Farm Pond+
Item Page
1. Introduction 1
2. Farm pond+ & Objectives 3
3. Components of FP+ 4
4. Strategy 6
Directorate wise interventions 7
Beneficiary selection 8
Monitoring 10
5. Reporting system 11
6. Success Stories and Impact evaluation. 12
7. Annexure-i 13
(Application format for Farm Pond)
8. Annexure-ii 14
(Procedure for availing pump sets under DBT)
9. Annexure-iii 15
(PMKSY- Micro Irrigation)
10. Annexure-iv 16-17
(Application format for Pisciculture in Farm Ponds)
11. (Application format for Input Assistance to farmers 18
for taking up Duckery/ Fodder/ Backyard poultry in
farm ponds)
12. (Application format for Assistance under OPELIP in 19
farm ponds)
13. (Assistance admissible through different 20-30
Departments/ Directorates)
14. Annexure-viii 31-37
(Formats for reporting MPRs)
1 AAO Assistant Agriculture Officer
10 CB Capacity Building
26 HEW Horticulture Extension Worker
27 HO Horticulture Overseer
28 LI Livestock Inspector
Operational Guidelines for Farm Pond+
1. Introduction:
1.1 Agriculture and allied sector is the backbone of the Indian economy.
Nearly 62 % people earn their livelihood through Agriculture and
allied activities. Growth of this sector is necessary for ensuring food
security as well as the overall socio-economic growth of the farming
community. Out of the farming community 85% are small and
marginal farmers who have limited access to resources and hence
practise subsistence farming. Frequent occurrence of extreme weather
events like cyclones, floods, droughts along with high cost of farm
inputs like quality seeds / fertilisers / machineries are among factors
that affect production and ultimately the farm returns. During last
twenty years the farmers’ income in the state has been showing a
steady growth but still languishing against the national average. At
present Agriculture contributes 21.27 % of GSDP in the state, which
shows lot of efforts are needed to minimise the disparity between the
per capita income through farm sector and non-farm sector.
Additional income generating activities in the farm field need to be
explored which can add income and employment opportunities with
minimum capital investments. One of such intervention was
excavation of farm ponds to increase water availability to plants.
1.2 Farm Pond:
Out of the cultivated area of 61.80 Lakh hectares, the state has
utilised the irrigation potential in 26.94 Lakh hectares during 2019-
20 Kharif (DOWR, Odisha), leaving rest of the cultivated area under
rainfed conditions. The production from rainfed areas contributes only
about 40%, one of the main reasons for its underperformance can be
attributed to its high dependency on monsoons. Variations in the
monsoon can cause crop failure in the short run and even drought in
the long run. Production from these areas can be increased by
addressing the requirement of water during critical stages of crop
growth. Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment
during 2019-20 has implemented ambitious programme
“Construction of 5 lakh farm ponds in 5 years and supervised by
WSHGs” under 5T initiative as a step towards supplementation of
irrigation needs in the event of longer dry spells/ extreme weather
events. The initiative was also aimed at creating rural employment
during Covid-19 pandemic situation
Implementation of the programme revolved around three
departments viz., PR & DW, DA & FE and Mission Shakti with
involvement of all stakeholders. Drought proofing, flood management
measures with livelihood security for the poor has been one of the
mandates under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Creation of durable assets
like farm ponds can improve water security, soil and moisture
conservation and thus, lessen the vagaries of uncertain monsoon for
the development of the economy as well as for the well-being of the
households engaged in the agricultural workforce in rural Odisha. The
department of PR & DW would sanction the projects with respect to
submission of proposals by implementing agency DSC& WD under
the Department of A&FE. The directorate of SC & WD in turn would
ensure proper execution of farm ponds through its field functionaries
and encourage beneficiaries for inclusion in the programme though
different awareness campaigns. For speedy completion of the
excavation, the WSHGs of concerned localities under Mission Shakti
department would act as supervisor and facilitate the job card holders
to perform the intended duties.
1.3 The farm ponds shall be excavated manually with engagement of job
card holders as per norms laid down in master circular of MGNREGA.
Eligible beneficiaries can submit application to the field functionaries
of Agriculture & FE department like SCEW /VAW /HEW in the
prescribed format for construction of such farm ponds. The
application form and different models are appended at Annexure-i.
2. Farm pond+
2.1 Farm pond+ was conceptualised as an initiative pertaining to
intensification, diversification and for surplus generation from various
farm-based livelihoods (agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and
livestock) activities. It is an initiative by Department of Agriculture
and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha to act as a tool
for enhancing the productivity of farm ponds for income
augmentation of farmers in the state.
To transform the agriculture practice from subsistence to sustainable,
farm pond + shall act as one of the most important components. This
will result in ensuring multiplication of farmers’ income, reduction of
crop failures and hence, bring financial security to farm families. The
farmers need to adopt remunerative practices with due guidance from
all stake holders. This shall not only boost the farm income of the
farmer but also strengthen the economy of the state in general.
2.2 Objectives
2.2.1 To provide protective / lifesaving irrigation during critical stages of
growth of plants in the event of long dry spells and also during
moisture stress condition of plants.
2.2.2 Adoption of different component of integrated farming system for
management practices.
2.2.4 Addressing livelihood , nutritional security and diversity in rural
3. Components of Farm Pond + :
3.1 Farm pond based Integrated farming system with fish, duck and agri/
horti crops plays a significant role in increasing production, income,
nutrition and employment opportunities of rural populations. Apart
from above, safeguarding the crop through lifesaving irrigation at the
time of need in critical growth stage of crops ensures sustainable
agriculture practice and income generation. Few among many
components of farm pond+ are as follows:
3.2 Pisciculture and Duckery:
Fish ponds provide an excellent environment to ducks which prevent
them from infection of parasites. Ducks feed on predators and help
the fingerlings to grow. Duck raising in fish ponds reduces the
demand for protein to 2% to 3% in duck feed. Duck droppings go
directly into water providing essential nutrients to increase the
biomass of natural food organisms. The daily waste of duck feed
(about 20 to 30 gm/duck) serves as fish feed in ponds or as manure,
resulting in higher fish yield. Manuring is conducted by ducks and
homogeneously distributed without any heaping of duck droppings.
3.3 Micro irrigation systems:
Micro-irrigation system is effective in saving water and increasing
water use efficiency as compared to the conventional surface irrigation
method. Besides, it helps reduce water consumption, growth of
unwanted plants (weeds), soil erosion and cost of cultivation. Water is
applied via pressurized piping system. Micro-irrigation requires
pumps for developing the required pressure for delivering water
through pipelines.
3.4 Pump sets:
Mechanisation in farm field taken up with an aim to reduce drudgery
of labour, reduce the cost of production and enable timely agricultural
operations with precision. Farm power availability in Odisha was 1.93
kW/ha during 2020-21. Pump sets popularisation is one of the step
towards catching up with the national average (2.02 kW/ ha,)
3.5 Bund Plantation and Agroforestry:
Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or
shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. Promotion
to plantation of suitable species of saplings (fruits/ forest species)
shall be made in order to encourage bund plantation &/ or
Agroforestry in the ayacut areas.
3.6 Minikits of Vegetable/ Cereals and others:
To popularize newer varieties and a step towards improved
production, minikits of various cereals, pulses, oilseeds, millets,
vegetables & fruit saplings will be distributed to eligible farm pond
beneficiaries with an aim to expand the coverage area of improved
seeds and adoption of improved practices.
3.7 Other Components:
Other Agriculture and allied enterprises which can improve the
income of farmers like mushroom cultivation, mushroom spawn
production, fish fry production /Apiculture etc as admissible under
various schemes of directorates will be encouraged.
4. Strategy :
4.1 Convergence is the key to success of Farm Pond +. The schemes of
DA & FP, DoH, DSC&WD, DoF and DAH & VS will be converged
to maximize the benefits. As is evident in duckery with fish, the
benefits are immense if only taken up simultaneously, in the sense that
the waste of one, becomes feed of others. Similarly micro irrigation in
fruits and vegetables can reap larger profit if only pumping devices are
incorporated. So for effective optimization of Farm pond+,
coordination amongst the Directorates of Soil Conservation& WD/
Agriculture & FP/ Horticulture/ Fisheries/ AH&VS holds lot of
importance. Implementation of the programme shall be undertaken in
mission mode involving all the stake holders from block to state level.
4.2 A suitable mechanism will be worked out for convergence of different
schemes with ST/SC, Forest, Environment and Climate Change / PR
& DW departments.
4.3 Odisha Livelihoods Mission has adopted a focused strategy for farm
livelihoods promotion involving components like capacity building
which bring significant number of households under different
livelihood / Agriculture extension interventions. In due course of time
agencies promoting livelihood and marketing activities like OLM &
ORMAS shall be entrusted to take up relevant activities for the farm
pond beneficiaries.
4.4 In the present context, collectivization holds the key in value chain
development and marketing of farm produce. The FP+ beneficiaries
will be encouraged to become members of Farmers Producers
Organisations (FPOs) once the volume of operations increases. As an
initial measure, small cluster of farm pond beneficiaries shall be
targeted and encouraged to form FPGs which shall subsequently lead
in formation and incorporation of FPOs. Assistance for incorporation
of FPOs shall be ensured for necessary central assistance for its
formation and operation.
4.5 The abstract of the directorate wise interventions that can be taken up
by a Farm pond beneficiary is as follows :
Directorate/ Institution Activities Scheme
Popularisation of Agriculture
Supply of pump sets
Implements & Equipment
Agriculture & FP
Pulses/ Oilseeds/ Millets minikits NFSM/ Millet Mission
Field demonstration NFSM
Vegetable minikits Input Subsidy Scheme (State Plan)
Fruit plants Input Subsidy Scheme (State Plan)
Protected cultivation NHM under MIDH
Micro-irrigation PMKSY
Sub-Mission on Agroforestry
Assistance for Agro-forestry
Soil Conservation & WD
Assistance for Integrated Farming
Rainfed Area Development (RAD)
Input Assistance to farmers for
Input assistance
Fisheries taking up fish farming
Training on Pisciculture
Assistance / Technical knowhow for Support to farmers for seasonal
fodder cultivation fodder cultivation
AH & VS State Plan Scheme – Backyard
Training State Plan
Pisciculture and other agri- allied Assistance under Mo Upakari
Odisha Livelihood Mission
activities Bagicha
IFS through Pisciculture & bund
OPELIP IFAD programme
Sapling of Forest/ horticulture
Environment & Climate Change Seedling Distribution scheme
* The above list is indicative only, the details of the scheme are appended at Annexure- vii.
Duckery /
Minikits / Fruit
IFS under RAD / pond + Pulses / Oilseeds
saplings SMAF /Millets Minikits
4.6.4 Awareness campaigns in different gatherings at village/ GP level shall
be taken up once in every month to educate FP beneficiaries on
procedure for application to various assistance to be taken by them.
The same may be collected by the field functionaries’ viz., SCEW /
VAW / HEW for further processing.
The compiled beneficiary list shall be forwarded to respective block
level officers for processing towards release of assistance.
4.6.5 DSC&WD will share the list of the FP beneficiaries who would have
completed/ nearing completion of FP at State/ District/ Block level
with the field functionaries of all Directorates.
4.6.6 If required changes / modifications in existing scheme guidelines
will be carried out by respective Directorates with approval of
competent authority.
4.7 Targets under Farm Pond +
The Directorates of SC & WD / A & FP / Horticulture / Fisheries/
AH & VS shall assign targets on different activities related to farm
pond+ for encouraging integrated farming system in the ayacut /
bund area / other income generating activities under the farm
pond+. Preference to farm pond beneficiaries will be given by
different Directorates/ Agencies / Departments. The targets
assigned to Districts under different components shall be
conveyed by respective Directorates / Agencies / Departments.
4.8 Monitoring:
4.8.1 State level:
For successful implementation of the programme a State level
monitoring committee with following members shall be
constituted to review the progress under different components
of farm pond +. The committee shall issue guidance and
instructions through feedback received during operation.
APC-cum-ACS Chairman
Commissioner-cum-Secretary, DA & FE Member
Commissioner-cum-Secretary, F&ARD Dept. Member
Director, A & FP Member
Director, Horticulture Member
Director, Fisheries Member
Director, AH & VS Member
Director, Env & CC Member
Director, Special Projects, PR & DW Member
Director, ST Member
Director, SC Welfare Member
Dean, Research, OUAT Member
Director, Soil Conservation & WD Member Convener
District level officers shall meet every month to monitor the progress of
Farm Pond+. The target to blocks under different component of FP+ shall
be finalised for effective implementation and evaluate on block wise
progress. The progress report shall be submitted by 5th of every succeeding
month in the prescribed formats as appended at Annexure-viii.
4.8.3 Block level:
Block level officers of Agriculture / Horticulture / Fisheries / Animal
Husbandry/ Forests/ PR & DW/ SC & ST and Soil Conservation are
meeting every fortnight in the BTT meetings. All issues related to Farm
Pond activities shall be discussed for suitable action in these meetings. The
issues relating to online submission of application, training & capacity
building of beneficiaries and other pertaining topics which need attention
of higher authority shall be prepared and communicated. The progress
reports shall be submitted by 5th of every month as per the prescribed
formats to their respective District offices.
4.8.4 The progress of implementation shall also be reviewed by senior officers
of the department during their visits to districts. They will give feedback
during different meetings. Monitoring of the programme should also be
frequent both at field level and through different digital platforms.
5. Reporting System
5.1 At present, the block level officer of respective Directorates shall prepare
the progress report in the prescribed format for submission to District level
officer who in turn compile and submit the same to the respective
Directorates latest by 10th of every month. After compilation, the
respective Directorate shall submit the copy of same to the Department of
Agriculture & FE by 15th of every month for discussion in the State level
committee constituted for the purpose. DSC&WD shall be the nodal
Directorate for monitoring, reporting, coordinating with all Directorates/
The Directorate of Soil Conservation will develop FP+ Portal within three
months of issuance of these guidelines.
5.2 Reporting formats shall be developed by respective Directorates to capture
relevant information from the field. Some indicative formats are attached
at Annexure: viii.
6 Success Stories and Impact Evaluation
6.1 To popularize the concept of Farm Pond+ success stories will be collected
from the field, documented and circulated for wider impact through print &
electronic platforms. The success stories should include pre, mid and post
photographs/ visuals showing the pre-conditions and post conditions before
and after implementation of the programme. The Respective Directorates
may choose progressive beneficiaries under farm pond + based on adoption
of different components of farm pond+ for felicitation at state/district level
Krushi Mahotsava and be encouraged to share their experiences with fellow
farmers . The Department would facilitate exposure visits to such farm
ponds for replication by other farmers from different regions.
6.2 For upgrading the operationalisation of the programme, periodic impact
studies shall be taken up. Impact evaluation of farm pond+ shall be taken
up in every two years to assess the programme benefit in addressing the
objectives. The modalities of the evaluation shall be in the context of
change in socio-economic status, nutritional availability and system
productivity/ sustainability. DSC&WD will finalise the suitable
mechanism for periodic impact evaluation.
7 These guidelines shall be modified from time to time with inputs from
different stake holders or as per the change of policy by Government.
Sl. No Item
1 Name of the Applicant
2 Father /Husbands Name
3 Category of Beneficiary SC / ST/GEN /SF/MF/WH/PH /Others
4 Address Village
5 Information on land Khata No
holdings / land records Plot No
6 AADHAAR number
7 Mobile number
8 Bank account details Name in the bank
Name of bank
IFSC code
I do hereby certify that the above mentioned information are true to best of my
knowledge and belief and I am willing to have a farm pond of size 10mx10mx3m/
15mx15mx3m/ 20mx20mx3m in my farm field under MGNREGA.
*The size and specification and cost are indicative only. The estimates should be prepared as per
actual design, size, site and soil condition following prevailing schedule of rates of Works
Department & MGNREGA labour cost.
Procedure for availing pump sets under DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
The beneficiary has to log in to the AGRISNET portal at any internet Kiosk as per
his/her convenience and follow the steps mentioned below:
Farmers belonging to all categories with valid Id can be covered under the
Preference shall be given to the cases under convergence with the scheme
such as farm pond plus scheme of Directorate of Soil Conservation and
Watershed Development, Govt. of Odisha.
More emphasis should be given to the farmers who are cultivating water
guzzling crops like sugarcane, cotton, banana etc.
Application format for Pisciculture in Farm Ponds
The District Fisheries Officer
Sl No Information to be Provided
1 Name of the Beneficiary
2 Address :
Gram Panchayat
Mobile No.
Aadhaar No. (Photocopy of Aadhaar to be attached.)
Bank Account Details:
Name of the Bank
IFS Code
Account No.
(Photocopy of 1st page of S/B Account to be attached)
3 Category of the beneficiary SC/ ST/ Women/ General
(in cased of SC/ST beneficiary caste certificate be attached)
4 Water Area of the Pond:
Length (m) Breadth (m) Depth(m) Area(in ha)
7 Input Assistance 40% for General & 60% for ST/ SC/ Women on the unit cost of Rs. 1.50 lakh/ Ha. Of Water
area (10,000 Sqm) is admissible on the actual area development proportionately.
Unit cost Subsidy Assistance (in Rupees)
(in Rupees) General (40%) ST/ SC/ Women (60%)
i) 20m x 20m = 400 Sqm or, 0.04 Ha. 6000 2400 3600
ii) 15m x 15m = 225 Sqm or, 0.02 Ha. 3000 1200 1800
iii) 10m x 10m = 100 Sqm or, 0.01 Ha. 1500 600 900
Signature of beneficiary
Application format for Input Assistance to farmers for taking up Duckery/ Fodder/
Backyard poultry in farm ponds
Sl No Information to be Provided
1 Name of the Beneficiary
2 Address :
Gram Panchayat
Mobile No.
3 Aadhaar No. (Photocopy of Aadhaar to be attached.)
4 Bank Account Details:
Name of the Bank
IFS Code
Account No. (Photocopy of 1st page of S/B Account to
be ataached)
5 Category of the beneficiary SC/ ST/ Women/ General
6 Pond Size 10mx10mx3m/ 15mx15mx3m/ 20mx20mx3m/ Others
8 Type of Assistance Fodder/ Duckery/ Backyard Poultry
I do hereby certify that the above mentioned information are true to best of my
knowledge and I am willing to avail assistance to take up Fodder/ Duckery/ Backyard Poultry in
my farm pond.
Application format for Assistance under OPELIP in farm ponds
The Village Development Committee
Village ................,………… G.P…………………….Block…………………..
Sl No Information to be Provided
1 Name of the Beneficiary
2 Address :
Gram Panchayat
Mobile No.
3 Aadhaar No. (Photocopy of Aadhaar to be attached.)
4 Bank Account Details:
Name of the Bank
IFS Code
Account No. (Attach Photocopy of 1st page of S/B
5 Category of the beneficiary SC/ ST/ Women
6 Pond Size 10mx10mx3m/ 15mx15mx3m/ 20mx20mx3m/ Others
8 Type of Assistance Beneficiary Share for Pump sets / Horticultural Plantation/
Input / Seeds/ Pisciculture
I do hereby certify that the above mentioned information are true to best of my
Assistance admissible through different Departments/ Directorates
1 Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production
1.1 Pump Sets of 1.5 HP and above:
The Directorate of Agriculture shall provide pump sets under
Popularisation of Agriculture Implements & Equipment (state plan)
subsidy as admissible @ 50% of the cost or Rs 10,000/- whichever is
less for SC, ST and all category women & @ 40% of the cost or
Rs.8,000/- whichever is less for other farm pond beneficiaries who have
completed excavation of their ponds. The field functionaries of
Directorate of Agriculture/ Horticulture / Soil Conservation i.e. VAW,
HEW and SCEW respectively shall identify and motivate the farm pond
beneficiaries to follow the procedures required for online submission of
requisition towards availing the subsidy (Annexure- ii).The guidelines
for availing the pump sets under DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) for farm
Implements are available at AGRISNET portal of Government of
1.2 Pulse/ Oilseeds/ millets minikits:
With an aim to popularize newer varieties and improve production,
minikits are supplied to farmers. The Directorate of Agriculture and
FP(O) shall provide Pulses/ Oilseeds minikits under on priority to the
beneficiaries of the completed farm ponds. The purpose of the minikits
is to provide quality seeds so as to encourage the beneficiary to adapt
the modern practices of crop production and exchange the seed among
the neighboring farmers. The field verification of the beneficiaries shall
be taken up by concerned VAW/ SCEW. The procedural steps involved
for distribution of minikits towards completed farm pond beneficiaries
are as follows:
1.2.1 The SCEW, VAW and AO/SCO shall identify and certify the
genuineness of the farm pond beneficiary having completed farm pond.
1.2.2 ST/ SC/ SF/ MF/ Women farm pond beneficiaries to be given
1.2.3 One minikit shall be given to one farmer in a season basing on feasibility
of the area. Necessary documentation in support of the supply shall be
maintained by VAW/ SCEW.
2. Directorate of Horticulture
2.1 Supply of Vegetable minikits / Fruit saplings:
The Directorate of Horticulture will provide the vegetable minikits/ fruit
saplings under Input Subsidy scheme (State plan) on priority basis to
those beneficiaries who have the completed farm ponds. The field
verification of the beneficiaries shall be taken up by concerned HEW/
The procedural steps for distribution of minikits towards completed
farm pond beneficiaries are as follows:
2.1.1 The HO/ HEW and SCO/SCEW shall identify and certify the
genuineness of the completed farm pond beneficiaries.
2.1.2 ST/ SC/ SF/ MF/ Women farm pond beneficiaries shall be given
preference with due suggestions of PRI members.
3.1.2 The farmers having farm ponds within the operational SMAF clusters
may check with the Soil Conservation Extension Worker (SCEW) of
their Gram Panchayat (GP) for availing benefit of free seedlings from
SMAF nurseries and/ or financial assistance for taking up plantations in
conformity with the guidelines of the scheme. Norms and financial
assistance for farmer centric activities such as Peripheral & Boundary
Plantation (PBP), Low Density Block Plantation (LDBP) and High
Density Block Plantation (HDBP) are given below.
High Density Block Plantation (1000 - 1500 No of trees / ha) Rs 45000 /ha
NB: 1. Cost of LDBP and HDBP will be calculated on proportionate basis as per the no
of plants/trees per block.
2. For sustaining the plantation activities, the admissible assistance for PBP, LDBP
and HDBP will be transferred to beneficiaries’ account using EAT module of
PFMS portal in a phased manner spread across four years in the proportion of
shall include eligible beneficiaries who would have completed farm
ponds for assistance on inputs like fish seeds and fish feeds under the
scheme. The assistance admissible @ 40% for general category and 60%
for SC/ST category @ Rs 150000/ ha water spread area or as admissible
in proportionate area. Concerned field level officers of Directorate of
Fisheries / SCEW /SCO may be contacted for any information in this
regard. The Application as per the format appended in Annexure -iv
may be submitted to the District Fisheries Officer for inclusion in the
programme. The field level officer of Directorate of Soil Conservation
shall facilitate suitably for submission of application of the farm pond
beneficiaries. The assistance admissible shall be computed as per field
verification and feasibility study by competent personnel working under
the Directorate of Fisheries.
4.2 Training on Pisciculture:
The Directorate of Fisheries shall facilitate to select the interested farm
pond beneficiaries to undertake training on different aspects of
Pisciculture. The field level officers/officials of Directorate of Soil
Conservation shall facilitate suitably for training in due consultation with
the field level officers of Directorate of Fisheries for the purpose.
5.2 Beneficiary selection will be done by a block level committee consisting
of BVO/AVAS, SCEW/ SCO and the block level team shall verify the
project and recommend for release of subsidy observing guidelines of the
5.3 Fodder Cultivation:
5.3.1 The aim is to produce seasonal / perennial fodder cultivation in their
own lands for their dairy animals.
5.3.2 To build the capacity and sensitize the farming community for
production of green fodder in different seasons and feeding practices to
their livestock.
2-week-old ducklings (Khaki Cambel / Indian Runner) and a night
shelter of Rs. 1000/ unit is admissible. Similarly assistance is admissible
under “livelihood support to farmers through backyard poultry,
State plan” @ Rs.3250 /-per beneficiary in shape of 50 nos. of 4-week-
old bird and a night shelter of Rs. 500/ unit for eligible beneficiaries.
Completion report, Geo tagged photographs will be taken before
submitting the proposal for release of subsidy. Application format
appended at Annexure: v.
The SCEW/ SCO of Directorate of Soil Conservation and WD will
facilitate suitably with the farm pond beneficiaries for the purpose.
5.5 Training and Capacity Building:
5.5.1 Almost all the schemes have training & awareness components. The
funds under these components shall be utilized to train the beneficiary
farmers under Farm Pond +. DSC&WD will coordinate to organize such
trainings at District/ Block/ GP level involving field functionaries of all
the Directorates. Infrastructure at FIAC may be used for this purpose.
5.5.2 DSC&WD will develop e-Training/ Learning Modules involving all
Directorates. These e-Modules will be shared with all the stake holders
using social media platforms.
5.5.3 DSC&WD will organize training for Master Trainers from each
Directorates in different districts. These master trainers will act as
Resource Persons for Farm Pond+ in the respective districts.
5.6 Azolla Cultivation:
Promotion of Azolla cultivation under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA
among farm pond beneficiaries shall be undertaken to supplement feed
requirement of Duck with financial support of Rs. 2000/- only both for
material (Rs.1700/-) and labour (Rs.300/-) component. Field
functionaries of Directorate of AH &VS and Soil Conservation and WD
shall encourage the farm pond beneficiaries to avail assistance under this
5.7 Training on Livestock programmes:
Interested farm pond beneficiaries shall be encouraged to undertake
training on different aspects for rearing of livestock and animal
husbandry by the Directorate of AH & VS. One master trainer from each
district shall be imparted training at State level. The master trainer shall
further propagate the concept of livestock farming to the beneficiaries in
their respective farm ponds.
6. Convergence through Odisha Livelihoods Mission ( Mo Upakari Bagicha):
6.1 The objective for development of a Nutri-garden to improve access to
nutrition rich diverse vegetables and fruits, particularly needed for
pregnant, lactating Mothers, Children and adolescent girls in the family.
Assistance under this programme shall be extended to eligible farm pond
beneficiaries aimed at catering the needs of nutritional security of the
farm family. Each job card holder (farm pond beneficiary) shall be given
assistance for vegetable seeds and fruit saplings for development of own
garden and continuous supply of vegetables @1 Kg per family.
Procedural steps as formulated by Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM)
shall be followed for inclusion of beneficiaries under the programme.
The Directorate of Soil Conservation & WD field functionaries shall
facilitate for the same.
7 OPELIP: (Odisha Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Empowerment and
Livelihood Improvement Programme)
7.1 OPELIP (Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Caste Development Department)
shall provide assistance for development of IFS through Pisciculture,
bund plantation, Input supply and small pump sets in 89 GPs of 22 blocks
in 12 districts Angul, Deogarh, Ganjam, Gajapati, Kandhamal,
Kalahandi, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Malkangiri, Nuapada, Rayagada and
Sundargarh. Assistance under this programme basing on actual
estimations are admissible for taking up different activities in
Pisciculture / Bund plantation / Pump sets / Duckery / Poultry /
Mushroom etc. Application to avail assistance can be submitted to
“Village Development Committee”. Community Resource Persons
along with the field functionaries of DSC&WD shall make the micro
convergence plan for submission of same for approval at Programme
Steering Committee. The list of GPs are mentioned below:
District Block GP District Block GP
No No
1 Angul Pallahara Bandhabhuin 8 Malkangiri Khairput Andrahal
Pallahara Baradiha Chitrakonda Andrapally
Pallahara Nagira Khairput Badadural
Pallahara Pechamundi Khairput Kudumulugumma
Pallahara Rasabeda Khairput Mudulipada
Pallahara Saida Korukonda Nakamamudi
Pallahara Sigarh Khairput Rahasbeda
2 Deogarh Barkote Bairada 9 Mayurbhanj Jashipur Astakumar
Barkote Balanda Karanjia Badagoan
Barkote Bamparada Suliapada Baghada
Barkote Danara Morada Barkand
Barkote Golabandha Karanjia Batapalasa
Barkote Gursang Morada Chiktamatia
Barkote Kaliapal Jashipur Dhalabani
Barkote Saruali Karanjia Dudhiani
Barkote Singsal Jashipur Durdura
3 Gajapati Gumma Ajayagada Jashipur Ektali
Mohana Antaraba Morada Gadigaon
Mohana Badasindaba Jashipur Gudgudia
Mohana Baghamari Morada Haldipal
Gumma Bhubani Morada Jualibhanga
Mohana Chandragiri Suliapada Kantisahi
Mohana Chudangapur Jashipur Matiagarh
Mohana Dhadiamba Karanjia Patbil
Mohana Jeeranga Jashipur Podagarh
Gumma KUJASING Karanjia Tato
Mohana Labarsing Suliapada Ufalgadia
Mohana Manikapur 10 Nuapada Komna Michhapalli
4 Ganjam Patrapur Ankuli Komna Soseng
Patrapur Buratal Komna Sunabeda
Patrapur Tumba 11 Rayagada Gunupur Abada
5 Kalahandi LANJIGARH Basantapada Bissamcuttack Chancheraguda
LANJIGARH Baterlima Bissamcuttack Daliakuji
LANJIGARH Chhatrapur Bissamcuttack Kurli
LANJIGARH Jagannathpur Muniguda Munikhol
6 Kandhamal Tumudibandha Belghar Gunupur Sagada
Tumudibandha Bilamal Muniguda Sivapadar
Kotagarh Durgapanga K.SINGPUR SUNAKHANDI
Tumudibandha Gumma 12 Sundargarh Lahunipada Bhutuda
7 Keonjhar Banspal Barhagarh Lahunipada Fhuljhar
Banspal Bayakumutia Lahunipada Haldikudar
Banspal Gonasika Lahunipada Kuliposh
Banspal Kodipasa Lahunipada Talbahali
Banspal Kuanra
Banspal Talachampei
8 Forest, Environment and Climate Change:
8.1 Promotion of Agroforestry shall be undertaken through distribution of
seedlings under “Seedling Distribution Scheme” of the department of
Forest, Environment and Climate Change. Under this programme a
beneficiary interested to take up plantation in the ayacut area of the farm
pond submit an application in a plain paper describing the details of
Identity, address and with a copy of Aadhaar to the Concerned Range
Officer of the Department of Forest. Up to 100 seedlings of different
varieties of plants can be supplied as per the requisition of the
beneficiary with a nominal cost of Rs 1/ each. The supply of the
seedlings shall be made on first cum first serve basis. The application
of the beneficiaries having larger demand (above 100) of seedlings shall
be forwarded to the District Forest Office for necessary approval. The
applications for seedlings need to be submitted to the Range Officer
before 15th June, so that the seedlings can be supplied during July by the
seedling distribution centers of corresponding areas. The field
functionaries of DSC&WD along with Department of Forest,
Environment & CC shall facilitate the dissemination of information on
this activity to the interested farm pond beneficiaries.
Directorate of Horticulture
Monthly Progress Report for the month of ____________________/ Year____________
Physical Achievement Physical Achievement Cumulative Physical
Sl. Unit Physical Target Balance
Item Unit up to Previous month during the month Achievement
No. Cost
Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total
1) Minikit No. -
2) Apiculture Unit No. -
3) Mushroom Unit No. -
4) Drip No. -
5) Sprinklers No. -
6) Protected Cultivation Ha. -
7) Floriculture Ha. -
8) Any other (Pl. specify) -
Directorate of Soil Conservation & Watershed Development
Monthly Progress Report for the month of ____________________/ Year____________
Physical: (No. of beneficiaries)
Physical Achievement Physical Achievement Cumulative Physical
Sl. Unit Physical Target Balance
Item Unit up to Previous month during the month Achievement
No. Cost
Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total
1 Integrated farming System (IFS)
1.A) Horticulture based FS No. -
1.B) Livestock based FS No. -
1.C) Fishery based FS No. -
1.D) Tree based FS No. -
1.E) Dairy based FS No. -
2) Submission on Agro Forestry No. -
3) Any other (Pl. specify) No. -
Physical: (Area)
Physical Achievement Physical Achievement Cumulative Physical
Sl. Unit Physical Target Balance
Item Unit up to Previous month during the month Achievement
No. Cost
Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total
1 Integrated farming System (IFS)
1.A) Horticulture based FS Ha -
1.B) Livestock based FS Ha -
1.C) Fishery based FS Ha -
1.D) Tree based FS Ha -
1.E) Dairy based FS Ha -
2) Submission on Agro Forestry Ha -
3) Any other (Pl. specify) -
Directorate of AH & VS
(Integrated ARD activities)
Monthly Progress Report for the month of ____________________/ Year____________
Physical: (Beneficiary/ No. of Farm Ponds/ Area under Pisciculture)
Physical Achievement Physical Achievement Cumulative Physical
Sl. Unit Physical Target Balance
Item Unit up to Previous month during the month Achievement
No. Cost
Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total
1) Beneficiaries No. -
2) Farm Ponds taken up No. -
3) Area under Pisciculture Ha. -
4) Any other (Pl. specify) -
Physical: (Item-wise)
Physical Achievement Physical Achievement Cumulative Physical
Sl. Unit Physical Target Balance
Item Unit up to Previous month during the month Achievement
No. Cost
Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total Gen SC ST Total
1) Backyard Poultry No. -
2) Backyard Duckery No. -
3) Azolla pits No. -
4) Perennial Fodder Ha. -
5) Any other (Pl. specify) -
Odisha PVTG Empowerment & Livelihoods Improvement Programme