DM Camerron
DM Camerron
DM Camerron
Background: “Vision 2020 – the right to sight” is a program which purpose is to eliminate avoidable blindness by
the year 2020 through the implementation of concrete action plans at the national and district levels. Accordingly,
baseline data are needed for the planning, monitoring, follow-up and evaluation of this program. The present study
aimed to better characterize visual impairment and blindness in Cameroonian diabetics by providing with baseline
data on the prevalence and main causes of these affections.
Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study, conducted from October 2004 to October 2006 at the
Department of Ophthalmology of the Douala General Hospital, Cameroon. We included 407 diabetic patients who
were referred from diabetes clinics for ophthalmologic evaluation. Ophthalmologic data included visual acuity,
intra-ocular pressure, fundoscopy and fluorescein angiography.
Results: The prevalence of blindness and poor vision were respectively 12.3% and 17.4% with regard to the worst
eyes. Fifty nine (14.5%) patients were found with diabetic maculopathy, of whom 25.4% (15/59) had poor vision, and
25.4% (15/59) were blind. The prevalence of sight threatening retinopathy (severe non-proliferative and proliferative)
was 17.4%. The degree of visual impairment was comparable in both diabetic types (p = 0.825), and it increased with
the severity of retinopathy (p < 0.0001), as well as that of maculopathy (p <0.0001). The prevalence of glaucoma was
15% (61/407) when considering the worst eyes. The severity of visual impairment increased with the severity of
glaucoma (p = 0.001). One hundred and twenty-one (29.7%) patients presented with cataract irrespective of
its location or severity. Cataract was significantly associated with poor vision and blindness (p < 0.0001). Hypertensive
retinopathy (4.9%), papillary ischaemia (2.7%), vaso-occlusive eye disease (2.5%), and age-related macular edema (2%)
were the other potential causes of visual impairment and blindness encountered the most in our setting. Age ≥
50 years, male sex, duration of diabetes and hypertension variously increased the risk of having glaucoma, cataract,
diabetic retinopathy or maculopathy.
Conclusion: Poor vision and blindness are frequent in Cameroonian diabetics, and their causes are similar to those
reported by various other surveys: mainly cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy.
Keywords: Visual impairment, Diabetes, Diabetic retinopathy, Diabetic maculopathy, Cataract, Glaucoma, Cameroon,
Sub-Saharan Africa
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Internal Medicine Unit, Edéa Regional Hospital, PO Box 100, Edéa, Cameroon
Medical Diagnostic Center, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Jingi et al. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders (2015) 14:21 Page 2 of 8
having a severely impaired vision (at least severe poor will be helpful to evaluate the local effectiveness and
vision) (OR: 6.03, 95% CI 2.98–12.20; p < 0.001), a impact of “vision 2020: the right to sight” programs.
cataract (OR: 3.44, 95% CI 2.21–5.38; p < 0.001) and a The prevalence of blindness and poor vision found in
diabetic retinopathy (OR: 1.79, 95% CI 1.20–2.67; p = 0.004). this study are in keeping with the respective 17% and
Females were less likely to have a diabetic retinopathy 18.8% reported by Tielsch et al. [2] who have worked
(OR: 0.59, 95% CI 0.42–0.84; p = 0.003) and a maculopathy on nursing home residents aged 40 years and above
(OR: 0.53, 95% CI 0.35–0.83; p = 0.005). A duration of without seeking for their diabetic status. Contrarily,
diabetes greater than 10 years was associated with the Narendran et al. [14] observed only a 3.5% prevalence
presence of glaucoma (OR: 1.76, 95% CI 1.16–2.68; of bilateral blindness among 260 self-reported Indian
p = 0.008), cataract (OR: 1.42, 95% CI 1.02–1.99; p = 0.035), diabetics. This huge discrepancy could be explained
diabetic retinopathy (OR: 2.94, 95% CI 2.06–4.20; p < 0.001) by the difference between our study population and
and maculopathy (OR: 3.96, 95% CI 2.48–6.35; p < 0.001). that of the above-mentioned authors, as it has been
Hypertensive patients were at higher risk of having strongly bolstered that blindness is significantly more
glaucoma (OR: 1.51, 95% CI 0.99–2.28; p = 0.049), preponderant in Blacks than in Whites [2]. What’s more,
cataract (OR: 1.51, 95% CI 1.09–2.10; p = 0.013) and diabetic the definitions of blindness and visual impairment we
retinopathy (OR: 1.86, 95% CI 1.32–2.62; p < 0.001). used were not exactly the same as the ones adopted by the
previous authors. Indeed, the literature reveals that many
Discussion factors may contribute to the variation of these prevalence
The present study figures out that the prevalence of rates, including age (old age especially), duration of
poor vision (types I and II, VA 1/20 – 3/10) was 17.4% diabetes (>10 years), ethnicity, occupation, cognitive
while that of blindness (types III, IV, and V, VA < 1/20) was function, metabolic control, skill of the examiner and
12.3% in the worst eyes. Unsurprisingly, the dominating methodology of examination among others [2-5,14,15].
causes of poor vision and blindness were, from the most to Although women exhibit a tendency to be more blind and
the less encountered: cataract (29.7%), sight threatening visually impaired than men, this has not yet been proven
retinopathy (17.4%), glaucoma (15%).and maculopathy to be statistically significant [2,14]. As a matter of
(14.5%). These findings constitute good baseline data that fact, this variation in prevalence rates of blindness and
visual impairment highlights the utmost need to populations were not chosen on the basis of a known
standardise the different definitions and classifications diabetic status. Although we did not seek for the risk
regarding visual impairment and blindness, why not by factors for the development of diabetic retinopathy, it
consensually adopting those advocated by ICO [13]. is well established that increased age, duration of diabetes
Unsurprisingly, as depicted by some other authors (longer than 10 years), methods of diabetic control
[3,4,14-16], cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma (HbA1c value), current insulin use, diabetic nephropathy,
were the most leading causes of visual impairment and diabetic neuropathy, hypertension, systolic blood pressure,
blindness in our patients. The prevalence of cataract we diastolic blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis obliterans are
observed (29.7%) is lower than that reported by Rotimi strongly associated with diabetic retinopathy, which is not
et al. [3] (44.9%), Funatsu et al. [4] (66.7%), Bourne et al. the case for the sex [3,4,14]. Therefore, intensive blood
[8] (56%), and by Oye et al. [5] (62.1%). But, it is similar glucose control, specifically in the early years of diagnosis
to the 27.1% observed by Tielsch et al. [2], and higher (first 5 years), may reduce the risk for the development
than the 13.1% reported by Roaeid et al. [15] among and progression of retinopathy and cataract. In this re-
Libyan diabetics. All these differences could be due to gard, early eye examination, preferably at first presentation
the varying mean age and duration of diabetes among of elevated blood glucose, is highly recommended [3].
the various study populations. Our prevalence of glaucoma was more than two times
Meanwhile, the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy we comparable to what has been reported by Bella et al. [9]
found (17.4%) is lower than what were encountered by who, after performing a prospective study of the intraocular
Narendran et al. [14] (26.2%), Roaeid et al. [15] (30.6%) pressure, fundus and perimetry in 307 Cameroonians aged
and by Funatsu et al. [4] (37%), but comparable to the 20–39 years irrespective of their diabetic status, found a
17.9% revealed by Rotimi et al. [3] may be because our prevalence of 5.8%. Similarly, our prevalence of glaucoma
study populations are of the same race (sub-Saharan was higher than those witnessed by Merle et al. [6] in
Black Africans) [2]. By contrast, our prevalence of diabetic Martinique (2.7%), Ramakrishnan et al. [7] in India (2.6%),
retinopathy is higher than those reported by Tielsch et al. and Bourne et al. [8] in Thailand (3.8%). This discrepancy
[2] and Bourne et al. [8]: 6.4% and 5% respectively. This could be due to the fact that our study population appears
difference is mainly explained by the fact that their study to be older than those of the aforementioned studies.
Consequently, our finding could be a true reflection
Table 6 Other causes of visual impairment of the prevalence of glaucoma in an aged population
Cause Frequency (%) at risk especially in our milieu, as it has been clearly
Other maculopathies 2 (0.5) pointed out that this prevalence is much lower when
Drusen 2 (0.5)
working on a younger population of the same milieu
[9]. However, the prevalence we obtained could be an
Pigment retinopathy 3 (0.7)
overestimate of the real situation, given that we set
Papillary ischaemia 11 (2.7) the threshold for normal intraocular pressure at
Vaso-oclusive eye disease 10 (2.5) 20 mmHg instead of 21 mmHg as it was the case in
Age-related macular oedema 8 (2.0) other studies [6-8]. Even though this prevalence
Central serous retinopathy 1 (0.3) seems to be a little bit higher than what it must be,
Vitreous degeneration 3 (0.7)
it is nonetheless suggestive of the great importance for a
systematic screening of glaucoma in diabetic patients,
Hypertensive retinopathy 20 (4.9)
specifically the aged ones. Tielsch et al. [2] did not show
Jingi et al. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders (2015) 14:21 Page 6 of 8
any evidence of an association between diabetes and pointed out in previous reports [3,4,16]. Poor blood
primary open angle glaucoma, but the relatively high sugar control is very frequent in African countries, leading
prevalence of neovascular glaucoma (6.67%) we encoun- to complications such as diabetes eye diseases [16].
tered in patients exhibiting proliferative retinopathy in our Interestingly, Rotimi et al. found a low prevalence of
study is a cause for concern. diabetic retinopathy and cataract within the first
Expectedly, we observed in this study that duration of 5 years following the diagnosis of diabetes in a cohort
diabetes was associated with glaucoma, cataract, diabetic of West African diabetics, suggesting that intensive blood
retinopathy and maculopathy as it has already been glucose control may reduce the risk of development and
Jingi et al. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders (2015) 14:21 Page 7 of 8
progression of retinopathy and cataract in these patients were prescribed lenses, this suggesting a high prevalence
[3]. Similarly to a study aiming at the determination of the of refractory errors among the estimated 73% of patients
prevalence of visual impairment and selected eye diseases with normal or near normal vision. What’s more, we did
among diabetic patients in USA [17], we found that the not perform a systematic evaluation of patients’ visual
likelihood for diabetic patients to have cataract and fields when they were presenting with a high intra-ocular
diabetic retinopathy was increased by patients’ age pressure in order to better define glaucoma. Nonetheless,
greater than 50 years. Recently, Katte et al. have reported throughout the recruitment, the ophthalmologic examin-
a significant rate of coincident diabetes and hypertension ation was carried out by experienced and well trained
(3.9% in men and 5.0% in women) in a self-selected ophthalmologists so as to have reliable results. Further,
semi-urban Cameroonian population [18]. Likewise, the study was undertaken in a hospital environment with
we found a high frequency of hypertension (39.6%) in adequate and quality-assured equipment.
our study population and in accordance with previous
reports [4,19-21], hypertension increased the risk of Conclusion
glaucoma, cataract and diabetic retinopathy. Poor vision and blindness are frequent among Cameroonian
A major limitation of this study is the fact that poor diabetic patients, and their causes are similar to those
vision and blindness due to refractory errors were not reported by various other surveys: cataract, glaucoma,
analyzed. Not all patients said to have normal or near diabetic retinopathy, maculopathy and other less causative
normal vision had a 10/10 visual acuity. Most of them ocular affections. Age, sex, duration of diabetes and
Jingi et al. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders (2015) 14:21 Page 8 of 8
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Authors’ contributions 18. Katte JC, Dzucie A, Sobngwi E, Mbong EN, Fetse GT, Kouam CK, et al.
Study conception and design: AMJ, AE, CEM. Data collection: AMJ, AE, CEM. Coincidence of diabetes and hypertension in a semi-urban Cameroonian
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Department of Internal Medicine and Specialties, Faculty of Medicine and hypertension, and central obesity as cataract risk factors in a black
Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon. population. The Barbados eye study. Ophthalmology. 1999;106(1):35–41.
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
Yaoundé, Cameroon. 3Internal Medicine Unit, Edéa Regional Hospital, PO Box
100, Edéa, Cameroon. 4Medical Diagnostic Center, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical
Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
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