21CS61 SEPM 2nd IA QB
21CS61 SEPM 2nd IA QB
21CS61 SEPM 2nd IA QB
Sub Name: Software Engineering & Project Management Sub Code: 21CS61 Semester: VI
Module 2-Part II
Module 3
1. Define Agility? Illustrate the Agility and Cost of Change with a neat graph.
2. Outline 12 Agility principles and discuss in brief.
3. Discuss the various Human factors in detail.
4. Illustrate the Agile process cycle of Extreme Programming (XP) and discuss its design
principles in detail.
5. Illustrate the following Models with the necessary diagrams:
i. Adaptive Software Development ii. Scrum iii. Crystal
iv. Dynamic Systems Development Method v. Feature Driven Development
6. Give the statement of “Software Engineering Knowledge” by Steve McConnel and briefly
discuss the principles of Guide Process - I and II.
7. Outline the principles of Guide Practice and discuss in brief.
8. Discuss the principles of the following:
i. Communication ii. Planning iii. Requirements & Design Modelling iv. Agile Modelling
9. Discuss the principles of the following:
i. Construction ii. Preparation iii. Coding iv. Validation v. Testing vi. Deployment