QNP 156 2016

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756/ 2016 1002I7

1 A liuF i ..rlain nuhtir oI oringcr rr I l(r R$. l0 .rnJ in pgual ntrDbpr at ltl rd 3
Rs. 15.lf h. *lls rhsm ar 15lor Rs 20, J($lp Eain.r h&.i slFl F€r&nragc ?

2, Thohounnd-orr.lekis6.nlong rinJ th. ar.i 3ry.tr hv il behven 9.15 m and a

3. Atn ufruarsol!araFioIiol20oi Irnla5$tdaripricerhitlvis15,xlorvlr,rhc 3

f()ril n ouli h!\ e bt$ Rs 120 rrh.t E tho C$t Fri(c !l th. prollftr ?

l. A s.n tFh b^.k dre a'nounr he had inrstcn tn huliht lxrDDlgo.s b\ seuhg 3061 3
rh.m. whar ishis Fofit Fe.centage ?

5, A srudor sRares l5X of thc tutal turl! in nn (\nn and gctr 25 mrts m@ the thc t
Fdr rul ,Another studdt slls 211 o, thc k'r fuk in tne s:lln er:m an.t tails
tr 10 lM*r. l\5nt ir the prsmrl as n lcNctrb8. oI lne robl marG 2

5. A t{'R)n r.veL tm in 5 lkrs in nrd t.ns Hp k r?tr trir p.d .t rhe jotrrrev bv
23J t
bus .t an .r€ra8e speJ ot .lt lnpn, an thp K-onJ F.d Lrr dr d in avei.Bc sFcd ot
:0lmth ftrrlthcd\rasr hd."Unl h hin,I\ Ln'!,
7, A a.iioh lbu8nt a.errain nrmb€r .t.hns.s loi Rs. 70 Il the price ol each orange ,
w$ Rr 21n!, he wolld hare t{!8hr I tron . n8* l.r rh. ianeanoun| find the
rufrh.r ol oranges he b.ught orignDlh.

8, A, 6n! C logether can e.h Rs 32,1{r in 18 (liv! A and C car earn Rs. 1200 in
B s
10 dnvs $ hor$ B mn c .d cam Rs. lSlO nr I.r dn$. Fini thd d.nv €mings oI C,

9, Th. dilloren.. .o\ound int r.st .nJ thr siniple naer€sr for trLo rcas on
lxh en ihe 3
u (rr[ srmara.eliain rateol interst k lts.6J. I-ind rne pnnctpal ii thecompunJ
int 43t tf lrio feaF is Rr tltl.

r0. A sd B * o.tin8 seFFte! .oarpldc. f,o nr3dsrian{ 12,.la\'t FsF<6rclt. ftp! |

$,ort on altcttule da$ st ding rlnh A rh the fttr dar In h.h man\ dals *ill the
s o* t{ dElPl.tlrt ?

11. A i..fr ol trr p6ple Add 3\'hoc.n rimtlor. r tn{e ot rork togerh€r in,O.latt o
b.8in tte kor( C joins th.d iltly 3 J.r$ anJ dr suk *.t5..mpl.teat in 2r dayt atttr
Cininsth6. In how ndl
Jals i.n c.tl.nf comtl.t theIDrk?

12, A Ffe lillha a r.nr ot 200 litr$ cnpacr|r al 5 litres/hr. B€caus€ ol a |tal
js 3
30 IE more b dl th€ tanl. r\ht is th€ rare in litres/hJ ar which rah ii l€ating ?

13. A tank is tun ol \ ier. A nr.in nip. rvhnn cd €mph the tull tnt in 60 minut€s is 3
opd.d. 13 mintrr5 lrrcr nothd FiF shich 6tr lil rne enp\' tu* in 30 minures i'
opsEd Alter ho$ mcl tim€ in totrl is lhe ranr tun .gain 2

la. h a alt) m .a.c .\ b$ts B hr 25 r] m 5 R6dt rLh.t is A's sped ?

15, A 3rtigit nunb€r G I I tinles $e 2-nigit nuhb€r fome.t !a sing the hun teds and the
uit diAit ol the r-di8 numtpr prfdtilelr, in the ts ard urs pla.e oi rhe 2-digit

{a) u the difddc. trtrQn dl. JiSit in rens pla.! and rhe digit in hun lreds Fldce !
is3 $Ihar is the d,gl h the units !'lNe ?
0, Fron (a) i( ttu dirtercn.s bdw*n the digt in to$ Flace md that in the uniks
pla.d oI ftp ldigii numbrr is l, whnt is the 3di8it nlmtq ?
(.) thc
It the ditieren.e b.t$'.rn thc diEit nr h.ns prr.e and b5ar in the ulits place ot 5
3-digil nunbd is rdre.r rhe di{erenlt berw€d the digit in lec Flace and tn
digit in hd&elL ph.o li.!t the tohl nuFba oi such 3digit nmbd'

16. the ao(Mt Ued tr pur.naie one IiE€ ot FFd can be u*d to purhe 3 fhi DI
di*l or 5 lits ot lGos* Out oI . .drain .mdt, Rs. 510 is sp€nr m diel.
ta) Ho$ nu.h is sFnt on ke'.*ne il equal rolurc ot rhe 3 liquiib e F(hr5€d 2
$ ith dE tobl amounl ?
O) t\lEtbin h th€.Runr spent d FeEolit the rotal ammt is sldt b puftna* 2
egual rolume! oI pPhn.^d krtm d v ?
(.) rlrrDt *il t th€ btal am.unt ro puEh.* t litres ot 6ch oI the I liqli.ls .r th€ .

17. A bag coftalas coi ol n)ur dilleRnr &rcmiMtiorc, liz t-tup€€, SCpaie, 2tpiis
atut 1o-paise There are as mant 50-fai* coirc as the valu. of 25-paise coins in
tupe' I}le value ol liuFee coirs in is 5 tih6 th€ valuc oI tlpn* miN. Th€ Eho oI
the numbd ot rGpai* .oins n) drat ol l{upe $na is 43, rvhne the toral numb€r oI
coine in the bag is 325
(a) How m 10 Faisc (oins rre tne ? 5
(b) $tEi is the valu€ ol xrpaise cois 7 I
(.) wnat is thp roral lalue oI th. coiE in $e tDg ? 5

lA. A |'ain ooss.s hvo brdgds l1(r m and 550 m lon8 in 30 sron& md 36 s{ond3 3
EFdiverv. Find the stan ol th€ hain in kmph.

19, Ajrh ros a dilratue ot 12 tm i^ I hr in stil *.b ari in 30 minutes agaiftt rhe 3
@mr Find rhe timr tild br nin b dv 15 h $ nh dE mr dd rerm b ine
20, 3 .or5 d! e6.h ried to I .omeE ol a quF plot or side 28 m wirh roper l,r n bn& 3
FiRt the ae mt Bre.l b\ dp !r,s in the plot.

21. ituiileolnaudibiun, tlE painterplds his ladddaS.mta $all

Whil. fainting dp 3
tu.r!dFtthelototrh€laddtrisnN.hesthe$.[.tah€ightot2!t*t .rierlh€wuk
on rhs wall stu orer, (eepnig the ioot ot the Ldder iixed ar the sffi? loirt,le.N
.Sainst rh. Nrll on lhe op!6ite eide atrl the k'p ol rha laddd rouchs rlE a6I at a
height ot 20f€r L the dislm* betwq rhe w.lL k 22 fcer, r'hnt is rhe Lngth ot the

22. A c6ba.t $As ro bc onFl€l&t in.r0 dals and 2r en rvec put ro $o!k, Al[er 28 7
aF rr frop men h-eF .nEa8€it ard th. rirt rd .mpletlrj iEt in titu. HaJ m
lxlra ncn b*n €rga8ed, how tuny dnys wouni *E wort hav. talen ?

23, U 30 mon $orking 5 hrs a da!.an mre. @d 30)n€h6 lonS in 12tlaB, How long 7
$ ill it ble 20 men to the r6d 1q) tuE€s long $rinu 8 tus 6 .tav ?

24, At d €l{don 69 of the toral votcrs did not c6t th€n voks .nd 530 vote! wera 7
d{lde{i i.valid. Thde ${re t$ o @ntest nls in tlp lloll A a.d B. A d€{6led B t'v 6d)
lot€s It w.s l(mrl thai A ,{ure!t 55,.,, oI the total lecal Dolled rctes. Finn the total


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