Syllab 002
Syllab 002
Syllab 002
1- I.P.C. (Indian Panel Code, 1860)
• Introduction (Sec 1- 4)
• General Explanation (Sec 6-52A)
• General Exceptions (Sec 76-106)
• Principle of Joint Liability (Sec 34 and149)
• Offences affecting the Human Body (Sec 299-377)
• Offences against Property (Sec 378-462)
2- Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
• Preliminary (Sec 1-5)
• Constitution of Criminal Courts & their Powers (Sec 6-31)
• Process to compel appearance (Sec 61-90)
• Information to Police and their power to investigate (Sec 154-176)
• Charge (Sec 211-224)
• Trial of Warrant Cases by Magistrate (Sec 238-250)
• Trial of Summon Cases by Magistrate (Sec 251-259)
• Summary trials (Sec 260-265)
• Bail and Bonds (Sec 436-439)
3- Indian Evidence Act, 1872
• Preliminary (Sec 1-4)
• Relevancy of facts (Sec 5-11, 24-30, 32, 45-51, 52-55)
• Of Witnesses (Sec 118-134)
4- The SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
• Preliminary (Sec 1-2)
• Atrocities (Sec 3-9)
5- The Arms Act, 1959
• Preliminary (Sec 1-2)
• Acquisition, Possession, Manufacture, Sale, Import, Export and Transport of Arms
etc. (Sec 3-12)
• Powers and Procedures (Sec 19-24 B)
6- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
• Preliminary (Sec 1-2)
• Juvenile Justice Board (Sec 4-9)
• Procedure in relation to children in Conflict with law (Sec 10-26)
7. The Rajasthan Excise Act, 1950
• Preliminary (Sec 1, 3-7)
• Offences and Penalties (Sec. 54-70)
8. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
• Preliminary (Sec 1-2)
• Sexual offences against children (Sec 3-12)
9. The Rajasthan Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 1992-
(Sections 1-8)
10.Rajasthan Public Examination Measures for Prevention of Unfair Means in
Recruitment) Act, 2022- (Sec 1-10)
11.Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
• Short, title, extent and commencement (Section 1)
• Definitions (Section 2)
• Restrictions on imprisonment of offenders under 21 years of age (Section 6)
• Report of probation officer to be confidential (Section 7)
• Procedure in case of offenders failing to observe conditions of bond (Section 9)
• Provision as to sureties (Section 10).
General Hindi
1. foykse 'kCn
2. milxZ
3. okD;ka’k ds fy, lkFkZd 'kCn
4. laf/k ,oa laf/k&foPNsn ¼v;kfn Loj laf/k vkSj folXkZ laf/k dks NksMdj½
5. ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh ¼iz’kklfud½ ¼vaxt
sz h ls fganh½
6. 'kCn 'kqf)
7. okD; 'kqf)
General English
1. Tenses
2. Voice (Active -Passive)
3. Narration (Direct- Indirect)
4. Determiners
5. Preposition
6. Modals expressing various notions & concepts like- Obligation, Request, Permission,
Prohibition, Intention, Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Comparison,
Contrast and Concession etc.
7. One word Substitution.
Scheme of examination and syllabus for the post of Assistant Prosecution Officer
1. The examination scheme for recruitment to the post of Assistant Prosecution Officer shall consist of an objective type preliminary
examination and a written main examination.
2. The preliminary examination shall be objective type examination in which 70% weightage will be given to the subjects prescribed in
syllabus for law Paper and 30% weightage shall be given to test proficiency in Hindi and English language. The marks obtained in the
preliminary examination shall not be counted towards the final selection.
3. The Preliminary examination shall consist of the following subjects: -
Part Subjects Marks No. of Questions Time
A Law 70 70
B Language – 2 Hours
1. General Hindi 15 15
2. General English 15 15
4. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one-third of the marks prescribed for that
particular question shall be deducted.
Explanation: - Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.