Be Winter 2021

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3151104 Date:27/12/2021
Subject Name:Analog and Digital Communication
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) “If SNR=∞ Can we achieve Channel Capacity C=∞ Practically?” 03
Justify according to shanon’s equation.
(b) Briefly describe the types of sampling and its importance. 04

(c) Explain Time Division Multiplexing for PCM in T1 carrier systems. 07

Q.2 (a) “VSB is clever compromise between SSB and DSB for Broadcast 03
Television” Justify.
(b) Explain briefly eye diagram. 04
(i) Sensitivity to timing Jitter(ii)Level crossing Jitter.(Timing
(c) Briefly Describe L-carrier hierarchical long haul analog telephone 07
FDM system.
(c) Briefly Describe Signal-Squaring Method of carrier regeneration using 07
PLL at the DSB-SC receiver.
Q.3 (a) Show that any scheme that can be used to generate DSB-SC can also 03
generate AM.
(b) Determine ɳ and percentage of the total power carried by the side bands 04
of the AM wave for tone modulation when µ=0.6 and µ=0.4

(c) Describe SSB generation using the phase shift method. 07

Q.3 (a) Show that any scheme that can be used to demodulate DSB-SC can 03
also demodulate AM.
(b) A signal m(t) of Bandwidth B=4kHz is transmitted using a binary 04
companded PCM with µ=100.Compare the case of L=64 and L=256
from the point of view of transmission bandwith and the output SNR.

(c) Explain the Armstrong indirect FM transmitter with neat sketch. 07

Q.4 (a) Compare DPCM and PCM. 03

(b) Determine the output SNR of a linear delta modulation system for a 04
2KHz sinusoidal input signal sampled at 64KHz. Neglect slope
overload distortion and the post reconstruction filter has a bandwidth
of 4KHz.

(c) Explain delta sigma Modulator operation with block diagram. 07

Q.4 (a) Compare DM and ADM. 03
(b) A TV signal having a bandwidth of 4.2MHz is transmitted using binary 04
PCM system. Given that the number of quantization level is 512
.Calculate(i)Codewardlength(ii)Transmission Bandwidth.

(c) Explain GMSK. 07

Q.5 (a) Mention Nyquist first criteria for zero ISI. 03

(b) Briefly discuss the PSD of Digital Carrier Modulation. 04
(c) Explain BPSK modulation with neat sketch. 07
Q.5 (a) What do you mean by bit scrambling. 03
(b) Compare RZ and NRZ line codes. 04
(c) Explain QPSK modulation with neat sketch. 07


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