F Gangopadhyay2016
F Gangopadhyay2016
F Gangopadhyay2016
Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the major sensors (“things”) to remote server to speak to the internet and
technological trends which is utilized to monitor natural and share it with others with more power of administration and
human made resources to help in predicting and detecting exigence monitoring capabilities within a network and other joined
events like flood, fire, gas and water leak that can pose an devices, then it is commonly referred as IoT [4].
intimidation to human life. This paper proposes a novel wireless
prototype of a live weather monitoring station that uploads weather Embedded IoT devices like Arduino, Raspberry Pi can be
information received from the array of sensors to cloud database connected to internet using different cloud service providers
from a remote location which can be monitored from anywhere. like Xively, Thingspeak which allow those embedded boards
The weather data is recorded, monitored and processed to forecast to update and retrieve data and visualize graphs, charts and
the different weather events and predict the upcoming disasters. statistical information from IoT devices over cloud with a
The proposed battery powered cost-effective system can be installed unique API key and a channel/feed ID assigned to one. Fig.1
anywhere within a locality or building to serve the maximum shows the comprehensive architecture of IoT framework with
people. It is composed of three major modules-the wireless sensor Thingspeak cloud service.
module (IEEE802.15.4/Zigbee), the Arduino microcontroller with
Ethernet/Wi-Fi network connectivity and an android app for users.
Instant alert messages will be received to phone via text, e-mail and
tweet notification through this app when something goes haywire.
The user can view weather forecast for his location that he can
share with the entire world and access archive of his station's
current/historical data including graphs and charts to view climate
A weather station is a setup well-equipped with instruments
and sensors to measure different atmospheric conditions to
forecast the weather information like temperature, pressure,
humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall etc. and predict the
upcoming natural calamities after studying the trend of climate Fig. 1 Architecture of IoT framework with Thingspeak cloud
change. So the grandness of a live weather station is limitless In this paper an embedded live weather station is developed
providing a plethora of information which are very essential in which can be installed within a building apartment or in a
innumerable fields straddling from local disaster monitoring to locality to monitor, update and forecast the weather
global level alertness to weather researchers to industry and so information an alert the users about the upcoming disasters
on. from time to time. The proposed battery powered unit is well
Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) are the technology that equipped with the array of sensors to measure temperature,
is the combination of low cost and low power array of sensors humidity, pressure; dew point and light intensity with rainfall
and embedded unit (microcontrollers) that could provide and wind speed are the simulated parameters. The prototype
ubiquitous computing [1] to detect the environmental changes, unit is installed at the rooftop well equipped with an open-
and log a chunk of collected data to a centralized remote server source microcontroller Arduino UNO [5] and Xbee transceiver
wirelessly. The term “Internet of Things” (IoT), coined by [6] to send the measured weather data. The measured data is
Kevin Ashton in 1999 [2], has been in use for several years and received by the Xbee receiver (IEEE 802.15.4 standard)
continues to be of interest, specifically when it comes to module attached with another Arduino which is connected to a
technological progress [3]. If the scope of a WSN is enhanced Wi-Fi modem via an IEEE 802.3af standard Ethernet Shield or
from logging the chunk of data received from the array of IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi module (esp8266) interface.
978-1-4673-6621-2/16/$31.00 © 2016 IEEE
The amassed device data is uploaded to Thingspeak [7] and
Xively [8] cloud database. Continuous alert messages are
received over user’s smartphone in the form of SMS, e-mail
and tweet notifications though the designed Android app that
allows user to view and monitor his real time local weather
data and forecast with ease. If something is amiss or goes
haywire, instant alert message will be sent to the corresponding
user’s phone, mail and social networking platform like Tweeter
to intimate the user about the current status of weather and
prediction of forthcoming disasters. A separate IoT framework
is also designed for Arduino without Ethernet/Wi-Fi shield to
integrate with Thingspeak cloud services with data uploading
and retrieving facility on Visual Studio platform using C#
serial client application. Finally a Google cloud interface is
designed where the sensor values are saved in Google
spreadsheet with time stamp for future reference. Fig. 2: The Functional block diagram
Fig. 16: The user android app for Live Weather Station
Table II shows the comparison and performance estimation the precision and accuracy towards the development of a real
of different cloud platform used. It is clear that Thingspeak time weather monitory and seamless response alert system. In
offers more services and security to the users at the cost of future, to enhance the flood and storm forecasting, the
speed due to its high bandwidth usage. collected local weather data will be compared with the satellite
image and global forecasts using different Numerical Weather
Prediction (NWP) models like Rainfall-runoff modelling [18]
and Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model. The
Performance Cloud Platform geostationary tagged weather data can be added up with the
and Services Thingspeak Xively Google cloud local weather information captured from sensors using GPRS
Data updating fifteen second twelve second < five second
(General Packet Radio Service) technology to make the system
rate a perfect emblem of live weather monitoring unit which is also
Security High Moderate Moderate helpful in saving the human lives and natural and manmade
API availability Publicly Not publicly Publicly resources to a great extent.
Available available available
Instant Tweeter Yes, every Not available Not available
alert after a min now
Instant e-mail Without Not available Without Failure REFERENCES
alert Failure
Instant SMS Yes, using Not available Google voice is [1] Stefan Poslad, Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments
and Interactions, Wiley’s handbook, 2009.
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