Seven Silver Spheres Booklet Rev0
Seven Silver Spheres Booklet Rev0
Seven Silver Spheres Booklet Rev0
And so it begins… In addition: Reaching the Temple: Credits
An annotated map (see player handout) is The party should be made aware of the Beyond the Porcelain Wall an overgrown Words, maps and design are copyright
passed to each member of the party during general situation in the world: courtyard lies in front of the temple itself. Martin Orchard, using Affinity
the reading of a will: The trees of the forest press in from all sides ( throughout with the
• The XVIth Emperor rules from a distant and the flagstones are cracked in many exception of the map, made using
My friends, great treasure awaits at The Temple Capital via his legions and functionaries. places. Animal trails cross from all Wonderdraft (
of St. Rylan, deep in the Forest of Dawn. The directions. More adventures, games and tables by
Seven Silver Spheres are long thought lost... but I • For the last couple of generations, the
empire has experienced a notable decline. myself can be found at:
found the clues proving their existence. I have The temple itself is built into the cliff face,
researched the paths as well, but sadly I am too This is apparent in the player characters’ with the vestibule and doorway protruding
old to traverse them safely... everyday lives. out into the courtyard. Illustrations are public domain from the
following locations:
Marcos • Key positions go unfilled for months or The great iron doors of the temple will open
seasons, distant trade goods become hard
at dawn (6am) on the day of the equinox and
The players can decide who the late Marcos to find and military force is scarcer. close 24 hours later. It is not possible to open
was to them - a friend, a mentor, a colleague, • Gold remains as useful as ever to allow for the doors by other means. A corridor with an This adventure is made for the roleplaying
a relative etc. There is no obligation for them both personal autonomy and security. elaborate mosaic depicting the holy life of game Cairn, by Yochai Gal. It can be found
each to choose the same relationship. St. Rylan lies beyond. at
Keen-eyed players will notice some other key And thus: Beyond, a great vaulted ceiling overlooks a
information provided by Marcos on the map: • The promise of great treasure is of large and impressive central space, with a Temple of St. Rylan,
tremendous interest to the party. finely-crafted tiled floor. Upon this surface, a built in a typical style
The door to the temple will only open on the ritual of great size and complexity has been
Spring or Autumn equinox. of the IIIrd Emperor,
• It is not clear what purpose the seven silver marked out with iron and copper etching. It some 400 years ago.
spheres have (other than being valuable), runs between seven pedestals on which only
Do not stray from the old road or the trails! only that Marcos spent considerable time five silver spheres remain.
determining their location.
On the far wall of the temple, besides a clean
• The party must time their journey well and but precise altar, a message is carved in an
not linger in the forest. old-fashioned script:
The party are assumed to have made their Welcome Travellers,
way to the fork (see begin here on the map)
where the forest trail leaves the old road to I am the last of the priests of St. Rylan. I beg of
the temple. you not to disturb the workings here nor the sacred
spheres upon their pedestals. They are all that
It is midday, two days before the Autumn keeps the shadow within the forest from creeping
Equinox. It is anticipated that they will need across this land, and the more that is taken from
to spend at least one night in the forest, and here, the more that the magic shall weaken.
likely another one at the temple.
Searching the empty pedestals reveals a note
The road in front of them is made up from Archmage Hann, dated 33 years ago,
of worn, overgrown flagstones. In promising that the two missing spheres will
some places saplings have pushed be returned as soon as his ‘very important
their way through and it is clear work’ is complete.
that it has seen little
traffic for many years. It is clear that the spheres themselves are not
only magical but also large (around 1 foot in
The trail through the diameter) and comprised of platinum as well
Forest of Dawn shows the as silver. Certainly valuable enough to ensure
movement of animals and entry to the upper echelons of society.
is overgrown with grass.
Nevertheless, there is a The various vestibules and antechambers
clear break between the leading off from the main room may still
trees, at least until the have some treasures (though low in value
party nears The Porcelain compared to the spheres). You will need to
Wall. sort through centuries of detritus and
wreckage to find them.
Rising Sun Tavern The Secret Well
• The ruins of a large wood and stone building lie here, a sign The Thing in the Tavern [12 HP] • A ruined village, no roofs remaining, lies outside the Creeping Ivy [6 HP]
depicting an orange sun lies on the ground. 14 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, Porcelain Wall. 10 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL,
• The doorway leads to a rotting tavern, once full of pilgrims Bite with fangs (d10) • There is no gate here. The wall is sturdy, 20ft high and Poison tendrils (d8)
and other travellers. The cellar is intact. • Looks like a desiccated corpse, guarded by Porcelain Soldiers. • Appears as per a thick,
• From behind the warded and barred cellar door, a clear, but moves like a trained assassin • In the middle of the village lies a ruined well, covered in vibrant covering of ivy.
well-spoken voice offers treasures for its freedom. • Critical Hit: Drain blood (d6 creeping ivy (see right). • Critical Hit: Paralyse and
• The Thing in the Tavern has no treasure, and offers only a damage to STR) • Descending 50ft down the well reveals a damp passage drag down into well
head start and a cruel smile to those that free it. running beneath the wall.