FM - Unit 1
FM - Unit 1
FM - Unit 1
• Finance is the life blood and nerve center of a business, just as
circulation of blood is essential in the human body for maintaining
life; finance is very essential for smooth running of the business.
• Finance plays a significant role in all types of businesses whether it
is big, medium or small.
• Without finance one cannot start up business or survive. In order to
setup a business enterprise finance is needed which can be obtained
from various sources such as bank loan, venture capital, own funds,
investors funds, etc.
• 1. Public Finance:
• 2. Personal Finance:
• 3. Corporate Finance:
Meaning of Business Finance:
• Business finance is that business activity which is concerned with the
acquisition and conservation of capital funds in meeting financial needs and
overall objectives of a business enterprise.
• In other words, it refers to the process of raining, providing and administering
of money used in a business concern.
• Thus Financial Management is all about planning, organizing, directing and
controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds
of the enterprise.
• It means applying general management principles to financial resources of the
• Investment decisions- includes investment in fixed assets (called as capital
budgeting). Investment in current assets are also a part of investment
decisions called as working capital decisions.
• Financial decisions - They relate to the raising of finance from various
resources which will depend upon decision on type of source, period of
financing, cost of financing and the returns thereby.
• Dividend decision - The finance manager has to take decision with regards
to the net profit distribution. Net profits are generally divided into two:
i. Dividend for shareholders- Dividend and the rate of it has to be decided.
ii. Retained profits- Amount of retained profits has to be finalized which will
depend upon expansion and diversification plans of the enterprise.
• I. Profit Maximization:
• A business is set up with the main aim of earning huge profits. Hence, it is the
most important objective of financial management.
• The finance manager is responsible to achieve optimal profit in the short run
and long run of the business.
• The manager must be focused on earning more and more profit. For this
purpose, he/she should properly use various methods and tools available.
• ➢ Aim is to earn the profits.
• ➢ Its the parameter of the biz operation
• ➢ It reduces the risk of the biz concern &
• ➢ main source of finance.
• II. Wealth Maximization:
• Shareholders are the actual owners of the company. Hence, the company must
focus on maximizing the value or wealth of shareholders.
• The finance manager should try to distribute maximum dividends among the
shareholders to keep them happy and to improve the goodwill of the company
in the financial market.
• The declaration of dividend and payout policy is decided with the help of
financial management. A proper dividend policy related to the declaration of
dividends or retaining the company's profit for future growth and development
is part of dividend decisions.
• II. Wealth Maximization:
• But this is based on the performance of the company and the amount of profit
earned. Better performance means a higher value of shares in the financial
market. In nutshell, the finance manager focuses on maximizing the value of
• ➢ It provides efficient allocation of resources
• ➢ To ensure economic interest of the society
• ➢ It is superior to the Profit Maximization
• 3. Maintenance of Liquidity
• With the help of proper financial management, the manager can easily monitor
the regular supply of liquidity in the company.
• But it is not as easy as it sounds. To maintain the proper cash flow, the manager
must keep an eye over all the inflows and outflows of money to reduce the risk
of underflow and overflow of cash.
• The finance manager is responsible to maintain an optimal level of liquidity in
the organization. Healthy cash flow means a higher possibility of survival and
success of the business.
• Because it helps the business to deal with uncertainty, timely payment of dues,
getting cash discounts, making day-to-day payments without delays, etc.
• 4. Proper Estimation of Financial Requirements
• Financial management also helps the finance manager in estimating the proper
financial needs of the company.
• This means the estimations related to the requirement of capital to start or run a
business, the need for fixed and working capital of the company, etc., can be
done with effective management of finance.
• If this management will not be present in the company then there will be a
higher possibility of having a shortage or surplus of finance.
• For this estimation, a financial manager checks various factors like the
technology used by the organization, the number of employees working, the
scale of operations, and the legal requirements of the company to run its
• 5. Proper Mobilization
• Financial management helps in the effective utilization of sources of finance. It
means without wasting them and getting the maximum benefit from the
available resources.
• The finance manager is responsible for managing the different sources of funds
such as shares, debentures, bonds, loans, etc.
• So, after estimating the financial requirements, the manager must decide which
source of the funds he/she should use to avail the maximum benefit.
• 6. Proper Utilization of Financial Resources
• With proper financial management, the organization can make optimum
utilization of financial resources.
• To achieve this, a financial manager has various tools that he/she can use. They
include managing receivables, better management of inventory, and effective
payment policy in hand.
• This will not only save the finance of the organization but will also reduce the
wastage of other resources
• 7. Improved Efficiency
• Financial management is also beneficial in increasing the efficiency of all
sections and departments of the organization.
• If the finance is effectively distributed to all the departments then they will
work efficiently.
• It will support the company to achieve its targets easily which will be further
helpful for the growth of the entire company.
• 8. Meeting Financial Commitments with Creditors
• Financial management is helpful in the timely payment of dues to the creditors.
The financial manager can list out the creditors, their due amount, and due date
from the financial accounts and can make their payments on time.
• This will increase the goodwill of the company in the market and creditors will
also provide the goods to the company on credit without having any problem.
• So, if there will be strong management of finance then the company will be able
to meet the financial commitments with creditors easily.
• 9. Creating Reserves
• The business environment is full of uncertainty such as sudden changes in
customers' preferences, climate change, natural calamity, change in technology,
• To overcome such unplanned issues, the company should have a sufficient
amount in the form of reserves. The company can create reserves over the year
by having an optimal dividend payout policy.
• The company should also keep some part of profits in the form of reserves. The
reserves are not only helpful in dealing with unwanted situations but also to
expand the business and face contingencies in the future.
• This benefit can only be taken if the company has effective management of
• 10. Decreases the Cost of Capital
• This objective includes measuring the cost of capital, risk evaluation, and
calculating the approximate profits out of a particular project.
• Financial managers are responsible for the effective investments of available
funds in the current or fixed assets to get the maximum benefits or ROI.
• Determine the Capital Requirement: The first function of a
financial manager is to estimate the total capital required by the
business to fulfil its mission and objectives. The amount of capital
required is determined by several factors, including the size of the
business, expected profits, company programmes, and policies.
• It is the rate of return that could have been earned by putting the same
money into a different investment with equal risk. Thus, the cost of
capital is the rate of return required to persuade the investor to make a
given investment.
• 1. Explicit and Implicit cost
• 2. Average and Marginal Cost
• 3. Historical and Future Cost
• 4. Specific and Combined Cost
• I. Measurement of specific cost
• ➢ Cost of Equity
• ➢ Cost of Debt
• ➢ Cost of Preference Share
• ➢ Cost of Retained earnings