The Effect of Financial Institutions On Economic Growth in Nigeria
The Effect of Financial Institutions On Economic Growth in Nigeria
The Effect of Financial Institutions On Economic Growth in Nigeria
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
This work investigated the impact of bank credit on the growth of Nigerian economy for the period of 1986-2012.
The data was sourced from CBN statistical bulletin. To determine the impact of the independent variables on the
dependent OLS method of estimation was employed. ADF was used to determine the order of integration, and all
the variables were found to be integrated of same order one I(1). The Johansen and Juselius co-integration test was
employed and the result showed that there is at most one co-integrating equation in the model, implying that there
is a long run relationship between the variables in the model. The result of the OLS regression showed that there
is a negative and significant relationship between GDP and TBCPS in the long run. M2 which was used as control
variable has a positive and significant impact on GDP at the long run. The ECM showed that 24.03% of the
disequilibrium will be corrected yearly. The short run dynamics of the variables indicates that TBCPS also have a
negative and insignificant impact on GDP at the short-run. The result of the granger causality test reviles that
causation runs from GDP to TBCPS and not the other way round, a case of unidirectional causality. The result also
showed bidirectional causality between TBCPS and M2. And based on the forgoing it was recommended that CBN
should lower the lending rate by manipulating the monetary policy rate, direct credit control should also be adopted
by the CBN in other to improve the contribution of the informal sector. The government should improve on the
infrastructural facilities in the country at the same time improve the level of security in this country by tackling the
issue of Boko Haram sect and Militancy in Niger Delta. Key words: Bank Credit, Economic Growth, Co-
1. Introduction
Every economy is made up of different economic agents contending for scarce resources available within the
economy with a view to achieve their goals. The need of each of the economic agent within the economy varies in
accordance with their functions. To meet with these pressing needs however, each of the economic agents contends
for scarce financial resources available within the financial system. For instance, co-operate organizations need
fund to procure machineries and equipments needed for the production of goods and services, Farmers obtain credit
to purchase seeds, insecticides, fertilizers and erecting of various kinds of farm buildings. Government bodies
source for credit to enable them meet with various kinks of recurrent and capital expenditures. Individuals and
families on the other hand, take credit which enable them pay for goods and services (Adeniyi 2006).
However, to provide these economic agents with their needed credit, various institutions that render financial
services comes to play. These institutions otherwise known as financial institutions have banks as a major player
among them. This banking institution is responsible for financial intermediation in the Nigerian financial system,
which enable the channel funds from surplus unit of the economy to the deficit unit of the same economy, thereby
converting deposit to credit (loan). According to Ademu (2006) in Nwanyanwu (2010), the provision of credit with
sufficient consideration to growth potential in the sector as well as price system in the economy is one of the ways
to generate employment opportunities and by so doing contributing to the growth of the economy at large. This
can be made possible because, bank credit contribute immensely to the expansion of business enterprises, increases
scale of production which results to growth in the overall economy.
Therefore, the contribution of bank credit to the growth of the informal sector of the Nigerian economy cannot be
overemphasized considering the contribution of this sector to the overall growth of the Nigerian economy. Over
40% of Nigerian populations are employed in the informal sector which has enormous growth potential. And so,
the availability of credit to these economic drivers will help to harness their growth potential which will in turn
contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the economy. On the same note, the activities of the formal sector
of the economy have improved tremendously with the help of bank credit available to them. The sector unlike the
informal sector accesses credit easier, because their structure enables them to easily meet with most conditions for
bank credit which places them ahead of the informal sector in the credit market. The increase in the contribution
of formal sector to the growth of the Nigerian economy is an indication that the sector has improved and this can
be attributed to bank credit available to them (Nwanyanwu 2010). It is obvious from the foregoing that bank credit
is a vital macroeconomic tool whose contribution to economic growth in Nigeria cannot be underestimated.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Reacting to this, Ademu (2006) highlighting the role of bank credit explained that it can be used to prevent an
economic activity from total collapse in the event of natural disaster such as flood, drought, disease or fire. To him,
credit can help to revive the economy that suffered such set back in their economic activities.
The important of bank credit to the Nigerian economy has led to sustained increase of credit to productive sectors
of the Nigerian economy. Central Bank of Nigeria Annual Report (2010), noted that credit to the core private sector
by the Deposit Money Banks grew by 10.26% between 2009 to 2010. Outstanding credit to agriculture, solid
minerals, exports and manufacturing in 2010 stood at 1.7, 15.3, 0.6 and 12.8 per cent, respectively. Credit flows to
the core private sector in 2010 amounted to N10,140,947 million. Adekanye (1986) observed that in making credit
available, banks are rendering a great social service, because through their actions, production is increased, capital
investment are expanded and a higher standard of living is realized.
It is against this background that this paper seeks to examine the extent to which bank credit has impacted on the
growth of Nigeria economy, with a particular reference to its long term effect. To achieve the objective of this
paper, this work will be structured as follows: immediately following this brief introduction is section two which
will contain the review of related literature. Section three will take a look at the methodology that will be adopted
for the analysis, the forth section will contain the analysis and interpretation of the result while section five will
provide the conclusions and policy recommendations.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Test provided the evidence in support of the fact that credit market development spurs economic growth. The
empirical investigation indicated a positive effect of economic growth on credit market development of the country.
Mukhopadhyay and Pradhan (2010) recently examined the causal relationship between financial development and
economic growth of 7 Asian developing countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, India
and Singapore) during the last 30 years, using multivariate VAR model. The study concluded that no general
consensus can be made about the finance-growth relationship in the context of developing countries. Examining
the Nigerian experience, Fadare (2004) empirically identifies the effect of banking sector reforms on economic
growth in Nigeria by using the data 1999 - 2009. Variables used for the study are interest rate margins, parallel
market premiums, total banking sector credit to the private sector, inflation rate, inflation rate lagged by one year,
size of banking sector capital and cash reserve ratios. Results indicate that the relationship between economic
growth and other exogenous variables of interest rate margins, parallel market premiums, total banking sector
credit to the private sector, inflation rate and cash reserve ratio show the negative and insignificant.
Dele (2007) investigates the banking reform in Nigeria of the perspective of Soludo's by using the data of 40
commercial and merchants bank variables used for the study are lending, interest rate and the foreign exchange
policy. The study uses the descriptive statistics to test the hypothesis Hence results indicates that recapitalization
has shown significance to reform the banking services and to the growth of economy as whole. Hence the study
suggested that a procedure to implement in which interest rate should be operate through monetary policy in order
to move the GDP growth continuously toward the unique price and single market for local and international
Kayode et. al (2010) investigated the effect of bank lending and economic growth on the manufacturing output in
Nigeria. Using the times series data which covered a period of 36 years (1973 to 2009), the technique he used for
analysis the model is the co integration and vector error correction model (VECM) techniques. The empirical
outcomes of the study show that production volume utilize in manufacturing and bank rate of lending loans
significantly affect manufacturing output in Nigeria. However, at the other hand relationship between
manufacturing output and economic growth was found to be significant resulting to a success and progress in the
Akpansung & Babalola (2009), examined the impact of bank credit on the growth of Nigerian economy for the
period of 1970-2008, using two-stage least square and granger causality test, the result indicates that bank credit
has a negative impact on the growth of Nigerian economy with causation running from GDP to bank credit.
Nwanyanwu (2010) employed OLS econometrics techniques in determining the impact of bank credit on the
growth of Nigerian economy, she found that bank credit positively and significantly impact on the growth of
Nigerian economy.
Based on the forgoing, it is obvious that the debate on this subject matter is far from conclusion as there are varying
opinions as to the impact of Bank credit on the growth of GDP both in Nigerian and in other countries of the world.
The literature in this subject area in Nigerian appears to be very scanty. And apart from that no recent work has
look at the impact of bank credit on Nigeria economic growth with consideration of recent economic policies
introduced by the monetary authorities up till 2012. This is the gap that this work seeks to fill.
3. Model Specification
This study seeks to determine the impact of bank credit on economic growth in Nigeria for a period of 19862012.
And to achieve this, a log form of OLS regression model will be adopted for this work. The choice of introducing
log in the model is to enable us improve on the linierity of the model and also to avoid heteroskedasticity.
GDP = f(TBCPS, M2)………………………………….……………………(1)
Explicitly the above equation can be stated thus:
GDP = ß0 + ß1TBCPS + ß2M2 + Ut….………………………………………(2)
The log form of the model is stated as follows.
Log(GDP) = ß0 + ß1log(TBCPS) + ß2log(M2) + Ut ……………(3) Where
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
TBCPS = Total Bank Credit to Private Sector M2
= Aggregate Money Supply
Theoretically the coefficient will take the following outcome:
ß1>0, ß2>0
3.1 Tests for Best Regression
To determine if the above model is the best model to explain this relationship, the following condition must be
1. R2 must be high at least above 60%
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
∆y = + + ∆ + + … … … … … … … … … … … … . . (5)
Y is a time series, t is a linear time trend, ∆ is the first difference operator, α0 is a constant, n is the optimum number
of lags in the dependent variable and is the random error term; the difference between equation (4) and (5) is that
the first equation included just a drift. However, the second equation includes both drift and linear time trend.
The second step in this time series analysis is to test for the presence or otherwise of co-integration between the
series of same order of integration through forming a co-integration equation. The basic idea behind cointegration
is that if in the long-run, two or more series move closely together, even though the series themselves are trended,
the difference between them is constant. It is possible to regard these series as defining a long-run equilibrium
relationship, as the difference between them is stationary (Hall and Henry, 1989). A lack of cointegration suggests
that such variables have no long-run relationship: in principal they can wander arbitrarily far away from each other
(Dickey et. al., 1991). We employ the maximum-likelihood test procedure established by Johansen and Juselius
(1990) and Johansen (1991). Specifically, if Yt is a vector of n stochastic variables, then there exists a p-lag vector
auto regression with Gaussian errors of the following form: Johansen’s methodology takes its starting point in the
Vector Autoregression (VAR) of order P given by
= +∆ + − − − − +∆ + … … … … … … … … … … … … . . (6)
Yt is an nx1 vector of variables that are integrated of order commonly denoted (1) and εt is an nx1 vector of
This VAR can be rewritten as
∆y = + + ∆ + … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (7)
To determine the number of co-integration vectors, Johansen (1988, 1989) and Johansen and Juselius (1990)
suggested two statistic test, the first one is the trace test (λ trace). It tests the null hypothesis that the number of
distinct co integrating vector is less than or equal to q against a general unrestricted alternatives q = r. the test
calculated as follows:
)*+#,-(+) = −. In (1 − λ3)
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
T is the number of usable observations, and the λ1,s are the estimated eigenvalue from the matrix.
3.2.3 Error Correction Mechanism
After testing for the Co integration relationship and co-integration is proven to exist between the variables, then
the third step will require the construction of an ECM to model the dynamics of the relationship. The reason behind
ECM is to determine the speed of adjustment from the short-run disequilibrium to the long-run equilibrium state.
The greater the co-efficient of ECM, the higher the speed of adjustment from the short-run disequilibrium to long-
run equilibrium.
GDPt = Gross Domestic Product at time t
The term ECTt-1 is the error correction term derived from the long-run co-integrating relationship in the equation.
We note that the estimate δ1 can be interpreted as the speed of adjustment from short-run disequilibrium to
longrun equilibrium. According to Johansen and Juselius (1987), the existence of co-integration implies the
existence of the causality relation between the variables (GDP and TBCPS, M2).
3.2.4 Granger Causality Test
The granger causality test is conducted with a view to determine the direction of causality between the variables
under study. The existence of co-integration among the variables implies the existence of causal relationship
between the variables, but this does not tell us the direction of this causality hence the need for granger causality
test to be conducted to enable us determine the direction of causality that exist among the variables. The following
are the model for granger causality test.
These tests enable us to determine the direction of causality existing between the variables under review. It reveals
the relationship of no causality, unidirectional causality and bidirectional or feedback causality between the
variables under consideration. If the parameters of the lagged variables in equations 9, 10 and 11; is statistically
significant, it implies that there is a causality relationship between the variables under study. But if the parameters
of the lagged variables in equations 9, 10 and 11; is not statistically significant, it means that there is no causal
relationship between the variables under study.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
highly fitted. This shows that this model is the best model to explain the relationship between the variable under
consideration. Durbin-Watson statistics value of 1.006817 shows the likely presence of autocorrelation in the
model. The result of F-stat is (781.5365) and the probability of F-stat is 0.0000 which implies that the overall
regression is statistically significant. This also means that all the independent variable taking together will impact
significantly on the growth of Nigerian economy.
At this point we conducted some test to determine if the regression model is the best regression to explain the
relationship between these variables. We start with test for normality by stating the null and the alterative
hypothesis as follows:
Ho= the residual is normally distributed
H1= the residual is not normally distributed
Decision rule
If the probability value is less than 0.05 reject Ho otherwise accept Ho.
Series: Residuals
Sample 1985 2011
6 Observations 27
Mean -1.18E-14
Median -0.045513
4 Maximum 0.580265
Minimum -0.475811
Std. Dev. 0.242227
Skewness 0.660469
2 Kurtosis 3.232664
Jarque-Bera 2.023888
0 Probability 0.363512
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Source: Researchers E-views result
The result of the normality test shows that the probability value is 0.383512 which is greater than 0.05. Based on
this however we accept Ho and reject H1 and conclude that the residual is normally distributed and this result is
Ho= there is no serial correlation in the model
H1= there is serial correlation in the model
Decision rule
If the probability value is less than 0.05 reject Ho otherwise accept Ho
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test:
F-statistic 2.202406 Probability 0.096739
Obs*R-squared 9.906855 Probability 0.077918
Source: Researchers E-view result
The result of the serial correlation shows that the probability value is 0.077918 which is greater than 0.05 implying
that we accept Ho and reject H1 and conclude that there is no serial correlation in the model.
Ho= there is no heteroskedasticity in the model H1
= there is heteroskedasticity in the model.
TABLE 4.8 White Heteroskedasticity Test:
1.087272 Probability 0.387081
Obs*R-squared 4.456527 Probability 0.347733
Source: researcher E-view result
The result of the heteroskedasticity test indicates the acceptance of Ho at 5% level of significance meaning that
there is no heteroskedasticity in the model instead the model is homoskedastic. And based on this we conclude that
this is the best model to explain the relationship between these variables included in the model.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
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