47.epra Journals 14763
47.epra Journals 14763
47.epra Journals 14763
The Flight Fare Prediction System is a comprehensive solution aimed at accurately forecasting flight ticket prices, providing
travelers with valuable insights for better planning and decision-making. Nowadays, airline ticket prices can vary dynamically
for the same flight. From the customer's perspective, they want to save money, so I have proposed a model that predicts the
approximate ticket price. This system leverages machine learning algorithms and historical flight data to generate accurate fare
predictions. The system utilizes a vast dataset comprising historical flight fares, including factors such as travel dates,
destinations, airlines, departure times, and various other relevant variables. By analyzing this data using advanced machine
learning techniques, the system learns patterns and relationships, enabling it to make reliable predictions about future flight fares.
An ensemble of machine learning algorithms, including regression-based models like Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and
Support Vector Regression, is employed to capture complex patterns and relationships within the data. This system will give people
an idea of the trends the prices follow and also provide the predicted value of the price, which they can check before booking flights
to save money. This kind of system or service can be provided to customers through flight booking companies to help
them book tickets.
KEYWORDS - Flight Fare Prediction, Machine Learning, Historical Flight data, Random Forest.
Everyone knows that holidays always call for a much-needed vacation and planning the travel itinerary becomes a time-consuming
task. The commercial aviation business has grown tremendously and has become a regulated marketplace as a result of the
worldwide growth of the Internet and E-commerce. Hence, for Airline revenue management, different strategies like customer
profiling, financial marketing, and social factors are used for setting ticket fairs. When tickets are booked months in advance, airfares
are often reasonable, but when tickets are booked in a hurry, they are often higher. But, the number of days/hours until departure
isn’t the only factor that decides flight fare, there are numerous other factors as well. Customers find it quite difficult to obtain a
perfect and lowest ticket deal due to the aviation industry's complex pricing methodology. Machine Learning and Deep Learning-
based technologies and models have been created to overcome this challenge, and substantial research is also happening. This study
discusses a Machine Learning-based Flight Fare Prediction System that employs Random Forest Regression to predict airline ticket
pricing. Various features that influence prices are also studied along with the system's experimental analysis. Section II included a
literature review that looked at technical papers as well as some current models and systems. Differences in the features considered
are also mapped down, In Section III, the proposed system is described in detail along with the workflow and its features. In Section
IV, the results as well as various comparisons between findings are reported. In Section V, conclusions are provided. In Section VI,
prospective advancements for further research.
[2] Today, airlines price tickets “as much as the customer and market will bear,” according to consultant and former airline planning
executive. Airlines also profile their customers to help them adjust prices.
[3] This often means placing passengers into one of two groups: leisure or business. And the way each group is priced is very
different. Most studies on airfare price prediction have focused on either the national level or a specific market. Research at the
market segment level, however, is still very limited. We define the term market segment as the market/airport pair between the flight
origin and the destination.
[4] The airline dataset included the following eight characteristics: departure and arrival times, type of airline, number of stopages,
source, destination and additional_information. The authors performed prediction using regression Machine Learning models that
including, LGBM Regressor, Random Forest Regression Tree, and Decision Tree Regressor. Random Forest Regression is a
supervised learning algorithm that uses ensemble learning method for regression. Ensemble learning method is a technique that
combines predictions from multiple machine learning algorithms to make a more accurate prediction than a single model.
[5] All in present a review of deep learning and social media data-based Airline ticket price prediction model. The authors introduce
the current airline ticket pricing situation with the factors that affect ticket prices. A Random Forest operates by constructing several
decision trees during training time and outputting the mean of the classes as the prediction of all the trees. A Random Forest
Regression model is powerful and accurate. It usually performs great on many problems, including features with non-linear
[6] Random Forest Model is used for development since it outperforms other models such as LGBM Decision Tree Regressor and
Neural Network in terms of data performance with a R squared score of 0.91, this prediction framework has a good level of accuracy.
The following steps are involved in the proposed architecture of our project.
3.1. Data Collection
The act of obtaining, acquiring, and combining the data that will be used to develop, test, and verify a machine learning model is
known as data collection in machine learning. This step plays crucial role in implementation. Here data is collected from flight fare
dataset which is imported from Kaggle. The dataset consists of both categorical data and numerical data. The categorical data
includes source, destination, type of airline, additional info and numerical data includes arrival and departure dates, number of Stops.
There are 11 columns (each represents a feature) and 10683 rows in this large dataset.
Data Cleaning: In this step the null values are removed, missing values are removed and if any duplicates are present that are also
Feature selection and engineering: In this step the features of our model are extracted and all the relevant features are used for
model training. In dataset it contains date of journey, arrival date, departure date columns and all the numerical values are extracted
as Departure hour, departure minutes, arrival hour, arrival minutes, journey day, journey month. As dataset contains both categorical
and numerical features, by using 'On hot encoding' method for nominal categorical data and 'label encoding' for ordinal categorical
data was used to convert the categorical values to numerical values. The dataset consists of categorical variables like airline, source,
destination, route, total number of stops and additional info.
LGBM Regressor
LGBM stands for Light Gradient Boosted Machine. It is a gradient boosting framework based on decision trees that can be used for
various machine learning tasks such as regression, classification and ranking. LGBM Regressor is a class in lightgbm package that
can be used to train and predict regression models.
Root Mean Squared Error (RSME): It gives the root of the average squared difference between the actual values and the predicted
values for a regression problem.
Mean Absolute Error (MAE): It gives the absolute difference between the actual values and predicted values. The higher negative
mean values indicate the better performance of model.
R-Squared: This metric measures how well the regression model fits the data, by comparing it to a baseline model that always
predict the mean value. It shows how much variation in the data is explained by the model.
3. Data preprocessing:
The df.isnull() method is used to verify that no values are present. We employ the sum () function to add up those null
values. Two null values were discovered in our dataset, we discovered. We thus start by investigating the data.
5. By comparing all the models (LGBM Regressor, Decision Tree Regressor, Random Forest Regressor), we can conclude
that Random Forest Regressor performs the best.
➢ Optimal date recommendation: It means suggesting the date to users on which date the flight prices will be minimum.
➢ Real-Time Updates: Dealing with real-time data for dynamic pricing adjustments based on factors like weather, demand,
and airline policies.
➢ Integration: Partnering with airlines, travel agencies, and online booking platforms to provide pricing as a value-added
In conclusion, the main aim of our project flight fare prediction using machine learning is to predict the prices. we have created a
User Interface for the entire process which includes arrival date, departure date, source, destination, etc. Our flight fare prediction
project using machine learning has successfully produced a reliable and user-friendly system. We collected, preprocessed, and
extracted features from flight fare data, trained a robust random forest model and evaluated its performance. This web application
we developed empowers travelers to make informed decisions by predicting flight prices based on their input.
1. K. Tziridis, Th. Kalampokas, G. A. Papakostas, “Airfare Prices Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques”, 25th European Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), IEEE, October 26, 2017.
2. N. Brown and J. Taylor, Air Fare: Stories, Poems & Essays on Flight. Sarabande Books, 2004.
3. J. C. Lok, Prediction Factors Influence Airline Fuel Price Changing Reasons. 2018.
4. A. Kakaraparthi and V. Karthick, “A secure and cost-effective platform for employee management system using lightweight standalone
framework over Diffie Hellman’s key exchange algorithm,” ECS Trans., vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 13663–13674, Apr.2022.
5. Wikipedia, “MeanSquarederror”, Available:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error.
6. G. Ataman and S. Kahraman, “Stock Market Prediction in Brics Countries Using Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Network
Hybrid Models,” The Singapore Economic Review. pp. 1–19, 2021. doi: 10.1142/s0217590821500521.
7. B. Panwar, G. Dhuriya, P. Johri, S. S. Yadav, and N. Gaur, “Stock Market Prediction Using Linear Regression and SVM,” 2021
International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). 2021. doi:
8. P. Purey and A. Patidar, “Stock Market Close Price Prediction Using Neural Network and Regression Analysis,” International Journal
of Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol. 6, no. 8. pp. 266–271, 2018. doi: 10.26438/ijcse/v6i8.266271.
9. William Groves and Maria Gini "An agent for optimizing airline ticket purchasing" in proceedings of the 2013 international conference
on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.
10. https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning-basics-decisiontree-regression-1d73ea003fda article on decision tree regression.
11. www.keboola.com/blog/random-forest-regression article on random forest.