M. Zboj
Received: August 31, 2010 Abstract
ZBOJ, M.: Position and development of the food independent trade and its prediction on Czech market. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2010, LVIII, No. 6, pp. 633640 The paper deals with a problem of independent trade in Czech Republic which means small and medium sized retail and wholesale enterprises without capital linkage to big companies abroad. It is especially focused on Czech food sellers trying to compete against transnational companies entering and operating on Czech market. One of possibilities how to face geographically and nancially strong subjects is vertical cooperation and creation trade alliances. It means joining individual small and medium sized wholesalers and retailers into one association representing all members. Main advantages of these cooperative structures are lower purchase costs due to common negotiation with suppliers and co-nancing of some activities (for example promotion). It is very important to sustain the diversity of retail market because of ensuring and forming competitive environment and oering the miscellaneous forms of retail to nal consumers. That is why the main goal of this paper is to nd out last changes and contemporary position and structure of the food independent trade alliances with prediction of future development. It is necessary to mention the fact that data is quite dicult to gain for this purpose. There are yearbooks of Czech and Slovak trade where some important information are published namely sales of food trade alliances are used like main indicator to describe and predict their development. A suitable statistic method has to be selected to full the stated goal. Time series and interlay with trend curve seem like the most suitable instrument. In case of individual trade alliances the linear or logarithmic function will be used according to course of sales. independent trade, retail, trade alliance, cooperation, trend curve, sales, competition
Independent trade is not new term in Czech trade terminology. It is classical form of retail business which however had been pushed out of leading position a er 1989, when foreign high integrated trade rms entered the Czech market. There was a progressive reducing of number of independent stores which were not able to compete with low prices and wide assortment of transnational trade chains. Rapid growth of number of new foreign retail rms stagnated on about 2000. Now the situation is quite stabilized and it means new chance for visibility of independent traders. Developing trends also indicate the changes on preferences of consumers. They rank not only price on the rst place but mainly quality and comfort as
well during process of choosing of retailer. The sellers try to reduce area of their stores and go over to conception of convenience representing comfort for customer and long opening hours. Gradual development forecasts turning back of customers into stores with friendly and professional sta where they will not have to wait too long at cash-desk and they will be able to buy daily goods in accessible distance from house or job. All this with forms of cooperation represents the possibilities of competition with high integrated chains for independent traders (Zboj, 2004). Independent trader is doing business under own registration number and tax number and independent trade belongs to group of small and medium
M. Zboj
sized enterprises. Its importance and market share was reduced signicantly on 90-ies of 20th century and it is stabilizing now (Cimler, Zadrailov; 2007). According to Juraka, Z. (chairman of Union of Czech and Moravian consumer cooperatives) Czech sellers understand better the needs of Czech customers than foreign chains1. However Czech experts work even for these chains and it is controversial if it is possible to consider this fact like competitive advantage of the Czech independent traders. Clustering of smaller trade rms into cooperative structures have become in principle the necessity. Thanks to increasing competition, concentration in structure of trade and even supplying rms and spaI: The biggest Czech trade alliances based on centrally invoiced sales Trade alliance 2000 COOP centrum Hruka, Ltd COOP Morava, Ltd Flop jih, Ltd VONET CR, Ltd EPOS / Bala SVOP ENAPO, Inc. AFEP Spar umava, Ltd Eso market ipka TOTAL 10 830 3 960 3 180 1 650 NA 2 180 1 810 1 370 NA NA 610 600 26 190 2001 11 100 4 320 3 960 1 800 NA 1 900 1 910 1 610 NA NA 530 NA 27 130 2002 11 250 5 060 3 700 2 240 NA 1 530 1 900 1 870 NA NA 450 NA 28 000
tial expansion of retail chains the position of smaller companies became worse compared with customers and even suppliers. Relatively faster growth of strong trade companies forces out smaller retail rms but even smaller wholesalers. Cooperation is concentrated mainly on overcome the key competitive factors (volume of goods, common distribution, creating of own retail network). Due to these factors the big trade companies are still more successful (Gilbert, 2003). The main goal of this contribution is prediction of the role of food independent trade in Czech market which is represents by individual trade alliances.
Central invoicing (mil. CZK) 2003 10 873 4 550 3 270 2 650 2 323 1 641 1 847 1 418 NA 521 297 NA 31 247 2004 10 323 4 850 3 225 2 865 2 547 1 856 1 777 1 418 524 504 NA NA 32 041 2005 9 993 5 500 3 100 2 914 2 307 1 973 1 700 1 420 629 433 NA NA 32 900 2006 9 841 6 000 3 372 2 982 1 931 2 180 NA 1 353 NA 418 NA NA 31 616 2007 10 221 7 200 3 300 2 500 1 673 2 500 NA 1 300 NA 435 NA NA 33 072
NA: not available Source: Yearbooks of Czech and Slovak trade 2005, 2006, 2008 II: Trade alliances based on centrally invoiced sales relative changes Trade alliance COOP centrum Hruka, Ltd COOP Morava, Ltd Flop jih, Ltd VONET CR, Ltd EPOS / Bala SVOP ENAPO, Inc. AFEP Spar umava, Ltd Eso market TOTAL Relative changes of central invoicing (%) 2001 2,49 9,09 24,53 9,09 NA 12,84 5,52 17,52 NA NA 13,11 3,59 2002 1,35 17,13 6,57 24,44 NA 19,47 0,52 16,15 NA NA 15,09 3,21 2003 3,35 10,08 11,62 18,30 NA 7,25 2,79 24,17 NA NA 34,00 11,60 2004 5,06 6,59 1,38 8,11 9,64 13,10 3,79 0,00 NA 3,26 NA 2,54 2005 3,20 13,40 3,88 1,71 9,42 6,30 4,33 0,14 20,04 14,09 NA 2,68 2006 1,52 9,09 8,77 2,33 16,30 10,49 NA 4,72 NA 3,46 NA 3,90 2007 3,86 20,00 2,14 16,16 13,36 14,68 NA 3,92 NA 4,07 NA 4,61
Position and development of the food independent trade and its prediction on Czech market
Paper deals with just part of independent trade namely food trade alliances and it was used of the methods of scientic work during elaboration. Firstly, the professional literature and other resources were studied in which was found theoretical basis. Secondly, the data was gathered from statistic yearbooks of the Czech trade. Method of time series and subsequent interlay with trend curve was used to nd out possible development in the eld of independent trade. Development in rank of trade alliances on Czech market is illustrated in Tab. I guring the biggest Czech trade alliances according to centrally invoiced sales in 20002007. Relative changes in centrally invoiced sales are stated in Tab. II. Absolute total central invoicing indicates continual growth except 2006. It is more suitable to illustrate this development in relative formulation through chain indexes. Sizeable percentage grow of total central invoicing was recorded in 2003 against 2002. Main reason was new alliances entering the Czech market.
Some alliances have gone down and the others were newly created during given period. The xed star among trade alliances is COOP Centrum and COOP Morava Ltd. They are the biggest according to total sales and they join together individual chains like COOP Tip and COOP Tempo (created by division of original chain COOP Supermarket), COOP Tuty and COOP Diskont. Next important alliances are BALA Ltd, Hruka, Ltd, VONET CR, Ltd and SVOP. Interesting fact is trend of sales going down in alliances COOP whereas sales of VONET or Hruka are going up. Alliance Brnnka sustain stable level of sales as well as SVOP. ENAPO has recorded decrease of sales in ve years period. Fig. 1, g. 2, g. 3 and g. 4 illustrate changes of sales for chosen alliances (COOP Centrum, BALA, Hruka and Brnnka) in all monitoring period (19972007), interlay of trend curve and prediction of gures for next ve years. Description of sales development for alliance COOP Centrum and especially the interlay of trend curve is quite complicated (see Fig. 1). At the beginning there are extreme gures which practically
y = 370.43x + 24962 R = 0.248
COOP Centrum
35 000 30 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1: Line and prediction of sales (mil CZK) alliance COOP centrum Source: own processing
y = 4524.7Ln(x) + 106.1 R 2 = 0.8873
14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2: Line and prediction of sales (mil CZK) alliance BALA Source: own processing
M. Zboj
make impossible equalization of data through suitable trend. A er all the linear trend was used even if it describes the real situation insuciently according to regression coecient. Estimating gures were stated for ve years following a er last established piece of information. When downward trend of sales would stop, level of sales could reach almost 31 billion CZK in 2012 which means approximately the same level in 2001. In case of BALA the line of sales is practically still growing (see Fig. 2). Interlay of data through logarithm function was suitable. BALA could be one of the leaders in the eld of independent alliances who could threaten and decrease the sales of COOP. It also oers assortment in all Czech regions and market position is quite stable. Alliance Hruka achieves very dynamic growth of sales (see Fig. 3). The most suitable function was linear to interlay trend of sales development. Market position of this subject seems like thread for alliance COOP but Hruka operates only in several Czech regions (Moravskoslezsk, Zlnsk, Olomouck and partly Jihomoravsk).
Fig. 4 illustrates levels of sales in trade alliance Brnnka. There are periodical increases of sales but it comes step by step always a er several years. The most suitable way to represent this development is logarithmic function. Brnnka evidently cannot threaten position of alliance COOP because it operates only locally namely in Brno and surroundings. However this alliance has regionally very strong position and good image between customers. Representing development begins since 1998 because the data was not available in previous year (note: Brnnka was created in July 1997).
It is possible to conclude that sales are changing in various course in the frame of individual alliances in the food independent trade. So that it is quite dicult to forecast positively future development of the whole branch of independent trade. The most important alliances like COOP Centrum and COOP Morava have recorded decline of sales in the latest years whereas increasing trend is found out in alliances Hruka, BALA or Brnnka.
y = 694.11x + 3479.8 R 2 = 0.9682
14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
3: Line and prediction of sales (mil CZK) alliance Hruka Source: own processing
Brn nka
3 000 2 000
1 000
0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
4: Line and prediction of sales (mil CZK) alliance Brnnka Source: own processing
70 000
60 000
50 000
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
0 1996 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Position and development of the food independent trade and its prediction on Czech market
5: Sales development of food independent trade (mil. CZK) Source: own processing
M. Zboj
Fig. 5 is showing the prediction of possible sales development of food independent trade. The last ve years are estimated with optimistic, pessimistic and intermediate (real) variant. The deviation of intermediate variant is 16 % which is the largest deviation of forecasting and real sales development in 20012007. Deviations were even more than double in previous years but due to extreme rst gures in graph neither extreme deviations were not taken to account. The logarithmic function was chosen to interlay the data. It seems like the most suitable instrument to show existing changes and not so rapid growth like trend in the future. Moreover the majority of food trade alliances demonstrate right logarithmic line of sales. Data concerning independent trade is available only till 2007, so that prediction in shorter time period (ve years) contains also data which will be possible to compare with real situation in the nearest
time. The next ve years are considering from long time perspective and possible development is elaborated. Concretely growth of total sales is showed in Fig. 5 through summation of sales in four given independent alliances (COOP Centrum, Hruka, BALA and Brnnka). The sales should reach 52.7 billion CZK from 48.6 billion CZK in 2007 in period ve years. Alternative development of sales is possible since 2012. There will be increasing of sales value up to 64.4 billion CZK with using the optimistic trend till 2018. In case of pessimistic variant the decline of sales in independent alliances will go down to 46.6 billion CZK. Intermediate alternative forecasts gentle growth namely up to 55.5 billion CZK. Market share of the whole independent trade in Czech republic will oscillate probably about 30 %, while share of transnational trade chains will be about around 70 %.
The independent trade has recorded a number of changes in Czech republic since 1989. Firstly there was a rapid development and establishment of new Czech retail rms and stores. Then however foreign subjects (mainly retailing companies) newly entering Czech market have gained still stronger position. Due to the enter of transnational chains and growing stronger market competition the range and structure of assortment on oer and services have changed. The shopping atmosphere in retail stores has transformed signicantly as well. That is why Czech independent sellers have started to use the cooperative structures to be able more competitive against foreign trade chains. Nowadays the situation on retail market is stabilizing. Some transnational rms have le the Czech market and remaining retailing chains are trying to oer their products to their customers even in smaller seats where they establish own smaller stores. It represents certain thread for independent traders. However market share of the independent trade should oscillate about 30 % in several following years similarly as contemporary portion. The sales of independent trade alliances have demonstrated various trends of development in given period. However it is possible to say that in sum of sales in all trade alliances the sales should achieve a gentle growth. The real situation in the independent trade will be aected by economic crisis and ability of independent traders to overcome temporarily higher price sensitivity of customers. The paper has been written with the support of the GAR 402/09/1513 grant Strategic Alliances in the Independent Trade and Services Sectors as a Competitive Instrument of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.
SOUHRN Postaven a vvoj nezvislho obchodu s potravinami a jeho predikce na eskm trhu
Nezvisl obchod prodlal od roku 1989 adu zmn. Nejprve dolo k jeho velkmu rozvoji a zakldn novch eskch nezvislch prodejen. Postupem asu vak zaaly esk rmy penechvat svoje msto nov vstupujcm zahraninm subjektm, zejmna obchodnm rmm retailingovho typu. I dky vstupu nadnrodnch etzc a slc konkurenci na trhu se zmnila e a skladba nabzenho sortimentu a slueb. Tak se vrazn promnila nkupn atmosfra prodejen. et nezvisl obchodnci zaali vyuvat kooperanch struktur, aby byli schopni konkurovat zahraninm obchodnm etzcm. V souasn dob se situace na maloobchodnm trhu stabilizuje. Dolo k odchodu nkterch zahraninch etzc z eskho trhu a stvajc retailingov subjekty se sna oslovit zkaznky i v mench sdlech, ve kterch zakldaj sv men prodejny. To pedstavuje pro nezvisl obchodnky uritou hrozbu. Trn podl nezvislch prodejc by se vak v nsledujcch letech ml pohybovat kolem 30 %, stejn jako tomu bylo doposud. Trby nezvislch obchodnch alianc ve sledovanm obdob
Position and development of the food independent trade and its prediction on Czech market
vykazovaly rozdln trendy vvoje, avak celkov je mon ci, e by v soutu obchodnch alianc mly trby nadle mrnm tempem rst. Skuten vvoj v oblasti nezvislho obchodu bude ovlivnn stvajc ekonomickou kriz a schopnost nezvislch obchodnk vypodat se s doasn vt cenovou citlivost zkaznk. nezvisl obchod, maloobchod, obchodn aliance, kooperace, trendov kivka, trby, konkurence
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SKLA, Z. a kol., 2008: Roenka eskho a slovenskho obchodu 2008. Praha: esk a slovensk odborn nakladatelstv, 154 s. ISBN 978-80-86835-02-08. ZBOJ, M., 2004: Chovn subjekt nezvislho maloobchodnho trhu v procesu distribuce potravinskch vrobk. Acta Universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 52, 6: 161 174. ISSN 1211-8516. PAK, D., BROOV, M., 2008: Lid se vracej do mench obchod, [online]. 4. 4. 2008, [cit. 11. 5. 2010]. Dostupn z: scripts/detail. php?id=355113.
Address Ing. Marek Zboj, Ph.D., stav marketingu a obchodu, Mendelova univerzita v Brn, Zemdlsk 1, 613 00 Brno, esk republika, e-mail: [email protected]