Amalaki Mahotsava

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Vaidya Yoginee S. Patil.

Associate professor,
Department of Rasashastra evum Bhaishajyakalpana,
Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune 11

• Chemical/ phytochemical constituents

• Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
as per formulation
• Therapeutic properties
• Awasthanusar uses
• Matra
• Anupana
• Pathyapathya
• Sevana kala
• Kala maryada (duration of consumption)
• Side effects
• Research updates and clinical application
AMALAKI SWARASA (Sha. Sam. Ma. Kha.)
DEFINITION OF SWARASA: Phytochemical composition Ellagic acid, Gallic acid, Emblicanin A &B,
Ascorbic acid, Quercetin
आहतातत्क्षणाकृष्टाद्रव्यात्क्षुण्णात्क्स मुद्धरे त ् । Pharmacokinetics and Antifungal, Antibacterial, antiulcerogenic,
वस्त्रनिष्पीडितो यः स रसः स्त्वरस उच्यते ॥ pharmacodynamics free radical scavenging
(Sha. Ma. Kha. 1 / 2)
Therapeutic properties Rasayana, Vayasthapana, Ayushya,
The juice strained through a clean cloth by freshly collected juice of leaves along with that of Jamun and
and properly pounded drug is called as Swarasa. mango leaves is indicated in Raktatisara
स यथा-अमत ृ ाया रसः षौद्रयक्
ु तः सववप्रमेहजित ् । Avasthanusar uses Beneficial for healthy as well as diseased
हररद्राचूणवयुक्तो वा रसो धात्रयाः समाक्षषकः ॥७॥ person
(Sha. Ma. Kha. 1 / 7) Matra ½ pala: 24 ml.

Anupana For raktatisara, swarasa should be given

The juice of Amla when taken along with honey, cures
with honey, ghee and milk
all types of Prameha.
Pathyapathya -
िम्ब्वास्रामलकीिाां च पल्लवोत्क्थो रसो ियेत ् ।
ु तो रक्तातीसारमल् ु बणम ् ॥ ११ ॥ Sevana kala -
(Sha. Ma. Kha. 1 / 11)
Kala maryada -
The Amla leaf juice when taken along with leaf juice of Side effects -
Jamun and mango with adjuvant of honey, ghee or
milk; cures Raktatisara Research updates A systematic review on the cardiovascular
pharmacology of Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
AMALAKYADI CHURNA (Sha. Sam. Ma. Kha. Churna Kalpana
• अथामलक्यादिचण
ू व ज्वरािौ- Phytochemical composition Alkaloids, flavonoids, phenol, tannin, quinones,
• आमलां चचरकां पथ्या पपप्पली सैन्धवस्त्तथा ।
possible radioprotective compounds
चूर्णवतोऽयां गणो ज्ञेयः सववज्वरपविाशिः ॥७॥ Pharmacokinetics and Antimicrobial activity, moderate analgesic activity,
भेिी रुचचकरः श्लेष्मिेता िीपिपाचिः । pharmacodynamics decreased radiation induced damage to DNA (in vivo
and in vitro)
(Sha. Ma. Kha. 6 / 7)
Therapeutic properties Sarva jwara. Also beneficial in anorexia, dyspepsia
Fine powder of fruit of Amalaki, Haritaki, and indigestion
root of Chitraka, Pippali and Saindhava is
Avasthanusar uses Loss of appetite, distaste, indigestion and fever
used in treating all types of Jwara.
Matra 2-6 grams (12 gm as per Sharangdhara Samhita)

Anupana Warm water

Pathyapathya -

Sevana kala -

Kala maryada -

Side effects -

Research updates Patil B.P. et. al. May 2022 To design and evaluate
miracle formulation of Anorexia using Amalakyadi
Churna, IAJPS
TRIPHALA RASAYANA (Cha. Chi. Rasayana Adhikara)
• िरणान्तेऽभयामेकाां प्राग्भुक्ताद् द्वे बबभीतके । भु क्त्क्वा तु मधुसपपवर्भयाां मधक ु े ि तुगाषीयाव पपप्पल्या षौद्रसपपवर्ा । बरफला ससतया चापप युक्ता
चत्क्वायावमलकानि च ॥ ४१ ॥ प्रयोियि ् समामेकाां बरफलाया रसायिम।् ससद्धां रसायिम ् ॥ ४५ ॥ ( इनत बरफलारसायिमपरम ् )
िीवेद्वर्वशतां पूणवमिरोऽव्याचधरेव च ॥ ४२ ॥ ( इनत बरफलारसायिम ् ।) (Cha. Chi. 1 :3)
(Cha. Chi. 1 :3) Triphalā mixed with madhuka, tugākşiri and pippali along with honey
One Haritaki (fruit) after digestion, two bibhitaka (fruits) after and ghee or triphalā with sugar is a successful rasāyana. [ 45 ]
meals and four Amalaki (fruits) after meals should be taken with (Thus the other triphalā rasāyana ).
honey and ghee for a year. This triphala Rasayana makes a
person live for one hundred years devoid of old age and सववलौहै ः सुवणेि वचया मधस ु पपवर्ा । पविङ्गपपप्पलीर्भयाां च बरफला लवणेि
diseases. [41-42] च ॥ ४६ ॥ सां वत्क्सरप्रयोगेण मेधास्त्मृनतबलप्रिा । भवत्क्यायुःप्रिा धन्या
(Thus is triphala Rasayana ). िरारोगनिबहव णी ॥ ४७ ॥
(Cha. Chi. 1 :3)
रैफलेिायसीां पारी कल्केिालेपयेन्िवाम ् । तमहोराबरकां लेपां पपबेत ् ( इनत बरफलारसायिमपरम ् ।) Triphalā alongwith all (six) metals
षौद्रोिकाप्लुतम ् ॥ ४३ ॥ प्रभूतस्त्िेहमशिां िीणे तर प्रशस्त्यते । including gold, vaca; or with vidanga and pippali or with lavaņa
अिरोऽरुक् समार्भयासाज्िीवेच्चैव समाः शतम ् ॥ ४४ ॥ ( इनत taken with honey and ghee for a year provides intellect, memory and
बरफलारसायिमपरम ् ।) strength, promotes life-span and excellence and alleviates senility
(Cha. Chi. 1 :3) and diseases. [46-47]
A new iron plate should be plastered with the paste of triphala.
After twenty four hours this paste should be collected and taken
dissolved in honey water. After the drug is digested one should
take meals with plenty of fat. By observing this for a year one
lives one hundred years devoid of senility and diseases. [43-44]
(Thus the other triphala Rasayana ).
TRIPHALA RASAYANA (Cha. Chi. Rasayana Adhikara)
Phytochemical composition Polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, pillar of gastrointestinal treatment

Therapeutic properties Diabetes, constipation, obesity (as per research article)

Avasthanusar uses Rasayana. Suitable for every one having good digestive capacity

Matra One Haritaki (fruit) after digestion, two bibhitaka (fruits) after meals (lunch) and four Amalaki
(fruits) after meals (dinner)
Anupana honey and ghee

Pathyapathya After the drug is digested one should take meals with plenty of fat.

Sevana kala Rasayana kala (early morning)

Kala maryada One year

Side effects -
Research updates Ahmed S 12 June 2021, Exploring scientific validation of Triphala Rasayana in Ayurveda as a
source of rejuvenation for contemporary health care: An update; Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Vol.
Phytochemical composition Vasicine, Gallic acid, Kusunol, oxalic acid, etc.

Pharmacokinetics and Rejuvenation, promotes vigour, vitality and its anti-

pharmacodynamics aging

Therapeutic properties Kasa, shwasa, kshata-ksheea, svarabheda, kshaya etc.

Avasthanusar uses Used by all age groups in every season

Matra General dosage: 12 – 28 gm

Anupana Milk, water

Pathyapathya Should be taken in such quantity that it doesn’t

interfere with hunger and appetite for food
Sevana kala Early morning

Kala maryada Within one year

Side effects If patients suffering from Asthama drink milk with CP, it
may cause more hazards
Research updates Sharma R. May 2019; Chyawanprash: A
traditional Indian bioactive health supplement;
Biomolecules 9 (5)
DHATRI LAUHA (AFI Part 1, Pg. 284)
DHATRI LAUHA (AFI Part 1, Pg. 284)
Phytochemical composition Vitamin C, Ferrous ions

Pharmacokinetics and Immunomodulator, regulation of Agni, helpful in

pharmacodynamics proper metabolism and formation of Sapta Dhatus (as
per research article)
Therapeutic properties Shoola roga, Kamala, Pandu, Amlapitta, Anaemia

Avasthanusar uses Useful in Garbhini Avastha

Matra ½ - 1 gm

Anupana Ghee, Honey

Pathyapathya Not mentioned

Sevana kala Not mentioned

Kala maryada Not mentioned

Side effects Not mentioned

Research updates Khandelwal D. 2015; Importance of Rasayana

Drugs in Dhatri Lauha w.s.r. to Garbhini Pandu; Journal
of Pharmaceutical Biology; 5(2); Pg: 87 - 92
AMALAKYADI GUTIKA (Sha. Sam. Ma. Kha. Vati Kalpana)
आमलक्यादिगुदटका तष्ृ णािौ- Phytochemical Ascorbic acid, tannins,
आमलां कमलां कुष्ठां लािाश्च वटरोहकः ।
Pharmacokinetics and Immunomodulator, regulation of Agni, helpful in proper
एतच्चूणस्त् व य मधुिा गुदटकाां धारयेन्मुखे ॥ १७ ॥
pharmacodynamics metabolism and formation of Sapta Dhatus (as per
तष्ृ णाां प्रवद्
ृ धाां हन्त्क्येर्ा मुखशोर्ां च िारुणम ् ।
research article)
(शा. सां. म. खां . ७/ १७)
Therapeutic properties Trushna, Mukhashosha
Fine powders of Amalaki, Kamala Beeja, Kushtha,
Laaja and Vataroha are triturated with Honey to Avasthanusar uses Can be used by any age group
make pills. Pill is held in mouth in order to cure
Mukhashosha and Trushna Matra ½ - 1 gm

Anupana Not mentioned

Pathyapathya Not mentioned

Sevana kala Not mentioned

Kala maryada Not mentioned

Side effects Not mentioned

Research updates Sudarshan A. July 2022; Preliminary Pharmaceutico

Analytical study of Amalakyadi Gutika; IJBPAS; 11(7); Pg.
No: 3211-3219
PHALATRIKADI KWATHA (Sha. Sam. Ma. Kha. Kwatha Kalpana)
फलबरकादिः प्रमेहे- Phytochemical composition Ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids etc

फलबरका्ििावीणाां पवशालायाः शत ृ ां पपबेत ् । Pharmacokinetics and Hepatoprotective, immunomodulator, antidiabetic, enhances

निशाकल्कयत ु ां सववप्रमेहपवनिवत्त
ृ ये ॥ १०९ ॥ pharmacodynamics metabolism
(शा. सां. म. खां. २/ १०९)
Therapeutic properties All types of Prameha, also in liver disorders(as per research
Kwatha prepared from Triphala, Musta, article)
Darvi, Indravaruni when given with Avasthanusar uses Can be used by any age group
Hardira Kalka, it cures all types of
Prameha. Matra 80 ml (as per research article)

Anupana Hardira Kalka

Pathyapathya Pathya: purana dhanya, patola, koshna jala etc. (as per research
Sevana kala Nishi

Kala maryada Not mentioned

Side effects Not mentioned

Research updates Chauhan G. March-April 2015; Clinical efficacy of

Phalatrikadi Kwatha in controlling blood sugar level in Prameha
(Type 2 Diabetes mellitus); AYUSHDHARA
ू े बरफलादिक्वाथः । वर्
ृ णशोथे बरफलादिः-
बरफलारग्वधक्काथः शकवराषौद्र सांयुतः । फलबरकोद्भवां क्वाथां गोमूरेणैव पाययेत ् ।
रक्तपपत्तहरो िाहपपत्तशल
ू निवारणः ॥ ९८ ॥ वातश्लेष्मकृतां हजन्त शोथां वर्
ृ णसांभवम ् ॥ १२२ ॥
(शा. सां. म. खां. २/ ९८) (शा. सां. म. खां. २/ १२२)
Kwatha prepared from Triphala and Argwadha when When taken with Gomutra, Triphala Kwatha cures Vrushana Shotha
consumed with Sugar and Honey, cures Raktapitta along with caused due to vitiated Vata and Kapha dosha.
Daha and Shoola.
अथ फलादिक्वाथ कृसमरोगे -
अथ प्रमेहे वरादिक्वाथः- बरफला िे विारुश्च मुस्त्ता मूर्ककर्णवका ।
वरािाव्यव्ििारूणाां क्वाथ षौद्रे णां मेहहा । सशग्रूरेतैः कृतः कवाथः पपप्पलीचूणवसांयुतः ॥ ७४ ॥
वत्क्सकबरफला िावी मुस्त्तको बीिकस्त्तथा ॥ १०८ ॥ पविङ्गचण ू वयक्
ु तश्च कृसमघ्िः क्रिसमरोगहा ।
(शा. सां. म. खां. २/ १०८) फलबरकामृतानतक्तानिम्बबकैरातवासकैः ॥ ७५ ॥
Kwatha of Triphala, Darvi, Musta and Devadaru cures ियेन्मधय ु त
ु ः कवाथः कामलाां पाण्िुताां तथा ।
Prameha when given with Honey. (शा. सां. म. खां. २/ ७४ - ७५)
Kwatha prepared from Triphala, Devadaru, Musta, Rudanti, Shigru
षौद्रे ण बरफलाक्वाथः पीतो मेिोहरः स्त्मत
ृ ः ॥११६।। and when taken with Pippali churna or Vidanga churna; it cures
(शा. सां. म. खां. २/ ११६) Krumiroga.
Triphala kwatha when is consumed with honey, it cures Kwatha of Triphala, Guduchi, Kutaki, Nimba, Bhunimba and Vasa
Prameha. when taken along with honey, cures Kamala and Pandu
बरफला घत ृ Phytochemical Ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids etc
अथ बरफलाघत ृ ां िेररोगे नतसमरािौ- composition
बरफलाया रसप्रस्त्थां प्रस्त्थां वासारसोद्भवम ् ॥ ६६ ॥
Pharmacokinetics and Enhances eye health. Useful in various opthalmological
भङ्ृ गरािरसप्रस्त्थां प्रस्त्थमािां पयः स्त्मतृ म् । pharmacodynamics conditions like dry eye (as per research article)
ित्त्वा तर घत ृ प्रस्त्थां कल्कैः कर्वसमतैः पथृ क् ॥ ६७ ॥
बरफला पपप्पली द्राषा चन्ििां सैन्धवां बला ।
काकोली षीरकाकोली मेिा मररचिागरम ् ॥६८॥ Therapeutic properties Naktandhya, Kandu, Pilla etc opthalmological disorders
शकवरा पुण्िरीकां च कमलां च पुििववा ।
निशायुग्मां च मधुकां सवै रेसभपववपाचयेत ् ॥ ६९ ॥ Avasthanusar uses Can be used by any age group
िक्तान्ध्यां िकुलान्ध्यां च कण्िूां पपल्लां तथै व च ।
िेरस्त्रावां च पटलां नतसमरां काचकां ियेत ् ॥ ७० ॥ Matra 20-40 ml for oral intake; 2 drops for Nasya
अन्येऽपप प्रशमां याजन्त िेररोगाः सुिारुणाः ।
रैफलां घत ृ मेतद्चध पािे िस्त्यादिर्ूचचतम ् ॥ ७१ ॥ Anupana Warm water
(शा. सां. म. खां . ९/ ६६ - ७१)
Drava Dravya: Triphala Rasa (kwatha),Vasa Pathyapathya Avoiding excess light exposure, Ayoga, Atiyoga and
Swarasa, Bhrungaraja Swarasa, Goat Milk (each 1 Mithyayoga of Chakshurendriya (as per research article)
Prastha: 768ml); Sevana kala Nishi (recommended)
Cow Ghee: (1 Prastha: 768ml);
Kalka Dravya: Triphala, pippali, draksha, Chandana, Kala maryada Not mentioned
saindhava, bala, Kakoli dwaya, meda, maricha,
Shunthi, sharkara, kamala, Punarnava, haridra Side effects Not mentioned
dwaya, madhuka ( each 1 karsha: 12 gm).
Ghee prepared from above ingredients cure all type Research updates Sawant D. April 2023; Efficacy of Triphala Ghrita
of opthalmological disorders. It can be given orally or Netratarpana in Computer vision syndrome; IJRAP; 4(2):
can be administered by Nasya. Pg. No. 244-248
अथ फलघत
ृ ां वन्ध्यािोर्े- अथ लघुफलघत
ृ ां योनिरोगे -

बरफला मधक ु ां कुष्ठां द्वे निशे कटुरोदहणी ॥ ७९ ॥ बरफलाां द्वे सहचरे गुिूचीां सपि ु िववाम ् ।
पविङ्गां पपप्पली मुस्त्तां पवशाला कट्फलां वचा । शक ु िासाां हररद्वे द्वे रास्त्िाां मेिाां शतावरीम ् ॥८७॥
द्वे मेिे द्वे च काकोल्यौ साररवे द्वे पप्रयङ्गक ु ा ॥८०॥ कल्कीकृत्क्य घत ृ प्रस्त्थां पचेत्क्षीरे चतुगुवणे ।
शतपष्ु पा दहङ्गु रास्त्िा चन्ििां रक्तचन्ििम ् । तजत्क्सद्धां पाययेन्िारीां योनिशूलनिपीडिताम ् ॥ ८८॥
िातीपष्ु पां तग ु ाषीरी कमलां शकवरा तथा ॥ ८१ ॥ पीडिता चसलता या च निःसत ृ ा पववत ृ ा च या ।
अिमोिा च िन्ती च कल्कैरे तैश्च कापर्वकैः । पपत्तयोनिश्च पवभ्रान्ता र्ण्ढयोनिश्च या स्त्मृता ॥८९॥
िीवद्वत्क्सैकवणावया घत ृ प्रस्त्थां च गोः क्षषपेत ् ॥ ८२ ॥ प्रपद्यन्ते दह ताः स्त्थािां गभव गह् ृ णजन्त चासकृत ् ।
चतग ु वण
ु ेि पयसा पचेिारण्यगोमयैः । एतत्क्फलघत ृ ां िाम योनििोर्हरां परम ् ॥ ९० ॥
सुनतथौ पष्ु यिषरे मृद्भाण्िे ताम्रिे तथा ॥ ८३॥ (शा. सां. म. खां. ९/ ८७ - ९०)
ततः पपबेच्छुभदििे िारी वा परु ु र्ोऽथवा ।
एतत्क्सपपविवरः पीत्क्वा स्त्रीर्ु नित्क्यां वर् ृ ायते ॥ ८४ ॥
परु ािुत्क्पाियेद्धीमान्वन्ध्यापप लभते सुतम ् ।
अिायर् ु ां या िियेद्या च सत ू ा पि ु ः जस्त्थता ॥८५॥ Triphala Ghrita in Netra Roga:
पर ु ां प्राप्िोनत सा िारी बद् ु चधमन्तां शतायुर्म ् ।
एतत्क्फलघत ृ ां िाम भारद्वािेि भापर्तम ् ॥ ८६ ॥
अिक् ु त लक्ष्मणामल ू ां क्षषपेत्तर चचक्रकत्क्सकः ।
(शा. सां. म. खां. ९/ ७९ - ८६)

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