11 ENGLISH Material

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Time: 2 ½ hrs ENGLISH Marks: 90

PART - A (20×1=20)
1 to 3 Synonyms 3
4 to 6 Antonyms 3
7 Compound Words 1
8 Prefix and Suffix 1
9 Homophones and Confusable 1
10 Article and Determiners 1
11 Abbreviation and acronyms 1
12 Idioms 1
13 Modal verbs 1
14 Propositions 1
15 Clipped Words 1
16 Definition for the Term (Phobia, …..cide, …...ism, …..ist) 1
17 Meaning of the Foreign Word 1
18 Phrasal verbs 1
19 Question tags 1
20 Relative pronoun 1
Singular and Plural
Blended Words
Sentence Pattern
British and American English
PART - B (7×2=14)
21 to 26 i) Poetry appreciation and Figures of speech (4 out of 6) 8
ii) Do as directed (3 out of 4) 6
27 Reported Speech ( Direct and Indirect speech)
28 Active - Passive voice or Degrees of comparison
29 Simple, Complex and Compound
30 Conditional Clause or Degrees of Comparison
PART - C (7×3=21)
31 to 33 i) ERC (2 out of 3) 6
34 to 36 ii) Prose short questions (2 out of 3) 6
37 to 40 iii) Answer any three of the following:- (3 out of 4) 9
1. Notice Writing or Email writing
2. Describing a Process or Rearrange the jumbled words
3. Charts - Pie, Graph and Pillar or Sentences About the Data
4. Dialogue Writing or Completing/Explain the Proverbs
5. Expanding News Headlines or Slogan Writing
PART - D (7×5=35)
41 Prose Paragraph 5
42 Poem Paragraph 5
43 Supplementary Paragraph 5
44 Summarizing / Note Making 5
45 Letter writing (or) General essay, Article/Report writing, Biographical Sketch 5
[formal /informal/ job application]
46 Error Spotting/Semantic Field (or) Fill in the blanks (homophones, tense, link words, 5
determiners, Prepositions, Modals)
47 Prose Comprehension (or) Poetry Comprehension 5
Total 90
One Mark 20 20
Two Marks 07 14
Three Marks 07 21
Five Marks 07 35


1. THE PORTRAIT OF THE LADY – Khushwant Singh
1. Absurd - inconsistent/illogical
2. Fables - tales/stories
3. Hobbled - walked unsteadily
4. Pucker - to contract the face on wrinkles
5. Expanse - widespread
6. Monotonous - unchanging/boring
7. Snapped - broke/cut
8. Seclusion - isolation
9. Bedlam - noisy confusion
10. Perched - sat/rested
11. Rebukes - scolding
12. Dilapidated - damaged
13. Pallor - unhealthy pale appearance
14. Shroud - cloth used to wrap dead body

1. Moist x arid
2. Frivolous x serious
3. Omitted x included
4. Protest x accept
5. Serenity x anxiety
6. Scattered x gathered
7. Monotonous x interesting
8. Pretty x ugly
9. Inaudible x audible
10. Comfort x discomfort
11. Wrapped x uncovered
12. Ignore x acknowledge
13. Believe x disbelieve
14. Blessing x curse


1. Princely - very large
2. Jetlag - tired and unpleasant feelings
3. Appetite - hunger
4. Lauded - appreciated
5. Conviction - faith or belief
6. Sate - satisfy
7. Palate - sense of taste
8. Felicitation - congratulatory address
9. Adulation - appreciation
10. Etched - imprinted
11. Speculation - guess
12. Haul - taking a collection

1. Amateur x professional
2. Compulsory x optional
3. Traditional x modern
4. Expensive x cheap
5. Hopeful x desperate
6. Accepted x refused
7. Fortunate x unfortunate
8. Inferior x superior
9. Vanish x appear


10. Magnificent x ugly/poor
11. Famous x unpopular
12. Funny x serious
13. Created x destroyed
14. Better x worse

3. FORGETTING - Robert Lynd

1. Abstracted - lacking concentration
2. Antipathy - strong dislike
3. Audacious - bold and daring
4. Delinquent - regularly involved in wrong
5. Eccentric - strange
6. Exploits - daring/ heroic acts/ feats
7. Fallible - making mistakes
8. Fortunes - huge sum of money
9. Indignant - very angry
10. Mediocre - not good/ordinary
11. Prosaic - dull
12. Quivering - trembling/shivering
13. Recall - remember
14. Reluctant - unwilling
15. Sieve - strainer/filter
16. Vexation - irritation/annoyance
17. Vintage - wine

1. Seldom x often
2. Admitted x denied
3. Methodical x disorderly/random
4. Reality x fantasy
5. Virtue x vice
6. Vile x good
7. Indignant x delighted
8. Relish x hate
9. Appoint x reject
10. Remember x forget
11. Delight x sorrow
12. Depart x arrive
13. Inability x ability
14. Invisible x visible
15. Glum x bright

1. Bloatocrat - fat and rich person
2. Electrified - shocked by something unexpected
3. Crescendo - progress towards climax
4. Congealed - thickened
5. Smothered - suppressed
6. Nonchalantly - unconcernedly, coolly
7. Glibly - smoothly but not sincerely
8. Note of hand - promissory note
9. Rectitude - honesty, good behavior
10. Farthing - aslowasapaisa
11. Baize - coarse woolen material
12. Guile - cunning/deceit
13. Indelible - cannot be rubbed/removed


1. Fact x fiction
2. Safeguard x exposed
3. Common/familiar x queer
4. Prompt x early
5. Cause x unscathed
6. Bidding x obeying
7. Confessing x concealing
8. Curious x uninterested
9. Dazed x clearheaded
10. Gradual x sudden
11. Humiliate x praise
12. Modest x proud
13. Persuade x prevent/dissuade
14. Electrify x dull
15. Awful x beautiful
16. Embrace x release

5. CONVOCATION ADDRESS - Dr. Arignar Annadurai

1. Conferred - granted a title/benefit/right
2. Reiterate - say or do again
3. Enunciated - spoke clearly
4. Ruggedness - strength/toughness
5. Feudal - middle aged/old
6. Confronting - aggressively resisting
7. Eschewed - nothing to do with
8. Sermons - speeches on moral subjects
9. Tillers - one who produces crops/raise
10. Toilers - workers
11. Perils - danger/risk
12. Indebted - obliged to repay
13. Cloistered - restricted
14. Crusade - campaign for good cause
15. Despondent - depressed/frustrated
16. Emissaries - deputies
17. Endowed - gifted
18. Enunciated - spoke clearly
19. Inherent - inborn
20. Inheritors - successors
21. Lustre - glow
22. Perseverance -continue effort/steadfastness
23. Reiterate - say/do again
24. Replenish - refill
25. Ruggedness - strength/toughness
26. Secluded spheres - isolated areas

1. Autocracy x democracy
2. Confronting x Co-operating
3. Eminent x unimportant/not famous/common
4. Endowed/privileged x deprived
5. Luster x darkness
6. Descent x ascent
7. Appreciate x criticize
8. Adequate x inadequate
9. Discourage x encourage
10. Endowed x disagree


11. Perils x safety
12. Replenish x deplete
13. Secluded x public


1. Alley - a narrow passage
2. Bonsmots - witty remarks
3. Cascade - waterfall
4. Catastrophe - disaster
5. Concourse - open central area
6. Consternation - worry
7. Disgorging - discharging
8. Enfamillie - family
9. Exasperation - irritation
10. Extravagantly - excessively
11. Gashed - cut deeply
12. Suave - polite and sophisticated
13. Venerable - valued
14. Yanked - pulled with jerk
15. Hysterics - uncontrollable laughers

1. Solace x distress
2. Panic x calm
3. Scatter x receive
4. Abruptly x slowly/gradually
5. Accumulated x dispersed/separate
6. Evident x vauge
7. Fluttery x relaxed
8. Recline x straighten
9. Oblivion x awareness
10. Discomfort x comfort
11. Frowns x grins
12. Frustrations x happy
13. Recline x stand
14. Extravagantly x economically

1. Mantel + piece = Mantelpiece
2. Eye + lashes = Eyelashes
3. Water + proof = Waterproof
4. Bee + hive = Beehive
5. Toll + gate = Tollgate
6. Door + knob = Doorknob
7. Spinning + wheel = Spinningwheel
8. Sing + song = Singsong
9. Over + straining = overstraining,
10. Spot + less = spotless
11. Gentle + folk = gentlefolk
12. Grand + mother = grandmother
13. Court + yard = courtyard
14. Sun + set = sunset
15. Half + hour = half-hour
16. Home + coming = homecoming
Down-to-earth, Well-to-do, happy-go-lucky, up-to-date, Long-forgotten, Duty-free, Kitchen-garden,
Dining-hall, Good-for-nothing, Hand-made, Wind-mill, Son-in-law.


Compound word Combination Compound word Combination
Long forgotten Adjective + Verb Duty free Noun + Adjective
Well-to-do Adverb+Prep+Verb Kitchen garden Noun+Noun
Wood work Noun+Verb Son-in-law Noun+Prep+Noun
Down-to-earth Prep+Prep+Noun World famous Noun+Adjective
Taxi driver Noun+Noun Shop owner Noun+Noun
Shop owner Noun+Noun Day-to-day Noun+Prep+Noun
Sports man Noun+Noun Out patient Prep+Noun
Point-to-point Noun+Prep+Noun Washing machine Gerund+Noun
Air conditioning Noun+Gerund Swimming pool Gerund+verb
Pass port Verb+Noun Birth place Noun+Noun
Red hot Adjective+Adjective In put Prep+Verb

Noun + Verb airtight, benchmark, bus stop, daybreak, finger print, haircut, hand wash, headache,
headline, machine wash, moon walk, paint brush, rain fall, root cause, snow fall, sunrise,
sunset, toothache, toothbrush
Verb + Noun Bath room, breakfast, call taxi, crossword, crybaby, fire place, guidebook, handle bar,
passport, popcorn, rest room, show room, stop clock, walkman, watch dog, watch man,
Noun +Noun air ticket, bedroom, bed time, bookstall, bus station, chess men, class room, dream world,
eye liner, fireman, hand bag, iceaxe, icefall, postwar, railroad, postcard, postman,
handcuff, honey bee, knife-edge, notebook, rabbit-hole, riverbank, seashore shoelace,
timetable, waterproof, water tank, windproof
Noun + Adjective age-old, black gold, black cat, careless, deadslow, downtrodden, duty free, henpecked,
homeless, homesick, jet black, knee –deep, lifelong, merciless, milk white, partly-full, red
hot, silver white, sky blue, snow white, tax free, world famous
Gerund + Noun bitting cold, cooking gas, dancing bird, dining table, driving licence, drivingschool, fishing
net, looking glass, reading room, setting sun, sleeping-bags, swimming pool, visitingcard,
waiting list, walking stick, washing machine, writing pad.
Noun + Gerund air conditioning, bookbinding, cat walking, cross questioning, day-dreaming,
hand writing, mind blowing, mind reading, Oil-bathing , story- telling, thanks giving, train-
spotting, white-washing,
Adverb + verb back drop, back track, fore ground, input, intake, outlive, output, outset, overact,
overcharge, overcome, over grow, overspend, overthrow, undercharge, under estimate,
undergo, under rate, undertake, upkeep, upset
Adjective + Noun blackboard, black box, blue berry, blue cross, blue print, clever boy, deep well, full moon,
gentleman, greenhouse, half-way, hardware, highway, nobelman, red cross, short change,
software, white board
Adjective+Gerund curious-looking ,dry-cleaning, easy going, easy-going, good looking, hardworking, never-
ending, public speaking, shabby-looking
Adjective+Verb black list, clear cut, highlight, long awaited, long forgotten, safeguard, sidewalk, whitewash
Preposting + Verb byline, outlook, outnumber, overact, over-ride, undercharge, under-estimate, understand,
upload, input
Preposition + Noun afternoon, background, bylane, downfall, downstream, foresee, inbox, inside, offsprin,
outclass, outpatient, overage, overcoat, overconfidence, underclass, Up stream

Words which are derived or formed from the base word by adding prefixes or suffixes are called
Active inactive activity
Agree disagree Agreement, agreeable
Approve disapprove approver/approval
Arrange rearrange arrangement/arranging
Audible inaudible audibly


Aware unaware Awareness
Beauty Beautiful/ness, beautifully
Class Classmate, classification, classify
Collect recollect collection/collector
Comfort discomfort comfortable
Consistent inconsistent consistently
Content discontent contentment
Continue discontinue Continuously
Decent indecent decently
Differ indifferent Different, differently
Direct indirect Directly
Fertile infertile fertility
Finite Infinite
Fortunate unfortunate Fortunately
Frequent frequently
Friend befriend friendly, friendship
Honest dishonest honesty
Honour dishonour honourable
Legitimate illegitimate
Manage mismanage manageable, management
Narrate narration/narrator
Necessary unnecessary
Nobile Ignoble nobility
Obedient disobedient Obediently
Obey disobey obedience
Patient impatient patiently
Peace peaceful ,peacefully, peacefulness
Rational irrational
Regular irregular regularly
Resemble resemblance
Respect disrespect respectable
Satisfy dissatisfaction satisfaction
Willing unwilling willingness
a atheist , aglow , anew , attribute
anti antinational , anticlimax, antibiotic
co cooperate, coinside, coprocessor, copolymerize, coexist
de degrade, depart, deface, design, decode
dis disagree, dishonest, disprove, disconnect, dislike discovered, disrespect
em empower, emancipate, embalm, emblaze
en encourage, enlarge, encounter, enclose
ex exminister, exservice man,
fore forehead, foretold, forenoon, forefather
hyper hyperactive, hypertension, hypersensitive
ig ignoble, ignorant, ignitable
il illegible, illiterate, illegal
im immortal, immature, impossible, imprison, immobile, impression, impatient
in income, indirect, ineffective, irrelevant
inter interact, interchange, interview, international
ir irrespective, irrational, irregular ,irrelevant
mal malfunction, malpractice, malnutrition
micro microbiology, microbeam
mis misunderstand, mistake, misplace, misuse, misspell, mistrust,
multi multinational, multivitamins, multilingual, multichannel
non non-violence, non-cooperative, no-vegetarian


out outdoor, outline, output, outcome,
over overlap, overcut, over joy, overtax, overact, overcome, overlook
poly polysyllabic, polytechnic, polytrophic
post post paid, post man, post poned
pre prepaid, preface, precaution
pro proclaim, proactive
re reappear, recheck, rearrange,
semi semicircle, semifinal, semi liquid
sub substandard, subdivide, subscription
sur surface, surname, surpass, surplus
tele telephone, telecom, telebank
trans transform, transport, transnational,
un unable, unacceptable, uncommon, uncertain, unnatural, unaware, unfortunate
under underestimate, understand
uni unicorn, uniform, unicellular, unilateral


al partial, regional, formal, visual, nominal, final, initial, proposal, terminal

er teacher, follower, driver, keeper, adviser, thinner, lawyer, boxer, ighter
hood boyhood, manhood, childhood, brotherhood
ile docile, voltaile, fragile, ductile, juvenile
ise familiarise, popularise, verbalise, cirticise, vandalise, publicise
ish boyish, greenish, bookish, childish,feverish, girlish, grimish
ism pessimism, optimism, communism, patriotism, humanism, , realism, racism
ity activity, possibility, relativity, creativity, mobility, originality, agility, surity
let leaflet, bracelet, eaglet, booklet -graph - auto graph, photograph, video graph
ling - princeling, hireling, duckling
logy psychology, physiology, zoology, biology,
ly happily, highly, lovely, loudly, lowly, carefully, badly, normally, perfectly
mania squandermania, megalomania,bibliomania, kleptomania
ment engagement, government,appointment, adjustment, improvement…
ness fitness, clearness, goodness,neatness, cleanliness, weakness, fineness….
ous joyous, desirous, chivalrous,victorious, thunderous, vigorous, miraculous
ship kinship, scholarship, relationship, fellowship, authorship, friendship
tion reception, distribution, prevention, corporation, cooperation,

1. We have a short break between the sessions. (brake, break)
The driver applied the brake to stop the car. (brake, break)
2. Sumathi wears a belt around her waist. (waste, waist)
We should never misuse or waste natural resources. (waste, waist)
Don’t waste your time. (waste, waist)
3. My father is a man of principle. (principle, principal)
Mr.Naresh is the principal of our college. (principle, principal)
4. Turtles should be bred in a healthy environment. (bred, bread)
I like to have toasted bread for breakfast. (bred, bread)
5. This medicine will lessen your pain. (lesson, lessen)
Our teacher taught us a new lesson today. (lesson, lessen)
6. The child looks very sick and pale. (pale, pail)
I need a pail of water to wash my dress. (pale, pail)
7. I took the banana peel and threw it in the dustbin. (through, threw)
The soldiers had to pass through a dark tunnel. (through, threw)
8. The corpse was covered with a shroud. (corpse, corps)
Ravi is a member in the NCC corps. (corpse, corps)
9. I bought these stationeries in a stationary mart. (stationary, stationery)


10. I don’t know whether the weather will permit us to go. (weather ,whether)

HETERONYMS : Heteronyms also known as Heterophones are two or more words with same spelling but
different sounds and meanings.
e.g. I) lead - a metal / lead - guide II) minute – a period of time / minute - very small
1. Nobody can say _______ there will be an improvement in the ________. (whether / weather)
2. Your ring is ______. Do not _____ it. (loose / lose)
3. We found a ________ of biscuits in the old man’s shirt ______. (packet /pocket)
4. When the pole vaulter cleared 28______, it was declared a record ______. (feet / feat)
5. Explain the ______ ‘Cut your ______ according to your cloth.’ (quote / coat)
6. The stranger _______ for a few minutes before he ______ my house. (paused /passed)
7. The _______ dancer turned _______ after the final performance. (wiry / weary)
8. The chain that I presented to my sister was not made of gold; it was just _______. I am suffering from a
sense of _______. (gilt / guilt)


Types of Determiners
Articles Demonstrative Possessive Quantifiers numbers Ordinals
a This My, your some One, two First, second
an That His, her Few, little Three, four Third, last
the These, those their More, much twenty Next
Any, every hundred
Exercise: 1
It is said that the computer is an electronic extension of the human brain. Therefore, in principle, a computer can
do all those activities which the human brain can do. Today computers are found to be the most useful devices
as knowledge providers. Another important fields of application of computersis the development of robots. the
internet has brought a drastic change in communication systems.
Exercise: 2
In our family, we have planned to take the children to a zoo the next Sunday. Van has been arranged and we are
sure to have a comfortable the journey. Zoo is a interesting place for the children who enjoy watching the
animals and want to know more about them. Even the youngsters love to a Zoo.

Exercise: 3
1. They came early but there was ____________ (little/ a little) work to do.
2. Anand invited ______________ (few/a few) friends for the birthday party.
3. The teacher gave __________ (all /every) student a separate topic for the assignment.
4. _________ (Most of/Many) the water overflowed from the tank.
5. Each one of my _____________ (friend/friends) wished me on my birthday.
6. Vijay had _________ (no/ any) idea about the problem.
7. Adhi had taken ___________ (much /many) photos during the programme.
8. ______________ (Some/Few) girls who attended the class informed the others about the test.


1. PC : Personal Computer RP : Received Pronunciation
2. TV : Television CD : Compact Disc
3. Kg : Kilogram AD : Anno Domini
4. FM : Frequency Modulation BC : Before Christ
5. CA : Charted Accountant SR : Southern Railways (Service Record)

6. ATM : Automated Teller Machine

7. BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation
8. BCE : Before Common Era (or) Before Christian Era
9. BPO : Business Process Outsourcing
10. BPT : Bachelor of Physiotherapy
11. CIA : Central Intelligence Agency


12. CPU : Central Processing Unit
13. DTP : Desk Top Publication
14. ECG : Electro Cardio Gram
15. FSB : Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation
16. GDP : Gross Domestic Product
17. GPS : Global Positioning System
18. GST : Goods and Service Tax
19. ICU : Intensive Care Unit
20. IIM : Indian Institute of Management
21. IIT : Indian Institute of Technology
22. ILO : International Labour Organization
23. IPC : Indian Penal Court
24. ISD : International Subscriber Dialing
25. ITI : Industrial Training Institute
26. LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
27. LED : Light Emitting Diode
28. LKG : Lower Kindergarden
29. LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas
30. Ltd : limited
31. MBA : Master of Business Administration
32. MCI : Medical Council of India
33. MI6 : Military Intelligence Section – 6
34. MNC : Multi National Company
35. Mon : Monday
36. MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging
37. MSS : Ministry of State Security
38. NCC : National Cadet Corps
39. NGO : Non Governmental Organisation
40. NLC : Neyveli Lignite Corporation
41. NRI : Non Resident Indian
42. NSS : National Service Scheme
43. PAN : Permanent Account Number
44. PIN : Postal Index Number
45. PSU : Public Sector Unit
46. PTA : Parent Teacher Association
47. RAW : Research and Analysis Wing
48. RRB : Railway Recruitment Board
49. RSC : Referee Stopped Contest
50. SIM : Subscriber Identification Module
51. SSC : Staff Selection Commission
52. STD : Subscriber Trunk Dialing
53. UGC : University Grants Commission
54. UNO : United Nations Organisation
55. UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
56. USA : United States of America
57. VAT : Value Added Tax
58. VCR : Video Cassette Recorder
59. WWW : World Wide Web
60. ZIP : Zone Improvement Plane

61. ASIS : Australian Secret Intelligence Service

62. BSNL : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
63. CBSC : Central Board of Secondary Education
64. CCTV : Closed-Circuit Television
65. CLRI : Central Leather Research Institute
66. GATT : General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
67. IELTS : International English Language Testing System


68. KMVN : Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam
69. MHRD : Ministry of Human Resource Development
70. TNPSC : Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission

1. AIBA : Association International –de-Boxe Amateur
2. AIDS : Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
3. AVADI : Armed Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India
4. CAD : Computer Aided Designing
5. GATE : Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering
6. HUDCO : Housing and Urban Development Corporation
7. ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation.
8. LASER : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
9. NASA : National Aeronautics and Space Administration
10. RADAR : Radio Detection and Ranging
11. SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
12. TANSI : Tamilnadu Small Scale Industries
13. TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language
14. UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
15. UNICEF : United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
16. VIBGYOR : Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red
17. VIRUS : Vital Information Resources Under Siege
18. WHO : World Health Organization

1. throw in the towel : to give up
2. in our corner : on your side in an argument or dispute
3. on the ropes : state of near collapse or defeat
4. below the belt : unfair or unsporting behaviour
5. square off : prepare for a conflict
6. Tight corners : a difficult situation
7. Shot his bolt : ability or strength (exhausted)
8. In a nice pickle : to be in difficult situation
9. Have cold feet : feel nervousness/lack of courage or confidence
10. by the skin of one’s teeth : a narrow escape
11. Alarm bells ringing : a abandoning one who is in difficulty
12. Back to the wall : try any method to overcome a crisis
13. Grasp /clutch at straws : sign of something going wrong
14. Saved by the bell : in serious difficulty
15. Hang out to dry : help at the last moment rescuing one from a difficult situation
16. right up one’s alley : ideally situated to one’s interest
17. drive one up the wall : to annoy or irritate someone
18. hit the road : to begin one’s journey
19. take (one) for a ride : to deceive someone
20. in panic mode : in a frightened state

S.N Modals Meaning/Functions Clue
1 Can Ability, Request lift, speak, answer
2 Could Past ability, Possibility
3 May Permission or Future Possibility go, come, god, rain, help, know
4 Might Future Possibility
5 Must Necessity or Obligation obey, punish, rules, army, soldier, law
6 Shall Offer or Suggestion
7 Should Advice or Suggestion promise, needy, poor, doctor, respect, keep.
8 will Willingness, Certainty, Promise


9 would Request, Invitation like to, mind, hope

1. Law maker ............. not be a law-breaker. (should)

2. You ........... not write on wall. (should)
3. We ...........help the needy. (should)
4. The world ............. avoid war. (should)
5. One ............. always keep his promises. (should/must)
6. In the army, soldier ........... obey their officers. (must)
7. Eve teasers .............. be punished severely. (must)
8. We ............. obey the laws of our country. (must)
9. If you work hard, you ............ pass in the examinaion. (will)
10. I hope she .............. pass. (will)
11. One never known’s what the future .......... bring. (will)
12. They ............. allow them if they paid the fees. (would)
13. I ............ like to hear you play the flute. (would)
14. If you worked hard, you .......... pass. (would)
15. A good teacher ........... make even boring lessons interesting. (can)
16. I ........... smell something burning in the kitchen. (can)
17. The sky is overcast. It ......... rain. (may)
18. The patient is critical but who knows he ............ recover. (may)
19. Be alert, this ........... happen to anyone. (may)
20. During our trip to the states, ........... we visit the Niagara Falls? (shall)
S. Modals Meaning/Functions Clue
1. ought to moral obligation, probability, certainty, advice assignment, record, test, submit, needy
necessity, duty, fitness
2. used to discontinued habit in the past but not at present When, in my childhood, in my college days.
3. need necessity, obligation used in negatives and questions.
4. dare defiance, challenge, boldness used in negatives and interrogatives.

‘Dare’ and ‘need’ can be used both as lexical (main) and auxiliary verbs.
Lexical/main verb: Auxiliary
1. I dare swim in this river against the current. 1.They dare not swim in this river against the current.
2. She dares to swim in this river against the current. 2. Dare she say it again to me?
3. I need that book. 3. You need not go to Chennai.
4. Latha needs it. 4. Need I send the letter?

OUGHT TO : 1. We …………… help the needy. (ought to)

2. He ……………. submit his work on time. (ought to)
3. Students ……………. submit the record note books on time. (ought to)
4. Children ……………. take care of their parents during their old age. (ought to)
USED TO : 1. My father ……………. walk for long hours when he was young. (used to)
2. He ……………. play football in his college days. (used to)
3. He ……………. read many books during his school days. (used to)
NEED : 1. I ……………. not to read every chapter. (need)
2. We have been here for more than one hour. ……………. we wait any longer?(need)
3. You ……………. be ashamed of his conduct. (need not)
4. We ……………. not buy any more toys.
DARE : 1. How ……………. you say that? (dare)
2. How ……………. you ask me such a question? (dare)
3. How ……………. you oppose the leader? (dare)


1. We are not completely sure but Kishore may come back tomorrow.
2. When Koushik was a child, he used to play in the street.
3. Could I have some more juice, please?
4. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Is Santhosh the one who is standing over there?


5. Dinesh must be the richest person in the village. He’s just bought two luxury cars.
6. Imran should have studied more for the final exam than playing.
7. My house need decorating as I’m tired of the old furniture.
8. I would rather request you to check my exercise before giving it to the teacher.
9. May I use your mobile phone? It’s an emergency.
10. In schools, students must wear uniforms. It is compulsory.
11. Nirmala’s daughter could write perfectly when she was seven.
12. I shall let you know when I have more information about the matter.

I. Simple / single preposition : at, in, out, to, since, by, on, for, of, off, up, with, from, but, through, till,
down, after, via, over, per, under, than, round, past
1. She was hiding under the table.
2. The cat jumped off the counter.
3. He drove over the bridge.
4. She lost her ring at the beach.
5. The book belongs to Anthony.
6. They were sitting by the tree.
7. We are running in the gym today.
8. The sun is above the clouds.
9. She lives near her workplace.
10. He goes to work by train.
11. She drew the picture with a crayon.
12. He swam at the lake.
13. I walked down the street.
14. We located the key for the door.
15. She drove to the store.
16. The car went through the tunnel.
17. I got a package from a friend.
18. I have liked that song since 1999.
19. She put the flowers by the window.
20. The food was placed on the table.
1. Amazing they are, they care of the sick, protect the weakest Ans: for
2. A t danger, they communicate very well with each other. Ans: In

II. Double preposition: (contain two word)

Out of, according to, close to, due to, near to, next to, opposite to, owing to, from among, from behind,
from under, from within, inclusive of, instead of, inspite of, as regards
1. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.
2. The baby climbed onto the table.
3. It is up to us to find the answer.
4. The loud noise came from within the stadium.
5. She never leaves without her phone.
6. The bird sat atop the oak tree.
7. The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.
8. I was unable to get out of the appointment.
III. Compound preposition (which formed by prefix)
about, across, above, along, among, beneath, beyond, beside, between, inside, outside, within, without, abroad,
amid, beside, towards, against, upon, throughout, around, despite, until, alongside, opposite
1. She sat beside Marie.
2. I attended a quick meeting before leaving for the day.
3. A terrible storm raged across the mountains.
4. My dog ran along the track with me.
5. He found a penny beneath the couch.
6. He was between jobs at the moment.
7. My car is parked behind the store.


IV. Phrase preposition
because of, inspite of, along with, according to, in the favour of, on account of, with reference to, by the
side of, in order to, on behalf of, owing to etc.,
1. She was happy in spite of / despite her poverty.
2. You must not go against the advice of your parents.
3. They continued the match in spite of the rain.
4. He continued to bowl in spite of / despite his shoulder injury.
5. He wrote the exam in spite of / despite his illness..
6. We enjoyed our outing even though the weather was terrible.

V. Participial preposition:
Concerning, during, notwithstanding, pending, following, including, excepting, barring


A) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions.
1. In case ____ difficulty, you should refer _____a dictionary and then respond _______the question.
2. The clothes that he has put _________ are very impressive. He is going _________ his hometown to pay
homage _________ the village head.
3. The nearest hospital _________ this place is _________ a distance of twenty kilometers. You can reach it
either _________ car or _________ a bicycle.
Ans: 1. of, to, to 2. on, to, to 3. To, at, by, by

B) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with suitable prepositions and read the paragraph
aloud for better understanding of the use of prepositions.
Mr. Beek of New Jersey has invented a floating life-preserver, which gives complete protection (1) ________
people who have been shipwrecked. The upper section is large enough for the wearer to be able to move his
head and arms (2) _________, and a month's supply 4 _________ food and drinking water can also be stored
(3) _________ it. The cover can be closed in rough weather, and the wearer can see (4) _________ the window
in the front, and breathe (5) _________ a curved pipe. The life preserver is made (6) _________ water proof
cloth attached (7) _________ circular metal tubes, which protect the wearer (8) _________ sharp rocks and
hungry fish.
Ans: 1. for, 2. in, 3. of 4. In, 5. through, 6. through, 7. of, 8. to, 9. from.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, using prepositions if necessary.

(i) The new machines are quite different _________ the old ones. They are able to work _________ a much faster
pace, a substantially reduced risk _________ the environment.
(ii) The students discussed the problem _________ themselves. However, they did not arrive _________ any
conclusion. They went _________ their class teacher and discussed _________ her. She gave a solution
_________ it and they were happy.
Ans: 1. form, at, of 2. among, at, to, with, for

D) Do you know what happened to the Titanic, the largest ship to sail then? She hit an iceberg and sank into the
Atlantic Ocean. Now choose the right word and complete the paragraph. Read the paragraph aloud.
The wreck (1) _________ (up/of) the RMS Titanic lies (2) _________ ( in/at)a depth of (3) _________ (about/
above) 12,500 feet about 370 miles south east (4) _________ (of/off) the coast of Newfoundland. It lies (5)
_________ (in/on) two main pieces about a third (6) _________ (of/off) a mile apart. The bow is still largely
recognizable (7) _________ (with/ within) many preserved interiors, despite the damage it sustained hitting the
sea floor. A debris field (8) _________ (of/for) the wreck contains thousands (9) _________ (on/ of) items spilled
(10) _________ (from/of) the ship as it sank. She sank (11) _________ (in/at) the year 1912.
Ans: 1. of, 2. at, 3. about 4. of, 5. in, 6. of, 7. with, 8. of, 9. of, 10. From, 11. in

About gw;wp Above NkNy Across FWf;Nf

After gpwF Along topahf Among ,ilNa
Before Kd;Nd Behind gpd;Nd Below fPNo
Between ,ilapy; Down fPNo In front of Kd;Nd


Into cs;Ns Near mUfpy; Of cila
Off epWj;J Over NkNy Through topahf
Under fPNo Up NkNy Upon kPJ
With Cld; Beside mUfpy; Since ,Ue;J

10. CLIPPED WORDS: Text Book: 72

Chimpanzee chimp memorandum memo
Photographer photo influenza flu
Microphone mike Hippopotamus hippo
Cafeteria cafeteria bridegroom groom
Gasoline gas fanatic fan
Helicopter helicopter demonstration demo
Telephone telephone refrigerator fridge
University varsity

S.No Word Clipped S.No Word Clipped

1 Suitcase Case 21 Chimpanzee Chimp
2 Helicopter Copter 22 Photograph Photo
3 Demonstration Demo 23 Cafeteria Café
4 Discotheque Disco 24 Gasoline Gas
5 Examination Exam 25 University Varsity
6 Fanatic Fan 26 Influenza Flu
7 Refrigerator Fridge 27 Hippopotamus Hippo
8 Gymnasium Gym 28 Bridegroom Bride
9 Handkerchief Kerchief 29 Advertisement Ad
10 Kilogram Kilo 30 Brother Bro
11 Laboratory Lab 31 Perquisites Perk
12 Demarcate Mark 32 Omnibus Bus
13 Market Mart 33 Automobile Auto
14 Mathematics Maths 34 Necktie Tie
15 Memorandum Memo 35 Correspondence course Corres
16 Microphone Mike 36 Signature Sign
17 Moving Picture Movie 37 Spectacles Specs
18 Paragraph Para 38 Taxicab Taxi
19 Fountain pen Pen 39 Caravan Van
20 Telephone Phone 40 Perambulator Pram


i) Profession with relevant job: Text Book - 73
1. Pathologist : study of diseases
2. Ornithologist : study of birds
3. Entomologist : study of insects
4. Archeologist : study of artifacts and physical remains
5. Sociologist : study of functioning of human society
6. Geologist : study of the matter that constitutes the earth
7. Linguist : study of language and their structure
8. Seismologist : study of earthquakes
9. Herpetologist : study of reptiles and amphibians
10. Meteorologist : study of atmosphere, weather and climate

ii) Match the Following : Text Book - 73

1. Bibliophile : great lover of books


2. Teetotaler : Abstains from alcohol/ refuses alcohol
3. Optimist : Positive thought
4. Philanthropist : perform charity/ one who donate money to set up a public library.
5. Globetrotter : one who wishes travelling all over the world
6. Ambidextrous : one who able both hands with effectively at the same time.
7. Misanthrope : Dislikes mankind/ one who wants to be aloof
8. Polyglot : Speak many language
9. Nonagenarian : those who are active, cheerful at old age.
10. Thespian : One who act several roles
11. Sadist : Enjoys others pain

iii) Specialists in the Various Fields of Medicine: Text Book - 101

1. Pulmonologist : One who specializes in lung problems
2. Dermatologist : One who specializes in skin diseases
3. Gynecologist : One who treats diseases specific to women
4. Nephrologists : One who treats kidney diseases
5. Neurologist : One who treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system
6. Neonatologist : One who specializes in critical infants
7. Cardiologist : One who treats heart problems
8. Otolaryngologist : One who treats the problems of ear, nose and tongue
9. Gastroenterologist : One who treats stomach disorders
10. Ophthalmologist : One who treats vision problems

iv) ism Words: Text Book - 145

1. patriotism : Love of country and willing to sacrifice for it
2. barbarism : a brutal barbarous, sauvage act
3. nationalism : the doctrine that your country’s interests are superior
4. amateurism : participating in sports as a hobby rather than for money
5. idealism : belief that the best possible concepts should be pursued
6. criticism : a serious examination and judgment of something
7. absenteeism : Habitual failure to be present at work
8. feminism : a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women
9. egocentrism : concern for your own interests and welfare
10. heroism : exceptional courage when facing danger
Psychologist Study of human mind and behaviour Regicide Killing of a royal family
Linguistics Study of language Insecticide Killing of insects
Electrodynamics Study of electric and magnetic field Infanticide Killing of infants
Numismatics Study of money and coins Fratricide Killing of one’s brother or sister
Phonetics Study of speech sounds Hydrophobia Fear of water
Aesthetics Study of principles of beauty Claustrophobia Fear of enclosed space
Genetics Study of genes Acrophobia Fear of heights
Statistics Study of processing data Anglophobia fear of England or English
Politics Study of government and using power Agoraphobia Fear of places
Aeronautics Study of building and flying air-craft Xenophobia Fear of strangers
Informatics Study of analyzing in formation Zeloty pophobia Fear of using English
Entomologist Studies insects Alcohol mania Strong desire for alcoholic drinks
Archaeologist Studies ancient culture Kleptomania Strong desire to steal
Pathologist Studies disease Megalomania mental illness
Musicologist Studies music Pyromania Set things on fire
Palaeontologists Studies fossils Squander mania spending money extravagantly
Sinologist Studies china Bibliomania Craze for books
Suicide Killing of self Pessimist Negative thought
Homicide Killing of another person Hedonist Pursuit pleasure
Genocide Killing of people Misogynist Hates women


Patricide Killing of father Pugilist Fond of fighting
Matricide Killing of mother Octogenarian In at 80-90 years


1. viva voce : a spoken examination
2. sine die : without a date being fixed
3. resume : a brief summary
4. rapport : close relationship with good understanding
5. bonafide : genuine
6. Bon voyage : have a nice trip
7. In toto : totally/in all
8. Liaison : coordination of activities/contact
9. Ex gratia : give as a favour
10. En masse : as a hole group
11. En route : along the way / on the road
12. As hoc : as a special case
13. Faux pas : a social blunder that is quit embracing

Foreign Word Meaning Foreign Word Meaning

status quo The situation de facto In fact
en masse As a group Versus Against
post mortem After death prima facie At first sight
en route On the way in camera Secret session
ad interim Temporarily via media Middle course
Alias Otherwise known as bon voyage Pleasant journey/have nice trip
Protégé Dependant Status quo In the former state
Lingua franca A common language Sans Without
Versus Against In cognito In disguise
Nouveau riche People who are newly rich Elite Select/choice
Bon homie Pleasantness of manners En masse On the whole
Alibi False plea of absence Verbatim Using the same original words

Foreign Word Meaning

ex gratia Given as a favour
Liaison Co-ordination of activities
Via By way of
Erratum Error
ad hoc For a particular purpose
Adieu Good bye
Proforma For the sake of form
Tete-a-tete Intimate private conversation between two
In memoriam In memory of
Fait accompli Something already happened and cannot be changed
Déjà vu A feeling that something has happened before
Dejure According to law

13. PHRASAL VERBS: Tex Book - 112, 113

1. Stand up : maintain, withstand
Stand for : support, willing to accept
Stand by : ready to do/help
2. Look into : examine thoroughly
look at : study mentally
look through : to examine
3. Run over : to knock down with a moving vehicle
run away : to leave home
run into : hit against/ come together


4. Put on : to clothe oneself
put up : to build/ erect / to tolerate
put off : postpone


Argue into to put forth reasons Keep on continue
bag off To criticize someone Keep up maintain
Break in Enter Look after Take care of
Break off End Look into examine
Break out escape, spread Look out search
Break up Shatter Look over examine/investigate
Broke out Started suddenly Melt away fade or disappear slowly
Call for Demand Nose around find out in formation
Call off Cancel Pick on To treat unfairly
Call on Short visit Pick out select, choose
Call upon Urge Pick over Look through
Cave in to fall down Pickup Get better
Cope with to deal with pile on to increase
Cordoned off to prevent Pull back withdraw
counting on to depend on Pull on tug
Cut down Kill Pull through get through
Cut off Chop Pull up catch
Cut short Reduce Push forward to continue
Cut up Injure Put off postponed
Cut up Slice Put on wear
eat out to have a meal Put up with tolerate
Emanated from issue or spread out Quarrel with oppose
Emanated from issue or spread out ran into to hit someone
Engage in to take part revert to to return
Fight back against try to combat Stand by support/wait
figure out to find Stand up rise
Give in Yield Stand out oppose/resist
Give out Announce Takeoff Left the ground or remove
Giveaway present/distribute Takeover assume charge
Give-up stop/discontinue tore up to destroy
Hand down to give Wait behind stay after
Hang around move with no aim Waited on act as servant
hunt down try to find Went about Did as a routine
Keep away Stay away Went on Continue without changing
Keep off Remain at a distance Went out stopped, ended, not existence


Question tags are used to when asking for agreement or conformation

NEGATIVE QUESTION TAG: (Positive Statement + Negative Question Tag)

1. You are a student, Aren’t you?
2. Jordi attends the class regularly, doesn’t he?
3. He is very busy, Isn’t he?
4. Lawrence saw the snake sliding into hole, didn’t he?
5. He was happy, Wasn’t he?
6. They were surprised, Weren’t they?
7. You speak English, don’t you?
8. He studies Spanish, doesn’t he?
9. He studied for the test, didn’t you?
10. You have studied all week, haven’t you?
11. You had arrived before he left, hadn’t you?


12. You will pass the exam, won’t you?
13. He can speak two languages, can’t he?
14. She could do it for me, couldn’t she?
15. We must be patient, mustn’t we?
16. You should go now, shouldn’t you?
17. You would like a new job, wouldn’t you?

1. I am late, aren’t I?
2. Let’s go home, shall we?

POSITIVE QUESTION TAG: (Negative Statement + Positive Question Tag)

1. You aren’t a teacher, are you?
2. Aji isn’t a lawyer, is she?
3. He wasn’t relaxed, was he?
4. They weren’t late, were they?
5. You don’t French, do you?
6. You didn’t study for the test, did you?
7. You haven’t been here all week, have you?
8. You hadn’t done it before then, had you?
9. You won’t fail the exam, will you?
10. You can’t drive a car, Can you?
11. You couldn’t do it for me, could you?
12. We mustn’t say anything, must we?
13. You shouldn’t be so busy, should you?
14. You wouldn’t stop me, would you?
Exceptions: Statements using barely, hardly, neither, no, nobody, none, nothing and seldom
are treated as negative statement.
15. Nobody went to the meeting, did they?
16. Nothing is ready, is it?

Text Book: 120, 121

A. Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences.
1. Cities are increasingly becoming urbanised. Aren’t they?
2. They experiment with ways to improve air quality. Don’t they?
3. The aim should be to reduce congestion. Shouldn’t it?
4. There is an urgent need to provide clean, reliable and affordable energy to their growing populations. Isn’t it?
5. Automation and shared mobility will play a key role in this transformation. Won’t they?
6. It changes the way people commute in cities. Doesn’t they?
7. Before long, a fleet of electric autonomous vehicles (AVs) could drive people to their destinations. Couldn’t they?
8. These shared AVs will run at higher utilization rates. Won’t they?
9. They can substantially reduce the cost of mobility and congestion. Can’t they?
10. These should not be thought of as luxury but as necessity. Shouldn’t they?

B. Add appropriate question tags and role play the dialogue with your friend.
Jeyanth : Hello, Anish! It’s your Physics exam today, Isn’t it?
Anish : Yes. They have set a very long paper. Yet, I managed to finish the paper. Haven’t they:didn’t i?
Jeyanth : True. My maths paper too was very long. I couldn’t finish it. wasn’t I: could i?
Anish : I could not solve my paper properly. Could I?
Jeyanth : Ok. Actually, my question paper was very easy. Wasn’t it?
Anish : Mine wasn’t easy. I made a silly mistake. Was it: didn’t I?
Jeyanth : Tell me about your English paper. Will you?
Anish : The story comprehension was very easy. I am sure to score more than ten marks on fifteen.
I wrote it very well. There wouldn’t be any mistake. Wasn’t it: aren’t i: didn’t I: wouldn’t I?
Jeyanth : For me, my letter- writing was the best. I didn’t make a single mistake. Wasn’t it: did I?
Anish : Ok. I’ve got lots to study for tomorrow’s exam. Haven’t I?
Jeyanth : Me too. So, see you later. All the best, bye. Shall I?


Anish : Thank you. Wish you the same, bye.


Relative pronouns : who, whose, whom, which, that,
: what, when, where how and why.
1. Person who verb
2. Person whom pronoun (person) (I, we, you he, she, it, they)
3. Person whose noun (person / things) (book, car/ father, sister /office)
4. Object which/that verb/person
5. Building/place where
6. verb what verb/noun
1. Students who speak English fluently will easily get job.
2. This is the boy who won the race.
3. Shakespeare, who lived in the 16th century, is considered to be the greatest dramatist.
4. People who walk few miles in the morning enjoy good health.
5. Mr.Mani who teaches us English is our class teacher.
6. My brother who is 10th standard is a Dhoni fan.
7. Is there anyone who helps me to do this home work?
8. The movie is about the leader who led the freedom struggle of his nation.
1. Most of the friends whom she had invited came to her wedding.
2. Tell me the address of the boy whom you wanted to meet.
3. He is an honourable man whom you can trust.
1. My friend whose father works in Agra has come.
2. Ravi whose office I work in, owns an expensive car.
3. Kumar whose house I live in owns most of the mills in the town.
4. He is the man whose bike is stolen.
5. The boy whose mother you saw is very poor.
Which and That:
1. Show me the book that/which you bought yesterday.
2. The wrong deeds that we do more often remembered than our good ones.
3. The tallest building which has a restaurant on the thirteenth floor was on fire.
1. That is the house where I/Mala was born.
2. It is Rameswaram where Dr.Abdul Kalam was born.


Blended Word Combination Blended Word Combination
Newscast News + Broadcast Agronomy Agriculture+economy
Docudrama Documentary+Drama Bollywood Bombay+Hollywood
Melodrama Melody + Drama Breathalyzer Breath+anyalyzer
Telecast Television + Broadcast Cellphone Cellulose+diaphone
Edutainment Education+ Entertainment Email Electronic+mail
Edusat Education+Satellite Fantabulous Fantastic+fabulous
Interpol International+Police Hitech High+technology
Travelogue Travel+Catalogue Indo-Pak India+Pakistan
Electrocute Electro+Execute Infomercial Information+commercial
Heliport Helicopter+Airport Infotech Information+technology
Motel Motorway+Hotel Internet International+network
Smog Smoke+Fog Modem Modulator+demodulator
Medicare Medical+Care Mediclaim Medical+claim
Brunch Breakfast+Lunch Triplicate Three+duplicate
Vegeburger Vegetable+Hamburger Transistor Transfer+resistor
Technowizard Technology+Wizard Workacholic Work+alcoholic


Moped Motor+Pedal Cycle Lecdem Lecture+Demonstration
Camcorder Camera+Recorder Internet International+Network
Mobike Motor+Bike Bit Binary+Digit
Handycam Hand+Video Camera Telex Teleprinter+Exchange
Oxbridge Oxford+Cambridge netizen Internet + citizen



Advertisement notice Lift Elevator/escalator
Aerial Antenna Lorry/van Truck
Aeroplane Airplane Luggage Baggage
Anticlockwise Counter clockwise Mad Crazy, insane
Autumn fall Maize corn
Biscuit Cookie Mark score
boot Trunk Match Game
Cell phone Mobile phone Maths Math
Cinema Movie Motorway Freeway
Cot crib Note Bill
Crisp Chips Notice board Bulletin board
Crosswalk Pedestrian crossing Pavement Sidewalk
Cupboard Closet, wardrobe Petrol Gasoline
Diapers Nappy pads Plaster Bandaid
Druggist Chemist Porridge Oatmeal
Dust bin Garbagecan Post Mail
Fellow guy Post Antenna
Fever sick Queue line
Film Movie Railroad Railway
Flat Apartment Rank grade
Flyover overpass Rubber Eraser
Football Soccer Shop store
Garden Yard Sweet Candy
Goods Freight Tap Faucet
Ground floor First floor Taxi Cab
Gum glue Terminus Deport
Holiday Vacation Tin can
Interval Intermission Torchlight Flashlight
Jam Jelly Trousers pant
Jug pitcher Underground Subway
Jumper sweater Wind screen wind shield


Singular Plural Ending

-um a
-us i
-is es
-a ae
-ix/ -ex ices/es
-on a
-f/fe ves
-oo ee

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Index Indexes Matrix Matrixes


Ox Oxen Bench Benches
Brush Brushes Potato Potatoes
Key Keys Butterfly Butterflies
Formula Formulae Criterion Criteria
Phenomenon Phenomena Analysis Analyses
Hypothesis Hypotheses Axis Axes
Basis Bases Terminus Termini
Stimulus Stimuli Fungus Fungi
Syllabus Syllabi Nucleus Nuclei
Radius Radii Alumnus Alumni
Ultimatum Ultimate Stratum Strata
Memorandum Memoranda Curriculum Curricula
Stadium Stadia Medium Media
Agendum Agenda Erratum Errata
Bacterium Bacteria Datum Data
Father-in-law Fathers-in-law Man Men
Mouse Mice Louse Lice
Child Children Goose Geese
Foot Feet Fish Fish
Deer Deer

1. One syllables words [Mono syllable] Mono - One
come, go, speak, care, man, run, town, zoo etc... Di - Two
2. Two syllables words: [Disyllabic] Tri - Three
about, coffee, dinner, dollar, father, mother, leader, etc... Tetra - Four
3. Three syllables words: [Tri syllabic] Penta - Five
agreement, animal, crusader, arrival, another, happiness, etc... Hexa - Six
4. Four syllables words:[Tetra syllabic] Hepta - Seven
ability, agriculture, cultivation, fundamental, ordinary, etc... Octa - Eight
5. Five syllables: [Tetra syllabic] Nan/Enn- Nine
Examination, historically, opportunity, pronunciation, sensibility, etc... Dec - Ten

1. Queue - queue - 1 syllable

2. Donkey - don-key - 2 syllables
3. Detect - de-tect - 2 syllables
4. Daughter - daugh-ter - 2 syllables
5. Accident - ac-ci-dent - 3 syllables
6. Advantage - ad-vant-age - 3 syllables
7. Banana - ba-na-na - 3 syllables
8. Cucumber - cu-cum-ber - 3 syllables
9. Confidence - con- fi-dense - 3 syllables
10. Domestic - do-mes-tic - 3 syllables
11. Dramatic - dra-ma-tic - 3 syllables
12. Demonstrate - de-mon-strate - 3 syllables
13. Entertain - en-ter-tain - 3 syllables
14. Expression - ex-pres-sion - 3 syllables
15. Eccentric - ec-cen-tric - 3 syllables
16. Fantastic - fan-tas-tic - 3 syllables
17. President - Pre-si-dent - 3 syllables
18. Statistics - sta-tis-tics - 3 syllables
19. Astrology - as-tro-lo-gy - 4 syllables
20. Biology - bi-o-lo-gy - 4 syllables
21. Eradicate - e-ra-di-cate - 4 syllables
22. Facilitate - fa-ci-li-tate - 4 syllables


23. Intelligent - in-tel-li-gent - 4 syllables
24. Comprehensive - com-pre-hen-sive - 4 syllables
25. Introduction - in-tro-duc-tion - 4 syllables
26. Inspiration - in-spi-ra-tion - 4 syllables
27. institution - in-sti-tu-tion - 4 syllables
28. Laboratory - la-bo-ra-tory - 4 syllables
29. Magnificent - mag-ni-fi-cent - 4 syllables
30. Particular - par-ti-cu-lar - 4 syllables
31. Argumentative - ar-gu-men-ta-tive - 5 syllables
32. Association - as-so-ci-a-tion - 5 syllables
33. Alliteration - al-ti-te-ra-tion - 5 syllables
34. Extermination - ex-ter-mi-na- tion - 5 syllables


Subject(S), Verb(V), Object(O), Complement(C),
Indirect Object(IO), Direct Object(DO) Adjunct(A)
1. Subject: A `subject’ is the doer of an action. (Name of a person, place, thing and idea or concept.)
She speaks English Who speaks English? (She)
2. Verb: Verb is an action word
She speaks English - What does she do? (speaks)
3. Object: Result of the action performed.
She speaks English. - What does she speak? (English)
4. Indirect and Direct Objects : The object which comes immediately after the verb is called IO. The object which
follows the IO is DO. Generally the following words are always IO. me, us, you, them, him, her, etc.,
1. He gave me a pen. - S + V + IO + DO,
2. She told me a story. - S + V + IO + DO
5. Complement: A word completing a sentence is called a complement. Generally the words coming after the `be’
verbs(is/ am/ was/ were etc…are complements
1. She is a teacher. - SVC
2. He is players. - SVC
3. They must be a players. - SVC
The words coming after the following main verb are complements. (feel, become, look, taste, appear)
4. He feels tired. - SVC
5. She looks beautiful. - SVC
Complement: Generally the words coming after the following verbs are object Complement (O+C)
(Think, prove, consider, call , recognise, name, select, elect, make, appoint,
find, judge, paint, get, choose appear, nominate, baptize)
1. He proved it wrong. - SVOC 4. We elected him captain. - SVOC
2. The judge found him guilty. - SVOC 5. She named him Hari. - SVOC
3. Raja got his shoes wet. - SVOC 6. he called me a fool. - SVOC

6. Adjunct /Adverbials: Words referring to place, time, manner and reason are always Adjunct/Adverbials
(Answer for the question words such as Where? When? How? and why?
1. My brother works in an office (place) : SVA
2. She came late (time) : SVA
3. The birds fly fast (manner) : SVA
4. She buys the book to read (reason) : SVOA
Generally the words coming after prepositions are Adjuncts/Adverbials
5. I bought this shirt in Madurai : SVOA
6. The bus comes from Chennai : SVA
1. Birds /fly S+V
2. We/drank /coffee S+V+O


3. He /is /tall S+V+C
4. She /sings / well S+V+A
5. The postman /brings /us /letters S+V+IO+DO
6. They /made /him /chairman S+V+O+C
7. I /wrote /a letter /yesterday S+V+O+A
8. My uncle /presented /me /a watch /last week S+V+IO+DO+A
9. Be /honest (subject’you’is understood) S+V
10. Yesterday/ I /met /my friend /at the post office A+S+V+O+A
1. Who does ‘my’ refer to?
My refers to the narrator. (Poet-Gabriel Okara)
2. Explain cocktail face.
The face showing mixed emotions.
3. What does the poet mean by ‘conforming smiles like affixed portrait smiles’?
It means wearing a standard deceitful artificial smile on all occasions. The smile is without any
feelings like a smile in a picture or a painting.
4. What does ‘good –riddance’ means?
Its an expression of relief at being free of an unwanted person
5. What does ‘fangs’ means?
It is the teeth of a venomous snake, used to inject poison.
6. Who is referred to as ‘I, in the above lines.
‘I’ refers to the poet (narrator) Gabriel okara.
7. Who is ‘you’ in the above lines?
‘You’ refers to his son. (Poet’s son).
8. How can a person laugh with his eyes and heart?
When we laugh heartily and with true feelings, it gets reflected in our eyes.
9. What does the expression ‘feel at home’ means?
The expression ‘feel at home’ means to feel comfortable.
10. What has father learnt?
The father has learnt to wear many faces.


1. Whom does the poet admire?
The poets admire the athletes.
2. For what reasons do the athletes sweat?
The athletes sweat for fun or hire.
3. What pleases the ego?
Caution and good sense pleases the ego.
4. Why are doctors called from stands by the sponsors?
The doctors are called from stands by the sponsors as the athletes injure themselves while playing rough
5. Why are athletes often rough during play?
The athletes are often rough during play because of ego to win the game.
6. What is the feeling of the poet?
The poet feels that he derives satisfaction being a spectator.
7. What do you mean by ‘gnarled fist ‘?
It means rough and twisted fist.
8. Make a list of words for physical injure?
Eyes swollen, fist gnarled, wrist cracked, knee snapped.
9. What does ‘drink to’ means?
Its mean drinks to wish good luck or celebrate success.
10. Who is a jockey?
A jockey is a professional horse rider.
11. What does ‘center ‘mean?
It is a position in rugby.


12. What do you mean by ‘tackle’?
It means intercept, an opponent in possession of the ball in soccer, jockey, rugby, etc..
An act of tackling an opponent.
13. Find a word from the above lines with means ‘too bright at and showy’?
14. What does word ‘maim’ mean?
It means injure.
15. How do the players play?
The play in a rough and noise way.
16. When does the spectators spirit feel happy?
When the athletes perform heroic deeps, the spectator’s spirit feels happy.
17. What does the word ‘steed’ mean?
It means large, strong horse.
18. What does the word ‘gambol’ mean?
It means run or jump happily.
19. Do the athletes consider one another’s feeling?
No, they don’t.
20. What does the word ‘zealous’ mean?
It means enthusiastic.
21. For what do the athletes strive?
They strive to win their match or get medals.


1. What is the poet’s faith?
The poet’s faith is that every flower enjoys the air it (nature) breathes.
2. What trait of Nature do we see here?
The trait of Nature we see here is natures breathe i.e., breeze.
3. What does ‘heaven’ refer to?
Heaven refer to nature.
4. Why does the poet call the ‘holy’?
The poet calls it holy because it filled the poets mind with pleasure.
5. What does the word ‘grieved’ mean?
‘Grieved’ means mourned or feel intense sorrow.
6. What is the key phrase of the poem?
What man has made of man.
7. What does Wordsworth’s grieved?
He grieves mankind turn for the worse away from nature.
8. What is the periwinkle?
A periwinkle is a trailing plant with huge blue flowers that covers the ground.
9. Name the colors mention in these lines.
Yellow (primrose) green (bower) blue (periwinkle).
10. What is a primrose?
It is plant that produces pale yellow flowers in the spring.
11. What are wreaths?
It is an arrangement of flowers in the snap of a circle.
12. What did the poet here?
The poet hears some sweet music which was a happy blending of many musical notes.
13. What is the mood of the speaker mentioned in the above lines?
The poet was in pleasant and meditative mood.
14. Who is the speaker in the poem?
The poet, William Wordsworth is the speaker.
15. What can nature create?
Nature can create entitles that links to the human soul.
16. What does budding twigs mean?
Newborn branches.
17. Which season is mentioned in the poem?
Spring season.


1. Why is he called the hidden paw?
He is called the hidden paw because he leaves no foot prints (prints the paws)
at the scene of crime.
2. What is ‘Scotland yard’?
The headquarters of London metropolitan service is Scotland Yard.
3. What is Macavity blamed for?
Macavity is blamed for his deceitfulness.
4. What is Macavity nickname?
The hidden paw.
5. Who is Macavity?
Macavity is a master criminal in the shape of a cat.
6. What does the word ‘bafflement’ mean?
It means total confusion (bewilderment).
7. What is the flying squad?
It is a police force ready to plunge into action.
8. Why is Macavity a mystery cat?
Because no one can find him.
9. Which law does Macavity break?
He breaks the human law and the law of gravity.
10. Who got baffled by Macavity?
The Scotland Yard.
11. Who does he leave in despair?
The flying squad.
12. What do you mean by the power of levitation?
Levitation is the power of float or fly in the air.
13. Is the poet fond of cats?
Yes, the poet is fond of cats.
14. Name the color of the cat?
It is a Ginger (yellowish brown) colored cat.
15. What do you understand about Macavity being a ‘ginger cat’?
Macavity being a ginger cat means it is highly spirited and animated. Even when it is seemingly asleep, it is
wide awake.
16. What game does Macavity cheat at?
Playing cards.
17. What does the poet criticise?
The poem is a humorous criticism of the failure of modern criminal justice system.
18. What does the word alibi mean?
The word ‘alibi’ means a claim of evidence that one was elsewhere when a crime is committed.
19. What does the word ‘napoleon of crime’ mean?
The commanding leader of criminals.
20. Who is ‘napoleon of crime’
The cat.


1. What does ‘Everest’ in the title stand for?
Everest stands for “the highest position in life”.
2. Who does ‘we’ refer to?
‘We’ refers to humans.
3. How should we carry out our duties?
We should carry out our duties with devotion and truthfulness.
4. Which is considered as our strong hold?
Courage is our strong hold.
5. What is the speaker proud of?
The speaker is proud of the position he holds.
6. Who are considered rich?


One who has the qualities of dignity and pride and honor as a property is considered rich.
7. What is their asset?
Dignity and pride is their asset.
8. What is a hillock?
A hillock is a small hill near the mountain.
9. What does the poet celebrate?
He celebrates the human capacity to grow and achieve.
10. How is our path?
Ours is a path of dignity and honor.
11. What does the word ‘virtues’ mean?
It means good qualities.
12. Name some virtues that is mentioned in the poem.
Honesty (truthfulness) and devotion.
13. What does the word ‘cringing’ mean?
It means behaving in an excessively humble or servile way.
14. What does the word ‘repel’ mean?
It means hate or detest.
15. What does the word ‘merit’ mean?
It means the quality of being particularly good or worthy.
16. Who is compared to a king?
A person who does not descend from dignity is compared to a king.
17. Why are we proud?
If we have good virtues (human qualities), we can be proud of it.


1. What is our own?
Death and the little patch of earth that cover our buried bodies are our own.
2. Who will take the land and lives?
The king says that their lands and lives would belong to Bolingbroke.
3. Who does ‘me’ refer to?
‘Me’ refers to King Richard.
4. Who poisoned some king?
Some were poisoned by their wives.
5. Mention the figure of speech.
Metaphor. (Dust is compare to paper and ‘rainy eyes’ to writing instruments).
6. How does the king write the message?
The king says that the uses his tears to write a message of sorrow on earth.
7. Identify the words connected to death or mortality?
The words ‘grave, worms and epitaphs’ are connected to death.
8. What does the word ‘scoffing’ mean?
It means expressing mockery.
9. What does ‘antic’ mean?
A court jester, (someone who draws attention through silly or funny acts).
10. What is the small model of the barren earth?
‘The body’s flesh’ is the small model of the barren earth.

1. While their ice-block-cold eyes search behind my shadow : Metaphor
2. Cocktail face, with all their conforming smiles like a fixed portrait smile : Simile
3. For my laugh in the mirror shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs! : Simile
4. I have lerned to wear many faces like dresses : Simile
5. When I mean ‘Good-riddances’ : Oxymoron
6. I find doors shut on me. : Euphemism
7. They used to laugh with their hearts : Metonymy
8. They shake hands without hearts : Metonymy
9. But now they only laugh with their teeth : Metonymy


1. They used to laugh with their hearts : They, their
2. They used to shake hands with their hearts : hands,-hearts, They, their
3. Cocktail face, with all their conforming smiles : Cocktail - conforming
4. And shake hands without my heart : hands - heart
5. I want to be what I used to be : want - what
6. When I was like you. I want : When -was - want
7. To unlearn all these muting things. : these - things
8. So show me, son : So - son


1. There was a time indeed
They used to shake hands with their hearts 1. Rhyming Scheme: abcb
But that’s gone, son 2. Rhyming Words : hearts, hearts
Now they shake hands without hears

1. I am just glad as glad can be : Simile
2. When snaps the knee, and cracks the wrist : Onomatopeia
3. When swollen eye meets gnarled fist
When snaps the knee, and cracks the wrist, : Anaphora
When officialdom demands
4. My limp and bashful spirit feeds : Personification
5. My soul in true thanksgiving speaks : Personification
For this modest of physiques.

1. That I am not them, that they are not me : them - that - they
2. Athletes who sweat for fun or hire : for - fun
3. My soul in true thanksgiving speaks : soul - speak
4. They do not ever in their dealings : do - dealings


One infant grows up and becomes a jockey
Another plays basketball or hockey
This one the prize ring hates to enter
That one becomes a tackle or centre
Rhyme Scheme : aabb
Rhyming Word : jockey - Hockey, enter - centre


1. To her works did Nature link : Personification
2. The human soul that through me ran…… : Personification
1. And ‘tis my faith that every flower…
2. What Man has made of Man?


1. The bird around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure:-
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.
Rhyme Scheme : abab
Rhyming Word : bower - flower, wreath - breath



1. He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake. : Simile
2. They say he cheats at cards. : Personification
3. Macavity, Macavity there’s no one like Macavity : Repetition

1. His brow is deeply lined with though; his head is highly doomed
2. And when the larder’s looted, or the jewel-case is rifled
3. Or when the milk is missing, or another peke’s been stifled,
4. For he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.


1. He, who does not stoop, is king we adore : Metaphor
2. We bow before competence and merit : Personification
3. The ones that are true and stand on their feet
Are really the ladder for the rise of Man : Metaphor
4. Honour is a property common to all : Metaphor

1. our nature it is that whatever we try
2. We do with devotion deep and true
3. We are proud of the position we hold;
4. A life that knows no kneeling and bending.
5. The height you reach is not that we care;


1. Honour is a properly, common to all:
In dignity and pride no one need to be poor.
We are proud feel so tall.
Rhyme Scheme : aabc
Rhyming Word : all - tall


1. Let’s talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs, : Metaphor
Make dust our paper, and with rainy eyes
Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth.
2. And yet not so –- for what can we bequeath,
Save our deposed bodies to the ground? : Interrogation
3. keeps Death his court; and there the antic sits, : Personification
4. How can you say to me I am a king? : Rhetorical question
5. Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp; : Personification
6. Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king! : Personification / Euphemism

1. Our lands, our lives, and all are Bolingbroke’s
2. And tell sad stories of the death of king!
3. And yet not so – for what can we bequeath,
4. And nothing can we call our own but death
5. And that small model of the barren earth
6. For you have but mistook me all this while.

Reporting verb and conjunction
1 Statement said to told that
Interrogative said to Asked, questioned interrogated If [or] whether


1.Yes/No questions said when, where, why, what, which,
Asked, questioned interrogated
2 2. ‘wh’ questions said to whom, whose, who, how
said ordered, commanded, advised, 1. To (positive) , 2.Not to(negative)
3 Imperative
said to requested, pleased, begged 3.that (suggestion, proposal)
said exclaimed with + sorrowfully,
4 exclamatory that
said to joy, fear, surprise, regret

Pre Tense Tense Change Past Tense Tense Change Fut Tense Fut condi
Present Past Past Past perfect will would
Pre Continue Past Continue Past Continue Past perfect conti shall should
Pre Perfect Past Perfect Past Perfect no change can could
Pre Perfect Con Past Perfect Con Past Perfect Con no change May might
must Had to

Adverbial change:
this - that, these - those, now - then, ago - before, just - then, here - there, thus - so, come - go, Last night - the previous
night, next day - the following day, today - that day, Tonight - that night, yester day - the previous day, tomorrow - The next
day, next week - the following week,

Some other change:

thank you - thanked, good morning - greeted/wished, excuse me - approached gently, no - refused/disagreed,
why not -willingly, yes - answered positively.
1. Statements or Assertive Sentence.
1. Raju said to Beem, “I was watering the plants.”
Raju told Beem that he had been watering the plants.
2. “My name is Chinku,” he said.
He replied that his name was Chinku.

2. Interrogative Sentence.
“Wh” questions:
1. “Where do you want to go now?” he said to me.
He asked me where I wanted to go then.
2. “Where has she gone?” he said.
He wondered where she had gone.
‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Questions:
1. “Am I a mad man?” he said to himself.
He questioned himself whether he was a mad man.
2. “Are you an arts college student?” I asked Mani
I asked Mani whether he was an arts college student.
3. Imperative/Command and Request:
1. “Lend me your books for a moment.” He said to me.
He asked me to lend him my book.
2. He said to me, “Please help me”.
He requested me to help him.
3. “Don’t go alone in the dark.” He said to me.
He warned me not to go alone in the dark.
4. Exclamatory and Optative Sentence:
1. He said, “What an expensive car.”
He exclaimed with surprise that the car was expensive.
2. “I wish you all the best,” I said to Mani.
I wished Mani all the best.
B) Pronouns and possessive adjectives in the I and II person in the Direct speech are changed into III in Indirect
1. Ist person pronoun are changed into the person of the subject of the reported speech.


2. IInd person pronouns are changed into the pronouns of the object of the reporting verb.
3. IIIrd person pronouns remain unchanged.
Person Sub. Pronoun Obj. Pronoun Possessive Adj. Reflective pronoun
I I, we Me, Us My, our Myself , Ourselves
II you You Your Yourself(singular), Yourselves(plural)
III He , She Him, Her His, Her Himself , Herself
It, they It, Them It, Their Itself, Themselves

1. I said, “I am tired of teaching.”
I said that I was tired of teaching.
2. He said, “I am tired of teaching.”
He said that he was tired of teaching.
3. You said, “I am tired of teaching.”
Tense change Examples:
1. Raju said, “I am unwell”.
Raju said that he was unwell.
2. Mohan said, “I am writing a letter to my friend”.
Mohan said that he was writing a letter to his friend.
3. “I have posted the letter,” Ramji said to me.
Ramji told me that he had posted the letter.
4. “I have been teaching English for five years,” Sekar said.
Sekar said that he had been teaching English for five years.
5. Menaka said, “I saw Reka yesterday”.
Menaka said that she had seen Reka the day before.
6. Janaki said to me, “I was waiting for my friend”.
Janaki told me that he had been waiting for her friend.
7. Ramya said, “I had lost my hand-bag”.
Ramya said that she had lost her hand bag.
8. Prasad said, “I had been thinking of my foreign job”.
Prasad said that he had been thinking of his foreign job.
9. Karthik said to me, “Gopal will come to your house tomorrow”.
Karthik told me that Gopal would come to my house the next day.
10. Malathi said, “You shall come tomorrow”.
Malathi said that I should come the next day.
11. “I can do anything for you”, Devi said to me.
Devi told me that He could do anything for me.
12. “You may go now,” I said to sailaja.
I told Sailaja that she might go then.
13. He said to me, “You must return the book this evening”.
He told me that he had to (must) return the book that evening.
14. Ramji said to me, “you had better consult a good doctor”.
Ramji told me that I had better consult a good doctor.
15. He said to Padma, “You ought to love your parents”.
He told Padma that she ought to love her parents.
16. Murthy said to Ragavi, “I used to write stories”.
Murthy told Ragavi that he used to write stories.
1. Raj : Good morning sir.
Teacher : Have you done your homework?
Raj : Yes sir, I have done my homework
Teacher : Bring your note book.
Raj : Sorry sir, I didn’t bring it.
Answer: Raj wished the teacher. The teacher asked Raj whether he had done his homework. Raj replied
that he had done his homework. The teacher asked him to bring his note book. Raj replied that he had not
brought it.


2. Shopkeeper : Why did you bring the book?
Student : Five pages are missing in the book.
Shopkeeper : Please bring the bill. I will exchange it with another copy.
Student : Thank you.
Answer: The shopkeeper enquired the student why he had brought back the book. The student replied
that he wanted to exchange it. The shopkeeper requested him to give him the bill and said that he would
exchange it with another copy. The student thanked the shopkeeper.


Tenses Active voice Passive voice

Simple present Rani eats a mango. A mango is eaten by Rani.
Simple past Ravi played cricket. Cricket was played by Ravi.
Simple future Ram will drink coffee. Coffee will be drunk by Ram.
Present continuous Rani is eating a mango. A mango is being eaten by Rani.
Past Continuous Ravi was playing cricket. Cricket was being played by Ravi.
*Future Continuous Ram will be drinking coffee. ---no passive---
Present Perfect Rani has eaten a mango. A mango has been eaten by Rani.
Past Perfect Ravi had played cricket. Cricket had been played by Ravi.
Future Perfect Ravi will have played cricket. Cricket will have been played cricket.
**Perfect Continuous Tense- no Passive form


Simple Present V1 / V1+s / V1+es am / is / are + V3
Simple Past V2 was / were + V3
Simple Future shall / will + V1 shall/will+ be + V3
Present Continuous am / is / are + V +ing am / is / are + being +V3
Past Continuous was / were + V +ing was / were + being +V3
Future Continuous shall/will + be +V +ing NO PASSIVE
Present Perfect have / has + V3 have / has + been + V3
Past Perfect had + V3 had + been + V3
Future Perfect shall/will+have + V3 shall/will +have + been + V3
Present Perfect Continuous have/has + been + V +ing No passive
Past Perfect Continuous had + been + V +ing No passive
Future Perfect Continuous shall/will + have +been + V +ing No passive

1. Water _____(collect) in the tank. (is collected)

2. A wide variety of liquids ____ (use) in chemical plants. (is used)
3. Technology ____ (describe) as the application of scientific knowledge. (is described)
4. In primitive times, stone implements ____ (employ) to kill animals. (were employed)
5. In the last meeting, the blue print of the proposed holiday home work ____ (show) (was shown)
6. One thousand internet connections ____ (give) in Pollachi by the end of December 2013. (were given)
7. The experiment had to ____ (stop) because of power failure. (be stopped)
8. English _______ (speak) all over the world by millions of people. (is spoken)
9. Pictures are ______ (take) to monitor planetary positions. (taken)
10. Metals have _______ (replace) by plastics. (been replaced)


No Simple Complex Compound
1 Inspite of…/ Despite…/ Though…/ Although…/ Even though… …but…/…yet…/…still…
For all…/ unmindful of…/
2 Due to…/ Owning to…/ As…/Since…/… Because… …and…so…
Because of…/ On account of…/
Being…/ By dint of…
3 On + verb + ing…/ Participle… When / As soon as / …and at once… /… and
(on seeing) No sooner did… than… immediately…


4 Having + Past participle…/ After + subject + had + verb… …and…then…
After + present participate…
5 In the event of…/ If… …and…
In case of…
6 In the event of… not…/ Unless… …must/should… +
In case of…not… Or/ or else / otherwise
7 ..so..that + sub + cannot (pre. tense) …very…and so + subject+
…too…to + infinitive
/ could not (past tense) cannot / could not …
8 …to…/ in order to…/ so as to… …so that + subject + can / could …very…and so…
9 …must…to + infinitive …so that… can…. …then only… can…(or)
…or else… cannot…
10 Subject + verb + to + infinitive Subject + verb + that + subject + will / Subject + will / would + verb
would + verb and + it is…
11 Subject + verb + object S + V + O + Rel. S + V + O – and + it is…
Pronoun + sub clause
12 Subject + verb + complement/ Subject + who / which + sub-clause + Clause 1 +and + clause 2
Subject + verb + object verb + object / verb + comp.
13 Subject + verb + object Subject + verb + that + sub Clause 1
Clause… (sub ordinate clause in complex
sent + and + Clause 2 (main
clause in complex sentence)
14 …for… …as… …and…so…
15 But for… If + subject + had + verb Subject + V… or + subject +
would have / would not have
16 Besides being…/ Besides …. …not only… but also…
+ verb + ing
17 Assertive / Imperative sentence Subject + verb + Rel Adj. + subject + ….
+ phrase.. + verb…

1. Without being affected

simple : Inspite of being old he walks quickly. (simple)
complex : Though he is old, he walks quickly. (complex)
compound : He is old but he walks quickly. (compound)
2. Giving reason for something happened / related ideas,
simple : Due to heavy rain the match was canceled.
complex : As there was heavy rain, the match was canceled.
compound : There was heavy rain and so the match was canceled.
3. Time reference
simple : On seeing the dog the thief ran away.
complex : As soon as the thief saw the dog, he ran away.
compound : The thief saw the dog and at once he ran away.
4. Time reference
simple : Having completed the home work she set out play./After completing the home work she set out to
complex : After she had completed the home work, I set out to play.
compound : She had completed the home work and then she set out to play.
5. on condition for something to do
simple : In case of your walking fast, you will reach the station in time.
complex : If you walk fast, you will reach the station in time.
compound : Walk fast and you will reach the station in time.
6. on condition for something to do
simple : incase of your not working hard, you will not pass.
complex : Unless you work hard, you will not pass.
compound : Work hard or else you will not pass.


simple : The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
complex : The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink.
compound : The coffee is very hot and so I cannot drink.
8. Simple complex
simple : We must eat inorder to live. As - and
complex : We must eat so that we can live. Though - but/yet
compound : We must and so we can live. If - and
Unless - or/orelse

Change into Compound Sentence:

1. As he is old he cannot walk fast.
He is old he and so cannot walk fast.
2. As Baba was sick, he could not attend the class.
Baba was sick and so he could not attend the class.
3. As the traffic was heavy, he could not reach the place in time.
The traffic was heavy and so he could not reach the place in time.
4. As my uncle was not willing to help me, I had to apply for a loan from the bank.
My uncle was not willing to help me and so I had to apply for a loan from the bank.
5. Though he is old, he walks quickly.
He is old but he walks quickly.
6. If you walk fast, you will reach the station in time.
Walk fast and you will reach the station in time.
7. Unless you study well you will not score high marks.
Study well or/or else/otherwise you will not score high marks.
8. Inspite of her best performance she was not given the prize.
She performed the best but she was not given the prize.
9. She is poor. She is always happy.
She is poor but she is always happy.
10. Priya has recovered after the accident. Her fractured arm is still in a cast.
Priya has recovered after the accident but her fractured arm is still in a cast
11. When the cat is away, the mice are at play.
The cat is away and so the mice are at play.
12. The mountain is so steep that I cannot climb it.
The mountain is very steep and I cannot climb it.
13. It is really surprising that he has not been arrested by the police.
He has not been arrested by the police and it is really surprising.
14. The sum is too difficult for me to understand.
The sum is so difficult that I cannot understand it.
15. Karthik is intelligent. He will get a job.
Karthik is intelligent and so he will get a job
16. The questions being easy, all the students passed.
The questions were easy and so all the students passed.


1. Malar had one pen only. She helped Manian.
Though Malar had one pen only. She helped Manian.
2. She ran fast. She did not win the race.
Though she ran fast, she did not win the race.
3. I like tea, I prefer coffee. Simple complex
Though I like tea, I prefer coffee. Related - As
4. It started drizzling. The cricket match did not stop. Contrast - though
Though It started drizzling, the cricket match did not stop. Condition - if, unless (not)
5. He is rich. He is miser. Time - when, after,
Though he is rich, he is a miser. since
6. He is old. He walks quickly.
Though he is old, he walks quickly.


7. The transport workers were on strike. I had to walk back home.
As the transport workers were on strike, I had to walk back home.
8. The pickpocket saw the policeman and ran away.
As the pickpocket saw the policeman he ran away.
9. Run three mails every day. You will lose one and a half kilos a week.
If you run three mails every day, you will lose one and a half kilos a week.
10. The day broke, the birds come out of their nests.
When the day broke, the birds come out of their nests.
11. The rain stopped. They started to play.
Since the rain had stopped, they started to play.
12. We must eat to live.
We must eat so that we can live.
13. I stand for justice and fair play. The whole world knows about it.
The whole world knows about that I stand for justice and fair play.
14. An industrious man is sure to succeed.
A man who is industrious is sure to succeed.
1. Though she was poor, she was always happy.
Inspite of her poverty she was always happy. (or) Inspite of being poor she was always happy.
2. Though I studied day and night, I got less mark.
Inspite of studying day and night, I got less mark.
3. Though he was poor, he remained honest.
Inspite of her poverty he remained honest.
4. Ram lost the match. He decided to resign as captain.
Having lost the match, Ram decided to resign as captain.
5. Bharat is very arrogant. He will not apologies.
Because of/due to /Being very arrogant Bharat will not apologies.
6. The hunter took his rifle. He shot the man-eater.
Taking his rifle, the hunter shot the man-eater.
7. I like tea, I prefer coffee. Simple complex
I prefer coffee to tea. Reasoning - due to, because of
8. We must eat. We can’t live. Contrast - inspite of
Condition - if, unless (not)
We must eat to live.
Time - when, after, since
9. The coffee is too hot. I cannot drink it.
The coffee is too hot to drink.
10. She told me a story. It was about a giant.
She told me a story about a giant.
11. He told me a story. It is about a hermit.
He told me a story about a hermit.
12. A man who is industrious is sure to succeed.
An industrious man is sure to succeed.
This is a mango from my garden. It is sweet.


Type I (If / unless + Present tense - will, shall, may, can + verb)
1. If you work hard, you …………….. (pass) the exam. (will pass)
2. If you eat well, you ............. (be) healthy. (will be)
3. If I ............. (visit) Agra, I shall see Taj Mahal. (visit)
4. If you practice regularly you ............. (improve) your bowling. (will improve)
5. Unless you ............. (press) the button, the door will not open. (press)
2. Type II (If + Past simple - would + verb)
1. If you worked hard, you ............. (pass) the exam. (would pass)
2. I ............. him if I had time. (would teach)
3. I ............. (give) them money if had plenty. (would give)
4. If I ............. a bird, I would fly. (were)
3. Type III (If + Past Perfect - Would+ have+ pp)


1. If you had worked hard, you …………….. (pass)the exam. (would have passed)
2. I ............. (call) on you if I had known you were ill. (would have called)
3. If the sun ............. (be) bright, the pictures would have come out well. (had been)


1. If an angel were to tell me such a thing of her. I would not believe. (Begin With ‘WERE’)
Were angels to tell me such a thing of her, I would not believe it.
2. If I had known you were ill, I would have called on you. (Begin with ‘HAD’)
Had I known you were ill, I would have called on you.
3. If you should need to meet me, you can call this number. (Begin with SHOULD)
Should you need to meet me, you can call this number.
31 to 33. ERC
1. Once Upon A Time - Gabriel Okara
Context : “once upon a time, son
They used to laugh with their hear”
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Once Upon a Time” by Gabriel Okara.
Explanation : The poem is a father’s address to his son. Where the father wants to learn from his son how to
go back to normality and no longer fake. The poem stars by the father telling his son how the
people used to laugh with their hearts in olden time.

2. Confessions of Born Spectator - Ogdan Nash

Context : “I am just as glad can be
That I am not them, that they are not me..”
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Confession of a born spectator” by Ogden Nash.
Explanation : In this poem the poet wants to be a mere spectator of sports. His own spirit is weak and shy.
So he confesses that he is glad that he is neither a sportsman nor an athlete. He always wants
to be a spectator but not a participant.

3. Lines Written in the Early Spring - William Wordsworth

Context : “In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind”
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Lines written in early spring” by William Wordsworth.
Explanation : The poet sits reclined in a beautiful grove, surrounded by the mixed sound of nature. He thinks
of sad thoughts brought along with the pleasant memories.

4. Macavity - The Mystery Cat - T.S.Eliot

Context : “And when you think he’s half asleep,
he’s always wide awake”
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Macavity - The Mystery Cat” by T.S.Eliot.
Explanation : The poet calls Macavity “Mystery Cat”. Macavity is a great cheat. He does a lot of mischief. He
may appear to be asleep, but he is always alert, because he is always ready for some crime.

5. Everest is Not The Only Peak - Kulothungan

Context : “we deem it our duty and mission in life
To bless and praise the deserving”
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Everest is not only the peak” by Kulothungan.
Explanation : The poet says that it is our duty and mission to praise the winner as they work for
the development and growth of the world.

6. The Hollow Crown - William Shakespeare

Context : “Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke’s,
And nothing can we call our, own but death;
Reference : The above lines are taken from the poem “Hollow Crown” by William Shakespeare.
Explanation : King Richard II was defeated by his cousin Bolingbroke. Therefore Richard says that his lands
and all properties are taken by Bolingbroke. Now nothing is his, except his own death.


1. The Portrait of the Lady - Khushwant Singh
1) Describe the grandfather as seen in the portrait.
The grandmother wore a big turban and loose fitting clothes. His white beard, coverting his chest made
him look like a hundred year old man.
2) Why was the author left with his grandmother in the village?
The author’s parents went to the city to make a living. So he was left with his grandma till they settle well
in the city.
3) Where did the author study in his childhood?
The author studied in a village school attached to the temple.
4) Why did the grandmother accompany the author to school?
The grandmother was pious. She accompanied the author to school as it was attached to the temple
where she used to sit and read scriptures.
5) What made the dogs follow the grandmother after school hours?
The dog followed the grandmother after school hour for the chapathis. Which she threw to them.
6) What was the happiest time of the day for grandmother?
The grandma spend half an hour in the afternoon feeding the sparrow. That was happiest time of the day
for grandma.
7) Why didn’t the grandma feel sentimental when the author went abroad for higher education?
The grandma accept the fact and she was serious about the author’s education.

2. The Queen of Boxing - M.C.Mary Kom

1) How did Mary Kom manage to get financial support for her trip to the USA?
Mary Kom managed to get financial support for her trip with the help for her friend Onler. Two MP’s
donated her a princely sum of RS5,000/-and 3,000/-a few amount were collected from the people. Mary
Kom’s dad gave her RS 2,000/-.
2) Why did Mary Kom think that she should not return empty-haned?
Mary Kom thought that she should not return empty-handed as the money which the people donated for
her,must not go waste.
3) What was her first impression of America?
She heard that things were expensive in America and people were nice. When she stepped in, she found
it was cold, beautiful and snowing. Whatever she saw was pleasing to her eye.
4) Why did she call herself lucky?
She did not have any match on the day of her arrival. So she called herself lucky. She was able to take
enough rest to face her opponent in the round.
5) According to Mary Kom, what was the reson for her losing in the finals?
The main reason for her losing in the finals was her loss of appetite. She was not accustomed to the food
there and naturally she started losing her weight.
6) What made her feel confident about the competitive players? Explain.
She was the only one to win a silver medal in the competitive, inspite of her weight loss. This made her
feel confident about the competitive player.
7) What difficulty did she experience while eating Chinese food?
She was given two chopsticks to eat her Chinese meals managing with the sticks to eat was the difficulty
she faced.
8) How was she felicitated on her return to India?
She received a warm welcome and was greeted with garlands, drumbeats and dancing in the Delhi
airport. There were victory ride, thanks giving players and words of praised and felicitation programme
help In Langol.
9) What did she consider her greatest achievement? Why?
Defeating Steluta Duta of Romania at the fourth world championships in New Delhi was one of her
greatest achievements. She gained that victory at her home that is India.

3. Forgetting - Robert Lynd

1) What does Lynd actually wonder at?
Lynd actually wonder at the efficiency of human memory which remembers many things.
2) Name a few things that a person remembers easily.


A person remembers telephone numbers, addresses of his friends, dates of good vintages, appointments
for lunch and dinner etc.
3) How do psychologists interpret forgetfulness?
Psychologists tell us that people forget things because they wish to forget them.
4) What is the commonest type of forgetfulness, according to Lynd?
According to Lynd the commonest type of forgetfulness occurs in the matter of posting letters.
5) What does the author mean when he says the letter in his pocket leads an unadventurous life?
The letter in his pocket leads an adventurous life as it is kept safe inside his pocket fro a long time without
him membering about it.
6) What are the articles the writer forget most often?
The writer forget books, umbrellas and walking sticks mos often.
7) Who are the citizens of dreamland? Why?
Sportsmen are the citizens of dreamland because even after returning from their games their mind is still
filled with the imagination of playing.
8) What is common about the ‘angler’ and the ‘poet’?The angler forgets his fishing rod and the peot forgets
to post a letter just because their mind is filled with glorious matter.

4. Tight Corners - E.V.Lucas

1) What is a tight corner? What happens when one finds oneself in a tight corner?
Tight corner refers to the difficult or critical situation that one faces in his life. The person who finds
himself in a tight corner becomes stressful both physically and mentally.
2) What is the difference between a physical and mental tight corner?
Physical tight corner is something which is visualized in person on spot. One can over come this if he has
extreme courageousness. Mental tight corner affects the whole system of a man as his mind is filled with
stress till he comes out of it. Infract it is more dangerous than physical tight corner.
3) Why did the narrator visit Christie’s?
The narrator visited Christie’s his friend persuaded him to see the auction inside.
4) The narrator heard his own voice saying, ‘and fifty”. what does this suggest?
The narrator without his knowledge and any understanding of the situation said. ‘and forty’.
5) What was the narrator’s financial condition?
The narrator had exactly sixty-three pounds in the bank and he did not have securities even for five
hundred pounds.
6) The narrator could not pretend to have made a mistake in bidding. Why?
The narrator could not pretend to have made a mistake in bidding because already he made much
bidding earlier which made others think of him as a bloatocrat. More over a genuine mistake of such a
kind would have been rectified at once.
7) What could have been the best way for the narrator, to get himself out of the tight corner?
The best way for the narrator to get himself out of the tight corner was to confess his poverty to one of
Christie’s staff and having the picture put up again.
8) Why did the narrator feel he could have welcomed a firing party?
It was his thought of bidding for fun which made him get caught in a tight corner. It he welcomed a firing
party that would bring his need not be humiliated in front of other.
9) What was the bidder’s offer to the narrator?
The bidder’ offer was to give fifty guineas to the narrator.
10) How did the narrator take advanced of the situation?
The narrator took advantage of the situation by asking hundred guineas from the bidder who offered four
thousand guineas for big Daubigny.

5. Convocation Address - Dr. Arignar Annadurai

1) What does the speaker try to covey in the beginning of his speech?
The speaker tries to convey that he is going to repeat some of the key principles spoken by some eminent
personalities in the past years.
2) How can a university trim and train guide and lead a person to function better in society?
A university can trim and train a person by making him realized his duty as the citizen of a democracy. It
has to fashion out of him an individual fitted and equipped for the task of making democracy fruitful and


3) According to Dr.s.Radha Krishnan universities ensure the democratic way of life for the future
generations how?
Universities ensure the democracy way of life by mere appreciation of other’s points of view and
adjustment of differences through discussions. It is kept healthy by individual responsibility. Universities
make a person recall the struggles of the past and realized the dangers and challenges of the present.
4) List the contributions of the education youth to the society.
Educated youth must render their service In toning up the society, in bringing light into the dark alleys,
sunshine into dingy places, solace into the afflicted, hope into the despondent and a new life unto

6. The Accidental Tourist - Bill Bryson

1) Given a few instances of Bryson’s confused acts.
Whenever he went looking for the lavatory in a cinema he used to stand in an alley on the wrong side of a
self-locking door. For getting his room number while staying in hotel he often visited the hotel desks.
2) What were the contents of the bag?
The contents of the bag were newspaper cuttings, loose paper, 14-ounce tin of pipe tobacco, magazines,
passport, English money and film.
3) Describe the fluttery cascade of thing tumbling from the bags.
Documents came raining down, coins bounced to a variety of noisy oblivions and the lidless tobacco
rolled crazily disgorging its contents.
4) Why did the author concern over tobacco shift to his finger?
The author concern over tobacco shifted to his finger as he gashed his finger on the zip and blood started
shedding in a lavish manner.
5) What happened to Bryson when he leaned to tie his shoe lace?
When he leaned to tie his shoelace someone in the seat ahead of him threw his seat back to relax and he
found himself pinned in the crash position.
6) How did Bryson free himself from the crash position?
By clawing the leg of the man sitting next to him Bryson managed to free himself.
7) Give a brief account of the embarrassing situation of Bryson when he knocked down the drink.
Bryson knocked down twice the soft drink on to the lap of a sweet little beside him twice. He didn’t know
how it happened repeatedly.
8) What was Bryson’s worst accident on a plane?
His worst accident was he fell into a conversation with a young lady in the next seat for 20 minutes
sucking his pen. Later he discovered that his pen had leaked and that his mouth, chin, tongue, teeth and
gums remained navy for several days.
9) What did Bryson wish to avoid in his life?
Bryson wished to avoid seismic event while rising from a dinging table, leaving 14 inches of coat outside
while getting into a car and dirtying light coloured trousers.
10) How would staying away from liquid mischief benefit Bryson?
Staying away from liquid mischief benefitted Bryson by cutting down his laundry bills.

i). Write a notice about the Precis Writing in your school.
Government Boys Hr. Sec. School, Thogarapalli
Workshop on Precis Writing
1st February 2018
This is to inform all the students of Class XI and XII that a workshop on Precis Writing will be held at 9.00 a.m. on
2nd February 2018 (Friday), in the school auditorium. It is mandatory for all the students to attend the workshop.
For any type of query, please contact the under-signed.


ii) Write a notice about the inauguration of a laughter club in your school.

We are glad to inform you that a laughter club will be inaugurated in our school.
Venue : School Auditorium
Time : 10 AM
Date : 15.09.2019
All are Welcome
Secretary - Laughter Club

iii) Prepare a notice to display on notice board of your school student of XI and XII, inform them about
educational tour.
Government Boys Hr. Sec. School, Thogarapalli.
This is to inform that an educational tour to Ooty has been arranged for XI and XII students the next month. Those
who wish to join the tour register your names with your class teacher before 30th August.
Head Master
Fee: 3500/- for three days

i) Chinku attends a phone call during her father’s absence. It is from her father’s friend. Later, she leaves a
message for him, as she has to leave for her dance class.

Hi dad,
Your friend Mr. Bala, from Salem, called this morning,
to inform you that he has come to Chennai and will be
visiting us this evening with his family.

ii) You are the Sports Captain of your school. Write a message to physical director, requesting him to be present
during the football team selection.

16th August
Respected sir, you are requested to be present for the football team
selection for zonal which is scheduled tomorrow. Respected Principal asked
me to convey this message to you. So please be in the school tomorrow at
9.00 am sharp.
Sports captain,

iii) Email:
New message
From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : Birthday Invitation
Hai, how do you do? i hope you feel better. I very happy to invite you
for my daughter’s birth day function on 17.11.2017. Make your
presence with your family.

New message
From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]


Subject : Thanking Gift
Hai Uncle, I received your gift on my birthday. It’s very useful to me.
All of us felt your absence. Hope we will meet soon. Convey my
regards to aunt.


1. For removing stain
1. Apply soap or few drops of lemon juice.
2. Rub it gently.
3. Wash your cloth.
4. Use a dry cleaning solvent.
2. For preparing tea/coffee
1. Boil some water.
2. Add tea/coffee powder and allow it to boil.
3. Add a cup of milk.
4. Add sugar to taste.
5. Stir it, filter it and serve it.
You may use the following verbs:-
Boil, add, filter, stir, cut, affix, fold, attach, cook, mix, rinse, wash, rub, apply, use etc.
3. Make chocolate cake in a pressure cooker.
1. Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda set aside.
2. In a large bowl beat butter, eggs and vanilla.
3. Gradually add sugar
4. Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well mixed.
5. Alternately combine in flour mixture milk to batter while beating.
6. Continue to beat until batter is smooth.
7. Pour equal amount of batter into greased and floured cooker.
8. Place it on stove and bake 30 to 35 minutes.
9. Check with a tooth pick to see if it is done.
10. Switch off the stove and allow the cake to completely cool.

4. Wrapping a Christmas gift.

1. Choose a box of adequate size to house the item(s) to be wrapped
2. Gather all items needed.
3. Measure paper to fit around box.
4. Fold bottom edge up over top and tape to center of box.
5. Fold up edge 1 cm above the top and bottom of the box.
6. Cut off excess paper to make the edge. Repeat step on remaining open edge of the gift.
7. Select and write on gift tag/card.

5. Preparing of apple juice:

1. Four or five apples are taken and washed well.
2. They are wiped dry and cut into pieces of medium size.
3. The seeds are removed.
4. Then the apples are put into the mixer.
5. Some milk is added.
6. Fine liquid is obtained.
7. This liquid is filtered.
8. after adding sugar, it is served in cups.

6. Installing a Computer.
1. First open the box and take out the computer parts.
2. Set the computer on the table or flat surface.
3. Plug both the computer and the monitor with a power card.
4. Once you connect the CPU, connect the key board and mouse.


5. Before turning on the power, check that all the parts are connected to the CPU.
6. Finally turn on the power.

7. Preparing Your Favorite Dish: (Rava Kesari)

1. Boil three cup of water.
2. Add one cup of toasted Rava to the boiled water.
3. Stir and cook the mixture and add one cup of sugar.
4. Add pich of kesari powder to it.
5. Garnish it with roasted nuts and dry grapes.

8. Organizing a birth day party in your house:

1. The first thing is I must buy a suitable present for her.
2. Invite my close friends and relatives.
3. Request mother and sister to prepare tasty food for the guests.
4. Order a good birthday cake.
5. Decorate the room with colour papers and flowers.
6. And we can join together and let her cut the cake.

9. Sending a Letter by Courier Service:

1. After writing a letter to my friend, I put it in a cover.
2. I write my full address with phone number under the word “From” left corner of the envelop.
3. I write my friend’s full address with mobile number under the word ‘To’ right corner of envelop.
4. Then I close the cover with a cello tape.
5. I take the cover to the courier collection center.
6. And pay the charges.

10. Obtaining a Demand Draft From a Bank:

1. Approach one of the bank officer as for the bank charges.
2. Get a DD pay slip and fill it.
3. Mention the drawer name of the DD.
4. Your Demand Draft will be accepted.

11. Describing the Process of Cleaning Flash:

1. Pour a few drops of the cleaning liquid into the flask.
2. Take a mug of a hot water.
3. Pour into the flask, close it and shake well.
4. Hen clean the inner surface with gentle brush.
5. Also clean the cap of the flask. Rinse well three or four times.
6. Then allow the flask to dry.


1. the human personality/ is to enable/of education/the aim
2. to reduce stress/in our lives/an excellent way/laughing/is
3. always/my grandmother/with me /went to school
4. an integral part/sports/of education/should be.
5. truth and honesty/always/stands for/my father
1. The aim of the education is to enable the human personality.
2. Laughing is an excellent way to reduce stress in our life.
3. My grandmother always went to school with me.
4. Spots should be an integral part of education.
5. My father always stand for truth and honesty.


1) Study the chart given above and answer the questions that follow:-


The proportion of the world's books annually Russian(4.7%)
published in each language Korean(4.4%)

1. Which language books are published the most?

2. Which language books are published the least?
3. What are all the languages that come between 4 and 5%?
2) Study the chart given above and answer the questions that follow:-

No. of people
0 No. of people

1. Which type of tourist centre is preferred by the second largest number of tourists?
2. Which type of tourist centre is preferred by the least number of tourists?
3. Name two tourist centres preferred by the most number of tourists.

3) The following table gives information about the classification of foreign tourists from four countries
according to their mode of travel to India in 2002.
Country Arrivals Proportion to the total (%)
(in numbers) Air Sea land
Japan 59709 94.7 1.1 4.2
South Korea 29374 94.3 0.1 5.6
Australia 50743 97.6 0.6 1.8
New Zealand 10811 96.7 0.8 2.5
Answer the following:
1. The maximum number of tourists arrived from Japan.
2. From South Korea minimum number of tourists arrived by air.
3. The tourist revenue from Newzeland is the least.


 Minimum three lines
 Place & month & date (beginning of the sentence)
 Expand abbreviation.
 End the sentence with yesterday, today, last week & last month
 Rain related sentence - due to
1. Committee to monitor new Policy on education
Salem, April-10 : It was informed that the committee to monitor new Policy on education on
2. Mobile phones banned in schools.
Chennai, August-16 : Tamilnadu government has issued an order banning use of mobile


phones in the school premises by students.
3. Rain lashes Chennai.
Chennai, August-16 : Heavy rain has lashed Chennai last night flooding many residential areas.
4. 3.Railway fares to go up.
Delhi, August-16 : The Railways Minister has said that the fares for all classes will be raised
marginally during the budget.
5. Summer Science Camp from May 19.
Chidambarm, July-19 : The Lions Club of Karaikudi has set u summer science camp for school students
from May 19 at Alagappa University Auditorium. Registration is going on.
6. New syllabus for Std.XII next year.
Chennai, June-19 : The government has announced that new syllabus will come into force for
Standard XII in all schools in Tamilnadu from next year.
6. 12 injured as buses collide:
Krishnagiri, Sep-19 : About 12 persons were injured because two buses collided with each
other at Thogarapalli bus terminus here today.
7. Card license to replace paper driving license:
Chennai, August-30 : The Tamil Nadu Transport Minister announced that hereafter paper driving
licenses would be replaced with card license.
8. ATM without security guards to close:
New Delhi, Sep-19 : Reserve Bank of India instructed all the banks should close Automated
Teller Machine centers without security guard.
9. Hema wins gold for India:
New Delhi, Sep-19 : Indian athlete Hema won the gold medal for long jump in Asian games.
10. Temperature falls down by 1 degree this summer:
Chennai Sep-30 : According to meteorological department, the temperature of Tamil
Nadu fell down by one degree.

1 Air conditioner Bring Switzerland into your room / Keeps cool
2 Ball-point pen Flawless writing
3 Camera Let’s capture the (happy) moment
4 Cell phone Connectivity on the move / World in your hand
5 Chocolates A sweet gift of love
6 Clothes You are what you wear
7 Computer Doorstep (key) to knowledge / Technology at your door step
8 Credit card Buy now, pay later
9 Detergent Washes white
10 Diapers Dry babies
11 Digital camera Catches / Captures / Keeps the moments/ Say cheese and freeze
12 Dress For elegant look / For dashing and smashing looks
13 Encyclopedia Storehouse of knowledge
14 Eraser Erases everything but the past
15 Fairness cream Silky glow
16 Family planning One family, One child
17 Five-star hotel Live in the lap of luxury
18 Footwear For smooth walk
19 Gum Fixes everything except broken hearts
20 Hair oil For long hair
21 Health drink Keeps you light and brisk / Gives you strength
22 Hill resort Home away from home
23 Home theatre Armchair viewing
24 Hotpacks Warmth for hours
25 Ice cream No more summer, chillers are here / Melts in your mouth
26 Inner wear So soft and smooth and comfortable
27 Insurance LIC is the best policy
28 Internet banking Why be in a line, when you can be online


29 Jeans clothes Rough and tough
30 Jewellery Dazzle and sparkle
31 Lens Gives clear vision
32 Lipstick Choose the colour of your smile/ Smile in style
33 Match box Make fire in a rare way
34 Micro-tip pen Flawless writing flows
35 Mirror Clear reflection
36 Motorbike For extra mile and smile / Ride with pride / Races like a horse
37 Mouse The world at a click
38 Music system Hear more, enjoy more
39 Pens The magic of words /Thought transmitter / Glides on the paper
40 Refrigerator Keep fresh, stay fresh
41 Scooter For smooth riding
42 Seat belts Tuck yourself into safety
43 Shampoo Silky and smooth
44 Shoes Put your best foot forward / A comfortable sole in a cosy hole
45 Silk sarees Blooms from the looms
46 Slippers Get, set, go / To take in your stride
47 Soap Soup to your skin
48 Steel rods Long and strong
49 Switches Click for flick
50 Telescope Add a new scope to your life
51 Toothpaste For a confident smile
52 Torchlight The sunbeam in your hand
53 Trade union The world of freedom
54 Washing machine remove dirt from clothes
55 Watch / Wrist watch Sharp time for sharp people/on your guard


1. ………..vessels make much noise.
a) Complete b) Empty c) Pot d) kettle
2. ……..is the index of the mind.
a) Face b) Nose c) Eye d) soul
3. ………..of water make a mighty ocean.
a) Lot b) Heavy c) Ful d) Little drops
4. All that glitters is not ……
a) diamond b) ruby c) gold d ) silver
5. ……………is wealth.
a) Health b) Wealth c) Money d) good
6. Barking dogs seldom ……
a) cry b) sob c) bite d) run
7. …….is the best policy.
a) Necessity b) Humility c) Curiosity d) Honesty
8. …………..home is best.
a) East or West b) North or West c) East or North d) East or South
9. Failure teaches ……
a) moral b) success c) legal d) virtues
10. ……..wins the race.
a) Slow and steady b) Slow and fast c) confidence
11. ………….is better than cure.
a) Precaution b) Prevention c) Perception d) Conception
12. ……….is the best help.
a) Self-esteem b) Self-concept c) Self help d) Self pity
13. ………while the iron is hot.
a) Strike b) Beat c) Hit d) Blow
14. ………is the the best teacher.


a) Opportunity b) Possibillity c) Patience d) Experience
15. …..never fails.
a) True love b) True friendship c) kindness
16. Make hay while the …..shines.
a) sun b) moon c) Jupiter d) star
17. ……always triumphs.
a) Lie b) Truth c) Honest d) Moral
18. Look …….you leap.
a) after b) and then c) before d) at
19. …………makes waste.
a) Cast b) Cassette c) Haste d) past
20. …….makes many things.
a) Property b) Honey c) Beauty d) Money


1. One flower makes no garland A single person cannot be powerful

jdp kuk; Njhg;ghfhJ
2. Covet all, lose all Do not be over ambitious/Be happy with what you
Nguhir ngU e\;lk; have/ Greed will spoil a person /Over desire is
3. Haste makes waste Hurry makes you worry/Tension leads to imperfection.
Gjwpa fhupak; rpjWk;
4. Even Homer nods Even great men can make mistakes/
Midf;Fk; mb rWf;Fk; Even perfect people fail sometimes.
5. Make hay while the sun shines Make use of the chances/
fhw;Ws;sNghNj J}w;wpf;nfhs; Make use of every opportunity/
Act in the right time.
6. Waste not want not Do not waste/ Be frugal/ Reckless spending lands us in
nghUl;fis tPzhf;fhNj poverty.
7. All that glitters is not gold Most appearances are deceptive/
kpd;Dtnjy;yhk; nghd;dy;y Do not be misguided by appearances.
8. Seeing is believing Do not believe in rumours
fz;zhy; fhz;gNj nka;
9. Look before you leap One should think well before one acts/
Mokwpahky; fhiy tplhNj Think well before taking any action/
Think well before you do anything.
10. Where there is a will, there is a way Strong will power is needed to achieve anything/
kdkpUe;jhy; khu;f;fk; cz;L Strong will power paves the way.

11. Rome was not built in a day Nothing can be achieved at once/
vijAk; cldbahf nra;aKbahJ A steady growth leads to progress/
One cannot achieve everything at once.
12. As you sow so you reap Accept the result of your action.
Tpid tpijj;jtd; tpid mWg;ghd;
13. Strike while the iron is hot Make use of every opportunity/
tha;g;Gfisg; gad;gLj;J Make hay while the sun shines.
14. Empty vessels make much noise People who talk more will achieve nothing/
FiwFlk; $j;jhLk; People without knowledge speak much.
15. Pen is mightier than the sword Words can be more powerful than wars.
thu;j;ijfs; typik tha;e;jit
16. Honesty is the best policy Always speak the truth.
tha;ikNa nty;Yk;
17. To err is human No one is completely perfect.
jtW nra;tJ kdpj ,ay;G
18. Birds of same feather flock together Likeminded people make good friends/
,dk; ,dj;NjhL NrUk;


Like minded persons always help one another.
19. Union is strength Xw;WikNa gyk; United we stand, divided we fall.
20. Too many cooks spoil the broth A work should not be entrusted to many people.
xU Ntiyia mjpfkhNdhuplk; xg;gilf;ff;$lhJ
21. Blood is thicker than water Family bond is always closer/
jhd; Mlhtpl;lhYk; jd; jir MLk; Your relatives are more interested in you/
Favouring one’s close relatives.
22. Work is worship Be conscious of your duty.
nra;Ak; njhopNy nja;tk;
23. Many a drop makes an ocean Small savings make one rich together.
rpW Jsp ngU nts;sk;
24. Reading makes a perfect man Try to read as much as possible
thrpg;gtd; KOikahd kdpjd;
25. Health is wealth Take care of your health
MNuhf;fpaNk nry;;tk;
26. Truth alone triumphs Always speak the truth
tha;ikNa nty;Yk;
27. Manners maketh a man You should learn good manners
ew;gof;fq;fs; ey;y kdpjid cUthf;Fk;
28. Borrowed garments never fit well Don’t imitate others
eP ePahf ,U
29. Better late than never Even if delayed attend the meeting
fhy jhkjkhdhYk; nraiyr; nra;JKb
30. No pain no gain One cannot succeed without hard work
fbd ciog;gpd;wp ntw;wpapy;iy
31. Brevity is the soul of wit Be short while speaking and writing
RUq;fr;nrhy;yp tpsq;f it
32. Every dog has its day Even an unfortunate person has his times of glory
JujpU\;lrhypf;Fk; ntw;wp tUk;
33. Barking dogs seldom bite Talkative people will not achieve anything
Fiuf;Fk; eha; fbf;fhJ
34. A stitch in time saves nine Give attention to little details. We will save ourselves
rpW tpraq;fspYk; ftdkhapU time and wealth
35. Man proposes god disposes Divine help is essential to make efforts fruitful
ehk; xd;W epidf;f nja;tk; xd;W epidf;Fk;
36. Beggars cannot be choosers One should know one’s limitations
ekJ gytPdj;ij ehk; mwpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;
37. Call a spade a spade Say the truth
cz;ikNa NgR
38. As you sow so you reap What you do to others you will have in turn
tpid tpijj;jtd; tpid mWg;ghd;
39. Misfortune never comes single Bad luck follows on in succession
f\;lq;fs; jdpahf tUtjpy;iy
40. Speech is silver, silence is gold Silence is better than speech
Ngr;irtpl mikjpNa rpwe;jJ
41. Fortune favours the brave Courage leads to success
ijupak; ntw;wpf;F toptFf;Fk;
42. No man is an island Prefer to live in groups
jdp kuk; Njhg;ghfhJ
43. Practice what you preach Example is better than precept
nrhy;tijr; nra;
44. Enough is as good as a feast Be contented and moderate
NghJnkd;w kdNk nghd; nra;Ak; kUe;J
45. Practice is better than precept Action speaks louder than words
Ngr;irtpl nray;ghNl rpwe;jJ
46. Cut your coat according to the cloth Live according to your means
,Ug;gijf;nfhz;L rpwg;gha; tho;
47. Slow and steady wins the race Systematic schemed work pays


jpl;lkpl;l nray;ghL ntw;wpjUk;
48. Still water runs deep Patience is powerful
nghWik rf;jp tha;e;jJ
49. Rolling stone gathers no moss wise people don’t boast
mwpQu;fs; myl;bf;nfhs;tjpy;iy
50. The child is the father of the man Child is wiser than man
jha; gj;jb gha;e;jhy; gps;is gjpdhwb gha;thd;
51. It is no use crying over spilt milk Don’t worry about the past
fle;jij epidj;Jf; fyq;fhNj
52. When one door shuts another opens Life offers many chances
xU top milgl;lhy; kWtop jpwf;Fk;
53. When in Rome do as Romans Be adjustable to all
,Uf;Fkplj;jpw;F jFe;jhw;Nghy; nray;gL
54. Borrowed garments never fit well Don’t imitate others
eP ePahf ,U.

1. Extend the conversation with two more relevant exchanges:
Receptionist : Good evening sir, Welcome to Chennai.
Traveler : I would like to book a deluxe room in your hotel for 3 days.
Receptionist : Good, there are deluxe rooms with all modern facilities. The rent charge starts
from 1500, 2000 and 3000.
Traveler : oh! Then book rs.2000/- room. How much is the advance?
Receptionist : It is rs.10000. we will return the balance at the time of check out.
Please fill this register, sir.
Traveler : yes. Thank you.

2. Extend the conversation with two more relevant exchanges:

Patient : Good Morning Sir
Doctor : Good Morning, What is your problem?
Patient : I am suffering from headache and fever.
Doctor : How long?
Patient : From yesterday, Sir.
Doctor : Ok take this medicine twice a day and pay 50
Patient : Thank you, Sir.
Doctor : Welcome.

3. The dialogue between a student who wishes to open an account and a bank clerk.
Student : Sir, I want to open an account in your bank
Manager : What kind of account?
Student : A saving bank account
Manager : Do you have ID proof, Address proof, and photos?
Student : Yes Sir.
Manager : okay, Fill the application and attach your document with this.
Student : okay sir.

4. The dialogue between student and the class teacher regarding an educational trip.
Conductor : Where are you going?
Passenger : I am going to Madurai. What is the fair?
Conductor : The fair is Rs 99?
Passenger : How long will it take to reach Madurai?
Conductor : It will take three hours.
Passenger : Will it stop anywhere?
Conductor : No, This is a non-stop Express bus.
Passenger : Thank you.

5. The conversation between a passenger and a railway staff regarding the cancellation of the ticket.


Ramya : Hey, What are you reading?
Vidya : I am preparing for my Entrance Exam.
Ramya : What Entrance?
Vidya : Aieee.
Ramya : Which course do you want to take?
Vidya : I prefer ECE
Ramya : Good, Carry on.

1. The Portrait of the Lady by Khushwant Singh
The author loved his grandma. The grandma was a lady of high principles and simple living. As a small boy he
stayed with her in a village. As his parent went to the city, the grandma took care of his education. The grandma
and the boy developed a strong bond of affection. Then they went to the city where they adopted to a new life
style. The boy went to an English medium school. There was no lesson about scriptures. So grandma hated it.
Then the boy went to the university and then abroad. Thus their friendship ended. Grandma became silent. She
did not show any emotion. Grandma spent her happiest time by feeding sparrows and saying prayers. After five
years the author returned. The grandma died peacefully and the sparrows attended the funeral. This sight made
everyone surprised.

2. The Queen of Boxing - M.C.Mary Kom

Mary Kom is an Indian Woman Boxer. She received a silver medal in the world’s woman Boxing championship in
Pennsylvania, USA in 2001. She got finical support by her friend Onler. Two MP’s donated a sum of rs.5000 and
rs.3000/- and a few amount from the people. Mary Kom though she should not return empty-handed. Because
the money which the people donated for her, must not go waste. She was not happy because she wanted to get
gold medal. The second world championship gold brought her government job. From 2004 to 2006 she won the
world championship. She won the 4th world championship in New Delhi in 2006 which was one of her greatest
achievements. She became successful due to her hard work. She was called ‘The queen of Boxing ‘, and
‘Magnificent Mary’.

3. Forgetting - Robert Lynd

Lynd wonders at the efficient and inefficiency of the human memory. Man remembers everything for example ‘he
remember phone numbers, addresses, appointments names of actor, actresses, and sportsmen. The young forget
more than the adult. Sportsman and anglers have worse memories. Forgetting takes place when there is a strong
dislike or lack of interest. People forget to take medicines, to post letters. Forget books, walking sticks umbrellas,
in a train journey because his mind is filled with glorious matter. Boys returning from games forget their balls and
bats as they are engrossed either in their success or failure. People with great memory needn’t always be a great
intellect. Great writers and music composers have exceptional power of memory. Their memories are to
remember only facts that make their safety. A psychologist says that people forget things because they wish to
forget them. Forgetting becomes serious when people around suffer due to it. Otherwise all have efficient
memories to be proud of.

4. Tight Corners - E.V.Lucas

E.V Lucas shares his experiences when once he was caught in the tight corner at the Christie’s an auction sale hall.
This was due to his friend’s compulsion. The author took part in the auction for fun. Every time he raised the bid
by a small amount. He escaped when something else made a higher bid. When a dealer made a bed of 4000
guineas for a new picture, he raised it to fifty guineas. Unluckily there was no other bidder for the sale. The
picture was sold to him. He had only 63 pounds. His friend left the place. So he wanted to tell the truth to the
staff. He was in a tight corner. At that time an agent approached him. He told that a rich bidder assured an extra
50 guineas if he gave up his claim. At once he demanded 100 guineas. He became very happy because he needn’t
pay the amount.

5. Convocation Address - Dr. Arignar Annadurai

Arignar Anna talks about the duties of universities and students. Universities should make student as better
citizens. Universities should train, guide and lead the common man to make our democracy efficient. It should
give faith and confidence to shoulder responsibilities students should get familiar with the struggles of the past
and get accustomed to the dangers, challenges and opportunities of the present. Students should serve the


society. Society doesn’t need money. It needs the service of students. The goal of a graduate is to earn a living.
The society is the backbone of universities. Education should bring hope and progress to the needy. Never allow
anyone or anything dims your hope.
“Selfless service to society brings happiness”

6. The Accidental Tourist - Bill Bryson

Bryson meets with accident often. He cannot even do simple activities without confusion. He gets easily confused.
His funny moments occur during his travel by plane. He cannot remember his hotel room number. Once while he
was searching for his flying card at the reporting desk, he sets a cascade of documents failing down. Once when
he bent down to tie his shoe lace in the plane, he got caught when the passenger in front reclined his seat at the
same time. While trying to impress a young lady he accidently sucks ink from his pen and his mouth, chin tongue,
teeth and gems were sucks with blue ink. It remained for survival days. Bryson whishes to be polite and refined.
But the situation becomes so awkward that everything is out of control. He suffers or makes others suffer. His
wife cautions the kinds whenever he cuts his meet are opens his food lucky does not favour him. The way he
creates accident justify the title “The accidental tourist”.
“Accident can be rectified If there is no confusion ”.
42. POEM


This poem shows how a father wants to learnt the qualities of childhood from his son. The poem talks to his son
about the adult world. He says the world of childhood was filled with warm, sincere and genuine feeling for
others. But now the adult society is lacking all these qualities. He has forgotten to laugh with his heart. He has
developed ice-block-cold eyes. The adults have moved away from trust, warmth and hospitality. They wear masks
for different situations. They hide reality. Now he is ready to give up his fake qualities. He requests his son to
teach him, how to laugh, and the way he used to laugh, when he was a child like him.
“Face is the index of mind.”


The poet brings out the happiness of a spectator. This poem is about the spirit of the spectator. He wants to enjoy
the game from his seat. He doesn’t like to part in the game because the players play a rough game. They hurt
each other. They don’t care about others. He hates their foul game. He follows his voice of wisdom to keep
anyway from the fun they create in the ground. He admires the spirit and strength. He has never ready to
exchange places with them. For him life is more interesting at the stands of the stadium than in the middle.
“Without challenges life will not be cheerful”


Wordsworth goes for a walk. He enjoys nature. He is impressed by the peace, beauty and harmony In nature.
Evan a little flower a small bird or a tiny twig looks very happy. A sad thought about man comes into his mind. It
made him think. A twig spreads its tender leaves to catch the breeze. The elements of nature find pleasure
everywhere and in every thong. But man lives in mystery. He does not link himself with nature. Nature’s divinity is
common. She has holy plans for everyone. Man’s foolish actions have brought his downfall. If a little flower enjoys
the glory of nature, Why can’t man. Man alone is responsible for his glory nature. Man alone is responsible for his
miseries. When he links with nature, his life also will be happy.
“Admire Nature and be free from mysteries”


Mavacity is a cunning cat. It does all sorts of crimes, but escapes from the scene of crime leaving no evidence.
Even the Scotland Yard is unable to arrest him, even though he is behind the crime. He seems to be respectable
but in reality he is a monster of depravity. He commits a lot of crimes from looting the larder to robbing the
Foreign office’s Treaty. But he could not be arrested. He will be happily relaxing a mile away from the crime spot,
when they search for him. He can float in the air and run very fast. Macavity is a ginger cat known also as Hidden
paw. All notorious cats are nothing before him. He is ‘The Napoleon of Crime’ who leave’s a smile in the minds of
the readers with its criminal master mind.
“Mysterious qualities leave awe in the mind.”



The poet advises his reader to be always proud and to stand tall. Success cannot be measured with the size of
achievement, but by the path taken to achieve it. The poet asks mankind to stand tall with a sincere, honest and
dignified life. It is not possible to mount the submit Everest for everyone .so learn to appreciate and honour the
efforts taken to reach the summit even if it is a hillock. Man should move away from failures and take the next
step to success with courage. Never bow down to power or for favours. Fight with dignity for your rights. Respect
and honour others. Efforts are more important than success.
Big or small our achievements don’t define our personality.


Richard ll is a deposed king. He is shocked as he has lost everything to his cousin. So he is very sad. The earth
appears to him like a pile of dust. He thinks about the dead the dead kings. He has lost his ownership of
everything. This leads to the relation that death is always waiting. Death has his court in the king’s crown. It
laughs at the king from his hollow crown. The Knight gets shattered when death arrives. But death mocks at
monarch’s temporal power. The mortal power loses its validity with death. A King has limitless power. But he too
dies one day. Every one equal be for death. Richad II rejects the tradition and respect show to a King. On losing his
power, he learns the valuable lessons of life.

1. After Twenty Years - O.Henry
Bob and Jimmy were two friends. They lived in New York. Jimmy was twenty years old and Bob was eighteen
years old. Bob decided to move to other places to establish his career. But Jimmy stayed in New York. They plan
to at meet the same place, date and time after twenty years. Bob moved to the west. After twenty years Bob
waited at the place to meet Jimmy. Jimmy also came to that place. Jimmy was a cop. He fined out that Bob was
the most wanted criminal of Chicago. He did not arrest him out of respect for the friendship. Jimmy sent a man
with plain clothes to do the jobs. The man gave a note to Bob. On reading it Bob was shocked. He came to know
that the police man was his friend, Jimmy.

2. A Shot in the Dark – Saki

Philips Sletherby travels by train to Bill Manor to meet Mrs. Saltpen Jago. She was his hostess. He travelled with
Bertie, the second son of Mrs. Saltpen. Bertie forgot his purse. So he asked Sletherby to lend him tree pounds.
Seletherby agreed but later relented. Bertie used a demilion crest. He said that his mother had dark brown hair.
Sletherby didn’t believe his words. So he didn’t give him money. In Brill manor he saw the crest in the car talked
about by Betie. Later he came to know that Mrs. Saltpen had changed her dark hair to a blonde just five weeks
ago. He released that Bertie did not lie to him but he had mistaken him for a fraud.

3. The First Patient (play) - C.V.Burgess

The play takes place in a dentist’s clinic. Several patients are waiting in the waiting room for the dentist. They are
tensed at the thought of their painful tooth being pulled out with queer looking tools. The dentist arrived and
called the first patient Joe in. After sometime a nurse carried a hammer a, pain of pliers and a hacksaw. Patients
became afraid of the noise from the room. The small kids and grownups began to leave the clinic one by one with
fear, Finally only two women were left waiting in the waiting room. Joe came out and explained. The dentist had
used the tools to open his tools cabinet. He had not used them to pull his tooth out. The misunderstanding
creates humour in the story.

4. With the Photographer - Stephen P.H. Butler Leacock

The narrator wanted to take a photograph. The photographer appeared to be a scientist making a study of the
faces of people who visit his studio. He had a serious face. So the photographer took it without interest. The
narrator wanted to give the photo to his family and relatives, so that they remember him after his death. The
narrator went to receive his photo. He got shocked on seeing the changes in it. His eyebrows were removed, eyes
retouched and mouth adjusted. Only the ears remained the same. He became very angry for destroying his real
face. HE scolded the photographer. He asked him to do all sorts of corrections and keep it with himself. To him it
was a worthless bauble. He shed tears and left the studio.

5. The Singing Lesson - Katherine Masfield

Miss Meadow is a music teacher. This story tells the events that happened in a single day in her life. she was
engaged to Basil. Basil wanted to break up from her. So she became very sad. She asked her students to sing


songs to suit her mood. She was not ready to share the news with anyone. It reflected in the classroom and
affected the students. She chose a song ‘A lament’ to suit her mood and drill the students repeatedly. Later she
received telegram from basil. HE expressed his love for her once again. She became very happy. She made the
children string sing a song of joy. She also sang the song in a sweet voice. This show that attitude makes or mars

6. Never Never Nest (Play) - Cedric Mount

Jack and Jill were couple. They bought their house, car, refrigerator, furniture, etc, on installments. One day Anut
Jane visited them, she was happy. She was shocked when she learnt everything was bought in the installment
scheme. Jack told her that he installment amount exceeded his income. Aunt Jane was not happy with their life
style. She told them not to borrow money in life. Cash down was her motto. She gave them 10 pounds as gift to
settle their bills. Jill at once used it to pay the doctor. Jack was confused. Jill reminds him that they had to pay one
more installment to the doctor to own their baby.


1. nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s gj;jpfis ed;F gbj;J Gupe;J nfhs;sTk;.
2. Kjypy; Rough Copy vd vOjTk;. 3. jiyg;G vOjTk;.
4. nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s gj;jpfis rw;W RUf;fp Kf;fpa fUj;Jf;fs; ,Uf;FkhW vOjp
mij ngd;rpyhy; NkypUe;J fPo;> ,lkpUe;J tykhf FWf;fpy; rha;Tf;NfhL Nghl;L
mbj;J tplTk;.
5. gpd; Fair Copy vd vOjTk;.
6. jiyg;G vOjTk;.. gj;jpfs; vij my;yJ ahiug; gw;wp nrhy;yg;gl;Ls;sNjh mijNa
jiyg;ghf vOjTk;.
7. Nfs;tpapy; 150 thu;j;ijfs; ,Ue;jhy; Fair copy 50 thu;j;ijfs; (3y; 1 gq;F)
,Uf;FkhW RUf;fp vOjTk;.

The Chinese were the first to make gun power, invent the magnetic compass and introduce to the world the art of
making paper. About 2000 years ago, the Chinese made gun powder by mixing sulphur and saltpeter. The mixture
exploded when set in fire. The Chinese where the first to find out the fact that the narrow magnet floating in a
bowl of water would always point to the north. This discovery led to the invention of magnetic compass. This
device helped the sailor to find out the direction when they were out of sight of land. The Chinese also invented
art of making paper using paper during 2nd century. Soon, the art making paper using vegetable pulps reached
Arabia, Spain, and Europe. In course of time, paper factories came into existence. The fourth invention of Chinese
was the art of printing. Before this invention, books were written in hand. The Chinese invented the art of printing
with moveable types. With this invention, reading and learning became easy to common people as they were able
to print books in large numbers.
Rough Copy:
The Chinese were the first to make gun power 2000 years ago. They invented magnetic compass. They introduced
art of making paper. They made gun powder by mixing sulphur and saltpeter. The mixture exploded when set in
fire. This discovery led to the invention of magnetic compass. This device helped the sailor to find out the
direction when they were out of sight of land. The Chinese also invented art of making paper using paper during
2nd century. It reached Arabia, Spain, and Europe. So paper factories came into existence. The fourth invention of
Chinese was the art of printing. Before this invention, books were written in hand. Reading and learning became
easy to common people. They were able to print books in large numbers.

Fair Copy:
The Chinese were the first to make gun power 2000 years ago. They invented magnetic compass. They introduced
art of making paper. They made gun powder by mixing sulphur and saltpeter. The mixture exploded when set in
fire. This discovery led to the invention of magnetic compass. This device helped the sailor to find out the
direction when they were out of sight of land. The Chinese also invented art of making paper using paper during
2nd century. It reached Arabia, Spain, and Europe. So paper factories came into existence. The fourth invention of
Chinese was the art of printing. Before this invention, books were written in hand. Reading and learning became
easy to common people. They were able to print books in large numbers.


1. nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s gj;jpfis ed;F gbj;J Gupe;J nfhs;sTk;.
2. nghUj;jkhd jiyg;G xd;W vOjTk; .
3. xt;nthU thf;fpaj;ijAk; Fwpg;Gfshf khw;wTk;.
4. nfhLf;fg;gl;l gj;jpapy; cs;s Auxiliary verbs(am, is, are, was, were, will, have,…), Articles (a, an , the),
Linkers(and,but, so..), Prepositions (in, at, with, to, …..) kw;Wk; gpw Kf;fpakw;w thu;j;ijfis ePf;fp tpl;L Kf;fpa
fUj;Jf;fis/thu;j;ijfis (ideas/content words) kl;Lk; vOjTk;.
5. Kf;fpa fUj;JfSf;F ,ilNa my;yJ ePf;fg;gl;l thu;j;ijfs; ,Ue;j ,lj;jpy; (-) rpwpa NfhL (hyphen) Nghl;Lf; nfhs;sTk;.
6. midj;J Kw;Wg;Gs;spfisAk; ePf;fptplTk;.

1. Invention of Chinese
a) To make gun powder
b) inventing the magnetic compass
c) Introduce the art of making paper
d) Invent art of printing
2. Gun powder
a) invented 2000 years ago
b) By mixing sulphur saltpeter
c) When set on fire it exploded
3. Magnetic Compass
a) Magnetic floating in a bowl of water, pointing to the north
b) it helped the sailors to find out the direction
4. Art of making paper
a) Invented during the second century
b) Reached Arabia, Spain and Europe
5. Art of painting
a) Before this invention, books were written by hand
b) With moveable types
c) Reading and Learning became easy
d) Print books in large numbers


a) Responding the Advertisement
1. ‘To’ address
2. Name of the post
3. Qualification
4. Experience
P.O. Box. 756,
New Delhi - 110005.

Sir / Madam,
Sub: Application for the post of ………….regarding.
Ref: Your ad. in “………….” Dt……….

I saw your advertisement in The Hindu dated…….. I would like to apply for the post. I have enclosed my
Bio-data here with. If I selected, I would do my work sincerely.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Place : xxxx
Date: xx / xx / xxxx



1. Name : xxxxx
2. Father’s name : xxxxx 1. From - 1 mark
3. Date of birth : 01/ 06 / 1982 2. To - 1 mark
4. Sex : Male 3. salutation
5. Nationality : Indian Subscription - 1 mark
6. Address : xxxxxxxx 4. sub & ref - 1 mark
xxxxxxxx 5. body - 2 marks
xxxxxxxx 6. bio-data - 3 marks
7. Educational Qualification : M. Sc, 7. place & date - 1 mark
8. Languages known : Tamil, English and Hindi
9. Previous Experience : Two years
10. Reference : xxxxx
I hereby declare that all the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Yours faithfully,
Place :
Date :
Address on the envelope:
Body format -2
With reference to your advertisement in “……….” dated ………, I wish to offer my service as a ……… in your
company. I have enclosed my Bio-Data. If I am appointed, I assure you sir, that I will discharge my duties in an
exemplary manner.

i) Write a letter to your father seeking his permission to join swimming class.
My dear father,
I am fine. How are you and all? Here I am studying well. I want to join swimming class in our
school. My Physical Education Teacher encourages me to join swimming. It is a good exercise. Many of
my friends have joined in it. I also want to join it. The fee is Rs.400/- per month. Please give me
permission and send the money for my expenses. Convey my regards to all.
Yours lovingly,
ii) Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to issue your Transfer Certificate.
The Headmaster,
ABC Hr. Sec. School,
Respected Sir,


I was a student of your school in XII std A section during the year 2016 – 2017. I have passed my
XII standard Examination. I have scored 1100 marks. Now I want to join B.E. Course at BBB Engineering
College. So I request you to provide my Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully,
Date : 18.03.18
Place : YYY XXX

iii) Write a letter to your friend congratulating her for her victory in Para Olympic Games.
9/11 Kinley Street, R City,
27th February, 2017.
Dear Lakshmi,
I am fine. How are you? I am very happy to know that you have won the medal in Para Olympic
Games held in Ottawa. Congratulations! It is great. You have great confidence and strong determination.
I have wondered many times, when I saw you at the time of practice. What a hard practice you have
done! Amazing! I am very proud of you. You proved that disability is not a barrier to achievements. You
are the role model for everyone like you. You made our country proud. Please accept my hearty wishes.
Convey my regards to all at home.
Your loving friend,
Address on the envelope
Miss. Lakshmi,
27,Woodland Street,

iv) Write a letter to thank your uncle for his valuable gift on your birthday.
36, Sastri Street, Siva Nagar, Trichy.
27th March, 2018.
My dear uncle,
I am fine. How are you and aunty? Here I am studying well. In the last examination, I have scored
480 marks. I am very happy to receive your gift of a digital watch on my birthday. It is very beautiful and
useful to me. I like it very much. The colour and style of the watch attract all my friends. It will be very
helpful to me at the time of my exam. It shall remind me of your love. Thank you very much for your kind
gift. Convey my regards to aunty.
Yours lovingly,
Address on the envelope:
Mr. Raman, 15, Thiru Nagar,

B) Article Writing, Bio-data and Expand Proverbs


1. Articles
1. He gave me an one rupee note. - He gave me a one rupee note.
2. The cow is an useful animal. - The cow is a useful animal.
3. He made an universal appeal to all. - He made a universal appeal to all.
4. There is an university at Madurai. - There is a university at Madurai.
5. He joined an European university last year. - He joined a European university last year.
6. He is a honest person. - He is an honest person.
7. We speak the English. - We speak English.
8. Mala is a M.A in English. - Mala is an M.A in English


9. He wears a HMT watch presented by his uncle.- He wears an HMT watch presented by his uncle.
10. John is best student in the class. - John is the best student in the class.
11. Taj Mahal is one of the greatest wonder of the word - Taj Mahal is one of the greatest wonders of the word.

2. Conjunction
1. Though she is weak but she is active. - Though she is weak, she is active.
2. Although he came late, but she finishes the work in time.- Although he came late, she finishes the work in time.
3. Even though he walked fast but she missed the bus. - Even though he walked fast, she missed the bus.
4. As the boy was weak, so he could not run fast.- As the boy was weak, he could not run fast.
- The boy was weak, so he could not run fast
3. Concord
1. None of you know the answer. - None of you knows the answer.
2. No one know the answer. - No one knows the answer.
3. One of the boy has got the first prize. - One of the boys has got the first prize.
4. One of his men were caught by police. - One of his men was caught by police.
5. One of his sons are a doctor in US. - One of his sons is a doctor in US.
6. Two and two make four. - Two and two makes four.
7. The news are very good. - The news is very good.
8. Mathematics are my favourite subject. - Mathematics is my favourite subject.
9. Civics are my favourite subject. - Civics is my favourite subject.
10. Principal with all the teachers are present. - Principal with all the teachers is present.
11. A group of twelve students are present today. - A group of twelve students is present today.
12. Neither Ram nor Arun are present today. - Neither Ram nor Arun is present today.
13. Neither he nor you are present today. - Neither he nor you is/are present today.
14. Neither I nor He know the answer. - Neither I nor He knows the answer..

4. Preposition
1. Sheela is Junior than me. - Sheela is Junior to me.
2. Children prefer TV games than story books. - Children prefer TV games to story books.
3. She kept the book in the table. - She kept the book on the table.
4. The cat was sitting in the table. - The cat was sitting on the table.
5. She goes to the school by foot. - She goes to the school on foot.
6. He congratulated me for winning the election.- He congratulated me on election.
7. We were discussing about the matter. - We were discussing the matter.
8. She is angry at her husband. - She is angry with her husband.
9. The dog fell along the river. - The dog fell along into river.
10. Let us hope through the best. - Let us hope for the best.
11. He told to me a story. - He told me a story. (told f;Fg; gpwF to Njitapy;iy)
12. I believe on God. - I believe in God.
13. He is suffering with typhoid. - He is suffering from typhoid.
14. I place great confidence on you. - I place great confidence in you.

5. Numbers
1. He sold his furnitures. - He sold his furniture.
2. He has finished his meals. - He has finished his meal.
3. My father gave me lot of advices. - My father gave me lot of advice.
4. He is my cousin brother. - He is my cousin.
5. They are my son-in-laws. - They are my sons-in-law.
6. He took up gymnastics when he was seven year old.- He took up gymnastic when he was seven year old.
7. Guilty must be punished. - Guilt must be punished.

7. Question tag:
1. Barking dogs seldom bite, don’t they? - Barking dogs seldom bite, do they?
2. We rarely go to the movies, don’t we? - We rarely go to the movies, do we?
3. Everyone has a rose, doesn’t he? - Everyone has a rose, don’t they?
4. I am a teacher, amn’t I? - I am a teacher, aren’t I?


6. Different tense form:
1. Every day she went to temple. - Every day she goes to temple.
2. Yesterday he goes to Krishnagiri. - Yesterday he went to Krishnagiri.
3. Tomorrow he bought a smart phone. - Tomorrow he will buy a smart phone.
4. He played now. - He is playing now.
5. When I went there she will sleep there. - When I went there she was sleeping there.
6. I lived in the village since 2001. - I have been living in the village since 2001
7. We will wait for you for the last one hour. - We have been waiting for you for the last one hour.

8. Conditional clause:
1. If he works hard, he would pass. - If he works hard, he will pass.
2. If he worked hard, he will pass. - If he worked hard, he would pass.
3. If he worked hard, he would have passed. - If he had worked hard, he would have passed.

9. Degree:
1. Kala is tallest girl in the class. - Kala is the tallest girl in the class
2. My uncle is richest man in the village. - My uncle is the richest man in the village.
3. Chennai is one of the biggest city in India. - Chennai is one of the biggest cities in India.
4. Nithya is taller to Nivi. - Nithya is taller than Nivi.

10. Phrase:
1. Looking through the window and he saw the stranger. - Looking through the window he saw the stranger.
2. We did not reject the proposal, nor we accepted it.- We neither rejected the proposal, nor we accepted it.
3. Instead of the rain the match continued. - Inspite of the rain the match continued.

B) FILL IN THE BLANKS (Homophones, Confusables, Modals, link words, articles, Tense)
1 Simple present 1.Habitul action daily, everyday , 1.I usually go to school by bus
tense 2.Universal facts(scientific fact) usually, 2. Water boils at 100 C
3.a future action that more generally,
certain to happen frequently,
4.Conditional clause-I ever
2 Present 1. To refer to an action taking At present now 1. We are plying now.
continuous place or going on at the time of while 2. My friend is leaving for
tense speaking. London tonight.
2. An action which is planned to
take place In near future.
3 Present 1. To refer to an activities which Already, Just, 1. I have just finished my
perfect tense have just completed . Just now, work.
2. Past actions for which time is Often, Not yet, 2. My sister as passed the IAS
not mentioned or not certain. So far, Never, examination.
3. An action that took place in the For,Since,
past but has its effect even at Till now
4 Present 1.To refer to an action that began For, since 1. We have been working
perfect in the past, still going on and may since morning.
continuous extend to the future. 2. Sachin as been playing
cricket for the past twenty
5 Simple past 1. To express an action taken Yesterday, 1. My brother went to
tense place in the past. Last week, Chennai yesterday.
2. Habitual actions in the past. Last month, 2.wen we were in Madurai
Last night, ,we went to the Meenakshi
Last year. Temple every day.
6 Past To refer to an action that was When, while 1.I was searching for a good
continuous going on at some time in the job when I was in Chennai


tense past. 2. while they were going,
there came a bear.
7 Past perfect 1. To describe an action which After 1.If you had played well, you
tense had completed before another would have won the match
action took place. 2. after had posted the latter,
2. In conditional clause type-III. he returned home.
8 Past perfect 1. To describe an action which For, before 1. I had been struggling before
continuous began in the past and continued my friend helped me.
tense in the past. 2. My mother had been
practicing yoga for 3 months
last year.
9 Simple future To refer to an action which is to Tomorrow, 1. They will visit us tomorrow.
tense take place at a later time Soon, Shortly, 2. The film will be released
Next week, shortly.
Next month,
Next year,Etc…
10 Future 1. To represent an action as going Next 1. They will be staying here
continuous on some time in the future. until next Sunday.
tense 2. To refer to planned future
11 Future perfect To refer to the completion of an by 1. He would have finished this
tense action by a certain future time project by 2008.
2. Before you reach there the
Program will have started.
12 Future perfect To after to an action as being in By the time, 1.By the time you write the
continuous progress and may be completed By the end of, public examination you will
tense in future. by have been studying here for
two years.


Agriculture Travel Space Nutrition & Diet Computer Business
tilling Jet Satellite dieting Palmtop fluctuation
pesticide Visa orbit stodgy virus stock broker
yield embassy milky way spicy modem stock exchange
manure Ferry galaxy intake scanner returns
ploughing luxury shuttle motel surfing inflation
cash crop skipper comet calorie menu turnover
harvest landing vitamins laptop expenditure
fertiliser yacht bland password asset

Environment Mass Media sports science weather commerce

pollution Tv, movie golf cloning rainy, sunshine economic
global warming magazine polo missile, Foggy, storm trade
deforestation yellow journal billiards nuclear hurricane share market
ozone layer Gossip squash robot tornado currency
ultraviolet cover story javelin Cloudy, price
Thriller stadium freezing rate
editorial referee windy
Box office gallery drizzle

Religion Medicine Cooking politics Education

church surgeon tasty manifesto college
temple diabetes roast campaign exam
mosque laboratory culinary candidate dropout
worship Pills barbecue ballot admission


Faith paediatrician boil election scholarship
priest typhoid fried vote resume
penicillin edible contest competency

1. GSLV puts satellite in precise orbit.
2. Farmers are happy with the increase in production.
3. BCCI has cancelled the second Twenty-Twenty International match between West Indies and India.
4. Apple unveils water- resistant iphone 7.
5. Passenger vehicle sales rose almost 17 percent in August- the 14th consecutive month of growth.
Ans: 1. Space 2. Agriculture 3. Sports 4. Technology 5. Business
1. We can find many archaic words in the works of Shaksperare.
2. Hero Honda has recorded a sales volume of 4 lakh motor cycles.
3. The symbol used at the Olympic Games shows five interlocked rings.
4. Hybrid variety of Tomato gives a good harvest.
5. Thousands of people witness Makara Jothi in Sabarimala.
(Ans: 1. Literature 2. Business 3. Sports 4. Agriculture 5. Religion)
1. Satellites are helpful in weather forecast.
2. Good link of roads would help in smooth flow of traffic.
3. Data can be easily transferred by using floppies.
4. I am good at billiards.
5. We watched a thriller movie yesterday. (Media, computer, sports, Transport, Space)
(Ans: 1. Space 2. Transport 3. Computer 4. Sports 5.Media)
1. Rice contains more carbohydrates.
2. The monitor displays the menu.
3. We go by train to Mysore.
4. Newspapers bring news from all parts of the world.
5. Michael Jackson is known as king of pop.
(Ans: 1.Nutrition and Dietetics 2. Computer 3. Travel 4. Media 5. Music)
1. Mahatma Gandhi wrote “My Experiments with Truth”.
2. My friend received an e-mail from his brother who is in the U.S.
3. The morning walk keeps us fit.
4. Organic pesticides increase the produce of the land.
5. Objectives should be clear before designing any curriculum.
(Ans: 1.Literature 2. Computer 3. Health 4. Agriculture 5. Education)
1. China- Russia border trade gets a boost.
2. India bags a gold medal in wrestling.
3. The Health Department is taking remedial measures to curb Ebola infection.
4. Farmers learn mite control measures.
5. English learning lab was opened for the students.
(Ans: 1. Commerce 2. Sports 3. Medicine 4. Agriculture 5. Education)
1. The flight was cancelled owing to fog.
2. Cloning has proved that it is possible to replicate human beings.
3. An Indian is invited to referee the French Open.
4. The world will have to live with high oil prices and their negative impact on economic growth.
5. The committee discussed development of ideal teacher training curriculum.
(Ans: 1. Weather 2. Science 3. Sports 4.Commerce 5. Education)

1. Read the following passage and answer in your own words.


Things become better when you expect the best instead of the worst. The reason is that, being freed from self-
doubt, you can put your whole self into your endeavour. Nothing can stand in the way of the man who focuses
entire self on a problem.
Expecting the best means that you put your whole heart into what you want to accomplish. People are defeated
in life not because of lack of ability but for lack of whole heartedness. A major key to succeed in life is, to attain
that which you deeply desire, is to throw all that there is of yourself into your studies, or any project in which you
are engaged. Most of the people, unfortunately, don’t do that and this is the tragic cause of failures.
1. How can you make things better?
2. What do you mean by expecting the best?
3. Why do people get defeated in life?
4. What is the key to success?
5. Mention the cause of failure?
1. Things become better when you expect the best instead of the worst.
2. Expecting the best means that you put your whole heart into what you want to accomplish.
3. People are defeated in life because of lack of whole heartedness.
4. A major key to succeed in life is to attain which you deeply desire.
5. Lack of ability and lack of whole heartedness.

2. Read the following poem and answer the question that follows:
I know what the caged bird feels, alas!
When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
When the first bird sings and the first bud opes,
And the faint perfume from its chalice steals-----
I know what the caged bird feels!

1) In line 4, the phase "like a stream of glass" suggests the water is.......... (clear)
2) In line 5, the word 'opes' means............... (opens)
3) What is the tone or the mood of the poem?
4) The mood of the poem is Sad or melancholic.
5) Suggest a suitable title for the poem. (Caged bird)


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