Attendance+documents++ General +2024

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Faculty of Education

Work-integrated Learning
Attendance forms for TPED
1. WIL Code of Conduct

Please read and sign the Code of Conduct below and INCLUDE it in your portfolio of evidence. To
maintain the honour and dignity of the education profession and to promote educational quality, student
teachers should observe core ethical values and adopt appropriate professional conduct at every stage
of their development during their initial teacher preparation programme.

The main aim of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines to student teachers, in relation to their
duties and obligations during their work-integrated learning (WIL) periods at schools. In addition to this
document, you are strongly advised to read and adhere to the SACE Code of Professional Ethics

2. Attendance register

Failure to complete and submit a signed attendance register could lead to failure of the module.

3. School environment form

Complete the school environment form on your first day to familiarise yourself with the context that you
will be working in.

4. Medical leave of absence form

Have this medical leave of absence form completed by a doctor should you be absent from school due
to illness. Submit this form with a valid medical certificate. Only valid medical certificates will be
accepted. No notes from clinics or pharmacies is acceptable.
North-West University

Faculty of Education

Code of Conduct for Student Teachers during Work-Integrated



To maintain the honour and dignity of the education profession and to promote educational quality, student teachers should
observe core ethical values and adopt appropriate professional conduct at every stage of their development during their
initial teacher preparation programme.

The main aim of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines to student teachers, in relation to their duties and obligations
during their work-integrated learning (WIL) periods at schools. In addition to this document, you are strongly advised to read
and adhere to the SACE Code of Professional Ethics (

Personal details of signatory

I, ____________________________, student number______________ herewith confirm that I am a registered student at the

North-West University ( - Campus) and agree to subject myself to the Code of Conduct for Student Teachers during
Work-Integrated Learning as Student teacher and, thus, to be disciplined according to this Code of Conduct. I, furthermore,
endorse the principles as laid down in the SACE Code of Professional Ethics (

As student teacher I undertake to ensure that my conduct meat the following requirements:

Working with the school

• To respect the aims and policies of the hosting school, including its dress code.
• To adopt a professional attitude towards my hosting school and fellow student teachers.
• To, during WIL, regard myself as part of the teaching staff of the school.
• To conform to the established ethos of the hosting school and to respect and follow the school’s code of ethics.
• To arrive at school at the time stipulated by the school administration every day of the teaching practice and be present
at school all day.
• To join in the various activities – professional and extra-curricular – organised by the school.
• To fulfil my WIL requirements (i.e. the completion of my portfolio) without disrupting the learning programme of the
• To seek to develop effective working relationships with the mentor teacher, the rest of the staff, including
administrative staff, other student teachers and the WIL coordinator.
• To inform the mentor teacher and/or the school as well as the WIL mentor of any absences during WIL.

School policies

I will become familiar with school policies, particularly those regarding:

• being alone with learners;

• sexual harassment;
• physical contact with learners;
• giving comfort and first aid to learners;
• school discipline;
• learners’ safety;
• the publication of learners’ images and work; and
• the use of ICT – student teacher and learners.

Working with learners

• To seek to promote the intellectual, physical, moral, social, emotional, creative and cultural development of all
• To act in such a manner that learners could regard me as an approachable person. However, I will maintain a
professional distance inside and outside the school. I will avoid inappropriate physical contact with learners and
withhold myself from any other form of intimacy with learners and/or other staff members. This includes inappropriate
social media communication. Only school-approved network communication sites will be used to communicate with
learners, and I agree that the content of communication should not be personal but of a professional nature.
• Not to take advantage of the professional relationship that develops during WIL for my own personal benefit by giving
private tuition to my own learners in any form.
• To be responsible for providing good quality learning opportunities for the learners in my class during your WIL period.
• To attain a good knowledge of the learners, their needs and potential under my care so as to plan my teaching in a
manner that addresses their unique processes of growth.
• To have a good understanding of the aims and objectives of the CAPS system for the particular phase, grade level and
subjects I am teaching to be able to connect my teaching within the WIL period with the previous and future learning
experiences of the learners.
• Not to stigmatise or label any learner, nor engage in unfair or discriminatory treatment of learners on any grounds. I
understand that any sexist, racist, homophobic or disablist comment or behaviour could lead to disciplinary measures
taken against me. I will also ensure that the learners in my class do not discriminate against others on these grounds.
• To refer any unusual behaviour or symptoms in a learner that could indicate an underlying health or social problem
observed by me to the mentor teacher and/or school WIL coordinator for guidance.
• I understand that any physical, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse of learners by me will lead to disciplinary measures.

Working with parents

• To develop and maintain a positive relationship between the parents/home and the school under the guidance of the
mentor teacher and the school WIL coordinator.
• To respect the parents, guardians and caregivers in their capacity as partners in the educative process.
• To promote the active participation of the parents, guardians and caregivers in the education and welfare
of the learners.
Working with the WIL office

• To ensure that I adhere to all the rules and regulations related to WIL placement.
• To inform the WIL manager of any absences during the WIL period.
• To submit my WIL portfolios timeously.
• To inform the WIL manager of any problems experienced during the WIL period.
• To comply with all ethical guidelines stipulated in the WIL documentation (e.g. the WIL manual) and to subject myself
to all disciplinary measures deemed fit by the NWU if I transgress any of these ethical guidelines

Working with the North-West University

• To ensure that my conduct does not bring the NWU into disrepute
• To adhere to all NWU policies.

I, furthermore, understand and agree that, if I make myself guilty of not conducting myself in the manner agreed to in this
document, the NWU may institute disciplinary proceedings against me.

I understand that serious misconduct on my side include but are not limited to the following, upon which my studies at the
NWU may be terminated:

(a) theft, bribery, fraud or an act of corruption in regard to the assessment of learners;

(b) committing an act of sexual assault on a learner or other staff member;

(c) having a sexual relationship with a learner of the hosting school;

(d) seriously assaulting, with the intention to cause grievous bodily harm to, a learner

or other staff member;

(e) illegal possession of an intoxicating, illegal or stupefying substance; or

(f) causing a learner to perform any of the acts contemplated in paragraphs (a) to (e).

I understand that misconduct on my side include but are not limited to the following, upon which the NWU may punish me in
a manner deemed fit by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education:
a. Without permission possessing or wrongfully uses the property of the State, a school, an adult learning centre, another
employee or a visitor to the school;
b. Wilfully, intentionally or negligently damages or causes loss to the property of the State, a school or an adult learning
c. In the course of duty endangers the lives of him-/herself or others by disregarding set safety rules or regulations;
Unjustifiably prejudices the administration, discipline or efficiency of the Department of Basic Education, an office of the State
or a school or adult learning centre;
d. Misuses his/her position in the Department of Basic Education or a school or adult learning centre to promote or
to prejudice the interests of any person;
e. Accepts any compensation in cash or otherwise from a member of the public or another employee for performing
his/her duties without written approval from the NWU;
f. Fails to carry out a lawful order or routine instruction without just or reasonable cause;
g. Absents him-/herself from WIL without a valid reason or permission;
h. Unfairly discriminates against other persons on the basis of race, gender, disability, sex, pregnancy, marital status,
ethnic and social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language,
birth, family responsibility, HIV status, political opinion or other grounds prohibited by the Constitution;
i. Performs poorly or inadequately for reasons other than incapacity;
j. Without the written approval of the NWU, performs work for compensation for another person or organisation either
during or outside WIL hours;
k. While busy with WIL, is under the influence of an intoxicating, illegal, unauthorised or stupefying substance, including
l. While busy with WIL, conducts him-/herself in an improper, disgraceful or unacceptable manner;
m. Assaults, or attempts to or threatens to assault, another staff member or another person;
n. Incites other staff members to un-procedural and unlawful conduct;
o. Displays disrespect towards others in the host school or demonstrates abusive or insolent behaviour;
p. Intimidates or victimises staff members or learners;
q. Carries or keeps firearms or other dangerous weapons on school premises,
r. Refuses to obey security regulations;
s. Provides false statements or evidence in the execution of his or her duties;
t. Falsifies records or any other documentation;
u. Commits a common law or statutory offence;
v. Commits an act of dishonesty.
Any breach of this Code of Conduct must be brought to the attention of the Deputy Dean: Community Engagement and
Stakeholder Relations. Such breaches shall be referred to the Dean of the Faculty of Education, who have the discretion to
initiate disciplinary proceedings.

Signed at____________________________ this __________ day of _________________2024.

_______________________ ______________________________

Full name and surname Student number

Attendance register and medical leave of
Attendance register: TPED____

Initials and surname: ____________________________________

Student number:

DAY DATE Student signature Teacher signature

Total days present:

School stamp
School representative

Medical leave of absence
Student name and surname: ___________________________________ Student number: __________________________________

A. To be completed by the student

I, , hereby authorise Dr. to provide
the following information to the North-West University and, if required, to supply additional information to support my request for absence
during the WIL for medical reasons.

________________ _________________ ______________

Signature Student number Date

B. To be completed by the physician

1. I hereby certify that I provided health care services to the above-named student on:
_________________________________________________ (insert date(s) student consulted your office/clinic)

2. The student could not reasonably be expected to complete academic responsibilities for the following reason (in broad


3. Date(s) on which student claims to have been affected by this problem:


4. Unable to complete academic responsibilities for ______________ days

Physician verification

Name (please print): ____________________________________

Registration number: _______________________________________

Signature: __________________________

Telephone number: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________


(stamp, business card or letterhead acceptable)

School and mentor teacher verification


School quintile



School address:

School email:





Title Initials


Preferred name

Number of years of teaching experience Years Months

Telephone number

Email address

WIL representative/coordinator at school (if different individual from mentor)

Title Initials

Name and Surname

Telephone number

Email address

NB: If absent, please attach the medical leave of absence form when
Mentor teacher practicum report for TPED ______
Mentor teacher: Student teacher:

School: Student number:

To the mentor teacher:

Ready to teach
Please provide ongoing feedback to your student teacher. This form may also
Not ready to teach
be used as a Formative Assessment tool. Towards the end of the practicum,
please assess your student teacher’s progress by marking the continua below
(with an X); also, please check one box to the right to indicate whether the
practicum overall was satisfactory or not satisfactory.

Continuum of progress

Professionalism Needs Making Very good Outstanding Mentor teacher’s comments

improvement progress
Demonstrates professionalism in attitude,
appearance, and conduct
Has a strong work ethic (i.e., demonstrates
initiative, enthusiasm, and an interest in
improving professional practice)
Demonstrates consistent and punctual
Upholds standards of respect, integrity,
trust, and care

Is self-reflective, accepts constructive

feedback, incorporates MT’s
suggestions into professional practice

Learning environment Needs Making Very good Outstanding Mentor teacher’s comments
improvement progress
Maintains a safe and respectful classroom
environment through personal example and
positive interactions with learners
ST’s directions and procedures to learners
are clear and contain an appropriate level of
Establishes supportive, respectful, and
professional relationships with learners
Optimises space in the room and learner
workstation set-ups to ensure physical
safety, classroom management, and
appropriate interactions among learners and
Established and follows norms, procedures
and routines
Communicates clear expectations of learner
behaviour and supports learner self-

Monitors and responds appropriately to

learner behaviour in a timely manner.

Planning Needs Making Very Good Outstanding Mentor teacher’s comments

improvement Progress
Creates complete, appropriately-formatted
lesson plans and submits for review in a
timely manner

Writes lesson plans and activities

appropriate for the amount of time
Uses assessment data, professional
judgment, and learners’ needs to guide
When writing objectives, uses CAPS, and/or
any additional performance objectives,
and/or any additional standards as required
by the discipline to develop procedural and
conceptual knowledge
Connects lesson content to learners’
experiences, previous lessons within the
content area, other curricular area, and real-
life situations
Plans multiple instructional strategies that
ensure active participation

Chooses varied and appropriate materials

and technologies and has them ready to
teach the learning objective(s)

Plans opportunities for higher-level thinking

through questioning and learner activities

Incorporates modifications or
accommodations based on learner needs

Develops meaningful sequencing of learning


Plans collaboratively with mentor teacher

Instruction Needs Making Very good Outstanding Mentor teacher’s comments

improvement progress
Communicates expectations for learning at
the beginning of the lesson and throughout

Provides clarity and accuracy of content

which includes essential information
Uses academic language of the discipline
accurately and creates opportunities for
learners to use the academic language

Provides clear instructions verbally, in writing,

and through modelling

Demonstrates flexibility and sufficient content

knowledge to allow for exploration of learner

Uses varied materials, aids, models,

representations (including technology), as

Varies instructional strategy and teacher role

to address learners’ diverse learning needs
(e.g., sheltered English instructional
strategies, small groups, individual work,
learner-led learning, cooperative learning,
direct instruction, investigation, facilitator,
guide on the side, etc.)

Provides activities and choices for learners to

demonstrate their knowledge, including
creative/original ways and authentic

Maximises active participation and paces the

lesson to optimise instructional time

Effectively asks questions to serve different

purposes (e.g., probing for learner
understanding, promoting learner discourse,
helping learners articulate their ideas and
thinking processes, stimulating curiosity, and
helping learners to question)

Checks for understanding throughout lesson

to monitor learning

Adjusts lesson or content delivery based on

learner needs

Designs summative assessments that match

instruction in content, rigour, and format

Effectively implements methods for learner

self-assessment and self-improvement
Provides timely, useful, specific, and
respectful responses to learners during the
lesson and on assessments

Assessment Needs Making Very good Outstanding Mentor teacher’s comments

improvement progress
The student teacher can use the DBE
documentation (e.g., SBA guidelines) to
develop an assessment programme for an
entire term.
The student teacher can differentiate
between formative and summative
assessment methods, tools, activities, etc.
The student teacher can accurately score
and record according to prescribed
The student teacher is able to analyse
learner work/assessment responses and
make a judgement in terms of whether
learner has met the outcomes or not.
The student teacher will be able to give
feedback to peers/school mentor
teacher on areas of challenge faced by

Mentor Teacher’s Name and Surname:

Mentor Teacher’s Signature:


Student teacher’s name and surname:

Student teacher’s signature:

Date: __________

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