Ecology Ecosystem Service Supply and Vulnerability To Global Change in Europe
Ecology Ecosystem Service Supply and Vulnerability To Global Change in Europe
Ecology Ecosystem Service Supply and Vulnerability To Global Change in Europe
5. Supporting Online Material is available on Science 11. B. D. Harfe et al., Genes Dev. 12, 2623 (1998). 24. R. D. Burdine, C. S. Branda, M. J. Stern, Development
Online. 12. P. M. Loria, J. Hodgkin, O. Hobert, J. Neurosci. 24, 125, 1083 (1998).
6. All transcriptional reporters were made by polymer- 2191 (2004). 25. R. J. Johnston, O. Hobert, Nature 426, 845 (2003).
ase chain reaction (PCR) fusion, from the predicted 13. We used two separate arrays because of possible 26. From pPD95.67, gift of A. Fire (Stanford University).
start to the next predicted upstream gene, and extra- promoter interference that we have experienced 27. N. Chen, I. Greenwald, Dev. Cell 6, 183 (2004).
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Expression of mir-61 transcription was studied by gene products in the same array. For the assessment (2005).
using the arIs107 integrant, which displayed the same of many targets, the assay could be improved by 29. We are grateful to X. Zhou for performing microinjections;
pattern as extrachromosomal arrays. integrating the transgene expressing the miRNA. and to O. Hobert, R. Mann, and D. Shaye for discussion
7. mir-61 is also expressed in cells of the somatic gonad 14. I. S. Greenwald, P. W. Sternberg, H. R. Horvitz, Cell and insightful comments on the manuscript. This work
in which LIN-12 is active, and this expression is also 34, 435 (1983). was supported by NIH grant CA095389 (to I.G.). I.G. is an
lost when the LBSs are mutated (Fig. 1, B and C). In 15. V. L. Tybulewicz, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 17, 267 (2005). investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
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no evidence that lin-12 activity is functionally rel- 17. M. Sundaram, I. Greenwald, Genetics 135, 765 (1993).
evant, such as intestinal cells, is unaffected. These 18. E. J. Hubbard, G. Wu, J. Kitajewski, I. Greenwald, Genes Materials and Methods
observations suggest that the loss of expression in Dev. 11, 3182 (1997). SOM Text
P5.p and P7.p reflects lack of response to lin-12 and 19. C. Wen, I. Greenwald, J. Cell Biol. 145, 1165 (1999). Figs. S1 to S5
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O. Hobert, Nature 430, 785 (2004). Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99, 9888 (2002). Include this information when citing this paper.
Storyline B1 B2 A1FI A2 A2 A2 A2
Land-use model outputs forced by climate, CO2, and interpretations of SRES storylines
Land-use change (%)*
Cropland (for food production) –7.0 –6.4 –10.7 –10.4 –10.6 –10.7 –10.6
Grassland (for livestock) –1.1 –6.7 –8.7 –10.0 –10.1 –10.2 –10.0
Forest 3.5 5.6 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2
Urban 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07
Bioenergy production 3.4 7.4 8.7 8.7 9.1 8.6 8.6
Protected 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1
Surplus 1.1 0.0 9.8 10.9 10.5 11.2 10.8
Impacts as estimated by ecosystem models
D Potential distribution of bioenergy crops (%)y
Overall 3 4 1 3 6 7 5
Latitude 35 to 45 –7 –6 –13 –8 –1 –3 –2
Latitude 45 to 55 –1 0 –6 –2 4 8 –6
Latitude 55 to 65 12 13 12 13 11 14 15
Latitude 65 to 71 18 22 32 23 19 16 34
Additional people living under water stress (106)z 44.3 25.8 44.3 15.7 7.5 11.7 5.8
People living under increased water stress (106)` 31.0 38.2 45.7 35.6 18.4 69.6 25.4
D Alpine summer runoff (%)¬ –24 -23 –46 –34 –12 –27 –20
D Elevation of reliable snow cover (m)¬ 230 180 450 310 200 230 390
Species loss per grid cell (minimum to maximum %)P –7 to –58 –8 to –53 –8 to –59 –8 to –55
D Area burnt, Iberian Peninsula (%) 112 57 80 55 –1 37 8
D Wood increment (%) –10.0 9.7 3.8 4.4 2.9 2.9 6.2
Cumulative carbon balance (Pg C)L 2.2 2.4 1.8 3.0 4.9 4.1 3.7
Average carbon flux (% of emissions)** 2.5 2.7 2.1 3.5 5.5 4.7 4.2
D Soil organic carbon (Pg C)yy
Total –0.1 –0.9 –4.1 –4.4 –4.3 –4.5 –4.8
Cropland –4.3 –4.3 –5.9 –5.6 –5.4 –5.5 –5.8
Grassland 1.5 –1.2 –2.2 –2.7 –2.7 –2.7 –2.8
Forest 2.8 3.6 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.3 0.7
*Baseline areas (% of EU15þ): Cropland, 23.0%; grassland, 17.2%; forest, 31.0%; urban, 1.5%; other (shrubland, barren land, wetland, inland waters, sea, permanent ice, and snow), 27.3%.
For all scenarios, it is assumed that 20% of the area of Europe will become designated as ‘‘protected’’ by 2080. This was based on a judgment made from past and current increases in
protected-areas coverage in Europe, the latter being due to member-state responses to the need for implementation of the NATURA 2000 network. Although this target was the same for
all scenarios, it was assumed that it would be reached for different reasons: The economic scenarios require areas for recreation for a richer population, whereas the environmental scenarios
require areas designated for conservation purposes (tables S1 and S2). ‘‘Surplus’’ is land that is left over when the demand for all land-use types is satisfied. .Change in potential
distribution of 26 bioenergy crops (% land area) due to climate change. The estimates do not take soil conditions into account. -Additional people (millions) living in stressed
watersheds due to climate change (compared with the hypothetical case of no climate change). Water-related resource problems are likely when water availability falls below the threshold
of 1700 m3 capita–1 year –1 (14). `People (millions) living in already water-stressed watersheds (less than 1700 m3 capita–1 year –1), where climate change further reduces water
availability by more than 10%. ¬Average of five Alpine case studies. PYear 2050 compared with the baseline (1990). The range of minimum (full instantaneous dispersal) to
maximum (zero dispersal) loss is shown. Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and breeding birds were considered. This indicator records only losses from a specific grid cell and does not
take potential gains into account. The indicator does not make a statement about potential losses of the species from Europe or about extinction. LCumulative land-atmosphere carbon
flux between 1990 and 2080. Positive values denote fluxes to land. **Average yearly land-atmosphere flux (1990 to 2080) relative to EU15þ CO2 emissions in 1990. ..Change in
cumulative soil organic carbon content in mineral soil down to a depth of 30 cm.
the 21st century (Table 2) (16). A 300-m rise grate instantaneously to newly suitable hab- cork oak (Quercus suber), holm oak (Q. ilex),
of the snow line would reduce the proportion itats, the relative potential gain of plant species aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), and maritime
of Swiss ski areas with sufficient snow from in Mediterranean regions was relatively high pine (P. pinaster). These changes would have
currently about 85 to 63% (17). because of habitat expansion (fig. S3B). How- implications for the sense of place and cultural
Biodiversity is essential to ecosystem pro- ever, unhindered expansion is unlikely because identity of the inhabitants, traditional forms of
cesses in ways that are not yet fully understood of the concurrent impacts of other drivers such land use, and the tourism sector.
(18), and it is considered worth protecting in as land use, nitrogen deposition, and biotic We assessed the potential impacts of
its own right (3). We used a statistical model- exchange, especially in the Mediterranean re- management and global change on the overall
ing framework to project the distribution of gion (20). Flexible management of nature wood production from European forest using an
more than 2000 plant and animal species across reserve areas may conserve species. However, inventory-based model (4). In line with other
Europe (4). These simulations do not incorpo- stakeholders pointed out great difficulties in industrialized areas, but opposed to global
rate effects of land-use change, because at the changing existing reserve boundaries under cur- trends (3, 24), the total European forest area
resolution of this study these were confounded rent policies and land-ownership restrictions. was projected to increase (Table 2). Climate
with climate effects (19). We therefore present To obtain more detailed results on tree change resulted in increased forest growth
conservative estimates that neglect effects of species in the Mediterranean region, we used a (Table 2), especially in northern Europe. The
habitat loss or landscape fragmentation (20). process-based tree-growth model (4). The sim- impact of increased summer drought in south-
Projections of species loss per grid cell showed ulations corroborated negative effects on veg- ern Europe was partly mitigated by higher
changes under all scenarios (Table 2). Moun- etation, especially over the long term, owing to precipitation in spring and increased water-use
tains and Mediterranean species were dispro- increased drought. Furthermore, the area burnt efficiency in response to rising atmospheric
portionately sensitive to climate change (fig. by forest fires increased in this region under all CO2 concentrations. Increasing forest area in-
S3A) (4, 21), in agreement with recent ob- but one scenario (4) (Table 2). The distribution creased annual wood increment because of a
servations (22) and projections (23). Under the of a number of typical tree species is likely to high proportion of young stands. When low
unrealistic assumption that all species can mi- decrease in the Mediterranean region, such as wood demand led to less intensive manage-