QNP 156 2016
QNP 156 2016
QNP 156 2016
1 A liuF i ..rlain nuhtir oI oringcr rr I l(r R$. l0 .rnJ in pgual ntrDbpr at ltl rd 3
Rs. 15.lf h. *lls rhsm ar 15lor Rs 20, J($lp Eain.r h&.i slFl F€r&nragc ?
l. A s.n tFh b^.k dre a'nounr he had inrstcn tn huliht lxrDDlgo.s b\ seuhg 3061 3
rh.m. whar ishis Fofit Fe.centage ?
5, A srudor sRares l5X of thc tutal turl! in nn (\nn and gctr 25 mrts m@ the thc t
Fdr rul ,Another studdt slls 211 o, thc k'r fuk in tne s:lln er:m an.t tails
tr 10 lM*r. l\5nt ir the prsmrl as n lcNctrb8. oI lne robl marG 2
5. A t{'R)n r.veL tm in 5 lkrs in nrd t.ns Hp k r?tr trir p.d .t rhe jotrrrev bv
23J t
bus .t an .r€ra8e speJ ot .lt lnpn, an thp K-onJ F.d Lrr dr d in avei.Bc sFcd ot
:0lmth ftrrlthcd\rasr hd."Unl h hin,I\ Ln'!,
7, A a.iioh lbu8nt a.errain nrmb€r .t.hns.s loi Rs. 70 Il the price ol each orange ,
w$ Rr 21n!, he wolld hare t{!8hr I tron . n8* l.r rh. ianeanoun| find the
rufrh.r ol oranges he b.ught orignDlh.
8, A, 6n! C logether can e.h Rs 32,1{r in 18 (liv! A and C car earn Rs. 1200 in
B s
10 dnvs $ hor$ B mn c .d cam Rs. lSlO nr I.r dn$. Fini thd d.nv €mings oI C,
9, Th. dilloren.. .o\ound int r.st .nJ thr siniple naer€sr for trLo rcas on
lxh en ihe 3
u (rr[ srmara.eliain rateol interst k lts.6J. I-ind rne pnnctpal ii thecompunJ
int 43t tf lrio feaF is Rr tltl.
11. A i..fr ol trr p6ple Add 3\'hoc.n rimtlor. r tn{e ot rork togerh€r in,O.latt o
b.8in tte kor( C joins th.d iltly 3 J.r$ anJ dr suk *.t5..mpl.teat in 2r dayt atttr
Cininsth6. In how ndl
Jals i.n c.tl.nf comtl.t theIDrk?
12, A Ffe lillha a r.nr ot 200 litr$ cnpacr|r al 5 litres/hr. B€caus€ ol a |tal
js 3
30 IE more b dl th€ tanl. r\ht is th€ rare in litres/hJ ar which rah ii l€ating ?
13. A tank is tun ol \ ier. A nr.in nip. rvhnn cd €mph the tull tnt in 60 minut€s is 3
opd.d. 13 mintrr5 lrrcr nothd FiF shich 6tr lil rne enp\' tu* in 30 minures i'
opsEd Alter ho$ mcl tim€ in totrl is lhe ranr tun .gain 2
15, A 3rtigit nunb€r G I I tinles $e 2-nigit nuhb€r fome.t !a sing the hun teds and the
uit diAit ol the r-di8 numtpr prfdtilelr, in the ts ard urs pla.e oi rhe 2-digit
{a) u the difddc. trtrQn dl. JiSit in rens pla.! and rhe digit in hun lreds Fldce !
is3 $Ihar is the d,gl h the units !'lNe ?
0, Fron (a) i( ttu dirtercn.s bdw*n the digt in to$ Flace md that in the uniks
pla.d oI ftp ldigii numbrr is l, whnt is the 3di8it nlmtq ?
(.) thc
It the ditieren.e b.t$'.rn thc diEit nr h.ns prr.e and b5ar in the ulits place ot 5
3-digil nunbd is rdre.r rhe di{erenlt berw€d the digit in lec Flace and tn
digit in hd&elL ph.o li.!t the tohl nuFba oi such 3digit nmbd'
16. the ao(Mt Ued tr pur.naie one IiE€ ot FFd can be u*d to purhe 3 fhi DI
di*l or 5 lits ot lGos* Out oI . .drain .mdt, Rs. 510 is sp€nr m diel.
ta) Ho$ nu.h is sFnt on ke'.*ne il equal rolurc ot rhe 3 liquiib e F(hr5€d 2
$ ith dE tobl amounl ?
O) t\lEtbin h th€.Runr spent d FeEolit the rotal ammt is sldt b puftna* 2
egual rolume! oI pPhn.^d krtm d v ?
(.) rlrrDt *il t th€ btal am.unt ro puEh.* t litres ot 6ch oI the I liqli.ls .r th€ .
17. A bag coftalas coi ol n)ur dilleRnr &rcmiMtiorc, liz t-tup€€, SCpaie, 2tpiis
atut 1o-paise There are as mant 50-fai* coirc as the valu. of 25-paise coins in
tupe' I}le value ol liuFee coirs in is 5 tih6 th€ valuc oI tlpn* miN. Th€ Eho oI
the numbd ot rGpai* .oins n) drat ol l{upe $na is 43, rvhne the toral numb€r oI
coine in the bag is 325
(a) How m 10 Faisc (oins rre tne ? 5
(b) $tEi is the valu€ ol xrpaise cois 7 I
(.) wnat is thp roral lalue oI th. coiE in $e tDg ? 5
lA. A |'ain ooss.s hvo brdgds l1(r m and 550 m lon8 in 30 sron& md 36 s{ond3 3
EFdiverv. Find the stan ol th€ hain in kmph.
19, Ajrh ros a dilratue ot 12 tm i^ I hr in stil *.b ari in 30 minutes agaiftt rhe 3
@mr Find rhe timr tild br nin b dv 15 h $ nh dE mr dd rerm b ine
20, 3 .or5 d! e6.h ried to I .omeE ol a quF plot or side 28 m wirh roper l,r n bn& 3
FiRt the ae mt Bre.l b\ dp !r,s in the plot.
22. A c6ba.t $As ro bc onFl€l&t in.r0 dals and 2r en rvec put ro $o!k, Al[er 28 7
aF rr frop men h-eF .nEa8€it ard th. rirt rd .mpletlrj iEt in titu. HaJ m
lxlra ncn b*n €rga8ed, how tuny dnys wouni *E wort hav. talen ?
23, U 30 mon $orking 5 hrs a da!.an mre. @d 30)n€h6 lonS in 12tlaB, How long 7
$ ill it ble 20 men to the r6d 1q) tuE€s long $rinu 8 tus 6 .tav ?
24, At d €l{don 69 of the toral votcrs did not c6t th€n voks .nd 530 vote! wera 7
d{lde{i i.valid. Thde ${re t$ o @ntest nls in tlp lloll A a.d B. A d€{6led B t'v 6d)
lot€s It w.s l(mrl thai A ,{ure!t 55,.,, oI the total lecal Dolled rctes. Finn the total