46xx Datasheet en 7 1 585
46xx Datasheet en 7 1 585
46xx Datasheet en 7 1 585
> For 2/2-, 3/2-, 5/2- and > Easy installation of the
5/3-way valves solenoid
> Power consumption > Compact design
from 0,7 up to 12 watt > Userfriendly terminal
> Suited for outdoor compartment with
use under critical screwless terminals for
environment wire cross-section
conditions 0,5 to 2,5 mm2
> For high and low > Type of protection
ambient temperatures electively Ex d mb or
> Housing material: Ex e mb, depending on
Aluminium anodized used cable gland
Technical features
EC-type examination certificate: Relative humidity of the air: Weight: Material:
PTB 02 ATEX 2085 X max. 90% 800g Aluminium anodized
Ex-Approval international: Coil insulation: Temperature:
IECEx PTB 11.0094X Thermic class H See table
Duty cycle: Standard voltages:
100% ED DC 24 V, AC 230 V (40 ... 60 Hz)
Fuse: Further voltages on request
Integrated Degree of protection
(EN 60529):
Our policy is one of continued research and development. We therefore reserve the right to amend, 08/18
without notice, the specifications given in this document. (2006 - 5120h) © 2015 Norgren GmbH en 7.1.585.01
Example: 0000000463002400-03
(Solenoid: 4630; Voltage 24 V DC; Approval: KOSHA)
Our policy is one of continued research and development. We therefore reserve the right to amend,
en 7.1.585.02 without notice, the specifications given in this document. (2006 - 5120h) © 2015 Norgren GmbH 08/18
70,5 2
2 Ø 16 or 13 (with spacer tube)
1 59
29 43
Circuit diagrams
1 2
Cable gland
Only for 0588925
C C A B C øD Model
B D B D M20 x 1,5 9 36 5 ... 8 22 0588819
M20 x 1,5 6,5 27,5 9 ... 13 22 0589385
M20 x 1,5 14 39 10 ... 14 24 0588851
EN - Englisch
These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power
only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to
exceed those listed under »Technical features/data«. consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power
Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury
non-industrial applications, life-support systems or other applications not or damage to equipment in the event of such failure.
within published specifications, consult System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system
IMI Precision Engineering, Norgren GmbH. instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be
adequately provided.
System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings
found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products.
Our policy is one of continued research and development. We therefore reserve the right to amend,
08/18 without notice, the specifications given in this document. (2006 - 5120h) © 2015 Norgren GmbH en 7.1.585.03