(A) (C) (B) (D) : Filtration

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Maximum : 100 marks

Time : t hour and 15 minutes

1. The Normal Glomerular filtration rate is :

(A) 2 mVminute (B) 2 mUsec

(C) 2 litre/minute (D) 2litrelsec

is the causative agent of syphilis.

(A) Salmonella typhi (B) Streptococci
(C) Treponema pallidum (D) Sarcinia

3. A platelet di.luting fluid :

(A) Rees - solution

Ecker @) Hingle Mann s fluid
(C) Dunger's fluid @) Hayem's fluid

4. Bombay blood group can be detected by:

(A) Cell grouping (B) Cross matching
(C) Serum grouping @) Rh trping

5. Father of Microbiology :

(A) Edward Jenner (B) Louis Pasteur

(C) Robert Koch (D) Robert Hook

6. Staining method for the demonstration of hormonal status in cytology :

(A) stain
Shorr's (B) Albert s stain
(C) Giemea stain @) Pap's stain

7. CAMP test is used for the identfication of :

(A) M. pneumoniae (B) Strep. agalactiae

(C) Strep. pneumoniae (D) Staph. aureus

8. The abnormal urinary protein seen in Multiple myeloma :

(A) Albumin (B) Bence - Jones Protein

(C) Peptidoglycan @) C - reactive protein

9. In Westergren's method ofESR estimation the anticoagulant and blood used in the ratio:
(A) 4:1 (B) I :9
(C) e:l (D) 1:4
10. Beer's - Lambert'g law is the working principle of :

(A) Spirometer (B) Glucometer

(C) Colorimeter (D) r\Ibuminometer

11, Largest WBC :

(A) Lymphocyte (B) Monocyte

(C) Histocyte (D) l,eptocyte
L2. Study ofjoints is called :

(A) Cytolosy (D Osteologly

(C) Arthrology @) Mycology

18. HuN, is a :
(A) Protozoandisease (B) Viral disease
(C) Fungal disease @) Bacterial disease

14. The Normal Sperm Count is :

(A) 80 - million/ml
160 (B) 20 - 40 million/ml
(C) 4.5 - 6 million/ml (D) 100 - 140 million/ml
16. Anticoagulant of choice in Haematologa :


16. Muller's method is used for demonstrating :

(A) flagella (B) piti

(C) capsule @) spore

17. In automated blood cell analyser blood cells are count by :

(A) Impedence (B) Absorbance

(C) Tlansmittance (D) Refraction
'14912016 4 A
18. Which ofthe following factor increases ESR vaiue :

(A) Albumin (B) Spherocyte

(C) Microcyte (D) Cholesterol

19. Blood carrying capacity of Sahls pipette :

(A) 0.2 ml (B) 0.02 ml

(C) 2nI (D) 20 ml

20. Which of the following is not a red cell indices?

(c) McP (D) MCHC

21. Serum differs from plasma due to the absence of:

(A) Fibrinogen (B) Globulin
(C) Thromboplastin (D) Prothrombin

22. In autoclave, sterilization occurs at:

(A) Moist heat at 100' C (B) Moist heat above 100'C
(C) Moist heat below 10f C @) Moist heat at 16f C

23. An example of blood parasite :

(A) Entamoeba G) Giardia

(C) Plasmodium (D) Taenia

24. Abnormal constituent present in urine during starvation :

(A) Ketone bodies (B) Protein

(C) Bile salts (D) Sugar

26. Most of the human pathogenic bacteria belongs to :

(A) bacteria
Carboxy philic (B) Psychrophilic bacteria
(C) Mesophilic bacteria @) Thermophilic bacteria

26. The blood product'used for the treatment of haemophilic patients :

(A) FFP (B) Cryoprecipitate

(C) Packed red cell @) PRP
A 5 r49t2OL6
2?. . Hormone detected in pregnancy test :

(A) Oestrogen @) FSH

(c) IcsH (D) HCG

28. The irnmediate precursor of RBC :

(A) Myelocyte (B) Megakaryo blast
(C) Reticulocyte (D) Thrombocyte

29. are called universal donor.

(A) o gp (B) AB sp
(C) Agp @) Bgp
30. NPN substance present in blood :

(A) Glucose (B) Albumin

(C) Ijrea (D) Cholesterol
31. An example for explosive chemical :

(A) KCN (B) Picric acid

(C) Acetic acid @) Benzidine

32. The only artery which carry impure blood:

(A) Coronary artery (B) Renal artery
(C) Hepatic artery @) Pulmonary artery

Bu& coat contains :

(A) leucocyte and platelets (B) erytlrocyte and platelete

(C) platelets only (D) leucoqrte and erythrocyte

3.4, Structural and functional unit of Nervoug system :

(A) Nephron (B) Ventricle

(c) Gyri (D) Neuron

35. Eosinophilia seen in :

(A) Tlphoid (B) Pneumonia

(C) Asthma @) Chicken pox

14912015 A
36. The magnification of High Power objective :

(A) 10 X (B) 5x
(c) 1o0x (D) 45 X

37. Specific gravity of urine can be meaeured using :

(A) Urinometer (B) Spectro photometer

(C) Lactometer (D) Colorimeter

38. Arrangement of RBC in pile of coins is called :

(A) Agglutination (B) Osmotic fragility

(C) Rouleaux formation (D) Sensitisation

39. Selective medium for M. tuberculosis :

(A) TBA (B) L.J. Medium

(C) MNYC medium (D) XLD

40. Confirmatory test for AIDS :

(A) ELISA (B) Southern blot

(C) Western blot (D) PCR

4L. Reabsorption of sodium in renal tubule under the influence of :

(A) Serotonin (B) Melanin

(C) ADH (D) Aldosterone

42. Breakdown product obtained by Haemoglobin metabolism :

(A) Bilirubin (B) Acetone

(C) Urea (D) Creatinine

45. The bacteria arrangerl in chinese letter pattern :

(A) Chlostridium tetani (B) Campylo bacter

(C) Brucella (D) Corynebacterium diphtheriae

A 14912015
Weils disease is related to :

(A) Toxoplasma (B) Yersihia

(C) l,eptospira (D) Borrelia

45. Glucoee memory teet is the estimation method of :

(A) HbA (B) HbAr C

(C) HbAr S (D) Meth Hb

46. Sterilization method for antibiotic solution :

(A) Ultrasonicvibration (B) Inspissation

(C) Radiation @) Filtration

47. The fluid eeen in eubarachnoid space :

(A) pleural fluid (B) synovial fluid

(C) cerebro spinal fluid @) peri cardial fluid

Digestive enryme prresent in saliva :

(A).Ptyalin (B) Rennin
(C) Trypsin (D) repur

49. Estimation of eerum creatinine is based on :

(A) Vanden Bergh Reaction (B) Berthlot reaction

(C) Enzynatic reaction (D) Jaffe's reaction

50. The term used for the reproducibility of a teet :

(A) Sengitivity (B) Accuracy

(C) Precision (D) Bias

61. In hypotonic saline RBC shows :

(A) Haemolysis @) No change

(C) Shrinks (D) Adheres

t49t20t6 A
52. Colouring agent in Blood grouping antisera B :

(A) Methylene blue (B) Eosin

(C) Malachite green @) Acriflavin

53. Incomplete Rh antibodies are demonstratdd by:

(A) Direct Coombi Test (B) Cross matching

(C) Indirect Coombi Test @) Rh typing

54. Test used to differentiate staphylococci from streptococci :

(A) catalase (B) coagulase

(C) oxidase (D) urease

55. The organelle analogous to mitochondria seen in a bacterial cell :

(A) Mesosomes (B) Ribosomes

(C) Polysomes (D) Acrosome

(A) HDN (B) Thalassaemia

(C) Aplastic anaernia (D) Polycythaenia

57 . Reagent used for the demonstrating fungus :

(A) NaoH @) NaCl

(c) Kcl (D) KoH

58. Most commonly used dehydrating agent in histopathology :

(A) Methanol (B) Ethanol

(C), Isopropyl alcohol (D) Butanol

59. The gland having both endocrine and exocrine function :

(A) Liver (B) Brunner's gland

(C) Cowper's gland (D) Pancreas

A L4912015
60. Suicidal bag:
(A) Golgibodies (B) Centrosomes .

(C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes

61. l,ife span of RBC :

(A) 120 days (B) 4odays

(C) 10 days @) 60 days

(B) 3: 1
(D) 2:r

(B) ASO,test
@) ANAtest

(B) Brad Shaw's test

@) Biuiette teet

@) Triglyceride

(B) Barometer
(D) Manometer

t49t2016 10 A
69. The longest bone :

(A) Femur (B) Scapula

(C) Tibia (D) Humerus

70. . Test done to investigate Rhumatoid arthritis :

(A) Widal test (B) Schik test

(C) Rose Waaler test (D) Immuno fluorescence test

7I. The antibody which can cross placental barrier :

(A) M
Is (B) Ie G
(c) IeD @) IeA
72. Negative staining is used for the demonstration of:
(A) Cryptococci (B) Gonococci

(C) Micrococci (D) Meningo cocci

73. Black water fever is caused by:

(A) P. vivax @) P. ovale

(C) P. falciparum (D) P. malariae .

74. An example of non-motile bacteria :

(A) Salmonella (B) Klebsiella

(C) Vibrio @) Proteue

75. Parasite showing Retroinfection :

(A) Trichuris trichura @) Ascaris

(C) Ancylostoma (D) Enterobius

76. Medium suitable for ABST is :

(A) CA (B) BA
(c) MIIA (D) DCA

A 11 L4912015
a l. In Gram staining Iodine is used as a :
(A) Decolouriser (B) Fixative
(C) Bulfer (D) Mordant

A test done in pregnant ladies having diabetic family history :

(A) GCT (B) sr

(c) APrr (D) GTT

79. Inactivation of compliment in serum by :

(A) by heating at 37 C for hr.

I (B) by heating at 10(f C fcir.30 mte.
(C) by heating at 56' C for 30 mts. @i by heating at 120' C for l5 mts.


(A) Aerobic bacteria (B) Halophilicbacteria

(C) Acid fast bacteria @) Anaerobic bacteria

The author of 'Darsananala' :

(A) Kumara Guru (B) Sree Narayana Guru

(C) Sankaracharya (D) Kumaranasan

E2. Who was the leader of the revolt of 1857 ia Delhi?

(A) BahadurshaII (B) Bahadurkhan

(C) Moulavi Ahamrnadulla (D) ll.unvarSrngn

E3. Planning Commigsion in India was established on :

(A) 1948 (B) 1951

(c) 1952 @) 1950

84. Nobel Prize Winner of Economics in 2014 :

(A) Eric Betzig (B) Eugene Fama

(C) Jean Tirole @) AlvinERoth

149t2016 t2 A

85. The Temple Entry proclamation of Kochi was issued in the year :

(A) 1e36 (B) Le47

(c) 1e4e (D) 1e48
86. Seismology is the study of:

(A) Earth quakes (B) Fossils

(C) Rocks (D) Rivers

87- Incheon, the Asian games venue of2014 situated in:

(A) North Korea (B) South Korea
(C) South Africa @) Germany'

88. "Give me blood, in turn I will give you freedom" . Who says this?
(A) Bhagatsingh (B) Chandrasekhar Azad
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose @) BalagangadharaTilak

89. Who wrote 'Jathilkummi?

(A) Pandit Karuppan (B) Ayyankali
(C) Swami Vivekananda (D) Vagbhatananda.

The 'Sahodara Prasthanam' started by :

(A) C. Krishnan (B) K. Ayyappan

(C) T.K Madhavan (D) K. Kelappan

91. 'Heliocentric theoqy' was put forwarded by :

(A) Isac Newton (B) Charles Darwin

(C) Albert Einstein (D) Copernicus

92. The fust textile mill was started in :

(A) Surat (B) Madras

(C) Bombay (D) Rishra

A 13 t4st20t5
93. Telengana state was formedin:
(A) 2Jvne2(,l4 (B) I2July 2Ol4
(C) AMay 20L4 (D) 5 August 2014

94. Ilbert Bill controversy took place during the viceroyalty of:
(A) Lord Canning @) Lord Ripon
(C) lnrd Lytton (D) Lord Dufferin

95. Mangalyan' related to :

(A) Sun (B) Venus

(C) Mars (D) Saturn

96. Odakkuzhal award. winner of2013 :

(A) M.K. Sanu (B) Prabhavarma

(C) M.T. Vasudevan Nair (D) K.R. Meera

57. Kanneerum Kinavum' related to :

(A) V.T.Bhattathirippad (B) Ch4ttampi Swamikal

(C) Brahmananda Sivayogi (D) Ayya Vaikundar

9E. 'Keralaramam' wag the contribution of :

(A) English (B) Dutch

(C) Chinese (D) Portuguese

99. Tlre period of 12th Five Year Plan belongs :

(A) 2010-2015 (B) 2011-2016

(c) 2or2-2OL7 (D) 2013-2018
100. E.V. Ramaswami Naikar, the eocial reform leader of Tamil Nadu came to Kerala in
connection with :
(A) Kay5rurrevolt (B) Quit India revolt
(C) Salt eathyagraha @) Vailkom sathyagraha

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