Car Loan Bank Copy Agreement
Car Loan Bank Copy Agreement
Car Loan Bank Copy Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE at the place and date as specified in the Schedule between those persons, whose name(s) and address(es ) are as specified in
the Schedule (hereinafter called the "Borrower(s)") of ONE PART and AXIS Bank Ltd., a company, incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and a
Banking Company within the meaning of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its Registered Office and Corporate Office at 'Trishul', 3rd Floor,
Opposite Samartheshwar Temple, Law Garden, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad 380 006, Gujarat and Axis House, Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound, Pandurang
Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 025 respectively and one of the Branch/RAC/SRAC offices at the place as specified in the Schedule (hereinaft er called
the "Bank") of the SECOND PART.
The expressions "Borrower(s)" and the "Bank", unless repugnant to the context, shall include their respective legal heirs, re presentatives, successors,
executors, administrators and assigns.
WHEREAS the Borrower(s) has/have requested the Bank and the Bank has agreed to provide Loan up-to the limit(s) as specified in the Schedule with
fullpower to the Bank from time to time to renew or reduce or enhance the limit or altogether withdraw the facility on the terms and conditions appearing
herein for the purpose of purchasing a Vehicle (hereinafter collectively and individually referred to as the "Loan"), details of which are specified in the
Schedule to this Loan Agreement.
1Definitions and Interpretation
1.1 In this Agreement, the following meanings are applicable:
"Agreement" means this Loan Agreement for grant of Loan for the purchase of a Vehicle read in conjunction with the most impor tant information more
particularly detailed in the Schedule.
"Borrower" means one or more entities whose name(s) and address(es) is/are stated in the Schedule executing this Agreement as borrower(s) and
each one being deemed to have made this Agreement individually and in case of more than one, all of them having agreed to liabilities hereunder jointly
and severally.
"Branch/RAC/SRAC" means the office of the Bank at the place mentioned in the Schedule and where the Loan is disbursed and sha ll include any other
Branch/RAC/SRAC where the Loan account is maintained or transferred to any time at the sole discretion of the Bank.
"EMI" or "Equated Monthly Installment" shall mean the amount payable every month by the Borrower to the Bank comprising of in terest, or as the case
may be, principal and interest calculated on the basis of monthly rests at the rate applicable as stated in the schedule and is rounded off to the next
"Post Dated Cheques" (PDCs) shall mean the cheques issued by the Borrower to match the due date of each installment.
"Electronic Clearing System" (ECS) shall mean the debit clearing service notified by Reserve Bank of India participation whic h has been consented to in
writing by the Borrower for facilitating the payment of EMIs.
"Standing Instruction" (SI) shall mean the written instructions issued by the Borrower to the Bank to debit the account of the Borrower maintained with
Bank for facilitating payment of EMIs.
"Loan" means the loans granted by the Bank in terms of this Agreement and shall also mean to include the principal amount of Loan and all dues
outstanding there under if the context so requires.
"Interest Rate" means the rate at which the Bank shall compute and apply interest on the Loan, as stated in the Schedule or a s may be amended from
time to time by the Bank.
"Penal/Default Interest Rate" means the rate at which the Bank shall compute and apply interest on all amounts not paid when due for payment (or
reimbursement) by the Borrower to the Bank, as stated in the Schedule or as may be amended from time to time by the Bank.
"Parties" means the Bank and the Borrower referred to collectively.
"Vehicle" means the Vehicle / Vehicles hypothecated to the Bank more particularly described in the schedule, for the purchase of which, the Loan has
been granted by the Bank.
"Schedule" means the schedule of this Agreement, which forms a part of the Agreement.
1.2 In this Agreement, singular shall include plural and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neutral gender.
1.3 Any expression not defined herein shall, if defined under General Clauses Act, 1897 shall carry the same meaning as assigned to it under the said
1.4 The arrangement of clauses in this Agreement shall have no bearing on their interpretation.
1.5 The clause headings are inserted for the sake of convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of the provisions hereof.
2 Bank's Agreement to lend and Borrower's Agreement to borrow
2.1 The Bank agrees, based on the Borrower's Request, Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Undertakings as contained herein and in the
application for Loan and other documents executed or tendered by the Borrower in relation to the Loan, to lend to the B orrower and the Borrower
agrees to borrow from the Bank for the purchase of the Vehicle, the Loan on the terms and conditions as fully contained in th is Agreement and the
2.2 The relationship between the Bank and the Borrower as lender and borrower shall commence from the date of this Agreement and subsist until all
monies due and payable by the Borrower to the Bank under this Agreement and in all other documents pursuant hereto shall have been fully paid
to and received by the Bank.
3 Fees, Charges, Costs and Claims
3.1 The Borrower(s) shall bear Service Charges, processing fee, Stamp Duty, Cheque bouncing Charges, Late Payment Penalty, Cheque Swapping
Charges, Loan cancellation/Re-booking charges, Statement charges, Duplicate Repayment Schedule Charges, Duplicate No Dues
Certificate/NOC charges and any other fees, including GST , if any, as more particularly detailed in the Schedule, whi ch the Borrower
agrees to reimburse to the Bank separately.
3.2 The Bank shall also be entitled to recover from the Borrower any other charges or costs incurred or claims suffered by the Bank in connection with
the Loan, including on account of execution and stamping of this Agreement and any other documentation or security creation p ursuant to this
4 Disbursement
The Bank shall, unless otherwise agreed between the Borrower and the Bank, disburse the Loan in lump sum or in suitable insta llments to be
decided by the Bank by issuing a Banker's Payment Order or a Demand Draft crossed as "A/c Payee only"
-in the name of the Supplier more particularly described in the schedule and secure a receipt in the Bank's name; or
-in the name of the previous financier towards the repayment of the previous Loan to be taken over by utilizing this Loan.
4.1 It is understood that the charges in relation to the disbursement (including charges for issuance or for the collection of pr oceeds by the beneficiary
on such payment order or demand draft) shall be borne by the Borrower.
4.2 The Bank may not disburse at any time, any amount under the Loan unless the following conditions are complied with in the sol e discretion of the
a) The Loan Agreement is duly executed and delivered to the Bank by the Borrower;
b) The Borrower's submission to the Bank, post dated cheques towards repayment installments;
c) Any other document or writing as the Bank may require in its sole discretion; and
d) Submission of all the necessary approvals and permission from the appropriate authorities.
4.3 The Bank may not, having disbursed any amount, disburse any further amount under the Loan unless the following conditions are complied with in
the sole discretion of the Bank before such further disbursement:
a) No event of default shall have occurred;
b) The Borrower shall have produced all or any other documents or writings as required by the Bank in its sole discretion, which shall be
binding on the Borrower.
4.4 The Borrower shall repay to the Bank the amount equated in terms of monthly installments as mentioned in the schedule as shal l remain due and
owing to the Bank regardless of whether the said Vehicle is in a working condition or requires any repair or other wise not operational and the Bank
shall not be liable or responsible in any manner for the repair or non-performance of the said Vehicle. The EMI includes the interest component.
4.5 Interest Tax and other taxes/levies as may be applicable from time to time on the Loan shall be borne solely by the Borrower.
4.6 The Bank shall be entitled to debit all other amounts due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement (including but not limited to interest
tax, fees, stamp duty, processing fee, login fees, costs, service and other charges, claims and expenses including expenses which may be
incurred by the Borrower in the enforcement or attempted enforcement of security created in favour of the Bank) to the Borrow er's Loan account,
unless separately reimbursed to the Bank by the Borrower. Such amounts shall form part of the Loan.
4.7 All amounts in default for payment (i.e. not paid by the Borrower when due to the Bank) including arrears of EMI, interest be fore the
commencement of EMI, costs, charges and expenses debited to the Loan account shall attract penal interest without there being any need to
assign a reason for such revision and interest and penal interest shall thereafter accrue at such revised rate(s) a s per the schedule
5. Repayment
5.1 The Loan (including the principal, interest thereon and any other charges, premium, fees, taxes levies or other dues payable by the Borrower to
the Bank in terms of this Agreement) be repayable by the Borrower to the Bank-
a) at the Branch (or at any other branch of the Bank or at any other place as may be notified by the Bank)
b) by way of Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) as mentioned in the Schedule towards repayment of principal and interest; and
c) by separate repayments in case where (a) the Loan is proposed to be paid before the commencement of EMI or (b) towards repayment of
interest before the commencement of the EMI or (c) towards repayment of default interest, fees, char ges, taxes, claims, costs and expenses
charged to the Loan account.
d) Interest on the amount of the Loan is to be applied at the fixed rate of interest stipulated in the Schedule to the Loan Agreement. The rate of
interest will be fixed for the entire tenor of the loan.
5.2 The Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) amount shall be arrived at so as to comprise repayment of principal and payment of interest calculate d on
the basis of the interest rate, periodicity, of repayment, of the entire liability under the Loan at the end of its tenor and the Borrower agrees to
continue paying EMIs until all amounts due under the Loan have been repaid in full to the Bank.
5.3 No notice, reminder or intimation will be given to the Borrower regarding his obligation to pay the EMI regularly on each due date. It shall entirely
be his responsibility to ensure prompt and timely payment to the Bank. Any delay or default in payment of any EMI shall make the Borrower liable
to pay to the Bank, interest at the Default Interest Rate (for the period of such default) as mentioned in the Schedule, besi des constituting a default
thereby making all sums under this Agreement due and payable to the Bank forthwith.
5.4 All repayments of Principal and payment of interest and all other amounts by way of EMI or otherwise shall be given effect to in the Loan account
in accordance with the method of effecting payment as stated in the Schedule or as adopted by the Bank from time to time
5.5 The Borrower(s) shall be permitted to make partial prepayment of the loan ahead of the prescribed EMI Schedule provided that such partial
prepayment shall be permitted only once in a calendar month and in aggregate not more than twice in a financial year. The Borrower(s) may,
foreclose the loan (subject to foreclosure / part prepayment charges payable at the rate mentioned in the Schedule on the out standing amount) by
giving a 30 days notice in writing to that effect.
5.6 The loss, theft, destruction or damage of the Vehicle shall not in any event detract from the liability of the Borrower to make the repayment herein
nor shall it affect the continuance of this Agreement.
6. Covenants for Price of the Vehicle
6.1 The parties hereto confirm that the Vehicle Price has been arrived at after taking into account all relevant taxes, duties an d levies applicable as on
the date of this Agreement. The Borrower(s) agrees that the installments shall be increased by any fresh imposition or increase in Vehicle Price,
taxes, duties, levies and charges during the subsistence of this Agreement or that are or may be levied on the Installments o r the transaction
hereunder or may become payable by the Bank by virtue or entering in to this Agreement. In the event of such taxes, duties, levies and charges
increasing during the period of the placing of the order of the Vehicle and its acceptance and eventual delivery to the Borro wer(s), such increase
shall be borne and paid by the Borrower(s).
6.2 If the price of the Vehicle is revised upwards after the date hereof, then and in that event the Borrower(s) shall pay all of the amount (in addition to
the amount paid or to be paid by limit along with the Loan as the price of the Vehicle) that may be required for acquiring the Vehicle at such
revised price and the Bank shall be liable to pay any amount by way of Loan or otherwise for such revision in price of the Ve hicle.
6.3 If the Borrower(s) fails to pay the amount as mentioned in Sub clause 7.2 within fifteen days of revision of the price of the Vehicle or within the
period allowed for this purpose by the manufacturer or dealer of the Vehicle, whichever is earlier, then and in that event th e Bank at its discretion
as agent of the Borrower(s) cancel, annul or rescind the booking of the Vehicle and collect the refund of booking price (after such deductions as
may be made by the manufacturer of the Vehicle or its dealer) for adjustment thereof against any amount that may be due and p ayable by the
Borrower(s) to it in terms hereof.
6.4 The Borrower(s) for the purpose of clause 7.3 hereby irrevocably authorizes the Bank to cancel, annul or rescind any booking of the Vehicle and to
receive any refund or booking price of the Vehicle from the manufacturer thereof or its dealer.
7. Security
7.1 In consideration of the Bank having granted/agreed to grant the Loan Facility, the Borrower/s hereby HYPOTHECATES to and char ges, as
security to the Bank, for securing the moneys that may from time to time become due and payable by the Borrower/s to the Ba nk and the Balance
Due to the Bank, by way of First Exclusive charge in favour of the Bank the assets of the Borrower/s, which are more particul arly described in the
Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as "Hypothecated Assets") and the same SHALL BE AND STAND HYPOTHECATED to the Bank by way
of first charge as security for the due repayment of Loan Facility and also for all indebtedness or liabilities of the Borrow er/s to the Bank together
with all interest, commissions, costs, charges and expenses payable to or incurred by the Bank including those for the enforcement of any of the
security (ies). Provided that in case the Hypothecated Asset(s) is yet to be purchased or has not been delivered and/or regis tered with the
appropriate authority, wherever applicable, at the time of signing of this agreement, then the particulars of the assets shall be intimated to the
Bank in writing, as an addendum to this agreement, with all the relevant particulars of the assets including the registration details of the assets as
may be applicable, whereupon such intimation in writing shall form part of the Schedule attached and shall deemed to have bee n incorporated in
this Agreement.
7.2 The Bank shall be entitled to call upon the Borrower and the Borrower shall be liable to furnish to the Bank additional and / or alternate security as
decided by the bank in the event of any substantial deterioration in the value of the security and the Borrower shall be bound to provide any
additional security within 30 days from the receipt of the letter from the Bank.
7.3 The Borrower shall execute any bonds, promissory notes for the Loan and all such documents, power of attorney(s)/undertakings and agreements
as may be required by the Bank at any time during the pendency of this Loan.
7.4 That the Bank is not responsible for delivery of duly endorsed Registered Certificate and that the Borrower(s) shall not with hold payment of
installments of the pretext that Registration Certificate has not been delivered.
8. Bank's Rights:
The Bank shall, in relation to the Loan:
a) have the sole right at any time during the tenure of this Agreement to revise/reschedule the repayment terms/ amount of EMI o r of any other
amounts outstanding there under and the Borrower shall make all future repayments to the Bank according to such revi sed schedule on being
notified by the Bank of such revision or reschedulement;
b) have the sole right to amend any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement including but not limited to revision of Inter est Rate (including the
Default Interest Rate), periodicity of compounding interest, method of effecting credit of the repayments without assigning any reason or notifying
the Borrower and the Borrower agree that such revision shall become applicable from date of such revision in the records of t he Bank;
have the right to receive and adjust any payment/s that it may receive as an assignee of the insurance in relation to the Vehicle towards amounts
due and/or payable by the Borrower under this Agreement;
d) have the right to enter upon the premises in which the Vehicle is kept or wherever the Vehicle is available for the purpose of inspecting, examining
and repossessing the same. In the event of any resistance or prevention of access either by the Borrower or any other person, the representative
of the Bank shall be entitled to break open the lock or the door of the premises where the Vehicle is situated and enter the premises for th e
purpose herein stated;
e) be entitled to disclose any information about the Borrower, his account relationship with the Bank and/or any default committed by him (whether
such information is provided by the Borrower or obtained by the Bank itself and whether in form of repayment conduct, rating or defaults) to its
head office, other branch offices, affiliated entities, Reserve Bank of India, any Refinancing agency and such third parties as the Bank may in its
sole and exclusive discretion, deem fit and proper. The Bank shall also be entitled to seek and receive any information as it deems fit in
connection with the Loan and/or the Borrower from any third party; and
f) be entitled to require the co- Borrower, in the event of the co-Borrower opting to resign or retire from the employment prior to the age of
superannuation or is discharged or removed from service before such date for any reason whatsoever, to instruct his employer to remit the entire
dues (including provident fund, gratuity and compensation) becoming payable by the co-Borrower from his employer on account of his such
cessation of employment and to receive and appropriate the same towards the co-Borrower's liability under the Loan.
g) have a lien and right of set-off on all moneys belonging to the Borrower standing to their credit in any account whatsoever with the Bank.
9. Borrower's Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Undertakings.
9.1 With a view to induce the Bank to grant the Loan to him, the Borrower, hereby represents/warrants to/ covenants/ undertakes with the Bank that i t-
a) has furnished complete and accurate information and details to the Bank about himself and no vital information has been omitt ed to be stated
b) shall always have until all his dues hereunder are not repaid to the Bank, a clear and marketable title to the Ve hicle, free from all encumbrances
c) shall not, during the tenure of this Agreement, avail of or obtain any further Loan or facility on the security of the Vehicl e without the prior written
consent of the Bank.
d) shall in addition to the income/ financial statement/s required by the Bank furnish such other information/ documents concerning his employment,
trade, business, profession or otherwise as the Bank may require from time to time;
e) shall obtain and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect all authorizations, approvals, consents, insurances, licenses,
permissions and renewals required in or by the law of India in relation to this agreements, each of the Collateral Documents and the performance
of obligations hereunder and hereunder and the Vehicle;
f) shall get the Vehicle registered with the appropriate Registering Authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and ensure to note the lien of the
Bank on RTA document;
g) shall not apply for any duplicate Registration Certificate for the Vehicle otherwise than by delivering the application thereof to the bank for
endorsing its charge of the Vehicle;
h) shall also keep deposited with the Bank a copy of the Insurance Policy when he receives the same and shall pay all premia and other amounts
due under the said Policy punctually as and when they become due and shall take all steps necessary to maintain the insurance Policy in full force
and effect and shall abstain from doing any acts whereby the said Policy may or likely to be vitiated and ensure to note the lien of the Bank on the
Insurance Policy document.
i) shall do all acts as may be required to maintain the Bank's status of sole beneficiary under the said insurances and receive money thereon. In an
event any Insurance claim is received, it shall first go towards settling the Borrowers Loan account with the Bank and any ba lance shall be alone
be refunded to the Borrower. In case installment settlement is lesser than the amount due to the bank the Borrower shall forthwith pay it to the
Bank, the said deficit amount.
j) shall promptly inform the Bank of any loss or damage to the Vehicle due to any force majeure or Act of God;
k) shall in addition to the income/ financial statement/s required by the Bank furnish such other information/ documents concern ing his employment,
trade, business, profession or otherwise as the Bank may require from time to time;
l) shall promptly and without requiring any notice or reminder from the Bank, repay to the Bank the Loan in accordance with the Repayme nt Terms
mentioned in the Schedule;
m) shall (in case of more than one Borrower) be jointly and severally liable to repay the Loan, interest and all other sums due and payable under this
Agreement and to observe its terms and conditions;
n) shall maintain the Vehicle in good order and habitable condition and not allow it to deteriorate or commit any act which is d estructive or
permanently injurious to the Vehicle or do anything which will render the security in favour of the Bank, insufficient;
o) shall pay and discharge all rates, taxes, outgoings and charges pertain to the Vehicle;
p) where applicable, shall inform the Bank of any likely change in his employment;
q) shall not during the tenure of this Agreement, either part with possession of or create third party rights in the Vehicle or any part of it (whether by
way of sale, exchange, lease, mortgage, agreement or option or otherwise);
r) shall not stand surety or guarantor for any third party liability or obligation;
s) shall not leave India for employment or business or long stay without first fully repaying the Loan then outstanding due s payable with interest and
other dues;
t) shall comply with all the terms of the most important information and keep himself aware of the rules of the Bank, as pertain ing to this Loan, and
in force from time to time,
u) shall obtain all necessary licenses, permits and permissions for the use of the Vehicle under all relevant statutes including the Motor Vehicles
Act, 1988, the rules thereunder or any statutory replacement or amendment thereof,
v) agrees and undertakes that the Vehicle shall be operated and driven only by those persons holding a valid driving license.
w) shall not remove the Vehicle or permit or suffer it to be removed from the State of _____________________ without the permiss ion of the Bank.
Provided that the Bank shall be entitled though not bound to grant a general or continuing permission for the use of the Vehicle for a spec ific
period of time and/or for a specific destination outside the State aforesaid.
x) undertakes to intimate the Bank of any change in his residential address or employment or any change in the premises where th e Vehicle is
normally retained (when immovable) within 10 days from the date of such change.
y) shall duly secure the endorsement in regard to this Loan and lien-marked to the Bank in Registration Certificate Book and in the files and records
of the Regional Transport Officer as required by law and shall submit to the Bank immediately thereafter, copies of the Regis tration
Certificates duly certified. In case any fresh registration is required, the Borrower undertakes that the same shall be similarly endorsed to establish
the hypothecation to the Bank.
z) shall duly get the Final invoice lien-marked to the Bank.
3 4
aa) agrees and undertakes that he shall not do or permit to be done any act whereby the registration to the said Vehicle is suspended or cancelled.
bb) shall assume all personal liabilities for any injury or accidents to any person or property arising from or the use of the sa id Vehicle and shall
indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified against all claims or liabilities of whatsoever nature arising by reas on of the use of the said Vehicle or
otherwise howsoever.
cc) agrees to maintain the Vehicle in good and serviceable condition throughout the period of this Agreement and promptly carry o ut repairs that may
be necessary for its smooth operation.
dd) shall not do or cause to be done any act which may result in
ee) the Vehicle being seized or confiscated by any authority under law.
ff) shall in the event of the Vehicle meeting with any accident, immediately inform the Bank of the occurrence of such accident a nd shall complete all
acts and formalities as may be necessary in law to ensure that the security of the Vehicle is not jeopardised in any manner. So also if the Vehicle
is lost, stolen or damaged, the Borrower shall immediately notify the Bank and shall at his own expense duly notify the Insurance Company and
take all steps for the repair or recovery of the Vehicle and in order to secure its full insurable value. Any such writing sh all be delivered to the Bank
within three working days of such damage or lodgment of claim;
9.2 The Borrower(s) warrants that the Borrower(s) shall have and maintain sufficient balance in the account in the account of the drawee bank for
payment of Post-dated Cheques, SI/ECS instruction on the day when any installment therein become payable and for 45 days thereafter to honour
any PDC.
9.3 The Borrower(s) hereby warrants and undertakes that the Borrower(s) has paid all public demands and all taxes and revenues pa yable to the
Government of India or the Government of any state or to any local authority and that at present there are no arrears of such taxes and revenues
due and outstanding.
9.4 It shall be the Borrower's obligation to keep himself acquainted with the rules of the Bank, from tim e to time.
9.5 The Borrower hereby agrees and undertakes that no such person whose name is appearing in the list of Wilful defaulters shall be inducted on its
board and that in case, such a person is found to be on its Board, it would take expeditious and effective steps for removal of such person from its
9.6 The Borrower hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Bank has a right to award a separate mandate to our Auditor or any indep endent Auditor,
as the Bank may deem fit with a view to obtain a specific certificate regarding diversion /siphoning of funds by th e Borrower. The Borrower agrees
and undertakes to co-operate with such Auditors and provide the necessary information and/or documents as may be required by such Auditors.
The Borrower also agrees and undertakes to bear all the expenditure in respect of obtaining the said Certificate and agrees to indemnify and keep
the Bank indemnified in this regard.
9.7 The Borrower declares, assures and states that, except as mentioned hereunder, the Borrower is not a director nor relative* o f any director ornone
of its directors/partners /members (if the Borrower is a company/partnership firm) is a director; of the Bank or any other Banks inc luding Scheduled
Co-operative Banks, subsidiaries/trustees of mutual funds/ venture capital funds; and the Borrower is not a relati ve* or none of its directors/
partners/ members (if the Borrower is a company/partnership firm) of any Senior Officer* of the Bank or of any other Banks;
*The term 'Senior Officer' means an officer of the Bank, who is in equivalent scale as an officer in senior management level in Grade IV any officer
and above in a nationalised bank or any officer in equivalent scale in the State Bank of India and associate banks and in any banking company
incorporated in India.
*The term "relative" shall mean and include any or all of the following persons: (a) Spouse (b)Father (c) Mother (including step-mother) (d) Son
(including step-son) (e) Son's Wife (f) Daughter (including step-daughter) (g) Daughter's Husband (h) Brother (including step-brother) (i) Brother's
wife (j) Sister (including step-sister) (k) Sister's husband (l)Brother (including step-brother) of the spouse (m) Sister (including step-sister) of the
The Borrower makes the above declaration solemnly and sincerely believing the same to be true and knowing fully well that on the faith and
strength of the correctness thereof the Bank has agreed to grant the Facility. The Borrower also agrees that it is a conditio n of the grant of the
Facilities that if any statement made with reference to the above is found to be false at any time the Bank shall at liberty and entitled to revoke the
Facilities. OR The Borrower declares that the Borrower is related to the directors and /or Senior Officer(s) of the Bank or of any other Banks as
specified hereto:
Sr.No. Name of Director(s) / Senior Officer(s) Designation Relationship
10 Indemnity
The Borrower(s) shall indemnify the Bank and keep indemnified the Bank save and harmless on demand in respect of any actions, claims, costs,
damages, demands, expenses, losses and liabilities made against, suffered or incurred by the Bank arising directly or indirectly from or in connection
with: -
a) any failure by the Borrower(s) to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and/or
b) any liability including third party liability that may arise out of the possession, operation and use the Vehicle by the Borr ower(s) or by its employees
or by its Agents of by other persons whosoever whether or not authorised by the Borrower(s) for use of the said Vehicle and incidental to that
purpose and/or
c) any claims, losses, demands, actions, costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred or suffered by the Bank by reason of the repr esentations and
warranties given by the Borrower(s) being false or untrue in material respect and/or
d) any claims, losses, demands, actions, costs, expenses and liabilities incurred of suffered by the Bank by reason of the hypot hecated Vehicle
not being free form encumbrance and/or any previous charge.
The Borrower(s) shall keep the bank informed of all development regarding such actions, claims, costs, damages, demands, expe nses, losses and
liabilities and shall not dispute, compromise or otherwise deal with the same subject to the consent given by the Bank. The Bank shall however be
under no obligation and/or liability to the Borrower(s) to provide and assistance in connection with any such claim that the Borrower(s) may require.
11 Insurance and Maintenance
11.1 The Borrower(s) shall at its own expense during the continuance of the security herein keep the Hypothecated Vehicle cov ered under
comprehensive risk, including riot, civil commotion risk, fire, theft, unlimited third party risk and other hazards as stipulated from time to time with
such insurance company as may be required by the Bank by timely payment of all premia in respect of such insurance and produc e and deliver (if
so required by the Bank) any insurance policy, cover note or receipt on demand by the Bank for its inspection and verification.
11.2 The insurance policy to be taken out hereunder shall be in the name of the Borrower(s) and the Bank shall be described as los s payee/beneficiary
under such insurance.
11.3 If the Borrower(s) fails to keep the Vehicle in a good and marketable condition, the Bank may without prejudice to its rights and remedies under
this agreement and in law take such steps as it may deem fit to keep and maintain the Vehicle or insure or rene w such insurance at the Borrower's
costs, charges and expenses, which shall be reimbursed by the Borrower(s) on demand by the Bank.
11.4 In order to safeguard the security for the Loan and to ensure that the Bank's lien is marked on the insurance, the Bank may get the insurance done
on behalf of the Borrower(s), by being a facilitator and making the premium payment of the approved insurance company through the Borrower's
post dated cheque/pay orders/any other payment instructions. However any non-payment on the part of the Bank due to any reason whatsoever
shall not effect the liability of the Borrower(s) to pay the necessary insurance premium and to keep the Vehicle(s) insured. The first claim on any
insurance proceeds shall be that of the Bank with respect to insurance policy and its renewal as stipulated from time to time and the Borrower(s)
shall pay such other amount as may be specified by the Bank form time to time as nominal compensation for the service rendere d by the Bank for
facilitation the above mentioned arrangement with the insurance company and ensuring that the Bank's name is marked under insurance. The
transaction fee is subject to change at the discretion of the Bank.
11.5 The Bank at its option shall be entitled to adjust, settle or compromise in any manner whatsoever at the Borrower's cost any dispute arising under
or in connection with any such policy or insurance and such adjustment, settlement and compromises shall be valid and binding on the
11.6 The Bank at its option will have the right to appropriate any monies received from the insurance company towards the Borrower 's obligation to the
11.7 The Borrower(s) accepts that the Bank shall not liable for any loss on account of Non-Renewal of insurance of the Vehicle and/or delay/non-
payment by the insurance company/or any settlement claim by the Borrower(s).
12. (A) Events of default.
The Bank may by a written notice to the Borrower, declare all sums outstanding under the Loan (including the principa l, interest, charges, expenses) to
become due and payable forthwith irrespective of any agreed maturity and enforce the security created in favour of the Bank f or the Loan upon the
occurrence (in the sole decision of the Bank) of any one or more of the following:
a) The Borrower commits any default in the payment of EMIs and in the payment of any other amounts to the Bank when due and paya ble;
b) The Borrower fails to pay to any person other than the Bank any amount when due and payable or any person other than the Bank demands
repayment of the Loan or dues or liability of the Borrower to such person ahead of its repayment terms as previously agree d between such person
and the Borrower;
c) The Borrower defaults in performing any of his obligations under this Agreement or breaches any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or
any other security documents, undertakings etc. executed in favour of the Bank;
d) The death, failure in business, going into liquidation / dissolution, ,amalgamation or reconstruction, except with prior writ ten approval of the
Bank, general assignment for the benefit of creditors, if the Borrower suspends payment to any creditors or threatens to do so, filing of any petition
of winding up against the Borrower
e) Any of the information provided by the Borrower to avail the Loan or any of his Representations, Warranties herein being foun d to be or becoming
incorrect or untrue;
f) Any person other than the Bank commencing proceedings to declare the Borrower insolvent or if the Borrower shall become bankru pt or insolvent
or commit act of insolvency;
g) The value of the Vehicle or any security (including guarantee/s) created or tendered by the Borrower, in the sole discretion and decision of the
Bank, depreciates entitling the Bank to call for further security and the Borrower fails to give additional security;
h) If the Vehicle is destroyed, sold, disposed of, alienated, attached or restrained in any manner;
i) The Borrower fails to create the security as provided herein; or
j) The Bank, for any regulatory or other reasons, is unable or unwilling to continue the Loan;
k) If a receiver is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the property /assets of the Borrower or if any attachment, distress, execution or
other process against the Borrower, or any of the securities is enforced or levied upon;
5 6
l) If the Borrower ceases or threatens to cease or carry on its Business or if the Co-Borrower opts to resign or retires from the employment prior to
the age of superannuation or is discharged or removed from service before such date for any reason whatsoever;
m) If it is certified by an Accountant of a Firm of Accountants appointed by the Bank ( which the Bank is entitled and hereby authorised to do so at any
time ) that the liabilities of the Borrower exceed the Borrower's assets or that the Borrower is carrying on business at a loss;
n) If any circumstance or event occurs which would or is likely to prejudicially or adversely affect in any manner the capacity of the Borrower to repay
the Loan or any part thereof (or the implementation of the Project).
o) If any attachment, distress, execution or other process against the Borrower, or any of the securities is enforced or levied upon;
p) If the Borrower, without prior written consent of the Bank, attempt or purport to create any charge, hypothecation, lien or o ther encumbrance over
the Borrower's Vehicle, which is or shall be the security for the repayment of the said Dues except for secur ing any other obligations of the
Borrower to the Bank;
q) Upon happening of any substantial change in the constitution or management of the Borrower without previous written consent o f the Bank or
upon the Management ceasing to enjoy the confidence of the Bank;
r) If the Borrower fails to furnish any information or documents required by the Bank;
s) If the Borrower fails to furnish to the Bank detailed end use statement of the Loan as and when so required by the Bank withi n 10 (ten) days of
receiving such request from the Bank;
t) The Borrower(s) fails to pay any insurance premium for the Hypothecated Vehicle or cheque bounce charges in terms and conditi ons hereof;
u) The Hypothecated Vehicle is confiscated, attached, taken in to custody by any authority or subject to any execution proceeding;
v) The Vehicle is distraint, endangered or badly damaged due to an accident or any other reason whatever causing the same to be a total loss in the
opinion of the Bank or caused body injury to any person due to any accident or otherwise;
w) The Vehicle is stolen or untraceable for a period of 30 days for any reason whatever;
x) Any Cheques delivered or to be delivered by the Borrower(s) to the Bank in terms and conditions hereof is not encashed for an y reason
whatsoever on presentation;
y) Any instructions given by the Borrower(s) for stop payment of PDC/ revoke SI/ECS for any reason whatsoever;
z) The Borrower(s) fails to supply a certified true copy of the registration certificate within reasonable time.
aa) The Vehicle has been used or alleged to have been used for any illegal purposes or activity.
iv) The Borrower agrees and undertakes not to prevent or obstruct the Bank from taking possession of the Vehicle irrespective of whether the Loan
has been recalled whenever in the opinion of the Bank, there is an apprehension of any money not being paid or the Bank's security is being
jeopardized and that the Bank's representatives will be entitled to sell, give on rent, or otherwise deal with the Vehicle by public or private auction
or private treaty, without being liable for any loss, and to apply the net proceeds thereof as specified in these presents. And in such or likely
circumstances the notices as aforesaid shall be waived.
v) The Borrower shall pay any deficiency, forthwith to the Bank. The Bank shall also be entitled to adjust and a right of set -off on all moneys
belonging to the Borrower standing to their credit in any account whatsoever with the Bank, towards payment of such deficienc y. Nothing
contained in this clause shall oblige the bank to sell, hire or deal with the Vehicle and the Bank shall be en titled to proceed against the Borrower
independently of such of any other security. The Borrower agrees to accept the Bank's accounts in respect of such sale, hire, dealing or otherwise
as conclusive proof of the correctness of any sum claimed to be due from the Borrower .In case of any deficit, the deficit amount shall be
recovered by the Bank from the Borrower.
vi) The Bank may at the risk and cost of the Borrower engage one or more person(s) to collect the Borrower's outstanding and /or to enforce the
security and may furnish to such person the right and authority to perform and execute all acts, deeds, matters and things connect ed therewith or
incidental thereto as the Bank thinks fit.
vii) The Borrower hereby agree as a pre-condition of the said credit facility granted to it by the Bank that in case the Borrower commits default in the
repayment of the credit facility or in the repayment of interest thereon or any of the agreed installment of the credit facil ity on due date/s the Bank
and/or Reserve Bank of India will have an unqualified right to disclose or publish the name of the Borrower or the name of the Borrower's company
/ firm / unit and its directors / partners / proprietors as defaulter in such manner and through such medium as the Bank or R eserve
Bank of India in their absolute discretion may think fit.
viii)The Borrower commits a default in repayment of dues and consequently the account is to be classified as NPA, all other borrowal accounts of the
Borrower, with the Bank also shall be classified as NPA as per the guidelines issued by RBI.
13. Appointment of the Bank as the Borrower's Attorney
That borrower do hereby irrevocably nominate, constitute and appoint the Bank acting through any of its officers or agents as his/her/its true and lawful
attorney for him/it/her in his/her/its/their name and on behalf and at its cost and risk to do, execute and perform all or any of the following acts, deeds,
matters and things to do so as:
13.1 To execute and complete in favour of the Bank or its nominee any documents which the Bank ma y require for perfecting its title to or for vesting
the said Vehicle in the Bank or its nominee or any purchaser thereof.
13.2 To disburse the loan amount of purchase of the said Vehicle directly to the dealer/seller and obtain a receipt for such payme nt from the
13.3 To take inspection directly or to engage any Advocate, Chartered Accountant or registered trade practitioner for taking inspe ction of my/our
income tax returns and assessment proceedings, Appeal proceedings etc. relating to the current and previous Assessment years. This authority is
being given to the Bank to enable the Bank to verify the veracity of various representations made by me/up the undersigned, f or seeking auto loan
from the Bank.
13.4 To appear before the office of Registration Authority, Regional Transport Officer, Sales Officer and other authorities through advocates or any
such authorized person deemed necessary by the Bank to effect endorsement of hypothecation in the registration certificate an d transfer the
Vehicle when necessary.
13.5 To obtain, receive, demand or collect any form, certificates, registration books, booking order, insurance policies or other documents form any
Registering Authority, manufacturers of the said Vehicle and/or its dealers.
13.6 To take possession of the said Vehicle in case of default and for the purpose enter the premises where the said Vehicle is parked, as per terms of
the Agreement.
13.7 To transfer, sell or dispose of the said Vehicle and sign and execute all or any forms, declarations or instruments, a s may be necessary or
expedient for giving effect to the delivery to the said Vehicle to the purchaser thereof.
13.8 To appoint or engage any broker, dealer or auctioneer for affecting any such transfer, sale or disposition of the said vehicl e.
13.9 To sign, execute necessary forms, documents or to give notice to the appropriate Registering Authority for effecting transfer of the said Vehicle in
favour of the purchaser.
13.10 To receive the consideration of the sale, transfer, disposition or dealing of the said Vehicle and issue proper receipt or receipts to give a valid and
effectual discharge for such consideration.
13.11 To take delivery, actual possession or custody of the said Vehicle as and when demanded by the bank.
13.12 To appoint or engage any broker or other agent for taking possession or effecting delivery of the said Vehicle.
13.13 To sign and deliver or otherwise perfect the hypothecation created or to be created on the said Vehicle and to do all such ac ts, deeds and things
as may be required for exercise of or any the powers hereby conferred.
13.14 To sign and deliver the necessary forms that may be required to be filed or necessary with Registration Authority or other authorities under the
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 or any other law for the time being in force to record the charge of hypothecation on the said Vehicle, created or to be
created in favour of the Bank.
13.15 To pay any fees, charges, penalties, imposts, premiums, taxes or other impositions to any Registering Authority, insurance co mpanies or other
authorities for the said Vehicle.
13.16 To act as a facilitator and make the premium payment to any insurance company and/or insure, renew such insurance at my/our costs, charges
and expenses which shall be reimbursed by me/us to the Bank.
13.17 To obtain, receive, demand or collect any forms, certificates, registration books, booking order, insurance policies or other documents form any
Registering Authority, manufactures of the said Vehicle or its dealer/sellers.
13.18 To cancel, annul or rescind booking of one or more of the said Vehicle and to get refund of any such booking amount from the manufacturer or
its dealer by issuing receipts as valid and effectual discharge for such refund.
13.19 To fill in and compete any cheque that may be lying now or thereafter with the Bank duly signed by me, or on our behalf with such amount, date
and/or name of the payee that may be deemed fit by the Bank.
13.20 To get requisite information from my employer as may be expedient to ascertain material particulars.
13.21 In case of default by me/us of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, to transfer, sell, give on hire, dispose of, give d eliver of and otherwise
howsoever deal with the said Vehicle and to sign and execute all agreements, contracts, declaration form instruments and other writings
whatsoever as may be necessary or expedient in that behalf.
13.22 To give notice, if required to the appropriate Registering Authority and/or such other authority in law, for the registration of the said Vehicle upon
the sale, transfer, disposal, deliver thereof.
13.23 To delegate all, any or more than one of the powers, authorities and liberties herein vested and to appoint any substitute to any one or more
purpose or purposes as the Bank shall from time to time desire in that behalf.
7 8
13.24 For the better doing, performing and executing all the matters and things aforesaid. the borrower hereby further grant unto the said Bank full
power and authority to substitute and appoint in its place and stead on such terms as it may think fit one or more attorney/s to exercise for me/us
as my/our attorney/s any or all the powers and authorities hereby conferred, to revoke any such appointments and to substitute or appoint
anyother person/s place of such attorney/s as the Bank may from time to time think fit.
And generally to do, perform and execute, all acts, deeds, matters and things relating to or concerning or touching these present as fully and effectually
as if Borrower was personally and had been done, performed or executed the same myself/ourselves.
This authority shall be binding upon me/us, the undersigned and my/our legal successors prior and post to the grant of the loan and shall be irrevocable
during the tenure of the loan as the same is coupled with interest and consideration, until all sums due and owing by me/us h as been paid to the Bank.
And Borrower hereby agree to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever the Bank shall do or cause to be done in or about the premises by virtue of these
14. Assignment and Transfer.
14.1 The Bank shall have a right to sell or transfer (by way of assignment, securitisation or otherwise) whole or part of the Loan and outstanding
amounts under the Loan or any other rights and obligations of the Bank under this Agreement or any other document pursuant hereto to any
person/ entity in a manner or under or under such terms and conditions as the Bank may decide in its sole discretion without reference to or
intimation to the Borrower.
14.2 The Borrower expressly agrees, in the event of sale or transfer as aforesaid, to accept such person to whom the Loan is sold or transferred as his
lender and make the repayment of the Loan to such person as may be directed by the Bank.
14.3 The Borrower shall not be entitled to directly or indirectly assign his rights or obligations under this Agreement in part or in whole to any person.
15. Banks appointment of Agent.
The rights, powers and remedies available to the Bank under Law and under these present, shall be exercised by the Bank throu gh any of its
employees or agent and the Bank may delegate any or all of the said powers and authorities to such employee or agent.
16. Benefit of Agreement
16.1 In case of the death of the Borrowers(s), where the Borrower(s) is an individual the legal representative shall do the follow ing.
a) Apply under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 to get the Vehicle transferred in his name.
b) Replace the PDC/SI/ECS, insurance premia cheques, fees, charges and residual cheques signed by the deceased Borrower(s), in t he same
manner as provided in this Agreement as if he was the Borrower(s) in the first instance.
c) Execute a fresh Agreement, Power of Attorney and such other documents as required by the Bank.
Provided that the Bank shall be entitled to exercise its sole discretion in determining whether or not to enter into an Agree ment etc. with the legal
representative and subject to further, the legal representative meeting the Bank's credit criteria and other requirement form time to time.
d) In case the legal representative does not or refuses to follow the above procedure or does not meet with the Bank's credit and other requirements
the Bank shall be entitled to, at its sole discretion repossess/dispose off/ sell/transfer the Vehicle to any third party or to a third party, which the
Bank shall nominate and the short fall on such recovery shall be recovered from the legal representative.
16.2 The Borrower(s) shall not assign or transfer all or any of its right, benefits and obligations hereunder except with the prio r written permission of
the Bank.
16.3 The Borrower(s) expressly agrees, recognizes and accepts that the Bank shall be absolutely entitled and have full power and authority to
securitise in whole or in part, and/or whether with or without the underlying security the auto Loan along with all the amounts outstanding thereon,
in such manner and on such terms the Bank may decide, irrespective of whether the Bank gives the Borrower(s) and/or the guara ntor any notice
regarding the same.
17. Arbitration
All disputes, differences and / or claim or questions arising out of these presents or in any way touching or concerning the same or as to
constructions, meaning or effect thereof or as to the right, obligations and liabilities of the parties hereunder shall be re ferred to and settled by
arbitration, to be held in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory amendments thereof, o f a sole
arbitrator to be nominated by the Lender/Bank, and in the event of death, unwillingness, refusal, neglect, inability or in capability of a person so
appointed to act as an arbitrator, the Lender/Bank may appoint a new arbitrator to be a sole arbitrator. The arbitrator shall not be required to give any
reasons for the award and the award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. The arbitration proceedings shall be held
Mumbai/ Delhi / Chennai / Kolkata.
18. Miscellaneous
18.1 Without prejudice to the Bank's other rights and remedies, the Bank shall be entitled to charge at its own discretion enhanced rates of interests
on the outstanding in the Loan accounts or a portion thereof or for any default or irregularity on the Borro wer's part which in the opinion of the
Bank warrants charging of such enhanced rates of interests for such period as the Bank may deem fit. The equated Monthly inst allments will
have to be paid till the entire Loan and interest is fully repaid. Further, the amount of equated monthly installment may change/increase as may
be decided by the Bank.
18.2 It is hereby agreed between the parties that the Schedule may be amended, revised, substituted by way of written communi cation by the Bank
to the Borrower from time to time. Such correspondences between the Bank and acceptance thereof by the Borrower shall be deemed to be an
integral part of this Agreement and shall be read in conjunction thereof.
18.3 All or any other conditions as specified in the most important information shall form an integral part of this Agreement and the most important
information shall always be read in conjunction with this Agreement at all times.
18.4 Without prejudice to any other term of this Agreement, the Parties expressly agree that any payment made by the Borrower to t he Bank under
this Agreement shall be appropriated by the Bank in the following order-
a) costs, charges and expenses that the Bank may expend to service, enforce and maintain the security and therefore recover the Loan,
interest and all sums due and payable by the Borrower to the Bank under this Agreement.
b) interest on amounts in default and loss of profit on the defaulted amount/s;
c) interest;
d) principal amount of the Loan.
18.5 The parties agree that any delay or omission by the Bank in exercising any of its rights, powers or remedies as the lender of the Loan under this
Agreement and other documents pursuant hereto shall not impair the right, power or remedy or be construed as i ts waiver or acquiesce by the
18.6 The Parties confirm that this Agreement and its Schedule and any other documentation pursuant to it represent one single agre ement between the
18.7 This Agreement supercedes all prior discussions and representations between the parties, including the Bank brochure, save with respect to the
obligations of and representations made by the Borrower to the Bank set forth in any correspondence, application forms or oth erwise made or
agreed to be made howsoever.
18.8 Laws of India shall govern this Agreement, the security and other documentation pursuant hereto and Courts having jurisdiction where the
Branch/RAC/SRAC is situated shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all aspects governing the interpretation and enforcement o f this Agreement,
the security and other documentation pursuant hereto. Nothing herein shall limit the right of the Bank to take proceedings ag ainst the Borrower in
any other Court of competent jurisdiction within India nor shall the taking of the proceedings in one or more jurisdiction preclude the Lender from
taking proceedings in any other jurisdiction within India, whether concurrently or not.
18.9 The addresses of the parties shall be as mentioned under the Schedule. The Borrower shall forthwith inform the B ank of any change in his
18.10 Any notice or request required or permitted under this Agreement to be given by either party to the other shall be only in wr iting and sent on the
address of the other Party as mentioned in the Schedule (or in case to the Borrower, on the address of the Borrower last known to the Bank):
a) If given by the Bank, may be given by personal delivery, fax or by post and shall be deemed to have been served upon or recei ved by the
Borrower, if given by personal delivery, when so delivered and if by post on expiration of 3 days aft er the same has been del ivered to the
post office for onward transmission to the Borrower under certificate of posting; and
b) If given by the Borrower to the Bank when it is actually received by the Bank.
19. CIC Disclosure Clause
19.1 The Borrower also agrees, undertakes and confirms as under:
The Borrower understands that as a precondition relating to the grant of and/or continuing the grant of Credit Facility to the Borrower, the Bank
requires the Borrower's consent for the disclosure by the Bank of, information and data relating to the Borrower, of the Cred it Facility availed of /
to be availed by the Borrower, in discharge thereof.
Accordingly, the Borrower hereby agrees and gives consent for the disclosure by Bank of all or any such:
a) Information and data relating to the Borrower;
b) The information of data relating to its Credit Facility availed of / to be availed by the Borrower and
c) Default, if any, committed by the Borrower, in discharge of the Borrower's such obligation;
d) as the Bank may deem appropriate and necessary, to disclose and furnish to Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited ["CIC " ] and any
other agency authorised in this behalf by Reserve Bank of India ["RBI"].
The Borrower declares that the information and data furnished by the Borrower to the Bank are true and correct.
19.2 The Borrower also undertakes that:
a) CIC and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner a s deemed
fit by them; and
b) CIC and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed information and da ta disclosed or products thereof
prepared by them, to Bank(s)/ Financial Institution(s) and other Credit Grantors or Registered Users, as may be specified by the
RBI in this behalf.
19.3 The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing / submitting the ‘financial information’ as defined in Section 3 (13 ) of the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ( ‘Code’ for brief ) read with the relevant Regulations/ Rules framed under the Code, as amended and in force
from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in respect of the Credit/ Financial facilities availed from the Bank/ Lender, from time to
time, to any ‘Information Utility’ ( ‘IU’ for brief ) as defined in Section 3 ( 21 ) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the
Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the ‘financial
information submitted by the Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned ‘IU’
20. The Bank shall share the pre printed copy of the above agreement terms and conditions with the customer along with the welcome kit The parties hereto
have executed/ caused to be executed these presents on the day and year written in the Schedule hereinafte r appearing.
*(in the case of HUF/Partnership name of all the member/ Partners required if unless Letter of authorization is there.)
Registration Certificate Collection Charges Rs 200/-
Goods and Services tax (GST) will be charged extra as per the applicable rates, on all the charges and fees (wherever GST is applicable)
if authority not given to one person to
excute agreement)