Notes 1
Notes 1
Notes 1
Prepare the project directory. In our example, we use D:\Projects\LasVegasDescending. This is the root
directory for this SARProZ project. To import the TerraSAR-X files, you need to create a new directory
called slc into the root directory as shown below.
Now you need to copy the TerraSAR-X files into the slc directory. We copy the directories as we received
them from the DLR into the slc directory. Be aware, that in the Windows version you need to untar the
files before working with them in SARProZ, while this is not necessary while running on Linux.
After that we launch SARProZ. In the MAIN window, we press on the Select Dataset button.
In the Site Directory group, we press the Select button and select the root directory we created before.
This is D:\Projects\LasVegasDescending in our example.
This is opening the SLC DATA Processing window, which is used for data import. Uncheck the Untar and
Del tar check boxes if you have copied the already unzipped directories in the slc directory as it is
recommended for Windows. Otherwise, if you copied the *.tar.gz files, leave them checked (do not do
this on Windows). You may decide to uncheck the Del tar check box if you want to keep the original
packed files.
After the data was successfully read, the name of the sensor, the number of images and the
polarizations are displayed.
On the MAIN window press Dataset Statistics to get an overview over the data.