Earth Systems Chapters

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STD) science concept. The stale understands haw Earth's systems fect and aeaffected by human cities, Iteloding resource uot and managerwent, The aden expetied to: TERS 12 plain the cycting ef carbon through diferent forms among Earth's ystems and how biological pro- cesses have cussed major changes ta the caren ele in thace systems ower at's sory. Chapter 2 Contents Sr 36 Explorers at Work Allyson Tessin TEKS 4. 38 Case Study The Yellowstone Volcano: Major Eruptions Can Affect Earth's ‘Systems 39 2.1 Earth's Spheres TEKS 5.A, 6.4, 44 © Minilab Model a Cloudin a Bottle TEKS LE 45 2.2 Earth's Systems TEKS 6.0 & te 2.3 Earth’s Life Sustaining Cycles TEKS 1A, 12.F Data Analysis Graphing the Carbon Cycle TEKS 12.F Tying It All Together A Super Disruption TEKS 3.8, 4.C Chapter Investigation Model Interactions in Earth's Spheres TEKS LA, 1.C, LE, LF, 1G, 3.8 CHAPTER T TEKS 348 | | EXPLORERS AT WORK STUDYING MARINE CARBON CYCLES AND CLIMATE CHANGE WITH NATIGNAL GEQGRAPHIC EXPLORER ALLYSON TESSIN ‘The Acti Qoean, known for its icy waters and wast seq ioe, Is nonetheless one of Earth's most rapidly ‘warning regio te change, Tn the last 30 years, sclentists have measured 3 dramatic

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