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Testing and Approval

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Federal Department of Defence Civil

Protection and Sport DDPS

Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP
Spiez Laboratory

Testing and Approval

of Anchor Systems

Report of 5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

This English translation has been prepared by MKT to the best of its knowledge.

- Original version in German language

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

City/Date Winterthur, 5. May 2006
(Edition 2017)

Contracting Authority Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP

Spiez Laboratory
FOCP Certification Office
CH-3700 Spiez

Report Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

Report No. BBS-7531/4

Author Daniel Schuler

BBS Ingenieure AG
Gertrudstrasse 17
CH-8400 Winterthur
Telephone +41 52 260 07 10
[email protected]

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 1


Terms and abbreviations 2

1 Introduction 3

2 General 4

2.1 Quality management 4

2.1.1 General principles 4
2.1.2 Anchor shock test procedure and participating entities 4

2.2 Fundamental principles of shock safety 6

2.2.1 Shock testing on anchor systems 6
2.2.2 Function and suitability of anchor systems 7
2.2.3 General requirements for shock resistance 7
2.2.4 Approval criteria for shock resistant anchor systems 7

2.3 Design of anchor fastenings 9

2.3.1 General 9
2.3.2 Steel failure 9
2.3.3 Concrete failure 10

3 Testing, approval and verification of anchors 11

3.1 Shock resistance 11

3.2 Anchor shock testing 11

3.2.1 Test load 11
3.2.2 Test setup 12
3.2.3 Test parameters 12

3.3 Calculated shock resistance verification 14

3.4 Load classes 14


Concrete test block 290/290/120 (25 kg) 17

Concrete test block 360/360/160 (52 kg) 18

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

2 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

Terms and abbreviations

CSTB Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (Scientific and Technical Centre

for Buildings)
DIBT Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute for Structural Engineering)
EC Eurocode
EOTA European Organisation for Technical Approvals
(Europäische Organisation für Technische Zulassungen)
ETA European Technical Approval /European Technical Assessment
(Europäische Technische Zulassung / Europäische Technische Bewertung)
ETAG Guideline for European Technical Approval
(Leitlinie für die Europäische Technische Zulassung)
FOCP Federal Office for Civil Protection
VESPA Vertikale Schockprüfanlage (Vertical Shock Testing System)

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 3

1 Introduction
The suitability of fastenings and anchor systems is tested for use in protective structures. For
this reason, shock tests with anchor systems have been carried out for several decades.
These types of tests - hereinafter also referred to as anchor shock tests - are used to test
and prove the suitability of the anchors for fixing protective components under shock action
and in cracked concrete substrate.
The shock tests are carried out by the Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP in the testing
laboratory for NBC protection material at Spiez Laboratory. The test laboratory STS 0055,
accredited according to ISO 17025, has the required test methods and equipment to subject
concrete anchors to a shock-like loading and to measure their load-bearing behavior during
shock loads.
Protective structures are designed such that they can withstand a certain earth shock load
defined by the degree of protection. For economic reasons, protective structures are
designed such that they are plastically deformed by an earth shock load caused by a nuclear
explosion. The resulting cracks in the reinforced concrete members of the structure are of
decisive importance for the load bearing behavior of the anchorage. The anchor shock tests
determine whether an anchor system is suitable for use in protective structures. Suitable
systems must be capable of transmitting shock loads in cracked concrete with a crack width
of 1.0 mm.

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

4 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

2 General
2.1 Quality management
2.1.1 General principles
In accordance with the instructions1 of the Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP, the
following entities (partners) are specifically responsible for the overall quality of a component
in general and for ensuring protective function and functionality within the civil protection
– Supplier / Manufacturer / Applicant / Approval holder
Partner who manufactures and distributes the components subject to the testing
requirements and receives approval for use of the product in Swiss civil protection.
– Certification Office
The FOCP Certification Office is responsible for the implementation of quality
management. It specifies, among other things, the scope of testing, assigns the test work
to the test center and issues the approvals.
– Testing Laboratory
The accredited testing laboratories of FOCP Spiez Laboratory are responsible for
technically competent, appropriate and correct testing of components subject to the
testing requirements and has the necessary resources.

2.1.2 Anchor shock test procedure and participating entities

Fastening elements, anchors and anchor channels are subject to the testing requirements
according to the policies of the FOCP. Since the quality of anchors with European Technical
Approval (ETA) and European Technical Assessment (ETA) respectively are subject to third
party inspections, they are classified as non-critical components (Model 1).
For anchors the approval is issued according to Model 1 based on the successfully passed
type test. Approval is granted for ten years. An approval extension is granted for an
additional ten years in each case. The extension is made by means of a technical
assessment. A new type test is conducted in the event a technical assessment is not
possible based on the available technical documents. Provided no changes have been made
to the anchors, the approval number (BZS D yy-xxx) remains the same during the term of the
approval. If changes were made to the anchors, a new type test is required and the anchor
receives a new approval number once the test is passed.

Weisungen Qualitätsmanagement für prüfpflichtige Komponenten im Bereich Zivilschutz,
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz, Bern, 10. Februar 2005

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 5

The Spiez Laboratory consults an external expert for the preparation and analysis of the
anchor shock tests. The expert has extensive expertise in the fields of fastening technology,
structural dynamics and protective structure engineering. The expert specifies the test
program based on probabilistic principles and prepares an expert opinion on the basis of a
statistical analysis of the test results. The expert is commissioned by the FOCP Certification
Office. Also the document control is carried out by the Certification Office.

Figure 1 Anchor shock test procedure and participating entities

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

6 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

2.2 Fundamental principles of shock safety

2.2.1 Shock testing on anchor systems
A servo-hydraulic controlled shock testing machine called the Vertical Shock Testing System
(VESPA) is used for anchor shock testing at the Spiez Laboratory. The VESPA has a test
platform that measures 6.0 x 4.0 metres on which a test frame made of steel girders is built
for the anchor shock tests. The concrete test blocks are attached to the frame using the
anchors to be tested. Due to the shock-like vertical movement of the test table upwards, the
anchors are loaded with an inertial force which is dependent on the mass of the test body.
Shockproof anchors should be capable of transferring this load to the cracked concrete
substrate without excessively large displacements (slippage). The anchor displacement
occurring due to the shock load is measured with a displacement transducer and recorded
for the subsequent analysis of the test.
Displacement Support (test rig)

Anchor Fixture

Concrete Force of inertia

test block
Motion of
test platform

Test platform
Figure 2 Schematic representation of shock testing anchor systems

Figure 3 Shock testing of anchor systems on the Vertical Figure 4 Installed anchor in cracked
Shock Testing System (VESPA) concrete test block (crack width 1mm)

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Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 7

2.2.2 Function and suitability of anchor systems

The forces acting on an anchor fixing can be transmitted to the substrate via form-fit,
frictional connection, material connection or a combination of these mechanisms. With
regard to the supporting mechanism of the anchor systems, it has been shown that so-called
force or torque controlled expansion anchors, which are based on a frictional connection as
well as form-fit based undercut systems, are basically suitable to meet the test criteria. Up to
now, a bonded anchor that works in cracked concrete in combination with a force-controlled
expansion has also fulfilled the shock test criteria. Deformation-controlled expansion anchors
have proven to be unsuited.

2.2.3 General requirements for shock resistance

Shock resistance must be ensured for installations (devices, pipes, etc.) which have
functionally and survival-important tasks in a protective structure. Furthermore, less
important components may only be damaged to such an extent that they do not endanger
persons or other functionally important installations (passive shock protection).

2.2.4 Approval criteria for shock resistant anchor systems

The verification of the shock resistance of anchor systems includes the proof that the
anchors are only pulled out with a low probability under shock loads and that shock loads do
not result in large displacements (slip). Decisive for the fulfilment of these criteria is the so-
called re-expansion behaviour of the anchors. Anchor systems with a favourable load-
bearing behaviour can expand in cracked concrete without a large slip and still retain their
load-bearing capacity even if the pretension is completely lost.
The criteria which must be fulfilled for the approval of an anchor system are described in
report ACLS 97102 of the Spiez Laboratory. In order to be granted approval, a minimum
probability of failure must be verified. For purposes of this verification, the decisive factor is
the number of anchors NF (number of failures) which are pulled out of the drill hole during
shock loading. From this, the probability of failure PF is determined for the confidence niveau
defined with CN = 0.5. It must not exceed 5% (PF ≤ 0.05). Where the number of tests
NT = 14, no anchor must be pulled out (NFadm = 0). For 34 tests (NT = 34), the number of
permissible failures is NFadm = 1.
As a further approval criterion, it must be demonstrated that the slip behaviour of the anchor
is within fixed limits. The following criteria must be met. The characteristic 1st slip (5%-
fractile value of the slip at the first shock) must be less than 10 mm (s1,k < 10 mm) and the
standard deviation, as a measure of the scattering of the first slip, must be less than 4 mm
(σ1 < 4 mm). The requirements for slip stability are met if the slip at the second shock load is
lower on average than it was at the first shock (slip average ratio s1,m /s2,m > 1.0).

Schuler, D.: Grundlagen der Dübelschockprüfung - Tragverhalten, Prüfung und Beurteilung
von dynamisch belasteten Dübelsystemen im gerissenen Beton, AC-Laboratorium Spiez,
Bericht Nr. ACLS 9710, Spiez, 16. April 1997

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

8 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

The approval criteria, which take into account the probability of failure due to pull-out and the
slip behaviour of the anchor system, are summarised in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Criteria for the approval of shock resistant anchor systems

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 9

2.3 Design of anchor fastenings

2.3.1 General
The design of safety-relevant anchor fastenings in structural and underground engineering or
in building and installation technology is generally based on the guidelines for European
Technical Approvals (ETAG) and the values given in the European Technical Approvals and
Assessments (ETA) of the anchor. The design values for the load-bearing capacity are
decisive for the design. These are determined with the characteristic load capacities and
partial safety factors specified in ETA as follows:

Rd =
Rd Design resistance
Rk Characteristic resistance
γM Partial safety factor for material resistance

Different failure modes of the anchor can be decisive for the design. The failure types "steel
failure" and "concrete cone failure" in case of tension loading must always be proven.

2.3.2 Steel failure

The design value of the load-bearing capacity for steel failure is determined from the
characteristic load-bearing capacities and partial safety factors given in the ETA as follows:
NRd,s =
γ Ms

NRd,s Design value for the steel load-bearing capacity under tension loading
NRk,s Characteristic value for the steel load-bearing capacity under tension loading
according to ETA
γMs Partial safety factor for steel failure according to ETA

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

10 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

2.3.3 Concrete failure

The design value for concrete cone failure under tension load is determined as follows:

NRd,c =
γ Mc

NRd,c Design value for the concrete breakout resistance under tension loading in cracked
NRk,c Characteristic value for the concrete breakout resistance under tension loading in
cracked concrete according to the equation below
γMc Partial safety factor for cracked concrete according to ETA

The characteristic load-bearing capacity for concrete breakout cannot be taken directly from
the ETA. For cracked concrete, it is determined in accordance with ETAG 001 as a function
of the concrete strength and anchorage depth as follows:

NRk,c = 7,2⋅ fck,cube ⋅hef 1,5

NRk,c Characteristic value for the concrete breakout resistance under tension loading in
cracked concrete
fck,cube Characteristic concrete cube compressive strength
hef Effective anchorage depth of the anchor according to ETA

The characteristic values of cube compressive strength for various concrete qualities
according to the standard SN 505 2623 are indicated in the following table.

Table 1 Characteristic cube compressive strength for various concrete classes according to SIA 262

Concrete class C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60

fck,cube [N/mm2] 15 20 25 30 37 45 50 55 60

Concrete C25/30 is used as a basis for computing the load-bearing capacity compared to
concrete cone failure.

Schweizer Norm SN 505 262 (SIA 262:2013), Betonbau, Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und
Architektenverein, Zürich, 2013

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 11

3 Testing, approval and verification of anchors

3.1 Shock resistance
The admissible shock bearing capacity Radm,shock of an anchor fixing depends on the load-
bearing behaviour of the anchor system in case of strongly cracked concrete and shock
loads. Due to the large crack widths (w = 1.0 mm) occurring in a shock case, the load-
bearing capacity of the system is usually decisive in relation to pull-out failure.
The European Technical Approvals (ETA) do not contain any specifications with regard to
load-bearing capacity in the event of shock loads and large crack widths. For this reason, in
section 3.4 load classes are specified with the shock resistance Rclass, depending on the drill
bit diameter d0 or the nominal anchor diameter dnom.
Usually, the shock resistance Rclass defined with the load classes is lower than the load
capacity calculated in accordance with ETA, Section 2.3. however, in the case of anchor
systems with a thread cross-section that is smaller than the outside diameter of the anchor
or with a low anchorage depth, steel failure or concrete breakout instead of pull-out failure
can be decisive in the event of a shock. Therefore, the admissible shock resistance Radm,shock
is to be specified as the smallest value of the three load capacities NRd,s, NRd,c and Rclass:

Radm,shock = min [ NRd,s , NRd,c , Rclass]

Radm,shock Admissible shock resistance
NRd,s Design value for the steel load-bearing capacity under tension according to the
(section 2.3.2)
NRd,c Design value for the concrete breakout resistance under tension loading in cracked
concrete C25/30 according to the ETA (section 2.3.3)
Rclass Shock resistance according to the load classes specified in section 3.4

3.2 Anchor shock testing

3.2.1 Test load
Test loads with which the shock tests for anchor systems are tested correspond in principle
to the admissible shock resistance of the anchor systems. The test load is a centrally applied
tensile load on the anchor:

Ntest,shock = Radm,shock
Ntest,shock Test load (centric tension load)
Radm,shock Admissible shock resistance according to section 3.1.

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

12 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

3.2.2 Test setup

During the anchor shock test, the anchors to be tested are loaded centrically with a shock
load Ntest,shock. This tensile load corresponds to the inertial force F, which is caused by the
mass m of the concrete test specimen and the acceleration a of the test platform. This inertia
force, calculated as a product of mass and acceleration, is specified in the test report of the
anchor shock test.

Anchor pulling force: Ntest,shock = F

Mass of the concrete test block: m

Force of inertia: F = m . a

Acceleration of the test platform: a

Figure 6 Test load Ntest,shock generated by the mass inertia of the test specimen

3.2.3 Test parameters

Within the scope of anchor testing, the smallest anchor dimensions are generally tested as
the effects of cracks is greatest with the smallest dimensions. In the case of torque-
controlled expansion anchors of the bolt-type, previous experience has shown that anchors
with an outside diameter of dnom = 8 mm can still meet the shock test criteria. Due to their
design with a threaded bolt and an anchor sleeve, force-controlled expansion anchors of the
sleeve type as well as undercut anchors have a larger outer diameter. With these anchor
types, the smallest dimensions that can meet the shock test criteria have an outer diameter
of dnom = 10 mm.
For the anchor shock tests, concrete test blocks with a mass m = 25 kg or 52 kg are used.
The drawings of these concrete test blocks can be found in the appendix. For the concrete
test block 290/290/120 (m = 25 kg) and an acceleration corresponding to the basic protection
(a = 12.5 g), the resulting shock load is Ntest,shock = 3.1 kN. When using the concrete test
block 360/360/160 (m = 52 kg) and a test acceleration of a = 16 g (degree of protection 3
bar), the resulting test load is Ntest,shock = 8.1 kN.
The shock test parameters for the permissible shock load capacities, which are normally
applicable and correspond to the load classes in accordance with Section 3.4, are
summarised in the following table.

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 13

Table 2 Shock test parameters defined for the small dimensions of torque-controlled expansion
anchors of the bolt and sleeve type as well as undercut and bonded anchors

Bolt anchor M8 M10 M12

Diameter do / dnom [mm] 8 10 12

Test block mass m [kg] 25 52 52

Test acceleration a [g] 12,5 12 16

Test load Ntest,shock [kN] 3,1 6,1 8,1

Sleeve anchor M6 M8

Diameter do / dnom [mm] 10 12

Test block mass m [kg] 25 52

Test acceleration a [g] 12,5 16

Test load Ntest,shock [kN] 3,1 8,1

Undercut anchor M6 M8
Diameter do / dnom [mm] 10 12

Test block mass m [kg] 25 52

Test acceleration a [g] 12,5 16

Test load Ntest,shock [kN] 3,1 8,1

Bonded anchor M10

Diameter do / dnom [mm] 12

Test block mass m [kg] 52

Test acceleration a [g] 16

Test load Ntest,shock [kN] 8,1

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

14 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

3.3 Calculated shock resistance verification

Appendix A2 of the Technical Instructions for the Shock Protection of Installation Parts in
Civil Protection Buildings (TW Schock 1995)4 contains the basic principles and a calculation
example of a simplified computational proof of a shock-proof fastening. For a shock-proof
installation part, the static equivalent load F acting on the centre of gravity (SP) of the
installation part is determined. Afterwards, the shear force (S) and the tensile forces (Z)
acting on the fastener and the resulting transverse tension force (K) are calculated for all
load directions.

Figure 7 Simplified calculated verification of shock resistant fastenings according to TW Shock 1995

The calculated proof of shock resistance is provided if the acting transverse tension force
does not exceed the admissible shock resistance of the anchor.

K ≤ Radm,shock
K Anchor transverse tension force
Radm,shock Admissible shock resistance according to section 3.1

3.4 Load classes

The load classes for torque-controlled expansion anchors of the bolt and sleeve type, as well
as for undercut and bonded anchors, which are uniformly specified for all anchor brands are
shown in the following figures 8, 9, 10 and 11. Since anchors of the sleeve type and
undercut anchors have a larger outer diameter than bolt anchors due to their design, the
smallest dimension of these anchor types has a lower shock resistance than a bolt anchor
with the same diameter.

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 15

Figure 8 Uniform load classes for torque-controlled expanding bolt-type anchors depending on drill
hole diameter or nominal outside diameter of the anchor

Figure 9 Uniform load classes for torque-controlled expanding sleeve-type anchors depending on
drill hole diameter or nominal outside diameter of the anchor

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

16 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

Figure 10 Uniform load classes for undercut anchors depending on nominal outside diameter of the

Figure 11 Uniform load classes for bonded anchors depending on drill hole diameter

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems 17

Concrete C25/30
Steel S 500 (III)

Parts list for reinforcement:

Pos. Qty. Outer dimension [mm]


Concrete test block 290/290/120 (25 kg)

for anchor shock testing

Plan no. 981.0077 M 1:5 06.11.1985

5 May 2006 (Edition 2017)

18 Testing and Approval of Anchor Systems

Cross-section A - A
all dimensions in mm


Cross-section B - B
all dimensions in mm

Concrete C25/30
Steel S 500 (III)

Parts list for reinforcement:

Cutting Total
Cutting Shape of the reinforcement – all dimensions are exterior dimensions
Pos Qty. Ø length length Weight without specific indication: bending and end hooks acc. to SIA
cm m kg


Concrete test block 360/360/160 (52 kg)

for anchor shock testing

Plan no. 981.0053 M 1:5 20.06.1986

5 May 2006 (Editon 2017)

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