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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

: Automobile Engineering./ Agricultural Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Civil & Rural
Programme Name/s
Construction Technology/ Civil & Environmental Engineering/ Mechanical
Engineering/ Production Engineering/
Programme Code : AE/ AL/ CE/ CR/ CS/ LE/ ME/ PG
Semester : Third
Course Code : 313308

All civil & mechanical engineering components are subjected to different types of loads and behave in a specific
way. Students can able to understand & analyze various types of loads, stresses & strains with regards to the
structural behavior of components and materials. This course is a prerequisite for understanding elastic behavior of
different engineering materials, structural analysis, machine design, principles and the strengths of various
structural elements used in civil & mechanical industries.


Analyze the stresses & strains in the given structural elements using relevant methods.


Students will be able to achieve & demonstrate the following COs on completion of course based learning

CO1 - Calculate the M.I. of the given object using relevant formulae & methods.
CO2 - Analyze the structural behavior of the given structural components under various loading conditions.
CO3 - Draw SFD and BMD for the given structural element under given loading conditions.
CO4 - Determine the bending and shear stresses in beams under different loading conditions
CO5 - Analyze the direct & bending stresses in the structural members under eccentric loading conditions.


Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme
Based on LL &
Contact Based on
Theory TL
Course Course Hrs./Week SL
Course Title Abbr Credits Paper Total
Code Category/s SLH NLH Practical
Duration Marks
Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
313308 SOM DSC 4 - 2 - 6 3 3 30 70 100 40 25 10 - - - - 125
Total IKS Hrs for Sem. : 1 Hrs
Abbreviations: CL- ClassRoom Learning , TL- Tutorial Learning, LL-Laboratory Learning, SLH-Self Learning
Hours, NLH-Notional Learning Hours, FA - Formative Assessment, SA -Summative assessment, IKS - Indian
Knowledge System, SLA - Self Learning Assessment
Legends: @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination , @$ Internal Online
Note :

1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as "Detained" in that semester.

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.


Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - I Moment of Inertia
1.1 Concept of Moment of Inertia, M.I. of plane
TLO 1.1 Calculate Centroid, lamina and radius of gyration of a given lamina.
Moment of Inertia of Plane lamina 1.2 Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems
and radius of gyration of a given (without derivation).
lamina. 1.3 M.I. of standard basic figures like square,
TLO 1.2 Explain Parallel and rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-circle, quarter-
Perpendicular axes theorems. circle and Hollow Rectangular & Circular
TLO 1.3 Calculate Moment of sections. (without derivation).
1 learning
inertia of standard solid shapes and 1.4 M.I. of Composite plane figures such as
hollow shapes. symmetrical and unsymmetrical I-section, channel
TLO 1.4 Calculate Moment of section, T-section, angle section. Numerical on
inertia of composite plane figures composite figure consisting of maximum 03
such as I, C, T & L sections. standard shapes.
TLO 1.5 Understand Moment of 1.5 Introduction to M.I. for built-up sections. (No
inertia for built-up section. numerical). (IKS* Concept of Centre of Gravity &
M.I.used in ancient constructions like temples,
forts etc.)
TLO 2.1 Understand concept of Unit - II Simple Stresses, Strains & Elastic
stresses and strains in deformable Constants
bodies. 2.1 Concept of elastic body ,definition of stress,
TLO 2.2 Understand Hook’s law, strain, Type of stresses & strains.
elastic limit, Linear and lateral 2.2 Hook’s law, elastic limit, Linear and lateral
strain, Poisson's ratio. strain, Poisson's ratio.
TLO 2.3 Determine modulus of 2.3 Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, Bulk
elasticity, modulus of rigidity and Modulus & Relation between these three moduli.
- Chalk-Board
bulk modulus for given material. 2.4 Standard stress strain curve for mild steel bar
- Hands-on
TLO 2.4 Articulate practical and Tor steel bar under tension test, Yield stress,
significance of stress- strain curve proof stress, ultimate stress, breaking stress, and
2 learning
for given material under given working stress, strain at various critical points,
- Video
loading conditions for their relevant percentage elongation and Factor of safety.
- Demonstrations
use. 2.5 Shear stress and shear strain, Single shear,
- Presentations
TLO 2.5 Concept of single shear, Double shear, Punching shear.
double shear & punching shear. 2.6 Deformation of body subjected to axial force
TLO 2.6 Compute the total for uniformed and stepped sections .Deformation
deformation for given of uniform body subjected to forces at its
homogeneous (compound ) intermediate sections.
sections under axial load. 2.7 Concept of composite section, stresses
TLO 2.7 Determine the stresses in induced and load shared by each material under
each material for given composite axial loading only.(No numerical on stepped
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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory Learning
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
TLO 2.8 Compute strain along x, y sections ).
and z-direction for a given bi-axial 2.8 Uni-axial, Bi-axial and Tri-axial stress
or tri-axial stress system. systems.
TLO 2.9 Determine volumetric 2.9 Strain in each direction, volumetric strain,
strain & change in volume for change in volume.
given cube or cuboid.
Unit - III Shear Force & Bending Moment
TLO 3.1 Enlist Types of Supports
3.1 Types of Supports: Simple, Hinge, Roller &
& Types of Beams
Fixed and Beams: Cantilever, Simply supported,
TLO 3.2 Enlist types of loads
Roller, Hinge & overhanging beams.
acting on a beam. Chalk-Board
3.2 Types of loads: Concentrated or Point load,
TLO 3.3 Understand the relation Hands-on
Inclined point load & Uniformly Distributed load.
between SF, BM and rate of Collaborative
3.3 Meaning of SF and BM, Relation between
3 loading. learning
them, Sign conventions.
TLO 3.4 Draw SFD and BMD for Video
3.4 SFD & BMD for Simply Supported,
Simply supported beams Demonstrations
Cantilever and overhanging beams subjected to
,Cantilever beams & overhanging Presentations
Vertical point load & UDL only.
3.5 Drawing SFD and BMD, Location of Point of
TLO 3.5 Locate point of maximum
Contra-Shear, maximum BM, Location of Point of
BM and point of contra-flexure.
Unit - IV Bending and Shear Stresses in beams
TLO 4.1 Understand concept of
4.1 Theory of pure bending, assumptions in pure
pure bending , Neutral Axis and
bending, Concept of Neutral Axis and section
radius of gyration of a given lamina
and section modulus.
4.2 Flexural Equation (without derivation) with
TLO 4.2 Determine Moment of
meaning of each term used in equation, bending
Resistance (M.R.) & section
stresses and their nature, bending stress
modulus (Z) using Flexural
distribution diagram.
Formula. Chalk-Board
4.3 Bending stress variation diagram across depth
TLO 4.3 Determine the Bending Hands-on
of given cross section for cantilever and simply
stresses at given location in simply Collaborative
supported beams for symmetrical sections only.
4 supported & cantilever beams Learning
4.4 Shear stress equation (without derivation),
subjected to standard loading cases Demonstration
meaning of each term used in equation, relation
(Point load & UDL only). Video
between maximum and average shear stress for
TLO 4.4 Compute & draw Presentations
square, rectangular and circular section
maximum and average shear stress
(numerical), shear stress distribution diagram.
for rectangular and circular section.
4.5 Shear stress distribution diagram for square,
TLO 4.5 Draw shear stress
rectangular, circle, hollow square, hollow
distribution diagram for given
rectangular, hollow circle, T- section &
section across its depth.
symmetrical I- section only. (no numericals)
TLO 4.6 Determine shear stresses
4.6 Use of shear stress equation for determination
in hollow rectangular section.
of shear stresses in hollow rectangular section.
TLO 5.1 Explain effect of direct Unit - V Direct and Bending Stresses Chalk-Board
and eccentric loads on columns. 5.1 Introduction to direct and eccentric loads, Collaborative
TLO 5.2 Draw resultant stress Eccentricity about one principal axis, nature of learning
5 distribution diagram for a stresses. Presentations
compression member subjected to 5.2 Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant Demonstration
eccentric load about one of its stress distribution diagram. Condition for 'No Videos
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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory Learning
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
principal axis.
TLO 5.3 Write No tension tension' condition(Problems on Column subjected
condition for columns, Core of the to Eccentric load about one axis only.)
section for rectangular & circular 5.3 Limit of eccentricity, core of section for
column. circular cross sections, middle third rule for
TLO 5.4 Identify the terms radius rectangular section.
of gyration, slenderness ratio & 5.4 Introduction to compression members,
effective length for given column effective length, radius of gyration, slenderness
with different end conditions. ratio, type of end conditions for columns.
TLO 5.5 Understand the concept of 5.5 Buckling (or Crippling) load for columns by
buckling load in columns using Euler's Formula & Rankine's Formula with
Euler's Formula & Rankine's meaning of each term in it.(No numericals.)


Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
*Conduct sample compressive and tensile tests on
LLO 1.1 Identify different metal using Universal Testing Machine along with
1 2 CO2
components of UTM . introduction to machine & other tests to be
conducted on UTM.
LLO 2.1 Perform Tension test on
2 *Tension test on mild steel as per IS:432(1) . 2 CO2
mild steel as per IS:432(1) .
LLO 3.1 Perform tension test on
3 Tension test on Tor steel as per IS:1608, IS:1139 . 2 CO2
Tor steel as per IS:1608, IS:1139 .
LLO 4.1 Conduct compression *Compression test on any two metals like Mild
test on sample test piece using 4 Steel, Brass, Al etc. using Compression Testing 2 CO2
Compression Testing Machine . Machine .
*Izod Impact test on any two metals like mild steel/
LLO 5.1 Conduct Izod Impact test
5 brass/aluminum/ copper /cast iron etc. as per 2 CO2
on given metals as per IS:1598 .
IS:1598 .
LLO 6.1 Conduct Charpy Impact Charpy Impact test on two metals like mild steel/
test on given metals as per 6 brass/aluminum/ copper /cast iron etc. as per 2 CO2
IS:1598 . IS:1757 .
LLO 7.1 Determine Compressive Compressive strength of dry and wet bricks as per
7 2 CO2
strength of dry and wet bricks . IS:3495 (part I), IS:1077 .
LLO 8.1 Perform Single Shear *Single Shear and double shear test on any two
and double shear test on given 8 metals like Mild steel/ brass/ Al / copper / cast iron 2
metals as per IS:5242 . etc. as per IS:5242 .
LLO 9.1 Conduct Compression
Compression test on timber section along the grain CO1
test on timber section along the 9 2
and across the grain as per IS:2408 . CO2
grain and across the grain .
LLO 10.1 Plot Shear force and *Shear force and Bending Moment diagrams of
Bending Moment diagrams of cantilever, simply supported and overhanging
10 4 CO3
beams subjected to different types beams for different types of loading . (02 problems
of loads. on each type of beam) .

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO 11.1 Conduct Flexural test *Flexural test on timber beam on rectangular
on timber beam on rectangular 11 section in both orientations as per IS:1708, IS:2408 2
section. .
a) Prepare PPT of minimum 05 slides on the
LLO 12.1 Prepare PPT on Strain concept of Strain Energy & instantaneous stress
Energy. induced in a material due to gradual, Sudden &
LLO 12.2 Prepare PPT on 12 impact load. 2 CO2
Thermal Stresses & Thermal
Strains. b) Prepare PPT of minimum 04 slides on Thermal
Stresses & Thermal Strains.
LLO 13.1 Conduct Flexure test on Flexure test on floor tiles IS:1237, IS:13630 or
13 2 CO4
floor tiles/roofing tiles. roofing tiles as per IS:654, IS:2690 .
LLO 14.1 Determine hardness no.
Rockwell Hardness Test on any two Metals like
for given metal using Rockwell 14 2 CO2
Mild Steel, Brass Copper, Aluminum etc.
Hardness Tester.
LLO 15.1 Determine hardness no
Brinell hardens test on any two metals like Mild
for given metals using Brinell 15 2 CO2
Steel, Brass Copper, Aluminum etc.
Hardness Tester.
Note : Out of above suggestive LLOs -
'*' Marked Practicals (LLOs) Are mandatory.
Minimum 80% of above list of lab experiment are to be performed.
Judicial mix of LLOs are to be performed to achieve desired outcomes.



Micro project

Collect the information of Indian Knowledge System (IKS) given in different units.
Prepare charts of maximum bending moment and shear force values in standard beams.
Two Numericals on Chimneys (of rectangular and circular cross section) subjected to wind pressure & also draw
stress distribution diagram at base of it.
Draw & identify difference between Bending stress distribution & Shear stress distribution diagrams for square,
rectangular, circle, hollow square, rectangular, circle, T- section, & symmetrical I- section.

Note :

Above is just a suggestive list of microprojects and assignments; faculty must prepare their own bank of
microprojects, assignments, and activities in a similar way.
The faculty must allocate judicial mix of tasks, considering the weaknesses and / strengths of the student in
acquiring the desired skills.
If a microproject is assigned, it is expected to be completed as a group activity.
SLA marks shall be awarded as per the continuous assessment record.
If the course does not have associated SLA component, above suggestive listings is applicable to Tutorials
and maybe considered for FA-PR evaluations.

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

Relevant LLO
Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
Extensometer with least count 0.01mm, maximum extension 25 mm with dial
1 1,2,3
gauge/ digital display suitable for various gauge length.
Accessories: Vernier caliper, meter scale, weighing balance, weights, punch, file,
2 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13
hammer, screw driver, pliers, etc.
Universal Testing Machine of capacity 1000kN, 600 kN / 400 kN, analog
3 1,2,3,8,11,13
type/digital type with all attachments and accessories.
Tile flexural testing machine confirming to IS:654, capacity 200 Kg with uniform
4 13
loading rate of 45 to 55 Kg/minute provided with lead shots .
5 Brinell and Rockwell Hardness Test machine . 14,15
Compression Testing Machine of capacity 2000 kN / 1000 kN, analog / digital type
6 4,7,9
with all attachments and accessories.
7 Izod/Charpy impact testing machine confirming to IS: 1757. 5,6
Hot Air Oven with thermostatic control having temp. range 100 to 105 degree
8 7
celsius .


Aligned Learning Total
Sr.No Unit Unit Title R-Level U-Level A-Level
COs Hours Marks
1 I Moment of Inertia CO1 10 2 4 6 12
Simple Stresses, Strains & Elastic
2 II CO2 16 6 8 4 18
3 III Shear Force & Bending Moment CO3 14 2 4 10 16
Bending and Shear Stresses in
4 IV CO4 10 2 4 6 12
5 V Direct and Bending Stresses CO5 10 2 4 6 12
Grand Total 60 14 24 32 70


Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)

Two-unit tests of 30 marks each will be conducted and average of two-unit tests considered. • For formative
assessment of laboratory learning 25 marks • Each practical will be assessed considering appropriate % weightage to
process and product and other instructions of assessment.

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning)

Pen and Paper Test (Written Test)


Outcomes Programme Outcomes (POs)

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

PO-1 Basic Engineering
PO-3 PO-7
and PO-2 PO-4 Practices for
Design/ PO-6 Project Life PSO- PSO- PSO-
Discipline Problem Engineering Society,
Development Management Long 1 2 3
Specific Analysis Tools Sustainability
of Solutions Learning
Knowledge and
CO1 3 3 2 2 1 -- 2
CO2 3 3 3 3 1 -- 3
CO3 3 3 2 1 1 -- 2
CO4 3 3 2 1 1 --- 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 1 -- 2
Legends :- High:03, Medium:02,Low:01, No Mapping: -
*PSOs are to be formulated at institute level


Sr.No Author Title Publisher with ISBN Number
A Textbook of Strength S. Chand and Co. Ltd. New Delhi, 2019,
1 Khurmi R.S., Khurmi N.
of Materials ISBN 9789352833979
Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi, 2015,
2 Ramamrutham S. Strength of Materials
ISBN 9788187433545
Punmia B. C., Ashok Kumar Jain , Laxmi Publications (p) Ltd. New Delhi, 2017,
3 Mechanics of Materials
Arun Kumar Jain . ISBN-13: 978-8131806463
McGraw Hill Education; New Delhi 2017,
4 Rattan S.S. Strength of Materials
ISBN-13: 978-9385965517
A Textbook of Strength S. Chand Publishing 9789352533695,
5 Rajput R. K .
of Materials 9352533690


Sr.No Link / Portal Description
1 https://youtu.be/DzyIEz3dKXQ?si=beGDRqJ1olZ70LUe Concept of Stress and Strain .
https://youtu.be Standard stress-strain curve for mild steel
/RSlmDKHDMUY?si=FHCxXE1QSaa0FqBn bar and Tor steel bar .
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFZ18Ed4HI8 Field Test on TMT .
4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-FEVzI8oe8 Concept of SFD and BMD .
5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvbA4mk36Kk Practical examples of SFD and BMD.
Concept & Numerical on Point of
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2eGwNUopws
Contraflexure .
Bending Stresses & Shear Stresses in Beams
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f08Y39UiC-o
https://skyciv.com/structural-software/beam-analysis-softwar Calculation & Drawing of SFD & BMD
e freeware Software .
Note :

Teachers are requested to check the creative common license status/financial implications of the suggested
online educational resources before use by the students

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Course Code : 313308

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