Manuel en Echographe EDAN U2 VET

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文件名称:U2 VET 使用说明书-英文

产品型号:U2 VET

作者 : 谢 菊艳 (xiejuyan) 2017-05-26 13:41:47

EN 件
审核人 : 郭 欣 (guoxin) 2017-05-27 09:03:20

审核人 : 李 娟 (lijuan) 2017-05-26 16:08:21
ID 文
审核人 : 万 志远 (wanzhiyuan) 2017-05-27 11:40:39

批准人 : 陈 卓鑫 (chenzhuoxin) 2017-06-01 15:10:43
NF 密

批准人 : 冀 伟 (jiwei) 2017-06-01 13:47:07

CO 保


ED 理
AN 邦
CO 保
NF 密
ID 文
EN 件
About this Manual
P/N: 01.54.457513

MPN: 01.54.457513013

Release Date: May, 2017

© Copyright EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2016-2017. All rights reserved.

Responsibility of the Manufacturer

EDAN only considers itself responsible for any effects on safety, reliability and performance of
the equipment if:

EN 件
 Assembly operations, extensions, re-adjustments, modifications or repairs are carried out by
persons authorized by EDAN.

 The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with international standards, and
ID 文
 The equipment is used in accordance with the instructions for use.

NF 密
Terms Used in this Manual
CO 保

A WARNING label advises against certain actions or situations that could result in personal
injury or death.


A CAUTION label advises against actions or situations that could damage equipment, produce
inaccurate data, or invalidate a procedure.


A NOTE provides useful information regarding a function or a procedure.

The device is for veterinary use only, and the ―VETERINARY USE ONLY‖ label is stuck to the
device. Please follow the instruction.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Overview.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Features ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Indications for Use/Intended Use .................................................................................... 2
1.4. Model ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. Contraindications ............................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 Safety Guidance .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Warnings and cautions ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1. Safety Warnings .................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2. Battery Safety ........................................................................................................ 8
2.1.3. General Cautions ................................................................................................... 9

EN 件
2.1.4. Warning Labels ................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Labeling Symbols .......................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 3 System Overview ...................................................................................................... 15
ID 文
3.1. Appearance .................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1. Front View ........................................................................................................... 15

3.1.2. Rear View ............................................................................................................ 16
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3.1.3. Left View ............................................................................................................. 17
3.2. Configuration ................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.1. Standard Configuration ....................................................................................... 18
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3.2.2. Options ................................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 4 Installation Instructions............................................................................................. 20
4.1. Environmental Requirements ........................................................................................ 20

4.2. Unpacking Inspection .................................................................................................... 20

4.3. Connecting Procedure .................................................................................................... 20
4.3.1. Adjusting Monitor ............................................................................................... 21

4.3.2. Installing and Uninstalling a Battery .................................................................. 21

4.3.3. Connecting and Disconnecting Probes ............................................................... 23
4.3.4. Peripheral Connections ....................................................................................... 25
4.3.5. Equipotential Bonding ........................................................................................ 27
4.3.6. Printer Installation ............................................................................................... 28
Chapter 5 System Control ......................................................................................................... 29
5.1. Powering On/Off Device ............................................................................................... 29

5.2. Examining ...................................................................................................................... 30

5.3. Screen Layout ................................................................................................................ 31
5.4. Control Panel ................................................................................................................. 33

5.4.1. Trackball.............................................................................................................. 33
5.4.2. ―0~9‖ Numeric Keys ........................................................................................... 34
5.4.3. Alphabetic Keys .................................................................................................. 34
5.4.4. Function Controls ................................................................................................ 34

5.4.5. Imaging Functions ............................................................................................... 41
5.5. Menu .............................................................................................................................. 47
5.6. Dialog Box Operation .................................................................................................... 49
5.7. Presetting ....................................................................................................................... 50
5.7.1. Entering Presetting .............................................................................................. 50
5.7.2. Displaying / Modifying Presetting Parameters ................................................... 50
5.7.3. System Preset ...................................................................................................... 50
5.7.4. Probe Preset ......................................................................................................... 52
5.7.5. Exam Preset......................................................................................................... 54
5.7.6. Image Parameter Preset ....................................................................................... 55
5.7.7. Comment Preset .................................................................................................. 60
5.7.8. Presetting Data .................................................................................................... 62
5.7.9. Presetting DICOM .............................................................................................. 64
5.7.10. Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 65

EN 件
5.7.11. System Information ............................................................................................. 65
5.8. Printing .......................................................................................................................... 65

Chapter 6 Operation .................................................................................................................. 67
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Entering or Editing Patient Information ........................................................................ 67
6.2. Selecting a Probe and an Examination Type ................................................................. 67

6.3. Selecting an Imaging Mode ........................................................................................... 69
NF 密
6.4. Image Adjustments ........................................................................................................ 69
6.5. Generic Measurements and Calculations....................................................................... 77
6.5.1. Generic Measurements in B Mode ...................................................................... 78
6.5.2. Generic Measurements in M Mode ..................................................................... 86
CO 保

6.5.3. Generic Measurements in Color/PDI Mode ........................................................ 89

6.5.4. Generic Measurements in D Mode ..................................................................... 89
6.6. Application Measurements and Calculations ................................................................ 94

6.7. Worksheet (Report) ........................................................................................................ 95

6.8. Comment Function ........................................................................................................ 95
6.9. Body Mark Function ...................................................................................................... 97

6.10. Zoom .............................................................................................................................. 98

6.11. CINE Review ................................................................................................................. 99
6.12. File Management ......................................................................................................... 101
6.12.1. Saving Files ....................................................................................................... 101
6.12.2. File Manager ..................................................................................................... 103
6.12.3. Sending Files ..................................................................................................... 106
6.13. Needle Guide Function ................................................................................................ 107

6.13.1. Installing Needle Guide Bracket ....................................................................... 108

6.13.2. Activating Needle Guide Function ....................................................................111
6.13.3. To Select the Angle of Needle Guide Line........................................................ 112
6.13.4. To Display or To Hide the Needle Guide Line .................................................. 112

6.13.5. To Adjust the Needle Guide Line ...................................................................... 112

6.13.6. Performing Puncture Function .......................................................................... 113
Chapter 7 Kidney Measurements & Calculations ................................................................... 114

7.1. Measurements and Calculations .................................................................................. 114
To measure kidney: ..................................................................................................................... 114
7.2. Kidney Report .............................................................................................................. 114
Chapter 8 Abdominal Measurements & Calculations ............................................................. 116
8.1. Measurements and Calculations .................................................................................. 116
8.1.1. CBD .................................................................................................................... 116
8.1.2. Gallbladder .......................................................................................................... 116
8.1.3. Kidney ................................................................................................................. 117
8.1.4. Bladder ................................................................................................................ 117
8.2. Abdominal Report ....................................................................................................... 117
Chapter 9 Obstetric Measurements and Calculations .............................................................. 119
9.1. Obstetric Measurements and Calculations in B Mode ................................................ 119
9.2. Canine Obstetrics Measurements ................................................................................ 120

EN 件
9.2.1. CRL ................................................................................................................... 120
9.2.2. GSD ................................................................................................................... 120

9.2.3. HD ..................................................................................................................... 121
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9.2.4. BD ..................................................................................................................... 121
9.2.5. HD&BD ............................................................................................................ 121

9.3. Feline Obstetrics Measurements .................................................................................. 122
NF 密
9.4. Equine Obstetrics Measurements ................................................................................ 122
9.4.1. GSD-H .............................................................................................................. 122
9.4.2. GSD-V .............................................................................................................. 123
9.5. Bovine Obstetrics Measurements ................................................................................ 123
CO 保

9.6. Ovine Obstetrics Measurements .................................................................................. 124

9.7. Other Obstetrics Measurements ................................................................................... 124
9.8. Obstetric Report ........................................................................................................... 125

Chapter 10 Cardiac Measurements and Calculations ................................................................ 126

10.1. Cardiac Measurements and Calculations in M Mode ................................................. 126
10.1.1. LV ...................................................................................................................... 130

10.1.2. Mitral Valve ....................................................................................................... 132

10.1.3. Aorta .................................................................................................................. 133
10.1.4. LVMW, LVMWI ............................................................................................... 134
10.2. Cardiac Measurements and Calculations in B Mode .................................................. 134
10.2.1. LV ...................................................................................................................... 138
10.2.2. RV (Right Ventricle Internal Diameter) ............................................................ 140
10.2.3. PA (Pulmonary Artery) ...................................................................................... 140

10.3. Cardiac Report ............................................................................................................ 141

Chapter 11 Peripheral Vascular Measurements & Calculations ................................................ 142
11.1. Measurements and Calculations in PW Mode ............................................................ 142

11.1.1. Forelimb ............................................................................................................ 142

11.1.2. Hindlimb............................................................................................................ 143
11.1.3. CCA ................................................................................................................... 143

11.1.4. ICA .................................................................................................................... 143
11.1.5. ECA ................................................................................................................... 144
11.1.6. Vert A................................................................................................................. 144
11.2. Vascular Report ........................................................................................................... 144
Chapter 12 Inspection and Maintenance ................................................................................... 146
12.1. Daily Checklist ............................................................................................................ 146
12.2. Cleaning and Disinfection ........................................................................................... 147
12.2.1. Cleaning ............................................................................................................ 147 Cleaning System Surface ......................................................................... 148 Cleaning Probe and Probe Holder ............................................................ 148 Cleaning Needle Guide Bracket ............................................................... 150 Cleaning Trackball ................................................................................... 151
12.2.2. Disinfection ....................................................................................................... 152 Disinfecting System Surface .................................................................... 152

EN 件 Disinfecting Probe and Probe Holder ...................................................... 152 Disinfecting or Sterilizing Needle Guide Bracket ................................... 153

AL Disinfecting Trackball .............................................................................. 154
ID 文
12.3. Disassembling System Filter ....................................................................................... 154
12.4. Replacing Fuses .......................................................................................................... 155

12.5. Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 156
NF 密
Chapter 13 Transportation and Storage ..................................................................................... 158
13.1. Moving the System ..................................................................................................... 158
13.2. Storage......................................................................................................................... 158
CO 保

13.3. Transportation ............................................................................................................. 158

Chapter 14 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 159
14.1. Checkup ...................................................................................................................... 159

14.2. Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 159

Chapter 15 Warranty and Service .............................................................................................. 160
15.1. Warranty ...................................................................................................................... 160

15.2. Contact information .................................................................................................... 160

Appendix I: Specifications .......................................................................................................... 161
A1.1: Electrical Safety Classifications ................................................................................. 161
A1.2: Power Supply ............................................................................................................. 162
A1.3: Machine Specifications .............................................................................................. 162
A1.4: Display Specifications................................................................................................ 162

A1.5: General Technical Specifications ............................................................................... 163

A1.6: Probe Specifications ................................................................................................... 164
A1.7: Operating, Storage and Transportation Environment................................................. 164
A1.7.1.Operating Environment ..................................................................................... 164

A1.7.2.Storage and Transportation Environment .......................................................... 164

Appendix II: Ultrasound Intensity and Safety ............................................................................. 165
A2.1: Ultrasound in Medicine ............................................................................................. 165

A2.2: Ultrasound Safety and the ALARA Principle ........................................................... 165
A2.3: Explanation of MI/TI ................................................................................................ 166
A2.3.1.MI (Mechanical Index) ..................................................................................... 166
A2.3.2.TI (Thermal Index) ............................................................................................ 167
A2.3.3.Display of MI/TI ............................................................................................... 167
A2.4: Acoustic Output ........................................................................................................ 167
A2.4.1.Factors that Contribute to Uncertainty in the Output Display .......................... 167
A2.4.2.Differences between Actual and Displayed MI/TI............................................ 168
A2.4.3.Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................. 168
A2.5: Operator Control Features ......................................................................................... 168
A2.6: Prudent Use Statement .............................................................................................. 169
A2.7: References for Acoustic Output and Safety .............................................................. 169
A2.8: Probe Acoustic Output Parameters List .................................................................... 170
A2.8.1.Test of Probe C5-2b .......................................................................................... 170

EN 件
A2.8.2.Test of Probe P5-1b ........................................................................................... 184
A2.8.3.Test of Probe L15-7b ......................................................................................... 192
A2.8.4.Test of Probe C352UB ...................................................................................... 199

A2.8.5.Test of Probe L742UB ...................................................................................... 206
ID 文
A2.8.6.Test of Probe L1042UB .................................................................................... 213
A2.8.7.Test of Probe C612UB ...................................................................................... 220

A2.8.8. Test of Probe C6152UB .................................................................................... 227
NF 密
A2.8.9.Test of Probe C422UB ...................................................................................... 234
A2.8.10. Test of Probe L552UB ................................................................................... 241
A2.8.11. Test of Probe V562-1UB ............................................................................... 248
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A2.8.12. Test of Probe V742UB ................................................................................... 255

Appendix III: Measurement Accuracy ................................................................................... 263
Appendix IV: EMC Information-Guidance and Manufacture’s Declaration .................................................. 264

Appendix V: Order List ............................................................................................................... 268

Appendix VI: Glossary .......................................................................................................... 270


U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1. Overview
The U2 VET is a mobile Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System, which applies advanced
technologies such as Phased Inversion Harmonic Compound Imaging (eHCI),
Multi-Beam-Forming (mBeam), Speckle Resistance Imaging (eSRI), and Spatial Compounding
Imaging, etc. Various image parameter adjustments, 15 inch LCD and diverse probes are
configured to provide clear and stable images.
Essential Performance:
Satisfying 2D imaging and basic functions of color ultrasonic system (such as color flow imaging
and spectral Doppler imaging). Please check details as below:

EN 件
1. Compliant with essential performance requirements of EN60601-2-37.

2. 2D Imaging: It provides B mode and M mode imaging, and complies with requirements of
ID 文
3. Color flow imaging: It complies with performance requirements of YY 0767-2009.

Spectral Doppler imaging: It complies with performance requirements of YY 0767-2009.
NF 密

1.2. Features
CO 保

 Multi-language displays
 256 gray scale
 Two probe sockets

 Display modes:
B, B+B, 4B, B+M, M, B+PW, B+Color, B+Color+PW, B+PDI/DPDI, B+PDI/DPDI +PW.


 Generic Measurements and Calculations:
a). B/Color Mode: Distance, Cir/Area (Ellipse/Trace), Volume (2-Axis/3-Axis), Ratio, %
Stenosis and Angle.
b). M Mode: Distance, Time, Slope and Hear Rate (two cycles).
c). D Mode:

In non-cardiac exam:
Velocity, Heart Rate, Time, Acceleration, Resistance Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI)

and Auto Trace (auto trace is available only for PW mode)

In cardiac exam:
Velocity, PG, Time, Heart Rate, Slope, PHT, Trace (Manual)

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Introduction

1.3. Indications for Use/Intended Use

The veterinary diagnostic ultrasound system (U2 VET) is applicable for animal ultrasound
evaluation in pet hospitals, veterinary clinics, animal farms, zoos, horse racing centers, and
animal cultivation/breeding bases. It is intended for use by or on the order of a veterinarian or
similarly qualified health care professional, in abdomen, obstetrics, muscle, tendon, cardiology,
and peripheral vascular exams.

1.4. Model

1.5. Contraindications

EN 件
 The equipment is not intended for ophthalmic use or any use causing the acoustic beam to

pass the eye.
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NF 密
CO 保


U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

Chapter 2 Safety Guidance

2.1. Warnings and cautions

In order to use the equipment safely and effectively, and avoid possible dangers caused by
improper operation, please read through the user manual and be sure to be familiar with all
functions of the equipment and proper operation procedures before use. Always keep this manual
with the equipment.
Please pay more attention to the following warning and caution information.

2.1.1. Safety Warnings

EN 件
The reliability of the device and the safety of operators and patients are considered

during product design and production. The following safety and preventive measures
ID 文
should be carried out:

NF 密

1. This equipment is not intended for treatment.

2. This equipment is not intended for home use.

CO 保

3. The diagnosis and examination function of the ultrasonic imaging management

system should be integrated with clinical situation of patients, and the diagnostic
results are only for veterinarian’s reference.

4. EXPLOSION HAZARD-Equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a

flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.

5. The device should be operated by qualified operators or under their instructions.

6. The device should be operated appropriately to avoid mechanical damage to the


7. The device is not waterproof. Do not use it in locations where water or any liquid
leakage may occur.

8. Do not use any fluid onto the system surface, as fluid seepage into the electrical
circuitry may cause excessive leakage current or system failure.

9. Do not spray cleansers on the system, as this may force cleaning fluid into the
system and damage electronic components. It is also possible for the solvent fumes
to build up and form flammable gases or damage internal components.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

10. If the device breaks down, please shut down the machine immediately and contact
EDAN or authorized representatives.
11. Only accessories supplied or recommended by EDAN can be used, the battery and
probes of EDAN can be only used on EDAN’s systems. Otherwise, the performance
and electric shock protection can not be guaranteed. If electrical or mechanical
equipment from other companies need to be connected to the device, please contact
EDAN or authorized representatives before connection.
12. The equipment should be installed by a qualified service engineer. Do not try to
access the interior of the main unit. Only authorized service personnel may remove
the unit cover.
13. To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a

EN 件
supply mains with protective earth.

14. To ensure grounding reliability, only connect the system to a hospital-grade power
ID 文
15. To ensure grounding reliability, connect the system only to an equivalent outlet.

16. To avoid electrical shock, inspect whether the grounding wire is connected prior to
NF 密

powering on the system. And disconnect the grounding wire after powering off the
CO 保

17. If you have any questions about the grounding connection, use the battery but not
the AC power supply. Prior to using AC power supply, inspection of grounding
connection is recommended. If it is necessary, consult EDAN or authorized

representatives for service.

18. Equipment connected to the U2 VET and located near the patient must be powered
from a medically-isolated power source or must be a medically-isolated device.

Equipment powered from a non-isolated source can cause your system to exceed
leakage current limits. Enclosure leakage current created by an accessory or device
connected to a non-isolated outlet may add to the enclosure leakage current of the
imaging system.
19. When more than one medical device is connected to the patient, the combined
leakage current must comply with IEC/EN 60601-1.

20. SHOCK HAZARD-Do not attempt to connect or disconnect a power cord with wet
hands. Make sure that your hands are clean and dry before touching a power cord.

21. SHOCK HAZARD - Don’t connect non-medical electrical equipment, which has been
supplied as a part of the system, directly to the wall outlet when the non-medical
equipment is intended to be supplied by a multiple portable socket-outlet with an
isolation transformer.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

22. Use an extension cord or multi-socket outlet setup to provide power to the ultrasound
system or to the system’s peripheral devices, may compromise the system
grounding and cause your system to exceed leakage current limits.
23. Multiple portable socket-outlet is not intended for the device, anybody, who connects
it to the signal input or output connector to configure a medical system, must make
sure that it complies with the requirement specified in Chapter 16 of IEC
60601-1:2005, or the multi-socket is with an isolation transformer.
24. SHOCK HAZARD - Don’t connect electrical equipment, which has not been supplied
as a part of the system, to the multiple portable socket-outlets supplying the system.
25. If a multiple socket-outlet is necessary, ensure that it is not placed on the floor.

EN 件
26. Do not exceed the maximum permitted load when using multiple portable
socket-outlets to supply the system.

27. Do not use the additional multiple portable socket-outlet or extension cord in the
ID 文
medical electrical system, unless it’s specified as part of the system by manufacturer.
And the multiple portable socket-outlets provided with the system shall only be used

for supplying power to equipment which is intended to form part of the system.
NF 密

28. Do not touch accessible parts of electrical equipment and the patient simultaneously.
29. A damaged probe can increase the risk of electric shock if conductive liquids come in
CO 保

contact with internal live parts. Inspect probes prior to use for cracks, openings, or
other damage that could allow liquid entry.
30. To avoid electrical shock, never modify the ultrasound system’s AC power circuits.

31. To avoid electrical shock and damage to the system, turn off and disconnect the
device from the AC power source before cleaning and disinfecting.

32. Don’t touch the signal input or output connector and the animal simultaneously.
33. To avoid the possibility of electrostatic shock and damage to the system, avoid using
aerosol spray cleansers on the monitor screens.
34. Any non-medical equipment (such as the external printer) is not allowed to be used
within the patient vicinity (1.5m/6ft.).
35. Periodically have the integrity of the system ground checked by a qualified service

36. This device is not suitable for intracardiac use or direct cardiac contact.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance


37. EDAN makes every effort to manufacture safe and effective probes. You must take
all necessary precautions to eliminate the possibility of exposing patients, operators,
or third parties to hazardous or infectious materials. These precautions should be
considered in the use of any application that may indicate the need for such care,
and during endocavity scanning.

38. If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eye
or mouth. In case of contact with hands, skin or clothes, it has to be washed away
thoroughly with soap.

39. EMI Limitations

Ultrasound machines are susceptible to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from

EN 件
radio frequencies, magnetic fields, and transients in the air of wiring. Ultrasound
machines also generate EMI. The U2 VET complies with limits as stated on the EMC

label. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
ID 文

Possible EMI sources should be identified before the unit is installed.

NF 密
Electrical and electronic equipment may produce EMI unintentionally due to one of
the following defects: High frequency electrotome, Transformer, Defibrillator,
Wireless LAN equipment, Medical lasers, Scanners, Cauterizing guns, Computers,
CO 保

Monitors, Fans, Gel warmers, Microwave ovens, Light dimmers, Portable phones

The presence of a broadcast station or broadcast van may also cause interference.

If you find strong interference shows on the screen, please check the sources.

40. Ultrasound may be harmful to patients. This device should be used for valid reasons,
for the shortest period of time, and at the lowest mechanical and thermal indices

necessary to produce clinically acceptable images. According to the ALARA (As Low
As Reasonably Achievable) principles, acoustic output should be set to the lowest
level required to satisfactorily perform the examination. Long time exposure should
be avoided. For the parameters of sound output, please refer to appendix II. The U2
VET complies with the requirements of applicable International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) standards in terms of safety and acoustic output levels.

41. Contact with natural rubber latex may lead to a severe anaphylactic reaction in
persons sensitive to the natural latex protein. Sensitive patients must avoid contact
with these items. EDAN strongly recommends that health-care professionals identify

their latex-sensitive patients, and refer to the March 29, 1991 Medical Alert on Latex
products. Be prepared to treat allergic reactions immediately.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

42. If a sterile probe cover becomes compromised during an intraoperative application
involving a patient with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, such as
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, follow the guidelines of the U.S. Disease Control Center
and this document from the World Health Organization: WHO/CDS/APH/2000/3,
WHO Infection Control Guidelines for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies.
The probes for your system cannot be decontaminated using a heat process.
43. All repairs on products must be performed or approved by EDAN. Unauthorized
repairs will void the warranty. In addition, whether or not covered under warranty, any
product repair shall be exclusively be performed by EDAN certified service
44. To ensure optimal imaging, begin the scan session by selecting the correct probe
and application for each examination.

EN 件
45. Do not perform service or maintenance of the equipment while it is in use with the

46. The medical electrical equipment needs to be installed and put into service according
ID 文
to Appendix IV EMC Information.
47. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical

equipment. Refer to the recommended separation distances provided in Appendix IV
NF 密
EMC Information.
48. The use of cables, transducers and accessories not supplied by the manufacturer
may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the equipment.
CO 保

49. The equipment should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment, refer
to the recommended separation distances provided in Appendix IV EMC Information.

50. The system and its accessories shall not be serviced or maintained while in use with
a patient.
51. The mains plug is used to isolate the system from main power. Position the system

so that it is easy to disconnect the device.

52. DO NOT perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment.
53. Assembly of the system and modifications during actual service life shall be
evaluated based on the requirements of IEC60601-1.
54. The system is ordinary equipment (Sealed equipment without liquid proof).
Transducer (not including the transducer connector) is IPX7. Footswitch is IPX8. Do

not immerse or expose any of the parts to extended moisture. Splash resistance
does not extend to transducer connectors. Keep connectors dry.


The probe stops transmission after freezing, disconnecting, falling off, or entering
sleeping mode. Main control software checks the probe connection all the time, once
probe disconnects from the probe socket, the system stops transmission.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Operating the U2 VET in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic fields, such
as radio transmitter stations or similar installations may lead to interference visible on the
monitor screen. However, the device has been designed and tested to withstand such
interference and will not be permanently damaged.

2.1.2. Battery Safety

To prevent the battery from igniting, emitting fumes, bursting, injuring personal, damaging
equipment, pay attention to the following precautions.

1 Improper operation may cause the internal li-ion battery (hereinafter called battery) to
be hot, ignited or exploded, and it may lead to the decrease of the battery capacity. It

EN 件
is necessary to read the user manual carefully and pay more attention to warning

2 Only qualified service engineers authorized by the manufacturer can open the battery
ID 文
compartment and replace the battery, and batteries of the same model and
specification should be used.

DANGER OF EXPLOSION -- Do not reverse the anode and the cathode when
NF 密
installing the battery.
4 Charge the battery only when the ambient temperature is between 0°C and 40°C.
5 When the battery is out of power, please wait for 0.5-1 hours before you charge it, in
CO 保

order to avoid charging abnormality caused by battery cell overheating.

6 Do not use the battery near heat sources or when the ambient temperature is over
40°C. Do not heat or splash the battery or throw it into fire or water.

7 Do not destroy the battery; do not pierce battery with a sharp object such as a needle;
do not hit with a hammer, step on or throw or drop to cause strong shock; do not
disassemble or modify the battery. Otherwise, it may be hot, smoking, distorted or

ignited and result in injury.

8 When leakage or foul smell is found, stop using the battery immediately. If your skin
or cloth comes into contact with the leaked liquid, cleanse it with clean water at once.
If the leakage liquid splashes into your eyes, do not wipe them. Irrigate them with
clean water first and go to see a doctor immediately.
9 When the battery reaches the end of its service life, or foul smell, deformation,
discoloration, or distortion is found, stop using the battery immediately, replace it with

a new one, and properly dispose of or recycle the depleted battery according to local
10 Only when the device is off can the battery be installed or removed.

11 Remove the battery from the device when the device is not used for a long time.
12 Periodic checks on the battery performance are required. Replace the batteries if

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

1. It is recommended to charge the battery after the system is switched off, so that you
can save the charging time.
2. If the battery is stored alone and not used for a long time, we recommend that the
battery should be charged at least once every 6 months to prevent overdischarge.

2.1.3. General Cautions

1 Cautions on installation and movement of the system:
a) Ensure to place the system on a level surface and lock the wheels securely.
Otherwise, the system may move and result in injury or equipment damage.
b) Do not move the system from its sides, otherwise, it may topple over and result

EN 件
in injury.
c) To ensure safety, two persons are required to move the device across slopes.

Otherwise, it may slide and result in injury.
ID 文
d) Do not stand or sit on the device. It may move and make you lose your balance
and tumble.

e) Do not place any objects on the monitor, otherwise, it may fall and result in injury.
NF 密
f) Securely fasten any peripheral device before moving the system. A loose device
may fall and result in injury.
g) To avoid toppling over, take particular care when moving the system on steps.
CO 保

2 Do not exert excessive vibrations onto the system. Otherwise, it may damage the
mechanical components (such as wheels). If the system is required to move on an
uneven surface frequently, consult EDAN or authorized representatives for service.

3 Power off and unplug the equipment prior to cleaning the system filter.
4 Only use vacuum to clean the filter. DO NOT spray or apply any liquids to the

system filter.
5 Filter cleaning frequency depends on usage location. If the system is used in a high
traffic area (for example, an Emergency Room), the filter may need more frequent
6 Failure to regularly clean the system filter may cause reduced air flow and result in
the system overheating. System failures due to a lack of filter cleaning may void the
Warranty or a Service Contract.

7 EDAN recommends that the filter should be cleaned approximately every three (3)
to six (6) months.

8 Before use, you must make sure that there is no visible evidence of damage on the
equipment, cables and probes, which may affect patient safety or diagnostic
capability. The recommended inspection interval is once per week or less. If
damage is evident, replacement is recommended before use.

U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

9 If the power cord of the system is missing, damaged or not provided, please
purchase the power cord meeting the specification requirements for the original one
and complying with the local regulations.
10 It is necessary to take the probe out of the probe bracket during moving and
transporting; otherwise, the probe or probe bracket may be broken.
11 The normal ultrasonic examination is recognized as being safe. To avoid burns, do
not scan in the same area for a long period of time. Always minimize the exposure
time while acquiring necessary clinical information
12 To ensure proper grounding and leakage current levels, it is the policy of EDAN to
have an authorized EDAN representative or an EDAN approved third party to
perform all on-board connections of documentation and storage devices to the U2
13 The device and accessories are to be disposed of according to local regulations

EN 件
after their useful lives. Alternatively, they can be returned to the dealer or the
manufacturer for recycling or proper disposal. Batteries are hazardous waste. Do

not dispose them together with house-hold garbage. At the end of their life hand the
batteries over to the applicable collection points for the recycling of waste batteries.
ID 文
For more detailed information about recycling of this product or battery, please
contact your local Civic Office, or the shop where you purchased the product.

14 Please use the standard power cord as the input line of the network power supply
NF 密

for the adapter to reduce risk.

15 Federal (U.S.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
CO 保

16 To avoid misdiagnosis from inaccurate measurement values, ensure that the target
area of interest and image are correct, and the measurement area is valid.
17 No user serviceable parts are inside the system. All repairs on the system must be

performed by EDAN certified service personnel.

18 The internal storage space of the system is limited. It is highly recommended to
back up patient data and settings regularly.

19 The maximum load of the table for placing printer is 15 kg. Do not put objects
exceeding the load limit on the table.

To avoid damaging the system, DO NOT use it in environment as below:
1. Locations exposed to direct sunlight.

2. Locations subject to sudden changes in ambient temperature.

3. Dusty locations.
4. Locations subject to vibration.

5. Locations near heat sources.

6. Locations with high humidity.

- 10 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

2.1.4. Warning Labels

NO. Labels Warnings

Do NOT place the device on slopes. It
may suddenly slide, resulting in injury
and/or equipment damage.

Do NOT stand/sit on or bend over the
device. It may move and make you lose
your balance and tumble.

EN 件
ID 文 To ensure safety, two persons are
required to move the device across

NF 密
CO 保

Mind Your Fingers.

5. Safe working load: 15kg

2.2. Labeling Symbols


Descriptions of symbols of the device are shown in Table 2-1.

No. Symbol Definition

1 Serial Number

- 11 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

2 P/N Part Number

3 Date of Manufacture

4 Manufacturer

5 Operating instructions

(Background: Yellow; Symbol & outline: Black)

Refer to User Manual

(Background: Blue; Symbol: White)

EN 件
8 Caution

ID 文
9 Biological Risks

TI Disposal method. It indicates that the equipment should be sent to special

NF 密
10 agencies according to local regulations for separate collection after its
useful life.

11 General Symbol for Recovery / Recyclable

CO 保

Caution: Federal (U.S.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order
of a physician.

13 CE Mark

14 Type BF Applied Part

15 Locking

16 Unlocking

17 Change

18 Rotate and the rotatory angle

- 12 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

19 Alternating Current (a.c.)

20 "ON" (power)

21 "OFF" (power)

22 Equipotential grounding

23 VGA output, External Monitor

24 Video output

EN 件
25 Fuse

ID 文 Probe for sector-shaped sound field

27 Video input
NF 密

28 Output
CO 保

29 DC power supply input

30 Sound; audio

31 Computer network

Foot switch
To identify a footswitch or the connection for a foot switch.

33 Protective earth (ground)

34 Recording on an information carrier


35 Trademark

36 USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection

37 Dangerous voltage

- 13 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Safety Guidance

Variability, for rotating movement

Rotate clockwise to increase the value, and counterclockwise to decrease.

Adjust right to increase the value, and left to decrease.

40 Battery check

No harm for short time immersion. For the probe but not including the
41 IPX7
probe connector.
Degree of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code):
42 IPX8 Protected against the effects of continuous immersion in water. For the

43 / Power off/on the system

EN 件
44 Brightness; brilliance

ID 文
45 Contrast

NF 密
46 Stand-by

47 Lamp; lighting; illumination

CO 保

48 Increase values or select upwards

49 Reduce values or select downwards

50 Confirm

51 Display menu

52 Sound muting


To adjust volume in PW mode
Table 2-1 Descriptions of Symbols

NOTE: The user manual is printed in black and white.

- 14 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Overview

Chapter 3 System Overview

3.1. Appearance

3.1.1.Front View

EN 件

ID 文 3

NF 密

CO 保


12 5

13 6

Figure 3-1 Front View


1. LCD 6. Wheels (four) 11. Front handle

2. LCD adjusting panel 7. Coupling gel holder 12. Loudspeakers(two)
3. Probe cup 8. Control panel 13. Probe sockets(four)
4. Probe holders(three) 9. Probe holder(Endocavity probe)
5. Main unit 10. Cable holders (two)

- 15 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Overview

The pictures and interfaces in this manual are for reference only.

3.1.2.Rear View

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保

4 3
理 AN

Figure 3-2 Rear View

1. Rear handle
2. Heat dissipation orifice

3. Peripheral cable access panel door

4. Cable holders (two)
5. Table for placing printer

- 16 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Overview

1. Ensure system vents are clear and unobstructed.
2. Please check details of I/O ports on Figure 4-5 I/O Ports on the Rear Panel.

3.1.3.Left View

EN 件

ID 文
NF 密
CO 保

Figure 3-3 Left View


1. USB Ports (two)


- 17 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Overview

3.2. Configuration
3.2.1. Standard Configuration

 1 U2 VET main unit

 1 power cord
 1 ground wire
 2 pieces of fuse, φ5×20, T3.15AH250V
 1 bottle of coupling gel, 250 mL
 1 user manual
 1 hard disk

EN 件
 2 packing lists

3.2.2. Options
ID 文
The Diagnostic Ultrasound System supports the following options:
NF 密
 Linear array probe: L1042UB/ L742UB/ L552UB/ L15-7b
 Convex array probe: C352UB/C5-2b
CO 保

 Transrectal probe: V742UB/ V562-1UB

 Micro convex probe: C612UB/ C6152UB/ C422UB
 Phased array probe: P5-1b

 Rechargeable lithium-Ion battery

 Printers are as shown below.

Printer Type Interface Recommended Models


Black /white Video
S-Video SONY UP-20
Color Video Printer


Color Inkjet printer:
HP2010, HP Deskjet 1010
Graph/text Report

USB HP DeskJet lnk Advantage Ultra 2029, HP DeskJet 1112

Color laserjet printer:
HP CP1525n, HP Laserjet Pro 400 M401d, HP Laserjet 1510

Table 3-1 Printers

- 18 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Overview

The video printer output:

Color: Paper size: 100mm*94mm;

Print area: 96mm*72mm

B/W: Paper size(general display:only one page): 110mm*100mm;

Print area 99mm*74mm

The graph/text report printer output: A4 paper, 210 mm× 297 mm

 Needle Guide Bracket Kit

Model Name Description
For the probe C352UB,
BGK-R50UB R50UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit
4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G

EN 件
For the probe L742UB/L1042UB/L15-7b,
BGK-L40UB L40UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit
4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G

For the probe C612UB,
BGK-R10UB R10UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit
ID 文 4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G
For the probe C6152UB,
BGK-R15UB R15UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit

4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G
NF 密
For the probe C422UB,
BGK-R20UB R20UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit
4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G
For the probe L552UB,
BGK-L50UB L50UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit
4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G
CO 保

For the probe C5-2b,

BGK-C5-2 BGK-C5-2 Needle Guide Bracket Kit
4 vessels: 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G

Table 3-2 Needle Guide Bracket Kits

 DICOM 3.0
 Freeze footswitch

 Dustproof cloth
 USB disk
 USB mouse

- 19 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

Chapter 4 Installation Instructions

4.1. Environmental Requirements

Keep the device away from equipment with strong electric field, strong magnetic and high
voltage field, and protect the display screen from direct exposure to strong sunlight. Keep good

4.2. Unpacking Inspection

Visually examine the package prior to unpacking. If any signs of mishandling or damage are
detected, contact the carrier to claim for damage. After unpacking the device, you should follow
the packing list to check the product carefully and to make sure that no damage has occurred

EN 件
during transportation. Then, install the device according to the installation requirements and

ID 文
1. Do not use the device if it is found to be damaged or defective.

NF 密
2. Do not drop or collide with the probe. Otherwise you shall give up using it.
3. Make sure the AC power supply complies with the following specifications:
100V-240V~, 50Hz/60Hz.
CO 保

4.3. Connecting Procedure

1. Take the main unit and accessories out from the package.

2. Connect the cable holder and battery (if it is configured) to the main unit correctly.

3. Connect the probes to the main unit correctly.

4. Connect the printer and load the recording paper.

5. Connect the power cable

1) Connect the main unit and the common earth terminal firmly via a potential equalization

2) Plug one end of the power cable to the power socket of the main unit, and the other end
to the special power output socket of the hospital.

6. Switch on the main unit.

Press power switch on the rear side of the main unit, and press the power on/off key on the
top left of the control panel. You can operate the main unit after the main interface appears.

- 20 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

4.3.1. Adjusting Monitor

You can adjust the monitor position for convenient viewing.

 Rotate the monitor(left/right):

Firmly hold the left and right side of monitor frame, and carefully rotate the monitor around
its central pivot. The maximum rotation angle for each side (left/right) is 90°.

 Tilt the monitor(up/down):

Firmly hold the upper side of monitor frame, and carefully push or pull to tilt the monitor
upward or downward for the optimum viewing angle. The maximum rotation angle for
tilting upward is 30°, and for tilting downward, the maximum rotation angle is 25°.

EN 件
When tilting the monitor up or down, take caution to avoid clamping and injuring hands or

ID 文
4.3.2. Installing and Uninstalling a Battery

NF 密
To install a battery (if necessary):
1. Turn off the device, and take out the battery from the package. Press the button on peripheral
cable access panel door, and open the door;
CO 保

2. Turn the lever clockwise to hide it;

3. Push the battery into place;
4. Turn the lever counterclockwise to keep the battery in place;

5. Replace the peripheral cable access panel door.

理 AN

①Press the button ②Turn the lever clockwise to hide it


- 21 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

③Push the battery into place ④ Turn the lever counterclockwise to

keep the battery in place

EN 件
ID 文
⑤Replace the peripheral cable access panel door

Figure 4-1 Installing Battery to Main Unit
NF 密
To uninstall a battery:

1. Turn off the device, and press the button on peripheral cable access panel door, and open the
CO 保

2. Turn the lever clockwise to hide it;
3. Pull the battery out;

4. Replace the peripheral cable access panel door.

①Press the button ②Turn the lever clockwise to hide it


- 22 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

③Pull the battery out ④ Replace the peripheral cable access

panel door
Figure 4-2 Uninstalling Battery from Main Unit

4.3.3. Connecting and Disconnecting Probes

EN 件
Ensure that the system is shut down, or the image is frozen, before connecting and

disconnecting probes.
ID 文
The scan direction mark located at the side of probe indicates the beginning direction of scanning.
The scan direction mark is shown below.

NF 密
Scan Direction Mark
CO 保

Figure 4-3 Probe Scan Direction Mark Schematic Diagram

There is information about Model and SN on the probe connector.

To connect a probe:
1. Place the probe’s carrying case on a stable surface and open the case.
2. Carefully remove the probe and unwrap the probe cable.
3. Do not allow the probe head to hang free. Impact to the probe head could result in irreparable

4. Turn the connector locking handle counterclockwise to the horizontal position.

5. Align the connector with the probe port and carefully push into place.

6. Turn the locking handle on the transducer connector clockwise to the vertical position. This
ensures the connector in position and ensures the best possible contact.
7. Place the probe in the probe holder.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

To disconnect a probe:
1. Turn the locking handle on the connector housing counterclockwise to the horizontal
2. Firmly grasp the probe connector and carefully remove it from the system port.
3. Store each probe in its protective carrying case.

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保

Figure 4-4 Probe Connection


Do not touch the pin of probe connector.


Do not plug in or pull out the connector when the device is activated. This is to avoid

uncontrollable damage to the probe and the main unit.


Once the probe is connected to the main unit, please do not reinstall it frequently. This is
to avoid poor contact between the probe and the main unit.

- 24 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

4.3.4. Peripheral Connections

Video connections are located on the left panel of the U2 VET.


1. Accessory equipment connected to the analog and digital interfaces must be certified
according to the respective IEC/EN standards (e.g. IEC/EN 60950 for data
processing equipment and IEC/EN 60601-1 for medical equipment). Furthermore, all
configuration shall comply with the valid version of the standard IEC/EN 60601-1.
Therefore, anybody, who connects additional equipment to the signal input or output
connector to configure a medical system, must make sure that it complies with the
requirements of the valid version of the system standard IEC/EN 60601-1. If in doubt,
consult our technical service department or your local distributor.

EN 件
2. Parts and accessories used must meet the requirements of the applicable IEC/EN
60601 series safety standards, and/or the system configuration must meet the

requirements of the IEC/EN 60601-1 medical electrical systems standard.
ID 文
3. Connecting any accessory (such as external printer) or other device (such as the

computer) to this equipment makes a medical system. In that case, additional safety
NF 密
measures should be taken during installation of the system, and the system shall

a) Within the patient environment, a level of safety comparable to that provided by

CO 保

medical electrical equipment complying with IEC/EN 60601-1;

b) Outside the patient environment, the level of safety appropriate for non-medical

electrical equipment complying with other IEC or ISO safety standards.

4. Parts and accessories must be connected to the I/O ports designated in Figure 4-5 I/O

Ports on the Rear Panel. For example, only the supplied or recommended USB device
can be connected to the USB ports; DO NOT connect telephone line to the network
port; DO NOT connect earphone to the footswitch port or remote port.

- 25 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions


To ensure proper grounding and leakage current levels, it is the policy of EDAN to have
an authorized EDAN representative or EDAN approved third party perform all on-board
connections of documentation and storage devices to the U2 VET.

12 13



EN 件

ID 文

NF 密

9 8 7 6
CO 保

Figure 4-5 I/O Ports on the Rear Panel

Peripheral ports:

1.AC power switch 8. S-Video output port

2.Remote port 9. Video output port
3.Network port (DICOM 3.0) 10. Footswitch port

4.Retaining clamp for power plug 11. Rechargeable lithium battery compartment
5.Appliance inlet 12. Audio ports
6.Fuse-box 13. VGA output port (15 pin)
7.Equipotential terminal

- 26 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

4.3.5. Equipotential Bonding

Equipotential terminal Rear panel Potential equalization conductor

Equipotential terminal Another device

Figure 4-6 Equipotential Bonding

EN 件
Any use of other devices with the system is at the user’s risk and may void the system warranty.

In order to fulfill IEC/EN 60601-1 requirements, connections of peripheral equipment to the U2
ID 文
VET must adhere to one of the following conditions:

 The peripheral equipment itself is a medical device approved according to IEC/EN 60601-1.

NF 密
 Non-medical peripheral equipment approved according to any other EN or IEC standard
must use the following setup for connection:

 Connect the equipotential connector of U2 VET to an independent protective earth

CO 保

terminal with a potential equalization conductor.

 The peripheral equipment is located at least 1.5 meters (1.8 meters in Canada and the

U.S.A) outside the patient environment. A patient environment is defined as the area in
which medical examination, monitoring, or treatment of the patient takes place.

 The peripheral equipment is connected to a main outlet outside the patient environment

but still within the same room as the ultrasound system.


1. Equipotential bonding: when the device is running with other instruments jointly,
consideration should be given to equipotentiality.

2. Doctors and patients might be exposed to the hazardous and uncontrollable effects of
compensating current caused by unbalanced equipotentiality between indoor medical
device and touchable conducting parts. The safest solution is to build a unified

equipotential network, to which the medical device is connected, using an angular


- 27 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Installation Instructions

4.3.6. Printer Installation

This system supports video printers and graph/text report printers.

To install a video printer:
1. Power off the main unit and the printer.
2. Connect the VIDEO IN (video input) of the video printer and the S-Video output/Video
output/USB port of the main unit with a data cable.
3. Connect the REMOTE of the video printer with the REMOTE of the main unit.

Reference Figure 4-7 I/O Ports on the Left Panel.

EN 件
4. Power on the main unit and run the printer.


The video printers are used in patient vicinity.
ID 文
To install a graph/text report printer:
1. Power off the main unit and the printer.

2. Connect the printer with the main unit by using a USB cable.
NF 密

3. Power on the main unit and run the printer.

CO 保

1. Chromatic aberration, unfriendly brightness, contrast or overall appearance may

occur if you print images with default presetting of video printer. To obtain good
printings, please adjust video printer parameters according to the images.

2. Please check the printer user manual for details about printer installation. If the printer
does not work normally, check the Report printer presetting through System
preset>Application preset, see Section 5.7.3 System Preset.

3. To obtain good printings, EDAN recommends you to connect the color printer with the
S-Video output, and connect the monochrome printer with Video output.
4. Multiple portable socket-outlet is not intended for the device, anybody, who connects it
to the signal input or output connector to configure a medical system, must make sure
that it complies with the requirements of the valid version of the system standard
IEC/EN 60601-1. If in doubt, consult our technical service department or your local

5. If you want to use a multiple portable socket-outlet to supply power to the whole U2
VET system, you are suggested to calculate the system power consumption when
building a U2 VET system so as to match the system power consumption with the

power sustained by a multiple portable socket-outlet.

6. The system identifies the printers it supports automatically; you can use the printer
promptly after connecting to the main unit, with no need to switch the printer driver.

- 28 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Chapter 5 System Control

5.1. Powering On/Off Device

 To power on the device
Before powering on this device, check as below:
1. Check the potential equalization conductor and make sure it is connected properly.
2. Check all the cables and make sure there is no scrape or crack.
3. Check the control panel and the monitor and make sure there is no crack.
4. Check the probe and the connection and make sure there is no scrape or crack.

EN 件
5. Check the power socket and the switch and make sure there is no damage.
To power on:

1. Connect the device to a standard three-pin power supply socket via the power cable, switch
ID 文
on the AC power switch on the rear panel; Or

Use the battery as the power supply.
NF 密
2. Press the power on/off key on the top left of control panel, and a startup interface appears.
When you use the battery as the power supply, press and hold down the power on/off key to
switch on the device.
CO 保

 To shut down the device

1. Press the power on/off key on the top left of control panel and the system displays a confirm
dialog box.

2. Select Yes to power off the system.


If the system breaks down, long press the power on/off key on the top left of control panel to shut
down the system directly.
Please unplug the AC power cord from the power socket and disconnect the battery if the
device is to remain idle for a long time.


1. Do not unplug the power cord before switching off the system.

2. Wait approximately five seconds between powering the system off and then on again.
This allows the system to complete its shutdown process.

- 29 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Standby mode

To place the system in standby mode:

Press Stndby on PC keyboard once (―Stndby‖ is the abbreviation of ―Standby‖), the system goes
into the maximum power saving state: Standby Mode. But the archived patient information,
measurement and images will be kept.

To wake up the system from standby mode:

Press Stndby on PC keyboard once to come out of Standby Mode, the system resumes working

 To restart the device

If there is any trouble described as below, please press the power on/off key to switch off the

EN 件
device and then press it again to restart the device.

 The device displays wrong information and it lasts a long time.

ID 文
 The device displays abnormally.

 The device can not execute an operation.

NF 密
5.2. Examining
Apply an appropriate amount of coupling gel (medical ultrasound coupling agent) to the body
CO 保

area to be examined, and then contact the area with the acoustic window of the probe firmly. A
cross-sectional image of tissues will be displayed on the screen. Adjust brightness, gain, TGC,
focus combination, etc properly. Adjusting the monitor’s contrast and brightness is one of the

most important factors for best image quality. If theses controls are set incorrectly, the gain, TGC,
and focus combination may have to be changed more often than necessary to compensate.
Meanwhile, properly move the probe to obtain an optimal image of the target area. Or if

necessary, adjust sweep speed to get satisfying images in the M mode, and adjust D gain, sample
line, Sample Volume, Base Line, Correction Angle, D WallFilter, PRF (Pulse Repetition
Frequency), etc in the PW mode.

1. Please be gentle when contacting the target area with a probe. This is to avoid

making the probe damage or the patient disturbed.

2. Please choose a proper probe for the target area with an appropriate frequency to
begin the diagnostic operation.

3. Adjust the gain knob slowly.

- 30 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

5.3. Screen Layout

③ ⑤

EN 件

ID 文
TI ⑥
NF 密
⑦ qu
E ip
CO 保

qu ⑧ ot
ip E
Figure 5-1 Monitor Display en
ot ①Information Field: qu tia

en ip l
Manufacturer logo, Institution/Hospital name, Host name, Patient name, Patient ID, Current
tia ot
examination type, Probe model, Probe frequency, ―Freeze‖ icon, MI,③ TI, System date and
l time, etc. en

③ ②Image Field: ②
Ultrasound image (B/Color/PDI/PW/CW/M mode), Gray map bar, Color P map bar, Depth scale,
② ③
Focus mark, Sample line of PW/M mode, Sample volume of PW mode, ull Scan area window of
P E guide line, Probe scan
Color mode (also referred to as the region of interest, or ROI), Needle
ull ②
direction mark, Comments (texts or arrows), Body marks, Measurement qu caliper, TGC curve,
E etc. P ip
qu ③Menu Field: ull ot

ip Image control menus /control program menus. The content of menus en depends on system
ot status. qu tia
en ④Measurement Results Field: ip l
tia ot
The field displays the measurement and calculation items and resultsterin different rows.

l ⑤Parameter Field: en mi
ter tia
It displays the principal image parameters of each mode. Parameters na of the current active
mi l
mode are marked with ―*‖ symbols. Parameters of B mode: Freq, Gain, l Depth, and Frame
na ter
Rate; Parameters of Color /PW/CW mode: Freq, Gain, and PRF. R
l mi ea
R - na
31 - r
ea l pa
r R ne
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

⑥CINE Review Progress Bar

⑦Menu Controls Field:
Image parameters adjustment/ program menus control, the items correspond to system
menus in different modes or status.
⑧ Status Prompt Field:
The lower left side of the field displays operation prompt, examination type;
The lower right side of the field shows the state of USB, the state of power supply, input
method, brightness or volume adjusting information (the icon is displayed only during


: AC power supply, with battery connected;

: AC power supply, without battery connected.

EN 件
: Battery power supply.

The battery status indicator is located in the right corner of the screen when the system is

operating. If a battery is installed, the battery’s current capacity will be indicated in percentage,
ID 文
for example: .

When the battery capacity is ≥90%, the battery will not be charged by the AC power supply.
NF 密

When the battery capacity is ≤20%, the battery status indicator turns red.

When the battery capacity is reduced to 20%, the system displays a prompt ―Battery capacity is
CO 保

too low, please recharge!‖

When the battery capacity is reduced to 10%, the system displays the prompt again ―Battery

capacity is too low, please recharge!‖

When the battery capacity is reduced to 5%, the system displays a prompt ―Battery capacity is
too low, system will be shutdown right now!‖. Recharge the battery, or the system will be shut

down in one minute automatically.


- 32 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

5.4. Control Panel

② ⑤

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密

CO 保

Figure 5-2 Control Panel

Figure 5-2 Control Panel

① Power/running indicators ② Power on/off key ③ TGC sliders

④ Function controls ⑤ PC keyboard ⑥ Menu Controls


The trackball operation is easy and convenient. It can achieve the following functions:

 Move the measurement cursor during measurement.


 Move to select menu items in menu-based operations.

 Move the comment cursor in the comment status.
 Move the M Mark in the B+M mode.

 Move the scan area of Color mode, increase or decrease the size of scan area of Color mode.
 Move the sample line in the PW mode.

- 33 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

 Realize single frame playback in the frame-by-frame playback status.

 Move the zoomed window in the zoom status.
1. Please be gentle when running the trackball.
2. Please keep the surface of trackball clean.

5.4.2.“0~9” Numeric Keys

Numbers are used for time calibrating, data setting, age notating, and comment adding etc.

5.4.3.Alphabetic Keys

The system supports some language-specific characters through the use of SHIFT with a

EN 件
combination of keys on the keyboard. Press any of these keys in the annotation mode and the
comment mode to display the character on the cursor position.

ID 文
German Characters French Characters
Symbol Key Combination Symbol Key Combination

NF 密
CO 保


Table 5-1 German and French Characters

5.4.4.Function Controls
No. Key/indicator Name Description

Power on/off switch

2 Press to power on/off the monitor
of monitor

Brightness Press to activate brightness adjustment, increase the

Adjustment button amount of adjustment, or select upwards.

Contrast Press to activate contrast adjustment, decrease the

Adjustment button amount of adjustment, or select downwards.

Press to display monitor adjustment menu, or confirm

5 Menu/Confirm
the modifications.

- 34 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Press to escape from the monitor adjustment

6 Exit

Press to power on the system or display the shut

down interface; When the system is in operation
7 Power on/off
status, the backlight of the button is on, and when the
system is in non-operation status, the backlight is off.
Power indicator: when the system is connected to the
8 / mains power supply, the indicator is on, if not, the
indicator is off.
Battery indicator: when the battery is being charged,
the indicator is on, and when the battery is full, or the
9 /
system is powered by battery only, or no battery is
installed, the indicator is off.

EN 件
10 / Page up/ down keys of menu controls field.
ID 文
The 6 combination rotary dials/push buttons

TI corresponds to the items displayed in the menu

NF 密
11 1~6 Menu controls
controls field, and also to the items of system menu
in different modes or status.
Glide the slide controls to adjust the TGC, glide the
CO 保

upper segments to adjust the near field gain, and the

12 TGC TGC lower segments to adjust the far field gain; glide
rightward to increase TGC, and glide leftward to


Patient information annotation key

13 Patient
Press to view, edit or input the Patient Data.

Press to display an onscreen menu for connected

14 Probe
probe and exam type selections.

1. Press to toggle between current image modes in

duplex or triplex.
2. After the image is frozen, the system enters Cine
Review status by default. Press Active Mode to

switch between different frozen imaging modes

and Cine Review status. When switching
15 Active Mode
between different frozen imaging modes, the

currently available parameters are highlighted,

you can use the menu controls to adjust options.
(Such as Pseudo Color, and Gray Map).
NOTE: In measurement status, the Active Mode key
is inactive.

- 35 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Press to display file manager dialog box; review the

16 Review
archived images.

17 Report Press to activate or exit current patient report.

Press to erase cache memory of the last exam

(including comments, measurements, calculations
18 End Exam
and reports except for archived Images) before the
exam ends, begins a new exam.

19 B Mode Press to enter B Mode.

EN 件
20 Color Mode press to enter or exit Color Mode

ID 文 In B mode, press to display the sample line, and
press this key again to enter B+PW mode; in B+PW
21 PW Mode
mode, press this key to exit PW mode and enter B

TI mode.
NF 密
In B mode, press to display the sample line, and
CW Mode
press this key again to enter B+CW mode; in B+CW
22 (Continuous Wave
mode, press this key to exit CW mode and enter B
CO 保

Doppler Mode)

23 M Mode Press to enter M Mode.

Rotate the control to increase or decrease the overall

24 Gain

gain of the current mode.

A multifunction trackball used for various system

activities (increase or decrease size of ROI, position
25 Trackball
Color ROI, position Calipers, position annotations

- 36 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Set key
1. Press to confirm the selection of a specific
function or command.
2. Use this key to anchor calipers, select a menu
item or image graphic.
3. Press to move the scan area of Color mode,
increase or decrease size of scan area of color
mode with the trackball. (In color mode, it enters
26 Set
ROI position adjusting status firstly, you can
press trackball to move the ROI; after you press
Set, it enters ROI size adjusting status, you can
move the trackball to increase or decrease the
size of ROI; if you press Set once again, it
returns to ROI position adjusting status.)

EN 件
4. Press to move the zoomed window in the zoom
status together with the trackball.

Application Measurement key
27 Measure Press to activate or exit the application measurement
ID 文

Generic Measurement key
NF 密
28 Caliper Press to activate or exit the generic measurement

1. In annotation status, press to display the

CO 保

comment library.
2. In measuring status, you can press Update once
to change the settled point and the active point
29 Update

3. In unsynchronized Mode, such as B+M, B+PW,

B+Color+PW mode, press to active real time
image window.

Body Mark Key

Press to activate or exit the body mark function. It is
30 Body Mark
to indicate the examine position and the scan

Comment key
31 Comment
Press to activate or exit annotation function.

32 Cursor Press to hide or display the cursor

- 37 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Press to clear all the measurements, calculations,

33 Clear comments, and body marks displayed in the current

Cine key
34 Cine
Press to enter or exit the frame-by-frame cine mode.

 Press to activate or exit zoom function.

 When an arrow is added, rotate this button to
35 Multi-function knob adjust the arrow direction.
 When a body mark is added, rotate this button to
adjust the scanning direction.
Rotate the knob to adjust scanning depth, and the

EN 件
36 Depth current depth is displayed in the bottom right corner
of the image as shown in Figure 5-3.

ID 文 Print key
37 Print
Press to do the video printing.

TI Press to save the current frozen cine file to Flash,

NF 密
38 Save Cine USB disk or internal hard disk, according to the
present saving path and image format.
Press to save the current image to Flash, USB disk
CO 保

39 Save Image or internal hard disk, according to the present saving

path and image format.
Freeze key

Press this key to switch between the frozen and

real-time states. When an image is frozen, the

40 Freeze system inserts ― ‖ next to the system time clock

and the clock pauses. When unfreezing the system,
all the measurements, calculations, body marks, and
comments will be erased.
PC 小键盘

41 ESC To escape

Preset key
Press this to activate or to deactivate the preset

42 Preset

Reference Section 5.7 Presetting

- 38 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

File management key

Press this key to enter or to exit the file management
43 File

Section 6.12 File Management

44 Menu Press this to display or to hide the menu.

45 Standby Press to enter to come out of standby mode.

EN 件
46 / Reserved keys.
ID 文
NF 密
Volume adjustment keys
Press these two keys to adjust volume in the PW
47 /
mode. And the volume symbol will be displayed at
CO 保

the bottom of the screen

Sound muting key

Press this to close the loudspeaker in the PW mode.

48 /
And the mute symbol will be displayed at the bottom
of the screen
In the comment status, press to delete the selected

49 Del
When modifying a comment, press to delete by
In the measurement status, press to delete the
generic measurement results one by one;
50 Back
In the comment status, press to delete the selected
or editable comment by character.

51 / Press to select Dual and switch between a live or
frozen, single or multi-mode A/B split screen display.

Press to select Quad and cycle through a live or
52 /
frozen A/B/C/D single or multi-mode split screen

- 39 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Press to enter or exit Power Doppler Imaging Mode

53 PDI

Press to display or hide the M/D cursor. In B/C mode,

press it to display the sample line, after positioning
54 /
the sample line, press M or PW to enter M mode or
PW mode.

Image left/right Flip key

55 /
Press this key to flip the image horizontally.

Image up/down Flip key

56 /
Press this key to flip the image vertically.

EN 件
Steering angle adjusting key(only applicable to linear
probes) :

57 / In PW mode, press to adjust the Doppler sample
ID 文 volume steering angle.
In Color mode, press to adjust the ROI steering angle

NF 密

PRF adjusting keys

58 / Press these two keys to adjust the PRF (Pulsed
CO 保

Repetition Frequency) in the PW mode.

59 F1~F4 F1~F4 Reserved keys/ User defined keys

Table 5-2 Function Controls

Menu Controls:

The 6 menu controls on the control panel correspond to items in the menu controls field. The
currently available items are highlighted, and unavailable items are in gray color; they also
correspond to items on the system menu in different modes or status, such as the image menu,
preset menu, file menu, needle guide menu, Cine Review menu, measurement menu, etc. You can
press or rotate the menu control, or use the trackball and Set in the menu field to switch/adjust
parameters, or activate a function.

Operations of menu controls:

 To switch options/adjust parameters:

If an item of the menu has a submenu or several parameter values, press or rotate the
menu control to switch between options or adjust values. (You can adjust values
circularly by pressing menu controls, rather than by rotating them)

- 40 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

For example, in File menu, press or rotate the FileType menu control to switch the image
format before saving it; in B mode, press or rotate the Dyn Rng menu control to increase
or decrease the value of dynamic range.
 To activate a function:
(1) If an item of the menu has a submenu or several options, rotate the menu control to
select submenu items or options, and press the menu control to activate the function.
For example, in B-generic measurement menu, rotate Volume menu control to select
2-Axis/3-Axis/3-Axis (LWH), and press the menu control to activate the option.
(2) If an item of the menu has no submenu or option, press the menu control to activate
the function directly.
For example, in File menu, press File Manager menu control to display the File
Manager dialog box directly.

EN 件
 Page down: You can press on menu controls panel to flip through pages of menu
controls field.

ID 文
5.4.5. Imaging Functions

NF 密

B mode Imaging Control

Press this key to enter the B mode. The system displays a single real-time B mode image.
CO 保

B indicates brightness, or two-dimensional (2D) gray scale imaging.


To return to a real-time B mode image from any imaging mode, press B control. This also
deletes all measurements, calculations, comments, or body marks that are displayed on

the screen.

2B mode Imaging Control

This key has two functions:


 Press this key to enter the 2B mode.

 Press this key to activate one of the dual images. The probe direction of the activated image
is brighter than that of the frozen image.

- 41 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

4B mode Imaging Control

Press this key to enter the 4B mode. The system divides the image area into four quadrants: the
first quadrant is on the top left, the second on the top right, the third on the bottom left, and the
fourth on the bottom right.

Press it repeatedly to active one of the four images. The probe direction of the activated image is
brighter than the direction of the frozen images. The four images are obtained separately and only
one image at a time is displayed in real time.

Color mode Imaging Control

EN 件
Follow the same procedure as described under B Mode to locate the anatomical area of interest.
After optimizing the B mode image, press Color, move the scan area of interest as close to the

center of the image as possible; Or after entering Color mode, press PW to display the sample
ID 文
line, and press PW again to enter triplex mode (B+Color+PW). Optimize the Color mode image

NF 密
CO 保


Figure 5-3 Example of B+Color Scan

- 42 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

PDI mode Imaging Control

Follow the same procedure as described under B Mode to locate the anatomical area of interest.
After optimizing the B mode image, press PDI, move the scan area of interest as close to the
center of the image as possible; Or after entering PDI mode, press PW to display the sample line,
and press PW again to enter triplex mode (B+PDI+PW). Optimize the PDI mode image
parameters; In PDI mode, rotate the Map menu control until the value is among 4-7, the system
enters Directional Power Doppler Imaging mode (DPDI).

Dual-split mode of B+Color/PDI:

 In dual-split mode of 2B, press Color/PDI, and then press to enter dual-split mode of

EN 件
B+Color/PDI, the two windows are in B+Color/PDI mode.

 In single B+Color/PDI mode, press to enter dual-split mode of B+Color/PDI, the two
ID 文
windows are in B+Color/PDI mode.

 In dual-split mode of B+Color/PDI, press Color/PDI, the currently active window exits color
NF 密
mode and enters 2B mode.
CO 保

Pulsed-Wave Doppler mode Display Control

In B mode, press this key to display the sample line, and press this key again to enter B+PW

mode; in B+PW mode, press this key to exit PW mode and enter B mode.

A pulsed-wave Doppler (PW) scan produces a series of pulses used to study the motion of blood
flow in a small region along a desired scan line, called the sample volume.

The X-axis of the graph represents time, and the Y-axis represents Doppler frequency shift. The
shift in frequency between successive ultrasound pulses, caused mainly by moving red blood
cells, can be converted into velocity and flow if an appropriate angle between the insonating
beam and blood flow is known.

Shades of gray in the spectral display represent the strength of the signal. The thickness of the

spectral signal is indicative of laminar or turbulent flow (laminar flow typically shows a narrow
band of blood flow information).

Pulsed-Wave Doppler mode and B mode are shown together in a mixed mode display. This

combination lets you monitor the exact location of the sample volume on the B image in the B
Image Display window, while acquiring Pulsed-Wave Doppler data in the Time Series window.

- 43 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control


In the B scan, the long line lets you adjust the sample line position, the two parallel lines (that
look like =) let you adjust the sample volume (SV) size and depth, and the line that crosses them
lets you adjust the correction angle (PW angle).

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保

Figure 5-4 Example of B+Color+PW Scan

In B+PW mode, you can choose scanning in synchronized or unsynchronized mode by pressing
Duplex/Triplex menu control: in unsynchronized mode, the active mode is PW; while, in
synchronized mode, the B and PW mode are both active. When you are scanning in
unsynchronized mode either the B or the time series window receives data. This lets you
independently change the PW PRF. When scanning in simultaneous mode, both the 2D and the
time series window receive data. This feature lets you define which method is used, based on the

exam type.

The sample volume indicator allows you to start a scan in a B scan mode, set the sample volume,
and switch to Doppler mode. The sample volume locks in position.

- 44 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Switch between the frozen PW and real-time PW images

 After entering B+PW, or B+Color/PDI+PW mode, the B or B+Color/PDI image is frozen by

default, and PW image is active.

 After entering B+PW, or B+Color/PDI+PW mode, in unsynchronized mode, press Update to

switch between the frozen and real-time PW images. When PW image is frozen, move the
trackball to adjust the sample line, rotate the menu controls to adjust the sample volume, and
the correction angle, etc. Then press Update to switch to real-time PW images.

 After entering B+PW, or B+Color/PDI+PW mode, in unsynchronized mode, roll the trackball
to move the sample line and sample area, the B or B+Color/PDI image is active, and PW
image is frozen; when the trackball stops moving, the B or B+Color/PDI image is frozen, and
PW image is active.

EN 件
To enter PW mode:

1. Press B to enter B mode and adjust all image control settings appropriate for the current exam.
ID 文
2. Place the cursor inside the vessel of interest.

3. Press PW to display sample line, move the trackball to adjust the sample line, rotate the menu
NF 密
controls to adjust the sample volume, and the correction angle, etc.

4. Press PW again to enter B+PW mode. The system locks the sample volume indicator and
adds the Time Series window.
CO 保

Or, you can scan in PW mode as follows:

1. Press B to enter B mode, after optimizing the B mode image, press on PC keyboard to
display the sample line;

2. Move the trackball to adjust the sample line, place the sample gate inside the vessel of interest.

Rotate the menu controls to adjust the sample volume, and the correction angle, etc.

3. Press PW to enter B+PW mode.

HPRF Mode:

HPRF (High Pulse Repetition Frequency) is a special operating mode of PW Doppler. You can

activate the HPRF mode when detected velocities exceed the processing capabilities of the
currently selected PW Doppler scale or when the selected anatomical site is too deep for the
selected PW Doppler scale.

In order to detect the higher velocities in HPRF, the system changes the PW processing in a way
that makes it ambiguous as to the location of the PW sample volume. In order to allow for proper
interrogation of the target anatomy, the system will display additional sample volumes (also

- 45 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

known as virtual gates) along the sample line. These additional sample volumes are annotated as
an = sign, but without the angle correction line. The displayed Doppler signal will have
information from all sample volumes included. To avoid having unexpected data included in the
Doppler trace, use B or CD to ensure that the virtual gates do not coincide with locations of
potential flow.


1. The HPRF mode is possible with C5-2b, P5-1b and L15-7b probes only.

2. The HPRF mode can be activated only in real-time mode.

3. The HPRF mode is available according to the following table. At each sample
volume depth, HPRF will first occur at the scale range and PRF listed. Other
higher PRFs and ranges are available upto the highest listing in the table (e.g. for

EN 件
the C5-2b, at 270mm PRFs 9-12 would be available).

Depth (mm) C5-2b P5-1b L15-7b
70 160 cm/sec PRF=15
ID 文
80 160 cm/sec PRF=15
90 100 cm/sec PRF=14

TI 160 cm/sec PRF=15

NF 密
100 100 cm/sec PRF=14
150 N/A (Depth can only
reach 100mm)
CO 保

160 200 cm/sec PRF=12 200 cm/sec PRF=12 N/A

170 160 cm/sec PRF=11 160 cm/sec PRF=11 N/A
180 160 cm/sec PRF=11 160 cm/sec PRF=11 N/A

190 160 cm/sec PRF=11 160 cm/sec PRF=11 N/A

200 160 cm/sec PRF=11 140 cm/sec PRF=10 N/A
210 140 cm/sec PRF=10 140 cm/sec PRF=10 N/A

220 140 cm/sec PRF=10 120 cm/sec PRF=9 N/A

230 120 cm/sec PRF=9 120 cm/sec PRF=9 N/A
240 120 cm/sec PRF=9 120 cm/sec PRF=9 N/A
250 120 cm/sec PRF=9 120 cm/sec PRF=9 N/A
260 120 cm/sec PRF=9 100 cm/sec PRF=8 N/A
270 120 cm/sec PRF=9 100 cm/sec PRF=8 N/A
280 120 cm/sec PRF=9 100 cm/sec PRF=8 N/A

290 100 cm/sec PRF=8 100 cm/sec PRF=8 N/A

300 100 cm/sec PRF=8 100 cm/sec PRF=8 N/A

- 46 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

CW mode Display Control

To enter CW mode:

1. In B or B+Color/ PDI/ DPDI mode, adjust image parameters;

2. Press CW to display sample line, move the trackball left or right to position the sample line in
the region of interest, move the trackball up or down to adjust the depth of focus;

3. Press CW again to enter B+CW or B+Color/ PDI/ DPDI+PW mode, optimize the imaging
with the menu controls. You can move the trackball to reposition the sample line, the B or
B+Color/ PDI/ DPDI image is active and CW image is frozen; when the sample line is fixed,
the B or B+Color/ PDI/ DPDI image is frozen, and CW image is active.

EN 件

The CW mode only works with P5-1b probe.
ID 文
M mode Display Control
NF 密
Press it to enter the B+M mode, the B mode and the M mode images are displayed on the screen
at the same time (Abbreviated as B+M). A line called M Mark is displayed on B mode image.
Roll the trackball to move the M Mark. Press Set to locate the M Mark.
CO 保

Or, you can press on PC keyboard to display the M Mark, roll the trackball to move the

M Mark, and press M to enter B+M mode. Move the trackball to move the M Mark again, and
then press Set to locate the M Mark. Or, press Cursor to activate the M Mark again.

Press this key again to enter the single M mode. It displays an M mode sweep. The slope of this

mode has four levels.

5.5. Menu
Menus are displayed on the left of the screen. Only one menu can be activated at a time. The
types are shown as follows:

Imaging menu:

In imaging menu provides information about the current imaging mode. In 2B and 4B modes, it

indicates the status and parameters of the active image. In B+M mode, it indicates the status and
parameters of M sweep. In the PW mode, it indicates the status and parameters of Doppler wave
and 2D image. Following is the imaging menu of B mode.

- 47 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Figure 5-5 B Mode Imaging Menu

EN 件
Measurement and calculation menu:

Perform an operation. For instance, begin a distance measurement, and then the measurement

cursor is displayed.
ID 文
The following are generic and application measurement and calculation menus.

NF 密
CO 保

Figure 5-6 B Mode Generic Measurement and Calculation Menu

Figure 5-7 OB Canine Measurement and Calculation Menu in B mode


The symbol ―►‖ indicates that there is a submenu associated with the menu option. Roll the
trackball to highlight the menu option with ―►‖, the system displays a submenu for the selected


Example: The submenu of Cir/Area contains Ellipse and Trace, shown as below.

After entering B mode, press Caliper to display the menu below, and highlight the option

- 48 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Cir/Area, the system will display the submenu Ellipse and Trace.

Figure 5-8 Submenu

Other menus:

Including preset menu, cine review menu, file menu, and needle guide menu.

EN 件
5.6. Dialog Box Operation

The dialog box may have a few tabs, as shown below. You can select one tab at a time with
ID 文
trackball and Set. Also, you can modify the parameter following the prompt instruction, and then
highlight OK and press Set to save the modified parameters and close the dialog box; or highlight

Cancel to give up the modification and close the dialog box directly.
NF 密
CO 保


Figure 5-9 Image Parameter Preset Dialog Box

- 49 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

5.7. Presetting

5.7.1. Entering Presetting

Press Preset, and the system displays the preset menu, as shown below.

EN 件
ID 文
Figure 5-10 Preset Menu (the left—with no DICOM installed, and the right—with DICOM installed)

5.7.2. Displaying / Modifying Presetting Parameters
NF 密

Select a type of preset and press Set to display the relevant dialog box, and you can modify the
parameter following the prompt instruction.
CO 保

Reference Section 5.6 Dialog Box Operation.

5.7.3. System Preset

1. In preset menu, move the cursor to highlight System preset and press Set to display System
preset dialog box, as shown below.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight an item and then press Set. Then use the keyboard to enter text.

- 50 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

EN 件
ID 文
TI Figure 5-11 System Preset Dialog Box
NF 密

Preset items Options Functions

Set hospital name displayed on the top left of
Hospital Name Input freely
CO 保

the screen and diagnosis report.

Canine, Feline, Equine, Bovine,

Default Species Set the default species
Ovine, Porcine, and Others

Chinese, English, etc. (The

Language language options vary with Set the system language
language software installed.)

SnapShot Type Set the storage file format type of snap shot.
DICOM is installed)
Set the storage device of snap shot.
Note: If there is internal hard disk installed in
Fixed, or USB disk/internal hard
SnapShot Device the system, the hard disk always takes A:\
disk(A:\, B:\, C:\)
drive and USB disks take B:\ and C:\ drives;
If not, USB disks always take A:\ and B:\ drive.

PW Velocity Units cm/s, kHz Set the velocity units of PW spectrum

Print Report Select whether to print image in report when
√/ Null
Image using graph/text report printer.

Select whether the device enters sleep mode

System Sleep √/ Null when no operation is performed for certain

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Keyboard Sound √/ Null Turn on or off the keyboard sound.

Date Format Set freely YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
Date Set freely Set the system date.
Time Set freely Set the system time, format: H/M/S.
Set the system waiting time to enter sleep
mode (5-60 min), the default waiting time is 30
Waiting time 5-60 min
min, then screensaver is displayed and
acoustic output is disabled.
Set the grade of refresh speed during system
Refresh Speed 1-10

Table 5-3 General Preset Information

Preset items Options Functions

Set the color of the comment when
Comment Active Green/ Yellow/ White/ Red/ Orange

EN 件
entering comments.
Set the color of the comment when
Comment Inactive Green/ Yellow/ White/ Red/ Orange

comments are already saved.
Guide Line
ID 文
Green/ Yellow/ White/ Red/ Orange Set the color of the needle guide line.
TI TIS/TIB Select the types of thermal index.

Brightness 0-14 Set the brightness of monitor
Color Temp 0-3 Set the tones of monitor color
NF 密

Video Color Type Colorized/ Monochrome Set the output video color
Video Mode PAL/NTSC Set the output video mode
CO 保

Video Paper Small/Large Set the video printer paper size.

None, Save Frame (F1 by default),
Save Cine, Save AVI, File Manager,

Button Send DCM Image (If DICOM is Define the F1/F2/F3/F4 keys, select one
F1/F2/F3/F4 installed), Send Cine Images(If of the pull-down options.
DICOM is installed), Save Preset
Data, Needle guide.

Table 5-4 Application Preset Information

You must restart the system to validate the change, including Language and Keyboard Sound.
After you perform those presetting, and press OK, the system displays a confirm dialog box to
prompt you whether to restart the system.

5.7.4. Probe Preset


In preset menu, move the cursor to highlight Probe Preset and press Set to display Probe preset
dialog box, as shown below.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

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ID 文
Figure 5-12 Probe Preset Dialog Box

The Probe preset dialog box displays probe selection and Exam mode selection. This page is
NF 密
used to assign an exam type to a specific probe.
CO 保

1. Select a desired probe: move the cursor onto the column ― ‖, and select
the probe model you need through the pull-down menu.
2. Select exam mode for the probe: the left side is the ―System Support‖, which lists all exam

modes supported by the system. The right side is the ―Probe Associate‖, which lists exam
modes already associated with the probe. To add an exam associated with the probe, select

the exam from the left and click on . To add all of the different exams from the left

to the right, click on . To delete an exam associated with the probe, select the exam

first, and then click on . To delete all exams associated with the probe, click on


3. Arrange the sequence of the associated exams: after the exams associated with the probe are

set, you can select an exam, and click on or to adjust the sequence of

it gradually.

4. Click on to confirm the modification, or click on to give up.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

5.7.5. Exam Preset

Exam Preset is used to add, delete and copy exam mode.

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Figure 5-13 Exam Preset Dialog Box

CO 保

 To get a copy of the existing exam: Select a desired exam mode, and click on Copy. For
example, select the exam ―Peri. Artery‖, and press Copy to get ―C Peri. Artery‖, a copy of

the exam ―PV Artery’. To rename the ―C Peri. Artery‖ exam, click on Rename.
 To delete an exam: Select a desired exam mode, click on Delete, the system displays a

prompt ―Delete the exam?‖ Click on Yes to delete the exam, or click on No to exit.
 To add an exam: Press Add to display the Add new Exam Mode dialog box, as shown
below. Input an exam name in the ―Exam name‖ blank, select an application for the exam
upon you needs, and press OK to close the dialog box, and then the new exam mode will be
displayed in the Exam Preset dialog box.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

EN 件
Figure 5-14 Add new Exam Mode Dialog Box

ID 文
The default exam modes can not be deleted or renamed.

 To configure relevant parameters for the newly added exam mode, such as probes, or image
NF 密
parameters, press Probe Preset or Image Preset on preset menu.

5.7.6. Image Parameter Preset

CO 保

Image parameter preset:

Press Preset>Image Preset, and select Image Preset in the submenu to open the Image

Parameter Preset dialog box.

Image parameter preset is used to set image parameters for a specific probe in a specific exam
mode. Parameters for each image mode are different, but the setting ways are similar. See the

example of image parameter preset shown as below, for the probe C6152UB in Color Mode,
Abd-Small exam:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

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Figure 5-15 Image Parameter Preset Dialog Box

(For probe C6152UB in Abd-Small exam, Color Mode)
CO 保

The Exam Mode field on the left side of the dialog box displays all exam modes supported by the
probe. While the right side of the dialog box displays all parameter settings for the probe in
different image modes.

Select probe C6152UB from the probe pull-down menu firstly. Move the trackball to highlight
Abd-Small in the Exam Mode column and press Set, roll the trackball onto the Color tab to enter
Color Mode image parameter presetting page for the probe C6152UB, Abd-Small exam. You can

set the parameters by selecting an option from the pull-down menu, or ticking on the option.

Preset Items Options Functions

Image Type Detail/ Soft/ HContrast/ Penetration Set the default image type
F1/F2/F3/THI1/THI2 Set the default frequency of probe, F1-THI2
(5 levels of frequency) represents five levels of frequencies
Gain 0-130 Set the default gain of B mode
Dyn Rng 30-150, in increments of 4 Set the default dynamic range of B mode

Set the default eSRI (Speckle Resistance

eSRI 0-8
Focus Num 1/2/3/4 Set the default number of focuses.

Focus Pos 0-15 Set the default position of focuses

Set if the spatial compounding is activated
Spatial Comp On/Off by default or not (This function is not
available for probe P5-1b)
Frame Persist 0-7 Set the default factor of frame persist

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Select the default post-processing gray

Gray Map 0-14
curve map
Rejection 0-7 Set the default rejection
Scan Mode HiDen/HiFPS Set the default scan mode
Depth 1.9 cm-32.4 cm (C352UB) Set the default examine depth
Scan Angle 0/1/2/3 Set the default scan angle
Pseudo Color 0-6 Set the default colorization colors
B/W Invert On/Off Set if the image is B/W inverted by default
90°Rotate 0/90°/180°/270° Set the default display direction of image
Set if image is inverted horizontally by
H Reverse √/×
default or not
Set if image is inverted vertically by default
V Reverse √/×
or not
Line Average 0-7 Set the default line average of M mode
Sweep Speed 0-3 Set the default sweeping speed of M mode
Set the default display layout of dual-split

EN 件
B/M Display U/D, L/R
mode B+M: Up/Down, Left/Right.
Table 5-5 B/M Mode Image Parameter Preset Information

Preset Items
ID 文
Options Functions
Set the default flow type
Flow Type H Flow /M Flow/ L Flow
(high/ medium/ low speed)

TI Set the default frequency of probe in color

NF 密
Freq F1/F2
Gain 1-80 Set the default gain of Color mode
PRF 0-15 Set the default PRF of Color mode
CO 保

WallFilter 0-7 Set the default wallfilter of Color mode

Packet Size 4 levels, 8,10,12,14 Set the default packet size
Smooth filter 0-7 Set the default smooth filter
Persist 0-7 Set the default persist

Threshold 0-15 Set the default threshold

Options for this parameter depend
ROI Depth Set the default ROI depth of Color Mode
on the depth range of each probe.

ROI Size Small/Middle/Large Set the default size of ROI of Color Mode
ROI Color Yellow/Green Set the default frame boundary color of ROI
Base Line 0~6 Set the default position of base line
In Color mode:0-7
In PDI mode: Set the default map displayed in Color/PDI
0-3 (PDI) mode
4-7 (DPDI)

Table 5-6 Color/PDI Mode Image Parameter Preset Information

Preset Items Options Functions

Set the default flow type
Flow Type H Flow /M Flow/ L Flow

(high/ medium/ low speed)

Gain 1-80, in increments of 1 Set the default gain of PW image
Dyn Rng 30-90, in increments of 2 Set the default dynamic range of PW mode
Set the default frequency of probe in PW
Freq F1/F2

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

PRF 0-15, 0.9kHz-14.7kHz Set the default PRF in PW mode

WallFilter 0-3 Set the default wallfilter in PW mode
Sample Volume 0.5-20.0 Set the default size of the sample volume
Options for this parameter depend
SV Depth Set the default depth of sample volume
on the depth range of each probe.
Pseudo Color 0-6 Set the default colorization colors
Correction Angle -79°-79° Set the default correction angle
Sweep Speed 0-5 Set the default sweeping speed
Set the default direction of PW spectrum
Invert √/×
(above/ below the base line)
Set whether to turn on the HPRF mode by
HPRF √/× default or not (this mode only works with
C5-2b, P5-1b and L15-7b probes)
Base Line 0-6 Set the default position of base line
Sound Volume 0-7 Set the default volume of Doppler
Set the steering angle of the sample line (for

EN 件
Steer -10°、0°、10°
linear array probes)
Set whether to scan in duplex/triplex mode

by default or not
ID 文
Table 5-7 PW Mode Image Parameter Preset Information

Preset Items Options Functions
Set the default flow type
NF 密
Flow Type H Flow /M Flow/ L Flow
(high/ medium/ low speed)
Gain 1-80, in increments of 1 Set the default gain of CW image
Dyn Rng 30-90, in increments of 2 Set the default dynamic range of CW mode
CO 保

Set the default measurable range of flow

PRF 0-31, 0.8kHz-80kHz
WallFilter 0-3 Set the default wallfilter in CW mode
Pseudo Color 0-6 Set the default colorization colors

Correction Angle -79°-79° Set the default correction angle

Sweep Speed 0-5 Set the default sweeping speed
Base Line 0-6 Set the default position of base line

Sound Volume 0-7 Set the default volume of Doppler

Set the default direction of CW spectrum
Invert √/×
(above/ below the base line)

Table 5-8 CW Mode Image Parameter Preset Information

To set a default exam mode for a probe:

1. Select a probe and an exam mode in the Image Parameter Preset dialog box.

2. Roll the trackball onto the ―Others‖ tab and press Set.

3. Select a default exam mode from the Default Image Mode pull-down menu.

4. Click on OK, a hint of “Are you sure you want to permanently save changes”pops out, click
Yes to confirm the setting, or click on Cancel to exit.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
Figure 5-16 Default Image Mode Preset Dialog Box

Save as XML/ Load XML:

Press Preset>Image Preset, and select Save as XML/ Load XML in the submenu to save /load
CO 保

the image preset data for the selected probe and exam.

 To save as XML

This function is used to save image preset data for the selected probe and exam to a
designated disk for back-up. The format of the data file is .XML.

1. Roll the trackball to highlight Save as XML and press Set. The system displays the
Preset Data Save As dialog box.

2. The data file is named as ―Exam name-probe name‖ by default, and is stored in the
Preset Data folder of default driver. You can change the driver (if a USB-Disk or internal
hard disk is connected), or press New Folder to create a folder for storing preset data; or

change the file name in the File Name field with the keyboard.

3. Click OK to save preset data to the designated folder and close the dialog box.

 To load XML

This function is used to load the existing preset data to the preset data memory of the system.
The system will be reset and operate according to the newly loaded preset data.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control


1. Roll the trackball to highlight Load XML and press Set. The system displays the Preset
Data Load dialog box.

2. Roll the trackball to select the preset data file and click OK, or double click on the file,
the system displays a prompt: ―Load preset data?‖

3. Click Yes, you will be prompted to replace the preset data if the exam in preset data file
already exists in the system, click Yes to load the preset data directly, or click No to
display the Add new exam mode dialog box, create an exam, press Probe and select the
exam, and then the preset data will be loaded; if the exam does not exist in the system,
the Add new exam mode dialog box will be displayed, create an exam, press Probe and
select the exam, and then the preset data will be loaded.

EN 件

Be careful, if you confirm to load existing preset data, all of the previous preset will be
ID 文
cleared, and the system will operate according to the newly loaded preset data.

5.7.7. Comment Preset
NF 密

There are eight tabs of comment library: generic, abdomen 1, abdomen 2, obstetric, cardiac, small
parts, lesion 1 and lesion 2. Each tab has a few sets of comments defined at factory, and you can
CO 保

create up to 6 user-defined comments for each tab by using the Add button, you can also modify
or delete the user-defined comments.


1. Press Preset on the keyboard to activate the presetting function.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Comment Preset and then press Set. Then the Comment

Preset dialog box is displayed, as shown below:


Figure 5-17 Comment Preset Dialog Box

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

To create user-defined comments (take Generic tab for instance):

1. Press Generic tab to open the Generic comment library.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight one of the custom comments, and press Set.

3. Roll the trackball to highlight the left side frame of Custom Comment, and press Set. Then
the cursor turns to ―‫‖׀‬, as shown below. You can enter comment with the keyboard.

Figure 5-18 Custom Comment Library

4. Roll the trackball to highlight the right side frame of Custom Comment, and press Set. Then

EN 件
the cursor turns to ―‫‖׀‬, as shown below. You can enter some detailed help information about
the newly created comment with the keyboard.

ID 文
NF 密

Figure 5-19 Custom Detailed Information of Comment Library

5. Roll the trackball to highlight Add to add the newly created comment to one of the custom
CO 保

comments of Generic.

6. Press OK to save the modification, and the created comment will be displayed in the Generic

tab of System-defined Comment Library, or press Cancel to give up and close the dialog box.

To modify user-defined comments (take Generic tab for instance):

1. Press Generic to open the Generic comment library.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight a user-defined comment, and press Set.

3. Roll the trackball to highlight the left or right frame of Custom Comment, and press Set. Then
the cursor turns to ―‫‖׀‬, modify the name or detailed help information of the user-defined
comment with the keyboard.

4. Press OK to save the modification, or press Cancel to give up and close the dialog box.

To delete user-defined comments (take Generic tab for instance):


1. Press Generic to open the Generic comment library.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight a user-defined comment, and press Set.

3. Press Del to delete the comment.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

4. Press OK to save the modification, or press Cancel to give up and close the dialog box.

5.7.8. Presetting Data

Press Preset, roll the trackball to highlight Preset Data, and press Set. You can view three
options in Preset Data submenu: Save As DAT, Load DAT and Factory Default.
To save preset preferences, select Save As DAT; to load existing preset preferences, select Load
DAT; to restore factory default presetting, select Factory Default.
 To Save Preset Data
This function is used to save all user preset data to a designated disk for back-up. The format
of the data file is .DAT.

EN 件
1. Roll the trackball to highlight Save As DAT and press Set. The system displays the
Preset Data Save As dialog box, as shown below.

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CO 保

Figure 5-20 Preset Data Save As Dialog Box

2. Select the destination driver and folder, or press New Folder to create a folder for

storing preset data; press Set in the field next to File Name, enter a file name with the

3. Click OK to save preset data to the designated folder and close the dialog box.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

 To Load existing Preset Data

This function is used to load the existing preset data to the preset data memory of the system.
The system will be reset and operate according to the newly loaded preset data.


1. Roll the trackball to highlight Load DAT and press Set. The system displays the Preset
Data Load dialog box, as shown below.

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NF 密
CO 保

Figure 5-21 Preset Data Load Dialog Box

2. Select the preset data file and click on OK.

3. The system will be reset and operate according to the newly loaded preset data


Be careful, if you confirm to load existing preset data, all of the previous preset will be
cleared, and the system will operate according to the newly loaded preset data.

 To Restore Factory Default Presetting


Roll the trackball to highlight Factory Default and press Set. The system will restore the
factory presetting.

Be careful, if you confirm to restore factory default presetting, all of the previous preset
will be cleared, and the system will restore preset data at factory.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

5.7.9. Presetting DICOM

If you have installed the DICOM software, perform the DICOM presetting as shown below.

EN 件
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Figure 5-22 DICOM Preset

TI Description
NF 密
System AE Title The same as the title set in the AE Title of Local
Institution Name Set the name of the institution
Local AE Title Set the local AE title
CO 保

Host Name Set the local host name

IP Address Set the local IP address
Port Set the local port

Alias Set the alias of the local system

Package Set the PDU transmission package size, from 4K to 64K, and the
Size default value is 16K.

Server 1/2 AE Title Set the server AE title, the same as the System AE Title
Host Name Set the server host name
IP Address Set the server IP address
Port Set the server port
Alias Set the alias of the server
Package Set the PDU receiving package size, from 4K to 64K, and the

Size default value is 16K.

Verify After presetting the server information, press Verify to verify the server’s

Local Subnet Mask Set the local subnet mask

Local Gateway Set the local gateway
Current Server To choose the current server that is connected to the system.
Table 5-10 DICOM Presetting Information

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Press OK to save the presetting and exit, or Cancel to exit without saving the presetting.


1. Do not set a same IP Address for the local system and the server.
2. Ensure that you have turned on the server before verifying it.

5.7.10. Maintenance

The maintenance can be only done by EDAN authorized personnel.

5.7.11. System Information

In the preset menu, move the cursor to highlight System Info and press Set to display System
information interface.

EN 件
5.8. Printing

ID 文
To connect a video printer:

1. Connect a video printer. Refer to 4.3.6 Printer Installation for details.
NF 密
2. Check the printer, referring to the printer user manual.

3. Make sure the Report Printer and Print Report Image options in the General Preset
CO 保

window are set correctly.

4. Run the printer.

Video printing:

Press Print on the keyboard to print the image currently displayed.

To connect a graph/text report printer:

1. Connect a graph/text report printer. Refer to 4.3.6 Printer Installation for details.

2. Check the printer, referring to the printer user manual.

3. Check the Report Printer and Print Report Image in System Preset.

4. Enter the desired worksheet to edit the examination and diagnosis information.

5. Run the printer.

Graph/text report printing:


Press Print in the worksheet dialog box to print the report.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual System Control

Print area:

The print area includes: information field, image field, parameter field, and measurement results


1. When using a monochrome printer, preset the video color to ―monochrome‖ through
System Preset>Application Preset; When using a color printer, EDAN
recommends you to preset the video color to ―Colorized‖, but ―monochrome‖ is also
2. Before printing, make sure there is enough paper for printing.
3. Before printing, make sure the presetting printer type is correct.
4. Before printing, make sure the printer power cord and the USB cable are connected

EN 件
5. Do not cut off the printer power supply or the USB cable during printing.

6. If the printer can not work normally, please restart the printer and the U2 VET.
ID 文
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CO 保


- 66 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Chapter 6 Operation

6.1. Entering or Editing Patient Information


Before a patient exam, EndExam should be pressed. Pressing EndExam will

automatically erase all cache memory (Including patient data, comments, measurements,
calculations and reports of the last exam, except for archived Images.)


To avoid patient information errors, always check the information with the patient. Make

EN 件
sure the correct patient information appears on all the screens and reports.

Press Patient to display the Patient Data Input Dialog box, as shown below:

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Figure 6-1 Patient Data Input Dialog Box

To switch the input text box: press Enter;

To enter the patient information, use the keyboard;

To save patient information, select OK or press Enter.
To give up the modification, press Cancel to exit.
To modify the patient data, press Patient before the exam ends, and edit in the patient input
dialog box.

6.2. Selecting a Probe and an Examination Type

Connect a probe to the system, and press Probe to open a dialog box as shown in the figure

below. Roll the trackball to select a desired exam type corresponding to the probe, such as
abdomen, obstetrics, muscle, tendon, cardiology, and peripheral vascular. Press OK, or double
click on the exam type to confirm.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

EN 件
ID 文
Figure 6-2 Probe and Examination Selection Menu

While multiple probes are connected to the ultrasound system, only one can be activated at a time.
NF 密
The model of the activated probe is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Press Freeze to activate or deactivate a probe. In frozen status, the ―Freeze‖ icon is
CO 保

displayed on the upper right part of the screen.


DO NOT activate intra-corporeal transducers outside the patient’s body (such as

V562-1UB/ V742UB). Otherwise, EMC requirements will not be met and harmful
interference to other devices in the environment may be caused.


1. You can preset examination types for each probe in Probe Preset, see section 5.7.4
Probe Preset.

2. The maximum surface temperatures of probe L742UB, C6152UB and P5-1b are
respectively 41.5℃, 42.4℃, 42.4℃ and 41.9℃ in simulated operation.

The system limits patient contact temperature to 43℃, and the acoustic output below the
maximum acoustic output limits for track 3. A power-protection circuit is used to prevent

over-current conditions. If the power monitor protection circuit detects an over-current condition,
then the drive current to the probe is cut off promptly, preventing overheating of the probe surface
and limiting acoustic output. Validation of the power protection circuit is performed during
normal operation.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

6.3. Selecting an Imaging Mode

The system will display the default mode after it is powered on. You can select an imaging mode

by pressing , , , , , , , or and then begin an


Reference Section 5.4.5 Imaging Functions and section 5.2Examining.

6.4. Image Adjustments

The U2 VET also provides the following additional control functions, which are available

EN 件
through status menus and Menu Controls panel.

Description Parameter Range Operations
ID 文 Increases or decreases the amount
Gain of echo information. It may brighten Gain Knob
in increments of 2

or darken the B mode image.
This function is used to optimize
NF 密
images quickly according to
characteristics of current tissues.
Image Type HContrast/
And values of associated
CO 保

parameters will be changed

together with it.
Eliminates from the B mode image
eSRI of low level echoes resulting from

(Speckle speckle noise. Thin image granules,

Resistance enhance the image boundary
Imaging) layers, and reserve more details of
the image.

Adjust the gray display range of B Menu Controls

image. The smaller the value, the
Dyn Rng
narrower gray display range and the 30dB-150dB
(Dynamic Range)
lower contrast resolution, and vice
Focus Pos
Adjust the position of focuses. 0-15
(Focus Position)

Focus Num Set the number of focuses. 1-4

Freq Set the frequency of probe. 5 levels


Set the colorization of a

conventional B/PW mode image to
Pseudo Color enhance the visibility so as to 6 types
distinguish B, M and PW mode

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

This function is used to increase

target signals, weaken the speckle
Spatial Comp
noises, enhance image contrast of
the target area, and decrease On/Off
influences of sound shadow,
ultrasound loss and the occurrence
of reverberation.
Remove the bright spot noise that
appears randomly in B mode image.
Frame Persist The bigger the value the stronger 0-7
the effect, but the frame rate will not
be affected.
Adjust the gray scale distribution to Menu Controls
Gray Map 0-14
obtain the optimum images.
Eliminates from the B mode image
of low level echoes resulting from

EN 件
Rejection flicker noise. 0 represents no 0-7
Rejection. The bigger the value, the

stronger the effect.
Adjusts the sector angle for curve
ID 文
probes, and the scan width for linear
ScanAngle (sector probes, providing a larger field of

angle/ scan width) view in the far field. The larger
NF 密
angle, the faster frame rate, and
vice versa.
Rotate the image by 90 degrees (in
90°Rotate 90°,180°, 270°
B mode). Image Parameter
CO 保

B/W Invert Set the color to black or white. On/Off

Set the attribute of Horizontal

H Reverse reversal, which means Left/Right / Press on PC

flip. keyboard

Set the attribute of Vertical reversal,

V Reverse / Press on PC
which means Up/Down flip.

Set the position of sample before

M/D Sample Line entering PW mode. Press to display / Press on PC
or hide the sample line. keyboard
Press to select Dual, and press it
again to switch between a live or
Dual / Press on PC

frozen, single or multi-mode A/B

split screen display.
Press to select Quad, and press it
again to cycle through a live or

Quad / Press on PC
frozen A/B/C/D single or multi-mode
split screen display.

Table 6-1 B Mode image parameters

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Description Parameter Range Operations
CFM: Increase the overall strength
of color flow echoes, but the color
map will not be affected.
Gain PDI: Power Doppler Imaging. The Gain knob
in increments of 1
larger the gain the more number of
reflectors and the brighter of the PDI
The maximum Trackball.
height of ROI is By default, roll the
Scan Size / only 1/2 of the trackball to position
area of physical height of the ROI, and press
Color the image field. Set to switch to
Mode Within B Mode ROI size adjusting
Position /
(ROI) imaging area status.

EN 件
Image Parameter
Color / Yellow/Green

This function is used to optimize
ID 文 flow images quickly according to
H Flow /M Flow
Flow Type current flow state. And values of
/ L Flow
associated parameters will be

changed together with it.
NF 密
On: the window will be automatically
switched to the dual real-time status
Dual Live (the left one is B image, and the On/Off
right one is B+Color/PDI image).
CO 保

Off: non-dual-live status.

The bigger the value, the more
Persist persistence among frames, and the 0-7

more continuity of color maps.

Adjust to smooth out the color
image. Similar to spatial smooth. Menu controls
Smooth filter 0-7
The bigger the value, the stronger

the effect.
Filter out low velocity flow signals in
order to hide unusable motion. It
helps to get rid of motion artifacts
WallFilter caused from breathing and other 0-7
patient motion. The bigger the
value, the more signals of low
velocity will be filtered out.

Adjust to raise or lower the flow

velocity range. The bigger the
value, the higher the maximum

velocity will be detected. Frame rate

PRF 0-15
will be affected by excessive lower
PRF. Aliasing may occur if low
velocity range is set for high velocity

- 71 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Reverse the color of blood flow.

Off: Red toward (positive velocities)
Invert On/Off
and Blue away(negative velocities)
On: opposite to the above.
Adjust the velocity range of forward
flow /reverse flow. Minimize aliasing
Base Line 7 levels
by displaying a greater range of
forward flow or reverse flow.
Each map displays velocity/power
according to colors.
In PDI mode, 7 kinds of maps are In Color mode:0-7
provided: 0-3 belongs to Power In PDI mode:
Doppler Imaging (PDI) Mode maps. 0-3 (PDI)
While, 4-7 belong to Directional 4-7 (DPDI)
Power Doppler Imaging (DPDI)
Menu controls

EN 件
Mode maps.
The bigger the value, the stabler the

flow signals, but the frame rate will
Packet Size 4 levels: 8,10,12,14
be decreased. Adjust properly
ID 文
according to practical applications.
Set the gray scale level at which

strong echoes inside vessel walls
NF 密
will be rejected. The smaller the
value, the lower the gray scale level,
Threshold 0-15
and the more gray scales will be
recognized as echoes inside vessel
CO 保

walls, and the information will be

The lower the frequency, the better

the force of penetration; the higher

Freq 2 levels
the frequency, the better spatial
Adjust the ROI steering angle of the

Color Flow linear image to get more Press or

Angle Steer information without moving the -10°,0°,10°
probe. The Angle steer function only on PC
applies to linear probes. keyboard

Table 6-2 Color/PDI Mode image parameters


- 72 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Description Parameter Range Operations
Increases or decreases the amount
Gain of echo information. It may brighten Gain knob
in increments of 1
or darken the PW mode image.
The sample volume can be
positioned anywhere within B
Position of sample
images; In B+ Color/PDI+PW mode, / Trackball
the sample box moves with sample
This function is used to optimize
flow images quickly according to
H Flow /M Flow
Flow Type current flow state. And values of
/ L Flow
associated parameters will be
changed together with it.
Adjust the correction angle faster in

EN 件
Quick Angle -79°-79°
increments of 30°.
The correction line should be set

parallel to the sample vessel.
Correction Angle Correct the PW velocity caliper to -79°-79°
ID 文
obtain accurate measurement of

Vertically inverts the spectral trace
NF 密
without affecting the baseline.
Off: Above the baseline (towards
Invert the probe, positive velocities) and On/Off
below the baseline(away from the
CO 保

probe,. negative velocities)

On: opposite to the above.
Adjust the baseline position. It helps Menu controls

Base Line to increase positive/negative 7 levels

spectral range for evaluation.
Adjust to raise or lower the flow
velocity range. The bigger the

value, the higher the maximum

velocity will be detected. Frame rate
PRF 0-15
will be affected by excessive lower
PRF. Aliasing may occur if low
velocity range is set for high velocity
When exceeding the maximum
sampling frequency at certain

sample volume depth by further

increasing the PRF, the HPRF
mode is activated automatically;

when decreasing the depth and the

PRF is not limited by depth, the
system exits HPRF mode; or, switch
the HPRF menu control to ―Off‖, the
system exits HPRF mode.

- 73 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Set the colorization of a

conventional B/PW mode image to
Pseudo Color enhance the visibility so as to 6 types
distinguish B, M and PW mode
The echoes information in the
sample volume is used to evaluate
Sample Volume spectral. Adjust the sample volume 0.5-20.0, 16 levels
properly and keep it within the
sample area.
Adjust the gray display range of PW
image. The smaller the value, the
Dyn Rng 30-90dB
narrower gray display range and the
(Dynamic Range) in increments of 2
lower contrast resolution, and vice Menu controls
Insulate the Doppler signal from

EN 件
excessive noise caused from vessel
WallFilter movement The bigger the value, the 0-3

more low velocity signals will be
filtered out.
ID 文
The lower the frequency, the better
the force of penetration; the higher

Freq 2 levels
the frequency, the better spatial
NF 密
Set whether B (B+Color) and PW
Duplex/Triplex images are displayed On/Off
CO 保

Adjust the scanning speed level of

Sweep Speed 0-5
the PW mode image.
Press one of the

Decrease/ increase the volume of three keys on PC

Volume of PW
Doppler; 7 levels, or mute keyboard
Or mute the sound.

Press one of the

Adjust the steering angle of the two keys on PC
Angle steer sample line. The angle steer -10°,0°,10° keyboard
function only applies to linear probe.

Set the position of sample before


M/D Sample Line Display/hide Press on PC

entering PW mode.

Table 6-3 PW Mode image parameters

- 74 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Description Parameter Range Operations
Increases or decreases the amount
Gain of echo information. It may brighten Gain knob
in increments of 1
or darken the CW mode image.
Position of sample
Within image / Trackball
This function is used to optimize
flow images quickly according to
H Flow /M Flow
Flow Type current flow state. And values of
/ L Flow
associated parameters will be
changed together with it.
Adjust the correction angle faster in
Quick Angle -79°-79°
increments of 30°.
The correction line should be set
parallel to the sample vessel.

EN 件
Correction Angle Correct the CW velocity caliper to -79°-79°
obtain accurate measurement of

ID 文Vertically inverts the spectral trace
without affecting the baseline.
Off: Above the baseline (towards

the probe, positive velocities) and On/Off
NF 密
below the baseline(away from the
probe,. negative velocities)
On: opposite to the above. Menu controls
CO 保

Adjust the baseline position. It helps

Base Line to increase positive/negative 7 levels
spectral range for evaluation.

Adjust to raise or lower the flow

velocity range. The bigger the
value, the higher the maximum
velocity will be detected. Frame rate
PRF 0-31

will be affected by excessive lower

PRF. Aliasing may occur if low
velocity range is set for high velocity
Set the colorization of a
conventional B/CW mode image to
Pseudo Color 6 types
enhance the visibility so as to
distinguish CW mode intensity.

Adjust the gray display range of CW

image. The smaller the value, the
Dyn Rng 30-90dB
narrower gray display range and the
(Dynamic Range) in increments of 2

lower contrast resolution, and vice


- 75 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Insulate the Doppler signal from

excessive noise caused from vessel
WallFilter movement The bigger the value, the 0-3
more low velocity signals will be Menu controls
filtered out.
Adjust the scanning speed level of
Sweep Speed 0-5
the CW mode image.
Press one of the
Decrease/ increase the volume of three keys on PC
Volume of CW
Doppler; 7 levels, or mute keyboard
Or mute the sound.

Table 6-4 CW Mode image parameters

Description Parameter Range Operations

EN 件
Increases or decreases the amount 0-130,
Gain of echo information. It may brighten Gain knob

or darken the M mode image. in increments of 2
ID 文 Within B Mode
M-Mark Position the sample line. Trackball
image area

Adjust the scanning speed level of 0-3
Sweep Speed
the M mode image.
NF 密

Set the display layout of dual-split

Display Layout U/D, L/R
mode of B+M: Up/Down, Left/Right.
CO 保

Eliminates from the M mode image

of low level echoes resulting from
Rejection flicker noise. 0 represents no 0-7
Rejection. The bigger the value, the
stronger the effect.

Adjust the gray display range of M

Dyn Rng image. The smaller the value, the
narrower gray display range and the 30-150dB
(Dynamic Range) lower contrast resolution, and vice Menu controls

Focus Pos
Adjust the position of focuses. 0-15
(Focus Position)
Freq Set the frequency of probe. 5 levels
Set the colorization of a
conventional M mode image to
Pseudo Color 6 types
enhance the visibility so as to

distinguish M mode intensity.

Line Average Set image line softening attribute. 0-7
Adjust the gray scale distribution to
Gray Map 0-14

obtain the optimum images.

Table 6-5 M Mode image parameters

- 76 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Save image parameter preset:

1. After the image parameter adjustments, press Save Preset Data key (user-defined key

2. Press Yes in the ―Save current image parameters data?‖ dialog box.

3. Press Yes in the ―Overwrite the current exam preset data?‖ dialog box to save the image
parameter preset to the current exam mode; Or press No, and enter a new exam name in the
―Save preset data‖ dialog box to save the image parameter preset to the new exam mode.

6.5. Generic Measurements and Calculations

Mode Generic Measurement & Calculation Items

EN 件
B/Color Distance, Cir/Area (Ellipse/Trace), Volume (2-Axis/3-Axis), Ratio, % Stenosis and Angle

M Distance, Time, Slope and Hear Rate (two cycles)

ID 文
In non-cardiac exam:
Velocity, Heart Rate, Time, Acceleration, Resistance Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI) and

D Auto Trace (auto trace is available only for PW mode)
In cardiac exam:
NF 密
Velocity, PG, Time, Heart Rate, Slope, PHT, Trace (Manual)

Table 6-6 Generic measurement & calculation Items

CO 保

Distance and circumference will be presented in mm or cm; area, in mm2, cm2, or dm2; volume, in
mm3, cm3, dm3, mL or L; time in ms or s, and heart rate in bpm, etc.

After entering B/ Color/ PDI/ PW/ CW/ M mode, press Caliper to activate the B/ Color/ PDI/
PW/ CW/ M mode generic measurement function, and the light will be on.

There is one type of mark in B mode measurement: ―+‖.

There are three types of marks in M mode measurement: ―+‖, big ―+‖, and a line.

The measurement results will be displayed in real-time. After measurement, the outcome is
displayed in measurement result window with a serial number. You can measure one to four
groups of data. If you continue to measure, the earliest group will be automatically covered by the
newest one.


1. When you exit measurement status, or press EndExam/Clear, all the measurements

will be cleared.

2. During general measurement, press Back to delete the previous operation.

- 77 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

3. After a complete general measurement, press Back to erase a measurement at a


The generic measurements and calculations include four sets of measurement calipers, four sets
of ellipses, four sets of measurement results at most.

6.5.1. Generic Measurements in B Mode

The default measurement of B mode is distance measurement. B mode measurement menus are
shown as follows:

EN 件
ID 文
Figure 6-3 B Mode Generic Measurement and Calculation Menu
NF 密

To measure distance:

1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.

CO 保

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Distance, press Set to activate a

measurement cursor ―+‖ on the screen.

3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point.

4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the end point.

5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new distance measurement.
You can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome
will be displayed in the measurement result window, as shown below.

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.



Figure 6-4 Distance Measurement and the Results

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Circumference/Area  Ellipse Method

To measure Circumference / Area:
1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight Cir/Area. Then select Ellipse, and
press Set to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖ on the screen.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point of fixed
axis of ellipse.
4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the end point of fixed
axis of ellipse.
5. Roll the trackball, and press Set to define the size of the ellipse.

EN 件
6. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new
circumference/area measurement. You can measure a maximum
of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in the

measurement result window, as shown below.
ID 文
7. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

NF 密
CO 保



Figure 6-5 Ellipse Circumference/Area Method and the Results

 Trace Method
To measure Circumference / Area:

1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Cir/Area. Then select Trace, and

press Set to activate a measurement cursor on the screen.

3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point.
4. Roll the trackball to outline the region of interest. As you move the

- 79 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

trackball, the system displays dots to outline the structure. To correct

an error in the trace, press Back to move in reverse along the traced
outline. Roll the trackball to move forward again. The system
automatically closes the loop when the last measurement marker is
moved very near to the start point. Or press Set to close the loop. The
system draws a line from the position of the active measurement
marker to the beginning of the loop.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new circumference/area
measurement. You can measure a maximum of four groups of data.
The outcome will be displayed in the measurement result window, as
shown below.
6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

EN 件

ID 文
TI Figure 6-6 Trace Circumference/Area Method and the Results
NF 密

Volume  2-Axis volume method

V= (π/6) × A × B2, (A: the length of major axis. B: the length of minor
CO 保

Two-axis volume method can be used to perform volume measurement by
calculating only one set of measured data.

Operating Method:
The two-axis volume method is similar to the generic B mode Cir/Area

measurement ellipse method. You can measure a maximum of four groups

of data.
 3-Axis method
V= (π/6) × A × B × M,
(A: the length of major axis. B: the length of minor axis. M: the length of
the third axis.)

Three-axis method can be used to perform volume measurement by

calculating two sets of measured data, EA and the length of the third axis.
To complete volume measurement, first measure EA by ellipse method,

and then measure the length of the third axis with the distance
measurement method, and the value of volume will be displayed

- 80 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

To measure volume:

In the B mode

1. Obtain a cross-section image and freeze the system.

2. Measure the lengths of the major axis and the minor axis of the cross
section with the ellipse method.

3. Unfreeze the system to acquire a new image (vertical-section image),

and then freeze it.

4. Measure the length of the third axis in the vertical section image with
the distance measurement method. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data. The outcome will be displayed in the measurement

EN 件
result window.

In the 2B mode or 4B mode

ID 文 To measure volume:

1. Obtain the cross-section image and the vertical-section image.

TI 2. Measure the length of the major axis and the minor axis of the cross
NF 密

section with the ellipse method.

3. Roll the trackball to the next image, vertical section image, measure
CO 保

the length of the third axis with the distance measurement method.
The outcome will be displayed in the measurement result window, as
shown below.

4. Press Caliper to finish and exit.


Figure 6-7 3-Axis Volume Method and the Results

- 81 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

 3-Axis (LWH) method

V= (π/6) × L ×W × H,
(L: the length. W: the width. H: the height.)
Three-axis (LWH) method can be used to perform volume measurement
by calculating 3 sets of distance data, L, W, and H. Measure the three
pieces of data by the method of B mode generic distance measurement,
and then the value of volume will be displayed automatically.
To measure volume:
In the B mode
1. Obtain a cross-section image and freeze the system.
2. Measure the length and the width.

EN 件
3. Unfreeze the system to acquire a new image (vertical-section image),
and then freeze it.

ID 文 4. Measure the height. You can measure a maximum of one group of data.
The outcome will be displayed in the measurement result window.

TI In the 2B mode or 4B mode

NF 密

1. Obtain the cross-section image and the vertical-section image.

2. Measure the length and the width.
CO 保

3. Roll the trackball to the next image, vertical section image, measure the
height. The outcome will be displayed in the measurement result window,
as shown below.

4. Press Caliper to finish and exit.



Figure 6-8 3-Axis (LWH) Volume Method and the Results


Ratio To determine the ratio, perform two measurements: A and B. The system
calculates the ratio: A/B or B/A.

- 82 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

To measure ratio:

1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Ratio, press Set to activate a

measurement cursor on the screen.

3. Measure the first distance A with the distance measurement method.

4. Measure the second distance B, move the cursor and press Set to
anchor the start point, and the mark ―+‖ appears. Move the cursor with
trackball, Measurement Results displays the real time measurement
value and calculation result.

5. During measurement, you can press Update once to change the

settled point and the active point; if you press Update a second time,

EN 件
the system interchanges the numerator and denominator.

6. Roll the trackball and press Set to complete the measurement, and the
ID 文 calculation result will be displayed in the measurement result window.

7. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new ratio measurement.
NF 密
You can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome
will be displayed in the measurement result window.

8. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

CO 保


Figure 6-9 Ratio Measurement and the Results


- 83 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

% Stenosis  Distance stenosis

To determine the distance stenosis, perform two distance measurements:
A and B. The system calculates the stenosis: (A-B)/A * 100%.
To measure distance stenosis:
1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight % Stenosis, and select Distance, and
then press Set to activate a measurement cursor on the screen.
3. Measure the first distance with the distance measurement method.
4. Measure the second distance, move the cursor and press Set to anchor
the start point, and the mark ―+‖ appears. Move the cursor with
trackball, Measurement Results displays the real time measurement

EN 件
value and calculation result.
5. During measurement, you can press Update to change the start point

and the end point; if you press Update again, the system interchanges
ID 文
the numerator and denominator.

6. Roll the trackball and press Set to complete the measurement, and the
NF 密
calculation result will be displayed in the measurement result window.
7. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new stenosis measurement.
You can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome
CO 保

will be displayed in the measurement result window.

8. Press Caliper to finish and exit.



Figure 6-10 Distance Stenosis Measurement and the Results

- 84 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

 Area stenosis
To determine the area stenosis, perform two area measurements: A and B.
The system calculates the stenosis: (A-B)/A * 100%.
To measure area stenosis:
1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight % Stenosis, and select Area, and then
press Set to activate a measurement cursor on the screen.
3. Measure the first area with the ellipse method.
4. Measure the second area, move the cursor and press Set to anchor the
start point, and the mark ―+‖ appears. Move the cursor with trackball,
Measurement Results displays the real time measurement value and

EN 件
calculation result.
5. During measurement, you can press Update to change the start point

and the end point.
ID 文
6. Roll the trackball and press Set to complete the measurement. You can
measure a maximum of one group of data. The outcome will be

TI displayed in the measurement result window.

NF 密

7. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

CO 保



Figure 6-11 Area Stenosis Measurement and the Results

Angle To determine an angle, draw two lines: A and B. The system calculates the

To measure angle:

1. Press Caliper to activate generic measurement function.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Angle, and then press Set to activate a
measurement cursor on the screen.

- 85 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

3. Draw the first line A with the distance measurement method.

4. Draw the second line B, move the cursor and press Set to anchor the
start point, and the mark ―+‖ appears. Move the cursor with trackball,
Measurement Results displays the real time measurement value and
calculation result.
5. During measurement, you can press Update to change the start point
and the end point; if you press Update again, the system interchanges
line A and line B.
6. Roll the trackball and press Set to complete this measurement.
7. Roll the trackball and press Set again to begin a new angle
measurement. You can measure a maximum of four groups of data.
The angles formed by the two lines are displayed in measurement

EN 件
result window, in units of degrees. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window.

8. Press Caliper to finish and exit.
ID 文
NF 密

CO 保




Figure 6-12 Angle measurement

6.5.2. Generic Measurements in M Mode

M mode measurements and calculations include distance, time, slope and heart rate (2 cycles).
These are for B+M and M display modes only. The default measurement of B+M and M mode is

heart rate measurement. M mode measurement menus are shown as follows:


Figure 6-13 M Mode Generic Measurement and Calculation Menu

- 86 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Distance To measure distance:

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight Distance and press Set.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point, and a big ―+‖ is
4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the end point.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new distance measurement. You can
measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window, as shown below.
6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

EN 件
Distance 1

ID 文
NF 密
Figure 6-14 Distance Measurement and the Results

Time To measure time:

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.
CO 保

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Time and press Set.

3. Roll the trackball to move the first measurement cursor at the beginning of the

time interval and then press Set, and the measurement mark turns to a vertical
4. Roll the trackball to move the first measurement cursor at the end of the time

interval and then press Set.

5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new time measurement. You can
measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window, as shown below.
6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.


Figure 6-15 Time Measurement

- 87 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Slope To measure slope:

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight Slope and press Set and a big ―+‖ is displayed.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point, and displays a big ―+‖.
4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the end point.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new slope measurement. You can
measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window, as shown below.
6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

EN 件

ID 文
Figure 6-16 Slope Measurement and the Results

Heart Rate To measure heart rate:
NF 密

1. In the B+M mode, roll the trackball to change the position of the M Mark and
press Set to obtain a satisfying electrocardiogram, and then freeze it.
CO 保

2. In the M mode, freeze the desired image.

Measure the distance between two peaks of cardiac cycles with the time
measurement method.

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Heart Rate and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.

3. Roll the trackball to move the first measurement maker on the first peak systole
and then press Set to anchor start position, and the measurement mark turns to a
vertical line.
4. Roll the trackball to move the second measurement maker on the peak systole
following two complete cycles and then press Set to anchor end position.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new heart rate measurement. You can

measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in

the measurement result window.

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

- 88 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Figure 6-17 Heart Rate Measurement

1. In B+M mode, you should define the M Mark position, and then begin the
2. During heart rate measurement, make sure the start point and end point are exactly in
two cardiac cycles. Otherwise the measurement result will be incorrect.

6.5.3. Generic Measurements in Color/PDI Mode

EN 件
The generic measurements in Color /PDI mode are the same as those in B Mode

ID 文
6.5.4. Generic Measurements in D Mode

In non-cardiac exam:
NF 密
Velocity, Heart Rate, Time, Acceleration, Resistance Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI) and Auto
Trace (auto trace is available only for PW mode).
The measurement menu is shown below.
CO 保

Figure 6-18 PW Mode Generic Measurement and Calculation Menu (In non-cardiac exam)


Heart rate and time measurement methods are the same as those in the M mode.

Reference Section 6.5.2 Generic Measurements in M Mode.

Velocity To measure velocity of a point on the Doppler wave:

- 89 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Velocity and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the point, measuring velocity.
4. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new velocity measurement. You
can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be
displayed in the measurement result window, as shown below.
5. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

Acceleration To measure velocities of two points on the Doppler wave, and calculate the
Acceleration = (Vel1-Vel2) / Interval
1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

EN 件
2. Roll the trackball to highlight Acceleration and press Set and a ―+‖ is

ID 文
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the first point, measuring Vel1.

4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the second point, measuring Vel2
NF 密
and Interval, and calculating Acceleration.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new acceleration measurement.
You can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be
CO 保

displayed in the measurement result window, as shown below.

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

RI To measure velocities of two peak points on the Doppler wave, and calculate RI
and S/D:
Index) RI =︱PS-ED︱/︱PS︱

PS: Peak systolic velocity

ED: End diastolic velocity
1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight RI and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the first peak point, measuring Vel1.

4. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the second peak point, measuring
Vel2, calculating RI.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new RI measurement. You can

measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in

the measurement result window.

- 90 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

PI To measure velocities and pressure difference of two peak points on the Doppler
(Pulsatility wave, and calculate Pulsatility Index(PI):
PI(no unit) = ︱(PS-ED) / TAMAX︱
TAMAX: Time Averaged Maximum Velocity
1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight PI and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point. Roll the trackball to
trace along the Doppler wave forward, or press Back to erase the trace

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4. Press Set to anchor the end point, the system displays the results of PS, ED,
RI, PI, etc. in measurement result window.

5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new PI measurement. You can
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measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window.

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.
NF 密

Auto The trace in PW mode is shown below:

(Auto trace)
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Figure 6-19 Trace Diagram

 VPS is the maximum velocity in the cycle;
 VED is the velocity at the end of diastole;
 V min is the minimum velocity in the cycle.

Freeze the system before performing the tracing function.

 To perform Auto Trace function (automatic tracing)
a) Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖. Before tracing,

press Trace Direction menu control, select Above/Below/Both to trace

spectrum only above the baseline, or only below the baseline, or both
above and below the baseline respectively.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

b) Roll the trackball to highlight Auto and press Set.

c) A big ―+‖ is displayed, roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start
d) Roll the trackball press Set to anchor the end point, the system displays
the results of PS, ED, RI, PI, etc. in measurement result window.
e) After a trace measurement, press Trace Sensitivity+ menu control to
increase the identification sensitivity to the spectrum, the bigger the
value the higher the sensitivity, and the less spectrum information to be
removed, and the higher degree of overlapping between trace line and
spectrum. Or press Trace Sensitivity- to decrease the sensitivity.
f) Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new tracing measurement.
You can measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will

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be displayed in the measurement result window.
g) Press Caliper to finish and exit.

In cardiac exam:
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Velocity, PG, Time, Heart Rate, Slope, PHT, Trace (Manual).

Velocity measurement method is the same as that in the non-cardiac exam of PW/CW mode.
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Heart rate, time and slope measurement methods are the same as those in the M mode.

PG To measure PG of a point on the Doppler wave:

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(Pressure PG[mmHg]=4*v2

1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight PG and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.

3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the point, measuring velocity.
4. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new PG measurement. You can
measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window.
5. Press Caliper to finish and exit.

PHT PHT is defined as the time needed for the peak transvalvular pressure gradient to
fall to its half value. The system also calculates MVA (mitral valve area)
half time)

To measure PHT:
1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

2. Roll the trackball to highlight PHT and press Set.

3. Roll the trackball and then press Set to anchor the start point.
4. Roll the trackball and then press Set to anchor the end point.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new PHT measurement. You can
measure a maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in
the measurement result window.
6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.
NOTE: When performing the PHT measurement above the baseline,
ensure that the end point is lower than the start point; otherwise, the end
point cannot be fixed; and when performing the PHT measurement below
the baseline, ensure that the end point is higher than the start point.

EN 件
Trace To trace spectrum:
(Manual) 1. Press Caliper to activate a measurement cursor ―+‖.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight Trace and press Set and a ―+‖ is displayed.
ID 文
3. Roll the trackball and press Set to anchor the start point. Roll the trackball to

trace along the Doppler wave forward, or press Back to erase the trace
NF 密
4. Press Set to anchor the end point, the system displays the results of Mean
velocity, MeanPG, and VTI (Velocity Time Integral), etc. in measurement
CO 保

result window.
5. Roll the trackball and press Set to begin a new trace. You can measure a
maximum of four groups of data. The outcome will be displayed in the

measurement result window.

6. Press Caliper to finish and exit.


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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

6.6. Application Measurements and Calculations

To enter application measurements and calculations menu, select a probe and the examination
type and press Measure, then you can choose the measurement item you need. Please find more
information about application measurements and calculations in Chapter 7~Chapter 11.

The measurement & calculation items and results for each examination are shown in Table 6-7.

Examination Application measurement & calculation items Result

Kidney L.Kidney, R.Kidney Kidney worksheet
Abdomen Gallbladder:CBD, Gallbladder, Abdominal worksheet
Kidney: Left Kidney, Right Kidney,
Obstetric CRL, GSD, HD, BD, HD&BD, GSD-H, GSD-V, TD, Obstetric worksheet

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and BPD
NOTE: Different measurement labels depend on

different examination species.

ID 文
LV, RV, Mitral, Aorta, etc. Cardiac worksheet
Peri.Vascular PW mode: Vascular worksheet

NF 密

Table 6-7 Application measurement & calculation Items and Results

The system-defined examinations are abbreviated as follows:

CO 保

Abd: Abdominal; OB: Obstetric; Car: Cardiac; Peri.Vas: Peripheral Vascular

After entering the application measurement, the first item of the measurement menu is activated

by default. When you have measured the first item, and pressed Set, the cursor moves to the next
item automatically, you can press Set to enter the measurement, or roll the trackball to select
other items to measure.

In the application measurement menu, ―√‖ is displayed before the item that has been measured.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

6.7. Worksheet (Report)

The system automatically generates a graph/text worksheet (report) for each exam. The
worksheet includes hospital name, patient information, application measurement results, images
and doctor diagnosis. To set the hospital name or whether to include an image in the worksheet,
press Preset>System Preset>General Preset.

To print a graph/text worksheet:

1. Press Report on the keyboard to open the worksheet after an exam;

2. Check the patient information and measurement results. Only the registered patient
information and performed application measurements are recorded in the worksheet;
3. Enter the doctor diagnosis if necessary, press OK to save the information, or press Cancel to

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give up and close the worksheet.
4. Press Print in the worksheet after connecting a graph/text printer.

ID 文
To save a PDF worksheet:

1. Press Report on the keyboard to open the worksheet after an exam;

2. Press Save PDF in the worksheet, the system displays Save PDF report dialog box;
NF 密

3. Select the destination driver and folder, or press New Folder to create a folder for storing
PDF reports, and modify the file name; otherwise, the report will be saved to the default
CO 保

folder with a default file name.

4. Press OK to save the PDF report to the designated folder, or press Cancel to give up.

6.8. Comment Function

The comment library is for positions and anatomical structures.

1. The entered text is in upper case by default.
2. The comments are in different colors under active/inactive status. To preset the
comment colors, press Preset>System Preset>Application Preset.
To add a comment:
 To add a comment by using the keyboard:

1. Press Comment, and there is a cursor ―І‖ displayed in the image area for annotating;
2. Enter text by using the keyboard;

3. Press Set or Enter to complete the comment.

 To add a comment by using the comment library:
1. Press Comment, and there is a cursor ―І‖ displayed in the image area for annotating;

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

2. Press Update, the system displays the comment library of current exam by default. You can
switch to other tabs by moving the trackball and pressing Set;
3. Highlight a comment in the comment library, and press Set to confirm the choice and
complete the comment.
 To add an arrow:
1. Press Comment, and there is a cursor ―І‖ displayed in the image area for annotating;
2. Press Cursor to display an arrow;
3. Move the trackball to move the position of the arrow; and the rotation function of
Multi-function knob is automatically activated and the rotation light is on. You can rotate this
knob to adjust the arrow direction;
4. Press Set to set the position of the arrow.
To move a comment:

EN 件
1. Move the cursor to a comment that needs to be moved, and a rectangle appears around the

ID 文
2. Press Set and move the cursor to a new position;
3. Press Set to confirm the new position.
To modify a comment:

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1. Move the cursor to a comment that is already added, and a rectangle appears around the
CO 保

2. Move the cursor to a desired position within the comment, enter text with the keyboard, or
press Update and select a comment from the comment library; or press Back or DEL to
delete by character;

3. Press Set or Enter to confirm the modification.

To delete a comment:
Move the cursor to a comment that is already added, and a rectangle appears around the comment,

press DEL to delete the comment.

Or, press Clear to cancel all of the comments at one time.
The comment library (Abd 1 tab) is shown below:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

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Figure 6-20 System-defined Comment Library

6.9. Body Mark Function

ID 文
To add a body mark:

1. Press Body Mark, the system displays the Body Mark dialog box of current exam by default.
NF 密
You can switch to other tabs by moving the trackball and pressing Set. The often-used body
marks are listed under each tab, you can press More to enter the page of seldom-used body
marks, and press Back to return to the page of often-used body marks.
CO 保

2. Highlight a body mark in the Body Mark dialog box, and press Set to confirm the choice to
add the body mark. The selected body marks are displayed in the bottom left corner of the

3. After adding a body mark, use the trackball to move the position of the probe; and the
rotation function of Multi-function knob is automatically activated and the rotation light is on,

you can rotate this knob to adjust the probe scanning direction.

4. Press Set to complete adding the body mark.

In dual or quad split mode, you can add a body mark to the currently active window; if you

press or .to switch to another window, you can also add a body mark to the


To move a body mark:


1. Move the cursor to a body mark that needs to be moved, and a rectangle appears around the
body mark;
2. Press Set and move the cursor to a new position;

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

3. Press Set to confirm the new position.

To delete a body mark:
Press Clear to delete all of the body marks at one time.
There are over 40 types of body marks, and the Abd-Small tab of system body mark library is
shown as below:

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NF 密
Figure 6-21 Body Marks

6.10. Zoom
CO 保

Zoom is used to magnify images for better viewing.

 To zoom in real-time/frozen B mode:

In real-time or frozen B mode, press Multi-function knob till the zooming light is on, and the
system displays a zooming window in the middle of the image; roll the trackball to move the
zoom window to the desired area, press Set to enter Zoom state, and rotate the zooming
adjustment knob to adjust magnification of the zoom window. Press Set to display the zoomed

image, and then roll the trackball to move the zoomed image. If you press Set once again to
anchor the image, you can still rotate the zooming adjustment knob to adjust magnification factor
of the zoom window. Press Multi-function knob again to exit Zoom. In the zoomed B mode
status, press Color or PDI to enter B+Color /PDI mode.
 To zoom in real-time 2B mode: Similar to zooming in B mode.
 To zoom in real-time B+Color/PDI mode:

After the position of ROI window (region of interest) is set, press Multi-function knob to
magnify the ROI area; in zoom status, you can rotate the zooming adjustment knob to adjust
magnification factor, or roll the trackball to move and adjust the ROI window. Press

Multi-function knob again to exit Zoom; press Color or PDI again to exit zoom status and color
imaging mode.
 To zoom in frozen B+Color/PDI mode:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

In the frozen B+Color/PDI mode, press Multi-function knob till the zooming light is on, the
system displays a zooming window, rotate the zooming adjustment knob to adjust magnification
factor, and press Set to enter the zoomed status. But in the zoomed B+C status, the ROI cannot be
displayed or moved.
 The Zoom range is 1.14-4.0 (7 levels)

To zoom an image in each mode, press Multi-function knob till the zooming light is on.
Otherwise, the zoom function will not be activated.

6.11. CINE Review

The system provides a storage capacity of 409 frames(Color)/1227frames(Black & White) for
CINE Review playback.

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Activate the device and enter the real-time imaging mode. Enable the system to collect images

before CINE Review playback. The cine function includes frame-by-frame playback (manual
ID 文
playback) and motion playback (automatic playback). The cine review symbol is displayed on the
bottom of the screen, as shown below:

NF 密
End Frame
Review Mark
Start Frame
CO 保

Frame serial No. Total frames

Figure 6-22 CINE Review Progress Bar

To perform the manual playback: 序列号

1. Press Freeze to freeze the image, and the system displays the cine menu, as shown below:

Figure 6-23 Cine Review Menu


2. Roll the trackball to start playing back frame by frame. Roll the trackball to the right to
advance the cine data one frame at a time, or to the left to move the data in reverse. The
arrow on the CINE Review Symbol indicates the direction toward which the data is moving.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

The loop of data wraps around when either end is reached. As the trackball moves, the
current cine number is displayed on the right of the CINE Review Symbol.
3. Press Cine to exit manual playback mode, or press Freeze to exit the CINE Review playback
and enter the real-time scanning status.

To perform the automatic playback:

1. Press Freeze to freeze the image, and the system displays the cine menu.
2. Set the start frame: in manual playback status, roll the trackball to review frame by frame
until the frame that you want to set as the start point, press Start Frame menu control to set
it as the start frame, or rotate the Start Frame menu control to select a frame as the start
3. Set the end frame: in manual playback status, roll the trackball to review frame by frame

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until the frame that you want to set as the end point, press End Frame menu control to set it
as the end frame, or rotate the End Frame menu control to select a frame as the end frame.

ID 文
Rotate the FPS menu control to adjust the review speed, and press Play/Stop menu control to
start the automatic playback within the set region (Start frame-end frame).

In automatic playback status, press Play/Stop to stop.
NF 密

6. Press Cine to go back to the manual playback status. Or, press Freeze to exit the CINE
Review playback and enter real-time scanning status.
CO 保

In dual or quad split screen status, freeze the image, and press or to toggle between
the two or four windows, the CINE Review progress bar corresponds to the currently active

image, you can perform manual/auto CINE Review for the currently active image. Only CINE
images in the set region of currently active image can be saved.
In dual live mode of B and B+ (Color/PDI), freeze the image, then you can perform CINE

Review and Save Cine for both images.

During playing back, press Save As to save the file in BMP, JPG, RFM, DCM, CIN or AVI
format. You can save files to the local disk, USB disk or internal hard disk. Or, press File>Save
Cine to save the cine images of the set region. For details about operation method, please refer to
6.12.1 Saving Files.


1. Cine review can’t be performed at the beginning of scanning or probe switching. You
should wait until 30 seconds later.

2. The FPS (frames per second) is adjustable, from 5 to 50, in increments of 5.

3. After opening a cine file, you can perform measurements, add comments and the

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

body mark on the image and print them in the report. See section 6.8 Comment Function
and section 6.9 Body Mark Function for detailed operation information.

6.12. File Management

Press File to display the file menu, shown as below.

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Figure 6-24 File Menu (the left—with no DICOM installed, the right—with DICOM installed)

6.12.1. Saving Files

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File types:

The file types include BMP, JPG, DCM (if DICOM is installed), CIN, FRM, AVI.
CO 保

To choose a storage disk:

Highlight Storage in the file menu and press Set repeatedly to cycle between Fixed, USB-Disk

and internal hard disk (A:\, B:\, C:\). If no USB-disk or internal hard disk is connected, only the
Fixed storage disk will be available. You can set the default storage disk by using Preset>System
Preset>General Preset.


1. After connecting a removable disk, the interface displays a USB symbol on the
bottom left corner.
2. If there is internal hard disk installed in the system, the hard disk always takes A:\
drive and USB disks take B:\ and C:\ drives; If not, USB disks always take A:\ and B:\

drive. Please select a correct storage drive prior to saving files.

To set a file type:


The File Type in the file menu means the file type for the quick saved images.

To choose a file type for the quick saved images: highlight File Type in the file menu and press
Set repeatedly to cycle between JPG, BMP, FRM and DCM (if DICOM is installed).

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

To save a file:

The system provides two ways to save images:

 Press SaveImg on the keyboard;

Press SaveImg on the keyboard to save the current displaying image in BMP, JPG, FRM or
DCM (if DICOM is installed) format (set by File Type in the file menu, as shown above).

 Use Snapshot, Save Frame, Save Cine, Save AVI, or Save As of the file menu to save files.

 Snapshot
Highlight Snapshot in the file menu and press Set to save the current displaying image in
BMP, JPG, FRM or DCM (if DICOM is installed) format (set by File Type in the file
menu, as shown above).

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 Save Frame
1. Press Freeze to freeze the system;

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2. Play back and find the desired image;
3. Press File to open the file menu;

4. Highlight Save Frame in the file menu, and press Set to save the current displaying
NF 密
 Save Cine
CO 保

1. Press Freeze to freeze the system;

2. Press File to open the file menu;
3. Highlight Save Cine in the file menu, and press Set.

 Save AVI
1. Press Freeze to freeze the system;

2. Press File to open the file menu;

3. Highlight Save AVI in the file menu, and press Set.
The AVI files can not be viewed on this system, please use a USB disk to copy the AVI
files to a PC, and view them by using video players.

 Save As
When obtaining a satisfying image:

1. Press File and select Save As…in the file menu to display the File Save As dialog box.
2. Select a destination driver from the Driver pull-down menu, and a folder from the
directory on the left, or press New Folder to create a folder for storing files.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

3. Press Set on the field next to File Name, enter a file name with the keyboard.
4. Press OK to save, or press Cancel to give up.

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NF 密
Figure 6-25 File Saving Dialog Box
CO 保

If you do not enter the name for the file, the system will automatically number the file in
sequence. For instance, if the latest number comes to YYMM0020 (―Y‖ stands for ―year‖,
and ―M‖ stands for ―month‖), and if you save a file the next time, the file is numbered as


When saving a file, the saving information is automatically displayed in the middle of image

6.12.2. File Manager

You can use the file manager to perform the file management or browse the images.

In real-time or frozen status, press File to display file menu, and select File Manager, the File
Manager dialog box pops up, as shown below.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

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ID 文
Figure 6-26 File Manager

NF 密
Basic operations:

 Press Disk Attribute to check capacity information of current driver.

CO 保

 Select a file format from the pull-down menu , such as BMP/ JPG/ DCM/ FRM/
CIN/ AVI/ DAT/ XML/ PDF to display files in one type, or select *.* to display all files.

 Point to a file, press Set to select it, and press Set again to deselect it; the system supports
multi-choice by default; check the Select All checkbox to select all files, and then you can
perform following operations: File Send, Delete and Open.

 Click on the headings of the file list: File Name, File Type or Modified Time to rearrange
the file sequence according to the file name, file type or modified time (in
ascending/descending order).


1. When you are sending, deleting or renaming a file, do not connect or disconnect the

USB disk.
2. USB disk must be in FAT32 format.
3. Do not use the USB disk for other uses, but only for this device. Otherwise

the storage and the transmission function may not be stable.

4. We suggest that you use the USB disk supplied or recommended by EDAN.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

To send files

1. Connect a USB disk to the system, press File, and select File Manager in the file menu.
2. Select a desired driver from the Driver pull-down menu and press Set, point to the file or
folder that need to be sent and press Set.
3. Select a destination driver from the Destination pull-down menu. The destination driver
includes local disk, USB-disk, internal hard disk or DICOM server (If DICOM function is
4. If the destination driver is DICOM server, press File Send to send the DICOM and CIN files
to DICOM server directly;
If the destination driver is local disk, USB-disk or internal hard disk, press File Send to open
the File Send dialog box, select a target folder on the left, or press New Folder to create a
folder for storing files.

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5. Press OK to send files to the target directory.

To delete a file folder/file
ID 文
1. Select a desired driver from the Driver pull-down menu and press Set.

2. Point to the file folder/file that needs to be deleted, and press Set.
NF 密
3. Press Delete, and you will be prompted whether to delete the files.
4. Press Yes to delete the files, or No to give up.

To rename a file
CO 保

1. Select a desired driver from the Driver pull-down menu and the file format, and then press

2. Point to the file that needs to be renamed, and press Set.

3. Press Rename to open the Input new name for the file dialog box, enter a new file name
with the keyboard.

4. Press OK to rename the file, or Cancel to give up.

To open files

1. Select a desired driver from the Driver pull-down menu and file format, and then press Set.
2. Point to the file that needs to be opened and press Set, press Open or double click on the file,
a prompt Loading file… is displayed in the middle of the screen.

3. If the file format is FRM/CINE, cine images will be loaded. You can perform Cine review,
measurements, or add comments/body marks and print them out in reports; if the file format

is BMP/JPG/DCM, the system will enter image browsing status: check the multi-choice
checkbox to browse the selected files in file list, uncheck the checkbox to browse all files.

Press to open the previous image, and to open the next image; press

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

to perform automatic browsing, and press to stop automatic browsing; press

or Esc to exit.
4. Press Open without selecting any file will open the first file.


1. Images that have not yet been saved in the saving zone can not be loaded.

2. When saving or loading an image is still in process (prompt instruction Saving file… or
Loading file…), please do not perform any other operation. This is to avoid damaging
the device.

3. You should freeze the system before opening Cine images.

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6.12.3. Sending Files

If you have installed the DICOM software, and the DICOM presetting has been performed
ID 文
correctly, you can send images / files.

NF 密
CO 保

Figure 6-27 File Menu (with DICOM Function)

To send a DCM Image

1. Highlight the submenu DCM Image, and then press Set.

2. If the server is running normally, the current image will be sent to the server.

3. The system displays a prompt indicating the successful transmission.


To send a DCM file

1. Highlight the submenu DCM File, and then press Set.


2. The system displays the File Opening Dialog Box for selecting a DCM file to be transmitted.

3. If the server is running normally, the selected file will be sent to the server.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

4. The system displays a prompt indicating the successful transmission.

To send a DCM package

1. Highlight the submenu DCM package, and then press Set.

2. The system displays the File Opening Dialog Box for selecting the driver: local disk, USB
disk or internal hard disk.

3. If the server is running normally, all the DCM files of the selected driver will be sent to the

4. The progress bar disappears after successful transmission.

To send Cine Images

1. Freeze the system.

EN 件
2. Press File to enter the file menu.

3. Highlight the submenu Cine Images, and then press Set.
ID 文
4. If the server is running normally, the current Cine images will be sent to the server.

5. The progress bar disappears after successful transmission.
NF 密

To send a Cine File

1. Highlight the submenu Cine File, and then press Set.

CO 保

2. The system displays the File Opening Dialog Box for selecting a cine file to be transmitted.

3. If the server is running normally, the selected file will be sent to the server.

4. The progress bar disappears after successful transmission.

6.13. Needle Guide Function

NOTE: Use proper disinfection technique at all times to perform a biopsy.
Always follow these basic precautions:


1. Disinfect the needle guide before the first use and after each subsequent use.

2. Always handle transducers and needle guide adaptors with care. Do not use a
transducer or an adaptor if it has been dropped or struck against a hard surface until

it is inspected by an EDAN customer engineer.

3. The displayed needle guide pathway on the EDAN video monitor is intended for
reference during biopsy procedures. A variety of factors outside EDAN’s control, such

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

as changing tissue density, bending of the needle, off-axis pressure by the person
holding the transducer, may cause deflection of a needle outside of the displayed
video pathway even when the transducer, needle guide, and the system software are
all performing as intended and within manufacturing specification. The specialist
performing a biopsy procedure must be aware of potential external factors when
executing an invasive procedure.

4. The caliper must be placed along the needle path. If not, the displayed
measurements may be incorrect.

5. EDAN needle guides are designed and manufactured to attach firmly to designated
transducers and should not require excessive force to assemble or disassemble. If it
appears that excessive force or manipulation is required to assemble or disassemble
needle guide components, please contact your EDAN customer engineer before

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using it.

6.13.1. Installing Needle Guide Bracket
ID 文
Installing needle guide bracket:

Step 1: Take needle guide bracket kit out from the package and check it carefully for any damage.
NF 密
Identity the appropriate needle guide bracket kit (for the unique matching needle guide bracket kit
of each probe, see Table 3-2 Needle Guide Bracket Kits of the user manual). The structure of needle
guide bracket kit is shown in Figure 6-28.
CO 保


The needle guide bracket kits are not disinfected or sterilized before delivery. The
operators must clean and sterilize the needle guide bracket kits before and after each use.
For detailed operations, see Cleaning Needle Guide Bracket and Disinfecting or

Sterilizing Needle Guide Bracket.


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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Knob 1 1
Rectangular slot


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旋 钮2
Knob 2

Figure 6-28 Structure of Needle Guide Bracket Kit
ID 文
Step 2: Check if the screw and knob 1 come loose. If so, fasten the screw with an inner hexagon

spanner, and fix the knob 1 with fingers; turn the knob 2 counterclockwise until it stops (with
NF 密
normal force), as the arrow direction shown in Figure 6-28.

Step 3: Attach the needle guide bracket kit to the matching probe by placing the bracket over the
head of the probe until it locks in place, as shown in Figure 6-31. Ensure that the rectangular slot
CO 保

of the bracket catch in the convex at the probe tip; ensure that the cone of knob 2 catch in the
notch at the probe tip; and then turn the knob 2 clockwise until it locks in place, as the arrow
direction shown in Figure 6-32 .



Figure 6-29 Convex of Probe Figure 6-30 Notch of Probe

- 109 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Figure 6-31 Attaching Bracket Kit to Probe Figure 6-32 Turning Knob 2 Clockwise

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Step 4: Insert the needle into the rectangular hole, as shown in Figure 6-33.

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Rectangular Hole

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Figure 6-33 Inserting Needle into Rectangular Hole

Step 5: To replace probe, needle, vessel, or to remove bracket, turn the knob 1 counterclockwise

(slightly), remove the vessel as the arrow direction shown in Figure 6-34, and then replace the
probe, needle, vessel, or remove the bracket if necessary. To replace a vessel, perform the reverse
procedures. Models of the supported vessel are shown in Figure 6-35.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

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Figure 6-34 Removing the Vessel
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Figure 6-35 Vessel Models

6.13.2. Activating Needle Guide Function

To enable the needle guide function:
1. In the real-time or measurement state of B mode imaging, press File on the keyboard,
highlight Needle Guide and then press the Set to activate Needle Guide function.

Or, press Preset>System Preset>Application Preset, and set one of the user–defined keys
(F1/F2/F3/F4) as the Needle Guide key. In the real-time or measurement state of B mode
imaging, press user defined keys F1/F2/F3/F4 to activate Needle Guide function.

2. Prompt information ―Please calibrate the needle guide line before each puncture!” is
displayed on the screen. Press OK and enter the needle guide function and a needle guide
menu is displayed, as shown below.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

Figure 6-36 Needle Guide Menu

DO NOT freeze the system when doing puncture.

There are no more than 3 needle guide lines for each puncture frame.

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6.13.3. To Select the Angle of Needle Guide Line

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If the puncture frame has several kinds of angle, you can highlight Guide Line in the needle
guide menu and press the Set to make a choice, and the system displays the angle.

6.13.4. To Display or To Hide the Needle Guide Line
NF 密

Highlight Display in the needle guide menu, and press the Set key repeatedly to display or to
hide the needle guide line.
CO 保

6.13.5. To Adjust the Needle Guide Line

Needle guide line has been verified when the device is produced. The value is saved in Factory
data. But after a period of use, the needle guide line needs to be adjusted since the real value may
be changed.

1. Prior to each puncture, calibrate the needle guide line.
2. If the needle position is not the same as the needle guide line position, do not do the

To calibrate the guide line (performing phantom cal):


1. Put the assembled puncture kit, put the probe in to water phantom, and perform the water

2. Adjust the position and angle of needle to comply with the guide line as shown below;

3. Select Verify to save the verified value.

- 112 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Operation

 To verify the needle guide line:

Move the needle guide line horizontally

Highlight Position, and press the Set key to increase the value, or rotate the Position menu
control to increase or decrease the value, and the value is displayed in the menu option.

 To adjust the angel of needle guide line:

Enter Angle option to adjust the angle. Operation procedure is the same as that of the

 To save the verified value:

After verifying the position and the angle, highlight Verify and press the Set key, and the
system saves the verified value. After restarting the system, the verified value is activated.

EN 件
 To save the factory data:

Highlight Factory Defaults and press the Set key to load the factory data.
ID 文
 To select the bracket:

If the probe has different brackets, you can use Bracket Sel option to select the bracket.
NF 密

6.13.6. Performing Puncture Function

To perform puncture:
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1. The needle guide line is displayed on the image of the ultrasound system, and the numbers
on the right of the menu stand for the situation of puncture;
2. Align the needle guide line with the target;

3. Get the sample of the target;

4. Move the probe away from the patient carefully.


- 113 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Kidney Measurements and Calculations

Chapter 7 Kidney Measurements & Calculations

7.1. Measurements and Calculations

The kidney examination is usually performed in the B mode.

1. Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode Kidney, and then press OK,
or double click on the exam type.
2. Press B to enter the B mode.
3. Press Measure to activate the application measurement function. The measurement menu is

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Figure 7-1 Kidney Measurement and Calculation Menu

NF 密
To measure kidney:

1. In the kidney measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight L.Kidney/R.Kidney, select
L.KID-L/L.KID-W/L.KID-H, or R.KID-L/R.KID-W/R.KID-H from the submenu, and
CO 保

then press Set.

2. Measure KID-L, KID-W, or KID H, by the method of distance measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.1Generic Measurements in B Mode

3. After the measurement, the result of kidney will be displayed in the measurement result

7.2. Kidney Report

After the kidney examination, the system generates a kidney worksheet.
1. Select a desired probe model and the exam mode Kidney.

2. In B mode, after application measurements press Report to open Kidney worksheet, as

shown below:

- 114 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Kidney Measurements and Calculations

EN 件
ID 文
TI Figure 7-2 Kidney Worksheet
NF 密

The diagnosis editing column displays the cursor ―І‖, and you can enter diagnosis information.

To print the report:

CO 保

Press Print in the kidney worksheet.

Printing reference Section 5.8 Printing


- 115 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Abdominal Measurements and Calculations

Chapter 8 Abdominal Measurements & Calculations

8.1. Measurements and Calculations

The abdominal examination is usually performed in the B mode.

1. Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode Abd-Small/ Abd-Medium/
Abd-Large, and then press OK, or double click on the exam type.
2. Press B to enter the B mode.
3. Press Measure to activate the application measurement function. The measurement menu is

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Figure 8-1 Abdominal Measurement and Calculation Menu

Items of Measurement and Calculation

CBD, Gallbladder, Left Kidney, Right Kidney, and Bladder.

8.1.1. CBD

1 In the abdominal measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight CBD, and then press Set.
2 Measure CBD by the method of distance measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.1Generic Measurements in B Mode


3 After the measurement, the result of CBD will be displayed in the measurement result

8.1.2. Gallbladder

1. In the abdominal measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Gallbladder, select GB-L,
GB-W or GB-H from the secondary menu,and then press Set.

- 116 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Abdominal Measurements and Calculations

2. Measure GB-L, GB-W or GB-H by the method of distance measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.1Generic Measurements in B Mode

3. After the measurement, the result of gallbladder will be displayed in the measurement result

8.1.3. Kidney

1. In the abdominal measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Left Kidney/Right
Kidney, select L.KID-L/L.KID-W/L.KID-H, or R.KID-L/R.KID-W/R.KID-H from the
secondary menu, and then press Set.
2. Measure KID-L, KID-W, or KID H, by the method of distance measurement.

EN 件
Reference Section 6.5.1Generic Measurements in B Mode
ID 文
3. After the measurement, the result of kidney will be displayed in the measurement result

NF 密

8.1.4. Bladder

1. In the abdominal measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Bladder, select BL-L,
CO 保

BL-W, or BL-H from the secondary menu, and then press Set.
2. Measure BL-L, BL-W, or BL-H, by the method of distance measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.1Generic Measurements in B Mode

3. After the measurement, the result of bladder will be displayed in the measurement result

8.2. Abdominal Report

After the abdominal examination, the system generates an abdominal worksheet.

1. Select a desired probe model and the exam mode Abd-Small/ Abd-Medium/ Abd-Large.
2. In B mode, after application measurements press Report to open Abdominal worksheet, as
shown below:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Abdominal Measurements and Calculations

EN 件
ID 文
TI Figure 8-2 Abdominal Worksheet
NF 密

The diagnosis editing column displays the cursor ―І‖, and you can enter diagnosis information.

To print the report:

CO 保

Press Print in the abdominal worksheet.

Printing reference Section 5.8 Printing


- 118 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

Chapter 9 Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

The obstetric examination is usually performed in the B mode.
To enter B mode obstetric examination:
1 Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode: OB Canine, OB Feline, OB
Equine, OB Bovine, OB Ovine, or OB Others, and then press OK, or double click on the
exam type.
2 Press B to enter B mode.
3 Press Measure to activate the application measurement function. The system displays the
measurement menu as shown in Figure 9-1.

9.1. Obstetric Measurements and Calculations in B Mode

EN 件
Items of Measurement and Calculation

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Figure 9-1 Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

Label Description Channel Method Results display
CRL Crown Rump Length 1

GSD Gestational Sac Diameter 1

Gestational Sac Diameter-

Horizontal The
Gestational Sac Diameter- Distance (mm) measurement
Vertical results will be

HD Head Diameter 1 displayed in the

TD Trunk Diameter 1 result window
BD Body Diameter 1
BPD Biparietal Diameter 1

According to species,
MA Menstrual Age 1
described in Appendix III

Table 9-1 Obstetrics Measurement & Calculation

- 119 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.2. Canine Obstetrics Measurements

When the exam mode OB Canine is selected, the OB MEAS CAN menu is displayed after
entering the obstetrics measurement.

Figure 9-2 Canine Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

After measuring one or more measurement items of GSD, CRL, HD, BD, HD&BD, the system

EN 件
will calculate the MA automatically and display the result.

9.2.1. CRL
ID 文
To measure CRL:

1. In the OB MEAS CAN menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu CRL, press the Set key,
NF 密
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure CRL, in the method of distance measurement.
CO 保

For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode
3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.

4. To begin a new CRL measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

9.2.2. GSD

To measure GSD:
1. In the OB MEAS CAN menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu GSD, press the Set key,
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.

2. Measure GSD, in the method of distance measurement.

For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.

3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.

4. To begin a new GSD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.2.3. HD

To measure HD:
1. In the OB MEAS CAN menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu HD, press the Set key,
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure HD, in the method of distance measurement.
For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.
3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.
4. To begin a new HD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

EN 件
9.2.4. BD

ID 文
To measure BD:

1. In the OB MEAS CAN menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu BD, press the Set key,
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
NF 密

2. Measure BD, in the method of distance measurement.

For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
CO 保

Generic Measurements in B Mode.

3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.
4. To begin a new BD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of

one group of data.

9.2.5. HD&BD

To measure HD&BD:
1. In the OB MEAS CAN menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu HD&BD, press the Set
key, and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure HD&BD, in the method of distance measurement.

For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.
3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.

4. To begin a new HD&BD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a
maximum of one group of data.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.3. Feline Obstetrics Measurements

When the exam mode OB Feline is selected, the OB MEAS FEL menu is displayed after
entering the obstetrics measurement.

Figure 9-3 Feline Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

After measuring one or both of the two measurement items, HD, BD, the system will calculate
the MA automatically and display the result.
The measurements of HD and BD are the same with those of the Canine Obstetrics Measurement;
please refer to section 9.2.3 HD and 9.2.4 BD respectively.

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9.4. Equine Obstetrics Measurements

ID 文
When the exam mode OB Equine is selected, the OB MEAS EQU menu is displayed after
entering the obstetrics measurement.

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Figure 9-4 Equine Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

CO 保

After measuring one or both of the two measurement items, GSD-H, GSD-V, the system will
calculate the MA automatically and display the result.

9.4.1. GSD-H

To measure GSD-H:

1. In the OB MEAS EQU menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu GSD-H, press the Set
key, and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure GSD-H, in the method of distance measurement.
For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.

3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.

4. To begin a new GSD-H measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum

of one group of data.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.4.2. GSD-V

To measure GSD-V:
1. In the OB MEAS EQU menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu GSD-V, press the Set
key, and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure GSD-V, in the method of distance measurement.
For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.
3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.
4. To begin a new GSD-V measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum
of one group of data.

EN 件
9.5. Bovine Obstetrics Measurements

ID 文
When the exam mode OB Bovine is selected, the OB MEAS BOV menu is displayed after
entering the obstetrics measurement.

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Figure 9-5 Bovine Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

After measuring one or more measurement items of CRL, TD, HD, the system will calculate the
MA automatically and display the result.

The measurements of CRL and HD are the same as those of the Canine Obstetrics Measurement,
please refer to section 9.2.1 CRL and 9.2.3 HD respectively.

To measure TD:
1. In the OB MEAS BOV menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu TD, press the Set key,
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure TD, in the method of distance measurement.
For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.

3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.

4. To begin a new TD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of

one group of data.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.6. Ovine Obstetrics Measurements

When the exam mode OB Ovine is selected, the OB MEAS OVI menu is displayed after
entering the obstetrics measurement.

Figure 9-6 Ovine Obstetrics Measurement and Calculation Menu

After measuring one or both of the two measurement items, CRL, BPD, the system will calculate
the MA automatically and display the result.
The measurement of CRL is the same as that of the Canine Obstetrics Measurement, please refer
to section 9.2.1 CRL.

EN 件
To measure BPD:

1. In the OB MEAS OVI menu, roll the trackball to highlight the menu BPD, press the Set key,
ID 文
and move the cursor to image and display ―+‖.
2. Measure BPD, in the method of distance measurement.

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For more information on B-mode generic distance measurements, please refer to section 6.5.1
Generic Measurements in B Mode.
3. The result is displayed in the measured result window.
CO 保

4. To begin a new BPD measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

9.7. Other Obstetrics Measurements

When the exam mode OB Others is selected, the OB MEAS OTH menu is displayed after

entering the obstetrics measurement.


Figure 9-7 Other Obstetrics Measurements and Calculation Menu

The measurements of CRL, GSD, HD, and BD are the same as those of the Canine Obstetrics

Measurement. Please refer to section 9.2.1 CRL, 9.2.2 GSD, 9.2.3 HD and 9.2.4 BD.
The measurement of BPD is the same with that of Ovine Obstetrics Measurement. Please refer to
section 9.6 Ovine Obstetrics Measurement.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Obstetric Measurements and Calculations

9.8. Obstetric Report

After obstetric examination, the system generates an obstetrical diagnosis worksheet
automatically, and the worksheet includes the information of the animal, the measurements and
calculations, and the diagnosis.
1. Select a desired probe model and the exam mode OB Canine, OB Feline, OB Equine, OB
Bovine, OB Ovine, or OB Others.
2. In B mode, after application measurements press Report to open Obstetric worksheet, as
shown below:

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Figure 9-8 Canine Obstetric Worksheet

The diagnosis editing column displays the cursor ―І‖, and you can enter diagnosis information.

1. The system will display the completed measurements and calculations, the
uncompleted measurements and calculations will not be displayed.
2. You can check the measured items by opening the Obstetric worksheet dialog box
whenever you want, during measurement or after that. Then press OK or Cancel to

close the dialog box, and continue to measure.

To print the report:

Press Print in the obstetric worksheet.


Printing reference Section 5.8 Printing.

- 125 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

Chapter 10 Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

The cardiac examination is usually performed in the B mode, B+M mode or M mode.
Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode Cardiac, and then press OK, or
double click on the exam type.

The result of ventricle volume measurement is more exact in two-dimension. You can get the
two-dimension heart image of end diastolic and end systolic exactly and conveniently in the B+M
mode. So we suggest that you do the cardiac measurement and calculation in the B+M mode.

10.1. Cardiac Measurements and Calculations in M Mode

Press M to enter B+M mode, or press M again to enter single M mode. Press Measure to activate

EN 件
the application measurement function. The system displays the measurement menu shown as

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Figure 10-1 M Mode Cardiac Measurement and Calculation Menu

1. Items of Measurement and Calculation

M-CARDIAC MEAS: LV, Mitral, Heart Rate, LVET, and LVMW.

2. Items of input
Heart Rate, LVET, and Height &Weight.
The formulas of B+M mode and M mode cardiac LV measurement include TEICHHOLZ and
CUBE, as shown below, and the default formula is TEICHHOLZ.

- 126 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

1. CUBE formula:
NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method

LVIDd Left Ventricle Internal Diameter

Distance (mm)
LVIDs Left Ventricle Internal Diameter

ET Ejection Time Time (ms or s)

HR Heart Rate M mode heart rate measurement or key in (bpm)

EDV End Diastolic Volume EDV (mL)=LVIDd3(mm)3/1000

ESV End Systolic Volume ESV (mL)=LVIDs 3(mm)3/1000

EN 件
SV Stroke volume SV (mL) = EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min) = SV (mL) x HR (bpm)/1000

ID 文
Ejection fraction (M mode) EF (No unit) = SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) x 100%

FS (No unit) = [{ LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ LVIDd

FS Fractional Shortening
(mm) ]x 100%
NF 密
SI Stroke Index SI (No unit) = SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit) = CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

CO 保

Mean Velocity Circumferential MVCF (No unit) = { LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ {LVIDd
Fiber Shortening (mm) x ET (ms)/1000}

BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by the selected formula (m2)

Table 10-1 Measurement and Calculation Items with CUBE formula

The formulas of BSA calculation:

Canine: BSA=0.112*WT0.67;
Feline: BSA=0.098*WT0.67;
Equine: BSA=1.09+0.008*WT;
Bovine: BSA=0.14*WT0.57;
Ovine: BSA=0.085*WT0.67;

Others: BSA=0.112*WT0.67;
HT: height, cm;

WT: weight, kg;

BSA: Body Surface Area m2.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

2. TEICHHOLZ formula:
NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method

LVIDd Left Ventricle Internal Diameter Distance (mm)

LVIDs Left Ventricle Internal Diameter Distance (mm)

ET Ejection Time Time (ms or s)

HR Heart Rate M mode heart rate measurement or key in (bpm)

EDV End Diastolic Volume EDV (mL)={7×LVIDd3(cm)3}/{2.4+ LVIDd}

ESV End Systolic Volume ESV (mL)={7×LVIDs3(cm)3}/{2.4+ LVIDs}

EN 件
SV Stroke volume SV (mL) = EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min) = SV (mL) × HR (bpm)/1000
ID 文
EF Ejection fraction (M mode) EF (No unit) = SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) ×100%

FS FS (No unit) = [{ LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ LVIDd
Fractional Shortening
(mm)] ×100%
NF 密

SI Stroke Index SI (No unit) = SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit) = CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

CO 保

MVCF Mean Velocity Circumferential MVCF (No unit) = {LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ {LVIDd
Fiber Shortening (mm) x ET (ms)/1000}

BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by the selected formula (m2)

Table 10-2 Measurement and Calculation Items with TEICHHOLZ formula

3. Other measurement items:

Label Description Method

AOD Aortic root Diameter

LAD Left Atrium Diameter

Distance (mm)
CA Cardiac cycle apex A

CE Cardiac cycle apex E

EF SLP Ejection Fraction Slope


ACV AC Decreasing Velocity Slope (mm/s)

DEV Deceleration Velocity

- 128 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

DCT Deceleration Time Time (ms or s)

Aortic Valve Volume Opened,


Aortic Valve Volume Opened, Distance (mm)


AA Aortic Amplitude

LVMW (g) =1.04* ({IVSTd (cm)+LVIDd (cm)+LVPWd

LVMW Left Ventricular Muscle Weight
(cm)}3-LVIDd3 (cm)3)-13.6

Left Ventricular Muscle Weight


A/E The ratio of CA to CE A/E (No unit) = CA (mm)/CE (mm)

EN 件
Left Atrium Diameter / Aortic
LAD/AOD LAD/AOD (No unit) = LAD (mm) / AOD (mm)

root Diameter
ID 文 AVSV (mL) = MAVO1 (cm)+MAVO2 (cm)*
AVSV Aortic Valve Stoma Valve flow
ET (s)*50+AA (cm)

NF 密
QMV Mitral Valve Flow QMV (mL) = 4*DEV (cm/s)*DCT (s)

Table 10-3 Other Measurement Items

CO 保

4. Calculation items:

Label Description Method

EDV (mL) = LVIDd3 (mm3)/1000

EDV End Diastolic Volume
CUBE formula

ESV (mL) = LVIDs 3 (mm3)/1000

ESV End Systolic Volume
CUBE formula

SV Stroke volume SV (mL) = EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min) = SV (mL) × HR (bpm)/1000

EF Ejection fraction (M mode) EF (No unit) = SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) × 100%


FS (No unit) =[ {LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ LVIDd

FS Fractional Shortening
(mm) ]x 100%

SI (No unit)= SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)


SI Stroke Index

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit)= CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

MVCF Mean Velocity Circumferential MVCF (No unit)= { LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/ {LVIDd

- 129 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

Fiber Shortening (mm) × ET (ms)/1000}

BSA Body Surface Area (m2) Calculate by to the selected formula

LVMW (g)=1.04*[{IVSTDd (cm)+LVIDd (cm) +

LVMW Left Ventricular Muscle Weight
LVPWd3 (cm)}3-LVIDd3 (cm)3]-13.6

Left Ventricular Muscle Weight


A/E The ratio of CA to CE A/E (No unit)= CA (mm)/CE (mm)

Left Atrium Diameter / Aortic

LAD/AOD LAD/AOD (No unit)= LAD (mm)/AOD (mm)
root Diameter

AVSV (mL)=MAVO1 (cm)+MAVO2 (cm)*

AVSV Aortic Valve Stoma Valve flow
ET (s)*50+AA (cm)

EN 件
QMV Mitral Valve Flow QMV (mL)=4*DEV (cm/s)*DCT (s)

Table 10-4 Calculation Items
ID 文
10.1.1. LV

NF 密
The B+M mode and M mode measurements of LV are based on EDV and ESV measurements,
which are calculated by LVIDd and LVIDs measurements.
After measuring LVIDd and LVIDs and entering Heart Rate, LVET, and Height & Weight, the
CO 保

system calculates some physiological parameters, such as EDV, ESV, SV, EF, FS, CO, MVCF, SI,
and CI.
There are two calculation formulas for heart antrum volume in the B+M mode and the M mode,

as shown below.
Item Formula

EDV (mL)={7×LVIDd3 (cm) 3}/{2.4+ LVIDd}

ESV (mL)={7×LVIDs3 (cm) 3}/{2.4+ LVIDs}
EDV (mL) = LVIDd3 (mm)3 / 1000
ESV (mL) = LVIDs3 (mm)3 / 1000

Table 10-5 TEICHHOLZ and CUBE Formula


Ensure that the value of LVIDd is bigger than that of LVIDs, or the system can not display
the calculation items.

SV and EF calculation is as below.

Measurement items:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

To measure LV:
1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight LV, and the submenu
will be displayed. Select TEICHHOLZ or CUBE and press Set. Then move the cursor to the
image area and a ―+‖ is displayed.
2. Move the cursor to the end systolic of left ventricle, and measure LVIDd The method is
similar to generic M mode distance measurement. LVIDd and EDV will be displayed in the
measurement result window.
3. Move the cursor to the end diastolic of the left ventricle, and then measure LVIDs. The
method is the same as the generic M mode distance measurement method. LVIDs, ESV, SV,
EF, and FS will be displayed in the measurement result window.
To enter HR
1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Input. Then select the

EN 件
submenu Heart Rate and press Set to display an HR input dialog box, as shown below.

ID 文
NF 密

Figure 10-2 HR Input Dialog Box

CO 保

2. Input a suitable value in the HR (bpm) box.

3. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set, and after measuring LV, the result of CO

will be displayed in the measurement result window.

To enter LVET

1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Input. Then select the
submenu LVET and press Set to display an ET input dialog box, as shown below.

Figure 10-3 ET Input Dialog Box

2. Input a suitable value in the LVET (ms) box.

3. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

To enter Height and Weight

1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Input. Then select the
submenu Height & Weight and press Set to display a Height and Weight entering dialog
box, as shown below.

EN 件
ID 文 Figure 10-4 Height and Weight Input Dialog Box

2. Select species from the pull-down menu and input suitable values in the Height and Weight

NF 密

3. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set.

The measurements and calculations of all the LV parameters are as below.

CO 保

Measurement or input items:

Input or measurement items: HR, LVET, and Height & Weight;

Measurement items: LVIDd and LVIDds

To calculate all the LV parameters:
1. Input or measure HR, LVET, and Height & Weight.

2. Measure LVIDd and LVIDds following the prompt instruction.

3. All the LV parameters, EDV, ESV, SV, FS, EF, CO, MVCF, SI and CI will be displayed in the
measurement result window.

10.1.2. Mitral Valve


Measurement items of mitral valve include EF slope, ACV, A/E, DEV, and DCT.

To measure EF slope, ACV, and A/E


1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Mitral Valve to display
the submenu.
2. Roll the trackball to highlight EF Slope, ACV, or A/E, and press Set.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

a) To measure EF Slope and ACV, by the method of generic M mode slope measurement;
b) To measure A/E, measure the breadth from apex A to point C and the breadth from apex
E to point C respectively, by the method of generic M mode distance measurement.
3. After the measurements, the results of EF SLP, ACV and A/E will be displayed in the
measurement result window.

To measure Valve Volume (QMV)

Calculation formula:
QMV (mL) = 4*DEV (cm/s)*DCT (s)
Measurement operation procedure:
1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Mitral to display the

EN 件
2. Roll the trackball to highlight Valve Volume, and press Set.
3. Measure DEV, by the method of generic M mode slope measurement.

4. Measure DCT, by the method of generic M mode time measurement.
ID 文
5. After the measurement, the result of QMV will be displayed in the measurement result

NF 密
10.1.3. Aorta

Aorta calculation is as below.

CO 保

 Measurement items:
LAD/ AOD and Valve Volume

 Aorta calculation
In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Aorta to display the submenu.

 LAD/AOD measurement
1. Roll the trackball to highlight LAD/AOD and press Set.
2. Measure LAD and AOD respectively, by the method of generic M mode distance
3. The results will be displayed in the measurement result window.

 AVSV measurement

The calculation formula:


AVSV (mL) = MAVO1 (cm)+MAVO2 (cm)*ET (s)*50+AA (cm)

The measurement operation procedure:

1. Roll the trackball to highlight Valve Volume and press Set.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

2. Measure MAVO1, by the method of generic M mode distance measurement.

3. Measure MAVO2, by the method of generic M mode distance measurement.

4. Measure AA, by the method of M mode distance measurement.

5. Measure LVET, by the method of generic M mode time measurement.

6. After the measurements, the result of AVSV will be displayed in the measurement result

10.1.4. LVMW, LVMWI

LVMW and LVMWI calculations are as below.

 Measurement items:

EN 件

 The calculation formula
ID 文
LVMW (g) = 1.04*[{IVSTd (cm) +LVIDd (cm) +LVPWd (cm)}3-LVIDd3 (cm)3]-13.6

LVMWI = LVMW (g)/BSA (m)2
NF 密

 To calculate LVMW, LVMWI

1. In the M-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight LVMW, and press Set.
CO 保

2. Measure LVPWd, IVSTd and LVIDd respectively following the prompt instruction.

3. After the measurements, the result of LVMW will be displayed in the measurement result

window. The system will display LVWMI if you have keyed in Height and Weight before the
measurement. If you had measured LV before, it will renovate the LV results.

10.2. Cardiac Measurements and Calculations in B Mode

1. Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode Cardiac, and then press OK,
or double click on the exam type.
2. In B mode, press Measure, the system enters B mode cardiac measurement. The B mode
cardiac measurement menus are shown as follows:

Figure 10-5 B Mode Cardiac Measurement and Calculation Menu

- 134 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

1. Items of Measurement and Calculation


2. Items of input
Heart Rate, LVET, and Height & Weight

The default measurements are LVLs, LVALs, LVLd, and LVALd measurements, by the method
of single-plane ellipse (S-P Ellipse) measurement.

The formulas of B mode cardiac LV measurement include Single plane ellipse (S-P Ellipse),
Dual plane ellipse (B-P Ellipse), Bullet, and Modified Simpson (Mod. Simpson), shown as

1. Single plane ellipse formula:

EN 件
NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method
ID 文
LVLd Left Ventricle Long-axle Diameter Distance (mm)

LVALd Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
NF 密
LVLs Left Ventricle Long-axle Diameter Distance (mm)

LVALs Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
CO 保

HR Heart Rate Key in (bpm)

EDV End Diastolic Volume EDV (mL)= (8/3π)×{LVALd (mm2)}2/LVLd

(mm) /1000

ESV End Systolic Volume ESV (mL)= (8/3π)×{LVALs (mm2)}2/LVLs

(mm) /1000

SV Stroke volume SV (mL)=EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min)= SV (mL) × HR (bpm)/1000

EF Ejection fraction (B mode) EF (No unit)= SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) x 100%

SI Stroke Index SI (No unit)= SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit)= CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)


BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by the selected formula (m2)

Table 10-6 Measurement and Calculation Items with Single Plane Ellipse Formula

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

2. Dual plane ellipse formula:

NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method

LVALd Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)

Mitral Valve

LVIDd Left Ventricle Internal Diameter Distance (mm)

LVALs Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)

Mitral Valve

EN 件
LVIDs Left Ventricle Internal Diameter Distance (mm)

HR Heart Rate Key in (bpm)
ID 文
EDV End Diastolic Volume
VIDd(mm) /1000

TI ESV(mL)=(8/3π)×LVALs(mm2)×LVAMs(mm2)/LV
NF 密
ESV End Systolic Volume
IDs(mm) /1000

SV Stroke volume SV (mL)=EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO 保

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min)= SV (mL) × HR (bpm)/1000

EF Ejection fraction (B mode) EF (No unit)= SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) x 100%

SI Stroke Index SI (No unit)= SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit)= CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by the selected formula (m2)

Table 10-7 Measurement and Calculation Items with Dual Plane Ellipse Formula

3. Bullet volume formula:

NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of

LVAMd Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
Mitral Valve

LVLd Left Ventricular Length Distance (mm)

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of

LVAMs Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
Mitral Valve

- 136 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

LVLs Left Ventricular Length Distance (mm)

HR Heart Rate Key in (bpm)

EDV (mL)= (5/6)×LVLd (mm)×LVAMd (mm2)

EDV End Diastolic Volume

ESV (mL)= (5/6)×LVLs (mm)× LVAMs (mm2)

ESV End Systolic Volume

SV Stroke volume SV (mL)=EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min)= SV (mL) × HR (bpm)/1000

EF Ejection fraction (B mode) EF (No unit)= SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) x 100%

SI Stroke Index SI (No unit)= SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

EN 件
CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit)= CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by the selected formula (m2)
ID 文
Table 10-8 Measurement and Calculation Items with Bullet Formula

4. Modified SIMPSON formula:
NF 密
NOTE: d: end diastolic; s: end systolic

Label Description Method

CO 保

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of

LVAMd Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
Mitral Valve

LVLd Left Ventricular Length Distance (mm)

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of

Papillary Muscles Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)

LVAMs Left Ventricular Anterior Wall

LVLs Left Ventricular Length Distance (mm)

Left Ventricular Fractional Area of

LVAPs Ellipse Area (mm2, cm2, or dm2)
Papillary Muscles

HR Heart Rate Key in (bpm)


EDV End Diastolic Volume

ESV End Systolic Volume

SV Stroke volume SV (mL)=EDV (mL)-ESV (mL)

CO Cardiac Output CO (L/min)= SV (mL) x HR (bpm)/1000

EF Ejection fraction (B mode) EF (No unit)= SV (mL)/ EDV (mL) x 100%

- 137 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

SI Stroke Index SI (No unit)= SV (mL)/ BSA (m2)

CI Cardiac Index CI (No unit)= CO (L/min)/ BSA (m2)

BSA Body Surface Area Calculate by to the selected formula (m2)

Table 10-9 Measurement and Calculation Items with Modified SIMPSON Formula

EDV ( mL )  LVLd ( mm ) / 9  4  LVAMd ( mm
)  2  LVAPd ( mm
)  LVAMd ( mm
)  LVAPd ( mm

) / 1000

ESV ( mL )  LVLs ( mm ) / 9  4  LVAMs ( mm
)  2  LVAPs ( mm
)  LVAMs ( mm
)  LVAPs ( mm

) / 1000

5. Other measurement and calculation items:

Label Description Method

EN 件
LVET Left Ventricular Ejection Time Time (ms)
FS (No unit)={ LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs (mm)}/
FS Fractional Shortening

LVIDd (mm) x 100%
Mean Velocity Circumferential Fiber MVCF (No unit)= { LVIDd (mm)- LVIDs
ID 文
Shortening (mm)}/ {LVIDd (mm) x ET (ms)/1000}

Table 10-10 Other Measurement and Calculation Items
NF 密

10.2.1. LV

LV measurement is as below.
CO 保

Single plane ellipse (S-P Ellipse)

 Measurement items:

LVLd, LVALd, LVLs and LVALs,

 To measure LV:

1. In the B-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight LV. Then select S-P
Ellipse and press Set.
2. During end diastolic, measure LVLd and LVALd respectively. The system calculates and
displays the result of EDV.
3. During end systolic, measure LVLs and LVALs respectively, by the method of generic B

mode distance measurement and generic B mode ellipse area measurement respectively. The
system calculates and displays the results of ESV, SV, and EF.
Dual plane ellipse (B-P Ellipse), Bullet, and Modified Simpson (Mod. Simpson)

The operations in these methods are similar to those in the single plane ellipse method. Please
refer to the relevant B mode generic measure method for details, and refer to the prompt
instruction to help you.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

CO calculation is as below.
 Measurement and input items:
Measure LV;
Key in: HR
 To calculate CO:
1. In the B-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Input. Then select the
submenu Heart Rate and press Set to display an HR input dialog box, as shown below.

EN 件
Figure 10-6 HR Input Dialog Box
ID 文
2. Input a suitable value in the HR (bpm) box.
3. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set. After measuring LV, CO will be

displayed in the measurement result window.
NF 密
MVCF calculation is as below.
 Measurement and input items:
CO 保

Measure: LV;
Key in: LVET
 To calculate MVCF:

1. Move the cursor to Input. Then select the submenu LVET and press Set to display an
ET input dialog box, as shown below.
理 AN

Figure 10-7 ET Input Dialog Box

2. Input a suitable value in the LVET (ms) box.


3. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set. After measuring LV, MVCF will be
displayed in the measurement result window.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

CI and SI calculations are as below.

 Measurement and input items:
Measure: LV and HR;
Key in: Height and Weight
 To calculate CI and SI:
1. In the B-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight Input. Then select the
submenu Height & Weight and press Set to display a Height and Weight entering
dialog box, as shown below.

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密

Figure 10-8 Height and Weight Input Dialog Box

CO 保

1. Select species from the pull-down menu and input suitable values in the Height (cm) and
Weight (Kg) boxes.

2. Roll the trackball to highlight OK and press Set. BSA will be displayed in the
measurement result window. After measuring LV and HR, SI and CI will also be
displayed in measurement result window.

10.2.2. RV (Right Ventricle Internal Diameter)

1. In the B-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight RV.

2. Measure RV by the method of distance.
3. The result will be displayed in the measurement result window.

10.2.3. PA (Pulmonary Artery)


1. In the B-cardiac measurement menu, roll the trackball to highlight PA, and press Set to
display a ―+‖ in the image area.

2. Measure PA by the method of distance measurement.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Cardiac Measurements and Calculations

3. The result will be displayed in the measurement result window.

Other parameters:
If you want to perform other cardiac parameter measurements, please enter B+M mode or M
mode cardiac measurement.

10.3. Cardiac Report

After the cardiac examination, the system generates a cardiology examination and diagnosis
1. Select a desired probe model and the exam mode Cardiac.
2. In M/B mode, after application measurements press Report to open Cardiac worksheet, as
shown in Figure 10-9.

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保

Figure 10-9 Cardiac Worksheet

The diagnosis editing column displays the cursor ―І‖, and you can enter diagnosis information.

To print the report:

Press Print in the Cardiac worksheet.


Printing reference Section 5.8 Printing.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Peri. Vascular Measurements & Calculations

Chapter 11 Peripheral Vascular Measurements &

The vascular examination is usually performed in the PW mode.

11.1. Measurements and Calculations in PW Mode

1. Press Probe, select a desired probe model and the exam mode Peri.Artery, and then press
OK, or double click on the exam type.
2. Press PW to display the sample line, and press this key again to enter the PW mode.
3. Press Measure to activate the application measurement function. The system displays the
measurement menu as shown below.

EN 件
Items of Measurement and Calculation
Velocity, Forelimb, Hindimb, CCA, ICA, ECA, and Vert A.

ID 文
Submenu of the vascular

measurement items in the PW
NF 密
CO 保

Figure 11-1 Vascular Measurement and Calculation Menu in PW Mode

Label Description Channel Method
CCA Common Cartid Artery 1

ICA Internal Cartid Artery 1

D trace
ECA External Cartid Artery 1
Vert A Vertebral Artery 1

Table 11-1 Vascular Measurement and Calculation Items in PW Mode

11.1.1. Forelimb

To measure Forelimb:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select Forelimb.


2. Measure Forelimb, by the method of D trace measurement.

- 142 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Peri. Vascular Measurements & Calculations

Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode

3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new Forelimb measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a
maximum of one group of data.

11.1.2. Hindlimb

To measure Hindlimb:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select Hindlimb.

2. Measure Hindlimb by the method of D trace measurement.

EN 件
Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode
ID 文
3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new Hindlimb measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a
NF 密
maximum of one group of data.

11.1.3. CCA
CO 保

To measure CCA:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select CCA.

2. Measure CCA, by the method of D trace measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode.

3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new CCA measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

11.1.4. ICA

To measure ICA:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select ICA.

2. Measure ICA, by the method of D trace measurement.

- 143 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Peri. Vascular Measurements & Calculations

Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode.

3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new ICA measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
one group of data.

11.1.5. ECA

To measure ECA:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select ECA.

2. Measure ECA, by the method of D trace measurement.

EN 件
Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode.
ID 文
3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new ECA measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum of
NF 密
one group of data.

11.1.6. Vert A
CO 保

To measure Vert A:

1. In the PW-vascular measurement menu, select Vert A.

2. Measure Vert A, by the method of D trace measurement.

Reference Section 6.5.4 Generic Measurements in D Mode.

3. The results are displayed in measurement result window.

4. To begin a new Vert A measurement, repeat steps 1 through 3. You can measure a maximum
of one group of data.

11.2. Vascular Report


After finishing the vascular examination, the system generates a vascular worksheet.

1. Select a desired probe model and the exam mode Peri. Artery.
2. In PW mode, after application measurements press Report to open Vascular worksheet, as
shown below:

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Peri. Vascular Measurements & Calculations

EN 件
ID 文
TI Figure 11-2 Vascular Worksheet
NF 密

The diagnosis editing column displays the cursor ―І‖, and you can enter diagnosis information.

To print the report:

CO 保

Press Print in the vascular worksheet.

Printing reference Section 5.8 Printing.


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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

Chapter 12 Inspection and Maintenance


The device and accessories are to be disposed of according to local regulations after
their useful lives. Alternatively, they can be returned to the dealer or the manufacturer for
recycling or proper disposal. Batteries are hazardous waste. Do not dispose them
together with house-hold garbage. At the end of their life hand the batteries over to the
applicable collection points for the recycling of waste batteries. For more detailed
information about recycling of this product or battery, please contact your local Civic
Office, or the shop where you purchased the product.

12.1. Daily Checklist

EN 件
Check before the system is switched on, if any system malfunction is experienced, eliminate the
ID 文
malfunction before use, or contact EDAN or authorized representatives for service if needed.

 Visually inspect all the probes. Do not use any damaged probe.

 Visually inspect all the probe assembly cables and associated connectors.
NF 密

 Visually inspect all the power cords. Do not turn on the power if a cord is frayed or split,
or shows signs of wear.
CO 保

 Verify that the trackball and TGC slide controls are clean and free from gel or

Check after the system is switched on:

 Visually check the on-screen display and lighting. Verify that the monitor displays the

current date and time and there isn’t any error message.

 Verify that the probe identification and indicated frequency on the screen are correct for
the activated probe.

 Ensure that there isn’t obvious abnormal noise, discontinuous image or dark area.

 Ensure that it isn’t smelly or too hot.


 Ensure that the ultrasound window isn’t too hot, checking with your hand.

 Verify that the buttons and knobs on the keyboard are good to operate.

 Ensure that there isn’t obvious abnormal noise from the loudspeakers.

 Ensure that there isn’t obvious abnormal noise from the air fan.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

12.2. Cleaning and Disinfection

Use only the EDAN-approved substances and methods listed in this chapter to clean or disinfect
your equipment. Warranty does not cover damage caused by using unapproved substances or

Edan Instruments has validated the cleaning and disinfection instructions included in this User
Manual. It is the responsibility of the healthcare professional to ensure that the instructions are
followed so as to ensure adequate cleaning and disinfection.

General Points:

Keep your monitor, cables and accessories free of dust and dirt. To prevent the device from
damage, please follow the procedure:

EN 件
 Use only recommended cleaning substances and disinfectants listed in this manual. Others
may cause damage (not covered by warranty), reduce product lifetime or cause safety

ID 文
 Always dilute according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Unless otherwise specified, do not immerse any part of the equipment or any accessories in
NF 密

 Do not pour liquid onto the system.

CO 保

 Do not allow liquid to enter the case.

 Never use abrasive material (such as steel wool or silver polish).

 Inspect the monitor and reusable accessories after they are cleaned and disinfected.


If you spill liquid on the equipment, battery, or accessories, or they are accidentally
immersed in liquid, contact your service personnel or EDAN service engineer.

12.2.1. Cleaning

If the device or accessory has been in contact with the patient, then cleaning and disinfection is

required after every use. If there has been no patient contact and there is no visible contamination
then daily cleaning and disinfection is appropriate.

The validated cleaning agents for cleaning the system surface and reusable accessories are:

 Mild near neutral detergent

 Ethanol (75%)

- 147 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

 Isopropanol (70%)

Cleaning agents should be applied and removed using a clean, soft, non-abrasive cloth or paper
towel. Cleaning System Surface

To clean the system surface:

1. Switch off the system and disconnect it from the power line.

2. Wipe the entire exterior surface, including the screen, of the equipment using a soft cloth
dampened with the cleaning solution thoroughly until no visible contaminants remain.

3. Wipe off the cleaning solution with a fresh cloth or towel, dampened with tap water after
cleaning until no visible cleaning agent remains.

EN 件
4. Dry the system in a ventilated and cool place.

ID 文
Make sure the cleaning solution does not seep into the control panel or any other

NF 密

1. Take particular care when cleaning the areas near trackball and the slide controls.
CO 保

2. Make sure they are free of gel and any other visible residue.
3. Use a soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning, because the surface of polarizer

is very soft and easily scratched. Cleaning Probe and Probe Holder

To clean the probe:

1. Disconnect the probe from the system.

2. Wipe the patient contact area with a soft cloth dampened with the cleaning solution until no
visible contaminants remain.

3. Wipe off the cleaning solution with a fresh cloth or towel, dampened with tap water after

cleaning until no visible cleaning agent remains.

4. Wipe off with a dry cloth to remove residual moisture.


5. Leave the probe to air dry.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

NOTE:The single-use sheath should be used on V562-1UB and V742UB probe. Before
cleaning the probe, remove the sheath gently and discard it. Put on a new single-use
sheath before using the probe.

1. Always wear gloves to perform the following steps.
2. To minimize the disease transmission, use of legally marketed, sterile probe and
sheath is strongly recommended for intra-cavitary and intra-operative procedures.
Legally marketed, sterile, pyrogen free probe sheath is required to use for
neurological intra-operative procedures.
3. DO NOT use an expired probe sheath. Check whether the term of validity has
expired prior to using probe sheaths.
4. The single-use sheath should comply with the local regulations.

EN 件
To install probe sheath for clinical application of an invasive nature (such as transrectal):

1. Place an adequate amount of sterile coupling gel on the acoustic window of the probe;
ID 文
2. Insert the probe into the sheath;
3. Pull the sheath over the probe and cable until the sheath is fully extended;

NF 密
4. Secure the sheath using the bands or clips supplied with the sheath;
5. Check and eliminate bubbles between the face of the probe and the sheath. Bubbles between
the face of probe and the sheath may affect the ultrasound imaging.
CO 保

6. Inspect the sheath to ensure that there are no damages (i.e. holes or tears).

To clean probe holder:

1. Disassemble the probe holder by uninstalling the two screws.

2. Wipe the probe holder with a soft cloth dampened with the cleaning solution until no visible

contaminants remain.

3. Wipe off the cleaning solution with a fresh cloth or towel, dampened with tap water after
cleaning until no visible cleaning agent remains.

4. Wipe off with a dry cloth to remove residual moisture.

5. Leave the probe holder to air dry.


6. After cleaning and drying, assemble the probe holder to the main unit.

- 149 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

Proper Use of Probes

In order to extend the service life and to obtain optimum performance of the probe, please operate
as follows:
1. Inspect power cord, socket and acoustical window of the probe periodically.
2. Shut down the machine before connecting or disconnecting the probe.
3. Do not drop the probe onto the floor or collide with hard objects. Otherwise it will be
damaged easily.
4. When the probe is not used, put it in the probe holder.
5. Do not heat the probe.
6. Do not pull or bend the power cord of the probe.

EN 件
7. Coupling gel can only be used on the head of the probe, and it should be wiped off after use.

8. Clean and disinfect the probe after every use.
ID 文
The acoustical window and the shell of the probe should be examined frequently.

NF 密
The U2 VET cannot be used together with high-frequency surgical equipment.
CO 保

1. Do not disinfect or clean probes under high temperature, and the temperature should
be below 45°C.

2. In order to avoid damaging the device, the disinfection method is limited to regular
maintenance of devices in hospitals. Disinfecting instruments should be cleaned first. Cleaning Needle Guide Bracket

To clean a needle guide bracket:

1. Disconnect the needle guide bracket from the probe after each use, and remove all visible
residues from the needle guide bracket using a small and soft-bristled brush or other similar
devices. Do the cleaning quickly before the needle guide bracket dries out.

2. Soak the needle guide bracket in the cleaning solution for at least five minutes. Use a
soft-bristled brush to clean the needle guide bracket during the soaking. If the residue is hard
to be removed, repeat the soaking procedures. Take out the needle guide bracket from the

cleanser and wipe all residues with a dry cloth. Please follow the cleanser manufacturer's
instructions and recommended concentrations.

- 150 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance Cleaning Trackball

To clean the trackball:

1. Remove the front panel bezel.

2. Remove the trackball as shown in Figure 12-1.

3. Wipe the trackball, X and Y rollers, and the auxiliary idler wheel with a soft cloth dampened
with the cleaning solution until no visible contaminants remain.

4. Wipe off the cleaning solution with a fresh cloth or towel, dampened with tap water after
cleaning until no visible cleaning agent remains.

5. Wipe off with a dry cloth to remove residual moisture.

6. Leave the trackball, X and Y rollers, and the auxiliary idler wheel to air dry.

EN 件
7. Assemble the trackball and front panel bezel after the assembly parts completely dry.

ID 文
Rotate clockwise to
remove the fixing ring

NF 密
Rotate clockwise to
Rotate counterclockwise mount the fixing ring
to mount the fixiing ring
CO 保

Figure 12-1 Assembling and Disassembling Trackball

Y roller
X roller

Auxiliary idler wheel

Figure 12-2 X and Y Rollers and the Auxiliary Idler Wheel


Do not drop or place foreign objects inside the trackball assembly or it may affect the

trackball operation and damage the system.


Be sure to clean the X and Y rollers and the auxiliary idler wheel.

- 151 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

12.2.2. Disinfection

For devices or accessories that have been in contact mucosal surface, High Level disinfection
must occur, for all other accessories, low level disinfection is appropriate. Clean the system
surface and reusable accessories before they are disinfected. The validated disinfectants for
disinfecting the system surface and reusable accessories are:

 Ethanol (75%)

 Isopropanol (70%)

 Cidex OPA

If Ethanol or Isopropanol is used for both cleaning and disinfecting, then a new cloth is required
to be used for the disinfection step.

EN 件 Disinfecting System Surface

ID 文
1. Switch off the system and disconnect it from the power line.

2. Wipe the display screen using a soft, clean cloth dampened with the disinfectant solution.

NF 密
3. Wipe the exterior surface of the equipment using a soft cloth dampened with the disinfectant

4. Wipe off the disinfectant solution with a dry cloth after disinfection if necessary.
CO 保

5. Dry the sytem for at least 30 minutes in a ventilated and cool place. Disinfecting Probe and Probe Holder

To disinfect the probe:

Disinfection should be performed each time after use.

1. Disconnect the probe from the system.

2. Wipe the patient contact area with a soft cloth dampened with the disinfectant solution
(ethanol or isopropanol).

3. Wipe off the disinfectant solution with a dry cloth after disinfection.

4. Leave the probe to air dry.


1. Do not immerse the probe connector. If the cable connector is immersed, do not plug
the connector into the system. Rinse the connector under running water and dry it
thoroughly. If necessary, contact EDAN for service.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

2. Prohibit infiltration of any type of liquid into the device or the probe.
3. Do not sterilize the probe using techniques such as autoclave, ultraviolet, gamma
radiation, gas, steam, or heat. Otherwise, severe damage will result.
4. The coupling gel adapted to the probe is a medical ultrasound coupling gel. Use the
ultrasound coupling gel that complies with the local regulations.
5. Do not immerse the power cord and connector of the probe into solutions. Probes can
be submerged to, but not including, the strain relief of the probe array. Do not immerse
or soak any part of a probe in any cleaning material not listed in the recommended list
of disinfectant.

To disinfect the probe holder:

1. Disassemble the probe holder by uninstalling the two screws.

EN 件
2. Wipe the probe holder with a soft cloth dampened with the disinfectant solution.

3. Wipe off the disinfectant solution with a dry cloth after disinfection.
ID 文
4. Leave the probe holder to air dry for at least 30 minutes.

5. After disinfecting and drying, assemble the probe holder to the main unit.
NF 密 Disinfecting or Sterilizing Needle Guide Bracket

CO 保

1. Use proper sterilization technique at all times to perform a biopsy.

2. Ensure that protective gloves are worn.


1. The needle guide bracket kits are not disinfected or sterilized before delivery. The

operators must clean and sterilize the needle guide bracket kits before and after each
2. Comply with local regulations and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when you
use the sterilization solutions or devices.
3. Be sure to rinse the needle guide bracket with sterile water after you finish disinfection
or sterilization by soaking, in order to remove the residue chemicals on the surface of

the needle guide bracket.

To disinfect the needle guide bracket:


1. Wipe the needle guide bracket with a soft cloth dampened with glutaraldehyde solution

2. Wipe off the disinfectant solution with a dry cloth after disinfection.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

3. Leave the needle guide bracket to air dry for at least 30 minutes.
To sterilize the needle guide bracket:
Sterilize the needle guide bracket by autoclaving (with autoclave) under the temperature of
132-138°C for 15-30 minutes. Disinfecting Trackball

To disinfect the trackball:

1. Wipe the surfaces of the trackball using a soft cloth dampened with the disinfection solution.

2. Wipe off the disinfection solution with a dry cloth after disinfection.

3. Leave the trackball to air dry for at least 30 minutes.

EN 件
After cleaning or disinfecting, check if the device, probe, cable and accessories function

well. If any problem is detected, please contact the manufacturer for service before
ID 文
reusing them.

Check Item Check Method
NF 密
Visual Inspect the device, probe, cable and accessories etc. for any damage.

Power on the system, check if the system boots up successfully without errors
Power On
and enters the main display.
CO 保

After power up, check if the AC power indicator and battery status indicator in
lower right of the screen are as described in Section 5.3.
Check the control panel for any damage.

Inspect probes for cracks, openings, or other damage that could allow liquid

Connect probes to the system, and check if the main display is as described in
Section 5.3.

12.3. Disassembling System Filter

Step 1. Power off the device, unbolt the five screws on the rear cover of the main unit, and take
down the rear cover;

Step 2. Unbolt the two screws on the rear metal cover,

Step 3. Hold the left part and the lower right corner of the left cover of the main unit, lift the

cover to release from hooks, and then move left to take down the left cover;
Step 4. Overturn the left cover, unbolt the four screws that fix the system filter, and take down
the system filter.

- 154 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

Step 1 Step 2

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密

Step 3
CO 保

Step 4
Figure 12-3 Disassembling the System Filter

12.4. Replacing Fuses

You can replace the fuses if necessary.

Step 1. Pull out the fuse-box using tweezers/fingers;

Step 2. Use the tweezers to take out the fuses;
Step 3. Put new fuses (φ5×20,T3.15AH 250V) provided by EDAN in position, and reposition

- 155 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

the fuse-box.

Step 1 Step 2

EN 件
ID 文
TI Step 3
NF 密
Figure 12-4 Replacing Fuses

CO 保

Ruptured fuse must only be replaced with those of the same type and rating as the

12.5. Maintenance

Besides the maintenance requirements recommended in this manual, comply with local
regulations on maintenance and measurement.


Failure on the part of the responsible individual hospital or institution employing this
equipment to implement a satisfactory maintenance schedule may cause undue
equipment failures and possible health hazards.

Maintenance must be performed every 12 months, including safety and functionality of the

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Inspection and Maintenance

The following safety checks should be performed at least every 12 months by a qualified person
who has adequate training, knowledge, and practical experience to perform these tests.

 Inspect the safety-related labels for legibility.

 Inspect the fuse to verify compliance with rated current and breaking characteristics.

 Verify that the device function properly as described in the instructions for use.

 Test the protection earth resistance according to IEC/EN 60601-1 and IEC/EN 60601-2-37:
Limit: 0 - 0.1 Ω.

 Test the earth leakage current according to IEC/EN 60601-1 and IEC/EN 60601-2-37: Limit:
NC 500 μA, SFC 1000 μA.

 Test the patient leakage current according to IEC/EN 60601-1 and IEC/EN 60601-2-37:

EN 件
Limit: AC NC 100 μA, SFC 500 μA, DC NC 10 μA, SFC 50 μA.

 Test the enclosure leakage current according to IEC/EN 60601-1 and IEC/EN 60601-2-37:

Limit: NC100 μA, SFC 500 μA.
ID 文
 The leakage current should never exceed the limit.

The data should be recorded in an equipment log. If the device is not functioning properly or any
NF 密

of the above tests fail, please contact the maintenance personnel of EDAN.
CO 保


- 157 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Transportation and Storage

Chapter 13 Transportation and Storage

13.1. Moving the System

The system is designed to be portable and easily transported. Power off the system and secure all
accessories before moving it to another location.


1 Switch off the ultrasound system. Unplug the power cord from the power source and
secure the power cable.
2 Put the probes in the probe holder, or remove them and place them in the protective
carrying cases.

EN 件
3 Disconnect and secure the footswitch and the connecting cable.

4 Raise the brakes away from the front and back caster wheels of the mobile trolley
ID 文
5 Push the handle to roll the system forward and maneuver it to its new location and

lock the wheel caster brakes of the mobile trolley (optional).
NF 密
6 Connect optional system accessories, such as the single-pedal footswitch.
7 Secure the system and complete the system setup, and then perform all the daily
checking before using it.
CO 保

8 Hold the integrated handles when moving the system. Holding other parts of the
system may cause damage to the system. Do not move the system from its sides,

otherwise, it may topple over and result in injury.

13.2. Storage

 Do not place the device near the ground, walls or the roof.
 Keep good indoor ventilation. Avoid strong and direct sunlight, and erosive gas.

13.3. Transportation
To prepare the system for shipment over long distances or rough terrain, repack the system in the

factory packing
To prepare the system for transport over distances: load the system into a vehicle using a lift gate.

To prevent lateral movement of the system, secure the system with cargo straps. To prevent
sudden jarring of the system during transport, provide anti-shock cushions beneath the system.
It is suitable for transportation by air, railway, highway and ship. Protect the system from
inversion, collision, and splashing with rain and snow.

- 158 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Troubleshooting

Chapter 14 Troubleshooting

14.1. Checkup
 Check whether the power supply works properly and the power cord is well connected and
plugged into the power socket.
 Check whether the probe is properly connected to the main unit.

14.2. Troubleshooting
 Changing the cartridge fuse (You can replace the fuses if necessary).
 Troubleshooting (see Table 14-1 )

EN 件
Item Problem Solution

1. Check power supply.
ID 文
When the power switch is on, 2. Check wires and plugs.
there isn’t any image displayed. 3. Check whether the cartridge fuse is melted.

4. Check the brightness control knob.
NF 密
1. Inspect the power supply.
2. Check whether it is disturbed by the ignition action
Strip-shape or snowflake-shape of any other device.
CO 保

2 disturbance occurs on the display 3. Check the disturbance of electric or magnetic field
screen. in the surrounding environment.
4. Check whether the plug and socket of power supply

and probe are properly connected.

1. Adjust overall gain (Gain).
Image is not displayed clearly on 2. Adjust eight TGC slide controls.
the screen. 3. Adjust the brightness.

4. Adjust focus (the number and the position).

4 Near-field image is not clear. Adjust the key total gain and the upper TGC

5 Far-field image is not clear. Adjust the key total gain and the lower TGC
Adjust the brightness and slide the TGC controls to the
6 Image window is dark.
right most.

Table 14-1 Troubleshooting Examples


- 159 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Warranty and Service

Chapter 15 Warranty and Service

15.1. Warranty
EDAN warrants that EDAN’s products meet the labeled specifications of the products and will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship that occur within warranty period.
The warranty is void in cases of:
a) Damage caused by mishandling during shipping.
b) Subsequent damage caused by improper use or maintenance.
c) Damage caused by alteration or repair by anyone not authorized by EDAN.
d) Damage caused by accidents.

EN 件
e) Replacement or removal of serial number label and manufacture label.

If a product covered by this warranty is determined to be defective because of defective materials,
ID 文
components, or workmanship, and the warranty claim is made within the warranty period, EDAN
will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective part(s) free of charge. EDAN will not provide

a substitute product for use when the defective product is being repaired.
NF 密

15.2. Contact information

CO 保

If you have any question about maintenance, technical specifications or malfunctions of devices,
contact your local distributor.
Alternatively, you can send an email to EDAN service department at: [email protected].


- 160 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Specifications

Appendix I: Specifications

A1.1: Electrical Safety Classifications

According to the type of protection against electric Internally powered equipment,

shock Class I equipment

According to the degree of protection against

Type BF
electric shock

Whole device: Ordinary equipment (Sealed

equipment without liquid proof);
According to the degree of protection against
Probe (not including the probe connector):
harmful ingress of liquid

EN 件
Footswitch (optional): IPX8.

According to the degree of safety of application in Equipment not suitable for use in the presence
ID 文
the presence of a flammable gas of a flammable gas

According to the mode of operation Continuous operation
NF 密
According to the grade of EMC CISPR 11 Group 1, Class A

EN 60601-1:2006
idt IEC 60601-1: 2005
CO 保

EN 60601-1-2: 2007
Standards Compliance idt IEC 60601-1-2: 2007

IEC/EN 60601-2-37


- 161 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Specifications

A1.2: Power Supply

Operating Voltage 100 V-240 V~

Operating Frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz

Input Current 2.0A-1.0A

Lithium battery
Capacity 5000 mAh
Voltage 14.8 VDC
Average working time 1h
Maximum charging time 8 h (when the system is connected to the mains power supply, and
the system is turned off)

EN 件
Cycle life 300 times

A1.3: Machine Specifications
ID 文
Main unit dimensions 920 mm (L) × 650 mm (W) × 1400 mm (H) (with 15 inch monitor

TI 920 mm(L) × 650 mm (W) ×1480 mm (H) (with 19 inch monitor)

NF 密
Net weight 60 kg

A1.4: Display Specifications

CO 保

Standard display:

Display TFT-LCD
Diagonal Size 15 inches

Pixel Number 1024*768

Brightness/contrast Adjustable

Optional display:

Display TFT-LCD

Diagonal Size 19 inches


Pixel Number 1280*1024

Brightness/contrast Adjustable

- 162 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Specifications

A1.5: General Technical Specifications

B Mode:Single, Dual, Quad
C Mode: B/C (Single, Dual);
B+B/C (Simultaneous dual mode);
B/C/PW (Triplex mode or not)
B/PDI(DPDI) (Single, Dual);
B+B/PDI(DPDI) (Simultaneous dual mode);
B/PDI(DPDI)/PW (Triplex mode or not)
Display Modes PW Mode:
B/PW (Duplex mode or not);
B+C/PW, B+PDI(DPDI)/PW (Duplex mode or not);
B/C/PW, B/PDI(DPDI)/PW (Triplex mode or not);

EN 件
CW Mode:

M Mode: B/M (Display layout:Up/down, Left/right,1:1)

Image Gray Scale 256 levels
NF 密
In area
Image Magnification Real time:×1.2, ×1.4, ×1.6, ×2.0, ×2.4, ×3.0, ×4.0;
Frozen: ×1.14, ×1.33, ×1.6, ×2.0, ×2.67, ×3.2, ×4.0
CO 保

Storage 504 MB
Cine Review 409 frames(Color)/1227frames(Black & White)
Depth Adjustment Adjustable in real time in all modes

Image Conversion Up/Down flip, Left/Right flip, 90°rotate, B/W invert

Chinese, English, etc. (The language options varies with language software
Language Conversion

Focus Number Max. 4

Software Packages Abdomen, obstetrics, muscle, tendon, cardiology, peripheral vascular

B mode generic
Distance, circumference, area, volume, ratio, % stenosis and angle.
M mode generic
Distance, time, slope, and heart rate

In non-cardiac exam:
Velocity, Heart Rate, Time, Acceleration, Resistance Index (RI), Pulsatility
D mode generic
Index (PI) and Auto Trace (auto trace is available only for PW mode)

In cardiac exam:
Velocity, PG, Time, Heart Rate, Slope, PHT, Trace (Manual)
Patient name, age, sex, time, date, hospital name, doctor name, comment
(full-screen character editing)

- 163 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Specifications

Body Mark 40 types

USB Port USB 1.1

A1.6: Probe Specifications

This device can detect the probe automatically.

Model Application

C352UB/ C5-2b Abdomen, large animal obstetrics

Small animal obstetrics and small animal abdomen
muscle, tendon, small parts, peripheral vascular

L15-7b tendon, small parts, peripheral vascular

EN 件
C612UB/C6152UB Cardiology, small animal obstetrics and small animal abdomen

C422UB Obstetrics, abdomen, cardiology

Small animal obstetrics and small animal abdomen, large/medium animal
ID 文
abdomen, tendon, small parts, peripheral vascular, back fat

P5-1b Cardiology

NF 密
V562-1UB/V742UB Large animal obstetrics, muscle, tendon

Maximum endocavity transducer temperature rise during simulated operation: Less than 6 C.
CO 保

Maximum temperature rise for other transducers during simulated operation: Less than 10 C.

A1.7: Operating, Storage and Transportation Environment

A1.7.1.Operating Environment

Temperature +5 °C ~ +40 °C(+41ºF ~ +104ºF)

Relative humidity range 25% RH ~ 80% RH (non-condensing)

Atmospheric pressure range 860 hPa ~ 1060 hPa

A1.7.2.Storage and Transportation Environment

Temperature -20 °C ~ +55 °C(-4ºF ~ +131ºF)

Relative humidity range 25% RH ~ 93% RH (non-condensing)

Atmospheric pressure range 700 hPa ~ 1060 hPa


- 164 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Appendix II: Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.1: Ultrasound in Medicine

The use of diagnostic ultrasound has proved to be a valuable tool in medical practice. Given its
known benefits for non-invasive investigations and medical diagnosis, including investigation of
the human fetus, the question of clinical safety with regards to ultrasound intensity arises.

There is no easy answer to the question of safety surrounding the use of diagnostic ultrasound
equipment. Application of the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle serves as a
rule-of-thumb that will help you to get reasonable results with the lowest possible ultrasonic

The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) states that given its track record of
over 25 years of use and no confirmed biological effects on patients or instrument operators, the

benefits of the prudent use of diagnostic ultrasound clearly outweigh any risks.

A2.2: Ultrasound Safety and the ALARA Principle

Ultrasound waves dissipate energy in the form of heat and can therefore cause tissue warming.

Although this effect is extremely low with Transcranial Doppler, it is important to know how to
control and limit patient exposure. Major governing bodies in ultrasound have issued statements

to the effect that there are no known adverse effects from the use of diagnostic ultrasound,
however, exposure levels should always be limited to As Low As Reasonably Achievable (the

ALARA principle).

Imaging Functions Affecting Acoustic Output

In addition to the level of voltage transmitted, adjustment of the following imaging functions and

/or controls may affect the acoustic output.

Item Affection

Probe Acoustic output will be changed with the change of probe.

There are different parameters applied in B mode, Color mode, M
Imaging mode mode, and PW mode, so acoustic output will be changed with the
change of among B mode, Color mode, M mode, and PW mode.
Field of view (scan angle or Frame rate may be changed with the change of the scan angle of the

scan width) scan width, and the acoustic output will also be changed.

Pulse repeated frequency will be changed with the change of the image
Image depth

depth, and the acoustic output will be changed.

Frame rate and focus position will be changed with the change of the
Focus number
focus number, and acoustic output will also be changed.

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic output will be changed with the change of the focus position
even the beam power level and the beam aperture have not been
Focus position
changed. Generally, the acoustic output will be higher with it gets nearer
to the probe.
Freeze When freezing the system, it will stop transmitting ultrasonic wave.
The output of probe will be changed with the change of the transmission
Transmission power
power, and acoustic output will be changed.
The character of the wave focus will be changed with the change of the
frequency, and acoustic output will be changed.
The acoustic output will be changed with the change of the number of
Line density
the scanning line (line density).
PRF The acoustic power will be changed with the change of PRF.
The pulsed wave and the power will be changed with the change of the
Sample volume
sample volume, and acoustic output will be changed.

Presets contain all the parameters above, so any change of the
presetting will change acoustic output.

System will return to the default setting when restarting, or powering
Restart, or power on/off

on/off the system, and acoustic output will be changed.

A2.3: Explanation of MI/TI


A2.3.1. MI (Mechanical Index)

Cavitations will be generated when ultrasound wave passes through and contacts tissues,
resulting in instantaneous local overheating. This phenomenon is determined by acoustic pressure,

spectrum, focus, transmission mode, and factors such as states and properties of the tissue and

boundary. This mechanical bioeffect is a threshold phenomenon that occurs when a certain level
of ultrasound output is exceeded. The threshold is related to the type of tissue. Although no

confirmed adverse mechanical effects on patients or mammals caused by exposure at intensities

typical of present diagnostic ultrasound instruments have ever been reported, the threshold for
cavitation is still undetermined. Generally speaking, the higher the acoustic pressure, the greater

the potential for mechanical bioeffects; the lower the acoustic frequency, the greater the potential
for mechanical bioeffects.
The AIUM and NEMA formulate mechanical index (MI) in order to indicate the potential for
mechanical effects. The MI is defined as the ratio of the peak-rarefactional acoustic pressure

(should be calculated by tissue acoustic attenuation coefficient 0.3dB/cm/MHz) to the acoustic

MI = Pr, α

fawf × CMI
CMI = 1 (MPa / MHz )

- 166 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.3.2. TI (Thermal Index)

Heating of tissues is caused by absorption of ultrasound when the ultrasound energy is applied.
The temperature rise is determined by the acoustic intensity, exposed area and thermophysical
properties of the tissue.
In order to indicate the potential for temperature rise caused by thermal effects, the AIUM and
NEMA formulate thermal index (TI). It is defined as the ratio of the total acoustic power to the
acoustic power required to raise the tissue temperature by 1ºC.
According to different thermophysical properties of the tissue, TI is divided into three kinds: TIS,
TIB and TIC.
TIS (Soft Tissue Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential temperature rise in soft or
similar tissues.

TIB (Bone Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential temperature rise when the
ultrasound beam passes through soft tissue and a focal region is in the immediate vicinity of


TIC (Cranial Bone Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential temperature rise in the
cranial bones or superficial bones.

A2.3.3. Display of MI/TI


The system provides real-time display of MI/TI values in the upper right part of the screen. The
start point of MI/TI value is 0.0. You can preset which TI item is to be displayed through

Preset>System Preset>Application Preset.

The operator should monitor these values during examinations and keep the exposure time and

output level at the minimum amounts needed for effective diagnosis.

The display precision is 0.1.


For C5-2b probe (P/N:02.01.214021), display accuracy of MI is ±65%, and TI is ±65%

For other probes, display accuracy of MI is ±50%, and TI is ±50%.

A2.4: Acoustic Output


A2.4.1. Factors that Contribute to Uncertainty in the Output Display

A number of factors should be considered in display accuracy determination methods, such as:
 Transducer variability

 System variability
 Measurement variability and accuracy


The number of operating conditions of which the system is capable and the number tested in
obtaining display accuracy results
 Whether display accuracy will be determined by specific combinations of system, mode,
transducer assembly and transmit patterns, or all allowed combinations of them

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U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

 Accuracy of system software MI and TI calculation algorithms.

 Engineering approximations for real-time calculations

A2.4.2. Differences between Actual and Displayed MI/TI

Actually, many assumptions adopted in the process of measurement and calculations are
relatively conservative. Over-estimation of actual in situ intensity exposure, for the majority of
tissue paths, is made to the measurement and calculation process. For example, attenuation
coefficient of 0.3 dB/cm∙MHz, which is much lower than the actual value for most tissues of the
body, is adopted. And conservative values of tissue characteristics are selected for use in TI
models. Therefore, the display of MI and TI should be used as relative information to assist
operator in prudent use of ultrasound system and implementation of ALARA principle, and the
values should not be interpreted as the actual physical values in tissues or organs examined.

A2.4.3. Measurement Uncertainty

The uncertainties in the measurements were predominantly systematic in origin; the random

uncertainties were negligible in comparison. The overall systematic uncertainties were
determined as follows:

1. Hydrophone Sensitivity: ±23 percents for intensity, ±11.5 percents for pressure. Based

on the hydrophone calibration report by ONDA. The uncertainty was determined within
±1dB in frequency range 1-15MHz.
2. Digitizer: ±4 percents for intensity. ±1.5 percents for pressure.

Based on the stated accuracy of the 8-bit resolution of the Agilent DSO6012A Digital
Oscilloscope and the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement.

3. Temperature: ±1 percent

Based on the temperature variation of the water bath of ±1 ºC.

4. Spatial Averaging: ±10 percents for intensity, ±5 percents for pressure.

5. Non-linear Distortion: N/A.

No effects of nonlinear propagation are observed

Since all the above error sources are independent, they may be added on an RMS basis, giving a

total uncertainty of ± 25.1 percents for all intensity values reported, ± 12.7 percents for all the
pressure values and ±12.6 percents for the Mechanical Index.

A2.5: Operator Control Features


The possibility of producing mechanical/thermal biological effects can be influenced by three

kinds of controls: Direct Controls, Indirect Controls, and Receiver Controls. The qualified
operator may use the system controls to minimize the ultrasound output while acquiring

necessary clinical information.

 Direct Controls
The acoustic output of the system can be controlled directly through the level of voltage
transmitted. In this case, the maximum acoustic output never exceeds the limits in any mode of

- 168 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

 Indirect Controls
The acoustic output of the system can be controlled indirectly through many imaging parameters,
including imaging modes, probe frequency, focus number/position, depth and pulse repetition
frequency (PRF).
The imaging mode determines whether the ultrasound beam is scanning or non-scanning.
Thermal bioeffect is closely associated with M, PW and Color mode.
Acoustic attenuation of tissue is directly connected to probe frequency.
The focus number/position is related to active aperture of probe and beam width.
The higher PRF (pulse repetition frequency), the more output pulses occur over a period of time.
 Receiver Controls
The receiver controls (such as gain, TGC, dynamic range and image processing), which are used

to improve image quality, have no effect on acoustic output. Thus these controls should be
optimized before increasing acoustic output.

It is recommended to use the default (or lowest) output power setting and compensate using Gain

control to acquire an image. The default setting is normally around 70% of the allowable power
which will not cause any harm to users and is validated to be the most effective for all the


A2.6: Prudent Use Statement
Although no confirmed bioeffects on patients caused by exposure from present diagnostic

ultrasound equipment have ever been reported, the potential exists that such bioeffects may be

identified in the future. Therefore, the ultrasound should be used prudently. High levels of

acoustic output and long exposure time should be avoided while acquiring necessary clinical

A2.7: References for Acoustic Output and Safety

1. ―Bioeffects and Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound‖ issued by AIUM in 1993


2. ―Medical Ultrasound Safety‖ issued by AIUM in 1994

3. "Acoustic Output Measurement Standard for Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment,
Revision 3" issued by AIUM/NEMA in 2004
4. "Standard for real-time display of thermal and mechanical acoustic output indices on

diagnostic ultrasound equipment, Revision 2" issued by AIUM/NEMA in 2004

5. "Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic

Ultrasound Systems and Transducers" issued in 2008.

6. ―Medical electrical equipment—Part 2-37: Particular requirements for the basic safety and
essential performance of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment" issued by
IEC in 2007.

- 169 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8: Probe Acoustic Output Parameters List

A2.8.1. Test of Probe C5-2b

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.03 0.50 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.10

W0 (mW) 183.47 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 4.50
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.48 2.36 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.576 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A

PD (usec) 0.55

PRF (Hz) 3859.5

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.62

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 128.57

Depth(mm) 68 39 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 N/A

Freq(MHz) H6.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 170 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.20 0.073 0.35 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.77
W0 (mW) 9.89 12.23 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.94

[email protected] (cm) 4.26 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.42
fc (MHz) 2.33 2.35 2.34 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.99
PRF (Hz) 148.44
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.51

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.42
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 179.70

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 171 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.20 0.40 0.35 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.77
W0 (mW) 129.88 132.22 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.94

[email protected] (cm) 4.26 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.42
fc (MHz) 2.33 2.35 2.34 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.99
PRF (Hz) 148.44
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.51

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.42
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 179.70

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 172 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.23 1.23 2.64 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.95
W0 (mW) 120.90 64.92 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.76

[email protected] (cm) 4.72 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.28
fc (MHz) 2.51 3.05 2.53 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.47
PRF (Hz) 914.99
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.94

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.28
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 166.79

68 39 49 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 40 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 173 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.23 1.34 2.64 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.95
W0 (mW) 161.26 105.28 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.76

[email protected] (cm) 4.72 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.28
fc (MHz) 2.51 3.05 2.53 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.47
PRF (Hz) 914.99
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.94

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.28
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 166.79

68 39 49 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 40 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 174 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.34 1.18 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.11
W0 (mW) 173.62 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 4.52 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.50 3.04 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.45
PRF (Hz) 610.36
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.12

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 152.90

78 49 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 175 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214020)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.23 1.93 2.64 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.95
W0 (mW) 224.57 168.59 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.76

[email protected] (cm) 4.72 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.28
fc (MHz) 2.51 3.05 2.53 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.47
PRF (Hz) 914.99
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.94

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.28
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 166.79

68 39 49 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 40 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 176 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.84 0.28 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.34
W0 (mW) 98.80 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 5.40

deq(Zsp) (cm) 文
fc (MHz) 2.53 2.37 N/A
Dim of X(cm) 0.576 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A

PD (usec) 0.56
PRF (Hz) 3859.5
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.15
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 57.02

68 39 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)

Control Focus(mm) 60 30 N/A

Freq(MHz) H6.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 177 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.69 0.032 0.078 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.06
W0 (mW) 2.82 2.53 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.80

[email protected] (cm) 4.74 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.36
fc (MHz) 2.39 2.37 2.38 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.82
PRF (Hz) 148.44
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.57

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.36
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 57.94

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 178 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C5-2b(P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.69 0.23 0.18 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.06
W0 (mW) 76.12 68.37 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 3.80

[email protected] (cm) 4.74 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.36
fc (MHz) 2.39 2.37 2.40 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.82
PRF (Hz) 148.44
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.57

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.36
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 57.94

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 179 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.28 0.83 2.91 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.03
W0 (mW) 82.40 82.40 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.98

[email protected] (cm) 4.90 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.50 3.03 3.03 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.768 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.49
PRF (Hz) 900
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.40
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 205.20

68 39 39 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 30 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 180 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.28 0.97 2.91 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.03
W0 (mW) 116.73 116.73 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.98

[email protected] (cm) 4.90 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.50 3.03 3.03 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.768 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.49
PRF (Hz) 900
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.40
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 205.20

68 39 39 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 30 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 181 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.04 0.99 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.65
W0 (mW) 88.28 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 5.00 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.51 3.05 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.96 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.48
PRF (Hz) 600
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.54

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 141.4

78 49 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 182 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C5-2b (P/N: 02.01.214021)
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.28 1.60 2.91 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.03
W0 (mW) 185.83 185.83 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.98

[email protected] (cm) 4.90 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.50 3.03 3.03 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.768 0.768 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.49
PRF (Hz) 900
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.40
Focal FLx (cm) 3.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.63 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 205.20

68 39 39 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 30 30 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 183 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.2. Test of Probe P5-1b

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.00 1.66 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.49
W0 (mW) 126.13 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 3.60

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.24 2.74


Dim of X(cm) 0.8636 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.2 N/A
PD (usec) 0.67

PRF (Hz) 4937.5

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.98

deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 143.49

Depth(mm) 68 58 N/A

Control Focus(mm) 60 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

/ / N/A

Sweep Speed

- 184 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.31 0.047 0.51 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.82
W0 (mW) 5.28 12.83 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.86

[email protected] (cm) 3.78 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.38
fc (MHz) 1.94 2.74 1.94 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.6604 1.27 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.2 N/A
PD (usec) 1.09
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.38
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 126.99

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H4.0 3.0 H4.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 185 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.31 0.36 0.51 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.82
W0 (mW) 29.06 36.61 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.86

[email protected] (cm) 3.78 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.38
fc (MHz) 1.94 2.74 1.94 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.6604 1.27 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.2 N/A
PD (usec) 1.09
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.38
Focal FLx (cm) 4.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 126.99

68 49 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 40 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) H4.0 3.0 H4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 186 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System: U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.07 0.87 2.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.57
W0 (mW) 57.76 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.23

zbp (cm) 2.21
zsp (cm) 1.20

[email protected] (cm) 3.35 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.17 2.50 2.50 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.4224 0.4064 N/A
1.2 1.2

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.69
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.02

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.41
Focal FLx (cm) 15.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 86.20

167 157 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 160 150 20 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 187 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.07 0.87 2.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.57
W0 (mW) 98.07 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.23

zbp (cm) 2.21
zsp (cm) 1.20

[email protected] (cm) 3.35 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.17 2.50 2.50 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.4224 0.4064 N/A
1.2 1.2

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.69
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.02

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.41
Focal FLx (cm) 15.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 86.20

167 157 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 160 150 20 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 188 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.63 1.66 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.39
W0 (mW) 137.97 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 0.80 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.16 2.52 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.762 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) 1.2 N/A
PD (usec) 1.69
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.54

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 127.59

19 68 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 10 60 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 189 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.07 0.87 2.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.57
W0 (mW) 122.59 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.23

zbp (cm) 2.21
zsp (cm) 1.20

[email protected] (cm) 3.35 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.41
fc (MHz) 2.17 2.50 2.50 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.4224 0.4064 N/A
1.2 1.2

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.69
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.02

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.41
Focal FLx (cm) 15.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 86.20

167 157 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 160 150 20 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 190 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: CW mode
Transducer: P5-1b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.036 0.13 0.58 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.051
W0 (mW) 13.77 13.77 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.26

[email protected] (cm) 2.26 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.39
fc (MHz) 2.00 2.00 2.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.7112 0.7112 N/A
1.2 1.2

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 5.00
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 0.059

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.39
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 4.77 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 0.084

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.0 2.0 2.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 191 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.3. Test of Probe L15-7b

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.88 0.31 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.42
W0 (mW) 6.99 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 1.34

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 7.54 9.38


Dim of X(cm) 0.54 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.48 N/A
PD (usec) 0.22

PRF (Hz) 7606.5

pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.43

deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 1.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 230.1

Depth(mm) 19 19 N/A

Control Focus(mm) 15 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) H14.4 10 N/A

ScanAngle 3 level 0 level N/A

/ / N/A

Sweep Speed

- 192 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.88 0.0066 0.015 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.42
W0 (mW) 0.15 0.15 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.30

[email protected] (cm) 1.34 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.092
fc (MHz) 7.54 9.38 9.38 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.54 0.54 N/A
0.48 0.48

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.22
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.43

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.091
Focal FLx (cm) 1.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 230.1

19 19 19 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 15 15 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) H14.4 10 10 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 193 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.88 0.32 0.31 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 2.42
W0 (mW) 7.14 7.14 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.30

[email protected] (cm) 1.34 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.092
fc (MHz) 7.54 9.38 9.38 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.54 0.54 N/A
0.48 0.48

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.22
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 3.43

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.091
Focal FLx (cm) 1.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 230.1

19 19 19 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 15 15 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) H14.4 10 10 N/A

ScanAngle 3 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 194 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.16 0.44 0.73 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 3.30
W0 (mW) 11.41 6.99 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.16

[email protected] (cm) 0.77 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.11
fc (MHz) 8.11 8.03 8.09 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.32 0.48 N/A
0.48 0.48

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.47
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 4.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.11
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 412.80

19 68 19 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 10 60 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) 8.0 8.0 8.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 195 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.16 0.60 0.73 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 3.30
W0 (mW) 15.10 9.38 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.16

[email protected] (cm) 0.77 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.11
fc (MHz) 8.11 8.03 8.09 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.32 0.48 N/A
0.48 0.48

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.47
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 4.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.11
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 412.80

19 68 19 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 10 60 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) 8.0 8.0 8.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 196 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.11 0.69 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 3.17
W0 (mW) 23.42 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 0.92 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 8.07 8.07 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.32 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.47
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 4.09

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 8.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 364.90

19 88 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 10 80 N/A

Freq(MHz) 8.0 8.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 197 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: L15-7b
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 1.16 1.02 0.73 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 3.30
W0 (mW) 29.42 22.60 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.16

[email protected] (cm) 0.77 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.11
fc (MHz) 8.11 8.03 8.09 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.32 0.48 N/A
0.48 0.48

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.47
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 4.09

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.11
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.31 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 412.80

19 68 19 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 10 60 15 N/A

Freq(MHz) 8.0 8.0 8.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 198 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.4. Test of Probe C352UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.53 0.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.90
W0 (mW) 65.1 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 5.78

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.84 2.84


Dim of X(cm) 1.8924 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.53

PRF (Hz) 7020.8

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.59

deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 81.10

Depth(mm) 78 78 N/A

Control Focus(mm) 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

/ / N/A

Sweep Speed

- 199 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.013 0.058 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.92
W0 (mW) 2.32 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 4.70

zbp (cm) 2.65
zsp (cm) 5.88

[email protected] (cm) 5.88 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.40
fc (MHz) 2.86 2.86 2.86 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.8924 1.8924 N/A
1.3 1.3

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.53
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.55

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.40
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 82.87

78 78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 200 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.20 0.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.92
W0 (mW) 67.42 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 4.70

zbp (cm) 2.65
zsp (cm) 5.88

[email protected] (cm) 5.88 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.40
fc (MHz) 2.86 2.86 2.86 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.8924 1.8924 N/A
1.3 1.3

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.53
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.55

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.40
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 82.87

78 78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) H5.0 H5.0 H5.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 201 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.42 2.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.88
W0 (mW) 77.29 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 4.60

zbp (cm) 2.51
zsp (cm) 5.60

[email protected] (cm) 5.60 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 2.71 2.71 2.71 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.6932 1.6932 N/A
1.3 1.3

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.37
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.53

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 62.53

78 78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 202 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.42 2.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 0.88
W0 (mW) 142.39 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 4.60

zbp (cm) 2.51
zsp (cm) 5.60

[email protected] (cm) 5.60 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 2.71 2.71 2.71 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.6932 1.6932 N/A
1.3 1.3

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.37
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.53

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 62.53

78 78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 203 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.67 0.23 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.10
W0 (mW) 72.52 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 6.68 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 2.71 2.71 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.2908 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.41
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.97

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 114.67

88 88 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 204 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C352UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.67 0.42 2.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.10
W0 (mW) 152.81 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 4.60

zbp (cm) 2.51
zsp (cm) 5.60

[email protected] (cm) 6.68 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 2.71 2.71 2.71 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.6932 1.6932 N/A
1.3 1.3

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.41
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.97

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 7.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 5.78 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 114.67

88 88 88 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 70 70 70 N/A

Freq(MHz) 2.5 2.5 2.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 205 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.5. Test of Probe L742UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.46 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.03
W0 (mW) 10.49 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
[email protected]
(cm) 1.78

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 4.99 4.99 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.58 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26

PRF (Hz) 12728

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.45

deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 107.89

Depth(mm) 29 29 N/A

Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A


Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 206 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.0085 0.031 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 0.36 0.36 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 207 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.089 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 10.85 10.85 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 208 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.41 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 15.46 15.46 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 209 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.49 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 25.95 25.95 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 210 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.13 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 15.11 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 2.05 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.60 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 N/A

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 211 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode:B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.54 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 30.57 30.57 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 2.05 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58

Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz)
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A

Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 212 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.6. Test of Probe L1042UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: L1042UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.46 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.03
W0 (mW) 10.49 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

EN 件
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
ID 文
zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 1.78

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 4.99 4.99 N/A
NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.66 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.58 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 12728

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.45
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 107.89

Depth(mm) 29 29 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A


Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 213 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.0085 0.031 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 0.36 0.36 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 227.48
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 214 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.089 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 10.85 10.85 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 227.48
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 215 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.41 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 15.46 15.46 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 216 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.49 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 25.95 25.95 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 217 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.13 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 15.11 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 2.05
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.60 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz) 7999.7
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 218 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode:B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: L742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.54 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 30.57 30.57 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 2.05
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz) 7999.7
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 219 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.7. Test of Probe C612UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.64 0.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.60
W0 (mW) 10.02 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

EN 件
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
ID 文
zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 1.63

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 6.25 6.25 N/A
NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.574 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) .69 N/A
PD (usec) 0.20
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 11093

pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.38
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 164.9

Depth(mm) 29 29 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.5 6.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A


Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 220 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.0073 0.022 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.69
W0 (mW) 0.24 0.24 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.58

[email protected] (cm) 1.58
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 1.05
fc (MHz) 6.21 6.21 6.21 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.574 0.574 N/A
0.69 0.69
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.20
PRF (Hz) 264.11
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.29
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 1.05
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 181.2

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.5 6.5 6.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 221 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.16 0.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.69
W0 (mW) 10.26 10.26 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.58

[email protected] (cm) 1.58
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 1.05
fc (MHz) 6.21 6.21 6.21 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.574 0.574 N/A
.69 .69
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.20
PRF (Hz) 264.11
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.29
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 1.05
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 181.2

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.5 6.5 6.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 222 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.46 1.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.30
W0 (mW) 16.96 16.96 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.78

[email protected] (cm) 1.78
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.016
fc (MHz) 5.68 5.68 5.68 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.533 0.533 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 N/A
PD (usec) 0.64
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.88
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.016
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 106.79

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.0 6.0 6.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 223 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.54 0.61 1.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.30
W0 (mW) 26.98 26.98 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.78

[email protected] (cm) 1.78
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.016
fc (MHz) 5.68 5.68 5.68 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.533 0.533 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 N/A
PD (usec) 0.64
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.88
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.016
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 106.79

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.0 6.0 6.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 224 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.62 0.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.48
W0 (mW) 11.16 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 1.63
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 5.69 5.69 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.533 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.64
PRF (Hz) 10204
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.13
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 142.35

29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.0 6.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 225 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C612UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.62 0.61 1.49 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.48
W0 (mW) 28.12 28.12 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.78

[email protected] (cm) 1.63
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.016
fc (MHz) 5.69 5.68 5.68 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.533 0.533 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 N/A
PD (usec) 0.64
PRF (Hz) 10204
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.13
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.016
Focal FLx (cm) 2.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.65 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 142.35

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 20 20 20 N/A
Freq(MHz) 6.0 6.0 6.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 226 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.8. Test of Probe C6152UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.62 0.24 0.71
pr.3 (MPa) 1.33
W0 (mW) 21.44 21.44
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

EN 件
z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
ID 文
[email protected] (cm) 1.83
deq(Zsp) (cm)

TI (MHz) 4.71 4.71 4.71

NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.656 0.656
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.29
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 12727

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.95
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50

Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 137.59

Depth(mm) 29 29 29
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) H9.4 H9.4 H9.4

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level

/ / /

Sweep Speed

- 227 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.63 0.012 0.036 0.72
pr.3 (MPa) 1.82
W0 (mW) 0.52 0.52 0.52
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.90

[email protected] (cm) 1.90
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.62
fc (MHz) 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62

Dim of X(cm) 0.656 0.656 0.656
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.29
PRF (Hz) 151.65
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.48
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.62
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 154.25

29 29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) H9.4 H9.4 H9.4 H9.4

ScanAngle / / / /

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level 3 level


- 228 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.63 0.25 0.24 1.43
pr.3 (MPa) 1.82
W0 (mW) 21.96 21.96 21.96
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.90

[email protected] (cm) 1.90
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.62
fc (MHz) 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62

Dim of X(cm) 0.656 0.656 0.656
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.29
PRF (Hz) 151.65
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.48
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.62
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 154.25

29 29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) H9.4 H9.4 H9.4 H9.4

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level 0 level

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level 3 level


- 229 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.64 0.58 1.75 0.68
pr.3 (MPa) 1.41
W0 (mW) 24.33 24.33 24.33
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.13

[email protected] (cm) 2.13
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.013
fc (MHz) 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98

Dim of X(cm) 0.902 0.902 0.902
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.73
PRF (Hz) 7344.9
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.14
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.013
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 131.78

29 29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

ScanAngle / / / /

Sweep Speed / / / /

- 230 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.64 0.82 1.75 1.39
pr.3 (MPa) 1.41
W0 (mW) 45.77 45.77 45.77
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.13

[email protected] (cm) 2.13
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.013
fc (MHz) 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98

Dim of X(cm) 0.902 0.902 0.902
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.73
PRF (Hz) 7344.9
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.14
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.013
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 131.78

29 29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level 0 level

Sweep Speed / / / /

- 231 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.65 0.27 0.54
pr.3 (MPa) 1.44
W0 (mW) 19.16 19.16
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 2.20
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 4.98 4.98 4.98

Dim of X(cm) 0.902 0.902
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.73
PRF (Hz) 9174.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 135.86

29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) 5.0 5.0 5.0

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level

Sweep Speed / / /

- 232 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C6152UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.65 0.85 1.75 1.22
pr.3 (MPa) 1.44
W0 (mW) 43.49 43.49 43.49
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.13

[email protected] (cm) 2.20
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.013
fc (MHz) 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98

Dim of X(cm) 0.902 0.902 0.902
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.69 0.69 0.69
PD (usec) 0.73
PRF (Hz) 9174.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.013
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 2.50
Length FLy (cm) 1.95 1.95

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 135.86

29 29 29 29

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 25
Freq(MHz) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level 0 level

Sweep Speed / / / /

- 233 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.9. Test of Probe C422UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.58 0.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.08
W0 (mW) 35.21 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

EN 件
z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
ID 文
[email protected] (cm) 3.83
deq(Zsp) (cm)

TI (MHz) 3.34 3.34 N/A

NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.77 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.45
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 6737.5

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.67
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 81.20

Depth(mm) 68 68 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

/ / N/A

Sweep Speed

- 234 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.57 0.011 0.043 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.03
W0 (mW) 1.23 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.60

EN 件
zbp (cm) 1.69
zsp (cm) 3.90

[email protected] (cm) 3.90
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.54
fc (MHz) 3.34 3.34 3.34 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.77 0.77 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.45
PRF (Hz) 240.62
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.71
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.54
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 91.27

68 68 68 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 235 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.57 0.20 0.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.03
W0 (mW) 36.44 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.60

EN 件
zbp (cm) 1.69
zsp (cm) 3.90

[email protected] (cm) 3.90
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.54
fc (MHz) 3.34 3.34 3.34 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.77 0.77 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 0.45
PRF (Hz) 240.62
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.71
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.54
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 91.27

68 68 68 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 236 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.62 0.39 2.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.09
W0 (mW) 57.50 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 3.60

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.17
zsp (cm) 4.43

[email protected] (cm) 4.43
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 3.08 3.08 3.08 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.265 1.265 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.17
PRF (Hz) 4885.1
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.75
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 105.23

68 68 68 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 237 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.62 0.39 2.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.09
W0 (mW) 92.60 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 3.60

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.17
zsp (cm) 4.43

[email protected] (cm) 4.43
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 3.08 3.08 3.08 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.265 1.265 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.17
PRF (Hz) 4885.1
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.75
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 105.23

68 68 68 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 238 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.80 0.38 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.39
W0 (mW) 58.70 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 4.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 3.06 3.06 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.265 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 1.19
PRF (Hz) 3906.2
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.18
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 168.11

78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 239 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: C422UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.80 0.39 2.15 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.39
W0 (mW) 116.20 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 3.60

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.17
zsp (cm) 4.43

[email protected] (cm) 4.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.011
fc (MHz) 3.06 3.08 3.08 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 1.265 1.265 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1.3 1.3 N/A
PD (usec) 1.19
PRF (Hz) 3906.2
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.18
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.011
Focal FLx (cm) 6.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.90 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 168.11

78 78 78 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 60 60 60 N/A
Freq(MHz) 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 240 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.10. Test of Probe L552UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.71 0.13 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.53
W0 (mW) 25.53 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

EN 件
z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm)
ID 文
[email protected] (cm) 2.05
deq(Zsp) (cm)

TI (MHz) 4.71 4.71 N/A

NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.624 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.83 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 8900.9

pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.25
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 157.30

Depth(mm) 29 29 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.5 4.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

/ / N/A

Sweep Speed

- 241 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.76 0.020 0.053 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.64
W0 (mW) 0.90 0.90 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.93

[email protected] (cm) 1.93
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.43
fc (MHz) 4.71 4.71 4.71 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.624 0.624 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.83 0.83 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 317.88
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.34
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.43
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 170.70

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.5 4.5 4.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 242 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.76 0.15 0.13 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.64
W0 (mW) 26.43 26.43 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)

EN 件
z1 (cm)
zbp (cm)

zsp (cm) 1.93
ID 文
[email protected] (cm) 1.93
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.43

fc (MHz) 4.71 4.71 4.71 N/A
NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.624 0.624 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.83 0.83 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 317.88
CO 保

pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.34

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.43
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A

Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 170.70

Depth(mm) 29 29 29 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.5 4.5 4.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 243 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.73 0.49 1.61 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.45
W0 (mW) 25.99 25.99 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.23

[email protected] (cm) 2.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.014
fc (MHz) 3.97 3.97 3.97 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.702 0.702 N/A
0.83 0.83
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.92
PRF (Hz) 4885.1
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.97
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.014
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 115.40

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 244 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.73 0.62 1.61 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.45
W0 (mW) 51.52 51.52 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.23

[email protected] (cm) 2.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.014
fc (MHz) 3.97 3.97 3.97 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.702 0.702 N/A
0.83 0.83
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.92
PRF (Hz) 4885.1
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.97
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.014
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 115.40

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 245 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.73 0.09 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.47
W0 (mW) 21.18 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 2.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 3.97 3.97 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.702 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.83 N/A
PD (usec) 0.92
PRF (Hz) 5319
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.94
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 116.68

29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 246 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: L552UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.73 0.58 1.61 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.47
W0 (mW) 47.17 47.17 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 2.23

[email protected] (cm) 2.23
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.014
fc (MHz) 3.97 3.97 3.97 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.702 0.702 N/A
0.83 0.83
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.92
PRF (Hz) 5319
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.94
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.014
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 2.175 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 116.68

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 247 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.11. Test of Probe V562-1UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.19 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.43
W0 (mW) 29.64 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

EN 件
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
ID 文
zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 3.30

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 3.94 3.94 N/A
NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 2.88 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.32
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 8240.4

pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 92.92

Depth(mm) 58 58 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A


Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 248 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.25 1.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.42
W0 (mW) 29.57 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.80

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.868
zsp (cm) 2.95

[email protected] (cm) 3.30
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.019
fc (MHz) 3.92 3.92 3.92 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.33
PRF (Hz) 8240.4
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.019
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 103.49

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 249 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.25 1.20 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.43
W0 (mW) 59.21 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.80

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.868
zsp (cm) 2.95

[email protected] (cm) 3.30
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.019
fc (MHz) 3.94 3.92 3.92 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.32
PRF (Hz) 8240.4
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.019
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 92.92

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 250 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.53 0.23 0.95 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 25.94 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.80

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.868
zsp (cm) 3.10

[email protected] (cm) 3.70
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.024
fc (MHz) 4.70 4.70 4.70 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.75
PRF (Hz) 4186.7
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.00
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.024
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 82.91

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 251 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.23 0.95 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.43
W0 (mW) 55.58 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.80

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.868
zsp (cm) 3.10

[email protected] (cm) 3.30
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.024
fc (MHz) 3.94 4.70 4.70 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.32
PRF (Hz) 8240.4
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.024
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 92.92

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 252 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.55 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.43
W0 (mW) 76.18 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 3.30
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 3.94 3.94 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.32
PRF (Hz) 8240.4
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 92.92

58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 253 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: V562-1UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.72 0.64 2.55 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.43
W0 (mW) 102.12 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm) 2.80

EN 件
zbp (cm) 2.868
zsp (cm) 3.10

[email protected] (cm) 3.30
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.024
fc (MHz) 3.94 4.70 4.70 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 2.88 2.88 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) 1 1 N/A
PD (usec) 0.32
PRF (Hz) 8240.4
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.16
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.024
Focal FLx (cm) 5.00 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 3.35 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 92.92

58 58 58 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 50 50 50 N/A
Freq(MHz) 4.0 4.0 4.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 254 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

A2.8.12. Test of Probe V742UB

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.46 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.03
W0 (mW) 10.49 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),

EN 件
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

zbp (cm)
ID 文
zsp (cm)
[email protected] (cm) 1.78

deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 4.99 4.99 N/A
NF 密
Dim of X(cm) 0.66 N/A
Aaprt Y (cm) 0.58 N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
CO 保

PRF (Hz) 12728

pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.45
deq@PIImax (cm)

Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A
IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 107.89

Depth(mm) 29 29 N/A
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A


Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 255 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: M mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.0085 0.031 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 0.36 0.36 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 227.48
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 256 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+M mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.51 0.089 0.08 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.16
W0 (mW) 10.85 10.85 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.70

[email protected] (cm) 1.70
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.74
fc (MHz) 5.00 5.00 5.00 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.66 0.66 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.26
PRF (Hz) 227.48
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.60
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.74
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 129.38

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) H9.0 H9.0 H9.0 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed 3 level 3 level 3 level N/A


- 257 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: PW mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.41 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 15.46 15.46 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle / / / N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 258 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+PW mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.55 0.49 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.32
W0 (mW) 25.95 25.95 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 1.80
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.63 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.65
PRF (Hz) 9789.3
pr@PIImax (MPa) 1.91
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 99.76

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A


- 259 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C/B+PDI/B+DPDI mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.13 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 15.11 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm)

[email protected] (cm) 2.05
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm)
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.60 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 N/A
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz) 7999.7
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm)
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / N/A


- 260 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track3

System : U2 VET
Operating Mode: B+C+PW/B+PDI+PW/B+DPDI+PW mode
Transducer: V742UB
Index Label MI non-scan TIC
scan non-scan
Aaprt≤1 Aaprt>1
Global Maximum Index Value 0.68 0.54 1.27 N/A
pr.3 (MPa) 1.59
W0 (mW) 30.57 30.57 N/A
min of[W.3(z1),
ITA.3(z1)] (mW)
z1 (cm)

EN 件
zbp (cm)
zsp (cm) 1.80

[email protected] (cm) 2.05
ID 文
deq(Zsp) (cm) 0.018
fc (MHz) 5.60 5.63 5.63 N/A

Dim of X(cm) 0.72 0.72 N/A
0.58 0.58
NF 密
Aaprt Y (cm) N/A
PD (usec) 0.66
PRF (Hz) 7999.7
pr@PIImax (MPa) 2.35
CO 保

deq@PIImax (cm) 0.018
Focal FLx (cm) 2.50 N/A
Length FLy (cm) 1.675 N/A

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm ) 153.30

29 29 29 N/A

Operating Depth(mm)
Control Focus(mm) 25 25 25 N/A
Freq(MHz) 5.5 5.5 5.5 N/A

ScanAngle 0 level 0 level 0 level N/A

Sweep Speed / / / N/A



The device is not intended for ophthalmic use. Do not use it for examining ophthalmic
vessels, or any other procedures which may cause the ultrasound beam to pass through

the eye.

- 261 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Ultrasound Intensity and Safety

TRACK3(FDA Guidance) and IEC60601-2-37 standard parameter equal contrast list

TRACK3 parameter IEC60601-2-37 parameter NOTE

pr.3 pr.α Attenuated Peak-rare-factional Acoustic Pressure

pr pr Peak-rare-factional Acoustic Pressure

W0 P Output Power

z1 zs Depth for Soft Tissue Thermal Index

W.3(z1) Pα(Zs) Attenuated Output Power

ITA.3(z1) Ita.α(Zs) Attenuated Temporal-average Intensity

zbp zbp Break-point Depth

EN 件
zsp zb Depth for Bone Thermal Index

PII.3 Ipi.α Attenuated Pulse-intensity Integral

PII Ipi Pulse-intensity Integral
ID 文
deq(Zsp) deq(Zb) Equivalent Beam Diameter at the point of Zsp

fc fawf Center Frequency, Acoustic Working Frequency
NF 密
X X -12dB Output Beam Dimensions


Pulse Duration
CO 保

PD td

Pulse Repetition Frequency

PRF prr
(Pulse Repetition Rate)

deq deq Equivalent Beam Diameter

FLx FLx Focal Length


Attenuated Pulse-average Intensity at the point of

IPA.3@MImax(W/cm2) Ipi.α at max MI
Maximum MI

Aaprt Aaprt -12dB Output Beam Area

MI MI Mechanical Index

TIS TIS Soft Tissue Thermal Index


TIB TIB Bone Thermal Index

TIC TIC Cranial-bone Thermal Index


- 262 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Measurement Accuracy

Appendix III: Measurement Accuracy

Parameter Range Accuracy

Image depth range <±5% of full scale
C5-2b: 1.9cm-32.4cm
P5-1b: 1.9cm-31.4cm
L15-7b: 1.9cm-10.8cm

EN 件
V562-1UB: 1.9cm~15.7cm
V742UB: 2.9cm~12.7cm

Two-dimension Measurement
ID 文
Distance/depth Maximum ≥32.4 cm < ±5%
Area (Trace) Maximum ≥720 cm2 < ±10%

TI Maximum ≥720 cm2

NF 密
Area (Ellipse) < ±10%
Angle 0ºto 180º < ±3%
Ratio (A>B)
CO 保

-Result B/A and

Maximum 1.0 < ±10% of A
1.0 to 99.9 < ±10% of A
-Result A/B

Time Motion (TM) Measurement

Depth Maximum ≥320mm < ± 5%

Time Maximum ≥25 sec < ± 5%

Heart rate Maximum ≥999 bpm < ± 5%

Velocity (ratio) Maximum ≥999 mm/sec < ±10%

Volume Measurement
Volume Maximum ≥999 cm3 < ±15%

PW measurement

Velocity Maximum ≥250 cm/s < ±10%


CW measurement

Velocity Maximum ≥2.4m/s < ±10%

- 263 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual EMC Information

Appendix IV: EMC Information-Guidance and Manufacture’s

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration-electromagnetic emissions-

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration-electromagnetic emission

The U2 VET is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below; The customer or
the user of the U2 VET should assure that it is used in such and environment.
Emission test Compliance Electromagnetic environment-guidance
RF emissions Group 1 The U2 VET uses RF energy only for its internal function.
CISPR 11 Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely
to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.

EN 件
RF emissions Class A

Harmonic emissions Class A The U2 VET is suitable for use in all establishments, other
IEC 61000-3-2
ID 文 than domestic and those directly connected to the public
Voltage Complies low-voltage power supply network that supplies building

fluctuations/flicker used for domestic purposes.
NF 密
IEC 61000-3-3
CO 保


- 264 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual EMC Information

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity –

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The U2 VET is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of U2 VET
should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level
environment -guidance
Electrostatic ±6 kV contact ±6 kV contact Floors should be wood,
discharge (ESD) ±8 kV air ±8 kV air concrete or ceramic tile. If
IEC 61000-4-2 floor are covered with
synthetic material, the
relative humidity should be
at least 30%.

EN 件
Electrical fast ±2 kV for power supply ±2KV for power supply Mains power quality
transient/burst IEC lines lines should be that of a typical

61000-4-4 commercial or hospital
ID 文
Surge IEC ±1 kV line to line ±1 kV line to line Mains power quality

TI ±2 kV line to ground ±2 kV line to ground should be that of a typical

NF 密
commercial or hospital
Power frequency 3A/m 3A/m Power frequency magnetic
CO 保

(50/60Hz) magnetic fields should be at levels

field IEC 61000-4-8 characteristic of a typical
location in a typical
commercial or hospital

Voltage dips, short <5% UT <5% UT Mains power quality
interruptions and (>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT) for should be that of a typical

voltage variations for 0.5 cycle 0.5 cycle commercial or hospital

on power supply environment. If the user of
input lines IEC 40% UT (60% dip in UT) 40% UT (60% dip in UT) the U2 VET requires
61000-4-11 for 5 cycles for 5 cycles continued operation during
power mains interruptions,
70% UT (30% dip in UT) 70% UT (30% dip in UT) we recommend that the U2
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles VET be powered from an

uninterruptible power
<5% UT (>95% dip in <5% UT (>95% dip in supply or a battery.
UT) for 5 sec UT) for 5 sec

NOTE UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

- 265 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual EMC Information

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity –

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The U2 VET is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the
U2 VET should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test 60601 Electromagnetic environment -guidance
test level
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment
should be used no closer to any part of the U2 VET,
including cables, than the recommended separation
distance calculated from the equation applicable to the
frequency of the transmitter.

EN 件
Recommended separation distance
Conducted 3 Vrms 3Vrms

d  1.2 P 150kHz ~ 80 MHz
RF IEC 150 kHz
ID 文
to 80

TI d  1.2 P 80 MHz ~ 800 MHz

NF 密

Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m

d  2.3 P 800 MHz ~ 2.5 GHz
IEC 80 MHz
61000-4-3 to 2.5 Where P is the maximum output power rating of the
CO 保

GHz transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter

manufacturer and d is the recommended separation
distance in metres (m).

Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined

by an electromagnetic site survey,a should be less than
the compliance level in each frequency range.b

Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment

marked with the following symbol:

NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.

Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land
mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with
accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey

should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the U2 VET is used exceeds the applicable
RF compliance level above, the U2 VET should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is
observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the U2 VET
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

- 266 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual EMC Information

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile

RF communication equipment and the EQUIPMENT or SYSTEM-

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications

equipment and the U2 VET

The U2 VET is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled.
The customer or the user of the U2 VET can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum
distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the U2 VET as recommended
below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.

EN 件
Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (m)
Rated maximum

output power of 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
ID 文 d  1 .2 P d  1 .2 P d  1 .2 P


TI 0.12 0.12 0.23

NF 密

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73

1 1.2 1.2 2.3

CO 保

10 3.8 3.8 7.3

100 12 12 23

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters
(m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output

power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.

- 267 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Order List

Appendix V: Order List

The following accessories are recommended to be used on the U2 VET.


Only accessories supplied or recommended by EDAN can be used, the battery and
probes of EDAN can be only used on EDAN’s systems. Otherwise, the performance and
electric shock protection can not be guaranteed. If electrical or mechanical equipment
from other companies need to be connected to the device, please contact EDAN or
authorized representatives before connection.

Part Name Part Number

Probe C352UB 02.01.214013

EN 件
Probe L1042UB 02.01.214015

Probe L742UB 02.01.214014
ID 文
Probe C612UB 02.01.214016

Probe C6152UB

TI 02.01.214017
NF 密

Probe C422UB 02.01.214018

Probe L552UB 02.01.214019

CO 保

Probe C5-2b(OEM) 02.01.214020

Probe C5-2b 02.01.214021

Probe P5-1b 02.01.214023

Probe L15-7b 02.01.214022

Probe V742UB 02.01.210573

Probe V562-1UB 02.01.212408

BGK-R50UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210406

BGK-L40UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210407


BGK-R10UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210617

BGK-R15UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210618


BGK-R20UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210619

BGK-L50UB Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.210620

BGK-C5-2 Needle Guide Bracket Kit 02.01.211006

- 268 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Order List

Freeze footswitch 21.10.027169

Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery 01.21.064356

Dustproof cloth 01.57.471026

USB Disk 01.18.052245

NOTE: The part name may vary depending on context, but the part number is constant.

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保


- 269 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Glossary

Appendix VI: Glossary

Abbreviated Description

EDC Estimated Date of Confinement
MA Menstrual Age
CRL Crown Rump Length
GSD Gestational Sac Diameter
GSD-H Gestational Sac Diameter-Horizontal
GSD-V Gestational Sac Diameter-Vertical
LVIDd Left Ventricle Internal Diameter (end diastolic)

EN 件
LVIDs Left Ventricle Internal Diameter (end systolic)
HR Heart Rate

ESV End Systolic Volume
ID 文 Stroke volume
CO Cardiac Output

EF Ejection fraction (M mode)
FS Fractional Shortening
NF 密
SI Stroke Index
CI Cardiac Index
MVCF Mean Velocity Circumferential Fiber Shortening
CO 保

BSA Body Surface Area

AOD Aortic root Diameter
LAD Left Atrium Diameter

LAD/AOD Left Atrium Diameter / Aortic root Diameter

CA Cardiac cycle apex A
CE Cardiac cycle apex E

CA/CE The ratio of CA to CE

EF SLP Ejection Fraction Slope
ACV AC Decreasing Velocity
DEV Deceleration Velocity
DCT Deceleration Time
MAVO1 Aortic Valve Volume Opened, beginning
MAVO2 Aortic Valve Volume Opened, ending

AA Aortic Amplitude
LVMW Left Ventricular Muscle Weight
AVSV Aortic Valve Stoma Valve flow

QMV Mitral Valve Flow

LVLd Left Ventricle Long-axle Diameter (end diastolic)
LVALd Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle (end diastolic)
LVLs Left Ventricle Long-axle Diameter (end systolic)

- 270 -
U2 VET Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Glossary

LVALs Left Ventricle Area of Long-axle (end systolic)

LVET Left Ventricular Ejection Time
CCA Common Cartid Artery
ICA Internal Cartid Artery
ECA External Cartid Artery
Vert A Vertebral Artery
TI Thermal Index
MI Mechanical Index
TIS Soft-tissue thermal index
TIB Bone thermal index
TIC Cranial-bone thermal index

EN 件
ID 文
NF 密
CO 保


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ED 理
AN 邦
CO 保
NF 密
ID 文
EN 件

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