Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
To be Was/were Been
Burned or
To burn Burn or burnt
To do Did Done
Dreamed or Dreamed or
To dream
dreamt dreamt
To go Went Gone
She brought the same cookies she had brought last year!
The news report was broadcast this morning.
I made some mac & cheese, but I left it in the oven too
long and burnt it to a crisp!
They finally moved into the home they had always dreamt
Your words really hurt me, so it will take some time for me
to move on.
Yesterday was a great day, I just lay by the beach and ate a
bunch of fruits.
It’s very inspiring to see how you rose from the bottom.
You should have already run at least 20 miles in one go
before you attempt to run a marathon.
The farmers sowed diligently all day long, but soon they
will be able to feast on their harvest.
All of our fruits went bad because the power went out
while we were away, so our fridge stunk terribly when we
I was able to get over my last breakup, but only after I had
wept for several days.
They placed me with some novice players, so I had won
the game before it even began.