Gene Expression 038348

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Gene Expression

The following information

relates to;
Gene expression involves coded information on the DNA strand (gene)
being synthesised into a functional gene product, usually protein. It
Achievement Objective
involves the process of protein synthesis in which DNA  mRNA 
polypeptide or protein. A specific gene on the DNA codes for a specific
Evolution LW 7-3:
protein. Gene expression is used by all living organisms (eukaryotes,
Understand that DNA and
prokaryotes and possibly induced by viruses) to produce the
the environment interact
macromolecules used for life!
in gene expression.
Comment [s1]: Have a diagram of protein
andsynthesis and people can click on heading for
explanations of the different stages.

Achievement Standard
901159: Level 2
understanding of gene

1. Transcription- copies DNA to make mRNA


In the nucleus the DNA molecule is unwind by an enzyme, exposing the
nucleotides on the DNA strand. Another enzyme binds to the promotor
region on the template strand. Transcription factors which are attached to
an enhancer sequence upstream from the gene being transcribed join to
the enzyme on the promotor sequence. This starts transcription of the
gene. Free nucleotides match with their corresponding nucleotide on the
template strand and the mRNA molecule is formed. The free nucleotides
follow the base pairing rule of G-C and A-T however, on the mRNA
strand T is replaced with U. RNA polymerase transcribes the gene until
the termination sequence.
In the nucleus the DNA molecule is unwind by the enzyme helicase,
exposing the nucleotides on the DNA strand. The enzyme RNA
polymerase binds to the promotor region on the template strand.
However, RNA polymerase alone cannot start transcription of the gene.
Transcription factors must also bind to the promotor region. Transcription
factors are attached to an enhancer sequence which is upstream from
the gene being transcribed. Transcription is activated when the
transcription factors bind to the RNA polymerase. This is achieved by the
enhancer sequence looping (hairpin loop) round so the transcription
factors can join to the RNA polymerase. The RNA polymerase and
transcription factors are now called the transcription initiation complex.
The formation of a mRNA molecule starts. Free nucleotides are
complementary and match with their corresponding nucleotide on the
template strand and as the transcription initiation complex moves down
the template strand it joins the bonds of the mRNA backbone. The free
nucleotides follow the base pairing rule of G-C and A-T however, on the
mRNA strand T is replaced with U. This enables the mRNA strand (copy
of gene) to leave the nucleus while the ‘master’ DNA remains within the
nucleus. RNA polymerase transcribes the gene until the termination
It is thought a range of transcription factors and enhancer sequences
selectively express specific genes at different stages of the cells
development. (example here of research)

Prokaryote – add picture

Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus therefore the DNA is found in the
cytoplasm and all stages of protein synthesis occur in the cytoplasm. As
in Eukaryotes the DNA molecule is unwind by an enzyme exposing the
nucleotide bases. For transcription to begin RNA polymerase must also
bind to a promotor region on the DNA. However, an active repressor
molecule binds to an operator region preventing the RNA polymerase
transcribing the gene. This active repressor is created by a regulatory
gene which is upstream from the structural genes (operon). Genes are
‘switched on’ by an inducer. This inducer molecule binds to the active
repressor changing its shape and making it no longer viable to bind to
the operator region and prevent the RNA polymerase from transcribing
the gene. With no active repressor in the way the RNA polymerase can
now start adding free nucleotides constructing a mRNA molecule as in

(Extension – Spicing/ mRNA processing)

The mRNA has sections that do not code for functional proteins. These
sections are called introns and are removed through the process of
splicing before the mRNA leaves the nucleus.

Eukaryote & Prokaryotes

2. Translation- mRNA molecule is made into a polypeptide chain.
The mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus via a nuclear pore and attaches
to a ribosome in the cytoplasm. The ribosome is the site of translation.
The mRNA moves through the ribosome and codons on the mRNA are
translated via tRNA into a chain of amino acids. tRNA is made up of an
anticodon and amino acid. Codon/anti codons are specific to amino
acids. The anticodon on the tRNA matchs up with the complementary
codon on the mRNA in the ribosome. The amino acid is ‘dropped off’ and
a peptide bond forms between amino acids. The anticondon then goes
back into the cytoplasm to attach to a specific amino acid and match up
with another complementary codon. This process continues until the
mRNA molecule is translated. The final order of amino acids (primary
protein structure) is not random but determined by the genetic code on
the original DNA sequence. A specific gene codes for a specific protein.

3. Formation of a protein
The final order of the amino acid sequence affects the folding of the final
protein. Amino acids interact together forming bonds between amino
acids and causing the polypepetide chain to coil and fold. A folded amino
acid chain may join with another amino acid chain to form the final
functional protein.

The final order of the amino acid sequence affects the folding of the final
protein. Amino acids interact together forming bonds (such as hydrogen
bonds, disulphide bridges and ionic bonds) and causing folding.
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions within the protein also cause coiling
and folding.


Campbell, Neil A. and Reece Jane B (2001). "6". Biology. Benjamin


Greenwood T, Bainbridge-Smith, Pryor K and Allan R (2012). Level 8


King W, Cummings M and Spencer C. Concepts of Genetics. “8”

Prentice Hall.

Jarvise S, Schofield A and Hook G. Biology Year 13 Pathfinder Series.

Nelson Cengage Learning.

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