Computer Notes by JK Exam Cracker

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 C – Commonly
 O- Operating
 M - Machine
 P - Particularly The word computer is derived from the latin
 U - Used
word compute. Compute means to calculate.
 T - for Trade
The computer was originally defined as a
 E - Education
 R - and Research super fast calculator.

Today’s world is an information-rich world and it has become a necessity for everyone to know about computers. A computer is an electronic data
processing device, which accepts and stores data input, processes the data input, and generates the output in a required form at.

To know about the working of a computer, first need to understand various terms such as Data, Processing and Information. First of all, lets start
with basic terms:-

1. Data : Data is a collection of basic facts and figure without any sequence. This data is also called as raw data. When the da ta is collected as
facts and figures, there is no meaning to it, at that time, for example, name of people, names of employees etc.

2. Processing : Processing is the set of instructions given by the user to the related data that was collected earlier to outp ut meaningful
information. The computer does the required processing by making the necessary calculations, comparisons and decisions.

3. Information : Information is the end point or the final output of any processed work. This meaningful output data is called information.

4. Program: The set of instructions given to the computer to perform various operations is called as the computer program.


All types of computers follow the same basic logical structure and perform the following five basic operations for converting raw input data into
information useful to their users.

Input Unit- This unit contains devices with the help of which we enter data into the computer. This unit creates a link between the user and the
computer. The input devices translate the information into a form understandable by the computer.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)- CPU is considered as the brain of the computer. CPU performs all types of data processing operations. It stores
data, intermediate results, and instructions (program). It controls the operation of all parts of the computer.

CPU itself has the following three components:

 ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)- This unit consists of two subsections namely,
1. Arithmetic Section
2. Logic Section

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Arithmetic Section- Function of arithmetic section is to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. All
complex operations are done by making repetitive use of the above operations.

Logic Section- Function of logic section is to perform logic operations such as comparing, selecting, matching, and merging of data.

 Memory Unit- This unit can store instructions, data, and intermediate results. This unit supplies information to other units of the
computer when needed. It is also known as internal storage unit or the main memory or the primary storage or Random Access Memory
(RAM). Its size affects speed, power, and capability. Primary memory and secondary memory are two types of memories in the
computer. Functions of the memory unit are −

 It stores all the data and the instructions required for processing.

 It stores intermediate results of processing.

 It stores the final results of processing before these results are released to an output device.

 All inputs and outputs are transmitted through the main memory.

 Control Unit- This unit controls the operations of all parts of the computer but does not carry out any actual data processing operations.

Functions of this unit are −

 It is responsible for controlling the transfer of data and instructions among other units of a computer.
 It manages and coordinates all the units of the computer.
 It obtains the instructions from the memory, interprets them, and directs the operation of the computer.
 It communicates with Input/output devices for transfer of data or results from storage.
 It does not process or store data.

Output Unit- The output unit consists of devices with the help of which we get the information from the computer. This unit is a link betw een the
computer and the users. Output devices translate the computer's output into a form understandable by the users.

Advantages of Computers  Computer is an automatic machine.

 Automation is the ability to perform a given task
1. High Speed automatically. Once the computer receives a program i.e.,
 Computer is a very fast device. the program is stored in the computer memory, then the
 It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount program and instruction can control the program
of data. execution without human interaction.
 The computer has units of speed in microsecond,
nanosecond, and even the Pico second. 8. Reduction in Paper Work and Cost
 It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds as  The use of computers for data processing in an
compared to man who will spend many months to perform organization leads to reduction in paper work and results
the same task. in speeding up the process.
 As data in electronic files can be retrieved as and when
2. Accuracy required, the problem of maintenance of large number of
 In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate. paper files gets reduced.
 The calculations are 100% error free.
 Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided Computer Applications.
that the input is correct. Storage Capability
1. Banking and Financial company: Computers are used in
3. Memory is a very important characteristic of computers. bank for electronic money transfer, voucher, ledger, bank
 A computer has much more storage capacity than human sheet, etc. different systems are used in Financial
beings. Company such as ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), EFTS
 It can store large amount of data. (Electronic Fund Transfer System) etc which is computer
 It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, based systems for customer services provided by banks.
audio, etc.
2. Education : The computer helps in providing a lot of
4. Diligence facilities in the education system. The computer provides
 Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, a tool in the education system known as CBE (Computer
tiredness, and lack of concentration. Based Education). CBE involves control, delivery, and
 It can work continuously without any error and boredom. evaluation of learning. Computer education is rapidly
 It can perform repeated tasks with the same speed and increasing the graph of number of computer students. It is
accuracy. used to prepare a database about performance of a
5. Versatility student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
 A computer is a very versatile machine.
 A computer is very flexible in performing the jobs to be 3. Healthcare: Computers have become an important part in
done. hospitals, labs, and dispensaries. They are being used in
 This machine can be used to solve the problems related to hospitals to keep the record of patients and medicines. It is
various fields. also used in scanning and diagnosing different diseases.
 At one instance, it may be solving a complex scientific ECG, EEG, ultrasounds and CT scans, etc. are also done by
problem and the very next moment it may be playing a card computerized machines.
4. Military : Computers are largely used in defence. Modern
6. Reliability tanks, missiles, weapons, etc. Military also employs
 A computer is a reliable machine. computerized control systems. Some military areas where
 Modern electronic components have long lives. a computer has been used are:
 Computers are designed to make maintenance easy.  Missile Control
7. Automation  Military Communication

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 Military Operation and Planning
 Smart Weapons 6. Government: Computers play an important role in
5. Communication : Communication is a way to convey a government services. Some major fields in this category
message, an idea, a picture, or speech that is received and are:
understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it  Budgets
is meant. Some main areas in this category are:  Sales tax department
 E-mail  Income tax department
 Chatting  Computation of male/female ratio
 Usenet  Computerization of voters lists
 FTP  Computerization of PAN card
 Telnet  Weather forecasting
 Video-conferencing

ABACUS- The abacus is one of the earliest known computation devices. It is a tool that helped in calculating answers of arithmetic problems. It is
simply a wooden rack holding arallel wires on which beads are strung. Calculations are done by manipulating the beads. The abacus wa s
developed in China about 5000 years ago. The abacus was so successful that its use spread from China to many other countries.

Pascal’s calculator called ‘Pascaline’- In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal’s calculator.
Though these machines were early forerunners to computer engineering, the calculator failed to be a great commercial success.

Analytical engine or difference engine- Charles Babbage a British mathematician at Cambridge University invented the first analytical engine or
difference engine. This machine could be programmed by instructions coded on punch cards and had mechanical memory to store the results. For
his contributions in this field Charles Babbage is known as ‘the father of modern digital computer.

ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator) –In 1944 John Mauchley and J. Presper proposed an electronic digital computer called
ENIAC, and completed it in 1946 which is regarded as first successful general digital computer.

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) – In the mid 1940’s Dr. John von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer with a memory to store both program and data. This was the first machine which used the stored program concept. It had
five distinct units - arithmetic, central control, memory, input and output. The key element was the central control. All the functions of the
computer were co-ordinate through this single source, the central control. The programming of the compute rs was done in machine language.

UNIVAC 1 – Remington Rand designed this computer specifically for business data processing applications. The Universal Automatic Computer
was the first general purpose commercially available computer, was developed by a team of engineers led by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly,
makers of ENIAC

EDSAC( Electronic delay storage automatic computer)- Ist computer capable of storing instructions and data in memory. The "father" of British
computing, Sir Maurice Wilkes, has died at the age of 97. Sir Maurice was the designer and creator of Edsac, a computer that ran its first program
in May 1949.


First Generation Computers - The period of first generation was from 1946-1959.
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Main characteristics of first generation computers are:

 Main electronic component- Vacuum tube.

 Programming language- Machine language.
 Main memory- Magnetic tapes and magnetic drums.
 Input/output devices- Paper tape and punched cards.
 Speed and size- Very slow and very large in size (often taking up entire room).
 Examples of the first generation- IBM 650, IBM 701, ENIAC, UNIVAC1, EDVAC etc.

The computers of first generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU (Central Processing Unit). These
tubes, like electric bulbs, produced a lot of heat and the installations used to fuse frequently. Therefore, they were very expensive and only large
organizations were able to afford it.

Second Generation Computers - The period of second generation was from 1959-1965.

Main characteristics of second generation computers are:-

 Main electronic component- Transistor.

 Programming language- Machine language and assembly language.
 Memory- Magnetic core and magnetic tape/disk.
 Input/output devices- Magnetic tape and punched cards.
 Power and size- Smaller in size, low power consumption, and generated less heat (in comparison with the first generation computers).
 Examples of second generation- PDP-8, IBM1400 series, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, CDC 3600 etc.

Third Generation Computers - The period of third generation was from 1965-1971.

Main characteristics of third generation computers are:

 Main electronic component- Integrated circuits (ICs). A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors along with the associated
circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient.
 Programming language- High-level language
 Memory- Large magnetic core, magnetic tape/disk
 Input / output devices- Magnetic tape, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc.
 Examples of third generation- IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, NCR 395, B6500, UNIVAC 1108, etc.
 High-level languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used during this generation.

Fourth Generation Computers- The period of fourth generation was from 1971-1980.

Main characteristics of fourth generation computers are:

 Main electronic component- Very large-scale integration (VLSI) and the microprocessor (VLSI has thousands of transistors on a single
 Memory- semiconductor memory (such as RAM, ROM, etc.)
 Fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to Personal Computer (PC)
 In this generation, time sharing, real time networks, distributed operating system were used. All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE
etc., were used in this generation.
 Input/output devices- pointing devices, optical scanning, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.
 Examples of fourth generation- DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1(Super Computer), CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer)

Fifth Generation Computers- The period of fifth generation is 1980-till date

Main characteristics of fifth generation computers are:

 Main electronic component - Based on artificial intelligence, uses the Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel
processing method (ULSI has millions of transistors on a single microchip and Parallel processing method use two or more microprocessors
to run tasks simultaneously).
 Language - Understand natural language (human language). This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial
Intelligence)software. All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc., are used in this generation.
 Size - Portable and small in size.
 Input / output device - Trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, pen, speech input (recognize voice/speech), light scanner, printer, keyboard,
monitor, mouse, etc.
 Example of fifth generation - Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
 Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates

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TYPES OF COMPUTER single device. For example, the system used at Trading
There are three major categories based on which computers can be
classified. These are:
 Super Computer – Supercomputers are the biggest and
fastest computers . They are designed to process huge
amount of data. A supercomputer can process trillions of
1. Based on Size instructions in a second . It has thousands of
2. Based on Purpose interconnected processors.
3. Based on Types
Supercomputers are particularly used in scientific and
Types of Computer-Based on Types engineering applications such as weather forecasting,
scientific simulations, Quantum Mechanics, Climate
The three types of computers along with their functions are given research and nuclear energy research.
 Param Shivay, the India’s first supercomputer assembled
 Analog Computer – An analog computer one that uses the indigenously, was installed in IIT (BHU), followed
continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena by Param Shakti and Param Brahma at IIT-Kharagpur and
to model the problem being solved. These phenomena may IISER, Pune, respectively. Bhatkar is best known as the
be such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities architect of India's national initiative in supercomputing
and they are extremely complex to be used. Such where he led the development of Param supercomputers.
computers are mostly used for scientific and industrial He developed the first Indian supercomputer, the PARAM
applications. Examples of Analog computers include 8000, in 1991 and later the PARAM 10000 in 1998.
Thermometer, Operational Amplifiers, Electric Integrators,  Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar, a technocrat is considered the
etc. father of the Indian Supercomputer.
 The CDC 6600, released in 1964, is generally considered
the first supercomputer, designed by Seymour Cray who is
 Digital Computer – Such computers are capable of solving considered the father of Super Computer.
problems in discrete format. It only operates on data  World’s fastest supercomputer- 'Frontier' is capable of
entered in binary language and can perform the dynamic more than a billion, billion operations a second, making it
function of managing large amounts of data and regulating the first exascale supercomputer. Frontier achieved an
the operations of the machine, Examples of Digital Rmax of 1.102 exaFLOPS.
computers are Desktop, Laptop, Mobile Phones, etc.
 Hybrid Computer – Computers that exhibit features of both Types of Computer – By Purpose
Analog and Digital computers are called Hybrid On the basis of purpose, there are just two variety of computers.
Computers. The logical operations are solved by the digital Those two varieties have been discussed in detail below:
aspects and the differential equations are solved using the
analog features. Few important examples of Hybrid  General Purpose – Based on General Purpose, there are
Computers include Space Flights, Food processing Plants, these following functions which a device is expected to
etc. perform:

Types of Computers – Based on Size 1. Basic Input/Output functions

Described below are the four types of Computers based on their 2. Calculations
sizes along with their functions: 3. Data Saving on a smaller scale
4. General performing activities

 Micro Computers – A relatively inexpensive and small

These may include basic calculators, laptops, desktop computers,
computer comprising a microprocessor and a Central
mobile phones, etc., which can help people with their basic
Processing Unit (CPU) is called a Microcomputer. Such
necessary functions are included in the General Purpose computer
computers are made with minimal circuitry mounting over
a single circuit board. Examples include Desktop, Laptop,
 Special Purpose – When a computer is designed
specifically to perform a certain function, such type of
 Mini Computer – Developed in the mid-1960s, Mini
computers are known as Special Purpose computer. These
computers are comparatively smaller than mainframe
types may include:
computers. They were developed keeping in consideration
human interaction, control instrumentation and were cost-
effective. For example Smartphones, iPads, etc. 1. Thermometers to test temperature
2. Generators to manage electricity
3. Devices used for analysing Climate Change
 Mainframe Computer – Computers used by large 4. Large computers for IT Companies
Organisations to manage bulk data are called Mainframe 5. Machines used at Manufacturing Units and the list
computers. Main functions of such type include managing goes on and on.
customer statistics, census and other heavy data in a


1. The first electronic digital computer contained _________ ? 2. What is the sequence of events that occurs in the computer when
it is interpreting and executing an instruction known as?
A) Electronic valves
B) Neural Networks A) Execution cycle
C) Fuzzy Logic B) Instruction cycle
D) Semiconductor memory C) Working cycle
D) Execute cycle

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3. __________ computers represent data as variable points along a 12. A hybrid computer
continuous spectrum of values.
A) Resembles digital computer
A) Analog B) Resembles analogue computer
B) Digital C) Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
C) Precise D) None of the above
D) Mainframe
13.Which of the following IC was used in third generation of
4. Computers use the __________ number system to store data and computers?
perform calculations.
A) decimal B) MSI
B) hexadecimal C) LSI
C) binary D) Both a and b
D) octal
14. A dumb terminal has
5. Which of the following technology was used in Second Generation
of Computer?
A) an embedded microprocessor
B) extensive memory
A) electronic valves C) independent processing capability
B) transistors D) a keyboard and screen
15. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?

6. The concept of multiprocessing was introduced in which

generation of computer?
A) first D) All of the above
B) second
C) third
16. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory,
D) fourth
expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single
board. What is the name of the board?
7. Which of the following languages was used for scientific
A) Motherboard
B) Daughterboard
A) BASIC C) Bredboard
B) FORTRAN D) Fatherboard
17. Which level language is Assembly Language ?

8. _______________ endeavours to simulate the natural intelligence of

A) high-level programming language
human beings into machines, thus making them behave intelligently.
B) medium-level programming language
C) low-level programming language
A) Meta Intelligence D) machine language
B) Artificial Intelligence
C) Systematic Intelligence
18. ____________ stores all the data and the instructions required for
D) Natural Intelligence

9. Out of the following, which one is still useful if we want to add

B) Abacus
19. Which one is not a characteristic of computer?

10. Which of the following is not a type of computer code?
20. Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine

11. What is the IQ level of a computer?

A) Pascal’s calculator
B) Blaise calculator
A) Zero C) Abacus
B) 100 D) Arithmetic computer
C) infinite
D) 1024
21. Who invented the punch card?

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A) Charles Babbage 31. Which part of a computer coordinates all its functions?
B) Semen Korsakov
C) Herman Hollerith
D) Joseph Marie Jacquard
B. Control unit
C. Mother board
22. In banking, railways etc which computers are used ? D. CPU

A) Mini Computers 32. Which of the given options is NOT the basic/major function of
B) Micro Computers Computer System?
C) Main Frames
D) Super Computers
A. A computer displays the processed data in the form of
23. In which of the following number systems only 1’s and 0's exist? B. A computer accepts the input from the user
C. A computer scours the Internet for content
D. A computer processes the data given by the user
A) Hexadecimal
B) Octal
C) Binary 33. Of the following codes, which one was developed by IBM?
D) Decimal
A. Binary Code
24. Which of the following features are not supported by CPU? B. Baudot Code
D. Hollerith Code
A) It performs all kind of Data processing operations.
B) It stores data, immediate results and instructions.
C) It controls the operation of all parts of computers. 34. The most common pointing device in the laptop computer is:
D) It can design the software programs by itself.
A. Touchpad
25. A silicone piece with millions of transistors in it is known as B. Joystick
C. Stylus
D. Pointer
A) Chip
B) Circuit
C) Digital Gate 35. which device is used in computers of third generation in place of
D) Multiplexer transistor?

26. How can we execute the Machine language? A. Electronic circuits

B. Capacitance
C. Resistance
A) It cannot be executed
D. Integrated Circuits
B) It can be executed using separate machine
C) It can be directly executed by CPU
D) We use special assembler 36. How can we execute the Machine language?

27. Which of the given options is NOT the basic/major function of A. It cannot be executed
Computer System? B. It can be executed using separate machine
C. It can be directly executed by CPU
D. We use special assembler
A) A computer displays the processed data in the form of
B) A computer accepts the input from the user 37. Full form of GUI :
C) A computer scours the Internet for content
D) A computer processes the data given by the user
A. Graphical User Interface
B. Graphical User Instruction
28. FORTRAN stands for __________. C. General User Input
D. Group User Instruction
A) For Translation
B) Format Transformation 8. _________commands are responded by the Arithmetic and Logical
C) Fork Transformation Unit of the computer.
D) Formula Translation
A. Primary Memory
29. Which is used for manufacturing chips? B. Control Section
C. Secondary memory
D. Cache Memory
A) Bus
B) Control unit
C) Semiconductors 39. Which of the following electronic component is used as a very
D) A and b only important component in one of the old generations of computers?

30. Properly arranged data is called A) Transistors

B) Metals
C) Filaments
A) Field
D) Carbon
B) Words
C) Information
D) File 40. A silicone piece with millions of transistors in it is known as

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A) Chip 46. In which of the following number systems only 1’s and 0's exist?
B) Circuit
C) Digital Gate
A) Hexadecimal
D) Multiplexer
B) Octal
C) Binary
41. Which of the following electronic components are NOT part of D) Decimal
Integrated Circuits?
47. Which computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM),
A) Vacuum Tube desktop publishing, software development, and other such types of
B) Transistors applications requires a moderate amount of computing power?
C) Diodes
D) Capacitors
A) Super Computer
B) PowerfulFrame
42. The binary number 10101 base 2 into decimal number is C) WorkStation
D) MainFrame
A) 17
B) 21 18. What are the components of CPU?
C) 24
D) 27
A) ALU, MU and CU
B) LKU, FC and KL
43. Which of the following is an example for logical operations? C) RLU, GD and RC
D) RCA, MB and HD
A) Addition of two numbers
B) Multiplication of two numbers 19. Which of the following stores instructions and data temporarily
C) Division of two numbers needed by ALU?
D) Comparison of two number
44. We are in which generation of computers? B) RAM
D) Register
A) Fifth
B) Second
C) Third 50. Which of the following features are not supported by CPU?
D) Fourth
A) It performs all kind of Data processing operations.
45) The base value of octal number system is B) It stores data, immediate results and instructions.
C) It controls the operation of all parts of computers.
D) It can design the software programs by itself.
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 8

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. B 10 A
11 A 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 A 16 A 17 C 18 C 19 C 20 A
21 C 22 C 23 C 24 D 25 A 26 C 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 C
31 B 32 C 33 C 34 A 35 D 36 C 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 A
41 A 42 B 43 D 44 A 45 D 46 C 47 D 48 A 49 D 50 D



Abbreviated as HW, hardware is best described as any physical component of a computer system that contains a circuit board, ICs, or other
electronics. A perfect example of hardware is the screen on which you are viewing this page. Whether it be a monitor, tablet, or Smartphone, it is

External hardware  Scanner

 Speakers
Below is a list of external hardware or hardware found outside a  USB thumb drive
Internal hardware
 Flat-panel, monitor, and LCD
 Gamepad Below is a list of internal hardware or hardware found inside a
 Joystick computer.
 Keyboard
 Microphone 1. CPU (central processing unit).
 Mouse 2. Drive (e.g., Blu-ray, CD-ROM, DVD, floppy drive, hard drive,
 Printer and SSD).
 Projector 3. Fan (heat sink)
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4. Modem 8. RAM
5. Motherboard 9. Sound card
6. Network card 10. Video card
7. Power supply

INPUT DEVICES- An input device is a piece of hardware used to provide data to a computer used for interaction and control. It allows input of raw
data to the computer for processing.

Here’s a list of some input devices used in computers and other computing devices:

KEYBOARD- A keyboard is a typewriter-style device, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic
switches. Most of the commonly available personal computers have a keyboard, popularly known as Qwerty . Keyboards are of two sizes 84 keys
or 101/102 keys, but now keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are also available for Windows and Internet.

Types of keyboards: There can be different types of keyboards based on the region and language used. Some of the common types of keyboards
are as follows:

i) QWERTY Keyboard: It is the most commonly used keyboard with computers in modern times. It is named after the first six letters of the top row
of buttons and is even popular in countries that do not use Latin-based alphabet. It is so popular that some people think that it is the only type of
keyboard to use with computers as an input device.

ii) AZERTY Keyboard: It is considered the standard French keyboard. It is developed in France as an alternative layout to the QWERTY layout and
is mainly used in France and other European countries. Some countries have manufactured their own versions of AZERTY.

iii) DVORAK Keyboard: This type of keyboard layout was developed to increase the typing speed by reducing the finger movement while typing.
The most frequently used letters are kept in a home row to improve typing.


Typing (alphanumeric) keys- These keys include the same letter, number, punctuation, and symbol keys found on a traditional typewriter.i.e; A -

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Modifier / Combination keys-A Modifier key is a special key (or combination) on a computer keyboard that temporarily modifies the normal acti on
of another key when pressed together. By themselves, modifier keys usually do nothing; that is, pressing any of the Shift, Al t, or Ctrl keys alone
does not (generally) trigger any action from the computer.

Function keys- The function keys are used to perform specific tasks. They are labeled as F1, F2, F3, and so on, up to F12. The functionality of these
keys differs from program to program.

Toggle keys- 'Caps lock' and 'Num lock' keys are called as Toggle Keys because when pressed, they change their status from one state to another

Control keys- These keys provide cursor and screen control. It includes four directional arrow keys. Control keys also include Home, End, I nsert,
Delete, Page Up, Page Down, Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt), Escape(Esc).

Special Purpose Keys- Keyboard also contains some special purpose keys such as Enter, Shift, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Space bar, Tab, and Print

 Windows key is a four pane key that helps you open any program and applications
 ESC Key is used to interrupt or cancel the current process
 F1 through F12 Keys are the function keys that has various uses
 Tab Key helps to begin a line of text
 Caps Lock Key enables or disables the letter in uppercase
 Shift Key helps a user to type a single uppercase letter
 Ctrl Key is used in keyboard shortcut key
 Fn Key is used for performing special functions like brightness, contrast, switching
 Spacebar key is used for creating empty space to separate words
 Arrows Key with up, down, left and right buttons
 Backspace key is similar to delete key for removing texts in a word
 Delete key is used to remove text, file or other objects from system
 Enter key is used to send the cursor to next line
 Insert key toggles how text is inserted
 Break key enables the user to break a computer from pause or other halted state
 Prt Sc key helps you to take screenshot on your monitor
 Home key returns to beginning of line, document, page or screen
 Page up key helps to move up one page which is currently viewed
 Page down key helps you move down the currently viewed page
 End key moves the cursor to end of line, document or screen
 Num lock key enables and disables the numeric keypad.

Pointing Devices:

An input device used to control a pointer on the screen is called a pointing device. A pointer is a small symbol that appears on the screen in a
graphical user interface. Different shapes of a pointer are available.

1. Mouse : Mouse is a cursor-control device . It is a pointing and drop device. It’s size is good enough to fit the palm. It has a palm size box
with a round ball at its base .It senses the movement of mouse and sends corresponding signals to CPU on pressing of th e buttons. There
are two buttons that provide the left click and the right click. A scroll bar is present in the mid .Mouse is only used to co ntrol the position
of cursor on screen. The first computer mouse was invented by DouglasEngelbart.

Different types of a mouse are as follows:

Mechanical mouse- Mechanical mouse encloses a rubber or metal ball in it. The movement of the cursor depends on the movement of the ball. This
mouse is normally used on a mouse pad. A mouse pad is a small pad made of rubber or foam to provide easy movement for the mouse. It also
protects the mouse from dust and dirt.

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Optical Mouse-Optical mouse contains no ball inside it. It uses a device that emits light to detect the mouse movement. Optical sensor or l aser is
used in these types of mouse. Furthermore, It is more costly than a mechanical mouse.

Wireless Mouse-A wireless or cordless mouse is a type of mouse that does not require a wire to work. It transmits data using wireless techno logy
like radio waves or infrared light waves.

The five action that you can perform with a mouse are the

 POINTING- To locate any object on screen.

 CLICKING- To select an item on screen.
 DOUBLE CLICKING- To open a program or document.
 RIGHT CLICKING- Displays list of commands on screen.
 DRAGGING- To move an item on the screen.

2. Trackball- A trackball can also be used as an alternative to a mouse. This device also has buttons similar to those on a mouse. It holds a
large moving ball on the top. The body of the trackball is not moved. The ball is rolled with fingers. The position of the cursor on the
screen is controlled by rotating the ball.

The main benefit of the trackball over a mouse is that it takes less space to move. The trackball is often included in laptop computers. The
standard desktop computer also uses a trackball operated as a separate input device. It is used in CAD, CAM, workstations, Large trackballs
are sometimes seen on computerized special-purpose workstations, such as the radar consoles in an air traffic control room, or sonar
equipment on a ship or submarine.

3. Touchpad/ Trackpad- A touchpad is a small, plane surface over which the user moves his finger. The user controls the movement of the
cursor on the screen by moving his fingers on the touchpad. It is also known as a trackpad.
A touchpad also has one or more buttons near it. These button work like mouse buttons. Touchpads are commonly used with note book
4. Graphics Tablet- A graphics tablet consists of a flat pad on which the user draws with a special pen called a stylus. The image is created
on the screen as the user draws on the pad. A designer can produce very accurate drawings using a graphics tablet. It is also called a

5. Touch screen- The touch screen is a video display screen that receives input from the touch of a finger. The screen is covered with a
plastic layer. There are undetectable beams of infrared light at the back of the screen. In order to enter data, the user touches icons or
menus on the screen. Most touch screen computer use sensors to detect the touch of a finger.

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6. Light Pen- A light pen is a hand-held pen-like device. It is light- sensitive stylus. Light pen is connected by a wire to the computer. It has a
device at the tip that emits light. The pen sends information to the computer when a user touches the pen on certain areas of a specially
designed screen. A light pen I usually used by engineers, graphics designers and illustrators.

A light pen detects changes in brightness of nearby screen pixels when scanned by cathode-ray tube electron beam and communicates the timing
of this event to the computer. Since a CRT scans the entire screen one pixel at a time, the computer can keep track of th e expected time of
scanning various locations on screen by the beam and infer the pen's position from the latest timestamp.

7. Joystick- A joystick consists of a base and a stick. The stick can be moved in several directions to shift an object anywhere on the
computer screen. A joystick can perform a similar function to a mouse or trackball. It is often considered less comfortable a nd efficient.
The most common use of a joystick is for playing computer games.

A joystick, also known as the control column, is the principal control device in the cockpit of many civilian and military aircraft, either as a
centre stick or side-stick. It often has supplementary switches to control various aspects of the aircraft's flight.

Joysticks are often used to control video games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. A
popular variation of the joystick used on modern video game consoles is the analog stick. Joysticks are also used for control ling machines
such as cranes, trucks, underwater unmanned vehicles, wheelchairs, surveillance cameras, and zero turning radius lawn mowers. Miniature
finger-operated joysticks have been adopted as input devices for smaller electronic equipment such as mobile phones.

8. Stylus- The stylus is similar to a ballpoint pen. It uses pressure to write text and draw lines. It was also called a pen. A stylus is used in
graphical applications. Architects, artists, and designers use it to create drawings and sketches.

Scanner: Scanner is an input device, which works on a similar principle of a photocopy machine. It is used when some information is available on a
paper and it is to be transferred to the hard disc of the computer for further manipulation.

Scanner captures images from the source which are then converted into the digital form that can be stored on the disc. These images can be
edited before they are printed.

The most common types of scanners are-

1. Hand-held Scanners - They are very small which can be held in a hand. These are less expensive and less wide. Hence, in order to scan a single
page image, multiple passes are required. But their handiness is a major advantage of handheld scanner.

2. Flatbed Scanners- They are large and more expensive scanners that creates higher quality images. These scanners have a flat surface on
which the printed image to be scanned, is placed. (Similar to the way a page is placed on a photocopier). Flatbed scanners ca n scan a page in a
single pass.

3. Drum Scanners- They are are medium-size scanners with a rolling drum. The sheet is fed through the scanners so that the drum rolls over the
entire sheer to be scanned (Just as the sheets are fed in a fax machine).

Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR) : We see in banks, libraries etc using MICR as an input device . As large number of cheques are processed
everyday MICR serves a very useful purpose. A special type of ink that contains particles of magnetic material that is machin e readable, is used to
read the code number and cheque number that are printed on the cheques in banks. This reading process is called Magnetic Ink Character
Recognition (MICR). The main advantage of MICR is that it is highly accurate and fast in reading.

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MICR reads the characters by examining their shapes in a matrix form and the information is then passed `on to the computer.

OMR (Optical Mark Recognition): Optical mark recognition (also called optical mark reading and OMR) is the process of capturing human-marked
data from document forms such as surveys and test. It uses a beam of light that is reflected on the paper with marks, to capture p resence and
absence of marks. They are used to read questionnaires, multiple choice examination paper in the form of lines or shade d areas.

Optical Character Reader (OCR) : OCR is an input device that is used to read a printed text. The role of OCR is to scan the text optically character
by character by converting them into a machine readable code and store the text on the system. The OCR is used for the preparation of electricity
bills, insurance premium, telephone bills.

It is used to scan the document containing text. It is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed ima ges of typewritten
or printed text into machine encoded/computer-readable text.

SCR (Smart Card Readers): A small electronic device about the size of a credit card that contains electronic memory, and possibly an embedded
integrated circuit (IC). Smart cards containing an IC are sometimes called Integrated Circuit Cards (ICCs).

Smart cards are used for a variety of purposes, including:

– Storing a patient’s medical records

– Storing digital cash
– Generating network IDs (similar to a token)

To use a smart card, either to pull information from it or add data to it, you need a smart card reader, a small device into which you insert the smart

Bar Code Readers : Bar Code Reader is a device used for reading bar coded data (data in form of light and dark lines). Bar coded data is gener ally
used in labeling goods, numbering the books, etc .Bar Code Reader scans a bar code image by converting it into an alphanumeric values . This
value is then fed to the computer to which bar code reader is connected.

 A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for
the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is
attached. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. A QR code
uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to store data efficiently; extensions m ay also be

Biometrics- A biometric device is a security identification and authentication device. Such devices use automated methods of verifying or
recognizing the identity of a living person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. These characteristi cs include fingerprints, facial
images, and iris and voice recognition.

Microphone : A microphone, is an acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor that converts sound in air into an electrical signal. Microphones are
used in many applications such as telephones, hearing aids, public address systems for concert halls and public events, motion picture
production, live and recorded audio engineering, two-way radios, megaphones, radio and television broadcasting, and in computers for recording
voice, speech recognition, VoIP, and for non-acoustic purposes such as ultrasonic checking or knock sensors.

Webcam : A webcam is a video camera that feeds or streams its image in real time to or through a computer to computer network. When
“captured” by the computer, the video stream may be saved, viewed or sent on to other networks via systems such as the internet, and email as an
attachment. When sent to a remote location, the video stream may be saved, viewed or on sent there. Unlike an IP camera (whic h connects using
Ethernet or Wi-Fi), a webcam is generally connected by a USB cable, or similar cable, or built into computer hardware, such as laptops.


An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form. It can be text, graphics,
tactile, audio, and video.
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Following are some of the important output devices used in a computer.

 Monitors
 Graphic Plotter
 Printer
 Speaker.

Monitors, commonly called as Visual Display Unit (VDU), are the main output device of a computer. It forms images from tiny dots, called pixels
that are arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of the image depends upon the number of pixels.

It can either be a monochrome display or a color display. The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as Resolution.

Dot pitch (sometimes called line pitch, stripe pitch, or phosphor pitch) is a specification for a computer display, computer printer, i mage scanner,
or other pixel-based device that describes the distance, for example, between dots (sub-pixels) on a display screen. In the case of an RGB color
display, the derived unit of pixel pitch is a measure of the size of a triad plus the distance between triads.

The refresh rate (or "vertical refresh rate", "vertical scan rate", terminology originating with the cathode ray tubes) is the the frequency with
which the image on a computer monitor or similar electronic display screen is refreshed, usually expressed in hertz. This is independent from
frame rate, which describes how many images are stored or generated every second by the device driving the display.

On cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, higher refresh rates produce less flickering, thereby reducing eye strain. In other techn ologies such as
liquid-crystal displays, the refresh rate affects only how often the image can potentially be updated.

RESOLUTION- The number of pixels arranged horizontally by the number of pixels arranged vertically is the resolution of the display. This means
that the number of pixels inside the display, the better will be the picture quality and the clearer the picture displayed would be.

Some of the common display resolutions found on the displays are as follows-

 2560 x 1440 (1440p)

 1920 x 1080 (FHD or Full HD or 1080p)
 1600 x 900
 1024 x 768
 1280 x 720 (HD or 720p)

There are two kinds of viewing screen used for monitors.

 Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)

 Flat-Panel Display

 CRT is the technology used in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The image on a CRT display is created by firing elec trons
from the back of the tube to phosphors . ( the screen is covered with a fine line of phosphoric elements called phosphors) located
towards the front of the display. Once the electrons hit the phosphors, they light up and are projected on the screen. The co lor you see
on the screen is produced by a blend of red, blue, and green light, often referred to as RGB

The CRT display is made up of small picture elements called pixels. The smaller the pixels, the better the image clarity or resolution. It
takes more than one illuminated pixel to form a whole character.

There are some disadvantages of CRT −

 Large in Size
 High power consumption

‘VDT (video display terminal) and VDU (video display unit) are alternative names for monitors.’

 Flat-Panel Display Monitor : These flat panel displays overcome the disadvantages of CRT as they have reduced volume, weight and
power requirement compared to the CRT. They come in different shapes and size. You can hang them on walls or wear them on you r
wrists. They are used in all modern day calculators, video games, monitors, laptop computer, graphics display etc as displays.

The flat-panel display are of two main types :

Non-Emissive Displays : The Non-emissive displays use optical effects to convert sunlight or light from some other source into graphics patterns.
Example is LCD (Liquid-Crystal Device)

 Liquid Crystal Devices (LCD) monitors– It is a flat panel display that uses the light- modulating properties of liquid crystals. It is used in
LCD televisions, aircraft cockpit displays, etc. It is thin, light-weight screen made up of any number of colour or monochrome pixels
arranged in front of a light source.

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It is more energy-efficient, as it does not use phosphorous and can be disposed of more safely than the CRT monitors.

A thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT LCD) is a variant of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) that uses thin-film-transistor (TFT) technology to improve
image qualities such as addressability and contrast. A TFT LCD is an active matrix LCD, in contrast to passive matrix LCDs or simple, direct-
driven[clarification needed] LCDs with a few segments.

Emissive Displays : The emissive displays convert electrical energy into light. Example are plasma panel and LED (Light-Emitting Diodes).
TFT LCDs are used in appliances including television sets, computer monitors, mobile phones, handheld devices, video game sys tems, personal digital
 Light
assistants, Emitting
navigation Diodeprojectors,[2]
systems, (LED) monitors - Itdashboards.
and car is an improved version of the LCD monitor. The technology used in both the monitors is the same
except the backlighting.
The LED monitors are lighter, thinner, and less expensive. These monitors are more reliable as they have a more broad dimming range.
 Plasma monitors- It is a monitor in which each pixel on the screen is illuminated by a tiny bit of charges gas or plasma similar to a tiny
neon light. These monitors are thinner than Cathode ray tube monitors and brighter than liquid crystal display monitors.

Printers : Printer is among the most common output device, which is used to print information on paper. The printed form of output is referred as
Hard Copy. The form of output displayed on the screen is referred as Soft Copy.

 The speed of the printer is measured in Pages per Minute (PPM), Characters per second (CPS), Lines per minute (LPM). The faster the
printing, the more expensive the printer.
 Printer Resolution is easured in dots Per inch (DPI).

On the basis of technology, printers are categorized into

Impact and Non- Impact Printers.

Impact printers create an image by using some mechanism to physically press an inked ribbon against the page, causing the ink to be deposited
on the page in the shape desired.

I) Dot matrix :- They are the most popular printers because of their ease of printing features. They come at a low cost. The dot-matrix printer uses
print heads containing from 9 to 24 pins. These pins produce patterns of dots on the paper to form the individual characters. Each character is
printed in the form of pattern of Dot’s and head

II)Daisy wheel Printer :- These are known as daisy wheel printers as the head lies on the wheel and Pins correspond to characters like petals of
Daisy flower. A hammer strikes a “petal” containing a character against the ribbon, and the character prints on the paper. It s speed is slow
typically 25-55 characters per second. These printers are used for word-processing in offices and offer very nice quality representation.

 More reliable than DMP

 Better quality
 Fonts of character can be easily changed

 Slower than DMP

 Noisy
 More expensive than DMP

III) Line printer:-Line printers, or line-at-a-time printers, use special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the
range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. Speed of line printers is limited by the speed of paper movements.

IV) Drum printer:- A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface. The number of print
positions across the drum equals the number available on the page. This printer looks like a drum in shape that’s why it is called a drum printer.
The Drum surface has a number of tracks. Total tracks are equal to size of paper, i.e., for a paper width of 132 characters, Drum will have 132
tracks. A character set is embossed on track. The different character sets available in market are 48 character set, 64 and 96 characters set. One
rotation of drum leads to printing of one line. These printers print between 300 to 2000 lines per minute. Hence they have a very high speed.

V) Chain printer:- A chain printer uses a chain of print characters wrapped around two pulleys. In this printer because chain of character sets are
used hence they are called as Chain Printers. A standard character set may have 48, 64, 96 characters.

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Non – Impact Printers do not touch the paper when creating an image.

I) Ink-jet printers:- Ink-jet printers are new technology non-impact character printers. They print characters via spraying small drops of ink onto
paper. Ink-jet printers produce very high quality output with presentable features. They are noiseless printers and have many sty les of printing
modes available. These are also called as the coloured printers. Models of Ink-jet printers can produce multiple copies of printing also. One or
more nozzles in the print head emit a steady stream of ink drops. Droplets of ink are electrically charged after leaving the nozzle. The droplets are
then guided to the paper by electrically charged deflecting plates.


 High quality printing

 More reliable


 Expensive as the cost per page is high

 Slow as compared to laser printer

II) Laser printers:- They use laser lights to produce the dots needed to form the characters to be printed on a page. When a whole page is loaded,
it will be printed.


 Very high speed

 Very high quality output
 Good graphics quality
 Supports many fonts and different character size


 Expensive
 Cannot be used to produce multiple copies of a document in a single printing

III)Thermal printer:- is a digital printing process which produces a printed image by selectively heating coated thermo chromic paper, or thermal
paper as it is commonly known, when the paper passes over the thermal print head.

Thermal printers are used most commonly to create labels, safety signs, wayfinding markers, barcodes, shipping labels, and ot her heavily-used

Plotters- A plotter is a computer hardware device much like a printer that is used for printing vector graphics. Instead of toner, plot ters use a pen,
pencil, marker, or another writing tool to draw multiple, continuous lines onto paper rather than a series of dots like a traditional printer. Though
once widely used for computer-aided design, these devices have more or less been phased out by wide-format printers. Plotters produce a hard
copy of schematics and other similar applications.

Advantages of plotters

 Plotters can work on very large sheets of paper while maintaining high resolution.
 They can print on a wide variety of flat materials including plywood, aluminum, sheet steel, cardboard, and plastic.
 Plotters allow the same pattern to be drawn thousands of times without any image degradation.

Disadvantages of plotters

 Plotters are quite large compared to a traditional printer.

 Plotters are also much more expensive than a traditional printer.

The first plotter was invented in 1953 by Remington-Rand. It was used in conjunction with the UNIVAC computer to created technical drawings.

Speaker : A hardware device connected to a computer’s sound card that outputs sounds generated by the computer. It needs a sound card
connected to a CPU, that generates sound via a card. These are used for listening music, for being audible in seminars etc.

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Projector : A projector is an output device that can take images generated by a computer and reproduce them on a large, flat (usually l ightly
colored) surface. For example, projectors are used in meetings to help ensure that all participants can view the information being prese nted.


Processing is the core function of any computer. When a computer receives data from an input device, this data must first go through an
intermediate stage before it is sent to an output device. Processing is the intermediate stage where raw data is transformed into information so
that it can be outputted meaningfully for the user. An example of a processing device is the central processing unit (CPU), which is a set of
electronic circuitry that processes and executes instructions.


Think of a computer as a human body with the CPU being the brain, controlling everything the computer does. The CPU is the part of a
computer responsible for receiving and carrying out computer instructions. It does this by making use of millions (or even bi llions) of
transistors, which can each be switched on or off individually. The computer system ‘s principal and the most critical computing device is
the central processing unit.

‘It is also called the computer’s heart and brain because it carries out a computer program ‘s instructions, as well as all c omputer

A computer can’t perform any of the operations without a CPU. A CPU is fabricated as a single integrated chip as is also known as

 The speed of a CPU is measured in gigahertz (GHz), which shows how many instructions can be performed in one second. One GHz is equal to a
100 million hertz.(Gigahertz refers to the CPU frequency , As a general guideline; the higher the frequency, the better the CPU.)
 Number of cores: As with the processor speed, generally more cores are better.
 The CPU was first developed during the 1970s at Intel, with the first processor, the 4004 processor, released.

The microprocessor is subdivided into three important units, which work together in order to accomplish its function. The uni ts are:

o The control unit: It manages and supervises the operations of the processor and other components that are crucial in data manipulation.
o Arithmetic and logic unit: The ALU is responsible for all arithmetic and logic operations like addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and
comparison logic operations.
o Memory Unit: These are storage locations inside the processor that respond to the instructions of the control unit by moving relevant data
around during processing.

Instruction cycle

The instruction cycle (also known as the fetch–decode–execute cycle, or simply the fetch-execute cycle) is the cycle that the central processing
unit (CPU) follows from boot-up until the computer has shut down in order to process instructions.

In a basic computer, each instruction cycle consists of the following phases:

o Fetch instruction from memory.

o Decode the instruction.
o Read the effective address from memory.
o Execute the instruction.

Alternatively referred to as the mb, mainboard, mboard, mobo, mobd, backplane board, base board, main ci rcuit board, planar board,
system board, or a logic board on Apple computers. The motherboard is a printed circuit board and foundation of a computer th at is the
biggest board in a computer chassis.

The functions of a computer motherboard are as follows:

o The motherboard acts as the central backbone of a computer on which other modular parts are installed such as the CPU, RAM an d hard
o The motherboard also acts as the platform on which various expansion slots are available to install other devices / interfaces.
o The motherboard is also responsible to distribute power to the various components of the computer.

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o They are also used in the coordination of the various devices in the computer and maintain an interface among them.
o It allocates power and allows communication to and between the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components.

Computer - Memory

A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data and instructions. Computer memory is the storage space in the c omputer, where data
is to be processed and instructions required for processing are stored. The memory is divided into large number of small part s called cells. Each
location or cell has a unique address, which varies from zero to memory size minus one. For example, if the computer has 64k words, then this
memory unit has 64 * 1024 = 65536 memory locations. The address of these locations varies from 0 to 65535.

Memory is primarily of two types −

o Cache Memory
o Primary Memory/Main Memory
o Secondary Memory

1. Primary Memory (Main Memory)

Primary memory holds only those data and instructions on which the computer is currently working. It has a limited capacity a nd data is lost when
power is switched off. It is generally made up of semiconductor device. These memories are not as fast as registers. The data and instruction
required to be processed resides in the main memory. It is divided into two subcategories RAM and ROM.

Characteristics of Main Memory

o These are semiconductor memories.

o It is known as the main memory.
o Usually volatile memory.
o Data is lost in case power is switched off.
o It is the working memory of the computer.
o Faster than secondary memories.
o A computer cannot run without the primary memory.

Types of primary Memory-

1) RAM 2) ROM

 RAM (Random Access Memory) is the internal memory of the CPU for storing data, program, and program result. It is a read/write
memory which stores data until the machine is working. As soon as the machine is switched off, data is erased.

Access time in RAM is independent of the address, that is, each storage location inside the memory is as easy to reach as other locations and
takes the same amount of time. Data in the RAM can be accessed randomly but it is very expensive.

RAM is volatile, i.e. data stored in it is lost when we switch off the computer or if there is a power failure. Hence, a backup Uninterruptible Power
System (UPS) is often used with computers. RAM is small, both in terms of its physical size and in the amount of data it can hold.

RAM is of two types −

o Static RAM (SRAM)

o Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Static RAM (SRAM)- The word static indicates that the memory retains its contents as long as power is being supplied. However, data is lost when
the power gets down due to volatile nature. SRAM chips use a matrix of 6-transistors and no capacitors. Transistors do not require power to
prevent leakage, so SRAM need not be refreshed on a regular basis.

There is extra space in the matrix, hence SRAM uses more chips than DRAM for the same amount of storage space, making the man ufacturing
costs higher. SRAM is thus used as cache memory and has very fast access.

Characteristic of Static RAM

o Long life
o No need to refresh
o Faster
o Used as cache memory
o Large size
o Expensive
o High power consumption

Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

DRAM, unlike SRAM, must be continually refreshed in order to maintain the data. This is done by placing the memory on a refresh circuit that
rewrites the data several hundred times per second. DRAM is used for most system memory as it is cheap and small. All DRAMs a re made up of
memory cells, which are composed of one capacitor and one transistor.

Characteristics of Dynamic RAM

o Short data lifetime

o Needs to be refreshed continuously
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o Slower as compared to SRAM
o Used as RAM
o Smaller in size
o Less expensive
o Less power consumption

ROM stands for Read Only Memory. - The memory from which we can only read but cannot write on it. This type of memory is non-volatile. The
information is stored permanently in such memories during manufacture. A ROM stores such instructions that are required to st art a computer.
This operation is referred to as bootstrap. ROM chips are not only used in the computer but also in other electronic items li ke washing machine
and microwave oven.

o PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)

PROM is read-only memory that can be modified only once by a user. The user buys a blank PROM and enters the desired contents using a PROM
program. Inside the PROM chip, there are small fuses which are burnt open during programming. It can be programmed only once and is not

o EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)

EPROM can be erased by exposing it to ultra-violet light for a duration of up to 40 minutes. Usually, an EPROM eraser achieves this function.
During programming, an electrical charge is trapped in an insulated gate region. The charge is retained for more than 10 years because the
charge has no leakage path. For erasing this charge, ultra-violet light is passed through a quartz crystal window (lid). This exposure to ultra-violet
light dissipates the charge. During normal use, the quartz lid is sealed with a sticker.

o EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)

EEPROM is programmed and erased electrically. It can be erased and reprogrammed about ten thousand times. Both erasing and pr ogramming
take about 4 to 10 ms (millisecond). In EEPROM, any location can be selectively erased and programmed. EEPROMs can be erased one byte at a
time, rather than erasing the entire chip. Hence, the process of reprogramming is flexible but slow.

Advantages of ROM

o Non-volatile in nature
o Cannot be accidentally changed
o Cheaper than RAMs
o Easy to test
o More reliable than RAMs
o Static and do not require refreshing
o Contents are always known and can be verified

o Flash memory is a type of erasable read-only memory (EEPROM) that clears and rewrites data in chunks for fast, energy-efficient access and rewriting. Flash
memory, or flash storage, is non-volatile, which means it remains viable even without an active power source
o A buffer contains data that is stored for a short amount of time, typically in the computer's memory (RAM). The purpose of a buffer is to hold data right before
it is used.
o Virtual memory is a feature of an operating system that enables a computer to be able to compensate shortages of physical memory by transfer ring pages of
data from random access memory to disk storage. This process is done temporarily and is designed to work as a combination of RAM and space on the hard
disk. This means that when RAM runs low, virtual memory can move data from it to a space called a paging file. This process allows for RAM to be freed up so
that a computer can complete the task

Secondary Memory

This type of memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile. It is slower than the main memory. These are used for storing
data/information permanently. CPU directly does not access these memories, instead they are accessed via input -output routines. The contents of
secondary memories are first transferred to the main memory, and then the CPU can access it. For example, disk, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.

Characteristics of Secondary Memory

o These are magnetic and optical memories.

o It is known as the backup memory.
o It is a non-volatile memory.
o Data is permanently stored even if power is switched off.
o It is used for storage of data in a computer.
o Computer may run without the secondary memory.
o Slower than primary memories.


Magnetic tape - Magnetic tape is a medium for magnetic recording, made of a thin, magnetizable coating on a long, narrow strip of plastic fil m. It
was developed in Germany in 1928, based on magnetic wire recording. Devices that record and playback audio and video using ma gnetic tape are
tape recorders and video tape recorders respectively. A device that stores computer data on magnetic tape is known as a tape drive.

Magnetic Disk- Magnetic Disk devices are-

1) Hard Disk:
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It is a rigid magnetic disc that is used to store data. It permanently stores data and is located within a drive unit.

The hard disk is also known as a hard drive. It is a rigid magnetic disc that stores data permanently, as it is a non-volatile storage device. The hard
disk is located within a drive unit on the computer's motherboard and comprises one or more platters packed in an air-sealed casing. The data is
written on the platters by moving a magnetic head over the platters as they spin. The data stored on a computer's hard drive generally includes
the operating system, installed software, and the user's files and programs, including pictures, music, videos, text document s, etc.

Components of Hard Drive:

The main components of a hard drive include a head actuator, read/write actuator arm, read/write head, platter, and spindle. A circuit board,
which is called the disk controller or interface board, is present on the back of a hard drive. It allows the hard drive to communicate with the

2. Floppy Disk: Floppy disks are disks of plastic coated in magnetic material and enclosed in a hard plastic case. The read/write area is cov ered by
a sliding metal flap.

Although, they used to be very common, as they were a convenient way of transporting files from one computer to another, they not much used
anymore. Floppy disks are written to and read from, through the use of separate floppy disk drives. The floppy diskette was f irst created in 1967 by
IBM as an alternative to buying hard drives, which were extremely expensive at the time.

Floppy disks are less popular than they have been because :-

o They are easily damaged.

o Have a limited storage capacity in that they can only hold 1.44MB. Photos,


In the optical storage devices, all read and write activities are performed by light. All recording information stores at an optical disk. As per the
opinions of data scientist that compact space is most useful for huge data storage. Their big advantages are not more costly, light weight, and
easy to transport because it is removable device unlike hard drive.

In the optical storage devices, all data is saved like as patterns of dots which can be easily read with using of LIGHT. La ser Beam is used like as
“Light Source”. The data is read while bouncing laser beam on the surface of storage medium. Laser beam creates the all Dots while reading
process, but it is used with high power mode to mark the surface of storage medium, and make a dot. This entire process is also called the
“Burning” data onto Disc.

Types of Optical Storage Devices

CD-ROM- CD-ROM stands for “Compact Disc Read Only Memory”, and CD-ROM comes in the “Random Access” category’s devices. These types of
disc can capable to store almost 800 MB of digital data. These data can’t discard by mistaken.

DVD-ROM- DVD-ROM stands for “Digital Versatile Disc – Read Only Memory”, and it also comes in the “Random Access” category’s devices. DVD-
ROM discs can store data up to 4.7 GB, but Dual Layer DVD device’s storage capacity is double. These types of disc are used to store ultra quality

Blue Ray- Blue Ray discs are totally replaced by DVDs, because these discs are capable to hold data up to 25 -50 GB, as well as double layer Blue
Rays discs can store double data. Due to high storage capacity, Blue Ray discs are used to store HD (High Definition) videos.

HD DVD- HD DVD stands for “High Density DVD”, and these devices are capable to store data up to 15 GB (Dual Layer HD DVDS have storage
capacity double). High-Density DVD discs are also used to hold HD Videos.

DVD-RAM- DVD-RAM stands for “DVD-Random Access Memory”, and it is able to Re-Write data. DVD-RAM are available in market like as floppy-
disc style case. These types of discs have storage capacity of data similar to DVD (up to 4.7 GB).

DVD-RAM devices are used in several Camcorders such as “Video Recording Cameras”, and it can be used for data back -up and archiving.

Recordable Optical Devices

There are two types of discs such as “CD-R and DVD-R” and “CD-RW and DVD-RW”.

CD-R & DVD-R- Full form of (CD-R & DVD-R) is “CD-Recordable and DVD Recordable”, and they are able to burn data on to them, but not easy to
delete data. Users can add any type of data, but they can’t discard added data or re-use fully disc.

CD-RW & DVD-RW- CD-RW & DVD-RW stands for “CD-Re Writable and DVD-Re Writable”, and they are capable to burn data similar (CD-R and
DVD-R) onto them. Users can also delete and Re-Used data.

Advantages of Optical Storage Devices

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 It is capable to store vast amount of data.
 Affordable price
 It can be recycled (Re-used).
 It has ultra data stability.
 Countable/uncountable storage units
 Best Durability, Transport-ability, and archiving.

Disadvantages of Optical Storage Devices

 Some traditional PCs are not able to read these disks.

 It is getting trouble while recycling.

Pen drive: Pen drive is a compact secondary storage device. It is also known as a USB flash drive, thumb drive or a jump drive. It conne cts to a
computer via a USB port. It is commonly used to store and transfer data between computers. For example, you can write a report using a
computer and then copy or transfer it in the pen drive. Later, you can connect this pen drive to a computer to see or edit yo ur report. You can also
store your important documents and pictures, music, videos in the pen drive and keep it at a safe place.

Pen drive does not have movable parts; it comprises an integrated circuit memory chip that stores the data. This chip is hous ed inside a plastic or
aluminium casing. The data storage capacity of the pen drive generally ranges from 2 GB to 128 GB. Furthermore, it is a plug and play device as
you don't need additional drives, software, or hardware to use it.

SD Card: SD Card stands for Secure Digital Card. It is most often used in portable and mobile devices such as smart phones and digital cameras.
You can remove it from your device and see the things stored in it using a computer with a card reader.

There are many memory chips inside the SD card that store the data; it does not have moving parts. SD cards are not created equal, so they may
differ from each other in terms of speed, physical sizes, and capacity. For example, standard SD cards, mini SD cards, and mi cro SD cards.

Cache Memory

Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can speed up the CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and the main
memory. It is used to hold those parts of data and program which are most frequently used by the CPU. The parts of data and p rograms are
transferred from the disk to cache memory by the operating system, from where the CPU can access them.


1. Cache memory is faster than main memory.

2. It consumes less access time as compared to main memory.
3. It stores the program that can be executed within a short period of time.
4. It stores data for temporary use.


1. Cache memory has limited capacity.

2. It is very expensive.

Registers- Register memory is the smallest and fastest memory in a computer. It is not a part of the main memory and is located in the CPU in the
form of registers, which are the smallest data holding elements. A register temporarily holds frequently used data, instructi ons, and memory
address that are to be used by CPU. They hold instructions that are currently processed by the CPU. All data is required to pass through registers
before it can be processed. So, they are used by CPU to process the data entered by the users.

Registers hold a small amount of data around 32 bits to 64 bits. The speed of a CPU depends on t he number and size (no. of bits) of registers that
are built into the CPU.

Types and Functions of Computer Registers:

 Data Register: It is a 16-bit register, which is used to store operands (variables) to be operated by the processor. It temporarily stores
data, which is being transmitted to or received from a peripheral device.
 Program Counter (PC): It holds the address of the memory location of the next instruction, which is to be fetched after the current
instruction is completed. So, it is used to maintain the path of execution of the different programs and thus executes the programs one by
one, when the previous instruction gets completed.
 Instructor Register: It is a 16-bit register. It stores the instruction which is fetched from the main memory. So, it is used to hold
instruction codes, which are to be executed. The Control Unit takes instruction from Instructor Register, then decodes and ex ecutes it.
 Accumulator Register: It is a 16-bit register, which is used to store the results produced by the system. For example, the results
generated by CPU after the processing are stored in the AC register.
 Address Register: It is a 12-bit register that stores the address of a memory location where instructions or data is stored in the memory.
 I/O Address Register: Its job is to specify the address of a particular I/O device.
 I/O Buffer Register: Its job is to exchange the data between an I/O module and the CPU.

Memory unit is the amount of data that can be stored in the storage unit. This storage capacity is exp ressed in terms of Bytes.

The following table explains the main memory storage units −

S.No. Unit & Description

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1 Bit (Binary Digit)

A binary digit is logical 0 and 1 representing a passive or an active state of a component in an electric circuit.

A group of 4 bits is called nibble.

A group of 8 bits is called byte. A byte is the smallest unit, which can represent a data item or a character.


A computer word, like a byte, is a group of fixed number of bits processed as a unit, which varies from computer to computer but is
4 fixed for each computer.

The length of a computer word is called word-size or word length. It may be as small as 8 bits or may be as long as 96 bits. A
computer stores the information in the form of computer words.

The following table lists some higher storage units –

S.No. Unit & Description

1 Kilobyte (KB)

1 KB = 1024 Bytes

Megabyte (MB)
1 MB = 1024 KB

GigaByte (GB)
1 GB = 1024 MB

TeraByte (TB)
1 TB = 1024 GB

PetaByte (PB)
1 PB = 1024 TB


1. In a computer, ___ connects the CPU, memory, hard drives, 3. Which of the following is not an input device?
optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports either
directly or via cables. A. Microphone
B. Graphic tablet
A. Modem C. Speaker
B. RAM D. Barcode reader
C. Motherboard
D. Router 4. In which of the following devices after storing data no alteration
or deletion can be done?
2. The devices that are under the direct control of the computer are
said to be: A. Floppy Disk
B. Hard Disk
A. Microphone C. CD ROM
B. Interface units D. Tape Drive
C. Connected online
D. Semaphore

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5. Which among these is a hardware component? D) Keyboard

A. Operating System 15. Identify Special Purpose Keys from the following: (JKSSB 2017)
B. MS Office
C. Internet A) Insert, Delete, Page Up, Page Down, Control(Ctrl),
D. Hard disk Alternate(Alt)
B) Escape, Shift, Sound, Colour, Running
6. A ……. Is a hardware device that transfers the digital signals C) Escape(Esc), Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt), Space tab
between the computer and the communications channel. D) Enter, Shift, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Spacebar, Tab

A. LAN 16. Plasma panel and LED monitors are what type of displays?
B. Fire stick (JKSSB 2015)
C. Modem
D. CD drive (A) Non Emissive
(B) Emissive
7. Which one of the following comes under output device category? (C) Holographic
(D) Laser
A. Monitor
B. Keyboard 17. F-12 Key in keyboard belongs to which group of Keys (JKSSB
C. Light pen 2017)
D. Mouse
A) Numeric Keys
8. ....….. Is an input device used to read a printed text. B) Function Keys
C) Control Keys
A. OMR D) Special Purpose keys
C. MICR 18. What is TFT stand for?
A) Thin Film Transistor
9. …………. Is a hardware device or software program that enables B) Thin Film Television
one computer system to imitate the functions of another computer C) Thick film transistor
system. D) Thin Fold Transistor

A. Interceptor 19. DTP stands for

B. Emulator
C. Converter A. Desktop Publishing Software
D. Changer B. Device to Publish
C. Database to Software
10. Which of the following is NOT an output device? D. None of these

a. LCD 20. Why do we need a Computer Monitor?

b. Printers
c. VDUs a. To keep the computer overheating
d. Graphic Tablet b. To see what the computer is doing
c. Because it is like the brain of the computer
11. Which among the following is an input device for for checking d. None of these
the answer sheets of an examination having multiple choice
questions ? (JKSSB 2020) 21. The Joystick is a stick that moves the graphic cursor in the
direction the stick is moved.
B. BCR a. Parallel
C. MICR b. Straight
D. OMR c. Horizontal
d. Vertical
12. Which of the following options represents a standard keyboard
layout? (JKSSB 2019) 22. The device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the


B) QWERTY (b) Computer Console
C) QWRRTY (c) printer
D) QWWETY (d) card reader

13. Which of the following devices is used to read magnetic stripes? 23. Which among the device that converts computer output into a
(JKSSB 2019) form that can be transmitted over a telephone line?

A) Chip reader A. Teleport

B) Bar stripe reader B. Multiplexer
C) Magnetic stripe reader C. Concentrator
D) MICR stripe scanner D. Modem

14. Which of the following input devices has a stick with a spherical 24. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text of
ball at both its lower and upper ends and it can make playing games other images into digital form is:-
easier? (JKSSB 2019)
(a) Keyboard
A) Joystick (b) Plotter
B) Mouse (c) Scanner
C) Pen (d) OMR

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25. Which among the following is not the type of keys on Keyboard? (a) Nibble
(b) Bits
(a) Alphabet Keys (A-Z) (c) Kilobyte
(b) Numeric Keys (0-9) (d) Megabyte
(c) Function Keys (F1 to F12)
(d) Roaster Keys (R1 & R2) 36. The smallest and Fastest memory of the computer is?

26. Which key is used to exit from any application? A) RAM

B) Cache Memory
(a) Esc Key C) Registers
(b) Spacebar Key D) ROM
(c) Caps Lock Key
(d) Insert Key 37. _____ are the temporary memory units that store data and are
located in the processor.
27. Which input device is used to read data character by character,
typed or handwritten? (a) Cache Memory
(b) Registers
(a) OMR (c) RAM
(b) OCR (d) ROM
(c) MICR
(d) BCR 38. What is the abbreviation of EPROM?

28. Which among the following is used in banking industry cheque (a) Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory
Evaluation? (b) Electronic Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
(c) Electrically Programming Random only Memory.
(a) BCR (d) None of these
(b) MICR
(c) QR 39. What is the name given to the memory which works on time
(d) OMR sharing principle in order to create an illusion of infinite memory
29. Which among the following device is also called as Print Scanner
or Point of Sale? A. Cache Memory
B. Virtual Memory
(a) BCR C. Register
(b) MICR D. Primary Memory
(c) QR
(d) JOYSTICK 40. Which type of ROM can be erased by UV Light?

30. Which printer is used to print only characters and symbols and A. ROM
cannot print graphics? B. Mask ROM
(a) Ink-jet Printer D. EEPROM
(b) Thermal Printer
(c) Laser Printer 41. Which of the following is normally used to initialize a computer
(d) Daisywheel Printer system's hardware?

31. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used A. Bootstrap Memory
for converting the keystroke into corresponding bits? B. Volatile Memory
C. External Mass Memory
(a) ANSI D. Static Memory.
(c) EBCDIC 42. Data is written to and read from the disk via a magnetic head
(d) ISO mechanism in the floppy drive.

32. Which type of devices are speakers or computer headphones? A. Cylinder

B. Cluster
(a) Input C. Read/Write
(b) Output D. None of these
(c) Input/Output
(d) Software 43. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided
33. Optical Mouse was introduced by
A. clusters
(a) Dell, 1526 B. sectors
(b) Dell, 1835 C. vectors
(c) Microsoft, 1999 D.
(d) Microsoft, 1995
44. Laser Jet printer speeds are measured in pages per minute
34. Which is the smallest Unit of Computer Memory? (ppm) what do we use to measure dot-matrix printers?

(a) Nibble (a) lines per inch

(b) Byte (b) lines per sheet
(c) Kilobyte (c) characters per inch
(d) Bit (d) characters per second

35. Half of the Byte is called as

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1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10 D
11 D 12 B 13 C 14 A 15 D 16 B 17 B 18 A 19 A 20 B
21 D 22 C 23 D 24 C 25 D 26 A 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 D
31 B 32 B 33 C 34 D 35 A 36 C 37 B 38 D 39 B 40 C
41 A 42 C 43 B 44 D


What is Software: Computer software, or only software, is a kind of program that enable a user to perform some specific task or used to operate a
computer. It directs all the peripheral devices on the computer system – what to do and how to perform a task. PC Software plays the role of
mediator between the user and computer hardware. Without software, a user can’t perform any task on a digital computer.

“A computer system can be divided into three components: the hardware, the software, and the users. Bare use of hardware i s not easy, so to
make it easy, software created. A software product development company is the one which develops software for the users.”

There are two types of software −

1. System Software
2. Application Software

System Software- The software that helps to activate the computer system and controls the system hardware and interacts with application
software. These software products comprise of programs which interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System softwar e serves as the
interface between the hardware and the end users.


1. Operating System (OS) : Software that helps to activate the computer system and provide common platform to operate the computer
system by the user is called OS. It is the first layer of software loaded into computer memory on the time of booting (Starts Up).

Operating System plays an important role in loading programs from disk into memory, displaying message, translating program and in outputting
the results. The main function of OS is to manage the disk access, files process etc. Other software is loaded on the environ ment of OS. Windows
Xp, Linux, MS-DOS etc are popular OS.

2. Device Drivers: System software helps to activate and recognize the computer hardware devices. To activate and recognize the
hardware devices computer system requires special software called device drivers. To work with all devices, we need this software. For
example to work with Modem, Printers we have to install their driver software then only these devices will work.
3. Languages Translator: Translator program is a computer program that converts then prog ramming instructions written in human
convenient form into machine codes. Computer are digital devices. It can work only on the digits which are 0 to 1. All types of commands,
data and instructions required to be converted into machine code which is the combination of 0's and 1's. Different types of programming
languages accept the data and instructions on natural language like English. But computer can not process such data and instr uctions
on natural language. So they should be translated into machine code. To convert such natural language. So they should be translated
into machine code.

Introduction to Computer Languages

‘Programming Language is a set of rules called syntax which user has to follow, to instruct the computer what operation are t o be performed.’

Computer language are classified into two categories:

1. Low-Level Languages
• Machine level languages
• Assembly languages
2. High-Level Languages
• General Purpose languages (Ex: BASIC, PASCAL, C)
• Specific purpose languages (Ex: COBOL, FORTAN, C++)

Machine Level Language

• Machine level language is the fundamental language of a computer.

• It is written using binary numbers i.e. 0’s and 1’s.
• A program written in the machine level language is called Machine code.

Assembly Level Language:

• Assembly level language is a low-level programming language that allows a user to write programs using letters, words and symbols
called mnemonics, instead of the binary digits used in machine level languages.
• A program written in the assembly level language is called Assembly code.

High-level Languages

• A language designed to make programming easier through the use of familiar English words and symbols.
• High-level languages used English like language, which are easier to learn and use.
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• High-level languages are machine independent. Therefore, a program written for one
• computer can be executed on different computers with no or only slight modifications.
• Some of the high-level languages are C, C++, JAVA, FORTRAN, QBASIC, and PASCAL.


• Assembler is system software, which translates an assembly language program into its machine language.
• It recognizes the mnemonics used in the assembly level languages and substitutes the required machine code for each instructi on.
• Example: TASM (Turbo Assembler), MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) etc.


• Compiler is system software that translates high-level language (source code) into the machine level language (machine/object
• It reads the whole program and translates the entire program at once into a series of machine level language instructions.
• Once compiled, the program normally is saved automatically and can be executed directly.
• Examples: C, C++.


• An Interpreter reads once a statement of a high-level language program at a time, translates it into machine level language, and
executes it immediately.
• It continues to read, translate and execute the statements one by one until it reaches the end of the program. Therefore, it is slower
than a compiler.
• The machine code produced by the interpreter is not saved and hence, to execute a statement again, it has to be interpreted again.
• Example: BASIC, PROLOG

Linker : A linker is system software that links (combines) smaller programs to form a single program. A source program written in hi gh-level
languages may contain a number of modules or segments. To execute properly the modules are to be linked so that execution of the program is
sequential. This operation is performed by software called as the linker.

Loader: A loader is system software that loads machine code of a program into the system memory and prepares these programs for execution.
Once an executable program is generated someone will have to load the program into the main memory of the computer so that it can be
executed. This operation is performed by software called as the loader.

4. Utility Software: System software that increases the performance of the computer system is utility software. It helps to maximize the
utilization of devices. Utilities are those helpful programs that assist the computer by performing helpful functions like ba cking up disk,
scanning/cleaning viruses etc. E.g. Scan disk, Virus Scanner, disk fragmentation etc.

Utility software is generally called as Application oriented ready-made system programs.

Functions of System Utility:

I. Disk Cleanup- Disk Cleanup is a function that comes with all versions of Windows Operating Systems. Disk Cleanup allows for you to scan your
entire hard drive to search for extra room by deleting any unneccessary files such as temporary files from the Internet and c ookies that are
downloaded when you visit webpages. You can find Disk Cleanup in Windows XP by going to the Start menu → All Programs → Accessories →
System Tools → Disk Cleanup.

II. Disk Defragmentation- Defragmentation is the process of locating the noncontiguous fragments of data into which a computer file may be
divided as it is stored on a hard disk, and rearranging the fragments and restoring them into fewer fragments or into the who le file.

III. System Restore- System Restore is a Windows utility that allows a user to restore their computer data to a specific former state (known as a
restore point), undoing changes made since that time. System Restore can be found by going to Start → All Programs → Accessories → System
Tools → System Restore

IV. Disk Compression- Disk compression is a type of function that allows for a program to search your hard drive and compress files, particularly
old or unused files. It also serves to free up space, which is the main function of disk compression software.

V. Antivirus- It is used to scan computer for viruses and prevent the computer system files from being corrupt.


Application software is a computer program that performs a specific function, be it educational, personal, or business. It is also known as an end-
user program or a productivity program.

Each of the computer application software programs is developed to assist you with a particular process that may be related t o creativity,
productivity, or better communication. It helps you in completing your tasks, be it jotting down notes, completing your online research, setting an
alarm, keeping an account log, and even playing games. Unlike system software, computer application software programs are spe cific in their
functionality and do the job that they are designed to do.

They are categorized as-

1. Presentation software: Presentation software enables you to put forth your thoughts and ideas with ease and with good clarity by using visual
information. It lets you display the information in the form of slides. You can make your slide more informative and more engrossing by adding text,
images, graphs, and videos. It has three components: Text editor to input and format text, Insert graphics, text, video, and multimedia files,
Slideshow to display the information

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2. Web browsers: These software applications are used to browse the Internet enabling you to locate and retrieve data across the web. The most
popular ones are Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

3. Multimedia software: This lets you create or record images, and create audio or video files. This software is extensively used in animation,
graphics, image, and video editing. Popular examples are the VLC media player and Windows media player.

4. Education and reference software: This application software, also termed as academic software, is specifically designed to facilitate the
learning of a particular subject.

5. Graphics software: Graphics software allows you to edit or make changes in visual data or images. It comprises illustration and picture editor
software. Adobe Photoshop and PaintShop Pro are a few examples of graphics software.

6. Spreadsheet software: Spreadsheet software is used to perform calculations. In this software, data is stored in a table format. The intersecting
area, called cells, are separated to define fields such as text, date, time, and number. It allows users to provide formulas and functions to perform
calculations. Microsoft Excel is one good example of spreadsheet software.

7. Database software: Database software is used to create and manage a database. Also known as a DBMS (Database Management System), it
helps you organize your data. So, when you run an application, data is fetched from the database, modified, and is stored bac k in the database.
Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and IBM Db2 are some popular databases.

8. Word processing software: It is used to format and manipulate text, thus, creating memos, letters, faxes, and documents. Word processing
software is also used to format and beautify the text. It provides you a whole lot of features aside from thesaurus and synonyms and antonyms.
Along with Word Art features, the font option lets you change font color, effect, and style as per your choice. Grammar and s pell-check options are
also available to check for errors.

9. Simulation software: Simulation software is used in the fields of engineering, education, testing, and video games, etc. It is used where work on
the actual system is unacceptable, inaccessible, or maybe dangerous. It is a program that lets you study or observe an operation, or phenomenon
through simulation without actually doing that operation. The best examples of the simulation are in the field of robotics, f light systems, and
weather forecast, etc.

Apart from these, there are several others in the category of application software that serve specific purposes. However, application software can
also be classified based on their shareability and availability. Some such categories are:

10. Freeware: As the very name indicates, it is available free of cost. You can download it from the Internet and use it without any fee. However,
this software does not allow you to modify it or charge a fee for distributing it. Adobe Reader and Skype are good examples o f this software.

11. Shareware: This is distributed freely to the users on a trial basis, usually with a limited time offer. The users are expected to pay if they wan t to
continue to use the software. Some examples of shareware are WinZip and Adobe Acrobat.

12. Open source: This type of software is available along with the source code that allows you to modify the software, and even add features to the
software. These could either be free or paid. Moodle and Apache Web Server are some examples.

13. Closed source: Most of the software packages that you use belong to this category. These are usually chargeable and have intellectual
property rights or patents over the source code. It usually comes with restricted use.


1. Which among the following is the Database Management software?

A. Google 5. Which is correct option from below mentioned points?

C. Adobe A) Software cannot be utilized without supporting hardware
D. Tally B) Software development is not expensive and is a
continuing expense
2. A _________is a software program which allows us to access the C) Hardware is a every-time expense
Internet and view web pages on our computer. D) Hardware acts as an interface between the user and the
A. Computer program
B. Internet protocol 6. What are features of application software?
C. Web browser
D. Website A) Generic usability, Reliability and Supported environment
B) More interactive, Close to the user, Generally written in
3. Which software has the exclusive feature SHELL? high-level language .
C) Easy to carry, Installation is Complex
A. DOS D) Low Level Language, Easy to install and highly compact
B. System software
C. Application software 7. Software can be classified as
A) CPU Software and Hardware with Software
4. Which of the following is an example for Application Software? B) System Software and Application Software
C) Assemblers and Compiler
A) MS-DOC D) Control Software and Interpreter
C) Adobe Photoshop 8. Which one of the following is a Software?
A) Network Router
B) Network Interface Card
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C) Application Gateway 15. Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a
D) Network Cables computer?
a) Application Software
9. Which of the following is application software? b) System Software
c) Utility Software
(A) Interpreter d) User
(B) Microsoft Word
(C) Microsoft Windows 16. A person who designs the programs in a software package is
(D) Compiler called :
a) User
10. Which of the following is not an open source software? b) Software Manager
c) System Developer
(A) LibreOffice d) System Programmer
(B) Microsoft Office
(C) GNU image manipulation 17. Special purpose softwares are
(A) Application software
11. Developing open source software can mean _____________. (B) System softwares
(C) Operating system
(A) basing it on open source technologies and open standards. (D) None of these
(B) working collaboratively with other groups.
(C) to redistribute the source code widely. 18. Which of the following is not a feature of compiler ?
(D) to use the source code widely.
(A) Execution time is more
12. Which of the following is the most famous example of open (B) When all the syntax errors are removed execution takes
source software? place
(C) Scans the entire program first and then translate it into
(A) Microsoft Windows machine code
(B) Mac OS X (D) slow for debugging
(D) Linux 19. Which of the following system software resides in main memory
always ?
13. What is another name given to 'proprietary software'?
(A) Loader
(A) Open source software (B) Linker
(B) Bespoke software (C) Text editor
(C) Tailor Made software (D) Assembler
(D) Closed source software
20. Examples of system programs includes
14. The open source definition is based on the _______________.
(A) operating system of computer
(A) software license. (B) trace program
(B) free software foundation. (C) compiler
(C) debian free software guidelines. (D) all of above
(D) open source initiative.
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10 B
11 C 12 D 13 D 14 D 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 A 19 A 20 D


What is an Operating System?

 A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.
 An operating System is a collection of system programs that together control the operations of a computer system.

Some examples of operating systems are UNIX, Mach, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows/NT, Chicago, OS/2, MacOS, VMS, MVS, and VM.

Operating system goals:

• Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier.

• Make the computer system convenient to use.
• Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

Computer System Components

1. Hardware – provides basic computing resources (CPU, memory, I/O devices).

2. Operating system – controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various application programs for the various users.
3. Applications programs – Define the ways in which the system resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users
(compilers, database systems, video games, business programs).
4. Users (people, machines, other computers).

Abstract View of System Components

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Operating System Definitions

• Resource allocator – manages and allocates resources.

• Control program – controls the execution of user programs and operations of I/O devices .
• Kernel – The one program running at all times (all else being application programs).

Components of OS: OS has two parts. (1)Kernel.(2)Shell.

1. Kernel is an active part of an OS i.e., it is the part of OS running at all times. It is a programs which can interact with the hard ware. Ex:
Device driver, dll files, system files etc.
2. Shell is called as the command interpreter. It is a set of programs used to interact with the application programs. It is responsible for
execution of instructions given to OS (called commands).

Operating systems can be explored from two viewpoints: the user and the system.

1. User View: From the user’s point view, the OS is designed for one user to monopolize its resources, to maximize the work that the user is
performing and for ease of use.
2. System View: From the computer's point of view, an operating system is a control program that manages the execution of user programs
to prevent errors and improper use of the computer. It is concerned with the operation and control of I/O devices.

Functions of Operating System(OS): Device Management:

Main functions of the operating system are as follows: The activities of device management task handled by OS are:

 Memory Management  Open, close and write device drivers.

 Process Management  Communication, control and monitor the device
 Device Management drivers.Prof. K. Adisesha (Ph.D.)
 File Management
 Protection and Security File Management:
 User interface or Command interpreter.
The activities of file management task handled by OS are:
Memory Management:
 Create and delete both files and directories
The activities of memory management handled by OS are:  Provide access to files
 Allocate space for files
 Allocate memory  Keep back-up of files
 Free Memory  Secure files
 Re-allocate memory to a program when a used block is
freed Protection and Security:
 Keep track of memory usage.
 OS protects the resource of system.
Process Management:  User authentication, file attributes like read, write,
encryption and back-up of data are used by OS to provide
The activities of process management handled by OS are: basic protection.

 Control access to shared resources like file, memory I/O User Interface or Command Interpreter:
and CPU
 Control execution of applications  OS provides an interface between the user and the
 Create, execute and delete a process computer hardware.
 Cancel or resume a process  The user interface is a set of commands or a Graphical
 Schedule a process User Interface via which the user interacts with the
 Synchronization, communication and deadlock handling application and the hardware.
for process
Different Operating Systems

1. MS-DOS:

MS-DOS which is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System is a non-graphical command line operating system developed for IBM compatible
computers with x86 microprocessor. The operating system used a command line interface for the user to input commands to navigate, open and
manipulate files on their computer.

2. Windows Operating System:

Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft to be used on a standard x86 Intel and AMD processors. It provides an in terface, known as
a graphical user interface(GUI) which eliminates the need to memorize commands for the command line by using a mouse to navig ate through
menus, dialog boxes, buttons, tabs, and icons. The operating system was named windows since the programs are di splayed in the shape of a
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square. This Windows operating system has been designed for both a novice user just using at home as well as for professional s who are into

3. LINUX Operating System:

The Linux OS is an open source operating system project that is a freely distributed, cross-platform operating system developed based on UNIX.
This operating system is developed by Linus Torvalds. The name Linux comes from the Linux kernel. It is basically the system software on a
computer that allows apps and users to perform some specific task on the computer. The development of Linux operating system pioneered the
open source development and became the symbol of software collaboration.

4. Android Mobile Operating System:

Android is a Google’s Linux based operating system it is designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet
computers. The hardware which can be used to support android is based on three architectures namely ARM, Intel and MIPS desig n lets users
manipulate the mobile devices intuitively, with finger movements that mirror common motions, such as pinching, swiping, and tapping making
these applications comfortable for the users.

5. iOS Mobile Operating System:

iOS which is short for iPhone OS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware like A12 Bionic
chip that presently powers many of its mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. The iOS user interface is based upon using multi-
touch gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch. The purpose of these finger actions is to provide the user with fast responsive inputs
given from multiple fingers to the multi-touch capacitive screen display.

6. UNIX Operating System:

UNIX is an operating system which was first developed in the 1960s, and has been under constant development ever since. By operating system,
we mean the suite of programs which make the computer work. It is a stable, multi-user, multi-tasking system for servers, desktops and laptops.

UNIX systems also have a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to Microsoft Windows which provides an easy to use environmen t. However,
knowledge of UNIX is required for operations which aren't covered by a graphical program, or for when there is no windows interface available,
for example, in a telnet session.

Types of Operating System(OS):

The different types of operating system are:

1. Single User Operating System:

 This OS allows only one user to share the system resource including the CPU.
 These are mainly the operating system configured for the use of desktop PC and laptops.
 DOS and Windows- 95, Win-98, Apple Macintosh etc are example.

2. Batch Operating System:

 Batch is defined as a group of job with similar needs and similar resource requirements.
 The operating system that allows users to create batches and execute each batch sequentially, processing all jobs of batch con sidering
them as a single process is called “Batch Operating system”
 It allows litter or no interaction between users and executing programs.
 This is well suited for applications with large computation time and no user interaction.
 Payroll, forecasting, statistical analysis are programs example for its usage.


 User need not wait during its execution.

 It will function in FIFO (First In First Out) order.


 Non-interactive mode of execution

 Offline debugging
 IBM System/360 Operating system is an example for Batch Operating system
 In DOS, we can emulate the batch processing using .BAT file.

3. Multiprogramming Operating System:

 Multiprogramming is the capability of CPU to execute two or more programs concurrently.
 Two or more programs are stored concurrently in primary storage, and the CPU moves from one program to another, partially exe cuting
each in turn.
 Early computer system and many personal computers execute program in the order in which it is read into the system. Only one prog ram
is executed at a time.

4. Multitasking Operating System:

 Multitasking operating systems allow more than one program to run at a time.
 In gives you the perception of 2 or more tasks running at the same time. It does this by dividing system resources amongst th ese tasks.
 Multitasking is usually implemented by code and data of several programs in memory simultaneously and multiplexing processor and I/O
device among them.
 Multitasking is also called context switching.
 Multitasking usually refers to a single user.

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 Example: Windows 98
5. Multi-user Operating System:
 A multi-user operating system allows multiple users on different computers or terminal to access a single system with one OS on it.
 It creates and maintains individual user environments, individual authentication and security level privileges, provides per user resource
usage accounting.

6. Time-Sharing Operating System:

 Time-Sharing operating system allows many users to share the computer resource simultaneously.
 Time sharing refers to the allocation of computer resource in time slots to several programs simultaneously.
 Large CAD and text processing systems belong to timesharing OS.
 Most of the time-sharing operating systems adopted time slicing/ round robin scheduling algorithm. Each user/process will receive a
portion of the time slot.
 UNIX, Windows Server is the example for multiprogramming, multi-use and time sharing systems.

7. Real-time Operating System:

 Real time systems refer to a computer and software systems that respond to events before the events become obsolete.
 The primary objective of real-time systems is to provide quick event – response times and thus meeting the scheduling deadlines.
 The main applications where real time systems are used include medical imaging systems, industrial control systems, flight co ntrol and
military application.
 Windows CE, Symbian, Linux OS are example for real-time systems.

8. Distributed Operating System:

 A distributed operating system is a collection of autonomous computer systems capable of communication and cooperation via th e
software and hardware interconnections.
 For example: if we have ‘N’ systems in a distributed environment then the distributed OS helps us in balancing the load by sharing
processors, I/O devices etc.
 The ATM centers of a bank are example of distributed operating system.

9. Network Operating System:

 A network operating system is a collection of software and associated protocols that allow a set of autonomous computer which are
interconnected by a computer network.
 It can be used in a convenient and cost-effective manner.
 In a network operating system the user are aware of the existence of multiple computers and can log in to remote machines and copy
files from one machine to another machine.
 Windows NT, windows server, LINUX are example.

SOME IMPORTANT CONCEPTS RELATED TO OPERATING SYSTEM  Process Scheduling: Below are different times with
respect to a process.
 Threads: 1. Arrival Time – Time at which the process arrives in the
ready queue.
A thread is a lightweight process or sub-process and forms the 2. Completion Time – Time at which process completes
basic unit of CPU utilization. A process can perform more than one its execution.
task at the same time by including multiple threads. 3. Burst Time – Time required by a process for CPU
There are two types of threads: 4. Turn Around Time – Time Difference between
completion time and arrival time.
• User threads Turn Around Time = Completion Time - Arrival Time
• Kernel threads 5. Waiting Time (WT) – Time Difference between turn
around time and burst time.
User threads are implemented by users. OS doesn’t recognize user Waiting Time = Turn Around Time - Burst Time
level threads.
 PROCESS SCHEDULING: A typical process involves both
I/O time and CPU time. In a uniprogramming system like
kernel threads are implemented by OS. Kernel threads are
MS-DOS, time spent waiting for I/O is wasted and CPU is
recognized by OS.
free during this time. In multiprogramming systems, one
process can use CPU while another is waiting for I/O. This
 Process:
is possible only with process scheduling.
A process is a program under execution. Each process is
represented by a Process Control Block (PCB).

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1. Which of the following is not an operating system? D) a job in secondary memory

A) Windows 11. A set of processes is deadlock if __________

B) Linux
C) Oracle a) each process is blocked and will remain so forever
D) DOS b) each process is terminated
c) all processes are trying to kill each other
2. What else is a command interpreter called? d) none of the mentioned

A) prompt 12. Which of the following is a single-user operating system?

B) kernel
C) shell A) Windows
D) command B) MAC
C) Ms-Dos
3. BIOS is used? D) None of these

A) By operating system 13. Which is the Linux operating system?

B) By compiler
C) By interpreter A) Private operating system
D) By application software B) Windows operating system
C) Open-source operating system
4. What is the mean of the Booting in the operating system? D) None of these

A) Restarting computer 14. Banker's algorithm is used?

B) Install the program
C) To scan A) To prevent deadlock
D) To turn off B) To deadlock recovery
C) To solve the deadlock
5. What is an operating system? D) None of these

A) collection of programs that manages hardware 15. When were MS windows operating systems proposed?
B) system service provider to the application programs A) 1994
C) interface between the hardware and application B) 1990
programs C) 1992
D) all of the mentioned D) 1985

6. Which one of the following is not true? 16. Which of the following conditions must be satisfied to solve the
critical section problem?
A) kernel is the program that constitutes the central core
of the operating system a) Mutual Exclusion
B) kernel is the first part of operating system to load into b) Progress
memory during booting c) Bounded Waiting
C) kernel is made of various modules which can not be d) All of the mentioned
loaded in running operating system
D) kernel remains in the memory during the entire 17. What is Linux?
computer session
a) single user, single tasking
7. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating b) single user, multitasking
system? c) multi user, single tasking
d) multi user, multitasking
A) power failure
C) connection failure in the network
D) all of the mentioned YEAR- 2019

8. What is the main function of the command interpreter? 1. Which of the following condition is required for a deadlock to be
A) to get and execute the next user-specified command
B) to provide the interface between the API and a) mutual exclusion
application program b) a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting
C) to handle the files in operating system assignment of other resources
D) none of the mentioned c) no resource can be forcibly removed from a process
holding it
9. In Operating Systems, which of the following is/are CPU d) all of the mentioned
scheduling algorithms?
2. 'If process is executing in its critical section, no other process is
A) Round Robin executing in its critical section". This statement is related to
B) Shortest Job First
C) Priority A) Mutual Exclusion
D) All of the mentioned B) Progress
C) Bounded Waiting
10. Process is D) No Pre-emption

A) program in High level language kept on disk 3. Peterson's solution provides a software based solution to a
B) contents of main memory critical section problem with how many number of processes?
C) a program in execution

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A) 1 B) paging
B) 2 C) Kernel
C) 3 D) Shell
D) 4
Ans Kernel
4. To boot a computer means loading computer with
13. Which of the following defines a sequence of instructions
A) Compiler written to solve a problem?
B) Linker
C) Assembler A) Software
D) Operating System B) Hardware
C) Program
YEAR-2018 D) Process

6. Which of the following services are NOT provide by operating Ans Program
14. Any device connected to an Operating system is controlled by
A) Memory Management using ?
B) People Management
C) Device Management A) Device Monitors
D) Process Management B) Device Drivers
C) Device Trackers
7. Linux is a D) Device Units

A) Multi user Operating system…. 15. A systematic procedure for moving the CPU to new process is
B) Single user Operating System known as?
C) Real time Operating System
D) Batch Processing Operating System A) Synchronization
B) Context Switching
8. Thread is a: C) Deadlock
D) Starvation
A) Heavy weight process
B) Light weight process YEAR-2015
C) Multi process
D) I/O process 16. Which of the following is TRUE for system software in
comparison with application software?
9. What are common services provided by an operating system ?
(A) They are slower in speed
(ii) Program execution (B) They are less interactive
(iii) I/O operations (C) They are bigger in size
(iv) File System manipulation (D) They are easier to design and understand
(v) Communication
(vi) Error Detection 17. Which of the following describes Coffman's mutual exclusion
A) i, ii, iii, iv, v condition that leads to dead lock?
B) Only i and v
C) Only i, ii and v (A) A process may be allocated some resources while waiting
D) Only ii, iii and iv for others
(B) No resource can be forcibly removed from a process
YEAR-2017 holding it
(C) Only one process may use a critical resource at a time
10. Based on the implementation of threads, Operating System (D) A closed chain of processes exist such that each process
classifies the threads as holds at least one resource needed by another process in the
A) Mainframe and Motherboard Level
B) Kernel and User Level 18. Which one of the following is an objective of the operating
C) Security and Memory Level system?
D) OS and CPU Level
(A) Makes it complicated for the user to use the computer
11. What are major activities of an operating system with respect to system
resource management? (B) De-allocates the memory when the process needs it or still
A) OS provides authentication features for each user by (C) Acts as a blocking wall between hardware and its user
means of passwords. (D) To manage the resources of the computer system
B) OS ensures that external I/O devices are protected from
invalid access attempts. 19. 1. In resource allocation graph with all single resource
C) OS constantly checks for possible error and the OS takes instances, a cycle in the graph indicates
an appropriate action to ensure correct and consistent
computing. A) definitely no deadlock
D) OS manages all kinds of resources using schedulers & B) definitely a deadlock
CPU scheduling algorithms are used for better utilization of C) partial deadlock
CPU. D) partial starvation

12. What is considered as the heart of the operating system, which 20. Which of the following is a single-user operating system?
provides the basic foundation, memory management file systems,
program execution? a) Windows
b) MAC
A) ALU c) Ms-Dos

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d) None of these a) first-come, first-served scheduling
b) shortest job scheduling
21. When you delete a file in your computer, where does it go? c) priority scheduling
d) none of the mentioned
A) Recycle bin
B) Hard disk 24. In priority scheduling algorithm ____________
C) Taskbar
D) None of these a) CPU is allocated to the process with highest priority
b) CPU is allocated to the process with lowest priority
22. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time c) Equal priority processes can not be scheduled
of completion is termed as ____________ d) None of the mentioned

a) waiting time 25. Which one of the following can not be scheduled by the kernel?
b) turnaround time
c) response time a) kernel level thread
d) throughput b) user level thread
c) process
23. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the d) none of the mentioned
process that requests the CPU first?



Microsoft Office, or simply Office, is a family of client software, • Save As - Saves the open document to disk under a
server software, and services developed by Microsoft. It was first different name
announced by Bill Gates on August 1, 1988, at COMDEX in Las • Print - Prints the open document
Vegas. • Prepare - Prepares the document for distribution, through
such tasks as adding a signature on encryption
MS office primarily includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and • Send - Sends the document to another user by email or fax
Outlook. MS Word • Publish - Makes the document publicly available via a
document serve or a public web space
MS Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It has • Close - Exits the open document.
advanced features which allow you to format and edit your files and 1. TITLE BAR: The bar at the top of the window that bears the
documents in the best possible way. Used to make professional- name of the window, is known as Title Bar.
quality documents, letters, reports, etc. 2. MENU BAR: A screen element of MS Word that is usually
located below the title bar that provides categorized option, is
• Charles Simonyi, a developer and Richard Brodie, a called Menu Bar.
software engineer, where the two creators of MS Word 3. TOOL BAR: Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands.
• This program was initially named “Multi-Tool Word” but Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar.
later, was renamed as MS Word
• It was introduced in 1983 Ribbon

Using this application program you can add pictures, tables, and The Ribbon is located at the top of the screen and stretches across
charts to your documents. You can also check spelling and the window. The Ribbon is organized into 8 different
Tabs; File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings,
• Follow these simple steps to open MS Word on your Review, and View. Each Tab has several Groups, where similar tools
personal computer: and features are found.

Start → All Programs → MS Office → MS Word. Microsoft Word: (a) Home Tab

• Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by The Home tab displays a variety of tools and features used to format
Microsoft. and move text. The Home tab can change the color, size, font, and
• It is used for creating, editing, formatting, storing, alignment of the text. The Home tab can also cut, copy, and paste
retrieving and printing of a text document. text. The Home tab has 5 groups; Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles
• Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a and Editing
.doc or .docx file extension.
(b) Insert Tab
The Insert tab displays tools and features used to add an item or
• Business and workplace use of Microsoft Word special format to the document. The Insert tab can add pictures,
• MS word uses in Education: symbols, or page numbers to the document. The Insert tab has 7
• Help to create resumes, notes, and assignments groups; Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text,
• You can create books, articles, and newsletters and Symbols.
• Used to create edit, transcribe, and convert PDF
(c) Page Layout Tab
Office Button- It is located in upper left button corner of the office.
The Page Layout tab displays tools and features used to change the
The options available in the Office Button menu are : way text and images will be positioned in the document. The Page
Lausert tab controls the margins and page orientation. The Page
• New - Creates a new document Lausert tab has 5 groups; Themes, Page Setup, Page Background,
• Open - Opens an existing document form disk Paragraph, and Arrange.
• Save - Saves the open document to disk
(d) Reference Tab

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The References tab displays tools and features used in academic or • ALIGN/ ALIGNMENT
professional writing. The References tab will assist with using
citations, footnotes, and a table of contents. The References tab has The alignment keyboard shortcut keys can vary depending on what
6 groups; Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations, Captions, Index, program is being used and the type of computer. However,
and Table of Authorities. generally speaking, use Ctrl+L to left align, Ctrl+E to center, Ctrl+R
to right align, and Ctrl+J to justify text.
(e) Mailings Tab
The Mailings tab displays tools and features used to print envelopes,
labels, and send mass communications. The Mailings tab has 5 Alternatively referred to as a bullet point, a bullet is an asterisk,
groups; Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview black dot, circle, or other mark that is found before the text. They
Results, and Finish. are utilized to identify key items or denote significance. Bullet points
are often used in presentations to help organize information and
(f) Review Tab make it easier to read or understand.

The Review tab displays tools and features used to fix mistakes or • CLIPBOARD
write drafts of a document. The Review tab can check spelling and
grammar, add comments to a section of the document, or change The clipboard, also known as pasteboard, is a special location in
the language of the document. The Review tab has 7 groups; your computer's memory that temporarily stores cut or copied data
Proofing, Language, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, and from a document. Once, something is stored in the clipboard, it can
Protect. then be pasted to a new location. The clipboard holds its information
until you cut or copy something else, or log out of the computer. For
(g) View Tab example, a user may copy information from a word processor and
paste that information into an e-mail message.
The View tab displays tools and features to change the way the
document looks on the screen. The View tab can change the zoom • AutoCorrect
level, display or position the windows for 2 different documents. The
View tab has 5 groups; Document Views, Show, Zoom, Window, and AutoCorrect is a software feature commonly found in word
Macros. processing programs, such as Microsoft Word. As the name implies,
this feature automatically corrects misspellings and common typos.
• Ruler
Hit Alt + F7 on your keyboard and it will start with the first misspelled
The ruler is a measurement tool found in MS word that allow the user word.
to align graphics, text, tables, or other elements on a page. When
enabled the horizontal ruler appears at the top of the document, and • FORMATTING TOOLBAR
the vertical ruler is on the left-side of the document.
Options available in the formatting toolbar
• Status Bar
2. Change the font.
The status bar, which is a horizontal area at the bottom of the 3. Change the size of the font.
document window in Microsoft Word, provides information about the 4. Change the font color.
current state of what user are viewing in the window and any other 5. Make the text bold, italics, or underline.
contextual information. It shows the Page number(Shows the page 6. Change the alignment.
number) and Number of words in the document itself. 7. Change the style to currency, percent, or
• The Vertical and Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars 8. Increase or decrease the decimal and
The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, 9. Change the borders.
and across your window simply by dragging the icon located on the 10. Fill (highlight) the text.
scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar is located along the right side of
the screen. The horizontal scroll bar is located just above the status • GRAMMAR CHECKER- A grammar checker is software or a
bar. To move up and down your document, click and drag the program feature found in a word processor and is used to find
vertical scroll bar up and down. To move back and forth across your grammatical errors. That is to say, it checks for improper sentence
document, click and drag the horizontal scroll bar back and forth. structure and word usage (e.g., their instead of there), poorly placed
You won't see a horizontal scroll bar if the width of your document or unnecessary punctuation, and other more esoteric errors. An
fits on your screen. example of a software program that includes its own grammar
checker is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word underlines grammar
MS WORD FEATURES errors with a green squiggly underline as shown in the picture.


The ability to change text by adding, deleting and rearranging A gutter is a blank area or space that runs between text or pages of
letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. Text editing is the main a document. Most documents have a gutter at the top and bottom of
operation users perform in word processors, which typically also each page. A gutter may be small or large, depending on the size of
handle graphics and other multimedia files. the margins on each page. A larger margin results in a larger gutter.


Find and Replace helps you to find words or formats in a document A thesaurus is a reference tool that is used to locate synonyms
and can let you replace all instances of a word or format. This is (words that are similar in meaning to a particular word.)
particularly handy in long documents. To use Find and Replace, use
the shortcut Ctrl+H or navigate to Editing in the Home tab of the • MAIL MERGE
ribbon, then choose Replace.
Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both
Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H. Enter the word or phrase you Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and allows you to create
want to locate in the Find box. Enter your new text in the Replace multiple documents at once, such as letters, saving you the time and
box. effort of retyping the same letter over and over.

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Subscript Abbreviated as sup, a superscript is a character(s) half the height of

a standard character and printed higher than the rest of the text.
Abbreviated as sub, subscript refers to words or character that are
half the height of a standard character and printed lower than the EXAMPLE- ABCABC
rest of the text.
For superscript, press Ctrl, Shift, and the Plus sign (+) at the same
EXAMPLE- ABCABC time. For subscript, press Ctrl and the Equal sign (=) at the same

1. Microsoft Word is a 10. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font
Size tool on formatting toolbar?
1) Word Processing Program
2) Spreadsheet Program 5) 8 and 72
3) Presentation Program 6) 8 and 70
4) None of the above 7) 8 and 82
8) 10 and 72
2. Word wrap means
11. To select a sentence, click anywhere on the sentence
1) aligning text with the right margin while holding the following key.
2) inserting spaces between words
3) moving text automatically to the next line 1) Shift
4) None of the above 2) Ctrl
3) Alt
3. Selection of text can be of 4) Esc

1) single word or a line 12. To copy selected text, press the key
2) a paragraph
3) complete document 1) Alt + Shift + C
4) all of the above 2) Ctrl + Shift + V
3) Ctrl + C
4. You specify the save details of your file in the 4) All of the above

1) Save As... dialog box 13. What is the shortcut key to create a "New" document ?
2) File Save dialog box
3) Save the File As... dialog box 1) Shift + N
4) None of the above 2) Ctrl + N
3) Alt + N
5. If you click on the Undo button 4) Shift + Ctrl + N

1) it will include the new text and remove the original text 14. What is the shortcut key to "Select" a whole document ?
2) it will remove the old text and restore the new text back
3) it will remove the new text and restore the original text back 1. Ctrl + S
4) none of the above 2. Ctrl + W
3. Ctrl + P
6. To delete the selected sentence, we can press the 4. Ctrl + A
following key:
15. What is the shortcut key for "Subscript" the selected text ?
1) Backspace
2) Del 1) Ctrl + +
3) Both (A) and (B) 2) Ctrl + Shift + +
4) None of the above 3) Ctrl + Shift + =
4) Ctrl + =
7. The document can be zoomed maximum up to:
16. What is the shortcut key for "Clear All Formatting" the
1) 100% selected text ?
2) 200%
3) 400% 1) Ctrl + Del
4) 500% 2) Ctrl + Enter
3) Ctrl + Spacebar
8. What is the default file extension for all Word documents ? 4) Shift + F3

1. .txt 17. What is the use of "All Caps" feature in MS-Word ?

2. .xlsx
3. .docs 1) It changes all selected text into Capital Letter
4. .docx 2) It changes all selected text into Small Letter
3) It adds captions for selected Image
9. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one 4) None of the above
point every time ?
18. Values of normal margin (in inches) in ms-word is
1. By pressing Ctrl + ;
2. By pressing Ctrl + , 1) left-0.5, right-0.5, top-0.5, bottom-0.5
3. By pressing Ctrl + [ 2) left-0.75, right-0.75, top-0.5, bottom-0.5
4. By pressing Ctrl + ] 3) left-1, right-1, top-1, bottom-1

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4) left-1.5, right-1.5, top-1, bottom-1 1) Bold
2) Superscript
19. Portrait and Landscape are ________ . 3) Italic
4) Regular
1) Paper size
2) Page layout 26. Which Of The Following Is Not Available On The Ruler Of MS
3) Page orientation Word Screen ?
4) Page margin
1) Tab Stop Box
20. The number of ways you can save a word document, are 2) Center Indent
3) Left Indent
1) 2 4) Right Indent
2) 3
3) 4 27. We Can Send The Word Documents To
4) 5
1) Microsoft PowerPoint
21. Which tool can be opted for a synonym word in a document? 2) Microsoft Excel
3) Microsoft Access
1) Auto text 4) All Of Above
2) Replace
3) Thesaurus 28. Which items are placed at the end of a document
4) Restore
1) End Note
22. Which is the function button for spelling and grammar 2) Footer
3) Foot Note
1) F 4) Header
2) F5
3) F7 29. We can change the thickness of a line from -
4) F9
5) Line Thick
23. How many font styles will appear in Font box in default? 6) Line Height
7) Line width
1) 2 8) Line Style
2) 4
3) 6 30. How many columns can you insert in a word document in
4) 8 maximum?

24. Graphics for word processor 9) 55

10) 50
1) Peripheral 11) 45
2) Clip art 12) 40
3) Highlight
4) Execute

25. Which Is Not A Font Style ?

ANSWER KEY 13) Answer: Option [D] 24) Answer: Option [B]
14) Answer: Option [A] 25) Answer: Option [C]
5) Answer: Option [A] 15) Answer: Option [B] 26) Answer: Option [C]
6) Answer: Option [C] 16) Answer: Option [C] 27) Answer: Option [B]
7) Answer: Option [D] 17) Answer: Option [B] 28) Answer: Option [B]
8) Answer: Option [A] 18) Answer: Option [D] 29) Answer: Option [B]
9) Answer: Option [C] 19) Answer: Option [D] 30) Answer: Option [B]
10) Answer: Option [C] 20) Answer: Option [C] 31) Answer: Option [A]
11) Answer: Option [D] 21) Answer: Option [A] 32) Answer: Option [A]
12) Answer: Option [D] 22) Answer: Option [C] 33) Answer: Option [D]
23) Answer: Option [C] 34) Answer: Option [C]

Microsoft Power point: Microsoft Power point is a part of MS- Office. It was introduced to generate business presentation, slide show and graphics
on computer system.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program, created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc. It
was released on April 20, 1987, initially for Macintosh computers only. Microsoft acquired PowerPoint for $14 million three months after it

“The actual extension for power point after Microsoft office 2007 is *.pptx and for the older versions, it was *.ppt.”


Versions for Microsoft Windows include:

• 1990 PowerPoint 2.0 for Windows 3.0

• 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 for Windows 3.1
• 1993 PowerPoint 4.0 (Office 4.x)
• 1995 PowerPoint for Windows 95 (version 7.0) – (Office 95)
• 1997 PowerPoint 97 - (Office 97)
• 1999 PowerPoint 2000 (version 9.0) (Office 2000)

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• 2001 PowerPoint 2002 (version 10) (Office XP)
• 2003 PowerPoint 2003 (version 11) (Office 2003)
• 2007 PowerPoint 2007 (version 12) (Office 2007)

Use of Power point text; left align, right align, center, or justify, bullet or
number lists; highlight; or decrease or increase the indent.
1. Creating business application presentation slide. 4. Rulers: Rulers are vertical and horizontal guides. You use
2. Creating graphical objects with animations. them to determine where you want to place an object. They
3. Create artistic slides for general use using art gallery. are marked in inches.
4. To provide training in business world. 5. Placeholders: Placeholders hold the objects in your slide.
You use placehoders to hold text, clip art, and charts.
Starting Power point: There are two methods to open or start Power 6. Status Bar: The Status bar generally appears at the bottom
point. the screen. The Status bar displays the number of the slide
that is currently displayed, the total number of slides, and
1. Double click on Microsoft Power point icon on desktop. the name of the design template in use or the name of the
2. Click on the Start button in the bottom left hand comer of background.
computer screen. 7. Outline Tab: The Outline displays the text contained in your
3. When the menu pops up, move our mouse up to Programs. presentation.
A sub menu will appear showing all the software we have. 8. Slides Tab: The Slides tab displays a thumbnail of all your
4. Now click Microsoft office then select Microsoft Power slides. You click the thumbnail to view the slide in the slide
point from them. Microsoft Power point will start up. pane.
9. View Buttoms: The view buttons appear near the bottom of
Click Start → Program → MS-Office → MS. Power point. the screen. You use the view buttons to change between
Normal view. Slider sorter view, and the Slide Show.
10. Drawing Toolbar: The drawing toolbar generally appears
The Power Point Screen We use Power Point to create effective slide
near the bottom of the screen. It contains tools for creating
show presentations. The power point screen has many elements.
and editing graphics.
11. Common Tasks Buttons: Using the common tasks buttons,
1. Title Bar: The title bar generally appears at the top of the
you can select the type of tasks you want to perform.
screen. The title bar displays the title of the current
12. Task Pane: The task pane enables you to select the
specific task you want to perform.
2. Menu Bar: The menu bar displays the menu. You use the
13. Vertical Splitter Bar: You can click and drag the vertical
menu to give instructions to Power Point.
splitter bar to change the size of your panes.
3. Standard and Formatting Toolbars: Power Point has
14. Minimize Button: You use the minimize button to remove a
several toolbars. Toolbars provide shorcuts to menu
window from view. While a window is minimized, its title
commands. The most commonly used toolbars are the
appears on the taskbar.
standard and formatting toolbars. You use the standard
15. Maximize/Restore Button: You use the maximize button to
toolbar to do such things as open a file; save a file; print a
cause a window to fill the screen. After you maximize a
file; check spelling; cut, copy, and paste; undo and redo; or
window, if you click the restore button, the window returns
insert a chart or table. You use the formatting toolbar to
to its former size.
change the font, Power point - Computer Study Material
16. Close Button: You use the close button to exit the window
Page 2 font size or font color; bold, underline or italicize
and close the program.

• Title Placeholder : It is use to write title of slide

• Text Placeholder: It is use to descriptive text

 Object Placeholder: It is use to insert picture, graphics, chart etc.

Add New slide

• Click CTRL+M from keyboard or select New Slide option from Insert Menu
• Slide Layout pane will be appear on right side, click on appropriate layout

The AutoContent Wizard

. The AutoContent Wizard is a good option for creating a presentation if you are a beginner. The AutoContent Wizard offers suggestions for
templates to use and types of content to put in. This option is also good if you are in hurry and want to create a presentati on quickly.

Creating a Presentation using the AutoContent Wizard.

1. Click the File menu, then click New. The New Presentation window will appear. Selecting new from the menu bar
2. In the New Presentation window, click From AutoContent Wizard.
3. The AutoContent Wizard will start.

What is a Template?

A template, also called a presentation design, lets you create a presentation without worrying about design elements. The template defines the
color, background, and font of the slides. PowerPoint has many templates, which you can preview and select in the New Present ation window.

PowerPoint also lets you customize the templates. For instance, you can change the background color or typeface of a template.

Click the File menu, then click New. The New Presentation window appears.

2. Under Templates window, click "On my computer". The New Presentation dialog box will open. Click Design Templates tab or Presentation tab.
Then select the template you wish to use.

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Template designs

3. Click OK. The New Presentation dialog box will close.


• Choose Exit Option from File menu


• Press ALT+F4


• Click X button at the top right corner on title bar of the PowerPoint


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To add a special visual or sound effect to text or an object is called Animation.

For example, you can have your text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a time, or hear the sound of applause when a picture is
uncovered. Animations makes presentation more effect. There are variety of options available for adding animations to present ation

1. Slide Transition
A slide transition is how one slide is removed from the screen and the next slide is displayed during a presentation.
To add transitions to a presentation click on the slide sorter view, located at the bottom of the screen. Thumbnails of all t he slides in your
presentation will appear. Click on the Transitions tab. The transitions tab contains the Transitions to This Slide group. Fro m this group
choose a special effect to be applied during the transition between the previous slide to the next slide.
To apply transition schemes to all the slides in your presentation select Apply to All.

2. Custom Animation
Click on the Animation Pane in the Advanced Animation group on the Animations tab and the animation pane appears to the right of the
slide pane. Click on Add Animation. There are four options to apply effects to: the entrance, emphasis, exit and motion paths. Choose a
slide, select an object on the slide, then add your choice of animation. The effect displays in the Slide pane. Preview the s lide show by
selecting slide show located at the bottom of the task pane.

3. Animation Scheme:
An animation scheme is just a predefined slide transition and a collection of animation effects applied to slide objects.
Once of the most basic type of animation schemes is the "Appear".
This just defines the paragraphs of text to appear one at a time.


1. Number of page orientations allowed in PowerPoint is B. .ppt

A) 1 C. Both
B) 2 D. none
C) 3
D) 4 5. __________ is used to write title of slide.
A. Title Placeholder
2. PowerPoint slide can be saved as B. Text Placeholder
1. .pdf C. Object Placeholder
2. .pps D. None of these
3. ipg
4. .python 6. A template, also called _______________,lets you create a presentation
A) Only 1 & 2 without worrying about design elements.
B) Only 2 & 4 A. a presentation design
C) Only 1 & 3 B. a presentation overview
D) Only 1,2 & 3 C. a presentation table
D. a presentation data
3. In MS Powerpoint 2007, which key combination is used to duplicate
the current slide? 7. To add a special visual or sound effect to text or an object is
A) CTRL + Shift + R called____________.
B) CTRL + D A. Animation.
C) CTRL + Shift + M B. Transition
D) Alt + K C. Both of these
D. None of these
4. The extension for power point after Microsoft office 2007 is
A. .pptx 8. What Are The Things That can be added in the slide separately
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using animation effects? PowerPoint ?
A. Bullets A Edit -> Chart
B. Tables B Insert -> Pictures -> Chart
C. Objects C Insert -> Chart
D. All of these. D View -> Chart

9. What is the default PowerPoint standard layout? 21. What is a trigger, in context of animations ?
(A) Blank A An object to be inserted in the presentation
(B) Title slide B An action button that advances to the next slide
(C) Title only C The name of a motion path
(D) Comparison D An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked.

10. Press ___ to start presentation from the beginning. 22. __________allows us to decide on the order in which the slides will be
(A) F5 shown during the slide show.
(B) F6 (A) Task Pane
(C) F7 (B) Notes Pane
(D) F8 (C) Slide Sorter Pane
(D) Slide Pane
11. Which of the following file format can be added to a
PowerPoint show? 23. _________ slide background option in PowerPoint lets you want to
(A) .jpg select a uniform pattern that gives the impression that the slide is
(B) .gif displayed on a material such as cloth or stone.
(C) .wav (A) Solid
(D) All of these (B) Clipart
(C) Pattern
12. The minimum zoom size in MS PowerPoint is ____ (D) Gradient
(A) 0
(B) 10 24. To duplicate a slide in Powerpoint choose ______ option.
(C) 30 (A) Clone selected slide
(D) 100 (B) New slide
(C) Copy current slide
13.In which bar we can see the current position of the slide? (D) Duplicate selected slide
(A) Ribbon
(B) Title bar 25. In _______ view, we can see only the text of the slides in the
(C) Status bar presentation.
(D) View option bar (A) Slide Sorter View
14. Press ___ to end a presentation. (B) Normal View
(A) Tab (C) Slide Show View
(B) Esc (D) Outline View
(C) P
(D) E 26. In which of the following presentation views allows you to see
thumbnails of all the slides in your presentation to easily rearrange
15. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are them?
called (A) Normal view
(A) Present animations (B) Box view
(B) Transitions (C) Notes page view
(C) Custom animations (D) Slide sorter view
(D) Effects
27. To center the selected text, the shortcut key is _____
16. Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program, created by (A) Ctrl+ C
___________________at a software company (B) Ctrl+ E
named Forethought, Inc. (C) Ctrl+ O
A. Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin (D) Ctrl+ U
B. Ada Lovelace
C. Steve Jobs 28. ____ button reduces the window to an icon but word still remains
D. Steve wozniak active.
(A) Maximize
17. Which option allows you to select line, curve, freeform or (B) Minimize
scribble tools? (C) Close
(A) Draw custom path (D) Restore
(B) Create effect
(C) Insert motion path 29. In MS PowerPoint 2019 which key is used to insert a hyperlink?
(D) All of the above A. Alt+K B. Ctrl+K C. Ctrl+B D. Ctrl+H

18. Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to create a simple 30. Which shortcut is used to select all the slides?
presentation quickly ? A. Alt+A B. Shift+A C. Ctrl+A D. F2
A Transition Wizard
B AutoContent Wizard 31. Which shortcut is used to open the spelling dialog box in
C Animations PowerPoint?
D Chart Wizard A. F7 B. F1 C. F8 D. F2

19. How we can put a Chart in the presentation using 32. Which shortcut is used to open the help window in PowerPoint?
PowerPoint ? A. F7 B. F1 C. F4 D. F2
A Edit -> Chart
B Insert -> Pictures -> Chart 33. In MS PowerPoint which shortcut key is used to insert a new slide?
C Insert -> Chart A. Alt+I B. Alt+M C. Ctrl+M D. Ctrl+S
D View -> Chart
34. Which shortcut is used to justify the selected text in PowerPoint
20. How we can put a Chart in the presentation using 2019?
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A. Ctrl+J B. Ctrl+G C. Ctrl+B D. Ctrl+A 35. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 which key is used to open the
animations tab?
A. Ctrl+A B. Alt+A C. Ctrl+B D. Ctrl+X


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot
tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool ca pable of
performing calculations, analyzing data and integrating information from different programs.

Running Excel is not different from running any other Windows program.

1. Click on start menu

2. Point to all programs
3. Point to Microsoft Excel
4. Click on Microsoft Excel

‘ By default, documents saved in Excel (2007 onwards) are saved with the .xlsx extension whereas the file extension of the pr ior Excel
Versions(2003) are .xls’

EXCEL 2007 versus EXCEL 2003 and earlier

 For basic data analysis using the Data Analysis Toolpack, such as descriptive statistics and regression, versions of Microsoft Excel from
1997 on are adequate.
 However, the user interface for Excel 2007 is much different from that in earlier versions.
 The File Menu is replaced with the Microsoft Office Button . This is used to open, save and print files.
 The other Menus (Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help) and drop-down dialog boxes and toolbar icons have been
greatly rearranged and replaced by the Microsoft Office fluent user interface that uses Ribbons and Groups.

SPREADSHEET 3. Page Layout

 An electronic document in which data is arranged in the Themes, orientation and page setup options are available under the
rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and page layout option
used in calculations.
 A spreadsheet is collection of electronic sheet which 4. Formulas
contain various type of data in to rows and columns.
 An arrangement of cells in columns and rows used to Since tables with a large amount of data can be created in MS excel,
organize, analyze, calculate, and report information. under this feature, you can add formulas to your table and get
quicker solutions
The Microsoft Office Button- In the upper-left corner of the Excel
2007 window is the Microsoft Office button.When you click the 5. Data
button, a menu appears. You can use the menu to create a new file,
open an existing file, save a file, print and perform many other tasks. Adding external data (from the web), filtering options and data tools
are available under this category
The Quick Access Toolbar
6. Review
Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The
Quick Access toolbar gives you quick access to commands you Proofreading can be done for an excel sheet (like spell check) in the
frequently use. review category and a reader can add comments in this part

The Title Bar 7. View

Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. On the Title bar, Different views in which we want the spreadsheet to be displayed
Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook you are currently can be edited here. Options to zoom in and out and pane
using. At the top of the Excel window, you should see "Book 1 - arrangement are available under this category
Microsoft Excel" or a similar name.
 CELL- The intersection of a row and column is called a cell.
The Ribbon Bar
 Active Cell: The active cell is the cell in the spreadsheet
The commands are organized by Tab and Group. At the highest level that is currently selected for data entry. You can change
is the Ribbon for each Tab. Here this is is shown for the Home Tab. which cell is the active cell by clicking the left mouse
button once or using the arrow keys on the keyboard. The
Various editing and formatting can be done on an Excel current active cell can be identified as being the one that
spreadsheet. Discussed below are the various features of MS Excel. has a darker black border around it. Also, the active cell
reference is listed in the Name Box directly above the
1. Home spreadsheet's column headings.

Comprises options like font size, font styles, font colour, background
colour, alignment, formatting options and styles, insertion and  CELL NAME/ADDRESS- Cells are identified by the Cell
deletion of cells and editing options Name (or Reference, which is found by combining the
Column Letter with the Row Number. For example the cell
2. Insert in Column "C" in Row "3" would be cell C3. Cells may
contain Labels, Numbers, Formulas or Functions.
Comprises of options like table format and style, inserting images
and figures, adding graphs, charts and sparklines, header and
footer option, equation and symbols
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 COLUMNS AND ROWS- Upto Excel 2003, the standard The basics of Excel formulas
amount of columns was 256 and 65536 rows. (columns
represented in alphabets & rows represented in numbers) FORMULAE: Excel formulae can be used to perform simple
EXCEL 2007 onwards , maximum number of rows per sheet calculations on the data like addition, subtraction, multiplication and
increased to 1048576 and columns to 16384. division. One of the significant features of a spreadsheet program is
its ability to manipulate data and perform simple and complex
 Name Box: The name box appears to the left of the formula calculations effieicntly. Formulae usually consist of one or more cell
bar and displays the name of the current cell. Unless you addresses or values and a mathematical operator such as +, -, * and
define a cell or range of cells with a specific name, the /.
name box will display the cell reference of the active cell.
For example, =A2+A2+A3+A4 is a formula that adds up the values in
 Formula Bar: The formula bar appears directly above the cells A2 through A4.
column headings of a spreadsheet and will display what
has been typed into the active cell. For example, if you Operators:
click on a cell that contains the formula =A3+C3, the cell
itself will show the result of the formula. The formula bar,  () PARANTHESIS
however, will display what has actually been typed into the  ^ EXPONENTIAL
cell which, in this case, is =A3+C3.
 Function: Functions are built-in formulas that are used to  + ADDITION
enter either commonly used or very complex formulas. Like  - SUBSTRACTION
formulas, functions begin with an equal sign "=" and use
cell references in their format. One commonly used Functions: Functions are pre-designed formulas that save you the
function is the Sum function, which will add up the values in time and trouble of creating commonly used or complex equations.
a range. The function: =sum(H2:H25) would add all values Excel includes hundreds of functions that you can use alone or in
contained in cells H2 through H25 and return the result combination with other formulas or functions. Functions perform a
when the enter key is pressed. variety of calculations, from adding, averaging, and counting, to
more complicated tasks, such as calculating the monthly payment
 Workbook: A workbook is a collection of worksheets that amount of a loan. you can enter a function manually if you know its
are saved together in one file. Individual worksheets can name and all the required arguments, or you can easily insert a
be given descriptive names and you can switch from one function using the paste Function feature.
worksheet to another by using the sheet tabs that appear
beneath the worksheet grid area. For example, instead of specifying each value to be summed like in
 Merging Cells: Ms excel allows merging of one cell with the above formula, you can use the SUM function to add up a range
adjacent cell ( that are blank) to form a big cell. It is useful of cells: =SUM(A2:A4)
especially while creating a decorative title for thr
worksheet. Excel Macros: An Excel macro is an action or a set of actions that
you can record, give a name, save and run as many times as you
To merge and center two or more cells follow these steps: Select want and whenever you want. Macros help you to save time on
the cells. Press and release ALT key, following by H, M, and M key repetitive tasks involved in data manipulation and data reports that
on keyboard. are required to be done frequently.


1) SUM - Adds all the values in a range of cells =SUM(E4:E8)

2) MIN - Finds the minimum value in a range of cells =MIN(E4:E8)
3) MAX - Finds the maximum value in a range of cells =MAX(E4:E8)
4) AVERAGE - Calculates the average value in a range of cells =AVERAGE(E4:E8)
5) COUNT - Counts the number of cells in a range of cells =COUNT(E4:E8)
6) LEN Text - Returns the number of characters in a string text =LEN(B7)
7) SUMIF - Adds all the values in a range of cells that meet a specified criteria.
a. =SUMIF(range,criteria,[sum_range]) =SUMIF(D4:D8,”>=1000″,C4:C8)
8) AVERAGEIF - Calculates the average value in a range of cells that meet the specified criteria.
a. =AVERAGEIF(range,criteria,[average_range]) =AVERAGEIF(F4:F8,”Yes”,E4:E8)
9) DAYS- Returns the number of days between two dates =DAYS(D4,C4)
10) NOW - Returns the current system date and time =NOW()
11) CONCATENATE: This function merges or joins several text strings into one text string. Given below are the different ways to perform
this function.

syntax =CONCATENATE(A25, " ", B25)

Date Time Functions

These functions are used to manipulate date values. The following table shows some of the common date functions


1 DATE Date & Time Returns the number that represents the date in excel code =DATE(2015,2,4)

2 DAYS Date & Time Find the number of days between two dates =DAYS(D6,C6)

3 MONTH Date & Time Returns the month from a date value =MONTH(“4/2/2015”)

4 MINUTE Date & Time Returns the minutes from a time value =MINUTE(“12:31”)

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5 YEAR Date & Time Returns the year from a date value =YEAR(“04/02/2015”)


• COUNT function
Statistical: Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments
• COUNTA function
Statistical: counts cells containing any type of information, including error values and empty text ("")
• COUNTBLANK function
Statistical: Counts the number of blank cells within a range
• COUNTIF function
Statistical: Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria
• COUNTIFS function
Statistical: Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria

• LOOKUP function: Looks up values in a vector or array

• HLOOKUP function: Looks in the top row of an array and returns the value of the indicated cell

• VLOOKUP function: Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell

ONE LINERS FOR MS EXCEL • Concatenation of text can be done using- Ampersand (&)
• Which language is used to create macros in Excel- Visual
• Maximum Length of formula contents- 8,192 characters Basic
• What do you mean by a Workspace- Group of Workbooks
• The first cell in EXCEL worksheet is labeled as- A1 Formatting Cells
• What are the tabs that appear at the bottom of each
workbook called Sheet tabs • Ctrl+B: Add or remove bold to the contents of a cell,
• Which of the following shortcuts can be used to insert a selected data, or selected cell range
new line in the same cell- Alt + Enter • Ctrl+I: Add or remove italics to the contents of a cell,
• If particular workbook have to open each time Excel selected data, or selected cell range
started, where that workbook should be laced- XLSTART • Ctrl+U: Add or remove underline to the contents of a cell,
Folder selected data, or selected cell range
• What is the shortcut key to hide entire row- CTRL + 9 • Alt+H+H: Select a fill color
• What is the shortcut key to insert a new comment in a cell- • Alt+H+B: Add a border
Shift + F2 • Ctrl+Shift+&: Apply outline border
• What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in current • Ctrl+Shift+_ (Underline): Remove outline border
workbook- Shift + F11 • Ctrl+9: Hide the selected rows
• In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply • Ctrl+0: Hide the selected columns
selecting a tool button called- Auto sum • Ctrl+1: Open the Format Cells dialog box
• Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is • Ctrl+5: Apply or remove strikethrough
called Referencing

PRACTICE QUESTIONS 5) Which one is not a Function in MS Excel ?

1) Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft a) SUM

for . b) AVG
c) MAX
c) IOS 6) In Excel, Columns are labeled as
a) A, B, C, etc
2) Microsoft Excel up until 2007 version used a b) 1,2,3 etc
proprietary binary file format called__________ (.XLS) as its c) A1, A2, etc.
primary format. d) $A$1, $A$2, etc.

a) Excel Binary File Format 7) How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a
b) XML Spreadsheet new Excel file ?
c) Both of the above
d) None of these. a) 1
b) 3
3) What is the intersection of a column and a row on a c) 5
worksheet called ? d) 10

a) Column 8) In MS-Excel value used in a formula that does not change is

b) Value called a
c) Address
d) Cell a) Cell address
5) Which function in Excel tells how many numeric b) Constant
entries are there ? c) Function
a) NUM d) None of these
c) SUM 9) In MS-Excel comments can be added to cells using
a) Edit > Comments

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b) Insert > Comments a) With the right drag method
c) File > Comments b) With a hyperlink
d) None of these c) With the copy and paste special commands
d) With the copy and paste buttons on the standard
10) To create a formula, you first: toolbar.

a) Select the cell you want to place the formula into PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS
b) Type the equals sign (=) to tell Excel that you’re about to
enter a formula 20) MS Excel function, ISOWEEKNUM(date) returns
c) Enter the formula using any input values and the
appropriate mathematical operators that make up your A) ISO week number of the year for a given date
formula B) Gives the 1ST of the date
d) Choose the new command from the file menu C) geographical location of the equator on the given
11) As text editor is used at Ms word so are used at Ms Excel. D) current time in Indian Standard Office for the
given date
a) Work space
b) Work sheets 21) In MS Excel 2007, which key combination is used to Close a
c) Work area spreadsheet?
d) All of these.
12) What is the total number of rows in Ms excel? B) CTRL+W
a) 78562 D) SHIFT+C
b) MORE THAN 70000
c) 63536 22) In MS Excel 2007, which key combination is used to display
d) 65556 the font dialog box?

13) What location will be described by the cell E14 ? A) Alt + Shift + Down arrow
B) Alt + Shift + Left arrow
a) Column E , row 14 C) Shift + F9
b) Column 14, row E D) Ctrl + Shift + F
c) Column E
d) None of these. 23) In MS Excel 2007, which key combination is used to hide
the selected columns?
14) Excel has inbuilt feature which allow you to represent your
data in pictorial form called . A) Alt + Shift + Down arrow
B) CTRL + 0
a) Worksheets C) Alt + Enter + K
b) Charts D) CTRL + ALT + M
c) Database
d) None of these. 24) In MS Excel 2007, which key combination is used to focus
the screen on the active cell ?
15) The name box
a) Shows the location of the previously active cell B) CTRL + BACKSPACE
b) Appears to the left of the formula bar C) CTRL + DELETE + ESCAPE
c) Appears below the status bar D) CTRL + ENTER + A
d) Appears below the menu bar
25) What is the default alignment of numbers and text in excel?
16) Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using
A) Both to the left
a) standard formulas B) Both to the right
b) array formula C) Number to left and text to right
c) complex formulas D) Number to right and text to left
d) smart formula
26) Which of the following shortcut keys is used to invoke the
17) When the formula bar is active, you can see VB Editor in Microsoft Excel 2007?

a) The edit formula button (a) Alt + F8

b) The cancel button (b) Alt + F10
c) The enter button (c) Alt + F11
d) All of the above (d) Alt + F4

18) In a worksheet you can select 27) What symbol is used before beginning of each formula in
MS Excel?
a) The entire worksheet
b) Rows (a) Percentage (%)
c) Columns (b) Equal to (=)
d) All of the above (c) Dollar ($)
(d) Ampersand (&)
19) You cannot link excel worksheet data to a word document

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 MS Access is a Database Management system which was launched by Microsoft. It is a part of the Microsoft Office suite and stores data
in its own format.
 Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS) that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a gra phical
user interface and software-development tools.

 It handles data management tasks.

 Microsoft Access allows users to manipulate large amounts of information and retrieve any part of the information.
 It is a structured database containing data tables that are arranged in a uniform structure of records and fields.
 A spreadsheet is a table used by small organisations that operates with a limited amount of data but for big organisations a Database
Management System is preferred because it needs storing huge amount of data and retrieves it much faster.
 In database management system the content and the location of the data is defined by meta data.

 On November 13, 1992, the first version on MS Access was released by Microsoft
 Before MS Access 2007, the file extension was ‘.mdb’, but in MS Access 2007 the extension has been changed to ‘.accdb’ extens ion.
 Early versions of Access cannot read accdb extensions but MS Access 2007 and later versions can read and change earlier versions of


MS Access can be used to develop application software and is generally used by data architects, software developers and power users. Following
are the major uses of MS Access:

 Manage accounts and bills

 Store data in the form of tables and edit or customise them later as per the requirement of the user
 It can be used to make our websites
 Comparing data or finding a relationship between the existing data can be done using Access

How to start MS Access Program

Click start → All programs → Microsoft office → Microsoft Access.

How to Create an Access Database

 Click the File tab.

 Choose New.
 Access displays a variety of database templates you can use.
 Click an icon, such as Blank Database, or any database template. When you click a template, a window appears; you see a preview of
your template.
 Click in the File Name text box and type a descriptive name for your database.
 Click the Create button to create your database file.
 Access displays a blank database.
 Click the Click to Add heading. Access displays a menu for defining what type of data that field can hold, such as text or nu mbers.
 Choose Long Text. Access displays a generic field name, such as Field1.
 Type a name for your field (such as First Name or Salary).
 Press Enter.
Access displays another Click to Add column; its menu lets you choose the type of data to store in the next field.
 Choose Long Text or any other data type you want the field to hold.
Access displays another generic field, such as Field1.
 Type a name for your field, such as Last Name.
 Repeat Steps 9 through 11 for each additional field you want to create.
 When you have finished adding fields, press Esc on the keyboard.


Tables: Tables are where the actual data is defined and entered. Tables consist of records (rows) and fields (columns).

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• Field : A space allocated for a particular item of information is field. Afield is a column in a table. SQL Server supports more fiel ds, but
only 255 fields are visible in Access. The definition of a field includes the name of the field, the type of data that is stored in the field, and
any validation rules that you must have to validate the stored data. For example a tax form, contains a number of fields such as name,
address, income and so on. In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information. In spreadsheets, fields are called cells.

• Record : In database management systems, a record is a row in a table.We may store any number of records in a table. Records are
composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information. A set of records makes a file. For example, a personnel file contai ns
records that have fields such as name, address and a phone number etc.

Queries: Queries are basically questions about the data in a database. A query consists of specifications indicating which fields, records, and
summaries want to see from a database. Queries allow to extract data based on the criteria user define.

Forms : Forms are designed to ease the data entry process. For example, To create a data entry form that looks exactly like a paper form.

Reports: When a user want to print records from user database, design a report. Access even has a wizard to help produce mailing labels.

Pages: A data access page is a special type of Web page designed for viewing and working with data from the Internet or an intrane t. This data is
stored in a Microsoft Access database or a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Macros: A macro is a set of one or more actions that each performs a particular operation, such as opening a form or printing a report. Macros can
help user automate common tasks. For example, user can run a macro that prints a report when a user clicks a command button.

Modules: A module is a collection of Visual Basic for Applications declarations and procedures that are stored together as a unit. T his allows a set
of pre-defined instructions to be created by a programmer in the database. They can be used throughout the datab ase.


Database File : A database is a collection of related information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed and updated. We
organize files by storing them in folders.

“The process of arranging data in logical sequence is called sorting.”

It is an integrated collection of logically-related records that provide data for one or more multiple uses. We can also perform operations on the
data that is in a database.

File updating : In computing, reviewing and altering the records in a file to ensure that the information they contain is accurate and up-to-date.
Three basic processes are involved:

 adding new records,

 deleting existing records,
 amending existing records.

Database engine : A database engine is a part of a DBMS. It provides a link between the DBMS and the physical data on the hard disk.

Field Name : It is a label provide for a field that specifies the type of information contained in a particular field.

Rules for naming field

a. It can be up to 64 characters long.

b. The naming cannot include control characters.
c. It cannot begin with leading spaces.
d. It can include any combination of letters, numbers, spaces and special characters except a period (.), an exclamation mark (! ), an accent
grave (`) and brackets ([ ]).

Field Type/Data Type : It specifies the type of data stored in the field such as textual data and numerical data or combination of both. The defau lt
size of data type is 50 in MS-Access.

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Field Length : Field refers length or width to the maximum number of characters that a field can contain.

MS-Access View- You can create a table by two most popular ways

a. Database View : It shows the data in the database and also allows you to enter and edit the data but not allow to change the database.
b. Design View : It allows you to create or change the table and also set the keys.
c. Filtering Data : It enables to display only those records in a table that meet a specified filter criterion.

Primary Key - Primary key is a field or group of fields that uniquely identify records in a table. Every table can have only one primary key Primary
key cannot be null value it always has unique value. Primary key is used to relate one table to another as a foreign key. Foreign key: Foreign key is
a key in a table that refers to primary key Held in another table.

The differences between primary key and foreign key

Primary Key Foreign Key

 It is a column or a set of column that  It is a column or a set of column that

can be used to uniquely identify a refer to a primary key or a candidate
row in a table. key of another table.
 A table can have a single primary key  A table can have multiple foreign key
that can reference different tables. that can reference different tables.


 Filtering Data : It enables to display only those records in a table that meet a specified filter criterion.

 Validation Rule : It is a condition that must be met before the data is accepted into the database.
 Validation Text - It appears if a validation rule is not satisfied.

 The Required field - property makes data entry compulsory so that the field cannot be left blank.

 Relationship : It is an association between access table or quarries that use related field. It is a link between tables and enables us to
accessed data from both tables simultaneously.
Relationship can be divided in three categories; One-in-One, One-to-Many and Many-to-Many.

 Attributes : Attributes can be defined as the characteristics of an entity to identify in uniquely. Such as student’s attributes are his Roll-
No, Section, Name etc.

 Memo- It allows long blocks of text, that use text formatting

 OLE Object- it is an acronym for object linking embedding. It can store objects such as a video clip. a picture, word document etc.


1. A database can be best described as c. Fields

a. Organized collection of data d. Columns
b. Useful presentation of data
c. Graphical representation of data 4. What is a form in MS Access
d. All of above a. It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill
it up
2. Microsoft Access is a b. It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and
a. RDBMS entering data easier
b. OODBMS c. This is an important part of database used by analysts to
c. ORDBMS draw conclusions
d. Network database model d. All of above

3. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table 5. Which of the following database object hold data?
called? a. Forms
a. Rows b. Reports
b. Records c. Queries
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d. Tables c. Click the field heading to sort it ascending or
6. In a database table, the category of information is called d. All of above
a. tuple 18. Which field type will you select when creating a new
b. field table if you require to enter long text in that field?
c. record a. Text
d. All of above b. Memo
c. Currency
7. To create queries in Access d. Hyperlink
a. You can drag and drop fields on query builders
b. you can type the SQL command in SQL view 19. Which of the following is not a type of relationship that
c. You can use query wizard or design view can be applied in Access database
d. All of above a. One to One
b. One to Many
8. Which of the following is a method to create a new table c. Many to Many
in MS Access? d. All of above can be applied
a) Create table in Design View
b) Create Table using wizard 20. Referential integrity means
c) Create Table by Entering data a. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child
d) All of above table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the
parent table
9. This data type allows alphanumeric characters and b. Do not enter a value in the primary key field of child table
special symbols. if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent
a. text table
b. memo c. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a parent
c. auto number table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the
d. None of the above child table
d. All of above
10. Which of the following is not a database object?
a. Tables 21. We can remove a relationship defined between two
b. Queries tables by
c. Relationships a. From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
d. Reports b. Select the relationship line and press Delete
c. Choose Delete option from Relationship menu
11. In one-to-many relationship the table in ‘one’ side is d. All of above
called ___ and on ‘many’ side is called ___
a. Child , Parent 22. Which field type can store photos?
b. Parent , Child a. Hyperlink
c. Brother , Sister b. OLE
d. Father , Son c. Both of these can be used
d. Access tables can’t store photos
12. The size of a field with Number data type can not be
a. 2 23. What do you mean by one to many relationship between
b. 4 Student and Class table?
c. 8 a. One student can have many classes
d. 16 b. One class may have many student
c. Many classes may have many students
13. The size of Yes No field is always d. Many students may have many classes
a. 1 bit
b. 1 byte 24. If I create ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table to store
c. 1 character ‘student_id’ of ‘Students’ table, then this ‘Student’ field in
d. 1 GB ‘Fees’ table is called:
a. Foreign key
14. This key uniquely identifies each record b. Native key
a. primary key c. Composite key
b. key record d. Primary key
c. unique key
d. field name 25. The task of arranging data in order is called
a. Searching
15. A database language concerned with the definition of b. Sorting
the whole database structure and schema is ____ c. Ordering
a. DCL d. SHorting
b. DML
c. DDL 26. A primary key in any table has the properties
d. All of above a. Not Null
16. How can you define a field so that when entering data b. No Duplicates
for that field it will display ** instead of actual typed text c. Both of above
a. Input mask d. None of above
b. Validation Rule
c. Indexed 27. The default and maximum size of text field in Access-
d. IME Mode a. 50 and 255 characters
b. 8 and 1 GB
17. To sort records in a table c. 266 characters and 64000 characters
a. Open table, click on the field on which the sorting is to d. none of above
be done, then click Sort button on database toolbar
b. Open table, click Sort button on database toolbar, 28. The command centre of access file that appears when
choose field based on which to sort, click OK you open or create a ms access database file-
a. database window
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b. Query window d. None of the above
c. design view window
d. switchboard 30. Which of the following database object produces the
final result to present?
29. Query design window has two parts. The upper part a. Tables
shows b. Reports
a. Name of fields, field type and size c. Queries
b. Sorting check boxes d. None of the above
c. Tables with fields and relationships between

1. A 11. B 21. B
2. A 12. D 22. B
3. C 13. A 23. B
4. B 14. A 24. A
5. D 15. C 25. B
6. B 16. A 26. C
7. D 17. A 27. A
8. D 18. B 28. A
9. A 19. A 29. C
10. C 20. B 30. B


INTERNET- The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP - called the
backbone of internet) to link various billion devices worldwide. It is an international network of networks that consists of millions of private, public,
academic, business, and government packet switched networks, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical net working


The Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general public until the early 1990s. By 2020,
approximately 4.5 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet.

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to co mmunicate on a
single network.

The technology continued to grow in the 1970s after scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Prot ocol and Internet
Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple networks.

ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983, and from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern
Internet. The online world then took on a more recognizable form in 1990, when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
While it’s often confused with the internet itself, the web is actually just the most common means of accessing data online i n the form of websites
and hyperlinks.

During 1991-1993 commercial use of Internet took its speed.

• For the first time, on 15 August 1995 VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited) and ISP (Internet Service Provider) launched Intern et
services in india.

• The First political party of India is Bharatiya Janata Party, which created its own website on internet.

• First telephone directory on internet was made available by Sikkim state.

• India's first Hi-speed rural broadband network has been commissioned in district of Idukki, Kerala.

Ways To Connect To Internet • DSL : DSL which stands for Digital Subscriber
Line, uses existing 2-wire copper telephone line connected to one’s
The different ways in which one can connect to the Internet are home so service is delivered at the same time as landline telephone
discussed below in brief: service. Customers can still place calls while surfing the Internet.

Dial-Up – In such connections, users are required to link their phone

line to a computer to access the Internet. Under this connection, the • Cable : Cable Internet connection is a form of
user cannot make or receive phone calls through tier home phone broadband access. Through use of a cable modem, users can
service access the Internet over cable TV lines. Cable modems can provide
extremely fast access to the Internet.
Broadband – Provided either through cable or phone companies,
Broadband is a high-speed internet connection which is widely used Wireless Connection – Wi-fi and Mobile service providers fall under
today. The term broadband is shorthand for broad bandwidth. this category. Internet connectivity is made via radio waves and the
Broadband Internet connections such as DSL and cable are Internet can be connected anywhere, irrespective of the location.
considered high-bandwidth connections. Although many DSL Given below are a few examples of wireless connection:
connections can be considered broadband, not all broadband
connections are DSL. Wi-fi – Wireless Fidelity or wi-fi allows high-speed internet
connectivity without the use of wires
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WI-MAX- Wi-Max stands for Wireless Inter-operability for Microwave Mobile Phones – All smartphones are now equipped with an option
Access. Wi-Max uses spectrum to deliver connection to network and for Internet connectivity which can be availed using Internet
handle a larger inter-operable network. Wi-Max is used in MAN vouchers and packs. No external connection or wire is required for
applications. Wi-Max uses spectrum to deliver connection to these
network. Wi-Max is used to provide internet services such as Mobile
Data and hotspots. Satellite – Where broadband connections are unavailable, satellites
are used for wireless Internet connectivity
Hotspots: Hot-spots are sites that offer Internet access over a
wireless local area network (WLAN) by way of a router that then Integrated Services Digital Network – ISDN allows users to sent
connects to an Internet service provider. Hot-spots utilize Wi-Fi audio or video data using telephone lines.The installation of an ISDN
technology, which allows electronic devices to connect to the adapter is required at both ends of the transmission—on the part of
Internet or exchange data wirelessly through radio waves. Hotspots the user as well as the Internet access provider.
can be phone-based or free-standing, commercial or free to the

In networking, a protocol is a set of rules for formatting and processing data. Network protocols are like a common language for computers. The
computers within a network may use vastly different software and hardware; however, the use of protocols enables them to communicate with
each other regardless.

On the Internet, there are different protocols for different types of processes. Protocols are often discussed in terms of wh ich OSI model layer
they belong to.

ISO/OSI Network Model

The standard model for networking protocols and distributed applications is the International Standard Organization’s Open Sy stem Interconnect
(ISO/OSI) model. It defines seven network layers.

There are various types of protocols that support a major and 7. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is designed for
compassionate role in communicating with different devices across transferring a hypertext among two or more systems. HTML tags are
the network. These are: used for creating links. These links may be in any form like text or
images. HTTP is designed on Client-server principles which allow a
1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is a popular client system for establishing a connection with the server machine
communication protocol which is used for communicating over a for making a request. The server acknowledges the request initiated
network. It divides any message into series of packets that are sent by the client and responds accordingly.
from source to destination and there it gets reassembled at the
destination. 8. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): HTTPS is
abbreviated as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is a standard
2. Internet Protocol (IP): IP is designed explicitly as protocol to secure the communication among two computers one
addressing protocol. It is mostly used with TCP. The IP addresses in using the browser and other fetching data from web server. HTTP is
packets help in routing them through different nodes in a network used for transferring data between the client browser (request) and
until it reaches the destination system. TCP/IP is the most popular the web server (response) in the hypertext format, same in case of
protocol connecting the networks. HTTPS except that the transferring of data is done in an encrypted
format. So it can be said that https thwart hackers from
3. User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is a substitute interpretation or modification of data throughout the transfer of
communication protocol to Transmission Control Protocol packets.
implemented primarily for creating loss-tolerating and low-latency
linking between different applications. 9. Telnet: Telnet is a set of rules designed for connecting one
system with another. The connecting process here is termed as
4. Post office Protocol (POP): POP3 is designed for receiving remote login. The system which requests for connection is the local
incoming E-mails. computer, and the system which accepts the connection is the
remote computer.
5. Simple mail transport Protocol (SMTP): SMTP is designed
to send and distribute outgoing E-Mail. 10. Gopher: Gopher is a collection of rules implemented for
searching, retrieving as well as displaying documents from isolated
6. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP allows users to transfer sites. Gopher also works on the client/server principle.
files from one machine to another. Types of files may include
program files, multimedia files, text files, and documents, etc.
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11. PPP: In computer networking, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Web Pages- A webpage is an independent page of a Website. For
is a data link layer (layer 2) communication protocol between two example a webpage would be the testimonials page. A web page can
routers directly without any host or any other networking in be accessed by typically one URL in a browser and that page can be
between. It can provide connection authentication, transmission copied and or send to a friend for review whereas websites are
encryption, and data compression. collections of multiple page that must be navigated to view other
PPP is used over many types of physical networks, including serial
cable, phone line, trunk line, cellular telephone, specialized radio Home Page - The home page is the first page that a visitor discovers
links, ISDN, and fiber optic links such as SONET. Internet service when he wants to visit your site. There is usually just one.
providers (ISPs) have used PPP for customer dial-up access to the
Internet, since IP packets cannot be transmitted over a modem line Web Address/URLs (Uniform Resource Locator)- A URL (Uniform
on their own without some data link protocol that can identify where Resource Locator; also known as a web address) is a distinct web
the transmitted frame starts and where it ends. address on the Internet for a web page, a PDF file or any other file
format available. It is easy for humans to remember URLs but the
12. VoIP- VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) is the computer cannot “understand” this format. For example, the URL of
transmission of voice and multimedia content over an internet a web page may be, and its IP address
connection. VoIP allows users to make voice calls from a computer, 123.456.789.011.
smartphone, other mobile devices, special VoIP phones.
Every HTTP URL consists of the following, in the given order:
Intranet is defined as private network of computers within an
organization with its own server and firewall. Moreover we can • the scheme name (commonly called protocol)
define Intranet as: • a colon, two slashes
• a host, normally given as a domain name but sometimes as
• Intranet is system in which multiple PCs are networked to a literal IP address
be connected to each other. PCs in intranet are not • optionally a colon followed by a port number
available to the world outside of the intranet. • the full path of the resource 130 Basics of Internet
• Usually each company or organization has their own Technology
Intranet network and members/employees of that company
can access the computers in their intranet. Web Server- A web server is a computer system that processes
• Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol used to distribute
address. information on the World Wide Web. The term can refer either to the
• Each computer in Intranet is also identified by a IP entire system, or specifically to the software that accepts and
Address, which is unique among the computers in that supervises the HTTP requests. The most common use of web
Intranet. servers is to host websites, but there are other uses such as
gaming, data storage, running enterprise applications, handling
Extranet email, FTP, or other web uses.

Extranet refers to network within an organization, using internet to Three of the most popular web servers on the web are:
connect to the outsiders in controlled manner. It helps to connect
businesses with their customers and suppliers and therefore allows • Apache HTTP Server- Apache HTTP Server (also referred
working in a collaborative manner. to as simply “Apache”) has, at the time of writing, been the most
popular web server on the web since 1996. Apache is developed and
Extranet is implemented as a Virtual Private Networks (VPN) maintained by the Apache Software Foundation, which consists of a
because it uses internet to connect to corporate organization and decentralized team of developers. The software is produced under
there is always a threat to information security. VPN offers a secure the Apache licence, which makes it free and open source. Apache is
network in public infrastructure (Internet). available for a range of operating systems, including Unix, Linux,
Novell Netware, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD.
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)- IIS is, at the
WWW (World Wide Web)- The World Wide Web (abbreviated as time of writing, the second most popular web server on the web. It is
WWW or W3 commonly known as the Web) is a system of interlinked however, gaining market share, and if the current trend continues, it
hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet. With a web won’t be long before it overtakes Apache.IIS comes as an optional
browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, component of most Windows operating systems. You can install IIS
videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via by usingAdd/Remove Windows Components from Add or Remove
hyperlinks. Programs in the Control Panel.

Website- A website is a collection of webpages that are under 1 • Sun Java System Web Server- Based on the Sun One Web
domain (such as For example if there is a company Server, the Sun Java System Web Server is designed for medium to
that owns then this website will have several large business applications. Sun Java System Web Server is
Webpages like Home, About Us, Contact Us, Testimonials, Products, available for most operating systems.
Services, FAQ’s, and others. All of these pages together make up a

 Web Browser- A web browser is an interface that helps a computer user gain access to all the content that is on the Internet and the hard
disk of the computer. It can view images, text documents, audio and video files, games, etc. More than one web browser can al so be
installed on a single computer. The user can navigate through files, folders and websites with the help of a browser. When th e browser is
used for browsing web pages, the pages may contain certain links which can be opened in a new browser. Multiple tabs and windows of
the same browser can also be opened.

Some popular Web Browsers:

• Internet Explorer : Internet Explorer (IE) is a product from software giant Microsoft. This is the most commonly used browser in the

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• Safari : Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and included in Mac OS X. It was first released as a public beta in January 2003.
Safari has very good support for latest technologies like XHTML, CSS2 etc.
• Firefox : Firefox is a browser derived from Mozilla. It was released in 2004 and has grown to be the second most popular browser on the
• Opera : Opera is smaller and faster than most other browsers, yet it is full- featured. Fast, user-friendly, with keyboard interface, multiple
windows, zoom functions, and more. Ideal for newcomers to the Internet, school children, handicap and as a front-end for CD-Rom and
• Google Chrome : This web browser was developed by Google. Its beta and commercial versions were released in September 2008 fo r
Microsoft Windows. It has soon become the fourth-most widely used.

• The first web browser - or browser-editor rather - was called WorldWideWeb as, after all, when it was written in 1990 it was the only way to see the
web. Much later it was renamed Nexus in order to save confusion between the program and the abstract information space (which is now spelled
World Wide Web with spaces).
• Hidden Reflex, an Indian startup running since 2008, developed and launched India's first web browser entitled 'Epic'.

Domain Name -It is the unique name that identifies an Internet site. These hyperlinks are hidden under the text, image, graphics, audio,
Domain Names always have two or more parts, separated by dots. video, and gets highlighted once we hover the mouse over it.
The part on the left is the most specific, the part on the right is the
most general. A given machine can have more than one Domain TYPES OF NETWORKS
name but a given Domain Name points to only one machine. For
example: etc • LAN (Local Area Network) - Can go up to 1 KM radius. A
local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated
Domain abbreviation- Domain are organised by the type of devices that share a common communications line or wireless link
organisations and by country. A three letter abbreviation indicating to a server. Typically, a LAN encompasses computers and
the organisation and usually two letter abbreviation indicating the peripherals connected to a server within a distinct geographic area
country name. Most common abbreviations for organisation are – such as an office or a commercial establishment.

• .org Organisation • WAN (Wide Area Network) - No Limit. A wide area network
• .net Network (WAN) is a network that exists over a large-scale geographical area.
• .com Commercial A WAN connects different smaller networks, including local area
• .edu Education networks (LANs) and metro area networks (MANs). This ensures
• .gov Government that computers and users in one location can communicate with
• .mil Military computers and users in other locations. WAN implementation can be
done either with the help of the public transmission system or a
Some domain abbreviations for country are : private network.

• .in India • WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network) - A wireless local

• .an Australia area network (WLAN) is a wireless computer network that links two
• .fr France or more devices using wireless communication within a limited area
• .nz New Zealand such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building. This
• .uk United kingdom gives users the ability to move around within a local coverage area
and yet still be connected to the network. Through a gateway, a
Domain Name System (DNS) - The DNS stores and associates many WLAN can also provide a connection to the wider Internet.
types of information with domain names, but most importantly, it
translates domain names (computer host name) to IP address. It Most modern WLANs are based on IEEE 802.11 standards and are
also lists mail exchange series accepting E-mail for each domain. marketed under the Wi-Fi brand name.

• MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) - A metropolitan area

IP ADDRESS- IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is network is a computer network that interconnects users with
an identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that
computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than
allows the computers to send and receive information. the area covered by a wide area network (WAN). The term is applied
to the interconnection of networks in a city into a single larger
There are two versions of IP that currently coexist in the global network (which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide
Internet: IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6). IP addresses are area network). It is also used to mean the interconnection of several
made up of binary values and drive the routing of all data over the local area networks by bridging them with backbone lines. The latter
Internet. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits long, and IPv6 addresses 128 usage is also sometimes referred to as a campus network.
bits long.
• PAN(Personal Area Network)- Personal Area Network is a
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)- HTML (Hypertext Markup network arranged within an individual person, typically within a
Language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file range of 10 meters. Personal Area Network is used for connecting
intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The <html> the computer devices of personal use is known as Personal Area
tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document. The <html> tag Network. Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist to
represents the root of an HTML document. bring the idea of the Personal Area Network. Personal Area Network
covers an area of 30 feet.Personal computer devices that are used
Hypertext : Hypertext is a cross referencing tool which connects the to develop the personal area network are the laptop, mobile phones,
links to other text using hyperlinks. media player and play stations.

Hypermedia : Hypermedia is the extension of Hypertext which NETWORKING DEVICES ( Hardware)

includes multiple forms of media such as text, graphics, audio or
video etc rather than only text based like hypertext. Hardware devices that are used to connect computers, printers, fax
machines and other electronic devices to a network are called
Hyperlink: The hyperlink contains the URL of the webpages. In a network devices. These devices transfer data in a fast, secure and
general way, a hyperlink is referenced when a hypertext navigated. correct way over same or different networks.

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Modem- Modem is a device that enables a computer to several Ethernet ports that are used to connect two or more network
send or receive data over telephone or cable lines. The data stored devices together.
on the computer is digital whereas a telephone line or cable wire
can transmit only analog data. Services of Internet

The main function of the modem is to convert digital signal into • Online banking : Online banking is an electronic payment
analog and vice versa. Modem is a combination of two devices − system that enables customers of a financial institution to
modulator and demodulator. The modulator converts digital data conduct financial transactions on a website operated by
into analog data when the data is being sent by the computer. The the institution, such as a retail bank, virtual bank, credit
demodulator converts analog data signals into digital data when it is union or building society. Online banking is also referred
being received by the computer. as Internet banking, e-banking, virtual banking and by
other terms.
Types of Modem • E-commerce : E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is
the buying and selling of goods and services, or the
Modem can be categorized in several ways like direction in which it transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network,
can transmit data, type of connection to the transmission line, primarily the Internet.
transmission mode, etc. • M-commerce : M-commerce stands for Mobile Commerce
wherein commercial transactions are done using cellular
Depending on direction of data transmission, modem can be of or mobile phones that have access to the Internet.
these types − • E-Shopping - (Electronic shopping) : It is the process of
buying goods and services from merchants who seel an the
• Simplex − A simplex modem can transfer data in only one Internet. some E-shopping websites are flipkart, amazon,
direction, from digital device to network (modulator) or jabong etc.
network to digital device (demodulator). • E-Reservation (Electronic Reservation) : Electronic
• Half duplex − A half-duplex modem has the capacity to Reservation means making a reservation for a services via
transfer data in both the directions but only one at a time. Internet. Example of E-Reservation are -,
• Full duplex − A full duplex modem can transmit data in both etc. Social Networking : Social
the directions simultaneously. Networking services is an online service, platform or site
that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks
Router- A router is a network layer hardware device that or social relations among people. The most popular sites
transmits data from one LAN to another if both networks support the are facebook, Twitter etc.
same set of protocols. So a router is typically connected to at least • Real time Updates : There are various websites on the
two LANs and the internet service provider (ISP). It receives its data internet which provides you with the real time updates in
in the form of packets, which are data frames with their destination every field be it in business, sports, finance, politics,
address added. Router also strengthens the signals before entertainment and others. Many a time the decisions are
transmitting them. That is why it is also called repeater. taken on the real time updates that are happening in
various parts of the world and this is where internet is very
Switch- Switch is a network device that connects other essential and helpful.
devices to Ethernet networks through twisted pair cables. It uses • Education : There are a number of books, reference books,
packet switching technique to receive, store and forward data online help centres, expert’s views and other study
packets on the network. The switch maintains a list of network oriented material on the internet that can make the
addresses of all the devices connected to it. learning process very easier as well as a fun learning
experience. There are lots and lots of websites which are
related to different topic. You can visit them and can gain
On receiving a packet, it checks the destination address and
endless amount of knowledge that you wish to have. With
transmits the packet to the correct port. Before forwarding, the
the use of internet for education, you are non-longer
packets are checked for collision and other network errors. The
dependent on some other person to come and teach you.
data is transmitted in full duplex mode
There are various number of tutorials available over the
internet using which you can learn so many thing very
Hub- A network hub is a device that allows multiple easily.
computers to communicate with each other over a network. It has

It is the most widely used application on the Internet. It is simple, very fast and a reliable tool for sending and receiving messages from an
individual or a group of people across the world via the Internet as similar to writing a letter.

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson created the first ARPANET email application, so he is considered to be the father of E-mail.

Hotmail was the first free email service launched in June 1996 by Sabeer Bhatia. Today, hotmail is still one of the biggest f ree email services.

E-mail addresses are written with a custom username at the beginning followed by the email service provider's domain name, with an @ sign
separating the two. Here's an example: [email protected]. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain text, files, images, or other
attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.

Writing an e-mail

When writing an e-mail message, it should look something like the example window below. As you can see, several fields are required when
sending an e-mail:

The To field is where the e-mail address of the person receiving the e-mail is placed.

• The From field should contain your e-mail address. If you are replying to a message, the To: and From: fields are automatically filled out. If it's
a new message, you'll need to specify the recipients in the To: field by selecting them from your contact list or by typing the e-mail
addresses. If you enter more than one recipient (e.g., group e-mail), the addresses should be separated by a comma and a space, or by
pressing the Tab key.
• The Subject should consist of a few words describing the e-mail's contents. The subject lets the recipient see what the e-mail is about,
without opening and reading the full e-mail. This field is optional.

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• The CC ("Carbon Copy") field allows you to specify recipients who are not direct addressees (listed in the "To" field). For instance, you can
address an e-mail to Jeff and CC Linda and Steven. Although the e-mail is addressed to Jeff, Linda and Steven also receive a copy and
everyone can see who received the e-mail. This field is optional.
• The BCC ("blind carbon copy") field is similar to CC, except the recipients are secret. Each BCC recipient will receive the e -mail, but will not
see who else received a copy. The addressees (anyone listed in the "To" field) remain visible to all recipients. This field is optional.
• Finally, the Message Body is the location you type your main message. It often contains your signature at the bottom; similar to a handwritten

Advantages of e-mail

There are many advantages of e-mail and the usage of e-mail versus postal mail. Some of the main advantages are listed below.

• Free delivery - Sending an e-mail is virtually free, outside the cost of Internet service. There is no need to buy a postage stamp to send a
• Global delivery - E-mail can be sent to nearly anywhere around the world, to any country.
• Instant delivery - An e-mail can be instantly sent and received by the recipient over the Internet
• File attachment - An e-mail can include one or more file attachments, allowing a person to send documents, pictures, or other files with an
• Long-term storage - E-mails are stored electronically, which allows for storage and archival over long periods of time.
• Environmentally friendly - Sending an e-mail does not require paper (paperless), cardboard, or packing tape, conserving paper resources


A modem must be connected between CPU and B) H3

C) H2
A) Printer D) H1
B) Phone line
C) Register ANSWER-D
D) Monitor
Which of the following is NOT an an email client?
A) Microsoft Outlook
DNS is a host name to IP address translation service. DNS stands for B) OS X Mail
C) Lotus
A) Data Network Server D) HTTP
B) Domain Network Service
C) Domain Name Server ANS-D
D) Data Name Server
What is WWWW full form?(NEXT)
A) World Wide Women's Web
Which of the following techniques can be used by web applications B) World Wide Wildlife Web
to access the stored information across all the pages within the C) World Wide Web Worm.
application? D) World Wide Women's Week

A) Add-ons ANS- C
B) cookie
C) cross page posting What are the differences between Internet and Intranet?
D) popup
A) Intranet is not as safe as Internet. Internet can be safely
ANSWER-B privatized as per the need.
B) Intranet is general to PCs all over the world whereas
HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web and Internet is specific to few PCs.
this protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, C) Internet sites are accessible via the web browser in a
and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in similar way as websites in the intranet, however, only
response to various commands. HTTP stands for members of internet network can access intranet hosted
A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol D) Internet provides a wider and better access to websites to
B) Hypertext Transfer Program a large population, whereas Intranet is restricted.
C) High Text Transfer Protocol
D) Hypertext Transition Protocol ANSWER-B

ANSWER-A Identify transport layer and application layer protocol from the
following in the same sequence.
Which of the following options is used to request and display web
pages from web server? A) IP and HTTP
B) UDP and TCP
A) Link C) TCP and FTP.
B) Browser D) HTTPS and FTP
C) Host
D) Router ANSWER-C

ANSWER-B "Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear
in the received message header". In the above statement, field
Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading. refers to

A) H4 A) from

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C) cc
D) bcc. Which of the following is an invalid email address?

ANSWER-D (A) [email protected]

(B) [email protected]
Which of the following service is used to log on to remote computer (C) [email protected]
that is attached to internet? (D) [email protected]

A) Telnet ANSWER-C
C) IRC Which part of the email address [email protected] is called
D) FTP the domain name?

Ans Telnet (A) someone

(B) @
Which of the following device serve as both input and output device? (C) .com
(D) example
A) Monitor ANSWER-D
B) Joy stick
C) Modem Which of the following displays the name of the web page in internet
D) Scanner explorer browser?

Ans Modem (A) Menu bar

(B) Title bar
Which of the following is not a valid Email address? (C) Address bar
(D) Standard tool bar
1) [email protected]
2) abcd; ANSWER-B
3) abcd@[email protected]
4) "abcdef" Outlook express is a:

Ans abcd@[email protected] (a) Web browser

(b) File transfer application
Which of the following protocols are used in Email? (c) E-mail application
(d) Outer world configurator
1) FTP
4) ARP What does HTTP stands for?

Ans. SMTP (a) Hyper Text Translating Protocol

(b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Which among the following the correct description of Internet? (c) Hyper Text Transfer Procedure
(d) Hyper Text Translating Procedure
1) Network of Only Mobiles
2) Network of only Switches ANSWER-B
3) Network of Networks
4) Network without computers Within a browser, what does the HOME button do?

Ans. Network of Networks (a) Add your e-mail address to an e-mail message
(b) Take you to previously visited site
Which one of the following protocols assigns IP addresses (c) Display the contents of your designated start page.
automatically? (d) Enter your home address into the text box


(B) IP
(C) TCP WWW (World Wide Web) is based on, which of the following models?
ANSWER-A (a) Client-server model
(b) Two tier model
IPv6 addresses are (c) Three tier model
(d) Multi tier model
(A) 32 bits
(B) 64 bits ANSWER-A
(C) 128 bits
(D) 256 bits IETF stands for

ANSWETR-C (a) Internet Engineering Task Federation

(b) Internet Engineering Task Foundation
ISP stands for (c) Internet Engineering Task Forum
(d) Internet Engineering Task Force
(A) Internet Service Provider
(B) Internet Standard Provision ANSWER-D
(C) Internet Server Provider
(D) International Service Provider Which protocol is responsible for searching the URLs on the web?

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(e) fttp (c) Black Carbon Copy
(f) sttp (d) Blind Carbon Copy.
(g) http
(h) nntp ANSWER-D

Which of the following is a Uniform Resource Locator? Modulation and demodulation of frequencies is done by:

(i) (a) Router

(j) Netscape (b) Bridge
(k) [email protected] (c) Modem
(l) Internet Explorer (d) LAN

Which language is used for the creation of documents for world ANSWER- Modem
wide web?
Which one is the Internet Browser ?
(a) HTML
(b) URL (a) Mozilla Firefox.
(c) HTTP (b) Cabol
(d) HTTL (c) Microsoft
(d) G-mail
Which of the following is an Internet browser?
ANSWER- Mozilla Firefox
(a) Task bar
(b) Windows Explorer To securely send and receive data over internet, we use:
(d) Internet Explorer (a) WW
(b) https.
Correct form of an e-mail address is: (c) wtc
(d) w3c
(a) [email protected]
(b) [email protected] ANSWER-https
(c) [email protected]
(d) [email protected]. E-Com is a short form of:

ANSWER-D (a) Engineering Commercial

(b) Electronic Commercial
BCC in E-mail means: (c) Electronic Commerce
(d) None of the above
(a) Black Composer Copy
(b) Blind Composer Copy ANSWER- Electronic Commerce


Computer security (also known as cyber security or IT security) is information security as applied to computing devices such as computers and
smart phones, as well as computer networks such as private and public networks,including the whole Internet.

Traditionally, computer facilities have been physically protected for three reasons:

• To prevent theft of or damage to the hardware

• To prevent theft of or damage to the information
• To prevent disruption of service

The Basic Components of Security

1. Confidentiality : Confidentiality is the concealment of information or resources. The need for keeping information secret arises from the
use of computers in sensitive fields such as government and industry. For example, military and civilian institutions in the government
often restrict access to information to those who need that information. The first formal work in computer security was motiv ated by the
military’s attempt to implement controls to enforce a “need to know” principle. This principle also applies to indus trial firms, which keep
their proprietary designs secure lest their competitors try to steal the designs. As a further example, all types of institut ions keep
personnel records secret.
2. Integrity : Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data or resources, and it is usually phrased in terms of preventing improper or
unauthorized change. Integrity includes data integrity (the content of the information) and origin integrity (the source of t he data, often
called authentication). The source of the information may bear on its accuracy and credibility and on the trust that people p lace in the
information. This dichotomy illustrates the principle that the aspect of integrity known as credibility is cent ral to the proper functioning of
a system.
3. Availability : Availability refers to the ability to use the information or resource desired. Availability is an important aspect of relia bility as
well as of system design because an unavailable system is at least as bad as no system at all. The aspect of availability that is relevant to
security is that someone may deliberately arrange to deny access to data or to a service by making it unavailable.
4. Access Control System : Any system designed to prevent and restrict access to users. For example, a primary form of access control is
only allowing users who have accounts to login to a system or only allowing the user access to files he or she should be able to see.

Transport Layer Security- Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications and their users on the

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Malware or malicious software typically consists of code developed by cyber attackers, designed to cause extensive damage to data and systems
or to gain unauthorized access to a network. Malware is typically delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requ ires the user to click on
the link or open the file to execute the malware.
Types of malware can include computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses , root kits, adware and spyware.
VIRUS - A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs an d
inserting its own code. When this replication succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be "infected" with a computer virus.

The terms "virus" and "malware" are often used interchangeably. Malware is a catch-all term for any type of malicious software, regardless of how
it works, its intent, or how it's distributed. A virus is a specific type of malware that self-replicates by inserting its code into other programs.

“VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Seize”

Top Some Sources of Computer Virus Attack

2. Downloadable Programs : Downloadable files are one of the best possible sources of virus. Any type of executable program including
games, freeware, screen savers as well as executable files are one of the major sources of computer virus attacks. Executable files having
an extension of “.com”, “.exe” and “coolgame.exe” contain virus sources too. If in the case a user want to download programs from th e
internet then it is necessary to scan every program before downloading them.
3. Illegal Software : Most people who download cracked and illegal versions of software online are unaware about the reality that they may
contain virus sources as well. Such illegal files contain viruses and bugs that are difficult to detect as well as to remove. Hence, it is always
a preferable option to download software from the appropriate source.
4. Email Attachments : Email attachments are one of the other popular sources of computer virus attacks. Hence, a user must handle email
attachments with extreme care, especially if the email comes from an unknown sender. Installation of a good antivirus assumes prime
necessity if one desires to eliminate the possibility of virus attacks.
5. Using Internet : Using internet is one of the common sources of virus infection. Majority of all computer users are unaware as when viruses
attack computer systems. Almost every computer user click/download everything that comes their way and hence unknowingly invi tes the
possibility of virus attacks.
6. Booting from Unknown CD : Most computer users believe that one of the most common ways of virus infection is through Data CD. It is a
good practice to remove the CD when the computer system is not working. If you do not remove the CD after switching off the computer
system then it is every possibility that the computer system may start to boot automatically from the disc.
7. Using Pendrive/USB Flash drive : Using pen drive/USB flash drive is another source of virus attacks. It is a good practice to scan the
pendrive when it is connected to computer.
8. Not running the latest updates : Many of the updates, especially those associated with Microsoft Windows and other operating systems and
programs, are security updates. Running a program or operating system that is not up-to-date with the latest updates can be a big security
risk and can be a way your computer becomes infected.


 Creeper, named for a character on the “Scooby Doo” cartoon show, is generally recognized at the first computer virus. It was written in
1971 by Bob Thomas of BBN Technologies and spread through DEC PDP-10 computers on ARPANET, displaying the message, "I'm the
creeper, catch me if you can!"
 Elk Cloner, written in 1982 by then-15-year-old Rich Skrenta of Pittsburgh, was a boot-sector virus designed to infect Apply II computers.
 Brain, created in Pakistan in 1986, by two brothers Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi, it was the first PC virus boot sector to hit Microsoft
running computers then other popular operating system MS-DOS

If your system has fallen victim to a computer virus then there may be a number of symptoms you might be experiencing:

1. Slow computer performance

2. Erratic computer behaviour
3. Unexplained data loss
4. Frequent computer crashes


1. Boot Sector Virus- Boot sector viruses are one of the oldest forms of computer virus out there. They infect the boot sector or partition
table of a hard drive so that they're initiated the moment the computer is switched on.
A Boot Sector virus isn't a specific virus, it's a particular way in which viruses can affect your computer. A boot sector is a physical
sector on your hard drive which is required to start the boot process and load your operating system.

By placing a virus here, it means the virus is activated every time you start your computer, even before your operating system begins to boot up.
Often, you won't even realize it's happening which makes the threat potentially even worse. Boot sector viruses can even spre ad to other hard
drives you have installed or physical media you have plug

2. Direct Action Virus

When it comes to these types of viruses, direct action viruses infect your files and are one of the two main types of compute r virus that does this. It
doesn't hide in your computer's memory nor install itself. The way it works is through particular file types like .EXE or .COM, which they attach into.

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Once you click on the infected file, it becomes active. It then looks for other files in the infected file's location so it c an spread more. While it's
annoying, it doesn't cripple your system's performance since it only makes your files inaccessible.

You can remove it with a simple anti-virus program, so it's not much of a threat compared to the Boot Sector virus.

3. Resident Virus

Like its direct action counterpart, the resident virus is a file infector. But its primary difference from the former is that they install themselves on
your PC unit. They become even dangerous because they can persist even after the primary source of the virus infection gets removed.

Depending on the virus's programming, it can be difficult to spot it and remove it from your system. It depends on whether th e resident virus is a
fast infector or a slow infector. The former causes damage as fast as it can while the latter progresses its damage at a much slower pace.

4. Multipartite Virus

More nefarious than most viruses, multipartite viruses are an amalgamation of the different types of computer viruses regardi ng how it spreads. It
spreads using various means, and it could take a wide variety of actions depending on several factors. For example, it can act in a different
manner depending on your PC's operating system.

It can infect your boot sector and executable files, making it act and spread faster. This makes it tougher to remove and might require a complete
reformat to prevent a recurrence.

Example – Ghostball, Tequila, Ywinz etc.

5. Polymorphic Virus

These are complex file infectors that can create modified version of itself to avoid detection. This type of virus is dangerous because anti-virus
programs have a hard time detecting it. Most programs take days or months formulating routines necessary to identify a single polymorphic virus.

Detection takes a long time because of the way anti-virus programs function. These software types can only blacklist a single virus variant.
Polymorphic viruses take advantage of this by changing its signature when it reproduces, making it look like a different, oth erwise harmless file.

6. Overwrite Virus

An overwriting virus is a malicious program which, after infection, will effectively destroy the original program code, typically by overwriting data
in the system's memory.

7. Spacefiller Virus

A spacefiller virus also called cavity virus or Chernobyl virus or CIH is a rare type of computer virus that attempts to install itself by filling in empty
sections of a file. By only using empty sections of a file, the virus can infect a file without changing the size of the file , making it more difficult to

8. Memory Resident Virus

It is a malicious code that installs in the memory and then infects future programs. Also known as the Terminate and Stay Res ident (TSR), it finds a
way to load in the computer’s RAM and then infects the executable files that are opened by the user when a certain conditions are met. A few
examples of this kind of virus are Jerusalem Virus, Onehalf virus, Magistr, Junkie, Satanbug etc.

9. Web Scripting Virus

These viruses often transmit themselves into your computer's system through the programming used for websites. Placing images, videos, and
layouts require a certain degree of coding. That means you might download the viruses without your knowledge if you click on malicious websites'
links or watch their videos.

The best way to prevent this is to have security programs that detect malicious coding when browsing the internet.

10. Browser Hijacker

This type of virus is one of the most straightforward and easy-to-detect viruses. It will interfere with your work by leading you off to different
websites even if you enter the internet address you want to go to. A good practice is to be careful with your downloads and toolbars.

11. Macro Virus

In computing terminology, a macro virus is a virus that is written in a macro language: a programming language which is e mbedded inside a
software application (e.g., word processors and spreadsheet applications). Some applications, such as Microsoft Office, Excel , PowerPoint allow
macro programs to be embedded in documents such that the macros are run automatically when the document is opened, and this provides a
distinct mechanism by which malicious computer instructions can spread. This is one reason it can be dangerous to open unexpe cted
attachments in e-mails. Many antivirus programs can detect macro viruses; however, the macro virus' behavior can still be difficult to detect.

OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS starts to infect the whole machine and in some case your whole
network. Depending on the type of worm and your security
 Worms measures, they can do serious damage. These parasitic nasties can-

Worms are spread via software vulnerabilities or phishing attacks.  Modify and delete files
Once a worm has installed itself into your computer’s memory, it  Inject malicious software onto computers

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 Replicate themselves over and over to deplete system Examples- Zango, Zlob Trojan, Keyloggers etc.
 Steal your data  Spam & Phishing
 Install a convenient backdoor for hackers
 They can infect large numbers of computers fast, Phishing is a type of social engineering attack, rather than a type of
consuming bandwidth and overloading your web server malware. But is a common method of cyber attack. Phishing is
as they go. successful since the emails sent, text messages and web links
 Examples: Bagle, I love you, Morrie, Nimada etc. created look like they’re from trusted sources. They’re sent by
criminals to fraudulently acquire personal and financial information.
 Trojan Horses
Some are highly sophisticated and can fool even your most savvy
Just as it sounds, a Trojan Horse is a malicious program that users. Especially in cases where a known contact’s email account
disguises itself as a legitimate file. Because it looks trustworthy, has been compromised and it appears you’re getting an instruction
users download it and… hey presto, in storms the enemy. from your boss or IT colleagues. Others are less sophisticated and
simply spam as many emails as they can with a message about
Trojans themselves are a doorway. Unlike a worm, they need a host ‘checking your bank account details’.
to work. Once you’ve got the Trojan on your device, hackers can use
it to… • Spoofing: Spoofing is when someone or something pretends
to be something else in an attempt to gain our confidence,
 Delete, modify and capture data get access to a system, steal data, or spread malware.
 Harvest your device as part of a botnet • Hacking : The process of attempting to gain or successfully
 Spy on your device gaining, unauthorized access to computer resource.”
 Gain access to your network • Cracking : The act of breaking into a computer system, often
 Examples- Beast, zero access, Root kit , Sub7.zeus etc. on a network maliciously, for personal gain.”
• Rootkits : A rootkit is a type of malicioussoftware that is
 Ransomware activated each time your system boots up. Rootkits are
difficult to detect because they are activated before your
Ransomware denies or restricts access to your own files. Then it system’s Operating System has completely booted up. A
demands payment (usually with crypto-currencies) in return for rootkit often allows the installation of hidden files, processes,
letting you back in. hidden user accounts, and more in the systems OS. Rootkits
are able to intercept data from terminals, network
In May 2017, a ransomware attack spread across 150 countries and connections, and the keyboard
compromised over 200k computers within just one day. Aptly named • Timebombs- A logic bomb is a malicious program that is
WannaCry, the attack caused damage estimated in the hundreds of triggered when a logical condition is met, such as after a
millions to billions of dollars. number of transactions have been processed, or on a
specific date (also called a time bomb). Malware such as
WannaCry affected MS Operating systems that did not have the worms often contain logic bombs, behaving in one manner,
latest patch installed for a known vulnerability. To reduce the risk of then changing tactics on a specific date and time.
ransomware attacks… • Eavesdropping- An eavesdropping attack occurs when a
hacker intercepts, deletes, or modifies data that is
 Always keep your Operating System up to date transmitted between two devices. Eavesdropping, also
 Keep your Anti-Virus software up to date known as sniffing or snooping, relies on unsecured network
 Back-up your most important files communications to access data in transit between devices.
 Don’t open attachments from unknown sources (WannaCry
was spread via a .js attachment) Solutions to Computer Security Threats

Examples- WannaCry ransomeware, locky ransomeware, bad ANTIVIRUS

Rabbit etc.
Antivirus software helps protect your computer against malware
 Adware & Scams and cybercriminals. Antivirus software looks at data — web pages,
files, software, applications — traveling over the network to your
devices. It searches for known threats and monitors the behavior of
Adware is one of the better-known types of malware. It serves pop-
all programs, flagging suspicious behavior. It seeks to block or
ups and display ads that often have no relevance to you.
remove malware as quickly as possible.
Some users will put up with certain types of adware in return for free
Antivirus software provides protection against these types of
software (games for example). But not all adware is equal. At best,
threats by performing key tasks:
it’s annoying and slows down your machine. At worst, the ads link to
sites where malicious downloads await unsuspecting users. Adware
can also deliver Spyware and is often easily hacked, making devices  Pinpointing specific files for the detection of malicious
that have it installed a soft target for hackers, phishers and software
scammers.  Scheduling automatic scans
 Scanning either one file or your entire computer at your
 Spyware discretion
 Deleting malicious codes and software
Spyware secretly records your online activity, harvesting your data  Confirming the safety of your computer and other devices
and collecting personal information such as usernames, passwords
and surfing habits. Some of the best antivirus programs available right now include the
Spyware is a common threat, usually distributed as freeware or
shareware that has an appealing function on the front end with a  Norton
covert mission running in the background that you might never  Avast
notice. It’s often used to carry out identity theft and credit card  McAfree
fraud.  AVG
 Quick Heal
Once on your computer, spyware relays your data to advertisers or  Panda
cyber criminals. Some spyware installs additional malware that  Trend Micro
make changes to your settings.  BullGuard

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 Bitdefender • Strong password : Term used to describe a password that
 Symantec is an effective password that would be difficult to break.
 Kaspersky Often a strong password has between six and ten
 K7 characters (the more the better), numbers, other
characters, and both upper and lowercase characters.
FIREWALL: Below is an example of a strong password.
• Weak password : A password that is not an effective
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and password because it’s easy to remember. Names, birth
outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based dates, phone numbers, and easily guessable words are
on a set of security rules. Its purpose is to establish a barrier considered weak passwords. Below is an example of a
between your internal network and incoming traffic from external weak password.
sources (such as the internet) in order to block malicious traffic like •
viruses and hackers. It can be either software based or Hardware
based. Digital Signature –

Scan Internet Downloads – Alternatively referred to as digitally signed, a digital signature is a

mathematical scheme used to verify the authenticity of a digital
Ensure that all files downloaded from the Internet are scanned for document or message. They are used when determining authenticity
computer viruses before being used. Ideally this scanning should be and avoiding tampering are important, such as in financial
done from one central point on the network to ensure that all files transactions.
are properly scanned.
Digital signatures are often used as a means to implement electronic
Password – signatures that are encrypted which allows for both authentication
and non-repudiation (the signer cannot deny signing a document
while claiming his/her private key has not been compromised).
A password is an unspaced sequence of characters used to
determine that a computer user requesting access to a computer
system is really that particular user.


1. ____________ was a boot-sector virus designed to infect Apply II B) Eavesdropping

computers. C) Scams
D) Exploits
1. Brain E) Denial of service
2. Elk Cloner
3. Direct Action Virus 7. What is the software called which when get downloaded on
4. None of these. computer scans your hard drive for personal information and your
internet browsing habits?
2. A virus that is written in a macro language and embedded inside
software applications like word processors and spreadsheet A) Backdoors
applications is called as _________ B) Key-logger
C) Malware
1. Macro Virus D) Antiware
2. Browser Hijacker E) Spyware
3. Web Scripting Virus
5. Memory Resident Virus 8. Which of the following is the type of software that has self-
replicating software that causes damage to files and system?
3. Which malware attack spread across 150 countries and
compromised over 200k computers within just one day? A) Viruses
B) Trojan horses
1. I Love you C) Bots
2. WannaCry D) Worms
3. Root kit E) Backdoors
4. Beast
9. What is the name of first computer virus?
4. Which of the following is not an antivirus?
1. The Famous
1. Panda 2. HARLIE
2. Norton 3. PARAM
3. Symantec 5. Creepe
5. Zango 6. None

5. _______ is the part of malware such as worms or viruses which 10. Delayed payload of some viruses is also called as
performs the malicious action; deleting data, sending spam or
encrypting data. 1. Time
2. Bomb
A) Denial of service 3. Anti-virus
B) Exploits 4. None of the above
C) Scams
D) Payload 11. What is “Trend Micro”?
E) Spamming
1. It is anti-virus software
6. The attack that focuses on capturing small packets from the 2. It is just a program
network transmitted by other computers and reading the data 3. It is virus program
content in search of any type of information is ____. 4. None of the above

A) Phishing

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12. __________ means to prove/verify the identity of the entity that 1. Michelangelo virus
tries to access the system’s resources. 2. Brain
3. Creeper
(b) Entity authentication 4. Carzy. A
(c) Message authentication
(d) Password authentication 19. The viruses that change their appearance to avoid detection are
(e) All of the above called___.
(f) None of these
1. MBR viruses
13. Which of the following is/are threat(s) for electronic payment 2. DBR viruses
system? 3. Parasitic viruses
5. Polymorphic viruses
(a) Trojan horse
(b) Computer virus 20. Which of the following actions is performed by an antivirus
(c) Computer worms software on a virus infected file?
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these 1. Repairs the infected file
2. Deletes the infected file
14. Which of the following describes programs that can run 3. Quarantines the infected file
independently travel from system to system and disrupt computer 4. All the above
21. _____________ is also known as cavity virus.
(a) Trojans
(b) Viruses 1. Polymorphic Virus
(c) Worm 2. Space-filler Virus
(d) Droppers 3. Overwrite Virus
(e) All of these 5. Non-resident virus

15. Which of the following would most likely not be a symptom of a 22. ______viruses infect executable program files:
1. File Infector Viruses
(a) Existing program files and icons disappear 2. Macro Viruses
(b) The CD-ROM stops functioning 3. Multi Partite Viruses
(c) The web browser opens to an unusual home page 4. None of These
(d) Odd message or images are displayed on the screen
(e) None of these 23. Computer Security Day on __________reminds us to protect our
16. Biometric authentication works on the basis of
1. November 30th
1. Human characteristics 2. November 20th
2. Passwords 3. November 22th
3. Smart cards 5. November 10th
4. Pin
24. World Computer Literacy Day was launched by Indian computer
17. Hacking refers to ____. company NIIT to mark its 20th anniversary in 2001 and It occurs
annually on________.
1. data access without permission
2. data updation without permission 1. 4 December
3. data deletion without permission 2. 2 December
5. all of the above 3. 10 December
4. 22 December
18. Which of the following is the first PC virus detected on ARPANET
in 1970s?

Answer key

1. 2 10. 4 18. 4
2. 1 11. 2 19. 3
3. 2 12. 1 20. 4
5. 4 13. 2 21. 1
6. 5 14. 4 22. 2
7. 2 15. 3 23. 1
8. 5 16. 2 24. 1
9. 4 17. 1 25. 2


What is open source software? can change a program by adding to it, changing it, or fixing parts of
it that aren’t working properly. OSS typically includes a license that
Open source software (OSS) is software that is distributed with its allows programmers to modify the software to best fit their needs
source code, making it available for use, modification, and and control how the software can be distributed.
distribution with its original rights. Source code is the part of
software that most computer users don’t ever see; it’s the code What is the history of OSS?
computer programmers manipulate to control how a program or
application behaves. Programmers who have access to source code
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The idea of making source code freely available originated in 1983  Audacity
from an ideological movement informally founded by Richard  Thunderbird Email client.
Stallman, a programmer at MIT. Stallman believed that software  Php scripting language.
should be accessible to programmers so they could modify it as they  Blender- It is a 3D graphics and animation tool that
wished, with the goal of understanding it, learning about it, and supports motion tracking, simulation, animation, video
improving it.i Stallman began releasing free code under his own editing, rendering, modeling and much more.
license, called the GNU Public License. This new approach and  Python- is common programming and scripting language
ideology surrounding software creation took hold and eventually led used by custom software developers.
to the formation of the Open Source Initiative in 1998.  Shotcut- a video editor that offers powerful features
including audio and webcam capture, color, text, noise,
Open Source Initiative- The Open Source Initiative (OSI) was created and counter generators, support of popular image formats,
to promote and protect open source software and communities.ii In EDL export and much more.
short, the OSI acts as a central informational and governing
repository of open source software. It provides rules and guidelines Advantages
for how to use and interact with OSS, as well as providing code
licensing information, support, definitions, and general community
 Open source software is free.
collaboration to help make the use and treatment of open source
 Open source is flexible; developers can examine how the
understandable and ethical.
code works and freely make changes to dysfunctional or
problematic aspects of the application to better fit their
Examples of Open source softwares- unique needs.
 Open source is stable; the source code is publicly
 GNU/Linux distributed, so users can depend on it for their long-term
 Mozilla Firefox projects since they know that the code’s creators cannot
 VLC media player simply discontinue the project or let it fall into disrepair.
 SugarCRM  Open source fosters ingenuity; programmers can use pre-
 GIMP- GNU Image Manipulation Program. existing code to improve the software and even come up
 VNC- Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, is an open with their own innovations. 5. Open source comes with a
source application that provides screen sharing services built-in community that continuously modifies and improves
and is available for virtually all operating systems such as the source code.
Windows, Linux, and of course OS X.  Open source provides great learning opportunities for new
 Apache web server programmers.
 LibreOffice
 jQuery Disadvantages
 Linux operating system.
 Android by Google. 1. Open source can be harder to use and adopt due to difficulty
 Open office. setting it up and the lack of friendly user interfaces.
 Firefox browser. 2. Open source can pose compatibility issues. When attempting
 Moodle- Learning Platform or course management system to program proprietary hardware with OSS, there is often a
(CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to need for specialized drivers that are typically only available
help educators create online courses. from the hardware manufacturer.
 ClamWinantivirus. 3. Open source software can pose liability issues. Unlike
 WordPress content management system. commercial software, which is fully controlled by the vendor,
 MySql-reely downloadable version of the world's most open source rarely contains any warranty, liability, or
popular open source database. infringement indemnity protection. This leaves the consumer
 Magento of the OSS responsible for maintaining compliance with legal
obligations. 4. Open source can incur unexpected costs in
OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGY training users, importing data, and setting up required


What is information technology?

Information technology is the technology used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information. All these can be summe d up easily – It’s
having knowledge, and knowledge comes from having information. Gaining knowledge through information is the role of ‘’information technology’’
IT in today’s informed world.

IT is a set of tools that can help provide the right people with the right information at the right time. Though IT is not a solution to every thing, for IT
to work, people must learn how to use it. So you can not assume that IT will work for you to share information across the org anization when people
in the organization don’t know how to use it.

Definition of e-Governance

Electronic governance or e-governance implies government functioning with the application of ICT (Information and Communications
Technology). Hence e-Governance is basically a move towards SMART governance implying: simple, moral, accountable, responsive and
transparent governance.

What is SMART Governance?

• Simple — implies simplification of rules and regulations of the government and avoiding complex processes with the application of ICTs
and therefore, providing a user-friendly government.
• Moral — meaning the emergence of a new system in the administrative and political machinery with technology interventions to improve
the efficiency of various government agencies.
• Accountable — develop effective information management systems and other performance measurement mechanisms to ensure the
accountability of public service functionaries.
• Responsive — Speed up processes by streamlining them, hence making the system more responsive.

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• Transparent — providing information in the public domain like websites or various portals hence making functions and processes of the
government transparent.

Interactions/ Types in e-Governance

There are 4 kinds of interactions in e-governance, namely:

1. G2C (Government to Citizens) — Interaction between the government and the citizens.

• This enables citizens to benefit from the efficient delivery of a large range of public services.
• Expands the accessibility and availability of government services and also improves the quality of services
• The primary aim is to make the government citizen-friendly.

2. G2B (Government to Business):

• It enables the business community to interact with the government by using e-governance tools.
• The objective is to cut red-tapism which will save time and reduce operational costs. This will also create a more transparent business
environment when dealing with the government.
• The G2B initiatives help in services such as licensing, procurement, permits and revenue collection.

3. G2G (Government to Government)

• Enables seamless interaction between various government entities.

• This kind of interaction can be between various departments and agencies within government or between two governments like th e
union and state governments or between state governments.
• The primary aim is to increase efficiency, performance and output.
• Read about government to government initiatives in the linked article.

4. G2E (Government to Employees)

• This kind of interaction is between the government and its employees.

• ICT tools help in making these interactions fast and efficient and thus increases the satisfaction levels of employees.

National E-governance Plan and efforts involved in handling and settling transactions.
The MMP which is being implemented by the banking
The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) has been formulated by the industry aims at streamlining various e-services initiatives
Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) and undertaken by individual banks. Implementation is being
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances done by the banks concerned, with the banking
(DARPG) in 2006. Department providing a broad framework and guidance.
• Posts- Modernization of Postal Services has been
The NeGP aims at improving delivery of Government services to undertaken by the Department of Posts through
citizens and businesses with the following vision: “Make all computerization and networking of all post offices using a
Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, central server-based system, and setting up of
through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, computerized registration centers (CRCs).
transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to
realise the basic needs of the common man.” State Mission Mode projects

Central government initiatives as mission mode projects (MMP) • e-Governance in Municipalities

It is a unique initiative of the Government of India
• e-office- The Government of India has recognized the need conceptualized under the umbrella of the overall National
to modernize the Central Government offices through the e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and the Jawaharlal Nehru
introduction of Information and Communications National Urban Renewal Mission (Jnnurm) aimed at
Technology. e-Office is aimed at increasing the usage of improving operational efficiencies within Urban Local
work flow and rule based file routing, quick search and Bodies (ULBs).
retrieval of files and office orders, digital signatures for • Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems
authentication, forms and reporting components. Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS)
• Immigration, Visa and Foreigner’s Registration & Tracking MMP aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated
(IVFRT)- India has emerged as a key tourist destination, system for enhancing the efficiency and effective policing
besides being a major business and service hub. at all levels and especially at the Police Station level
Immigration Check Post is the first point of contact that through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and
generates public and popular perception about the creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for
country, thus necessitating a state of the art system for evolution of IT-enabled state-of-the-art tracking system.
prompt and user-friendly services. • Public Distribution System
• UID- The unique identification project was conceived as an Computerization of the PDS is envisaged as an end-to-end
initiative that would provide identification for each resident project covering key functional areas such as supply chain
across the country and would be used primarily as the management including allocation and utilization reporting,
basis for efficient delivery of welfare services. It would also storage and movement of food grains, grievance redressal
act as a tool for effective monitoring of various programs and transparency portal, digitization of beneficiary
and schemes of the government. database, Fair Price Shop automation, etc.
• Pensions- The pensions MMP is primarily aimed at making • Health
the pension/ retirement related information, services and ICT for programme management has been undertaken by
grievances handling mechanism accessible online to the the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in the Mother and
needy pensioners, through a combination of interactive Child Tracking System (MCTS) programme and the Ministry
and non-interactive components, and thus, help bridge the envisages a more comprehensive use of ICT including for
gap between the pensioners and the government. Hospital Information Systems, supply chain management
• Banking- The Banking MMP is yet another step towards for drugs and vaccines, providing ICT tools to ASHA and
improving operational efficiency and reducing the delays ANM workers, programme management of National Rural
Health Mission (NRHM), etc through this MMP.
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• e-panchayat Certificates issued by the government — education, residential,
The Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) are saddled with the medical records, birth certificates, etc. — are to be stored in
problems of inadequate physical and financial resources, individual ‘digital lockers’ and a communication protocol
technical capabilities and extremely limited established for government departments to access them without
computerization. As a result, the potential of PRIs as the physically having to see the hard copy. The purpose of government
preferred delivery channel for the schemes of State and is that copies of certificates issued by the government itself not to
Centre as well as for citizen services has not been fully be carried around by people to government offices for various
realized. While some computerization efforts for PRIs have services.
been made by NIC over the years, the e-Governance
revolution sweeping the country has not touched the PRIs • M-governance
yet in significant measure. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
Government of India has therefore decided to take up the M-Governance is not a replacement for e-Governance, rather it
computerization of PRIs on a mission mode basis. complements e- Governance. M-Governance, is the use of mobile or
• e-District wireless to improve Governance service and information “anytime,
e-District is one of the 31 Mission Mode Projects under anywhere”. Mobile applications also rely on good back office ICT
National e Governance Plan (NeGP) with the DIT, GoI being infrastructure and work processes. It has potential of using mobile
the nodal ministry. This project aims at providing support phones as input devices in certain areas where last mile
to the basic administrative unit i.e. District Administration connectivity becomes issues for simple data inputs of critical
by undertaking backend computerization to enable importance for decision making in government departments.
electronic delivery of high volume citizen centric
government services which would optimally leverage and M-Governance is not a new concept. The private sector has been
utilize the three infrastructure pillars of State Wide Area greatly leveraging these of mobile phones for delivery of value
Networks (SWAN), State Data Centers (SDC) and Common added services for the following which however are mostly SMS
Service Centers (CSCs) to deliver services to the citizen at based: Banking, Media, Airlines, Telecom, Entertainment, News,
his doorsteps. Sports, Astrology, and Movie Tickets Etc.

Recent Initiatives M-governance has increased the productivity of public service

personnel, improving the delivery of government information and
• Direct Cash transfer services, increasing channels for public interactions and Lower
costs leading to higher participation of people.
To facilitate disbursements of Government entitlements like NREGA,
Social Security pension, Handicapped Old Age Pension etc. of any Government initiatives for m-governance
Central or State Government bodies, using Aadhaar and
authentication thereof as supported by UIDAI. • Mobile Seva

• Aadhar Enabled Payment system (AEPS) : It aims to provide government services to the people through mobile
phones and tablets. It has been developed as the core infrastructure
AEPS is a bank led model which allows online interoperable financial for enabling the availability of public services through mobile
inclusion transaction through the Business correspondent of any devices.
bank using the Aadhaar authentication. This has helped in financial
inclusion. The four Aadhaar enabled basic types of banking Mobile Seva enables the integration of the mobile platform with the
transactions are as follows:- common e-Governance infrastructure consisting of State Data
Centers (SDCs), State Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State and
• Balance Enquiry National Service Delivery Gateways (SSDGs/NSDG).
• Cash Withdrawal
• Cash Deposit It enables a government department to integrate both web and
• Aadhaar to Aadhaar Funds Transfer mobile based services seamlessly and enhances the access to
electronic services tremendously leveraging the very high
• Digital India program penetration of mobile phones, especially in rural areas

This programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics A Mobile Applications Store (m-App Store) has also been developed
and Information Technology (DeitY). The vision of Digital India aims by DeitY as part of Mobile Seva. The Mobile Governance Portal and
to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and the m-App Store can be accessed at The m-
knowledge economy. The programme will be implemented in Appstore currently hosts over 240 live mobile applications. The live
phases from the current year till 2018. applications can be downloaded and installed free of cost on a
mobile phone by any person.
• MyGov citizen portal
The project, “mobile seva” has won the second prize at the
Prime Minister launched an online platform to engage prestigious United Nations’ Public Services Awards in the category
citizens in the task of “good governance” ( surajya ) as he completed “Promoting Whole of Government Approaches in the Information
60 days in office on Saturday. MyGov is a technology-driven platform Age” for Asia Pacific.
that would provide people with the opportunity to contribute
towards good governance. Advantages of e-governance

• E-Kranti scheme Following are the advantages of E-Governance

This is project for linking the internet with remote villages in the • Speed: Technology makes communication speedier.
country. This scheme will broaden the reach of internet services to Internet, Phones, Cell Phones have reduced the time taken
the rural areas in the country. The fundamental features of this in normal communication.
scheme will be making the records handy to the government with • Cost Reduction: Most of the Government expenditure is
ease. It also includes Expansion of internet and commencement of appropriated towards the cost of stationary. Paper-based
IT-based jobs in rural areas. It will also boost the use of mobile communication needs lots of stationary, printers,
phones and computers in rural areas. It will also expand the use of IT computers, etc. which calls for continuous heavy
in agriculture and retail trade too. expenditure. Internet and Phones makes communication
cheaper saving valuable money for the Government.
• Digital Cloud for every Indian • Transparency: Use of ICT makes governing profess
transparent. All the information of the Government would
be made available on the internet. The citizens can see the
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information whenever they want to see. But this is only paper based to a Web-based system for interacting with
possible when every piece of information of the government.
Government is uploaded on the internet and is available for
the public to peruse. Current governing process leaves Citizens, employees and businesses can all have their biases with
many ways to conceal the information from all the people. respect to how transactions should be processed. However,
ICT helps make the information available online eliminating government entities and public policy administrators cannot ignore
all the possibilities of concealing of information. the changes that occur as a result of the implementation of
• Accountability: Once the governing process is made information and communication technology (ICT)
transparent the Government is automatically made
accountable. Accountability is answerability of the Education about the value of the new systems is one step toward
Government to the people. It is the answerability for the reducing some of the existing resistance. It can also be particularly
deeds of the Government. An accountable Government is a useful for a leader or manager, to buy into the new system at an
responsible Government. early stage in the adoption process
• Convenience: E-Government brings public services to
citizens on their schedule and their venue. Digital Divide
• Improved Customer Service: E-Government allows to
redeploy resources from back-end processing to the front The digital divide refers to the separation that exists between
line of customer service. individuals, communities, and businesses that have access to
• Increased access to information: E-Government improves information technology and those that do not have such access.
the accessibility of government information to citizens Social, economic, infrastructural and ethno-linguistic indicators
allowing it become an important resource in the making the provide explanations for the presence of the digital divide.
decisions that affect daily life and so it helps in
empowerment of citizens Economic poverty is closely related to limited information
technology resources
Challenges in e-governance
An individual living below poverty line does not afford a computer for
There are large numbers of potential barriers in the implementation himself to harness the benefits of e-government and other online
of e-Governance. Some hindrance in the path of implementation, like services. As the digital divide narrows, broader adoption of e-
security, unequal access to the computer technology by the citizen, government in the public domain becomes possible. Economic
high initial cost for setting up the e government solutions and poverty is not the only cause of digital divide. It can also be caused
resistance to change. Challenges identified as trust, resistance to by the lack of awareness among the people. Even some of the
change, digital divide, cost and privacy and security concerns. economic stable people don’t know about the scope of e -
Awareness can only help to bring users to that service delivery
Trust can be defined along two dimensions: as an assessment of a channel once. It cannot guarantee sustained use of the system
current situation, or as an innate personality traitor predisposition. unless the system is also designed in such a way as to deliver
The implementation of public administration functions via e- satisfactory outcome. Procedures need to be simplified to deliver
government requires the presence of two levels of trust. The first is concrete benefits and clear guidelines provided to encourage their
that the user must be confident, comfortable and trusting of the tool use by the actual end users and reduce user’s dependence on
or technology with which they will interact. The second dimension of middlemen/intermediaries
trust pertains to trust of the government].
There has to be a balance between ensuring that a system prevents
fraudulent transactions and the burden that extensive checks can Cost is one of the most important prohibiting factor that comes in the
take place on people who are honest. path of e-governance implementation particularly in the developing
countries like India where most of the people living below the
Recently, confidential information on military veterans was poverty line. Elected officers and politician don’t seem to be
compromised when a computer containing their personal interested in implementing e-governance
information was lost. This type of incident can erode trust and user
confidence in government systems. Trust, along with financial Privacy and Security
security, are two critical factors limiting the adoption of e-
government services. There will be three basic levels of access exists for e-government
stakeholders: no access to a Web service; limited access to a Web-
Resistance to change service or full-access to a Web service, however when personal
sensitive data exists the formation of the security access policy is a
The innovation diffusion theory states that over time an innovation much more complex process with legal consideration. With the
will diffuse through a population, and the rate of adoption will vary implementation of e-government projects, effective measures must
between those who adopt early, referred to as early adopters and to be taken to protect sensitive personal information. A lack of clear
those who adopt the innovation much later, referred to as security standards and protocols can limit the development of
―laggards. projects that contain sensitive information such as income, medical
The resistant to change phenomenon can explain much of the
hesitation that occurs on the part of constituents in moving from a

The Indian Government launched the Digital India campaign to make government services available to citizens electronically by online
infrastructure improvement and also by enhancing internet connectivity. It also aims to empower the country digitally in the domain of technology.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the campaign on 1st July 2015.

Digital India

Date of launching 1st July 2015

Government Ministry Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Finance


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Launched by PM Narendra Modi

Minister of E&IT (As of December Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw


Official website

Digital India Mission is mainly focused on three areas:

• Providing digital infrastructure as a source of utility to every citizen.

• Governance and services on demand.
• To look after the digital empowerment of every citizen.

Digital India aims to provide the much-needed thrust to the nine pillars of growth areas. Each of these areas is a complex programme in itself and
cuts across multiple Ministries and Departments. The nine pillars of Digital India are given below:

1. Broadband Highways– This covers three sub components, namely Broadband for All – Rural, Broadband for All – Urban and National
Information Infrastructure (NII).
2. Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity- This initiative focuses on network penetration and filling the gaps in connectivity in the country.
3. Public Internet Access Programme- The two sub components of Public Internet Access Programme are Common Services Centres
(CSCs) and Post Offices as multi-service centres.
4. e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology- Government Process Re-engineering using IT to simplify and make the
government processes more efficient is critical for transformation to make the delivery of government services more effective across
various government domains and therefore needs to be implemented by all Ministries/ Departments.
5. e-Kranti – Electronic Delivery of Services- To improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. In this
regard, several e-governance initiatives have been undertaken by various State Governments and Central Ministries to usher in an era of
e-Government. e-Governance in India has steadily evolved from the computerization of Government Departments to initiatives that
encapsulate the finer points of Governance, such as citizen centricity, service orientation and transparency.
6. Information for All- This pillar aims to ensure transparency and availability of reliable data generated by the line ministries for use, reuse
and redistribution for the people of India.
7. Electronics Manufacturing- This pillar focuses on promoting electronics manufacturing in the country.
8. IT for Jobs- This pillar focuses on providing training to the youth in the skills required for availing employment opportunities in the IT /ITES
9. Early Harvest Programmes- This pillar consists of a group of different short-term projects which have immediate effect on the Indian
digital ecosystem like IT platform for mass messaging, crowd Sourcing of eGreetings, biometric attendance in the government o ffices,
WI-FI in all universities etc.

Digital India Initiatives

The Government has taken up many initiatives under the Digital India campaign. Discussed below are few such important initiat ives:

DigiLockers – This flagship initiative aims at ‘Digital Empowerment’ of the citizen by providing access to authentic digital documents to citizen’s
digital document wallet

E-Hospitals – It is a Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) which is a one-stop solution in connecting patients, hospitals and doctors
through a single digital platform. Till February 2021, as many as 420 e-Hospitals had been established under the Digital India campaign

E-Pathshala – Developed by NCERT, e-Pathshala showcases and disseminates all educational e-resources including textbooks, audio, video,
periodicals and a variety of other print and non-print materials through the website and mobile app

BHIM – Bharat Interface for Money is an app that makes payment transactions simple, easy and quick using Unified Payments Interface (UPI)

PRACTICE QUESTIONS 4. National E-governance plan was established in ______ ?

1. What is the full form of IT? a. 18 june 2006

b. 18 july 2008
b. Interest Tracking c. 18 may 2003
c. Information Technic d. 18 may 2006
d. Information Technology
e. Internet technology 5. E-commerce involves buying and selling of:

2. Which of the following is not a feature of smart governance? a. International goods

b. Electronic goods
a. Transparent c. Products related to computers
b. responsive d. Products and services over the Internet
c. accountable
d. inaccessible 6. Which of the following is related to the National Super Computing
Mission of the Government of India?
3. ___________ e implies government functioning with the application
of ICT(Information and Communications Technology). a. Param 8000
b. Param 10000
a. E- technology c. Param Dhavak
b. E- governance d. Param Shivay
c. E- admin
d. None of these
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7. Regarding E-governance, which of the following statements is/are C. 05 july 2015
correct? D. 15 july 2005

(A) Decreasing transparency is an ICT enabled advantage of 14. Digital india has ________ pillers.
A. 12
(B) (B) E-governance is related to the implementation of ICT in B. 15
government processes and functions. C. 9
(C) (C) Common Service Centres (CSCs) help in providing and D. 10
using E-Governance related services.
15. Which of the following is/are pillar of digital India Program?
Choose the correct option:
a. Broadband Highways
(A) (A), (B) and (C) b. Public Internet Access Programme
(B) and (C) only c. eKranti - Electronic delivery of services
(C) and (C) only d. All of above
(D) (A)and (B) only
16. First Digital state in India?
8. Which of the following are the benefits of e-governance system?
a. Delhi
1. Simplicity, efficiency and accountability b. Mumbai
c. Kerala
2. Quality service to citizens d. Banglore

3. Better access to information 17. How many types of e-governance are there?

4. expanded reach of governance a. 4

b. 5
a. 1, 2 and 3 only c. 6
b. 1, 2 and 4 only d. 7
c. 3 and 4 only
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4 18. Interaction between the government and the citizens is ___.

9. Which of the following mobile payment application is developed a. G2G

by the National Payments Corporation of India based on UPI? b. G2B
c. G2C
a. MYGOV d. G2E
c. UMANG 19. What is G2G in e-governance?
d. PhonePe
a. Government to Governor
Bharat Interface For Money (BHIM): b. Government to Government
c. Government to guide
BHIM is a mobile payment application that can be used by anyone d. Government to goal
who has a bank account with a linked mobile number and was
launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 December 20. What type of interaction are Aadhar, UMANG ?
a. G2G
10. Which of the following is the part of the four main types for e- b. G2B
commerce? c. G2C
d. G2E
A. B2B
B. B2C 21. AEPS stands for-
C. C2B
D. All of the Above a. Aadhar Enabled Payment system
b. Aadhar Enabled Penalty system
11. ………………is any transaction, involving the transfer or rights to c. Aadhar Enabled Payment school
use goods and services, which is initiated and or completed by d. None of these
using mobile access to computer mediated networks with the help
of an electronic device. 22. _____________ is a technology-driven platform that would provide
people with the opportunity to contribute towards good governance.
A. Mobile Commerce
B. e-commerce a. MyGov.
C. both of these b. E-kranti
D. none of these c. M-governance
d. None of these.
12. Which one is disadvantage of E- governance?
23. Full form of UMANG is
A. Real time update
B. Cost reduction a. Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance
C. Accessibility b. Unified Mobile Application for New-age Government
D. Digital divide c. Unique Mobile Application for New-age Governance
d. Unified Mobile Application for New Governance
13. When was digital india program launched?
24. Which is not an advantage of e-governance?
A. 02 july 2006
B. 01 july 2005 a. Increased access to information
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b. Convenience c. Common Services Customer
c. Improved Customer Service d. None of these.
d. None of these
Common Services Centers (CSC) are one of the crucial enablers of
25. Full form of CSC? the Digital India Programme. They are the access points for delivery
of various e-governance and business services to citizens in rural
a. Common Services Centers and remote areas of the country.
b. Customer Services Center

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