CHS 2: Reading and Interpreting The Christian Scripture: Course Description
CHS 2: Reading and Interpreting The Christian Scripture: Course Description
CHS 2: Reading and Interpreting The Christian Scripture: Course Description
Course Description:
An institutionally mandated subject, Reading and Interpreting the Christian Scripture is an introductory study of the New
Testament. While the historical context, social condition, political situation, cultural environment and literary character of
these books will be examined, the main goal of this study is to allow students to encounter and engage the primary materials
themselves. As the key source for Christian faith and practice, these books will be studied by way of close reading. And
through critical and thoughtful reflection of these biblical texts, key themes will be examined and significant passages
relevant to contemporary life will be emphasized in classroom discussion. From this study, it is hoped that students will come
to appreciate themes and ideas from the New Testament as consequential to their lives.
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the context and how it influenced the writing(s) of the Christian Scripture
Identify themes from the gospels, Pauline letters, and apocalyptic writing that are important to contemporary Christian
faith and practice
Show how relevant themes can respond to present social, political, environmental, and economic issues in the present
time, in the Philippines or abroad
Rating Criteria
Exemplary 40 Work demonstrates qualities which go beyond
Satisfactory 30 Work presents required requirements
Developing 20 Work partially manifests the requirements. Certain
aspects are incomplete or incorrect
Beginning 10 Work does not manifest any of the requirement
Grading System
Attendance and participation 50%
Graded recitation and discussion 25%
Major Exams/Projects 25%
Computed Final grade is composed of Midterm Grade (50%) and Finals Grade (50%). Students are encouraged to seek
appointment with the instructor for grade/class consultation.
Required Texts:
Kato, Julius-Kei. Reading the Bible in a Secular Age. Cascade Books, 2023.
Thiessen, Matthew. Jesus and the Forces of Death. Baker Press, 2021.
Jennings, Theodore Jr. Reading Derrida/Thinking Paul: On Justice. Stanford University Press, 2005.
Velunta, Revelation. Reading the Parables of Jesus Inside a Jeepney. Independently Published, 2017.
Course Outline
Topic Activity Output/Learning Outcome
I. Introductory Lessons: Lectures:
January 22-26 SU, Tradition, and the Familiarity of the expectation and
Scripture direction of the study; understand the
relevance of study to their growth
II. Is the Bible still relevant today? Reading and Discussion of Understanding the significance of the
January 29 to February 9 “Reading the Bible in a Bible at present particularly to
Secular Age” contemporary society
Graded Recitation
IV. Jesus and Ancient Judaism Reading and Discussion of Recognition of the complexity and the
Disease and Ritual Purity “Jesus and the Forces of difficult debates surrounding religious
System: Debates and Death” issues during the time of Jesus
February 26 to March 22 Group Discussion and
V. The Synoptic Gospels Reading and Discussion of Appreciation of the differences between
March 25 to April 6 Matthew, Mark, and Luke and among the synoptic gospels
Graded Recitation
VI. Paul and Contemporary Reading and Discussion of Familiarity of contemporary reception of
Thinkers and Ideas “Reading Derrida/Thinking Pauline ideas in philosophy and political
April 8 to May 3 Paul: On Justice” theory
Group Presentation
VII. 1 Corinthians Reading and Discussion of the Acquainted with some of Pauline ideas and
May 9 to 17 Pauline Epistle issues in the Corinth Church
Dates to Remember:
Midterm Exam: April 4 (MTh) and April 5 (TF)
Final Exam: May 21 (TF) and May 23 (MTh)
Private/Group Reading: March 15 (MTh) and March 18 (TF). No F2F class. Instructor is available online for chat and
Group Activity and Learning: May 2 (MTh) and May 3 (TF). No F2F class.
Group Report: May 6 (MTh) and May 7 (TF)
Exam Preparation/Study Time: May 17 (TF) and May 20 (MTh). No F2F class.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. No F2F class.