Mod List
Mod List
Mod List
-ZCP 1.5d
-Petrenka's Improved Russian Translation
-Grulag's Halved Stalkers Population at Hubs
-G.A.M.M.A. YACS no quit
-G.A.M.M.A. FDDA Rework
-G.A.M.M.A. Bounty Squads Rework
-G.A.M.M.A. Bounty Squad Kill
-Shaders cumulative pack for GAMMA
-R3zy's Detectors Enhanced Shaders Patch
-Raven's Tooltips on the Side
-Jaku's Improved Shaders v1.2
-Banger's Silencers Icons Fix
-Apathy's Better Detector Position
-305- Dux Characters Kit Voices Pack - Demonized
-272- Grulag's Dead Bushes - Grulag
-270- Headlamp Animation Fix - RavenAscendant
-263- Safe Areas Transitions - Darkasleif
-257- Zone Customization Project (ZCP) - Diphenhydramine-HCl
-245- Hideout Furniture - Aoldri
-244- Weird Tasks Framework - Igigog
-237- Bizon Replacer - Blackgrowl
-232- Xenotech Protects Cordon Base - Malac88
-231- More Aggressive NPC Looting (harder game, do not use with NPC Loot Claim) -
-229- Monsters Unstucker - Demonized
-228- Russian Localization - oneonline911
-211- NPC Loot Claim (NPCs will kill you if you loot what they killed) - Vintar0 &
-207- Anomaly Magazines (Disable G.A.M.M.A. Unjam Reload) - RavenAscendant
-165- Hunger Thirst Sleep UI htsb knifebinoc patches - xcvb
-133- No more companions friendly fire - RavenAscendant
-55- Mutants Bleeding - Arszi
-54- Lsz AI tweak - IgorNitch
-53- Companions carry weight tweak - sneaky
-44- Bounty Squads Extended - Vintar0
-22- Agressor Reshade - Awene
-14- Angry Chimera growl - Tweaki_Breeki
+G.A.M.M.A. Disabled_separator
-Pre-0.9 Saves Fix
-Meatchunk's prefetcher for G.A.M.M.A (needs 12Gb of Free RAM)
-DX9 Compatibility Patch
+287- G.A.M.M.A. Massive Text Overhaul Project - SageDaHerb and Dr.Pr1nkos
+G.A.M.M.A. Short Psi Storms
+290- Atmospherics Shaders Weathers and Reshade - Hippobot
+190- Screen Space Shaders 15.0 - Ascii1457
+188- Enhanced Shaders - KennShade
+189- Beef's NVG - theRealBeef
+289- Grass Tweaks (reinstall for different options) - Aydin
+314- Retrogue's Additional Weapons - Retrogue
+G.A.M.M.A. Silenced Shots Audio AI Comments
+285- Dark Signal Blowout and Anomalies Audio - Shrike
+275- Dark Signal Footsteps - Shrike
+274- Dark Signal Audio Pack - Shrike
-Fix for saves made before 10-10-22
-Turn this on if you stutter
-Warfare Patch
-Unlimited Stashes Weight
-Mags Buyable at Traders
-Blindside's Knife Animations
-Log spam remover
-G.A.M.M.A. NPCs cannot see through foliage
+G.A.M.M.A. NPCs Faster Reactions
+G.A.M.M.A. AI Rework
+G.A.M.M.A. Reliable Animation Settings
+G.A.M.M.A. Inspect on double tap F disabler
+G.A.M.M.A. Unjam Reload on the same key
+xcvb's Guards Spawner
+Wildkins's DAO Svarog Patch
+Wildkins's Ammo Parts on Hover
+Trabopap's Field Strip Shows Parts Health
+Tiskar's weapon part color clarity fix
+Tiskar's repair threshold Icon replacers
+Tiskar's colored upgrade kit icons
+Tiskar's Attachment Alignment Fixes
+Solarint's New Piano Songs
+Particles Cinematic VFX 3.5 1.1.2 BOTZ YAWM
+Maid's and Grok's BaS Dynamic Zoom Enabler
+Momopate's Detailed Weapon Stats
+Momopate's Barrel Condition Effects Display
+LVutner's Shader Corner Shadow Fix
-Optional Modern UI font
+LSZ AI Tweaks
+Ishmaeel's Kill Tracker
+Grulag's In-game G.A.M.M.A. Manual
+Grizzy's Guns Inertia
+Grok's and Darkasleif's Armor Exchange
+Grok's & Bert's Casings Falling Sounds
+Fuji's ISG Teleport
+Flueno's Safer Artifact Melting
+FishWings XR Reach Task Script Fix
+Fermuto's Part Disassembly Fix
+Demonized More Dangerous Phantoms
+Demonized FDDA New Time Events
+Darkasleif's Text Edits
+Darkasleif's Stop Selling Documents
+DarkasleQif's and iTheon's Parts Condition Color Thresholds Changes
+Darkasleif's Nimble Upgrades Guns
+Darkasleif's More Vodka Trades
+Darkasleif's Cars Fixes
+Damien's Bolt Fix
+Ayra's Better Glowsticks Position
+Asnen's and Grok's Better Cigarettes Animations
+Anomaly 1.5.2 fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. MCM values - Rename to keep your personal changes
+G.A.M.M.A. ZCP 1.4 Balanced Spawns
+G.A.M.M.A. Voiced Actor
+G.A.M.M.A. Vehicles in Darkscape
+G.A.M.M.A. Weathers
+G.A.M.M.A. Stealth Crash Fix
+G.A.M.M.A. Snipers Remover
+G.A.M.M.A. Scopes radius fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Part Type Fixer
+G.A.M.M.A. Not so instant tooltip
+G.A.M.M.A. No Masks Textures
+G.A.M.M.A. Light Sources Spawner
+G.A.M.M.A. Hands Legs Models Swap
+G.A.M.M.A. Free Zoom v3
+G.A.M.M.A. Fast Transfer fix
+G.A.M.M.A. Keybinds fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Items Parts Fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Hip quest rewrite
+G.A.M.M.A. Disguise does not remove patches
+G.A.M.M.A. Crook's Identification UI Fix
+G.A.M.M.A. Camera reanimation fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Burnt Fuzz Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Burer Fix
+G.A.M.M.A. Binoculars Rework
+G.A.M.M.A. Arzsi's Mutants Bleeding Fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Alife optimization
+G.A.M.M.A. Alife fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Additional Storylines fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. 3D PDA and Headlamp Animations
+G.A.M.M.A. Fixes_separator
+G.A.M.M.A. Soundtrack
+G.A.M.M.A. Soundscape Overhaul
+G.A.M.M.A. More guitar tracks
+G.A.M.M.A. No harmonica
+G.A.M.M.A. Footsteps
+G.A.M.M.A. DNPCAV Crash Fix
+G.A.M.M.A. Desman Horror Overhaul fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Better Mercs Voices
+G.A.M.M.A. Audio_separator
+Blackgrowl's Extra Guns Replacers
+G.A.M.M.A. Wepl Hit Effects Rework
+G.A.M.M.A. Weapon Pack
+271- G.A.M.M.A. Large Files - GAMMA Team
+G.A.M.M.A. Vehicles in Darkscape
+G.A.M.M.A. UMP Position
+G.A.M.M.A. Sleep Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Skill System Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Radiation Dynamic Areas
+G.A.M.M.A. Radiation Effects Overhaul
+G.A.M.M.A. Psy rework
+G.A.M.M.A. Psy Fields in the North
+G.A.M.M.A. P90 One Handed
+G.A.M.M.A. Outfits Balances
+G.A.M.M.A. NPC Spawns
+G.A.M.M.A. Mutants Overhaul
+G.A.M.M.A. MP7 Replacer EFT position
+G.A.M.M.A. Guns easier cleaning
+G.A.M.M.A. Enhanced Recoil
+G.A.M.M.A. Close Quarter Combat
+G.A.M.M.A. Better Quick Release System
+G.A.M.M.A. BAS anm fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Actor Damage Balancer
+G.A.M.M.A. Combat and Balance_separator
+Roadside's Lens Flares
+G.A.M.M.A. Postprocess Effects
+G.A.M.M.A. Icons replacer and fixes
+G.A.M.M.A. Icons Cr3pis Ammo
+G.A.M.M.A. Icons
+G.A.M.M.A. Press Key to Drop Item
+G.A.M.M.A. Minimalist HUD
+G.A.M.M.A. UI
+G.A.M.M.A. HUD_separator
+G.A.M.M.A. Artefacts Reinvention
+G.A.M.M.A. Starting Locations
+G.A.M.M.A. Starting Loadouts
+G.A.M.M.A. Starter items are not broken
+G.A.M.M.A. Rare Stashes Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. NPC Loot Claim Remade
+G.A.M.M.A. NPC Loadouts
+G.A.M.M.A. No trade with random stalkers
+G.A.M.M.A. Medications Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Lottery Rebalance
+G.A.M.M.A. Helmets need armor repair kits
+G.A.M.M.A. Fast Travel Limiter Rebalance
+G.A.M.M.A. Expert toolkits tier 5
+G.A.M.M.A. Exo Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Economy no BAS injection
+G.A.M.M.A. Economy
+G.A.M.M.A. Dynamic Tasks Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Dynamic Loot Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Disable WPO Overheat
+G.A.M.M.A. Difficulty Presets Rebalance
+G.A.M.M.A. Crafting Tools Weight Reduce
+G.A.M.M.A. Cooking Overhaul
+G.A.M.M.A. Arti Recipes Overhaul
+G.A.M.M.A. Armors no integrated helmet
+G.A.M.M.A. Armors repair like WPO
+G.A.M.M.A. Achievements Balance
+G.A.M.M.A. Economy and Craft_separator
+312- Gunslinger Guns for Anomaly - Teivazcz & Gunslinger Team
-310- Tactical Fonts for Anomaly 4k - CryoManne
-309- Tactical Fonts for Anomaly 2k - CryoManne
+308- Tactical Fonts for Anomaly 1k - CryoManne
-307- GAMMA French Patch - XDomWeedX
+306- Modular Compass Minimap - lifestorock
+304- Dark Signal Weather and Ambiance Audio - Shrike
+303- Dark Signal UI Audio - Shrike
+302- Minimalist companion UI - Kageeskl
+301- Immersive Skinning - Utjan
+300- Blood pool with trails and steps - xcvb
+299- Blind Dogs Remodel and Retexture - KynesPeace
+298- Pseudodogs and Psydogs Remodel and Retexture - KynesPeace
+297- Safer Hip Model Replacer - gyiafdsgyil
+296- Custom Companions Squad Size - CatspawMods
+295- Descriptive Stash Coordinates - Aoldri
+294- Autolooter - iTheon
+293- PDA Taskboard - iTheon
+292- Ithaca M37 Shotgun - Blackgrowl
+291- Configurable Balanced Mutants - izperehoda
+313- ACE52 Rifle Replacer Patches - Firebreath
+288- ACE52 Rifle Replacer - Firebreath
+286- High-level Toolkits Include Low-level Toolkits - ilrathcxv
+284- Headlamp Reanimated - Celestrilia
+283- Autumn No Leaves LOD Fix - owencraig08
+282- GAMMA Loading Screens - CS Eden
+281- Axes Remodel and Reanimation - BarryBogs
+280- Gunslinger Controller Audio Improved - DesmanMetzger
+279- Crafting Info in Tooltips - Utjan
+278- Kar 98 Remodel and Reanimation - JadeyMoyaison
+277- Tommy Gun - Firebreath
+276- Dark Signal Mutants Audio - Shrike
+273- Longreed's fixed artefacts spawns under maps - Longreed
+269- HQ Glass Overlay - Cr3pis
+268- VSSK Reanimation and Remodel - BarryBogs
+267- Dynamic Dialog UI - Demonized
+266- UMP Reanimation Addons - FIREBREATH
+265- NPCs Die in Emissions for Real - TheMrDemonized
+264- Barry's Better Knives Animations - BarryBogs
+262- MP412 Rex Reanimation - Aoldri
-261- Ammo Check - Ishmaeel
-260- 2D Scopes 32-9 Resolution Patch - Kuez
-259- 2D Scopes 16-10 Resolution Patch - Kuez
-258- 2D Scopes 21-9 Resolution Patch - Kuez
+256- Water Flask Animation Rework - Apathy_Knight
+255- Coffee in the Zone - sticknou
+254- Better RF Receiver sound - Coverdrave
+253- Attach Patches with hotkey - Demonized
-252- Tooltip in Corner - RavenAscendant
+251- Better Portraits Icons - Lauta_ro
+250- Better Bullet Casing - toxicfox777
+249- Backpack Icons - DeadEnvoy
+248- Night Mutants - xcvb
+247- Player Icon Fix - MissingnoBW
+246- Gunslinger Controller Suicide - Demonized
+245- Hideout Furniture 1.2.0 - Aoldri
+243- AUGmented Weapon Pack Addons - Firebreath
-242- Gardener of the Zone Textures - YuriVernadsky
-241- Simple Autumn Retexture No leaves - Daedalus-Prime
-240- Anomaly's Name Update for Stalkers ANUS - Grulag
+239- Torch Reanimation - Ishtar
+238- Binocular Reanimation - Firebreath
+236- 1st Person Visible Body Ported from SWM - Wang_Laoshi & SWM Team
+235- Weapon Cover Tilt - Demonized
+234- Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul - Demonized
+233- AUGmented Weapon Pack - Firebreath
+230- Repair Bonuses in Details Window - Demonized
+227- Increased Companions Distance - Dhatri
+226- Display Campfires on Map - Maid
+225- Placeable Campfires - xcvb
+224- Newly added addons_separator
-223- Fluid Relations - Favkis_Nexerade
-222- Warfare A Life overhaul - Vintar0
+221- Warfare (Optional, Warfare mode is unstable)_separator
-220- Companions Inventory Unlock (enable only to clear your companions inventory
from time to time) - RavenAscendant
-219- Combine all items (potential crash with some items) - Demonized
-218- Quick Companion Teleport (teleports rescue mission targets) - RazorShultz
-217- DNPCAV NPCs wear armor you give them (Crash to desktop sometimes with shift
transfer) - RavenAscendant
-216- Duty Expansion (dialogue camera issues, nimble and spore dialogues heavy
bugs) - GhenTuong
+215- Good addons with issues and bugs_separator
-214- New Item Highlight (not really necessary but some people like it) -
-213- Trader Overhaul (if you do not want the true GAMMA experience) -
-212- Trader Destockifier (shrinks and randomize traders stocks) - Demonized
+311- NPC Stop Looting Dead Bodies - DTTheGunslinger
-210- Disables Music in game but not in main menu (if you do not like the new OST)
- Ishmaeel
-209- Death Animations (if you like shooting extra ammo on dead people) - xcvb
-208- Ironman Roguelite (for easier ironman lovers) - Jabbers
-207- Mags Redux (Disable G.A.M.M.A. Unjam Reload) - RavenAscendant
+206- Areas transition without confirmation (smoother gameflow) - Tom_Sharikov
+205- Old to ammo to new ammo converter (less item bloat) - Great_Day
+204- Limited Fast Travel (walking is good for your health) - Demonized
+203- YACS Better Campfire Saves (forces campfire saves but they are better) -
+202- Optional_separator
+201- SquareDOV (square minimap) - RavenAscendant
-200- Compass instead of minimap (more immersive) - Raven800
+199- Minimap (pick one)_separator
-198- Mystery of the Zone new quest - Hisalute
+197- New Storylines (DLTX minimodpack) - Demonized
+196- DLTX Minimodpack - Demonized
+195- Better blood decals - Ni7L5T
+194- DLTX_separator
-193- Maids HD Icons (right click and reinstall if you want to use it) - Maids
+192- Cr3pis Iconpack Helmet Less Armors - Cr3pis
+191- Icons_separator
+187- Shaders_separator
+186- Shader Driven Scopes BAS patch - CrookR
+185- Shader Driven Scopes - CrookR
+184- Body Health System - Grokitach
+183- GBOOBS BWRR patch - Grokitach
+182- GBOOBS vanilla ammo - Grokitach
+181- Ballistics Overhaul (GBOOBS) - Grokitach
+180- High Priority_separator
+179- Better Stats Bar - Demonized
+178- Free Zoom - SlowVibe
+177- Minimap Toggle - RavenAscendant
+176- Encyclopedia Messages Restored - RavenAscendant
+175- Battery Warning - RavenAscendant
+174- Save Name Change - RavenAscendant
+173- Parts in tooltip - Demonized
+172- Cost in tooltip - RavenAscendant
+171- Instant tooltip - RavenAscendant
+170- New mutants icons parts - TDLemon
-169- Body Dots on Minimap - RavenAscendant
+168- Alternative icons - Strogglet15
+167- New sorting tabs htsb patch - Bartoche
+166- New sorting tabs - Bartoche
+164- Hunger Thirst Sleep UI - xcvb
+163- Identification UI - CrookR
+162- UI_separator
+161- Improved player and NPCs ranks (longer for player, faster for companions) -
+160- Military not attacked by duty at Rostok - GhenTuong
+159- Extra level transitions - Demonized
+158- ABF - Jurkonov
+157- Fixed Player Thermal Res - Indescript
+156- No Exos in the South - Grokitach
+155- UNISG Trader Fix - Qball
+154- RF Receiver Tasks - Tweaki_Breeki
+153- More Dynamic Tasks - xcvb
+152- Configurable loot condition - dph
+151- Cordon Early Game Tweak - siXMan
+150- Progression_separator
+149- Upgrades pricing overhaul - KronQ
+148- Outfit Drop Chance - arti
+147- Streamlined Upgrades - arti
+146- Ammo Maker BAS Patch - arti
+145- Ammo Maker - arti
+144- Prefer Best Disassembly Tool - Demonized
+143- Keep Crafting Window Opened - Demonized
+142- Fixed Crafting with Multi-Use Items WPO patch - thisisntmysteamid
+141- Fixed Crafting with Multi-Use Items - thisisntmysteamid
+140- Weapon Parts Overhaul - arti
+139- Craft and Repair Overhaul - Grokitach
+138- Craft and Repair_separator
+137- Auto-Zoomed Out Scope Draw - Demonized
+136- Previous weapon is automatically pulled after closing PDA - Demonized
+135- Undercover Communications - Banjaji
+134- Weapons Drop on bodies - Jabbers
+132- Companion anti awol - Skieppy
+131- Life granter Counter - ToothlessShark
+130- Decreased Bush Earing distance for NPC - Blindside
+129- Mask Reflections - shader fix - Grokitach
+128- Guide Tasks Fix - RavenAscendant
+127- Toggle Scope - Ishmaeel
+126- Companions no headlamps in Stealth - Tweaki_Breeki
+125- New Safe Zones - Tweaki_Breeki
+124- Nitpickers Modpack - Ishmaeel
+123- Modular Tweaks - Vintar0
+122- Zone Tales in Loading Screens - Oni
+121- He is with me - RavenAscendant
+120- Glowsticks position - Kidzukami
+119- HD Glowsticks - r3zy
+118- Gotta go Also Slow - reter
+117- Gotta Go Fast - Grokitach
+116- Dialogues Expanded - indyora
+115- Campfire slowly regens life - arti
+114- Aslan Lottery Fixes - Starcry_
+113- Knife Pistol in Binocular Slot - RavenAscendant
+112- FDDA Immersive Sleep Patch - Feel_fried
+111- Immersive Sleep - tkcrits
+110- SortingPlus - RavenAscendant
+109- MCM Mod Configuration Menu - RavenAscendant
+108- Remove dropping weapons from damage - Great_Day
+107- QoL_separator
+106- Remove (BAS) label from guns names - Joheed
+105- Re-sound for BAS snipers and pistols - Rex1534
+104- L96 Reanimation JSRS patch - FIREBREATH
+103- L96 Reanimation - FIREBREATH
+102- UMP Reanimation - FIREBREATH
+101- BAS scopes extravaganza 2D shader-based scopes patch - Kuez
+100- BAS Scopes Extravaganza 2d scopes - Kuez
+99- BAS Scopes Extravaganza red dots - Kuez
+98- Better Bolt Animations - TheShinyHaxorus
+97- CLAD lasers for BAS - Nrsy
+96- BAS Stealth sound fix - Unknown
+95- Doom-like weapon inspection - Grokitach
+94- Tacticool scopes - jaymorrow
+93- Fire Mode Switcher - TheVoidPancake
+92- Vityaz Replacer - Blackgrowl
+91- Pretty Pistols Pack - Blackgrowl
+90- EFT Reposition Gun's Replacers patch - sneaky
+89- Dragunov Replacer patch - Strogglet15
+88- Dragunov Replacer - Strogglet15
+87- G36Pack patch - Strogglet15
+86- G36Pack - Strogglet15
+85- Saiga 12K replacer patches - Strogglet15
+84- Saiga 12K replacer - Strogglet15
+83- Abakan Replacer patch - Strogglet15
+82- Abakan Replacer - Strogglet15
+81- MP7 Reposition - PYP
+80- MP7 Replacer - PYP
+79- Better silenced BAS shotguns - Karlack
+78- EFT Reposition BAS JSRS patch - sneaky
+77- EFT Reposition BAS patch - sneaky
+76- BAS patch 28-12-21 (2nd 76) - Mich
+76- Boomsticks and Sharpsticks - Mich
+75- JSRS BWRR patch - sneaky
+74- EFT Reposition BWRR vanilla stats patch - sneaky
+73- EFT Reposition BWRR patch - sneaky
+72- Adjustable Scope View - sneaky
+71- Weapons Reanimation and Rebalance - Blindside
+70- EFT Reposition AWAR patch - sneaky
+69- AWAR - JCesarN
+68- FAL animations - Souvlaki
+67- JSRS - Solarint
+66- EFT Reposition Main - sneaky
-65- Fluid Aim - Skieppy
+64- Gunplay_separator
+63- Stash Overhaul BAS - Grokitach
+62- Stash Overhaul No Loot - Grokitach
+61- Stash Overhaul TBFix - Grokitach
+60- Stash Overhaul - Grokitach
+59- Fixes bugged stashes - Tweaki_Breeki
+58- New Stashes Location - Tweaki_Breeki
+57- Stashes_separator
+56- Phantoms at low psy health - xcvb
+52- Perk-Based Artefacts - Demonized
+51- Tougher important NPCs and companions - hexef
+50- Disable Burnt Fuzz - _STYX_
+49- Skill System - Haruka
+48- Powered Exos ExoServomotorSounds patch - arti
+47- Powered Exos - arti
+46- Outfits Affects Movespeed - arti
+45- Stealth Overhaul - xcvb
+43- Gameplay_separator
+42- Camera Reanimation INERTIA - IENCE
+41- LowerSprintAnimaiton - Skieppy
+40- Food Drugs and Drinks Animations FDDA - Feel_Fried
+39- RemadeAnimations - ChadSTALKEREnjoyer
+38- Animations_separator
+37- Dynamic Tonemap Extended - TheMrDemonized
+36- Better Rain texture - Detron
+35- Wet Surfaces Fix - CryoManne
+34- Nicer Flashlights - shortnamesalex
+33- HD mutant models and textures - Umbrellord
+32- FVM Nosorogs models - Blackgrowl
+31- Fixed Vanilla Models and Textures - Blackgrowl
+30- Dux's Innemurable Characters Kit Blackjack patch - DuxFortis
+29- Dux's Innemurable Characters Kit - DuxFortis
+28- Black Jack - Feel_Fried
+27- Fairer Thermal Anomalies - Tweaki_Breeki
+26- High Res PDA Maps - Bazingarrey
+25- High Res Loading Screens - Bazingarrey
+24- Skies Redux - d_nan
+23- THAP Rework - IENCE
+21- Visual_separator
+20- EFT footsteps and tinnitus 1.1 - Souvlakii
+19- Horror Overhaul - DesmanMetzger
+18- Ambient Music Pack - Wojach
+17- Inventory open close sound - HollidayW
+16- Hit Effects - Wepl
+15- Voiced Actor - DesmanMetzger
+13- Quieter Wood Boxes Breaking - cringeybabey
+12- PDA Radio Extended - Starcry_
+11- Preblowout Murder - Ethylia
+10- Better sound - Grokitach
+9- Exo Servomotor Sounds - HarukaSai
+8- Better Merc voicelines - YankeeGolf
+7- EFT Jump and Land SFX - HarukaSai
+6- EFT Aim Rattle - Qudix
+5- Anomaly Radio Extended - DesmanMetzger
+4- Injury Audio Extended - DesmanMetzger
+3- Soundscape Overhaul - Solarint
+2- Main Menu Theme - Deathcard Cabin - Grokitach
+1- Audio_separator