SAW Blade
SAW Blade
SAW Blade
Original papers
Keywords: The paper describes a method of an explicit kinetic simulation and experimental study of circular saw blade
Circular saw blade cutting system of small mulberry cutting machine. This simulation is based on orthogonal test of numerical
Orthogonal experiment simulation. Firstly, main influencing factors and working conditions in the cutting process were considered
Numerical simulation according to principle of orthogonal test combined with specific working characteristics and material char-
Effective stress
acteristics of circular saw blades. Large-scale CAE software ANSYS/LS-DYNA was used to respectively establish
Cutting force
three-dimensional finite element models of the circular saw blade cutting system with different levels of factors.
The boundary constraints and loads were given to conduct explicit kinetic analysis and calculation. The cor-
rections processing and post-processing analysis of finite element analytical model was conducted by simulation
tests. The Statistics software, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), is used to analyze the simulation
analysis calculating results based on analysis of variance (ANOVA), thus to quickly find the best working
parameters of circular saw blade cutting system. Experiments were conducted to measure cutting forces and to
compare the surface quality of the mulberry branch under different conditions. The cutting force received by the
circular saw blade under the optimal parameter matching was relatively small, and the cutting cross-section
quality of the mulberry branches tended to be good, and the work efficiency could also be guaranteed.
Corresponding author at: College of Mechanical Engineering, Guangxi University, No. 100, Daxue Road, Nanning 530004, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Meng).
Received 7 September 2018; Received in revised form 6 November 2018; Accepted 16 December 2018
0168-1699/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
quality of reciprocating cutter usually cannot meet the requirements cutting saw blade. Hu et al. (2007) conducted modal analysis of porous
because the phenomenon of branch-pulled and cutter-pulled is of fre- structural saw blades using finite element method, and then determined
quent occurrence during the cutting process. (2) The mulberry branches the optimal structure parameters. Wang and Zhang (2011) carried out a
are usually broken due to the swing of the branches during the cutting study on the mechanical capacity of the circular saw under different
process with chain sawing. (3) When the diameter of the mulberry rotational speeds. Yaşıtlı et al. (2012) found that numerical modelling
branches is greater than 25 mm, the branches are often cut repeatedly can effectively simulate the sawing process of natural stone and it can
with slashing cutter, which makes most of the branches lacerated and provide a reference for explaining the sawing dynamic mechanism.
results in unsteadily cutting and the cutting quality cannot meet the Yuan et al. (2012) conducted a study on the dynamic characteristics
requirements. (4) The circular saw blades are relatively stable in the and evaluated the dynamic response of the circular saw system based
process of cutting if suitable operation parameters are selected. In ad- on numerical calculation and modal testing analysis. Yao et al. (2013)
dition, circular blade is more convenient to be implemented in cutting established a nonlinear numerical model of stone-cutting circular saw
machines especially for cutting woods of not vary large diameter. The to forecast and optimize the cutting parameters under the cutting
structure of machine with circular blade can be much simpler than process. Li et al. (2015) established a finite element model to calculate
those with other types of cutting part, making it easier to realize au- the stress field of circular saw blade during loading process. Bílek and
tomation of mulberry plant cutting. Therefore, we selected circular saw Kovařík (2017) presented a computational model to determine the
blade for further study. Explicit kinetic simulation and orthogonal tests parameters of longitudinal wood sawing by circular saw and compare
in cutting small mulberry trees is to be conducted in our experimental the calculated state of stress with the FEM model.
platform, to find out the optimal working parameter combination In short, the research on cutting force and vibration of the circular
quickly and efficiently while the cutting quality be guaranteed. saw blade is mostly aimed at cutting stone materials and metal mate-
The circular saw blade is a typical ultra-thin part, and it is inevitable rials. There’s little research on the cutting of mulberry tree and other
to have vibration during operation (Gospodarič et al., 2015). The vi- rod-shaped wood crops. Researches on cutting force and vibration are
bration of circular saw blade is mainly caused by the cutting force when mostly conducted through experiments.
cutting the mulberry branches. The larger the cutting force the more The cutting process of mulberry branches is complex and random. It
significant the vibration, resulting in the faster the circular saw blade is a typical penetrating high-speed collision belonging to the scope of
wears, and the shorter the service life (Wang et al., 2017). Since the high-speed dynamic impact. The saw-teeth and branches contact with a
cutting force determines the cutting ability of the circular saw blade, it non-continuous dynamic pattern. It is difficult to observe and analyze
is particularly important to study the cutting process of the circular saw the interaction process between circular saw blade and mulberry
blade, understand the cutting mechanism, analyze the cause of the vi- branch through the conventional methods. It is also time-consuming,
bration, and optimize the parameters of the circular saw blade (Chang labor-intensive and costly by using the physical test approach.
and Chen, 2016). The finite element method presents a novel approach to the research
Many researchers have been done to the cutting mechanism of cir- of the cutting process. ANSYS program has obvious advantages in the
cular saw. Lewis et al. (1996) found the wear mechanisms and the wear establishment of finite element model and result processing, the explicit
rate combined with the machining of each material by high speed steel kinetic simulation algorithm in LS-DYNA program can quickly solve
circular saw blade cutting tests. Tian and Hutton (2001) developed a short-time, large deformation, dynamic issues and a variety of complex
stability analysis of a circular saw blade wood-cutting system to un- nonlinear contact problems (Souza et al., 2018). The integration of the
derstand the mechanics of a lateral vibration instability and verified the two makes the original extremely complex and cumbersome explicit
produce predictions by experimental data. Denkena et al. (2003) con- dynamic analysis to be much less difficult (Goyal et al., 2006;
sidered that the axial deformation of the matrix is one of the main Khorasany et al., 2012).
factors affecting the failure of the saw blade. Carrino et al. (2003) and The purpose of this article is to analyze and study the stress and
Ersoy et al. (2005) conducted in-depth studies on the variation of cutting force changes during the cutting process of mulberry branches
sawing force under different process parameters, and tried to establish with circular saw blade by the finite element numerical simulation of
the relationship between sawing force and sawing parameters, and the ANSYS/LS-DYNA. During the numerical simulations, the multi-factorial
relationship between machinability and sawing force. Wang et al. orthogonal test method was employed to study the effects of different
(2010) based on orthogonal test measuring the sawing force at different parameters, and to determine the optimal parameter matching of cir-
feed speed, sawing depth and linear velocity by diamond circular saw cular saw blade cutting system. This provides a theoretical basis for
blade granite-cutting system and established relevant empirical for- optimizing the parameters of circular saw blade, prolonging the service
mulas. Orlowski et al. (2013) found that the cutting forces may be life, and selecting tool parameters and cutting parameters for the small
considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics and mulberry cutting machine.
could be also used to ensure shear yield strength and toughness. Li et al.
(2016) found that different roll-tensioning parameters have different 2. Orthogonal experimental design of numerical simulation
impacts on stress distribution and natural frequencies of circular saw
blades via a range of roll tensioning study. Orlowski et al. (2017) put The structure drawing of the circular saw blade cutting system of a
forward an approach for measurement work of the fracture toughness small mulberry cutting machine is shown in Fig. 1. It is mainly com-
and the shear yield strength through the wood cutting forces research. posed of drive shaft, belt pulley, cutter rest, chucks and circular saw
Tumac et al. (2018) carried out a study on the sawability of large blade.
diameter circular saws through various physico-mechanical perfor- Cutting force is a very important parameter that reflects deforma-
mance parameters and presented multiple linear and non-linear re- tion, fracture characteristics and the degree of the material removal
gression models. Sasahara et al. (2018) found that the tool wear and process (Luo et al., 2016). Preliminary cutting tests indicated that when
failure and the quality of the cutting surface are all affected by vibration the branch diameter is smaller, the feeding speed of the circular saw
through circular saw cutting tests. blade is lower, and the rotation speed of the circular saw blade is faster,
At present, numerical simulation has become a necessary and the cutting force becomes smaller, and the cross-sectional surface of the
powerful tool to settle the problems of modern engineering (Ahmadi branch tends to be smooth. This demonstrates the cutting quality is
et al., 2016), and has been increasingly applied to the field of circular closely associated with the cutting force.
saw cutting process analysis. Qiu et al. (2007) established thermal and There are lots of factors affecting the cutting cross-sectional quality
rotary stresses coupled-field analysis model for dry cutting saw blades, of the mulberry branches including circular saw blade structural
which provided theoretical foundation for structural design of dry parameters such as the diameter and thickness of the blade and number
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
a radial force Fn, a tangential force Ft, and an axial force Fa. The radial
force Fn is mainly generated from the impact of the branches on the
circular saw blade during the cutting and the reaction force of the
bending deformation of the branches on the circular saw blade. The
tangential force Ft is mainly generated by the reaction force of the
friction force when the circular saw blade cuts branches. This force is
parallel to the linear speed of the circular saw tooth but in opposite
direction since it opposes the cutting rotation speed direction. The axial
force Fa is mainly generated from the processing error and installation
error of the circular saw blade and the squeezing and collision of the
inclined branches against the circular saw blade, the corresponding
direction is along the direction of the circular saw blade mounting shaft
and perpendicular to the surface of circular saw blade. In order to
simplify the calculation, the resultant force Fxy of the radial force Fn and
the tangential force Ft can be equivalently decomposed into a horizontal
force Fx along the feeding direction in the Oxy plane and a force Fy
perpendicular to Fx in Oxy plane to be measured and analyzed. Fa is
equivalent to Fz (Karakurt, 2014). The factors that affecting the cutting
force are the cutting rotation speed and the transverse feed of the cir-
Fig. 1. The structure drawing of the circular saw blade cutting system.
cular saw blade when the circular saw blade rotates one tooth pitch (for
short: the feed per tooth of the circular saw blade). According to the
of tooth, and operational parameters such as rotation speed and feeding formula of feed per tooth (Csanády and Magoss, 2013):
speed, and material properties of the mulberry branches. Obviously,
Sn 60. Vf
this is a multi-factor and multi-objective optimal parameter matching. Sv = =
In this regard, finite element numerical simulation orthogonal experi-
Z Vc · Z (1)
ment method is used to analyze it. Each run of numerical simulations where Sv represents the feed per tooth of the circular saw blade (mm);
with different input of parameters will give a group of output such as Sn represents the feed per rotation of the circular saw blade (mm); Z
cutting force and stress profile. By varying the input parameters, each stands for saw-tooth numbers of the circular saw blade (T); Vf is the
simulation is taken as a test, and the result is closely related to each cutting feeding speed (km/h); Vc is the cutting rotation speed (r/min).
influencing factor. Which factor is important, which is not important, It can be seen that the feed per tooth is proportional to the cutting
and what level of each factor is better to match with each other, all of feeding speed and inversely proportional to the cutting rotation speed
them are the problems to be solved by the multi-factor virtual ortho- and the saw-tooth numbers. Therefore, the cutting feeding speed and
gonal test. the saw-tooth numbers are also the influence factors of cutting force.
According to spatial mechanics relations:
2.1. Evaluation index F= Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 (2)
According to the principle of orthogonal test, the first is to de- Therefore, Fx, Fy and Fz can be taken as another group of evaluation
termine the evaluation index. The circular saw blade with high rotation indicators.
speed works under the large nonlinear deformation, and the saw body is
subjected to large periodic stress. Thus, the maximum stress σmax re- 2.2. Influencing factors and levels
ceived by the circular saw blade is selected as an evaluation indicator.
The actual cutting process of the circular saw is very complicated. In The influencing factors can be considered in several aspects:
Fig. 2, the circular saw blade is subject to axial force, tangential force
and radial force in general, where Vc denotes the cutting rotation speed (1) The material of the circular saw blade will directly affect its own
and Vf is the feeding speed. The cutting force F can be decomposed into service life and cutting quality, in which, 65Mn steel is with good
hardenability and high strength after special heat treatment pro-
cess, the steel with better toughness can be obtained, which is with
the high cost performance, moderate hardness, and good wear re-
sistance, low heating temperature, and is often used for the man-
ufacture of circular saw blades (Csanády and Magoss, 2013).
Therefore, the material of the circular saw blade can be identified as
65Mn steel, which is not an influencing factor of orthogonal test.
(2) Many scholars have carried out a large number of relevant experi-
mental studies on the structural parameters and clamping methods
of the circular saw blade and the impact of moisture content and
others of different branches, and soil conditions on cutting quality,
they have drawn specific conclusions (Kováč and Mikleš, 2010;
Wang et al., 2011; Moradpour et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2015).
Therefore, these parameters are not considered as influencing fac-
tors of the orthogonal test. However, since the sawing number of
the circular saw blade depends on the surface quality requirements
of workpieces to be sawed, and the final surface quality of the
workpiece is determined by the amount of feeding per tooth of the
saw blade (Csanády and Magoss, 2013), thus it is considered as one
Fig. 2. Circular saw blade cutting force diagram.
of the influencing factors.
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
(3) Previous tests have shown that for the matching of circular saw from two aspects: (1) When other conditions are certain, the lower the
blade rotation speed, moving feeding speed with branch diameter, rotational speed, the higher the feed amount per tooth, the increase in
these factors have an impact on the cutting force and stress of the the volume of materials removed in unit time, the friction resistance
circular saw blade and quality of cutting surface, and different between the circular saw blades and branches will increase, resulting in
combinations will result in different results, thus all of them are increased cutting force is very obvious. (2) When the rotational speed is
considered as influencing factors. too high, it is easy to cause the transverse vibration of the circular saw
blade, which reduces the stability of the circular saw blade, thus
In order to verify the rationality of selected influencing factors, causing the increase of cutting force and stress. Likewise, the impact of
relevant single-factor experiments were conducted, as shown in Fig. 3a- the rotational speed should not be ignored.
d. After analysis, the influencing law of the main influencing factors on As showed in Fig. 3c, with the increase of the feeding speed, both
the cutting force and stress of the circular saw blade and the cutting the cutting force and the maximum equivalent stress increase sub-
quality were obtained. stantially. Due to the radial impact of the cut portion of the saw-tooth,
As showed in Fig. 3a, different numbers of saw-teeth have a certain the effect of increasing the feeding speed on the radial component force
impact on the cutting force, and a significant influence on the stress Fx is significant. An increase in the feeding speed results in an increase
value. When the number of saw-teeth is greater than 48 T, the cutting in the radial impact force. The impact force on the saw-tooth produces
force increases only in small amplitude, while the maximum equivalent an axial component force. The axial component force easily causes the
force increases significantly. This is because the larger the number of circular saw blade to vibrate, leading to an increase in cutting force and
saw-teeth, the smaller the space between the teeth, making it difficult equivalent effective stress. Similarly, the influence of the feeding speed
for the branches to enter the space between the teeth, resulting in of the circular saw blade also cannot be ignored.
higher cutting frequency, the corresponding force and stress will be As showed in Fig. 3d, both the cutting force and the maximum
larger. And because the greater the speed of the lines between the teeth, equivalent stress increase significantly with the increase of the branch
the greater the cutting continuity, so cutting plane has a good diameter. Because the large diameter branches have a large cross-sec-
smoothness. It’s found in actual cutting tests that when different saw- tional area. Under the same other conditions, a large cutting area will
tooth numbers are used to cut branches with different diameters, the cause difficulty in feeding, and the corresponding frictional force and
cross-sectional quality after cutting is also different. Thus, the impact of cutting resistance will raise. Obviously, Fz has the largest increment,
the saw-tooth number should not be ignored. indicating that when cutting large diameter branches, the axial com-
As showed in Fig. 3b, the rotation speed of the circular saw blade ponent force acting on the saw blade is easy to occur. Axial component
has a significant effect on cutting force and stress. When the rotational forces cause axial displacement of the circular saw blade, the stiffness of
speed of the circular saw blade is less than 1000 r/min, the cutting the saw blade to decrease until the saw blade fatigue fails. So the cir-
motion will become difficult and the cutting force will increase dra- cular saw blade is prone to failure when cutting large diameter bran-
matically. When the rotational speed of the circular saw blade is ches. Therefore, the branch diameter is an important influential factor
2000 r/min to 3000 r/min, the cutting force and the equivalent effec- that should be reasonably matched with the rotation speed, feeding
tive stress are relatively small. When the rotation speed is greater than speed of the circular saw blade.
3000 r/min, both the cutting force F, Fx and the maximum equivalent Above single factorial tests have shown that the circular saw blade
stress increase significantly. The above analysis shows that the cutting rotation speed, moving feeding speed have impact on cutting force and
force and stress are relatively large when the circular saw blade takes a the cutting surface quality of the branch. In addition, the diameter of
lower or higher rotational speed. This phenomenon can be explained the branch to be cut and the number of the saw teeth are significant
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Table 1 Table 2
Orthogonal experiments the level of form factors. Primary geometric parameters.
Level Factor Model Structure Symbol/Unit Parameters
Z(x1) (T) Vc(x2) (r/min) Vf(x3) (km/h) D0(x4) (mm) Circular saw blade Outer diameter D/mm 400
Inner diameter d/mm 30
1 8 1000 1 10 Thickness s/mm 2.5
2 20 2000 2 20 Saw-tooth number Z/T 8,20,48,72,90
3 48 3000 3 30 Front angle γ/° 15
4 72 4000 4 40 Rear angle α/° 15
Height above ground H/mm 250
Fig. 4. The geometric model and the finite element model of cutting system.
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Table 3
Physical parameters of circular saw.
Material Poisson's ratio Density (kg/m3) Elastic Modulus (GPa) Yield limit (GPa) Shear Modulus (GPa)
reasonable element size must be chosen when meshing. If the selected cutting.
element size is too large, the simulation failure process is difficult to Fig. 5b shows the equivalent stress distribution cloud diagram of the
achieve a general agreement with the actual destruction process. circular saw blade and Fig. 5c shows dynamic changes of the effective
However, if the selected element size is too small, the calculation cost stress distributions on the circular saw blade under this working con-
will increase significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the cal- dition. The branches are gradually cut off over time and the maximum
culation accuracy and the calculation speed when meshing. effective stress value on the circular saw blade during the entire cutting
High quality elements can be partitioned by using mapped grids. process is 118.98 MPa, which is well below the yield limit of the cir-
When modeling, the complex models can be divided into simple graphic cular saw blade material of 440 MPa, implying the circular saw blade
elements and then glued. Since the circular saw blade is with complex will not be deformed in this working condition.
shape, in order to improve the grid quality, the circular saw blade is
broken up and divided separately. When cylindrical branches are di- 3.4. Experimental verification of finite element analysis model
vided into grids, in order to guarantee the calculation accuracy, the grid
segmentation processing of local positions where the circular saw blade In order to verify the established finite element modelling, cutting
and the shoots come into contact during the cutting process is con- force measurement are conducted during cutting mulberry branches
ducted under the premise of not greatly increasing the calculation time. using circular saw. Fig. 6 shows the design diagram of the mulberry
The total of meshes of the model is 50,710. Doubling the number of the branch cutting force measuring device. Fig. 7 shows the cutting force
meshes was conducted, and it was found that when the total meshes are measurement apparatus diagram. In order to facilitate the measurement
101,420, the maximum value of stress in the blade reduces slightly (by of cutting force, the cutting force measuring device was installed on a
2%). Therefore the coarser meshing scheme of 50,710 elements is ap- mobile trolley, and the mulberry branch was fixed on the ground
plied to all models in the simulation tests. After meshing, its final finite gantry. A test was performed through the rotation of the circular saw
element model is shown in Fig. 4b. blade and the feeding movement of the moving trolley. Multiple mul-
berry branches with a diameter of 20 mm were used for test. These
3.2.4. Constraints and loads mulberry trees grow in Wuming County, Nanning, Guangxi Province
Three parts were generated through PARTS OPTIONS: PART1 (cir- and the mulberry branches are cut in winter. A three-way piezoelectric
cular saw blade), PART2 (branches), PART3 (chucks). The bottom end quartz dynamometer was used. A certain calibration method was
face of the branches was fully constrained according to the growth adopted and real-time dynamic data recording was performed through
characteristics of the branches. In order to study the magnitude of the a dynamic signal test and analysis system, thus to achieve indirect
cutting force and the corresponding stress state of the circular saw measurement of the cutting resistance of the circular saw blade. Three
blade, the corresponding speed and feeding speed loads were loaded. tests were carried out by varying the feeding speed while the rotation
speed remains 3000 r/min. Fig. 8 shows the comparison of the cutting
3.2.5. Define contacts forces Fx and Fy obtained by numerical modelling and by experimental
In the cutting process, the saw-teeth surface of the circular saw measurement. It is seen that the discrepancies between the numerical
blade and the branch surfaces first come into contact with each other. model and the experiment is within 10%, indicating the numerical
As cutting progresses, the elements on the branch surface will fail, so model is reasonable and reliable. This gives sufficient confidence to
the surface-to-surface erosion contact algorithm was used as the contact perform simulations of multifactorial orthogonal experiments using the
algorithm, meanwhile, the static friction factor is defined as 0.40, the finite element model.
dynamic friction factor is defined as 0.38, and the other parameters are
the default settings. 4. Calculation results and results analysis
After the solution calculation is completed, LS-PrePost software is The main tool of orthogonal test design is orthogonal table. The
used for visual post-processing of the calculation results. Under the application of orthogonal table design test is an efficient, fast and
conditions of the saw tooth number Z = 48 T, rotational speed economical multi-factor test design method. The operator can be based
Vc = 3000 r/min, feeding speed Vf = 1 km/h and branch diameter on the number of factors in the test, the level number of factors and
D0 = 20 mm, the cutting force curves is obtained during the cutting whether there is interaction and other needs to find the corresponding
process. In Fig. 5a, where X-force, Y-force, and Z-force are respectively orthogonal table, and then rely on the orthogonality of the orthogonal
the cutting force components, corresponding to Fx, Fy, and Fz, and the table from the comprehensive test to select some representative point of
resultant force is the cutting force F. It can be seen that the cutting the test. It is possible to achieve the equivalent results with a large
forces are not constant. The cutting force curve shows the large middle number of comprehensive tests with a minimum number of experi-
part and small ends. After the cutting is stable, it fluctuates within a ments.
certain range, which is consistent with the actual situation of branch As mentioned in Section 2.2, four factors were chosen as
Table 4
Branch material constitutive.
Material Density (kg/m3) Moisture content (%) EL (GPa) ER (GPa) ET (GPa) GLT (GPa) GLR (GPa) GTR (GPa) μRT μLR μLT
Mulberry 534 12 11.239 1.172 0.621 0.690 0.896 0.228 0.72 0.49 0.63
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Fig. 5. The cutting force curves and the effective stress cloud diagram of circular saw blade.
independent variables including teeth number Z, rotation speed Vc, are filled in the left 4 columns of the L16(4)5 orthogonal table as cor-
feeding speed Vf and diameter of mulberry branch D0, denoted by x1, x2, responding match. These four variables are used as inputs for the finite
x3 and x4. Each variables has 4 levels of variation as shown in Table 1 element modelling. Each row of the table represents an experiment.
where even collocations of levels are used. These variables and levels There are 16 combinations input variables in total and 16 simulations
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Fig. 6. The design diagram of the circular saw blade cutting force measuring device.
will be needed to run. Each run of the simulations for each combination
of the inputs will produce a group of outputs including cutting force and
stress. From the outputs, four are chosen as evaluation indexes in-
cluding σmax, Fxmax, Fymax and Fzmax, where σmax indicates the maximum
stress value received by the circular saw blade during operation, and
Fxmax, Fymax, Fzmax indicate the maximum value of component of the
cutting force F in the three directions of axes X, Y, and Z during op-
eration. These outputs from the numerical simulation are filled in the
right-hand side of the table, as shown in Table 5. These 16 experiments
could represent full experiments of 44 = 256 times, which compre-
hensively reflected the influence of various factors on the indicators
(Karakurt, 2014).
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Table 5
The results of virtual orthogonal experiment.
Serial number Corresponding match Experimental results
x1 (Z) x2 (Vc) x3 (Vf) x4 (D0) σmax (MPa) Fxmax (N) Fymax (N) Fzmax (N)
It can be found that various factor levels have various impacts on the axial vibration of the circular saw blade. These forces and the stress
the indicators, and there are different primary and secondary re- of the circular saw blade will simultaneously affect the service life of
lationships in the significance. Among them, the smaller the P-value of the saw. Therefore, the best parameter combination available in Table 5
the F-test, the more significant the influential effect is. For the maximum is x1(4) x2(3) x3(2) x4(1) by summarizing various reasons. That is, the
stress σmax, the branch diameter has the largest impact, and the rest are saw-tooth number is 72 T, the cutting rotation speed is 3000 r/min, the
the cutting rotation speed, feeding speed, and saw-tooth number in feeding speed is 2 km/h, and the mulberry branch diameter is 10 mm.
sequence. For the X-direction maximum cutting component force Fxmax, In the actual cutting process, the diameter of the mulberry branch is
the branch diameter has the largest impact, and the rest are the feeding random, in order to be able to smoothly cut the large-diameter mul-
speed, cutting rotation speed, and saw-tooth number in sequence. For berry branches, and to ensure that the cross-section quality of the
the Y-direction maximum cutting component force Fymax, the branch mulberry branch after cutting is intact and the work efficiency is im-
diameter has the largest impact, and the rest are the saw-tooth number, proved, it is essential to ensure that the two moving parameters of
feeding speed and cutting rotational speed in sequence. For the Z-di- cutting rotation speed and feeding speed of circular saw blade tend to
rection maximum cutting component force Fzmax, the cutting rotation be reasonable. Under this premise, it is essential to reduce the cutting
speed has the largest impact, and the rest are the branch diameter, saw- force of the circular saw blade, and reduce vibration and avoid dynamic
tooth number, feeding speed and in sequence. instability. In addition, it is required that the stress received by the
circular saw blade should be less than the yield limit of the material
4.3. Optimal parameter combination and actual cutting trial itself to extend its service life. Taking into account that the lower
feeding speed will make low work efficiency of the mulberry cutting
Based on the previous numerical simulation analysis, when the saw- machine, a moderate feeding speed should be chosen. According to the
teeth number is fixed the branch diameter or the feeding speed is result of parameter matching obtained above and considering factors
smaller, the cutting forces on the circular saw blade are smaller. When such as power consumption and economical and others, an optimal
the cutting rotation speed, feeding speed, and outer diameter of the design of circular saw blade with a size of
circular saw blade are fixed, increasing the number of saw-teeth of saw 400 mm * 2.5 mm * 30 mm * 72 T was determined. To demonstrate the
blade can reduce the feeding amount per saw-tooth, thereby reducing performance of the saw blade, a cutting trial conducted. The device
the cutting force and improving the surface quality. In addition, Fx shown in Fig. 7 was used for the test. In the trial, cutting forces were
contributes the most to the cutting force F, and Fz is the main cause of measured in order to be compared with the numerical simulation. The
Table 6
Variance analysis of calculated results.
Source σmax (MPa) Fxmax (N)
SS DF MS F P-value SS DF MS F P-value
SS DF MS F P-value SS DF MS F P-value
Y. Meng et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019) 38–48
Table 7
Comparison of cutting forces of simulation and field trial with optimal design.
Serial number Working parameters Simulation results Test results
Z Vc (r/min) Vf (km/h) D0 (mm) σmax (MPa) Fxmax (N) Fymax (N) Fzmax (N) Fxmax (N) Fymax (N)
parameters of the test and its results are listed in Table 7. It is seen that element analysis model is reliable and reasonable.
when the branch diameter is 30 mm and the feeding speed increases
from 2 to 4 km/h the measured maximum cutting force Fxmax increases
5. Conclusion
from 76 to 96 N, while the corresponding values from the simulation
results are from 86 to 98 N. The simulated maximum stress on the blade
The durability and stability of the circular saw blade and smooth-
is 157 MPa, well below the yield limit of 445 MPa of the material of the
ness during the cutting process are essential to the design of mulberry
blade. Fig. 9 shows some of the cross-section surfaces of different dia-
cutting machine. Through the design method of “Numerical Simulation
meter of branches cut by different parameters. It is found that when the
Orthogonal Test”, the changes of the stress and cutting force of the
branch diameter is 30 mm the cutting quality is unstable. With a higher
circular saw blade in the mulberry branch cutting process at the four
feeding speed (4 km/h) the surface has burrs on it (see Fig. 9d). A
factor levels of saw-tooth number, cutting rotation speed, feeding speed
higher rotation speed (4000r/min) makes the surface burnt (see
and branch diameter of circular saw blade were studied. Experiment on
Fig. 9e). A blade with less teeth produces a serious laceration (see
cutting force measurement was conducted and the cutting forces from
Fig. 9f).
the simulations match the experiment well. The cutting forces and
The use of finite element numerical simulation method can obtain a
stress obtained from the finite element simulation provide useful in-
reasonable parameter matching, and when the cutting rotation speed is
formation for determining the circular saw system. The orthogonal
3000 r/min and the feeding speed is 3 km/h, cutting force and stress
numerical simulation test enables the optimization of the combinations
received by the circular saw blade are relatively small. For the mulberry
of operating parameter of the circular saw in cutting mulberry bran-
branches with a diameter of 10 mm, 20 mm, and 30 mm, the cross-
ches. Under the premise of guaranteeing cutting quality and working
section quality of the cutting tends to be good, and the working effi-
efficiency, the parameters matching of 72 T saw-tooth number, cutting
ciency can also be guaranteed, demonstrating the established finite
speed of 3000 r/min and feeding speed of 3 km/h were finally
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