Animal Tissues
Animal Tissues
Animal Tissues
1. Theory 03 - 29
2. Exercise 30 - 37
3. Answers Key 38
● In the animal kingdom, there are a variety of organisms. Some of them are unicellular while some are multicellular.
● In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, respiration and reproduction are performed by a single cell.
● In the complex body of multicellular animals, the same basic functions are carried out by different groups of cells in a well-
organized manner. Such an organization is called a tissue.
● A tissue is a group of one or more types of cells and their intercellular substance that perform a particular function.
● The word “tissue” was given by Bichat. In the animal kingdom, tissues evolved for the first time in Cnidarians.
● The study of tissue is called histology. The term histology was given by Mayer.
● The human body is composed of billions of cells to perform various functions. These cells are organized in the
following manner:
Types of Tissues
1. Arise from basal granules Basal granules absent Basal granules absent
● It is composed of single layer of flat cells whose edges fit closely together like tiles in a floor, hence it is called pavement
● Cells are generally polygonal or discoidal in shape.
● Nuclei of the cells are flat and lie in the center of the cells.
● This epithelium is present in the alveoli of the lungs, wall of the Bowman's capsules and loop of Henle, membranous
labyrinth (internal ear), blood vessels, lymph vessels, heart, coelomic cavities, and testis.
● The cells of endothelium and mesothelium may become wavy; hence these epithelia are called tessellated.
● It mainly helps in protection, excretion, gaseous exchange, and secretion of coelomic fluid.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.4: (a) Simple cuboidal (b) Brush border cuboidal
● The cells are columnar but unequal in size. Long cells extend up to the free surface and short cells do not reach the outer
free surface.
● Long cells have oval nuclei however short cells have rounded nuclei.
● Although epithelium is one cell thick, it appears to be multi-layered which is due to the fact that nuclei lie at different
levels in different cells. Hence, it is pseudostratified epithelium.
● It is present in ducts of parotid salivary glands and urethra of human males, trachea and large bronchi.
● It helps in protection, secretion, movement of secretion from glands, urine and semen in male urethra and mucus loaded
with dust particles and bacteria from trachea towards the larynx.
● Compound epithelium is made of more than one layer (multi-layered) of cells and thus has a limited role in secretion and
● Their main function is to provide protection against chemical and mechanical stresses.
● They cover the dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of buccal cavity, pharynx, inner lining of ducts of salivary glands
and of pancreatic ducts
● It is found in the regions with rapid wear and tear i.e., where rapid replacement is needed
● Compound epithelium may be: stratified and transitional
Stratified Epithelium
● Stratified Epithelium has many layers of epithelial cells with the deepest layer made up of columnar or cuboidal cells.
Transitional Epithelium
Compound Stratified Stratified Keratinized Epidermis of the skin of land Protection against
Epithelium Squamous vertebrates chemical and
Non Oral cavity (buccal cavity), tongue, mechanical stresses
keratinized pharynx, oesophagus, middle part of
anal canal, lower parts of urethra,
vocal cords, vagina, cervix,
conjunctiva, inner surface of eye lids
and cornea of eye
Stratified cuboidal Sweat gland ducts, larger salivary and
pancreatic ducts
Stratified columnar Epiglottis, mammary gland, parts pf
Stratified ciliated Larynx and upper part of soft palate
Transitional Renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, Permits distention
urinary bladder, and parts of urethra and helps in
● Exocrine Glands: Exocrine glands secrete mucus, saliva, earwax, oil, milk, digestive enzymes and other cell products. These
products are released into blood through ducts or tubes. E.g.- Mammary glands, sweat glands
● Endocrine Glands: In contrast, endocrine glands do not have ducts. Their products are called hormones are secreted directly
into the blood. E.g.- Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal gland.
● Heterocrine or Mixed Gland: They have both exocrine part and endocrine part. The former sends its secretion by way of a
duct and latter releases its secretion directly into blood and lymph. E.g.- Gonads and pancreas.
● Merocrine Glands: In these glands, the secretion is discharged from the cells by simple diffusion, so that there is no loss of
cells or their parts. E.g.- Goblet cells, sweat glands, salivary glands, intestinal glands.
● Apocrine Glands: In these glands, secretory products accumulate in the apical part of the cells. Later, this part breaks off
from the cells and is discharged as secretion. E.g.- Mammary glands and axillary sweat glands.
● Holocrine Glands: In these glands, an entire cell, when filled with secretory products, disintegrates, and is discharged as a
part of secretion. E.g.- Sebaceous glands.
● Sensory epithelium is modified columnar epithelium with supporting spindle shaped cells.
● It has fine sensory hair on the free surface of the cell which is connected with nerve fibers.
● It is found in retina, nasal cavity (Schneiderian membrane for smell function), tongue (gustatory epithelium), organ of Corti
in cochlea of internal ear (statoacoustic epithelium), brain and central canal of spinal cord.
● It is also called neurosensory epithelium.
● Plasma membrane in the apical parts of the adjacent epithelial cells become tightly packed together or are even fused to
form tight junctions.
● They check the flow of materials between the cells. E.g., Distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of nephron, blood
brain barrier.
Gap Junction:
● These are meant for the rapid transfer of ions, small molecules, and sometimes big molecules between adjacent cells. E.g.-
Intercalated disc in the cardiac muscle is modified gap junction.
Adherens Junctions:
● These are like zonula adherens but are stronger and are disc like junctions. They serve as anchoring functions
between two cells.
Fig.7.18: Hemidesmosomes
● They are similar to desmosomes, but the thickening of cell membrane is seen only on one side. They join epithelial
cells to the basal lamina of the basement membrane.
Fig.7.19: Interdigitation
● In interdigitation, finger-like processes of the plasma membrane of one cell enter into cytoplasm of adjacent cells. E.g.,
Intercellular Bridges:
● A slender cytoplasmic strand from one cell connects the adjacent cell like a bridge. Such a connection is called an
intercellular bridge. E.g., Connection between Sertoli cells and sperms.
2. Connective Tissue
● Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue of the body. It is formed by mesoderm of
the embryo.
● They are named connective tissues because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues/organs of the body
● They range from soft connective tissues to specialized types, which include cartilage, bone, adipose, and blood.
● In all connective tissues except blood, the cells secrete fibers of structural proteins called collagen or elastin.
● The fibers provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.
● These cells also secrete modified polysaccharides, which accumulate between cells and fibers and act as matrix
(ground substance).
● Connective tissues are classified into three types:
● Loose connective tissue
● Dense connective tissue
● Specialized connective tissue.
● Components of connective tissue are:
● Matrix: It is mainly a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins. The most common mucopolysaccharide ground
substance is hyaluronic acid.
● Connective tissue cell: There are different types of cells.
Cells Function
● Connective tissue fibers: They are made up of proteins. They are of three types:
● Collagenous or collagen fibers (collagen protein)
● Elastic fibers (Elastin protein)
● Reticular fibers (Reticulin protein)
● It is spongy, highly vascular and made up of all cell types and fibers.
● It is the most abundant type of connective tissue
● It has cells and fibers loosely arranged in a semi-fluid ground substance, called matrix.
● It is found beneath the epithelium of skin, hollow visceral organs and on walls of arteries and veins.
● Functions:
● Forms packaging between different tissues.
● Providing support to tissues.
● Protects and nourishes the organs.
● Support framework for epithelium.
● Adipose tissue is another type of loose connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin.
● The cells of this tissue are specialized to store fats.
● The excess of nutrients which are not used immediately are converted into fats and are stored in this tissue.
● It is modified areolar tissue containing all types of fibers and specialized cells called adipocytes. These cells are also called
signet ring cells.
● Adipose Tissue prevents the heat loss and forms shock absorbing cushions around kidneys and eyeballs.
In different animals, fat reserves stored in adipose tissue are found in the form of blubber of whale and elephant, hump of camel
and fat bodies of frog.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.23: (a) Dense Regular (b) Dense irregular connective tissue.
● Dense regular connective tissue: Fibers and cells are compactly packed. The collagen fibers are present in rows between
many parallel bundles of fibers. It is of two types:
● Tendons: Tendon consists of parallel bundles of collagenous fibers which are present between rows of fibroblasts. It
connects skeletal muscles to bone.
● Ligaments: It mainly consists of elastin fibers with some collagen fibers. It connects one bone to another bone.
Tendon Ligament
1. It is made up of white fibrous tissue. 1. It is made up of yellow elastic tissue with
some collagen fibers.
3. Tendon connects a skeletal muscle to a bone. 3. Ligament connects a bone to another bone.
● Dense irregular connective tissue: It has fibroblasts and many fibers that are oriented differently. E.g.- Skin
Bone: It is the one of the hardest tissues in the body and forms the main endoskeleton of the vertebrate body. Matrix consists of
both the organic (35-40%) and inorganic substances (65-70%).
Structure of bone
● Periosteum is a thick and tough sheath that envelops the bone whereas the endosteum covers the bone marrow cavity.
Fig.7.30: (a) Lamellae in bone matrix (b) Osteocytes
● Bone cells are called osteocytes. They are stellate shaped cells with numerous protoplasmic projections.
● Each osteocyte is surrounded by fluid filled space, bone lacuna which leads into radiating channels called canaliculi which
contain the protoplasmic extension of osteocytes.
● Osteoblast cells are bone forming cells present in the periosteum. These cells differentiate to form osteocytes by the process
of osteogenesis and also form fibers and matrix.
● Osteoclasts are bone cleaning cells. These are polymorphic cells formed by fusion of monocytes. They destroy the bone
Bone Cartilage
1. It is hard. 1. It is soft.
2. The Matrix has an inflexible material, the ossein. 2. The matrix has a flexible material, the
3. Matrix always contains calcium salts. 3. Calcium salts may or may not be
present in the matrix.
4. Matrix occurs in lamellae. 4. Matrix occurs in a homogenous mass
(i.e., lamellae are absent).
5. Osteocytes give off protoplasmic processes. 5. Chondroblasts do not have
protoplasmic processes.
6. Lacunae give off canaliculi. 6. Lacunae do not have canaliculi.
7. Outer and inner layers of osteoblasts of a bone 7. Such layers of chondroblasts are not
produces osteocyte. present.
8. Bones have rich blood supply. 8. Cartilages do not have rich blood
9. Bone marrow is present that produces blood 9. Such structure is absent.
10. Growth in bone is bi-directional. 10. Growth in cartilage is unidirectional.
If a bone is dried, its organic matter is destroyed, and inorganic part is left behind, hence called dried bone. If a bone is kept
in dilute HCl for some time, its inorganic part is dissolved and the organic part is left behind, hence called decalcified bone.
● Blood is a fluid connective tissue containing plasma, red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC) and platelets.
● It is the main circulating fluid that helps in the transport of various substances.
● It is motile connective tissue consisting of fluid matrix and free cells.
● It is devoid of fibers and the matrix is also not secreted by the cells. It transports materials from one place to another.
3. Muscular Tissue
● Muscular tissue develops from the mesoderm of embryo except for the muscles of the iris of the eye, myoepithelial cells of
salivary, mammary, and sweat glands which arise from ectoderm of the embryo.
● Their action moves the body to adjust to the changes in the environment and to maintain the positions of the various parts of
the body.
● Muscles play an active role in all the movements of the body.
● Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibers arranged in parallel arrays. These fibers are called myocytes
or sarcocytes.
● These fibers are composed of numerous fine fibrils, called myofibrils. These myofibrils are present in cytoplasm
called sarcoplasm.
● Each muscle fiber has two types of myofilaments which are formed of contractile protein. These myofilaments are:
● Thick myofilaments made up of myosin
● Thin myofilaments made up of actin
Skeletal Muscles:
Smooth muscle:
Cardiac Muscles
● Functions of muscles:
● It brings about movements of the body parts and locomotion of the individual.
● Muscles are responsible for peristalsis in tubular viscera, heartbeat, production of sound etc.
● Facial expression also depends upon muscles.
● It supports the bone and other structures.
● Muscles are required for delivering the baby
4. Neural Tissue
● Neural tissue exerts the greatest control over the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions.
● Neurons, the unit of the neural system, are excitable cells.
● The neuroglial cell which constitutes the rest of the neural system protect and support neurons.
● Neuroglia makes up more than one half the volume of neural tissue in our body.
● When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an electrical disturbance is generated which swiftly travels along its plasma
● Arrival of the disturbance at the neuron’s endings, or output zone, triggers events that may cause stimulation or inhibition of
adjacent neurons and other cells.
● On the contrary to epithelial tissue, nervous tissue has the minimum capacity of regeneration. It is because the neurons do
not divide due to lack of centrosome.
(b) Stratum granulosum and Stratum (b) Monolocular fat cells with a
(c) Stratum germinativum and (c) Plurilocular fat cells with single
(d) Stratum spinosum and Stratum (d) Monolocular fat cells with single
30. ___________ epithelium is non- 34. Which of the following statements are
___________ series
(a) Alternate
(b) Parallel
(c) Random
(d) Both (a) and (b)
33. In brown fat, the adipocytes are:
(a) Plurilocular fat cells with a
number of small fat globules (a) Yellow fibrous sheet
(b) Dense regular connective tissue
(c) Dense irregular connective tissue (d) inelastic cord of high tensile
(d) White fibrous sheet strength
36. Mummies of several hundred years ago 40. Proteinaceous fiber in areolar tissue that
have been found to have intact blood is formed rapidly in the region of injury
38. Pigmented connective tissue occurs in all in their position are part of
(c) elastic cord of low tensile strength 44. Mast cells secrete:
(a) Haemoglobin (b) Hippurin
(c) Myoglobin (d) Histamine
45. ___________ fibers pick up silver stain 48. Bone is mostly made of:
and are called argyrophilic fibers (a) Sulphur and calcium
(a) Myofibrils (b) Calcium and magnesium
(b) Yellow fibers (c) Iron and phosphorous
(c) Reticulin fibers (d) Calcium and phosphorous
(d) White fibers 49. Which portion of cartilage provides it
Skeletal connective tissue- Cartilage, with solidity, pliability and resistance to
Skeletal connective tissue- Bone 1 compression?
46. Intervertebral discs are made up of: (a) Collagen fibers
(a) Hyaline cartilage (b) Calcium content
(b) Elastic cartilage (c) Ground matrix material
(c) Fibrocartilage (d) Chondrocytes
(d) Reticular cartilage 50. Where are osteocytes located?
47. Choose the correct labelling of this (a) In entire bone
diagram (b) At the corners of bone
(c) In lacunae
(d) None
51. Elastin fibers provide__________ to the
(a) Only colour
(a) A. Perichondrium, B. (b) Only elasticity
Chondrogenic layer, C. Matrix, D. (c) Both colour and elasticity
Chondroblasts, E. Chondrocytes (d) Neither colour nor elasticity
(b) A. Chondrogenic layer, B. 52. Bone forming cells are called
Perichondrium, C. Matrix, D. (a) Chondrocytes
Chondroblasts, E. Chondrocytes (b) Osteocytes
(c) A. Perichondrium, B. (c) Chondroblasts
Chondrogenic layer, C. Matrix, D. (d) Osteoblasts
Chondrocytes, E. Chondroblasts 53. Choose the correctly matched pair
(d) A. Perichondrium, B. Matrix, C. (a) White fibro cartilage – Articular
Chondrogenic layer, D. cartilage
Chondrocytes, E. Chondroblasts
B. Bone has an outer covering called 66. In spongy bone internal supply
as periosteum channels are absent in:
C.Haversian and volksmann’s (a) Trabeculae
canals are absent in bone (b) Canaliculi
D.Extracellular matrix is living (c) Lacunae
and marrow is non-living in bone (d) Matrix
(a) A and B 67. Diploic bone is a
(b) B and C
(a) bone having periosteum and
(c) C and D
(d) A and D
(b) bone having lacunae and
63. The protoplasmic processes of
osteocytes contain:
(c) bone having compact and
(a) Tubulin microtubules and smooth
ER cancellous parts
(b) Actin microfilament and golgi (d) bone with red and yellow marrow
body 68. -------------- limits bone growth
(c) Tubulin microtubules and golgi (a) Endosteum
body (b) Periosteum
(d) Actin microfilament and smooth (c) Matrix
ER (d) Marrow
64. _______________ is the light- 69. Matrix is not secreted by the cells in:
weight bone in which matrix is made (a) Bone tissue
up of numerous thin, curved, intersecting
(b) Cartilage tissue
plates, bars and tubes
(c) Blood tissue
(a) Trabecular bone
(d) Adipose tissue
(b) Spongy bone
70. The growth of bone is bidirectional
(c) Compact bone
because of the presence of _______ in
(d) Both (a) and (b)
both periosteum and endosteum:
65. Erythrocytes and platelets are absent in:
(a) Ossein (b) Osteoclasts
(a) Bone marrow (b) Blood
(c) Osteocytes (d) Osteoblasts
(c) Lymph (d) Bone
EXERCISE (Basic Exercise)
1. c 25. a 49. c
2. a 26. d 50. c
3. b 27. a 51. c
4. d 28. a 52. d
5. d 29. c 53. d
6. d 30. b 54. c
7. c 31. d 55. b
8. d 32. b 56. a
9. b 33. a 57. d
10. d 34. c 58. d
11. c 35. c 59. c
12. c 36. c 60. b
13. a 37. a 61. a
14. c 38. b 62. a
15. c 39. d 63. d
16. d 40. a 64. d
17. b 41. d 65. c
18. a 42. c 66. a
19. c 43. d 67. c
20. c 44. d 68. b
21. b 45. c 69. c
22. c 46. c 70. d
23. d 47. b
24. d 48. d