Appendicular Tuberculosis As Manifestation of Gast

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122 JURNAL RESPIRASI, SEPTEMBER 2021, VOL 07 (03); 122-126


Appendicular Tuberculosis as Manifestation of

Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis: A Case Report
Yuliza1 , Alfian Nur Rosyid1,2* , Wiwin Is Effendi1,2,3 , Prastuti Asta Wulaningrum2, Herley Windo
1 Departement of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
2 Universitas
Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia.
3 Department of Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.


Article history: Introduction: Gastrointestinal tuberculosis (GI TB) is quite rare with 3% incidence of
Received 03 November 2020 all extrapulmonary involvement. Appendicular TB may occur in 0.1 - 3% of cases.
Received in revised form 26 Diagnosis is often difficult because the patient usually complains about chronic
September 2021 abdominal pain and fever. A definite diagnosis is based on histopathological
Accepted 28 September 2021 examination of resected specimens from the appendectomy procedure.
Available online 30 September 2021 Case: We present a 37-year-old male patient admitted to the hospital with chronic
abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and loss of body weight. The patient never had a
Keywords: persistent cough, hemoptysis, or night sweating. Physical examination showed pain and
Appendicular tuberculosis, muscular rigidity in the right iliac area during palpation with Blumberg's sign and
Histopathological examination, Rovsing's sign positive. Abdomen ultrasound imaging showed an appendicular abscess.
Infectious disease, The patient underwent appendectomy afterwards with histopathology result showing
Surgery, TB. The patient was treated with first category anti-tuberculosis drugs (ATD).
Tuberculosis. Discussion: Diagnosis of appendicular TB is difficult due to unspecific clinical
presentations. Appendicular TB patients often complain of signs and symptoms which
are similar to acute appendicitis. These conditions can delay ATD treatment because the
definitive diagnosis could be made after histopathological examination.
Summary: Appendicular TB is a rare case of extrapulmonary TB. It can present as
acute appendicitis. The definitive diagnosis is based on the histopathological
examination. It is recommended to check the appendicectomy specimens
histopathologically to exclude TB or other diseases.

(5) ingestion of milk products infected with
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem
which becomes one of the top 10 cause of death Mycobacterium bovis when drinking raw milk.2
worldwide and the leading cause of death from a single Globally, an estimate of 10 million people were infected
infectious agent. TB is caused by Mycobacterium with TB in 2019, 16% of which were extrapulmonary
tuberculosis (MTB) which is transmitted from person to TB. Several studies reported the highest percentage of
person through coughing, sneezing, or speaking.1 More extrapulmonary TB are in Brazil (45.6%), England and
than 80% of TB disease affects the lungs (pulmonary Wales (41%), Iran (27.3%), North India (27.3%), Korea
TB), but it can also affect other sites (extrapulmonary
(20.4%), and United States (18,7%). Meanwhile in
TB) which spreads to these organs through 5 ways: (1)
Indonesia, the insidence is unclear.3
sputum ingestion by a patient with active pulmonary
disease from MTB, (2) hematogenous spread from a TB can also affect the gastrointestinal tract,
distant focus, (3) lymphatic spread through infected called gastrointestinal TB (GI TB), and play an
nodes, (4) direct extension from a contiguous site, and important role for TB-related morbidity and mortality.4

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Jurnal Respirasi, p-ISSN: 2407-0831; e-ISSN: 2621-8372.

Accredited No. 200/M/KPT/2020; Available at DOI: 10.20473/jr.v7-I.3.2021.122-126
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
123 JURNAL RESPIRASI, SEPTEMBER 2021, VOL 07 (03); 122-126

GI TB is defined as MTB infection of the sent to the anatomic pathology department for a
peritoneum, abdominal organs, or abdominal lymphatic histopathology examination.
system.5 Clinical manifestation and pathology finding of The macroscopic examination of the specimen
GI TB are highly variable. It can be nonspecific and revealed a 20 gr appendix measuring about 7 cm in
mimic other gastrointestinal tract disorders, such as length with a grayish-brown appearance (Figure 2). Cut
Chron's disease, ulcerative colitis, amoebic enteritis, surface showed no mass or malignancy. Microscopic
actinomycosis, enterocolitis, or even malignancy.6 examination of the appendix specimen showed a layer of
GI TB most commonly affects the ileocaecal propria consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes,
region (64%), followed by the jejunum and colon. neutrophils, eosinophils, necrotic areas, epithelioid, and
Regardless of the gastrointestinal portion involved, Langhan's giant cells that formed granulomas. This
abdominal pain and systemic symptoms, such as weight finding indicated TB in the appendix. The patient was
loss, fever, and anorexia, are frequent.7–9 Incidence of GI treated with first category ATD and showed clinical
TB is 3% of all extrapulmonary TB, and involvement of recovery on follow-up which is shown in abdomen USG
the appendix is rare, occurring in only 0.1–3% of GI TB after taking ATD for three months (Figure 3).
cases.8,10,11 Appendicular TB is commonly found in
young adults with the average age of 30 years old with a
greater incidence in women.12 The presentation of
appendicular TB can be similar to appendicitis.
Maharajan, et al. reported that clinical manifestation of
appendicular TB were consistent with acute
appendicitis, therefore making the definitive diagnosis
difficult to establish. The diagnosis of appendicular TB
is based on histopathological examination of the
appendectomy specimen. Nevertheless, sometimes it
was found coincidently with other diseases.11,13
All GI TB cases should be treated with at least
six months of anti-tuberculosis drugs (ATD). These
drugs contain the initial therapy phase (two months of
isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol)
and continuous phase (four months of isoniazid and
rifampicin). However, the difficulties of evaluating
patients' treatment with histopathologic samples and the
lack of reliable parameters for assessing treatment
outcomes make many clinicians, especially in
developing countries, treat patients for more than six


A 37-year-old male patient came to the

emergency departement with chronic abdominal pain, Figure 1. Abdomen ultrasound before appendectomy
intermittent fever, nausea, and loss of body weight since
three weeks before admission. The patient often
complained of intermitten abdominal pain since one
month before admission that he thought to be gastric
pain. The patient never had a persistent cough,
hemoptysis, or night sweating, but he admitted of losing
his body weight since two month prior to
hospitalization. There was no history of pulmonary TB
or contact with TB patient, asthma, diabetes mellitus,
and hypertension. Physical examination showed fever of
37.8°C, pain and muscular rigidity in the right iliac area
during palpation with Blumberg's sign and Rovsing's
sign positive. Laboratorium findings were leukocytosis
(24.670/ml) and neutrophilia (86.4%). Chest X-ray
showed no abnormality. Abdomen ultrasound imaging
showed edematous and appendicular abscess (Figure 1).
The patient underwent appendectomy for acute
appendicitis indication. The appendices specimen was Figure 2. Macroscopic examination of the intestinal specimen
124 JURNAL RESPIRASI, SEPTEMBER 2021, VOL 07 (03); 122-126

Figure 3. Abdomen USG after taking first category ATD for three months

DISCUSSION ulcerative type of appendicular appendicitis as the most

common form on histopathology finding.10,13,16,17 These
Appendicular TB is a rare manifestation of non-specific symptoms eventually can delay a patient's
extrapulmonary TB. The prevalence range from 0.1 to treatment which leads to severity of the case and
becomes a problem to establish the diagnosis, as stated
3% of all GI TB cases.7 This rare involvement of the
by World Health Organization (WHO) that the diagnosis
appendix is due to minimal contact of appendicular of extrapulmonary TB should be made on the basis of a
mucosa with the intestinal contents. Corbin, et al. first culture-positive specimen or caseating granuloma on
recognized appendicular TB in 16 patients of 7,610 biopsy or strong clinical evidence consistent with active
appendectomies in 1873. Appendicular TB can present extrapulmonary TB. MTB in GI TB is pauci-bacillary in
as a primary form due to infection of the intestinal nature, which often gives a negative result in routine
mucosa by Mycobacterium bovis which are ingested techniques, such as culture and staining for acid-fast
bacilli (AFB). Therefore, the definitive diagnosis of GI
through milk that is contaminated with TB bacilli, or the TB, in this case appendicular TB, is based on
second form that is usually a complication of primary histopathological examination of appendectomy
pulmonary TB.14,15 specimen, which sometimes is found coincidently in
The underlying pathogenesis of appendicular TB some cases.18,19 Chong, et al. reported GI TB anatomic
is still unknown. Singh, et al. defined appendicular TB distribution and prevalence from 1997 - 2004 in Table
as etiopathological into primary or secondary 1.5
involvement. Prior involvement occurs through contact Table 1. GI TB anatomic distribution and prevalence
with infected intestinal contents or hematogenous spread Location Frequency Frequency between TB
from other undetectable sources. Secondary involvement between
occurs through local extension from ileocaecal GI TB
Esophagus 1-3 (4.7) 0.15 (0.04)
involvement, retrograde lymphatic spread from distant Gaster NA (4.7)
lesions in the ileum or ascending colon, or peri- Intestines
appendicitis from peritoneal involvement.16 Duodenum 2-3 (4.7) 0.2-0.6 (0.04)
Jejenum NA (0) NA (0)
The clinical features of appendicular TB often
Ileum 38 (9.5) NA (0.09)
resemble acute appendicitis, making it difficult to Colon
establish a definitive diagnosis before appendectomies. Ileosaecal 85-90 NA (0.36)
Several studies reported that patients with appendicular Appendix (38) ≤4 (0.18)
TB complained of recurrent episodic pain in the right Ascendence NA (19) NA (0.23)
iliac fossa, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a palpable colon 35 (23.8) NA (0)
mass in the right iliac fossa. Another study also reported Transversum 16 (0) NA (0)
severe abdominal pain, fever, and periumbilical pain. 9,15 colon 8 (0) NA (0)
Singh, et al. described three types of appendicular TB. Descendence 13 (0) NA (0.04)
colon NA (4.7)
The first type is chronic form, presents with vague
mild‑to‑moderate abdominal pain at the right iliac fossa, colon
associated with anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. The Anal
second type presents with signs and symptoms of acute *NA : Not Available
appendicitis. The third type presents as an incidental
histopathological finding of appendicular TB with
125 JURNAL RESPIRASI, SEPTEMBER 2021, VOL 07 (03); 122-126

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