Case Study Asm553
Case Study Asm553
Case Study Asm553
Madam Tan, the Chief of Operations at Indah Enterprise mentioned that its production costs
have increased by 25 percent in comparison to last year’s costs. This was mainly the result
of purchasing excessive supplies and unnecessary equipment. Despite that, all the projects
failed to meet the dateline as planned due to employees who are not well-versed with the work
processes and procedures of the company.
As a Head of Administration, you feel responsible in overcome the issue of failure to meet a
dateline that arises in the company. Corrective actions must be taken on the low employees’
performance and slow work progress. There is a possibility that employee has not set
objectives and targets for their work achievement. Hence, you assigned each manager to
discuss together with the employee setting up the objectives to be achieved within six months.
This practice could motivate employees to exert greater effort in attaining their desired
achievement and meet the datelines given. Furthermore, the manager has been instructed to
design a work schedule that provides a daily list of tasks, assign the employee in charge and
set the time that each task needs to be completed. The manager should ensure their
employees follow the weekly scheduled tasks and be responsible to complete each of the
tasks that have been assigned to them.
You strongly believe that there is a need for assessing employees’ work measurement
methods. Hence, you plan to monitor several times the activity being performed by the
employee to determine what percentage of the total process each task consumes. By
employing this technique, the result can be obtained faster and more accurate and more
reliable. Apart from that, another technique use digital technology in analyzing the amount of
time each element of the work process. This technique is very accurate and helpful in
simplifying work processes.
You also believe that conducting a productivity improvement program is important in achieving
the organization’s agenda. As an initial plan, the team called X-force led by you starts to
outline the objective, determining the units involve, and providing direction for the program’s
development and operation. After that, the X-force examines and analyses the work
processes and procedures of the departments, as well as investigate the extent of the
interrelationships between employees, facilities and work processes. The X-force and the top
management of Indah Enterprise are responsible to ensure the possible results have a greater
impact on related work processes and procedures. Once the results are identified, assign the
employee for handling the activities, conduct training, and install equipment and software.
As the workforce are significantly crucial, having knowledgeable and skillful employees are
vital to the performance as well as keeping them abreast with the output they should achieve.
Therefore, the company has to think about the cost of selection, recruitment and providing
training to all employees in the company.
a. Suggest and explain the appropriate improvement technique to ensure employees are
able to meet the datelines for the tasks given.
I. Management by objective
By allowing supervisor and employee jointly determine the objectives of the
employee within a time period. For instance, you assigned each manager to
discuss together with the employee setting up the objectives to be achieved
within six months. This practice could motivate employees to exert greater effort
in attaining their desired achievement and meet the datelines given.
(3 marks)
b. Identify any four (4) steps applied in developing a productivity improvement program.
Provide an example for each step.
(10 marks)
I. Program communication.
In successful productivity improvement programs, extensive communication
between management and employees is prevalent. It is because lack of
information often produces employee anxiety about the need for establishing a
program. Communication will help diminish the concern of employees that they
are being manipulated by management. Employees should be given ample
feedback about all program outcomes, including those the fall short of
expectations. For example, in ensuring the successfulness of the program, a
two-way communication between employees and management is crucial
especially to overcome any issues arise related to the program.
a. Propose and explain one (1) function of control that could help the manager in ensuring
the successful completion of a given task.
It is the process that aids in assuring the completion of work by the expected
deadline. With work scheduling, greater control is possible, which helps ensure the
successful completion of a given project. As you know, the manager has been
instructed to design a work schedule that provides a daily list of tasks, assign the
employee in charge, and set the time that each task needs to be completed. So, the
manager can use a schedule log to list the tasks to be completion, name of the
person responsible for completing the task, the start and completion times. Besides,
the manager can also use a work chart to identify the days on which subprojects
must be completed if a project is to be finished on schedule.
(3 marks)
b. Suggest and explain two (2) most suitable work scheduling devices that could be used
I. Schedule Log
Document that lists the tasks to be completed, expected date of completion,
name of the person responsible for completing the task, the start and
completion times. It is frequently used to schedule office work. The schedule
log is generally completed by the project supervisor who has good insight into
the status of the project. For example, the manager should ensure their
employees follow the weekly scheduled tasks and be responsible to complete
each of the tasks that have been assigned to them.
Document that identifies the tasks to be completed by each employee in a work unit
each day of the week. It lists jobs or projects that are to be started each day and
provides a listing of the names of the employees. For example, the
manager has been instructed to design a work schedule that provides a daily
list of tasks, assign the employee in charge and set the time that each task
needs to be completed
(8 marks)
a. Identify and describe the two (2) most suitable techniques that can be applied at
IndahEnterprise in setting work standards. Cite an example from the situation to
support youranswer.
I. Work Sampling
b. List two (2) advantages stated in the case of each of the proposed techniques chosen
in 3a.
Work Sampling
I. Results are highly accurate, provided that random observations are made.
II. Techniques does not require the services of a highly trained analyst.
Micromotion study
I. It is extremely accurate.
II. It is well suited for analyzing the most minute elements of a work process.
(4 marks)
a. Identify three (3) elements that can be considered in controlling the office costs at Indah
b. Suggest three (3) ways to control the personnel as stated in the above case.
(3 marks)