORTS Nets: A-
tected first-round pick, a pick swap and The Nets are still recovering from the
two second-round picks, a person fa- Kevin Durant-James Harden-Kyrie Ir-
miliar with the trade confirmed to USA ving era that didn’t produce anything of
TODAY Sports. significance and are trying to get draft
The person requested anonymity be- picks back in their rebuilding effort. It’s
cause they were not authorized to speak a major haul, but Brooklyn needs to turn
publicly until the deal is announced. those picks into quality players.
The Nets get the Knicks’ first-round
picks in 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031. Nets make separate deal with
Bridges is one of the game’s top two- the 2025-26 season. Villanova’s 2016-17 team. Rockets
way players and one of the most reli- The Knicks lost to Indiana in seven This was the first trade between the
able. He averaged 19.6 points, 4.5 re- games in the Eastern Conference semi- two franchises since 1983, when the Brooklyn also reached a deal with
bounds, 3.6 assists and 1.0 steals and finals but were hampered by injuries to Knicks traded a second-round pick to Houston involving draft picks. The Nets
shot 43.6% from the field, 37.2% on 3- key players including Julius Randle, the Nets for Len Elmore. will get a 2025 pick swap and a 2026
pointers and 81.4% on free throws for Bogdanovic, OG Anunoby and Mitchell first-round pick from Houston, and the
the Nets in 2023-24. Robinson. Star Jalen Brunson was even Grading the Knicks-Nets trade Rockets will get a 2027 first-round pick,
The 27-year-old Bridges has played knocked out of the Game 7 defeat with a a 2029 first-round pick and a 2025 first-
in every game possible in his six-year fractured hand. Knicks: B+ round pick swap, according to ESPN. It
career, and even played in 83 games in The Knicks also continue to assem- The Knicks gave up a lot for Bridges. is a convoluted deal that involves picks
2022-23 after being traded to the Nets ble former Villanova players. With the Four unprotected first-round picks plus from Phoenix, Dallas and Oklahoma
by Phoenix in the Kevin Durant trade. addition of Bridges, the Knicks will have other assets is significant. But there’s City. The Nets are in rebuilding mode,
Bridges has two seasons and four players who went to Villanova: something to be said for making a push and the Rockets are looking to improve
$48.2 million left on his contract. He Bridges, Brunson, Josh Hart and Donte to contend for a title when windows their roster by trading draft picks for a
will be an unrestricted free agent after DiVincenzo. All four played together on open and shut quickly. Even if entirely proven player, according to ESPN.

Top 25 NBA free agents in 2024 class

Jeff Zillgitt and Cydney Henderson increasing his scoring, assists and re- 17. Gary Trent Jr.,
USA TODAY bounds. Toronto Raptors, unrestricted

Does LeBron James stay with the Los 8. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Trent averaged 13.7 points and 1.1
Angeles Lakers? The reasonable answer Denver Nuggets, guard, steals and shot 39.3% on 3s last season
is yes. unrestricted, player option and can be a sly acquisition for a con-
Does Klay Thompson remain with tender in need of bench scoring.
the Golden State Warriors? Do Paul A vital member of Denver’s 2023
George and James Harden continue championship squad, Caldwell-Pope 18. Isaac Okoro,
their careers with the Los Angeles Clip- can take the $15.4 million for 2024-25 or Cleveland Cavaliers, restricted
pers? The answers to those questions seek a longer deal for more money –
are murkier. with the Nuggets or another team. Okoro had his best all-around sea-
All those questions will be answered son, including a career-best 39.1% on 3s,
during the NBA’s fast-paced, league-re- 9. Isaiah Hartenstein, New York with the Cavs, whose offseason roster
shaping free agency period which be- Knicks, center, unrestricted decisions will be interesting to follow.
gins Sunday.
Before we look at the top 25 free Another valuable contributor to the 19. Obi Toppin, Indiana Pacers,
agents, some key dates and terms you Knicks’ success, Hartenstein averaged restricted
might be hearing during free agency. 10.3 points and 6.5 rebounds against
Also, two players who would’ve been Philadelphia in the first round and 6.9 Toppin played a significant role for
on this list are Malik Monk and Pascal points, 9.0 rebounds and 4.3 assists the Pacers – mostly off the bench – and
Siakam. But Monk and Sacramento and against Indiana in the conference semi- was reliable, appearing in all 82 regular-
Siakam and Indiana took advantage of a finals. season games. He averaged 10.3 points
new rule that allows teams to negotiate Lakers forward LeBron James and 3.9 rebounds and was efficient with
with their free agents after the Finals celebrates a slam dunk against the 10. Nic Claxton, Brooklyn Nets, his scoring, shooting 57.3% from the
and before the start of free agency. Suns at Footprint Center. center, unrestricted field, including 70.6% on 2-pointers and
MARK J. REBILAS/USA TODAY SPORTS 40.3% on 3-pointers.
When is free agency? Claxton was almost a double-double
producer for the Nets (11.8 points and 9.9 20. Jonas Valanciunas,
NBA free agency begins on Sunday at 24 and a vital part of the Sixers, Maxey, rebounds plus 2.1 assists and 2.1 blocks New Orleans Pelicans,
6 p.m. EDT, when teams can officially who averaged 25.9 points and 6.2 as- per game and 62.9% from the field). unrestricted
start negotiating with free agents. sists, is headed for a massive salary in-
Teams are allowed to start signing free crease, and the Sixers have no plans to 11. Tobias Harris, Philadelphia Massive big men still have a place in
agents on July 6 at 12:01 p.m. EDT. let him go. 76ers, unrestricted today’s game, and Valanciunas delivers
Some free agents, however, may be at 12.2 points, 8.8 rebounds and 2.1 as-
off the board by then. The NBA imple- 3. Paul George, Los Angeles Harris just finished his 13th season sists while shooting 55.9% from the field
mented a rule that allows teams to start Clippers, forward, unrestricted, and his fifth-plus season with the Six- – in just 23.5 minutes per game.
negotiating with their own free agents player option ers. Will his 14th season be with a team
the day after the conclusion of the NBA other than Philadelphia? 21. De’Anthony Melton,
Finals. Since the 2024 Finals wrapped Under contract for $48.7 million in Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
up with Boston’s Game 5 win over Dallas 2024-25, George can become a free 12. Klay Thompson, Golden State
on June 17, teams had the opportunity to agent. Amid a successful season, it will Warriors, unrestricted Melton played in just 38 games due to
start negotiating with “upcoming free be interesting to see if the Clippers can injury (back), but he is a strong defen-
agents who finished the just-completed keep George, a nine-time All-Star at 33 Thompson in a uniform other than sive guard who also can supply double-
season on its roster” on June 18. years old who averaged 22.6 points and Golden State’s is strange to consider but digits in points per game.
5.2 rebounds and shot 47.1% from the that’s a possibility for the game’s all-
NBA free agency explained field last season. time great 3-point shooter. 22. Buddy Hield,
Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
Some key free agency terms to know: 4. OG Anunoby, New York Knicks, 13. D’Angelo Russell, Los Angeles
h An unrestricted free agent can forward, unrestricted, player Lakers, unrestricted, player option The Sixers acquired Hield at the trade
sign with any team. option deadline. He alternated between start-
h A restricted free agent can sign an Russell is due $18.6 million next sea- ing and coming off the bench, averaging
offer sheet from another team but the Acquired by the Knicks at the trade son if he decides to start another with 12.2 points, 3.2 rebounds and 3.0 assists
team he was with the previous season deadline, Anunoby has a player option the Lakers. He averaged 18.0 points and and shooting 28.9% on 3s. Another
can match the offer and retain him. The at $19.9 million for 2024-25. He was a 6.3 assists and shot 41.5% on 3s in 2023- shooter who will get attention from
NBA says the original team has the big part of the Knicks’ success, and it’s 24. teams in need of that specialty.
“right of first refusal.” imperative they retain him if they want
h A player with a player option on to remain a factor in the Eastern Confer- 14. Miles Bridges, 23. Caleb Martin, Miami Heat,
the next season can opt out of his con- ence. Charlotte Hornets, unrestricted unrestricted, player option
tract and become a free agent, or he can
play out the final season of the contract 5. James Harden, Los Angeles If a team is looking for a forward who The Heat develop players – some-
he is under. Clippers, guard, unrestricted averaged 21.0 points, 7.3 rebounds and times they retain them and sometimes
h A player whose contract includes a 3.3 assists, Bridges can fill that role. (On they end up elsewhere.
team option on the final year of the deal Harden was good for the Clippers at Wednesday, the Hornets and Knicks
means the team has the choice to keep 16.6 points, 8.5 assists, 5.1 rebounds and agreed to a trade.) 24. Kelly Oubre,
him or let him become a free agent. 1.1 steals per game and at 38.1% shooting Philadelphia 76ers, unrestricted
on 3s. Money and years on a new deal 15. Tyus Jones,
Top free agents are key factors on his next contract. Washington Wizards, unrestricted The Sixers’ roster decisions are add-
ing up, from Harris to Melton to Hield to
1. LeBron James, Los Angeles 6. DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls, Jones had the best assist-to-turn- Oubre who was dependable in heavy
Lakers, forward, unrestricted guard, unrestricted over ratio in the league (7.3-to-1.0), shot minutes for Philadelphia in the playoffs.
free agent, player option 48.9% from the field and 41.4% on 3- He averaged 15.4 points and 5.0 re-
Turning 35 in August, DeRozan was pointers. He wants to start, and Wash- bounds last season.
James, who has $51.4 million for fantastic last season, averaging 24.0 ington may be the best place for him to
2024-25 left on his contract, indicated points, 5.3 assists and 4.3 rebounds and do that and get the contract he wants. 25. Kyle Anderson, Minnesota
at the All-Star Game he wants to remain shooting 48% from the field and 85.3% Timberwolves, unrestricted
with the Lakers. But he could opt out on free throws. 16. Bruce Brown, Toronto Raptors,
and re-sign for more years and money. unrestricted, team option The Timberwolves had Anderson on
7. Immanuel Quickley, a deal that was friendly for the team.
2. Tyrese Maxey, Philadelphia Toronto Raptors, guard, restricted Brown took a big-dollar, short-term Will the Timberwolves, who are facing
76ers, guard, restricted free agent deal a year ago with the Indiana Pacers, financial decisions in coming seasons,
After the Knicks traded Quickley, he who traded him to Toronto. He should be able to retain Anderson on a deal that
An All-Star for the first time in 2023- produced with the extra playing time, be looking for a longer deal. both sides like?

Morgan With an average of 26.8 years, this is

the youngest Olympic roster the
USWNT 2024 Paris
Olympics roster by
USWNT has had since the 2008 gold
Continued from Page 1C medal-winning team. position (caps/goals)
“There’s been a lack of development
Hayes, who took over as the of putting players, some of the less ex- GOALKEEPERS (2): Casey Murphy
USWNT’s coach last month, has also perienced players, in a position where (North Carolina Courage; 19), Alyssa
stressed the need for versatility with they can develop that experience. We Naeher (Chicago Red Stars; 104)
such a small roster, and others play mul- have to do that to take that next step,” DEFENDERS (6): Tierna Davidson
tiple positions while Morgan does not. Hayes said. (NJ/NY Gotham FC; 58/3), Emily Fox
Olympic rosters have only 18 players, “There’s such a big gap between the (Arsenal FC, ENG; 49/1), Naomi Girma
compared with 23 for a World Cup and top experience and the rest. We really (San Diego Wave FC; 32/0), Casey
most other tournaments. Dunn, for ex- have to bring that up,” Hayes added. Krueger (Washington Spirit; 49/0),
ample, has spent most of her USWNT “The last eight months has been about Jenna Nighswonger (NJ/NY Gotham FC;
career as a left back and plays midfield giving experiences to bridge that gap 9/2), Emily Sonnett (NJ/NY Gotham FC;
in the NWSL. Macario is listed as a mid- because there is a correlation between 91/2)
fielder on the Olympic roster but also caps and success at international tour-
can play forward. naments.” USWNT coach Emma Hayes cited the MIDFIELDERS (5): Korbin Albert (Paris
Still, Morgan has long been prized for The USWNT is also trying to turn the smaller size in deciding who made the Saint-Germain, FRA; 11/0), Sam Coffey
her leadership, and this is a young team. page from its recent disappointing per- roster. MICHAEL MADRID/USA TODAY SPORTS (Portland Thorns FC; 17/1), Lindsey
Paris will be the first Olympics for half formances on the world stage. The Horan (Olympique Lyon, FRA; 148/35),
the team and four will be playing in their Americans were bronze medalists at the Rose Lavelle (NJ/NY Gotham FC;
first major international tournament. Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and were elim- July 31 against Australia. 100/24), Catarina Macario (Chelsea FC,
But the USWNT has been transition- inated in the round of 16 at the World “I’ve been clear that everything we’re ENG; 19/8)
ing from the generation that won two Cup last summer, their earliest exit ever doing is a step-by-step approach to get FORWARDS (5): Crystal Dunn (NJ/NY
World Cup titles and one Olympic gold at a major international tournament. us as close as we possibly can to our best Gotham FC; 147/25), Trinity Rodman
medal between 2012 and 2019, a process The USWNT will play two sendoff level. To our best version of ourselves,” (Washington Spirit; 38/7), Jaedyn Shaw
that has accelerated under Hayes. While matches, against Mexico on July 13 and Hayes said. (San Diego Wave FC; 14/7), Sophia
Horan, the USWNT captain, Dunn, La- against Costa Rica on July 16, before “This is a team that’s making really Smith (Portland Thorns FC; 48/19),
velle and Naeher all have 100-plus caps, heading to Paris. good progress in doing that, and my in- Mallory Swanson (Chicago Red Stars;
and Swanson and Sonnett are over 90, There, the Americans will face Zam- terest and investment is getting our per- 92/34)
five players on the Olympic roster have bia in their Group B opener July 25, fol- formances right, day by day and game
made 20 or fewer appearances for the lowed by a game against Germany on by game, so we can get as close as we
USWNT. July 28. They wrap up the group stage possibly can to ideal world scenario.”

Vogt tered the big league clubhouse, Vogt al-

ready slowing the game down before
Murphy caught one bullpen session.
Continued from Page 1C Don’t sit there – that’s for veterans
with service time. Don’t try to get in the
who played with Vogt in his final year on batting cage if a Yonder Alonso or a
the 2022 Oakland Athletics, a team that Khris Davis beat you to it. Get there
lost 102 games and would lose 110 the early if you want to get training room
next as the franchise stripped the roster time.
for parts. “Not a bad thing is going to be Murphy would not make his debut
said about the man. He’s a competitor. until September 2019, but the ground-
He loves to win. But he cares about ev- work was lain for a player who’d eventu-
eryone he’s going to battle with. He’s ally make an All-Star Game and sign a
one of the best people in this game.” $73 million contract. Yet there was a
Vogt insists little has changed now second act to their story, when Murphy
that he resides in the manager’s office was the lone leftover from the A’s spring
and walks a different beat, to the coach- 2022 fire sale and Vogt was the return-
es’ room and the analysts’ nest and, oc- ing veteran.
casionally, his old domain, the club- Murphy would hit 18 home runs that
house. He’s learned quickly how fast the season and earn MVP votes, but as a de-
game moves when you’re in charge of it, pleted organization sent a conga line of
when you oversee 26 players and an undeveloped pitchers to Oakland, Vogt
equal amount of support staff, all with helped Murphy compartmentalize. Stephen Vogt played 794 games in his 10-year MLB career.
little contributions in service to the very “He was really important for me, per- DAVID RICHARD/USA TODAY SPORTS
difficult task of winning an MLB game. sonally, that year,” says Murphy. “We
He says he is still the same bearded didn’t win a lot of games. He tried to
dude who rose to some fame with hilari- keep me sane. He was like, ‘You gotta good pulse on when guys are feeling the big leagues still watching the game
ous imitations of Chris Farley’s motiva- keep doing your job.’ We had a rotation good or not so good, being able to com- and asking questions.
tional speaker and a recurring referee of pitchers coming in and out and trying municate on a very good level as op- “We didn’t have video, we didn’t have
bit on MLB Network that even inspired a to stay on top of everything. He was posed to maybe an older manager where all these things we have now. And then
bobblehead complete with headband really important in that. it might have been different when he throughout my career, getting things in-
and pinstriped jersey. “You knew he’d want to manage or played. He does a good job connecting troduced to me along the way and hav-
No, he won’t be hosting “Saturday stay involved in any way he could. He with the guys, building relationships, ing to adapt to new information while
Night Live” anytime soon. But the ethos wasn’t playing that much at that point, especially with a young team. still going out and doing my job. So now I
is unchanged. but he was so important to have around, “Spring training was a big indicator feel like I have a good understanding of,
“This is fun. That’s one thing I tell in terms of that team having so many for me. One of the things he said to me this is what the data is for, this is what
these guys all the time: Don’t ever lose young guys, and there’s the one old guy was, I’m not looking to change the cul- that is for.”
sight that we’re still playing a game. And who’d been around the block. He was a ture here. I’m looking to enhance it. And Beyond veteran pitching coach Carl
for four hours a day, you get to go be a necessity on that team. Because it I think he’s done just that.” Willis, Vogt has a thoroughly modern
12-year-old kid,” Vogt tells USA TODAY wasn’t going well.” Vogt and the players both say a lively staff alongside him in Cleveland, with
Sports. “There’s a business side, there’s Vogt’s selflessness was partly a mat- give-and-take prevails, each side giving bench coach Craig Albernaz and major
family and all these other things. That’s ter of paying it forward, of remembering as good as they get. Yet the “big goober” league field coordinator Kai Correa
real, and that’s important, too. But for his own debut on a veteran Tampa Bay persona, as the Orioles’ Irvin calls it, is plucked from Gabe Kapler’s progressive
three, four hours a night, you get to go be Rays team in 2012, and the counsel he but one dimension. former staff in San Francisco.
a 12-year-old kid and suit up and play received from Sam Fuld and Wade Davis “That’s 1% of what he is,” says Arizo- As for Vogt, he has just one year of
the game you love.” and, later, Billy Butler in Oakland. na Diamondbacks manager Torey Lo- coaching experience but remains grate-
Yet even the very talented and very But Vogt’s empathic tool was devel- vullo, who managed Vogt in his penulti- ful to Seattle manager Scott Servais for
privileged who bubble up the major oped long before the big leagues and he mate 2021 season. “He’s a very intense giving him significant latitude during a
leagues need a beacon. credits his father, Randy, with showing competitor, a very smart competitor 2023 season in which he was nominally
him the way. Now 68, Randy Vogt is a that knows how to have a good time and the bullpen coach yet had a hand in all
‘The kind of person he is’ valued consultant to the agriculture in- lighten the load. game preparation.
dustry in their Central Valley hometown “He’s a connector. A connector of Paul Sewald, who began 2023 as the
In February 2017, Sean Murphy had of Visalia, California, and served as people and personalities and knows Mariners closer, said Servais called him
23 games of professional experience, in president of their church’s Visalia Res- how to have conversations with any- when Vogt was hired: Vogt, Servais told
rookie and low Class A ball, when he ar- cue Mission. body inside a clubhouse. That’s hard to Sewald, is going to be a manager some-
rived in Phoenix for his first big league “The thing he always talked to my do. He’d be able to talk to me, to talk to a day, but for now he’s your bullpen coach
spring training. Sure, he was a third- brother Danny and I about was, ‘You clubbie. And he was fearless in his abil- and he will have a hand in everything.
round pick a year before, but his roster need to put everyone around you above ity to communicate.” A year later, Vogt is perhaps the pla-
fate was already written: a ticket to yourself,’ ” says Vogt. “When you serve Those Diamondbacks lost 110 games tonic ideal of a manager who combines
Stockton, California, and high Class A them, you’re going to get the results you that year, most of them by the time Vogt human elements with the game’s mod-
ball. want to.” was traded to Atlanta. Two years later, ern trappings.
Remember the nerves you felt the they’d reach the World Series, many of “At 6:40, the game starts, and there’s
day before the first day of school? ‘He’s a connector’ them holdovers from that grim ’22 sea- nothing you can do about anything oth-
That was Murphy on this day, work- son and the guy who made it a little easi- er than playing and grinding,” says Se-
ing out at the A’s minor league complex In Cleveland, the results have been er. wald, now a Diamondbacks reliever.
but knowing that tomorrow, he’d be go- fantastic. The Guardians have not lost “When things felt heavy, he could “Some of this, you just cannot compute
ing down the street to big league camp, more than three games in a row, have an pull you aside and put his arm around it. Somebody who came up with that
when Vogt walked in and pulled him eight-game lead in the AL Central, are your shoulder, and talk you off the ledge and adapted to what’s going – especially
aside. Aren’t you that catcher we draft- 26-9 at home and hit the 50-win mark a little bit,” says Arizona first baseman in the Cleveland organization where
ed last year, he asks. faster than any Cleveland squad since Christian Walker. “Top to bottom, that they’re going to take the data pretty se-
“He doesn’t have to come out of his their late-’90s glory days. guy was A-plus. When I heard he was riously – it was very important he had
way to talk to me. I’m going to A ball. I’m It really shouldn’t be that much of a going to be done playing, I knew it’d only some experience in that.”
the warm body in camp,” Murphy re- surprise: Seven of their key position be a matter of time he’d be a manager For now, it is going startlingly well.
members. “He says, ‘Well, we’re going to players got significant at-bats during somewhere. It was always worth it to The Guardians are tracking to become
go over to the big league side, we’re go- their 2022 playoff run, when they top- hear his perspective.” the first AL Central team to earn a first-
ing to introduce you to everybody. We’re pled the Rays in the wild-card series and round bye since the expanded playoffs
going to make sure your locker is set up pushed the 99-win Yankees to five Built for bumpy roads began. Corner infielders Jose Ramirez
for everything tomorrow, so that you games in a wild ALDS. and Josh Naylor have already slugged 21
don’t look lost on your first day.’ Even with Shane Bieber lost to Tom- It is a valuable perspective if only for and 20 home runs, respectively. Steven
“He took time away from his family to my John surgery, the Guardians always the eras Vogt’s career spanned. He was Kwan is batting .385 with a 1.006 OPS in
make sure I went over there and met ev- have enough pitching, and this year drafted in 2007, debuted in 2012, walked 51 games.
erybody, learned everyone’s names, their bullpen is deep and daunting, with away in 2022. Given the game’s ad- Certainly, it won’t be this good all the
made sure I had pants that fit, unpack a major league-best 2.34 ERA. vancements the past decade, that’s like time, not even this year, certainly in
some boxes. I thought that was cool. He It doesn’t hurt that the guy punching living long enough to walk with dino- coming years. Vogt has clearly proved
didn’t have to do it. the buttons has already made an im- saurs but also have WiFi in your home. he was prepared to handle success.
“It’s kind of the person he is.” pact. “The game I grew up in was, ‘Go And when the road gets bumpier,
The big league camp was locked, but “He’s definitely a player’s manager,” play,’ ” remembers Vogt. “It’s old school, he’ll be ready then, too.
with Vogt coming off his second straight says Guardians right-hander Triston we don’t have much information. I had “It has to be fun,” he says. “You gotta
All-Star appearance, “Stephen Vogt can McKenzie. “Especially being closely re- to learn how to play baseball and grow be laughing. You gotta be smiling. Even
get in the gates,” says Murphy. They en- moved from the game, he has a very up in the minor leagues and early part of in the dark times.”

Specialist hops on pommel horse in Paris bid

Tom Schad in the event in 1984.)
USA TODAY Nedoroscik said competing as a one-
event specialist has its own set of chal-
There are six events in men’s gym- lenges. At last month’s national cham-
nastics, each designed to test a different pionships, for instance, he warmed up
combination of athletes’ strength, bal- and then had to wait for more than 140
ance and skill. routines to take place before his one
Stephen Nedoroscik only competes turn on pommel horse arrived.
in one event – but it could be his ticket to It also comes with daunting pressure
the Paris Olympics. – and, for USA Gymnastics officials, a
In a sport that generally rewards all- certain degree of risk.
arounders, Nedoroscik, 25, has taken a
completely opposite approach leading The Olympic calculus of including
up to the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials a specialist
in Minneapolis this
week. Since the waning If he has a clean routine, Nedoroscik
days of his high school is capable of scoring above 15.000 and
career, he has competed likely adding one or two points to the
only on pommel horse – team’s score, which could bump the
emerging as one of the team above one of its rivals. But if he fal-
best athletes in the world ters, the team has essentially assumed
Nedoroscik on this one apparatus, the risk of being short-handed in case of
even at the apparent ex- Stephen Nedoroscik easily won the pommel horse competition at this year’s U.S. an injury without getting any of the sub-
pense of the other five. Gymnastics Championships in Fort Worth, Texas. JEROME MIRON/USA TODAY SPORTS sequent reward. (In Tokyo, there were
Where other gymnasts like Brody only four athletes allowed per team but
Malone and Frederick Richard have each country could also bring a “plus-
room to overcome a mistake in competi- What makes pommel horse lege. And by 15, his father had purchased one” athlete to compete only in individ-
tion, Nedoroscik’s entire night comes so difficult an old pommel horse from the 1980s at ual events. The U.S. took another pom-
down to a 45-second pommel horse rou- an auction and set it up in the backyard. mel horse specialist, Alec Yoder.)
tine. Where they have strengths and Nedoroscik is one of three specialists “So when I got that, then it turned “You want to win, you’ve got to be
weaknesses, he has a singular specialty. competing at the Olympic trials and one into the family coming over and I’d go able to put the best score up. And maybe
But it’s worked. Over the past eight of two who focus on pommel horse, the show them some stuff on that,” Nedo- that means thinking out of the box a lit-
years, the Massachusetts native has notoriously tricky apparatus that is roscik said. tle bit and taking a little bit more risk,”
won two NCAA titles, four national sometimes compared to balance beam Jepson explained. “The fact that he’s a
championships and a 2021 world title, in women’s gymnastics. The U.S. has Why Nedoroscik went all-in one-event guy but he can make that big
all on pommel horse. historically struggled on the apparatus, on one event a difference, I think that’s really key.
“Somebody like Stephen is a real and many all-arounders dread it. Jep- And I think that as we’ve looked at the
anomaly,” said Randy Jepson, who son likened the technical requirements That backyard practice helped Nedo- selection procedures, (they’ve) made it
coached Nedoroscik in college at Penn of the event to playing a round of golf roscik win back-to-back pommel horse such that somebody like that can make
State. “You don’t get a lot of those guys with fairways that are 10 feet wide and titles at junior Olympic nationals, which it – but they have to be that valuable.”
that stand up and stick out where putting the ball on the green every time. in turn helped him get on Jepson’s radar The U.S. is hardly the only country
they’re the best in the world (in a single “It’s really challenging because at Penn State. As a freshman, Nedoros- weighing questions about specialists
event).” you’re dealing with so many different cik said he intended to add other events ahead of the Olympic team competition,
Nedoroscik’s elite ability – and obvi- balance issues and constant motion,” he to his competitive repertoire but soon and Nedoroscik wouldn’t be alone if he
ous limitations – make him something said. “So as the difficulty of the skill goes realized that pommel horse was his ave- were to be selected. Great Britain has
of a wild card entering the trials, where up, the precariousness of keeping that nue to competing. So he zeroed in on the long relied on pommel horse specialists,
the five members of the men’s Olympic balance, in motion, without any impedi- event, won a national title and hasn’t most recently Max Whitlock, and China
team will be decided. In the Olympic ments and flaws to the fluidity of that looked back since. is expected to have a specialist on rings
team final, three men per country com- motion – it’s really, really important.” “It was kind of just a route that no one in Paris.
pete on each apparatus and all three Nedoroscik, however, has always had taken before,” he said. “I had no idea Ultimately, however, it’s a question of
scores count. Nedoroscik would be un- loved it. Though he competed in every what was going to happen.” risk and reward. And Nedoroscik knows
able to contribute in five of those events event as a kid, and was actually best at After graduating from Penn State that all he can do is try to impact that
– but in the sixth, he is capable of put- parallel bars for a while, he said he with an electrical engineering degree, equation with consistent performances
ting up a score that few athletes in the would often drag a pommel horse train- Nedoroscik was perhaps best known for in Minneapolis this week – ideally by
world can match. ing device – known colloquially as a the non-prescription goggles he wore matching or exceeding his scores at the
“It’s a little complicated,” Nedoroscik mushroom – into the living room to while competing – a gift from a team- national championships earlier this
said of his Olympic chances. “But right show off his pommel horse skills for mate that he has said was more about summer, where he finished nearly two
now, the way things are looking, I think family members and friends. superstition than improving his eye- points higher than any of the other like-
I’ve put myself in a pretty dang good When he was 11 or 12, he said he de- sight. But by 2019, he had made it to the ly members of Team USA over two pom-
spot here. I’m just hoping that I can go cided to start going into practice early to U.S. national team. And in 2021, after mel horse routines.
out to Olympic trials and knock out a spend one full hour doing simple one- missing out on the Tokyo Olympic team, “It does look like I have a chance,” Ne-
couple more good routines. At that pommel loops. About a year later, he he became the first U.S. gymnast ever to doroscik said. “I think I actually have a
point, everything would be out of con- could do more loops in a row than some win a world championship on pommel really good chance of making that
trol. Fingers crossed I’d make it.” of the guys who were heading off to col- horse. (Peter Vidmar won Olympic gold squad.”

Lynx win $500,000 WNBA Commissioner’s Cup

Jordan Mendoza Minnesota. A team that finished the Every team partnered with a non-
USA TODAY 2023 season 19-21, Minnesota has now profit organization decided by players
won seven games in a row, even though for the competition and those organiza-
The Minnesota Lynx used their hot Tuesday’s game won’t count toward the tions also get donations for their teams
shooting and slowed down one of the regular-season standings or stats. Of making and winning the final. The Lynx
best offenses in the league to beat the those victories, only the win on Tuesday partnered with Gender Justice and the
New York Liberty 92-89 on Tuesday to and a win over Los Angeles on June 14 organization will receive $10,000, and
win the WNBA Commissioner’s Cup. were single-digit wins. At 13-3 Minneso- Women Creating Change will get $5,00
In the first half it looked like the first- ta is tied with the Connecticut Sun for from its partnership with the Liberty.
place Liberty were going to cruise to- second place in the WNBA and one
ward victory thanks to a hot start from game back of New York. Commissioner’s Cup history
Sabrina Ionescu, but the second half
was a different story. New York couldn’t Commissioner’s Cup prize The Lynx denied New York a chance
stop turning the ball over and Minneso- to be the first back-to-back Commis-
ta capitalized on a majority of the op- Not only do the Lynx get to claim the sioner’s Cup winners in the in-season
portunities, turning 22 Liberty turn- Commissioner’s Cup trophy, they also competition’s young history. The Liber-
overs into 27 points. went home with a solid payday. ty won last year’s edition by defeating
Breanna Stewart engineered her own The winners of the Commissioner’s the eventual WNBA champion Las Ve-
run to cut the deficit to one point in the Lynx forward Napheesa Collier had 21 Cup are awarded $500,000, about one- gas Aces. The winners of the Commis-
fourth quarter, but Minnesota held off points and six rebounds and was third of the WNBA salary cap. With 12 sioner’s Cup:
all late rallies from New York. named MVP of the Commissioner’s players on a roster, each player will get h 2024: Minnesota Lynx (defeated
The Lynx showed why they lead the Cup final. WENDELL CRUZ/USA TODAY SPORTS about $41,000, and the MVP of the game New York Liberty)
WNBA in 3-point shooting percentage – Collier – gets an additional $5,000. h 2023: New York Liberty (defeated
with a whopping 14-for-29 (48.3%) per- Coinbase, the sponsor of the Com- Las Vegas Aces)
formance from beyond the arc. Minne- nine of the 3-point shots for the team. missioner’s Cup, added $120,000 in h 2022: Las Vegas Aces (defeated
sota got big-time performances from Collier was named the MVP of the final. cryptocurrency to the prize pool so ev- Chicago Sky)
Bridget Carleton and Napheesa Collier, The win is just another mark in what ery player on each team will get $5,000, h 2021: Seattle Storm (defeated Con-
who combined for 44 points and made has been a remarkable turnaround in so there’s some prize for the Liberty. necticut Sun)

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All times ET Monday’s Games MLS
SOCCER Croatia 1, Italy 1 W L T Pts GF GA LPGA: Dow Championship
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England 3 1 2 0 +1 5 NY Red Bulls 9 4 7 34 34 25 Course: Midland (Michigan) Country Club (Par
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GROUP STAGE Slovenia 3 0 3 0 0 3 Columbus 8 3 6 30 29 17 70, 6,277 yards)
GROUP A Serbia 3 0 2 1 -1 1 NY City FC 9 8 2 29 26 23 TV (EDT): Thursday-Friday, 10 a.m.-noon (Golf
GP W D L GD Pts Nashville 6 5 8 26 23 23
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GROUP D East Division
GP W D L GD Pts Turkey
W L Pct GB – Field Level Media | Reuters
Colombia 1 1 0 0 +1 3 N.Y. Yankees 52 29 .642 —
Brazil 1 0 1 0 0 1 Czechia 3 0 1 2 -2 1 Baltimore 49 30 .620 2
Costa Rica 1 0 1 0 0 1 Tuesday, June 18 Boston 43 37 .538 8½
Paraguay 1 0 0 1 -1 0 Turkey 3, Georgia 1 Tampa Bay 40 41 .494 12
Portugal 2, Czechia 1 Toronto 36 43 .456 15
Monday’s Games
Colombia 1, Paraguay 0 Saturday, June 22 Central Division N.Y. Mets 9, N.Y. Yankees 7 Colorado at Chicago White Sox, 7:10 p.m. Saturday’s Games
Brazil 0, Costa Rica 0 Georgia 1, Czechia 1 W L Pct GB Atlanta at St. Louis, ppd. San Diego at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Las Vegas at Washington, 2 p.m.
Friday’s Games Portugal 3, Turkey 0 Cleveland 51 26 .662 — L.A. Dodgers 4, Chicago White Sox 3 Houston at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Dallas at Seattle, 9 p.m.
Wednesday’s Games Minnesota 43 36 .544 9 Houston 5, Colorado 2 Pittsburgh at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.
Colombia vs. Costa Rica, 6 p.m. (FS1) Kansas City 44 38 .537 9½
Paraguay vs. Brazil, 9 p.m. (FS1) Turkey 2, Czechia 1 Miami 2, Kansas City 1 Cleveland at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.
Tuesday, July 2 Georgia 2, Portugal 0 Detroit
37 43
21 60
Milwaukee 3, Texas 1 Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. DEALS
L.A. Angels 7, Oakland 5 Cincinnati at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.
Brazil vs. Colombia, 9 p.m. (FS1) ROUND OF 16 Arizona 5, Minnesota 4 Detroit at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m.
Costa Rica vs. Paraguay, 9 p.m. (FS2) Saturday’s Games West Division
W L Pct GB San Diego 9, Washington 7 Oakland at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. BASEBALL
Switzerland vs. Italy, 12 p.m. (FS1) Seattle 46 37 .554 — San Francisco 5, Chicago Cubs 1 Minnesota at Seattle, 9:40 p.m. Major League Baseball
Euro 2024 Germany vs. Denmark, 3 p.m. (FOX) L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. ATLANTA BRAVES — P Bryce Elder Called Up
GROUP STAGE Houston 39 40 .494 5 Wednesday’s Games
Three points for a win, one point for a draw.
Sunday’s Games Texas 37 43 .463 7½ Seattle 5, Tampa Bay 2 from Minors recalled as 27th roster player.
England vs. Slovakia, 12 p.m. (FOX) L.A. Angels 32 46 .410 11½ Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 1 CINCINNATI REDS — P Graham Ashcraft Called
Spain vs. Georgia, 3 p.m. (FOX) Oakland 29 53 .354 16½ Philadelphia 6, Detroit 2 WNBA Up from Minors. P Yosver Zulueta Sent to Mi-
NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlanta 6, St. Louis 2 nors.
Germany 3 2 1 0 +6 7 NWSL Houston 7, Colorado 1 CLEVELAND GUARDIANS — Jhonkensy Noel
Switzerland 3 1 2 0 +2 5 GP W D L GF GA GD P East Division Kansas City 5, Miami 1 EASTERN CONFERENCE Called Up from Minors. RF Johnathan Rodri-
Hungary 3 1 0 2 -3 3 Kansas City 14 9 5 0 37 20 +17 32 W L Pct GB W L Pct GB guez Sent to Minors.
Scotland 3 0 1 2 -5 1 Orlando 14 9 5 0 27 11 +16 32 Philadelphia 53 27 .663 — Milwaukee 6, Texas 5
Oakland at L.A. Angels N.Y. Liberty 15 3 .833 — COLORADO ROCKIES — P Jake Bird Placed on
Washington 14 10 1 3 29 17 +12 31 Atlanta 44 33 .571 71⁄2
Friday, June 14 NJ/NY Gotham 14 8 3 3 16 11 +5 27 N.Y. Mets 38 39 .494 13½ Washington at San Diego Connecticut 13 3 .813 1 15-Day IL Right groin strain.
Germany 5, Scotland 1 Cleveland at Baltimore Atlanta 6 9 .400 7½ DETROIT TIGERS — P Keider Montero Called
Portland 14 7 2 5 26 20 +6 23 Washington 38 41 .481 14½ Chicago 6 9 .400 7½ Up from Minors. P Easton Lucas Sent to Mi-
Saturday, June 15 North Carolina 14 6 1 7 16 16 0 19 Miami 28 52 .350 25 Toronto at Boston
Indiana 7 11 .389 8
Switzerland 3, Hungary 1 N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets nors.
Chicago 14 5 2 7 19 22 -3 17 Central Division Washington 4 13 .235 10½ MIAMI MARLINS — Valente Bellozo Purchased
Wednesday, June 19 Louisville 14 3 7 4 20 18 +2 16 Atlanta at St. Louis
W L Pct GB L.A. Dodgers at Chicago White Sox WESTERN CONFERENCE From Minors. P Kent Emanuel Designated for
Germany 2, Hungary 0 San Diego 14 3 6 5 12 13 -1 15 Milwaukee 48 33 .593 —
Angel City 14 4 3 7 15 21 -6 15 Minnesota at Arizona W L Pct GB Assignment.
Scotland 1, Switzerland 1 St. Louis 40 38 .513 61⁄2 MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Dallas Keuchel Pur-
Bay FC 14 5 0 9 18 25 -7 15 Chicago Cubs at San Francisco Minnesota 13 3 .813 —
Sunday’s Games Pittsburgh 39 41 .488 8½ Seattle 10 6 .625 3 chased From Minors. DH Gary Sanchez Placed
Hungary 1, Scotland 0 Houston 14 3 5 6 11 20 -9 14 Cincinnati 37 43 .463 10½ Thursday’s Games on 10-Day IL Strained left calf. P Joe Ross
Seattle 14 2 3 9 14 26 -12 9 Minnesota at Arizona, 3:40 p.m. Las Vegas 8 6 .571 4
Switzerland 1, Germany 1 Chicago 37 43 .463 10½ Phoenix 8 8 .500 5 Transferred to 60-Day IL Lower back strain. P
Utah 14 2 1 11 7 27 -20 7 Chicago Cubs at San Francisco, 3:45 p.m.
GROUP B Note: Three points for a win, one for a draw. West Division Atlanta at Chicago White Sox, 4:10 p.m. L.A. Sparks 4 13 .235 9½ Joel Kuhnel Designated for Assignment. Eric
GP W D L GD Pts W L Pct GB Dallas 3 13 .188 10 Haase Purchased From Minors.
Spain 3 3 0 0 +5 9 Friday’s Games Miami at Philadelphia, 6:20 p.m.
L.A. Dodgers 50 31 .617 — Texas at Baltimore, 6:35 p.m. Tuesday’s Game ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — P Chris Roycroft
Italy 3 1 1 1 0 4 Kansas City vs. Houston, 8 p.m. San Diego 43 41 .512 8½ Called Up from Minors recalled as 27th roster
Croatia 3 0 2 1 -3 2 San Diego vs. Chicago, 10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Minnesota 94, N.Y. Liberty 89
Arizona 39 40 .494 10 Cincinnati at St. Louis, 7:45 p.m. player.
Albania 3 0 1 2 -2 1 Saturday’s Games San Francisco 38 42 .475 11½ Thursday’s Games TEXAS RANGERS — P Cole Winn Transferred to
Cleveland at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Minnesota at Dallas, 1 p.m.
Saturday, June 15 Racing Louisville vs. Bay FC, 4 p.m. Colorado 27 52 .342 22
Detroit at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m. 60-Day IL Right shoulder sprain. RF Derek Hill
Washington vs. North Carolina, 7:30 p.m. Connecticut at Washington, 7 p.m. Purchased From Minors. P Yerry Rodriguez
Spain 3, Croatia 0 Tuesday’s Games Friday’s Games Las Vegas at Chicago, 7 p.m. Designated for Assignment. 2B Justin Foscue
Italy 2, Albania 1 Utah vs. Portland, 10 p.m. Cleveland 10, Baltimore 8 Miami at Philadelphia, 6:20 p.m. Indiana at Seattle, 10 p.m. Sent to Minors. 2B Justin Foscue Removed
Wednesday, June 19 Sunday’s Games Detroit 4, Philadelphia 1 Washington at Tampa Bay, 6:50 p.m.
Croatia 2, Albania 2 NJ/NY Gotham FC vs. Seattle, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay 11, Seattle 3 Friday’s Games From 60-Day IL Strained left oblique. 2B Jus-
Texas at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Atlanta at Connecticut, 7:30 p.m. tin Foscue Recalled From Minors Rehab. 3B
Thursday, June 20 Angel City FC vs. Orlando, 7:30 p.m. Toronto 9, Boston 4 N.Y. Yankees at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.
Pittsburgh 9, Cincinnati 5 L.A. Sparks at Phoenix, 10 p.m. Ezequiel Duran Sent to Minors.
Spain 1, Italy 0

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A cold front progressing into

the Southeast will produce thun- Seattle
derstorms with a risk of localized Olympia
64 Bangor
67 Spokane
damaging wind gusts in southern Portland 71 Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette

Alabama, southern Georgia, the Salem 69

74 76 Burlington Augusta

Florida Panhandle and the cen- Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 74 Montpelier
78 T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix
81 Billings 80 77 Boston
tral and eastern Carolinas today. 72 87
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 69 83
93 Milwaukee Rapids 72 Albany
Spotty, non-severe thunderstorms 76 Pierre Sioux Falls
69 74 75
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
83 76 Cleveland 86
are expected just to the north and 61 82 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 74 Pittsburgh New York
over the Florida Peninsula. Sacramento
Elko 74 89 North Platte
78 76 73 81 85
89 90 89 Salt Lake City 83 Chicago
Harrisburg Philadelphia
Morning showers will become 88
Cheyenne Omaha
74 Columbus
Carson City
85 77 81 89 88
thunderstorms over the Rockies 87 Kansas City Springfield Washington Annapolis
San Francisco
81 82 Indianapolis Cincinnati
90 87
with flash flooding, large hail, 67 St. George Aspen
82 84
Las Vegas
104 71 93 Topeka
Charleston Richmond
damaging wind gusts and even a Fresno
109 83 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 87 89 TODAY
96 Wichita 87 88
tornado all possible. That risk will Dodge City 88 Raleigh
90 88 Memphis
extend as far east as the western Los Angeles Santa Fe Charlotte
Palm Springs Flagstaff
86 Oklahoma 90 Nashville
90 Columbia
Dakotas and western Nebraska. 112 79 City
Albuquerque 95 97
Afternoon thunderstorms may San Diego
Phoenix 89 95 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
74 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 93 86 89 97
stretch as far east as eastern Alaska 112 101 100 Montgomery Savannah
Minnesota and central Iowa. El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 88 96
Morning showers will affect 100 Odessa Austin
95 91 Jacksonville
Fairbanks Hawaii 100 97 Mobile
much of New England although 85 Juneau
Honolulu San Antonio
Baton Rouge 87 90
rain may be steadier in northern, Anchorage 69 89 97 Houston 92 New FRIDAY
66 97
central and eastern Maine. 88 Tampa
Puerto Rico
San Juan
Brownsville 91 91 Note: For contiguous 48 states through 3 p.m. ET yesterday
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2024
96 HOTTEST: 101° COLDEST: 37°
Needles, Calif. Utica, Mont.
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
TOP TRAVEL CITIES Air quality index (AQI)
Stray Partly Stray Sunny, Heavy Mostly Mostly
THU THU sunny THU Shower THU THU Cooler THU THU THU THU Showers THU Humid THU Hot THU
t-storm t-storm hot t-storm sunny sunny
90/67 83/61 74/63 89/76 97/79 109/84
89/73 90/72 100/80 93/65 75/56 84/64
Stray Mostly Mostly Stray Breezy, Stray Partly Showers Sunny, Partly
t-storm sunny t-storm hot t-storm sunny around hot sunny
88/72 79/69 94/79
91/77 75/60 92/76 99/81 90/57 78/69 86/76 108/80 84/63
Stray Stray Stray Stray Breezy, Mostly A few Stray Sunny, Mostly
t-storm t-storm t-storm hot cloudy showers t-storm hot sunny
86/78 75/68 83/65
90/78 92/76 87/62 100/83 84/62 85/73 94/78 108/82 82/62
AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
Stray Stray Stray Turning Stray Sunny, Stray Partly
THU THU t-storm THU THU THU THU Clearing THU THU THU THU Breezy THU Shower THU Clearing
t-storm t-storm sunny t-storm hot t-storm sunny
77/66 88/65 67/54 64/52 90/71
91/79 88/78 85/63 93/76 112/89 88/65 74/65
A P.M. T-storms Stray Mostly A P.M. Mostly Sunny, Sunlit, Some Partly Mostly Mostly
FRI t-storm FRI FRI t-storm FRI sunny FRI t-storm FRI sunny FRI warm FRI nice FRI sun FRI sunny FRI cloudy FRI sunny
92/77 93/80 78/66 92/76 84/68 109/87 86/66 73/65 69/54 73/55 86/72
Breezy Stray A P.M. Stray Sunny, Partly Partly A brief Stray
77/54 t-storm t-storm t-storm warm sunny sunny shower t-storm
90/80 79/71 100/76
92/78 94/76 86/74 110/90 75/65 69/56 72/55 90/78
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms


87/74pc Hartford, Conn.
81/60s Nags Head, N.C.
84/76s Sarasota, Fla.
Akron, Ohio 75/53s 84/69pc Cleveland 74/57s 84/71pc Indianapolis 82/62s 84/72c Nashville, Tenn. 88/70t 92/77pc Savannah, Ga. 96/76t 90/76t TODAY FRI
Albany, N.Y. 80/53s 79/61s Colorado Springs 88/64t 87/60t Islip, N.Y. 85/62pc 78/63s Newark, N.J. 89/65pc 82/68s Scottsdale, Ariz. 108/87s 108/85s Beijing 97/73pc 100/74pc
Albuquerque 89/69t 94/72s Columbia, S.C. 97/72t 90/77t Jackson, Miss. 91/72t 94/77s New Haven, Conn. 85/62pc 81/64s Shreveport, La. 95/77t 97/78s Buenos Aires 62/47pc 55/39s
Allentown, Pa. 84/56pc 80/62pc Columbus, Ohio 81/59s 87/74pc Jacksonville, Fla. 97/76t 94/76t Norfolk, Va. 86/73t 83/74s Sioux Falls, S.D. 76/66t 85/61t Cancun, Mexico 91/80t 89/80t
Amarillo, Texas 100/76s 101/75pc Corpus Christi, Texas 97/80t 94/82t Jefferson City, Mo. 87/71pc 91/76t Oakland, Calif. 69/53pc 69/54pc South Bend, Ind. 76/57s 82/69t Dubai, UAE 107/91s 108/91s
Anaheim, Calif. 83/64s 82/61s Dayton, Ohio 81/58s 86/74pc Kansas City 81/70t 91/74t Oklahoma City 95/76s 102/77w Spokane, Wash. 71/49w 74/56pc Frankfurt 87/66pc 82/58pc
Anchorage, Alaska 66/52pc 66/53pc Daytona Beach, Fla. 93/76t 91/76t Key West, Fla. 91/83c 90/85t Omaha, Neb. 77/67t 90/71t Springfield, Mo. 88/71pc 93/77pc Hong Kong 92/83c 91/84c
Aspen, Colo. 71/53t 74/49t Des Moines, Iowa 78/67t 86/69t Knoxville, Tenn. 88/71t 93/76pc Palm Springs, Calif. 112/78s 111/78s Springfield, Ill. 82/63pc 83/73sh Istanbul 85/71s 85/72w
Atlantic City, N.J. 85/65pc 76/69w Duluth, Minn. 71/55pc 67/60t Laredo, Texas 100/79s 98/81pc Pensacola, Fla. 86/76t 91/79t St. Louis 88/71s 91/78sh Jerusalem 92/70s 93/68s
Augusta, Ga. 94/72t 92/75t Durham, N.C. 89/71t 92/73t Lexington, Ky. 87/64s 90/74pc Pierre, S.D. 83/66r 85/55w St. Petersburg, Fla. 91/79t 92/78c Johannesburg 63/40pc 64/43pc
Austin, Texas 97/75s 96/75pc El Paso, Texas 100/81t 104/78pc Lincoln, Neb. 79/70t 92/70t Pittsburgh 81/55s 87/71c Syracuse, N.Y. 75/53pc 81/66s London 77/54pc 72/52s
Bakersfield, Calif. 98/68s 97/67s Fairbanks, Alaska 85/59pc 79/59c Little Rock, Ark. 93/70s 97/78s Portland, Maine 79/54sh 74/55s Tallahassee, Fla. 90/76t 91/75t Mexico City 75/57sh 72/56c
Baton Rouge, La. 92/77t 94/79t Flagstaff, Ariz. 79/55t 83/52s Long Beach, Calif. 80/66pc 79/64pc Portland, Ore. 69/52c 78/54c Tampa, Fla. 91/80t 91/78pc Montreal 70/50pc 72/59s
Billings, Mont. 87/52t 73/47w Fargo, N.D. 80/68t 80/57t Louisville, Ky. 87/67s 91/78pc Providence, R.I. 83/58pc 78/57s Toledo, Ohio 78/57s 83/70pc Moscow 79/57r 86/64s
Birmingham, Ala. 86/75t 92/77t Fort Myers, Fla. 90/78t 92/76t Lubbock, Texas 101/77s 102/77s Raleigh, N.C. 91/72t 92/75t Topeka, Kan. 83/72t 97/76t Mumbai, India 86/82r 84/81t
Bismarck, N.D. 74/64t 80/55w Fort Smith, Ark. 95/73s 101/79s Madison, Wis. 76/57s 71/68t Rapid City, S.D. 93/61t 79/51w Tucson, Ariz. 104/83t 102/83s Paris 87/58t 77/58pc
Boise, Idaho 81/53s 83/58pc Fort Wayne, Ind. 77/58s 84/69c Manchester, N.H. 85/55sh 78/56s Reno, Nev. 90/57w 93/59s Tupelo, Miss. 89/73t 96/77s Rio de Janeiro 77/68sh 82/73h
Buffalo, N.Y. 72/53pc 82/69pc Fresno, Calif. 96/65s 97/66s Memphis, Tenn. 90/72t 94/78pc Richmond, Va. 89/70t 89/72pc Tulsa, Okla. 95/77s 100/81w Rome 83/63s 86/65s
Burlington, Vt. 74/52pc 74/60s Grand Rapids, Mich. 74/55pc 80/67t Milwaukee 69/59s 74/68t Rochester, N.Y. 73/52pc 78/67s Virginia Beach, Va. 83/71t 81/74s Seoul 91/67c 89/69c
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 79/63pc 78/69t Green Bay, Wis. 73/54pc 73/65t Mobile, Ala. 87/76t 90/76t Sacramento, Calif. 89/56s 94/56s Wichita, Kan. 88/77t 105/77w Singapore 89/79pc 90/80t
Charleston, S.C. 97/77t 90/77t Greensboro, N.C. 85/72t 86/72t Modesto, Calif. 92/58s 93/59s San Antonio 97/78s 94/78pc Wilmington, Del. 88/64pc 85/69s Sydney 65/46s 64/45s
Charleston, W.Va. 87/61pc 92/72c Greenville, S.C. 89/70t 89/72t Montgomery, Ala. 88/74t 95/77t San Jose, Calif. 79/55s 82/55s Winston-Salem, N.C. 86/73t 87/73t Toronto 71/52pc 73/61pc
Cheyenne, Wyo. 85/60t 82/50t Harrisburg, Pa. 89/63s 86/69s Myrtle Beach, S.C. 91/78t 89/78t Santa Fe, N.M. 86/61t 90/61s Worcester, Mass. 80/56pc 76/58s Tokyo 83/71c 78/74h


Everything to know about the draft

Mike Brehm be streamed on ESPN+.
Who will be taken No. 1 overall?
The Stanley Cup Final has ended
with a Florida Panthers championship The consensus top pick is Macklin
and with that, the first round of the NHL Celebrini, 17, a 6-foot, 190-pound fresh-
draft is set. man center at Boston University. He had
The Boston Bruins and Ottawa Sena- 32 goals and 32 assists in 38 games to
tors also changed up the order with a lead the Terriers to the Frozen Four,
trade just before Game 7 began. where they lost to eventual champion
The champion Panthers get the 32nd Denver in the semifinals. He won the
pick and the runner-up Edmonton Oil- Hobey Baker Award as college hockey’s
ers pick No. 31. But they already traded top men’s player, plus was voted Hockey
those picks, so the Philadelphia Flyers East’s top player and rookie.
(32) and Anaheim Ducks (31) will choose
instead. Top prospects
The first 16 slots were set after the
draft lottery, with the San Jose Sharks Celebrini is the consensus No. 1 pick
winning and retaining the top pick. in mock drafts and has been all season.
None of the non-playoff teams moved “He possesses that rare, elite ability
up or down. The next 12 picks went to to thrive with his skills and smarts while
the teams eliminated in the first two competing with a consistent passion to
rounds. Picks Nos. 29 and 30 went to the Boston University forward Macklin Celebrini is the consensus No. 1 overall pick of face every challenge head-on and gen-
conference final losers. the NHL draft. BRACE HEMMELGARN/USA TODAY SPORTS erate results, all the while making him-
Monday’s trade of goaltender Linus self a better player,” said Dan Marr, vice
Ullmark to the Senators gives Ottawa’s president of NHL Central Scouting.
No. 1 pick (originally Boston’s) to the 18 Chicago Blackhawks (from New 28 Calgary Flames (from Vancouver There is no consensus No. 2 pick. The
Bruins. York Islanders in a swap of picks in Canucks in the Elias Lindholm deal) draft is deep in defensemen.
May. Chicago gave up the 20th pick and 29 Dallas Stars Here is how NHL Central Scouting
First-round order? two second-rounders for the 18th pick 30 New York Rangers ranks the top 10 North American
and a second-rounder) 31 Anaheim Ducks (from the Oilers prospects and top five international
1 San Jose Sharks 19 Vegas Golden Knights in the Adam Henrique trade) prospects.
2 Chicago Blackhawks 20 New York Islanders (from Tampa 32 Philadelphia Flyers (from the North American prospects: Celebri-
3 Anaheim Ducks Bay Lightning via Chicago Blackhawks Panthers in the 2022 Claude Giroux ni, Michigan State defenseman Artyom
4 Columbus Blue Jackets in the 2022 Brandon Hagel deal) trade) Levshunov, Medicine Hat center Cay-
5 Montreal Canadiens 21 Los Angeles Kings den Lindstrom, Denver defenseman
6 Utah Hockey Club 22 Nashville Predators When and where is draft? Zeev Buium, Saginaw defenseman
7 Ottawa Senators 23 Toronto Maple Leafs Zayne Parekh, Tri-City winger Trevor
8 Seattle Kraken 24 Colorado Avalanche The draft will be held Friday and Sat- Connelly, London defenseman Sam
9 Calgary Flames 25 Boston Bruins (from Bruins via urday at the Sphere in Las Vegas. The Dickinson, Spokane center Berkly Cat-
10 New Jersey Devils Detroit Red Wings via Ottawa Senators. first round will start Friday at 7 p.m. EDT ton, Kelowna center Tij Iginla (son of
11 Buffalo Sabres The Red Wings got the Bruins’ first- and the second through seventh rounds Hall of Famer Jarome Iginla) and Chi-
12 Philadelphia Flyers rounder in 2023’s Tyler Bertuzzi deal. will start Saturday at 11:30 a.m. EDT. cago center Michael Hage.
13 Minnesota Wild Detroit traded it to Ottawa in the Alex International prospects: Russian
14 San Jose Sharks (from Pittsburgh DeBrincat deal and the Senators traded How to watch, live stream 6-7 defenseman Anton Silayev, Russian
Penguins in the Erik Karlsson deal) it to Boston in the Ullmark deal) winger Ivan Demidov, Finnish center
15 Detroit Red Wings 26 Montreal Canadiens (from Winni- The first round will shown Friday on Konsta Helenius, Czech defenseman
16 St. Louis Blues peg Jets in the Sean Monahan deal) ESPN and Saturday’s rounds will be Adam Jiricek and Swedish winger Mi-
17 Washington Capitals 27 Carolina Hurricanes shown on NHL Network. Both days can chael Brandsegg-Nygard.

Awards night set to close out NHL season

Mike Brehm Who votes: Professional Hockey Chicago Blackhawks forward Connor
USA TODAY Writers Association Bedard, Minnesota Wild defenseman
Notes: Hughes led all defensemen Brock Faber and New Jersey Devils de-
The Stanley Cup Final is over and with 75 assists and 92 points – breaking fenseman Luke Hughes.
now it’s time to take one last look at the his franchise records for a defenseman Who votes: Professional Hockey
regular season before building for the – as the Canucks won their first playoff Writers Association
future. berth since 2019-20 and first division ti- Bedard led or tied for first among
The NHL will announce the winners tle since 2012-13. Josi led defensemen in rookies in goals (22), assists (39) and
of its remaining regular-season awards goals (23), power-play goals (nine) and points (61) despite missing 14 games
on Thursday (7 p.m. EDT, ESPN) during shots on goal (268) and finished third with a broken jaw. He had a five-point
the league’s annual televised show. The with 85 points. Makar had 21 goals, 69 game on March 12 against Anaheim and
event will be held at Fontainebleau Las Avalanche forward Nathan MacKinnon assists and 90 points to top defensemen scored a lacrosse-style “Michigan” goal
Vegas, near the Sphere, where the NHL is a finalist for the Hart Trophy as MVP with 1.17 points per game. on Dec. 23 against St. Louis. Faber tied
draft will be conducted on Friday night to his team. for first among rookies in assists (39)
and Saturday. BOB FRID/USA TODAY SPORTS Vezina Trophy (goaltender) and led rookies in average ice time
Five awards will be handed out for (24:58) and blocked shots (150). His 47
MVP (writers vote, players vote) and the Finalists (in alphabetical order): points broke the Wild’s previous record
top goalie, defenseman and rookie. the playoffs after a coaching change. He Florida Panthers’ Sergei Bobrovsky, for points by a rookie defenseman (Filip
Here are the finalists, plus the win- also hit the 100-assist milestone. Vancouver Canucks’ Thatcher Demko Kuba, 30 in 2000-01). Hughes led all
ners of the awards that have already and Winnipeg Jets’ Connor Hellebuyck. rookies with 21 power-play assists and
been announced: Ted Lindsay Award Who votes: General managers 25 power-play points.
(most outstanding player) Notes: Bobrovsky (36-17-4, 2.37
Hart Trophy (MVP to his team) goals-against average, .915 save per- Already awarded
Finalists (in alphabetical order): centage, six shutouts) had a 14-1-1
Finalists (in alphabetical order): Kucherov, MacKinnon, Toronto Maple stretch from Dec. 23 to Feb. 20 as Florida Jack Adams Award (coach): Ca-
Tampa Bay Lightning’s Nikita Kucherov, Leafs’ Auston Matthews rose from third place to first. Demko (35- nucks’ Rick Tocchet
Colorado Avalanche’s Nathan MacKin- Who votes: Members of the NHL 14-2, 2.45, .918, five shutouts) set career Selke Trophy (defensive forward):
non and Edmonton Oilers’ Connor Players’ Association bests in wins, goals-against average, Panthers center Aleksander Barkov
McDavid. Notes: Kucherov won the award in save percentage and shutouts in just 51 Lady Byng Trophy (sportsman-
Who votes: Professional Hockey 2019 and Matthews won it in 2022. starts as the Canucks won the division ship): Carolina Hurricanes defenseman
Writers Association MacKinnon is a three-time finalist but title. Hellebuyck (37-19-4, 2.39, .921, five Jaccob Slavin
Notes: Kucherov led the NHL and set has never won. Matthews led the league shutouts) won the Jennings Trophy as Jim Gregory GM of the Year: Dallas
a franchise record with 144 points and this season with 69 goals, the most the goaltender on the team allowing the Stars’ Jim Nill
became one of five players in NHL histo- since 1995-96. fewest regular-season goals. He yielded Masterton Trophy (perseverance):
ry to record 100 assists in a season. three or fewer goals in 50 of his 60 ap- Arizona Coyotes’ (now Utah Hockey
MacKinnon set a franchise record with Norris Trophy (defenseman) pearances, including a pair of 10-game Club) Connor Ingram
140 points and led the league in even- streaks with two or fewer goals against. King Clancy Trophy (humanitar-
strength points (92), multi-point games Finalists (in alphabetical order): ian): New York Islanders’ Anders Lee
(44) and shots on goal (405). McDavid Vancouver Canucks’ Quinn Hughes, Calder Trophy (rookie) Mark Messier NHL Leadership
scored 132 points in 76 games to help the Nashville Predators’ Roman Josi and Award: New York Rangers’ Jacob Trou-
Oilers surge from a 2-9-1 start and make Colorado Avalanche’s Cale Makar. Finalists (in alphabetical order): ba

Longtime Predators GM, captain highlight Hall class

Alex Daugherty ing Nashville, he was with the Washing- Weber was drafted in the second
The Nashville Tennessean ton Capitals from 1982 until 1997. round of the 2003 NHL draft. He played
USA TODAY NETWORK He is the only general manager to 763 games for the Predators, scoring 166
lead two separate clubs for 1,000 games goals and recording 277 assists. He was
Former Nashville Predators general and to 500 wins, and he became the traded in 2016 to Montreal, where he
manager David Poile and former de- winningest GM in NHL history with his played five more seasons with the Cana-
fensemen and captain Shea Weber have 1,320th victory during the 2017-18 sea- diens.
been elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame. son. Weber was named captain of the
Poile will join the Hall as a builder, During his tenure as general man- Predators in 2010, a role that was passed
along with Colin Campbell, while Shea ager, the Predators made the playoffs 15 to Mike Fisher in 2016.
Weber will join as a player along with times, including eight straight seasons Poile and Weber are the first two
Pavel Datsyuk, Jeremy Roenick, Natalie between 2015 and 2022. They made the members of the Nashville Predators or-
Darwitz, and Krissy Wendell-Pohl. Stanley Cup Final once (2017) and won Shea Weber, seen here during a 2016 ganization to be inducted into the Hock-
The first general manager in fran- the Presidents’ Trophy once (2018). game, is part of the Hockey Hall of ey Hall of Fame.
chise history, Poile led the Predators for Poile retired in 2023, with Barry Trotz Fame’s 2024 class. The induction ceremony will take
25 seasons starting in 1997. Before join- taking over the position. AARON DOSTER/USA TODAY SPORTS place on Friday, Nov. 8.

Noah Lyles plays cards in racing bib at US trials

Richard Morin was the signature monster used by the
USA TODAY series’ anti-hero, Seto Kaiba.
The card has been printed countless
It’s time to duel. times in many different rarities over the
At least that’s the spirit embodied by years, but the first-edition print of the
Noah Lyles as he emerged victorious in card from 2002 is highly sought by col-
the 100 meters this week at the U.S. lectors and is very expensive. One list-
Olympic Track & Field Trials in Eugene, ing on eBay has the card, which was
Oregon. graded a Gem Mint 10 by PSA, priced at
Lyles, 26, qualified for the Paris $150,000.
Olympics, where he will have the The second card Lyles showed was
chance to earn the title of the fastest Exodia the Forbidden One, a card argu-
man in the world. ably just as iconic as the Blue-Eyes
His secret weapon? Trading cards. White Dragon and the monster used to
Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, to be exact. In two defeat Seto Kaiba by the series’ protago-
consecutive rounds leading to his win, nist Yugi Muto, who duels while being
Lyles pulled a Yu-Gi-Oh! card out of his possessed by the spirit of an Egyptian
bib and flashed it to the camera before pharaoh, in the pilot episode of the
the heat. anime.
What’s the story behind Lyles’ new Exodia is not a strong monster in
tradition? And why Yu-Gi-Oh! cards? terms of its statistics – it has just 1,000
attack points compared to the 3,000 of
What is Yu-Gi-Oh!? Blue-Eyes – but its effect is unstoppable
if applied. If you hold Exodia in your
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a trading card game hand along with the four other neces-
played around the world. Its origins sary pieces – the right leg, left leg, right
were as a manga created by Kazuki Ta- arm and right leg – you automatically
kahashi that tells the story of a teenager win the duel.
who comes to possess a magical relic of First-edition copies of this card can
ancient Egypt that contains the spirit of also fetch a pretty penny, but it’s unlike-
a 5,000-year-old pharaoh. ly these expensive versions were used
Eventually, the card game depicted in by Lyles and stuffed into his bib.
the manga became so popular with Jap- “It depends which version you want,”
anese readers that it was turned into a Noah Lyles already has claimed the title of fastest man in America with his 100 Lyles said of the cards. “Not all of them
physical trading card game in 1999. Yu- meters win. Next up at the Olympic trials: the 200. PATRICK SMITH/GETTY IMAGES are expensive, some of them you can
Gi-Oh! soon expanded worldwide with find for $15-$30, some of them you can
the release of cards in North America in easily pay $500.”
2002 followed by a dubbed anime, some can also be used defensively. Trap cards before races, Ealey will wear the
movies and video games that became cards can catch your opponent off guard famous Rock Lee leg weights, inspired Speculating on cards Lyles could
wildly popular. and swing a duel’s momentum back in by the Naruto anime, during her finals. pull out for 200 and Paris Games
The card game, which is published by your favor. “Me and Chase Ealey got something
Konami, continues to release new cards Yu-Gi-Oh! has introduced many new going on,” Lyles said. “She said if I pull Lyles is scheduled to run the 200 on
and host tournaments around the mechanics and types of monster cards out Yu-Gi-Oh! cards each round, she’ll Thursday and is the prohibitive favorite
world. Games held by two players are in its 25-year history, making it a much wear the Rock Lee weighted shoes and in the event, so which Yu-Gi-Oh! card
called “duels.” The game consists of more complex and strategic game than drop weights during her finals. So I’ve could he show next?
three basic types of cards – monsters, the original iteration. But the basic prin- got to live up to my part of the deal so Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Dark
spells and traps – and the basic objec- ciples still apply. she lives up to her part of the deal.” Magician are intriguing options. Both
tive is to reduce your opponent’s life are iconic cards used by Yugi Muto and
points to zero. Each monster card has a Lyles shares reason for Lyles played monster cards before other characters in the anime.
unique attack and defense value, and game trading cards at trials his heats preceding 100 final But what about Paris? If Lyles want-
many have powerful effects. The idea is ed to save the best for last, he could
to use your monsters to battle those of Lyles said a running bet with world On the first day of competition, Lyles bring the legendary Egyptian God cards
your opponent, dealing damage equal to champion shot-putter Chase Ealey is pulled out a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the Olympics. The three cards – Slifer
the difference in attack value and clear- the reason behind his new tradition, monster card. Arguably the franchise’s the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor
ing the way for direct attacks. Spell and it has to do with a love the two ath- most iconic card, Blue-Eyes White and The Winged Dragon of Ra – are in-
cards can help fortify monsters and de- letes share for anime. Dragon has the highest attack value of credibly powerful effect monsters and
plete your opponent’s resources, but If Lyles continues to draw Yu-Gi-Oh! any normal monster in the game and play a significant role in the anime.

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Chaotic Singles Party in Los Angeles have gone Professor: “We’re not thinking very much about
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‘The Bear’
Season 3 is
chewy and
Kelly Lawler

Take out your forks and knives for

JEFFERSON GRAHAM / USA TODAY NETWORK one more order of “The Bear,” please.
No show is a better fit for binge-
THEY SAID WHAT? watching than the culinary and emo-
THE STARS’ BEST QUOTES tional feast of FX and Hulu’s restau-
rant-set dramedy (Season 3 now
“Being vulnerable and authentic streaming on Hulu, eee). This is a
are two things I thought I had show you devour when new episodes
really worked on and accomplished become available. You savor each pro-
and I really thought I had conquered fane fight between the characters. You
most of my demons. I have heard that chew on the few moments of emotion-
being in a relationship after healing al clarity. You consume the frenzy of a
from a toxic one will bring out some restaurant kitchen, lest that frenzy
triggers you didn’t know were still consume you.
buried. And ain’t that the truth.” – “Bear” returns after winning hefty
Valerie Bertinelli shared on Instagram armfuls of Emmy, SAG and Golden
Monday amid her relationship with Globe awards this winter, graduating
writer Mike Goodnough. Bertinelli from the buzzy and meme-able show
finalized her divorce from Tom Vitale of summers 2022 and 2023 to a bona
in November 2022 and was married to fide Hollywood heavyweight. Now it
musician Eddie Van Halen from seems there is nothing creator Christo-
1981-2007. pher Storer can’t pile into the new sea-
son of the show, from yet more A-list
guest stars to weird experimental epi-
sode formats to more expensive Wa-
“It’s a privilege for me to depict scenarios that are way more dire than my gyu beef than you might find at Nobu.
own,” says “A Quiet Place: Day One” star Lupita Nyong’o. The series is very much the same as
it’s been for two great seasons: still so
stressful it might give you an ulcer

Nyong’o says while you watch, and still full of acer-

bic scripts, great performances and
more trauma processing than you’ll
find in a therapist’s office. “The Bear”

‘Quiet Place’
still grabs you and holds you hostage
inside its very particular world for 10
episodes. When you get out, you’ll be
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY calling your friends “cousin” and

helped her
shouting “hands!” every time you need
someone to hold something. To say it’s
Vera Wang is 75. Khloe Kardashian is immersive is an understatement.
40. Ed Westwick is 37.

face mortality
Patrick Ryan USA TODAY
Aries (March 21-April 19). Searching
for fulfillment? You may be on a quest
for deeper meaning as the moon
NEW YORK − People won’t shut up about the “Quiet Place” cat. h
lights up Saturn and Mercury. In the days leading up to “A Quiet Place: Day One” (in theaters
Taurus (April 20-May 20). Reaching Friday), movie fans have flooded social media with concerned
your most cherished goals takes com-
plete devotion. Feeling like you don’t
posts about the fate of the horror thriller’s feline star, Frodo, who
have what it takes? Dig deep. weathers an alien apocalypse with his owner, Sam (Lupita
Gemini (May 21-June 21). The weight Nyong’o), and her new friend, Eric (Joseph Quinn). Someone
begins to wear on your mind, poten-
tially activating martyr tendencies.
“needs to tell me definitively if the cat survives,” film critic Matt
Jeremy Allen White as Carmen
Cancer (June 22-July 22). Don’t be-
Bullions wrote. “If not, I am literally canceling my tickets.” h “I get “Carmy” Berzatto in Season 3 of "The
lieve everything you think today. it,” quips Nyong’o, who adopted a kitty of her own, Yoyo, after Bear." PROVIDED BY FX
Zoom out while the moon amplifies
Saturn and Mercury.
making the movie. “The thought that anything would happen to
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Unprocessed
my cat would send me to the grave. What I don’t get is how people Season 3 is also, a little like its head
chef Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto (Jere-
grief may try to pull you under. Reliv- could be more invested in the cat than us! That’s hard to take for my Allen White), a little overinflated
ing all the things that went wrong?
Come back to your power.
my ego. h “But, you know, little furry things,” she adds with a and self-important after all the hype
and praise. Chefs (fictional and real
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Partnership
laugh. “They steal the scene every time.” ones playing themselves) keep talking
can feel overwhelming. Your mindset about how less is more, noting that too
is serious when the moon meets Sat- Exploring ‘unexpected’ ing to protect her family from vi- many flavors can ruin a dish. Perhaps
urn and Mercury. emotional territory cious, reptilian creatures that are “The Bear” writers could have taken
hypersensitive to noise. one or two elements off Season 3’s
Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 23). Struggling to
“Day One” is a prequel to John This new film follows the melan- plate.
see the bright side? Life has a gloomi-
Krasinski’s 2018 hit “Quiet Place” choly Sam as she takes a day trip That’s not to say the season is bad –
er glow when the moon talks with
and its 2021 sequel, both of which far from it. But this is a show in which
Saturn and Mercury.
starred Emily Blunt as a mom fight- See ‘QUIET PLACE’, Page 2D the characters demand “everyday ex-
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Forgiving cellence.” How can I not judge it with
yourself? Learning from mistakes? the same eye that Carmy might bring
Make peace with the past while the to his sous chefs’ creations?
moon lights up Saturn and Mercury. The series picks up after the tumul-
tuous Season 2 finale, in which a fairly
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Family
tame friends and family preview at
members or housemates may be ask-
Carmy and his mentee/partner Syd-
ing for your assistance. Unsure what
ney’s (Ayo Edebiri) new restaurant is
to decide? Patiently think it over.
rocked by Carmy’s temper tantrum
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may when he’s stuck inside a freezer.
be due for some serious reflection. The aftershocks of that night are
Get space to fully understand the big, from further cracks in Carmy’s al-
connection. ready fragile mental state to a fracture
in his relationship with friend and
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Knowing
house manager Richie (Ebon Moss-
what holds value helps you overcome
Bacharach) to chaos at the restau-
self-doubts. Move past previous fears.
rant’s nightly service. In addition to
Time to put the work in.
the threat of Carmy’s nervous break-
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). Trust your “You can’t carry around that stuff all day,” says Joseph Quinn, left, who down, the restaurant is on precarious
gut. It may not be what you want to decompressed with Lupita Nyong’o over lunches and “silly TV shows.”


Chaotic Singles Parties are getting attention

Charles Trepany Why daters are choosing
USA TODAY chaos over apps

LOS ANGELES − Is the secret to find- Perhaps the most chaotic element
ing love embracing chaos? of each party, Davis says, is the fact
Maybe, maybe not. But over 200 peo- people are meeting and engaging with
ple were willing to give it a try Friday each other in person rather than online
night at a singles party at Hollywood’s − something that feels revolutionary,
Sassafras Saloon. The main instruc- especially to younger adults who have
tion? Leave your caution at the door and only known a dating landscape dom-
get messy − all in the name of, hopefully, inated by apps.
meeting your perfect match. Statistically, dating apps still reign
It’s called a Chaotic Singles Party. as one of the most popular ways cou-
Started on a whim by Cassidy Davis in ples meet. According to a 2023 Pew
her Los Angeles apartment in February Research Center report, 1 in 10 part-
2022, the parties, which have gone viral nered adults met their current signifi-
on TikTok, are now hosted by Davis cant other on a dating app or website.
across the country and have attracted a That figure is 1 in 5 for those under 30.
loyal fanbase of repeat attendees. Activ- Still, that doesn’t mean everyone’s
ities vary from party-to-party, but all in- Chaos reigns supreme at this singles party. PROVIDED BY TAYLOR WONG PHOTOGRAPHY happy with dating apps. In that same
volve forcing people out of their shells report, 46% of people said their expe-
and into flirting. riences using a dating app or website
Davis’ means of accomplishing this of finding love.” Davis shared videos of this first party were very or somewhat negative.
are, well, chaotic. Friday’s event, spon- on TikTok, where they went viral. Soon Gen Z in particular seems less en-
sored by Ghost Tequila, saw guests, How the Chaotic Singles Party after, people flooded her comments ask- thusiastic about online dating ser-
fresh off a cocktail-making class, came to be ing her to host more of these parties so vices. According to a 2023 Statista re-
scramble to fill out spicy bingo cards. they could go. She threw the first public port, people between the ages of 30
(One square asked people to find some- Davis threw her first Chaotic Singles Chaotic Singles Party at a bar the follow- and 49 make up 61% of online dating
one at the party who “looks like your Party around Valentine’s Day in 2022, ing month. It sold 500 tickets in 30 min- users, while people between 18 and 29
ex.”) Previous Chaotic Singles Parties after five years of being single in Los An- utes and had a waitlist of 900. make up only 26%.
required attendees to bring a stranger geles. The parties have only grown more Chris Thomas is one adult in his 30s
they matched with on a dating app as a “I was so tired of going on crappy cof- popular. “I keep expecting them to die or who’s grown tired of apps and wants to
plus one. At another past party, guests fee dates with dating app matches,” she have it be a viral moment that once was, meet people in person.
left with free vibrators. says. “I was like, ‘I’m so much more fun but they actually keep getting bigger,” “Going back to the pandemic and
The parties are unorthodox, but at a party with my friends. I just wish I Davis says. quarantine and everything, there was
they’ve worked for some. Davis says she could date in this setting. This is really About 25%-30% of Chaotic Singles a long period of time where a lot of us
knows of 40 couples who met at her where I thrive.’ “ Partygoers are repeat attendees, whom weren’t interacting with people in per-
parties and are still together. She also Then she got an idea: What if she and Davis calls her “little chaotic communi- son,” he says. “So ever since then, even
says her parties tap into a deeper need all her single friends invited a random ty.” Christine Lane, an actor in Los An- four years later, it still feels good to talk
in our culture: So many young adults person from a dating app to a party at geles, is one of them. to people in person and be close to
find dating apps monotonous and long her apartment? What could go wrong? After finding out about Chaotic Sin- people.”
to meet romantic connections in real “At the last minute, I kind of panicked gles from TikTok, Lane planned on go- For those looking to attend a
life. According to Davis, that requires and invited 65 men from Tinder and ing to one with a friend. The friend Chaotic Singles Party, Davis recom-
some degree of chaos. gave them all my address, which was bailed on her last minute, but she went mends shelving your timidity, at least
“The idea that we’re all dating in per- the dumbest thing I’ve ever done,” Davis anyway and became fast friends with for the night, and boldly going up to
son, we’re all single in a bar together, is says. “Yeah, my parents were very mad Davis. people.
very chaotic to a lot of people because to hear my plan, but the party happened “I love that she wanted to create a “Just really go for it. Put your fear
they’re used to only online dating,” Da- and no one robbed us; no one got kid- place for people who want to be present aside for one night only, and just kind
vis says. “I really encourage people to napped. So, a 10 out of 10, some would and experience reality to connect and of see where this takes you,” she says.
truly lean into the chaos and be bold, go say.” have that together,” Lane says. “I know “If it helps you find your person that
approach people. This is not just your It also worked well for her: One of the that I’m always going to meet someone night, obviously, I’m thrilled; but, even
average Friday night. It’s Chaotic Sin- guests from that first Chaotic Singles fun and lively and interesting to talk to if it doesn’t, you can make amazing
gles Night. ... You are being an agent of Party ended up becoming Davis’ boy- and can gab. It’s never going to be bor- friends or just kind of give your love life
chaos in that you’re just unabashedly friend. They’ve been together ever ing.” the CPR it needs to bring the excite-
going after what you want and the hope since. ment and the joy back into it.”

‘Quiet Place’
Continued from Page 1D

into New York, which happens to coin-

cide with the start of the alien inva-
She meets Eric while fleeing mon-
sters, and together they venture to-
ward her old Harlem neighborhood,
where she longs to visit the pizza shop
and jazz club of her youth. Lupita Nyong’o, left, and Joseph Quinn
Despite its metropolis setting, “Day do “a really good job of bolstering”
One” tells an even more intimate story feline actor Schnitzel, director Michael
than the first two movies. The friend- Sarnoski says. “He’s really the main
ship between Eric and Sam is the bed- character of the movie!”
Ayo Edebiri as Sydney Adamu in “The Bear” Season 3. PHOTOS PROVIDED BY FX rock of the film. ALAN CHAPMAN/DAVE BENETT/WIREIMAGE
“We’ve seen disaster movies about
military involvement, people trying to

‘The Bear’ rescue a family member or escape the

city,” writer/director Michael Sarnoski
career hot streak for Quinn, who broke
out as Eddie Munson on Netflix series
says. But with Sam, “I wanted a char- “Stranger Things” and will appear in
Continued from Page 1D acter who didn’t have the same priori- Ridley Scott’s upcoming “Gladiator II”
ties that everyone else would have in and Alex Garland’s “Warfare.” “It came
financial footing and the Chicago Tri- this situation. That opened her up to a at a time in my life when I benefited
bune review is due any day. quieter journey that might be unex- from some quiet,” says Quinn, who’s
So yes, just another nerve-racking pected,” taking audiences “into differ- most content when he’s cooking and
day in the neighborhood for our fair ent emotional territory.” gardening at home in the U.K. “With the
chefs. Nyong’o, 41, first watched Sarnos- madness in one’s life, it’s important to
Amid all the mania of the series’ infa- ki’s 2021 film “Pig,” and says she ad- have something concrete.”
mous kitchen scenes there are also qui- Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Richard mired how he tells “these visceral sto- The movie wrestles with poignant
eter moments, like in an episode that “Richie” Jerimovich in "The Bear" ries that have a lot of violence, but themes of acceptance and grief, which
gives beef-sandwich-line-cook-turned- Season 3. there is a tenderness at the heart of it.” also proved healing for Nyong’o. She
fancy-schmancy-sous-chef Tina (Liza The A-lister is no stranger to intense starred in Marvel’s “Black Panther” with
Colón-Zayas) a heart-wrenching back- material, from her Oscar-winning fea- Chadwick Boseman, who died in 2020
story and another set far away from the son 3 sometimes just floats away, par- ture film debut in 2013’s “12 Years a at 43 after a private battle with colon
kitchen with a returning guest star. ticularly in its first and final install- Slave” to her chilling dual roles in Jor- cancer.
They are powerful and understated, the ments. dan Peele’s “Us” in 2019. But “Day One” She shot “Day One” right after the re-
very best “The Bear” can be. There is still a lot of story to tell in is brutal in its own way, as Sam dodges lease of “Panther” sequel “Wakanda
The show’s characters tend to have this world. Tina got the spotlight this debris, swims through flooded subway Forever.”
the deepest conversations of their lives season, but there’s more we want to tunnels, and narrowly escapes getting “In that film, we were grappling with
pretty much everyday. Which is fine! know about Marcus (Lionel Boyce), crushed by a car. Nyong’o also went on the loss of Chadwick Boseman, which
The show has never done anything less the Faks (Matty Matheson and Ricky a strict diet to appear gaunt (we can’t really shook me to my core when it hap-
than take itself as seriously as Carmy Staffieri), Ebraheim (Edwin Lee Gib- say why), meaning she had less pened,” Nyong’o says. “I have been in a
takes a plate of ravioli. But a few mo- son) and every other fascinating em- strength and energy for the movie’s season of thinking about mortality, and
ments this season cross the line from ployee in the kitchen. Richie and Car- frequently demanding stunts. this film brought me even closer to al-
boldly artistic to pretentious. The sea- my have plenty more to fight over. Syd- “Joe was my support system,” most seeking answers to the questions
son premiere, which Gen Z might de- ney is only just starting to realize her Nyong’o says. I’ve been asking with the loss of that
scribe as simply “vibes,” is an extended full potential. There are more plates to The actors have since become close friend of mine. It was scary to have to
montage meant to return the viewer to cook. As anyone in the restaurant in- friends, squeezing in trips to the pool live in that tenuous place making this
the mind and mood of Carmy. Experi- dustry could tell us, the work is never and Broadway’s “Hell’s Kitchen” dur- film; I was afraid to go there. But once I
mental and cool? Sure! Also a bit self- done. ing their whirlwind promotional tour. was there, there’s something about
indulgent? Yes, indeed. “The Bear” is one of the best shows But unlike Sam, their New York jaunt knowing you will surely leave this Earth
During a few overwrought moments, on TV right now, and it will cement its will not include pizza. that makes living much more worth do-
the series transforms from a story into a place on a list of the all-time best if it “I’m gluten-free and dairy-free,” ing.
thought experiment on the very nature stays the course and sheds the ex- Nyong’o says with a sigh. “I don’t know “It’s hard for us as human beings to
of food and cooking and life. Plot isn’t cesses. No need for frills, trills and why I’m the spokesperson for pizza!” remember that we are mortal. But it’s
everything, but it does ground a TV soubise foam on top of the meat of the good to be reminded of it at key points in
show. It’s OK to get your head up in the dish. The characters, the kitchen, the Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn your life so you don’t take it for granted.
clouds and think Big Thoughts every relationships and the hardships are found the movie to be cathartic We must remember to meditate on the
once in a while, but you have to come what people come back to watch. small pleasures, which is what this film
back down to Earth at some point. Sea- Give us what we’re hungry for. “Day One” is the latest project in a is about – it’s about pizza.”

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© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Yesterday’s solution

3. Freebies: fill in single-box cages with the
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ACROSS 46Vaunt
qGV ROUNDUP ` V A # ; ; S qV  B | 1 Joy 48 Highest point
5 Move back and 51 Failing
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q ` V ` ` 9 8 Quite a lot wrinkles
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`ÞĶµµ Èã۵âóµōōµĶ “ċ€ōĽ  there
13 Recliner 59 Carnation color
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19 Where GIs eat 64 Overseas
(2 wds.) money
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qGVZ 21 Come into view
23 Seaside castle
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24 Elitist
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3 Diner sign
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32 Superman, by
4 Agent
5 Howl
6 Ventilate
6-27-24 © 2024 UFS. Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS

24 Sodium chloride 43 Cocktails

1 1
ÊĤ V“ 33 Word of regret
34 Moray
7 Home to the
Reads hastily
Tin Pan —
Hairpin turn
`ÞĶµµ ȵµō
1 11 1 ŇĤ 35 Comrade in
(2 wds.)
8 Summerhouse
Chili con —
48 Closes a certain
© ĂªĶµűĽ AAµµó

ŘƁĕŇ Èãóý¨ İ#ãĂªãĂÑ ţţţţı ŅĤ q,`) 36 Political group 9 Reputation 29 Home — DIY 49 Toledo’s lake
38 Meat in cans 10 “The Big — store 50 “And Then
󜵼§ qµªĂµĽª€ŷijĽ ĂĽűµĶ 39 “Matrix” Theory” 30 Exit There Were —”
ĕĤ ĂªċĶĶ€¨ ÈċĶ ċõ `ZAB Z character 11 "Peter Pan” 31 Gantry” 51 Annelid
ŘĤ “śï€¨ ÈċĶ ċõ Z `eV`; pirate 36 Prediction 52 Birthright seller
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42 Medical
13 Sept
14 Retain
Become idle
 ; ; w GB SSV 20 Country singer 40 Sheer unaccompanied
ŇĤ śýśó€ōµ €Ăª ĽōċĶµ / condition
SSV `V,; determination 57 Feather scarf
/ 44 Horse opera — Williams
B G e B Te, 9 VGZZ
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Mexican architect Luis Rearrange the words to complete the quote.
éé ________ ________ OF ARCHITECTURE ________ DOES
________ EXPRESS ______________ IS A ___________.
6/27 ff
Wednesday’s Answer: “Socializing on the internet is to
socializing what reality TV is to reality.” - Aaron Sorkin


7 L ittle W© rds Unscramble these Jumbles,
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

Find the 7 woids to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses ]s one letter to each square,
roprosert iho numter o> tetters in each solution. Each lettor | to form four ordinary words.
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations “
wil bo oocossory to oomploto tt>o puzzlo.
1 Saturday follower (6)
2 Bronx baseball team (7) ORCNO
3 building (8) / s
4 way past ripe (6) V-/
5 hining the slopes (6)
6 Scottish economist Adam (5) rr>/s
7 engaging rows of metal teeth (7)_____________
?" % THE SUN? “VES" IS THE —
w Now arrange the circled letters
NG NG ER Zl YAN ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

mm cm” -
(Answers tomorrow)
Wednesday's Answers: 1 JUICINESS 2. BALLOTS 3. DEMOTED
__________ 4. SCORES 5. APPEARS 6 YEAST 7 AGASSI______________ 6/27,


n Rank this week n Rank last week


1 2 Swan Song / Hilderbrand, Elin Little Brown and Women F 26 27 Everything We Never Said / Harlow, Sloan G.P. Putnam’s Sons Social Themes - F
Company Dating & Sex

2 3 The Housemaid Is Watching / McFadden, Freida Poisoned Pen Psychological F 27 124 Bluey: A Jigsaw Puzzle Book: Includes 4 Dou- Penguin Young Imagination & Play F
Press ble-Sided Puzzles / Penguin Young Readers Licenses Readers Licenses

3 1 Eruption: Following Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton Little Brown and Thrillers - Suspense F 28 n/a Winter Lost / Briggs, Patricia Ace Books Action & Adventure F
Started Another Masterpiece--James Patterson Just Company
Finished It / Crichton, Michael
4 n/a On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service / Viking Political NF 29 40 Twisted Love / Huang, Ana Bloom Books Romance - New Adult F
Fauci, Anthony

5 6 The Women / Hannah, Kristin St. Martin’s Press Women F 30 15 Leather & Lark: The Ruinous Love Trilogy / Zando - Slowburn Romance - F
Weaver, Brynne Romantic Comedy

6 n/a Red Sky Mourning: A Thriller / Carr, Jack Atria Books Thrillers - Suspense F 31 30 This Summer Will Be Different / Fortune, Carley Berkley Books Women F

7 5 Camino Ghosts / Grisham, John Doubleday Books Thrillers - Suspense F 32 n/a Scandalous / Shen, L. J. Bloom Books Romance - F

8 11 A Court of Thorns and Roses / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Fantasy - Epic F 33 29 Butcher & Blackbird: The Ruinous Love Trilogy Zando Romance - F
Publishing / Weaver, Brynne Romantic Comedy

9 n/a Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Hachette Go Personal Growth - NF 34 9 The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, Crown Publishing United States - NF
Inner and Outer Strength / Kline, Devan Happiness and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War / Larson, Erik Group (NY) 19th Century

10 n/a Middle of the Night / Sager, Riley Dutton Thrillers - Suspense F 35 35 Happy Place / Henry, Emily Berkley Books Women F

11 10 Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder: A Graphic Novel (Dog Graphix Humorous Stories F 36 31 A Court of Mist and Fury / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Fantasy - Epic F
Man #12): From the Creator of Captain Underpants / Publishing
Pilkey, Dav
12 4 Not in Love / Hazelwood, Ali Berkley Books Romance - Workplace F 37 26 The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of Broadside Books American NF
the Men Who Keep Us Free / Hegseth, Pete Government

13 20 The Housemaid / McFadden, Freida Grand Central Psychological F 38 16 Funny Story / Henry, Emily Berkley Books Women F

14 7 How Leaders Learn: Master the Habits of the Harvard Business Personal Success NF 39 32 Fourth Wing / Yarros, Rebecca Entangled: Red Fantasy - Epic F
World’s Most Successful People / Novak, David Review Press Tower Books

15 18 The Measure / Erlick, Nikki William Morrow & Literary F 40 39 Horror Movie / Tremblay, Paul William Morrow & Literary F
Company Company

16 n/a Love & Whiskey: The Remarkable True Story of Jack Melcher Media Inc Personal Memoirs NF 41 36 James / Everett, Percival Doubleday Books Literary F
Daniel, His Master Distiller Nearest Green, and the
Improbable Rise of Uncle Nearest / Weaver, Fawn
17 n/a Sandwich / Newman, Catherine Harper Humorous - General F 42 37 If He Had Been with Me / Nowlin, Laura Sourcebooks Fire Social Themes - F
Dating & Sex

18 n/a The Midnight Feast / Foley, Lucy William Morrow & Women F 43 50 It Ends with Us / Hoover, Colleen Atria Books Women F

19 33 The Rainbow Parade: A Celebration of Sourcebooks Social Themes F 44 47 Powerless / Roberts, Lauren Simon & Schuster Social Themes - F
Lgbtqia+ Identities and Allies / Jordan, Shane Jabberwocky Class Differences

20 8 You Like It Darker: Stories / King, Stephen Scribner Book Thrillers - Suspense F 45 14 All Fours / July, Miranda Riverhead Books Humorous - General F

21 n/a Love Unwritten / Asher, Lauren Bloom Books Romance - F 46 48 Iron Flame / Yarros, Rebecca Entangled: Red Fantasy - Epic F
Contemporary Tower Books

22 22 Just for the Summer / Jimenez, Abby Forever Humorous - General F 47 38 The Housemaid’s Secret / McFadden, Freida Mobius Psychological F

23 n/a Crossing the Desert: The Power of Embracing Benbella Books Business NF 48 46 A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder / Jackson, Holly Ember Thrillers & Suspense F
Life’s Difficult Journeys / Zamani, Payam

24 34 Haunting Adeline / Carlton, H D Hailey Carlton Romance - F 49 n/a Same as It Ever Was / Lombardo, Claire Doubleday Books Literary F

25 28 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Penguin Press Mental Health NF 50 69 Throne of Glass / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury Action & Adventure - F
Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness / Publishing General
Haidt, Jonathan

WHAT AMERICA’S READING® The book list appears every Thursday. You also can find it at Each week, USA TODAY collects sales data from booksellers representing a variety of outlets:
bookstore chains, independent bookstores, mass merchandisers and online retailers. Using that data, we determine the 150 top-selling titles of the week.


Why no one uses headphones anymore

Felecia Wellington Radel How to combat phone rudeness
One thing that may not be loud
Once you notice it, you’ll see that it’s enough is our voices. If something is
happening all around us almost every- bothering or distracting us, why are we
where we go. reluctant to speak up? Why might a per-
There’s the woman on FaceTime at son avoid asking someone to turn the
the next table in the restaurant, the man sound down or off, to ask someone if
scrolling Instagram Reels during the el- they may be able to use headphones, es-
ementary school band concert, the em- pecially if it may help others realize the
ployee in a virtual meeting at the pool behavior is negatively affecting those
sitting next to someone reading, the fel- around them?
low commuters or travelers enjoying “People have a reticence to engage in
some tunes – all on speakerphone. difficult conversations, to communicate
It hasn’t been an immediate change, It hasn’t been an immediate change, but slowly, more people in public places are honestly,” Cohen says, “and we have
but slowly, more people in public places foregoing headphones and just loudly sharing their digital dalliances with misperceptions of how people will re-
are not using headphones and just loud- everyone in their immediate social space. FELECIA WELLINGTON RADEL/USA TODAY spond to honesty, to conflict, to feed-
ly sharing their digital dalliances with back, to even to positive things like
everyone in their immediate social compliments.”
space. people might be affected by that and press that or override that temptation to People are more likely to go to social
With so many headphone options how negatively other people might be want to attend to whatever the person is media or a friend group to communicate
available, it’s a baffling choice. Do you affected – that they might not like the doing. Some people can tune that out with those who are like-minded, she
really want me to hear all about your noise, that they could even hear it.” better than others, and maybe we get says, venting frustration without en-
mom’s recent doctor’s appointment And noisy people doing noisy things more used to tuning that out. But it still gaging in a conversation where you may
while we’re both in the cereal aisle at in public, disrupting others, is nothing can be a distraction.” have to express disagreement.
Target? All the best intentions about not new. But having difficult conversations
eavesdropping are difficult to uphold “It just seems now there’s more op- Is reality TV to blame for may not go as badly as you think, and
when a stranger in a close radius has the portunities for people to do so because our awful phone etiquette? it also might be better for the communi-
volume turned way up. So what gives? we all have technology that makes ty.
noise,” Cohen says. Another influence on our current “We have these misimpressions or
Doom-scrolling and our phone public behavior may be how phone use mispredictions about what honesty in
addictions explain a lot Are we all just selfish and is often portrayed on television and in our lives will be like,” Cohen says,
self-centered? Maybe movies, in particular on reality shows. “Whether that’s giving feedback or just
Smartphones have made it easy to Having phone calls on speakerphone or having a difficult conversation. And it’s
amuse ourselves with even a hint of The shift in how people are using otherwise sharing whatever is happen- not to say it always goes positively, but
possible oncoming boredom. Distrac- their mobile phones and personal de- ing on the device out loud captures the it’s much less negative than we expect,
tion from stresses, worldly worries and vices has been acute but seems to be exchanges for the audience. and it tends to strengthen our relation-
other pressures and problems are also growing more disruptive. What we’re seeing may also impact ships.”
right at our fingertips, never mind the “People are becoming more self-fo- our own behavior. Somewhere, there’s a balance be-
side effects of FOMO and doom-scroll- cused,” Cohen says. “Once we get an impression that oth- tween the extremes of narrow focus
ing that may worsen your mood. And advances in technology – as er people are doing something or that where we ignore those around us and
So why might people choose to watch well as increased prices – make it easier they might find it acceptable, that shifts being too self-conscious and micro-
or listen to something publicly on their to choose to go without headphones, our view of what the norms are,” Cohen managing our behavior.
mobile phones sans headphones? They too. says. “Our actions directly impact others,
aren’t thinking about those around Improvements to microphones, Some may change how they interact and that includes innocuous kinds of
them. speakers and noise-suppressing capa- and have a skewed perception of how behaviors, like how loudly we’re talking
“They’re thinking about themselves,” bilities on our phones, tablets and lap- others actually feel about the behavior if on the phone or watching videos to
says Taya Cohen, professor of organiza- tops allow better filtering of background it might be seen as rude. There’s a term more consequential kind of interac-
tional behavior and theory at Carnegie noise and overall audio. from psychology for this: pluralistic ig- tions. Right now, because of the way the
Mellon University. But where so many of us are gener- norance. technology has been integrated into our
But not necessarily in a malevolent or ally unbothered by what others are do- “So even if the majority of people or lives and focusing our attention, I think
purposely rude way. ing, why are loud speakerphone calls so, most people think a behavior is inap- maybe we’re shifting too far into the
“When we have a narrow focus on the well, annoying? propriate, we might have a sense of plu- self-focus and less mindful about how
content we’re consuming or the interac- “When there’s these stimuli in the ralistic ignorance where we think other our actions affect other people.”
tion we’re having,” Cohen says, “we’re environment, we want to attend to it,” people are more accepting of this be- Sounds like a good time to remember
not thinking very much about how other Cohen says. “And then it’s hard to sup- havior than they actually are.” the golden rule.

CDC narrows age
recommendation for
RSV shots in U.S.


Dems anxious as Biden campaign hopes What to know
faceoff with Trump will ease concerns about highly
Steve Holland and Nandita Bose
anticipated debate
and Jeff Mason
REUTERS Katharine Jackson
For 90 minutes on Thursday night, Presi-
dent Joe Biden has the chance to show doubt- WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden and
ing Americans that, at age 81, he is capable of former president Donald Trump will meet on a
handling the rigors of another four-year term, debate stage on Thursday for the first of two
when he faces off in a debate against Repub- televised faceoffs that could prove critical in
lican Donald Trump. their tight rematch race to win the White
A strong showing could help neutralize House in November.
those concerns and focus voter attention on Here is what you need to know:
policy issues. A weak performance could
dampen fundraising and push Trump further See DEBATE, Page 8NN
ahead in the polls. Both men are under scruti-
ny over their age and stamina.
Trump is 78 and prone to making outland-
ish statements and mangling his sentences on Debate coverage
the campaign trail. Biden has a stiff gait, Thursday’s debate will take place at a CNN studio in
makes verbal slipups and has inconsistent Atlanta with no audience. KEVIN DIETSCH/GETTY IMAGES Follow a live blog on Thursday’s CNN
public appearances, sometimes veering from Presidential Debate at Tune
solidly delivered speeches to rushed, into the debate at 9 p.m. on CNN or simulcast
ABOVE: Joe Biden and Donald Trump. on After the debate, read
See AGE, Page 8NN JIM WATSON, MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILE takeaways, a fact check and debate analysis.

US keeps pause on bomb shipment

to Israel while it’s under review
Matt Spetalnick and Steve Holland civilian deaths in Gaza.
REUTERS Without providing specifics, the official said other
U.S. weapons will continue to flow to Israel as it battles
WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden’s top aides Hamas militants in Gaza and faces Lebanese Hezbol-
told the visiting Israeli defense chief this week that lah fighters on its northern border, where increased
Washington is maintaining a pause on a hostilities have spurred fears of a wider regional con-
shipment of heavy bombs for Israel flict.
while the issue is under review, a senior Gallant warned during his visit that Israel was ca-
U.S. official said on Wednesday. pable of taking Lebanon “back to the Stone Age” in any
The official, briefing reporters about war with Iran-backed Hezbollah but stressed that his
national security adviser Jake Sulli- government prefers a diplomatic solution being pur-
van’s meeting with Defense Minister sued by the United States.
Gallant Yoav Gallant, said the allies remain in Wrapping up his trip, Gallant said on Wednesday
discussions about the single shipment that there had been significant progress on the issue of Palestinian boys sit by their belongings near
of powerful munitions, which was paused by Biden in al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip on
May over concerns they could cause more Palestinian See ISRAEL, Page 8NN Wednesday. EYAD BABA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES



In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.
A cold front progressing Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation for Thursday. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
into the Southeast will
produce thunderstorms
with a risk of localized
damaging wind gusts Seattle Montreal
today. In the Rockies and 65/52 69/47
northern High Plains, Billings
widespread thunderstorms 87/53
Minneapolis Toronto
could cause flash flooding, 70/51
large hail, damaging wind
gusts and even a tornado.
A few morning showers will
dampen New England. Chicago
San Francisco New York
67/53 85/64

Denver Washington
92/64 Kansas City 90/72
Los Angeles 83/68
Anchorage El Paso
65/53 99/82
70/55 Houston
Honolulu 96/78
88/75 Chihuahua
100/75 Miami
Hilo Monterrey 91/79
83/68 90/71
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationary front


NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states) INTERNATIONAL (excludes Antarctica) Hurricane Audrey slammed ashore just Q: What occurs first, lightning or thunder?
High: 112 at Palm Springs, CA High: 120 at In Salah, Algeria east of the Texas-Louisiana border on June
Low: 37 at Utica, MT Low: 11 at El Calafate, Argentina 27, 1957. The storm killed 430 people in
Precip: 4.13” at Poplar Bluff, MO Precip: 6.61” at Honavar, India Cameron, La., and caused $130 million in
damages. The storm had 105-mph winds,
bashing breakers and raging rain. A: Lightning

NATIONAL CITIES THURSDAY O Denotes possible travel delays

Air Air Air Air
High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality
O Aberdeen, SD 76/67/t 31 Evansville, IN 87/67/s 48 Levittown, PA 89/63/pc 77 Rochester, NY 72/52/pc 35
O Abilene, TX 102/79/s 40 Fall River, MA 83/56/pc 58 Lincoln, IL 80/62/pc 49 Rockford, IL 76/58/s 45
Accomac, VA 85/68/t 59 O Farmington, NM 89/64/t 42 Louisville, KY 87/68/s 65 Ruidoso, NM 80/63/t 59
Adrian, MI 76/55/s 33 O Fayetteville, NC 94/73/t 71 O Lubbock, TX 101/77/s 51 Salem, OR 73/53/c 24
Akron, OH 75/53/s 34 Fond du Lac, WI 72/56/s 33 Manitowoc, WI 65/56/s 27 O Salina, KS 84/72/t 48
Alamogordo, NM 96/73/t 58 Fort Myers, FL 90/77/t 33 Mansfield, OH 74/53/s 33 Salinas, CA 67/53/pc 44
Alexandria, VA 90/70/pc 72 Fort Smith, AR 94/72/s 53 Marshall, NC 82/66/t 63 Salisbury, MD 88/67/c 72
Alliance, OH 75/53/s 36 Framingham, MA 84/54/c 62 Marshfield, WI 71/56/pc 34 San Angelo, TX 105/78/s 34
O Amarillo, TX 98/77/s 56 Freeport, IL 75/57/s 40 Massillon, OH 76/55/s 39 Sarasota, FL 90/80/t 20
O Ames, IA 77/66/t 51 Fremont, OH 75/58/s 30 McLean, VA 90/68/pc 68 O Savannah, GA 96/76/t 55
Anderson, SC 89/72/t 76 O Fort Collins, CO 92/63/t 95 Melbourne, FL 91/75/t 32 Sheboygan, WI 65/57/s 24
Appleton, WI 75/58/pc 31 Gadsden, AL 85/72/t 62 Memphis, TN 89/72/t 34 Shelby, NC 86/69/t 72
Asheville, NC 81/67/t 65 O Gainesville, FL 92/74/t 29 Middletown, NY 81/50/pc 62 Sherman, TX 100/78/s 44
Ashland, OH 74/53/s 32 Galesburg, IL 80/61/pc 49 Milford, MA 83/52/pc 62 Shreveport, LA 94/76/t 41
Athens, GA 87/71/t 81 Gastonia, NC 87/70/t 73 Milwaukee, WI 68/59/s 33 O Silver City, NM 95/69/t 58
O Augusta, GA 93/73/t 81 Glen Rose, TX 101/78/s 37 Monroe, MI 75/59/s 33 O Sioux Falls, SD 75/68/t 33
Austin, TX 99/76/s 28 Gonzales, LA 90/76/t 30 Monroe, LA 92/72/t 32 Somerset, PA 78/53/s 50
Bartlesville, OK 91/74/pc 64 O Great Falls, MT 72/48/t 42 Montgomery, AL 87/74/t 53 Somerville, NJ 88/58/pc 74
Battle Creek, MI 75/58/s 45 Green Bay, WI 73/55/pc 26 Muncie, IN 79/59/s 38 South Bend, IN 76/58/s 47
Bedford, IN 82/62/s 43 Greenville, SC 89/71/t 76 Murfreesboro, TN 85/69/t 54 Spartanburg, SC 87/70/t 80
Binghamton, NY 72/50/pc 50 Hackensack, NJ 87/62/pc 78 Naples, FL 90/79/t 28 Springfield, IL 81/62/pc 60
O Bluffton, SC 92/76/t 59 Hagerstown, MD 89/63/s 55 Nashville, TN 87/70/t 51 Springfield, MO 88/69/pc 71
Bremerton, WA 65/51/c 17 Hattiesburg, MS 89/75/t 30 Neptune, NJ 84/65/pc 61 O St. Augustine, FL 93/77/t 33
Brockton, MA 85/56/pc 71 Henderson, KY 86/65/s 46 New Bedford, MA 82/56/sh 57 O St. Cloud, MN 77/66/t 26
O Brownwood, TX 104/76/s 41 Hendersonville, NC 80/67/t 66 O New Bern, NC 92/72/t 45 O St. George, UT 104/78/pc 67
Burlington, IA 79/65/pc 50 Herkimer, NY 73/49/pc 41 New Philadelphia, OH 78/54/s 35 Staunton, VA 88/63/pc 51
Burlington, NC 88/68/t 68 Hillsdale, MI 75/55/s 39 Newark, OH 81/55/s 40 Stevens Point, WI 73/57/s 32
Burlington, VT 73/51/pc 31 Holland, MI 68/61/s 38 Newton, NJ 84/52/pc 66 Stockton, CA 92/56/s 53
Cambridge, OH 81/56/s 40 Hornell, NY 72/48/pc 31 New York, NY 85/64/pc 75 Stroudsburg, PA 83/52/s 67
Camdenton, MO 85/69/pc 59 Houma, LA 89/77/t 31 Norwich, CT 85/54/pc 71 Stuart, FL 91/76/t 45
Canandaigua, NY 71/52/pc 33 Howell, MI 73/53/s 32 O Ocala, FL 91/75/t 29 Sturgis, MI 74/60/s 39
Canton, OH 76/54/s 40 O Hutchinson, KS 87/74/t 48 Oklahoma City, OK 95/76/s 55 O Tallahassee, FL 91/76/t 29
Carlsbad, NM 101/75/pc 75 Hyannis, MA 77/58/sh 58 Opelousas, LA 90/76/t 30 Thibodaux, LA 87/76/t 31
Chambersburg, PA 88/59/s 54 Indianapolis, IN 81/62/s 50 Oshkosh, WI 73/58/pc 30 O Topeka, KS 85/71/t 58
Cherry Hill, NJ 89/65/pc 76 Iowa City, IA 79/65/pc 49 Palm Beach, FL 90/78/t 41 Tuscaloosa, AL 86/73/t 43
Cincinnati, OH 83/62/s 46 Ithaca, NY 70/49/pc 44 Palm Springs, CA 112/79/s 73 Utica, NY 72/46/pc 41
Clarksville, TN 88/68/s 43 Jackson, MS 89/74/t 30 O Panama City, FL 86/80/t 27 Ventura, CA 72/59/pc 51
Coldwater, MI 74/57/s 40 Jackson, TN 88/70/t 38 Pekin, IL 81/64/pc 49 O Victorville, CA 97/63/s 90
Columbus, OH 81/59/s 36 O Jacksonville, FL 96/76/t 38 O Pensacola, FL 88/77/t 25 Vineland, NJ 90/61/pc 71
Corning, NY 75/50/pc 41 O Jacksonville, NC 90/72/t 43 Peoria, IL 81/63/pc 49 Visalia, CA 97/61/s 70
Corpus Christi, TX 97/81/t 49 Kent, OH 73/52/s 40 Petersburg, VA 89/69/t 61 Washington, DC 90/72/pc 76
O Daytona Beach, FL 92/76/t 32 Kewanee, IL 78/60/pc 46 Phoenix, AZ 112/90/s 78 O Watertown, SD 73/66/t 50
O Deming, NM 97/72/t 53 Keyser, WV 87/59/s 54 Port Huron, MI 70/48/s 24 Wausau, WI 73/56/pc 30
DeRidder, LA 92/76/t 28 O Kinston, NC 94/71/t 56 Portsmouth, NH 82/54/sh 57 Waynesboro, PA 89/63/s 58
O Des Moines, IA 78/68/t 57 Knoxville, TN 85/70/t 74 Poughkeepsie, NY 84/53/pc 66 White Plains, NY 84/58/pc 82
Detroit, MI 75/56/s 32 Lafayette, IN 78/58/s 53 Providence, RI 82/57/pc 64 Wichita Falls, TX 102/79/s 49
O Devils Lake, ND 70/63/t 31 Lafayette, LA 89/78/t 30 O Pueblo, CO 97/65/t 77 Wilmington, DE 87/64/pc 79
Dover, NH 83/53/sh 53 Lakeland, FL 91/75/t 32 Quincy, MA 84/60/c 71 O Wilmington, NC 94/73/t 45
El Paso, TX 99/82/t 66 Lansing, MI 73/54/s 45 Redding, CA 95/67/s 48 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 74/57/pc 32
Elmira, NY 75/51/pc 44 Las Cruces, NM 97/75/t 69 Reno, NV 90/57/s 53 Wooster, OH 75/53/s 32
Erie, PA 72/56/s 32 Lebanon, PA 86/57/s 68 Ravenna, OH 73/52/s 36 Worcester, MA 79/54/pc 66
Eugene, OR 75/49/c 19 O Leesburg, FL 89/76/t 32 Richmond, IN 80/58/s 40 York, PA 88/62/s 68
Air Quality Index: 0-50, Good; 51-100, Moderate; 101-150, Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200, Unhealthy; 201-300, Very unhealthy; 301-500, Hazardous
Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W
Acapulco 89/75/pc 88/75/pc Cape Town 75/51/s 79/59/s La Paz 61/32/pc 63/30/s O San Jose 75/66/r 79/67/r
Addis Ababa 69/55/sh 70/56/sh Caracas 92/75/sh 90/75/t Lagos 85/76/t 86/76/t O San Salvador 84/70/r 79/69/r
Algiers 85/68/s 84/70/pc O Casablanca 77/62/pc 80/63/pc Lima 65/58/pc 65/60/pc Santiago 60/41/pc 59/36/s
Amman 97/76/s 96/73/s O Colombo 87/80/t 87/81/sh Lisbon 79/64/pc 74/63/c O Sao Paulo 73/60/c 82/62/c
Amsterdam 80/60/pc 68/55/pc Copenhagen 81/64/pc 74/56/c O London 75/54/pc 71/52/s Sarajevo 75/58/t 80/61/t
Ankara 90/62/s 93/65/s O Damascus 105/68/s 104/69/s Madrid 95/64/pc 81/61/r O Shanghai 78/73/t 85/77/t
Asuncion 69/57/pc 74/52/c O Dublin 62/52/pc 64/52/c O Manila 89/80/t 92/80/t Singapore 89/79/pc 89/80/t
Athens 91/70/s 92/78/s Geneva 86/64/c 89/66/t Mexico City 75/57/sh 73/57/c Stockholm 83/61/s 78/55/t
Auckland 61/43/s 59/46/pc O Guatemala City 79/63/t 76/63/t Milan 87/66/s 90/72/pc Sydney 65/45/s 64/45/s
Baghdad 109/84/pc 111/85/pc Hanoi 90/80/t 94/82/t Mombasa 84/72/pc 85/72/c Taipei 98/81/c 98/80/t
Bangkok 93/81/t 95/81/t Harare 67/49/pc 67/43/pc Montevideo 62/47/pc 54/40/pc O Tegucigalpa 84/66/t 78/69/t
O Beijing 96/73/pc 100/74/pc Havana 91/75/t 89/75/t Montreal 69/47/pc 72/59/s Tehran 97/75/s 97/79/s
Beirut 87/79/s 87/78/s Helsinki 71/62/s 74/63/s O Moscow 79/58/r 84/67/s Tokyo 82/70/c 75/71/pc
Belgrade 79/66/t 84/67/sh Hong Kong 92/84/c 92/84/c Nairobi 70/54/pc 73/54/c O Toronto 70/51/pc 73/61/pc
Berlin 87/68/t 83/57/c Jakarta 91/77/t 92/76/t New Delhi 90/81/t 90/81/t O Tunis 95/73/s 96/74/s
O Bogota 68/49/sh 64/50/sh Jerusalem 93/70/s 93/68/s Panama City 84/77/t 86/77/t Vancouver 64/54/sh 67/57/pc
Brussels 84/55/pc 74/53/pc Johannesburg 63/40/pc 64/43/pc Paris 87/57/t 77/57/pc O Vienna 79/65/t 87/67/pc
Bucharest 91/60/s 93/65/s Kabul 93/69/s 95/67/s Port-au-Prince 98/75/pc 95/75/t Warsaw 89/66/pc 89/66/t
Budapest 82/63/sh 86/66/r Khartoum 106/84/pc 106/84/pc O Rio de Janeiro 78/69/sh 83/74/pc Yerevan 78/56/s 81/58/s
Buenos Aires 62/47/pc 55/39/s Kyiv 84/64/s 85/66/s Riyadh 112/86/pc 111/85/s Zagreb 82/63/c 88/65/pc
O Cairo 102/78/s 103/79/s Kingston 91/82/r 92/81/pc Rome 83/64/s 86/66/s Zurich 81/61/t 83/63/t
O Denotes possible travel delays Thursday Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
©2024; forecasts and graphics provided by




The most Little engineer

that could
wanted Shipworms have been the bane of
The International Criminal Court ships, ports and dikes for thousands
this week issued arrest warrants for of years.
two senior Russian officials accused The marine creatures are the ter-
of war crimes and crimes against hu- mites of the sea: They are capable of
manity for their role in Russia’s inva- digesting wood – a feat that few
sion of Ukraine, the Associated Press animals can do.
reported. Measuring up to six inches in
On Tuesday, the Netherlands- length, they have gone down in his-
based tribunal accused former De- tory for wrecking San Francisco Bay
fense Minister Sergei Shoigu and mil- a hundred years ago and contrib-
itary chief of staff Gen. Valery Gerasi- uting to the destruction of the Span-
mov of being responsible for civilian ish Armada by the English in 1588.
attacks in Ukraine. The allegations Even so, American poet and natu-
center on the period between October ralist Henry David Thoreau paid
2022 and March 2023, when Russia homage to them in the poem
launched a wave of missile and drone MONGOLIA But the MPP is entrenched. Ob- “Through All the Fates.”
strikes on Ukraine that killed thou- servers at Fitch Solutions, for ex- Now, scientists have discovered
sands and damaged key infrastruc-
ture, including its energy system.
Sharing ample, believe that opposition
groups have little or no chance to
how the shipworm – technically, a
mollusk species – is able to consume
The court alleged there was rea-
sonable ground to believe that Shoigu
the wealth gain significant seats in parliament.
Meanwhile, the party appears
In their paper, a research team
– who served as Russia’s defense Mongolian judges recently visited determined not to leave anything to dissected and analyzed the insides
minister at the time – and Gerasimov Plainview, Texas, to learn about chance. A leader of the Democratic of Teredo navalis shipworms to un-
were responsible for “missile strikes American justice. They also visited Party, who was also governor of the derstand their timber-gobbling abil-
carried out by the Russian armed the Cadillac Ranch art installation, district of Sant Sum, for example, ities.
forces against the Ukrainian electric which features half-buried, colorful- was beaten to death recently while Wood is not easy to digest be-
infrastructure” during that period. ly painted cars, and the Big Texan meeting with MPP representatives. cause it contains a very tough com-
Moscow has insisted that the Steak Ranch, home of the famous DP leaders blamed the oppressive ponent known as lignin, requiring
strikes mainly targeted military in- 72-ounce steak-eating challenge, the political climate that has grown special enzymes to break it down.
stallations, despite the civilian casu- Plainview Herald reported. worse in recent years under the rul- The team found that the enzymes
alties. However, ICC judges stated The Mongolian judges may have ing party. weren’t produced by the intestines
that the attacks targeted civilians and found these lessons useful as their Mongolian voters might have to or the stomach, but originated from
that any potential military targets country – wedged between China wait to see the benefits of the extrac- a sub-organ, typhlosole.
would have caused excessive civilian and Russia – prepares for a parlia- tive industries in their midst, too, A closer examination showed that
harm compared with any anticipated mentary election on Friday. even though, as the Foreign Policy bacteria known as Alteromonas pro-
military advantage. Corruption is the biggest issue on Research Institute explained, it can duced the special enzyme, a finding
Shoigu, a long-time ally of Russian voters’ minds, the Diplomat wrote. easily trade with China and Russia – that underscores a symbiotic rela-
President Vladimir Putin and defense Many especially want the Mongolian while also playing both off against tionship between shipworms and
minister for 12 years, was replaced last People’s Party, which dominates the the U.S. microbes.
month by economist Andrey Belou- legislature and holds the executive Record-high coal exports have The study challenges previous
sov, CNN wrote. branch under President Khurelsukh yielded record revenues for the assumptions that the shipworm’s
Gerasimov has led Russia’s armed Ukhnaa, to share the wealth that the country, while the new Oyu Tolgoi guts were “nearly sterile,” while also
forces for over a decade and was key country’s massive mining sector copper mine promises even more underscoring the practical applica-
in planning the Ukraine invasion. He now generates – but for what many cash as demand for the metal has tions of the mollusk’s ability.
was appointed overall commander of believe is only an elite few. skyrocketed, the East Asia Forum “(Shipworms) are found through-
the campaign in January 2023. Opposition parties were especial- noted. out the world’s oceans and not only
It is unlikely that either suspect ly excited this year to gain at least But Mongolia might need to wait have they changed history, they are
will be detained because Russia is not some power because the number of until the 2030s before revenues from also ecosystem engineers and play a
a member of the global court, does not legislative seats has increased from these industries make up for the fundamental role in cycling carbon
recognize its jurisdiction and has re- 76 to 126, giving them a chance to economy having tanked during the in aquatic environments,” co-author
fused to hand over other individuals. win more offices. coronavirus pandemic. Reuben Shipway said in a statement.

Bolivian military coup attempt fails

US says it has been closely
monitoring situation “Today the country is facing an
attempted coup d’état. Today the
Daniel Ramos country faces once again interests so
REUTERS that democracy in Bolivia is cut short.
The Bolivian people are summoned
LA PAZ – Bolivian armed forces today. We need the Bolivian people to
pulled back from the presidential palace organize and mobilize against the
in La Paz on Wednesday evening and a coup d’état in favor of democracy.”
general was arrested after President
Luis Arce slammed a “coup” attempt Bolivian President Luis Arce
against the government and called for
international support. Zuniga said recently that Morales
Earlier in the day, military units led should not be able to return as president
by Gen. Juan Jose Zuniga, recently and threatened to block him if he at-
stripped of his military command, had tempted to, which led Arce to remove
gathered in the central Plaza Murillo Zuniga from his post.
square, home to the presidential palace Ahead of the attack on the presiden-
and Congress. A Reuters witness saw an tial palace, Zuniga had addressed re-
armored vehicle ram a door of the presi- porters in the square and cited growing
dential palace and soldiers rush in. anger in the landlocked country, which
“Today the country is facing an at- has been battling an economic slump
tempted coup d’état. Today the country with depleted central bank reserves and
faces once again interests so that de- A woman walks away from tear gas fired by military troops outside the pressure on the boliviano currency as
mocracy in Bolivia is cut short,” Arce presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday. gas exports have dried up.
said in comments from the presidential “Stop destroying, stop impoverishing
palace, with armed soldiers outside. our country, stop humiliating our army,”
“The Bolivian people are summoned Zuniga told a local TV station while call-
today. We need the Bolivian people to ing for a new cabinet of ministers. He
organize and mobilize against the coup was in full uniform, flanked by soldiers,
d’état in favor of democracy.” insisting the action being taken was
A few hours later, a Reuters witness supported by the public.
saw soldiers withdraw from the square Zuniga told reporters later on
and police take control of the plaza. Bo- Wednesday that Arce had on Sunday
livian authorities arrested Zuniga and asked him to “raise something up” to
took him away, though their destination boost his popularity, without offering
was unclear. evidence.
Inside the presidential palace, Arce Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo
swore in José Wilson Sanchez as the later said Zuniga was seeking to court
military commander, Zuniga’s former popular support and that the nine peo-
role. He called for calm and order. ple injured in the attempt proved “this
“I order that all personnel mobilized was not a drill.”
on the streets return to their units,” San- Morales, head of the ruling MAS so-
chez said. “We entreat that the blood of cialist party, said that his supporters
our soldiers not be spilled.” would mobilize.
The United States said it was closely “We will not allow the armed forces to
monitoring the situation and urged violate democracy and intimidate peo-
calm and restraint. ple,” Morales said.
Tensions have been building in Boliv- Bolivia’s public prosecutor’s office
ia ahead of general elections in 2025, said it would launch a criminal investi-
with leftist ex-President Evo Morales Military troops are deployed outside the palace Wednesday. Tensions have gation against Zuniga and others in-
planning to run against former ally Arce, grown ahead of general elections in 2025. PHOTOS BY AIZAR RALDES/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES volved in the attempted coup. Public
creating a major rift in the ruling social- support for Arce and Bolivia’s democra-
ist party and wider political uncertainty. cy has poured in from regional leaders
Many do not want a return of when he was ousted amid widespread conservative government. Arce then and beyond, including Mexican Presi-
Morales, who governed from 2006-2019 protests and replaced by an interim won election in 2020. dent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


Stress test: US banks Wall Street

may face steeper losses indexes
slightly up
But large cushions
remain in annual Trade choppy ahead
Fed health check of inflation data
Ankika Biswas, Lisa Pauline
Pete Schroeder and Nupur Anand Mattackal and Carolina Mandl

WASHINGTON – The biggest U.S. Major U.S. stock indexes closed

banks would have enough capital to with modest gains on Wednesday
withstand severe economic and market after a choppy trading session, with
turmoil, the Federal Reserve’s annual investors holding their cards close to
“stress test” exercise showed on the vest ahead of a presidential de-
Wednesday, but firms faced steeper hy- bate and an inflation report closely
pothetical losses this year due to riskier watched by Federal Reserve policy-
portfolios. makers.
The exercise found 31 big banks “We’re in this kind of holding pat-
would weather a spike in the jobless tern while we wait to see on Friday’s
rate, severe market volatility, and dives personal consumption expenditure
in the residential and commercial mort- Of the banks tested, Charles Schwab Corp. reported the highest capital levels, report to get more information,” said
gage markets and still retain enough posting a 25.2% capital ratio under that severe scenario. Michael Green, portfolio manager at
capital to continue lending. RUSS WILES/ARIZONA REPUBLIC FILE Simplify.
Specifically, the Fed found levels of Leading chipmaker Nvidia closed
high-quality capital at the banks would up 0.25%, surging just before the
dip to 9.9% at their lowest levels, which of 17.6% to existing loan balances on closing bell to erase losses. Other
is more than twice the regulatory mini- credit cards, but Ally Financial experi- megacaps such as Apple, Amazon-
mum. enced losses of 40.6% in the test on its .com and Tesla also posted gains.
The relatively clean bill of health relatively small credit card portfolio. Several economic data releases
clears the way for the banks to an- Capital One, one of the nation’s largest are due this week, leading to Friday’s
nounce capital plans to shareholders in credit card banks, experienced losses of release of the personal consumption
the coming days, including stock buy- 23.2%, and Goldman Sachs recorded expenditures, or PCE, price index,
backs and dividends. Banks can an- 25.4% in losses. the Federal Reserve’s preferred in-
nounce capital plans after the market The Fed also said that banks’ corpo- flation gauge used to decide on the
closes on Friday, a senior Fed official rate credit portfolios have shifted to- path of monetary policy.
said. ward riskier loans, and they now hold a The Fed has been projecting only
“We are positively surprised with the The Fed singled out credit cards as a larger share of non-investment grade one interest rate cut this year, in De-
results as we expected losses to be particular source of losses for banks, corporate credit, with these loans more cember. But investors see a 56.3%
slightly higher compared to the last few accounting for over a quarter of than three times more likely to default chance of a 25-basis point rate cut in
years, especially in areas such as com- hypothetical losses. than investment grade ones. September, and about two cuts by
mercial real estate,” said Chris Marinac, PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILE In the 2024 stress test, banks were the year-end, LSEG’s interest rate
director of research at financial adviser projected to lose $142 billion on com- probabilities app showed.
Janney Montgomery Scott. “This shows mercial and industrial (C&I) loans, rep- The Dow Jones Industrial Aver-
that the banks are in good health.” capital ratios well above minimums, resenting 21% of total projected losses. age rose 16.10 points, or 0.04%, to
However, the test did find banks suf- with JPMorgan posting the highest at C&I loans are made to businesses and 39,128.26, the S&P 500 gained 8.61
fered steeper losses this year. The 2024 12.5%, and Wells Fargo the lowest at can include working capital advances, points, or 0.16%, to 5,477.91 and the
version of the stress test was broadly 8.1%. Bank of America posted a 9.1% term loans and loans to individuals for Nasdaq Composite gained 87.50
similar to last year’s, and the Fed said capital ratio, and Citigroup posted a business purposes. points, or 0.49%, to 17,805.16.
the higher losses were due to how bank 9.7% ratio. Discover Financial, which Capital “Investors are sitting on their
portfolios have shifted. “The continued strength and resil- One hopes to buy pending regulatory hands, waiting for tomorrow’s presi-
The banks that were tested would ience of the banking sector is further ev- approval, posted the steepest commer- dential debate and for additional
suffer a combined $685 billion in losses idence that the recent tsunami of new cial and industrial loan losses at 21.8%. economic news in particular this Fri-
under a hypothetical severe scenario. regulation, including proposed higher The Fed also flagged that non-inter- day’s PCE,” said Sam Stovall, chief
On average, banks saw their capital ra- capital standards, is unwarranted,” Rob est income at banks from items like in- investment strategist at CFRA.
tios fall by 2.8 percentage points, the Nichols, CEO of the American Bankers vestment fees have declined signifi- Positive earnings and benign in-
steepest decline since 2018. Association, said in a statement. cantly in recent years, while non-inter- flation data could encourage more
Of the banks tested, Charles Schwab est expenses like compensation and rotation from tech to sectors that
Corp. reported the highest capital levels Bigger losses real estate costs have not. have lagged this year, said Ryan De-
under the test, posting a 25.2% capital While banks were expected to per- trick, chief market strategist at the
ratio under that severe scenario. Bank The Fed singled out credit cards as a form well under this year’s exam as they Carson Group. Earlier this week, in-
of New York Mellon Corp, JPMorgan particular source of losses for banks, ac- have in years prior, the annual results vestors had increased bets on non-
Chase, Morgan Stanley, Northern Trust counting for over a quarter of hypotheti- are significant for each firm because technology sectors.
and State Street all reported double- cal losses. The Fed noted that large bank how well they perform dictates how “We’re probably going to see this
digit capital ratios after the test, as did credit card balances have grown by over much capital they must hold against po- choppiness continue until there is a
the U.S. operations of Deutsche Bank $100 billion in the last year, and delin- tential losses. Excess funds beyond catalyst,” said Brian Jacobsen, chief
and UBS. quency rates have risen by over 40%. those capital levels can then be returned economist at Annex Wealth Man-
The largest global banks all posted The tested banks overall saw losses to shareholders. agement.
Appliances manufacturer Whirl-
pool surged 17.1% after Reuters re-
ported that German engineering
group Robert Bosch is weighing a bid

Republican AGs challenge fuel economy rules for the U.S. appliances maker.
FedEx jumped 15.53% after the
delivery giant forecast fiscal 2025
David Shepardson profit above estimates, boosting the
REUTERS Dow Jones Transport index to its
highest in over a month.
WASHINGTON – A group of 26 state Apple rose nearly 2% after Rosen-
attorneys general led by West Virginia blatt upgraded the iPhone maker’s
and Kentucky on Wednesday chal- stock to “buy” from “neutral.” Tesla
lenged the Biden administration’s new gained 4.81% as Stifel initiated cov-
fuel economy rules, calling the require- erage with a buy rating.
ments unworkable and saying they Shares of Amazon Inc. rose 3.9%,
would force automakers to build more bringing the company’s market val-
electric vehicles. ue above $2 trillion, the fifth U.S.
The National Highway Traffic Safety corporation to cross that level.
Administration earlier this month final- Shares of major U.S. banks in-
ized tighter vehicle fuel economy rules cluding Morgan Stanley, Citigroup
through 2031 that are significantly less and Bank of America slipped ahead
stringent than first proposed. NHTSA of the Fed’s release of results from
said it would hike corporate average fuel its annual banking sector stress test.
economy requirements to about 50.4 The broader S&P 500 financial in-
miles per gallon by 2031 from 39.1 mpg dex fell 0.47%.
currently. The new requirement is bare- Rivian soared 23.24% as German
ly above the 49 mpg it previously re- automaker Volkswagen said it will
quired for 2026. invest up to $5 billion in the U.S.
Republican state attorneys general electric-vehicle maker.
and oil industry groups have challenged General Mills fell 4.59% after the
a number of regulatory efforts by the Bi- Cheerios cereal maker forecast an-
den administration to boost vehicle effi- nual profit below estimates and
ciency, reduce greenhouse gas emis- posted a bigger-than-expected drop
sions and increase EVs, while Republi- in quarterly sales.
can presidential candidate Donald Declining issues outnumbered
Trump has vowed to rescind the Biden advancers by a 1.41-to-1 ratio on the
administration’s EV regulations. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration earlier this month finalized NYSE. There were 106 new highs and
The lawsuit by the state attorneys tighter vehicle fuel economy rules through 2031. EDUARDO MUNOZ/REUTERS FILE 89 new lows on the NYSE.
general, filed in the 6th U.S. Circuit The S&P 500 posted 10 new 52-
Court of Appeals, argues that the rule week highs and 6 new lows while the
“exceeds the agency’s statutory author- crease for light trucks for 2027 and 2028 nothing, NHTSA said. Nasdaq Composite recorded 41 new
ity and otherwise is arbitrary, capri- and will require only 2% increases from It was the third action that President highs and 171 new lows.
cious, an abuse of discretion, and not in 2029 through 2031. Joe Biden’s administration has taken in
accordance with law.” Last year, NHTSA said its proposal to recent months that tightened vehicle
NHTSA did not immediately com- hike fuel economy standards through regulatory proposals less than originally
ment. 2032 would cost the industry $14 billion promised. New compliance calculations “We’re probably going to see this
In July 2023, NHTSA proposed in projected fines over a five-year-peri- for EVs that were less strict than pro- choppiness continue until there is
boosting CAFE requirements by 2% per od. Under the final rule, the auto indus- posed, and new tailpipe rules would ul- a catalyst.”
year for passenger cars and 4% per year try is collectively expected to face a total timately require automakers to make Brian Jacobsen
for light trucks from 2027 through 2032. of $1.83 billion in fines from 2027 fewer EVs than they had originally fore- Chief economist at Annex Wealth Management
The final regulation, however, has no in- through 2031 – or it could be as little as cast.

Court set to allow emergency abortions

Draft ruling in Idaho case
is inadvertently posted

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme

Court appears poised to allow – for now
– abortions to be performed in Idaho in
cases of medical emergencies for preg-
nant women, according to an apparent
draft ruling in the case that a spokesper-
son said was inadvertently and briefly
uploaded to the court’s website.
The document was published by
Bloomberg after the court issued two
rulings earlier in the day, as the justices
near the end of their current term with
decisions in several major cases due to
be announced in the coming days. The
disclosure of the document represented
another embarrassment for the top U.S.
judicial body, coming two years after the
draft of a blockbuster ruling rolling back
abortion rights was leaked in advance.
The opinion in the Idaho case “has
not been released,” court spokesperson
Patricia McCabe said in a statement. The disclosure of the document represented another embarrassment for the Supreme Court. ANDREW HARNIK/GETTY IMAGES
The justices heard arguments in the
case in April.
“The court’s Publications Unit inad- dispute, opting instead to dismiss the Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice That is regrettable.”
vertently and briefly uploaded a docu- case as “improvidently granted,” ac- Brett Kavanaugh, according to the docu- Alito was the author of the 2022 deci-
ment to the court’s website,” McCabe cording to the document. ment. sion that overturned the landmark 1973
added, saying the ruling “will be issued The document indicated that conser- Barrett wrote that the dispute has Roe v. Wade precedent that had legal-
in due course.” vative Justices Clarence Thomas, Sam- significantly narrowed since the court ized abortion nationwide and was
Reuters could not immediately con- uel Alito and Neil Gorsuch voted in dis- agreed to resolve it, according to the leaked a month before being formally is-
firm the authenticity of the document. sent. document. sued. The culprit behind that leak has
The decision, as reflected by the doc- Barrett said Biden’s administration never been identified.
ument, would effectively reinstate a ‘Not a victory’ has disclaimed certain interpretations EMTALA requires hospitals that re-
lower court’s ruling that had found that of EMTALA that Idaho had raised, in- ceive funding under the federal Medi-
Idaho’s near-total abortion ban must Liberal Justice Ketanji Brown Jack- cluding that it would force doctors to care program to “stabilize” patients with
yield to a 1986 U.S. law known as the son in a separate opinion agreed with perform abortions over conscience ob- emergency medical conditions. Hospi-
Emergency Medical Treatment and La- the court’s decision to lift its stay, but jections, and that the state said its law tals that violate EMTALA can face law-
bor Act when the two statutes conflict. said she would not have dismissed the would permit emergency abortions for suits by injured patients, civil fines and
EMTALA ensures that patients can re- case, according to the document. certain conditions, according to the potentially the loss of Medicare fund-
ceive emergency care at hospitals that “Today’s decision is not a victory for document. ing.
receive funding under the federal Medi- pregnant patients in Idaho. It is delay,” Alito disagreed with Barrett’s ratio- Reuters/Ipsos polling shows that
care program. Jackson wrote, according to the docu- nale to toss the case, according to the Americans broadly opposed Idaho’s
President Joe Biden’s administration ment. “While this court dawdles and the document. push to deny abortions to women who
sued Idaho, arguing that EMTALA takes country waits, pregnant people experi- “Nothing legally relevant has oc- needed them to protect their health.
precedence over state law. encing emergency medical conditions curred” since the court decided to take Some 77% of respondents to a May
The 6-3 decision, as reflected in the remain in a precarious position, as their up the dispute, Alito wrote in a dissent poll, including 86% of Democrats and
document, was an unsigned, one-line doctors are kept in the dark about what joined by Thomas and Gorsuch, accord- 77% of Republicans, said they support-
order to lift a block, or stay, that the Su- the law requires.” ing to the document. “Apparently, the ed requiring states with strict abortion
preme Court previously placed on the Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote a court has simply lost the will to decide bans to permit abortion if necessary to
lower court’s ruling in January. The jus- separate concurring opinion that was the easy but emotional and highly polit- protect the health of a pregnant patient
tices did not resolve the underlying legal joined by two fellow conservatives, icized question that the case presents. facing a medical emergency.

Supreme Court narrows reach of corruption law

Conservative justices for example, gift cards, lunches,
plaques, books, framed photos or the
Kavanaugh wrote in Wednesday’s
side with former mayor like – that may be given as a token of ap- ruling that the federal corruption law
preciation after the official act,” Kava- “leaves it to state and local governments
John Kruzel naugh wrote. “The answer is no.” to regulate gratuities to state and local
REUTERS In 2013, while Snyder was mayor, officials.”
Portage awarded two contracts to local In a dissent written by Justice Ketanji
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme truck company Great Lakes Peterbilt for Brown Jackson, the court’s liberal jus-
Court sided on Wednesday with a for- Jackson Kavanaugh the purchase of five trash trucks, total- tices expressed concern over how the
mer mayor of an Indiana city who was ing around $1.1 million. ruling could undermine efforts to com-
convicted in a case in which he was ac- The next year, while Snyder was still bat public corruption.
cused of taking a bribe, in a ruling that thored by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in office, Peterbilt paid him $13,000, The government has not used the
could make it harder for federal prose- while its liberal members dissented. which Snyder said was a consulting fee statute as an dragnet against permissi-
cutors to bring corruption cases against Federal prosecutors charged Snyder for his work with the company. Kava- ble conduct, but rather to prosecute se-
state and local officials. with corruptly soliciting a payment in naugh wrote that Portage, a city in rious cases that involve “exactly the
The justices ruled 6-3 to reverse a connection with the government con- northwest Indiana with some 38,000 type of palm greasing that the statute
lower court’s decision that had upheld tracts, a crime that carries a penalty of residents, apparently allows local pub- plainly covers and that one might rea-
the corruption conviction of former Por- up to 10 years in prison. lic officials to obtain outside employ- sonably expect Congress to care about
tage Mayor James Snyder for accepting A jury convicted him, and a judge ment. when targeting graft in state, local and
$13,000 from a truck company that re- sentenced him to one year and nine The Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit tribal governments,” Jackson wrote.
ceived more than $1 million in contracts months in prison. Court of Appeals rejected Snyder’s ar- “After today, however, the ability of
during his time in office. “The question in this case is whether gument that the federal crime at issue the federal government to prosecute
The court’s conservative justices (federal law) makes it a crime for state outlaws bribery but not gratuities. This such obviously wrongful conduct is left
were in the majority in the ruling au- and local officials to accept gratuities – led Snyder to appeal to the Supreme in doubt,” Jackson added.

Paris Hilton calls for more federal oversight of foster care

Moira Warburton profits, prompting them to hire unqual-
REUTERS ified workers.
“They’re caring more about profit
WASHINGTON – Reality TV star Par- than the safety of children,” she said.
is Hilton called for greater federal over- Hilton first described her experience
sight of youth care programs at a U.S. at a Utah facility – which she said has
House of Representatives committee left her with post-traumatic stress dis-
hearing on Wednesday as she described order that she continues to suffer from –
her traumatic experience in youth care in 2021, and has been a vocal advocate
facilities. for greater oversight of the system.
Hilton, 43, the great-granddaughter “These programs promised ‘healing,
of Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton, growth, and support,’ but instead did
has spoken out publicly about the emo- not allow me to speak, move freely, or
tional and physical abuse that she en- even look out of a window for two
dured when she was placed in residen- years,” Hilton told the committee. “My
tial youth treatment facilities as a teen- parents were completely deceived – lied
ager. to and manipulated by this for-profit in-
In remarks to the committee on dustry – so you can only imagine the ex-
Wednesday, Hilton described being tak- perience for youth who don’t have any-
en from her bed in the middle of the one checking in on them.”
night at age 16 and transported across Several lawmakers agreed that more
state lines to a residential facility where Paris Hilton arrives to testify at Wednesday’s House Committee meeting. federal oversight was necessary.
she experienced physical and sexual SAMUEL CORUM/GETTY IMAGES “We must always be concerned about
abuse. fraud and guard against Wall Street vul-
“This $23 billion industry sees this tures snatching public funds to line
population (of vulnerable children) as places, there’s mold and blood on the some dog kennels.” their pockets,” Democratic Rep. Bill Pa-
dollar signs and operates without walls,” she added in response to law- Hilton said private equity firms that screll said. “We cannot allow the private
meaningful oversight,” she said. maker questions. “It’s horrifying what have taken a greater stake in the indus- equity octopus to reach its tentacles
“There’s no education in these these places are like. They’re worse than try in recent years focus on maximizing into child services.”

Kenyan president backs off on taxes

At least 23 killed
nationwide in Tuesday
clashes, medics say
Giulia Paravicini and Aaron Ross

NAIROBI, Kenya – Kenyan President

William Ruto on Wednesday withdrew
planned tax hikes, bowing to pressure “Listening keenly to the people of
from protesters who had stormed par- Kenya who have said loudly that they
liament, launched demonstrations want nothing to do with this finance
across the country and threatened more bill 2024, I concede,” Kenyan President
action this week. William Ruto said Wednesday.
The move will be seen as a major vic-
tory for a week-old, youth-led protest
movement that grew from online con- On Tuesday, police opened fire on
demnations of tax rises into mass rallies crowds who massed around parliament
demanding a political overhaul, in the and later broke into the senate chamber
most serious crisis of Ruto’s two-year- and national assembly, minutes after
old presidency. A protester runs from a policeman during a demonstration in Nairobi on Tuesday. lawmakers had voted through the tax
But some demonstrators said on so- PHOTOS BY SIMON MAINA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES measures and sent them to the presi-
cial media that despite Ruto’s climb- dent.
down they would go ahead with a rally The Nation newspaper documented
planned for Thursday, with many reiter- called for a “million people march.” be deleted, Ruto wrote in a document protests in at least 35 of Kenya’s 47
ating demands he resign. “The arrogance is gone, but the lies addressed to the speaker of the national counties, from big cities to rural areas –
Ruto announced he would not sign a are still there,” he said on social media assembly. even in Ruto’s hometown of Eldoret in
finance bill including the tax increases, platform X. “Yesterday they unleashed Ruto said he would now start a dia- his ethnic Kalenjin heartland.
a day after clashes between police and goons and police to kill peaceful protes- logue with Kenyan youth, without going At least 23 people were killed across
protesters at the assembly and nation- ters. That will not stop us.” into details, and work on austerity mea- the country and another 30 were being
wide left at least 23 people dead and Other members of the protest move- sures – beginning with cuts to the bud- treated for bullet wounds, the Kenya
scores wounded, according to medics. ment continued to post on social media get of the presidency – to help tackle the Medical Association said on Wednes-
“Listening keenly to the people of Ke- using the hashtag #tupatanethursday, fiscal deficit. day. Medical officials in Nairobi said
nya who have said loudly that they want or “see you on Thursday” in a mix of He said the loss of life on Tuesday scores had been injured.
nothing to do with this finance bill 2024, Swahili and English. was “very unfortunate.” Kenyan police Posts on social media had urged peo-
I concede. And therefore, I will not sign Kalonzo Musyoka, a senior opposi- have not responded to requests for com- ple to occupy the State House, the presi-
the 2024 finance bill, and it shall sub- tion leader and former vice president, ment about the violence. dent’s office and residence on Thursday,
sequently be withdrawn,” he said in a wrote on X that pulling the bill did not go and the local offices of the World Bank
televised address with lawmakers, far enough and he called on Ruto to quit. Competing demands and the IMF on Friday, though it was not
some clapping, seated behind him. “Many Kenyans died. Many Kenyans immediately clear whether the calls
Vice President Rigathi Gachagua suffered serious injuries. It is currently Even if Ruto’s concession manages to came from individuals or a broader
asked young people to call off the pro- beyond the Finance Bill, 2024,” Musyo- see off the immediate threat of more un- movement.
tests to avoid any further loss of life and ka said. rest, it still leaves him caught between Heavily armed police patrolled the
destruction of property, and blamed the The International Monetary Fund the competing demands of his hard- streets of the capital Nairobi, which
intelligence services for giving the gov- said on Wednesday that it was closely pressed citizens and of lenders such as were quieter than usual on Wednesday.
ernment poor advice. monitoring the situation and was deep- the IMF – which is urging the govern- The protests began as an online out-
“There would have been no mayhem, ly concerned about the unrest. ment to cut deficits to obtain more fi- pouring of anger by young, tech-savvy
but they slept on the job,” Gachagua said “Our main goal in supporting Kenya nancing. Kenyans at proposed taxes on bread and
in a speech, calling on the head of the is to help it overcome the difficult eco- Kenya’s sovereign dollar bonds were diapers and evolved into a nationwide
National Intelligence Service to resign. nomic challenges it faces and improve trading largely flat despite Ruto’s rejec- movement calling for the scrapping of
Protesters were defiant, repeating its economic prospects and the well-be- tion of the finance bill. Its bonds were the entire finance bill including the tax-
calls for Ruto to step down and vowing ing of its people,” the IMF said in a state- trading between 74.6 and 95 cents on es. Thousands took to the streets of Nai-
further action in the streets. ment. the dollar, Tradeweb data showed, with robi and several other cities during two
Boniface Mwangi, a prominent social The bill will return to parliament with the longer-dated 2034 maturity at the days of protests last week as an online
justice activist involved in the protests, the recommendation that all its clauses lowest price. movement gathered momentum.

US: WikiLeaks founder’s actions dangerous

Judge stated no harm Assange’s supporters say he is a hero
who was victimized because he exposed
from Assange’s releases U.S. wrongdoing and alleged war
could be identified crimes, including in conflicts in Afghan-
istan and Iraq in a 2010 publication of
Simon Lewis and documents.
Kanishka Singh “The State Department did an ex-
REUTERS traordinary amount of work when we
found out that these cables were going
WASHINGTON – The U.S. State De- to be published to get people out of
partment said on Wednesday that Ju- harm’s way,” the department’s spokes-
lian Assange’s actions put lives at risk person said.
even as the judge who accepted the Wi- The State Department said the Jus-
kiLeaks founder’s guilty plea to resolve tice Department acted independently in
his case noted that no victims had been the case.
identified. The spokesperson added that there
A State Department spokesperson was some limited coordination between
was repeatedly asked by reporters to the State Department and the Aus-
give examples of harm caused by the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrives at Canberra Airport in Australia on tralian government recently.
WikiLeaks releases but did not provide Wednesday. ILLIAM WEST/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES “There was some small coordination
any. The spokesperson said the depart- role between our embassy and the Aus-
ment’s involvement in the resolution of tralian government just in the past few
Assange’s case was very limited. Wednesday. Assange had agreed to “There’s another significant fact – days but this was other than that a law-
Assange landed to an ecstatic wel- plead guilty to a single criminal count, the government has indicated there is enforcement matter handled through
come in Australia on Wednesday after according to filings in the U.S. District no personal victim here. That tells me law-enforcement channels,” he told re-
pleading guilty to violating U.S. espio- Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. the dissemination of this information porters.
nage law in a deal that sets him free While Washington has often called did not result in any known physical in- Australia had been advocating for the
from a 14-year legal battle. Assange’s actions reckless and claimed jury,” the judge said. release of Assange, an Australian citi-
Chief U.S. District Judge Ramona V. they put its agents at risk, the judge not- The State Department spokesperson zen. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Manglona in the U.S. territory of Saipan ed that the United States could not iden- reiterated the U.S. position when asked had lobbied for years to free the Wiki-
accepted Assange’s guilty plea on tify any personal victim from them. about the judge’s comments. Leaks founder.

British candidates for PM clash in testy final debate

Kylie MacLellan and Kate Holton pletely nonsensical. You are taking peo- Street and was heavily criticized for fail-
REUTERS ple for fools.” ing to attend a D-Day memorial event.
Polls indicate that Labour’s Starmer He has also had to contend with a
LONDON – British Prime Minister is on course to win the election with a betting scandal after five party officials,
Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir large majority, ending 14 years of Con- including two candidates, were investi-
Starmer went head-to-head on servative rule. gated over bets that were placed on the
Wednesday in their last debate before Starmer argued the country was ex- timing of an early election.
an election next week, with both hausted after 14 years of Conservative Starmer has also faced criticism at
launching highly personal attacks over Starmer Sunak “chaos,” and that he would better under- public events, being accused by voters
their and their parties’ credibility. stand the challenges of many families of sticking to a script and being robotic,
With Sunak’s Conservatives trailing who have struggled under soaring infla- and failing to give enough information
Labour by around 20 points in the polls, both on 50%. tion and a cost of living crisis. on how he would fund much-needed
the prime minister went on the attack, On immigration, one of the top con- “Part of the problem we have with improvements to public services.
accusing Starmer of not being straight cerns for British voters, Sunak rejected this prime minister is that his lived One questioner, Robert, seemed to
with the country on migration, tax and Starmer’s argument that he would seek world is millions of miles away from the speak for much of the audience when he
women’s rights, and urging voters not to to return migrants to their home coun- lived worlds of individuals across the set out his feelings.
“surrender” to the Labour Party. tries, saying many had arrived in Britain country, the businesses and the families “Are you two really the best we’ve got
Starmer responded that Sunak was from Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. that they’re trying to support,” he said. to be the next prime minister of our
too rich to understand the concerns of “Is he going to sit down with the Ira- Sunak’s campaign has struggled great country?” he said, to loud ap-
most ordinary Britons. A snap YouGov nian Ayatollah? Are you going to try and since the beginning. He launched the plause. He later told the BBC he had still
poll said the debate had been a tie, with do a deal with the Taliban? It’s com- election in pouring rain in Downing not decided who to vote for.

SpaceX gets $843M to IN BRIEF

Illinois man accused of July 4
shooting backs out of plea deal

help discard space station An Illinois man accused of opening

fire on spectators watching an Inde-
pendence Day parade in a Chicago
suburb two years ago backed out of a
Joey Roulette plea deal on Wednesday, local media
REUTERS reported.
The suspect, Robert Crimo, 23, had
WASHINGTON – NASA awarded been expected to plead guilty to seven
SpaceX $843 million to build a vehicle counts of murder and 48 counts of ag-
capable of pushing the International gravated battery during a court hear-
Space Station into Earth’s atmosphere ing in Lake County, the Chicago Tri-
for its planned destruction around bune reported, citing the local state’s
2030, it said on Wednesday, a task orig- attorney.
inally meant for Russia’s thrusters. But during the hearing, Crimo did
Under its new NASA contract, Spa- not respond when asked if he agreed
ceX will build what the space agency with the guilty plea. Crimo, who was in
called the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle to deor- a wheelchair, was then wheeled out of
bit the space station and avoid risks to the courtroom to discuss the matter
populated areas, with NASA taking with his attorneys. When he returned,
ownership of the craft and handling the he answered “no” to whether he ac-
deorbiting operation. cepted the terms of the agreement, the
The football field-sized research lab, Tribune reported.
led primarily by the United States and He was to face a sentence of life in
Russia, has been continuously staffed prison without parole, plus 30 years
with government astronauts during its for each count of aggravated battery,
24 years of operation, but its aging according to the Tribune.
components have led NASA and its for- Crimo is accused of climbing on the
eign partners to set 2030 as a planned Under its new NASA contract, Elon Musk’s SpaceX will build what the space roof of a building in downtown High-
retirement date. agency called the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle. DADO RUVIC/REUTERS ILLUSTRATION land Park, a suburb 25 miles north of
The U.S., Japan, Canada and the Chicago, and opening fire on specta-
countries under the European Space tors and participants at a Fourth of
Agency have committed to the space pendency in which Russian thrusters sured NASA to make contingency plans July parade in 2022.
station partnership through 2030, maintain the station’s orbital altitude amid souring relations with Russia.
while Russia has agreed to remain a and U.S. solar arrays keep its power For after 2030, NASA has been fund- Report: Wisconsin’s top court
partner through 2028, the date through running. ing early development of privately built set to hear abortion rights case
which the Russian space agency Ros- Those Russian thrusters were origi- space stations in low-Earth orbit to
cosmos believes its hardware can last. nally meant to push the ISS into Earth’s maintain U.S. presence in the cosmic Wisconsin’s highest court is expect-
The scientific cooperation aboard atmosphere at the end of its life. But in region, with Airbus and Jeff Bezos’ Blue ed to agree to hear a lawsuit by
the ISS, orbiting some 250 miles above, recent years NASA has sought its own Origin involved in those efforts. Planned Parenthood asking it to recog-
has survived years of geopolitical strife deorbit abilities should Russia bow out Though the market for private space nize a right to abortion in the state,
on Earth, including Russia’s war in Uk- of the alliance earlier than planned or stations is not fully understood, U.S. of- news site Wisconsin Watch reported
raine that has ended nearly all other co- become unable to do the task itself. ficials believe a commercial ISS re- on Wednesday, citing an unpublished
operative ties with the Western world. The U.S. deorbit plan was acceler- placement is crucial to compete with draft decision that it had obtained.
Holding the U.S.-Russian alliance ated in recent years as the White House China’s newer space station in low- Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief
together is largely a technical interde- and other government entities pres- Earth orbit. Justice Annette Kingsland Ziegler said
that the seven-member court was
“shocked” by the leak and had asked
law enforcement to investigate.
Wisconsin Watch also reported that

CDC narrows age recommendation the Wisconsin court, which has a 4-3
liberal majority, is expected to deny a
bid by anti-abortion groups to inter-

of RSV vaccines for older adults vene, but to allow them to file a brief
opposing the lawsuit.
The lawsuit argues that an 1849 law
prohibiting the killing of a fetus except
Michael Erman certain. to save the mother’s life violates the
REUTERS Last year, GSK won two-thirds of the fundamental rights to life, liberty and
market, mostly due to its contracts with equal protection under the law guar-
The CDC on Wednesday narrowed retail pharmacies, including CVS. Ana- anteed by the Constitution.
its recommendation for use of respira- lysts had suggested expanded avail-
tory syncytial virus vaccines in older ability of the RSV vaccine to younger US religious freedom report
adults this year and held off on recom- adults could help cement the compa- notes violence in India
mending their use for adults under age ny’s lead position this year.
60. RSV, which typically causes cold-like The U.S. State Department’s 2023
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control symptoms, is a leading cause of pneu- religious freedom report on India not-
and Prevention’s decision echoed that monia in toddlers and older adults, ed violent attacks on minority groups,
of its panel of outside advisers who vot- In clinical trials, Pfizer’s vaccine causing 177,000 hospitalizations and especially Muslims and Christians, in-
ed to recommend all adults 75 and old- Abrysvo was 78% effective through a 14,000 deaths in the United States an- cluding killings, assaults and vandal-
er, as well as those who are 60 to 74 and second RSV season. nually. ism of houses of worship.
have an increased risk of severe RSV PFIZER/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS Combined revenue for the Pfizer and The report on international reli-
due to medical conditions, receive the GSK shots in their first year of availabil- gious freedom released on Wednesday
shots. ity topped $2.4 billion. said that in 2023, senior U.S. officials
“The CDC has updated its RSV vacci- mendations are important in determin- Analysts, on average, expect sales of continued to “raise concerns about re-
nation recommendation for older ing insurance coverage in the U.S. Peo- $1.59 billion for GSK’s RSV shot, $1.47 ligious freedom issues” with their Indi-
adults to prioritize those at highest risk ple covered by the U.S. government’s billion for Pfizer’s and $370 million this an counterparts.
for serious illness from RSV,” Director Medicare program receive recommend- year for Moderna. Rights experts say India has seen a
Mandy Cohen said in a statement. ed vaccines for free. Moderna presented data at the rise in attacks on minorities under
Last year, GSK and Pfizer went head- The new recommendation may cut meeting showing its mRESVIA shot had Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who
to-head with rival RSV shots for all the addressable U.S. market for RSV 50% efficacy in preventing RSV for 18 recently won a third term, and his Hin-
adults aged 60 and over, who could get shots in 2024-25 from 93 million, in- months, lower than what GSK and Pfiz- du nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party.
the vaccine after consulting a health cluding adults under age 60, to about 55 er previously showed in their own clin- “In India, we see a concerning in-
care provider. Moderna received ap- million, said Jefferies analyst Peter ical trials. Moderna previously cau- crease in anti-conversion laws, hate
proval from the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- Welford. Use of the shots would expand tioned against comparing its vaccine’s speech, demolitions of homes and
ministration for its shot, mRESVIA, for in the longer-term as “less complex rec- efficacy to rivals, noting that the trials places of worship for members of mi-
the same age group last month. ommendations may aid penetration,” were not head-to-head and used differ- nority faith communities,” U.S. Secre-
“We think that with a risk-based ap- he added. ent case criteria for RSV disease. tary of State Antony Blinken said
proach, you are much more likely to get GSK received FDA approval earlier In their clinical trials, GSK’s RSV when the report was released.
the vaccine than you are right now,” this month to expand use of its vaccine vaccine Arexvy was 78% effective in Criticism of India by the U.S. is usu-
said Dr. Camille Kotton, a panel mem- to adults ages 50 to 59 at increased risk preventing severe RSV over a second ally restrained due to close economic
ber and professor at Harvard Medical from the illness, but the committee year and Pfizer’s Abrysvo was 78% ef- ties and New Delhi’s importance for
School. postponed endorsing its use in that age fective through a second RSV season. Washington to counter China, political
Aside from guiding physicians as to group. The committee’s work group Adults who have already received an analysts say.
what vaccinations their patients need, said the balance of risk and benefits for RSV shot are not recommended to re-
the panel of vaccine experts’ recom- the shot in that age group is more un- ceive another this year, the CDC said. FDA recommends steps to
improve diversity in clinical trials

The U.S. Food and Drug Admini-

stration on Wednesday recommended

FDA approves Verona Pharma’s steps for drugmakers and medical de-
vice makers to improve racial, ethnic
and other diversity in their clinical

treatment for chronic lung disease trials.

The draft guidance includes sug-
gestions for companies and research-
ers conducting trials on how to set
Pratik Jain and problems, commonly affects cigarette er to breathe, while reducing inflamma- goals for study enrollment, separated
Sruthi Narasimha Chari smokers and is also known as “smoker’s tion in the lungs without using steroids. by age group, ethnicity, sex and race,
REUTERS lungs.” Other contributing factors for “Physicians are wildly excited about and describe how they intend to meet
COPD include fumes, chemicals and this drug because it is very safe and it those goals, the FDA said.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administra- dust in many working environments. helps patients breathe to a measurable The objective of the guidance is to
tion has granted approval to a treat- It affects around 16 million Ameri- extent,” BTIG analyst Thomas Shrader improve the composition of patient
ment from Verona Pharma for a chronic cans and is the sixth leading cause of told Reuters ahead of the decision. population at clinical trials that have
lung disease that commonly affects death in the country, according to gov- Shrader estimated the drug could had lower participation by some
smokers, the U.K.-based company said ernment data. generate $3.6 billion in peak sales. groups including Black Americans de-
on Wednesday. Verona’s application was backed by The company expects to have spite higher rates of certain diseases in
U.S.-listed shares of the company efficacy and safety data from two late- around 100 sales representatives to the underrepresented groups than in
surged 11% in extended trading. The stage trials in which Ohtuvayre demon- reach about 15,000 physicians and is the general population.
FDA’s assent for the therapy, to be sold strated improvements in lung function “in a very good position to execute on Improving access to clinical trials,
under the brand Ohtuvayre, is the com- and symptoms, substantially reducing that” if it gets approval, Chief Commer- such as by initiating the study in geo-
pany’s first and provides a new inhaled the risk of exacerbation in mild-to-se- cial Officer Christopher Martin told graphical sites with diverse popula-
non-steroidal treatment for chronic ob- vere COPD patients. Reuters ahead of the FDA decision. tions, could help drugmakers achieve
structive pulmonary disease. The therapy is a type of single-drug The company said it planned to pro- enrollment goals.
COPD, a chronic condition which medication designed to relax the mus- vide details on pricing during an inves- Reuters
causes restricted airflow and breathing cles around the airways, making it easi- tor conference call on Thursday.

Age shifting focus away from his slow gait.

He wears comfortable soft-soled
shoes and now gets aboard Air Force
Continued from Page 1NN One via a shorter set of stairs, to limit
the possibility of a misstep in front of
mumbled public remarks in the same the cameras. The accommodations are
day. more aesthetic than anything, said one
A recent Reuters-Ipsos poll showed former White House official, who does
that mental fitness is one of the key is- not believe they have worked.
sues for undecided voters ahead of the “All these things that they do … may-
Nov. 5 election, and they are more wor- be mitigate risk for aesthetic reasons,
ried about Biden. (but) they don’t necessarily help him,”
Another Reuters-Ipsos poll this year the former official said. “They all add up
showed that 78% of respondents - in- to this overhandling that makes him
cluding 71% of Democrats – thought Bi- look more feeble than he actually is.”
den too old to work in government. Democratic critics say Biden should
Some 53% said the same of Trump. Bi- spend more time engaged with the pub-
den’s age has been relentlessly targeted lic and the press to sharpen his image
by political opponents and conservative and allay age concerns.
media, who have used a stew of real, His allies say age is not the issue.
fake and misleadingly edited video clips Then-President Donald Trump, left, and Joe Biden participate in their final 2020 “This election’s not about age. Joe and
aimed at portraying him as feeble and debate in Nashville, Tenn. MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS the other guy are about the same age.
erratic. This election is about character, wisdom
The White House and Biden cam- and ability,” first lady Jill Biden said at an
paign have pushed back on the effort, usual daily security briefings. away during the debate. event in Philadelphia on Monday.
with limited success. Many Democrats are anxious about Biden should “talk about his physical Biden’s schedule and workload re-
Aware that this debate could be a de- how well Biden will do because the and mental fitness compared to the oth- main robust. A Boston Globe analysis of
fining moment for his campaign, Biden stakes are so high. er guy. He should challenge Trump to a Biden’s 2023 travel found it to be on a
has confined himself to nearly a week of “It (the age issue) is obviously a chal- Peloton ride and let the country see who par with Barack Obama and Trump dur-
“debate camp” with top advisers at the lenge and an obstacle for Biden,” said is fitter and stronger. I’m not joking,” ing their third years in office. Biden vis-
Camp David presidential retreat in the one Democrat close to the White House. Morgan said. ited 29 different states in 2023, com-
mountains of western Maryland, where “I think it’s always about, does he pro- pared with 30 states for Trump and 31
he was to remain until departing for At- ject strength and confidence? I think Protecting Biden states for Obama, it said.
lanta on debate day. he’s just got to demonstrate that he’s in So far in 2024, Biden has made stops
The goal: Show U.S. voters a wise and command of his agenda and confident Biden’s team has built a campaign in 21 states at least once, according to
steady leader with a record of success, on stage, and I think he’ll do that.” aimed at protecting the president, who statistics compiled by former CBS News
in contrast to Trump’s often chaotic The debate will take place at a CNN for most of his decades in public life was White House correspondent Mark
2017-21 presidency, and highlight differ- studio in Atlanta with no audience. The a loquacious presence, back-slapping Knoller.
ences on abortion rights, democratic men may not bring notes on stage. with colleagues over a long Senate ca- Earlier this month he did back-to-
norms and fiscal policy. John Morgan, a Florida attorney and reer and bantering with reporters. back trips to Europe, attending D-Day
To do so, Biden is spending hours Biden donor, said he would like to see Aides now stroll alongside him when anniversary celebrations in France and
each day preparing while also taking his Biden address the question of age right he walks to his helicopter as a way of a G7 summit in Italy.

Debate room.”
The Biden campaign declined to
comment on whether the president
Continued from Page 1NN might bring any guests to the debate,
but California Gov. Gavin Newsom is ex-
When and where are the debates? pected to be there.
Trump’s campaign is hosting a watch
The first debate will air at 9 p.m. ET party in Atlanta, with rumored contend-
on Thursday on CNN and be broadcast ers to be Republican vice presidential
from an Atlanta studio without a live running mate – North Dakota Gov. Doug
audience. Burgum, U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio and
Television news channel ABC said it J.D. Vance, and others listed as “special
will host the second presidential debate guests.”
on Sept. 10, also from an audience-free
studio. What happened last time?

Who will moderate the debates? Then-President Trump and Biden

debated twice during the 2020 race,
Anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash with their first exchange devolving into
will moderate CNN’s debate. ABC’s will a chaotic shouting match.
be moderated by anchors David Muir Candidates will appear at a uniform podium, be given a pen, paper and bottle of According to Nielson Media Re-
and Linsey Davis. water and cannot use props or notes, CNN said. KEVIN DIETSCH/GETTY IMAGES search, more than 73 million people
tuned in for the first Biden-Trump de-
Who will debate? bate in 2020.
throughout the debate except for the risks for both candidates, who are For the second debate, moderators
CNN said only Biden and Trump met candidate whose turn it is to speak” and locked in a tight race and share low en- said they would mute each candidate’s
its conditions for participating in the moderators “will use all tools at their thusiasm from voters. microphone to allow the other to speak
debate: appear on enough state ballots disposal to enforce timing and ensure a Topics may include: how the candi- without interruption for the first two
to potentially win the presidency and civilized discussion,” CNN said. dates would handle challenges posed by minutes of each debate segment. But
receive at least 15% in four separate na- Biden will be on the podium on the persistently high grocery prices, mi- the candidates behaved more civilly and
tional polls of registered or likely voters. right side of viewers’ screens, and grants on the U.S.-Mexico border, and the mute button was not a major factor.
Independent presidential candidate Trump will get the last word after a coin the ongoing Israel-Hamas and Russia- A third debate was canceled after
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did not make the toss. Ukraine wars. Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and
cut. Campaign staff may not interact with Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, at- spent three days in a hospital. He de-
ABC will also require debaters to ap- candidates during the two commercial tack on the U.S. Capitol, efforts to over- clined to participate in a virtual event.
pear on enough state ballots to reach the breaks, and there will be no studio audi- turn the 2020 election and his convic-
270 electoral votes and receive at least ence. tion on 34 felony counts for involvement Is that it?
15% in four separate national polls. ABC’s debate rules have not yet been in a hush money scheme could come up
announced. during the debate, as could the legal Traditionally, there are three presi-
What are the rules? woes facing Biden’s son, Hunter, who dential debates, however no third
What to watch for? was convicted of lying about his drug Trump-Biden matchup has been an-
In Thursday’s 90-minute debate, use to illegally buy a gun. nounced yet.
candidates will appear at a uniform po- U.S. presidential debates often draw Vice President Kamala Harris accept-
dium, be given a pen, paper and bottle of tens of millions of viewers, and through Who will be there? ed a CBS News invitation for a vice
water and cannot use props or notes, history have determined the course of presidential debate on either July 23 or
CNN said. some races. Campaign staff will be on hand to Aug. 13, according to a campaign
“Microphones will be muted This time, strategists say there are talk to reporters afterward in the “spin spokesperson.

Israel paring for every scenario,” Gallant told

Gallant said he also laid out to U.S. of-
Continued from Page 1NN ficials a three-level “day after” proposal
for governance of post-war Gaza that
U.S. munitions supply to Israel, adding would include local Palestinians, re-
that “obstacles were removed and bot- gional partners and the U.S., but not Is-
tlenecks were addressed.” rael or Hamas. He offered reporters few
Gallant and U.S. officials sought to specifics, however, and said “it is a long
cool tensions following Prime Minister and complex process that depends on
Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent claims many things.”
that Washington was withholding The Biden administration has re-
weapons, prompting Biden’s aides to peatedly urged Israel to craft a realistic
express disappointment and confusion post-war plan for Gaza, warning the lack
over the Israeli leader’s remarks of such an arrangement could trigger
The United States in May paused a chaos.
shipment of 2,000-pound and 500- Gallant said he also discussed Isra-
pound bombs due to concern over the el’s transition to the next phase in Gaza.
impact they could have in densely pop- The Israeli military says it is preparing
ulated areas in Gaza in the war that be- to shift to lower-intensity operations
gan with Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 cross- Palestinians walk past damaged buildings at al-Bureij refugee camp in the against Hamas’ remaining fighters.
border raid. But Israel is still due to get central Gaza Strip on Wednesday. EYAD BABA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Another focus of Gallant’s meetings
billions of dollars worth of other U.S. was Iran, Israel’s regional arch-foe.
weaponry. While Israel has expressed increas-
“We are in discussions ultimately to a “complicated bureaucratic system” for that Israel cannot accept Hezbollah ing alarm over Iran’s nuclear program,
find a resolution,” the senior U.S. official approving military assistance and not “military formations” on the border with the U.S. official cited intelligence as-
said on condition of anonymity. “But I any deliberate slowdown. Lebanon. sessments that Tehran is not “currently
think the president has expressed his An exchange of shelling and missile pursuing the procedures and processes
concerns about that one shipment, and Israel-Lebanon border strikes has led to the evacuation of tens they would need to develop an explosive
those are very valid concerns.” of thousands of people on both sides, nuclear device.” But the official added
The official acknowledged there have Gallant said he also discussed with and escalation has sparked fears of an that Iran had taken some “provocative
been “bottlenecks” in some weapons U.S. officials the need to resolve the “se- all-out war. steps” recently. Iran says its nuclear
deliveries to Israel but attributed that to curity situation in the north,” insisting “We do not want war, but we are pre- program is solely for peaceful purposes.


Top 10 picks

Zaccharie Risacher, SF,

Alexandre Sarr, C,

Reed Sheppard, G,
Houston (from Brooklyn)

Stephon Castle, G,
San Antonio

Ron Holland II, SF,

Tidjane Salaun, SF,

Donovan Clingan, C,
Zaccharie Risacher poses for photos with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver after being selected first overall by the Atlanta
Hawks in the first round of the NBA draft on Wednesday in Brooklyn. BRAD PENNER/USA TODAY SPORTS

FRENCH CONNECTION Rob Dillingham, G, San
Antonio (from Toronto,
pick traded to Minnesota)

No. 1 pick Risacher leads over the past month, but it was Risacher
who went No. 1 overall when the Atlanta
at the draft combine in May.
According to Spotrac, Risacher will
3 players from France Hawks selected him to open the first sign a four-year, $57.2 million contract
taken in 1st 10 selections
round on Wednesday.
Risacher most recently played for JL
Bourg-en-Bresse of LNB Elite, France’s
with the Hawks.
Atlanta does not own another pick in
this year’s draft, which has been split
Zach Edey, C,
premier division of professional basket- into two days. The first round was held
With Victor Wembanyama on the ta- ball. on Wednesday at Barclays Center in
ble, there was little doubt as to who was “So exciting. There’s a lot of feelings New York. ESPN’s Seaport District Stu-
going No. 1 overall at last year’s NBA and emotions right now,” Risacher told dios – also in New York – will host the
draft. ESPN. “I don’t know what to say, but … second round on Thursday.

It was a different story this time I’m so blessed.” The Washington Wizards took Sarr
around. In 32 games last season, Risacher av- off the board with the second overall
Fellow Frenchmen Zaccharie Risach- eraged 10.1 points, 3.8 rebounds and 0.9 pick.
er and Alexandre Sarr frequently traded assists for JL Bourg. The 19-year-old is Cody Williams, F, Utah
places atop the board in mock drafts 6-foot-9 and weighed in at 195 pounds See DRAFT, Page 2NS


Fowler hopes to find

his footing in Detroit
FIELD LEVEL MEDIA top-50 golfers are in Detroit, hoping to
capitalize while Scheffler is away.
Rickie Fowler ended a massive title Fowler tied for 20th at the Travelers,
drought at last year’s Rocket Mortgage but that was just his second top-20 fin-
Classic. Then things fell off again. ish of the season. Perhaps being back at
As the headliner of a beatable field, this par-72 Donald Ross design will
Fowler will try to get lightning to strike spark something in him.
twice in his return to Detroit Golf Club “I feel like it’s a fairly simple, old-
when the Rocket Mortgage Classic be- school golf course and if you can just get
gins Thursday. to the green, it becomes a bit of kind of
The PGA Tour’s signature event se- who can make more putts throughout
ries is in the rearview mirror after Scot- the week,” Fowler said.
tie Scheffler captured the Travelers “It’s fun, we don’t get to play very
Championship last week for his sixth many old-school golf courses like this so
win of 2024. Most of the tour’s elite it’s a treat for a lot of guys who can
players are catching their breath this Rickie Fowler chips on the 18th hole during the final round of the Travelers
week, but Fowler and a handful of other See ROCKET, Page 6NS Championship on Sunday in Cromwell, Conn. GREGORY FISHER/USA TODAY SPORTS



Knicks keep Anunoby with $212.5M deal

FIELD LEVEL MEDIA NBA seasons. sign a one-year extension worth nearly
$60 million for the 2026-27 season. He
OG Anunoby and the New York Suns owner: Durant staying in was acquired by the Suns at the trade
Knicks agreed to a five-year, $212.5 mil- Phoenix to compete for title deadline in 2022 for a package of play-
lion deal on Wednesday, two days after ers and picks that went to the Brooklyn
he opted out of the final year of his exist- Suns owner Mat Ishbia dropped his Nets.
ing deal. own draft night news on Wednesday, The Suns sent Mikal Bridges, Jae
Contract terms were reported by The declaring “drama” surrounding Phoenix Crowder, Cam Johnson, first-round
Athletic and ESPN less than an hour be- trading Kevin Durant is pure fiction. picks in 2023, 2025, 2027 and 2029 and
fore the NBA draft began on Wednesday. Ishbia responded via social media to a 2028 pick swap to the Nets in the
Rather than hit free agency when the multiple reports on Tuesday and TV trade.
NBA market opens Sunday, Anunoby commentary on Wednesday that linked
remains in the fold even after the Knicks the Houston Rockets, Chicago Bulls and Reports: Claxton, Nets reach
acquired Mikal Bridges from the Brook- others to Durant. 4-year, $100 million deal
lyn Nets for multiple draft picks. “NBA Draft night is the best. Every-
Anunoby signed a four-year, $72 mil- one talking about the drama and story- Center Nic Claxton has reached an
lion deal with the Toronto Raptors in lines, some are right and some are just agreement on a four-year, $100 million
2020 with a player option for the 2024- OG Anunoby, shown during a May 19 wrong. My turn. Phoenix loves Kevin contract extension with the Brooklyn
25 season, but he declined the $19.9 mil- game, and the New York Knicks agreed Durant and Kevin Durant loves Phoenix, Nets, multiple outlets reported
lion salary for next season to set up the to a five-year, $212.5 million deal on and we are competing for a champion- Wednesday.
massive contract agreement Wednes- Wednesday. BRAD PENNER/USA TODAY ship this year because we have the team ESPN identified Claxton as “intends
day. to do it. Gotta love draft night! Go Suns.” to sign” while The Athletic termed him
Results were indisputable with Anu- ESPN reported Wednesday the Rock- “nearing plans to sign” with a guaran-
noby on the court in New York: the assists per game last season in 50 total ets were intrigued by potentially land- teed amount of $96 million.
Knicks were 20-3 in games he played af- regular-season games with the Raptors ing Durant, but would also be interested Claxton, 25, recorded career highs for
ter the trade from Toronto that sent RJ (27 games) and Knicks. in Devin Booker if the Suns make him the Nets in 2023-24 in rebounds (9.9)
Barrett to the Raptors. During the 2024 playoffs, Anunoby available. and assists (2.1) while scoring 11.8 points
Health is the biggest question mark went from an essential cog in beating Durant was fifth in the NBA in scor- per game, the second-best average of
on Anunoby’s resume. He missed 76 to- the Philadelphia 76ers to attempting to ing last season at 27.1 points per game. his career.
tal games the past three seasons due to fight through a hamstring injury in the He also averaged 6.6 rebounds and 5 as- He’s also shown durability the past
injuries and did not play during Toron- seven-game series with the Indiana sists per game in his 17th season since two seasons, missing a total of 17 games
to’s NBA title run in 2019 following an Pacers. being drafted by the Seattle Superson- after injuries being a concern early in his
emergency appendectomy. In 418 career games, Anunoby has av- ics No. 2 overall in 2007. career.
Anunoby turns 27 next month. He av- eraged 12.0 points, 4.3 rebounds, 1.6 as- Durant has played 83 regular-season Claxton appeared in a total of 94
eraged 14.7 points, 4.2 rebounds and 2.1 sists and 1.3 steals during his first seven games with the Suns. He is eligible to games over his first three seasons.

Continued from Page 1

Sarr, 19, spent the 2023-24 campaign

with the Perth Wildcats of Australia’s
National Basketball League. He aver-
aged 9.4 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.5
blocks in 27 games.
It marked the third time in NBA draft
history that the top two picks had no
college experience. Sarr is leaning on his
brother, Oklahoma City Thunder center
Olivier Sarr, for guidance as he prepares
to play the next level.
“He’s shared a lot with me,” Alex-
andre Sarr told ESPN. “Everything I’ve
learned is through him and he gave me
all his knowledge, and to this day it’s
really special to have someone like him
in my corner.”
Kentucky’s Reed Sheppard went to
the Houston Rockets at No. 3, while
UConn’s Stephon Castle landed with the
San Antonio Spurs at No. 4. Ron Holland
II of G League Ignite, who will be joining
the Detroit Pistons, rounded out the top
In his lone season with the Wildcats,
Sheppard posted averages of 12.5
points, 4.5 assists and 4.1 boards across Reed Sheppard, right, shakes hands with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver after being selected in the first round of the NBA
33 games. draft by the Houston Rockets on Wednesday in Brooklyn. PHOTOS BY BRAD PENNER/USA TODAY SPORTS
Castle also spent just one season at
the collegiate level, helping the Huskies
secure their second straight national ti- was selected by Portland but will be premier division of professional basket- II of G League Ignite, who will be joining
tle by recording 11.1 points, 4.7 rebounds heading to the Wizards. ball. the Detroit Pistons, rounded out the top
and 2.9 assists per game. The Blazers traded the 14th overall “So exciting. There’s a lot of feelings five.
“This guy when you look at fit right pick and Malcolm Brogdon earlier and emotions right now,” Risacher told In his lone season with the Wildcats,
there, the Spurs value winning, they Wednesday as part of a package to ac- ESPN. “I don’t know what to say, but … Sheppard posted averages of 12.5
value workers, they value champion- quire Deni Avdija from Washington. I’m so blessed.” points, 4.5 assists and 4.1 boards across
ships, and this is just the perfect player Carter is the son of 13-year NBA vet- In 32 games last season, Risacher av- 33 games.
for them to draft,” UConn coach Dan eran Anthony Carter. eraged 10.1 points, 3.8 rebounds and 0.9 Castle also spent just one season at
Hurley told ESPN. “This guy is just “I caught him at the end of his career, assists for JL Bourg. The 19-year-old is the collegiate level, helping the Huskies
scratching the surface.” so I had to watch highlights and stuff,” 6-foot-9 and weighed in at 195 pounds at secure their second straight national ti-
Holland appeared in 14 games last Devin Carter told ESPN. “I respect … the draft combine back in May. tle by recording 11.1 points, 4.7 rebounds
season. He averaged 20.6 points, 6.6 re- how hard he worked, he always got on According to Spotrac, Risacher will and 2.9 assists per game.
bounds, 3.2 assists and 2.5 steals. the court for how hard he played de- sign a four-year, $57.2 million contract “This guy when you look at fit right
After another Frenchman, Tidjane fense, the way he led the second unit.” with the Hawks. there, the Spurs value winning, they
Salaun, was taken by the Charlotte Hor- Outside of the lottery, the Miami Atlanta does not own another pick in value workers, they value champion-
nets at No. 6, the Portland Trail Blazers Heat snatched Kel’el Ware of Indiana this year’s draft, which has been split ships, and this is just the perfect player
grabbed UConn big man Donovan Clin- with the 15th overall pick, the Philadel- into two days. Wednesday’s first round for them to draft,” UConn coach Dan
gan. Clingan was a two-time champion phia 76ers took Duke’s Jared McCain at is being held at Barclays Center in New Hurley told ESPN. “This guy is just
with the Huskies in his only two sea- No. 16 and Tennessee’s Dalton Knecht York. ESPN’s Seaport District Studios – scratching the surface.”
sons of college basketball. went to the Los Angeles Lakers, who also in New York – will host the second
The Timberwolves traded up to the had the 17th overall pick. round.
eighth overall pick to grab guard Rob The Orlando Magic, Toronto Raptors The Washington Wizards then took 2024 DRAFT SELECTIONS
Dillingham out of Kentucky. Minnesota and Cleveland Cavaliers had the next fellow Frenchman Alexandre Sarr off Round 1
sent San Antonio a 2031 unprotected three picks, selecting Colorado’s Tristan the board with the second overall pick. 1. Atlanta, Zaccharie Risacher, SF.
2. Washington, Alexandre Sarr, C.
first-round pick and a protected 2030 da Silva, Baylor’s Ja’Kobe Walter and Sarr, 19, spent the 2023-24 campaign 3. Houston (from Brooklyn), Reed Sheppard, G, Kentucky.
4. San Antonio, Stephon Castle, G, Connecticut.
pick swap to grab the No. 8 slot, per mul- Cal’s Jaylon Tyson, respectively. with the Perth Wildcats of Australia’s 5. Detroit, Ron Holland II, SF.
tiple media reports. Highlights of the final third of the National Basketball League. He aver- 6. Charlotte, Tidjane Salaun, SF.
7. Portland, Donovan Clingan, C, Connecticut.
Purdue center Zach Edey, a two-time first round included the Phoenix Suns aged 9.4 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.5 8. San Antonio (from Toronto), Rob Dillingham, G, Kentucky. (Pick
National Player of the Year, landed with trading the 22nd overall pick to the Nug- blocks in 27 games. traded to Minnesota)
9. Memphis, Zach Edey, C, Purdue.
the Memphis Grizzlies at No. 9. Edey av- gets, who ended up bringing Dayton’s It marked the third time in NBA draft 10. Utah, Cody Williams, F, Colorado.
eraged 25.2 points, 12.2 rebounds and DaRon Holmes II to Denver, and the history where the top two picks have not 11. Chicago, Matas Buzelis, SF.
12. Oklahoma City (from Houston), Nikola Topic, PG.
2.2 blocks last season. Minnesota Timberwolves selecting Illi- had college experience. Sarr has leaned 13. Sacramento, Devin Carter, G, Providence.
14. Portland (from Golden State through Boston and Memphis),
Another Thunder player will be op- nois star Terrence Shannon Jr. with the on his brother, Oklahoma City Thunder Carlton Carrington, G, Pittsburgh. (Pick traded to Washington)
posing his brother in the NBA, as the 27th pick. center Olivier Sarr, for guidance as he 15. Miami, Kel’el Ware, C, Indiana.
16. Philadelphia, Jared McCain, G, Duke.
Utah Jazz selected Colorado’s Cody Wil- The NBA champion Boston Celtics prepares to play the next level. 17. L.A. Lakers, Dalton Knecht, G, Tennessee.
liams with the 10th overall pick. Wil- chose Baylor Scheierman out of Creight- “He’s shared a lot with me,” Alex- 18. Orlando, Tristan da Silva, F, Colorado.
19. Toronto (from Indiana), Ja’Kobe Walter, G, Baylor.
liams is the brother of Oklahoma City on with the 30th pick to close the first andre Sarr told ESPN. “Everything I’ve 20. Cleveland, Jaylon Tyson, G, California.
guard/forward Jalen Williams. round. learned is through him and he gave me 21. New Orleans (from Milwaukee), Yves Missi, C, Baylor.
22. Phoenix, DaRon Holmes II, F, Dayton. (Pick traded to Denver)
Matas Buzelis, a native of Chicago, The Atlanta Hawks selected forward all his knowledge, and to this day it’s 23. Milwaukee (from New Orleans), AJ Johnson, SG.
24. N.Y. Knicks (from Dallas), Kyshawn George, G, Miami (FL). (Pick
will be staying in his hometown after the Zaccharie Risacher with the No. 1 overall really special to have someone like him traded to Washington)
Bulls took him at No. 11 from the G pick of the 2024 NBA draft on Wednes- in my corner.” 25. N.Y. Knicks, Pacôme Dadiet, SF.
26. Washington, Dillon Jones, SF, Weber State (Pick traded to
League Ignite. Serbian Nikola Topic day night. Kentucky’s Reed Sheppard went to Oklahoma City via New York)
then went to Oklahoma City, Provi- Risacher comes out of France, where the Houston Rockets at No. 3, while 27. Minnesota, Terrence Shannon Jr., SG, Illinois
28. Denver, Ryan Dunn, SF, Virginia (Pick traded to Phoenix)
dence’s Devin Carter went to the Sacra- he most recently played for JL Bourg- UConn’s Stephon Castle landed with the 29. Utah, Isaiah Collier, PG, Southern California
mento Kings and Pitt’s Bub Carrington en-Bresse of LNB Elite, the country’s San Antonio Spurs at No. 4. Ron Holland 30. Boston, Baylor Scheierman, G, Creighton


US looks to overcome struggles vs. Panama


The U.S. men’s national team faces a

familiar and pesky foe in Atlanta on
Thursday when it goes up against Pana-
ma in a Copa America Group C match.
Panama earned a shootout victory
over the Americans in the 2023 CONCA-
CAF Gold Cup semifinals, although it
should be noted that the U.S. essentially
fielded a B-team after winning the CON-
CACAF Nations League Finals a few
weeks earlier.
Still, the Panamanians can use that
result and a 1-0 home victory over the
U.S. in a 2022 World Cup qualifier for
confidence after opening this year’s Co-
pa with a 3-1 loss to Uruguay.
“We just have to make sure that we
come out 100 percent and not take any-
thing for granted,” U.S. forward Tim
Weah said.
“We know what Panama is capable of
and we just have to make sure we’re on
our A game.”
It’s crunch time for Panama (0-0-1),
which needs a victory to improve its
slim chances of being in the top two in
Group C to advance to the knockout
round. The U.S. (1-0-0), coming off a 2-0
win against Bolivia, is in much better
Panama coach Thomas Christiansen
felt his team gave Uruguay too much re-
spect based on its South American line-
age and hopes his team starts more ag-
gressively on Thursday. U.S. forward Tim Weah (21) and Mexico defender Johan Vasquez chase the ball during the first half of a March 24 game at
“We’ve known the U.S. team for AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. JEROME MIRON/USA TODAY SPORTS
years,” Christiansen said. “We’ve seen
their evolution, a very good and impor-
tant revolution, and besides the players with Uruguay in that sense.” sharpening play in front of the goal be- U.S. midfielder Gio Reyna said.
they have in the big leagues, we have the The United States dominated Bolivia fore playing Uruguay on Monday in a “I think collectively, as a group, it’s
whole team to consider. in shot attempts (20-6) but only man- match that could determine the group more important that we know what we
“It’s been a very competitive team. … aged goals from Christian Pulisic and winner. can really show the world what we can
As to intensity, I think they’re quite even Folarin Balogun. The focus will be on “It’s a huge opportunity for all of us,” do.”


Sather, 80, retires after

24 years with Rangers

Hockey Hall of Fame member Glen

Sather announced his retirement on
Wednesday as the senior adviser to the
owner and alternate governor of the
New York Rangers.
Sather, 80, has been with the Rang-
ers since June 2000 after being named
as the team’s president and general
manager. He served as the club’s GM
for 14 years and president for 19 before
moving into his advisory role five years
ago. All together, Sather has spent a to-
tal of six decades in hockey as a player,
head coach and front office executive.
Prior to his time with the Rangers,
the Alberta native Sather guided the Glen Sather, shown in 2025, is retiring
Edmonton Oilers to five Stanley Cup as the senior adviser to the owner and
championships as general manager – alternate governor of the New York
including four as a head coach. He was Rangers. PERRY NELSON/USA TODAY SPORTS
inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame
in the builder category in 1997.
“Having the opportunity to be asso- energy, grit and physical presence to
ciated with the National Hockey the line-up every night that will greatly New Texas baseball coach Jim Schlossnagle speaks at his introductory news
League, and specifically the New York complement the excitement we expect conference on Wednesday. JAY JANNER/AMERICAN-STATESMAN - USA TODAY NETWORK
Rangers and Edmonton Oilers, has from Utah hockey fans, especially in

Texas’ Schlossnagle
been one of the great privileges of my our inaugural season.”
life,” Sather said. “I want to thank Jim O’Brien, 29, recorded career-high to-
Dolan for giving me the chance to work tals in goals (five), assists (nine), points

apologizes to reporter
for the Rangers 24 years ago and for his (14) and penalty minutes (153) in 75
consistent guidance and friendship. games last season with the Arizona
“I want to thank everyone in the Coyotes, who have relocated to Salt
Rangers organization for their dedica- Lake City under new ownership.
tion and pursuit of excellence through- FIELD LEVEL MEDIA “He asked the question that was an
out the years, as well as the family Coaches can challenge puck out obvious question. I wish I could have
atmosphere they helped create. I would of play delay next season New Texas baseball coach Jim answered that better. But, in the mo-
also like to thank the great Rangers fans Schlossnagle took a distinctly different ment, 30 minutes after the last pitch,
for their passion and loyalty. This expe- The NHL on Wednesday announced tone at his introductory press confer- all I could think about was our players.”
rience is something I will always trea- rule changes for the 2024-25 season, ence on Wednesday than he did the last Schlossnagle ended his news con-
sure.” including the ability for coaches to time he was in front of a live micro- ference Wednesday by admitting that
Rangers president and general man- challenge delay of game penalties for a phone. “this was an opportunity I couldn’t
ager Chris Drury played four seasons puck out of play. Schlossnagle was not pleased on walk away from.”
(2007-11) under Sather’s watch with the “This only will apply to delay of Monday after a reporter asked about Schlossnagle now is reunited with
Rangers. game penalties when the puck is deter- his prospective interest in the Long- Texas athletic director Chris Del Conte,
“I would like to congratulate Glen on mined to have deflected off a player, horns’ job – the day his Texas A&M who held that same role during part of
his tremendous career,” Drury said. “I stick, glass or boards, and not on a team lost the final of the best-of-three the time the former coached at TCU
will forever be grateful to Glen for giv- judgment call on how the puck left the series to Tennessee in the Men’s Col- from 2004-21. Del Conte said Wednes-
ing me the opportunity to play for the defensive zone,” the NHL said. lege World Series. He even went so far day that he waited to talk formally with
Rangers, and I was so fortunate to lean However, a failed challenge will re- as to label the reporter as “selfish” for Schlossnagle at a Snook (Texas) ceme-
on him for guidance as I began my own sult in an additional two-minute minor asking it, however Schlossnagle be- tery as a means to avoid being recog-
career in the front office.” on top of the delay penalty. came Texas’ coach on Tuesday. nized.
Teams will also be hit with a bench “I took the job at Texas A&M to never Undler Schlossnagle, the Aggies
Liam O’Brien signs 3-year minor penalty for players sitting on the take another job again, and that hasn’t made the school’s first appearance in a
extension with Utah HC boards. Referees will give one warning changed in my mind,” Schlossnagle College World Series championship se-
to each team before a penalty is as- said on Monday. “That’s unfair to talk ries in 2022.
Utah Hockey Club forward Liam sessed. about something like that. … I gave up a Schlossnagle, 53, produced a 135-62
O’Brien signed a three-year contract Also, following an icing call, offen- big part of my life to come take this job, record in three seasons at Texas A&M.
extension on Wednesday. sive centers will receive a warning for a and I’ve poured every ounce of my soul The Aggies finished 53-15 this season,
Financial terms were not disclosed faceoff violation moving forward, same in this job. And I’ve given this job every making the MCWS for the second time
by the team, however TSN reported the as defensive players. single ounce I could possibly give it. So in his tenure.
deal was worth a total of $3 million. He Finally, an adjustment will be made write that.” He led TCU to five MCWS.
was a pending unrestricted free agent to prevent the defensive team from On Wednesday, Schlossnagle took a Texas finished this season at 36-24
prior to signing the contract. making a line change when its goal- decidedly different tone. and 297-162 in eight seasons under Da-
“We are very pleased to sign Liam to tender accidentally dislodges the net. “I want to publicly apologize to Rich- vid Pierce, who parted ways with the
a three-year contract,” Utah general The old language to that rule applied to ard Zane from TexAgs,” Schlossnagle school on Monday in a mutual decision,
manager Bill Armstrong said. “He adds just skaters. said. per Del Conte.


Dodgers rookie Stone shuts out White Sox

FIELD LEVEL MEDIA Cleveland rookie Jhonkensy Noel as the
Orioles snapped a season-worst, five-
Rookie Gavin Stone pitched a four- game losing streak.
hit shutout and Shohei Ohtani smacked Noel homered in his first big-league
his National League-best 25th home at-bat and teammate Gabriel Arias also
run as the visiting Los Angeles Dodgers went deep, but the Guardians had their
beat the Chicago White Sox 4-0 on seven-game winning streak end as they
Wednesday to complete a three-game failed to complete a three-game series
sweep. sweep.
Stone stymied the White Sox on a ca- Mullins led off the seventh inning
reer night. He never had pitched more with his eighth homer of the season,
than seven innings in 18 previous starts breaking a 2-2 tie with the blast off re-
but proved to get stronger as the game liever Xzavion Curry (0-2). O’Hearn’s
progressed. 10th long ball, also off Curry, leading off
Stone (9-2) didn’t walk a batter and the eighth ended the scoring.
struck out seven to match his career Baltimore starter Grayson Rodriguez
high. He set down 10 and nine straight held the Guardians to two runs and five
White Sox, during separate stretches as hits in seven innings. Rodriguez (9-3),
the Dodgers ran their winning streak to who struck out four without issuing a
four games. walk, recorded a victory for the fourth
Chicago went 0-for-17 with runners time in his last five starts.
in scoring position during the series, Henderson hit his 26th homer of the
getting outscored 11-3. The White Sox season in the fifth inning, a tying solo
have lost five home games in a row and shot.
seven of eight overall.
Ohtani set a franchise record by driv- Mets 12, Yankees 2
ing in at least one run for a 10th succes- Los Angeles Dodgers starting pitcher Gavin Stone delivers against the White Sox
sive game. He snapped a tie with four during the first inning on Wednesday in Chicago. KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/USA TODAY Francisco Alvarez homered, collected
other Dodgers who collected RBIs in three RBIs and reached base in all four
nine straight games. of his plate appearances for the red-hot
ries finale. Higashioka put them ahead Tigers. Andy Ibanez added an RBI sin- New York Mets, who routed the visiting
Astros 7, Rockies 1 to stay in the bottom of the second. gle. New York Yankees to sweep a two-game
Subway Series.
Spencer Arrighetti fanned a career- Braves 6, Cardinals 2, Game 1 Pirates 6, Reds 1 Tyrone Taylor and Harrison Bader
high 10 over seven shutout innings and Cardinals 4, Braves 1, Game 2 also homered for the Mets, who have
Houston won its seventh straight game, Luis Ortiz pitched six solid innings in gone 15-6 this month – the best record in
beating visiting Colorado. Matthew Liberatore blanked visiting his first start of the season, and Rowdy the majors – to climb to .500 at 39-39.
Arrighetti (4-6), who entered the Atlanta for six innings on two hits as St. Tellez and Andrew McCutchen each ho- Aaron Judge hit his major league-
game with an ERA of 6.36, enjoyed the Louis won the second half of a split dou- mered to help Pittsburgh pull away for a leading 30th homer for the Yankees,
longest outing of his major league ca- bleheader. win over host Cincinnati. who have dropped nine of 12.
reer. He gave up just three hits and The Braves won the first game 6-2. Jason Delay also drove in two runs to Alvarez, who walked in the first,
didn’t issue a walk in his 14th big-league Liberatore (2-2) has worked primari- help the Pirates take the three-game se- capped a three-run third inning with a
start. ly in relief this year. He was supposed to ries. two-run homer off Luis Gil (9-3). Alva-
Ryan Feltner (1-7) absorbed the loss be the opener in a scheduled bullpen Ortiz (4-2) made his first start since rez ripped an RBI double in the fifth just
after giving up seven hits and four runs start. Sept. 28, 2023, and gave up just one run before a lengthy rain delay. He singled in
in six-plus innings. Feltner walked one Instead, he lasted 85 pitches and set on four hits while striking out seven bat- the sixth immediately before Taylor’s
and fanned two. his season high for innings. He struck ters and issuing no walks. three-run homer.
Arrighetti didn’t allow a baserunner out a career-high eight batters and The game was tied 1-1 early until the With a chance at the cycle, Alvarez
until Ezequiel Tovar hit a one-out single walked just one. Pirates were able to break through and was pinch-hit for by Luis Torrens in the
in the fourth. Nolan Jones doubled with Ryan Helsley closed out the ninth to score five unanswered runs from the eighth. Alvarez is batting .415 with three
two outs in the fifth and Tovar doubled convert his 28th consecutive save, ex- fourth through the sixth inning. homers and 11 RBIs since returning from
with two outs in the sixth, but Arrighetti tending his team-record streak. Tellez hit his third home run of the a sprained left thumb June 11.
stranded both runners by recording in- Alec Burleson hit two doubles and season to break the tie and give the Pi-
ning-ending strikeouts. drove in two runs as the Cardinals won rates a 2-1 lead in the fourth inning. Twins 8, Diamondbacks 3
Feltner was nearly as good for most for the 10th time in 14 games. McCutchen followed up with a two-run
of his outing, but Houston broke In the early game, Jarred Kelenic shot, his 11th of the season, in the next Jose Miranda hit a three-run double
through in the fourth. Jose Altuve led off went 3-for-5 with a two-run homer and inning to extend Pittsburgh’s lead. and Willi Castro belted a two-run homer
with a single before stealing second and RBI single to drive the Braves past the to lead Minnesota over Arizona in Phoe-
third, then rode home when Yainer Diaz Cardinals. Mariners 5, Rays 2 nix.
sliced a single to right-center. Zack Short reached base three times Miranda, Carlos Correa and Carlos
and drove in two runs for the Braves, Cal Raleigh smashed a two-out, Santana had three hits apiece as Minne-
Brewers 6, Rangers 5, 10 innings who have won nine of their past 12 three-run homer in the sixth inning as sota racked up 14 overall, including sev-
games. Seattle closed out a disappointing nine- en doubles, while evening the three-
Andruw Monasterio hit a walk-off Braves starting pitcher Reynaldo Lo- game road swing with a win over Tampa game series.
RBI single in the bottom of the 10th, lift- pez (6-2) allowed two runs on four hits Bay in St. Petersburg, Fla. Castro and Trevor Larnach each had
ing Milwaukee over visiting Texas. and four walks in five innings. He struck Raleigh’s 14th of the season, walloped two hits as the Twins won for the 11th
Christian Yelich and Sal Frelick each out five. 422 feet off reliever Shawn Armstrong time in their past 16 games.
finished with three hits while Jake (2-2), put Seattle out front for good, 3-1. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. had two RBIs for
Bauers hit a third-inning grand slam for Royals 5, Marlins 1 The Mariners’ George Kirby (7-5) Arizona, which had just four hits while
the Brewers, who won their fourth turned in an outstanding 87-pitch start. falling to 9-6 over its past 15 games.
straight game. Salvador Perez’s RBI double high- The right-hander lasted six innings and Minnesota’s Simeon Woods Richard-
Nathaniel Lowe went 2-for-5 with a lighted a late rally as Kansas City re- yielded one run on a fluky infield single. son (3-1) was charged with three runs
home run and three RBIs for Texas, bounded for a win over visiting Miami to He fanned seven without a walk. and four hits over 51⁄3 innings. He struck
which was swept in the three-game se- win the rubber game of the three-game J.P. Crawford was 2-for-3 with a dou- out four and walked two.
ries. series. ble, walk, two RBIs and a stolen base as Minnesota relievers Josh Staumont,
Jared Koenig (7-1) pitched a scoreless Trailing 1-0 with two in the eighth, Seattle broke a three-game losing streak Steven Okert, Jhoan Duran and Ronny
top of the tenth for Milwaukee. In the the Royals erupted for five straight hits and concluded its road trip with a 3-6 Henriquez combined for 32⁄3 perfect in-
bottom of the inning, Jacob Latz (2-3) against Huascar Brazoban (0-1). Bobby record. nings.
relieved Kirby Yates. Latz retired Bauers Witt Jr. tripled and scored on Vinnie Jose Caballero was 3-for-3 with a
on a popout, then intentionally walked Pasquantino’s sharp single to center, ty- double and a run for the Rays. Yandy Giants 4, Cubs 3
Rhys Hoskins. ing the game. Diaz went 2-for-4 with an RBI, stretch-
After Frelick popped out, automatic Pinch-runner Dairon Blanco stole ing his on-base streak to a career-high Luis Matos broke a fifth-inning tie
runner Willy Adames advanced to third second and scored on Perez’s drive 28 games. with a home run, the San Francisco bull-
on a wild pitch, with Hoskins soon mov- down the left-field line. Perez scored on pen pitched brilliantly for a second con-
ing to second on defensive indifference. Nick Loftin’s looping single to left and Angels 5, Athletics 2 secutive game and the host Giants held
Monasterio then singled to center to Freddy Fermin, after a walk, capped the off Chicago for a third straight win.
bring home Adames. five-run outburst with a two-run, bas- Zach Neto’s three-run double high- Michael Conforto and David Villar
es-loaded single. lighted a five-run sixth inning, propel- also went deep for the Giants, who re-
Padres 8, Nationals 5 Fermin, Pasquantino and Hunter ling Los Angeles over Oakland in Ana- corded their first three-homer game at
Renfroe each collected two hits for the heim, Calif., completing a three-game home this season after producing five
Dylan Cease allowed just one hit over Royals. sweep. such contests on the road.
seven shutout innings while battery Kansas City starter Brady Singer al- A’s starting pitcher Joey Estes stifled The Giants will attempt to sweep the
mate Kyle Higashioka homered twice lowed just one hit after the second in- the Angels’ bats for five innings, with four-game series Thursday afternoon.
and knocked in six runs as San Diego ning, retiring the final 11 batters he faced. Oakland taking a 1-0 lead into the sixth Matos came to the plate with two
polished off a three-game sweep of vis- He pitched 71⁄3 innings, surrendering one before the Angels rallied. outs and no runners on in the fifth after
iting Washington. run on five hits and a walk, with five The Angels had two on with two outs the Cubs’ Seiya Suzuki drew the visitors
Cease (7-6) walked two and fanned strikeouts. when A’s manager Mark Kotsay re- even at 3-3 with his ninth homer in the
nine, throwing 65 of his 102 pitches for moved Estes in favor of reliever Austin top of the inning.
strikes. The only hit he allowed was a Phillies 6, Tigers 2 Adams. Angels manager Ron Washing- Matos went deep off Cubs reliever
two-out single by Nick Senzel in the top ton countered by sending up Luis Guil- Drew Smyly (2-5), his third of the sea-
of the fifth inning. Washington never Brandon Marsh had four hits, includ- lorme to pinch hit for Kevin Pillar. son.
even got a runner into scoring position ing a two-run homer, and drove in four Guillorme walked to load the bases
until the ninth. runs as visiting Philadelphia defeated and Adams hit Mickey Moniak on a 1-2 Blue Jays at Red Sox, suspended
Then, the Nationals erupted for five Detroit. pitch to force home a run and tie the
runs on two-run doubles by Lane Bryson Stott scored three runs for the score at 1-1. It was the ninth batter Ad- The Boston Red Sox’s home game
Thomas and Luis Garcia, plus an RBI Phillies, who took two games in the ams has hit this season, the most in the against the Toronto Blue Jays was sus-
single by Harold Ramirez. They had the three-game series. Bryce Harper ex- American League. pended in the second inning due to a se-
tying run on deck before Senzel ground- tended his hitting streak to 11 games That brought Neto to the plate, and vere rainstorm.
ed into a game-ending double play. with a ninth-inning single. the Angels shortstop hit a liner into the The game will resume on Aug. 26 at
Rookie left-hander DJ Herz (1-2) suf- Philadelphia starter Spencer Turn- left field corner to drive in all three base- 2:05 p.m. as part of a split-admission
fered the loss after permitting six hits bull, facing his former team for the first runners for a 4-1 Angels lead. Matt doubleheader, beginning with one out
and four runs over 31⁄3 innings with two time, left the game early due to shoulder Thaiss followed with an RBI double to in the top of the second inning. The
walks and one strikeout. The result soreness. He gave up one run and one make it 5-1. teams will play their originally sched-
capped a 6-1 homestand for San Diego, hit in three innings, walking two and uled contest at 7:10 p.m.
which is now 14-4 in its last 18 home striking out two. Orioles 4, Guardians 2 Neither team recorded a hit in the
games. Jose Ruiz (2-1) notched the win with first 11⁄3 innings of the game, though
After wild 7-6 and 9-7 victories in the an inning of scoreless relief. Baltimore’s Gunnar Henderson, Ce- starting pitchers Yariel Rodriguez of the
series’ first two games, the Padres con- Matt Vierling hit a solo homer and a dric Mullins and Ryan O’Hearn homered Blue Jays and Kutter Crawford of the
tinued to pile up hits and runs in the se- double while scoring both runs for the to overcome a head-turning debut from Red Sox combined to issue three walks.

Philadelphia 6, Detroit 2 Gonzales 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .281
Hayes 3b 4 1 0 0 0 1 .222
PHI ............. 100 220 010 — 6 12 0 Joe rf 3 1 2 0 1 0 .245
DET...............100 000 001 — 2 4 0 Suwinski cf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .174
Delay c 3 1 2 2 1 0 .200
Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 36 6 10 6 2 7
Schwarber dh 4 1 1 0 1 3 .250
Turner ss 5 0 2 0 0 3 .329 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Harper 1b 4 0 1 0 1 2 .305 India 2b 4 0 2 1 0 1 .268
Bohm 3b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .304 De La Cruz ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .249
Castellanos rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .223 Steer 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .239
Stott 2b 3 3 1 0 1 0 .242 Stephenson c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .240
Marsh cf 4 1 4 4 0 0 .269 Martini rf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .206
Dahl lf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .250 Espinal 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .203
Stubbs c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .202 Fairchild cf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .218
Totals 36 6 12 6 4 10 Soto dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Jordan lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .143
Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 30 1 4 1 1 10
Vierling 3b 4 2 2 1 0 0 .254
Keith 2b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .240 2B: Joe (15), Delay 2 (3), India (13). HR:
a-Ibanez ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 .291 McCutchen (11), Tellez (3). RBI:
Greene cf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .259 McCutchen 2 (24), Tellez (20), Suwinski
Canha 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .236
Perez rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .263 (20), Delay 2 (6), India (31). Runners left in
Malloy dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .148 scoring position: Pittsburgh 3
Baddoo lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .122 (McCutchen, Suwinski, Delay), Cincinnati
Kelly c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .242
Kreidler ss 1 0 0 0 1 0 .167 2 (De La Cruz, Fairchild). RISP: Pittsburgh
b-McKinstry ph-ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 .195 3 for 7, Cincinnati 1 for 3. GIDP: Cruz, De La
Totals 29 2 4 2 2 7 Cruz. DP: Pittsburgh 1, Cincinnati 1.
a-singled for Keith in 9th. b-flied out for Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Kreidler in 8th. Ortiz W, 4-2 6.0 4 1 1 0 7 85 3.23
2B: Stott (11), Vierling (10). HR: Marsh (7), Nicolas 2.0 0 0 0 1 1 28 4.70
Vierling (10). RBI: Castellanos (39), Marsh Chapman 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 10 3.86
4 (31), Dahl (8), Vierling (32), Ibanez (19). Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
CS: Marsh (3), Kreidler (1). SB: Stott (20). Ashcraft L, 4-4 5.1 9 6 6 1 3 89 5.45
Wilson 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 18 5.40
SF: Dahl. Runners left in scoring position: Sims 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 3.71
Philadelphia 5 (Schwarber, Turner, Diaz 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 17 4.91
Castellanos, Stott 2), Detroit 1 (Perez). Inherited runners: Wilson 2-0. Balk: Ortiz
RISP: Philadelphia 2 for 11, Detroit 1 for 3. (1). Umpires: HP-Gibson, 1B-Rehak,
GIDP: Castellanos, Canha. DP: 2B-Vondrak, 3B-Hanahan. T: 2:18. A:
Philadelphia 1, Detroit 1. 22,450 (45,814).
Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
N.Y. Mets 12, N.Y. Yankees 2
Turnbull 3.0 1 1 1 2 2 36 2.65
Soto 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.91 NYY ............. 000 002 000 — 2 6 1
Ruiz W, 2-1 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16 3.32 NYM ...........003 043 11x — 12 12 1
Strahm 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 18 0.86
Kerkering 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1.57 N.Y. Yankees AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Hoffman 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.08 Volpe ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .266
Alvarado 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 16 3.27 Soto rf 2 1 0 0 2 1 .303
Jones rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .182
Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Judge cf 2 1 2 2 1 0 .309
Holton 1.2 4 1 1 1 1 29 4.10 c-Grisham ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .136
Vest 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 18 3.27 Davis dh 2 0 0 0 2 2 .227
Montero L, 0-2 4.1 5 5 5 3 6 94 9.35 Verdugo lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .247
Wentz 1.2 3 0 0 0 1 28 5.35 LeMahieu 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .178
Trevino c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .247
Inherited runners: Vest 2-2, Wentz 2-1. a-Wells ph-c 1 0 0 0 1 1 .209
HBP: Greene. WP: Alvarado. Umpires: Rice 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .261
HP-Libka, 1B-Hoye, 2B-Drake, Cabrera 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .238
Totals 31 2 6 2 7 8
3B-Reyburn. T: 2:30. A: 22,530 (41,083).
N.Y. Mets AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Seattle 5, Tampa Bay 2 Lindor ss 5 1 2 0 0 1 .246
SEA..............000 003 200 — 5 5 0 Iglesias ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .400
Nimmo lf 3 2 0 0 2 0 .242
TB .................001 000 001 — 2 5 0 Gamel lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Martinez dh 4 0 1 1 0 0 .287
Crawford ss 3 0 2 2 1 0 .217 Alonso 1b 3 3 1 0 1 0 .241
Rojas 3b 4 1 0 0 0 3 .251 Alvarez c 3 3 3 3 1 0 .313
b-Torrens ph-c 1 0 1 0 0 0 .360
Rodriguez cf
Raleigh dh
0 0 1 1
1 3 2 0
Astros starting pitcher Spencer Arrighetti delivers a pitch against the Colorado Rockies during the first Taylor rf 3 2 1 3 1 0 .240
Vientos 3b 3 0 1 2 2 2 .298
France 1b
Garver c
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
inning of Wednesday’s game at Minute Maid Park in Houston. ERIK WILLIAMS/USA TODAY SPORTS McNeil 2b 4 0 0 1 0 0 .213
Canzone rf 3 1 1 0 0 2 .227 Bader cf 5 1 2 2 0 0 .275
a-Robles ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .333 Totals 34 12 12 12 7 3
Moore lf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .209 a-struck out for Trevino in 6th. b-singled
Bliss 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .245
for Alvarez in 8th. c-struck out for Judge
Totals 31 5 5 5 4 13 2B-Baker, 3B-Carlson. T: 2:31. A: 33,603
in 8th.
Tampa Bay AB R H BI BB SO Avg. (41,168).
Diaz 1b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .275 E: Gil, Vientos. 2B: Cabrera (6), Lindor 2
Lowe rf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .234 Milwaukee 6, Texas 5 (10) (23), Alvarez (8), Bader (14). HR: Judge
Arozarena lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .189 TEX...... 010 400 000 0 — 5 10 1 (30), Alvarez (4), Taylor (3), Bader (6). RBI:
Paredes 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .272
Palacios dh 4 0 0 1 0 1 .244 MIL .......004 100 000 1 — 6 11 0 Judge 2 (77), Martinez (34), Alvarez 3 (19),
Rosario 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .296 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Taylor 3 (20), Vientos 2 (22), McNeil (16),
Siri cf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .212 Semien 2b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .244 Bader 2 (30). SF: McNeil. Runners left in
Caballero ss 3 1 3 0 0 0 .243
Jackson c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .077
Grossman dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .220 scoring position: N.Y. Yankees 6 (Jones 2,
a-Taveras ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .214
Totals 30 2 5 2 2 8 Smith ss 5 0 0 0 0 4 .294 Verdugo 2, LeMahieu, Rice), N.Y. Mets 6
a-grounded out for Canzone in 9th. Garcia rf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .218 (Lindor 2, Taylor 2, Vientos, Bader). RISP:
2B: Crawford (11), Caballero (11). HR: Langford lf 3 1 1 0 2 0 .250 N.Y. Mets 6 for 15. GIDP: Verdugo 2,
Lowe 1b 5 1 2 3 0 2 .256 Trevino, Alonso. DP: N.Y. Yankees 1, N.Y.
Raleigh (14). RBI: Crawford 2 (25), Raleigh Heim c 3 1 2 1 1 0 .234
3 (49), Diaz (40), Palacios (17). CS: Hill cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .231 Mets 3.
Wendzel 3b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .150
Caballero (9). SB: Crawford (3). S: Moore. Totals 39 5 10 5 3 11
Runners left in scoring position: Seattle 2 Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Gil L, 9-3 4.1 4 5 5 4 2 87 3.15
(Rojas 2), Tampa Bay 2 (Paredes, Rosario). Ferguson 0.0 1 1 1 0 0 5 5.84
Turang 2b 5 0 1 0 0 1 .288 Gomez 2.0 4 5 5 3 1 62 5.87
RISP: Seattle 2 for 5, Tampa Bay 1 for 6. Contreras c 5 0 0 0 0 1 .292 Hill 1.2 3 1 1 0 0 27 5.40
GIDP: Rosario. DP: Seattle 2. Yelich lf 4 1 3 0 1 0 .325
Adames ss 4 2 0 0 1 2 .238 N.Y. Mets IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bauers 1b 4 1 1 4 1 1 .219 Manaea W, 5-3 5.0 2 0 0 5 3 77 3.89
Kirby W, 7-5 6.0 4 1 1 0 7 87 3.35 Hoskins dh 4 0 0 0 1 2 .221 Young 0.1 2 2 2 1 1 17 4.09
Voth 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3.62 Frelick cf 5 0 3 0 0 0 .269 Ottavino 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.99
Stanek 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 16 3.45 Ortiz 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .275 Houser S, 1 3.0 2 0 0 1 3 44 5.55
Munoz 0.0 0 1 1 2 0 18 1.69 b-Monasterio ph-3b 2 0 1 1 0 1 .163
Thornton S, 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 12 3.22 Chourio rf 4 2 2 1 0 0 .236 Ferguson pitched to 1 batter in the 5th.
Totals 39 6 11 6 4 8 Inherited runners: Ferguson 2-1, Gomez
a-fouled out for Grossman in 9th. b-was 2-0, Ottavino 1-1. HBP: Martinez, Alonso,
Pepiot 5.1 1 1 1 2 8 88 4.40
Armstrong L, 2-2 BS, 0.2 1 2 2 1 0 22 3.96 hit by a pitch for Ortiz in 6th. Taylor. Umpires: HP-Lentz, 1B-Jimenez,
1 E: Yates. 2B: Wendzel (2). HR: Lowe (3), 2B-Scheurwater, 3B-Barksdale. T: 3:05. A:
Kelly 1.0 3 2 2 0 2 27 3.41
Heim (7), Bauers (7), Chourio (8). RBI: 43,004 (41,922).
Adam 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 25 2.12
Poche 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.20 Grossman (11), Lowe 3 (24), Heim (33), Minnesota 8, Arizona 3
Munoz pitched to 3 batters in the 9th. Bauers 4 (32), Monasterio (6), Chourio MIN ............031 220 000 — 8 14 0
Inherited runners: Thornton 3-2, (29). SB: Hill (2), Yelich (16). Runners left in ARI............... 000 102 000 — 3 4 0
Armstrong 1-0. HBP: Paredes. Umpires: scoring position: Texas 5 (Semien 2,
Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
HP-Knight, 1B-Morales, 2B-Barber, Grossman 2, Lowe), Milwaukee 4 Castro 2b 4 2 2 2 0 1 .274
3B-Ramos. T: 2:50. A: 18,286 (25,025). (Adames 3, Chourio). RISP: Texas 3 for 13, Larnach lf 5 1 2 1 0 1 .255
Milwaukee 2 for 8. GIDP: Semien, Ortiz. Margot lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .232
Kansas City 5, Miami 1 DP: Texas 1, Milwaukee 1. Lewis dh 4 0 0 0 1 1 .311
Kepler rf 5 0 0 0 0 3 .245
MIA.............. 010 000 000 — 1 5 0 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Correa ss 4 2 3 1 1 0 .306
KC..............000 000 05x — 5 10 0 Eovaldi 7.0 9 5 5 1 4 101 3.45
Santana 1b 5 1 3 0 0 1 .251
Buxton cf 3 1 0 1 0 1 .251
Miami AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Robertson 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 13 3.38
Miranda 3b 4 1 3 3 1 0 .293
Chisholm Jr. cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .264 Yates 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 19 0.95
Vazquez c 5 0 1 0 0 2 .188
De La Cruz dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .242 Latz L, 2-3 0.2 1 1 0 1 0 5 3.38
Totals 39 8 14 8 3 10
Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .243 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Sanchez rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .233 Arizona AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Burger 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Keuchel 4.0 8 5 5 1 4 71 11.25 Carroll cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .216
Lopez 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Junis 2.0 1 0 0 1 3 36 3.00 Marte 2b 2 1 0 0 2 0 .278
Gordon lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .227 Hudson 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12 0.84 Pederson dh 3 1 1 0 0 1 .289
Brujan ss 3 1 1 0 0 0 .236 Payamps 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.72 Walker 1b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .252
Fortes c 3 0 1 1 0 1 .160 Megill 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 12 1.78 Gurriel Jr. lf 3 0 1 2 0 0 .260
Totals 31 1 5 1 1 6 Koenig W, 7-1 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 13 1.72 McCarthy rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .281
Suarez 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .192
Kansas City AB R H BI BB SO Avg. HBP: Monasterio. IBB: Yates (2), Latz (3), Barnhart c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .171
Garcia 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Koenig (2). WP: Eovaldi, Latz. Umpires: Perdomo ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .262
Witt Jr. ss 3 1 1 0 0 1 .311 HP-Conroy, 1B-Segal, 2B-Vanover, Totals 29 3 4 2 2 8
Pasquantino dh 4 0 2 1 0 0 .236
a-Blanco pr-dh 0 1 0 0 0 0 .236 3B-Tomlinson. T: 2:43. A: 36,552 (41,700). 2B: Castro (21), Larnach 2 (7), Correa (15),
Perez 1b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .279 Atlanta 6, St. Louis 2 Santana (13), Miranda 2 (16), Walker (15).
Loftin 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .228
Game 1 3B: Gurriel Jr. (1). HR: Castro (7). RBI:
Melendez lf
Renfroe rf
1 1 0 0 1
0 2 0 1 0
The Brewers’ Andruw Monasterio hits a walk-off RBI single in the 10th inning Castro 2 (26), Larnach (25), Correa (37),
ATL ..............040 002 000 — 6 9 0
Fermin c
Hampson cf
0 2 2 0 1
0 0 0 0 1
.278 STL ...............010 010 000 — 2 4 0 against the Rangers in Milwaukee. MARK HOFFMAN/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Buxton (27), Miranda 3 (33), Gurriel Jr. 2
b-Massey ph-cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .288
(45). CS: Pederson (1). SF: Buxton, Gurriel
Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Jr.. Runners left in scoring position:
Totals 34 5 10 5 1 8 Kelenic cf 5 1 3 3 0 0 .273
a-ran for Pasquantino in 8th. b-struck out Albies 2b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .254 Minnesota 5 (Lewis, Kepler, Santana,
for Hampson in 8th. Ozuna dh 5 0 0 0 0 3 .309 Vazquez 2), Arizona 2 (Walker, Suarez).
Olson 1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .247 Goldschmidt (32), Donovan (40). CS: San Diego 8, Washington 5 Mullins cf 3 1 2 1 0 0 .214
RISP: Minnesota 4 for 16. GIDP: Kepler. DP:
2B: Gordon (8), Brujan (8), Pasquantino Mateo 2b 3 1 2 0 0 0 .240
Riley 3b 5 1 2 0 0 2 .254 Kelenic (2). SB: Goldschmidt (4), Donovan WAS............. 000 000 005 — 5 5 1 Totals 31 4 9 4 2 4 Arizona 1.
(21), Perez (16), Fermin (8). 3B: Witt Jr. (8). Murphy c 3 0 1 0 2 0 .200 (2), Gorman (6). Runners left in scoring
RBI: Fortes (12), Pasquantino (49), Perez Laureano rf 5 1 0 1 0 0 .250 SD................ 020 200 04x — 8 9 0 a-walked for Freeman in 9th. b-grounded Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Wall lf 3 2 1 0 1 0 .286 position: Atlanta 4 (Albies, Duvall 3), St.
(47), Loftin (13), Fermin 2 (18). CS: Short ss 2 0 1 2 2 0 .157 Louis 3 (Contreras, Siani 2). RISP: Atlanta 2 Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg. out for Hedges in 8th. Woods Richardson 5.1 4 3 3 2 4 90 3.41
Abrams ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .280 2B: Hedges (2), Mateo (13). HR: Noel (1), W, 3-1
Chisholm Jr. (6). SB: Blanco (16). Runners Totals 36 6 9 6 7 6 for 6, St. Louis 3 for 7. b-Nunez ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .091 Staumont 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.00
left in scoring position: Miami 2 (Burger, St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Thomas rf 2 1 1 2 2 1 .243 Arias (3), Henderson (26), O’Hearn (10), Okert 1.1 0 0 0 0 3 19 3.33
Brujan), Kansas City 4 (Perez, Hampson 2, Winn ss 4 0 0 0 1 2 .293 Winker lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Mullins (8). RBI: Noel (1), Arias (15), Duran 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.80
Burleson rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 .286 Elder L, 1-3 6.0 4 2 2 0 4 96 5.76 a-Vargas ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .268
Massey). RISP: Miami 1 for 3, Kansas City 4 Contreras c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .272 Holmes 2.0 4 2 2 1 2 39 2.57
Henderson 2 (57), O’Hearn (33), Mullins Henriquez 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0.00
Meneses 1b 3 1 0 0 0 1 .240
for 7. Goldschmidt 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .232 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Garcia Jr. 2b 4 1 1 2 0 1 .257 (26). CS: Mullins (3), Mateo (2). SB: Arias Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA

Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Donovan lf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .267

Liberatore W, 2-2 6.0 2 0 0 1 8 84 3.86
Ramirez dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .250 (5). Runners left in scoring position: Nelson L, 5-6 3.2 10 6 6 0 3 77 5.69
Arenado 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .257 Senzel 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .220 Cleveland 2 (Gimenez, Rocchio), McGough 1.0 1 1 1 0 2 13 6.66
Bellozo 5.0 2 0 0 0 2 72 0.00 Gorman 2b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .193 Roycroft H, 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 14 2.87 Millas c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .185 Hughes 1.0 1 1 1 1 3 16 9.00
Bender H, 8 1.0 1 0 0 0 3 17 4.85 Carpenter dh 1 1 1 1 0 0 .244 Kittredge H, 22 0.2 2 1 1 0 0 14 3.31 Young cf 2 1 0 0 1 2 .266 Baltimore 2 (Westburg 2). RISP: Baltimore Vieira 2.1 1 0 0 1 2 37 4.96
Nardi H, 8 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 21 4.85 a-Fermin ph-dh 0 0 0 0 1 0 .162 Romero H, 23 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 6 2.83 Totals 30 5 5 5 3 10 1 for 4. GIDP: Freeman. DP: Baltimore 1. Jarvis 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 7 3.45
Brazoban L, 0-1 BS, 2 0.2 5 5 5 0 1 28 5.63 b-Crawford ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .180 Helsley S, 28 1.0 1 0 0 1 1 21 2.75
Chargois 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 10 1.42 Siani cf 2 0 1 0 0 1 .221
San Diego AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Inherited runners: Staumont 2-0,
Inherited runners: Romero 2-1. Umpires: Profar lf 4 0 1 1 0 0 .316
Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA c-Carlson ph-cf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .185 Carrasco 5.0 6 2 2 2 3 91 5.27 McGough 1-1, Hughes 1-0, Vieira 1-1. HBP:
HP-Ripperger, 1B-Ortiz, 2B-Marquez, Wade lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .239 Curry L, 0-2 3.0 3 2 2 0 1 50 5.74
Singer 7.1 5 1 1 1 5 92 3.12
Totals 28 2 4 2 6 8 Solano 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .277 Castro, Buxton, Pederson. IBB: Jarvis (4).
3B-Metz. T: 2:15. A: 33,921 (44,383). Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Zerpa W, 1-0 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 13 3.41 a-walked for Carpenter in 6th. b-struck Machado dh 4 1 2 0 0 0 .264 WP: Staumont. Umpires: HP-Thomas,
McArthur 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4.55 out for Fermin in 9th. c-lined out for Siani L.A. Angels 5, Oakland 2 Cronenworth 2b 3 1 0 0 1 0 .264 Rodriguez W, 9-3 7.0 5 2 2 0 4 97 3.72 1B-Estabrook, 2B-Bacchus, 3B-Diaz. T:
Kim ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .223 Perez H, 8 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4.37
Inherited runners: Chargois 2-0. HBP: Witt in 6th. OAK ..............010 000 001 — 2 7 0 Merrill cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .284 Kimbrel S, 17 1.0 0 0 0 1 3 18 2.54 2:37. A: 16,396 (48,405).
Jr.. Umpires: HP-Gonzalez, 1B-Tichenor, 2B: Goldschmidt (10), Siani (4). HR: LAA .............000 005 00x — 5 7 0 Rosario 3b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .250 San Francisco 4, Chicago Cubs 3
2B-Ceja, 3B-Blaser. T: 2:20. A: 14,132 Higashioka c 4 3 3 6 0 0 .207 HBP: Gimenez. Umpires: HP-Cuzzi,
Kelenic (8). RBI: Kelenic 3 (24), Laureano Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. CHC .............. 010 110 000 — 3 9 0
Johnson rf 1 0 0 0 2 0 .125 1B-Randazzo, 2B-Riggs, 3B-Bellino. T:
(4), Short 2 (5), Burleson (34), Carpenter Cameron cf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .158 Totals 32 8 9 7 4 5 SF ................. 030 010 00x — 4 6 1
Soderstrom 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .230 2:19. A: 17,965 (45,971).
Houston 7, Colorado 1 (7). SB: Kelenic (3). SF: Burleson,
Andujar lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .328 a-flied out for Winker in 9th. b-singled for L.A. Dodgers 4, Chicago White Sox 0 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
COL...............000 000 010 — 1 4 3 Carpenter. Runners left in scoring Rooker dh 4 0 2 0 0 0 .261 Abrams in 9th. Hoerner 2b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .242
position: Atlanta 5 (Ozuna 4, Wall), St. Nevin 3b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .207 LAD ............. 103 000 000 — 4 6 0 Busch 1b 4 0 1 0 0 3 .260
HOU............. 000 110 41x — 7 11 0 E: Abrams. 2B: Thomas (8), Garcia Jr. (13),
Louis 3 (Donovan 2, Siani). RISP: Atlanta 2 Butler rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .176 CHW ........... 000 000 000 — 0 4 0 Bellinger rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .273
Colorado AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Alvarez 2b 3 2 1 0 1 0 .500 Rosario (6). HR: Higashioka 2 (8). RBI: Suzuki dh 4 1 1 1 0 0 .263
for 10. GIDP: Arenado. DP: Atlanta 1.
Doyle cf 3 0 0 1 0 0 .258 McCann c 2 0 1 0 2 0 .278 Thomas 2 (34), Garcia Jr. 2 (35), Ramirez L.A. Dodgers AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Happ lf 3 1 1 0 1 1 .227
Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Schuemann ss 2 0 1 2 1 0 .224 Ohtani dh 2 2 1 1 2 0 .322 Morel 3b 1 0 1 0 3 0 .204
Tovar ss 4 0 2 0 0 2 .287
Totals 30 2 7 2 5 6
(2), Profar (55), Higashioka 6 (20). CS: Hernandez lf 3 0 0 1 0 2 .252
McMahon 3b 4 0 0 0 0 3 .277 Lopez W, 6-2 5.0 4 2 2 4 5 87 1.70 Swanson ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .217
Rodgers 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .279 L.A. Angels AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Thomas (6). S: Johnson. Runners left in Freeman 1b 4 0 1 2 0 1 .299 Crow-Armstrong cf 3 1 1 1 1 1 .205
Lee 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 22 2.20
Toglia 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .190 Johnson 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 18 3.42 Schanuel 1b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .224 scoring position: San Diego 1 (Merrill). Heyward rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .220 Amaya c 3 0 1 1 0 0 .194
Stallings c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .286 Rengifo 2b-rf-3b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .308 RISP: Washington 3 for 4, San Diego 4 for Pages cf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .251 a-Mastrobuoni ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .116
Jimenez 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2.61
Jones lf 2 1 1 0 1 1 .194 Ward lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .245 Lux 2b 4 0 0 0 0 3 .221 Totals 32 3 9 3 5 7
Cave rf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .252
Iglesias 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 17 2.43 8. GIDP: Senzel, Solano. DP: Washington 1, Rojas ss 4 0 2 0 0 0 .284
Sano 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .242 San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Montero dh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .206 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Adell rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .183 San Diego 1. Hernandez 3b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .200
Wisely ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .289
Totals 30 1 4 1 1 14 Gibson L, 5-3 4.0 4 4 4 5 4 87 3.70 Calhoun dh 2 1 0 0 2 2 .281 Barnes c 4 1 1 0 0 3 .206
Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Totals 32 4 6 4 3 12 Ramos cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .294
Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Leahy 3.0 4 2 2 1 1 55 4.13 Pillar rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .288 Chapman 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .234
Gallegos 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 26 10.80 a-Guillorme ph-2b 1 1 0 0 1 1 .273 Herz L, 1-2 3.1 6 4 4 2 1 66 5.48 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Altuve 2b 5 1 2 2 0 1 .303 Barnes 2.2 0 0 0 0 1 25 3.77 Bailey c 3 1 0 0 1 2 .285
Bregman 3b 5 1 0 0 0 1 .253 King 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 10 2.30 Moniak cf 3 1 0 1 0 1 .194 Pham cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .270 Soler dh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .221
Neto ss 4 1 2 3 0 1 .256 Weems 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 14 6.14 Benintendi lf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .199
Alvarez lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .288 HBP: Donovan. Umpires: HP-Barrett, Rainey 1.0 3 4 4 2 2 32 7.77 Estrada 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .234
McCormick rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .219 Thaiss c 4 0 1 1 0 2 .219 Robert Jr. dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .190 Conforto lf 3 1 1 2 0 0 .232
Diaz dh 4 0 3 2 0 0 .271 1B-Metz, 2B-Ortiz, 3B-Marquez. T: 2:49. A: Totals 31 5 7 5 3 12 San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Sheets rf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .243 Villar 1b 3 1 1 1 0 2 .222
Meyers cf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .256 33,997 (44,383). a-walked for Pillar in 6th. Cease W, 7-6 7.0 1 0 0 2 9102 3.84 Julks rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .223 Matos rf 3 1 2 1 0 0 .253
Singleton 1b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .224 Matsui 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.71 Vaughn 1b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .233 Totals 30 4 6 4 1 12
a-Dubon pr-1b 1 2 1 0 0 0 .295
St. Louis 4, Atlanta 1 2B: Andujar (6), Rooker (15), Schuemann Cosgrove 0.1 2 4 4 1 0 22 11.66 DeJong ss 3 0 1 0 0 0 .236
Pena ss 4 1 2 1 0 0 .280 Game 2 (7), Rengifo (11), Ward (15), Neto (18), Morejon 0.2 2 1 1 0 0 5 2.65 Lee c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .238 a-fouled out for Amaya in 9th.
Loperfido rf-lf 3 1 0 0 0 0 .309
ATL ...............000 000 010 — 1 6 1 Thaiss (6). RBI: Schuemann 2 (13), Moniak Lopez 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .243 E: Doval. 2B: Happ (17). HR: Suzuki (9),
Salazar c 3 1 1 1 0 1 .455 Inherited runners: Barnes 1-1, Morejon Sosa 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .216
Conforto (9), Villar (1), Matos (3). RBI:
Totals 34 7 11 6 1 5 STL ..............002 000 02x — 4 8 0 (22), Neto 3 (35), Thaiss (7). SB: Alvarez 2-0. HBP: Meneses. WP: Herz. Umpires: Totals 30 0 4 0 0 7
(1). SF: Schuemann. Runners left in scoring Suzuki (29), Crow-Armstrong (12), Amaya
a-ran for Singleton in 7th. Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. HP-Moscoso, 1B-Tosi, 2B-Hamari, 2B: Freeman (22), Rojas (13), Sheets (17). (15), Conforto 2 (29), Villar (2), Matos (21).
Kelenic cf 4 0 3 1 0 1 .282 position: Oakland 3 (Rooker, Nevin, 3B-Walsh. T: 2:28. A: 37,397 (40,019). HR: Ohtani (25). RBI: Ohtani (61),
E: Rodgers, Toglia, Tovar. 2B: Tovar (24), Albies 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .251 Alvarez), L.A. Angels 4 (Schanuel, CS: Happ (2). Runners left in scoring
Jones (6), Cave (5), Alvarez (17), Dubon Ozuna dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .305 Baltimore 4, Cleveland 2 Hernandez (55), Freeman 2 (50). SF: position: Chicago 3 (Hoerner, Happ,
Calhoun, Pillar 2). RISP: Oakland 1 for 5, Hernandez. Runners left in scoring
(14), Salazar (2). RBI: Doyle (25), Altuve 2 Olson 1b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .244
L.A. Angels 2 for 8. GIDP: Soderstrom, CLE ...............010 010 000 — 2 5 0 Amaya), San Francisco 1 (Estrada). RISP:
(35), Diaz 2 (40), Pena (31), Salazar (4). CS: Riley 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .255 position: L.A. Dodgers 4 (Hernandez, Chicago 1 for 7. GIDP: Suzuki. DP: San
d’Arnaud c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Butler. DP: L.A. Angels 2. BAL................ 010 010 11x — 4 9 0 Pages, Lux, Barnes), Chicago 1 (Lee). RISP:
Meyers (3). SB: Altuve 2 (13), Meyers (7). Duvall lf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .166 Francisco 1.
Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. L.A. Dodgers 1 for 7. GIDP: Benintendi. DP:
SF: Doyle, Salazar. Runners left in scoring Laureano rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .257 Kwan lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .377 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
position: Colorado 3 (Tovar, McMahon, Williams ss 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Estes L, 2-3 5.2 3 2 2 2 8 87 5.24
Gimenez 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .245 L.A. Dodgers 1.
a-Murphy ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .211 Adams BS, 4 0.0 1 3 3 1 0 16 4.88 Wesneski 4.0 2 3 3 1 7 72 3.60
Cave), Houston 6 (Bregman 3, Meyers, c-Short pr-ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .157 McFarland 0.1 1 0 0 0 1 5 3.19
Ramirez dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .275 L.A. Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Smyly L, 2-5 1.1 3 1 1 0 2 23 3.81
Schneemann rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .280
Singleton 2). RISP: Houston 4 for 13. GIDP: Totals 32 1 6 1 2 11 Erceg 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 9 3.49
Freeman cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .212 Stone W, 9-2 9.0 4 0 0 0 7103 2.73 Hodge 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 22 2.00
Meyers. DP: Colorado 1. Miller 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 15 2.02 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Thompson 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 16 3.50
St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg. a-Naylor ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .241
Winn ss 4 1 1 0 0 0 .292 L.A. Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Noel 1b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .250 Fedde L, 5-3 6.0 5 4 4 1 5 88 3.23 San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Burleson rf 4 0 2 2 0 0 .289 Contreras 3.0 4 1 1 2 2 61 3.24 Arias 3b 3 1 2 1 0 1 .241 Soroka 3.0 1 0 0 2 7 63 5.48 Birdsong 4.2 6 3 3 3 5 97 5.79
Feltner L, 1-7 6.0 7 4 4 1 2 83 6.02 b-Carlson pr-rf 0 1 0 0 0 0 .185 Rocchio ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Jackson W, 4-1 1.1 0 0 0 1 0 22 6.12
Crouse 2.0 0 0 0 1 1 29 0.00
Kinley 0.2 0 2 2 0 0 13 8.80 Contreras dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .263 Moore W, 4-2 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 16 5.16 Hedges c 2 0 1 0 0 0 .145 WP: Soroka. Umpires: HP-Thomas, Miller H, 11 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 9 3.89
Blach 0.2 4 1 1 0 2 29 5.24 Goldschmidt 1b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .232 b-Fry ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .307 1B-Estabrook, 2B-Bacchus, 3B-Diaz. T: Rogers H, 14 1.0 2 0 0 1 0 14 2.84
Strickland 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 12 4.24
Vodnik 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 12 4.32 Donovan lf 4 0 2 1 0 0 .270 Naylor c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .202
Zuniga 2.0 3 1 1 1 1 32 6.43
Totals 31 2 5 2 1 7
2:02. A: 36,225 (40,615). Doval S, 14 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 8 4.40
Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Arenado 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .254
Gorman 2b 2 0 0 0 1 2 .191 Contreras pitched to 2 batters in the 4th. Baltimore AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 1 Inherited runners: Hodge 2-2. WP:
Arrighetti W, 4-6 7.0 3 0 0 0 10 89 5.68
Dubin 1.0 1 1 1 1 2 29 5.64 Pages c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .148 Adams pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. Henderson ss 4 1 3 2 0 0 .288 PIT.............. 010 122 000 — 6 10 0 Birdsong. Umpires: HP-Wolcott,
King 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 14 0.00 Siani cf 3 1 2 0 0 0 .229 Inherited runners: Adams 2-0, McFarland Rutschman c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .297 1B-Valentine, 2B-De Jesus, 3B-Johnson.
Totals 32 4 8 4 1 6 O’Hearn dh 4 1 1 1 0 0 .284 CIN .............. 001 000 000 — 1 4 0
Feltner pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. 1-0, Crouse 2-2. HBP: Cameron, Pillar, Mountcastle 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .278
T: 2:25. A: 30,893 (41,331).
a-singled for Williams in 8th. b-ran for Moniak. IBB: Estes (1). Umpires: Pittsburgh AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Inherited runners: Kinley 2-0, Blach 1-0, Burleson in 8th. c-ran for Murphy in 8th.
Santander rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .228 McCutchen dh 5 1 1 2 0 0 .238
Vodnik 2-2. HBP: Alvarez, Loperfido. HP-Bacon, 1B-Wolf, 2B-Porter, Westburg 3b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .283 Reynolds lf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .279
E: d’Arnaud. 2B: Laureano (4), Burleson 2 3B-Blakney. T: 2:37. A: 31,240 (45,517). Kjerstad lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .182 Cruz ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .239
Umpires: HP-MacKay, 1B-Merzel, (11). RBI: Kelenic (25), Burleson 2 (36), Cowser lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .226 Tellez 1b 4 1 2 1 0 1 .234

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Tour heads to Detroit for Rocket Mortgage Yang’s KPMG victory a popular one First Dane to win Amateur Championship
After a busy signature event-major championship- When it comes to popular winners, it’s hard to Jacob Skov Olesen made history last weekend.
signature event stretch, the PGA Tour heads to De- imagine anyone getting a bigger group hug from her The former Arkansas and TCU golfer became the
troit and Detroit Golf Club for the 2024 Rocket Mort- peers than Amy Yang. The 34-year-old nearly retired first Dane to win the Amateur Championship, taking
gage Classic. Defending champion Rickie Fowler — a short time ago but held on to win the KPMG Wom- down Dominic Clemons 4 and 3 in the 36-hole finale
T-20 at the Travelers Championship last week — and en’s PGA Championship in her 75th major champi- at Ballyliffin in Ireland on Saturday.
Mr. 59 Cameron Young highlight the field in Michi- onship start. Olesen’s victory earned him a spot in next month’s
gan. Since the tournament’s debut in 2019, the win- “I told (caddie) Jan on the 18th fairway, this has Open Championship at Royal Troon as well as spots
ning scores have been 25 under (Nate Lashley, been the longest 18 holes I ever played in my career,” in next year’s Masters and U.S. Open at Oakmont,
2019), 23 under (Bryson DeChambeau, 2020), 18 said a relieved Yang. “I was that much stressed and given he remains an amateur.
under (Cameron Davis, 2021), 26 under (Tony Finau, felt pressure out there.” “It’s an honor, and I’m really proud to be the first
2022) and 24 under (Fowler, 2023). Yang shivered as she walked into the flash area, Danish winner,” Olesen said. “I haven’t really gotten
her clothes soaked from the bubbly affair. The last to think about that, but I guess that’s something I’ll
Who to watch
time the LPGA has seen an 18th green celebration have forever, which is super cool. Hope it can inspire
Stephan Jaeger: He’s loved him some Detroit Golf quite so epic was the last time Yang lifted a trophy at someone else from Denmark to win next year or
Club over the last two seasons, finishing solo fifth in the CME Group Tour Championship in November. maybe some other years in the future.”
2022 and T-9 a year ago. The German ranks 24th in “I think it just speaks to what kind of person she Olesen, 25, took advantage early and was 2 up
birdie or better percentage entering the week, an is,” said Lydia Ko, who was joined by the likes of Jin after the morning 18 holes. Then, he was 6 up at
important stat for an event that will surely have a Young Ko, Brooke Henderson, Hyo Joo Kim and Hae- points during the afternoon session before eventu-
winning score of 20 under or deeper. His newfound ran Ryu on the 18th. “I said she’s one of the or the ally winning 4 and 3.
distance off the tee — ranks 17th on Tour — will nicest person on tour. And when she says stuff it’s Clemons, who won the Scottish Open Amateur
come in handy at a golf course that can be overpow- genuine. stroke play title he won at Muirfield earlier this
ered a bit. “All these people aren’t here just for show. Every- month, was 5 down with 5 to play but was able to
Taylor Pendrith: The Canadian has been playing body means it.” win one hole to close the gap, however, Olesen’s
consistent golf for the majority of 2024. In his last It wasn’t just the players who embraced Yang. advantage was too much.
four starts, Pendrith has finished T-21 (RBC Canadian More than an hour after the last putt dropped at “I will say on 15, the last putt there, I was thinking,
Open), T-33 (Memorial), T-16 (U.S. Open) and T-23 Sahalee, dozens of kids were outside the press area two putts from 15 feet and you get to play The
(Travelers Championship). In two previous starts at chanting her name. Open, the Masters and the U.S. Open,” Olesen said.
the Rocket Mortgage Classic, Pendrith has finished “That was probably the first time I really allowed
Tour heads to Michigan
T-2 (2022) and T-14 (2023). myself to think about it. It’s what you dream of since
Aaron Rai: His name has been bouncing around This week, the LPGA moves to the Dow Champi- you were a kid, to get to play those and play those
leaderboards for the last few months. Since the start onship in Midland, Michigan, which is a 72-hole, courses and play against those fields. It’s really
of May, the Englishman has finished T-4 (CJ Cup stroke-play team event with teams consisting of two cool.”
Byron Nelson), T-39 (PGA Championship), T-32 players. The first and third rounds will be played in The 2025 Amateur Championship will be played at
(Charles Schwab Challenge), T-14 (RBC Canadian foursomes (alternate shot) and the second and final Royal St George’s and Royal Cinque Ports from June
Open) and T-19 (U.S. Open). In his lone start at De- rounds will be played in four ball (best-ball) format.
troit Golf Club, Rai tied for ninth in 2023. After 36 holes, the field will be cut to the low-33
— Cameron Jourdan
Davis Thompson: Since missing the cut at the CJ teams and ties.
Cup Byron Nelson, Thompson has grabbed finishes — Beth Ann Nichols
of T-2 (Myrtle Beach Classic), T-17 (Charles Schwab
Challenge), MC (RBC Canadian Open), T-27 (Memori-
al) and T-9 (U.S. Open).
Jake Knapp: He hasn’t had his best stuff of late —
three missed cuts in his last four starts — but this
pick is about feel and course fit. The 30-year-old can
absolutely pound it off the tee and will use that as a
weapon around this Donald Ross design.
— Riley Hamel

Tom Kim lines up a putt on the 18th green during the final round of the Travelers
Championship on Sunday in Cronwell, Conn. GREGORY FISHER/USA TODAY SPORTS

Rocket ways look at it as OK, how can I do bet-

ter? You feed off so much and I think
that’s how you keep adding up good
Continued from Page 1NS weeks and adding up your successes
and leads to winning big golf tourna-
appreciate kind of old-school golf ments.”
course architecture.” If you’ve been hearing Kim’s name a
Fowler won a playoff over Collin Mo- lot lately, that’s because this will be his
rikawa and Canada’s Adam Hadwin last ninth consecutive start without skip-
year after they tied at 24-under 264. It ping a week, generally unheard of on
was Fowler’s first win since February tour. He’s yet to win this year but did tie
2019. The year before that, Tony Finau for fourth at the RBC Canadian Open
(not in the field this week) set the scor- earlier this month.
ing record at the relatively new tourna- “It’s my ninth week and I’m feeling
ment at a whopping 26-under 262. like it’s only my second, I’m feeling real-
The highest-ranked golfer in Detroit ly fresh,” Kim said, crediting his fitness
this week is South Korea’s Tom Kim (No. regimen.
16 in the world), followed by No. 23 Cam- The feel-good story of the week is
eron Young. Kim lost to Scheffler in a Miles Russell, who at 15 years old will
playoff at the Travelers, while Young make his PGA Tour debut on a sponsor
shot a 59 in the third round but still fin- exemption. The No. 1-ranked junior in
ished five shots behind Scheffler and the world became the youngest winner
Kim. of both the Boy’s Junior PGA Champi-
Kim said he understands playing the onship and the Junior Players Champi-
PGA Tour means “you lose 99 percent of onship last summer.
the year,” and he’s hoping to take les- “I have my own goals, but my goal is
sons learned from the Travelers with just to come out here and have fun,”
him. Russell said.
“I feel there’s so much more to gain “That’s my main goal, have fun, may-
when you have weeks like that,” Kim be learn something, take something to Rickie Fowler poses with the trophy after winning last year’s Rocket Mortgage
said. “It’s a positive week, but you al- my next event.” Classic in Detroit. JUNFU HAN/USA TODAY NETWORK


Raducanu ousts Pegula in Eastbourne


Home-country favorite Emma Radu-

canu stunned No. 2 seed Jessica Pegula
4-6, 7-6 (6), 7-5 to move into the quar-
terfinals of the Rothesay International
in Eastbourne, England, on Wednesday.
For Raducanu, who won the 2021 U.S.
Open, it was the first victory over a top
10 player in her career. Pegula, ranked
No. 5 in the world, won the champion-
ship on the grass courts in Berlin last
Neither player could capitalize on her
serve, with Pegula scoring on only 63
percent of her first serves to 66 percent
for Raducanu in the two-hour, 42-min-
ute match. Each broke serve six times,
but there was no bigger point than in the
second-set tiebreaker, when Raducanu
fended off match point down 6-5 and
went on to take the set.
Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia, the fifth
seed, also was upset, with Katie Boulter
of Great Britain earning the 6-4, 7-5 vic-
Other winners included No. 3 seed
Jasmine Paolini of Italy, who was up 5-2
when Elise Mertens of Belgium retired,
No. 4 seed Madison Keys, sixth-seeded
Russian Daria Kasatkina and unseeded
Leylah Fernandez of Canada, Brit Harri-
et Dart and Czech Karolina Muchova.

Bad Homburg

Former World No. 1 Caroline Woz-

niacki of Denmark moved into the quar-
terfinals in Germany with a 6-2, 6-4 win
over Veronika Kudermetova of Russia.
Wozniacki won six straight games to
close out the first set and go up 2-0 in
the second, aided by converting 70 per- Emma Raducanu celebrates winning match point against Jessica Pegula in their Round of 16 match on Day 5 of the
cent of points on her serve compared Rothesay International on Wednesday in Eastbourne, England. CHARLIE CROWHURST/GETTY IMAGES FOR LTA
with 49 percent for her opponent.
Next up for Wozniacki will be No. 3
seed Emma Navarro, who handled fel- Rothesay International in Eastbourne, won their matches on Wednesday. round action in Spain.
low American Peyton Stearns 6-4, 6-1. England. Other winners included top-seeded Shelton will collide with British qual-
Other winners were Czech Katerina Vukic won 26 of 29 first-serve points American Taylor Fritz, Serbian Miomir ifier Paul Jubb in the quarterfinals. Jubb
Siniakova and Russia’s Diana Shnaider. and saved 3 of 3 break points to punch Kecmanovic, Italy’s Flavio Cobolli and also prevailed in straight sets on
his ticket to the quarterfinals. Bublik wild card Billy Harris of Great Britain. Wednesday, ousting qualifier Adam
Men lost despite racking up 12 aces. Walton of Australia, 6-0, 6-3.
Rothesay International Japanese qualifier Yoshihito Nishio- Mallorca Championships Fourth-seeded Chilean Alejandro Ta-
ka will face Vukic in the next round after bilo topped Kazakhstan’s Alexander
Australian lucky loser Aleksandar rallying for a 6-7 (8), 6-4, 6-2 victory No. 1 seed Ben Shelton of the U.S. col- Shevchenko 6-3, 6-2, while Czech Jakub
Vukic pulled off a 6-4, 6-4 upset of No. 3 over the United States’ Marcos Giron. lected 13 aces and saved 6 of 6 break Mensik defeated Italian wild card Fabio
seed Alexander Bublik of Kazakhstan on Fellow qualifiers Max Purcell of Aus- points to cruise to a 6-4, 6-0 win over Fognini 4-6, 6-3, 7-5 in the only match of
Wednesday in the second round of the tralia and Juncheng Shang of China also Australian Rinky Hijikata in second- the day that went three sets.

W L Pct GB Kansas City 46. Atlanta 6 9 .400 7½ Bezuidenhout, 70.10. Nov. 10 — NASCAR Cup Series
Philadelphia 53 27 .663 — Stolen Bases — Caballero, Tampa Bay 24; Chicago 6 9 .400 7½ Driving Distance Championship, Avondale, Ariz.
Atlanta 44 34 .564 8 Hamilton, Boston 21; Witt Jr., Kansas City Indiana 7 11 .389 8 1, Rory McIlroy, 318.90. 2, Byeong Hun An, NASCAR Cup Series Point Leaders
N.Y. Mets 39 39 .500 13 21; Rengifo, Los Angeles 20; Duran, Washington 4 13 .235 10½ 314.10. 3, Min Woo Lee, 314.00. 4, Kevin 1. Kyle Larson, 620.
Washington 38 42 .475 15 Boston 20; Garcia, Kansas City 19; Mullins, Western Conference Dougherty, 313.80. 5, Wyndham Clark, 2. Chase Elliott, 620.
Miami 28 52 .350 25 Baltimore 16; Rodriguez, Seattle 16; W L Pct GB 313.30. 6, Chris Gotterup, 312.20. 7, Gary 3. Denny Hamlin, 580.
Central Division Ramirez, Cleveland 15; Blanco, Kansas Minnesota 13 3 .813 — Woodland, 312.00. 8, Alejandro Tosti, 4. Martin Truex Jr., 572.
W L Pct GB City 15. Seattle 10 6 .625 3 311.40. 9, Jhonattan Vegas, 311.00. 10, 5. Tyler Reddick, 560.
Milwaukee 48 33 .593 — Wins — Lugo, Kansas City 10; Skubal, Las Vegas 8 6 .571 4 Vincent Norrman, 310.90.
St. Louis 41 38 .519 6 Phoenix 8 8 .500 5 IndyCar Series Schedule
Detroit 9; Rodon, New York 9; Gil, New
Pittsburgh 39 41 .488 8½ L.A. Sparks 4 13 .235 9½ Driving Accuracy Percentage July 7 — Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio,
York 9; Burnes, Baltimore 8; Blanco,
Cincinnati 37 43 .463 10½ Dallas 3 13 .188 10 1, Collin Morikawa, 78.27%. 2, Sepp Straka, Mid-Ohio SCC
New BetMGM customers can sign up Houston 8; Allen, Cleveland 8; Rodriguez,
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Just download the BetMGM app, deposit W L Pct GB ERA — Houck, Boston 2.18; Lugo, Kansas Thursday, June 27
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at least $10 and place your first wager on City 2.29; Skubal, Detroit 2.32; Blanco, Minnesota at Dallas, 1 p.m.
San Diego 44 41 .518 8½ Scottie Scheffler, 71.99%. 10, J.T. Poston, July 20 — Ontario Honda Dealers Indy
any game. If your first bet loses, you will Houston 2.34; Burnes, Baltimore 2.35; Connecticut at Washington, 7 p.m.
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use bonus code USATSPORTS when you Detroit 2.92; Ragans, Kansas City 3.03.
Friday, June 28 71.00%. 3, Corey Conners, 70.90%. 4 (tie), Aug. 24 — Grand Prix of Portland, Portland
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L.A. Sparks at Phoenix, 10 p.m. 6, Aaron Rai, 70.68%. 7, Jhonattan Vegas, Race 1, Milwaukee Mile
Call 877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY Detroit 4, Philadelphia 1 112; Flaherty, Detroit 108; Bibee,
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(467369) (NY). Call 1-800-327-5050 (MA). Tampa Bay 11, Seattle 3 Cleveland 106; Lopez, Minnesota 101;
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for new customers only. Subject to Atlanta at St. Louis, PPD Rain York 19; Kimbrel, Baltimore 16; Jansen, 1, Rory McIlroy, 41. 2, Ryan Palmer, 60. 3, IndyCar Series Points Leaders
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eligibility requirements. Rewards are L.A. Dodgers 4, Chicago 3 Boston 15; Estevez, Los Angeles 15; Miller, Cincinnati 12 4 3 39 32 23 Carl Yuan, 64. 4, Rafael Campos, 69. 5 1. Alex Palou, 285.
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Crossing Casino and Hotel. See Milwaukee 3, Texas 1 Fairbanks, Tampa Bay 12. Columbus 8 3 6 30 29 17 Taiga Semikawa, 82. 9, Harrison Endycott, 4. Colton Herta, 217. for Terms. US promotional L.A. Angels 7, Oakland 5 NY City FC 9 8 2 29 26 23 83. 5. Kyle Kirkwood, 210.
National League
offers not available in North Carolina, Arizona 5, Minnesota 4 Batting Average — Ohtani, Los Angeles Nashville 6 5 8 26 23 23 Total Putts Per Round
New York, Nevada, Ontario, or Puerto San Diego 9, Washington 7 .320; Profar, San Diego .317; Ozuna, Toronto FC 7 10 3 24 28 35 1, Taylor Montgomery, 27.58%. 2, Denny
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Major League Baseball
Philadelphia 6, Detroit 2 St. Louis .298; Contreras, Milwaukee .296. CF Montreal 4 8 7 19 26 41 27.86%. 8, Collin Morikawa, 27.87%. 9,
BY BETMGM.COM Atlanta 6, St. Louis 2 Home Runs — Ohtani, Los Angeles 24; Chicago 4 9 6 18 23 34 Russell Henley, 27.88%. 10, S.H Kim,
ATLANTA BRAVES — P Bryce Elder Called
Up from Minors recalled as 27th roster
Houston 7, Colorado 1 Ozuna, Atlanta 21; Harper, Philadelphia 27.92%.
Western Conference player.
Gannett may earn revenue from sports Kansas City 5, Miami 1 20; Hernandez, Los Angeles 18; Walker, W L T Pts GF GA Birdie Average CHICAGO WHITE SOX — P Mike Clevinger
betting operators for audience referrals Milwaukee 6, Texas 5 Arizona 17; Schwarber, Philadelphia 17; Los Angeles FC 11 4 4 37 38 23 1, Scottie Scheffler, 4.98. 2, Byeong Hun Recalled From Minors Rehab.
to betting services. Sports betting L.A. Angels 5, Oakland 2 Marte, Arizona 16; Alonso, New York 16; Real Salt Lake 10 3 7 37 40 23 An, 4.44. 3, Michael Kim, 4.40. 4, Xander CINCINNATI REDS — P Graham Ashcraft
operators have no influence over nor are San Diego 8, Washington 5 Gorman, St. Louis 16; Morel, Chicago 15. LA Galaxy 10 3 7 37 38 27 Schauffele, 4.39. 5, Tom Hoge, 4.38. 6, Called Up from Minors. P Yosver Zulueta
any such revenues in any way dependent Baltimore 4, Cleveland 2 RBI — Ozuna, Atlanta 64; Bohm, Colorado 9 7 4 31 38 32 Collin Morikawa, 4.36. 7, Wyndham Clark, Sent to Minors.
on or linked to the newsrooms or news N.Y. Mets 12, N.Y. Yankees 2 Philadelphia 64; Ohtani, Los Angeles 60; Minnesota 8 6 5 29 31 29 4.31. 8, Tony Finau, 4.28. 9, Rory McIlroy,
Portland 7 7 6 27 36 33 CLEVELAND GUARDIANS — Jhonkensy
coverage. Terms apply, see operator site St. Louis 4, Atlanta 1 Harper, Philadelphia 57; Profar, San Diego 4.24. 10 (tie), Justin Thomas and Patton Noel Called Up from Minors. RF
for Terms and Conditions. Gambling L.A. Dodgers 4, Chicago 0 54; Hernandez, Los Angeles 54; Adames, Houston 7 6 6 27 26 23 Kizzire, 4.23.
Austin FC 7 7 6 27 23 28 Johnathan Rodriguez Sent to Minors.
problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER CO, DC, IL, Minnesota 8, Arizona 3 Milwaukee 54; Walker, Arizona 50; Sand Save Percentage COLORADO ROCKIES — P Jake Bird Placed
IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, NJ, OH, PA, TN, VA, San Francisco 4, Chicago 3 Cronenworth, San Diego 50; Schwarber, Vancouver 7 7 4 25 26 24
Seattle 6 7 7 25 27 25 1, Russell Henley, 70.71%. 2, Carl Yuan, on 15-Day IL Right groin strain.
WV, WY. Call 877-8-HOPENY or text Thursday’s Games Philadelphia 49. 68.85%. 3, Ryan Palmer, 68.09%. 4, Aaron DETROIT TIGERS — P Keider Montero
Stolen Bases — De La Cruz, Cincinnati 37; FC Dallas 5 9 5 20 27 31
HOPENY (467369) (NY) Call Minnesota (Paddack 5-3) at Arizona Saint Louis 3 6 10 19 24 31 Baddeley, 68.00%. 5, Justin Rose, 65.93%. Called Up from Minors. P Easton Lucas
1-800-327-5050 (MA). 21+ to wager. (Montgomery 6-4), 3:40 p.m. Turang, Milwaukee 27; Stott, Philadelphia Sporting KC 3 12 5 14 31 44 Sent to Minors.
19; Doyle, Colorado 18; Young, All-Around Ranking
Please Gamble Responsibly. Call Chicago (Imanaga 7-2) at San Francisco San Jose 3 14 2 11 29 51 HOUSTON ASTROS — C Omar Narvaez
Washington 18; Thomas, Washington 17; 1, Xander Schauffele, 141. 2, Scottie
1-800-NEXT-STEP (AZ), 1-800-522-4700 (Hicks 4-4), 3:45 p.m. Signed to a Minor League Contract.
Ohtani, Los Angeles 16; Acuna Jr., Atlanta Friday, June 28 Scheffler, 224. 3, Ludvig Aberg, 237. 4,
(NV), 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), Atlanta (Sale 10-2) at Chicago (Thorpe MIAMI MARLINS — Valente Bellozo
16; Yelich, Milwaukee 15; Kim, San Diego Orlando City at NY City FC, 7:30 p.m. Rory McIlroy, 241. 5, Wyndham Clark, 253.
1-800-270-7117 for confidential help (MI), 1-1), 4:10 p.m. Purchased From Minors. P Kent Emanuel
15. 6, Sam Burns, 269. 7, Byeong Hun An, 283.
1-800-981-0023 (PR). In partnership with Miami (TBD) at Philadelphia (Wheeler Saturday, June 29 Designated for Assignment.
Wins — Sale, Atlanta 10; Suarez, Philadelphia at CF Montreal, 7:30 p.m. 8, Tony Finau, 319. 9, Keith Mitchell, 350.
Kansas Crossing Casino and Hotel. Visit 9-4), 6:20 p.m. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Dallas Keuchel
Philadelphia 10; Gray, St. Louis 9; Wheeler, Columbus at New England, 7:30 p.m. 10, Erik van Rooyen, 389. for Terms & Conditions. US Texas (Gray 3-3) at Baltimore (Burnes Purchased From Minors. DH Gary Sanchez
promotional offers not available in DC, 8-3), 6:35 p.m. Philadelphia 9; Nola, Philadelphia 9; Toronto FC at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Nevada, New York or Ontario. N.Y. Yankees (Rodon 9-4) at Toronto Keller, Pittsburgh 9; Glasnow, Los Angeles D.C. United at NY Red Bulls, 7:30 p.m. AUTO RACING Placed on 10-Day IL Strained left calf. P
Joe Ross Transferred to 60-Day IL Lower
All times Eastern (Berrios 6-6), 7:07 p.m. 8; Lodolo, Cincinnati 8; Stone, Los Cincinnati at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m. back strain. P Joel Kuhnel Designated for
Angeles 8; Paxton, Los Angeles 7. NASCAR Cup Series Schedule
Cincinnati (Abbott 6-6) at St. Louis Charlotte FC at Houston, 8:30 p.m. June 30 — Ally 400, Nashville Assignment. Eric Haase Purchased From
(Mikolas 6-6), 7:45 p.m. ERA — Suarez, Philadelphia 2.01; Sanchez, Inter Miami CF at Nashville, 8:30 p.m. Minors.
Philadelphia 2.67; Wheeler, Philadelphia July 7 — Grant Park 165, Chicago
MLB Cleveland (Lively 7-3) at Kansas City
(Wacha 4-6), 8:10 p.m. 2.73; Gray, St. Louis 2.81; Glasnow, Los
Austin FC at Sporting KC, 8:30 p.m.
Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m.
July 14 — The Great American Getaway NEW YORK METS — P Drew Smith Placed
400, Pocono on 15-Day IL Sprained right elbow. Ty
American League Detroit (Flaherty 5-4) at L.A. Angels Angeles 2.88; Sale, Atlanta 2.91; Fried, Saint Louis at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m. Adcock Called Up from Minors. C Joe
Atlanta 3.00; Assad, Chicago 3.04; Irvin, July 21 — Brickyard 400, Speedway, Ind.
East Division (TBD), 9:38 p.m. Chicago at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. Aug. 11 — Cook Out 400, Richmond, Va. Hudson Outrighted to Minors.
W L Pct GB Washington 3.13; Webb, San Francisco Minnesota at Portland, 10:30 p.m. NEW YORK YANKEES — P Victor Gonzalez
League Leaders 3.16. Aug. 18 — FireKeepers Casino 400,
N.Y. Yankees 52 30 .634 — LA Galaxy vs San Jose at Stanford, 10:30 Brooklyn Outrighted to Minors.
Baltimore 50 30 .625 1 American League Strikeouts — Glasnow, Los Angeles 135; p.m.
Batting Average — Witt Jr., Kansas City Aug. 24 — Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona PITTSBURGH PIRATES — P Quinn Priester
Boston 43 37 .538 8 Cease, San Diego 116; Peralta, Milwaukee Sent to Minors for Rehabilitation. C Henry
.311; Soto, New York .305; Judge, New Beach, Fla.
Tampa Bay
40 41
36 43
.494 11½
.456 14½ York .304; Altuve, Houston .301; Smith,
112; King, San Diego 109; Wheeler,
Philadelphia 107; Sale, Atlanta 107; Gray,
GOLF Sept. 1 — Cook Out Southern 500, Davis Sent to Minors for Rehabilitation.
Texas .300; Rutschman, Baltimore .300; Darlington, SC SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Hayden
Central Division St. Louis 103; Greene, Cincinnati 103; PGA Tour Statistics Birdsong Purchased From Minors. P
Correa, Minnesota .298; Duran, Boston Suarez, Philadelphia 99; Gore, Sept. 8 — Quaker State 400 Available at
W L Pct GB Season Points Walmart, Hampton, Ga. Mason Black Sent to Minors. P Raymond
Cleveland 51 27 .654 — .288; Alvarez, Houston .288; Guerrero Jr., Washington 99.
Toronto .288. 1, Scottie Scheffler, 5,768. 2, Xander Sept. 15 — Go Bowling at The Glen, Burgos Designated for Assignment.
Minnesota 44 36 .550 8 Saves — Helsley, St. Louis 27; Finnegan, Schauffele, 3,257. 3, Rory McIlroy, 2,445. 4, ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — P Chris Roycroft
Home Runs — Judge, New York 29; Washington 22; Iglesias, Atlanta 20; Watkins Glen International, NY
Kansas City 44 38 .537 9 Collin Morikawa, 2,241. 5, Wyndham Clark, Called Up from Minors recalled as 27th
Detroit 37 43 .463 15 Henderson, Baltimore 25; Ramirez, Suarez, San Diego 20; Diaz, Cincinnati 17; Sept. 21 — Bass Pro Shops Night Race,
Cleveland 21; Santander, Baltimore 21; 2,088. 6, Ludvig Aberg, 1,992. 7, Hideki Bristol, Tenn. roster player.
Chicago 21 61 .256 32 Bednar, Pittsburgh 16; Megill, Milwaukee
Naylor, Cleveland 20; Soto, New York 19; Matsuyama, 1,893. 8, Sahith Theegala, Sept. 29 — Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas TEXAS RANGERS — P Cole Winn
West Division 16; Phillips, Los Angeles 13; Doval, San 1,845. 9, Patrick Cantlay, 1,717. 10, Byeong Transferred to 60-Day IL Right shoulder
Tucker, Houston 19; Stanton, New York 18; Francisco 13; Alvarado, Philadelphia 12. City, Kan.
W L Pct GB Hun An, 1,620. Oct. 6 — YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala. sprain. RF Derek Hill Purchased From
Seattle 46 37 .554 — O’Neill, Boston 16; Devers, Boston 16.
RBI — Judge, New York 75; Ramirez, Scoring Average Oct. 13 — Bank of America ROVAL 400, Minors. P Yerry Rodriguez Designated for
Houston 40 40 .500 4½ Assignment. 2B Justin Foscue Sent to
Texas 37 43 .463 7½ Cleveland 72; Naylor, Cleveland 58; Soto, WNBA 1, Scottie Scheffler, 68.48. 2, Xander Concord, NC
L.A. Angels 33 46 .418 11 New York 57; Henderson, Baltimore 55; Schauffele, 69.25. 3, Rory McIlroy, 69.56. Oct. 20 — South Point 400, Las Vegas, Minors. 2B Justin Foscue Removed From
Oakland 29 54 .349 17 Santander, Baltimore 53; Rutschman, Eastern Conference 4, Collin Morikawa, 69.91. 5, Ludvig Aberg, Nev. 60-Day IL Strained left oblique. 2B Justin
Baltimore 53; Witt Jr., Kansas City 53; W L Pct GB 69.99. 6, Billy Horschel, 70.00. 7, Alex Oct. 27 — Race at Homestead-Miami, Foscue Recalled From Minors Rehab. 3B
National League N.Y. Liberty 15 3 .833 — Noren, 70.03. 8, Keith Mitchell, 70.08. 9, Homestead, Fla. Ezequiel Duran Sent to Minors.
Pasquantino, Kansas City 48; Perez,
East Division Connecticut 13 3 .813 1 Maverick McNealy, 70.10. 10, Christiaan Nov. 3 — XFINITY 500, Martinsville, Va.

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