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IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020)”


NIM. 210913100





A’yunin, Qurrota. 2020. The Effectiveness of Question

Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy to Students’
Reading Comprehension (A pre-experimental study
in the Seventh Grade of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in
Academic Year 2019/2020). A Thesis for English
Education Department, the State Institute of Islamic
Studies Ponorogo. Advisor Nurul Khasanah, M. Pd.

Key Words: Question Answer Relationship (QAR)

Strategy, Reading Comprehension

Reading could be the English skill for success in

educational context. Through reading, students can get new
information and knowledge. In improving the students’
achievement, the teacher has an important role in teaching
reading. The teacher should be creative in finding better
strategies to deliver the materials. Therefore, question answer
relationship is one strategy which can be used to solve the
problems in reading comprehension. By using QAR strategy,
students need not to spend their many times looking at reading
passage in order to find answer that belong to in my head
question as the question needs students to answer the question
by using their background knowledge.

The objective of the study is to know there is any

significant different score in reading comprehension at seventh
grade of SMPN 2 Ponorogo before and after being taught by
QAR strategy.

The research applied quantitative approach and used a

pre experimental design. The population of this research was
the whole students of VII class consisted of 288 students of
SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020 and the sample
was VIIB that consisted of 32 students sample technique. The
research was taken as the sample using sample random
sampling. The data was collected using test. To analyze data,
the researcher used the formula “t” test as procedure of data

The result of this research showed that the value of (t0)

between students’ who are taught before and after using QAR
strategy was 5,0633. The t0 at level of significance 5% with
db=31was “t” index (tt) 2,03. Therefore t0>tt, so Ha was
accepted. There was any significant differences score in
reading comprehension before and after being taught by QAR


A. Background of the Study

Reading has an essential part in English teaching.
Many advantages can be gotten from it. Reading text not
only provides good models for English writing, but also
opportunities to study language, vocabularies, grammar,
punctuation, and the way to construct sentences,
paragraphs and texts.1
According to David Nunan, Reading is a fluent
process of readers combining information from a text and
their own background knowledge to built meaning. The
goal of reading is comprehension. Strategic reading is
defined as the ability of the reader to use a wide variety
of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading.
Good readers know what to do when they encounter
difficulties. Fluent reading is defined as the ability to read
at an appropriate rate with adequate comprehension.
Meaning does not rest in the reader nor does it rest in the

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English (England: Longman, 2002),

text. The reader’s background knowledge integrates with

the text to create the meaning. The text, the reader,
fluency, and strategies combined together define the act
of reading.2
To be successful at reading comprehension,
students need to actively process what they read. That
processing skill requires that students to have automatic
reading skills and fluency, necessary vocabulary, and text
appropriate background knowledge. Successful
comprehension is augmented when students have practice
with strategies for monitoring their understanding,
increasing their intrinsic interest in the text, and creating
goals and purpose for their reading.3
It means that reading comprehension is
understanding the information in the text to catch the
meaning. The reading comprehension is the act to
comprehend the text explicitly and implicitly. Reading
comprehension is the goals of reading which have to be
mastered by the students in order to communicate with

Dafid Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching (America:
McGraw-Hill, 2003), 68.
Judy willis, Teaching the Brain to Read (Virginia USA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2008), 127-128.

the writer though the text to get information from the

Many teachers believe that reading problems are
caused by genetic factors, physiological or neurological
‘deficits’, maturational delay, minor sensory handicaps or
impairments in psychological processes such as memory
and perception or a ‘learning disability’. Some teachers
believe that the problem is due to a child’s poor attitude
and motivation, linking this sometimes with lack of
educational support from the home.4
EFL learners do not understand the English
should be it caused by the difficult vocabulary.
Comprehension is often difficult to teach directly,
however because it encompasses so much and relies on
so many different skill. As a teacher should be solve this
problem, should be by creating a confidence classroom
by using the best strategies, perhaps it will help them
comprehend what they read.
Based on my interview to the teacher in SMPN 2
Ponorogo the problem in reading process are the students

Peter Westwood, Reading and Learning Difficulties: Approaches to
Teaching and Assessment (Australia: Acer Press, 2001), 26.

were difficult to find general information, specific

information, textual meaning and recognize textual
reference in the reading text. Beside that a part of
students considered that the English lesson is difficult and
most of them have not enough vocabularies.
The most teachers still used conventional method
in teaching reading. The teacher still dominated in the
class by using English as medium all the time, so it made
the student did not understand what the teacher said. As
the result the students’ reading comprehension is not
The fact that the students’ reading comprehension
is low, it can be associated with students less recognizing
how to find the answer of comprehension questions. The
student often assume that the answer of every question
only found in the text, whereas the answer of questions
can be found in the readers’ head.
Finding appropriate technique is important,
whereas making a variation in the classroom is essentials.
There are many kinds of learning material and we cannot
use the same technique for all of them. Furthermore,
students has their own learning style that needs different

treatment using different technique. In addition, the use

of various techniques makes both students and teachers
more creative. Then, it can motivate students becomes
active learners. In short, various techniques should be
implemented in the classroom, in order to optimize the
process and the results of learning.
Question Answer Relationships (QAR) is a
categorization system detailing the relationship among a
question, the text to which the question refers, and the
reader’s knowledge base. It can serve as a framework for
comprehension instruction, as well as a pedagogical tool
for improving teachers’ and students’ questioning
Raphael identified two board categories of
Question Answer Relationship (QAR) for finding
information and for answering questions: in the book
questions consisting of Right there and Think and Search
questions. These questions require answers that can be
found directly in the text. Another category is in your

Taffy E. Raphael &Kathryn H. Au, QAR Comprehension Lessons:
Grades 6–8 (Scholastic Teaching Resources), 4.

head questions consisting of Author and you and on your

own. These questions require a higher level of thinking.
By employing QAR it is hoped that teacher can
help students improve their reading comprehension since
QAR provides students with question answer strategies of
reading comprehension. The categories of question
provided in QAR enable students to consume much less
time. By using QAR, students need not to spend their
many times looking at reading passage in order to find
answer that belong to In My Head question as the
question needs students to answer the question by using
their background knowledge.6
QAR strategy had been used by some researchers
in some parts of world. This strategy was examined can
improve students’ reading comprehension. Moreover,
using this strategy is believed can develop students’
higher order of thinking. There are some researchers from
some parts of the world have employed this strategy
(Hosseini 2014, Kinniburg and Sandra 2010, and Baqi

Fuad Abdul Baqi, Employing Question Answer Relationships
(QAR) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (a classroom
action research at the eleventh year students of smanegeri 1rangkasbitung
in 2012/2013 academic year),(Thesis, Jakarta, 2014 ), 39.

2014), and the conclusion is QAR Strategy is examined

effective in improving students’ reading comprehension.
Based on explanation above, the researcher
conducted an experimental research entitled “The
Effectiveness of Question Answer Relationship (QAR)
Strategy to Students’ Reading Comprehension (A pre-
experimental study in the Seventh Grade of SMPN 2
Ponorogo in Academic Year 2019/2020)”.

B. Limitation of the Study

The limitations of this study are:
1. The subject of study is the seventh grade students of
B class of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year
2. The object of study is the use of Question Answer
Relationship (QAR) Strategy to students’ reading
3. Text material is about descriptive text.

C. Statement of the Problem

Is there any significant different score in reading
comprehension at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Ponorogo
before and after being taught by QAR strategy?

D. Objective of the Study

To know there is any significant different score in
reading comprehension at seventh grade of SMPN 2
Ponorogo before and after being taught by QAR strategy.

E. Significances of the Study

The writer really hopes that the result of the research will
be useful theoretically and practically:
1. Theoretical Significance
There are some benefits theoretically, such as:
a. The result of the research can improve the
knowledge about an interest technique to
teaching reading by using Question Answer
relationship (QAR)
b. The result of the research can be used as the
references for those who want to conduct a
research in teaching reading

2. Practical Significance
The result of this study is expected practically to be
beneficial for:
a. Teacher
The researcher hopes that the English
teacher is able to choose some strategies that
most appropriate in teaching reading. The
teacher can use QAR as an alternative reading
comprehension strategy to provide students
devices to comprehend reading materials.
Question answer relationship (QAR) is the one
of strategy may apply in teaching reading.
b. Students
It can motivate students to improve their
reading comprehension by using the types of
QAR categories. Learning this strategy make
students accustom to higher level questions and
it can spur students to think critically and
c. Readers
This research is expected to give a
contribution to readers, particularly the students

of English Institute of IAIN Ponorogo, in

enriching reference with the implementation of
question answer relationship (QAR) strategy in
teaching reading.

F. Organization of the Study

The researcher writes this thesis in five chapters. This
related one another. The organizations of the thesis are:
Chapter I : Introduction consists of background of
the study, limitation of the problem,
statement of the problem, objective of
the study, significance of the study, and
organization of the study.
Chapter II : consists of theoretical background,
previous study, and theoretical
Chapter III : consists of an object of the research,
setting and subject of the study, research
design, and technique of data collection.
Chapter IV : contains a research location, data
description, data analysis and discussion.

Chapter V :contains conclusion and



A. Theoretical background
1. Reading Comprehension
a. Definition of Reading
Reading is a fluent process of readers
combining information from a text and reader’s
background knowledge to build meaning. The
goal of reading is comprehension.7
Reading is a fundamental educational
construct and it is unsurprising that its definition
is difficult. It is a flexible skill rather than a
body of knowledge. In outline, it can be seen to
involve, at least, knowledge of language,
knowledge of the written code, the ways in
which children learn to read and the difficulties
they may encounter. A consideration of the
purposes that are intrinsic to the act of reading
brings in aesthetic and emotional as well as

David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching: 1st Edition
(Singapore: McGraw Hill Companies, 2003), 68.

pragmatic factors for the individual. The social,

philosophical and political context can be seen
in the functions fulfilled by reading in society
and the role of literature in cultural life. Like
much knowledge, skill and understanding, the
act of reading itself is mostly invisible,
consisting of mental changes that cannot be
directly observed, so that evidence about
reading has to be evinced through observable
performances of one kind or another.8
Reading is something that involves many
things, not only recite writing but also involve
visual activities, thinking, psycholinguistic, and
metacognitive as a visual process. Reading is
the process of translating the writing symbol
(alphabet) to spoken words as a process of
Reading is also an interactive process in at
least two ways. First, the various processes
involved in reading are carried out virtually

Marian Sainsbury, dkk. Assessing Reading from Theories to
Classrooms (Cambridge assessment, 2006), 16.

simultaneously. While we are recognizing

words very rapidly and keeping the active in our
working memories, we are also analysing the
structure of sentences to assemble the most
logical clause level meanings, building a main
idea model of text comprehension in our heads,
monitoring comprehension and so on.
Combining these skills in an efficient manner
makes general comprehension a time consuming
ability to master.9
Reading is also interactive in the sense that
linguistic information from the text interacts
with information activated by the reader from
long term memory, as background knowledge.
These two knowledge sources (linguistic and
background) are essential for building the
reader’s interpretation of the text.10
Reading is the activity of spelling or reciting
the writing preceded by the activity of seeing

William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and
Researching Reading Second Edition (New York: Routledge Taylor &
Francis Group, 2011), 11.
Ibid., 12.

and understanding the writing. The activity of

seeing and understanding is a simultaneous
process to find out the message or written
information requires a process that demands an
understanding of the meaning of words or
sentences which are a unity in a glance.
b. Reading Comprehension
When an effective reader reads for
comprehension and understanding, it is an
actively engaged and thoughtful process. One of
the things that good readers do during the
reading process is to make connections between
background knowledge and the new information
in the text. Reading comprehension instruction
requires a balance between the actual instruction
of the strategy and student use of the strategy.
The interaction of the reader and the text
is central to the process, and readers bring to
this interaction their knowledge of the subject at
hand, knowledge of and expectations about how

language works, motivation, interest and

attitude toward the context of the text.11
Reading comprehension is a process in
which the reader constructs meaning using as
the building materials the information on the
printed page and the knowledge stored in the
readers’ head. It involves intentional thinking,
during which meaning is constructed through
interactions between text and reader.12
Based on statement above, it can be
concluded that reading comprehension is a
complex skill which involve the variety of
factors, context and goal of reading. The readers
have integrates between their prior knowledge
and their new knowledge so it will make
comprehension process successfully.
c. Strategies to Reading Comprehension
Comprehension is a strategy or plans to
construct meaning based on the experiences and

David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for
Teachers (Sydney: Prentice Hall, 1991), 65-66.
Duke and Pearson, Reading Comprehension: Strategies That
Work (2001), 423.

it is not only can adjust but also it can exchange

the mindset about something. According to
Gerald G. Duffy there are many strategies of
reading comprehension, such as:
1. Predicting13
It is fundamental to comprehension
which based on the thoughtful use of prior
knowledge. Readers make predictions based
on purpose of reading, topic clues and the
type of the text being read.
2. Monitoring
Monitoring is a process of talking to
oneself about whether the meaning being
encountered had been the meaning
anticipated that is whether the original
prediction is coming true.
3. Questioning
Questioning virtually same with
monitoring which is questioning also a

Gerald G. Duffy, Explaining Reading: a Resource for Teaching
Concepts, Skills and Strategies (New York: Guildford Press, 2009), 101.

process of talking to oneself about whether

the meaning makes sense.
4. Repredicting
Meanwhile repredicting is a process of
given the new information encountered in
the text.
5. Imaging
It is a process to require readers to use
prior knowledge and to predict. The prior
knowledge the reader uses is experience
with words and descriptive language.
Readers use what that descriptive language
makes them think to create an image.
2. Question Answer Relationship
a. Definition of Question Answer Relationship
Question Answer Relationships (QAR)
is a taxonomy that assists teachers by providing
a framework for answering questions and
shaping comprehension instruction. When
teaching students to answer comprehension
questions, the QAR taxonomy provides students
with structured categories for questions. When

using this taxonomy as a question-answering

strategy, students are able to determine where to
find the information needed to answer a
question by determining where the question
belongs in the QAR taxonomy. The taxonomy is
also useful in that it provides a common
language for teachers’ and students’ questions.
Raphael developed QAR as a tool for
clarifying how students can approach the task of
reading texts and answering questions. It helps
them realize the need to consider both
information in the texts and information from
their own background knowledge. Without
QAR instruction, students often over rely on
text information or background knowledge.14
Katherine A. Daugherty Stahl states that
the questions that teachers ask and instruction in
QAR or other teacher led questioning can act as
a springboard and a model for critical thinking
and complex student generated questions.

Sa’dulloh Muzammil, Journal of Linguistics, Literature &
Language Teaching. (JL3T. Vol. II, No. 2 December 2016), 107.

Teacher led questioning can be a powerful

vehicle in moving text interactions toward
higher levels of thinking and critical literacy.15
The focus in using QAR is to help
children understand how to find answers.
Children share with one another specifically
where and how they found the answers: in their
head or in the book. Question answer
relationships help children to understand that
comprehension depends upon both text (what is
on the page) and reader (what is in our heads),
there can be more than one right answer, not all
questions are answered in the text alone, there
will be some questions with no answers.16
By employing QAR it is hoped that
teacher can help students improve their reading
comprehension since QAR provides students
with question answer strategies of reading

Katherine A. Daugherty Stahl, Proof, Practice, and Promise:
Comprehension Strategy Instruction in the Primary Grades the Reading
Teacher (2004), 601.
Duke and Pearson, Reading Comprehension: Strategies That
Work (2001), 473.

comprehension. The categories of question

provided in QAR enable students to consume
much less time.17
Raphael identified two board categories
of QAR for finding information and for
answering questions: first category is in the
book questions consisting of Right there and
Think and Search questions. These questions
require answers that can be found directly in the
text. Another category is in your head questions
consisting of Author and you and on your own.
These questions require a higher level of
thinking. While details from the text may or
may not be used, the primary source of the
answer will involve the readers’ own thinking in
relation to the text, the authors’ meaning, and
application of the theme outside the text.18

Sa’dulloh Muzammil, Journal of Linguistics, Literature &
Language Teaching. (JL3T. Vol. II, No. 2 December 2016), 108-109.
Fuad Abdul Baqi, Employing Question Answer Relationships
(QAR) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (a
Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri
1Rangkasbitung in 2012/2013 Academic Year),(Thesis, Jakarta, 2014 ), 39-

b. Categorization of QAR
Taffy E. Raphael in QAR Now was
categorized QAR question into two broad
categorizations based on where answer of the
question can be found.19
There are two types of questions, they are:
1) In the Book Questions
a) Right There
Right there questions require reader
to go back to the passage and find the
correct information (explicit
information) to answer the questions.
These are sometimes called literal
question as the correct answer can be
found in the passage. Right there
questions sometimes include the words:
According to the passages, How many,
Who is, Where is, and What is.

Taffy E. Raphael and Kathy Highfield, QAR Now (Question-
Answer Relationships): Theory and Practice, (New York: Wright Group,
2001), 22-30.

The steps may be purposed to

answer Right There questions are as
a) Reread
b) Scan
c) Look for key words
b) Think and Search
In Think and Search questions, the
answer will still be in the text, but the
details necessary to answer the questions
may be in more than one location. The
questions usually require the reader to
think about ideas or information
(implicit information) in the passage
relate to each other. To answer the
questions effectively, the reader will
need to “think and search” through out
the text and will need to look back at the
passage, find the information that the
question refers to and then think about
how the information or ideas fit together.

The steps may be purposed to

answer Think and Search questions are
as follows:
a) Skim or reread
b) Look for important information
c) Summarize
2) In Your Head Questions
a) Author and You
Author and You questions require
reader to use ideas and information that
is not stated directly in the passage to
answer the question. These questions
require the reader to think about what
you have read and formulate your own
include the words: the author implies,
the passage suggests, and the speakers’
The steps may be purposed to
answer Author and You questions are as
a) Reread

b) Think about what you already know

and what the author says
c) Predict
b) On Your Own
On Your Own questions can be
answered using readers’ background
knowledge on a topic. This type of
questions does not usually appear on
tests of reading comprehension because
it does require the reader to refer to the
passage. On Your Own questions
sometimes include the words: In your
opinion, Based on your experience, and
Think about someone/something you
c. The Advantages and the Weaknesses of QAR
The four QARs provide a useful
framework for teachers and students. First,
when students are consciously aware of the
different sources of information available to
answer questions, they become strategic in their
reading and thinking, and their comprehension

is improved. Second, the four QARs are helpful

in teacher planning. Teachers need to strike a
better balance between literal questioning and
higher level questioning. Questions reflecting
the Think and Search, Author and You, and On
Your Own help students see relationships,
connections, associations between text and prior
knowledge, experience, and/or other ideas in the
subject area. Such questions often have more
than a single word answer, which stimulates
students to think rather than wait to be told the
“right” answer.
Raphael and Au state that QAR
addresses four troubling problems of practice
today, particularly involving students who often
receive little literacy instruction oriented to
promoting high levels of thinking about text.
First, QAR can help address the lack of a shared
language among teachers and students for
improving questioning practices, whether in the
day-to-day life of the classroom, in students’
activities outside of school, or in high-stakes

testing situation. Second, QAR can bring

coherence to literacy instruction within and
across grade level by providing a framework for
a developmental progression for comprehension
instruction. As a framework, QAR provides a
means for organizing comprehension strategy
instruction. Third, QAR provides a focal point
to begin sustained efforts for whole-school
reform aimed at higher standards for literacy
learning and teaching. It is difficult to find
points of contact that bring teachers from
kindergarten through middle school to the table
with the same high levels of interest. Yet all
readers at all grades can benefit from learning to
think in terms of information sources for
answering and asking questions. Forth, QAR
provides a responsible approach to preparing
students for high stakes test at different grade
levels and in a variety of subject areas, without

detracting from the high-quality instruction that

leads to high levels of literacy.20

B. Previous Research Findings

The researchers were Leah H. Kinniburgh and
Abigail Baxter . The title of this research was ―Using
Question Answer Relationships in Science
Instruction to increase the Reading Achievement of
Struggling Readers and Students with Reading
Disabilities. The participants of this research were 10
fourth grade students in a science class who had been
diagnosed with a reading disability and were in the
special education program, or were classified as
struggling readers. Science expository text was used in
this research over 4 week period.
There are one general education classroom
teacher and one special education teacher in conducting
this research. General education classroom teacher
provided science instruction related to QAR to the
student participants while special education teacher

Sa’dulloh Muzammil, Journal of Linguistics, Literature &
Language Teaching. (JL3T. Vol. II, No. 2 December 2016), 114-115.

only lent support and administered informal reading

inventory which was The Analytical Reading inventory
(as pretest and post-test) to student participants.
This research also conducted an interview to
classroom teacher to gather information regarding
teachers’ perspective about the effectiveness of
integrating the QAR into science instruction.
The result shown that all students reading
comprehension scores improved from the pretest to the
posttest, especially the students made the highest gains
in the two types of higher order thinking types of
questions, Author and Me and On My Own.
The advantages of the using QAR in this
research are the struggling readers and students with
reading disability can increase their reading
achievement and teacher become more confident to
assist struggling students after receiving training and
constant support over the 4-week instructional period.
Meanwhile, the disadvantages of this research
are the participants that were taken only 10 students and
there was not a control group to compare the score.

Second, Leena Furtado and Heidi Pastel

(2011), the title of the research is Question answer
relationship strategy increases reading
comprehension among Kindergarten students. This
research was conducted by taking 23 kindergarten
students (5–6 years old) over 4 weeks (18 days). This
research used two popular Aesop‘s fable in applying
QAR strategy.
Pretest and post test were conducted orally.
That‘s because many students can not read
independently and write answers to questions. In
addition, there were parent volunteers who helped
orally ask the questions to the students. Student’s exact
answers were recorded on their tests, and graded.
In this research, the students worked in groups.
With the parent volunteers and the teacher acting as
facilitators, both In the Book and In My Head questions
were asked orally within each group. If students were
unsuccessful answering their particular question, the
discussion was opened up to the rest of the group which
was in day 6-10 there were small group leaders

emerged to assist their friends who had difficulty (peer

The result of this research shown that twenty
out of twenty three students scored considerably higher
on the post-test than they did on the pre-test. The three
students who did not score higher had scores that
remained the same on both tests. The students also can
understand the difference between the two types of
questions, and become more comfortable in expressing
their thoughts and opinions.
The advantages of this research besides
increasing students reading comprehension are the
students can do peer interaction to assist their friends in
comprehending reading text and get confidence in
expressing their thoughts and opinions.
While the disadvantage is the students have not
been able to read and answer the questions
independently so they need a help to read and ask the
questions orally for them.
Based on two previous researches above, it can be
concluded that research by Leah H. Kanniburgh and
Abigail Baxter and Leena Furtado and Heidi Pastel has

similar and difference with this research. The details are

explained as follows:
Compared to both previous research, there are
some similarities and differences between those
researches and this present research. In the first
previous research, it tried to investigate whether using
Questions Answer Relationship increase students’
reading achievement in the class room or not. That
variable QAR is the same with this present study.
However, the reseach methodology and the subject of
the study was different.
In the second previous research, that variable X and
Y is the same with this research, than the research
methodology was same too. However, the subject of the
study was different with this research.

C. Theoretical Framework
Reading is an activity to understand the text to
get some information and knowledge. According to the
opinion from Peter Stravens reading consists of making
out meaning of written language. Reading is an
incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully, we

do have understand what the word means in a written

Based on the observation, the early condition of
the class used the conventional teaching method. It was
causing the students’ reading skill in comprehend text
was still low. So, the researcher designed to apply QAR
strategy in teaching reading. After that, the researcher
framed the strategy to change the quality of learning
which was applied in some else. It is expected the
students’ reading skill can increase especially their
activeness, interest, and achievement.
Basically, QAR strategy is an interesting
method which gives a good motivation to the students
to become more active and easier in comprehending the
text. QAR strategy makes the students are be enjoying
in joining reading class.

D. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a type of prediction found in
many experimental studies it is a statement about what
we expect to happen in a study. In research reports
there are generally two types of hypotheses: research

hypotheses and null hypotheses. The null hypothesis

(often written as H0) is a neutral statement used as a
basis for testing. The null hypothesis states that there is
no relationship between items under investigation. The
statistical task is to reject the null hypothesis and to
show that there is a relationship between X and Y.21
There are two hypotheses offered in this study, there
Ha : There is any significant different score in
reading comprehension before and after being
taught by QAR strategy at the seventh grade of
SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020.
H0 : There is no significant different scorein reading
comprehension before and after being taught by
QAR strategy at the seventh grade of SMPN 2
Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020.

Alison Mackey, Second Language Research Methodology and
Design (London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005),100-101.


A. Research Design
This research applied a quantitative research.
Quantitative research deals with questions of relationship,
cause and effect, or current status that researchers can
answer by gathering and statistically analyzing numeric
Quantitative research based on the measurement of
quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can
be expressed in term of quantity. Quantitative methods
consist of two types. They are experimental (pre
experimental design, quasi experimental design, and true
experimental design) and non experimental there are
(descriptive, survey, expose facto, comparative and
According to Donal Ary an experimental design is
the general plan for carrying out a study with an active
independent variable. The design is important because it

Donald Ary, Dkk, Introduction to Research in Education Eighth
Edition (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2006), 39.

determines the study’s internal validity, which is the

ability to reach valid conclusions about the effect of the
experimental treatment on the dependent variable.23
This research applied quantitative approach and
used the pre experimental design. In this research, the
group is given a pretest before the experimental treatment.
After the treatment is finished, the post test is
administered to see the achievement.24
The researcher used the one-group pretest-posttest
design usually involves three steps: (1) administering a
pretest measuring the dependent variable; (2) applying the
experimental treatment X to the subjects; (3)
administering a posttest, again measuring the dependent
variable. Differences attributed to aplication of the
experimental treatment are then evaluated by comparing
the pretest and posttest score.25

Ibid., 301.
Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Method on Language an
Introduction (Malang: UM PRESS, 2014), 96.
Donald Ary, Dkk, Introduction to Research in Education Eighth
Edition (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2006), 303.

Table 1.126
Design of One Group Pre-test and Post-test
Pre-test Treatment Post-test
O1 X O2
X : Treatment
O1 : Pre – test
O2 : Post – test

B. Population and Sample

1. Population
Population is defined as all members of any
well defined class of people, events, or objects.27 A

population is a group of individuals, objects, or items

from among which samples are taken for
measurement.28 From the statement above it can be
concluded that population is research object as target
to get and collect the data.

John W. Creswell, Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative,
and Mixed Methods Approaches Third Edition (Los Angeles: Sage, 2009),
Donald Ary, Dkk, Introduction to Research in Education Eighth
Edition (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2006), 148.
Kultar Singh, Quantitative Social Research Methods (Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007), 88.

From the definition above, the researcher

summarizes that population is the entire subject who
will be researched. The population in this research is
all the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in
academic year 2019/2020 are 288 students.

2. Sample
A sample can be defined as a finite part of a
statistical population whose properties are used to
make estimates about the population as a whole. When
dealing with people, it can be defined as a set of target
respondents selected from a larger population for the
purpose of a survey.29 The sample is smaller than total
of population. In this research sample as representation
the total population.
The sample in this research is the seventh grade
B student of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year
2019/2020. There are 32 students consist of 13 male
and 19 female. So, the researcher needs to choose the
sample that appropriate with the research design. The


researcher used cluster technique sampling to

determine the research samples.
According Charles in Adnan Latief, cluster
technique sampling involves the random selection of
group that already exists.30 It means that the cluster
sampling technique used to determine the sample in
form of group or class.
The researcher chose one class for the
experiment class in the research. Whether the students
have same capabilities in reading. The cluster class in
the research is VIIB that consists of 32 students consist
of 13 male and 19 female.

C. Instrument of Data Collection

In this research instrument to collect the data was test.
The test was constructed by the researcher based on the
standardized procedures of making test. The test was
divided into two parts pre-test and post-test in the same
class. They are the test for students that used QAR
Strategy in reading. The test was to gain information about

Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Method on Language an
Introduction (Malang: UM PRESS, 2014), 185.

the students’ reading comprehension after teaching

process finish. Instrument of data collection can be show
in the table below:
Table 1.2
The Indicator Instruments of Data Collection
Kind of Item of
Variable Indicator
Text Indicator
Reading Descriptive 1. Identify the Pre-test:
Comprehen general 1, 4, 5, 6,
sion information 8, 12, 14,
of the 16
descriptive Post-test:
text 1, 3,5,8,10
2. Find the Pre-test:
specific 2, 3,7, 10,
information 11, 13
of Post-test:
descriptive 2, 4, 6, 7,
text 11,16

3. Find the Pre-test: 9

main idea Post-test:
of the text 9, 12, 13,

In scoring students’ work, researcher using the criteria

as follows:
1. The 1 score was assigned if the students answer the
test correctly.
2. The 0 score was assigned if the students answer the
test incorrectly.

D. Technique of Data Collection

1. Test
Test is some questions that given for people to
show the condition or the level of development the
people. The fundamental use of testing in educational
program is to provide information for making
decision, that is for evaluation.31

Lyle F. Bachman, Fundamental Considerations in Language
Testing (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), 54.

In this research, test applied to measure the

reading comprehension of the seventh grade students
of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020. It
used to analyze whether any significant difference
about using QAR strategy in teaching reading. The
data in the research are the result of the test. The kind
of test is descriptive reading questions. The test used
objective test in the form of multiple choice which
consist of 20 questions item. The test was given for
getting the objectives data of the students’ reading
comprehension by using QAR strategy in the class.
The test was applied twice. Those are pre-test and
post-test. Pre-test is given before treatment was taught
and post-test is given after treatment was taught.
a. Validity
Validity is the extent to which inferences
made from assessment result are appropriate,
meaningful and useful in terms of the purpose of
the assessment. Validity could be divided into
four types, namely content validity, predictive
validity and concurrent validity. To test the
validity of the instrument in this study, research

used type of content validity. There are two steps

to evaluate the content validity of a classroom
test, they are classroom objective identified and
appropriately framed and lessons objectives
represented in the form of test specification. So,
the content validity of an existing classroom test
should be apparent in how objectives of the unit
being tested are represented in the form of the
content of items, cluster of items and item types.32
To calculate it, researcher used Pearson. The
analyzed is used to find out the “r” hitung then
consulted with rtablewith 5% significance level for
“r” product moment with db is n – r; 32 – 2 = 30.
The r index is 0,349. If the value of “r” hitung is
higher than the value of ttable, it indicated that the
item is valid. If the value of rhitung is lower than
the value of rtable, it indicated that the item is
Researcher uses Ms excel to measure the
validity of research instruments and put thirty two

H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and
Classroom Practices (New York: Rearson Education, 2004), 22.

respondents in class VIII B. Based on the

calculation of item validity of pre-test shows that
12 items are valid (1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, ) and 8 items are invalid (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 18,
19, 20). The computation of validity can be seen
in appendix 1. Meanwhile the result of calculation
of item validity of post-test shows that 16 items
are valid (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 19, 20) and 4 items are invalid (3, 4, 17, 18).
b. Reliability
A reliable test is consistent and
dependable.33Reliable is the degree to which a test
consistently measure whatever it measures.
Reliability indicates the extent to which individual
difference on test score are attributable to true
differences versus chance errors.
According to Donald Ary, dkk, reliability of
a measuring instrument is the degree of
consistency with which it measures whatever it is
measuring. This quality is essential in any kind of

Ibid., 20.

measurement. Reliability is concerned with the

effect of error on the consistency of scores.34
In this research, the reliability of the test is
measured by comparing the obtained score with r-
score product moment. The calculation of
reliability test used SPSS programs for windows.
The result of reliability said if the obtained score
is higher than the table r-score, it could be said
that the test is reliable. Then, if the obtained score
is lower than the table “r” score, it could be said
that the test is not reliable. The calculation of
reliability shows as follows:
Table 1.3
Reliability of Pre-test
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha No of Items
.753 15

Donald Ary, Dkk, Introduction to Research in Education Eighth
Edition ( 2010), 236.

Table 1.4
Realiability of post test
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha No of Items
.836 16

2. Documentation
Documents are written instrument, sometimes
prepared by school or organization.35 Documentation
benefits researcher to collecting data about students,
grade, teachers and staff condition, and school’s
In this research the documentary technique is
used to get the data about student’s names, condition
of teachers, staffs and percents of learning, vision,
mission, goal, facilities, infrastructure, and the
structure organization of SMPN 2 Ponorogo.

H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and
Classroom Practices (New York: Rearson Education, 2004), 129.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher used T-test to analyze the data. It was
used T-test to compare the students’ reading skill that
divided into one group. The “t” test formula is as
T test used for large samples (N > 30) with the twice
sample had correction with one another. The formulas: t0
= 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥−𝑀𝑦

The formulas to analyze the data are:

1. Determining mean from variable I and variable II
∑ 𝑓𝑥 ∑ 𝑓𝑦
Mx = My =
𝑁𝑥 𝑁𝑦

Mx = Mean of pre test
My = Mean of post test
∑ 𝑓𝑥 = Total score
Nx = Total of pre test
Ny = Total of post test
2. Determining standard deviation of variable I and
variable II
∑ 𝑓𝑥2 ∑ 𝑓𝑥
SDx =√ –[ 𝑁𝑥 ]2

∑ 𝑓𝑦2 ∑ 𝑓𝑦
SDy =√ –[ 𝑁𝑦 ] 2

SDx = Standard deviation of pre test
SDy = Standard deviation of post test
3. Determining standard error mean variable I and II
SE Mx =
SE My =

4. Determining correlation confession “r” product

(∑𝑋)2 (∑𝑌)2
√(∑𝑋 2 − ) (∑𝑌 2 − )

5. Determining the differences of mean variable I and

variable II
SE Mx-My =
√𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑥 2 + 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑦 2 − 2𝑟𝑥𝑦 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥. 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑦
6. Determining value of t0
t0 = 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥−𝑀𝑦

SEMx = standard of error of x variable
SEMy = standard of error of y variable
SEMx-My = standard error between mean of
x variable and y variable
∑ 𝑓𝑥2 = the total number of square
scores of x variable
∑ 𝑓𝑦2 = the number of square of y
t0 = t- observation
N = the number of subject


A. General Overview of Research Location and Time

of the Research
1. Vission, mission and objective of SMPN 2
a. Vission
Having good moral character, achievement,
environmental culture based on Iman and
b. Mission
1) Developing the appreciation and practice of
religious teachings.
2) Familiarize the courtesy of all school
3) Make a sense of love and pride in the nation
of Indonesia
4) Creating and conducive learning climate
5) Improve the education service system
6) Fostering students’ potential in academics,
sports, and arts

7) Develop an environment based curriculum

8) Creating a clean area, healthy, green, shady,
beautiful, comfortable and safe environment
9) Creating discipline, orderliness, cleanness,
and having good moral character
10) Establish a good and synergic cooperation
relationship between the school community,
the community and related institutions that
are oriented towards environmental
2. History of SMPN 2 Ponorogo36
3. General Overview of Research Location
This research was conducted at SMPN 2
Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020. This school
is located in the Basuki Rachmad Street Number. 44
Ponorogo. In this location there are 9 classes that is
class A until I grade. Those school is the one of
favorite school in Ponorogo city.
SMPN 2 Ponorogo is one of National Standard
School (SSN) in Ponorogo. It uses the newest

See appendix 10

curriculum that is K13 curriculum. SMPN 2

Ponorogo supported by professional educators with
educational qualification S1 and S2.
4. Time of the Research
Table 4.1
This Activities research was conducted on
January 11th20th 2020.
Date Activities
11th January 2020 Pre test
18thJanuary 2020 Treatment
20thJanuary 2020 Post test

B. Data Description
The data in this research were collected from
students’ score in pre-test and post-test of experimental
class. The experimental class was taught using question
answer relationship by English teacher of
1. Procedure of Experiment
This research used VII B of SMPN 2 Ponorogo
as experimental class. The number of this class was

32 students. They had followed pre-test and post-

test that conducted by the researcher.
First, the students were given pre-test. There
were 20 questions about the descriptive text, that
consists of multiple choice question. It was held on
January 11th, 2020.
Second, the treatment of question answer
relationship held on January 18th, 2020. The
material was descriptive text.
Third, that was post-test. It was held on 20th,
2020. The questions in post-test were same with
pre-test. There are 20 questions that consisted of
multiple choice.
The treatment was applied in the present study
called question answer relationship strategy. They
were some activities that students did in the
treatment class. First, Students read the descriptive
text. Then teacher asked students to make a group,
each group consist of 5 until 6 students. After that
teacher give them a question. The question was
same for all groups. Students discuss the questions
in group and write the answer on the paper.

2. The Results of Validity Test and Reliability Test

The instrument of the research must be valid
and reliable. The table below shows the results of
validity test and reliability test.
Table 2.1
The Result of Validity Pre Test
Item “r”Calculated “r” Table Notes
1 0,36337 0,349 Valid
2 -0,9681 0,349 Invalid
3 0,15102 0,349 Invalid
4 0,57382 0,349 Valid
5 0,31681 0,349 Invalid
6 0,41999 0,349 Valid
7 0,22059 0,349 Invalid
8 0,44501 0,349 Valid
9 0,44445 0,349 Valid
10 0,46146 0,349 Valid
11 0,22824 0,349 Invalid
12 0,37792 0,349 Valid
13 0,46841 0,349 Valid

14 0,34958 0,349 Valid

15 0,51345 0,349 Valid
16 0,57382 0,349 Valid
17 0,42222 0,349 Valid
18 0,28712 0,349 Invalid
19 0,16737 0,349 Invalid
20 0,05127 0,349 Invalid

The results of validity test above showed that

among 20 questions, there were 12 questions were valid
and 8 questions were not valid.
Table 2.2
The Result of Validity Post Test
Item “r” Calculated “r” Table Notes
1 0,40914 0,349 Valid
2 0,4517 0,349 Invalid
3 0,32056 0,349 Invalid
4 0,26228 0,349 Valid
5 0,83136 0,349 Valid
6 0,84512 0,349 Valid

7 0,55457 0,349 Valid

8 0,40287 0,349 Valid
9 0,54788 0,349 Valid
10 0,47355 0,349 Valid
11 0,39498 0,349 Valid
12 0,43807 0,349 Valid
13 0,65732 0,349 Valid
14 0,59723 0,349 Valid
15 0,46784 0,349 Valid
16 0,36428 0,349 Valid
17 0,32056 0,349 Invalid
18 0,2711 0,349 Invalid
19 0,63543 0,349 Valid
20 0,59723 0,349 Valid

The results of validity test above showed that

among 20 questions, there were 16 questions were valid
and 4 questions were not valid.

Table 2.3
Reliability of Pre Test
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha No of Items
.753 15

Table 2.4
Reliability of Post Test
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha No of Items
.836 16

The result of pre test and post test reliability

said that the score is higher than the “r” table score it
could be said that the test is reliable. Then, if the score
is lower than the “r” table score it could be said that the
test is not reliable. From the table above it can be
conclude that the test is reliable. The computation of
reliability test used SPSS program. The results of
reliability test above showed that among 20 questions

for pre test and post test, there were 15 questions were
reliable and 5 questions were not reliable for pre test.
Then there were 16 questions were reliable and 4
questions were not reliable for post test.
3. The Results of Students’ Score Pre Test and Post
Test in Experimental Class
Table 3.1
The Score of Students’ Pre-Test and Post Test in
Experimental class
No Name Pre Test Post Test
1 Akbar Pandu Eka 30 78
2 Alexa 36 84
3 Ariel Ronggo S. 42 78
4 Candra Juniva D.P 30 84
5 Dama Saputra 42 78
6 Davin Abithia A.M 48 78
7 Dea P.N 30 84
8 Erika Rahmawati 48 66
9 Farish 54 78
10 FaturezaWahyu A.N 48 84
11 Fransiska Resti Adelia 30 66

12 Ilma Auliya Saadah 36 60

13 Intan Noor Dian S 54 66
14 Jaqiyya Humam F. 60 72
15 Qinanti Sekar K. 60 54
16 Lusita 36 60
17 M. Bagas R.S 66 48
18 Moh. Iqbal Ali F. 66 90
19 M. Rizqi F.N 36 42
20 Moh Rafi P. 72 90
21 Nadia Oqtavia R. 78 72
22 Nadya Dwi A.A 66 48
23 Nasywa Aqilah P. 78 90
24 Radytia W. 54 60
25 Septia Eva R. 66 90
26 Shelin Najwa Salsabila 66 72
27 Syafa Launia Azzahra 54 54
28 Zharifah Ulvi N. 72 72
29 Zhezar Yuma A. 78 90
30 Zahra Atoful Nisa 90 96
31 Zulqifli Zidan 84 96
32 Zudayanti Syafrina 84 96

N = 32 1794 2376

The result of pre-test in the class showed that

the highest score is 90 that obtained by a student.
Meanwhile the lowest score is 30 there are 4
students who got the lowest score. Other students
have score between 90 and 30. There is a student
who got 84 and there are 3 students who have score
78. From 32 students there are 2 students who got
72 and 5 students got 66. Then, 2 students have
score 60 and only 4 students who have score 54.
There is student who got 48 and there are 2 students
have score 42. Other student have score 36 and
there are 4students have score 30. Then, the total
score of pre-test for experimental class that consists
of 32 students is 1794.
The result of post test in the experimental class
we can know that the highest score are 96, it is
higher than pre-test and obtained by same student.
The lowest score is 42, this score also higher than
pre-test. Among 32 students in experimental class

there are 3students who have score 96, 5 students

got 90, there are 4 students have score 84.other
student have score 78 and 4 students got 72, than
there are 3 students have score 66 and 3 students
got 60. There are 2 students got 54 and 2 students
have score 48 and there is 1 student got 42. The
total score of post-test in experimental class is 2376.
In short, the result of post-test is higher than pre-
4. The Results of Assumption Test for Parametric
a. Normality
1. Normality Test of Students’ Reading
Comprehension before Using QAR
Normality test was conducted to know
whether the data distribution was normal
distribution or not.37The researcher used
Lilieforsc formula to calculate normality.

Retno Widyanigrum, Statistika Edisi Revisi (Jogjakarta: Pustaka
Felicha, 2014), 204.

a) Stating hypothesis
H0 data distribution is
Ha data distribution is not
b) Compute the mean and standard
c) Compute the mean and standard
deviation by making single distribution
d) Compute the score of fkb
e) Compute the result of frequency divided
by total data (f/n)
f) Compute the result of fkb divided by
total data (fkb/n)
g) Compute the score of Z using the
formula where X is the data, µ is the
mean, and σ is the standard deviation

h) Compute P<Z
Probability under the Z score and the
level of significance. We see the column
out of Z for negative score and we see
the column of wide between the average
with Z+0,5 for positive score.
i) Compute the L score by looking for the
gap between fkb/n and P<Z.

Table 4.1
Calculation Data of Mean and Standard Deviation
X F Fx x2 fx2
90 1 90 8100 8100
84 2 168 7056 14112
78 3 234 6084 18252
72 2 144 5184 10368
66 5 330 4356 21780
60 2 120 3600 7200
54 4 216 2916 11664
48 3 144 2304 6912
42 2 84 1764 3528

36 4 144 1296 5184

30 4 120 900 3600
32 1794 43560 110700

a) Mean
∑ 𝑓𝑥
Mx = 𝑁𝑥
= 32

= 56,0625
b) Standard deviation
∑ 𝑓𝑥2 ∑ 𝑓𝑥 2
SDx = √ –[ ]
𝑛 𝑛

110700 1794 2
√ –[ ]
32 32

√3459,375 − (56,0625)2
√3459,375 − 3143,00391
= 17,7868235

Table 4.2
The Computation of Normality Test Before Using QAR
X F fkb f/n fkb/n Z P<z L
90 1 32 0.0312 1 1.9080135 0.971 0.028
5 4 3 7
84 2 31 0.0625 0.96875 1.5706851 0.941 0.026
8 8 95
78 3 29 0.0937 0.90625 1.2333568 0.890 0.015
5 2 7 55
72 2 26 0.0625 0.8125 0.8960284 0.813 -
56 3 0.000
66 5 24 0.1562 0.75 0.5587000 0.708 0.041
5 96 8 2
60 2 19 0.0625 0.59375 0.2213617 0.587 0.006
8 1 65
54 4 17 0.125 0.53125 0.1159566 0.456 0.075
24 2 05
48 3 13 0.0937 0.40625 0.4532849 0.326 0.079
5 84 4 85

42 2 10 0.0625 0.3125 0.7906133 0.214 0.097

44 8 7
36 4 8 0.125 0.25 -1.1279417 0.131 0.118
4 6
30 4 4 0.125 0.125 - 0.072 0.052
1.4652700 1 9

H0 data distribution is normal

Ha data distribution is not normal
In Lilieforsc table the score for n=32 and level
of significance 0.05 is 0,886/√n=0,886/√32=
Testing criteria: H0 is accepted if
H0 is rejected if
From the table of computation above it is
found that Lmax = 0,1186. The result show that
Lmax<Ltable so, ha is accepted. It means the data
distribution is normal.

2. Normality Test of Students’ Reading

Comprehension after Using QAR
a. Stating hypothesis
H0 data distribution is
Ha data distribution is not
b. Compute the mean and standard

Table 2.1
The Computation of Data Mean and Standard
Y F Fy y2 fy2
96 3 288 9216 27648
90 5 450 8100 40500
84 4 336 7056 28224
78 5 390 6084 30420
72 4 288 5184 20736
66 3 198 4356 13068

60 3 180 3600 10800

54 2 108 2916 5832
48 2 96 2304 4608
42 1 42 1764 1764
32 2376 50580 183600

a) Mean
Calculated the average
∑ 𝑓𝑦
My = ∑
= 32

= 74,25
b) Calculation of standard deviation
∑ 𝑓𝑦 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑦 2
SDy=√ -( )
𝑛 𝑛

= 183600 2376
√ − ( )
32 32

√5737,5 − (74,25)2
√5737,5 − 5513,0625

Table 2.2
The Result of Normality Testafter Using QAR Strategy
Y f fkb f/n fkb/n Z P<z L
96 3 32 0.09375 1 1.4518159 0.9265 0.0735
90 5 29 0.15625 0.9062 1.0513149 0.8531 0.05315
5 6
84 4 24 0.114285 0.32 0.6508140 0.7422 0.4222
714 25
78 5 20 0.15625 0.625 0.2503130 0.5987 0.0263
72 4 15 0.114285 0.4687 0.1501878 0.4404 0.02835
714 5 52
66 3 11 0.09375 0.3437 0.5506887 0.2912 0.05255
5 91
60 3 8 0.09375 0.25 0.9511897 0.1711 0.0789
54 2 5 0.0625 0.1562 1.3516906 0.0885 0.06775
5 7
48 2 3 0.0625 0.0937 0.7521916 0.2266 0.13285
5 1
42 1 1 0.03125 0.0312 2.1526925 0.0158 0.01545

5 4
In Lilieforsc table the score for n=32 and level
of significance 0.05 is 0,886/√n=0,886/√32=
Testing criteria: H0 is accepted if Lmax<Ltable
H0 is rejected if Lmax>Ltable
From the table of computation above it is found
that Lmax = 0,0789. The result show that Lmax<Ltable so,
ha is accepted. It means the data distribution is normal.

C. Data Analysis
The researcher used T-test to analyze the data.
1. Determining mean from variable X and variable Y
∑ 𝑓𝑥
Mx =
= 56,0625
Mx : mean of pre test
My : mean of post test
∑ 𝑓𝑥 : total score

Nx : total of pre test

Ny : total of post test
2. Determining Standard deviation of variable X and
variable Y

∑ 𝑓𝑥2
SDx = √ -[∑𝑛𝑓𝑥] 2

110700 1794 2
√ –[ ]
32 32

√3622,656 − (57,65625)2
√3622,656 − 3324,243
∑ 𝑓𝑦 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑦 2
SDy=√ -( )
𝑛 𝑛

183600 2376
=√ − ( )2
32 32

=√5737,5 − (74,25)2

=√5737,5 − 5513,0625


SDx : standard deviation of pre test
SDy : standard deviation of post test
3. Determining standard error mean variable X and Y
SEmx =
= 3,19464
SEmy =
= 2,69074093

4. Determining correlation coefficient “r” product

∑𝑋𝑌 − 𝑁
𝑟𝑥𝑦 =
(∑𝑋)2 (∑𝑌)2
√(∑𝑋 2 − ) (∑𝑌 2 − )

158175 − 32
(1845)2 (2691)2
√(115925 − ) (228825 − )
32 32

= 0,358388
5. Determining the differences of mean variabe X and
SEmx-my =

√𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑥 2 + 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑦 2 − 2𝑟𝑥𝑦 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥. 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑦


= √(3,1946)2 +(2,6907)2 −
= √10,2054 + 7,2399 − 6,161233
= √11,284067
= 3,3592
6. Determining value of t0
t0 =
= -5,0633
SEmx : standard of error of X variable
SEmy : standard of error of Y variable
SEmx-my : standard error between mean of
X variable and Y variable
∑fx2 : the total number of square
scores of X variable
∑fy2 : the total number of square
scores of Y variable

t0 : t observation
n : the number of subject

D. Discussion
According to the result above, it could be
concluded that QAR strategy is effective in the teaching
of reading comprehension of descriptive text. Using
this strategy gives more significant different score to
students’ reading comprehension compared to teaching
reading comprehension using conventional teaching. It
means that QAR Strategy is effective to teach reading
comprehension on descriptive text.
Raphael developed QAR as a tool for clarifying
how students can approach the task of reading texts and
answering questions. It helps them realize the need to
consider both information in the texts and information
from their own background knowledge. Without QAR
instruction, students often over rely on text information
or background knowledge.38

Sa’dulloh Muzammil, Journal of Linguistics, Literature &
Language Teaching. (JL3T. Vol. II, No. 2 December 2016), 107.

Then, students’ ability in using higher order of

thinking skills also increased. In higher order of
thinking skills, the students are required to piece
together information in the passage, add their prior
knowledge and do a little speculating in order to answer
the questions.39 This higher order of thinking skills are
used to answer in my head question types that divided
into two, Author and Me and on My own. In Author and
Me, the students are required to connect information
from the passage with their background knowledge.
While in on My own question, only their experience is
needed to answer the questions. Connecting is one of
skill in critical thinking. Students can propose their
opinion differently by answering in my head QAR
categorization. It caused by each student will have
different background knowledge and experience. Based
on the interview result, the students felt that answering
that QAR categorization question was challenging. The
Students’ increasing ability in using this skill can be

Pamela J. Farris, Carol J Fuhler, and Maria P. Walther, Teaching
Reading: a Balance Approach for Today’s Classroom (New York: Mc-
Graw Hill, 2004), 326.

seen from the students’ progress in doing QAR

treatment task.
The next is it will be interpret and draw the
conclusion. Based on the computation above, it was
shown that the difference coefficient of students taught
using question answer relationship strategy and the
students taught using ordinary technique is 5,0633 (t0)
and the t-table (tt) is 2.03.
From the data above, the researcher interpret
that there was significance difference because t0>tt, so
Ha was accepted.
Based on the explanation about the result on the
table above, the researcher could conclude that there
was significant difference score in reading
comprehension before and after being taught by using
question answer relationship strategy. In other word,
question answer relationship (QAR) strategy is
effective to be used in teaching reading at the seventh
grade students of SMPN 2Ponorogo in academic year


A. Conclusion

Based on the results of data calculation, the

researcher concluded that question answer relationship
(QAR) strategy can improve students’ reading
comprehension score at the seventh grade of SMPN
2Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020. The students
who are taught after using question answer relationship
(QAR) strategy have a better score in reading
The result of this research based on the statistic
calculation indicated that the value of t0 = 5,0633 and
the value of db = 31 with significance level 5% is 2,03.
Comparing thet0withttable, the researcher find that t0is
higher than ttable. The result showed that t-test (t0)>ttable
(tt) = 5,0633> 2,03.
It can be said that question answer relationship
(QAR) strategy was effective to be used in teaching
reading comprehension at seventh grade of SMPN 2
Ponorogo in academic year 2019/2020.
B. Suggestion
1. For teacher
Teachers should know students’ characteristic,
especially in learning reading comprehension. They

also need to be creative. So that teacher can choose

the right strategy to teach students in the class.
2. The students should be active in learning process in
the class. They are hoped not be shy to share their
ideas with their friends. They also must be brave to
give a comment and asking questions.
3. For other researcher
For other researcher who want to conduct the same
research it will be better for them to pay attention to
the other factors affected achievement in reading
comprehension especially.


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