© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Key words: humanoid robots, neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms.
1. Introduction
Many aspects of modern life involve the use of intelligent machines capable of op-
erating under dynamic interaction with their environment. In view of this, the field
of biped locomotion is of special interest when human-like robots are concerned.
Humanoid robots as anthropomorphic walking machines have been in operation
for more than twenty years. Currently, research on humanoid robots and biped
locomotion is one of the most exciting topics in the field of robotics. There are
more than 50 major humanoid robot projects around the world, along with many
other bipedal walking projects (an extensive list of projects is given at the site
www.androidworld.com). The reason for increasing research interest in this do-
main is that major application areas have become self-evident. Humanoid robots
are expected to be servants and maintenance machines with the main task to assist
human activities in our daily life and to replace humans in hazardous operations. It
is as obvious as interesting that anthropomorphic biped robots are potentially capa-
ble to effectively move in all unstructured environments where humans do. Hence,
particularly, the fields of service robotics, medical applications, and operation in
hazardous environments are of primary importance. Another important reason for
the growth of humanoid robots research represents the development of advanced
Each of the proposed paradigms has its own merits and drawbacks. To overcome
the drawbacks, certain integration and synthesis of hybrid techniques (symbiotic
intelligence) are needed for efficient application in humanoid robotics. Symbiotic
Intelligence incorporates a new type of humanoid robotics system having many
degrees of freedom (DOFs) and multi-modal sensory inputs. The underlying idea is
that the richness of inputs to and outputs from the system, along with co-evoluting
complexity of the environment mixed with various intelligent control paradigms,
is the key to the emergence of intelligence. For example, neuro-fuzzy networks
represent a combined tool where human operators are able to give their knowledge
by means of membership functions. On the other hand, membership functions
are modified through learning process as fine tuning by neural networks. After
learning, the human operator can understand the acquired rules in the network.
Neuro-fuzzy networks are faster than the conventional neural networks in terms of
convergence of the learning. Also, fuzzy logic and neural networks can be eval-
uation functions for the genetic algorithms. At the same time, genetic algorithms
can be structure optimizers for fuzzy and neural algorithms. The computational in-
telligence techniques map well onto nonlinear problems and are better at handling
uncertainties like those that can be encountered in running over irregular terrain
with obstacles.
All these techniques may be incorporated in advanced and sophisticated control
systems of humanoid robots that were inspired in general by biological designs
and neurobiological principles (Giszter et al., 2000; Garcia et al., 2000; Kiria-
zov, 2001). In the last two decades, many researchers explored the design of au-
tonomous systems, swarms of intelligent agents, and biologically inspired control
designs and actuators (Doya et al., 2001; Guihard and Gorce, 2001; Vijayakumar
and Schaal, 2000; Billard and Mataric, 2000; Mataric et al., 1998; Kawato et al.,
1987; Arkin, 1999; Brooks, 1997; Kawato, 1999). The research in this area is spe-
cially oriented toward the ideas of artificial life and adaptive behavour. An ultimate
goal is the creation of a humanoid robot as autonomous agent which is capable of
mimicking all aspects of human action, perception and cognition in everyday life
and in remote and unfriendly environments.
The purpose of this survey is to present the main control problems in humanoid
robotics and the background of some intelligent techniques as new paradigms and
tools for solving control problems in humanoid robotics. An account of the basic
principles and concepts is given, with the outlines of a number of relevant algo-
rithms that have been shown to simulate or use the diversity of intelligent concepts
for sophisticated humanoid robot control systems.
sensors, materials, energy accumulators, hardware, and control software that can
be utilized to realize user-friendly humanoid robots. We are still in an initial stage
when the understanding of the motor control principles and sensory integration
subjacent to human walking is concerned.
There are various sources of control problems and various tasks and criteria that
must be solved and fulfilled in order to create valid walking and other functions of
humanoid robots. Previous studies of biological nature, theoretical and computer
simulation, have focussed on the structure and selection of control algorithms ac-
cording to different criteria such as energy efficiency, energy distribution along the
time cycle, stability, velocity, comfort, mobility, and environment impact. Never-
theless, in addition to these aspects, it is also necessary to consider some other
issues: capability of mechanical implementation due to the physical limitations
of joint actuators, coping with complex highly-nonlinear dynamics and uncertain-
ties in the model-based approach, complex nature of periodic and rhythmic gait,
inclusion of learning and adaptation capabilities, computation issues, etc.
The major problems associated with the analysis and control of bipedal systems
are the high-order highly-coupled nonlinear dynamics and furthermore, the discrete
changes in the dynamic phenomena due to the nature of the gait. Irrespective of the
humanoid robot structure and complexity, the basic characteristic of all bipedal
systems are: (a) the DOF formed between the foot and the ground is unilateral and
underactuated (Goswami, 1999); (b) the gait repeatability (symmetry) and regular
interchangeability of the number of legs that are simultaneously in contact with the
ground. During the walk, two different situations arise in sequence: the statically
stable double-support phase in which the mechanism is supported on both feet
simultaneously, and statically unstable single-support phase when only one foot
of the mechanism is in contact with the ground. Thus, the locomotion mechanism
changes its structure during a single walking cycle from an open to a closed kine-
matic chain. Also, it is well known that through the process of running the robot
can be most of the time in no-support phase. In this case, the control schemes that
are successful for walking problem are not necessarily successful for the running
problem. All the mentioned characteristics have to be taken into account in the
synthesis of advanced control algorithms that accomplish stable, fast and reliable
performance of humanoid robots.
The stability issues of humanoid robot walking are the crucial point in the
process of control synthesis. In view of this humanoid walking robots can be
classified in three different categories (Marchese et al., 2001). First category rep-
resents static walkers, whose motion is very slow so that the system’s stability
is completely described by the normal projection of the centre of gravity, which
only depends on the joint’s position. Second category represents dynamic walkers,
biped robots with feet and actuated ankles. Postural stability of dynamic walkers
depends on joint’s velocities and acceleration too. These walkers are potentially
able to move in a static way provided they have large enough feet and the motion
is slow. The third category represents purely dynamic walkers, robots without feet.
In this case the support polygon during the single-support phase is reduced to a
point, so that static walking is not possible. In the walk with dynamic balance,
the projected centre of mass is allowed outside of the area inscribed by the feet,
and the walker may essentially fall during parts of the walking gait. The control
problems of dynamic walking are more complicated than in walking with static
balance, but dynamic walking patterns provide higher walking speed and greater
efficiency, along with more versatile walking structures.
For all the mentioned categories of walking robots, the issue of stable and reli-
able bipedal walk is the most fundamental and yet unsolved with a high degree of
reliability. This subject has been studied mainly through the following two classes
of walking pattern generators and robot controllers. The first approach is to gener-
ate a dynamically consistent periodic walking pattern off-line. It is done assuming
that the models of robot and environment are available, and the kinematic and
dynamic parameters of the robot model are precisely defined (Hirai et al., 1998;
Yamaguchi et al., 1998). On the other hand, the second approach uses limited or
simplified knowledge of the system’s dynamics (Raibert, 1986; Zheng and Shen,
1990). However, in this case, the control relies much on the feedback control, and it
is necessary to develop methods without high computation resources for real-time
The rotational equilibrium of the foot is the major factor of postural instability
with legged robots. The question has motivated the definition of several dynamic-
based criteria for the evaluation and control of balance in biped locomotion. The
most common criteria are the centre of pressure (CoP), the zero-moment point
(ZMP) and the foot-rotation indicator (FRI) (Sardain and Bessonet, 2001; Vukobra-
tović et al., 2002; Goswami, 1999). Of these criteria, the ZMP concept has gained
widest acceptance and played a crucial role in solving the biped robot stability
and periodic walking pattern synthesis (Vukobratović et al., 2002). The ZMP is
defined as the point on the ground about which the sum of all the moments of
the active forces equals zero. If the ZMP is within the convex hull of all contact
points between the foot and the ground, the biped robot can walk.
For a legged robot walking on complex terrain, such as a ground consisting of
soft and hard uneven parts, a statically stable walking manner is recommended.
However, in the cases of soft terrain, up and down slopes or unknown environ-
ment, the walking machine may lose its stability because of the position planning
errors and unbalanced foot forces. Hence, position control alone is not sufficient for
practical walking, position/force control being thus necessary. Foot force control
(Zhou and Low, 2001) can overcome these problems, so that foot force control is
one of the ways to improve the terrain adaptability of walking robots. For example,
in the direction normal to the ground, foot force has to be controlled to ensure firm
foot support and uniform foot force distribution among all supporting legs; foot
force in the tangential direction has to be monitored to avoid slippage.
On the other hand, biological investigations suggest that human’s rhythmic
walking is a consequence of combined inherent patterns and reflexive actions. The
ability and limited biological plausibility. The presented intelligent control tech-
niques have a potential to overcome the mentioned constraints.
neuron with the maximum neuron value is selected to modify the position of the
corresponding joint, while direction neuron is selected to determine the direction
of modification. If the selected joint and direction neuron result in a correct mo-
tion (the robot becomes more stable), the selection is reinforced by increasing the
neuron value. Otherwise, the neuron value is reduced. Using previously mentioned
“regard-and-punish” strategy, the neural network converges quickly and generates
a stable gait for the sloping surface. In this way, reinforcement learning is very
attractive because the algorithm does not require an explicit feedback signal. The
computation issues for reinforcement learning are simple, while the noise from
the feet sensors is taken in the process of learning. During one step of the biped,
there are 8 static configurations, which are called the primitive points. The neural
network is only responsible for the motion in the sagittal plane. Hence, including
the redundancy at the hip joint. there are 3 · 8 = 24 joint neurons. Because of
the nature of reinforcement learning, each time only one joint neuron is active.
Static and pseudo-dynamic learning are demonstrated to prove that the proposed
mechanism is valid for robot walking on the sloping surface. In this approach,
kinematic and dynamic models were not used, hence it would be a problem for real
dynamic walking with a high speed. Also, the real terrain is more complex than the
environments used in test experiments, so that more studies need to be conducted
to make the robot walk robustly on different sorts of terrain.
More recently, Miller (Miller, 1994; Miller et al., 1987; Kun and Miller, 1999)
has developed a hierarchical controller that combines simple gait oscillators, classi-
cal feedback control techniques and neural network learning, and does not require
detailed equations of the dynamics of walking. The emphasis is on the real-time
control studies using an experimental ten-axis biped robot with foot force sensors.
The neural network learning is achieved using CMAC controller, where CMAC
neural networks were used essentially as context sensitive integral errors in the
controller, the control context being defined by the CMAC input vector. There are
3 different CMAC neural networks for humanoid posture control. The front/back
balance CMAC neural network was used to provide front/back balance during
standing, swaying and walking. The training of this network is realized using
data from foot sensors. The second CMAC neural network is used for right/left
balance, to predict the correct knee extension required to achieve sufficient lateral
momentum for lifting the corresponding foot for the desired length of time. The
training of this network is realized using temporal difference method based on the
difference between the desired and real time of foot rising. The third CMAC net-
work is used to learn kinematically consistent robot postures. In this case, training
is also realized by data from foot sensors.
The results indicated that the experimental biped was able to learn the closed-
chain kinematics necessary to shift body weight side-to-side while maintaining
good foot contact. Also, it was able to learn the quasi-static balance required to
avoid falling forward or backward while shifting body weight side-to-side at dif-
ferent speeds. It was able to learn the dynamic balance in order to lift a foot off
the floor for a desired length of time and different initial conditions. There were,
however, many limitations (limited step length, slow walking, no adaptation for
left–right balance, no possibility of walking on sloping surfaces). Hence upgrad-
ing and improvement of this approach were proposed in (Kun and Miller, 1999).
The new dynamically balanced scheme for handling variable-speed gait was pro-
posed based on the preplanned but adaptive motion sequences in combination with
closed-loop reactive control. This allows the algorithm to improve the walking
performance over consecutive steps using adaptation, and to react to small errors
and disturbances using reactive control. New sensors (piezoresistive accelerom-
eters and two solid-state rate gyroscopes) are mounted on the new UNH biped
(Figure 1). The complete control structure consists of high-level and low-level
controllers (Figure 2) The control structure on high-level control includes 7 compo-
nents (Figure 3): gait generator, simple kinematics block and 5 CMAC controllers.
The operation of the gait generator is based on simple heuristics and an appropriate
biped model. The CMAC neural networks are used for compensation of right and
left lift-lean angle correction, reactive front-back offset, right–left lean correction,
right and left ankle-Y correction and front-back lean correction. Training of neural
networks is realized through the process of temporal difference learning using in-
formation about ZMP from robot foot sensors. The five CMAC neural networks
were first trained during repetitive foot-lift motion similar to marching in place.
Then, training was carried out during the attempts at walking for increased step
length and gait speeds. The control structure on the lower control level includes
reactive lean angle control, together with a PID controller.
The experimental results indicate that the UNH biped robot can walk with for-
ward velocities in the range of 21–72 cm/min, with sideways leaning speed in the
range of 3.6–12.5 deg./s. The main characteristic of this controller is the synthesis
of the control signal without dynamic model of biped. The proposed controller
could be used as a basis for similar controllers of more complex humanoid robots in
the future research. However, this controller is not of a general nature, because it is
suitable only for the proposed structure of biped robot and must be adapted for the
bipeds with different structures. More research efforts are needed to simplify the
controller structure, to increase the gait speed, and to ensure stability of dynamic
The previously used CMAC controller is a particularly good option for ro-
botic motor control. It has the quality of fast learning and simple computation
in comparison with multilayer perceptrons and similar approximation capabilities
such as radial basis function networks. However, there are problems with large
memory requirements, function approximation and stability of dynamic walking.
These problems have been addressed in (Hu et al., 1999), where self-organizing
CMAC neural network structure was proposed for biped control based on a data
clustering technique together with adaptation of the basic control algorithm. In
this case, memory requirements are drastically reduced and globally asymptotic
stability is achieved in a Lyapunov sense. The structural adaptation of the network
centres is realized to ensure adaptation to unexpected dynamics. Unsupervised
learning using CMAC can be implemented with a Lyapunov trajectory index. The
distance between the input vector and the centre vectors of the CMAC is calculated,
then the memory cells corresponding to the centres (hit by the input) are found,
and finally, computation of the CMAC output by a linear combination of CMAC
basis functions and weights of the memory cell is achieved. The weights in the
fired memory cells are updated by unsupervised learning. The approach is verified
through simulation experiments on a biped with 7 DOFs. An important character-
istic of this approach is the inclusion of adaptation for CMAC and PID controllers
with a moderate increase of controller complexity to handle disturbances and en-
vironmental changes. Although the robustness was enhanced in terms of height
and pitch tracking along with external disturbance rejection, the proposed adaptive
controller does not guarantee the long-term stability of the walking gait, where the
following posture parameters are presented in Figure 3: H – height; Rff and Lff are
right and left foot forward; Rfl and Lfl are right and left foot lift; Fbl is front–back
lean and Rll is right–left lean.
Wang et al. (1992) have developed a hierarchical controller for a three-link two-
legged robot. The approach uses the equations of motion, but only for the training
of the neural networks, rather than to directly control the robot. The authors used a
very simplified model of biped with decoupled frontal and sagittal planes. There are
3 neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) for control of leg on the ground, control
of leg in the air, and for body regulation. This approach uses off-line training and
on-line adaptation. Training algorithm is a standard back-propagation algorithm
based on the difference between the decoupled supervising control law and output
of all three neural networks. There are no feedback in real-time control, and this is
a great problem in the case when the system uncertainties exist.
Apart from considering the walking control problem, very little research has
been done on the problem of intelligent control of running. Doerschuk et al. (1998)
presented an adaptive controller to control the movement of simulated jointed leg
during a running stride (uniped control). The main idea of this approach is the
application of modularity, i.e. the use of separate controllers for each phase of the
running stride (take-off, ballistic, landing), thus allowing each to be optimized for
the specific objective of its phase. In the take-off phase, the controller’s objective
is to realize inverse feedforward control (for desired height, distance and angular
momentum it is necessary to produce control signals that achieve these objectives).
The controller learns from experience to produce the control signals which will
produce the desired height, distance and angular momentum. Three different types
of neural networks are investigated (multilayer perceptrons, CMAC, and neuro-
fuzzy nets). It was concluded that neuro-fuzzy nets achieve more accurate results
than the other two methods. It is not needed for off-line global training because of
using local learning. The neuro-fuzzy take-off controller controls very accurately
the value of angular momentum of the stride after only two learning iterations.
The ballistic controller controls the movement of the leg while the foot is in the
air. In this case, ballistic controller combines neural network learning with the
conventional PD control. It is a typical feedback error learning scheme where a
PD controller generates the torques that are applied to the joints, producing move-
ment of the leg. The controller learns the dynamic model of leg from experience
generated by the PD controller and improved upon its performance. The CMAC
controller is used for neural network learning part with the possibility to very
accurately control the movement of the leg along a target trajectory even during
the first attempt. Ballistic learning is accomplished on-line without the need for
precomputed examples. This enables effective adaptability of humanoid robot to
various changes and new conditions.
The neural networks can be effectively used to generate trajectories (gait) of
humanoid robots (Kurematsu et al., 1991; Juang and Lin, 1996). Kurematsu (1991)
proposed a multi-layered network by using the centre of gravity concept in trajec-
tory generation. For example, Juang and Lin (1996) used the back propagation
through time algorithm for gait synthesis of a biped robot. Due to a high number of
DOFs of the biped, it is difficult to get a high nonlinear model of the biped. Hence,
the complex inverse dynamic computations were eliminated by using linearised
inverse biped model. The neural controller is a three-layer feedforward network.
The simulation results show that the neural network as open-loop controller can
generate control sequences to drive the biped along a prespecified trajectory. This
algorithm can also be used for the slope surface training.
In (Yang and Low, 2002), conventional fuzzy controller for position/force con-
trol of robot leg is proposed and experimentally verified. This intelligent walking
strategy is specially intended for walking on rough terrain.
A main problem in the synthesis of fuzzy control algorithms for biped robots
remains the inclusion of dynamic model and learning capabilities in order to ob-
tain exact tracking of biped trajectories as well as the steps with greater speed,
preserving dynamic stability of the biped gait.
part includes a bit which represents the effectiveness of the configuration (0 or 1).
The process runs in a cyclic procedure through the application of mutation and
selection at the EP level, transfer of generated interpolated configuration into the
GA level, and complete evolution process through crossover, mutation, evaluation
and selection at the GA level. The fitness function at the GA level is connected to
the optimisation of total robot energy in order to ensure the natural movement of
the biped. The fitness function also contains some constraints related to the robot
motion. The final result represents an optimised trajectory similar to natural human
walking, which was demonstrated by the simulation experiment.
A typical example of the application of GA in humanoid robotics was presented
in (Capi et al., 2001), where the main intention was the optimal gait synthesis for
biped robots. The proposed method can easily be applied onto other tasks like
overcoming obstacles, going down stairs, etc. In solving these optimization tasks,
the most important constraint included is the stability, which is verified through
the ZMP concept. To ensure a stable motion, the jumping of the ZMP is realized
by accelerating the body link. GA makes easy handling of the constraints by us-
ing the penalty function vector, which transforms a constrained problem into an
unconstrained one. The optimisation process is based on considering two different
cost functions: minimisation of consumed energy (CE) and minimisation of torque
change (TC). In this optimisation process, some constraints are included such as
the stability conditions defined by ZMP to be within the sole length. The block
diagram of the GA optimisation method is presented in Figure 5.
Based on the initial conditions, the initial population, represented by the angle
trajectory in the form of a polynomial of time, is created. Its range is determined
on the basis of the number of angle trajectory constraints and the coefficients are
calculated to satisfy these constraints. In the simulation experiments, the parame-
ters of real humanoid robot “Bonten-Maru I” are used. For the optimisation of the
cost function, a real-value GA was employed in conjunction with the selection,
mutation and crossover operators. GA converges within 40 generations, while the
maximum number of generations is used as the termination function. Based on
simulation, the biped robot posture is straighter, like the human walking when the
CE is used as cost function. The torques change more smoothly when minimum
TC is used as a cost function.
However, for the real-time applications, some process of GA optimisation is
time-consuming (in this case, optimisation process needs 10 min). Hence, the au-
thor considered teaching a RBFNN (Radial Basis Function Neural Networks) based
on GA data. When the biped robot was to walk with a determined velocity and step
length, the RBFNN input variable would be step length and step time, while the
output variables of the RBFNN were the same as the variables generated by GA.
Simulations showed good results generated by RBFNN in a very short time (only
50 ms).
Another example is the application of GA to PD local gain tuning and deter-
mination of nominal trajectory for dynamic biped walking (Cheng and Lin, 1997).
The biped with 5 links is considered. In the proposed GA, 19 controller gains and
24 final points for determination of nominal trajectory are taken into account. In or-
der the biped body be in the vertical plane during walking, some constraints related
to the fixation of joint angles are realised. Hence, it is possible to reduce the number
of parameters of nominal trajectory for optimisation by 6 parameters. Designs to
attain different goals, such as the capability of walking on an inclined surface,
walking at high speed, or walking with specified step size, have been evolved with
the use of GA. The fitness functions are related to total time of effective walking,
average speed of the biped body, and the size of the walking step. The total number
of generations for problem solving was between 10 and 60. The research showed
excellent simulation results in the evaluation of control parameters, as well as in
optimisation of the mechanical design of biped.
The main problem of GA application in humanoid robotics represents the cop-
ing with the reduction of GA optimisation process in real time.
(Figure 6). GA optimises the three sets of weighting factors of this 4-layer neural
network. At the output of the network, the data are transformed into joint angles and
then using limiters of angular velocities (to avoid extreme changes of joint angles),
the knee joint angle is calculated. The genotype is represented by a sequence of
weighting factors. The number of individuals in the initial population is 200. The
fitness function is represented by the height of the centre of gravity in the initial and
final pose. The evolution simulation experiment is terminated when the number of
alternations in generations reaches 50. The results show the efficient learning of
swing motion through successive generation that is verified through generalisation
experiments on the real robot biped.
In (Fukuda et al., 1997) the authors deal with a GA application for the deter-
mination of weighting factors of a recurrent neural network in order to generate
a stable biped gait. When the biped robot walks on the ground which has some
gradients, the optimal trajectory is not known, hence the optimal trajectory of ZMP
is not realised. Because of that, the reinforcement learning is used by applying a
recurrent neural network. Recurrent neural network is chosen in order to select best
biped configuration (desired joint position and velocity) using ZMP as stabilisation
index. This type of neural network was chosen because the output of the network
generates the dynamic output data for static inputs and can describe time records
easily. The input to the network is the information about position of ZMP taken
from the force sensor, while the output of the network is the correction angles
and correction velocities needed for a stable motion. The ZMP is calculated using
the values from force sensors at each sole and values of joint angles. Only self-
mutation is used from the set of genetic operators based on addition of the Gauss
noise with multiplication by the value of fitness function. The elite selection is
chosen, while the fitness function is defined by the sum of squares of the devia-
tions of the desired coordinates from the ZMP coordinates. In both single-support
and double-support phases of walking the algorithm calculates the ZMP by using
values from four force sensors at each sole, while correction to actuation angles and
velocities is determined by recurrent neural networks with the ZMP being within
the supporting area of the sole of the robot. The block diagram of the stabilisation
biped control is shown in Figure 7, where θ, θ̇ are the joint angles and velocities;
θD , θ̇D are the desired joint angles and velocities; U is the control signal; F is the
foot force. The motion on inclined surfaces is investigated with initial population
of 50 different individuals. It has been shown that the use of this approach yields a
stable biped gait.
Reil and Husbands (2002) proposed an evolutionary approach for the biped con-
troller based on dynamic recurrent neural network. Each neural network consists
of 10 fully interconnected neurons. The first 6 neurons represent motor neurons
because that control biped actuators (the biped has 6 DOFs). Their outputs are
scaled to map to the angle limits. The GA has a task to optimize the weighting
factors, time constant, and bias of activation functions for the chosen neurons.
Parameter values are coded using real numbers with different ranges for each type.
are optimised simultaneously. From the morphology side, the lengths of the lower
and upper limbs are optimised. Two types of control systems are analysed: the one
based on neural network and the other based on neural oscillator. The input to the
neural network represents the velocity, acceleration and ZMP position, while the
output of the network represents the joint angles. It is a layered neural network
with a pair of hidden layers. The chromosome includes the following parameters
for optimization: information on initial angle and velocity, length of each link
and weights of each neuron in the neural network. The simulation experiments
with population size of 200 individuals and 600 generations were realized using
standard genetic operators. In the first phase of GA, the fitness function was the
distance between the centre of mass of the robot and the initial point. In the second
phase, two fitness functions were evaluated based on the efficiency and stability
of walking. The preferred solution has appropriate locomotion and morphology.
As the other solution for control algorithm, neural oscillator was used, because the
biped walking is a periodical and symmetrical solution. Neural oscillator generates
the rhythm for the biped walking. In this case, it is not necessary to use a large-
size GA chromosome, as was the case with neural networks. The structure of the
neural oscillator represents some kind of recurrent neural network dynamic state,
while the other parameters of GA optimisation process are the same as in the
previous case. The walking patterns for the neural network and neural oscillator
are similar, even though the sizes of chromosomes are much different (the neural
network chromosome has 1000 bits size, while the size of the neural oscillator is
300 bits). Therefore, a larger dynamic model of biped can be applied to the model
with a neural oscillator. It has been shown that there is a close relation between
the morphology and locomotion. The proposed co-evolution of the morphology
and control systems may be a potentially powerful method for designing the real
humanoid robots.
7. Conclusions
In spite of the intensive development and experimental verification of various hu-
manoid robots, it is important to further improve their capabilities using advanced
hardware and control software solutions to make humanoid robots more auton-
omous, intelligent and adaptable to the environment and humans. The presented
survey indicates that the intelligent techniques, if applied in an appropriate manner,
can be very powerful tools for attaining these goals.
The neural networks were used for the synthesis and on-line adaptation of
biped gait, as well as for the control of humanoid robots to ensure static and
dynamic balance during the process of walking and running on the terrain with
different environment characteristics. The main advantages are the compensation
of system’s uncertainties and the inclusion of learning capabilities. The majority of
the proposed control algorithms were verified by simulation, while there were few
experimental verification on real biped and humanoid robots. Besides, the inclusion
of complex nonlinear models in real-time control, limited realized steps and slow
walking are the problems in implementation of connectionist control algorithms.
Fuzzy logic was used mainly as part of control systems on the executive control
level, for generation and efficient tuning of PID gains and direct fuzzy control by
supervised and reinforcement error signals. The main problem in using fuzzy con-
trol algorithms for biped robots remains the inclusion of a complex dynamic model
and learning capabilities. The GA represents an efficient tool for searching the op-
timised solutions of gait synthesis and biped control, the main problem being how
to cope with the reduction of GA optimisation process in real time and preserve
stability of the motion. The hybrid methods using complementary characteristics
of intelligent techniques have a great potential in the field of intelligent humanoid
robots. An important idea from the area of artificial life is the use of simultaneous
evolution of the robot design and control.
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