Approaches For The Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in Unani Medicine: A Review
Approaches For The Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in Unani Medicine: A Review
Approaches For The Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in Unani Medicine: A Review
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3 authors, including:
Md Nafis Iqbal
Aligarh Muslim University
All content following this page was uploaded by Md Nafis Iqbal on 06 February 2017.
Alzheimer’s disease is defined as a dementing illness in which anterograde amnesia is a dominant
symptom and is the most common cause of dementia among older people. There is no direct reference to this
disorder in the classical Unani literature but Alzheimer’s disease is almost always associated with Nisyan or
fasaad-e-takhayy’ul or zehan ki kharabi. If we trace back the genesis of this problem we came to know that the
ancient Unani scholars were well acquainted with the basic concept of this disorder.
Although the aetiology is not very clear but Unani scholars have mentioned that this is due to les dar
balgham (viscid phlegm) and ratubat (fluid) in the brain or in other words due to sue mizaj barid yabis or sue
mizaj barid ratab which gives a clear cut idea of the occurrence of disease in old age. In Alzheimer’s disease
there is a decline in production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which causes depression. Depression
stimulates the phlegmatic humour too.
Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in modern medicine has certain limitation because of adverse effect.
The world now looks on herbal generated drug. Unani System of Medicine is rich in such Unani drugs which
have the potential to prevent and delay the Alzheimer’s disease. Unani drugs; such as Muhafizaat, Muslihat,
Muqawwiyaat, Moaddilaat, Munish-e-Haraarat Ghareeziyah acts as memory enhancer, antioxidant potential
against reactive oxygen species etc.
Key Words: A lzheimer’s disease, Unani, Nisyan, phleg matic hu mour, antio xidant.
Journal of Integrated Community Health 2012 (1)
ages in the United States. It is the fifth-leading Eminent scholar Hakim wa Doctor Ghulam
cause of death for those aged 65 and older7 . Jeelani in Makhzan-e-hikmat described it as
Worldwide, there is a new case of dementia Ahmaq pan or hamaq-e-balahat (Dementia)
every seven seconds. More than 24.3 million and defined it as “in this disease there is slight
people in the world are living with changes in intelligence, sanity and memory
Alzheimer’s and it is the 7th leading cause of etc. the power of memory is weaken or
death today. vanished. There are anterograde amnesia and
no interest in recent or future activities rather
Pathology than become free from care or thoughtless and
Disruption of microtubule structure impairs ignorant. As the disease advances there is
the axonal transport, synaptic loss, and weakness or impairment of power of memory
neuronal cell death which are known to be the and patient behave like a childish12 .
leading causes for neurodegenerative disorders Abul Hasan Ali Bin Rabban Tabri in Firdaus-
such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 8 . The ul-hikmat narrates that in Nisyan there is
disease is characterized pathologically: accumulation of viscid phlegm and fluid in the
ß By neurofibril tangles in CNS, brain. Sometimes Nisyan is produced due to
excess of Yabusat (dryness) because due to
ß Formation of senile neuritic plaques excessive dryness brain has no memorizing
and cerebral amyloid deposits9 capacity. Sometimes whole body becomes
Loss of neurones, neurofibrillary cold then disease of Nisyan is produced. When
tangles, senile plaques and amyloid Nisyan occurs due to excessive fluid in brain
angiopathy are seen, especially within the then the power of memory and thinking
frontal, temporal and parietal cortex, weaken13 .
hippocampi, substantia innominata and locus
ceruleus2 . Histochemical staining demonstrates
significant quantities of amyloid in plaques. Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease still poses a
Many different neurotransmitter abnormalities serious challenge to the medical profession,
have been described, in particular impairment and it may take several years of testing before
of cholinergic transmission, although doctors can reach a decision on a patient’s
noradrenaline, 5-HT, glutamate and substance condition. A clinical evaluation of
P are also involved10 . Recent studies have Alzheimer’s disease must exclude all other
suggested that Alzheimer's disease is familial neurological, psychiatric, and medical
in about 15% of cases, usually inherited as an disorders that may be causing the mental
autosomal dominant trait. Specific genetic decline14 . Nevertheless, the diagnostic criteria
markers have been reported in some kindreds: are based on a variety of imperfect tests, as
Mutations of the amyloid precursor protein well as the experience and subjective
(APP) gene on chromosome 21 in early onset assessment of the physician performing the
cases, and the Apo lipoprotein E4 genotype in evaluation15 . Further-more, it is rare for a
families with later-onset disease11. diagnosis to be completed in one clinic visit;
rather, patients must be observed over time to
Clinical Feature document changes in cognitive function16 .
Loss of recent memory with a complaint of Strictly speaking, a definitive diagnosis of
forgetfulness is the most common presenting Alzheimer’s disease can occur only by
symptom. Loss of interest in life and pathologic examination of brain tissue after
personality change, sometimes with antisocial death17 . However the presence of
and disinhibited behavior, are also common neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), senile plaque
early symptoms. Dysphasia, dyslexia, (SPs), neuronal death, synaptic loss, and brain
dysgraphia and dyscalculia are sometimes atrophy in specific brain areas, has been
particularly marked. Dyspraxic symptoms, shown to be hallmarks of AD18 .
such as topographagnosia (inability to find But according to Unani If a patient complaints
one's way about in familiar surroundings) and of excessive sleep, headache, secretion from
dressing apraxia, are frequent. Loss of bladder nose, mouth and eyes, forgetfulness of past
and bowel sphincter control may be an early or memory rather than the present along with
late feature. Sleep disturbance is common11 . variable pulse and crude whitish urine then it
Journal of Integrated Community Health 2012 (1)
After tanqiyah, for brain strengthening give Centella Asiatica (Barhami booti): In Unani
one Qurs Marjan jawaharwala mixed with system of medicine it is used as Muqawwi-e-
Khmeera Gaujuban jawaharwala 7 masha dimagh wa Hafiza (Brain and memory tonic)
(7gm.) in the morning and Majoon-e-Nisyan 7 and Musaffi-e-khoon (blood purifier)26 ,
masha (7gm.) or Majoon-e-Bolus 7 masha mufaareh (Exhilarant) and Muqawwi-e-aza-e-
(7gm) or Majoon-e-Najah 7 masha (7gm.) in raisa (vital organ tonic)20 . It increases the
the evening and Itrifal Ustookhudoos 7 masha longevity, imagination and memory powe27 .
(7gm.) in the bed time for few days19 . Recent studies show that the chemical
composition of Centella plant has a very
Make a powder of Kundur 40 tola (480gm) & important role in medicinal and nutraceutical28
8 masha (8gm.) and filfil-esiyah 10 darham applications and it is believed due to its
(35gm.) and give one Misqal (4 1/2masha) or biologically active components of triterpenes
(41/2gm) daily for 40 days in the morning saponins. Beside the triterpenes, the
before breakfast with fresh water13 . In addition
Journal of Integrated Community Health 2012 (1)
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becoming concerned, not only about the high Limited. P.1347
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disadvantage of Unani remedies is that it lacks New Delhi p.150-151
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