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Tender for the work of “Construction of road & SW drain at Adarsh Nagar Sarai Pipal thala
part-II (Regn. 362) Adarsh Nagar, AC-04.

(i) To be submitted online by 15.00 hours on 10.04.2023 to Executive Engineer, Civil Division-X
through e-procurement portal.

(ii) Technical bids to be opened online at 15.30 Hours on 10.04.2023 and financial bids to be opened online
at 15.30 Hours on 10.04.2023 in the office of the Executive Engineer: Civil Division-X, through
e-procurement portal.

Executive Engineer: CD-X


I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F. Specifications applicable,
Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special
conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all
other contents in the tender document for the work.

I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time specified
in Schedule 'F', viz.; schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule - 1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of
the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with,
such conditions so far as applicable.

I/We agree to keep the tender open for (30/45/60/90) days from the due date of its opening in case of single
bid system …………from the date of opening of technical bid in case tenders are invited on 2/3 bid/system for
specialized work and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

A sum of Rs. 2,68,168/- is hereby forwarded in receipt treasury challan/deposit at call receipt of a scheduled
bank/fixed deposit receipt of a scheduled bank/demand draft of a scheduled bank/bank guarantee issued by a
schedule bank as earnest money. If I/we, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within
prescribed period, I/we agree that the said President of India or his successors in office shall without prejudice
to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/we fail to
commence work as specified, I/we agree that President of India or his successors in office shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the
performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security
deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained
or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, upto maximum of the percentage
mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ and those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the
provisions contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.

Further I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both earnest money & Performance
Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.

l/We hereby declare that l/we shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records connected with the
work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information derived there from to any person
other than a person to whom I/we am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any
manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.

Dated Signature of Contractor *

Witness: * Postal Address*
Address: *
 To be submitted by the contractor online

The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me for
and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of `.______**
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement: -
a) **

Dated .......................* Signature of Contractor *

Postal Address*

Address: *

 To be submitted by the contractor online


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me for
and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.______**

The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement: -

a) **

For & on behalf of the President of India.



Executive Engineer,
Civil Division -X.
I&FC Deptt., Govt. of Delhi,
L.M. Bund Office Complex,
Delhi – 110092.

** To be filled in by the Executive Engineer

(Operative Schedule to be supplied separately to each intending tenderer)

Schedule of quantities (as per Attached) --------Attached--------

Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor. As per specification & additional terms and Conditions

S. No. Description of Quantity Rates in figures & words Place of Issue

Item at which the material will
be charged to the

Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor

S.No. Description of issue Hire charges per day Place

1 2 3 4

Tools and Plants hired by contractor.

Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any.

Reference to General Conditions of contract.

Name of work : “Construction of road & SW drain at Adarsh Nagar Sarai Pipal thala part-
II (Regn. 362) Adarsh Nagar, AC-04.

Estimated cost of work: Rs. 1,34,08,383/-

i) Earnest money: Rs. 2,68,168/-
ii) Performance Guarantee 3% of value of the contract As per CPWD OM
No. DG/CON/Misc/14 dated 23/11/2020.

iii) Security Deposit 2.5% of tendered value plus.



Officer Inviting tender Executive Engineer: Civil Division-X
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of see below
work to be executed beyond which rates are
to be determined in accordance with Clauses
12.2 & 12.3,

2 (v) Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer, CD-X, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
2 (viii) Accepting Authority Executive Engineer Civil Division-X
2 (x) Percentage on cost of materials and Labour 15%
to cover all overheads and
2 (xi) Standard Schedule of Rates for DSR, 2016
earth work only
2 (xii) Department I&FC Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

9 (ii) Standard CPWD contract Form Up to opening of tender

Clause 1
i) Time allowed for submission of Performance 07 days
Guarantee from the date of issue of letter of
acceptance, in days
ii) Maximum allowable extension beyond the period 07 days
provided in i) above, in days. With late fee @ 0.1%
per day of performance guarantee amount

Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under clause SE, FC-I, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

Clause 2A
Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable No
Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of 14 days
Letter of acceptance for reckoning date of start

S.N Description of Time allowed in days Amount to be with held in case of non
o. Milestone (Physical) (from date of start) achievement of milestone
1 1/8 of whole work 1/8 of whole work 1 % of Tender value
2 1/4 of whole work 1/4 of whole work 1 % of Tender value
3 1/2 of whole work 1/2 of whole work 1 % of Tender value
4 3/4 of whole work 3/4 of whole work 1 % of Tender value
5 4/4 of whole work 4/4 of whole work 1 % of Tender value

Time allowed for execution of work. 150 days

Authority of decide:

(i) Extension of time EE-CD-X/SEFC-I (Engineer in Charge or Engineer in Charge of Major Component in
case of Composite Contracts, as the case may be.)
(ii) Rescheduling of mile stones SE FC-I (Superintending Engineer in Charge or Superintending Engineer in
Charge of Major Component in case of Composite Contracts, as the case may be.)
(iii) Shifting of date of start in case of delay in handing over of site SE FC-I (Superintending Engineer in
charge or superintending Engineer in charge of major component in case of composite contracts, as the
case may be)

Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net payment/adjustment Decided by the
of advances for material collected, if any, since the last such Engineer-in-charge
payment work awarded for being eligible to interim payment.

Clause 7A
Whether clause 7A shall be applicable. Yes

Clause 8A
Authority to decide compensation on account if contractor fails to SEFC-I
submit completion plans.

Clause 10A

List of testing equipments to be provided by All testing equipments required for conducting
the contractor at site lab tests as per CPWD Specification during
execution of work.
Clause 10 B(ii)

Whether Clause 10B(ii) shall be applicable No

Clause 10C
Component of labour expressed as percent of ---
value of work.

Clause 10CA
Materials covered under this clause Nearest material for which Base price and its
All India Wholesale Price corresponding period of all
Index is to be followed. the Materials covered under
clause 10 CA
Cement --- As per index issued by
Steel --- CPWD.

Clause 10CC
Clause 10CC to be applicable in contracts with stipulated period of NA
completion exceeding the period shown in next column
Component of Civil (except cement and steel)/Electrical Xm ………….%
construction material expressed as per cent of total value of work.
Component of labour expressed as per cent of total value of work. Y …………….%
Component of P.O.L. expressed as per cent of total value of work. ‘Z’ ……………%
Xm…….% should be equal to (100) – (material covered under Clause 10CA i.e. cement, steel
and other materials specified in clause 10CA+component of labour + component of P.O.L.

Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for CPWD Specifications of 2009 Vol. I & II with the correction
execution of work slips issued up to the date of opening of tenders

Clause 12 Type of work:-

12.2 & 12.3 Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 30%
shall apply for building works
12.5 (i) Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 100%
shall apply for foundation works
12.5 (ii) Deviation limit for items mentioned in earth work 100%
sub head of DSR and related items

Clause 16 Competent Authority for Deciding reduced SEFC-I


Clause 18

List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to All plants and machinery and other
be deployed by the contractor at site equipments for execution of work confirming
to the specification.
Clause 36(i) Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and recovery rate

Sl Minimum Designation Rate at which recovery shall be

No. Qualification of (Principal made from the contractor in the



Technical Technical event of not fulfilling provision of
Representative. /Technical clause 36(i)
1 Graduate Technical Rs.15,000/-


2 Diploma Technical 15,000/-


Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding diploma will be treated at par
with Graduate Engineers.
Clause 38 i) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical N/A
a) quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of Delhi
Schedule of Rates – 2016 - printed by C.P.W.D.
ii) Variations permissible on theoretical
a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to tender 3% plus/minus
not more than Rs.5 Lakhs.
For works with estimated cost put to tender more
2% plus/minus
than Rs. 5 lakhs.
b) Bitumen all works. 2.5% plus only & nil on minus side.
c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel sections for
each diameter, section and category 2% plus/minus
d) All other materials Nil
Estimated cost Rs. = 13408383.00
Earnest Money Rs. = 2,68,168.00
Time allowed : 150 days

Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated TOTAL


1 2 4 5 6 53
1 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical
means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead
860.00 Cum 1043.91 897763
as per direction of Engineer - in - charge.Nominal concrete
1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix)
2 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means
including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per 127.00 Cum 882.35 112058
direction of Engineer-in-charge.In cement mortar
3 Excavation in silt/slush by mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains
(not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including
44.00 Cum 217.770 9582
dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of
surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.
4 Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable,
dismantled or waste materials by mechanical means,
including loading, transporting, unloading from R,C & B
2290.00 Tonne 391.75 897108
block Kewal park, Azadpur Delhi-32 to IL&FS Infrastructure
& services Limited, Jahangirpuri Delhi - 110033 with in a
lead of 4 Km or as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
5 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains
(not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including
dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, 256.0 cum 174.22 44600
including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of
surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. All
kinds of soil.
6 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth 200.00 Cum 5203.88 1040776
in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
7 Brick work with C&D recycled products cement brick (230 x
110 x 75 ) of class designation M-10 in foundation plinth
level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 manufacture sand) 50.00 Cum 6386.65 319333
C&D recycled products,Jahangir puri, Delhi - 110033.
8 12 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) with neat cement punning 2329.00 sqm 233.95 544870
9 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of
specified grade excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering - All work upto plinth level 1:4:8 (1 Cement:4
156.00 Cum 4438.00 692328
Manufacture sand : 8 recycled aggregate 20mm & 40 mm
C&D recycled products, Shastri park, Shahdara, Delhi -
10 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the 635.00 Sqm 379.64 241071
cost of nosing of steps etc. complete.40 mm thick with 20
mm nominal size stone aggregate
11 Providing and laying in position ready mixed plain cement
concrete, with cement content as per approved design mix
and manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and
transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads,
having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix
design of specified grade for plain cement concrete work,
including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of
laying and curing, excluding the cost of centering,
429.00 Cum 6336.10 2718187
shuttering and finishing, including cost of curing,
admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to
accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability
without impairing strength and durability as per direction of
the Engineer-in-charge.” Note : Excess/less cement used
than specified in this item is payable/ recoverable
separately: M-10 grade plain cement concrete (cement
content considered @ 220 kg/cum)
12 Providing and laying RMC of M-30 grade By using
minimum 400kg of cement(43 grade, OPC) per cum of
concrete in roads / streets manufactured in automatic RMC
plant using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of
20mm nominal size in appropriate proportion as per
approved design criteria including transportation to site in
transit mixer, including cost of admixture in recommended
proportion as per IS9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of
concrete to improve workability with out impairing strength
and durability as per specification including spreading and
compacting mechanically by using needle and surface
vibratos, leveling to required slope & camber, finishing by
floating & brooming with wire brushes etc. and curing
452.00 Cum 7454.97 3369646
including making provision for contraction / expansion,
construction of cross / longitudinal joints of size 10mm wide
50mm deep by groove cutting machine, providing and filling
joints with approved joint filler and sealants, etc. complete,
as per direction of Engineer in-charge. (Cost of joint filler &
sealants shall be paid for separately under relevant items).

Note:- Cement content considered in M-30 is @ 400

kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is
payable/ recoverable separately M-30 RMC by using
minimum cement @400 kg/cum. Cement concrete
manufactured in automatic batching plant (RMC plant)
including transportation to site in transit mixer.
13 Raising manhole cover and frame slab to required level
including dismantling existing slab and making good the
damage as required (Raising depth of manhole to be paid 80.00 Each 227.20 18176
separately) :Circular manhole 140 cm dia with circular
cover 600 mm dia of grade EHD - 35
14 Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole
cover and frame of required shape and approved quality
EHD - 35 Circular shape 560 mm internal dia 50.00 Each 1539.20 76960

15 Providing and fixing in position 12mm thick bitumen

per cm
impregnated fiber board conforming to IS: 1838, including
10631.00 depth per 4.70 49966
cost of primer, sealing compound Grade-A in expansion
16 Providing and laying in position red sand stone slab over
SW drain including loading, unloading, carriage, labour,
T&P etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 152.00 Sqm 283.74 43128
of red sand stone slab 30mm thick (undressed)
17 Providing and placing in position 100 mm thick factory
made machine batched & machine mixed Precast RCC
Rectangular Covers on drains of footpath of various sizes,
of M-25 grade cement concrete for RCC work, including
cost of centering, shuttering, reinforcement of 8 mm dia
TMT bars of Fe 500 grade @ maximum 100mm c/c on both
ways , neat cement punning on finished surface, properly 1026.00 Sqm 1997.61 2049548
encased on all edges with 1.6 mm thick , 100 mm wide MS
sheet duly painted over priming coat , reinforcement to be
welded at edges with MS sheet and providing 2 Nos. 12
mm dia bar for hooks etc i/c cost of cartage, all leads & lift,
handling at site etc. all complete as per direction of
18 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc.
and removal of form for all heights :Foundations, footings, 48.00 sqm 203.06 9747
bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete
19 Providing and laying in position specified grade of
reinforced cement concrete, excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work 22.00 Cum 6507.44 143164
up to plinth level :1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand
(zone-III): 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).
20 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening,
cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all
2200.00 Kg 59.26 130372
complete above plinth level.Thermo-Mechanically Treated
bars of grade Fe-500 D or more.
Total 13408383.00



Name of Work :- Development works in unauthorized colony in NCT of Delhi.

Sub Work: Construction of road & SW drain at Adarsh Nagar Sarai pipal thala part -II (Regn. 362)
Adarsh Nagar AC-04.

Scope of work: The work mainly involves “Construction of road & SW drain at Adarsh Nagar Sarai pipal thala
part -II (Regn. 362) Adarsh Nagar AC-04.” having provision demolish cement concrete manually/mechanical
mean, demolish brick work manually/mechanical mean, brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S 1:4,&C&D
brick work 12mm cement plaster 1:4, CC flooring 1:2:4,P/L in position CC 1:4:8 of C&D in drain bed, RMC M-
10 grade, RMC M-30 grade, raising manhole cover & frame, P/F in position Pre-cast RCC manhole cover &
frame, P/L position bitumen board, P/L in position red stone slab cover SW drain, P/L CC 1:1.5:3 culvert. A
provision of Precast RCC Rectangular Covers has also been taken for covering the drain to avoid the garbage
throwing by the local resident. All the work shall be executed as per nomenclature of relevant items of
Schedule of quantities, drawing & directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete. The approved NIT/drawing of
the work can be seen in the office of Executive Engineer CD-X on all working days between 11.00 A.M. to
4.00 P.M.

1. Unless otherwise specified in the Special Terms and Conditions, the work shall be carried out
strictly in accordance with the printed C.P.W.D. Specifications 2009 Vol. I to II with relevant
IRC code & B.I.S. specifications as applicable for works at Delhi with upto date correction slips
issued till the date of opening of tenders and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. In the event of any
dispute the following shall be the order of priority to decide the issue:-
i. Nomenclature of items read with Special /Additional terms and conditions of the contract.
ii. Drawings.
iii. CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol. (I & II) with upto date correction slips issued till the date of
opening of tenders.
iv. B.I.S. Specifications / IRC Specifications.
v. Instructions of Engineer-in-charge.
vi. D.S.R. 2016/Market Rate.
vii. C.P.W.D. Works Manual-2019.
2. Before tendering the percentage rates, the contractor shall inspect the site of work and
fully acquaint himself about the site conditions, with regards to its difficult accessibility and
space restrictions. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained by the Department
/Govt. due to any such difficult site conditions over and above the percentage rates quoted by
the contractor in the Schedule of Quantities of the tender. The quoted percentage rates
shall be inclusive for all the working conditions like carriage of material to construction site
including its re-handling working in foul condition & nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The contractor shall not be entitled for any additional percentage rate beyond the percentage
rates quoted by him. The payment for extra item/substitute items if any shall be paid on DSR
Rate plus or minus the percentage rate quoted by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid,
beyond these rates.
3. There may be possibility of rehandling of all materials used in the work due to one or another
reason. The percentage rate quoted by the contractor for execution of all items of schedule of
quantities shall also include this aspect of rehandling and nothing extra shall be paid on account
of rehandling of any materials beyond his quoted percentage against the work.
4. The contractor shall at all times, provide and install sufficient warning signs, lighting
arrangements, protective tin sheet fencing, notice boards, night watchman etc. to protect and
warn the public, about the work being executed to avoid any accident(s) at site. However, if any
mishap occurs, either in absence or shortage of any such arrangement or for any other reason
whatsoever, the contractor shall be fully responsible for compensation to the victims and to face
all other legal consequences.
5. The contractor must take adequate precautions to safeguard the executed work against rains,
earthquake, riots, accidents etc. The Department shall in no way be responsible for any loss
occurring due to such causes until the completed work has been handed over to the Department.
6. The work executed under this contract shall be subjected to inspections carried out by
departmental officers and the Chief Technical Examiner’s Organizations or any third party agency
appointed by the deptt. Any defects regarding workmanship or quality of material used as
pointed out during or after completion of work by Technical Examiner’s or by Departmental
Officers or by the Third party agency appointed by the Deptt., the same shall have to be rectified
by the contractor at his own cost and in case the contractor fails to do so, it shall be got rectified
through any other agency, or by the department at the risk and cost of the contractor. Any
recoveries pointed out by the C.T.E Organization or by Department officers during or after the
completion of the work shall have to be made good from running account bills or any other
amount standing due / payable to the contractor against this work or any other work executed
by him in I&FC Deptt. or outside the Deptt. The decision of the Engineer – In- Charge regarding
workmanship and recovery on account of defective work or below specifications, shall be final
and binding on the contractor.
7. The work being under the technical control of Chief Engineer (I&F), Govt. of NCT of Delhi and the
word of C.P.W.D. or its officers wherever it occurs in the tender form, shall be construed to mean
except in the case of clauses involving specifications, Schedule of rates and working conditions of
labour and material.
8. The percentage rates quoted by the contractor shall be inclusive of royalty, octroi, taxes,
carriage, leads and lifts and all inputs involved for satisfactory execution of work including GST.
No extra payment on this account or any unforeseen contingency shall be payable beyond the
percentage quoted by him in this tender. Further in compliance to direction of Labour
Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi one percent (1%) labour cess of the amount of the cost
approved shall be deducted from the contractor bills at the time of payment.Further necessary
deductions shall be made of Income Tax, (GST) or other taxes as notified by the Govt. from time
to time.
9. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for filtered and unfiltered water both for
labour and for execution of work at his own cost for which nothing extra shall be payable
beyond his quoted tendered percentage rates.
10. Display Notice Board of size 0.90 m x 0.75 m is to be installed at site of work at a height of 1.5m
above Ground Level or as directed by the Engineer-In- Charge , indicating the Name of work/,
Agency, Deptt., date of start and completion. No extra payment shall be made on this account.
11. The contractor shall have to make approaches to the site of work if required and keep them in
good condition for transportation of labour and materials as well as for inspection of work by the
Engineer-In-Charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
12. The contractor shall at all time, carry out work in such a manner so as, not to create interference
in the flow of traffic as well as not to interfere or affect or disturb other works being executed by
other agency, if any. All arrangement for diversion of traffic and maintenance thereof during the
period of execution of work will be done by the contractor. This shall be considered as incidental
to the work as contractor’s responsibility and nothing extra shall be payable to him on this
13. Any damage done by the contractor to any existing work shall be made good by him at his own
cost, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
14. During execution of work, care should be taken to avoid any accident on account of underground
/ overhead wire, cable passing through the area, working in foul condition, flowing water or any
mishappening etc. The Department shall not be responsible for any compensation. The contractor
shall quote his percentage rates accordingly and no request on these accounts shall be
entertained at later stage. Moreover, the work is to be carried out in built up areas and the
contractor shall ensure that no damage is caused to the existing structures and if any mishap or
damage occurs due to work, the entire responsibility including criminal prosecution or enforced
liability due to legal action thereof, shall rest with the contractor. The tenderer shall be deemed
to have carefully examined, the drawings, conditions of contract and specifications of the work
and all other documents comprising the tender before tendering the percentage rates for
satisfactory execution of this works.
15. If the scope of work at any stage during the execution is amended under the relevant clauses of the
tender documents, the additional work shall have to be carried out as per CPWD
specifications 2009, Vol. I & II.
16. All the mandatory tests shall be got carried out from time to time in conformity to CPWD
Specifications 2009, Vol- I & II for the materials to be used in the work. No steel, coarse
sand/Manufacture sand, stone aggregate/ Recycled stone aggregate, bricks/C & D Recycled
products concrete bricks etc. shall be used without conducting the required mandatory test. The
material like coarse sand, stone aggregate etc. to be used in the works shall be in accordance
with the C.P.W.D. specifications and of good quality to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-incharge. All
rejected material will have to be removed and replaced by the contractor immediately.
17. No compensation shall be payable to the contractor for his staff and labour remaining idle during any kind
of hindrances in the work or stoppage of work or delay caused during the progress of the work due to any
reason whatsoever.
18. If any mishappening occurs at site during execution of work, the contractor shall be solely
responsible for the same.
19. The contractor shall provide at his own cost all the instruments including surveying instruments
etc. required for the purpose of checking at the site of work, instruments for field test like set of
sieves for sieve analysis, and other instruments as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
20. The contractor shall carry out true and proper setting out of the work under the supervision of
the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative and shall also be responsible for the
correctness of the positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the structure. If at
any time, during the progress of work, any errors appear or arises in the positions, levels,
dimensions or alignment of any part of the work, the contractor on being asked to rectify the
same by the Engineer-in-charge, he shall rectify such errors to the entire satisfactions of the
Engineer-in-charge. The supervision and / or checking by the Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the correctness
of any setting out of line or level, dimensions and quality of the work. The contractor shall
carefully protect and preserve all bench marks, pegs and pillars provided for the setting out of
the works.
21. The contractor shall store all materials in proper manner so as to avoid contamination and
deterioration. The place where materials are stored by the contractor if required, by the
Engineer-in-charge for any other purposes shall have to be cleared by the contractor within time
period fixed by the Engineer-in-charge.
22. If due to any change in the design and other stipulations or requirement at site during execution of work,
a particular sequence of overall constructional operations has to be followed due to which certain
interruptions to any one or more items of work occur resulting in increase or
decrease in the scope of work then no claim of the contractor whatsoever shall be entertained.
The payment shall be made as per clauses of the agreement. The Deptt. reserves the right to
change the quantum of work/ scope of work including Design and Drawing at any stage of work,
during execution. No claim of the contractor due to above reasons or any part of the work remaining
unexecuted due to above interruptions / stipulations in the work shall be entertained.
23. POWER/ELECTRICITY:-The Department shall not make any arrangement for providing power
or electric supply to the contractor. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement and
obtain requisite power, if needed from BSES/NDPL. Any expenditure incurred in this regard shall
be the liability of the contractor and the Department shall neither reimburse nor make any
alternative arrangements and same shall have to be made by him from his own source to ensure
completion of work as per schedule. No extra payment shall be payable to the contractor on this
account. The contractor shall lay lines, cables and other accessories as per specifications and as
per requirement of BSES/NDPL authority. In case of any non-payment of dues, if pointed out or
referred by BSES / NDPL to this organization, the same shall be recovered from the bills due for
payment against the contractor.
24. QUALITY CONTROL:- The contractor shall produce all the materials in advance so that there is
sufficient time for testing and approving the material and clearance of the same before use in
work. Samples of various materials required for testing shall be provided free of charge by the
contractor. The samples shall be tested in departmental laboratory or from any laboratory
authorized by department regularly during execution of work as per codal provision. The sample
of the same shall be signed by the contractor and the departmental officer and shall be sent in
sealed cover to the approved laboratory of the department or as per directions of Engineer-incharge. Results
of the lab shall be binding on the contractor and on the basis of the results the
whole or part of the work from where the samples were picked-up shall be treated as rejected in
case results of the samples are not found in conformity to the specifications and the work shall
have to be re-done by the contractor. The cost of all the tests shall be borne by the Contractor. Nothing extra
shall be paid to him on this account beyond his quoted percentage.
25. C & D Recycled products
The C & D Recycled products concrete brick (230 x 110 x 75) of class designation M-10 bricks to
be used shall conform the CPWD specification and the sample of bricks shall be got approved
from Engineer-in-charge before using at site of work. The minimum average wet compressive
strength of & D Recycled products concrete brick (230 x 110 x 75) of class designation M-10
brick shall not be less than 75 kg / cm2 when tested. The bricks shall be free from visible cracks,
warpage and organic matters. The bricks shall be solid and its flat sides as per specification. The
bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in shape and
colour. The C & D Recycled products concrete brick (230 x 110 x 75) of class designation M-10
brick shall be available from C&D waste processing plant, Jahangirpuri,Delhi-110033.
The department of Urban Development GNCTD has issued order No. 7(84)/AD/LB/2016/5782-
5805 dated 06.07.2016 for mandatory use of recycled material and products in Civil works. In
future, a provision C&D recycled product (DIS IS : 383) shall be included in all tender
documents. The C&D recycled product shall be available at C&D waste plants Burari, Mundka,
Jahangirpuri of NDMC and Shastri Park of EDMC. The C&D recycled material / products are
concrete bricks, recycled aggregate, recycled concrete aggregates, screened soil, manufactured
sand, concrete blocks, paver blocks & tiles M-30 grade, Kerb stones & stone dust etc.
The recycled sand can be used for filling under floors instead of natural sand. The recycled
aggregate of size upto 150mm for sub-based application in road works, Manufactured sand in
plaster, concrete blocks , Kerb stones, paver blocks in open area and footpath etc.
The department shall submit its requirement for usage of C&D recycled products to the IL&FS
environmental infrastructure and services Ltd, C&D waste processing plant, Jahangirpuri,Delhi-
26. CEMENT:-
i) The cement required for the work is 83.99 MT. The contractor shall procure 43 grade OPC
cement such as ACC, GRASIM, AMBUJA, BIRLA, BINANI, ULTRA TECH & J.K or any other
reputed brands as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Supply of cement shall be taken in 50Kg. bags
bearing manufacturer's name and ISI marking. Sample of cement arranged by the contractor
shall be taken by the Engineer-in-charge and got tested in accordance with provision of relevant
BIS codes from departmental laboratory or from any approved laboratory as decided by
Engineer-in-charge. In case test result indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does
not conform to the relevant BIS codes, whole lot brought at site shall stand rejected and shall be
removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time after written order
from the Engineer in charge to do so Cement from Mini Plant shall not be allowed to be used.
ii) The cement store shall be constructed by the contractor at site of work or arrange the required
accommodation on rent basis for the purpose at his own cost for which no extra payment shall
be made. Double locking arrangements shall be made for the safe custody of the cement in the
store. The keys of one lock shall remain with the Engineer-in- charge or his authorized
representative and the keys of the other lock shall remain with the contractor or his authorized
agent. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement
store. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement store by the Engineer-in-charge
at any time and has to sign the register available at site at the time of issue of cement for use in
iii) The cement shall be got tested by Engineer-in- charge and shall be used in work only after test
result have been received. The contractor shall supply free of cost the cement required for
testing. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.
iv) Preferably one brand of cement shall be used by the contractor & he shall have to produce all the
original bills in support of purchase of cement for record, only then the running payment shall be
made to the contractor for the executed work. In case the brand of cement is changed during the
course of execution of work, sample shall again be got tested for each & every lot of the brand so
changed at cost of the contractor.
v) Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
vi) Damaged/settled cement if any shall be removed from the site immediately by the contractor on receipt of
a notice in writing from the Engineer-in-charge. If he fails to do so within three days of the receipt of such
notice, the Engineer-in-charge shall get it removed from the site of work at
the cost of the contractor.
27.1.1 The contractor shall procure TMT bars of Fe 500D grade from Primary producers such as SAIL or
TISCO or RINL as approved by Ministry of Steel or from secondary producers having valid BIS licence to
produce HSD bars conforming to IS 1786:2008. In addition to BIS licence, the
secondary producer must have valid licence from either of the firms Tempcore, Thermex, Evcon
Turbo & Turbo Quench to produce TMT Bars.
27.1.2 The TMT bars procured from primary producers shall conform to manufacture’s specifications.
27.1.3 The TMT bars procured from secondary producers shall conform to the specifications as laid by
Tempcore, Thermex, Evcon Turbo & Turbo Quench as the case may be.
27.1.4 TMT bars procured either from primary producers or secondary producers , the specifications shall
meet the provisions of IS 1786:2008 pertaining to 500D grade of steel as specified in the tender.
27.1.5 The contractor shall have to obtain vouchers and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-charge in
respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.
27.1.6 Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-charge as per the provisions in this
regard in the relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor
does not conform to the specifications as defined under para 1.1 and 1.2 above, the same shall stand
rejected and it shall be removed from the site of work by the contractor at his cost within a week time of
written orders from the Engineer-in-charge to do so.
27.1.7 The steel reinforcement shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more or as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
27.1.8 The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as to
prevent distortion & corrosion, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of different sizes and
lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
27.1.9 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc. specimens of sufficient
length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than that specified below:
Size of bar For consignment below 100 tonnes For consignment over
100 tonnes
Under 10 mm dia
One sample for each 25
tonnes or part thereof
One sample for each 40
tonnes or part thereof
10 mm to 16 mm dia
One sample for each 35
tonnes or part thereof
One sample for each 45
tonnes or part thereof
Over 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 45
tonnes or part thereof
One sample for each 50
tonnes or part thereof
The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the
contractor/Department in the manner indicated below:
a. By the contractor, if the results show that the steel does not conform to relevant BIS codes.
b. By the department, if the results show that the steel conforms to relevant BIS codes.
27.1.10 The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel shall be
worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed by the
conditions laid therein. In case the consumption is less than theoretical consumption including
permissible variations recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of excess
consumption, no adjustment needs to be made.
27.1.11 The steel brought to the site and the steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site
without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
27.1.12 Steel bars brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the Engineerin-
Charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the same at site before use.
27.1.13 If the quantity of steel actually used in the work is found to be more than the theoretical quantity
of steel including authorized variation, nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this
account. In the event of it being discovered that after the completion of the work the quantity of
steel used is less than the quantity ascertained as herein before provided (allowing variation on
the minus side as stipulated in clause 42). The cost of quantity of steel so less used shall be
recovered from the contractor at rate as specified in schedule ‘F’. Decision of the Engineer-in-
Charge in regard to theoretical quantity of steel which should have been actually used and
recovery of the rate specified shall be final and binding on the contractor.
27.1.14 In case the contractor brings surplus quantity of steel the same after completion of the work will
be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the Engineer-in-
27.1.15 Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and lappages shall be measured in length of
different diameters, as actually (not more than as specified in the drawing) used in the work,
nearest to a centimeter. Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall not be measured.
27.1.16 The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 under para 5.3.4 in CPWD
specifications for works 2009 Vol. 1 will be considered for converse ion of length of various sizes
of MS bars , Tor steel bars and TMT bars into standard weight.
27.1.17 Records of actual sectional weight shall also be kept dia-wise & lot-wise. The average sectional
weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel received at site.
The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for the procedure to be followed for
determining the average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received
at site of work each day will constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by
converse ion of length of various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional
weight shall be termed as derived actual weight.
27.1.18 If the derived weight as in para 14 above is lesser than the standard weight as in para 16 above,
the derived actual weight shall be taken for payment.
If the derived actual weight is found more than the standard weight then the standard weight as
worked out in para 16above shall be taken for payment. In such case nothing extra shall be paid
for the difference between the derived actual weight and the standard weight.
27.1.19 Mixing of different type of steel/different grades of steel shall not be allowed in the same
structural members as main reinforcement to satisfy clause 26.1 of IS:456.
27.1.20 Tolerances on Nominal Mass (individual sample) shall be as under: -
Sl. No.
Nominal size mm Tolerances on the Nominal
Mass, percent
1 Upto and including 10 -8%
2 Over 10 upto & including 16 -6%
3 Over 16 -4%
If the contractor quote his rate more than 25% below the estimated amount, the contractor shall
have to arrange Ready Mix concrete (RMC) from units of primary cement producing plants of
repute such as A.C.C., Ultratech & Lafarge having their own primary cement producing plant, or
any other agency as per list approved by I&FC Department subject to approval of Engineer-Incharge.
For RMC work only 43 grade OPC Cement procured from primary manufacturers shall be
allowed. The RMC plant should have 60cum per hour capacity for single plant and 30 cum per
hour for multiple plants.
i. The contractor shall draw the MOU with approved RMC producer with approved design mix and
submit the same to Engineer-in –charge for approval before start of the work. The contractor will
not be allowed to use RMC without completion of above stated formalities. While formulating the
MOU the Award letter of the work, the schedule of quantities and terms & conditions of the work
(duly signed by the RMC producer, the Design Mix) alongwith the condition to furnish the detail
of batch mix (batch slip) corresponding to every computerized delivery challan in original
generated at the RMC plant clearly stating the contents of RMC to site staff of I&FC Department
should be made part of the MOU before commencement of work. No work shall be accepted if
MOU is not submitted to Engineer-in-charge.
ii. The Minimum Cement content considered in RMC M-30 is 400Kg/cum. If any deviation in
quantity of cement on lesser side is observed a recovery of Rs. 10 per kg shall be imposed
subject to approval of Engineer-in-Charge RMC M-30 with cement content less than 400 Kg/Cum
respectively shall be rejected.
iii. The cost of any variation in the gradation of aggregate in manufacturing of RMC w.r.t. relevant
item of RMC in schedule of quantities shall be borne by the contractor i.e. nothing shall be
payable to the contractor if RMC manufacturer uses a different aggregate gradation than relevant
item of RMC in schedule of quantities for production of RMC.
iv. Notwithstanding the approval granted by Engineer-in-charge in aforesaid manner of provisions in
CPWD Specification, the contractor shall be fully responsible for quality of concrete including
input control, transportation and placement etc.
v. For all purposes the contractor shall carry out fully, the responsibilities of the placement contract’
and the ‘manufacturer of concrete
vi. The site-in-charge reserves the right to exercise control over the Calibration check of the RMC
plant. Weight and quantity check on the ingredients, water and admixtures added for batch
mixing. Time of mixing of concrete.
Testing of fresh concrete, recording of results and declaring the mix fit or unfit for use. This will
include continuous control on the work ability during production and taking corrective action, if
For exercising such control, the site-in-charge shall periodically depute his authorized
representative at the RMC plant. It shall be responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all
necessary equipment, manpower & facilities are made available to site-in-charge and or his
authorized representative at RMC plant.
All required relevant records of RMC shall be made available to the site-in-charge or his
authorized representative. Site-in-charge shall, as required, specify guidelines & additional
procedures for quality control & other parameters in respect of material production &
transportation of concrete mix which shall be binding on the contractor & the RMC plant. Only
concrete as approved in design mix by Engineer-in-charge shall be produced in RMC plant and
transported to the site.
The percentage rates quoted by the contractor for RMC under the relevant item of the schedule
of quantities, shall be inclusive of the arrangements to be made for transportation of RMC to the
site of work including re-handling, pumping etc and no claim of the contractor regarding narrow
streets / difficult site conditions / unapproachable sites shall be entertained.
vii. Delivery ticket / challan information: As per relevant clause
of CPWD specifications, the contractor shall obtain the delivery ticket / challan from the RMC
plant and shall submit the same in original along with the batch slip corresponding to each
delivery ticket / challan to the department before any running payment is made to him of the
RMC. The complete information shall be included in the delivery ticket to be accompanied with
the load and furnished to the department. Delivery ticket / challan issued by any intermediate
supplier shall not be accepted.For the purpose of payment, the quantity of RMC M-10/ M-30 all
the computerized delivery challans generated from the plant will be submitted in original.
The payable quantity of RMC shall be ascertained based on the quantity arrived by comparing the
quantity as per original delivery challans and the actual measurement made at the site of work
quantity as per the result of core cutting test whichever is less. Under no circumstances payment
shall be made in excess of the Design Section.
The payment of RMC shall be released in following manner: -
(a) Running bill shall be paid up to 75% after receipt of satisfactory initial cube test reports.
(b) Balance 25% payment shall be released at the time of final bill after getting satisfactory 28 days
cube, core compressive strength/ third party final report etc.
(c) Core cutting if required may be done by collecting at least 01 No. sample (consisting of 03 cores)
in 2000 sqm staggered or as decided by Engineer-in-charge in such a manner so as to collect at
least one core in each gali.
i. Testing of Material/Concrete:- The contractor shall
produce all the materials in advance so that there is sufficient time for testing and approving the
material and clearance of the same before use in work. Samples of various materials required
for testing shall be provided free of charge by the contractor. The samples shall be tested before
finalization of work or during the execution of work. The testing of material/strength for already
executed work shall be got tested. In case the sample fails, the contractor shall have to remove
the same and relay the fresh specified material/concrete at his own cost. Photography and
Videography of relevant stages of work shall have to be arranged by contractor at his own cost
and submitted to the Deptt as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Generally the laying of RMC during night hours will not be allowed. However in case the work for
laying of RMC is required to be executed during night hours as per site condition or due to any
other reasons whatsoever in public interest nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor for
making any extra arrangement such as lighting, barricading etc. & any other special
arrangement required at site for execution of the work in night hours. However, prior approval of
the Engineer-In-Charge shall be required for laying of RMC at Night.
Approved drawing showing the average thickness will be issued to the agency. No deviation in
thickness of RMC without prior approval of competent authority shall be accepted.
29. Concrete and R.C.C work to be done shall be well compacted by use of needle and mechanical
vibrator. The contractor shall have to arrange cubes in required numbers for testing as and when
directed by Engineer-in-charge at no extra cost. The test results of these cubes should not be
less than the recommended value of IS456. Cost of providing test cubes and its transportation to
testing laboratory are to be borne by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid to him on
this account.
30. The water required for execution of work has to be arranged by the contractor. Before use of
water in the work, the same shall have to be got tested for accessing its suitability for use in the
work. The test should be got done from the laboratory approved by the department and the cost
of the test shall be borne by the contractor.
31. All the labour law issued by Govt. from time to time shall be followed by the contractor.
32. Request of contractor for any kind of Secured advance/Mobilization Advance shall not be
considered for payment under this contract.
All works involving cement i.e. cement concrete, bricks work, cement plaster etc. shall be
properly cured by keeping them constantly moist for at least a period of one week after casting
or as per Specification
(i) The 3rd party quality assurance checks regarding quality and quantity shall be
carried out by one of the agency i.e. DIMTS,IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, CRRI, EIL, RITES, DTU,
Jamia Milia Islamia, & WAPCOS or any other Govt. agency as decided by Engineer-in-charge.
The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor.
.(ii) Third party consultant shall collect samples of the materials in presence of five local persons of
the village/ vicinity of the project site. Running/Final payment shall only be made to the
contractor after receipt of report from Third Party Quality Assurance agency.
(iii) The contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection, preparation
forwarding and testing of such sample. But, in case he or his authorized representative is not
present or does not associate himself, the result of such tests and consequence thereof shall be
binding on the contractor.
The payment to the 3rd party for consultancy/quality check shall be paid by the contractor in
advance before start of the work to the consultant. Generally, it varies between 1% to 2% of
the award amount plus service tax applicable. The cheque issued for payment to the 3rd party
by the contractor shall be delivered by the Department and the same shall be reimbursed to
him by the Department after successful completion of the work as per CPWD specification &
CPWD Works Manual.
i) The contractor shall obtain labour registration from labour department for engagement and/or
supplying contract labours /employees under contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,
1970 and the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 with uptodate
amendments. The contractors participating in tendering process shall also furnish ESI &
EPF Registration alongwith other required documents.
ii) The contractor participating in tendering process shall also upload ESI and EPF registration
documents and physically submit the same along with EMD.
1. The final cost of the work including deviations in agreement items and
Extra/Substitute items shall not exceed 30% of the amount at which the work had
been awarded. No deviation or extra item shall be executed by the contractor without
takin approval from Engineer-in-charge /competent authority.
2. The payment of Extra Items/Substitute Items shall be paid on DSR Rate Plus or Minus
the percentage rate quoted by the contractor and noting shall be paid beyond their
3. Completion time for this work is 150 days from date of handing over the site. In case,
work is not completed by the contractor in stipulated time period, a penalty @ 0.50%
of awarded amount per day shall be recovered in running/final bill of the contractor.
4. Additional performance Security/Guarantee under which the lowest bidder shall
submit irrevocable performance Security/Guarantee @ 50% of the difference of
tendered amount and estimated amount, if the tendered amount is quoted by the 1st
lowest bidder more than 15% below the estimate cost and it will refunded after
satisfactory completion of work. Apart from this, the 1st lowest bidder shall submit
performance guarantee @ 3% of tendered amount as usual.
5. The Contractor should not store /dump construction material or debris on metalled road.
6. The contractor shall get prior approval from Engineer-in-charge for the area where the
construction material of debris can be stored beyond the metalled road. This area shall not cause
any obstruction to the free flow of traffic/inconvenience to the pedestrians. It should be ensured
by the contractor that no accidents occur on account of such permissible storage.
7. The contractor shall take appropriate protection measures like raising wind breakers of
appropriate height on all sides of the plot/area using CGI sheets or plastic and /or other similar
material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot area.
8. The contractor shall ensure that all the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used for
construction purposes/or area carrying construction material like cement, sand and other allied
material are fully covered. The contractor shall take every necessary precautions that the
vehicles area properly cleaned and dust free to ensure that enroute their destination, the dust,
sand or any other particles are not released in air/contaminate air.
9. The contractor shall provide mask to every worker working on the construction site and involved
in loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and construction debris to prevent
inhalation of dust particles.
10. The contractor shall provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the workers involved
in the contraction of building and carry of construction material and debris relatable to dust
11. The contractor shall ensure that C&D waste is transported to the C&D Waste site only and due
record shall be maintained by the contractor.
12. The contractor shall compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.
13. The contractor shall comply all the preventive and protective environmental steps as stated in
the MoEF guidelines, 2010.
14. The contractor shall carry out on-Road-Inspection for black smoke generating machinery. The
contractor shall use cleaner fuel.
15. The contactor shall ensure that all DG sets comply emission norms notified by MoEF.
16. The contractor shall use vehicles having pollution under control certificate. The emissions can be
reduced by a large extent by reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20 kmph. Speed bumps shall be
used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed reduction cannot effectively reduce
fugitive dust, the contractor shall divert traffic to nearby paved areas.
17. The contractor shall ensure that the construction material is covered by tarpaulin. The contractor
shall take all other precaution to ensure that no dust particles are permitted to pollute air quality
as a result of such storage.
18. The paving of the path for plying of vehicles carrying construction material is more permanent
solution to dust control and suitable for longer duration projects. The NIT approving authority
shall carry out cost benefit ratio analysis of the same.
19. Prohibition of employment as manual scavengers and their rehabilitation act- 2013:-
During execution of work, the contractor shall be bound to comply with prohibition of
employment as manual scavengers and their rehabilitation act- 2013. The contractor shall also
be bound to provide necessary safety equipments to the workers for which nothing extra shall be
payable beyond his quoted item rate. The contractor shall be fully responsible for any incident if
occurs at site. In case any casualty/incident takes place at site of work, he shall be bound to pay
compensation or to face all civil /criminal proceedings. Department officers in no way shall be
responsible for the same.
20. The special conditions to comply the directives of Hon’ble NGT and issued vide O.M. No.
DG/SE/CM/CIN/Misc./02 shall also form the part of this contract and shall have to be strictly
adhered by the contractor during execution of work for which no extra payment shall be
admissible. The contractor shall take all measures to prevent dust pollution arises from
construction material. The contractor shall also be responsible to pay the challans/penalty if
imposed by Hon`ble NGT or any other related agency for which nothing shall be paid beyond his
quoted item rates.
The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or inconvenience to
the owners, tenants or occupiers of adjacent properties and to the public in general and to
prevent any damage to such properties from pollutants like smoke, dust, noise. The contractor
shall use such methodology and equipment so as to cause minimum environmental pollution of
any kind during and minimum hindrance to road users and to occupants of the adjacent
properties or other services running adjacent/near vicinity. The contractor shall make good at his
cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, any damage to roads, paths, cross
drainage works or public or private property whatsoever caused due to the execution of the work
or by traffic brought thereon by the contractor. All waste or superfluous materials shall be carried
away by the contractor, without any reservation, entirely to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Control on Air Pollution of dust from construction and demolition activities: Guidelines of
National Green Tribunal and DPCC, Delhi issued time to time shall be followed by the agency for
which nothing extra shall be paid.
22. Utmost care shall be taken to keep the noise level to the barest minimum so that no disturbance
as far as possible is caused to the nearby occupants/users of building(s), if any.
23. The executing agency shall take all the measures during executing of work no
contribution to the air/water/garbage/pollution contributes from the working site, if
any, or the monitoring agencies point out pollution contribution to environment of
issue challan or other penalty same to be borne by the working agency. The
department in no case reimburse penalty or be party for such default.
24. Anti-Malaria Condition: - All Anti Malaria precautions shall be taken by the agency at work site
as well as at labour huts otherwise penalty as deemed fit shall be imposed on the agency.
37. During the execution of work there shall not be blocking of already existing drains. The agency
shall at his own cost arrange temporary diversion to the drain during execution nothing shall be
paid on this account.
38. The agency shall closely examine the site of work before quoting of his rate. There may exist
unhygienic condition however no additional payment for foul condition for any items.
39. The agency shall also closely examine the approaches and quote the rate including all lead & lift no
addition payment other to the quoted rate will be made.
40. SITE CLEARANCE: After physical completion of the work, the site shall be cleared off all the
malba, construction material, tools and plants, labour huts, cement store or any other temporary
construction raised by the contractor during the execution of work, at his own cost. No extra
payment shall be made to the contractor for clearance of the site.
(i) All the executed work under this agreement shall have free maintenance period/Defect Liability
Period for 5 years from the date of completion of project. The agency shall keep in view this
aspect while quoting their percentage rates for the tender. No claim of the contractor whatsoever
shall be entertained by the department on this account at later stage during the entire
maintenance period of five years.
(ii) The department may also issue notice for rectification of any defects during above said
maintenance period which shall have to be carried out by the working agency within the specified
(iii) Clause 10C, 10 CC & 10 CA of the GCC shall not be applicable for the defects liability period / free
maintenance period of five years.
(iv) As per standard operating procedure vide U.O. No. Minister health/2017/1107-09 dated 30-11-
2017 and SOP No. DSIIDC/C-I/2017/F.64/487 dated 29-11-2017 issued by CE-I, DSIIDC. A
maintenance clause is added for maintenance of executed works for next five years for which I&FC
Deptt., shall deduct 10% of total amount of work done as security deposit and will be released
year wise upto 05 years as per schedule given below if found satisfactory.
After 1st Year of Completion - Nil
After 2nd Year of Completion - 15% of Security Deposit
After 3rd Year of Completion - 15% of Security deposit
After 4th Year of Completion - 20% of Security Deposit
After 5th Year of Completion - 50% of Security Deposit
43. In addition to clause No.42 an amount @ 3% shall also be withheld on account of maintenance
and shall be released after completion of five years maintenance period from the date of
completion (if not consumed in maintenance).
44. The proper documentation in terms of photograph etc. pre and post status of site of work and as
well as during execution of work shall also be maintained and shall be done by the agency and
submit to the department alongwith running bills for which no extra payment shall be entertained
by the department.


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