NLC Science 9 Enhancement WB v.1

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Enhancement Learning Camp

Student Workbook
Enhancement Learning Camp
Student Workbook

Science Grade 9
Weeks 1 to 3
Introduction for Students .......................................................................................................... 1
The Plan .................................................................................................................................. 1
Time in Class ........................................................................................................................... 1
Mistakes ................................................................................................................................. 1
Practice ................................................................................................................................... 2
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 1 .................................................................................................... 3
The Bohr Model ...................................................................................................................... 3
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 2 .................................................................................................... 6
More About Atoms ................................................................................................................. 6
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 3 .................................................................................................... 9
Elements ................................................................................................................................. 9
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 4 .................................................................................................. 12
Chemical Compounds........................................................................................................... 12
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 5 .................................................................................................. 15
The Chemical Nature of Earth .............................................................................................. 15
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 6 .................................................................................................. 18
History of Chemistry ............................................................................................................. 18
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 7 .................................................................................................. 21
Cell Division .......................................................................................................................... 21
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 8 .................................................................................................. 24
Genes, DNA, and Chromosomes .......................................................................................... 24
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 9 .................................................................................................. 27
Body Systems Working Together ......................................................................................... 27
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 10 ................................................................................................ 30
What is Needed for a Volcano to Form? .............................................................................. 30
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 11 ................................................................................................ 34
Types of Volcanoes............................................................................................................... 34
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 12 ................................................................................................ 37
TAAL – a Very Small but Dangerous Volcano! ...................................................................... 37
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 13 ................................................................................................ 41
Temperature and Heat – What is the Difference? ............................................................... 41
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 14 ................................................................................................ 44
Can Heat Do Work for Us? ................................................................................................... 44
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 15 ................................................................................................ 47
Transferring Heat ................................................................................................................. 47
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 16 ................................................................................................ 50
Heat Transfer in a Kitchen Oven .......................................................................................... 50
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 17 ................................................................................................ 53
Generating Electricity for Household, Commercial and Industrial Use in the Philippines .. 53
Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 18 ................................................................................................ 57
Comparing Fossil-fuels to Geothermal sources of heat to generate electricity .................. 57

Introduction for Students

Welcome to the National Learning Camp. You are probably aware that this Camp is only open to students
like you who have just completed Grade 9 or Grade 10 across the country.
You have chosen to be part of this important national program. Our focus this year is on: English,
Mathematics, and Science.
The Plan
You are to attend school for three days each week: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You will take part in six special lessons each day. These lessons review subject content you have
completed. This will help you further strengthen your learning.
There will be opportunities in each lesson for you to practice talking with other students and your teacher,
and applying the knowledge you have gained in:
 understanding (comprehending) what you are reading in English,
 solving Mathematics problems, and
 interpreting the natural world through applying Science evidence.

Time in Class
How you use your time in lessons is very important. Every minute is valuable. It is critical that you work
with the teacher and your classmates as closely as you can.
This means you will be expected to:
 start each lesson as quickly as possible,
 recognize the lesson pattern and help the teacher as you move from one part of the lesson to
 pay attention when the teacher or students in your class are talking about work, and
 try your best with all the different activities that make up the lesson.

You will have opportunities to write your answers down, explain to the teacher or classmates your reasons
for your responses or thinking. There will be time to work on your own and at other times you will work
with your classmates and report to the class.
One important fact drawn from brain research on learning concerns making mistakes. It might surprise
Making mistakes while learning and trying to improve your skills and understanding is part of the brain’s
process. So, learning from mistakes is an important pathway of our learning journey. When a genuine
mistake is made:
 do not be ashamed or embarrassed,
 do try to learn from your mistake,
 be willing to talk about your mistakes,
 try to understand why you committed a mistake, and
 find out how to correct the mistake.

Too often learners are embarrassed or feel they have failed because of errors/mistakes. This should not be
the case. Everyone makes mistakes as they learn new material – everyone.
A very famous scientist, Niels Bohr, who won a Nobel Prize for Physics, said:
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.
Everyone makes mistakes, even experts. It is a vital part of learning. If you make mistakes, it is a sign that
you are moving your learning forward. You may need to return to earlier learning and fill in some gaps.
Mistakes and/or errors tell you and your teacher about your thinking and where you need help or practice
(we call it deliberate practice) to do better. The teacher and you should celebrate finding the mistake as it
will help you both know what new learning is needed.
You might be surprised, but if you do not make genuine mistakes and fix them, your learning will not move
forward efficiently.
If you want to be good at something you must practice it. Practice alerts the brain that the information
needs to be known and to store the information in your head.
This is the way the brain works; this is the way the brain learns. Learning, anything from sport, about your
peers, and to learning subjects in school, requires effort and that means practice.
Effort requires persistence, but it is not supposed to be difficult and punishing. It may be continued until
one learns. There are no tricks. This is what the brain needs to learn.
It is important that you try and try again
Learning is not a race but a journey of self-improvement. It is recognizing your efforts to do better and to be
better. Your potentials will be revealed only if you try.

The Extensive Team of Educators and Teachers involved in the National Learning Camp wish you the very
best in your education future. For the Learning Camp, and your work when you return to school, our hope
is for you to take any new knowledge, skills and understandings you have acquired to learn more, and to
use this knowledge to want to learn more.
Best Wishes

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 1
The Bohr Model

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. According to Bohr’s atomic model, what is the structure called at the center of the atom.

Q2. What are the particles inside the center called?

Q3. What other particles are important in an atom and where are they located?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about a model of the structure of the atom as described by Niels Bohr and the limits of that

The lesson may also help you to understand that scientists sometimes draw diagrams and use models to
represent what cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

orbit; protons; neutrons; valency

Match each scientific term with its correct definition by drawing a line to connect their boxes.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus includes symbolic representations of the structure of atoms as well as two
short paragraphs of text.

The Bohr Model of an atom of Carbon

Jose is in Grade 9. One day he said to his parents that his teacher had been talking about
the structure of the atom in class, so he decided to research what he could find out for
himself. He put together the following paragraph from several sources.

Niels Bohr
In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed a model for the structure of an atom based on the work
of Ernest Rutherford about the nucleus of atoms and Max Planck’s quantum theory.
Bohr suggested that the central heavy positive nucleus contains protons and neutrons
and that the negatively charged electrons moved around the nucleus in circular paths
called orbits. Although Bohr’s model is inaccurate in terms of the electron energy
levels or shells it is still used today as an introduction to the Atomic Theory. The
Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom is currently accepted as more accurate. The
o +
symbols used in chemistry for the subatomic particles are neutrons n , protons p ,
electrons e .

Component 4B
Q1. How many protons are there in the diagram?

Q2. What is the name of the type of particle labeled Y, and how many are there in the diagram and
what charge do they carry?

Q3. What is the name of the type of particle labeled Z, and why are there the same number as there
are protons in the diagram, and what charge do they carry?

Component 4C
Q1. Bohr based his theories of the structure of an atom on two other scientists. Name the two

Q2. What is the electron configuration for an atom of Carbon?

Q3. (Optional) Why is the structure of the atom so important in chemistry?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Good learners reflect on their learning. The focus of this lesson was on the structure of atoms.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand what an atom is? If so, how?

Q2. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 2
More About Atoms

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What is the overall charge of an atom?

Q2. What are the positive particles in an atom called and what are the negative particles called?

Q3. Are all the atoms of all the elements the same? Give examples?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about how atoms of one element are different from the atoms of another element.

The lesson may also help you to better understand the concept of elements and compounds.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Key words/terms:

Aluminum; Carbon; Lead

Practice saying the words.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A

This main lesson stimulus includes representations of elements that help explain the differences in their


Look carefully at the pictures above and see how different one object is from another. Each of
these objects is made from a different element. Some are shiny, some have color, some are hard,
and some are soft. We use these different objects for different purposes based on these
properties. The reason they have different properties is that their atoms are slightly different, they
have different numbers of protons in their nucleus and therefore different numbers of electrons in
orbits around the nucleus.
Gold is a metal that has an atomic number of 79 and is used to make jewelry and other
precious items.
Lead is a metal with atomic number 82, it is not very shiny and it is used for weights, in
batteries and in paint.
Carbon is a non-metal with atomic number 6 and occurs in nature as diamond and
graphite they look very different from one another.
Aluminum is a shiny metal, with an atomic number of 13 and is used to make cooking
utensils and roofs on houses.

Component 4B

Q1. Can you name one thing other than what is in the pictures, that is often made of Gold?

Q2. Does Aluminum have more protons than Carbon? If so, how many?

Q3. Things that are made of lead are often heavy, can you suggest why?

Component 4C
Q1. If Magnesium has 12 protons in its nucleus, how many electrons does it have in orbits around it?

Q2. What are the symbols for protons, neutrons, and electrons?

Q3. (Optional) How many electrons are there in the outer shell of a Magnesium atom, and what would
you predict its valency to be and why?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was about the differences between atoms.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the differences between atoms? If so, how?

Q2. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 3

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. Is a mixture a pure substance?

Q2 Air contains the elements Oxygen and Nitrogen. Is it a mixture?

Q3. Why is Hydrogen a pure substance?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the definition of a pure substance in chemistry using elements as an example.

The lesson may also help you to better understand how to extract information from tables in chemistry.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Key words/terms:
pure substance; substance; element

Select one of the words above and write two sentences. One with an everyday meaning and another using
the same word with a scientific meaning.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus includes a table that provides information about some common elements.

Name of Symbol No of Valency Where found Common use
element protons
Hydrogen H 1 1 Found combined with The free element is used
Oxygen, in the air and to make ammonia
the sea.
Chlorine Cl 17 1 Found combined with The free element is used
Sodium in the sea and as a disinfectant and as a
in salt mines. cleaning agent
Carbon C 6 4 Found as graphite, and It is used in inks and
diamond in the Earth’s rubber.
crust. Found combined Combined with other
with Oxygen, Hydrogen elements has many
and Nitrogen in the purposes in the human
human body. body and in the
Oxygen O 16 2 The free element is It is vital to the process
found as a gas in the of photosynthesis.
atmosphere and the It is vital to the process
ocean. of circulation in
mammals and birds
Aluminum Al 13 3 Found combined with It is used to make cans,
other elements as the window frames
ore bauxite in the
Earth’s crust.
Lead Pb 82 2 Found combined with It is vital to make weight
other elements e.g. in belts, batteries
the ore galena in the
Earth’s crust.
Calcium Ca 20 2 Found combined with Hyydroxyapatite used
other elements as for many purposes by
limestone or gypsum in the human body
the Earth’s crust.
N.B There are many other elements on Earth than those in the table above.

Component 4B

Q1. Which one of the above elements have you heard of before?

Q2. Which other elements do you know about that are not in the table?

Q3. Which of the above elements do you find the most interesting and why?

Component 4C
Q1. Which of the elements above occurs as a gas and as the free element in nature?

Q2. Which element is found in abundance in the Earth’s crust as the ore, bauxite, and which one is
found as galena?

Q3. (Optional) How many electrons are there in the outer shell of Carbon, Aluminum and Chlorine?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was about pure substances in chemistry using examples of many different
elements, the lesson was also about retrieving information from tables.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the differences between atoms? If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember the names and symbols of common elements? If so, how?

Q3. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 4
Chemical Compounds

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. Name a common compound that is used every day.

Q2. If elements and compounds are both pure substances, then what is the difference between

Q3. Why are compounds considered to be pure substances?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about compounds as examples of a pure substance.

The lesson may also help you to better understand the difference between elements and compounds.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Key words/terms:
chemicals; composition; compound

Match each scientific term with its correct definition by drawing a line to connect their boxes.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus includes pictorial representations of a landscape that illustrates the presence of
common compounds.

Component 4B

Q1. What is the chemical formula for water?

Q2. What is the name of the compounds that have the chemical formula CO2 and NaCl?

Q3. If the common compound salt is found in the ocean, how come we can’t see it?

Component 4C
Q1. Where does a lot of the Oxygen in the air come from?

Q2. Where does some of the water in the air come from?

Q3. (Optional) What does the number 2 mean in the formula for water H2O?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on compounds as examples of pure substances.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the difference between elements and compounds?
If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember the formulae for some common compounds? If so, how?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 5
The Chemical Nature of Earth

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. How many elements are currently included in the periodic table?

Q2. How many groups and how many periods of elements are currently identified on the periodic

Q3. Has the periodic table always included this number of elements?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the variety of elements that make up the periodic table.

The lesson may also help you to better understand how the periodic table is organized.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice



This word can have a lot of meanings other than in Science. Do you know what they might be, and how the
word is used in Science?

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus here includes an extract of the periodic table as well as some written text.


Organization: The elements in the periodic table are organized according to increasing
atomic number. The vertical columns are called Groups; The horizontal rows are called
Periods. As you move horizontally across a period, you are adding one more proton to the
nucleus of the atom of that element. Elements with similar properties are arranged one
above the other in vertical groups numbered from 1 to 18. There are 18 numbered groups but
the 14 f block columns between groups 2 and 3 are not shown in the version below.

Valency and outer electrons: The elements within a group, for groups shown above all have
the same number of electrons in their outer shell. So, that the group below Hydrogen all have
1 electron in their outer shell. The group below Beryllium all have 2 and so on.
The number of electrons in each orbit is indicated in the following way, for example, for
chlorine it is 2,8,7. This tells us that Chlorine is in the group below Fluorine and is in Period 3
of the periodic table and because the 2,8,8,18, rule tells us the maximum number of electrons
per shell. An atom has the same number of electron shells as the number of the period of the
table it is in.
Atoms that have 1, 2, 3, or 4 electrons in their outer shell have a valency equal to the number
of electrons, but atoms with 5, 6, or 7 electrons in their outer shell have a valency of 8 minus
the number of electrons in the outermost shell, e.g. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons, so it has
a valency of 8 minus 7, which is 1.
The elements in a group have similar physical and chemical properties because the chemical
properties are dominated by the outermost electrons.

Component 4B

Q1. Name an element in the same group as Arsenic on the periodic table.

Q2. How many protons do elements Silicon and Sulfur have in their nucleus?

Q3. What is the atomic number of Magnesium?

Component 4C
Q1. How could you work out the atomic number of an element?

Q2. Why does Lithium have a valency of 1?

Q3. (Optional) Explain why Oxygen has a valency of 2 but has 8 protons in its nucleus?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on the arrangement and significance of the periodic table.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the arrangements of the elements in the periodic
table? If so, how?

Q2. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 6
History of Chemistry
Consolidation lesson
Component 1: Short Review
Q1. Is Carbon a metal or a non-metal?

Q2. If Aluminum has an electron configuration of 2,8,3, what would you predict its valency to be?

Q3. If Oxygen is in period 2 of the periodic table how many electron shells does it have?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about finding out that many of the elements and compounds that we have learned about are
part of our daily life.

The lesson may also help you to better understand the chemistry of life.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice



Practice saying the word.

The definition for this word is in the stimulus text.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A


The science teacher Mr. Mendoza believed that his learners in Grade 9 would be interested
in the history of chemistry, so he put together the following article.

Looking at the past

A. Alchemy
Alchemists (ancient chemists) firstly in Greco-Roman Egypt, then in the Islamic world
and then in Europe from the 12th to 16th centuries, regarded the elements of carbon,
iron, sulfur, lead, silver, tin, gold, arsenic, bismuth, mercury, antimony, iron, and
copper as pure substances. However, their dearest wish was to transform simple
metals such as lead and copper into gold. They also wished to create an elixir that
would allow people to live forever. They never achieved either of these wishes, but the
study of the elements has provided the world with many useful materials.
B. Metals and alloys
The properties of metals, such as iron, have made it useful for many purposes, such as
weapons and tools and it even had a historic era named after it – “the Iron Age”. This
was followed by the Bronze Age. Bronze is a metal alloy that is a mixture of the metals
copper and tin. Bronze was made by the people in ancient Mesopotamia. It was used
to make weapons, statues, coins, and bells.
Another important alloy is steel which is made from iron and carbon. Its more
successful production in the 17th century made it a very important and useful product
right up to the present times.
Carbon steel is still the most important metal alloy today because it is much harder
than previous forms. Stainless steel is carbon steel with small amounts of chromium
and or nickel.
C. Organic compounds
Some of the most important chemicals in our daily lives include the elements carbon,
oxygen, nitrogen, and the compounds that contain them. Many of the compounds of
carbon are related to living things and are called organic compounds. The study of
these compounds is called Organic Chemistry. The most important compounds of
oxygen include water, carbon dioxide and organic compounds. The other important
element which is part of organic chemistry is nitrogen. An important compound of
nitrogen is ammonia. Other important compounds of carbon that are not organic are
calcium carbonate, carbon dioxide, sodium cyanide and silicon carbide.

Component 4B
Q1. Name an important compound of Nitrogen that is not organic.

Q2. What is stainless steel made of?

Q3. What is bronze made from and what are its uses.

Component 4C
Q1. An important metal in use today is aluminum. Why was it not used in ancient times?

Q2. As there are 118 elements known today and chemistry is about these elements, what sort of
careers/jobs do you think someone trained in chemistry could follow?

Q3. (Optional) Why is water one of the most important compounds for living things?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was about elements and compounds in our daily life.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the importance of chemistry? If so, how?

Q2. What was hard to do or understand in the lesson?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 7
Cell Division

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. Which process, mitosis, or meiosis, is involved in human reproduction?

Q2. What do the processes of mitosis and meiosis have in common?

Q3. What are the specialized organs for reproduction in humans?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the processes of mitosis and meiosis and their importance for the reproduction of
living things.

The lesson may also help you to better understand the processes of biological inheritance.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Key words/terms:

meiosis; mitosis; chromosomes; gametes

Practice saying the words.

Your teacher will be able to help with the meanings of any unfamiliar words.

The other terms are defined in the stimulus as well.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus includes diagrammatic representations of the processes of cell division that help
explain what is happening.


What is MITOSIS?
Mitosis is a process of cell division where two new cells are produced from one division of the
original cell. Each of the two new daughter cells contains the same chromosome number and
the same type and number of genes as the original parent cell.
Where does Mitosis happen? Our body cells increase in number through this process. All
human body cells have forty-six chromosomes. When human cells reproduce through mitosis,
each new cell will also have forty-six chromosomes.


What is MEIOSIS?
In meiosis, the cell goes through two processes of division. This produces four new daughter
cells called gametes. These cells have only half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
(23). During fertilization, a male and female gamete unite resulting in the zygote, which has 46
chromosomes. In this complex process, some genes from each parent contribute and this
explains the genetic variability of offspring.
Where does Meiosis happen? Meiosis occurs in the reproductive or sex cells, called sperms and

Component 4B

Q1. How many daughter cells are produced in Mitosis?

Q2. What number of cell divisions occur in Mitosis and Meiosis?

Q3. How many cells are produced in Meiosis and how are they different to the cells produced in

Component 4C
Q1. What are the daughter cells produced through Meiosis called?

Q2. What is the name given to the sex cells in humans?

Q3. (Optional) Where does Mitosis occur in humans and why is it important?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on the role of cell division in human reproduction.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the processes of reproduction in cells? If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember the names of the processes? If so, how?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 8
Genes, DNA, and Chromosomes

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What is the process that produces gametes?

Q2. What process brings gametes together?

Q3. Explain why some human cells have 46 chromosomes and some have only 23.

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the important part that chromosomes, DNA, and genes play in reproduction.

The lesson may also help you to better understand inheritance.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice


heredity; genotype; genome; DNA; diploid; haploid

Practice saying the words.

Your teacher will be able to help with the meanings of any unfamiliar words.

The other terms are defined in the stimulus as well.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus here includes diagrammatic representations of the DNA molecule.

Genes, DNA, and Chromosomes

What is a gene? A gene is a segment of DNA and is the basic unit of heredity. We have two copies
of each gene, one from our mother and one from our father. During fertilization, the gametes unite
allowing genes from each parent to combine, which results in differences in the DNA composition
or genotypes and therefore explains the genetic variability of offspring.
What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the genetic material located inside a chromosome
in the nucleus of the cell. All living things contain DNA, the self-replicating genetic material that
directs the activities and functions of the cells. The DNA from the parents is transmitted to the
offspring to ensure the continuity of life. It has a structure called a double helix, which is very
important during cell division.
What is a chromosome? Each chromosome is formed from a long strand of a DNA molecule that
contains a linear array of genes. Chromosomes also contain some proteins.
How many chromosomes? The number of chromosomes in a cell is specific to the species. For
example, fruit flies have 8 chromosomes while sunflowers have 34. Dogs have 78, humans have 46,
rice has 24, and corn has 20. In humans, the chromosome number of the parent cell is diploid (2n),
and the chromosome number of each of the four daughter cells is haploid (n).
What are mutations? Where are they found? A mutation is a change that occurs in our DNA
sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied, or as the result of environmental factors
such as UV light and cigarette smoke. Mutation occurs during DNA replication.

Component 4B

Q1. What is a gene?

Q2. What is a genome?

Q3. Of the three important features of human reproduction DNA, gene and chromosome, which is the
largest and which is the smallest?

Component 4C

Q1. What does DNA stand for?

Q2. How does a mutation occur?

Q3. (Optional) Explain the process of fertilization in terms of DNA?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on the important processes of biological inheritance.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the importance of the DNA molecule? If so, how?

Q2. What was hard to do or understand in the lesson?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 9
Body Systems Working Together

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What do we/humans breathe in?

Q2. What do we breathe out?

Q3. Why do we need to breathe in and out?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to keep us alive and

The lesson may also help you to better understand that body systems work together and not as separate

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

respiratory; circulatory; hemoglobin; alveoli; diffuses

Practice saying the words.

Your teacher will be able to help with the meanings of any unfamiliar words.

The other terms are defined in the stimulus as well.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
 The main lesson stimulus includes diagrammatic representations of body systems that help explain
what is happening.

The Cardio-Respiratory System

The Respiratory system: the nose, Mouth, Trachea, Diaphragm, and Lungs (left and right) in
which are found the Bronchi, Bronchioles, Capillaries, and Alveoli.
Circulatory system: Heart, Left ventricle, Right ventricle, Left atrium, Right atrium, Blood vessels
such as veins (e.g. Pulmonary vein, Inferior vena cave, Superior vena cave), and arteries (e.g.
Aorta, Pulmonary artery). This system is also important in transporting nutrients from the
digestive system to the cells of the body and moving waste products from the cells to the
Gas Exchange: Oxygen diffuses into the alveoli and bonds to hemoglobin in the blood and the
carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses into the alveoli and out again through the respiratory

Component 4B
Q1. The diaphragm is part of the respiratory system. What is its job?

Q2. The pulmonary vein is part of the circulatory system. What is its job?

Q3. The aorta is the largest artery in our body. What is its job?

Component 4C
Q1. What is the name of the blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart?

Q2. What are the alveoli and where are they located?

Q3. (Optional) Explain the important role of the alveoli to the cardio-respiratory system.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on how the two important body systems, respiratory and circulatory, work
together to keep us alive and healthy.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand how our body works? If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember the names of important body parts? If so, how?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 10
What is Needed for a Volcano to Form?

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What is a volcano?

Q2. What materials are ejected by the volcano?

Q3. How does a volcano form?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the key factors that are needed for a volcano to form.

The lesson may also help you to be better able to identify and extract information from a scientific text
that uses a lot of technical scientific language.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Key words/terms:

factor; geological processes and conditions; magma; runny lava; viscous lava

Practice saying the words and try to talk out meanings.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus describes the general factors that affect how volcanoes form. The stimulus
includes a ‘comic strip’ style diagram to help show stages in volcano development.


Volcanoes don’t just pop up anywhere on the Earth. They develop where there are certain conditions in and
under the Earth’s crust. They form through a combination of geological processes and conditions.

The following factors, that are needed for a volcano to form, affect its size and shape:
Magma source: Magma is molten rock that forms from the partial melting of the Earth's mantle or crust.
Magma chambers beneath the surface are needed to provide the initial material for volcanic activity.
Rising Magma: Once formed, magma rises towards the Earth's surface due to buoyancy forces. Rising
magma is driven by the pressure difference between the magma chamber and the surface, as well as the
density difference between the magma and the surrounding rocks.
Weakness in Earth's crust: Volcanoes often form at locations where there are weaknesses in the Earth's
crust, such as faults or fractures in rocks, or along tectonic plate boundaries, or rift zones. These weak
points provide pathways for magma to reach the surface, leading to volcanic eruptions.
Conduit or vent: As magma rises towards the surface, it may create conduits or vents through which it can
erupt. These conduits serve as channels for the movement of magma and volcanic gases from the magma
chamber to the surface. The shape and size of a conduit can influence the type and intensity of volcanic
Type of eruption: When magma reaches the Earth's surface it is called lava. Lava may erupt gently or
explosively, depending on factors such as the composition of the source magma, the gas content, and
eruption style. Gentle or effusive eruptions involve runny lava and low gas. They have a relatively calm
outpouring of lava onto the surface, forming lava flows and lava domes. Explosive eruptions involve thick or
viscous lavas with rapid release of volcanic gases and shattered magma, leading to the formation of ash
clouds, pyroclastic flows, and volcanic bombs.
Build-up of volcanic material: Over time, repeated volcanic eruptions can result in the accumulation of
volcanic materials, such as lava flows, ash deposits, and volcanic rocks, around the vent. These materials
contribute to the growth and shape of the volcano, forming characteristic features such as cones, craters,
and calderas.
Geological time: Volcanoes form over geological time scales, through a series of volcanic eruptions and
volcanic processes. The growth and evolution of a volcano may span thousands to millions of years,
depending on factors such as magma supply, eruption frequency, and tectonic activity.

Component 4B
Q1. What is magma?

Q2. List the factors that are needed for a volcano to form?

Q3. The following list of sentences gives the events that occur when a large volcano forms.
They are NOT presented in the correct ORDER or SEQUENCE. Rewrite or show where the sentences
fit into the flow chart to show the CORRECT order of events that occurs to form a big volcano. The
first one has been done for you.

Molten lava erupts out of the vent onto the Earth’s surface.

More eruptions of lava and ash come from the vent and cool to build the volcano.

Magma forces into a weakness in the crust to form a vent.

A hot magma source develops in the Earth’s crust.

Molten lava cools on the Earth’s surface to form a small hill or mount.

Flowchart showing the sequence of events when a large volcano forms:

Component 4C
Q1. Name a type of volcanic eruption identified in the stimulus text.

Q2. What are the things that affect the type of eruption that a volcano has?

Q3. (Optional) How does the composition of magma affect the shape of a volcano?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Q1. What did you learn from this lesson?

Q2. What are some things you enjoyed about the lesson?

Q3. What is something you would like to learn more about in this topic?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 11
Types of Volcanoes

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. Name a volcano that you know.

Q2. What features does it have?

Q3. Why do you think it has those features?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about some different types of volcanoes and why they have their characteristic features. The
lesson should help you to better appreciate the sizes of volcanoes, especially how big and small they can

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Shield volcano; Strato-volcano; Caldera; Cinder cone

Practice saying the words.

Why do you think volcanoes have these names?

A couple of HINTS:
The Spanish word for a cooking pot is Caldron.
The term phreatic originates from the Greek phrear, meaning a water "well" or "spring".

Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus is about some different types of volcanoes and uses cross-section diagrams.


SHIELD VOLCANOES: These are the largest types of
volcanoes. They are made up of many layers of runny
basaltic lava, which has fast-flowing lava that spreads far,
building a large mountain with a shallow slope (the
volcano slope angle averages about 12o). The biggest in
the world is Mauna Loa in Hawaii, USA, which rises about
10km off the ocean floor to from an island in the Pacific
Ocean. It is about 100km across. Shield volcanoes often
have more than one vent and they usually have
continuous, relatively quiet, eruptive activity over
extremely long periods of time.

STRATO-VOLCANOES: These are tall volcanoes, made up

of alternating layers of viscous lava and ash that pile up to
form a tall symmetrical cone. The lava often alternates
from andesite to rhyolite lava types and so the lava is
usually thicker and does not flow very quickly – this results
in the volcano slope being about 35-40o. Strato volcanoes
can have both explosive steam-blast eruptions with ash as
well as lava flows and this provides their characteristic
layering. Mayon volcano in the Philippines has a classic
symmetrical cone shape. Its base is about 13km across,
with a circumference of over 100km. Mayon rises
2,462m from the shores of Albay Gulf. At the summit it
has a crater that is 250m wide. Recently, it has had big
eruptions about every 3-5 years.


Calderas are large, bowl-shaped volcanic depressions
formed by the collapse of the ground surface following a
volcanic eruption when the magma chamber beneath a
volcano is emptied. Calderas often have new volcanic
activity after the initial collapse, resulting in the uplift of
the caldera floor where new smaller volcanoes might
Taal Volcano near Manilla is only about 300m high and has
four or five vents in the center of a big caldera. It is known
for phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions because of
the presence of Taal Lake within its caldera. When magma
comes into contact with water from the lake or
groundwater, it can lead to highly explosive eruptions with
ash plumes and pyroclastic flows. This can include ash,
lapilli (small rock fragments) and volcanic bombs (larger
ejected rocks).

Component 4B
Q1. Which type of volcano are the biggest to form on Earth?

Q2. What physical features do strato-volcanoes have?

Q3. Why do strato-volcanoes have steeper sides than shield volcanoes?

Component 4C
Q1. What is a phreatic eruption?

Q2. What types of materials do volcanoes in the Philippines mostly erupt?

Q3. (Optional) What might be the stages that occur over time to produce a caldera system like the Taal

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of this lesson was on classifying volcanoes according to their activity and the types of materials
they erupt.

Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand the types of volcanoes? If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember the difference between a strato-volcano and a shield
volcano? If so, how?

Q3. What was hard to do or understand in the lesson?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 12
TAAL – a Very Small but Dangerous Volcano!
Component 1: Short Review
Q1. Where is Taal Volcano located?

Q2. What are the indicators that a volcano might erupt?

Q3. Why are volcanoes dangerous?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is a consolidation lesson. It is designed to give opportunities to use your knowledge and
understanding of volcanoes to answer questions related to authentic scientific reports of volcanoes and

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

caldera system; phreatic eruption; phreatomagmatic eruption

In the last lesson, you may have found out about a phreatic eruption.

Try and work out what a ‘phreatomagmatic eruption’ is.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus is an authentic scientific report about a recent eruption of Taal Volcano.
Paragraphs have been numbered to help you locate and refer to parts of the report.

Taal, Philippines
14.0106°N, 120.9975°E; Summit elev. 311 m
All times are local (unless otherwise noted)
Taal volcano is in a caldera system located in southern Luzon and is one of the most active
volcanoes in the Philippines. Around 35 eruptions have been recorded since 3,580 BC. The caldera
contains a lake with an island that also contains a lake within the Main Crater. Before 2020, the most
recent eruption was in 1977. The United Nations office, in the Philippines, reports over 450,000
people live within 40 km of the caldera. [Para 1]
This report covers activity from January through February 2020, including the 12 to 22 January
eruption and is based on reports by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), satellite data, geophysical data, and media reports. [Para 2]
Classification information: PHIVOLCS classifies Taal Volcano’s eruptions into four categories –
phreatic (water-driven), phreatomagmatic (interaction of both magma and water), Strombolian (lava
fountaining and lava flow), and Plinian (violent explosive eruption with tall eruption columns and
widespread fallout of tephra or rock fragments).

The hazard status at Taal was raised to Alert Level 1 on 28 March 2019. From that date through to
1 December there were 4,857 earthquakes registered, with some felt nearby. Inflation was detected
during 21-29 November and an increase in CO2 emission within the Main Crater was observed.
Seismicity increased beginning at 11:00 on 12 January. At 13:00 there were phreatic (steam)
explosions from several points inside the Main Crater and the Alert Level was raised to 2 (increasing
unrest). Booming sounds were heard in Talisay, Batangas, at 14:00; by 14:02 the plume had reached
1 km above the crater, after which the Alert Level was raised to 3 (magmatic unrest). A seismic
swarm began at 11:00 on 12 January. [Para 3]
This was followed by a phreatic eruption at 13:00. The initial activity consisted of steaming from at
least five vents in the Main Crater and phreatic explosions that generated 100-m-high plumes.
PHIVOLCS raised the Alert Level to 2. Booming sounds were heard at 14:00 in Talisay, Batangas (4 km
NNE from the Main Crater), and at 14:04 volcanic tremor and earthquakes felt locally were
accompanied by an eruption plume that rose 1 km; ash fell to the SSW. The Alert Level was raised to
3 and the evacuation of high-risk Barangays was recommended. [Para 4]
Activity again intensified around 17:30, prompting PHIVOLCS to raise the Alert Level to 4 and
recommend a total evacuation of the island and high-risk areas within a 14-km radius. The eruption
plume of steam, gas, and tephra significantly intensified, rising to 10-15 km altitude and producing
frequent lightning. Wet ash fell as far away as Quezon City (75 km N). According to news articles,
schools and government offices were ordered to close and the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (56
km N) in Manila suspended flights. About 6,000 people had been evacuated. Residents described
heavy ashfall, low visibility, and fallen trees. [Para 5]
Report reference: Global Volcanism Program, 2020. Report on Taal (Philippines) (Krippner, J.B., and Venzke,
E., eds.). Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 45:6. Smithsonian Institution.

Component 4B
Q1. What is a phreatic eruption?

Q2. Before the eruption (at 13:00 on 12 January), what signs were noticed before the eruption?

Q3. What was the sequence of occurrences once the eruption had begun?

Component 4C
Q1. What is a Caldera System?

Q2. What are some physical features of the Taal Caldera?

Q3. (Optional) Develop a table that compares the key features of Taal Volcano to either Mayon
Volcano, or Mount Pinatubo.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of the lesson was on consolidating knowledge and understanding about Philippine volcanoes.

Q1. Could you find any answers in the Stimulus text provided for questions in Component 4B or 4C?
Which ones?

Q2. What connections or differences do you notice between questions in 4B and 4C?

Q3. Did you find it easier to answer the questions in Component 4B or 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 13
Temperature and Heat – What is the Difference?

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What is used to measure temperature?

Q2. What do you know about temperature?

Q3. Explain your feeling when a piece of ice is put on your palm for a while.

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about distinguishing between heat and temperature. These two things are different but are
closely related.

The lesson in particular may help you to better understand heat at the micro or particle level.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

kinetic energy; thermal energy; heat; temperature; average
Practice saying the words.

Do you know what these terms mean?

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus includes symbolic representations of particles of matter that help explain what is

Heat and Temperature – they are NOT the same!

Everything around us, including solids, liquids, and gases,
has energy due to the motion of the tiny particles that
they are made of—atoms, molecules, or ions. Depending
on their state, these particles can vibrate, spin, jostle
around and collide with one another because they have
kinetic energy. The total internal kinetic energy of the
particles within an object or system represents its
thermal energy.

Heat is the part of the internal thermal energy of an

object or system that can be transferred from one body
to another owing to temperature differences. Heat
always flows from a higher-temperature object to a
lower- temperature object. Because heat is an energy, it
is measured in units of energy—joules (J) or calories (cal).

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object or system, indicating
how hot or cold an object or system is. Temperature represents the intensity of thermal energy present
in a substance—a higher temperature corresponds to the greater kinetic energy of particles, and so
temperature is measured in units that show intensity—degrees Celsius (°C), degrees Fahrenheit (°F), or
in Kelvins (K).
A good way to think about the difference between heat and temperature is to consider some practical
Example 1: Compare a cup of ‘hot’ tea to a ‘cool’ swimming pool.
A swimming pool at 25°C is at a lower temperature than a cup of ‘hot’ tea at 70°C. BUT,
the swimming pool contains much more water, so it stores much more thermal energy or

Example 2: Compare beakers with different volumes of water, but same temperature.

Component 4B
Q1. What is the single scientific term that groups solids, liquids and gases?

Q2. How do the particles of matter (atoms, molecules, or ions) move in a substance?

Q3. The heat energy in a substance, or thermal energy, is produced from the collisions of its
component particles. Look at the first diagram in the lesson stimulus that depicts the ways that
particles in a substance can move. See that some are colliding! Which side of the diagram shows
more heat energy – the left side or the right side? Which direction will the heat be transferred if
heat moves from the hotter to cooler areas? Explain your answer.

Component 4C
Q1. What are the units used to measure temperature?

Q2. Examine the diagram in Example 2. What are the things that are the same for Beaker 1 and Beaker

Q3. (Optional) What can we conclude about the amount of heat present in Beaker 1 compared to
Beaker 2?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Q1. What did you learn from this lesson?

Q2. What are some things you enjoyed about the lesson?

Q3. What have you learned a lot about this topic?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 14
Can Heat Do Work for Us?

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What is heat?

Q2. List some everyday situations where work is done?

Q3. How is work defined relative to force and distance?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the transfer of energy through heat and work.

The lesson may also help you to reinforce a good understanding of the scientific meanings of temperature
and heat.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

heat; work; model; transfer

Suggest what you understand a ‘model’ to be.

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus pointing includes two models that help explain the difference between heat and
work when we are exploring understanding thermal energy.


The teacher asked the learners in class to design and construct a model to demonstrate that
heat can do work.
The teacher reminded the class that work is the energy transferred to or from an object when a
force moves the object over some distance [W = F
x d].

Joseph thought he had a great idea to use an old

fan blade off a small electrical fan that he found at
home. He attached a string to it so he could hold
the fan above a flask of water in his classroom. He
used an alcohol lamp to provide heat to boil some
water in the flask.
Once the water began to boil, Joseph noticed that
there was movement of air above the flask. When
he held the fan over above the flask, the fan
began to slowly turn.

Ana designed a different model. She

thought of using heat to expand a balloon
which would then push a cardboard
platform upwards. She would put an empty
balloon over a metal flask and place that in
a water bath that could be heated from
below. When the air in the flask was
heated, it would expand the air in the flask
and the balloon to push her lift up. By
turning the heater off, the air in the flask
would have less pressure and the balloon
would begin to deflate. So, the lift would
begin to come down again.

Reference: Model 2 adapted from Dynamic Radioisotope Power | Power and Thermal Systems – NASA RPS: Radioisotope
Power Systems

Component 4B
Q1. What provided the heat for Joseph’s model??

Q2. What movements did Joseph detect?

Q3. How did Joseph relate heat to work?

Component 4C
Q1. In Ana’s model, what caused the balloon to move?

Q2. What are some causes and effects (Cause  Effect) that observations that Ana described?

Q3. (Optional) How did Ana relate heat to work?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Good learners reflect on their learning.

The focus of this lesson was on heat and work transfer- examples of ENERGY TRANSFER.
Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand energy transfers? If so, how?

Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember what heat and work are? If so, how?

Q3. What was hard to do or understand in the lesson?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 15
Transferring Heat

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What does the word transfer mean?

Q2. What are three ways that heat can be transferred from one place to another?

Q3. Explain what is needed if heat is to be transferred?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about the three main ways that heat is transferred in everyday situations

The lesson may also help you to better understand what heat transfer means.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Conduction; Convection; Radiation

Practice saying the words.

Discuss the form of the words - notice that the three terms have the same ending ‘…tion’.
Lots of technical science words have this ending. What does that indicate about the words?

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus includes three definitions plus a practical everyday example of ways heat can be

Three ways that heat is transferred

Conduction is the process of thermal transfer either within an object or between a hot object and a
cooler object when they come in direct contact with each other. Heat is transferred by increasing
the motion of the particles in solid objects. It happens best in solids, especially metals. Although
conduction can occur in liquids and gases, it is much slower than in solids.
Convection is the process of thermal transfer when the heat from a hot object or heat source is
carried by the movement of a heated liquid or gas, such as water or air. The heated liquid or gas
rises, carrying the heat in its particles.
Radiation is the process of thermal transfer through infrared electromagnetic waves. This transfer
of heat does not require a substance, or medium, to carry the heat energy. Heat travels directly and
quickly to cooler objects nearby. This includes any nearby gas or liquid particles (atoms or

It can get really hot in a room with an open fireplace!

On a very cold night, three friends, Angela, Bayani and Carlo, walked into a room where an open
fire had just been started. They were fascinated with the fire and the heat it was creating in the

Carlo, who was sitting close to the fire, said “Wow, I can feel the heat on my hands as soon as I sat
down!”. Bayani had a long metal poker to move the burning logs around. After a few minutes, Bayani
said “Guess what? I can fee thel heat in the metal poker now – it’s getting too hot to hold!”. Angela
was standing well away from the fire and could not feel any heat directly. After about 10 minutes,
Angela said “I can feel the air getting warmer over here. It feels like it’s coming from the ceiling!”.

Component 4B
Q1. What heat transfer is caused by conduction?

Q2. What types of particles can transfer heat?

Q3. How is the way that heat is transferred by radiation different from the way it is transferred by
conduction and convection?

Component 4C
Q1. What produces the heat in the room that Angela, Bayani and Carlo are in?

Q2. Hpw do Angela, Bayani and Carlo experience heat in the room?

Q3. (Optional) From the information provided, what is the fastest and slowest way that heat moves?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of the lesson was on understanding more deeply about three ways to transfer heat.

Q1. How has the lesson helped you to better understand the role of particles in transferring heat?

Q2. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

Q3. What strategies do you use to answer the harder questions?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 16
Heat Transfer in a Kitchen Oven

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. What does ‘heat transfer’ mean?

Q2. What are the ways that heat can be transferred?

Q3. What is the energy change (or transformation) that occurs in a kitchen oven?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about how household appliances produce heat to do work and how the heat is transferred
from the oven to the food.

The lesson may also help you to better recall the differences between conduction, convection and

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

electric oven; heating element; roasting tray
Practice saying the words.

Do you know that the parts of the oven listed are all made of metal?

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Component 4A
The main lesson uses a labeled diagram and brief text to convey scientific information about an everyday


Component 4B

Q1. What is the name of the process of thermal transfer that involves heat being directly transferred to
other objects without the need for a medium to carry the heat energy?

Q2. List some everyday examples that demonstrate the convection of heat energy?

Q3. How are convection and conduction most significantly different from radiation?

Component 4C
Q1. What is the name of the process of thermal transfer that involves heat traveling through the oven
grills, through the roasting tray and then to the food being cooked?

Q2. List things that would get hot in an electric oven due to radiation.

Q3. (Optional) If a person wanted to make some toast or chargrill some bread in a tray, which heating
element (top or lower) and which shelf level would be best to use? Explain your reasoning?

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Q1. Could you find any answers in the Stimulus text provided for questions in Component
4B or 4C? Which ones?

Q2. What connections or differences do you notice between questions in 4B and 4C.

Q3. Did you find it easier to answer the questions in Component 4B or 4C? Why?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 17
Generating Electricity for Household, Commercial and Industrial Use in the Philippines

Component 1: Short Review

Q1. Is switching on an electric light an example of an energy transfer or an energy transformation?

Q2. What are some common devices that can transform electrical energy to heat energy?

Q3. How can movement energy (Kinetic energy) be transformed into electrical energy?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

This lesson is about helping you to understand the scientific difference between energy transfer and
energy transformation.

The lesson may also help to better understand how heat does work.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

boiler; turbine; generator; transformer; condensor

These are all industrial devices used in large power plants to generate electricity, Are there household
examples of them as well?

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Component 4A
This main lesson stimulus uses a cross-sectional diagram to describe and explain a complex system.

How a coal-fired power plant works

 Coal is burned to produce heat in the boiler.

 Heat in the boiler is transferred to a system of tubes in the boiler that contain water.
 The heat in the tubes changes the water to steam, which build high pressure in the tubes.
 When the pressure is released against the blades of the turbine, a force is produced.
 The force of the steam pushes on the blades of the turbine making the turbine spin rapidly.
 The rotating turbine is directly connected to the generator which spins rapidly to produce
 The electricity is transferred to the transformer which increases the voltage for
transmission to household, commercial, and industrial uses.
 The steam in the system of tubes is turned back to water in the condensor for recirculation
in the boiler.
 The condenser uses cold water from the cooling tower to turn the steam back to water.

Component 4B
Q1. What is the main source of heat in the power plant?

Q2. One energy transformation that occurs in the power plant is:
Chemical energy  Heat energy [coal burning in the Boiler].
What other energy transformations can you identify that occur in the power plant?

Q3. Describe where heat energy is transferred (but not transformed into a different form of energy)?

Component 4C
Q1. What substance carries heat from the boiler to the turbine?

Q2. What are the waste products of a coal-fired power plant?

Q3. (Optional) Complete the energy transformation summary by adding scientific terms to the flow
chart provided here in your worksheet.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of the lesson was on learning about the scientific difference between energy transfer and energy

Q1. What did you learn from this lesson?

Q2. What are some things you enjoyed about the lesson?

Q3. What have you learned from this topic?

Science Grade 9 Lesson No. 18
Comparing Fossil-fuels to Geothermal sources of heat to generate electricity
Component 1: Short Review
Q1. What is geothermal energy?

Q2. What are some common fossil-fuel?

Q3. What are the advantages of using geothermal sources of heat?

Component 2: Lesson Purpose

Q1. This lesson is about looking for similarities and differences in how electricity is generated by the use
of fossil What have you learned a lot about this topic?
fuel compared to geothermal sources of heat.

The lesson may also help you to consolidate ideas about heat transfer and transformations involving heat.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Production well; injection well
Practice saying the words.

Unpack the possible meaning of the terms.

It might help to know that a well is a deep hole that engineers have drilled into the hot ground near

Component 4: Lesson Activity
Component 4A
The main lesson stimulus here again uses diagrams that are cross-sections. Heree they summarize the key
components and processes of two types of electricity generation power plants that are used in the


Component 4B
Q1. On the two diagrams that compare a coal-fired power plant to a geothermal power plant, use a
colored pencil to shade all the parts that the two power plants have in common. This will make it
obvious which parts are the same and which parts are different.

Q2. The following table describes the parts, functions and waste products of the two power plants. Use
the same colored pencil to highlight the parts that are the same in the two

Coal-fired Power Plant Geothermal Power Plant

Heat source: Coal, which is crushed to a fine powder Heat source: Hot water from deep underground
and burned in the boiler to produce steam. reservoirs near volcanoes is tapped with deep pipes
to bring it up 2 km to the surface.
Steam generation system: A Boiler where heat is Steam generation system: A Flash tank where
exchanged in layers of pipes to turn the turbine- the reduced pressure causes the hot water from
water into steam. An emission stack takes away underground to boil rapidly or "flash" into vapor.
leftover heat and gases.
Turbine: Steam coming from the Boiler drives a Turbine: Steam from the Flash tank drives a turbine,
turbine, generating mechanical energy. generating mechanical energy.
Generator: The turbine is connected to a generator, Generator: The turbine is connected to a generator,
which converts mechanical energy into electrical which converts mechanical energy into electrical
energy. energy.
Transformer: Increases the voltage ready to be Transformer: Increases the voltage ready to be
distributed through the power lines to for distributed through the power lines to for
household, commercial and industrial uses. household, commercial and industrial uses.
Condenser: Steam from the turbine is condensed Condenser: Steam from the turbine is condensed
back into hot water. back into hot water.
Cooling tower: Cools the hot water from the steam Cooling tower: Cools the hot water from the steam
turbine. turbine.
Emissions: Approximately 1000 grams of CO2 per Emissions: Approximately 50 grams of CO2 per
kilowatt-hour; Approx. 3 grams per kilowatt-hour of kilowatt-hour; Approx. 0.03 grams per kilowatt-hour
sulfur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen of sulfur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen
oxides (e.g. NO2). oxides (e.g. NO2).
Significant articulate matter, smoke and soot. Insignificant particulate matter, smoke and soot.
Heat from the working machinery; Heat and steam Heat from the working machinery; Heat and steam
from cooling towers. from cooling towers.
Other waste: Ash produced from burning coal is Other waste: Used geothermal fluid is reinjected
collected and disposed of in land fill or recycled in into the reservoir after any mercury is filtered out.
concrete making.

Q3. Which power plant appears to have the smallest impact on the environment? Explain your answer
with evidence from the table in Question 2.

Component 4C
Q1. What is the function of the transformer in the two electricity power plants?

Q2. How is water used in the two electricity power plants?

Q3. (Optional) Explain how the flash tank makes use of the scientific relationship between heat and

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

The focus of the lesson was on understanding more deeply and identifying the similarities and differences
in how electricity is generated by use of fossil-fuels compared to geothermal sources of heat.

1. How has the lesson helped you to consolidate ideas about heat transfer and transformations
involving heat?

2. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in Component 4B or Component 4C? Why?

3. What strategies do you use to answer the harder questions?

Three weeks of extra learning – WELL DONE!


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