Hbet2103 Grammar ESL Assignment

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1. Answer in English only.

2. Number of words : 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 14th March 2021

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


The paper given below outlines the reasons why EFL (and ESL) student find it hard to
master tense and aspect in the English language.

1. Rahman, M.S., and Ali, M.M. 2015. Problems in mastering English tense and aspect
and the role of the practitioners. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-
JHSS). Volume 20. Issue 4, Ver 1 (Apr.2015), PP 131-135. E-ISSN:2279-0837,p-ISSN:2279-
0845. www.iosrjournals.org.
Direct link to paper. Note: you can only access this link with a valid OUM account.
2. Topics reference in the module. 8,6,7.

Assignment question

Do the reasons listed by the author in the paper apply to speakers of Malay as their
mother tongue?
Write an essay of 2,500 – 3,000 words to critically discuss this question. You must be able
to cite other references to support your discussion too.
(60 marks)
Note: Your paper should include the following:
 An explanation of problems faced by native speakers of Malay when they try to
master the tense and aspect in English.
 If your mother tongue is not Malay, you may answer the question from the
perspective of your own mother tongue. You would need to state your question
in your answer. For example, Do the reasons listed by the author in the paper
apply to speakers of Cantonese/ Tamil/ Kadazan, Iban as their mother
 Your essay (answer) must contain samples or examples, preferably, from actual
[Total: 60 marks]

Unsatisfactory /
*Q Weighta Excellent Good Fair Low Max

Criteria No Response
N ge Marks
4 3 2 1 0
1 1-3 Discussion on Noticeably clear and Sufficient level of clarity Moderate level of clarity Lacks clarity and focus There is no
application to focused with detailed and focus in explanation and focus with some with insufficient details discussion on the
speakers of Malay descriptions on the on subject matter: the use descriptions on the on the subject matter: subject matter, or
as their mother subject matter: The of copula, transitive, and subject matter: the use the use of copula, the answer has no
tongue Subject – Verb intransitive verbs in of copula, transitive, and transitive, and relevance.
coherence / cohesion Malaysian English. intransitive verbs in intransitive verbs in
There is an ability to Malaysian English. Malaysian English.
There is a high ability to provide relevant examples
clearly provide relevant from personal There is a fair ability to There is an inability to
examples from personal observations or/and clearly provide relevant provide relevant
2.5 observations or/and experience. examples from personal examples from 10
experience. observations. personal
Good language use. Few observations or/and
Excellent use of grammatical errors but Fair language use. Some experience.
language. Very few meaning is conveyed grammatical errors but
grammatical errors and clearly. A good range of meaning is conveyed Poor language use.
meaning is conveyed vocabulary is used. fairly. An average range Many grammatical
very clearly. A wide of vocabulary is used. errors which may
range of vocabulary is impede meaning.
used. Limited range of
vocabulary is used.
1 1-3 Introduction The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear There is no
inviting, states the main states the main topic and the main topic but does introduction of the introduction.
topic and previews the previews the structure of not adequately preview main topic or structure
2.5 structure of the paper. the paper but is not the structure of the of the paper. 10
particularly inviting to the paper nor is it
reader. particularly inviting to
the reader.
1 1-3 Body of essay/ 2.5 There is one clear, well- Main ideas of both One of the paragraphs The main ideas in all Main ideas in all 10
referencing focused topic. Main idea paragraphs are clear. Most has a clear main idea. paragraphs are not paragraph are
stands out and is supporting details are Only some supporting clear. There is a strong inappropriate and
supported by detailed appropriate and relevant. details are appropriate evidence of plagiarism. irrelevant.
information. All outside Most outside sources are and relevant. Most Writing is generally

Unsatisfactory /
*Q Weighta Excellent Good Fair Low Max
Criteria No Response
N ge Marks
4 3 2 1 0
sources are properly properly cited/ outside sources are not plagiarized.
cited/ referenced. referenced. cited/ referenced
1 1-3 Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear There is no
and leaves the reader recognizable and gives recognizable but does conclusion, the paper conclusion.
2.5 with a feeling that they closure to the essay. not effectively close the just ends. 10
understand what the essay.
writer is "getting at."
1 1-3 Coherence Details are placed in a There are clear attempts There are attempts to Writing contains major Writing is confusing
logical order and the to use cohesive devices to use cohesive devices but mistakes in the use of and has a lot of
way they are presented link details but in one or writing lacks direction cohesive devices that gaps. No or limited
2.5 effectively keeps the two places, writing that affected reader’s affected general number of cohesive 10
interest of the reader. appears incoherent. comprehension. understanding. devices used to
1 1-3 Language/ Writer makes no errors Writer makes minimal Writer makes some Writer makes a lot of Writing is generally
Grammar in grammar or spelling errors in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, incomprehensible
2.5 that distracts the reader structure and spelling that structure, or spelling structure or spelling due to grammar, 10
from the content. does not affect reader’s that affect reader’s that affect reader’s structures, and
understanding. understanding. comprehension. spelling mistakes.
Total 15 60

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