Bulb Onion Production in Ethiopia

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The Project for Smallholder Horticulture Farmer Empowerment through Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture (Ethio-SHEP) @ 2019
Training Title: Onion Production
Objective: To provide a guideline on production of Onion
Specific Objective: • This training material applies the fundamental practices essential
• To provide basic information on production, post-harvest handling, and for crop production and successful marketing to put into
marketing of Onion perspective the case of horticultural crop production.
• The fundamental practices are categorized into seven (7) broad
1. Introduction: Background, Some Common Varieties and Optimal topics and twenty (20) sub-topics; the twenty sub-topics are
Ecological Requirements referred to as the General Horticulture Crop Production and Post-
2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation 1 – 5 Harvest Handling Techniques (GHCP&PHHT20). This
categorization is based on the Smallholder Horticulture
3. Cultural Practices 1- 9 Empowerment & Promotion (SHEP) experience in mitigating
4. Harvest production and marketing challenges facing smallholder
5. Post-Harvest Handling horticultural farmers.
6. Cost & Income Analysis • The seven (7) broad topics are: Pre-Cultivation Preparation; Land
7. Post-Training Evaluation Exercise Preparation; Crop Establishment (Planting/Transplanting); Crop
Contacts: Management; Harvest; Post-Harvest Handling: and Cost and
Income Analysis.
• Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource
• Bureau of Agriculture, Amhara Region • The sub-topics under each topic are as follows: Pre-Cultivation
• Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
Preparation (market survey, crop planting calendar(s), soil
sampling & analysis, or using ETHIOSIS soil test results as well
On the way to Megenagna to Gurd Shola; Behind Ethiopian Geological as regional soil labs, composting, and quality seed/planting
Survey, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia material(s)); Land Preparation (land preparation practices,
P.O. Box 62347, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +2511164660746
incorporation of crop residues, and basal application); Crop
Establishment (raising seedlings, planting/transplanting, fertilizer
• Ethio-SHEP Project Office application); Crop Management (water requirement, managing of
3rd Floor, Building A Horticulture Development & Technology Transfer weeds, top-dressing, pests & diseases management practices,
and safe & effective use of pesticides); Harvest (harvesting
Directorate (HDTTD) indices); Post-Harvest Handling (appropriate
E-mail: [email protected] containers/standard packaging materials, and value addition
• Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ethiopia Office techniques); and Cost and Income Analysis (cost and income
Kirkos sub-city, Kebele 02, House No676/05, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (MINA
Building, 6 – 7F), • The issues outlined in the twenty (20) sub-topics might not
Mailing Address: P.O.Box5384, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia necessarily be applicable in all the cases. But where applicable, it
Tel: (251)-11-5504755
is recommended that the instructions issued be given due
Email: [email protected]

Onion Production, First version was published by SHEP (Kenya) in 2009, revised by Ethio-SHEP in 2019 (Ver.1)
All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced without permission for non-commercial use as long as the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Oromia Bureau of Agriculture, Bureau of
Agriculture of Amhara region of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are acknowledged.

This publication was prepared under the Project for Smallholder Horticulture Farmer Empowerment through Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture (Ethio-SHEP) on behalf of Ministry of
Agriculture, Horticulture Development Technology Transfer Directorate (HDTTD) of FDRE and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The proposed agrochemicals are in accordance with “Pest Control Product Registered for Use in Edition, 2015”. The registered agrochemicals are subject to change. Please refer to the
latest registered agrochemicals by Plant variety release, protection and seed quality control directorate .

The Project for Smallholder Horticulture Farmer Empowerment through Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture (Ethio-SHEP) @ 2019
1. Introduction:
1.1 Background

Bulb Onion (Shinkuret Kuret)

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1. Introduction:
1.1 Background

1. Introduction:
1.1 Background
• Onion is one of the widely grown &
consumed vegetables in Ethiopia
• It is a source of income to smallholder
• It is an important spice for foods, salad,
soups and stews
• It is rich in Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B, Vitamin
E and has therapeutic properties

Bulb Onion (Shinkurt Kuret)

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1.2 Some Common Varieties

1-2 1-3

“Adama Red” “Bombay Red”

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1.2 Some Common Varieties
1.2 Some Common Varieties
“Bombay Red” and “Adama Red” are the most common
1-2 varieties in Ethiopia
“Adama Red”:
• A popular variety which produces red, flat-round, globular
• Maturity period 120-135 days
• Long shelf life
• It has very pungent taste
• Excellent in storage
• Ave. weight of the bulb: 65-80 g
• Yield: 350 qt/ha
“Adama Red”
“Bombay Red”:
• Purplish red
1-3 • Maturity period 135-145 days
• Variety for dry and warmer conditions
• Produces small to medium sized bulbs, which are globe
shaped, pungent
• Ave. weight of the bulb: 70-80 g
• Yield : 250-300 qt/ha
*Both improved varieties have low resistant to diseases,
especially susceptible to purple blotch and thrips attack.
However, the Ethiopian shallot is resistance to leaf diseases,
therefore, rainfed production without disease control by fungicide,
“Bombay Red” shallot is recommended

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1.3 Optimal Ecological
Altitude 700 – 2,200 meter above
sea level
Rainfall 350 – 650 mm of water
Growing 18 – 240C day temp.
Temperature 10 – 150C night temp.
Soils • Fertile and well drained
• pH range 6.0 – 6.8
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1.3 Optimal Ecological Requirements

Altitude 700 – 2,200 meter above see level

Rainfall 350 – 650 mm of water
Growing 18 – 240C day temp.
Temperature 10 – 150C night temp
Soils • Fertile and well drained soil
• pH range 6.0 – 6.8
1.3 Optimal Ecological Requirements
• Altitude: Onion can be cultivated up to 2,200 m above sea level
• Rainfall: Onions require well-distributed rainfall of between 350 and 650 mm during the
growing period. Dry spell is needed at maturity.
• Temperature: The optimum temperature for growth is 18 –24 0C day temp., 10–15 0C night
temp If the temperature exceeds 30 0C, maturity is hastened & small bulbs are produced,
consequently lowering the yields. Higher temperatures (25-27℃) speed up bulbing. Bolting
(flowering) is triggered by low temperatures (8 – 13℃)
• Soil: Onions require fertile and well-drained soil. The optimum pH range is 6.0 – 6.8. Sandy
to silty loams with fine tilth are adequate.

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2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.1 Market Survey

Conducting a market survey on Onion

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2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.1 Market Survey
2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.1 Market Survey (GHCP&PHHT20: Q1)
2-1 How to conduct a market survey
• Identify major dealers of the target crops
• Introduce yourself what the purpose of a market
• Find the potential market nearby your area
(local market, big market in town, hospital,
University, boarding school)
• It is important to consider seasonal or religious
event, such as Christmas or fasting)
• People consume more vegetables during
fasting season
• Continuous surveys are important in order to
find the new market opportunities and also
establish business relationships with the market
Conducting a market players.
survey on Potato
Note: It is recommended to conduct a market
survey when you go to local market during your
local market day

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2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.2 Market Survey Questionnaire
Market Survey Questionnaire
Date :__ _/_____/____ _
Region:__________ ________ Zone:__________________
Woreda:________________ __ Name of Group:___________ ___

Name & Produce Produce

Peak Quantity (kg) Place Purchasin Mode of Terms of Marketing Dealer’s
Contact & Quality
Demand & of g Payment Payment Challenges Willingness to
of the Variety Market Frequency Produ Unit Price Purchase the
(months) (daily/weekl
Produce Require ction (ETB/kg) Produce from
Dealer ments y etc.) of the farmers
Mr. Abdela Onion Medium February to 50 qt/day Waliso 14 ETB/kg Cash Cash on Poor quality Willing to buy at
Qasim (Bombey size, well March (1qt = 110 kg) Delivery (diseased) shop
(0917- Red) cured, dark
xxxxxx) red
Mr. Kernal Onion Medium to January to 50 qt/day Shewa 15 ETB/kg Credit Within a Poor quality Willing to buy at
Husen (Adama small size April (1 qt=110 kg) robit week (not well cured) farm gate
(0911- Red)
Mr. Kernal Onion Medium April to 300 qt/week Sudan 25 ETB/ Cash Cash on No supply from Willing to buy at
Husen (large June Delivery Ethiopia farm gate
(0911- variety from
xxxxxx) Sudan

The Project for Smallholder Horticulture Farmer Empowerment through Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture (Ethio-SHEP) @ 2019
2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.2 Market Survey
2. Pre-Cultivation Preparation:
2.2 Market Survey Questionnaire
Prepare sample questions to enable you
gather the following information
• When (month) is the peak demand for Potato
• The price of onion during the peak demand
• The Onion variety(s) that has the highest
• Supply requirements (quantities and frequency)
• Quality market requirements
• Potential buyers and terms of payment etc.

Market Survey Questionnaire

The Project for Smallholder Horticulture Farmer Empowerment through Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture (Ethio-SHEP) @ 2019
2.2 Cropping Calendar
A Sample of a Bulb Onion Cropping Calendar
Under Irrigation
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Land Transplant Weed, Stem Harvesting

preparation 40-50 days pests Bending starts 120-145
after sowing & diseases days after
Seed rate
control Reducing transplanting
6.5-7.5kg/ha Spacing: Irrigation
40 x 20 x 5 cm Unearthing water Bulb curing
on nursery
(666,666 of bulbs Application
3 - 4 kg/ha
for hybrid
plants/ha) Sorting & Peak demand
Half of Urea grading
Manure Fertilizer rate: 30-40 days for Bulb Onion
120 qt/ha DAP: 200kg/ha, after Yields
Urea: 100kg/ha transplanting 300– 350 qt/ha
Control of
Urea to be
applied in Marketing
diseases &
split,15 days

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2.2 Cropping Calendar
2.2 Crop Planting Calendar
• A tool used by farmers to plan
for production to ensure that
marketing coincides with the
period of the year when the
market price of a produce is
1. Determine from the market
survey results (2.1) when there
is peak demand for Bulb Onion
2. Work backwards from the month
when there is peak demand to
prepare a monthly farm activities
preceding the peak period
3. Use the monthly activities
preceding the peak as a
procurement plan for farm inputs
and a guide for farm operations
A Sample of a Bulb Onion Planting Calendar: • To meet the peak demand
period of the market, there may
Targeting a peak market demand beginning be need of supplemental
just after January

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2.3 Soil Sampling & Analysis

Depending on the farm, sample the soil

using the most appropriate method
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2.3 Soil Sampling & Analysis

2.3 Soil Sampling & Analysis

2-3 (GHCP&PHHT20: Q3)

• It is recommended to have the soils

analyzed for nutrient availability and other
factors vital to crop production after every
2 - 3 years

• The results of the soil analysis can be used

to determine fertilizer and manure

Depending on the farm, sample

the soil using the most
appropriate method

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2.4 Composting

Manure preparation through composting

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2.4 Composting
2.4 Composting (GHCP&PHHT20: Q4)
• Good quality compost is rich in plant
• It is black, dark brown so easily hold
2-4 moisture.
• Mature compost is best stored in the pit or
heap until it is used.
• During compost making, the organic matter
need to be covered to prevent leaching of
• Mature compost should be taken to the field
in the morning or late afternoon, should be
spread equally in the field or row planted
crops then ploughed in immediately to mix
with the soil for prevent loss of nutrient.
• Bulb Onion is a heavy feeder and does well
in soils with high organic content (manure)
Manure preparation • Based on the results of the soil analysis,
through composting prepare adequate compost for application
• The recommended rate of application
ranges from 100-120 qt/ha for Bulb Onion

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2.5 Quality Seed/Planting

Samples of certified seed on sale

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2.5 Quality Seed/Planting Materials

2.5 Quality Seed/Planting Material

• Like any other planting material, onion seed
should be of high quality and certified by seed
quarantine service which is a government
agency responsible for seed certification
• To avoid diseases, ensure you obtain seeds
from certified seed companies, authorized
dealers or a research station
• Purchase just enough seed for the season
• Once seed container is opened viability
deteriorates if not sown immediately
• Farmers should pay attention to information on
seed label such as expiry date, spacing,
Samples of certified seed storage etc.
on sale

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3. Cultural Practices:
3.1 Land Preparation

Prepared land ready for transplanting

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3. Cultural Practices:
3.1 Land Preparation

3. Cultural Practices:
3.1 Land Preparation Practices
• Soils should be ploughed and disked
sufficiently to eliminate debris and
soil clods and ensure a fine tilth
• Prepare beds to depth of 20 – 30 cm

Prepared land ready for


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3.2 Incorporation of Crop


Crop residues to be incorporated in a field

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3.2 Incorporation of Crop Residues

3.2 Incorporation of Crop Residues

• Incorporating crop residues in the farm land
can significantly increase the soil organic
matter content
3-2 • The crop residues should be incorporated at a
depth of about 30 cm at least 1 – 2 months
before transplanting the Bulb Onions. However,
this can vary depending on the area and type
of crop residues.
• If the crop residues belong to the Alliaceae
family (such as onions, garlics, etc.),
remove and burn it to avoid possible risk of
disease build up

Crop residues to be
incorporated in a field

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3.3 Basal Application

Manure / Compost

Manure incorporation as a basal application

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3.3 Basal Application

3.3 Basal Application: (GHCP&PHHT20: Q8)

• The manure/compost should be
broadcasted (100– 120 qt per ha then
worked into the soil (incorporated)
preferably using a hoe

• Manure/compost should be applied at least

Manure / Compost 1 – 2 weeks before transplanting the
Bulb Onions

• Onions respond very well to well

decomposed organic manure

Manure incorporation as a
basal application

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3.4 Raising Seedlings


between row

10cm high
1 m long

A Bulb Onion nursery

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3.4 Raising Seedlings
3.4 Raising Seedlings (GHCP&PHHT20: Q9)
• Onion is propagated by seed
• Seed rate is 3.0-4.0 kg/ha for hybrid
• 6.5-7.5 kg/ha for open variety
• Seeds are sown a nursery with mulch
• Do not sow too thickly, as this results in
weak plants which transplant poorly.
• Sowing densities should be between 1,500 –
2,500 seeds/㎡(about 7g of seed/㎡)
Nursery Establishment:
• Prepare raised beds maximum 1 m wide
and incorporate plenty of well-decomposed
• Make rows about 15 cm apart, drill the seed
and cover lightly with soil and mulch
Nursery Management:
A Bulb Onion nursery Irrigate liberally for the first 10 days
• After the seed emerges, remove the mulch
• 7 – 10 days before transplanting, do
hardening off by gradually reducing
watering,withholding nitrogen fertilizer
and any other tender care which the
seedlings have been receiving

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3.5 Transplanting
3-5 3-5

20 cm
row 40 cm
Between double row

Recently transplanted Onion seedlings

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3.5 Transplanting

3.5 Transplanting
3.5.1 Appropriate Time
• Seedlings are transplanted 6 - 8 weeks after
3-5 • Seedling base is pencil thick
• Before transplanting, pre-irrigation should be
carried out
3.5.2 Recommended Spacing
(GHCP&PHHT20: Q10)
• The seedlings are transplanted at a spacing
of 40cm between ridge, 20cm between
planting rows, and 5 cm between plants
• 1 hector of land requires around 600,000 to
650,000 seedling transplants
Recently transplanted
Onion seedlings

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3.6 Water Requirement

Bulb Onion seedlings under furrow irrigation

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3.6 Water Requirement

3.6 Water Requirement (GHCP&PHHT20: Q12)

• Onions require light and frequent irrigation
because they have shallow root system not more
than 30cm deep:
3-6 • At the growing stage: excessive moisture
must be avoided
• At the bulbing stage: need a substantial
amount of water
• Watering should be reduced/discontinued
towards bulb maturity
• Lighter soils need more frequent water
applications, but less water applied per application
• Increase the water application as plant and roots
increase in size
• Irrigation should be discontinued 3-4 weeks
before harvest
• Proper moisture management is important in
Bulb Onion seedlings under • “Bulb Rot” problems (Refer to the page No.
irrigation 27/33)
• General root health
• Vigorous bulb growth

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3.7 Managing of Weeds

Weeding Bulb Onion”

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3.7 Managing of Weeds
3.7 Managing of Weeds (GHCP&PHHT20:
• Onions have shallow and fibrous root system
and their canopy cannot shade out weeds
• This can be done through use of appropriate
weeding tools, such as jembe, “Finger Hoe”,
3-7 “Split Hoe” and “Flat Hoe”
• Weeds can also be removed by hand pulling
to avoid damaging the roots
• Since weeding is labour intensive and hence
costly, some farmers prefer using selective
herbicides to control weeds such as:
• Galigan EC® & Oxygold EC® (a.i.
• Stomp EC® (a.i. Pendimethalin)
• The frequency of weeding depend on weed
infestation. Generally keep the field weed
Weeding Bulb Onion free as much as possible to avoid
competition for nutrients, sunlight, and
• Mulching can also be done to suppress

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3.8 Top-dressing

Strip/banding top-dressing of Bulb Onions

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3.8 Top-dressing

3.8 Top-dressing (GHCP&PHHT20: Q14)

• Phosphorus and potassium are essential nutrients
for onion growth, therefore, applying ash every 2
3-8 weeks would increase bulb size and quality
• Strip/banding method is preferred over
broadcasting as it is more effective
• Top-dress using Urea (100kg /ha in 2 splits
• 1st Top-dressing: 15-20 days after
• 2nd Top-dressing: 30-40 days after
• Top-dressing should be completed before
initiation of bulbing
• Delayed application results in thick necks and
reduces storability
• Unearthing or removal of excess soil around
the bulb is done to allow the bulb expand/develop
Strip/banding top-dressing well
• If the soil is hard during bulb formation, loosen the
of Bulb Onions soil to allow bulbs to develop well
• Soil removal is done by hand
• Unearthing is done during weeding

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3.9 Pests & Diseases Control
3.9.1. Control/Management Strategies
1. Cultural Control

2. Mechanical Control
3. Biological Control

4. Chemical Control
5. Integrated Pest Management
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3.9 Pests & Diseases Control
3.9.1 Control/Management Strategies
1. Cultural Control
2. Mechanical Control
3. Biological Control
4. Chemical Control
5. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
3.9 Pests & Diseases Control
3.9.1 Control/Management Strategies (GHCP&PHHT20: Q15)
• Pests and diseases can be managed through either single control strategies or an integration of two (2) or more
methods. The single control strategies are: cultural; physical; biological; and chemical.
1. Cultural Control: This involves managing the environment in which the crop is growing/grows with a view of
maintaining pest and disease below the harmful level. The cultural methods include: field sanitation/hygiene,
intercropping, crop rotation, furrowing, flooding, solarization etc.
2. Mechanical Control: This involves use of insect traps, hand picking, screening house, weeding etc.
3. Biological Control: This involves use of natural enemies (predators and parasitoids), resistant/tolerant varieties,
trap plants, push and pull system, and repellant plants
4. Chemical Control (GHCP&PHHT20: Q16): This involves use of pesticides. Pesticides are preferred because of the
quick knock down effect; they have high efficacy. Pesticide usage has been linked to environmental degradation and
should be used as last resort
5. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Due to limitation of a single control strategy, use of IPM is a more
recommended strategy. IPM integrates cultural, mechanical, biological and as a last resort, chemical control to
minimize the crop loss caused by pests and diseases.

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3.9.2 Crop Rotation
Leguminosae Alliaceae
•Garden Peas •Shallot
•Snow Peas •Leek
•Faba beans •Garlic
•Haricot beans
•Bulb Onion
•Soya bean

Brassicaceae Solanaceae, Umbelliferae,

•Cabbage & Amaranthaceae
•Kale •Tomato / Pepper
•Broccoli •Potato
•Cauliflower •Eggplant
•Mustard •Beet Root
•Rape seed •Carrot

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3.9.2 Crop Rotation

3.9.2 Crop Rotation

• One of the most important
strategies of IPM is crop rotation
• Crop rotation prevents pest and
disease build-up and in addition,
it replenishes soil nutritional
• It is recommended to rotate
crops with those from different
families; an effective rotation
program should last for 3 – 4

An example of a Crop Rotation

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3.9.3 Major Pests


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3.9.3 Major Pests

3.9.3 Major Pests

• Pests damage causes a
reduction in quality and quantity
of produce
• The following are the major
pests of Bulb Onion in Ethiopia:
A. Onion Thrips
B. Onion Fly
C. Leaf miner
Note: Onion thrips is the most
common pest in Ethiopia, but onion
fly (B) and leaf miner (C) is not
common. No need to explain farmers
if these pests are not problematic in
the area.

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3.9.3.A: Onion Thrips

Information Source: https://www.plantvillage.com

Onion Thrips on Bulb Onion

leaves 20/33
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3.9.3.A: Onion Thrips
3.9.3.A: Onion Thrips
• The pest feeds on the base of the plant within the leaf
• Attacked leaves have sunken silvery patches
3-9 Damages:
• Under severe attack, the entire plant appears silvery
and later the leaves wither, dry up and die
• The pest excreta appears as black spots on the
silvery leaves
• Keep plants well irrigated since water stressed plants
are more susceptible to thrips damage
• Maintain weed-free plots
• Rogue heavily infested plants
• When 5 to 10 insects are observed per plant, Spray
with insecticides, such as
Onion Thrips on Bulb - Cypermethrin 10% E.C (0.5l/ha) mixing with
200 l of water and spray every 2 weeks for 3-4 times
Onion leaves - Spray with 3 l/ha of thiodan by mixing with 600 l of
water and spray every 1 to 3 times
- Decamethrin at 12.5kg a.i /ha sprayed at 7 days
- Diazinon 60% EC and Daimethiot 49% EC are also
effective chemicals to control onion thrips

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3.9.3.B: Onion Flies

Symptoms of infestation by Onion Flies

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3.9.3.B: Onion Flies

3.9.3.B: Onion Flies

3-10 • The onion fly maggots are the destructive stage
which measure 8 mm long and white cream or
• They eat the lateral roots causing tunnels into the
taproot then the plants become shrivelled or
eventually die
• They are also found inside developing onion bulbs
and their feeding exposes the plant to infection by
diseases, such as Bacterial Soft Rot
• Use well decomposed manure/compost
• Practice crop rotation
Symptoms of infestation • Practice field sanitation: remove and destroy
infested plants and carefully plough in crop
by Onion Flies residues immediately after harvest

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3.9.3.C: Leafminer

Information Source: https://www.insectimages.org

Leafminer pupa within tunnel of onion leaf

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3.9.3.C: Leafminer

3.9.3.C: Leafminer
• The leafmining larvae are small yellow maggots
3-11 (3 – 4 mm long when fully grown)
• They are the damaging stage
• They go through 3 larval stages and after 5 – 7
days, the maggots pupate either on the leaf
surface or in the soil
• In some cases, maggots pupate within the mines
• The maggots are found feeding inside the leaf
tissue, leaving a long, slender, winding white
tunnels (mines) through the leaf
• Field sanitation / hygiene
• Spray with appropriate insecticides such as:
• Escort EC® (a.i. Emamectin)
Leafminer pupa within • Achook EC® (a.i. Azadirachtin)
tunnel of onion leaf • Agrimec EC® (a.i. Abamectin)
• Amazing Top WDG® (a.i. Abamectin +

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3.9.4 Major Diseases

a b

c d
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3.9.4 Major Diseases

3.9.4 Major Diseases

• Disease infestation leads to
reduction in quality and quantity of
• The following are the major
diseases of Bulb Onion in
a. Onion Downy Mildew
b. Purple Blotch
c. Rust
d. White Rot

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3.9.4.a: Onion Downy Mildew

Information Source: https://www.plantvillage.com

Symptoms of “Onion Downy Mildew”

infection on a Bulb Onion leaf
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3.9.4.a: Onion Downey Mildew
3.9.4.a: Onion Downey Mildew
General Descriptions:
• The disease is caused by a fungus
3-12 • It is prevalent in cool, humid and poor
drainage conditions
• Formation of lesions near the tips of the
older leaves, yellow patches covered with
grey wet fields, the leaf tips shrinks, turn
pale brown and later dies
• Field hygiene
• Crop rotation
Symptoms of “Onion Downy • Use of fungicides, such as
Mildew” infection on a Bulb • Tower WP® (a.i. Metalaxyl +
Onion leaf Mancozeb)
• In addition to these chemicals (based
on thier availability) Ridomil Gold and
Agrolaxin, Dithane and Esthamina
to be considered

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3.9.4.b: Purple Blotch

Information Source: http://www.extension.umn.edu

Symptoms of “Purple Blotch”

infection on a Bulb Onion leaf
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3.9.4.b: Purple Blotch
3.9.4.b: Purple Blotch
General Description:
• The disease is caused by a fungus
• Small white spots on the foliage
3-13 • Under moist condition, the spots rapidly increase to large
purplish blotches often surrounded by a yellow to orange
• The lesions extend to girdle the leaf which leads to its collapse
• The infection may spread to the bulb, where it may cause a wet,
orange rot starting at the neck
• Use resistant cultivars e.g.) Red Creole
• Crop rotation
• Field Sanitation: remove & burn crop remains after harvest, do
not leave volunteer plants in the field and avoid over fertilization
Symptoms of “Purple • Field hygiene
Blotch” infection on a • Wide spacing and good drainage to decrease humidity in the
plant stand
Bulb Onion leaf • Use of fungicides, such as
• Ridomil MZ63.5® (a.i. Metalaxyl + Mancozeb) 3.5 kg/ha
• Milraz® (a.i. Propineb + Cymoxanil)
• Mancozeb (3.0kg/ha) or Captafol 80% WP, 0.3% at about
500-700 liters of water/ha at 7 days interval for 5 -7 times

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3.9.4.c: Rust

Information Source: http://www.infonet-biovision.org

Symptoms of “Rust” infection on

a leaf of Bulb Onion
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3.9.4.c: Rust

3.9.4.c: Rust
General Description:
• The disease is caused by a fungus
3-14 Symptoms:
• Symptoms include chlorotic spots on leaves
• Heavily infected leaves turn yellow and die
• High humidity, high temperatures, dense
plant population favor the disease
• Crop rotation
• Application of proper agronomic practices i.e.
proper nutrition and spacing
Symptoms of “Rust” • Use of fungicides, such as
infection on a leaf of • Cadillac 80 WP® (a.i. Mancozeb)
Bulb Onion • Vondozeb 75 DG® (a.i. Mancozeb)
• Folicur (a.i. Tebconazole)

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3.9.4.d:White Rot

Symptoms of “White Rot” infection

on Bulb Onion
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3.9.4.d: White Rot
3.8.3.d: White Rot Disease
General Descriptions:
•The disease is caused by a soil borne fungus
•It may survive 10 – 15 years in soil without the presence of an
Allium host. Only onion family (onion, leek and shallot) are attacked.
3-15 •Optimum soil temperature for the fungus is 16-18℃
•Infected leaves show yellowing, leaf dieback and wilting
•Leaf decay begins at the base
•Older leaves collapse first
•Roots are rotted, and the plant can be pulled out from the ground
Control: (Integrated approach is needed)
1. If disease is observed, cessation of irrigation will minimize
damage but not stop the disease
2. Follow a long-term (over 5 years) rotation schedule
Symptoms of “White Rot” 3. Do not follow onion family with other onion family
4. Clean farm tools before moving from the field
infection on a Bulb Onion 5. Use clean planting materials or treat seeds by 45 ℃ hot water
for 15 minutes (Apron Star 42 WS or tebuconazole is also
effective for seed treatment)
6. Treat cloves with Sodium hypochlorate (berekina) at 1:100
dilution ratio (1 liter berekina with 100 liter of water)
7. Remove infected plants as early as possible from the field
8. Plant early maturing cultivars or resistant cultivars

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4. Harvest

Harvest when ¾ of the tops are

dry and falls on the ground
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4. Harvest

4. Harvest
4.1 Harvesting Indices (GHCP&PHHT20: Q17)
4-1 • Harvesting can be done 120– 145 days after
transplanting depending on the variety
• Bulb Onions are ready for harvesting when 75%
of the plants have their necks bent over and tops
• If onions are harvested earlier than this stage, it
doesn’t store well
• Onions should be harvested before the leaves are
completely dried up, otherwise the bulb will rot
Harvest when ¾ of the • Leaf tops begin to discolor, bend and dry
towards the ground
tops are dry and falls • Reduced thickness of sheath leaves
surrounding the bulbs
on the ground

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5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.1 Curing

5-1 5-2

Field Curing Protected Curing

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5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.1 Curing
5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.1 Curing
5-1 What is “Curing”?
• Curing is a drying process intended to dry off the necks and outer
leaves of bulbs
• It is done to prevent moisture loss and attack by diseases, hence
prolonging the shelf life of Bulb Onions
• It can be done in the field or in a protected environment away from
adverse weather conditions, such as rain or direct sunlight
5.1.1 Field Curing
• Curing can be done in the field if the maturity and harvesting
Field Curing coincides with dry months
• Harvested onions are placed in rows with leaves partially covering the
bulbs to prevent sunburn or greening
• Onions are then left in the field until the outer leaves and neck are
completely dry and papery
• Field curing can take 2 – 3 weeks depending on the environmental
5-2 conditions
5.1.2 Protected Curing
• Drying of Onions in a protected environment
• Curing is done in a warm, dry and well-ventilated location protected
• from direct sunlight
• Onions can be cured by tying tops of bulbs in bunches and hanging in
a horizontal pole in a well-ventilated shade

Protected Curing
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5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.2 Storing
5-3 5-4

Onion Storage
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5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.2 storing
5. Post-Harvest Handling
5.2 Storage (GHCP&PHHT20: Q17)
• When plants dried enough, remove the bulbs from
the tops leaving at least 1-2cm of top should be
5-3 5-4 left on the bulb to prevent disease entrance.
• Roots should be trimmed as close as possible
to the bulb
Traditional: hanging from ceilings, storage in burlap
sacks, drying on open floor that can extend
the shelf life of dry bulbs
• Simple ventilated storage can be constructed
from locally available materials such as bamboo,
grasses, small poles and sheets of grass roofing
• This found effective in extending the self life
Onion Storage • This ventilated structure or the traditional method
would reduce losses, which commonly caused by
rotting, rooting, and sprouting and weight loss
• Properly cured onion bulbs could be stored for 2-3

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5.3 Value Addition Techniques

5-5 5-6

Bulb Onions packed in the nets

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5.3 Value Addition Techniques
5.2 Value Addition Techniques (GHCP&PHHT20: Q19)
5.2.1 Sorting
5-5 • Before storage, Bulb Onions are sorted to remove the
– Onions with thick necks
– Onions which have bolted
– Injured onions
– Decayed onions
– Doubles and small bulbs
5.2.2 Grading
• Grading should be done before & after storage
• For domestic market onions are put into 3 Grades:
5-6 large, medium and small
• Bulbs must be:
– Intact with firm flesh which is not exposed
– Sufficiently dry with the first two outer skin and
stem fully dry
– Free from abnormal external moisture
– Free from foul smell
5.2.3 Containers & Packaging Materials
(GHCP&PHHT20: Q18)
• Store/package Bulb Onions in well ventilated
Bulb Onions packed in containers, such as nets
the nets
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6. Cost & Income Analysis
Item Quantity Unit Price Total (ETB)
Marketable Yield

Variable Costs

Land Preparation






Others e.g.) selective




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6. Cost & Income Analysis
7. Cost & Income Analysis
•Farmers are encouraged to keep
accurate records of all enterprise
activities (GHCP&PHHT20: Q20)
•This is vital in determining the
enterprise profitability
•Record keeping is very important for
farmers practicing commercial
There are 2 types of records:
•Individual Records:
– Kept by individual farmers and
include the cost of production and
– Useful in analyzing whether the
farmer is making profit or losses in
his farming enterprise
– Records are very important for
traceability of produce
A sample sheet of items and activities •Group Records:
– Include activities such as group
to be considered for determining purchase of inputs, selling of
an enterprise’s gross margin produce etc.

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7. Post-Training Evaluation
1. Growing Bulb Onion in areas with cool temperature makes the plant produce
flower stalk.
2. Manure/compost should be applied at least 1 – 2 weeks before transplanting
the Bulb Onions.
3. Bulb Onion seedlings are ready for transplanting 6 – 8 weeks after sowing.
4. One ha. requires less than 50,000 Bulb Onion seedlings during transplanting.
5. Bulb Onion fields can be weeded by digging deeply when the crop is in the
6. “Onion Thrips” attack leaves causing sunken silvery patches.
7. “Onion Downy Mildew” disease does NOT attack leaves of Bulb Onions.
8. Moist condition favor the spread of “Purple Blotch” disease.
9. Bulb Onions are ready for harvesting when 1/2 of the tops have fallen over
and dried.
10. Weather is NOT an important consideration during curing of Bulb Onions.
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7. Post-Training Evaluation Exercise
* Please ask the farmers to appropriately indicate answers to each of the following questions.

3/33 1. Growing Bulb Onion in areas with cool temperature makes the plant produce
flower stalk.

11/33 2. Manure/compost should be applied at least 1 – 2 weeks before transplanting the
Bulb Onions.

13/33 3. Bulb Onion seedlings are ready for transplanting 6 – 8 weeks after sowing. ✔
13/33 4. 1 ha requires less than 50,000 Bulb Onion seedlings during transplanting. ✔
15/33 5. Bulb Onion fields can be weeded by digging deeply when the crop is in the farm. ✔
20/33 6. “Onion Thrips” attack leaves causing sunken silvery patches. ✔
24/33 7. “Onion Downy Mildew” disease does NOT attack leaves of Bulb Onions. ✔
25/33 8. Moist condition favor the spread of “Purple Blotch” disease. ✔
28/33 9. Bulb Onions are ready for harvesting when 1/2 of the tops have fallen over and ✔
29/33 10. Weather is NOT an important consideration during curing of Bulb Onions. ✔
• If there is any question which half of the participants gave the wrong answer, you need to repeat
the specific area regarding to question
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