Let The Blessings of Ramadhan Spur Us To Establish The Khila
Let The Blessings of Ramadhan Spur Us To Establish The Khila
Let The Blessings of Ramadhan Spur Us To Establish The Khila
َال َتَز اُل َط اِئَف ٌة ِم ْن ُأَّمِتي ُيَقاِتُلوَن َع َلى اْلَح ِّق َظ اِه ِر يَن ِإَلى َي ْو ِم اْلِقَياَمِة َقاَل َفَي ْن ِز ُل ِع يَس ى اْبُن َم ْر َي َم
َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْي ِه َو َس َّلَم َف َي ُقوُل َأِميُرُه ْم َت َع اَل َص ِّل َلَن ا َف َي ُقوُل َال ِإَّن َب ْع َض ُك ْم َع َلى َب ْع ٍض ُأَمَر اُء َت ْك ِر َم َة
ِهَّللا َهِذِه اُألَّم َة
"There will always be a group, victorious in fighting for the Truth until Day of Resurrection.
Then will Eesa ibn Maryam (as) will descend and he will be asked by their Ameer to lead the
prayer, but he will reply, No, your ameer has to be from you and this is the honor from
Allah." [Muslim]
Consider carefully our situation in the light of these hadeeth, O Muslims, when the kuffar fight the
Muslims, whether it is the Jews in Palestine, the Hindu mushrikeen in Kashmir or the American
crusaders in Afghanistan and Iraq. The kuffar enemies will fight us throughout the ages, but they
will be defeated, if we adhere to Islam completely. So, we must never fear the enemy, nor act in
fear of them, for the coward will eventually fail, even if he has the largest of armies and the most
sophisticated of weapons.
Our Muslim brothers in Afghanistan are a good example. Even without an Islamic state or an
Islamic army, their fearless resistance has caused the Americans to be fearful, frustrated and
exhausted, after nearly eight years of trying to subdue them. On 19 July 2009, the Los Angeles
Times reported that the US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said about Afghanistan, "After the
Iraq (war) experience, nobody is prepared to have a long slog where it is not apparent we are
making headway...The troops are tired. The American people are pretty tired." The problem is so
severe that American soldiers are committing suicide or drinking until senselessness to escape
fear. Moreover, knowing the weaknesses of their soldiers, America's counterinsurgency experts
have insisted that they now need 600,000 troops to succeed against the Muslims, about nine
times the numbers they have now.
So, O Muslims, if without an Islamic state or an Islamic army, fearless Muslims can prevent the
kuffar from settling their occupation, even though there is no decisive victory, what if fearless
Muslims faced the enemy with their own Islamic State and their own Islamic army? Would there
not be decisive victories after decisive victories, as there were for centuries in the golden era of
O Muslims of Pakistan!
Our enemies realize the source of our strength, Islam, more than even some of us do. This is why
America seeks to spread fear, when she wants to exploit the Muslims with powerful states and
strong armies. So, sometimes America threatens to invade Pakistan, or to take our nuclear
weapons or even to divide Pakistan into pieces, as mentioned in the reports of the Reagan
Institute, the Carter Foundation and the American Institute of South Asian Studies.
In fact, at every stage of America's war, the agent rulers of Pakistan have spread fear as a loyal
service to America, plunging us into greater dangers. In 2001, when America was without the
essential means to attack Afghanistan, Musharraf spread fear within the army and the masses, in
order to grant America intelligence, air bases and air corridors on the basis of "saving Pakistan."
Musharraf even sidelined the brave officers who saw the grave dangers in his approach. Our
situation worsened, for America then used its foothold in Afghanistan to open the doors for India to
spread its mischief. Musharraf then used fear again to open the doors for American intelligence to
establish offices throughout Pakistan. Again our situation worsened, for American intelligence is a
terrorist organization more harmful than any other, which has caused misery, bombings and
assassinations, wherever it has become entrenched, from Latin America to South East Asia. Then
Zardari and his henchmen spread fear so that our soldiers are sacrificed for the sake of America's
war in the tribal areas, worsening our situation yet again.
Rather than acting out of fear, as the agent rulers and our enemies wish us to, we should ask:
How will America annihilate Pakistan, when the cowardly crusaders cannot even stabilize
Afghanistan, a country of such meager resources, despite nearly eight years of efforts? How will
America even sustain an attack against Pakistan, when the very food and fuel for its army comes
through Pakistan? How? How? How? The falsehood of American threats is obvious to the aware.
Even whilst threatening to wipe out Pakistan, the strongest of all Muslim states, as if it were a
mere fly, America insists that it is Pakistan alone that can help America emerge from its quagmire
in Afghanistan!
O Muslims of Pakistan!
The victorious group, which RasulAllah صلى هللا عليه وسلمmentioned, is comprised of those fearless
Muslims who form the entourage of the Islamic state and its army. Or in our time, when there is no
Islamic state, it is those fearless Muslims that are working to establish that Islamic state, whose
Islamic army will victorious over the enemy, may we be from amongst them. It is this state that will
inshAllah fulfill many of the glad tidings that RasulAllah informed us about, whether it is fighting
and defeating the Jews, opening Rome to Islam or greeting Esa المuuه السuu عليbefore the Day of
Resurrection, for as mentioned in the hadith, when he descends, he عليه السالمwill find an Islamic
state with its Ameer!
This Ramadhan, we are between two alternatives: either we are submissive of what the agent
rulers are doing to us, and whatever results from the domination of the Kuffar and from our utter
ruin in this life and in the Akhira. Or we move effectively to remove these traitorous rulers, working
with those sincere Muslims, who are working for the re-establishment of the Khilafah state and
whatever ensues by our return to our past glory as the greatest Ummah and the most powerful
O People of Power! O Muslims of the Armed Forces!
The soil of the Islamic Lands is soaked with the blood of martyrs who fought the kuffar throughout
the ages, raising the Kalima of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Were it not for your brave predecessors opening
new lands to Islam, paving the way for millions to embrace the Kalima, many of us would not even
be Muslim. This, Ramadhan, a month of victory after victory, we ask you: who will be today's
Salahudeen to rescue the Muslims from today's crusaders? Have you not had enough humiliation
at the hands of the Americans who order you and insist you obey, whilst striking the lands that you
have sworn to defend with missiles? Rush forth and give the Nussrah to Hizb ut-Tahrir, to
establish the Khilafah state and make the tribal areas a graveyard for the American crusaders, like
the British and Russians before them, and a turning point for the entire Muslim Ummah. You have
nothing to fear, when the Lord of the Worlds, Himself, is on your side and not one step you take in
His path will be for nothing. Allah سبحانه وتعالىsaid,
َو َت ْد ُعوا ِإَلى الَّس ْل ِم َو َأْنُتْم اَألْع َلْو َن َو ُهَّللا َمَع ُك ْم َو َلْن َيِتَر ُك ْم َأْع َم اَلُك ْم ْ َفَال َت ِه ُنوا
"Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when you are the uppermost: for Allah is
with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds." [Surah Muhammad 47:35]